I). N. Di-III\ OF THE INDIAN ADMINISTRATIVE Sl3RVJCB Director of Census Operations . PUNJAB r~::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::~-:::~~i---1 j" §_


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CENSUS OF -1981 A-CENTRAL GOVERNMENT PUBLICATIONS Part·I·A Administration Report-Enumeration (for official use only) (Printed) Part.I-B Administration Report-Tabulation (for official use only) Part- II-A General Population Tables 1 j Combined Volume (Printed) Part-I1-B Primary Census Abstract Part-III General Economic Tables Part-IV Social and Cultural Tables Part-V Migration Tables Part-VI Fertility Tables Part-VII Tables on Houses and Disabled Population (Printed) Part-VIII Household Tables Part-IX Special Tables on Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes Part-X-A Town Directory (Printed) part-X-B Survey Reports on Selected Towns Part-X-C Survey Reports on Selected Villages Part-XI Ethnographic Notes and Special Studies on Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes Part-XII Census Atlas B-STATE GOVERNMENT PUBLICATIONS Part-XIII District Census Handbook for each district Part-XlII-A Village and Town Directory Part-XIII-B Village and T ownwise Primary Census Abstract


2. PREFACE XI 3. Map of the district Before inner title 4. Important statistics of the district xv 5. -A short profile Location, origin of name, area, climate, river and drains, topography, present jurisdiction, land utilization, agriculture, animal husbandry, communications, railways and roads, amenities, edu­ cational, medical, post and telegraph, water supply and electricity, present demographic characteristics, population and density, literacy, occupations, trade and commerce, industry and historical towns. 1 Annexure showing jurisdictional changes. 7 6. INTRODUCTION TO DCH Concepts and definitions Rural! Urban classification, village, town, urban agglomeration and standard urban area (SUA) '7. Analytical notes :- (a) Primary Census Abstract (peA) 11 Analysis based on following inset tables : Table I-Population. number of villages and towns, 1981 1 11 Table 2-Decadal cbange in distribution of population J Table 3-Distribution of villages by population ranges I >­ 12 Table 4-Distribution of villages by density J Table 5-Proportion of scheduled castes population to total population in the villages 13 Table 6-Proportion of scheduled castes population in towns } Table 7-Literacy rates by population ranges of villages 1 14 Table 8-Literacy rates for towns J Table 9-Literates, workers, non-workers, scheduled castes population in the district 16 (b) Upon Village Directory Analysis based on following inset tables 19 Table lO-Distribution of villages according to the availability of different amenities 20

Table II-Proportion of rural population served by different amenities "'1 I Table I2-Distribution of villages not having certain amenities, arranged by distance ranges from the places where these are available ~ 21 Table 13-Distribution of villages according to the distance from the nearest town and I availability of different amenities J Table I4-Distribution of villages according to population ranges and amenities available ") ~ 22 Table I5-Distribution of villages according to land use J v pages (c) Upon Town Directory 23 Analysis based on following inset tables :- Table 16-Growth, density and sex ratio of urban population in the district in relation to the State, >- .23 Table 17-New towns/towns declassified in 1981 census J Table 18-Per capita receipt and expenditure in towns ~ 24 Table 19-5chools per ten thousand population in towns J Table 20-Number of beds in medical institutions in towns 25


Section I.-Village Directory ~ 8. Note explaining the codes used in the village directory 31 Zira Tahsil : (i) Map 37 (ii) Alphabetical list of villages 37 (iii) Village Directory 42 Firozpur Tahsil (i) Map 67 (ii) Alphabetical list of villages 67

(iii) Village Directory 72 Tahsil (i) Map 101 (ii) Alphabetical list of villages 101 (iii) Village Directory 106

Appendix I~Tahsilwise Abstract of educational, medical and other amenities. 122 Appendix XI-Land utilisation data in respect of non-municipal towns (census towns). 124 Appendix III--:-List of villages Where none of the seven amenities is available. 125 Appendix IV-List of villages according to the pro:-'ortion of scheduled castes to the total 126 population by ranges. Section II-Town Directory Note explaining the codes used in the Town Directory 143 Statement I Status and growth history 146 Statement II Physical aspects and location of towns, 1979 148 Statement III Municipal Finance, 1978-79 150 Statement IV Civic and other amenities, 1979 152 Statement IV-A Civic an<;f other amenities in notified slums, 1979 154 vi Pages Statement V Medical, educational, recreational and cultural facilities. 1979 154 Statement VI Trade, commerce, industry and banking, 1979. 156 Appendix-Towns showing their outgrowth with population 158 PART XIII-B-VILLAGE AND TOWN WISE PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT

9. Explanatory note on Primary Census Abstract. census concepts and definitions (PCA) 161 Primary Census Abstract : Firozpur District: 164 Zira Tahsil 170 Firozpur Tahsil 188 Fazilka Tahsil 212 Appendix to Primary Census Abstract (peA), total, scheduled castes and scheduled tribes population, urban blockwise 231 Annexure to Appendix to peA indicating block boundaries of urban area 245 10. Scheduled Castes primary Census Abstract (Tahsil and Townwise). 266


The district census hand boo k (DCH), compil.:d by the Census Organisa tion on behaif 0 t the State Go vernmentl isone of the most 'laluable productsofthe census. The DCH·isconstantly referred to by planners, adnrifiiatr&,tor •• 'academicians and researchers. It is inter alia used for delimitation of constituencies, formulation oflocal1eveland regional plana and'as an. aio to district administration. The District Census Handbook is the only pUblication which provides Primary C!nsus Abstract (POA) data upto village level for the rural areai and wardwise for each city or toyn. It also provides data on infralttructure and amenities in villagts and towns,etc. .

The District Census Handbook series was initiated during the 1951 census. It contained limportant cenaui tables and POA for each village and town of the district. During 1961 census the scope of the DOH was enlaracd and it contaifl(,d a descriptive acCount of the district, administrative statistics, census tables and a village and t01m directory, including PCA. The 1971 DCH series was planned in three parts. Part-A relakd to village and tOYll directory, Part-B to villase and town peA and Part-C comprised analytical report, administrative statistics, district census tables and certain analytical tables based on peA and amenitY,data in respect of villages. However, in some states it was confined to district census tables and in a few cases altogether given up due to delay in compilation and printing. While desig;ling the format of 1981 DOH series, some new features, alongwith the restructuringoHhe formats ohillagcand town directory have b.!en attempted. At the same time, comparability with the 1971 data hasalso been kept in view. All the am;nities eXc.!pt p:>w.':t supply ill the village ha Ve b~en brought together in the village directory with the instruction that in case an amenity is not available in the referent village the distance in broad ranges from the nearest place Wllere theam~nity isav,;tilable mlybcgivcn. Tile restructuring of the formatoftbe villagedirec- tory and incorp;)rating mJre exhaustive data on infrastructure aspect particularly in relation to amenities and land­ use pattern is expected to fUrther meet tho:: need of micro level planning for rural areas. It is expected to help not only local area planning but regulatin& the provision of g00dsand services as wdlas to minimise the regional imbalances inthe p;JC~SS ClfJ.ev"bprn!llt. A few u;w it0mwf infJtIUltiJn hav~ also b..:en introduced to m.!et some ofthe require­ m!nts of the R}vi3!d MillimJIU N ;eds P.0it'am;n:. S:Jch neW item, of illfJrmltion as adult literacy centres, primary . bealth sub-cmtres, and c.)mcrunity bealth wJrkers in the village have b~en introducoo in tbe village directory with !. this ooj.~ctiv..: i.l mi ld. Ihe new it~m:>n ap)l'Jach t,) the villa~ is-to hav~ an id;!a ab:>ut the villages in the district . wiica :lr~ i lac;;Jssible. A :lew .;)iUrll 1, "tatalpJp:lbtivn and numh..:r of hou~holds" has b~en intwduced to examin. the c0uelation of th~ am~aitie3 with thll population and number of households they serve. Addition of two more appendices listing the villages where no amenities arc available and according to the proportion of schedul.d I:astes and sC:ledulcd tribes p,>plliation to the total population hasalso b.~en made with this view in mind.

TLle fJrmlts of tae t:'>W.l di,~ct.)r'y hav0aln b~cn mJdifieO to m;~et the requirements of the Minimum Need PJ.'ogramme by pf0viding infJrmltion on a few new item.. A n';}w sta~m;nt on civic ana other amenities in slums in Class-I and Class-II tOW'lS (StatQm~nt IV-A) has 1>..'On illtr.:>duced with this obj.jcti'l~ in mind. It is expected thd this will help the planners to caalk out pwgtammes on pro'lhiml of ciyic am.mities for the impr.:>vement of slums The columns on S';:leduled Castes and Scheduled Tri~s p.:>pulation in statement IV relating to civic and other ameni­ ties and adult literacy classes/centres u'lder educational facilities in statement V are also added inter alia with this view. A siinificant addition is class of town in all the seven statements of the town directory. The infrastructure of amenities in urban areas of the country can be best analysed by taking the class of towns into consideration. Tbo addition of the 4IX>lumnson civic administration status and population in a few statements also serves this purpoac. The format of the primary census abstract for the villages and towns has been formulated in the light of ,thanges in the economic and other questions canvassed through the individual slip of 1981 census.

In order to avoid delay in publication of 1981 DCH series, it has been so designed that Part-A of the volume tontains village and town directory and Part-B, the PCA of villages and towns incluoing the Sc~duled Caite. and Scheduled Tribes PCA upto Tahsil/Town levels. At the beginning of the DCH a detailed analytical note supported by number of inset ta bles based on PCA and non-census data in relation to the infrastructure has been introduced to enhance its value. The Districtand Tahsil level maps depicting the boundaries and other impodan 1 features have been insertedatappropriate places, to further enhance tbe value of the publication. ix This publication isa joint venture of the State Government and the Cenfius Organisation. The data have been coUected find compilod in the State under the direction of Shri D. N. Dhir. I. A. S., the Director of Census Operations, Punjab ~n ~half of!he Sta~ G~vemment Vfhich has bo~ the cost of printing The, taskof planning, 'jcsigninl and coordinatIOn of thIS publtcatIon wa~ carrI~d ollt by Shtl N. G. Na~, Deputy Reglstrar General (of Bocial Studies) of my office. Dr. B: K.. Roy, Deputy R~gtstIar General (Map) rro,vldc_d the technical guidance in the pr~pa~tion of tbe maps. Data re~IVed from ~ensus Dm:ctorat~s have been scru~IniSt:d in the Social Studie& Division at the headquarters under the iU1dance of Shrl M. M. Dua, Senaor RC5earch Offlcer. Jam tbankful to all who have r:ontribtUd in thig project.

p'. PADMANABHA, Registrar General, India, N.w Delhi: 'I.. 26th April, 1982 PREFACE As being regularly presented hitbertofore, since 1951 census, we have now the privilege of t:resentinl the District Census Har,dbooks conS(_quent upon ]981 census.

To shorten the time lag to minimum after the compilation of census 1981 data and issuance ofthis Handbook as a sort of sdf-contaic.ed rdacnce book, predominantly based on census data for the district, action was initiated upon the project as early as in July, ]979. The Registrar Gl!neral, India indicatHl the revised formats and state­ ments designed for this series of b;)oks. The improvements were with a view to making the data more useful for admini&trators, planners, schdars and other categories of users.

r:lei'c ar" 13:1 t.:>W1S C.lteg)rised as ut'bln area and 12,899 'lillages (45 tahsils)as the rural component in til. state. The fvrmidabl~ task of c:>llecting and com)iliog of this v,)luminous data for such a large number of units had its OWl p;)blem, a'ld difficulties, both in the mltwrs of chase up and in obtaining correct data whicn could be test-checked in terai, of c::msistency wj~h w:lat W 1.S obtained ana .published consequent upon 1971 census da ta. S.vera gruel'ling crosschecks had to b~ adopted to tally sucn item, as area figures and the land use pattern for each unit. The statements and schedules for collecting information from the rural areas were translated into Pllnjabi and a Iso test-checked to assess their acceptability and responsiveness by those who were to make their use. ( I had also un scucc:ssfully toyed with the id:a 0 f co llecting inform'l tion on some other itm'!s tha t CJ uld indicate co mpara tiv. affluence of rural Punjab but had to give it up ill the light of keeping to uniformity in presentation of data on all Cndia pattern). The statements/schedules for town directory were tranSmitted to the Chief Executives of the local bodieaand those for rural areas were transmitkd to the snos (C) (since all tahsils in PUnjab have 'been converted into IUb­ divisions) for necessary supply of data by the reVtnlle staffur"dcr them. The officers and senior staffofthe directorate that had been made directly responsible for housdisting or;elatkns ar.d had reported to the field in October, 1979, Were also charged with getting these through on personal contacts. This resulted in our getting the feed back b, May, 1980, on the conclusion ofhouscIistingo}Xraticns, thGugh sc me small instalments of these iChcduleacontinUcd tiII Septembcr;Octoixr 1980. A cell had been created at the dirt:ctorate to scrutinise the data as received and make preliminary compilation. The data as obtained from the field was supplementt:d with the data collected frC'm the varicus heads of the depart­ mp.nts at the state level, particularly in matters of amenities and facilities in the" fields of education. medical, communi­ cations and the like. The staff working in the cell We s once again out in the field for assisting in the second field operation, namely enumeration and it was only on its conclusion that the work of ccmpilation started in MaY·]UT1e. 1981. The three Deputy Directors (at the regional tabulation offices) were in position about the same time in the field and the gaps in data, needing reconciliation in figures were got through these field officers on personal contacts with the concerned quarters. On the compilation of the Primary G:nsus Abstract (PCA) in March, 1982, when the fi:urell were availabls for pro~ction in this volume. the w:Kle exercise waS consolidat<.d to give birth to the instant manuscrirt. The data in the buok is being presented in two %rts-Part.A comprises Village and Town Diredoryand Part-B Primary Census Abstract villagcwise and town/wardwisc separately. In addition. Primary Census Abstract for scheduled castes upto tahsil/town level is also presented (Thlre are no scocdult:d tribes in the state). An analytical note bas

The production of this bJok (and for that m1tter all the 12 Dlstrict C~nsus HilndbJoks) has been the bandi work of consistent and constant efforts put in jointly by almyst all the staff of the directorate, though only at one PJint oftimc: or the other in c~rtaill cases. The collection of data for Village and Town DlrectolY, as mentioned earlier, was a major work in the pre-census period and after the census most of the staff was busy in tabulation and compilation ofthe census data bJth at the regionaltabulation offices and at the directorate. The DCHB Cell (Speeia lly created) thereafter commenced work on inset tables, while the senior staff and the officers took to developing the fly-lea ves and explanatory notes. Simultaneously the map sectien wasdu pin wcrk for pre dueing the maps that had to awompan)' these books~ " "...

~j To each one of them I acknowledge my thanks. Shri M.S. Mahadeokar, Assistant Controller of the U.T. Printing Press cooperated in ensuring that the publication saw the light of the day at the earliest.

D.N. DHIR, September, 1982. Director, Census, Punjab.

xiv IMPORTANT STATISTICS Punjab Firozpur State District

POPULATION TOTAL Persons 16,788,915 1,307,804 Males 8,937,210 694,280 Females 7,851,705 613,524 RURAL Persons 12,141,158 109,733 Males 6,444,464 535,609 Females 5,696,694 474,124 URBAN Persons 4,647,757 298,071 Males 2,492,746 158,671 Females 2,155,011 139,400 DECENNIAL POPULATION GROWTH RATE 1971-81 +23'89 +25'16 AREA (SQ. KMS.) 50,362 5874 DENSITY OF POPULATION (Per Sq. Km.) 333 223 SEX RATIO (NUMBER OF FEMALES PER 1000 MALES) 879 884 LITERACY RATE Persons 40'86 32·29 Males 47'16 39'46 Females 33·69 24'17 PERCENTAGE OF URBAN PQPU· L'\TlO~ TO rOfAL pnpUL<\TlO~ 27'68 22'79 PERCENTAGE TO TOTAL POPULATION (I) MAIN WORKERS Persons 29·35 30'50 Males 53'15 55'27 Females 2'27 2·46

(fi) MARGINAL WORKERS Persons 2'15 2'92 Males 0'61 0'80 Females 3'89 5·91 (Ul) NON-WORKERS Persons 68-50 66'58 Males 46·24 43·93 Females 93·84 92·23 BREAK-UP OF MAIN WORKRRS; PERCENTAGE AMONG MAIN WORKERS (I) CULTIVATORS PersonJ 35'86 45·03 Males 36'99 46·22 Females 5 '90 14·18

J.~ Punjab FirotpUl' State District (tI) AGRICu1:rURAL LABOURERS Persons 22·17 24·49 Males 22·04 24·03 Females 25·29 36·24

(ill) HOUSEHOLD INDUSTRY Persons 2'58 1·81 Males 2'50 t·7S Females 4'86 3·31 (IV) OTHER WORKERS Persons 39·39 21'67 Males 38·47 28·00 Females 63·95 045'67

PERCENTAGE OF SCHEDULED CASTES " POPULATION TO TOTAL POPULATION Persons 26·87 20'90 Males 27·03 21'11 Females 26'69 20'67 NUMBER OF OCCUPIED RESIDENTIAL HOUSES 2,688,258 217,&1" NUMBER OF VILLAGES Total 12,899 ·1,167 Inhabited 12,342 1,119 Uninhabited 453 47 Villages Merged in Towns 104 1 NUMBER OF TOWNS 134 9 FIROZPUR nlSTRICT-A SHORT PROFttE Location: Firozpur, one of the three border districts, occupies the south-west corner of the State along the Indo­ frontier. It is surrounded by , and districts in the north, Ludhinana and Faridkot districts in the e;-·.st, G; nganagar district of Rajasthan in the south and south-west and Pakistan in the north-west. In the north-east the river SatIuj separates it from Kapurthala and Jalandhar districts. The united stream of the Satluj and Beas separates it from in the north and further down for a length of about 130 kms. from Pakistan. Origin: The district derives its name from the town of its headquarters 'Firozpur'. The Firozpur town is reported to have been founded by Ferozeshah Tughlak, emperor of Delhi, who ruled from 1351 to 1387. The · Rajput&, however, claim that the town was founded by their chief, Feroze Khan, in the middle of the 16th century.

It comprises 1,167 villages (out of which 1,119 are inhabited) and 9 towns-the total jurisdiction of the district is distributed in three tahsils viz. Zira, Firozpur and Fazilka which are sub-divisional headquarters also•.

Area: According to the Surveyor General, India, the area of the district is 5,874 sq. kms. In terms of area it is the largest district of the State. The area figures of the tahsils supplied by the Director of Land Records, Punjab, are as follows : Area in Sq. kms. Tahsil Total Rural Urban Zira / 1,312'7 1,292 ·2 20·5 Firozpur/ 1,813 ·4 1,778 ·5 34·9 Fazilka ,..,-/ 2,738 ·3 2,715 '8 22·5 It would be.seen from the above table that tahsil totals, when added up, do not tally with the district area. supplied by Surveyo!' General, India. The difference is due to the fact that tahsilwise area figures for rural areas have been supplied by the Director, Land Records, Punjab, whereas the urban figures have been supplied by the urban local bodies. Climate: The district has a hot summer, mild rainy season and bracing winter which are similar to the drier tracts of the state. It begins to warm up in the middle of March, though the nights are cool. It goes on getting hotter till eady July when the mercury, on many days, crosses 46°C. Dust storms are frequent during the summer parti­ cularly in the south-western region. The monsoonic rains commence in the mid-July with eccentric breaks, last­ ing up to the middle of September. Sometimes heavy rains occur in late September or early October, bringing floods in their wake causing extensive damage. The days are hot until mid-October, but the nights are cool. The cold weather for the next four months is severe and dry but healthy. Some rains occur from mid-December to mid­ February. Amount of rainfall goes on decreasing from north-east to south-west in the district. Firozpur is the driest district because of its extreme south-west location in the state and is far off from the Himalayas. Rivers and Drains : The only river of consequence belonging to the district is Satluj. The mam seasonal streams which traverse the district are: Sukhar Nala, Danda Nala and Satar Nala. The Satluj runs for about 185 kms. along the northern and western boundaries of the district. At Hari-ke-Pattan the Satluj flows into the Beas. For most part of the year the Satluj remains calm but when in flood it overflows its banks in undating the area flanking it and destroys the kharif harvest quite often With the construction of the BhakTa Dam and Bhakra canal, and the barrages at , Hari-ke-Pattan and , the floods in the river have now been greatly controlled. The two barrages at Hari-ke·Pattan and Hussainiwala fall within the district. The barrage at Hussainiwala was constructed in 1926, giving rise to the Bikaner and the Eastern canals. Some 40 kms. up-stream from Hussaini­ ,wala another barrage was completed at Hari-ke-Pattan, from where the Firozpur Feeder, the canal, and i the Rajasthan canal take off. The Sukhar Nala meaning 'dry channel' originates in the district and runs in the serpentine course along the whole length of the district almost up to Mamdot. The Danda Nola serves as a natural drainage in Zira tahsil. S,ltar Nola runs in Muktsar tahsil of and carries drainage water to a lake near Fazilka.


The land lacks in marked physical features, such as hills and sand dunes. It is a plain of allavial formation, sloping gently at a rate of 28 ems per km from north east to south-west. The river Satluj was notorious for shifting its course, and is stated to have flowed as far as east of Faridkot and Muktsar within historical times. The topography of the district ha~ resulted from the action and interaction of river Satluj. Soils are fertile and are suitable for cotton cultivation. The only mineral found in the district is kankar (Small Stone) which is used for road build.

Present Jurisdiction:

As a result of 1845 treaty of , the British annexed, all the territory east of the Satluj. This territory was divided among the districts of Firozpur, Badhni and Ludhinana: the Firozpur district getting the areas of Zira, Mudki, Khai and portions ofKot Kapura, Guru Harsahai, Jhuma, Kot Bhai, Bhucho . and Maharaj. The district underwent many changes in its Jurisdiction between 1845 and 1884. Since '1884 tbe jurisdiction of the district remained more or less the same till Angnst, 1972. In August, 1972, Firozpur district lost two sub-divisions of Moga and Muktsar to the newly created district of Faridkot. At present the district has three sub-divisions, Zira, Firozpur and Fazilka. ' Land Utilization:

The economy of the district is agriculture oriented. As per 1981 census, 77.21 per cent of population lives in rural areas and of the total workers in the district, 69.52 per cent are engaged as cultivators and agri­ cultural labourers. In the year 1979-80, the total afl~a under cultivation was 486,000 hectares which is 11.62 per cent of the total cultivated arla in Punjab. Forest area is 6,000 hectares which is 2.76 per cent of the total area under forests in the State. In:the district more than one crop is grown in 284,000 hectares. Main crops of the district are: wheat, paddy and . The area under main crops during 1979-80 and 1980-81 in the district was as follows:- Name of the main crop Area under each crop (in '000 hectares)

1979-80 1980-81 Wheat 332 331

Paddy 156 162

Bajra 2 6 The above statement shows that area under paddy and bajra is increasing whereas area under wheat is decreas- ing. However, more than two-third area of the district is under wheat cultivation. . Agriculture: Cotton is the major cash crop. Firozpur is the fourth largest cotton producing district in the state. The district also produces fresh fruits. area is famous for Malta (citrus) production.

Canals, tubewells and wells are the main sources of irrigation in the district. However, well irrigation is no more popular and is giving way to tubewell irrigation which is clear from the figures given below :-

1960-61 1979-80

No. of tubewells 1,788 9,042

No. of wells used for irrigation 12,861 4,132

The total irrigated area was 70.79 per cent of the total cultivated area. Fazilka tahsil having 73.63 per cent of irrigated area tops amongst all the tahsils.

For the help of small farmers certain agencies are providing necessary financial assistance for the installation of tubewells and purchase of buffaloes, sheep and poul try.

For marketing of agricultural produce, there were 10 regular mandis in 1979-80 in the district. Some mota purchasing centres have been opened for the banefit of farmers. 3

Animal Husbandry:

There has been proportionate incrcJsc with the passage of time in the cattle wealth, particularly, milch cattle. However, the increase in mechanised farming has meant apparent holding back of progress in the number of bullocks and camels earlier used in ploughing. Cattle wealth of the district includes bullocks, cows, buffaloes, camels, horses and ponics, donkeys and mules, sheep and goats. Of late, there has been a spurt in thc number (" f poultry birds.

The district is pr,_' vided with 65 veterinary hospitals and 30 permanent dispensaries for looking after the healtb of the livestock.

Communicatk,ns, Railways and Roads:

For the social and economic d',~vdopment of an area well knit transportation system is a pre-requisite. As thc economy of the district has an agriculture base, the linking of villages with the towns/main roads by roads/link roads is very essential to provide satisfactory transport system. The total length of roads in Firozpur district was 3,372 kms in 1980-81. It stands second in the State as far as the length of roads is concerned, being the first. However, the district is on the top among all the districts in Punjab in length of roads per lakh of population. Most of the routes have been nationalised. Some routes especially those linking villages with the important towns have, however, been given to private tnnsporters.

Though situated on the south-western corner of the state, the National Highway No. 15 (from Rajasthan border to Amritsal') passes through Abohar and Zira towns of the district. Another National Higway No. 10 connects Abohar town with the Pakistan border near Fazilka.

The following four State Highways serve the district:

State Highway No. 14 Abohar-Suratgarh (Rajasthan)

State Highway No. 15 Firozpur-Faridkot

State Highway No. 19 Moga--

State Highway No. 20 Zira-Firozpur-Fazilka. In addition important district roads of Abohar-Sitogane-Dabwali and -Fazilka connect various places of this district with other districts of Punjab as well as neighbouring Rajasthan state.

The district lies within the Firozpur Division of the Northern Railway. Firozpur Cantt. is the head­ quarters of the Divisional Superintendent and is an important junction. There are four sections of railway lines. The Firozpur-Ludhiana line passes through the Firozpur tahsil. The Firozpur-Jalandhar line runs along the north-east of Firozpur and Zira tahsils, crossing the Satluj by a bridge at Hari-ke-Pattan. The Firozpur-Fazilka line runs south-westernly direction serving Firozpur and Fazilka tahsils. The Firozpur- line has only a small strip in this district. Yet another line from Bathinda to Hindumalkot crosses . the southern region of FaLilka tdhsil. All these lines arc of broad gauge. A meter-gauge line connects Fazilka with . Bathinda and the meter-gauge Bathinda- line, also touches the southern corner of Fazilka tahsil. Amenities:

Firozpur was formerly considered a backward district educationally hut it has since made a !lood deal of progress. Number of educational institutions in thc district has increased to lAOS in 1979 tH m 752 in 1967. In the last two decades many new school'; have been opened and quite a few have been upgraded. The following figures show the pace of progress : - .

]967 1979

Primary schools 594 1,128

Middle schools 82 147

High/Higher Secondary schools 70 121

Colle_aes 6 9 4 In the matter of health the district is well placed in comparision with other districts in the state. lihe coverage of population may be glanced from the following :-

Population covered by Area per doctor per bed per medical institution

Firm'pur 4,106 3,245 2,431

Punjab 1,894 3,807 3,662

In addition Ayurvedic and Unani institutions for dispensing medical treatment also exist in appreciable num­ ber in the district. As in other parts of the state potable water supply in this district is also comparatively in a better measure. Almost all the inhabited villages are being served with water supply facilities either in the village itself or near the . village. All villages are electrified.

The postal facilities have also recorded appreciable increase in the last two decades. The number of post offices is 295 and telegraph offices is 10 in the district .. Number of telephone exchanges is 8. Demographic Characteristics:

The population of the district as recorded in 1981 census was 1,307,804 persons '(694,280 males and 613,524 females). This is 7.79 per cent of the state's total population. Of the total district population, 22.79 per cent lives in urban areas as against 22.16 per cent observed at the 1971 oensus. The sex ratio of the distriet ]!las- been worked out at 884 which is higher than the state figure of 879. In spite of being the border district the growth of population during the decade (1971-81) was 25.16 per cent as against 23.89 per cent for the state. Urban growth rate was higher than the rural growth rate, this being 28.73 for urban areas and 24.14 for rural areas. Tahsil-wise percentage increase during the previous decade 1971-81 is indicated below:

Tahsil Total Rural Urban

Zira 29·04 25·86 70'21

Firozpur 20·23 23·22 13 '21

Fazilka 27·08 23·76 37'92 The density of population is 223 persons per sq. km. which is lower than the state density (333). Literacy_:

The literacy rate of the district as revealed at 1981 census was 32.29 which is lower than the literacy rate (40.86%)worked out for the sta1..:. Further efforts are required in the matter of b )th male and female literacy which is 39.46 :lnd 24.17 per cent against 47.16 af'd 33.67 per cent in the state re'~pectively. Among the districts Ludhiana tops in the literacy rate (50.60 %) in the state.


Out of total population of 1,307,804 persons (694,280 males and 613,524 females) in the district 398,842 persons (383,757 males and 15,085 females) are main workers i.e. those who have reported to have worked for six months or more prior to the date of enumeration. The work participation rate for the district thus works out to 30.50 per cent of the total population (55.27 per cent for male;; population and only 2.46 per cent for females). The corresponding rates for the Punjab state are 29.35 per cent for total population 53.15% for males and only 2.27% for females). Thus, the,work participation rate of the district is marginally higher than the rate worked. out for Punjab state. The major chunk of main worke rs are engaged as cultivators (45.03 %) followed by 'other workers' (28.67 %, agricultural labourers (24.49%) and household industry workers (1.81 %) The female participation as 'other worker (45.67~~) is the highest followed by agriculture labourers (36.24%). Cotton plucking and paddy transplatatiop and harvesting are the main agricuitura ( 0pjrations in which females participate. ' 5 Trade and Commerce:

Firozpur district has b~cn traditionally the agricultural stronghold. Apart from the staple varieties of food • .. grains like wheat, gram and bajra, it is known for rice and cotton.

Situated in the south-west of Punjab, away from the main heartland of the state, the district is studded with flourishing mandis. There are 10 marketing committees in the district providing important centres to the sellers from within the district and the purchasers from outside the district. Firozpur is surplus in nearly· all types of agricultural produce which are mostly exported. The important regulated; markets are listed below

Market Important Commodities sent out

Firozpur Wheat, paddy, gram and barley

Guru Harsahai Paddy, wheat and chillies lalalabad Paddy and wheat

Fazilka Wheat, cotton, paddy, barley, potatoes and onions Abohar Cotton, wheat, gram, barley, potatoes and onions

Talwandi Bhai Wheat, gram, sarson and bajra

Zira Paddy and wheat Dharamkot Paddy and wheat. Cotton, cotton-seed, cotton-yarn, wheat, wheat-flour, barley, gram, sarson, bones, hides, skins and wool are the principal exports of the district. The main imports into the district are salt, coal, gunny bags, kerosene oil, cloth, iron, fertilizers, agri­ cultural implements and insecticides. Industry: Firozpur is predominantly an agricultural district but is catching up in industrial development due to pressure on land. Some progress has been made in the last two decades which can be judged from the fact that in 1960 there were only 77 registered factories in the district which increased to 209 in 1979. After Independence it became a border district with the usual handicaps. With the passage of time, the people have, however, begun to take to industry. The district abounds in cotton, wheat, rice, pulses, and oil seeds, therefore most of the industries in the dis­ trict are agro-based e.g., cotton ginning and pressing, cottO:t spinning, cotton weaving, flour milling, rice husking, dal making, oil seed crushing, tanning and shoe making. The sarkanda "hich grows along the river banks is made into ban moorah and sirki. Wool is cleaned and pressed at Fazilka and saltpetre is refined at a few places. Manufacture of agricultural implements is common in the towns. In recent times, Abohar has become a centre for establishment of cotton spinning mills, in addition to scores of cotton ginning factories. It is coming up as a major industrial centre, in addition to being an important agricultural base for cotton ginning and citrus fruits. Historical Towns: Firozpur It is an old town and was surrounded by a kacha wall with ten gates. A metalled road girdles around the site of this wall. Towards the south of the town, practically touching its boundaries, is another town of Firozpur Cantt. which has always been an important army centre, the more so since partition due to its proximity to the Pakistan border. The Saragarhi memorial which is in the shape of a Gurdwara and a park, reminds of the 36 brave Sikh soldiers who laid down their lives defending the fort of Saragarhi in north-west frontier province. Guru Harsahai It is another historical town located on the Firozpur-Fazilka section of the northern railway. Here are Ie cl:lted two temples dedicated to two virgins known as Mata Jalol and Mata Rans('wali, where fai~s are held twice a year. In the original village of Guru Harsahai, there is the Pothi Mala Temple which contams a Pothi (book) and a mala (rosary) of Guru Nanak Dev, as also a stone in which the image of Guru N~nak Dev, j~ visible to those who have faith. in supernaturalis J 6 Abohar It is an ancient town. Ibn-Batuta, the famous historian of the fourteenth century, mentions Abohar as the first town in Hindustan, on way from Multan to Delhi. There are ruins of a large fort, rcported to have been built up by a Rajput Raja Abram Chand several centuries ago. The town is well planned, and is expanding fast. It is a prosperous home of some of the best colton grown in country. Abohar is c!escribed as California oflndia, with some 10,000 acres of area under citrus plantations, within a radius of 16 kms. fro in the town.

Besides towns of historical importance mentioned carlier, there are some other places of historical importance. Memorial It is about 10 kms. from Firozpur Cantt. adjoining to the Hussainiwala headworks. It reminds one of the great sacrifices of three great revolutionaries, Bhagat Singh, Raj Guru and Sukh Dev. The three revolutionaries were executed in the central jail Lahore on the 23rd March, 1931, and in order to avoid public fury, their bodies were stealthily removed and cremated at this spot the then British autho ritil s. Since then a fair is held at this place on that day every year to honour the martyrs. rerozeshah It is a bout 16 kms. from Firozpur towards Moga. 1t has a memorial which was erected in 1869 to com­ memorate the First Sikh War. The memorial is in the nature of cenotaph, a triangular pillar of masonry some 24 metres high. , ANNEXURE

.Jurisdictional Changes HROZPUR DISTRICT (inter-district changes) This district lost two complete tahsils of Muktsar and Moga to the newly created Fal'ldkot district.

(Intra district changes) Zira tahsil lost following 9 villages to Firozpur tahsil.

Serial No. Name of village Hadbast No. 1 Bala Mega (232)

2 Muttianwala (321) 3 Jaman Mega (322) 4 Kamelwala (324)

5 Nihala Lawera (325)

6 Dehra Ghara (326)

7 Tali Gulam (327)

8 Bandala (328) 9 Kal-Ke-Hethar (343) 8 INTRODUCTION TO DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK Keeping in view the needs of planners, for exhaustive infrastructural and amenity data up to village ievel required for micro level planning, the formats of the village and town directory of 1981 DCH series have been re: designed and some new features useful for planning have been added while maintaining the comparability with 1971 data. A few new items of information such as adult literacy centres, primary health sub-centres, community health workers in villages, etc. have been introduced to meet some of the requirements of revised minimum needs programme. A new item 'approach to village' has been introduced to give an idea about the villages in the district which are inaccessible. A new column 'Total population and number of households' has been introduced to examine the correlation of amenities with the population and number of households they serve. Two more appendices namely (i) list of villages where no amenities are available and (ii) list of villages indicating ranges according to the proportion of scheduled castes to total population have been added with the same objectve in view. A significant addition in class of the town in all the six statements of the town directory which alongwith population and decadal variation since 1901 to 1981 will prove quite useful for analysing the infrastructure of amenities in the urban area of. state. Contents: The 1981 DCH series have been divided into two parts. Part-A contains village and town directory and Part-B, PCAs of villages and towns and PCA for scheduled castes upto tahsil/town levels. Both parts are being published in this volume. The village directory contains information about total. area of each village in hectares, total population and number of households, amenities/conveniences available in village, staple food of the people and the land­ use pattern. There is also information about the nearest town and its distance from the village and approach to the village. The town directory presents data on each town with the aid of six statements giving the status and class of the town, the decadal populaltion and growth rate since 1901-1981, physical and locational aspects, municipal fin­ ance and availability of amenities/facilities like ~edical, educational, banking etc., trade, commerce and industry. PCA incorporates tahsilwise data for each village and each town/ward under the following heads: (i) Area in hectares/sq. kms. (ii) Number of occupied census houses. (iii) Number of households. (iv) Total population (v) Scheduled castes population (there is no scheduled tribe in Punjab State). (vi) Literates. (vii) Main workers classified into four categories of cultivators, agricultural labourers, household industry and other workers (ix) Non-workers. Maps: 'the map of the district and a map for each tahsil of the district have been included. The dist;ict map shows the district boundary and location of its headquarter, tahsil boundaries and location of its headquarter, national highway, state highway, important metalled roads, railway lines, river and streams. towns and census villages according to population size, post and telegraph offices, degree colleges and technical institutions, rest houses etc. The tahsil map contains boundary of tahsil and location of tahsil headquarter, villages with location code numbers, villages with popUlation size, uninhabited villages with location codes, urban areas with location codes, roads, railways and service facilities such as post and telegraph offices, higher secondary schools, hospitals etc. Besides both the district and tahsil maps have an inset map where addition or loss of territory that has taken place during the decade, has been shown. Sources: Whereas peA contains census data fot compilation of vil1age and town directory, the relevant schedules alongwith comprehensive instructions, were sent to the revenue officers (for rural areas) and executive officers of muncipal bodies (for urban areas) to be filled in at their end. The completed schedules were collected from the relevant quarters during the houselisting operations in April, 1980 by the staff of this directorate. The schedulea were scrutinised at the directorate and the directories were compiled therefrom. Census Concepts and I>etinitions: Village and town directory: Rural~Urban Classification: The 1981 census data are being presented by rural and urban areas. as in the previous censuses. As far as rural area is cocerned 'village' has been adopted as the lowest censuS unit. Rural areas: 'Village' The definition of the village adopted in census is identical with that of'mauza' given under section 3(i) of the Punjab Land Revenue Act, 1887. It is the 'revenue estate' determined as such for the purpose of levy and collec­ tion of the land revenue. The revenue estate is defined in the Act ibid as an area: (a) for which a separate record of rights exits or (b) which has been separately assessed,tO' lanc ..hevMue; or: would have been so assessed if the land revenue - had not been realised, compounded of'redeemed; or . (c) which the State Government. may by general. rule or specific orders declare to be an-estate. The village is thus not merely the abudr 11'eh (red-lined area) for -census taking but the entire land coming within the fixed boundaries of each village in terms of the Act ibid. There are 1,166 villages '(including 47 uninhabited) in Firozpur district and one village since merged in town/village in Fazilka tabsil. Urban area 'Town'

The following definition of an 'urban al'ea~ ha_S'heelt adopted'at the 1981 census which is analogous to tbe criter­ ion adopted in 1961 and 1971 censuses with Some minor variation (as iridicated below) :

(a) All places with a corporatidn~ municipality ot, cantonment board or notified town area. (b) All other places which satisfied the following criteria:

(i) a minimum population of 5,000; (ii) at least 75 per cent of the male working population-engaged in non-agricultural (and allied) activity; and • (iii) a popUlation of at least 400 per sq. kin '(1;000 per sq. mile), The urban criterion of 1981 census varies slightly from that of 1961 and 1971 censuses, in that the males work­ ing in activities such as forestry, logging etc., we're 'theii'treat~d' as engaged in non-agricUltural activity. It, therefore, contributed to the 75 per cent criterion in 1961 and 1971 censuseS wbereas in the 1981 census tbese activities have been treated at par with cultivation and agricultural labour for the purpose of tbis criterion.

Prior to the 1961 census, the definition of 'urban area' W3;8 somewhat liberal and alot was left to the discretion of the local authorities. At the 1971 census, the state directors of census operations were also -given discretion in marginal cases to include, in consultation with the State Government, a place that had otber distinct urban characteristics, or to exclude an undeserving place from being treated as 'urban'. There are 9 towns in' Firozpur district as at 1981 Census. Urban Agglomeration (U.A.): Apart from town/city (a'town with popUlation of one :lakh and above), the 1971 concept of urban agglo­ meration is also adopted for the 1981 census. Veryoftendarge'tailway colonies, university campuses, port [areas, military camps etc., come up outside the statutorY'limit& i Of the city or town but adjoining it. Such areas may not by themselves qualify to be treated as towns but if they form a continuous spread with the town, they are outgrowths of the town and deserve to be treated as urban. Such towns together with their outgrowths have been ~eated as one urban unit and called 'urban agglomeration.' An urban agglomeration may constitute: (a) a city with continuous outgrowth (tbe part of outgrowth being outside the statutory limits but falling within the boundaries of the adjoining village or villages); (b) one town with similar outgrowth or two or more adjoining towns with their outgrowths as in (a); or (c) a city and one or more adjoining towns with their outgrowths all of which form a continuous spread. 10

Urban AgglomeratIons in Firozpur District~ : The following urban agglomerations in Firozpur District are being presented in the To"nDirectory:-

Serial Name Of urban Units of agglomeration Whether town in No. agglomeration its own right or outgrowth

1 2 3 4 1 Firozpur Cantt. (a) Firozpur Cantt. Town (i) Railway Station Cantt. Outgrowth (ii) Railway Colony Outgrowth 2 Jalalabad (a) Jalalabad Municipal Committee Town (i) Extended Area Block No. 22 9utgrowth I 3 Dharamkot (a) Dharamkot Municipal Committee Town (i) 80 Houses outside Municipal Committee Limit Outgrowth

Standard Urban Areas (S.U.A.): A new concept of standard urban area (SUA) as introduced in 1971 census was also followed for the 1981 census. The essential requirements for the constitution of a standard urban areas are: (i) it should have a core town of a minimum population of 50,000; (ii) the contiguous 'area' made up of other urban as well as rural administrative units should have mutual socio-economic links with the core town; and (iii) in all probabilities this entire area should get fully urbanised in a period of two or three decades. Certain SUAs were determined on this basis in 1971 and some basic data were presented for 1951,1961 and 1971 for such areas and their components. Similar data is being presented for the SUAs in 1981 also. The idea is to present basic data for these areas for four to five decades so that the urbanisation process. in those areas can be studied . List of Standard Urban Areas ill Firozpur District.

Serial Name of urban unit!! in S. U.A. Rural components of S.U.A. (With Hadbast No.) No. 1971 1 2 3 1 (a) Firozpur Khushal Singhwala (49) (b) Firozpur Cantt. Pir Ahmad Khanwala (113) (c) Tankanwali Abohar (Rural) (121)

2 Abohar Alamgarh (109) Koharianwali (145) Bhanger Khera (97) Burj Muharwala (120) 11 DEMOGRAPHIC CHARAC7 ERISTlCS BASED ON ANALYSIS OF INSET TABLES (l RIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT) Population :


Population. Number of VHlages and Towns. 1981

.. _-_--- Sr Name of tahsil POPULATION No. of No. of No. _----- villages towns To'al Rural Urban -_--- Total Inhabi- P M F P M F P M F ted 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 1 Zira 295,958 157,705 138,253 267,049 142,221 124,828 28,909 15,484 13,425 377 366 2 2 Firozpur 436,655 231,582 205,073 314,014 166,614 147,400 122,641 64,968 57,673 477 459 4 3 Fazilka 575,191 304,993 270,198 428,670 226,774 201,896 146,521 78,219 68,302 312 294 3 ------11 District total 1,31)7,804 694,2.80 613 52.4 1,000,733 535,609 474,12A 1.98,071 158,671 139,400 11,661,119 9

T,pulati(;n of the district live s in its urban ara s c( mp[r~ d to 27.68 % of the 5tZ.t,; ?S (~. w:lole. Fir~)zpu~' t;;,hsil h2.S mbJ.H cc.mp~)r.cnt of 28.09% which is higher the.ll the pre-portion If the state urb:m p::>puh,.tiof'.. The other two tahsils of the district, namdy FPczilka r.r.d Zira hrc Ve al mob; n component 25.47% LP.d 9.77% rcspcctivdy, b:Ah of which are lower than the state aVerf:ge. Growth Rate:

TABLE 2 Decadal Change in Distribution of Population

Name of tahsil POPULATION Percentage decadal (1971-81) variation 1971 1981 Total Rural Urban Total Rural Urban Total Rural Urban 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Zira 229,156 212,172 16,984 295,958 267,049 28,909 +29'15 +25·86 +70·21 Firozpur 363,177 254,849 108,328 436,655 314,014 122,<:41 +20'23 +23·22 + 13-21 Fazilka 452.603 346,365 106,238 575,191 428,670 146,521 + 2.7 '()8 +23 ·76 +37·92 ------District total 1,044,936 813.386 231,550 l,307,8C41,O()9,733 298,071 +25 ·16 -t 24 ·14 +28·73 ------Table: 2 shows chang.;; in distribution of popul3tkn during the Ir st at c:::de 1971-81 fl r the dj5,irici zrd its Itahsil~. Th~ district has sho,wn a growth rate of 25.16% as agairst th,,,: stu,~ growth re.t(; cf 23.89%: The 1'llI'd· gloowtn rate IS 24.14% as agalllst the st2.te rural grcrwth r,~tc of ]7.48 % whereas the urban grc.wth rate IS 28.73% as agdnst th...: state growth rate of 44.51 %.

The highest urban ~rowth rate of 70.21 %has b..:en r",c;:orded by Zira tahsil and the 10w._st 13.21 % by Fil'uz­ pur tahsil. 12 Villages:


Distribution Df vm.,es by PDpulation Ranges

Range of population No. of Percentage of villages in villages in eachran{!e each ran ge 1 2 3 Less than..:..-200 189 16·89 200-499 267 24·66 500-1,999 ·532 47'54 2,000--4,999 117 10·46 5,000-9,999 4 0·36 10,000 + . 0·09 Total 1,119 100·00

Table 3 give& the d,istribution o fvilla ges according to population nngcs. The disttict has 1,1.] 9 inna bitcd villag.:;s. The av,-,rag.~ numb.::r 0f persons 'per inhabited: 'village in the district wc·rks . cut to 902. Thae is prep:::mderance of middle sizt:d villages (500-1,999), their number being 532, fcrmir.g 41.54%cfthe totd:ural population in the district. There arc 5 villages with population 5,000 end above. Density:

TABLE 4 DiStrJootioo of Villages by: Density

Range of density (per sq. km) Total number Percentage of of villages in villages in each density each· density range range 2 3 0-10 13 1.16 11-20 9 0·81 21-50 48 4·29 51-100 111 9·92 101-200 517 46·20

201-300 311 27·79 301-500 79 7·06 501+ 31 2·77 Not known

Total 1,119 100·00 -

Table 4 shows distribution cf villages by density. The densityof popul~tk)n in the district works out to 223 persons per sq. km., which is the lowest amongst-the districts of the state and significtntly kwer thfn the state average density of 333 persons per sq. km., The district hss, however, r(cor

517 villag~ t' (46.20 %) out of the total 1 ,119 inha bitcd villagts have density lying bdwc(fl 101-200 po sc 11.s p<;r sq. ~., 311 villag'. s (27.79 %) ar,~ with density betw(.cn 201-300 rfl'scns per sq. km., 79 villages (7.06%) are wIth denSIty betwcw 301-S00 per Sq. km; 111 villrges (9.92%) with density 'betwu n 51-]00; 9 villages (0.81 %) with density between 11-20; J3 vilIagc,s (1.16%) with omsily betwetn 0-10 and thac are 3] (2.77%) villages which have density of population c)I;c«dinS 500. I~ Scheduled Castes Population: TABLE 5

~n of Sd!tdole4 Cist_ ~pnI!ltioll to Total POllution 1ft th.. ViDage8

Percentage ran~ of Scheduled Castes No. of Percenta~ population to total population villages in of villages in each range eace range 2 3

Nil 17& 15.91 Less than 5 178 15.91 6-10 101 9.03 H-lS 98 8.76 16--20 99 8.84 21-30 2()2 IS.0S 31+ ;163. 23.50 Total 1,119 100.00

'P.,bt~ 5 and table 6 give information regarding the sch[duled cast(s popuh'tkn. 1Ehle 5 showing 1t~ pre­ pJrtion of sC:ledukd castes popuiationto t( t<.1 JX.pukticJj in rurrh:ru::s Hed tc.bk 6 ir.dicating the prc·pcrtlcu c.f ,'ichedul~d castes population in urban areas of the district.

The district ha.s r~latively lower perc.;ntage of scheduled casks population i.e. 20.90% ccmpart:d to 26.87% for the state as a whole. M8jority of villages i.e. 263 villags or .23.50 % h::.w schcdulcd.cast(s pcpulaticn Qr rbvut 31 %; 202 vilhg,~s (1&.05%) ha.v~ schedlded ca&tcs population ranging bctw(w 21 tc 3()%; r(mairjng 654 villages have schedUled .castes population &ek w 21 %.

TABLE 6 Proportion o(,Sdleduled Castes Population. in TOllm

-----~..---...-_._..--..._._..------~-~-~----..----~--__,------~------Name of the town Total Total' Percentage of population Scheduled Schedule() Castes Castes population population to total population

2 3 4 1. Abohar M.C. 86,334 15.396 17 ·83

2. Dharamkot U.A. 9.328 1,643 17,61 (i) Dharamkot M.C. 9,125 1,643 18·31 3. Fazilka M.e. 43,548 8,%?2 20-4-2 4. Firozpur M.C. 61,162 9,770 15·97 5. Firozpur Cantt. UA 44,678 8,188 18 ·33 (i) Firozpur C.B. 38,582 6,273 16.26 6. Guruharsahai M.e. 7,61!4 9n 12 ·13 7. lalafabad UA 16,639 1,755 10·55 (i) Jalalabad M.C. 14,734 1,495 }O '1' 8 .. Talwandi Bhal M.C. 9,117 1,942 2}·30 9. Zira M.e. 19,581 4,449 22·72 AU toWns ------293,071 52,967 17·77...... _--- 14

As compared to rural areas, the urban anas h& ve substantially Iowa populatien of scheduled Cf sh S, C( 11- stituting 17.77 %ofthe total population. Zira Me with 22.72 pa ccntofschcdukd castes to tc td pc puJ?ticr- rn h ttc highest amongst the towns of the district while the lowest (10.15%) has hem nported by JalBlabrd Me Guruhar­ sahai has the second lowest proportion of 12.13%. A tahsilwise study can be made from table 9. There is no scheduled tribes popula tion in Punjab sta tc ~ s no tribe ha s been rtotifkd as such for this sta te. Literacy: TABLE 7

Lita'lleY Rates by Population Ruges of Villagt's

- ...... -~---_.._.._.------~-...... ----_..---...... ,...... -...... -...... -~.__.---...... ~-...... --_.~~ Range of population Numbcrof Literacy rate villages in each range 1 2 3

Less than 200 189 23·71

200-499 276 25·14

500 ...1,999 532 25·49

2000-4,999 117 27-93

5000-9,999 4 32·66

10,000+ 1 24-99

...... ~__..._---- Total 1,119 26-37

----"""""'_..-~------_...------~-...--..--_...... _.--__...-~..------Tables 7 and 8 give literacy by population ranges of villages and litHacy for towns respcctivdy. OrJy 32.29 %of the population of the district is literate (which can at least read ar.d write a letter with undtrstandir,g as against the state percentage of 40.86. The male literacy rate is 39.46% and female literacy rate is 24.17%. Hcw­ ever, the literacy rate has shown improvement Over the literacy rate in 1971 by 4.51 pu cent p(lints which is cc mm ensurate with the improvement in the literacy rate d sc>me of the other districts of Ptmjab. The literacy r~tfs fer rural and urban areas of the district respectively are 26.37% and 52.33 %. Tahsilwise literacy rate for total, rural and urban and persons, males and females can be examint:d from table 9.


Literacy Ratti (or Towns

----_._.--...---~----..---....------_...... _ ....,-----,---,---...,..__...__...-...-_...... ----....- Name of the town Literacy rate

1 2 1. Abohar M.C. 48·24

2. Dharamkot U.A. 50-64

(i) Dharamkot M.C. 50-87

3. Fazilka M.C. 50·49

4. Firozpur M.e. 56·23

5. Firozpur Cantt. U.A. 57·30

(i) Firozpur C.B. 56-76

6. Guruharsahai M.e. 47-44 is

7. jaJalabad U.A. 59·26

(I) la1alabad M.C. 63·57 8. M.e. 50·15 !I Zira M.C. 48·80 All Towns -~-----51·33

Table 8 shows the highest literacy rate e,f 63.57 % for lalahtbad MC followed by Firozpur Cantt; 56.76 % and Firozpur city 56.23%. The lowest literacy rate of 47.44% has lxen returned frem Guruhar Sahai Me. Working Popolatiou : Table 9 gives the proportion of literates, workers, non-workers and scheduled castes population in the district. The main ~orkers constituted 30.50 % of the totd popuktkn in 1981 f S r.gainst 29.91 % in 1971. There are 55.27% male mam workers and 2.46% f~male main workers. Fcmale workers have shown substantia I im­ provemmt over 1971 wherein only 1.06% female worker& were recorded. Of the total werking ferct- 69.52 % of workas are engag~d in agriculture as cultivators and agricultural la be urtTS as against 74.18 % in 1971. 0 i.6 TABLE I,iterates, WOl'kel'l!!, Non-workers, Sdieduled

Name of tahsil Total Total population Scheduled Literates to total population Rural Castes Urban popula- p M F tion to P M F total popula- tion , 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Zira T 295,958 157,705 138,253 24·37 31'40 36·97 25'05 R 267,049 142,221 . '. li24,828 :,: 24;'73 . 29'45 34'96 23'18

U 28,909 15,484 13,425 21·07 49~39 55'37 42·50 Firozpur T . 436,655 23i,582 205,073 21'13 33'55 '39·80 26·49 R 314,014 1,66,614 147,400 22·75 24'94 31-44 17'58 U 122,641 64,968 57,673 16·99 55'61 61 '24 49·28 Fazilka T 575,191 304,993 270,198 18·94 31'78 40'49 21·95

R 428,670 226,774 201,896 19·33 25'50 34·86 14·9~ U 146,521 78,219 68,302 17·77 50'16 56'79 42·57 Diskkt total T 1,307,804 694,280 613,524 20·90 32'29 39·46 24·17 R 1,009,733 535,609 474,124 21'82 26'37 33'83 17·94 U 298,071 158,671 139,400 17'77 52·33 58'48 45·34 17

Castes Popul ation In the District

Main workers to total Marginal workers to total Total workers to total Non~workers to total population population population population

p M F p M F p M F p M F

10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 31,36 57'31 1·76 1'22 0'57 1·95 32'58 57'88 3·72 67'42 42'12 ; 96.28 31'50 57·70 1'65 1 34 0'62 2·15 32·84 58·32 3·80 67'16 41'68 96'20 30'12 53·75 2'85 0-10 0'10 0'10 30'22 5l'85 2'95 69'78 46'15 97'05 30'48 54·96 2·lJ5 3'02 1'04 5'26 33'50 56'00 8'11 66 '50 44'00 91·89 31'47 57'49 2·06 3·92 1'19 7'01 35·39 58'68 9·07 64'61 41·32 90·93 27'97 48'48 4'87 0·72 0'67 0'77 28'69 49'15 5'64 71'31 50'85 94'36 30·06 54'46 2'52 3·72 0'74 1·08 33·78 55'20 9'60 66'22 44'80 90'40 30'45 55'49 2·32 4·94 0·95 9'42 35'39 56'44 11'74 64'61 43'56 88'26 28·94 51·49 3·12 0'13 0·11 0'14 29·07 51'60 3'26 10'93 48'40 96'74

3O~SO 55'21 2·46 2'92 0'80 5·31 33·42 56·01 7·17 66·58 43'93 92'23 31'04 56·70 2'06 3'61 0'94 6'76 34'71 57'6:1 8'81 65'29 42'36 91·18 18·66 50·48 3'82 0'36 0'34 0,40 29'01 SO'81 4·11. 70'98 49·18 95'78 __....__.------._--- _,------


Amenities available in the village: In the annexut

'fable 12 sums up the number of villag~s where certain amenities are not avaiJa ble within the jurisdiction of the villages and the distance ranges where the inhabitants of these villages avail them. Amenitywise analysis reads below: Educational facilities: Of the total 1,119 inhabited villages in the Firozpur district, 972 villages (86.86%) with a populati.n of 98.36%oftheruralpopulationofthedistrict are equipped with the facility of at least a primary school. 147 villages (60 in Zira tahsil, 76 in Firozpur tahsil, and 11 in Fazilka tahsil) in the di&trict are however devoid of this basicfacility. The percentage of villages having at least primary schoel increased from 61.97 %to 86.86y'ovor the last decade, thus showing that Firozpur district has made a significant improvement in providin: the minimu. tducational net:ds. Medical facilities: 216 villa.ges (19.30%) out of 1,119 inhabited villagt:s have at l(ast one of the m(dicalinstitutionli,viz.• hospital, maternity and child welfare centre, health cmtre, primary health cmtre, dispensary, fa mi1y planning centre and the like. The proportion of villages enjoying one or more of the medica I facilities are the highest in Fazilka tahliil and the lowest for Zira tahsil. Of the 903 inhabited villages of the district which do not ha Ve any medical facility within the village for their population, for 486 villages the amenity is available within a re-dius of 5 kms; for 28' Villages within the range of 5-10 kIns but the inhabitants of the remaining 128 villages have to cover a distance of more than 10 lans to a vail the medical facility. The number of villages mjoying medica 1 faciliti(8 is the highut (121) . among the villages situated within a radius of 6-15 kms of an urban centre, whreas it is the lowest (35) in a dis­ tance range of 0-5 lans. For villages lying in the distance range of 16-50 lons, 60- villa,es possess medical facili­ ties witbin the village. Drinking water facility: All the 1,119 inhabiud villages of the district invariably enjoy the drinking water facility. The main source of drinking water· is handpump suppletnented by well/tub(,well. Post. ad Telegraph facilities: Out of the 1,119 inhabited villages 232 villages (20.73%) have the facility of post an<.. telegraph. Tahsil- wise 15.57% in Zira, 14.81X in Firozpur and 36.39% in Fazilka are enjoying the facility of post and telegraph. 'Proportion of population to whom post and telegraph facilities are available locally is 35.54%, the proportlOl\ being the highest in Fazilka tahsil i.e. 42.45,% follow(,d by Zira 39.05 % and Firozpur 24.05 %. Out of the 881 villages in which the post and telegraph facility is not available locally, the people of 611 villages ha Ve to ccmmute a distance less than 5 kIns; population of 202 villages between 5-10 kms and 74 villages more than 10 kms. Apift out of the 232 villages which are availing the benefit of post and telgraph facilities, maximum number (129) or villages have an urban centre at a distance of 6-15 kms and 44 villag~s have at a radius of 5 kms. Further 111 (22.18,%) villa ges falling in the population range of 500-1.999,99(84.62 %) villege.s fallkg in the population ran" 2,000-4,999;12(2.58%) villages with population range cfO-499 and 3 (60.00%) villages exceeding tbe population of 5,000 are a va ilin g the facility of post and telegrapb • .Communications: The rural population of 390(34.85%) villages constituting 37.92% population is serv(d by public transport system. 729 villages do not have any facility of communication within the territorial jurisdiction of the village or a little far a way from the main habitation. Out of these 729 vilIagt s, 516 villages can a vail of this facility after . tommuting a distance within a 5 kms radius, 149 villages hftw({n 5-10 kms and 64 villagts more than 10 kms. According to the population ranges of the villages, 24.73% of the viIlagfsfalljn~in populaticn rar..~( oflesstpan 20

100; 31.22" comprising population range' of SOO to-l,999';- -64.10~% faUing in-- the population range 2,000 to 4.999 and, the remaining 40.00% villages of populatioQ rang~ _of 5.000 and above havo the communication facility. Approach. by pueea road:

Of all the inhabited villages 89.54% cO vering thereby a population of 94.21 %have been reported to be connec­ ted by metalled road and are. therefore. accessible both in fairand foul weather. Their tahsilwise distribution 89.07% in Zira. 93.25% in Firozpur and 84.35 %in Fazilka are the respective proportion of villages which are approachable by pucca road. In Zira tah~il 326 village&~ in Firozpur tahsi1428 villages and in Fazilka tahsil 248 villages covering f population of 96.86 %. 98.21 % and 8~.22% of their respective total rural population ha Ye the facility of a pucca road. The number of villages connected by pucca, road having an urban centre within a radius of 5 lons. works outto 193 villages. those within a distance range-of&-lS-km,arc 645 villagesaI_ld those within a distance range 01 16-50 kms are 164. The proportion of villages connected by pucca road', for those comprising population range 5,OOQ and ab9ve it is 80.00 %. for villages with a population range 2,000 to 4,999 it is 91.45 % and for population range 500 to 1,999 it is 9558 %and for population range·less tban' 500 it is 82.15%.; , . ~ .' Power supply :

. All the villages of tbe district have invariably got the facility of power supply as the state has sioQC men hundred per cent electrified.

'. The laIid .use patte.rn· is given in table 15 which .revoals that 80.32 % of the total area of the distric . (in, respect of inhabited villages) is under cultivation. Tahsilwise percentage of cultivable area to total arc is the higbest 86.28 % in Zira tahsil followed by Firolput tahsil 84.46% and Fazilka tahsil 73.43 %. The proportion of irrigated area to total CUltivable area in the district is 70.79 %, Similarly tahsilwise proporti(Jn being ~9.89% for Zira. 66.00% for Firozpul and 73.63 % for Fazilka. The stat~ canals and tubewells are the m,aln sources of irrigation in the district,' - Miscellaneous: cropping pattern; ,..,Ie food' alld IJUlrket! :.

Apart from harVesting wheat and paddy which constitute. the staple f-ood of the· people of the' district, vast areas are qnder the cash Crops of cotton, mustard. There are. mandies at about 20 km., distance from each o.the~ whlch serye .as the nuc,leu!l. for purchase and, ~ale of agricultural produce of inhabitants., Their expansIon IS a testimo ny to the fruits . of the green revolution, being enjoyed by the farmers of the district.

'l'ASl.E 10 DiatrilJution 01 VfUages AccordiDg to the Mailability of Different A1IIedities

Serial Name of tahsil No. (with percentage) of villages ha "ing one or more of the following amenities No. No.of inhabited ...... ,...... _...~..._ ...... ~"_ ..... _~_,. __...... ,,...... -...... ~,._.....~~ villagel Education Medical I>rinkins Post&· Marketl Communi. Approach Power water telegraph Hat anions by pucca" supply road 1 .2 ~ 4 5 6 7 8 !II 10 11 1 Zita 366 306 44 366 57 164 326 366 (83 '61) (12. ,02) (100'00) (105 -51) (44'81) (89 ·07) (100 '(0) .2 FirozPlIr 459 383 67 459 68 134 428 459 (83 '44) (14 ,60) (100 -00) (14,81) (29 -19) (93 -25) (100 -(0) 3 Fazilka 294 283 105 294 107 92 248 294, (96 ,26) (35,71) (96 '26) (36 '39) (31'29) (84,35) noo '(0)

..... _..._...... -...... --~ ...... ~~ ...... _...... ~- ...... _...... ~-...... -...... ,__,.---._....-~_..-~---~ Total 1119 (972 216 1.119 23l 390 1,002 1,119 (86 '86) (19·30) (100- 00) (20 -73) (34 -85) (89 -54) (100 -00) ~~-~-~.--~-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 21 TABL\.<; 11 ProportioJ,l of Rural Population Served by Different Amenities

Serial Name of tahsil Total Proportion of rural population served by the amenity of No. population ofinhabi- ted villages Educatior Medical Drinking Post & Marketl Communi- Approach Power in tIle w:tter telegraph Hat cation by pucca stlpr-Iy tahsil road 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Zira 295,958 98·00 31 ·63 100·00 39·05 56·79 96·86 100·00 1 FiNZjlur 436,655 97·21 21 ·65 100·00 24·05 29 -47 98'21 100·00 3 Fazilka 575,191 99·41 39·93 100·00 42·45 34·63 89·82 100·00 District total 1,307,804 98·36 31·95 100·00 35 ·54 37·92 94·21 100·00

TABLE 12 Dhtributioll or Villages not havillg Certaill Amenities, Arranged by Distance ranges from the Places where these are Available

Village not h~ving the amenity of Number of villages where the amenity is not available and available at distance of -5kms. 5-10kms. 10+ kms. Total (cols.2-4)

2 3 4 5 Education 147 147 Medical 486 289 128 903 Drinking water P&T 611 202 74 887 Market/Hat Communication --516 149 64 729 TABLE 13 Distribution of Villages According to the Distance from the Nearest Town and Availability of Different Amenities --- Distance range from the nearest No. of No. (with percentage) of villages having the amenity of town (in kms) inhabited villages Power in each Education Medical Drinking Post & Marketl Communi- Approach water telegraph Hat cations by supply range pucea road 10 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 212 44 49 193 212 0_5 212 189 35 (100 ·00) (89 '15) (16·51) (100 ·00) (20 ·75) (23 ·11) (91 ·04) 664 129 228 645 664 6-15 664 562 121 (100 ·00) (84 ·64) (18 ·22) (l00 ·00) (l9 ·43) (34 ·34) (97 ·19) 243 59 113 164 243 16-50 243 221 60 (100 '00) (90 ·95) (24 ·69) (100 ·00) (24 ·28) (46 ·50) (67 ·49) .51+ Unspecified 1,002 1,119 Total 1,119 972 216 1,119 232 390 (34 ·85) (89 ·54) (100 ·00) (86 ·86) (19 ·~O) (100 ·00) (20 '73) -----...... ~2

TABLE 14 -- Distribution of Villages According to P oputation Range and Amenities A,anab1e Population range No. of No. (with percentage) ()fviUages having the amenity of inhabited villages in each Education Medical Drinking Post & Market! Communi. Approach Power range water telegraph Hat cations by Pucca supply NaG 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 -499 465 335 13 -<

TABLE 15 Distribution of Villages According to Land Use

Serial Name of tahsil No. No. of Total area Percentage Percentage of inhabited (Hectares) cultivable irrigated viJlage~ area to area to total total area cultiva1)le area 1 2 3 4 5 6 t Zira 366 126,061 86·28 69'8!) 2 Firozpur 359 135,646 84·46 66'00 3 FaziJka 294 268,912 75·43 73-63 .... District total -- 1,019 530,619 80·32. 70·79 2} TOWN DIRECTORY Urban pOpulation: Table 16 to 21 appended td this riote deai with this section, Table 16 shows growth rate, density and sex ratio of urban population in the district in reiation to the state fdr 1981 ctnsus and the preceding three censuses 1971, 1961 and 1951. The 1981 census reveals that 22·79% of the population of the district live in the urban areas as compared to 27·68% of the state as a whole. The urban component of the population of the district increased by O· 63 % points from 22 -16% in 1971 to 22·79% in 1981 whereas the urbrn component of population in 1961 had decreased by 1·47% from 1951. The corresponding figures of urban population in the district and the state at 1971, 1961 and 1951 are 22-16% for the district as against 23·73% for the state; and 22·40% for the district as against 21-72% for the state respecti vel y. . Growth rate: TABLE 16 Growth. DeI19ity and Sex-Ratio of Urban Population ill the District in Relation to the State --_...... _-_ ...... _-...------_.,.._.... , ,.....~..-..-..--.... ----~__...-...... ~---.--~.....,.._.,.~-~-- Diltriet State Census Year. Total UrbJn %Urbln D.!ca­ D;nsity S.!x ra- Total Urbln %urban Deca­ Dens- Sex (p.:>pula­ P.J;lu!a­ p()l.)ul,,- dil per- (popul­ tio (No. poputa- popula- popula- dal per­ ity ratio don tion tion centage ation of Cerna- don tibn tio n centage (popu- (No. variation per sq. les per variati­ la tion of fe­ in urban km) 1,000 on in per sq. males popula­ males) urban kIn) per 1,000 tion popula­ males) tion) 1 2 3 4 S 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 1951 702,563 157.342 12·40 +1·02 NA 760 9,160'500 1,989,267 21'72 +20 ·02 NA 801 1961 872,632 208,273 23 ·87 +32 ·37 4,024 783 11,135,069 2,567,306 23 ·06 +29·06 4,090 817 1971 [.1,044,936 231,550 22·16 +11'18 4,310+ 871 13,551,060 3,216,119 23 '73 +25 '27 4,650 856 1981 1,307,804 298,071 22 ·79 +28 ·73 3,721* 879 16,788,915 4,647,757 27 '68 +44 ·51 3,835 865 ...-...... ------.- ---~...... ,_,...... !'I-..,..,...... ,_.,. ____..,.______~ ______~ *For the di~trict the density llas b.!en lliculated after exduding the population of outgrowths. Growth rate TM district shoNs a d·Jca.d al growth rate of28·73% in the urb.ln areas for 1981 as c3mpared to 44.51% IOrtl1e~tate. Duringth.ep'iJvious decade Le. 1961-1971 the di3trict recHdeJ a growth raw of 11·18% as compared to 25'27% for the state_ . Pensity: The district IllS recorde1 at 1931 c.;nsus an urban density of 3121, persons (exduding outgrowths) per sq. krn. as aJ~inst 3,835 for the state. The c:>rresponding urban density for the districtduril1g 1971, 1961 were 4.310 anj 4,024 as aglinst 4,65() alJ 4,0)) for the state. The den'Jity of the district_has shown a decline of S89 persons per sq. km. in 1981 compared to 1971 whereas there was an incl'tase in density by 286 persons per sq. km., during'the previous decade 1961-197l. The decline in density in 1981 is due to expansion of urban area. Sex ratio:' The urban population of district has recorded a sex ratio of 879 in 1981. 871 in 1971, 783 in 1961 and 760 in 1951 as compared to 865, 856. 817 and 807 in the corresponding censuses for the state. Tbere is a consistent m­ uease in the sex ratio during 1951, 1961, 1971 and 1981. N ew towns/towns declassified: TABLE 17 New TOllDS/TollDS DeclauUild in 19U Cu:u;s ...... ,,,_., ...... ,.._. ..._,_ ...... -.,~.~ ...... -. .,_._ ...... ,,_.,_...... __ ...... -..~.-.~.-.P-~ ..-._ .... - ~_ ...... ~ - _ ...- ...... fI-_ ...... ,_ ..... ,~.-. ~.- ...... , ...... ~_ ~.-~,.._ l"l£me of town Popu1ation 1981 Census 1 2 (a) Added Nil

b) Dc"lassified Nil

~-~~~~~~~~~~~-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-~~~~-~~~~~ No. new town was added to the district at 1981 Census and no towns out of those existins at 1971 ~ensus was declassified. 24

Budget of. the tOWD$: TABLE 18 Per Capita Receipt and Expenditure in Towns CL!_ss, name and civic status Per capita of the the town -~-.-..-----...Receipt ...... --~....--...---...... -.------~------,,__..._....------~----Expenditure ---___..-..-..------,-- ...... Total Receipt Receipt Total--_,...._- General·__...------Expenditure Public Expendi· Other through from all ex pen- Adminis 00 public work tureon aspects taxes other dUure tration health public sources and co- institu- nvenia- tions nces 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 II Abohar (M.C.) 66-24 54·41 11-83 67 ·72 8·99 19-17 27·02 0-17 12·37 V Dharamkot (U.A.) (i) D:nramkot (M.C.) 32-99 24'21 8·78 27 ·76 5·79 8·00 0·90 13·07 III Fazilka (M.C.) 54-61 34·40 20 ·21 _ 55·52 ·13 ·91 12·26 18 ·19 11·16 III Firozpur Cantt (U.A.) (i) Firozpur Clatt. (C.B.) 106·81 44·96 61"85 94·60 14·53 46·42 6·98 5'40 21·27 II Firozpur (M.C.) 55 ·21 39.11 16 ·10 . 54-06 3 ·41 11 ·26 19 ·13 0'16 20·10 V G~ruh;l.(sahai (M.C.) 112 ·83 62'47 50·36 114 '91 25·77 11'19 55'31 22'64 IV. Jalalabad (UA)

(i) lalalabad (M.e.) 70 ·97 52·71 18·26 70·35 16 '16 31 ·82 12'52 0'42 ~'43 V Talwandi Bhai (M.C.) 68·22 48·70 19·52 69·57 18·92 23·48 1'63 0·06 25 ·48 IV Zira (M.C.) 59·97 35-09 24·88 54·95 9·23 12-68 19·83 13·21 ---~------~------~~~---~-~-----~-~------~--~------~~--~Table 18 relates to it. Firozpur district has nine towns; two class II towns ( Abobar MC and FiroZpur- MC), two class III towns (Fazilka MC and Firozpur (Cantt.), two Class.IV towns (Jalalabad Me and Zira MC), three class V towns ( Dharamkot MC, Guruhar sahai MC and Talwandi Bhai Me). In respect of 4 towns viz; Abohar, Fazilka, Guruhar sahai and Talwandi Bhai, per capita receipts are lower than p~r c.1pita exp~njiture and ~n case of re:n'lining 5 tow lS t~e receipts exceed per capita expenditure. The highest. per capita receipt of Rs. 112.S3 15 recorde~ for Guruhar ,sahal M<;: and the lowest Rs. 32.99 for Dharamkot .MC. The receipts through taxes form the major source of revenue In most of the towns of the district, government grants, loa~s, advances e!c., are th~ other supplementary sources of rev~nue of municip~lities. On expenditure side. the hIghest per capita expenditure of Rs. 114.91 has bee~ recorded In Guruhar sabal MC and the· lowest of Rs ..27.76 for D~arl:lm~ot ~C. The main heads of expendIture are general administration. public health and convemences, pubbc Institutions etc., - Educational: TABlEt9 Schools Per Ten Thousand Population in Towns· ~~ ...... -"-~-..-...... -.--...... -...... ---...-~-~..-...... -...... """'"'-..~~"..,...-- ..... Class. name and civic status_,.----.--..------of town . No. per ten thousand population - ~~---~~----~-~---~~-~~~~Higher Secondary/ - Junior Primar), SecondarYI Matriculation Secqndary/ Inter/PUC/ Middle Junior College 1 2 3 ·4 oS II Abohar (M.e.) 0'12 1·51 0·58 1·74 v Dbaramkot (U.A.) (I) Dharamkot (M.C.) 1 ·10 1 :10 3·29 ill Fazilka (M.e.) 0·23 0'69 0'46 1'84 m Firozpur Cantt.

------~------___.,----_...-Table 20 gives the distribution of total number of beds per 1,000 population in medical institutions,------_- avail­ able in each town of the district. The number of beds per 1.000 popUlation has been taken as the criteria for deter­ mining the extent of medical facilities. The table reveals that there are in all 3. 70 or 4 beds per 1,000 urban popu­ lation of the district. Firozpur Cantt. has the highest number of beds (10.16) and Talwandi Bhai has the loweast (0.44 per 1,000 population) . Slum population in towns: In Punjab state no slum area has been notified although certain pockets have separately been identified.

PART XIII A vnl~,e & Town pirectory



The vIllage directory containing information about each village has been prepared for each tahsil in the ascending order of the census location code numbers, e.g., location code No. 11/3/22 means village No. 22 in tahsil No. 3 of district No. 11 of the state. It contains information relating to total area of the villages in hectares, total population, No. of households, amenities available in the village i. e., educational, medical, drinking water, posts and telegraphs, communications, approach to village, nearest town and distance (in kms.), and power supply. Besides it gives iLfofmation regarding staple food, land-use i. e., area under different types of land use like forest, irrigated and unirrigated, cultivable and uncultivable land. This is further supplemented by the information on places of religious, historical and archaeological interest as also information on copies of newspaper coming in the village and number of motor cycles/scooters, cars/jeeps and tractors available in the village. Information about the amenities available have been given in the columns 5 to 10 of the directory. (1) Educational facilities have been shown by adopting the following abbreviations : P = Primary school M = Junior secondary or Middle School H = Mat;iculation or Secondary School PUC = Higher Secondary/lntermediate/Pre-university/Junior College C - College (graduate level and above) like Arts, Science. Commerce etc, I = Industrial School Tr. - Training School AC Ad ult literacy class/Centre o Other educational institutions. These may include Sanskrit Pathshalas, Senior Basic School, Maktab etc. Where figures like P(3) • M(2), H(I) etc. occur, these denote that the village has three primary, two middle a nd one matriculation or secondary school.

(ii) Medical facilities have been shown by the use of the following abbreviations ~ H Hospital MeW = Matcmity and Child Welfare Centre MH = Maternity Home CWC = Child Welfare Centre HC = Health Centre PHC - Primary Health Centre PHS Primary Health Sub-centre D Dispensary FPC Family Planning Centre TB TB Clinic NH - Nursing Home RP - Registered Private Practitioner SMP Subsidised Medical Practitioner CHW Community Health·Worker 0 ~ Others Number of institutions, if more than one in any village, have been given in brackets against each. (iii) The types of potable drinking water supply and the sources available in the viI1age have been indicated by the following codes : T = Tap Water W Well Water TK ecce; Tank Water TW = Tubewell Water HP = Hand Pump R = River Water F -~ Fonntain C -- Canal L Lake S Spring N - Nullah o = Others NA = Information not Available 32 (iv) Post and telegraph facilities have been shown by adopting the following abbreviations :

PO = Post Office TO = Telegraph Office PTO = Post and Telegraph Office Phone = Telephone Connection. (v) Communication facilities have been indicated by the following codes : BS = Bus Stop RS = Railway Station NW = Navigable waterway (including river, canal, backwaters, etc.) Only public transport like bus, rail and waterway have been considered for this purpose. (vi) Approach to village -This refers to the state of road etc. leading to the village. This has been indicated by the use of following codes : PR = pucca Road KR = Kaccha Road NR = Navigable River NC = Navigable Canal NW = Navigable waterway (other than river or canal) (vii) Nearest town and distance-The distance in kms. of the nearest town (whether located in the state or in another state) has been given in brackets under column 12. (viii) Power supplY.-For this purpose, the following codes have been used under column 13 :

ED = Electricity for Domestic purpose EAg = Electricity for Agriculture EO = Electricity for Other purpose like industrial, commercial, etc. EA = Electricity for All purposes listed above. Information relating to places of religion, historical or archaeological interest is given under column 20(a). Informat~on on copies of newspaper coming in the viUage(N), motor cycles/scooters available in the village (M) cars! jeeps avaIlable in the village (C) and for tractors available in the village (T) is also furnished under column 20. The numeral following the alphabet indicates the number of newspapers, motor cycles etc. Uninhabited village and the villages that have got merged in towns villages have also been shown under column 20(a).

(ix) Land use-Breakup of area under different types of land use viz. forest, irrigated area, un irrigated area, culturable waste and areas not available for cultivation has been furnished under columns 15-19. (a) Forest.-This includes all lands classed as forests under any legal enactment dealing with forests or ad­ ministered as forests, whether state-owned or private, and whether wooded or maintained as potential forest land. !he area of crops raised in the forest and grazing land or areas open for grazing within the forest should remain Included under the forest area. Ifany portion of such land is not actually wooded but put to some agricultural use, that portion is included under the appropriate heading of cultivated or uncultivated land. In some cases there are ins­ tances where patches of land put to agricultural use within statutarHy notified forests are considered as forests by the revenue agency. These are treated as forests.

(b) Irrigated and unirrigated (land use).~These two columns (cols. 16 and 17) cover all agricultural land and ~nclu.de net area sow;n with crops and orchard~ or net cropped area an~ also current. an~ other fallo~s. The latter llnphed all lands wh1ch we~e taken up for cultIvation, but are temporarIly out of cultIvatIOn for a perIod of not less than a year and more than fIve years. The columns do not include gross area sown or crops gross cropped areas. Net area sown thus represents the area sown with crops and orChards, counting areas sown more than once in the same year only once. (c) Culturable Waste.-This includes all Itmds available for CUltivation whether taken up or not taken up for cultivation once, but not cultivated during the five years or more in succession. Such lands are either fal· low or covered with shrubs and jungles which are not put to any use. These have been assessed or unassessd and are in isolated blocks or within cultivated holdings. Lands under thatching grasses, bamboo bushes and other groves for fuel, etc. Which are not included under orchards or forests also come under this head. All grazing lands, whether they are permanent pastures and meadows or not vil1age common and srazing lands within forest area have be.en in.. ~l\lded in this COlUlIUl~ , . 33 Cd) A.rea not available for cultivation.-This column (col. 19) includes land not available for cultivation such as barren, unculturable land and land put to non-agricultural use.

Land put to non-agricultural use stands for all lands occupied by buildings, roads and railways Of under water e.g., rivers and canals and other lands put to uses other than agricultural. Barren and unculturable lands cover all barren and unculturable lands, like mountains, deserts, etc. Land which cannot be brought under cultivation, except at a very high cost, has been classified as unculturablc, whether such land is in isolated blocks or within cultivated holdings.


35 ------~----~~==~i l i 0: g c( :::> ! a. I!; N 0:: ~ o e: m N 0: g « LL .. z""') ::;, a. I­ ~ 0: o l­ t/) a c


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4 H ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ -----~------~ ~ L:~~======--=--=-=---~-_--_-~--_---_._._-_--______~~ ~,

ALPHABETICAL LIST OF ViLLAGES ZIRA TAHSIL Selial Name of the Village Location Serial Name of the Village Location No. Code No. No. Code No. 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 Adraman 3/1/321 .66 Burewala 3/1/130 2 Akbarwala 3/1/60 67 Burj Mohamad Shahwala 3/1/58 3 Akushahwala 3(1/350 68 Butewala 3/1/118 4 Alewala 3/1/121 69 Changian 3/1/28 5 Alipur 3/1/139 70 Chabba 3/1fll2 6 Amargarh Bandian 3/1/214 71 Chak Bhaura 3/1/337 7 Ambarhar 3/1/141 72 Chak Dhangarh 3/1/93 8 Aminwala 3/1/73 73 Chak Fatehpur 3/1/342 9 Aminwala 3/1/325 74 Chak Jindra 3/1/340 10 Amir Shahwala 3 (1/56 15 Chakian 3/1/46 11 Arazi Sabrai 3/113 76 Chak Kanian Kalar. 3/1/341 12 Asafwala' 3(1/126 77 Chak Kanian Khurd 3/1/343 13 Asiake 3/1/120 78 Chak Khanna 3/1/310 14 Atari 3(1/195 79 Chak Mehrana 3(1/94 15 3/1/9 80 Chak Pahar Singhwala 3/1/14~ 16 Awan 3/1(201 81 Chak Singhpura 3/1/336 17 Baduwal 3/1/358 82 Cll'lk Tarewala 3/1/338 18 Bagge 3/1/259 83 Chamb 3/1/335 19 O'tghelewala 3(1/212 84 Chamb 3/1177 20 Bagi Patni alias Mohkamwala 3/l/209 85 Charag Shahwala 311/280 21 Bahadarwala 3(1!300 86 Chhajanwali 3/1/159 22 Bahadurwala 3/1/359 87 Chiman 3/1/239 23 Baharwali 3/1/17 88 Chirag Shahwala 3/1/257 24 Bahawalpur 3/1 j1D2 89 Chohla 3/1/103 25 Bajeke 3/1/252 90 3/1/299 26 Bll 311/69 91 Chuchakwind 3/1/145 27 Bankhandi 3/1/196 92 Chugha Kalan 3/1/235 28 Baqarwala 3/1/256 93 Chugha Khurd . 3/1/236 29 Bara Kalirauna 3(1/312 94 3/1/194 30 Bara Suleman 311/311 95 Chuhar Singhwala 3/1/238 31 Basian 3/1/332 96 Churian 3/1/25 32 Behbalwala 3(1/40 97 Danewala 3/1/297 33 Behk Fattu 311/96 98 D1.rgah Saidan 3/1/220 34 Behk Gujran 3/l/98 99 Datewala 3(1/245 35 Behk Pasarian 3/1/99 100 Datta 3/1/367 36 Behk Walayal Shah 3/1/CJ7 101 naulewala 3/1/222 37 Behramke 3/1/250 102 Daulewala Kalan 3/1/272 38 Beri Qadarabad 3fl/Z08 103 Daulewala Khurd 3/1/2.73 39 Bhagoke 3/1f132 104 Daya Kalan 3/1/375 40 Alias Gagrah 3(1/231 105 Dhana Shahid 3/1/178 41 Bhaini 311(271 106 Dhandian 3/1(110 42 Bharana 3/1/148 107 Dharam Singhwala 3/1/284. 43 Bhedanwala 3(1(26 108 Dholewala 3}1/254 44 Bhinder Kalan 3/1/369 109 Dibwala 3/1/55 45 Bhinder Khurd 3/1/370 110 Dineke 3/1/19 46 Bhodiwala 3/1/333 111 3/1/351 47 Bhoepur 3/1/324 112 Fatehgarh Korotana . 3/1f366 48 Bhogewala 3/t/215 113 Fatehg,arh Panjtur 3/1/298 49 Bhoghewala 3/1f308 114 Fatehgarh Sabrai 3/1/5 50 Bhupew<,.1a 3(1 (45 115 Fatehpur Jhugian 3/1/282 51 Bhutiwala 3/1/34 116 Fatehpur Kanian 3/1/346 52 Bijapur 3(1/328 117 Fateh Ullah Shahw::dil. 3/1/294 53 Bir Sarkar 3/1/33 118 Fattewala 3/1f122 54 Bir Sarkar 3(1/263 119 Fcrozewal Bf!da 3/1/360 55 Bodal Bagga 3/1/1 120 FerozewalMangal Singh 3/1/329 56 Botianwala 3/1/169 121 Gadaipur 3/1/268 57 Buh Araian 3/1/24 122 Gadriwala 3/1(172 58 Buh Gujran 3/1(67 123 Game Muradewala 3/1/10 59 B'!ianw


41 42 1981 CENSUS Amenities and Total Total popu- Amenit!es available [if not avai1a~le. within the village, a dash (-) is No.) area of lation & No. shown 10 the column and next to It In brackets, the distance in broad the of households ranges viz. -5 kms., 5-10 kms. and 10+ kms. of the nearest place viIlage where the facility is available, is given] (in hectares) Educational Medical Drinking Post and Day Commllni- water telegraph or cations (potable) days (Bus stop, of railway the station, mar- water- ketl way) hat, if any

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 HP,W 3flfl Bodal Bagga.(42-A) 43 9(1) -(0-5)~ -(5-10) -(0-5) RS 2 Tanna Bagga (42-B) 141 17(2) -(0-5) . -(5-10) HP,W -(0-5) RS 3 Arazi Sabrai (43) 480 146(27) -(0-5) -(5-10) HP,W -(0-5) RS 4 Killi Godha (40) 238 407(84) P -(5-10) HP,W -(0-5) -(0-5) 5 Fatehgarh Sabrai (41) 959 1,522(318) P,M,H D HP.W PO BS 6 Ghuram(44) 120 96(14) -(0-5) -(0-5) HP,W -(5-10) RS 7 Gatta Badshah (45) 559 694(109) P -(0-5) HP,TW -(0-5) RS 8 Nihalke (39) 326 449(78) P -(0-5) HP,TW -(0-5) RS 9 Aulakh (46) 64 171(29) P -(0-5) HP,TW -(0-5) -(0-5) 10 Game Muradewala (37/38) 68 87(16) -(0-5) -(0-5) HP,TW -(0-5) RS 11 Valayat Shahwala (36) 151 194(40) P --(5~10) HP.TW -(0-5) BS 12 Varpal(30) 263 712(124) P --(5-10) HP.TW -(5-10) RS 13 Mithe (31) 178 352(51) P -(5-10) HP.TW -(0-5) RS 14 Jhamke(32) 225 372(55) P -(5-10) HP,TW -(0-5) BS 15 Sirhali (35) 336 819(139) P -(5-10) HP,TW PO RS 16 Padhri (48/49) 227 768(113) P -(5-10) HP,TW -(5-10) -(0-5) 11 Baharwali (47) 202 274(45) P -(5-10) HP.TW -(0-5) -(5-,.10) 18 Wattu Bhatti (52) 204 232(38) P -(5-10) HP,TW -(5-10) -(5~10)

19 Dineke(53) 264 106(19) Plllli -(5-10) HP,R -(5-10) -(5-10)

20 Gatti Harike(54/55) 332 27(4) -(0-5) -(5-10) HP,W -(0-5) -(0-5) 21 Nizamdinwala (51) 546 782(131) P --(0----5) HP,TW -(5-10) -(0-5) 22 Talwandi Nepalan (SO) 1.161 1,972(347) P(2),M -(0-5) HP -(0_5) BS 23 Maujgarh (56) 328 179(26) P -(0-5) HP -(0-5) -(0-5) 24 Buh Araian (57) 131 25 Churian (58) 189 96(15) PlI] -(O-5) HP -(0-5) -(0-5) 26 Bhedanwala (59/60) 58 27 Subhia (61) 169 72(1 i) ~0-5) -(0-5) HP ':":'(0-5) BS 28 Changian (62) 64 63(10) P -(0-5) HP -(0-5) RS 29 Vanjoke (123) 305 2,606(448) P,M,H D,RP HP -(0-5) BS.RS 30 Variah (126) 85 176(26 ) P -(0-5) HP,TW -(0-5) RS 31 Bulhoke (124/125) 78 471(69) P -(0-5) HP,TW -(0-5) RS 32 Makhu (63) 287 4,522(746) P,M.H PHS, RP,D T,HP,TW PTO, RS Phone 33 Bir Sarkar (6n 57 34 Bhutiwala (72) 197 99(18) ~(0-5) ~0-5) HP -(0-5) BS' 35 Kot Kaim Khan (64) 425 27(6) -(0--5) -(0-5) HP,TW -{o-:) -(0-5) 36 Sangeke Kalan (77) 127 3(3) -(0-5) -(0-5) HP -(0-5) -(0-5) 31 Hardo Jand (78) 192 38 Gatta Dalel (79) 33 44(8) ~0-5) -(0-5) HP '':''(0-5) _:_(5-10) 39 Maunu Machhi (80) 331 423(71) -(0-5) _(10+) HP -(10+) -(0-5) 40 Behbalwala (81) 67 50(10) -(0--5) --(10+) lIP -(1O+? --(0-) '43 VILLAGE DffiECTORY FIROZPUR DISTRICT Land use

Approach Nearest town & Power Staple food Land Use (Le. area under different types of Remarks (including any to the distance (in kms.) ~upply land use in hectares rounded to the village place of religious, historical nearest unit) or archaeological interest)

Forest· Irri- Unirri- CuItur- Area Number of Places of gated gated able not Cars/Jeeps! religious, by waste avail- Motor-cycles/ historical or source (includ- able Scooters/News- archaeological ing for papers/ interest gauchar cult i- Tractors & vation groves)

11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 20(a) PR Khem Karan (19) EA Wheat & Maize 7 36 PR Khem Karan (18) EA Wheat & Maize 29 PR 112 Zira (18) EA Wheat & Maize 40 200 200 40 PR Zira (18) EA Wheat & Maize 198 40 T-12 PR Zira (20) EA Wheat & Maize 633 326 C-l, M-2, T-2 PR Zira (20) BA Wheat 80 40 PR Zira (18) EA Wheat & Maize 320 PR 40 199 M-2, T-28 Zira (18) EA Wheat, Rice & 297 8 4 17 T-lO. Jowar PR Zira (17) EA Wheat, Ri:e & 55 5 4 Jowar PR Zira (16) EA Wheat, Rice & 40 17 11 M·2 Jowar PR Zira (16) EA Wheat, Rice & 95 24 32 T-3 Jowar PR Zira (13) EA Wheat, Rice & 169 33 1 60 T-3, N-3 Iowar PR Zira (14) EA Wheat, Rice & 161 2 15 T-4 Jowar PR Zira (14) EA Wheat, Rice & 116 16 3 90 T-4, N-2 Jowar PR Zira (16) EA Wheat, Rice & 222 59 55 M-3, T-8, N-5 Jowar PR Zira (16) BA Wheat, Ri:e & 168 10 3 46 T-7 Maize KR Zira (17) EA Wheat, Maize, Rice, 129 48 25 T-6, N-2 Jowar & Bajra PR Zira (17) EA Wheat, Maize, 140 45 19 T-7 Rice, Jowar & Bajra KR Zira (17) EA Wheat, MaiZe, 54 30 180 Rice, Bajra & Jowar KR Zira (21) EA Wheat & Maize 20 206 106 T-2 PR Zira (17) EA Wheat, Maize, 151 158 12 225 Col, M-l, T-14, Rice, Bajra & JawaT N-lO PR Zira 414) EA Wheat, Maize & 276 445 440 C-6,M-8, T·20, Rice PR N-2 Zira (17) EA Wheat, Maize & Rice ., 45 46 237 T-l Uninhabited PR Zira (17) EA Wheat, Maize 34 2 153 T-3 & Rice PR z'ira (17) Uninhabited EA Wheat & Maize 31 4 122 12 PR Zira (15) EA Wheat & Maize 16 6 42 T-2 PR Zira (14) EA Wheat & Maize 720 PR Zira (14) 27 8 50 M-5, T-12,N-SO EA Wheat & Maize 72 13 C-l, M-2, T o 7 PR Zira (15) EA Wheat & Maize ;'PR 35 5 2 36 T-2 Zira (14) EA Wheat & Maize 100 18 103 66 C·S, M-IS, T-12, N-3 Uninhabited ,PR Zira (17) EA Wheat i:KR 9i 94 ii T-l Zira P6) EA Wheat 42 81 302 KR Zira (19) EA Wheat 117 10 Uninhabited (14) EA Wheat 33 R Sultanpur (14) EA Wheat, Maize 265 66 T-2 & Rice ~ SultanPur (16) EA Wheat ~ Maiz~ 6? 2 ~44

ZIRATAHSIL . 1981" CENSUS Amenities and Location Name of village Total . Total popu- Amenit~e~ available [if not availab.le:within the village, a dash (-) is Code (With Hadbast No.) area of ·lation & No. Shown·ID the column and next to It m brackets, the distance in broad No. the of households ranges viz. -5 kIns., 5-10 kms. and 10+ kms. of the nearest place village where the facility is available, is given] (in heotarcs) , Educational Medical Drinking Post and Day Communi· water telegraph or cations (potable) days (Bus stop, of railway the station, mar- water- ketf way) hat, if any

2 3 4 5 6 7 R 9 10 3/1/41 Shah Dinwala (75) 77 95(17) -(0-5) -(10+) HP -(10+) -(5-10) 42 Ruknewala Khurd (76) 138 101(15) -(0-5) -(10+) HP,W -(10+) -(5-10) 43 Ruknewaa Kalan (73) 536 20(5) -(0-5) -(10+) HP -(10+) -(5-10) 44 Mamnewala (74) ~2 43(6) -(0-5) -(10+) HP -(10+) -(5-10) 45 Bhupewala (71) 109 75(15) -(0-5) -(10+) HP -(10+) BS 46 Chakian (68) 232 555(100) P -(10+) HP,TW -(10+) BS 47 Manjwala (69) 100 504(81) 'P -(10+) HP,TW -(10+) BS 48 Kalhewala (70) 31 9(1) -(0-5) -(10+) HP,TW -(10+) BS 49 Mahmudwala (82) 93 88(16) -(0-5) -(10+) HP -(10+) -(0-5) 50 Tibbi Rang (92) 98 98(16) -(0-5) -(0-5) HP -(5-10) -(0-5) 51 Tibbi Badra (93) 25 18(4) _(0_5) _(0_5) HP _(5_10) _(0_5) 52 Madahar Kalu (91) 40 ·24(4) -(0-5) _(5_10) HP _(5_10) _(0_5) 53 Mohamad Shahwala (90) 75 97(17) -(0-5) _-(5_10) HP _(5_10) BS 54 Hada.yatullawaia (89) 25 55 Dibwala (88) 93 257(3'5) P _(0_5) HP _(5_10) _(0_5) 56 Amir Shahwala (85) 165 408(59) P _(5-10) HP _(5_10) RS 57 Gurali (86) 116 173(21) P _(0_5) HP _(0_5) RS 58 Burj Mohamad Shahwala (111) 138 397(61) P _(0-5) HP _(0-5) _.(0_5) 59 Mundi Chhuri Maran '(81) 353 963«161} P _(5_10) HP _(5._10) BS 60 .. Akbarwala (94) 88 513(76) P,M _(5_10) HP _(5_10) _(0_5) 61 Silewind (95) 239 161(26) P _(0_5) HP _(0_5) _(0_5) 62 Khiali (96) 64· 86(18) _(0_5) _(0_5) HP -(0-5) _(0_5) 63 Khanna (97) 283 675(116) P _(0_5) HP. T. W _(0_5) BS 64 Madahar Shera (98) 101 119(23) _(0_5) _(0_5) HP,T,W _(0_5) _(0_5) 65 Sharaf Ali Shahwala (100) 127 257(48) P _(0_5) HP,T. W _(0_5) _(0_5) 66 Lalleh (110) 229 579(96) P _(0_5) HP W _(0_5) RS 67 Buh Gujran (112) 247 467(88) P _(5_10) HP,W _(0_5) RS _(0_5) _(0_5) 68 Jhanda Bagga Nawan (l08) 253 658(92) P _(5_10) HP.W .~ 69 Bal (109) 232 341(55) P _.,.(5_10) HP.W _(0_5) _(0_5) 70 Malang Shahwala (113) 135 243(41) P _(5_10) HP,W _(0_5) RS 71 Jogewala (83/84) 539 1,122(189) P _(5_10) HP,W _(5_10) BS,RS 72 Nangal (117) 155 265(45) P _(5_10) HP _(0_5) RS 73 Aminwala (118) 208 330(56) P _(5_10) HP _(0_5) RS 74 Mubarewala (114) 36 73(12) _(0_5) _(5.:__10) HP _(5_10) RS 75 Wariswala Jattan (115) 221 459(80) P _(5:-10) HP _(5_10) BS 76 Pir Mohamad (116) 597 1,372(223) P;M,H D.MCW HP,W PO BS _(5_10) 77 Chamb (136) 292 562(98) P _(0_5) HP.T, W -(0_5) 78 Mastewala (137) 308 561(79) P _(0_5) HP,T, W _(0-5) BS __ (0_5) 79 Malhewala (138) 237 428(69) P _(0_5) HP,TW _(5_10) 80 Shianpari (135) 896 1,546(216) P _(0_5) HP,TW PO _(0_5) 4S .\ VILLAGE DJRECTORY FIR,OZPUR DISTRICT Land use Approach Nearest town & Power .Staple food Land use (i.e. area under different types of Remarks (including any to the distance (in kms.) supply land use in hectares rounded to the place of religious, historical village nearest unit} or archaeological interest)

Forest. Trri- Unirri- Cultur- Area Number of Places of gated gated able not Cars/Jeeps/ religious, by waste avail- Motor-cyclesl historical or SOUTce (incJud- able Scooters/News- archaeological ing for papersl interest gauchar culti- Tractors & vation groves)

11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 20(a) KR Zira (19) EA Wheat & Maize 18 59 KR Sultanpur (15) EA Wheat & Maize 108 30 KR Zira (18) EA Wheat & Maize 262 274 KR Zira (19) EA Wheat & Maize 45 8 29 KR Zira (18) EA Wheat. Maize, 66 39 4 Rice & Bajra PR Zira (14) EA Wheat; Maize 91 113 2 26 T-5 & Rice PR Zira (12) EA Wheat, Maize 75 4 4 17 Col, M-l, T-l & Rice Plit Zira (15) EA Wheat &. Maize 26 3 2 KR Sultanpur (17) EA Wheat, Maize 48 50 & Rice PR Sultanpur (16) EA Wheat, Maize 9 83 6 & Rice PR Sultanpur (14) EA Wheat 23 2 PR Sultanpur (14) EA Wheat 38 2 PR Sultanpur (14) EA Wheat 33 34 2 6 T-2 Uninhabited PR Zira (16) EA Wheat 74 8 11 T4 PR Zira (16) EA Wheat & Maize 123 11 31 T-7 PR Zira (14) EA Wheat 93 14 9 T-2 PR Zira (17) EA Wheat & Maize 105 13 20 T-7 PR 7ira (16) EA Wheat & Maize 145 143 6S T-8 PR Sultan pur (16) EA Wheat & Maize 19 41 28 KR Sultan pur (17) EA Wheat & Maize 180 23 36 T-2 KR Dharamkot OR) EA Wheat & Maize 30 30 4 T-t PR Z'ra (16) EA Wheat & Maize 131 133 19 T-5, N-2 PR Suitanpur (18) EA Wheat & Maize 6 90 5 PR Dharamkot (13) EA Wheat & Maize 95 15 17 M-I, T-3 PR Zira (15) EA Wheat, Maize, 208 21 T-4 Rice & Bajra PR Zira (16) EA Wheat, Maize, 219 5 23 T-5 Rice & Bajra PR Zira (\3) EA Wheat, Maize, 223 8 22 T-8 Rice & Bajra PR Zira (12) EA Wheat, Mail.e, 216 3 13 T·5 Rice & Bajra . PR Zira (14) EA Wheat, Maize, 121 4 to T-2 Rice & Bajra PR Zira (16) EA Wheat, Maize, 375 97 67 (,-1, M-1, T-7 Rice & Bajra PR Zira (14) EA Wheat, Maize, 137 5 13 · Rice & Bajra PR Zira (15) EA · Wheat, Maize, 179 9 20 T-5 Ricd & Bajra PR Zira (14) EA Wheat, Maize 34 2 M-2, T-2 . & Bajra .' PR Zlra (9) EA Wheat, Maize, 194 9 18 M-l, T-IO N-5 Rice & Hajra PR Zira (ll) EA Wheat, Maize, 512 45 40 M-1 T-4, N-2 Rice & Bajra PR Zira (11) EA · Wheat Maize, 224 15 53 T-9 Rice & Hajra PR Zira (8) EA Wheat, Maize 271 9 28 T-6 Rice & Bajra PR Zira (9) EA Wheat, Maize, 196 18 23 M-l, T- 8 Rice & Bajra PR Zira (11) EA Wheat, Maize. 791 51 S4 M-l. T-8 Rice & Bajra 46 -

ZIRATAHSIL '1981 CENSUS Amenities and location Name of village Total Total popu- Amenities available (if not available Within the village. a dash (-) is Code (With Hadbast No.) area of lation & No. shown in the column and next to it in brackets, the distance in broad No. the of households ranges viz. -5 kms .• 5-10 kms. and 10+ kms. of the nearest place village where the facility is available. is given) (in hectares) Educational Medical Drinking Post and Day Communi- water telegraph or cations (potable) days (Bus stop, of railway the station. mar- water- ket, way) hat. if any 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 3/1/81 Lehra Bet (119) 477 692(111) P _(0_ 5) HP.T,W -(0-5) BS 82 Sudan (66) 395 1.185(193) P _(0_ 5) HP.W -(0-5) _(0_5) __ (0_5) 83 Rasulpur (65) 196 362(55) P _(0_ 5) HP _(0_5) 84 'tibbi Araian (120) 144 223(35) P _(0_ 5) HP.W _(0_5) _(0_5) 85 Jaggewala alias Musewala (133) 98 183(31) P _(0_ 5) HP.W _(0_5) _(0_5) _(0_5) 86 Phemiwala (121/122) 167 466(71) P _(0_ 5) HP.W _(0-5) _(0_5) 87 Waraswala Araian (132) 96 2~4(35) P _(0_ 5) HP.W _(0_5) _(0_5) 88 Qutabpur (131) 181 424(69) P _(0_ 5) HP.W _(0_5) 89 Khadur (134) 355 938(149) P __ (0_ 5) HP.TW _(0_5) BS _(0_5) 90 Killi Bodle. (33) 333 632(106) P _(0_ 5) HP.TW _(0_5) _(0_5) 91 Mohkamwal alias 120 274(48) P _(0_ 5) HP,T.W _(0-5) Araianwala (130) _(0_-5) 92 Sadarwala (127) 64 331(59) P _(0_ 5) HP,T.W _(0-5) 93 Chak Dhangarh (128) 97 _(0_5) 94 Chak Mehrana (129) 142 357(54) P __ (0 __ 5) HP,T.W _(0_5) _(0_5) 95 Ghud~wala (34) 450 1,239(187) P _(0_ 5) HP,T.W _(0-5) _(0_5) 96 BehJl: Fattu (143) 469 1,257(191) P _.(0_ S) HP.T,W _(0-5) _(0_5) 97 Behk Walayat Shah (142) 168 231(31) P _(0_ 5) HP,T. W _(0_5) _(0_5) 98 Behk Guiran (144) 1,091 2,188(361) P.M.H H.PHS HP,T.W PO 99 Behk Pasarlan (141) 266 564(87) P _(0_ 5) HP,T.W _(0_5) BS _(0_5) 100 Roshan Shahwala (140) 262 464(82) P _(0_ 5) HP,T,W _(0_5) _(0_5) 101 Machhian (139) 193 208(29) P _(5_10) HP,TW _(0_5) _(0_5) 102 (149) ~ _(0_5) Bahawalpur 138 180(31) P _(5_10) HP.W _(0_5) 103 Chohla (150) 201 661 (91) P _(5_10) HP,W _(0-5) 104 Nurpur (153) _(0-5) _(0_5) 312 923(152) P' _(5_10) HP,W _(0_5) 105 Machhiwarp_ (154) 286 334(51) P _(5_10) HP.W _(0_5) 106 Bundala Nau (152) _(0-5) _(0_5) 334 887(139) P _(0_ 5) HP.W _(0_5) 107 Maloke (151) 270 700(97) P.M _(5_10) HP.W _(0_5) _(0_5) 108 Tindwan (148) 232 684(99) P -«()_ 5) HP.W _(0_5) _(0_5) 109 Malsian Sahzada Sant 635 1.571(226) PM D,PHS HP,W _(0-5) Singh (146) _(0_5) 110 Dhandian (145) 459 850(130) _(0_5) -(0-5) HP.W _(0-5) -(0-5) 111 Santuwala (351) 636 1,277(202) P -(5-10) HP.W PO -(0-5) 112 Chabba (28) 342 898(133) P RP HP.W -(5-10) _(0-5) 113 Lohke Kalan (29) 736 1,548(251) P -(5-10) HP.W -(5-10) _(0-5) 114 Hashmatwala (26) 626 1249(188) P (5-10) HP.W -(5-10) 115 Jattanwali (25) 168 335(57) P RP HP,W -(0-5) BS 4' VILLAGE DIRECTORY FIROZPUR DISTRICT Land use Approach Nearest town & Power Staple food Land use (i.e. area under different types of Remarks (including any to the distance (in kms.) supply land use in hectares rounded to the place of religious, historical village nearest unit) or archaeological interest)

Forest Irri- Uoirri- Cultur- Area Number of Places of gated gated able not Cars/Jeeps/ religious, by waste avail- M otor-cycles/ historical or source (indud- able Scooters/News- archaeological iog for papers/ interest gauchar culti- Tractors & vation groves) 16 11 12 13 14 15 17 18 19 20 20(a) PR Zira (13) EA Wheat. Maize., 40 40 28 T-17 Rice & Bajra PR Zira (14) EA Wheat, Maize. 308 38 49 T-IO, N-3 Rice & Jawar PR Zira (1S) EA Wheat, Maize. 160 4 32 T-9, N-l Rice & Jawar PR Zira (14) EA Wheat, Maize. 132 3 9 M-l, T-8 N-l Rice "" Jawar KR Zira (12) EA Wheat, Maize, 90 8 T-4 Rice & Jawar KR Zira (14) EA Wheat. Maize, 15 I 11 M-l, T-8, N-l Rice & Jawar PR Zira (14) EA Wheat. Maize. 80 7 9 N-l, T-7 Rice &Jawar PR Zira (14) EA Wheat. Maize. 164 2 15 T-IO Rice Jawar PR Zira (11) EA Wheat, Maize, 206 94 3 52 M-3. T-21, N-2 Rice & Bajra PR Zira (11, EA Wheat. Maize. 264 26 10 33 M-I, T-7, N-l Rice & Bajra PR Zira (14) EA Wheat. Maize, 109 11 T-3, N-2 Rice &. Bajra PR Zira (14) BA Wheat. Maize, 60 4 T-3, N-2 Rice & Bajra Uninhabited PR Zira (13) EA Wheat. Maize. 127 2 13 T-8, N-2 Rice B$"a PR Zira (14) EA Wheat. Maize. 342 59 7 42 M-2, T-27. N-S Rice & Jawar PR Zira (10) BA Wheat, Maize 398 42 29 T-ll, N-ll & Rice PR Zira (11) EA Wheut, Maize 133 20 15 T·5, N-ll & Rice PR Zira (11) EA Wheat, Maize 729 235 46 87 T-22.C-l, M-6, & Rice N-15 PR Zira (9) EA Wheat, Maize & 231 21 3 11 T-9, N-ll Rice PR Zira (8) BA Wheat. Maize & 223 8 1 30 M-I, T-6, N-9 Rice PR Zira (9) EA Wheat. Maize & 172 4 17 T-3 N-2 Rice PR Zira (7) BA Wheat 100 24 14 KR Zira (6) EA Wheat 175 26 C-I, T·8 PR Zira(6) EA Wheat 286 26 T·2 PR Zira(ll) EA Wheat 261 25 KR Zira (4) EA Wheat 307 27 M-2, T-13 KR Zira (6) EA Wheat. Maize 249 21 T-8 & Rice KR Zira (6) BA Wheat, Maize 217 15 T·3 & Rice PR Zira (6) EA Wheat, Maize 582 53 C·l. M·6, T.30 & Rice N-4 PR Zira (16) EA Wheat & Rice 267 31 161 M·3, T-16 PR Zira (6) EA Wheat. Maize 482 104 1 49 T-40 & Rice PR Zira (9) EA Wheat, Maize 263 36 43 M-l, T·15 & Rice PR Zira (10) EA Wheat. Maize 500 82 154 T·12 & Rice PR Zira (14) EA Wheat, Maize 459 34 133 Col, M-I, T·16 & Rice -PR Zira (18) EA WbeatMaize 103 1 64 C·I, M-l, T·4 & Rice 48 ZIRA TAHSIL 1981 CENSUS Amenities and

Location Name of village Total Total popu- Amenities available (if not available' within the ,village. a dash (-) is Code (With Hadbast No.) area of lation & No. shown in the column and next to it in brackets, the distance in broad No. the of households ranges viz. -5 kms., 5-10 kms. and 10 +kms. of the nearest place village where the facilitty is available, is given) (in hectares) Educational Medical Drinking Post and Day Communi- water telegraph or cations (potable) days (Bus stop, of railway the station, mar- water- ket} way) bat, if any

1 2 3 4 5 '6 7 8 9 10 3/1/116 Hamadwala Hithar (16) 246 499 (75) P -:.-{5~10) HP,W -(0-5) BS 117 Malhuwaliawala (15) 578 1,421 (230) P.M -(5-10) HP,W PO BS 118 Butewa1a (24) 182 532 (100) p -(5-:-]0) HP.W -(0-5) BS,RS 119 Rode Jallewala (23) 814 1,252 (212) p,M D.PHS T,HP -(0-5) -(0-5) 120 Asiake (22) 425 572 (71) P -(5-10) HP -(5-10) -(5-10 ) 121 Alewala (21) 466 546 (90) P ,-(5-10) HP,TW -(5-10) -(5-10) 122 Fattewala (20) 233 412 (74) P ~(5-10) HP -(5-10) -(5-10) 123 Masiake~19) 208 384 (60) P -(5-10) , HP -(5-10) · . -(5-10) 124 Kamalw a (18) 686 951 (146) P,M -(()-5) HP -(5-10) -(5-10) 125 Sidhara (14) 428 721 (110) P -(0.:-5) . HP' (0-5) BS 126 Asafwala (17) 436 662 (101) P -(0-5) HP -(0-5) ·. BS 127 Mallanwala (1) 245 7,932 (1,261) P,M.H D,PHS,RP T,HP,TW PTO, " BS Phone 128 Hamadwala Uttar (2) 837 1,224 (171) p -(0-5) HP,W -(0-5) · . -(0-5)

129 KOhala (6) 557 1,162 (207) P "-(0----5~ HP,W -(0-5) .. -(0-5) 13() Burewa[a l4) 86 644 (117) P -(0-5) H,PW -(0-5) BS 131 Gurdittiwala (3) 394 736 (112) P -(0-5) HP,W -(0-5) BS 132 Bhagoke(S) 336 772 (105) P,M,H PHS HP,W -(0-5) BS

133 Burawali (7) 503 246 (44) P -(0-5) HP,W -(0-5) " -(0-5)

134 Manochahal (13) 754 779 (112) P,M -(~5) HP,W -(0-5) .. -(5-10)

135 Lohke Khurd (11) 490 814 (129) P,M -(0-5)· H~,W, TW -(0-5) " -(0_5)

136 Jaura (12) 417 622 (96) P -(0-5) HP,W,TW, -(0-5) BS

137 Thatha(27) 686 1616 (256) P,M D,MCW HP,W~TW PO BS

138 Naurang Singhwala (352) 300 679 (97) P ~(5-,10) HP,T,W -(0-5) BS 139 Alipur (353) 536 887 (152) P -(5-10) HP,T,W -(0-5) BS 140 Valtoha (10) 254 697 (96) P -(0-5) HP.TW PO BS 141 Ambarhar (8) 336 425 (61) P -(0-5) HP,TW -(0-5) -(0-5) 142 Jhita (9) 207 215 (38) P ---(0-5) HP,TW,W -(0-5) -(0-5) 143 Mian Singhwala (354) 407 877 (153) P -..:.(5-1Q) HP.W,TW -(0-5) --(0-5) 144 Markhai (355) 605 1,157 (209) P -(5-10) HP,TW.W -(0-5) BS 145 Chucbakwind (356) 777 969 (168) P,M, Tr. RP HP,TW -(0-5) .. --(0-5)

146 Khosa Dalingh (357) 230 587 (103) P RP. PHS. HP,TW,W PO BS D,H,MCW 147 Chak Pahar Singhwa1a (3S8-A) 38 148 Bharana (358) 650 1.619 (261) P.M,H,Tr. D HP,TW,W PO BS

149 Virkanwali (3S9) 302 212 (34) P -(O-~) HP,TW •. -(0-5) -(0-5) W Gogoani (363) 359 663 (118) P 150 --(0-5), HP,TW. W -(0-5) " -(0-5) 49 VILLAGE DIRECtORY FIROZPUR DISTRIct Land use

Approach Nearest town & Power Staple food . Land use (i.e. area under different types of Remarks (including any to the distance (in kms.) supply, land use in hectares rounded to the place of religious. histoflcai village near~t unit) or archaeological interest)

Forest Irri- Unirri- Cultur- Area I Number of Places of gated gated able not Cars/Jeeps/ religious, by waste avail- Motor-cyclesJ historical or source (includ- able Scooters/News- archaeologica J ing for papers/ interest gauchar culti- Tractors & vation groves)

11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 1o(a) PR Zira (18) EA Wheat, Maize 155 70 21 T·3 & Rice PR Zira (16) EA Wheat, Maize 410 45 63 C·I. T.l3, N·1 & Rice PR Zira (16) EA Wheat & Maize .98 51 27 T·8 PR Zira (18) EA Wheat & Maize 709 55 2 48 T·19 PR Zira (18) EA Wheat & Maize 338 43 6 38 M·1, T-7 PR Khem Karan(20) EA Wheat & Maize 34 381 5 40 RR Zira (22) EA Wheat & Maize 34 179 5 15 PR Zira (19) EA Wheat & Maize 151 33 2 22 M·2 PR Zira (19) EA Wheat & Maize 419 233 13 21 T-14 PR Zira (16). EA Wheat & Maize 303 41 5 79 C·I. M-2, T·9 PR Zira (18) EA Wheat & Maize 336 46 8 46 M-l, T·13 PR Zira (18) J EA Wheat, Maize 619 1,503 89 240 C-2, M-35, & Rice T-85, N-125 PR Zira (16) EA Wheat, Maize, ~ 1 356 317 66 98 T·22 Rice & Bajra . PR Zira (13) EA Wheat, Maize, 375 66 37 79 T·19 Rice & Bajra PR Zira (14) EA Wheat, Maize 58 2 26 T·2 & Bajra PR Zira (14) EA Wheat, Maize 201 23 15 155 T·5 Rice & Bajra PR Zira (14) EA Whiat. Maize 235 17 9 75 C·l, M·3, T-22, &,Bajra N-l PR Zira (14) EA Wheat, Maize, 275 43 17 168 T-ll Rice & Bajta PR Zira (16) EA Wheat, Maize 4 535 36 179 T·15 & Rice PR Zira (11) EA Wheat, Maize 2 351 72 65 & Rice PR Zira (12) EA Wheat, Maize 8 230 115 64 C-1, M-l, T-9 & Rice PR Zira (10) EA Wheat, Maize 11 591 6 78 M-6 Gurdwara & Rice PR Zira (10) EA Wheat. Maize 219 58 23 & Rice PR Zira (10) ~A Wheat, Maize 406 93 4 33 & Rice PR Zira (10) EA Wheat, Maize 206 15 33 & Rice PR Zira (11) EA Wheat, Maize 281 23 32 M·2, T-15 Gurdwara & Rice PR Zira (11) EA Wheat, Maize 169 17 21 & Rice PR Zira (10) EA Wheat, Maize 250 129 28 & Rice PR Zira (8) EA Wheat. Maize 417 138 50 & Bajra PR Zira (11) EA Wheat, Maize 389 335 8 45 M-l, T·6 & BaJra

PR Zira (13) EA Wheat, Maize 137 72 21 M-I, T-l, N-3 & BaJra .. Uninhabited PR Zira (15) EA Wheat, Maize 269 263 5 113 M-4,T-37 & Bajra PR Zira (15) EA Wheat, Maize 121 136 4 35 M-2,T-5 & Bajra PR Zira (14) EA Wheat, Maize 135 179 2 43 M~3, T-5. N-3 &B~ra SO 1981 CENSUS ZIRA TAHSIL Amenities and Loca- Name of village Total Total Amenitie available [ifnOl available within the village, a dash (-) is shown tion (With Hadbast No.) area population in the Column and next to it in brackets, the distance in broad ranges Code oftbe and No. of viz.,-5 kms .• 5- 10 kms. and I O+kms. 01 the nearest place where the No. village households facility is available, is given] (in hee- tares) F.ducational Medical Drinking Post------and Day or Communi- water telegraph days cations (potable) of the (Bus stop, marketJ railway hat, station, if any waterway)

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 3/1/151 Marur (364) 1 258 533(82) P -(0-5) HP,TW,W -(0-5) -(0-5) 152 Kassoana (365) 730 , 1,481(243) P,M,H FJ>C HP,W PO BS H,MeW PHC 153 Mankiamwali (362) . 282 431(83) P -(0-5) HP,W -(0-5) BS 154 Holanwali (360) 444 .. 557(93) P RP 'HP,W -(0-5) -(0-5) 155 Warawaryam Singh (361) ~ 265 768(128) P -(0-5) HP,TW.W PO .. -(0-5) 156 loianwala (372) 535 804(111) P -(0-5) HP,W -(0-5) BS 157 Malhuwala (371) 198 79(11) p -(0-5) HP,W -(0-5) -(0-5) 158 Hardasa (368) 363 1,037(166) P RP HP,W -(0-5) BS 159 Chhajanwali (369) 146 175(27) P -(0-5) HP,W -(0-5) BS 160 Buianwaia (370) 314 721(125) P -(0-5) HP,W -(0-5) BS

161 Pihewali (367) 315 390(56) P -(0-5) HP,W -(5-10) .. -(0--5) 162 Malhe Shahwaia (366) , 136 284(45) P -(0-5) HP,W -(5-10) -(0-5) 163 Yakilanwala (340) 505 1,509(249) P,M,H HC HP,W,TW PO BS 164 NiIewala (348) 312 478(91) P -(0-5) HP,W -(5-10) ., -(0-5) 165 Warnala (347) 183 587(95) P -(0-5) HP,W,TW -(5-10) BS

166 Mahianwala Khurd (346) 167 316 (55) P -(0-5) HP,W,TW -(5-10) .. BS 167 Mehar Singhwala (349) 572 893(160) P D.MCW HP,TW,W PO BS

168 Kachar Bhan (350) 287 623 (106) PI -(0-5) HP,TW,W -(0-5) .. ~(0-5) 169 Botianwala (344) 558 910(158) P.M -(0-5) HP.TW.W -(0-5) .. BS 170 Pheroke (345) 690 1,161(191) P • -(0-5) HP,W,TW -(0-5) .. BS 171 Zira Nau (147) 208 297(50) P -(0-5) T,HP,W --(0-5) .. -(0-5) 172 Gadriwala (343) ; 727 1,254(207) P -(0-5) HP,W -(0-5) .. BS 173 Lehra Rohi (342) 376 771(124) P,M -(0-5) HP,W,TW -(0-5) .. BS

174 Bundala Pur ana (330) 236 300(46) P 4 -(0-5) T,HP.W -(0-5) .. -(0-5) 175 Mahianwala Purana (341) 508 1,476(234) P J -(0-5) HP,W -(0-5) .. BS

176 Ratul Rohi (335) 400 932(167) P.M -(0-5) HP,W,TW --(0-5) " BS 177 Sodhiwala (339) 997 914(151) P -(0-5) HP,TW.W PO BS 178 Dhana Shahid (338) 399 851(141) P -(0-5) HP,TW.W PO .. -(0-5) 179 Sadhuwala (337) 283 983(157)- P -0-5) HP,TW.W PO .. -(0-5) 180 Sekhwan (336) 768 1,472(217) P -(0-5) HP,TW,W PO .. -(0-5) 181 Mansurwal (331) 639 1,311(200) P -(0-5) HP,TW -(0-5) .. -(0-5) 182 Wara Masurwala (334) 269 390(54) P --(5-10) T,W,TW. -(0-5) .. -(0-5) UP 183 Pandori Khatrian (333) 577 1,305(189) P,M RP T,HP,TW,W -(0-5) .. -(0-5) 184 Suneh~r (332) 780 2.139(350) P,Tr. RP T,HP,W PO .. BS 185 Zila Khas (329) Sl 'VILLAGE DIRECTORY Land use FlROZPUR DISTRICT

App- Nearest town and Power Staple food Land uSt:- (Le., area under different types of Remarks (including any place roach distanCe (in KlnS-.) supply land usc in hectares roun(led to the of religious, ~istorical or to the nearest unit) archaeological Inlere~tl village ------"forest Irrigated Un· Cu1tur· Area not Number of cars I P1aces o{ by ifrigated able a'.. a-Iahle Jeeps/motor- religious, lIource waste for culti- c}'ciesJ historical (includ- vation Scooters/News. or archaeo- ing papers;Tractors logicais gauchar interest & groves)

11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 20(a) PR Zira (10) EA Whea.t. Maize 148 90 1 1!) T-4 &: Hajra PR Zira (10) EA Wheat & Maize 348 326 56 Col, M-4, T-20, N-2

PR Talwandi Bhai (9) EA Wheat & Maize 123 136 23 M-2. T·5 PR Talwandi Dhai (10) EA Wheat"& Maize 171 191 82 M-2, T-12 PR Talwandi Bhai(8) BA Wheat & Maize 196 50 19 T·3 PR Talwandi Bhai (8) BA Wheat & Maize 367 137 :31 M·2. T-6 PR Talwandi Bhai (8) E"A Whiat & Maize 140 48 10 T-t PR Talwan

Z}RA TAHSIL Loca­ Name of village Total Total Amenities available (if not available within the village, a dash(-) is shown tion (With Hadbast No.) area population in the column and next to it in brackets, the distance in broad ranges Code of the and No. of viz.,-5 kms.,5-10 kms. and lO+kms. of the neare.st place where the No. village households facility is available, is given) , (in hec------tares) Educational Medical Drinking Post and Dav or Communi- water telegraph days cations (potable) of the (Bus stop, market! railway hat, station, if any waterway)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 311/186 Sher Singhwala (155) 128 15(2) -(0-5) -(0-5) T, HP, W -(0-5) ., -(0-5) ]87 Mansur Deva (328) 706 1,873(289) P,M -(0-5) HP, W,TW PO BS 188 Ratul Bet (327) 381 829(139) P -(0_5) HP.TW. W -(0-5) BS 189 Sukhewala (326) 486 896(161) P -({}.,.-.S) HP,TW PO BS 190 Jhatra (325) 298 913(134) P -(0-5) .HP.TW,W -(0--5) BS 191 Wara Chain Singhwala 364 146 (133). P _(0;.;...5) HP.W,TW _(0_5) _(0_5) (320) 192 Longo Dev (319) 694 1,195(198) P D.PHS, HP,W,TW PO BS MCW 193 Umariana (321) 271 503 «81) P _(0_5) HP,TW,W -(0_5) _(0_5) 194 Chuhar Chak (318) 574 1,198177) P.M _(0_5) HP ,TW, W -(5_10) _(0_5) 195 Atari (317) 371 583(91) p' _(0_5) HP ,TW _(0_5) _(0-5) 196 Ban.khandi (316) 495 614(99) P _(5_10) HP,TW,W -(0_5) BS 197 Manawan (322) 1,068 2,406(398) P,M,H PHS HP,W,TW PO BS 198 Talwandi laUe Khan (323) 796 1,952(315) P,M,H _(5_10) HP PO -(0_5) 199 Talwandi Mange Khan (324) 550 1,583(256) P _(5--,10) , HP _(0_5) BS 200 Pandori Jattan (157) 178 435(78) P _(5_10), HP -(0_5) BS 201 Awan (156) 198 347(63) P _(0-5) HP,W PO _(0-5) 202 Shahwala (161) 481 1,112(179) P _(0_5) HP,W PO BS 203 Wara Pohwindian (160) 515 1,174(191) P _(0_5) HP,w _(0_5) -(0_5) 204 Kamalgarh Khurd (158) 163 44(9) P ----«0-5) HP. W -(0-5 " ~(5~10) 205 Kamalgarh Kalan (159) 209 685(108) P -(5-1Q) . HP.W,TW -(5_10) _(0_5) 206 Katora (174) 294 622(104) P -(5-10) HP,W _(0_5) _(0_5) 207 Bula (162) 314 466(67) P _(5_10) HP,W -(5-10) BS 208 Beri Qadarabad (163) 338 540(96) P _(5_10) HP,W -(5_10) _(0_5) 209 Bagi Patnralias Mohkam- 162 191(33) P PRC HP.W _(5_10) _(0_5) wala (164) 210 Killi Nauabad (165) 112 352(54) P _(0-5) HP,W _(0_5) _(0_5) 211 Karahewala (166) 454 610(88) P _(0_5) HP.W _(0-5) BS 212 Baghelewala (168) 186 388(45) P _(0_5) HP,W _(0_5) BS 213 Shah Abu Bakar (169) 356 753(105) P ,M .. (0_5) HP,W -(0_5) BS 214 Amargarh Bandian (170) 225 220(36) P _(5-10) HP,W _(0_5) BS 215 Bhogewala (171) 122 209(31) P _(10+) HP,TW,W -(5...... 10) BS 216 Malhewala (173) 134 341(59) P _(0=5) HP,TW _(5_10) BS 217 Mohaar (172) 102 67(15) _(0_5) _(10+) HP,W _(5_10) _(0-5) 218 Sl\erpur Takhtuwala(175) 314 535(89) P _(5-10) T,HP,W _(5_10) BS 219 J:nlJ_l Blg;l Purana (176) 403 626(105) P _(5_10) HP,W _(0_5) _(0_5)

220 Dlrgah Sai dan (179) 32 ~3(8) -{0_5), _(IQ+) HP~W _(5_10) _~O_S) 53 VILLAGE DIRECTORY Land use FlROZPUR DISTR1CT

Nearest town and Power Staple food Land me (i.e., area under different types of Remark;, (including any place App- or roach distance (in ].;ms.) supply land use in hectares rounded to the of religious, historical to the nearest unit) archaeological interest) \'iIlage ---- Forest Trrigated Un- Cu\tur- Area not Number of Car!'.{ Places of by irrigated able availaHe Jeepsfmotor- religious, source waste for culti- c ydes; historical (iDClud- vation Scooters/News- or archaeo- ing papers/Tractors logical gauchar interest & groves)

20(a) 11 12 13 14 1S 16 17 18 19 20 PR Zira (5) EA Wheat & Rice 107 12 1 8 PR Zira (2) EA Wheat, Maize. 567 77 1 61 C-I, T-12 Rice & Bajra PR Zira (3) EA Wheat, Mal'ze, 293 60 28 T-6 Rice & Bajra PR Zira (4) EA Wheat, Maize, 314 127 45 T-g Rice & Bajra PR Zira (5) EA Wheat, Maize, 271 4 23 T-12 Rice & Bajra PR Zira (5) EA Wheat & Maize 330 24 10 T-g PR Zira (8) EA Wheat & Ma ize 514 133 47 M-3, T-5 PR Zira (8) EA :Wheat & Maize 243 20 8 M-2, T-5 PR Zira (10) EA Wheat & Maire 488 35 51 M-t, T-l3 PR Zira (10) rEA Wheat, Maize. 300 26 19 26 C-3, M-7, T-tO Rice & Ba)l'll PR Zira (10) EA Wheat, Maize, 332 130 32 C-3, M-7, T-tS Rice & Bajra PR Zira (10) EA Wheat, Maize. to 916 61 13 68 C-10, M-20 Rice & Bajra T-60, N-2S PR Zira (8) EA Wheat & Maize 566 165 1 64- C-2, M-,2,T-30,N-2 PR Zira (7) EA Wheat & Maize 485 14 2 49 C-2,M-5, T-26,N-2 PR Zira (6) EA Wheat & Maize 161 17 M-l. T-1S, & Rice N-t PR ZiraO) EA Wheat, Maize, 183 15 M.2, T-9 & Rice PR Zira (5) EA Wheat & Maize 426 9 9 37 M-3, T-2& PR Zira (5) EA Wheat, Maize 441 36 1 37 C-2, M-7, T-35 & Rice PR Zira (6) EA Maize & Rice 153 10 PR Zira (6) EA Wheat, Maize 189 1 19 Col, M-2, T-IS & Rice PR Zira (9) EA Wheat, Maize 260 5 4 2S T-l3 & Rice PR Zira (7) EA Wheat, Maize 209 27 12 66 T-5 & Rice PR Zira (8) EA Wheat, Maize 241 50 19 28 T-U & Rice PR Zira (8) EA Wheat, Maize 126 6 10 20 M-l, T-7 & Rice PR Zira (10) EA Wheat, Maize 96 2 14 T-2 & Rice PR Zira (11) EA Wheat, Maize 351 73 29 T-22 & Rice PR Zira (10) EA Wheat, Maize 168 4 1 13 T-ll & Rice PR Zira (8) EA Wheat, Maize & 281 17 57 T-19 Ric e PR Zira (12) EA Wheat, Maize & 202 8 3 12 T-2 Rice PR Zira (12) EA Wheat, Maize 113 9 T-3 & Rice ) PR Zira (11) EA Wheat, Maize 66 9 18 H T-! & Rice PR Zira (11) EA Wheat, Maize 88 6 8 & Rice PR Zira (9) EA Wheat, Maize 260 16 17 21 M-I, T-4 & Rice PR Zira (6) EA Wheat, Maize 323 30 22 2S M-l. T-& & Rice Zira (12) EA Wheat, Maize 7 fRo 18 4 ~ ~ t ~Rj~ 54 11)81 CENSUS Amenirie! and

ZIRATAHSIL loca­ Name of vihage Total Total Amenities available (if not available within the village, a dash(-) is sbOwn tion (With Hadbrst No.) area population in the column and next to it in brackets, the dbtance in broad T;mges Code of tne and No. of ViL.,-5 Kms., S-IO kroll. and IO-kms. of the nC;lfc,t place where the No. village households facility is available, is given) (in nee- tares) Educational Medical Dtiuking Post and Day or Communi------­ water telegraph days cations (potable) ~ of the (Bus stoP. matketl railway hat, station. f any waterway)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 3/1/211 Manuar (185) 571 1,253(186) P,M -(S_llJ) HP.TW,W _(0_5).. BS

222 Daulewa\a (ISO) 581 1,748(28~) P.M -(5-10) HP,TW,W _(0_5).. BS 223 Mehal (178) 485 1.122(189) P -(0-5) HP,W _(0 __ 5) BS 224 Longiwind (171. 196 682(107) p _(0_5) HP,W,TW _(0-5).. BS 225 Singhpur Urf Munan (314) 364 889(133) P _(0-5) HP,W,TW _(0-5).. BS

226 Raniata (315) 576 1,061 (149) P _(0_5) HP,W,TW _(0-5).. _(0-5)

227 Khosa Kutla (305) 1,160 3,0584(71) P,M D HP,W PO BS 228 Ghaloti (306) 753 1.921(284) P,M,H _(0-5) HP ,W PO -(0_5) 229 Jaial Singhwala (304) 152 232(33) P _((L5) T,lU"W,TW -(0-5) .. _(LS) 230 Khosa Randhir (303) 1,397 3,054(506) P.M,H PHS, T,HP,W,TW PO BS D,MCW

231 Bhagpur alias Gagrah (307) 341! 864(138) P _(0-5) H.P,W _(0_5 _(0_5)

'232 Janer (301) 514 1,846(286) P.M,H D HP,TW,W PO BS 233 Lohara (302) 561 1,740(273) P,M -(5_10) HP,W _(0_5) BS 234 Varah (296) 269 860(B2) P _(0_5) HP,W _(0_5) BS .235 Chugha Kalal] (295) 544 1,53&(252) P,M,H D HP,W PO BS

236 Chugha Khurd (298) 132 275(41) P -(0_5) HP,TW,W _(0_5) BS 237 Mubarkpur (297) 193 550(79) P (0_5) HP.W _(0_5) _(0_5) 238 Chuhar Singhwala (300) 239 463(79) P D HP.W _(0_5) ._(0_5) 239 Chiman (308) 381 1,375(254) P,M -(0_5) HP,W PO BS

240 JCaryal(299) 1,191 3,248(527) P,M,H D HP.W PO BS

241 Jaffarwa\a (243) 157 301(51) P _(0_5) HP __ (0_5) __ (0 __ 5) 242 Kot Sadar Khan (245) 811 1,893(316) p _(0_5) HP PO BS

243 Nasirpur Janial (309) 167 548(92) P _(0_5) llP0¥ _(0_5) . . _(0_5) 244 (310) 465 5,244(904) P(2),M(2), H,PHC, HP,W PO BS H(2) PHS,D,FPC 245 DatewaIa (3D) 513 993 (155) P _(0__ 5) HP,W _(0_5) _(0-5)

246 Talwandi Naubahar (312) 347 888(145) P _(0_5) HP,W _(0_5) _(0-5)

247 Nihalgarh (311) 160 288(52) P -(0_5) HP,W _(0_5)' _(0_5) 248 Jaspur alias Gehliwala (181) 212 218(40) P -(0_5) HP _(0_5) . . __ (0_5)

249 Masitan (182) 828 1,910(293) P.M --{5-10) HP PO BS

2,50 Behramke (241) 40~ 7~3(120) ? _(5_10) HP _(0-5).. R~ 5S VILLAGE DIRECTORY Land use FIROZPUR DISTRICT App- Nearest town arid Power Staple food Land use (i.e .• area tinder different types of Remarks (including any place roach distance (in kms.) supply land use in hectares rounded to the of religious, historical or to the nearest unit) archaeological interest) village Forest Irrigated Un- Cultur- Area not Number of Cars/ places of by irrigated able available Jeeps) Motor- religious, source waste for culti- cYcles/ historical (includ- vation Scooters/News- or archaeo- ing Papers/Tractors logical gauchar interest & groves)

11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 20(a) PR Zira (12) EA Wheat, Maize 503 12 56 M-2, T·18 & Rice PR Dharamkot (11) EA Wheat, Maize 328 132 20 101 M-1, T-7 & Rice PR Zira (11) EA Wheat, Maize 432 4 49 M-7, T-25 & Rice PR Zira (9) EA Wheta & Rice 181 15 T·8 PR Zira (11) EA Wheat, Maize 310 19 2 33 M-5, T-16 & Rice PR Moga (8) EA Wheat, Maize 496 31 6 43 T-I, M-1, T-l & Rice PR Moga (8) EA Wheat, Maize ~ 1,006 31 31 92 M-6, T-28r.N-6 & Rice PR Dhararnkot (11) EA Wheat, Maize 627 45 12 69 C-3, M-7, T-48. & Rice N-il PR Moga (7) EA Wheat & Rice 136 7 Q M-2, T-8 PR Moga (7) EA Wheat & Rice 1250 45 102 Col, M-7, T-5S, N·5 PR Dharamkot (16) EA Wheat, Maize; 283 19 8 38 M-2, T-14, N-t Rice & Baira PR Moga (10) EA Wheat, Maize 394 49 8 63 M-7, T-16, Vishnu & Rice N-9 Mandir PR Moga (6) EA Wheat, Maize 500 5 5 51 M·6, T-16, Gurdwara & Rice N-4 PR Moga(4) EA Wheat, Maize 244 25 M-I, T-15, & Rice N-3 PR Moga (5) EA Wheat & Maize_! 499 45 C-2, M-5, T-22, N-4 PR Dharamkot (3) EA Wheat & Maize 117 2 13 M-2, T-7, N-2 PR Moga (5) EA Wheat & Maize 1 133 45 15 M-2, T -lO,N-2

PR Moga (5) EA Wheat & Maize-~ 219 1 19 C-2, M-4, T-13. N-7 PR Dharamkot (6) EA Wheat, Maize, 233 9 3 36 C-2, M-4, T-28, Rice & Bajra N-S PR Dharamkot (2) EA Wheat, Maize. 912 170 3 106 C-3, M-26. Rice & Bajra T-83, N-45 PR Dharamkot (7) EA Wheat & Maize 137 9 11 T-4, N-2 PR Dharamkot (8) EA Wheat, Maize 613 127 2 69 M-3, T-19. N-4 & Rice PR Dharamkot (6) EA Wheat, Maize 138 16 13 T-6, N-2 & Rice PR Dharamkot (6) EA Wheat, Maize 369 34 7 55 C-6, M-8, & Rice T-15, N-42 PR Zira (12) EA Wheat, Maize 420 44 8 41 T-14, N-3 & Rice PR Zira (12) EA Wheat, Maize 244 33 49 21 T-4, N·3 & Rice PR Dharamkot (11) EA Wheat, Maize 126 14 20 M-2, T-2, & Rice N-! PR Dharamkot (11) EA Wheat, Maize 194 5 13 T.2 & Rice PR Dharamkot (8) EA Wheat, Maize 641 109 78 C·1, M·3, & Rice T-18, N-2 PR Dharamkot (8) EA Wheat, Maize 363 3 2 34 T-19 & Rice S6 1981 CENSUS ZIRA TAllStt. Amenities and Loca­ Name of village Total Total Amenities available (if not available within the village, a dash (-) is shown tion (With Hadbast No.) area population in the column and next to it in brackets, the distance in broad ranges Code of the and No. of viz., -5 Kms, 5-10 kms and 10+ kms., of the nearest place where No. village households the facility is available, is given) (in hectares) Educational Medical Drinking Post and Day Communi- water telegraph or cations (potable) days (Bus stop, of the railway market/ station, hat, water- if way) any

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 3/1/251 Musewala (242) 136 331(44) P _(5_10) HP -(5-10) _(5_10) 252 Bajeke (244) 523 605(101) P _(5_10) lIP,VV -(5_10) _(5_10) 253 Rasulpur (248) 150 153(23) P _(5_10) lIP,VV _(0_5) _(5_10) 254 Dholewala (237) 517 1,030(173) P,M D HP.W PO _(5_10) 255 Mojgarh (249) 276 623(90) P _(0_5) HP,W -(0_5) _(0_5)

256 Baqarwala (228) 273 601(83) P _(0_5) lIP,VV -(0-5) _(0_5) 257 Chi rag Shahwala (229) 78 164(26) -(0_5) _(5_10) HP,TW _(5_10) _(0_5) 258 Sherpur Taiban (230) 462 1,366(230) P _(5_10) HP _(5_10) _(0__ 5)

259 Bagge (236) 135 349(53) P _(5_10) HP -(5-10) _(0-5) 260 Kanian Khas (235) 169 260(45) P -(10+) HP _(5_10) -(0-5)

261 Sherewala (232) 144 327(54) P _(0_5) HP _(0_5) _(0_5) 262 Paraliwala (218) 249 (18)(4) _(0-,-5) _(0_5) HP _(0_5) __ (5_10)

263 Bir Sarkar (231) 61 27(5) _(0_;5) _(0_5) HP _(0-5) _(0-5) 264 Jhugian (219) 67

265 Said Jalalpur (244) 212 100(19) _(0_5) lIP _(0_5) _(0_5)

266 Miani (221) 214 494(79) _(0_5) lIP -(0-5) _(0_5) 267 Pipli (220) 426 1,003(161) p _(5_10) HP -(0_5) _(0_5) 268 Gadaipur (215) 30 66(11) _(0_5) _(5_10) HP _(0_5) -(0-5) 269 Mehruwal a (217) 147 66(13) -(0_5) _(5-10) HP _(10+) _(0_5) 270 Kambo Khurd (210) 47 59(10) -(0-5) _(10+) HP -(10+) __ (0_5)

271 Bhaini (211) 255 366(59) P _(5_10) HP _(5_10) _(0_5) 272 Daulewala Kalan (233) 97 238(35) P _(5_10) lIP __ (5_10) _(0_5) 273 Daulewala Khurd (234) 92 12(3) -(0_5) _(5_10) HP -(5-10) -(0-5) 274 Tota Singhwala (192) 220 359(57) P _(5_10) HP _(5_10) BS 275 Rajanwala (191) 205 414(59) P _(5_10) HP _(10+) BS 276 Ramgarh (190) 173 195(32) P _(5_10) HP,TW _(0-5) _(5_10) 277 Said Mohamad (238) 295 636(109) P _(5_10) HP,TW _(0-5) _(5_10) 278 Shadiwal (239) 130 270(39) P __ (5_10) HP ,TW _(0_5) _(0-5) 279 Kishanpura (240) 124 185(27) P _(5_10) HP,TW _(0_5) _(5_10) 280 Cbara, Shawa}a (188) 218 525(79) P,M _(5_10-) HP,TW _(0_5) -(5-10) 57

VILLAGE DIRECTORY FIROZPUR DIST RId Land use Approach Nearest town and Power Staple food Land use (i.e.. area under different typeS Rem3:r~s (including any place to the distance (in kms), supply of land use in hectares rounded to the of reiJglous, historical ot village neare&t unit) archaeological interest)

FOf"iit Irriga- Un- Cultur- Area Nurob'er of Place" of ted by irriga- able not Cars(Jeeps religious, source ted waste avail- Motor-cyclesj historical (indud- able Scooters)News- or archaeo- jng for papers I logical interes( gauchar culti- Tractors & vatioo groves)

11. 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 20(a) PR Dharamkot (6) EA Wheat, Maize 122 12 IVi-6, T-6 & Rice PR . Dharamkot (&) EA Wheat, Maize 442 36 45 T-25 & Rice 12 M-l, T-6 PR Dharamkot (3) EA Wheat, Maize 138 & Rice 59 C-2, T-8 PR Dharamkot (4) EA Wheat, Maize 413 45 & Rice 69 PR DharamkDt (4) EA Wheat, Maize 2{)7 T-6 Rice & Bajra 45 PR Dharamkot (4-) EA Wheat, Maize 228 M-15, T-3 & Rice 4 PR Dharamkot (8) EA Wheat, Maize 68 6 T-I & Rice PR Dharamkot (10) EA Wheta, MaiZe 340 80 3 39 T-6 Rice PR Dharamkot (to) EA Wheat, Maize 112 16 7 T-5 & Rice PR Dharamkot (11) EA Wheat, Maire t49 20 T-t & Rice PR Dharamkot (1Q) EA Wheat & Maize 131 13 T-4 PR Dharamkot (l0) EA Wheat & Maize 3 192 54 PR Dharamkot (8) EA Wheat & Maize 24 5 32 Uninhabited

PR Dbaramkot (6) EA Wheat, Maize 98 92 3 19 & Rice PR Dharamkot (8) EA Wheat, Maize 207 40 67 l' 1 & Rice PR Dharamkot (9) EA Wheat, Maize 242 109 75 T-4 & Ric~ fR Dharamkot (9) EA Wheat, Maize 28 2 & Rice PR Dharamkot (11) EA Wheat, Maize 22 79 7 39 & Rice , 4 PR Dharamkot (15) EA Wheat Maize 14 29 & Rice PR Dharamkot (12) EA Wheat, Maire 205 27 22 M-I, T-8 & Rice PR Dhararnkot (9) EA Wheat, Maize 6S 24 8 T-2 & Rice KR Dharamkot (11) EA Wheat, Maize 68 20 4 C-l, T-3 & Rice PR Dhararnko: (10) EA Wheat, Maize 163 37 20 M-l, T-? & Rice PR Dharamkot (11) EA Wheat, Maize }78 7 4 16 T-7 & Rice KR Dharamkot (10) EA Wheat, Maize 150 1" 11 T-4 & Rice PR Dharamkot (iO) EA Wheat, Maize 244 27 24 T-3 & Rice PR Dharamkot (10) EA Wheat, Maize 103 20 7 T-3 & Rice fR Dharamkot (9) EA Wheal, Maize 98 18 11 T-2 & Rice PR Dharamkot (9) EA Wheat, Maize 180 17 21 T-5 & Rice 5S 1981 CENSUS ZIRATAHSIL '"..~" Amenities and

Loea- Name of village Total Total Amenities available [if not available within the village, a dash(-) is tion (With Hadbast No.) area population shown in the column and next to it in brackets, the distance in broad Code of the and No. of ranges viz, -5 knn., 5-lO kms. and 10 +-Kms, of the nearest place No. village households wh~re the facility is available, is given) (in hectares) Educational Medical Drinking Post and Day Communi- water telegraph or cations (potable) day~ (Bus stop, of the railway mar- station, ket/ water- hat, way) if any: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 3/11281 Mastewala (183) 127 224(38) P _(5 __ 10) HP,TW _ (0_5) .. _(5_]0) :82 Fatehpur Jhugian (187) 106 245(40) P _(5__ 10) HP,TW _(0_5) _(5_10) 283 Qadarwala (184) 472 1,018(169) P,M D HP,W,TW PO BS 284 Dharam Singhwaia (189) 630 924(148) P,M _(0_5) HP,TW PO BS 285 Killi Gandhrall (186) 315 199(34) P _(0_5) HP,TW _(0_5) -(0-5)

286 Khera Droli (104) 110 78(12) _(0_5) _(0_5) HP,W,TW _(0_5) -(0_5) 287 Khamba (193) 407 574(77) P _(0_5) HP _(0_5) BS 288 Melak' Akalian (195) 147 323(54) P _(0_5) HP _(0_5) _(0_5) 289 Raowal (194) 161 251(37) P ._(0_5) HP _(0_5) BS 290 Kambo Kalan (209) . 54 92(17) --(0-5) _(0_5) HP _(0_5) ~(0_5)

291 Mandar (207) 252 388(72) P -(0-5) HP,TW -(0--5J -(0-5) 292 Melak Kangan (208) 180 378(60) P,M,H -(0-5) HP,W -(0-5) BS 293 Saide Shahwala (196) 323 491(79) P -(5~10) HP -(0-5) · . BS 294 Fateh Ullah Shahwala (99} 105) 399 512(85) P -(5-10) HP --(0-5) · . -(0-5) 295 Mundi Jamal (106) 344 661(107) P -(0-5) HP,TW .--(0-5) BS 296 Mauiewala (167) 273 566(81) P -(5-10) HP,W -(0-5) -(0-5) 297 Danewala (t07) 162 173(26) P -(0-5) HP,TW -(0-5) BS 298 Fatehgarh Panjtur (103) 762 3,423(567) " P,M,H H,D,FPC, HP,TW PO, BS "- PHS,RP Phone 299 Chotian (102) 148 202(32) P -(0-5) HP,TW --(0-5) -(0-5) 105 170(25) P -(0-5) HP,TW,W -(0-5) -(0-5) 300 Bahadarwala (101) --"

301 Golluwala (199) 123 294(51) p~ -(0-5) HP,TW --(0-5) BS

302 Lal Handi (200) 155 322(50) P ~ -(0-5) HP,TW,W -(0-5) · . BS -(0-5) -(0-5) BS 303 Kahnewala (198) 40 63(10) P -~" HP.TW 304 Mahiwala (197) 136 139(26) -(0-5) -(0-5) HP.TW -(0-5) BS

305 Takhtuwala (202) 70 169(28) P ~ -(0-5) HP,TW -(0-5) BS

306 Sanghera (205) 306 272(53) PJ -(5-10) HP,TW -(5-10) BS 307 Madarpur (203) 70 245(46) P -(5-10) HP,TW -(5-10) BS 308 Bhoghewala (201) 125 231(36) P -(0-5) HP.TW -,-(0-5) BS 309 Bundala (204) 38 35(6) -(0-5) -«()"'_"S) HP.TW -(0-5) BS 310 Chak Khanna (230) 267 69(10) -(0-5) -(0-5) HP.TW -(0-5) BS 311 Bara Suleman (229) 112 107(20) -(0-5) -(5-10) HP.W,T -(5-10) -(5-10) 312 Bara Kalirauna (224) 194 533(85) P -(5-10) HP,TW -(0-5) -(0-5) 313 Mahlewala (222) 341 600(101) P -(5-10) HP -(5-10) --(0-5) 314 Laluwala (221) 331 280(52) P -(5-10) HP -(5-10) -(0-5) 315 Tibbi Badra (219) 46 13(2) -(0-5) -(5-10) HP -(5-10) -(0-5) 59 VILLAGE DIRECTORY FIROZPUR DISTRICT

Land Use Approach Nearest town and Power Staple food Land use (i.e. area under different typ.!s Rem'lrks (including any place to the distance (in kms.) supply of land use in hectares rounded to the of religious, historical or village nearest unit). archaeological interest)

Forest Irrig'l- Un- Cultur- Area Number of Places of ted by irriga- able not Cars/Jeeps/ religious, source ted waste avail- Motor-cycles/ historical or (includ- able Scooters/ archaeological tog for Newspapersl interest gauchar culti- Tractors & vation groves) 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 20(a) PR Dharamkot (12) EA Wheat, Maize 110 5 12 T-5 & Rice PR Zira (15) EA Wheat, Maize 96 9 T-2 & Rice PR Zira (13) EA Wheat, Maize 454 2 2 14 C-l, M-l, & Rice T-20, N-5 PR Zira (15) EA Wheat, Maize 517 63 11 39 C-I, M-7, & Rice T-19, N-2 PR Zira (14) EA Wheat, Maize 226 49 25 15 M-2, T-6, & Rice N-ll

PR Dharamkot (13) EA Wheat, Maize 94 7 2 7 T-2 & Rice PR Dhararokot (13) EA Wheat, Maize 226 135 13 33 C-l, M-l, & Rice T-6 PR Dharamkot (13) EA' Wheat, Maize 107 30 10 T-2 & Rice PR Dharamkot (14) EA Wheat, Maize 92 53 6 10 T-2 & Rice PR Dharamkot (15) EA Wheat, Maize 10 40 4 & Rice PR Dharamkot (14) EA Wheat & Maize 141 52 59 T-1 PR Dharamkot (14) EA Wheat & Mize 128 32 2 18 M-l, T-3,N-2 PR Dharamkot (14) EA Wheat & Maize 289 10 24 T-8 PR Zira (B) EA Wheat & Maize 300 67 4 28 T-5

PR Zira (12) EA Wheat & Maize 314 5 2'5 T-8, N-3 PR Zira (10) EA Wheat & Maize 248 4 21 T-IO PR Zira (12) EA Wheat, Maize & Rice 148 14 T-2 PR Zira (14) EA Wheat, Maize 672 12 78 T-l, C-3, M-ll, & Rice N-100 KR Zira (14) EA Wheat, Maize 119 14 15 T-4, N-l & Rice PR Zira (l5) EA Wheat, Maize 90 15 T-4 & Rice

PR Zira (16) EA Wheat, Maize 100 11 12 & Rice PR Dharamkot (16) EA Wheat, Maize 71 69 15 T-IO & Rice PR Dharamkot (15) EA Wheat, Maize 35 1 4 T-3 & Rice PR Zira (16) EA Wheat, Maize 108 17 11 M-I, T-8 & Rice PR Dharamkot (15) EA Wheat, Maize 48 17 5 T-2 & Rice

PR Dharamknt (15) EA Wheat, Maize 50 190 5 61 T-3 & Rice PR Dl1aramkot (16) EA Wheat, Maize 15 36 19 & Rice H< Dharamkot (15) EA Wheat, Maize 116 8 T3 & Rice PR Dhararnkot (15) EA Wheat, Maize 30 8 & Rice KR Dharamkot (17) EA Wheat, Maize 82 161 24 & Rice KR Sultanpuf (14) EL\ Wheat 84 23 T-I KR Suitanpur (14) EA Wheat & Maize 176 18 T-2 KR Sultanpur (14) EA Wheat & Maile 333 8 T-2 PR Dharamkot (10) EO<\ Wheat & Maize 173 158 fR Sultanpur (15) EA Wheat & Maize 4 32 .10 " 60 ZIRA'TAHSIL 1981 ;CENSUS Amenities' and

Loca~ Name of village Total Total Amenities available [if not available within the village, a dash(-) is tion (With ~ladbast No.) area population 'shown in the column and next to it in brackts, the distance in broad Code of the and No. of ranges viz .. -5 kms .• 5-10 kms. and 10+kms. of the nearest place No. villag~ tlOuseh 0\ ds where the 'facility is available, is given] (in hectares) Educational Medical Drinking Post and ...... Day Communi- water telegraph or cations (potable) days (Bus stop, of the r'll- i1way mar- station, ket / water- hat, waY) if any 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 _(5-10 3/1]316 Tibbi Tayab (220) 99 165(25) P _:(5-1O) HP,W -(5-10) .. Tibbi Ranga (218) 154(27) -(0-5) --.(5~:1O) HP -.(5-10) , , _(5-10) 317 54 _(5-10) 318 Manu Machhi (217) 119 143(26) -(0-5) ."":'(5-10) HP -(5-~0) , , 319 Jamaliwala (216) 93 66(7) -(0-5) ---(5_10) HP --(10+ ) , , BS -(101) -(lq+) HP _:::;--(IO'+) BS 320 Mirzapur_ (222) 29 14(1) ,..., · ' _(0_5) 321 Adraman. (223) 352 20(3) -(0-5) --(5-10) HP;TW -(5-10) 322 Rehrwan (225) 357 1;024(175) P --(5-10) HP -(5-,--10) BS 323 Manjhli (223 A? !O3 158(29) -(0-5) .-(5-,10) HP --(5-10} BS 324 Bhoepur (227) , 260 585(96)' P _:_(5-;-10) HP.W -(10~5) , , BS 325 Aminwala (255) 324 1,003(155) P,M -~(5"""":1O) HP,W. PO , , BS 638(105) -.(5-10) HP.W ,:._«().....__5) , , ~(0-'5) 326 Sangla (226) 320 P _(0_5) 327 Sirsari (257) 120 82(14) P -(5"":'10) HP -(5-10) , ,

328 Bijapur (256) 167 183(27) P ~(0-5) HP -(5-10) , , -(0-5) 329 Fcrozewal Mangai Singh (254) 253 418(83) --(0-5) -(0-5) HP,W .-(0-5) , , -(0-5) _(0-5) 330 Kamalke (259/260) 472 1,079(184) P PHe HP,W PO . , 331 Gatti Kamalke (260A) 81 26(3) P -(5-10) HP ~(0-5) , , -(0-5) 332 Basian (258) , 100 35(6) P -(5-,-10) HP -(0-5) -(0-5) 333 Bhodiwala (261) 182 355(57) P -(5-10) HP,W _(5_10) -(5-10) 334 Kawan, (263) 153 227(32) P -(5-10) HP -(5-10) , , -(5-10) 335 Chamb (262) 108 110(21) P -(5-10) HP -(5-10) , , _(5-10)

336 Chak-Singbpura (279) 194 254(44) P -(0-5) HP,TW ---(0-5) , . -(0-5) 337 Chak Bhaura (280) 102 ' , ' . 338 Chak Tarev.;ala (298) 775(121) P -(0-5) HP,TW _.e(0-5) BS 334 · ' ___:(0-5) 339 Gatti Jattan (299) 216 395(69) --(0-5) -(0--5) HP,TW -(0-5) , , -(0-5) BS 340 Chak Jindra (300) 118 83(14} P -(0-5) HP,TW · , 341 Chak kanlan Kalan (302) 294 587(93) P D,PHS HP, W,TW -(0-5) , , BS 342 Chak Fatehpur (301) 167 -160(26) -(0-5) -=-(0--5) HP,TW -(0----:-5) BS 343 Chak Kanian Khurd (303) 80 147(25) P -(0-5) HP;TW -(0-5) , , -(0-5)

344 Kanlan K'alan'(276) 60 97(17) -(0-5) -(0-5) HP,TW --(Q-.;-5) , , -(0-5)

345 Kanian Khurd (277) 54 74(15) P --40-~) HP -;(0-5) .. -(0-5)

346 Fatehpur Kanlan (275) 281 404(67) P -(5-10) HP -(0-5) , , -(0-5) 347 Jindra (270) 277 804(140) P -(5-10) HP,W -(5-10) , , BS 348 Thuthgarh • (264/265) 258 706(125) P -(5-10) HP -(5-10) , , -(0-5) 349 Said Mohamad Shahwala (267) 98 165(30) P -(5-10) HP -(5-10) , , -(0-5) 350 Akushahwala .(266) 45 39(8) ,-(0-5) ~(5-IO) HP -(5-10) -;;(0-5) 351 Doburji (268) 200 418(66) P -(0-5) HP,W,TW -(0-5) -(0-5) 352 Phalahgarh (269) 77 36(6) -(0-5) 2.....(0-5) HP, W,TW -(0-5) , . -(0-5) 353 Izzatwala (271) 148 408(65) -(0--5) ....:.{0-5) HP, W, TW -(0-5) ., -(0-5) 354 Roshanwala (273) 149 242(39) P ,...-(0-5) BP,W,TW -(0-5) .. -(0-5) PO , ":"'(0-5) 3~~ Nasirewala (274) 255 941{131) P ---i5-to) HP,TW . 61

VILLAGE DIREcrORY FlROZPUR I?ISTRICf LQlfd tise Remarks (including any town Power Staple rDod Land use (i.e. area under different types. Approach Nearest and place _of rcligia ;J5. hjst oria:.1 to the distance (in kms) :supply- of land use in hectare!'; rounded to the vmage '. nearest. units). or archaeological imen:st) Un- Cultur- Area Number of Places of Forest Iniga· rel;gioIl5, ted by irr:ga· able lICI • COl ntJeep5/ sour-ce ted waste./" avaiJ- JI,'1otor-cyc}cs! historical Dr (includ- able Scooiers/ ar{"haeo]ogical jog for J"\ewspapers! i.nterest [lauchar culti- IraCWN . & vatioo groves)

19- 20 20(a) 11 12 13 14 15 16 11 18 PR Slll!anpur (16) Wheat & Mize 8 83 8 T-2 EA 3 KR SIlJtanpur (15) EA Wheat & Maize 6 45 Kit Wheat & Maize 86 33 SultanpLiI (14) EA 90 T-l KR SultanPl'1' (14) EA Wheat & Maize 3 '~-hcat 9 KIt DharamkQf( I 0) EA & M;ri;>(! .' .' 20 ..... KIt Dharamkot (10) EA Wheat, _\.faize 81 265 & Rice 25, T-7 pa Dharamkof (6r EA Wheat. Majze 332 & Rice PR DharamkC't (8) EA Wheat, Maize' 71 3-2 & Rice' M-l. T-7 PR Dharamkot (10\ EA WOell l & "\-fail.e 237 23 PR Dharamkot ·tS) . Wheat & Mai?e. 19{f 12 12 -C~l. M-3, T-ll: EA N-5 PR Dh;uamkot -(8) EA Wheat & Maize 200 96 24 T~1'-M~2, PR Dhatamkot (10) .EA Wneat & Mai~e 85 18 n PR. Dhatamkot (6) EA Wheat & Ma ize 122 27 1S T-'S .. 41 T·2, ~-\ PR Df1.atamkot (5) EA Wheat &'Manc , . 169 43 i-t, ~~1 PR. Dhararnkot (6) EA., Wh-eat &. Mai7e 2~g 106 18 KR Dharaml:.ot (S) EA Wh-eaf & Maize 16 65 ,,~ T-2 KR Dharamkot '(W) EA Wheat & \

ZIRA TAHSIL 1981 CENSUS Amenities and Loca- Name of village Total Total Amenities available [if not available within the village, a dash(-) is shown tion (With Hadbast No.) area population in the column and next to it in brackts, the distance in broad ranges Code of the and No. of viz., -5 kms, 5-10 km and 10+ kms. of the nearest place where No. village households the facility is available, is given] (in

hectares) ------~ Educational Medical Drinking Post and Day Communi- water telegraph or cations (potable) days (Bus stop, of the railway market/ station, hat, water- if way) any

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1/1/356 Kat Mohamad Khan (272) 573 828(140) P -(0-5) HP,W,TW -(0-5) -(0-5) 357 Indergarh (286/287) 1,318 2,694(465) P,M, H -(0-5) HP,W PO -(0-5) 358 Baduwal (289) 1,013 2,443(399) P,M MCW,D HP,W,TW PO -(0-5)

359 1~·Bahadurwala (252) 146 185(32) P -(0-5) HP, W,TW -(0-5) -(0-5) 360 1;1erozewal Bada (253) 309 861(152) P -(5-10) HP,W -(5-10) -(0-5)

\ 361 Kasana (250) 64 114(15) -(0-5) -(0-5) HP,W -(0-5) -(0-5) 362 Pa~dori Araian (251) 514 1,251(201) P MCW HP,W PO BS 363 Kaila(247) 429 1,282(295) P,M,H -(0_5) HP,W PO -(0-5) 364 Nurpur (246) 367 1,530(258) P -(0-5) HP,W PO -(0-5) 365 Jalalabad (291) 2,117 4,896(839) P,M,H H,MCW HP,W, TW PO BS

366 Fatehgarh Korotana (294) 1,191 3,699(598) P,M,H H,PHS, HP,W, TW PO BS MCW,RP 367 Datta (293) 603 1,519(226) P,M -(0-5) HP,TW PO BS 368 Lohgarh (288) 1,208 2,165(330) P,M -(0-5) HP,TW PO BS 369 Bhinder Kalan (292) 1,384 4,695(761) P,M,H(2) D,RP BP.W, TW PO BS 370 Bhinder Khurd (285) 644 2,243(375) P,M,H -(0-5) HP,W,TW PO BS

371 Umarpura (284) 447 372 KokriBehniwal (283) 289 1,254(209) P,M -(5-10) HP, TW, W PO BS 373 Kishanpura Kalan (279) 2,510 4,754(823) P,M,H(2) PHS, D,FPC BP,W, TW PO BS 374 Kishanpura Khurd (278) 337 468(59) P -(0-5) HP,W, TW -(0-5) BS 375 Daya Kalan (280) 423 860(130) P -(0-5) HP,W,TW -(0-5 BS 376 Kokri Buttran (282) 359 1,265(207) P -(0-5) HP,W,TW -(0-5) -(0-5) 177 Talwandi Malian (281) 1,664 3,816(602) P,M,H D,RP HP,W PO BS 63 VILLAGE DIRECTORY FmOZPUR DISTRIct' Land use Approach Nearest town and Power Staple food Land use (i.e ..area under different types Remarks (including any place to the distance (in kms). supply of land use in hectares rounded to the of religious, historical or village nearest unit.) archaeological interest)

Forest Trriga- Un- Cultur- Area Number of Places of ted by irriga- able not Cars/Jeeps/ religious, source ted waste avail- Motor-cycles/ historical (includ- able Scooters/News- or archaeo- ing for papersj logical interes t gauchar culti- . Tractors & vation groves)

11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 20(8) PR Dharamkot (5) EA Wheat, Maize & 351 183 39 M-2, T-15, Rice N·2 PR Dharamkot (6) EA Wheat, Maize & 878 222 42 176 C-1, M-3, T-2 Rice PR Dharamkot (2) EA Wheat, Maize & 495 408 19 91 M-12, T-19, N-6 Rice PR Dharamkot (5) 'EA Wheat, Maize & 124 7 15 T-4 Rice PR Dharamkot (6) EA Wheat, Maize & 269 9 31 M-l, T-5 Rice PR Dharamkot (4) EA Wheat, Rice & 59 5 T-4 Maize PR Dharamkot (5) EA Wheat, Rice & 468 7 39 Col, M-I, T-13 Maize PR Dharamkot (5) EA Wheat, Maize & 393 36 Col, M-2, T-18. Rice N-2 PR Dharamkot (3) EA Wheat, Maize & 351 16 M-2, T-15 Rice PR Dharamkot (5) EA Wheat, Maize & 1569 343 165 40 C·3, M-IO, T-50. N-20 Rice PR Dharamkot (5) EA Wheat, Maize & 1,074 117 Co2, M-6, T-26, N-41 Rice PR Dharamkot (8) , EA Wheat, Maize & 532 6 7 58 M-4, T-8 Rice PR Dharamkot (2) EA Wheat, Maize & 851 219 6 132 Col, M-7, T-9, Rice N-2 PR Dharamkot (7) EA Wheat, Maize & 1,238 146 C-2, M-18 T-SS, Rice N-S2 PR Dharamkot (6) EA Wheat, Maize & 587 57 M-5, T-23, Rice N-35 Uninhabited PR Dharamkot (8) EA Wheat & Maize 261 28 M-13, T-IO, N-15 PR Dharamkot (9) EA Wheat & Maize 1,660 662 188 M-6, T-48. N-SO Gurdwara PR Dharamkot (12) , EA Wheat & Maize 240 49 6 42 T-18 PR Dharamkot (14) EA Wheat & : Maize 289 107 6 21 T-7 PR Dharamkot (12) EA Wheat & Maize 334 10 15 M-3, T-1S PR (8) EA Wheat & Maize 1,156 434 74 C-3, M-2, T-61. N-IS


05 i-. + i ~ -i 0' f ~~ 11.1 "- 411 • .: I

i"t' 1 •• / ( i!'!!~ ( - i ~ Xl 'f)' Ll I 't E a,,'_~-,. i~ I j II ~~J" , Ii, 6 , , 1Il H~ '" ~ i 5 ~~ . it. ~ 2f~ ~ "1'1 _ :\v-_ , .. ~ '" ~

i {;~ '<' ii a: ~~ :::> cr: Ii a. ::J n N a. s N ," 0 0 lD Ii a: !; ~f « LL. ...., ~ / It Z u. !jj r~ ::J I- g (L _. U ;i., ii: - l- eI) V) l, ,0 :r. 0 Pt ~ ~J b f~ Ifr 61 ALPHABETICAL LIST OF VILLAGES FIROZPUR TAHSIL Name of the Village Location e Location Serlal CadeNo. Serial Name of the Vl\lag Code No. No. 2 3 No. 3 1 3/2/45 1 2 3/2/402 66 Bula Rai Uttar Ach.hewaJa 3/2/380 1 3/2{120 67 Bundala 3/2/6 2 Ahmad Dhandi 3[2{41O 68 Bura Sarwan Aku Masteke Burhan-dinwala 3/2/86 3 3/2/366 69 3/2/132 4 Akuwala 3/2/174 70 Burj Makhan Singhwala Ala Dhutto 5 3/2/90 3/2/363 71 Burwala h Alewala 3(21312 3/21123 72 Butewala 3/21148 7 Alfooke 3.12/7.73 73 Buttar 8 Ali Aulakh Chak Bhangewala 3/2/253 312,1115 74 3[2[87 9 Al ike Jhugian 3/2/390 75 Chak Burwala Aiiwala 10 3/2/40 3/2/&0 76 Chak Chhanga Rat 11 Ami!" Khas Chak Dona Rahimeke 3/2/237 3/21447 77 3/21234 12 Arazi Katoria 3/21404 78 Cha'" Ghobai alias Taranwala Cha\\. Ghobai alias 1'angan 3/2/241 13 3[213£8 '7<) 3(2(137 14 A$man Randhawa 312/343 80 Chak Haraj 15 As~al 3/2[88 3}2/369 81 Chak Ja{malgarlt 16 Chak Jamiat Singhwala 3/2/114 3/2/200 82 3!2/98 17 Atuwala Hithar 3/2/199 83 Chak Jawahar Singhwala 18 Atuwala Uttar Chak Kala Singhwaia 3/2/97 1121282 84 3/2/llS 19 Aulake 3 (2{206 85 Chak Kand: Shah Awan 20 )i2/S1 3/2(14 86 Chak Kathgarh 21 Badalke Hithar Chak Khundar 3/2/218 3/2(19 87 3/2/121 22 Badalke Uttar 3/21439 88 Chak Mabain Hardo Dhandi 23 Badhni Gulab Singh Chak Madyake 3J2.'198 312/323 89 3/2/63 24 Badhni Jaimal Singh 3/2J335 90 Chak Mahantanwala 25 Baggeke Pipal 3 J21244 3/21399 91 Chak Mallha Kari 26 Baggewala Chak Megha Mahantam 3}2/197 3,2/397 92 312/119 27 Bagguwala 312/345 93 Chak Megha ·wiran 28 Baghail Singhwaia ChakNidana 3/:2158 312/405 94 3/2}22 29 Baghewala 3/2/106 95 Chak Panjeke 30 Baghuwala 3/21&2 3/2/41 96 Chak Rakh Amir 31 Chak Raoke Hithar 3/21211 3/21355 97 3/2/140 32 Bahadurwala 3/1./49 98 Cllak Roranwala 33 Bajeke Chak Sadhuwala 3/2/139 3/21314 99 3/2/93 34 Bajewala 3121376 JOe) Chik Saidoke 35 Bala Megha 3(2 139 3/2/10 10\ Chak Sarkar Mazi Bahaaarke 36 Baialke Rohela Chak Sawahwala 3/2/91 3{2f76 102 3111221 37 Baielke Hasal 3{2(77 103 Chak Sawai Khurd :)8 Baletke Kamalwala Chak Shikargah 3/21201 3/213 104 3/2/117 39 Bamanwa\a 3{2(443 105 Chak Somianwala 40 Bara Bhai 3'2/266 3/2[453 106 Chak Sutarya 4-1 Bara Jawahar Singh Chak Tahliwala 3'21113 3(2/274 107 3!21475 4.2 Bareke 3/2/71 108 Chanar 43 Barhan Bhatti Changali Jadid 312/411 Basti Pathananwali 3/2/233 109 3/2/419 44 3/2/313 110 Changali Qadim 45 Bazidpur 3.'2J252 3/2/161 111 Chhanga Khurd 46 Begu Mahu Chhanga Makhna 3/2/119 3/2/188 112 3'2/42 47 Betu Qadim 3/2}157 113 Chhanga Rai Hithar 48 Bhabra Azam Sahawala Chhanga Rai Uttar 3}2j43 3/2/354 114 3/2/416 49 Bhadru 3/2/356 115 Chugatewala 50 Bhagwanpura 3l2l 112 116 Chugha Bhama Alia~ Landa 3/2/436 3/2/141 51 3.12/260 117 Chuhar Khiichi 52 Bhamba Haji 3/21226 la 312/362 118 Chupati 53 Bhamba Singhwa Daryake 3/2/190 Bhangali 312/449 119 3(2/337 54 3[2/319 120 Dastul Sahibwala 55 Bhangar 3{2{437 312/152 121 Dhindsa 56 Bhan DhiraGhara 3/2/379 Bhollowala 3i2,1459 122 312/158 57 3121162 123 Dhlra Patra 58 BhureKalan 3 12/413 Bhure Khurd 3/2/155 124- Dholewala :;9 Dilaram 3) 2/130 6) Bilirnar 3(2/75 125 }[Z/ISt 126 Dod 61 Bir Sarkar 3/2[392 312.138 3!2!l92 127 Dona Bahada"kc 31212) 61 Bodal Dona Bhadru 63 Bodel Pireke 3{1,1l 128 3/2131 3/21306 129 O.:ma Gudar Panjgrairl 64 Bukan Khanwala 131) Dona Jaimalwala . 3r~tZ3() 65 QuIa ~ai HltlJar l/2{44 68 ALPHABErICAL LIST OF VILLAGES FIROZPUR TAHSIL

~erial Name of the Village Location Serial Name of the Village Location No. CedeNo. No. Code No. 1 2 3 1 2 3 131 Dona KhUllgike 3/2/37 196 I1mewala 3/2/394 132 DcHl:! Mattar 3/2/203 197 Inayatke 3/2/248 133 Dona Nawab Sahib 3!2/} 26 199 Isa 312125 134 Dona R3hmatwala 3/2/229 199 Ittanwali 3/21433 135 Dona Raja Dinanath 3/2/202 200 Jaimalgarh 3/289 136 Dona Telu Malwala 3/2/268- 201 Jaimalwala 3/2:388 137 Doni Khundar 3/2/212 202 .Taimalwala alias Pireana 3!2/322 138 Dula Sin5~hw:lla 3/2/383 203 Ialalwala 3121169 139 Dukhike 3/2/359 204 Iamiatpura Dheru 3(2/426 140 Duleke Abad 3/2/20 205 lama Megha 3·21375 141 Duleke Ghairabad 3/2/13 206 Iaman Rakhia Hithar 3/2(215 142 DuJekc Nathuwala 3/2/16 "07 Jaman Rakhia Uttar 3(2121h ]43 Dulewala 3/21292 208 J andwala 3i2/100 144 Faridewala 3/2/396 209 Iandwala 3(2/476 145 Fata Bom 3/2/387 210 lang 3/2/146 146 Fatehgarh 3/2/102 211 Iatala 3/21219 147 Fatcwala Hithar 3/2/264 212 Iawahar Singhwala 3(2/458 148 Fattewala Uttar 3/2/261 213 Ihanjian 3/2/461 149 Fatuwala 3/2/305 214 Ihariwala 3/2(61 ISO Feroze Shah 3(2/434 215 Ihoke Tahal Singh 3/2/134 151 Ferozpur 3/2/283 216 Jhok Harihar 3/2/307 152 Faridewala 3/2/420 217 Ihok Naudh Singh 312/163 153 Gadodoo 3/2/330 218 Jit Singhwala 3 12/471 154 Ghanga Kalan 3/2/95 219 Jiwa Arain 3(2/69 J55 Ghanga Khurd 3/2/94 220 Jiwa Bhcdi 3/2/371 156 Gamewala 3/2/160 211 Jhodhpur 3/21186 157 Gandhu Kilcha Uttar 3/2/270 222 Kabar Bachha 3/2/473 158 Gandhu KiIcha Hither 3/21271 223 Kahan Chandwala 3/2/294 159 Gatti Ajaib Singhwala 3(2/15 224 Kahan Singhwala 3/2/104 160 Gati Basti Masta No.1 3/2/238 225 Kailash 3/2/442 161 Gatti Basti Masta No.2 3/2/239 226 Kailuwala 3/2/286 162 Gatti Chak Jadid 3/2/254 227 Kakar 3/2/246 J 63 Gatti MaHar 3/2/209 228 Kakuwah 3/2/325 164 Gatti Mehmudke Hithar 3/2{255 229 Kala Tiba 3(2{180 165 Galli Teluwala Mai 3/2/263 230 Kaleke Hithar 3{2/381 166 Ghall Khurd 3/2/446 231 Kaliewala 3)2/456 167 Ghatti Rahimeke 3/2/27~ 232 Kalu Arain Hithar 3/2/250 168 Ghaniwala 3/2/300 233 Kalu Arain Uttar 3/2/249 169 Ghulum HussainwaIa 3/2/275 234 Kaluwala 3/2/391 170 Ghulla 3/2/11 235 Kaluwara 3/2/279 J71 Gill 3/2/477 236 Kamala Bodal 3/2/395 172 Gillanwala . 3/2/344 237 Kamala Middu 3/2/385 173 Gokhiwala 3/2/289 238 Kamal Din Niazi 3/2/181 174 Gudar Panjgrain 3/2/30 239 Kamalwala 3/2/365 175 Guddar Dhandi 3/2/122 240 KamaIwala 3/2/374 176 Gulum Patra 3/2/142 241 Kamalwala Khurd 3/2/389 177 Gularnwala 3/2/401 242 Kandawali 3/2i171 178 Gurditiwala 3/2/386 243 Karian Pahelwan 3/2/287 179 3/2/108 244 Kari Kalan 3/2/127 180 Habibke 3P!281 245 Kari Khurd 3/2/128 181 Habibwala 3/2/269 246 Karman 3 2!183 182 Hadiwa la 3/2/62 247 Karmiti 3/2/463 183 Hajj Betll 3(2/46 248 Karmuwala 3/2/432 184 ,Haji Chhimba 3(2/295 249 Kasu Begu 3 12 /315 185 Hakewala 3/2/346 250 Katora 3/2/408 186 Hakul11at Singhwala 3/2/457 251 Khai 3/2/303 ] 87 Hamad 3/2/] 24 252 Khaja Kharak 3/2/441 188 Hamidwala 312/398 253 Khamba 3/2 /187 189 Haraj 312:462 254 Khangarh 3/2/154 190 Hussain Dhut 3/2.'168 255 Khanekc Ahal 3/2/351 t 91 Hastekt: 3/2/293 I 256 Khereke Hilhar 3"2 17 J 92 Hastewalu 3/2/336 257 Khereke Uttar 3/2/18 193 Hazara Singbwala 3/2/222 258 Khilchi Jadid 32296 194 Hussain Shahwala 312/177 259 Khilchi Qadim 3i2'29, 195 I1ahi Bakhash Bodla 3/2/35 260 Klmnder ijithar 3/2/2 14 69 ALPHABETICAL LIST OF VILLAGES FIROZPUR TAHSTL

Serial Name of the Village Location Serial Name of the Village Location No. Code No. No. Code No. 2 3 1 2 3 261 Khunder Uttar 3(21217 326 Mirzeke 3/2/472 262 Khu<;hal Singhwala 3/2/350 327 Misriwala 3/2/438 263 Killi 3/2/149 328 Mohflmad Khan Niazi 3/2/245 264 Koer Singhwula 3(2/116 329 Mahmud Khanke 3/2/2 265 Kot Karor Kalan 3/21461 330 Mohanke HiHar 3/2/47 266 Kot Karor Khurd 3/2/465 331 Mohanke Uttar 3/2/52 267 Kotla 3/2/464 332 Mohkam Bhatti 3/2/331 268 KOlwal 3/2/342 333 Mohkam Khanwala 3/2/339 269 Kulgarhi 3/2/423 334 Mohkamwala 3/2/448 270 Kuti 3/2/51 335 Mohre 3/2/133 271 Lakha Bhed; 3(2/414 336 MoranwaJa 3/2/64 272 Lakha Bubna 312/367 337 Mothanwala 3/2/107 273 Lakha Haji 3(2/259 338 Mudki 3/2/474 274 Lakha Singhwala Hithar 312/223 339 Muthianwala 3/21373 275 Lakha Singhwala Uttar 3/2!224 340 Nadana 3/2/56 276 Lakhmirke Hithar 312/23 t 341 Najju Shar Misri 3/2(424 277 Lakhmirke Uttar 3/2/232 342 Narainll:urh 3/2/452 278 Lakhokc Behram 3/2/125 343 Nasira -Khilchi 3/2/1113 279 Lalle 3/2/460 344 Nat1lU Chishti 3/2(8 280 Lamochar 312'272 345 Naub1.ramad Sher Singhwala 3/2/27 281 Langiana 3(2(361 346 NauraURke Lalli 3/2(30] 282 Lodharan 3(2/189 347 NaurauQ;ke Sial 3/2/298 283 Loham 3(2/470 348 Nawan Oi la 3/2/185 284 Lohgarh 3(2/422 349 Nazamwala 3/2/407 285 Lohra N::twab Sahib 3/2/131 350 Nihala Kilcha 3/2/267 286 Luther 3(2/302 351 Nihala Lawera 3/2/377 21'7 Lopon 3(2/103 352 Nihalewala 3/2/280 288 Machhi Bugra 3(2/455 353 Nunari Khokhar 3/2/48 289 Machhiwara 3/2/145 354 Nureke 3,2,'21 290 Machhi wara 3(2/271 355 Nurpur 3,2/310 291 Machhiwara 3/2/290 356 Padri 3/2/352 292 Machhiwara . 3(2/435 357 Palha Me~ha 3/2/360 293 Machhiwara alias Kamagar 3(2/324 35R Panjeke Hithar 3/2/34 294 Madhre 3(2/284 359 Paneke Uttar 3/2/32 295 Madyake 3/2/195 360 Patti Ghairabad 3/2/412 296 Mahalam 3/2/411 361 Pattli 3/2/469 297 Mahantanwala 312159 362 Pharaya Malwala 3/2/334 298 Mehmmudke Hithar 3/2/257 363 Pharuwala 3/2/213 299 Mehmmudke Mahal Hithar 3/2/256 364 Ph ida 3/2/466 300 Mehmmudke Uttar 3/2(258 365 Phularwan 3/2/156 301 Malaha Rahimeke Uttar 3(2(240 366 Pindi 3/2/50 302 Mal ik Zada 3/2/65 367 Pir Ahmad Khanwala 3/2/341 303 Maltha Rohimeke Hi tLar 3/2/242 368 Piranwala 3/2/299 304 Ma!huwala 3/2(153 369 Pir Bakhash 3/2/9 305 Malsian 3/2/191 370 Pireke Hither 3/2/4 306 Malwai 3/2(326 371 Pireke Uttar 3/2/5 307 Mamdot Hithar 3/2(228 372 Pir Ismail Khanwala 3/2/291 308 Mamdot Uttar 3/2(227 373 Pir Khan Sheikh 3/2/178 309 Mana Singhwala 3/2(321 374 Piroowala 3/2/166 310 Mandiwal 3/2/53 375 Pojuke Hithar 3/2/251 311 Mare Kalan 3(2(110 316 Pojuke Uttar 3/2/247 312 Mare Khurd 3/2(111 377 Qada Bora 3/2/429 313 Mastcke 3/2/372 37R Qutab Dinwala 3/2/382 314 Mattu Hithar 3/2/204 379 Qutbe\"ala 3/2/357 315 MaHar Uttar 3/2/205 380 Qutabgarh 3/2/55 316 \1egha Rai 3(2(196 381 Rahimeke Hither 3/2/236 317 Megt a Panigrai n Hithar 3{2/36 382 Rahimeke Uttar 3/2/235 318 Megin Panjgrai n Uttar 3(2/33 383 Rahme Shah Bodla 3/2/73 319 Mc:ln( Sinll;hwala 3/2(175 384 Raja Rai 3/2/210 320 ,\1c111l1'l - 3/2/144- 385 Rajiwala 3/2/353

321 Mehmun Joya 3/2/70 386 Ramewala 3/2/347 322 Mida 3/2(7 387 Rana Panjgrain 3/2/28 323 Mida Haji 3(2/174 388 Ranjitgarh 3/2/101 324 Miran Shah Noor 3/2/304 389 Raoke Hithar 3/2/208 325 Mirza Lakhoke 'J/2j193 390 Raoke Uttar 3/2/207 70 ALPHABETICAL LIST OF VILLAGES FIROZPUR TAHSIL

Serial Name of the Village Location I Serial Name of the Village Location No. Code No. No. Code No 1 2 ::I 1 2 3 391 Ratta Khera Baja Katwal 3/2/430 436 Sodhi Nagar UIf Sultan Khanwala 3/2.'428 392 Ratta Khera Bhai Gulab Singh 3/2/431 437 Sorlhiwala 3/2/164 393 Ratta Khera Punjab Singhwala 3/2/320 438 Sodhiwala 3/2/184 394 Rattewal Urf Sohangarh 3/2/99 439 Suba Jarlid 3/2/288 395 Rohela Haji Hithar 3/2/262 440 Suba Qadim 3/2/285 396 Rohela Haji Uttar 3/2/265 441 Sulhani 3/2/454 397 Roranwala 3/2/167 442 Sulla 3/2/12 398 Roranwali 3/2/96 443 SU'tanwala 3/2/406 399 Rukan Shahwala 3/2/418 444 Sursinghwala 3/2/421 400 Rukna Begu 3j2/309 445 Tahliwala 3/2/135 401 Rukna BadIa 3/2/72 446 Talewali 3/2/60 402 Rukna Mungala 3/2/311 447 Tali Gulam 312/378 403 Rukna Qasam 3/2/85 448 TaJi Saida Sahu 3/2/415 404 Ruknewala 3/2/384 449 Tara Singhwafa 3/2/150 405 Sadar Dinwala 3/2/176 450 Tarpalke 3/2/68 406 Sadhu Singhwala 3/2/393 451 Tega Singhwala 3/2/370 407 Sadu Shahwala 3/2/333 452 Thaith 3/2/364 408 Saidanwala 3/2/327 453 Thara Singhwala Hithar 3/2/79 409 Saideke 3/2/358 454 Thara Singhwala Uttar 3/2/78 410 Said eke Mohan 3/2/54 455 Thatheranwala 3/2/66 411 Saideke Nalll 3/2/220 456 Theh Gujjar 3/2/138 412 Saideke Rohela 3/2/159 457 Theth 3/2/348 413 Sanda Ha~ham 3/2/328 i 458 Thethar Kalan 3/2/451 414 Sanda Moja 3/21409 459 Thethar Khurd 3/2/450 415 Sappanwali 3/2/318 460 Tibbi Kalan 3/2/243 416 Saranwali 3/2/444 461 Tibbi Khurd 3/2/182 417 Satyewala 3/2/340 462 Tilu Ara'n 3/2/67 418 Sawahwala 3/2/92 463 Toor 3/2/147 419 Sawai Bh=>khari 3/2/225 464 TonbarBhan 3/2/468 420 Sawaya Rai Hithar 3/2/23 465 Tut 3/2/308 421 Sawaya Rai Uttar 3/2/24 466 Ugoke 3/2/427 422 Sayianwala 3/2/316 467 Usmanwala 3/2/400 423 Shah Dinwala 3/2/338 I 468 Virak Khurd 3/2/109 424 Shahzadi 3/2/445 469 Wadi 3/2/194 425 Shakaor 3/2/440 470 Waghewala 3/2/170 426 Shamash Din Chishti 3/2/83 471 Wahagke 3/2/172 427 Sham Singhwala 3/2/136 472 Walhdor 3/2/329 428 Sharinwala 3/2/129 473 Wan 3/2/317 429 Shekh Shaman 3/2/74 474 Waryamwala 3/2/165 430 Sher Khanwala 3/2/425 475 Wa"ul Mc.han"ke 3/2/51 431 Sher Mohamad Mahigir 3/2/84 476 Weir 3/2/276 432 Sher Singhwala 3/2/26 477 Yare Shahwala 3/2133'], 433 SharinwaJa 3/2/105 434 Sidhu 3/2/413 43;; Sodhewala 3/2/349 VILLAGE DIRECTORY 72 1981 CENSUS FiROZPUR TAHsiL Amenities and Loca- Name of village Total Total Amenit!es available (if not available within the villnge, a dash (_) is tion (With Hadbast No.) area of population shown In the co lumn alld next to it in brackets, the distance in broad Code the vill- and No. of ranges viz. _5 kms., 5_10 kms. and 10+ kms. of the nearest place No. age (in households where the facility is available, is given) hectar- es) Educational Medical Drinking Post and Day Commu- water telegraph or nicatiollS (potable) days (Bus stop. of rahway the station, mar- water- ketl way) hat, if any 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

3/2/1 Bodel Pireke (343) 241 74(14) P -(0-5) HP.W, T -(0_5) -(0_5) 2 M ahmud Khanke (342) 55 64(8) -(0_5) -(0_5) HP, -(5-10) -(5_10) 3 Bamanwala (339) 228 54(8) -(0_5) -(5_10) HP,TW -(5-10) -(5_10) 4 Pireke Hithar (341) 118 5 Pireke Uttar (262) 121 645(li6) p' -(0-5) HP,TW -(0-5) ':":'(0_5) 6 Bura Sarwan (340) 38 81(15) -(0_5) -(0_5) HP,TW -(5-10) -(0_5) 7 Mida (264) 154 484(80) P -(0-5) HP,TW -(lL5) -(0_5) 8 Nathu Chishti (261) 105 291(49) P -(0-5) T,HP.TW -(0-5) -(0_5) 9 Pir Bakhash (267) 301 658(105) P,M MCW HP,TW -(0_5) -(0_5) 10 Balalke Rohela (265) 134 190(33) P -(0_5) HP,TW -(0_5) --(0_5) 11 Ghulla (280) 129 346(61) P R HP,TW -(5_10) -(0_5) 12 Sulla (279) 93 485(91) p(2) -(0_5) HP,W,TW -(5-10) -(0_5) 13 Duleke Ghairabad (269) 96 85(15) _(0_5) -(0_5) HP,TW -(5-10) -(0_5) 14 Badalke Hithar (283) 37 96(17) -(0-5) -(5_10) HP,TW -(5-10) .. BS -(5_10) 15 Gatti Ajaib Singhwala (330) 148 68(11) -(0-5) -(5_10) HP,TW -(5_10) 16 Duleke Nathuwala (331) 639 1,351(227) P -(0_5) HP,TW -(5_10) -(0_5) 17 Khereke Hithar (325) 299 18 Khereke Uttar (284) 150 864(143) P RP HP,W,T -(5_10) -(0-5) 19 Badalke Uttar (282) 91 199(37) P _(5_10) T,HP, TW -(5_10) BS 20 Duleke Abad(283/332) 71 96(15) -(0_5) ._(0_5) HP,TW -(0_5) -(0_5) 21 Nureke (285) 153 307(51) -(0-5) _(5_10) HP,W. TW -(5_10) -(0_5) 22 Chak Pan_ieke (288) 183 356(57) P -(5-10) HP, W,TW -(5-10) -(0_5) 23 Sawaya Rai Hithar (322) 62 131(23) P _(5_10) TW,HP -(10+) -(0_5) 259 764(130) P,R -(10+) HP,TW -(10+) -(0_5) 24 Sawaya Rai Uttar (286) _ (0_5) 25 Isa Pal\i Grain (287) 242 459(92) P -(10+) HP,TW -(10+) 26 Sher Singhwala (326) 187 185(33) P _(10+) HP,TW, -(10+) _(5_10) 27 Naubaramad Sher Singh 507 544(104) P -(10+) HP,W,TW -(10+) -(5-]0) wala (327) _ (5_10) 28 Kana Panj Grain (320) 620 382(73) P -(10+) . HP,TW -(10+) 25(5) P -(10+) HP,TW -(0-5) _(5_10) 29 Dona Bhadru (314) 53 _ (5_10) 30 Gudar Panj Grain (317) 134 311(53) P -(10+) HP,TW -(0-5) 31 Dona Gudar Panj Grain (318) 71 _(5_10) 32 Panjeke Uttar (294) 631 2,989(508) P(2),M,H H,D,PHS, lIP PO RP -(5_10) 33 Megha panj Grain Uttar (295) 92 106(18) -(0_5) --(0_5) HP --(0-5) 110 1.56(25) P -(5-10) HP -(0_5) -(0_5) 34 panjeke HJthar (316) _(0_5) 35 llahi Bakhash Bodla (315) 93 22(7) --(0-5) -(5_10) HP.W,T -(0-5) _(5_10) 36 Megha Panj Grain Hithar (311) 360 829(138) P -(10+) HP -(0-5) 52 37 Dona l<.hungike (312/313) :.. : (5_10) 38 Dona Bahadarke (301) 625 2(1) -(0_5) -(10+) HP -(10+) 39 Chak Sarkar Mazi 153 Bahadarke (306) 40 Chak Chhanga Rai (308) 409 1,342(230) Ii -(10+) HP,W,TW -(10+) -(0_5) 41 Bah!1darke (301) 618 602(119) P -(5-10) HP,TW -(0-5) -(0-5) 42 Chhanga Rai Hithar (309) 53 57(13) -(0-5) -(10+) HP -(0-5) -(0-5) 43 Chhanga Rai Uttar (298) 505 1,916(372) P -(5-10) HP, W. TW -(5-10) _(0-5) 44 Bula Rai Hithar (310) 279 36(7) -(0-5) -(10+) Hp -(10+) -(5-10) 45 Bula Rai Uttar (29,,/) 263 700(118) p -(10+) HP,TW --(10+) --(5-10) 73 VILLAGE DIRECTORY FIROZPUR DISTRICT Land use Approach Nearest town and Power Staple food Land use (ioe area under different Remarks (including any to tile distance (in kmso) supply types of land use in hectares rounded place of religious, historical viJlage to the nearest unit). or archaeological interest) ------_'. Forest Irri- Unirri- Cuhu- Area Number of Places 01 gated gated rable not av- Cars/Jeeps/ religious, by waste ailable Motor·cycles/ historical source ~iJ?dU- for cuI- Scooters! or archaeo- mg tiva- Newspapers/ logical gauchar tion Tractors interest and groves

11 12 13 14 IS 16 17 18 19 20 20(a) PR Jalalabad (3) EA Wheat & Maize 109 116 16 PR Jalalabad (3) EA Wbeat& Maize 51 4 PR Jalalabad (14) EA Wheat & Maize 221 7 T~1 ° Uninhabited PR Jalalabild (5) EA Wheat & Maize 94 2 25 T-g FR Jalalabad (5) EA Wheat & Maize 34 2 2 T-l 7 PR Jalalabad (5) EA Wheat & Maize 129 ° 18 T-6 PR Jalalabad (5) EA Wheat & Maize 90 7 1 7 T-l PR lalalabad (3) EA Wheat & Maize 280 21 C-t, t·4 PR Jalalabad (3) EA Wheat iii Maize 125 1 8 T-t PR lalalabad (8) EA Wheat & Maze 114 1 14 T-6 PR Jalalabad (8) EA Wheat &' Maize 85 ° 8 T-4 PR Jalalabad (11) BA Wheat & Maize 89 2 5 T-2 PR Jalalabad (1) BA Wheat & Maize 36 ° 1 KR Jalalabad (10) EA Wheat & Maize 64 32 6 46 KR Jalalabad (5) EA Wheat & Maize 210 264 10 95 M·1, T·IO Uninhabited PR jalalabad (6) EA Wheat & Maize lji; 1 13 M-2, T·1S PR Jalalabad (1) EA Wheat & Maize 84 1 6 T-4 PR Jalalabad (5) EA Wheat & Maize 68 3 T-2 PR Guru Har Sahai (to) EA Wheat & Maize 144 9 KR Guru Har Sahai (10) EA Wheat & Maize 127 31 i6 9 T-t KR Guru Har Sahai (10) Wheat 15 32 10 5 PR Guru Har Sahai (11) EA Wheat & Maize 236 23 PR Jalalabad (9) EA Wheat & Maize 141 64 2 29 PR Guru Har Sahai (12) EA Wheat & Maize 111 34 42 T·t PR Jalalabad (13) I EA Wheat & Maize 299 166 41 T-1 PR Guru Har Sahai (11) EA Wheat & Mai2'.e 298 165 80 77 T-t PR Guru Har Sahai (14) EA Wheat & Maize 46 5 2 PR Guru Har Sahai (11) EA Wheat 72 51 11. T·3 Uninhabited PR Guru Har Sahai (8) EA Wheat 559 2 10 M-2, T-8 PR Guru Har Sahai (5) EA Wheat 72 15 5 T·t PR Guru Har Sahai (10) EA Wheat 104 6 PR Guru Har Sahai (10) EA Wheat 86 2 5 PR Guru Har Sahai (11) EA Wheat & Maize 56 273 9 22 M-l, T·4 Uninhabited PR Guru Har Sabai (11) iiA Wheat. Maize 76 496 31 22 & Rice Uninhabited PR Guru Har Sahai (11) EA Wheat. Maize 217 100 32 T-4 & Rice PR Guru Har Sahai (10) EA Wheat. Maize 558 28 2 30 M-2, T-7, N.4 ~Rice PR Guru Har Sahai (10) EA Wheat, Maize 41 8 4 & Rice PR Guru Har Saha! (9) EA Wheat, Maize 442 33 19 11 M·l, T-3. N.4 & Rice PR Guru Har Sahai (10) EA Wheat. Maize 144 108 19 8 & Maize PR Guru Har Sabaj (10) EA Wheat, Maize 48 188 19 8 & Rice '14 1981 CENSUS

FIROZPUR TAHSIL .4 'nenifies And Loca- Name of village' Total Total Popula- Amenities available (if not available within the village, a dash (- ) is tion (With Hadbast No.) area of tinn and No. shown in the column and next to it in brackets, the distance in broad Code the of households raQ~es viz.-S kms.,S-lO kms. and 10+kms. of the nearest place where No. village the acility is available, is given) (in hectares) Educational Medical Drinking water Post and Day or Commt1ni. (potable) telegraph days cations of the (Bus-stop, market/ railway Hat station, if any water- way) -

8 9 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 to Haji Betu (296) 265 423(76) P H,D,RP HP,TW -(0-5) -(0-5) 3/2/46 HP,TW _(O-~) 47 Mohanke Hithar (172) 828 1,766(306) P,M -(0-'-5) -(0-5) 190 270(51) P .D.RP HP.TW PO -.(0-5) 48 MunariKhokhar(299) HP,TW -(0-5) 49 Bajeke (300) 663 . 1 ,055(171) P .D,MCW, -(0-5) RP T,HP,TW PO 50 Pindi (169) 351 1,018(171) P MCW.RP BS Wasul Mohanke (170) 280 789(124) .p P.PHS HP,TW PO -(0-5) 51 HP,TW -(0-5) 52 Mohanke Uttar (168) 738 2,420(413) P(3), M _(0-5) BS HP -(0-5) 53 Mandiwal (171) 227 928(139) P -,- (5-:10) -(0-5) 223 481(78) P _(5-10) HP,W,T -(5-10) BS 54 Saideke Moban (173) p. HP -(5-10) 55 Qutabgarh (174) 475 703(122) -(0-5) -(0-5) 556 1,035(166) P _(0-5) HP,W, T -(0-5) _(0-5) 56 Nadana (175) -(0-,-5) 57 Kuti (176) 251 551(92) P _(0-5) HP,W.T -(0-5) 403 1,061(164) P,M _(0-,,-5) HP, W. T PO -(5-10) 58 Chak Nidana (177) _(0-5) Mahantanwala (178) 496 430(91) P _(5-,10) T. HP,.W -(5-10) 59 T. HP, W -(0-5) _(5-10) 60 Talewali (179) 431 433(67) P _(5-10) _(5_10) T. HP, W -(0-5) 61 Jhariwala (180) 452 738(129) P -(5-10) 582 542(92) P _(5-,10) T,HP,TW -(0-5) -(5-10 62 Hadi ,valc.(l84) HP,TW PO 63 Chak Mahantanwala (181) 501 979(144) P _(5-;-:10) , -(0-5) 267 512(78) P ...,.....(.5-10) HP,TW ._(0-5) -(0-5) 64 Moranwala (186) HP,TW _(0-5) 65 Malkzada (291) 320 566(88) P _(5-10) -(0-5) HP,TW -(0-5) 66 Thatheranwala (182) 406 938(142) P _(5-10) -(0-5) 129 194(25) -(0-5) _(0-5) HP,TW PO -(0-5) 67 Tilu Arain (289) pO 68 Tarpalke (290) 179 281(49) P -(0---,5) HP -(0-5) HP.TW PO 69 Jiwa Arain (292) 630 1.338(214) P,M D,PHS BS 70 Mehmun Joya (274) 259 439(74) P,M -(O~5) HP,TW PO .-(0-5) HP,TW -(0-5) 71 Barban Bhatti (215) 95 139(27) P .,....,.{5-JO) -(0-5) 138 280(53) P . ...-(0-..,.5)· HP,TW PO -(0-5) 72 Rukna Bodla (293)~ HP,TW 73 Rahme Shah Bodla (276) 137 330(50) P _(0-5) PO -(0-5) Sheikh Shahan (277) 78 138(24) P _(0-5) HP,TW PO BS 74 HP,TW -(0-5) 75 Bilimar (278/324) 93 190(31) -(0,--5) _(0-5) -(0-5) 186 394(60) P _0-5) HP,TW -(0-5) -(0-5) 76 Balelke Hasal (266/336) _(0-5) Balelke Kahalwala (337) 321 685(130) P _(0-5) HP,TW -(0-5) 77 HP,TW -(0-5) 78 Thara Singhwala uttar (268) 93 831(141) P -(0-5) -(0-5) 79 Thara Singhwala 24 Hithar (335) -(0-5) 80 Amir Khas (270) 714 1,609(300) P -(0-5) HP,TW BS -(0-5) 81 Chak Kathgarh (190) 599 753(135) P .,-(0-5) HP,TW -(0-5) 195 918(172) P __:(O-S) HP,TW -(0-5) -(0-5) 82 Chak Rakh Amir (189) -(0-5) 83 Shamashdin Chishti (271) 141 383(70) P -(0-5) HP,TW - (0-5) Sher Mohamad Mahigir (273) 502 870(163) P ~(5-10) HP,TW -(5.,...,..lO) -BS 84 HP,TW -(5-10) 85 Rukna Qasam (281) 241 496(74) P -(5-10) -(0-5) Burhandinwala (272) 168 391(58) P -(5-10) HP,TW -(5-10) -(0-5) 86 -(0-5) 87 Chak Burwala (187) 223 510(82) P ...,.,(?-10) HP.TW -(5-10) 88 Chak Jaimalgarh (183) 297 475(76) P,M _(5-10) HP.TW -(0-5) -(5-10) 89 Jaimalgarh (185) 541 618(100) P -00+) HP,TW -(0-5) -(5-10) 90 Burwala (188) 458 714(109) P _(5-10) HP.TW -(0-5) -(5-10) Chak Sawahwala (191) 420 409(67) P -(0-5) HP, W, T -(0-5) -(0-5) 91 HP,W,T -(0-5) 92 Sawahwala (192) 647 1.063(174) P,M D-(0-5) ,. -(O-S) (120) 1,703 2,246 (393) P(2) , M HP,TW,W PO BS 93 Chak Saidoke -(0-5) 94 Ghanga Khurd (124) 711 834(148) P -(0--,-5) HP BS 95 G hanga Kalan (123) 1,252 1,197(190) P -(0.-.:.5). " HP PO -(0-5) ,S VILLAGE DIRECTORY FIROZ,PUR DISTRICT Land USI!~ Approach Nearest to'Yn and Power Staple food Land use (i.e. area under different Remarks (including any to the village distance (m krns). supply types of laud' use in hectares founded place of religious, hislNicd to tbe nflrest unit). or archaeological interest). ------_--- Forest. Irriga- Un-irri- Cultu. Area Number of Place of ted gated rable not Cars/J eepsj religious, by waste availa- Motor·cycles! historical (lr souree (indud. ble for Scooters! archaet'logical ing cuW· News papers/ interest gaucho vat ion Tractors. arand groves) 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 20(a) PR Guru Har Sahai (8) EA Wheat 239 1 12 13 PR Guru Har Sahai (6) EA Wheat 725 43 2 58 M·2, T·30 PR Guru Har Sahai (7) EA Wheat 174 2 4 10 T·l PR Guru Har Sahai (10) EA Wheat 617 8 5 33 M-6, T-30 PR Guru Har Sahai (6) EA Wheat 318 13 16 4 M·2 PR Guru Har Sahai (8) EA Wheat & Maize 243 11 20 T·3 PR Guru Har Sahai (4) EA Wheat & Maize 647 11 6 74 C-2, M-4, T -15, N-4 PR Guru Har Sahai (6) EA Wheat 196 31 M-l, T-9 PR Guru Har Sahai (8) EA Wheat 198 25 T·4 PR Guru Har Sahai (2) EA Wheat 434 41 C-2, T-16, N-I, M·2 PR Guru Har Sahai (2) EA Wheat 471 85 T-3 PR Guru Har Sahai (2) EA Wheat 224 27 M-l, T-9 PR Guru Har Sahai (5) EA Wheat 337 66 M-I, T-8 PR Guru Har Sahai (3) EA Wheat & Rice 281 136 47 32 M-2, T-8 PR Guru Har Sahai (7) EA Wheat & Rice 242 75 91 23 T-4 PR Guru Har Sahai (8) EA Whaat&Rke 266 131 24 31 M-2, T-2, N-l PR Guru Har Sahai (9) EA Wheat & Rice 280 235 36 31 T-5 PR Guru Har Sahai (7) EA Wheat & Rice 371 82 23 25 M-l, T-9, N-2 PR Jalalabad (6) EA Wheat & Rice 203 9 28 27 T-6, N-2 PR Guru Har Sahai (6) EA Wheat &R4ce 277 9 18 16 T-8 KR Guru Har Sahai (7) EA Wheat & Rice 265 90 48 3 T-9, N-l PR Jalalabad (5) EA Wheat 117 12 T-3 PR Jalalabad (6) EA Wheat IS1 2 6 20 C-l, M-3, T-6, N-12 PR Guru Har Sabai (3) EA Wheat 575 2 4 49 Col, M-25,T-35, N-5 PR Ialalabad (5) EA Wheat 230 29 M-10, T-6 T'R Jalalabad (4) EA Wheat 89 6 M--;, T-8 PR JaJalabad (3) EA Wheat 123 2 4 9 M-4,T-5,N-2 PR Jalalabad (4) EA Wheat 123 1 13 M-l, T-5 PR J alalabad (6) EA Wheat & Rice 73 5 M-4. T-5 PR Jala\abad (8) EA Wheat & Maize 8S 3 S M-3, T-2 KR Jalalabad (3) EA Wheat & Maize 147 3 13 23 T-3 PR Jalalabad (5) EA Wheat & Rice 299 4 12 6 T-5 PR Jalalabad (3) EA Wheat & Maize 62 8 11 12 Uninhabited

PR Jalalabad (3) EA Wheat &. Maize 630 14 15 55 M·2, T-8

I'R lalalabad (5) EA Wheat & Rice 500 7 62 30 C-3, M-3. T-18 PR Jalalabad (4) EA Wheat & Maize 140 25 23 7 T-3 PR Jalalabad (6) EA Wheat & Rice 111 6 4 20 T·3 PR Jalalabad (8) EA Wheat & Maize 394 12 62 34 M-1, T-3 PR Jalalabad (6) EA Wheat & Maize 214 1 13 13 M-l, T-4 PR Jalalabad (6) EA Wheat & Maize 1,16 1 3 18 T·5 PR jalalabad (6) EA Wheat & Rke 170 7 26 20 T-I PR lalalabad (7) EA Wloleat & Rice 258 6 12 21 T-6 PR Jalalabad (13) EA Wheat & Rice 382 67 37 55 T-9 PR Jalalabad (r.) EA Wheat & Rice 325 30 67 36 M_I, T-12 PR Jalalabad (5) EA Wheat & Rice 273 37 46 64 T-3 PR Jalalabad (5) EA Wheat & Rice 302 12 29S 35 M-l, T-9 PR Jalalabad (6) EA Wheat 732 794 49 l2S M-l, T-53, N-2 PR Jalalabad (10) EA Wheat 592 72 4 43 M-l, T-22 pR Jalalabad (10~ EA \Vheat 384 697 84 87 T-23. N-t 76

PIROZP UR TAHSIL 1981 CENSUS A menities and

Loca- Name of village Total -:rotal popula- Amenitie~ available (if riot availa.hl.e ",ithin the village. a dashC-) tion (With Hadbast NO.) area of tlon and IS shown In the column and next to It In brackets. the distance in broad Code the No. of ranges viz.-5kms., 5_10 kms. and 10 + kms. of the nearest place where No village' households the facility is available, is given) (in hecta- res) Educational Medical Drinking Post and Day or Commu- water telegraph days nications (potable) of the (Bus stop, market/ railway hat, if station, any waterway)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 3/2/96 Roranwal i (122) 826 987(177) P -(5-10) HP,TW -(0-5) -(5-10) 97 Chak Kala Singhwala (126) 1,026 1.050(198) P -(5-10) HP,TW _(0-5) -(0-5) 98 Chak Jawahar Singhwala(130) 1,244 1,054(193) P -(5-10) T,HP, W,TW _(0-5) _(5-10) 99 Rattewala Urf Sohan- 1,253 2,288(368) P,M H,O HP PO -(0-5) garh (121) 100 Jandwala (160) 1,125 1,704(280) P,M _(0-5) HP,W,TW -(5-10) _(0-5)

101 Ranjitgarh (159) 1,191 921(137) P, Tr. -(5-10) HP, W, TW -(5-10) -(0-5) 102 Fatehgarh (158) 638 746(114) P . -(5-10) HP, TW -(0-5) -(0-5) 103 Lopon (157) 1,042 984(156) P _(5-10) HP, TW -(0-5) _(0-5) 104 Kahan Singhwala (156) 811 416(74) P -(5-10) HP, TW -(0-5) -(0-5) 105 Sharinwala (155) 1,237 1,545(263) P -(5-10) HP,TW -(5-10) -(5-10)

106 Baghuwala (163) 193 229(39) P -(0-5) HP,TW -(5-10) -(0-5) 107 Mothanwala (161) 336 880(130) P -(0-5) HP.TW --(5-10) _(5-10) 108 Guru Har Sahai (162) 5,509 12,256(2.105) P, M, H(2) RP,H T,HP,W, PTO, BS TW Phone 109 Virak Khurd (165) 137 400(68) P -(0-5) HP,TW --(0-5) -(0-5) 110 Mare Kalan (166) 467 860(140) P(2) -(0-5) HP,TW -(0-5) -(0-5) 111 Mare Khurd (167) 299 1,019(190) P(3) -(0-5) HP,TW -~0-5) -(0-5) 112 Chugha (164) 818 801(137) P PHC T,HP,TW --(0-5) BS 113 Chak Tahliwala (236) 314 439(69) P -(5-10) HP,TW -(0-5) -(0-5) 114 Chak Jamiat Singhwala (237) 538 651(94) P -(5-10) HP,TW -(0-5) -(0-5) 115 Alike Jhugian (248) 162 346(53) P -(0-5) HP, TW -(0-5) -(0-5) 116 Koer Singhwala (238) 1,032 1,564(240) P,M,H D, RP,PHC T, HP, W -(0-5) _(0-5) 117 Chak Somianwala (239) 372 533(96) P O,PHS HP -(0-5) -(0-5) 118 Chak Kande Shah (323) 259 563(83) P _(0-5) HP,TW _(0-5) BS 119 Chak Megha Wiran (324) 376 533(95) P -(0-5) HP,TW -(0-5) BS 120 Ahmad Dhandi (322) 359 987(162) P -(0-5) HP,TW -(0-5) -(0-5) 121 Chak Mabain Hardo 469 632(106) P -(0-5) HP,TW -(0-5) BS Dhandi (240) 122 Guddar Dhandi (241) 751 1,328(223) P, M -(5-10) HP PO BS 123 Alfooke (247) 494 523(71) P RP HP,TW -(0-5) BS 124 Hamad (242) 728 828(97) P RP HP,TW -(0-5) BS 125 Lakhoke Behram (252) 792 2,147(347) P,M,H MCW T,HP,TW PO BS 126 Dona Nawab Sahib (256) 19 .,

127 Kari Kalan (257) 477 1,091(193) P. -(0-5) HP,TW _(0-5) BS 128 Karl Khurd (251) 114 48(9) P -(0-5) HP,TW -(0.-.5) -(0-5) 129 Sharinwala (250) 267 424(70) P -(0-5) HP,TW. W -(0-5) _(0-5) 130 Dilaram (249) 652 1,315(232) P -(0-5) HP -(0-5) -(5-10) 131 Lohra Nawab Sahib (235) 197 261(43) P _(0-5) HP _(0-5) -(0-5) 132 Burj Makhan Singhwala (234) 383 444(72) P -(0-5) HP -(0-5) -(0-5) 133 Mohre(259) 365 478(73) P -(0-5) HP -(0-5) -(0-5) 134 Jhoke Tahal Singh (260) 456 747(128) P,M P,MCW HP PO -(0-5) 135 Tahliwala (231) , 170 2~4(3,q) P _(O-~) T, liP, W ....(0-5) as 17

VILLAGE DIRECTORY FIROZPUR DISTRICT Land use Approach Nearest to~n and Power Staple food Land use (i.e area under different Remarks (including any to the distance (In kms.) supply types of land use in hectares rounded place of religous. historical village to the nearest unit). or archaeological interest)

Forest Irriga. Unirri. Cuhu. Area Number of Places of ted gated rable not Cars/J~psl relgious, by waste availa. Motor.cycles/ historical or source (inelu. ble for Scooters! archaeol ogi cal ding cultiva. Newspapers/ interest gauchar tion Tractors & groves)

11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 2O(a} PR Guru Har Sahat (12) BA Wheat & Rice 519 234 73 Cl, M-l, T-15 PR Guru Har Sahai (12) EA Wheat 679 236 111 M-2. T-8 PR Guru Har Sahai (13) EA Wheat 683 314 247 C-2, M-2, T-17 PR Guru Har Sahai (10) BA Wheat 1.237 16 C-2, M-l, T-tO, N-2 PR Guru Har Sahai (8) EA Wheat & Rice 934 40 151 C-l, M-3, T-35, N-l PR Guru Har Sahai (10) BA Wheat & Rice 1,023 168 T-50, N-2 PR Guru Har Sahai (8) BA Wheat & Ric~ 537 101 T-3 PR Guru Har Sahai (9) EA Wheat & Rice 920 122 M-l, N-50 PR Guru Har Sahai (6) EA Wheat & Rice 628 183 M-I, T-12 PR Guru Har Sahai (6) BA Wheat & Rice 1,119 118 M-2, T-50 /

PR Guru Har Sahai (3) BA Wheat & Rice 168 25 T-15 PR Guru Har Sahai (5) EA Wheat & Rice 317 19 M-l, T-15 PR Guru Har Sahai (2) EA Wheat & Rice 4,093 694 249 473 C-35, M-80, T-175, N-400 PR Guru Har Sabai (2) EA Wheal 98 17 4 18 Cot, M-l, T-6, N-3 PR G'uru Har Sahai (10) BA Wheat & Maize 272 53 113 29 N-3 PR Guru Har Sabai (5) EA Wheat & Maize 245 33 10 11 N-2 PR Guru Har Sabai (5) BA Wheat 502 193 36 87 Col, M-4, T-32, N-3 PR Guru Har Sabai (8) EA Wheat 160 113 41 M-2, T-12, N-l PR Guru Har Sahai (6) BA Wheat 387 96 55 M-I, T-20, N·3 PR Guru Har Sahai (8) EA Wheat 1.22 18 22 M-l, T-3,N-l PR Guru Har Sabai (6) BA Wheat 625 208 106 93 C-l. M-13. T-56, N-7 PR Guru Har Sahai (5) BA Wheat & Maize 328 14 15 15 T-15, N-2 PR Guru Har Saba (6) EA Wheat 134 114 11 T-S PR Guru Hat Sabai (3) EA Wheat 212 131 8 25 M-l. T-5 PR Guru Har Sabai (5) EA Wheat 323 13 2 21 T-3 PR Guru Har Sabat (5) EA Wheat 385 10 74 T-10, N-2 PR Guru Har Sahai (6) EA Wheat,Maize & 672 20 3 56 M-2, T-20. N-l Rice PR Guru Har Sabai (6) EA Wheat, Maize & 355 68 20 51 M-l T-12 Rice PR Guru Har Sahai ·8) EA Wheat, Maize & 529 63 32 104 C-l, M-2, T-24, Rice N-2 PR Guru Har Sahai (16) EA Wheat & Rice 673 38 6 75 M-9. T-26, N-S Uninhabited PR Firozpur Caott. (15) EA Wheat & Rice 300 131 4 42 T-8, M-3 PR Firozpur Cantt. (17) EA Wheat & Rice 84 23 7 M-3 PR Guru Har Sahai (10) EA Wheat & Rice 205 39 7 25 M-l, T-7 PR Guru Har Sahai (9) EA Wheat 441 74 "s 82 C-l, T-I0, M-2 PR Guru Har Sahai (J 3) EA Wheat 166 13 3 15 T-5 PR Firozpur Cantt. (20) EA Wheat 328 25 1 29 PR aClru Har Slhai (10) EA Wheat 296 3 66 C-3, M-l, T-15 PR Guru Har Sahai (16) EA Wheat 211 176 2 67 C-t, M-l, T-lS PR. Firozpur Cantt. (l4) EI\ Wheat 145 4 11 g T-? .' 78 1981 CENSUS FlROZPUR TAHSIL Amenities and Location Name of village Total Tofal popula- - Amenities avail2.ble (if not available "ithin the vi I Ir.ge, a dash(_) Code (With Hadbast No.) area of tion and No. is shown in the column and next to it in brackets, the distance in No. the villa­ of households broad tan-ges viz. _5kms.,5_10 kms. and 10 -j kms. of the nearest pl~c~ ge (in wh.ere the facility is available, is given) hectares) -Educational -Medical-- Drinking--Pos~nd-- D;;--Com~:- water telegraph or nications (potable) days (Busstop. of the railway m'l.rketl station. hat. waterway) ifany

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 3/2/136 Sham Singhwala (232) 262 496(67) P -'5-10) HP _(0-5) BS 137 Chak Haraj (233) 412 727(118) P _(5-10) HP -(0-5) BS 138 Theh Gujjar (230) 232 292(38) P -(5-10) HP -(5-10) BS 139 Chak Sadhuwala (229) 242 234(45) P -(5-10) T,HP,W _(5-10) BS 140 Chak Roranwala (220) 198 207(34) P _(5-10) HP _(5-10) BS

141 Chuhar Khilchi (221/B) 196 216(29) P -(5--10) HP _(5-10) BS 142 Gulam Patra (219) 391 469(78) P _(5-10) HP _(0-5) BS 143 Nasira Khilchi (221/A) 375 678(101) P _(5-10) HP -(5-10) -(0-5)

144 ~ehma(228) 841 1,233(186) P; M, H _(5-10) HP -(0-5) BS

145 ~achhiwara (227 277 209(30) P -(10+) HP,TW -(0-5) BS 146 Jang (261) 506 1,011(115) P -(10+-) HP,TW PO -(0-5) 147 Toor (258) 278 330(58) P -(10+) HP,TW -(0-5) .. -(5-10) 148 Buttar (262) 132 328(67) P -(10+) HP,TW -(0-5) _(5-10)

149 Killi (263) 239 573(92) P -(10+) HP,TW _(0-5) -(0-5) 150 Tara Singhwala (226) 231 573(90) P -(10+ ) HP,TW -(0-5) -(0-5) 151 Dod (225) 229 385(64:) P -(5-10) HP,W,TW PO BS 152 Bharoli Bhan (224) 215 180(32) -(0-5) -(0-5) HP,W,TW -(0-5) -(0-5) 153 ~alhuwala (223) 306 485(82) P -(0-5) HP,W,T -(0-5) -(0-5) 154 Khangarh (267) 289 583(102) P -(0-5) HP,TW -(0-5) BS 155 Bhure Khurd (268) 199 438(74) P,M -(5-10) HP -(0-5) BS

156 Phularwan (271) 189 285~46) P -(0-5) HP -(0-5) BS 157 Bhabra Azam Shah\\'ala (222) 987 1,727(283) P(3) -(5-10) HP _(0-5) BS 158 Pataran (217) 812 1,197(184) P(2) -(0-5) HP -(0-5) -(0-5) 159 Saideke Rohela (86) 250 325(46) P -(0-5) HP -(0-5) -(0-5) 160 Gamewala (85) 546 1.181(200) P(3) D HP -(0-5) BS 161 Begu Mahu (84) 100 254(50) P -(5-10) HP _(0-5) .. _(0-5) 162 Bhure Kalan (85) 256 486(79) P -(5-10) HP _(0-5) BS 163 Jhok Naudh Singh (82) 202 310(53) P -(0-5) HP,TW -(0-5) BS 164 Sodhiwala (79) 44 165 Waryamwala (80) 131 250(36) P - (0-5) HP -(0-5) BS 166 Piroowala (81) 234 361(53) P -(0-5) HP _(0-5) -(0-5) ] 67 Roranwala (77) 114· 224(35) _ (0-5) -(0-5) HP _(0-5) -(0-5) 168 Hussain Dhut (74) 170 326(59) P -(0-5) HP _(0-5) .. -(0-5) 169 Jalalwala (73) 328 678(140) P -(0-5) HP -(0-5) -(0-5) 170 Waghewala (75) 306 810(130) P -(0-5) HP _(0_5) -(0-5) 171 KandawaIi (76) 92 570(90) P -(0-5) HP _(0--5) -(0-5) 172 Wahagke(282) 287 394(65) P -(0-5) HP,TW -(0-5) _(0-5)

173 ~ida Hajj (290) 141 24(5) -(0-5) -(0-5) HP -(0-5) .. -(0-5)

174 Ala Dhutto (274) 45 47(6) '-(0-5) -(0-5) HP,TW -(0-5) BS 175 Mellal Singhwa1a (2.73) ll9 516(93) r -(0-5) HP,TW -(0-5) BS 79 VILLAGE DIiU:C fa RY FIRO.zPUR DISTRICT Land use Approach Nearest town and Power Staple food Land use (i .e. area under differ-rent Remarks (including any to tbe distance (in kms) supply types of land I.!se in hectares rounded place of religious. historical vi Uage to the nearest unit). or archaeological interest) ------_---_- Forest Trri. Unirri· Cui· Area Number of Places of gated gated turable not Cars/Jeeps/ religious, by waste availa· Motor.cycles/ historical or source (includ. ble for Scooters/ ~rchaeological ing cultiva. Newspapers I Interest gauchar tion Tractors and groves)

11 12 13 14 .15 16 17 18 19 20 20 (a) PR Firozpur Cantt. (16) FA Wheat 162 66 6 28 T-15 PR Firozpur Cantt. (16) EA Wheat 354 1 2 55 PR Firozpur Cantt. (14) EA Wheat 203 1 28 C-l, 1'·1, T·9 PR Firozpur Cantt. (11) EA Wheat, Maize & 134 74 34 M-l, T-2 Rice PR Firozpur Cantt. (16) EA Wheat, Maize & 92 96 10 T-l, C-l. Rice PR Firozpur Cantt. (16) EA Wheat, Maize & 108 80 8 M-l Rice PR Firozpur Cantt. (16) EA Wheat, Maize & 165 213 13 M-l, T-6 Rice PR Firozpur Cantt. (14) EA Wheat Maize & 197 117 61 M-2, T·8 Rice PR Firozpur Cantt. (11) EA Wheat. Maize & 199 511 131 M-2, T·25 Rice KR Firozpur Cantt. (16) EA Wheat, Maize & 212 24 41 T-6 Rice PR Firozpur Cantt. (18) EA Wheat, Maize & 286 177 43 T·20,'M2 Rice KR Firozpur Cantt. (17) FA Wheat, Maize & .. 226 34 18 T-8 Rice PR Firozpur Cantt. (16) EA Wheat, Maize & 102 22 8 T·6 Rice PR Firozpur Cantt. (15) EA Wheat, Maize & 202 16. 21 T-15 Rice PR Firozpur Cantt. (15) EA Wheat, Maize & 205 2 24 M-2, T-16 Rice PR Firozpur Cantt. (15) EA Wheat, Maize & 149 61 19 T-10 Rice PR Flrozpur Cantt. (14) EA Wheat 129 41 45 PR Firozpur Cantt. (13) EA Wheat 176 57 73 M-2, T-7 PR Firozpur Cantt. (D) EA Wheat 249 6 34 M-2, T-12 PR Firozpur Cantt. (10) EA Wheat 160 20 19 T-6 PR Firozpur Cantt. (10) EA Wheat 139 30 20 M-5, T·8 PR Firozpur Cantt (11) EA Wheat 671 174 142 M-4, T-30 PR Firozpur Cantt. (6) EA Wheat, Maize & 422 322· 68 M-7, T-24, N-2 Rice PR Firozpur (7) EA Wheat, Maize & 144 85 2 19 T·9 Rice PR Firozpur Cantt. (8) EA Wheat, Maize & 442 36 1 67 M·1, T-24 Rice PR Firozpur Cantt. (6) EA Wheat, Maize & 62 23 1 14 C-l, M-2, T·9 Rice PR Firozpur Cantt. (8) EA Wheat, Maize & 204 24 28 C-1, M-3, T·14 Rjce PR Firozpur Cantt (3) EA Wheat 190 1 11 M-2 T-I0, N-2 Uninhabited PR Firozpur (10) EA Wheat 111 2 18 M-2, T-6, N-l PR Firozpur Cantt. (8) EA Wheat 219 3 12 M·1. T·8, N-1 PR Firozpur (10) EA Wheat 105 9 M-2, T-3, N-l PR Firozpur (7) EA Wheat 157 2 11 T-5 PR Firozpur (10) EA Wheat 250 58 20 T-5 PR Firozpur (9) EA Wheat 283 4 19 M-4, T-12, N-l

PR Firozpur (It) EA Wheat 68 16 8 T-2, N-l PR Firozpur (14) EA Wheat, Maize & 137 137 114 15 21 T·1 Rice KR Firozpur (13) FA Wheat, Maize & 15 113 13 Rice - '2 " 1 . 4 'T·:3 . < PR Firozpur Cantt. (6) EA Wheat & Maize 38 PR Firozpur Cantt. (7) EA Wheat, Maize & 107 12 C.2, M·2. T·2 Rice 80 FiROZPUR TAHSIL 1981 CENSUS Amenities and

Loca- Name of village Total Total ~menities available (if not available within the village, a dash(-) is shown lion (With Hadbast No.) area population Ifl the column and next to it in brackets, the distance in broad ranges Code of the and No. of . viz. _5 kms. 5_10 kms. and lO+kms. of the nearest place where No. village households the facility is available, is given) (ill hectares) Educational Medical Drinking Post and Day Communi- water telegraph or cations (potable) days (BuS stop, of the railwa), market/ station, hat. water- if way) any

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 II 9 10 BS 3/21176 Sadar Dinwala (272) 204 355(61) P _(0-5) HP,TW -(0-5) BS 177 Hus~ain Shabwala (270) 121 223(39) P _(0-5) HP,TW -(0-5) _(5_10) BS 178 Pir Khan Sheikh (269) 172 293(44) P _(5-10) HP,TW _(0-5) 179 Chhanga Makhna (276) 49 16(2) -(0-5) _(0-5) HP,TW -(0-5) 180 KaJa (275) 92 189(30) P _(0-5) HP,TW -(0- 5) BS

-(0-5) _(0-5) 181 Kamal Din Nhzi (283) 149 32(8) - (0-5) _(0-5) HP _(0-5) _(0-5) 182 Tibbi Khurd (281) 294 532(82) P D,PHS HP,TW BS 183 Kr:rman (265) 832 1,753(258) P _(5-10) HP,TW PO BS Sodhiwala (266) 271 553(94) P _(5-10) HP -(0-5) 184 -(0-5) BS 185 Nawan Qila (264) 231 389(63) P _(5-10) HP,TW

_(0-5) HP,TW -(0-5) BS 186 Jodhpur (304) 338 604(82) P _(5-10) 145 506(75) P -(10+) HP _(0_5) 187 Khamba (253) -(0-5) BS 188 Betu Qadim (245) 487 1,055(176) P,M _(10+) HP,TW 188(32) _(0-5) -(10+) HP,TW _(0-5) -(0-5) 189 Lodharan (246) 124 _(5_10) -(5-10) 190 Daryake (244) 126 307(49) P -(5-10) HP

_(5_10) _(5-10) 191 Malsian (243) 113 152(23) P -(5-10) T, HP,TW, W _(5__ 10) -(0-5) 192 Bodal (314) 104 351(53) P -(5-10) HP,TW,W -(5-10) HP,TW,W _(5_10) _(5-10) 193 Mirza Lakboke (315) 108 153(21) P -(5-10) 150 312(55) P _(5-10) HP,TW _(5_10) 194 Wadi (320) -(5-10) _(5_10) 195 Madyake (319) 145 243(31) P _(5-10) HP,TW

-(0-5) 440 1,877(316) P,M _(5-10) HP,TW -(0-5) 196 Me!,!ha Rai (326) -(0-5) -(0-5) 197 Chak Megha Mahantam (325) 144 267(45) P _(5-10) HP _(5-10) HP -(5-10) _(10+) 198 Chak Madyake (318) 174 407(74) P -(0-5) 53(11) -(0-5) HP,TW -(0-5) 199 Atuwala Uttar (317) 144 _(5-10~ _(5-10) _(5-10) 200 Atuwaia Hithar (327) 93 276(45) -(0-5) _(5-10 HP HP,TW _\5-10) _(5-10) 201 Chak Shikargarh (328) 175 131(24) P _(5-10) 202 Dona Rajadinaoath (329) 225 00 BS 956 1,397(234) P _(5-10) HP,TW - (0-5) 203 Dona Mattar (332) HP,TW -(0-5) _(0-5) (333) 504 642(91) P _(5-10) 204 Matt8r Hithar _(5-10) HP,TW _(0-5) _(0-5) 205 Mattar Uttar (316) 281 735(128) P _(0-5) 134 226(34) P _(10+) T,TW,HP -(0-5) 206 Awan (321) HP,TW: -(0-5) -(0--5) (313) 179 206(33) P _(5-10) 207 Raoke Uttar _(5-10) HP,TW _(5-10) BS 208 Raoke Hithar (334) 428 1,247(213) P,M _(0-5) 483 330(55) P _(10+) HP,TW -(0--5) 209 Gatti Mattar (362) _(0--5) _(5-10) HP,TW _(0--5) -(0-5) 210 Rajarai (355) J 306 190(35) _(5-10) HP,TW _(0-5) _(0-5) 211 Chak Raoke Hithar (335) 178 270(50) P

212 Doni khunda (360) 11 0 _(0~5) -(0-5) 185 339(55) -=-:(0-5) _(5-10) HP,TW 213 Pharuwaia (357) _(0--5) _(0-5) HP,TW _(0-5) BS 214 Khundar Hithar (336) 342 140(28) _(10+) HP _(0-5) BS 215 Jaman Rak4ia Hithar (337) 289 788(139) P 81 VILLAGE DIRECTORY FlROZPUR DISTRICl' Land use Approach Nearest town and Power Staple food Land use (i .e. area under different Remarks (including any place to the distance (in kms). supply types of land use in hectares rounded of religious. historical or village to the nearest unit) arachaeological interest .)

Forest Irri- Unirri- Cultu- Area Number of Places-- of gated gated rable not Cars/Jeeps! religious, bY' waste avaiIa. Motorcyclesl historical source onclu. ble for Scooters! or arcllaeo- ding cultiva- Newspapers/ logical gauch- tion Tractors interest arand groves)

11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 20(a) PR Flrozpur Cautt. (:10) EA Wheat, Maize & 171 9 1 23 T-I0 Rice PR Firozpur Cantt. (11) EA Wheat, Maize ,& 99 9 0 13 T-g, M·2 Rice PR Firozpur Cantt.(12) EA Wheat, Maize & 101 38 2 31 T·4 Rice PR Firozpur Cautt. (10) EA Wheat, Maize & 47 2 Rice PR Firozpur Cantt. (10) EA Wheat, Maize & &3 1 7 T·6 Rice KR Firozpur Cantt. (14) EA Wheat, Maize & 42 87 10 10 Rice PR Firozpurt Cantt. (11) EA Wheat, Maize & 276 3 15 ~.3 T.-20 Rice " • • f!<:. PR Firozpur Cantt. (14) EA Wheat 679 71 16 66 M-4. T-45 , N-1 PR Firozpur Cantt. (14) EA Wheat 24~ 1 22 T-ll, N-2 PR Firozpur CanU. (14) EA Wheat 171 26 13 21 M-l, T-12. N-1

PR . FirozpurCanttt.(16) EA Wheat 316 1 21 T-12. N-5 PR Guru Har Sahai (3) EA Wheat 131 .. 14 M-l, T-6 PR Guru Har Sahai (13) EA Wheat 423 64 Col, M-2, T-1S PR Guru Har Sahai (13) EA Wheat 110 14 T-3 PR Guru Har Sahai(14} EA Wheat 115 11 M-I, T-l5

PR Guru Har Sahai(lO) EA Wheat 102 11 M·2, T-5 PR Guru Har Sahai(15) EA Wheat 93 11 T·7 PR GUI'U Har Sahai(16) EA Wheat 87 .21 T-2 PR Guru Har Sahai(14) EA Wheat 135 15 T·l PR Guru Har Sahai(13) EA Wheat 134 l 9 M·l, T ... 3

PR Guru Har Sahai(10) EA Wheat 248 149 14 29 M-l, T-9 PR Guru Har Sahai (10) EA Wheat 127 10 7 PR Guru Har Saha'i(12) EA Wheat 166 & T-:; PR Guru Har Sahai(I4) EA Wheat 134 10 M-I. T-l KR Guru Har Sahai(16) EA Wheat 83 1 1 98 ( PR Guru Har Sahai(13) EA Wheat 131 7 28 9 T-2 Uninhabited PR Guru Har S~hai(15) EA Wheat 157 '439 57 303 T-2 PR Guru Har Sahai(14) EA Whcat 457 42 5 T-12 PR Guru Har Sahai(13) EA Wheat & Rice 258 23 T-17 PR Guru Har Sahai(12) EA Wheat & Rice 123 11 T-9 PR Guru Har Sahai(12) EA Wheat & Rice 161 15 3 T-l PR Guru Har Sahai(19) EA Wheat & Rice 398 2 1 T-8 PR Guru Har Sahai(21) EA Wheat & Rice 280 165 38 T-10 PR Guru tfar Sahai(21) EA Wheat & Rice 111 193 2- T-l KR Guru Har 5ahai(18) EA Wheat. Ma'ze & 78 17 6 77 Rice Uninhabited PR . Guru Har Sah'I(16) EA Wheat & MaL:e 164 8 13 TM4 PR Guru Bar Sahal15) EA Wheat, Maize & 316 13 13 T-4 Rice PR Guru Har S;lhai(14) EA Wheat, Maize & 236 37 15 1 T-2 Rice 82 FlR.OZPUR TAHSIL 1981 CENSUS Amenities and

Location Name of village Tots I Total popula- ~mellities. available (if not 8.vailable within the viIlr.ge, 2. dash(-) Cod, (With Hadbast No.) area of tion and IS shown III the column and next to it in brackets, the distance in No. the viUa- No.of broad ranges VIZ. -5kms., 5_1O kms. and 10 + krns. of the nearest age (in house- place where the facilit is available, is given) hectares) holds Educational Medical Drinking Post and Day Communi- water telegraph or cations (potable) days (Bus stop, of the railway market station, hat, waterway) if any

1 2 ~ 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 _(0-5) -(0-5) HP,TW -(0-5) BS 3/2/216 Jaman Rakhia Uttar (310) 123 496(90) 217 Khundar Uttar (312) 175 642(110) -P,M _(0-5) HP -PO BS 218 Chak Khundar (311) 109 175(30) -(0-5) _(10-+ ) HP -(0-5) -(0-5) 219 Jatala (255) 175 279(45) P -(0-5) HP -(0-5) -(0-5) 220 Saideke Naul (254) 260 438(60) P -(0-5) HP,TW -(0-5) BS

221 Chak Sawai Khurd (309) 17 69(12) . _(0-5) -(5-10) HP,TW _(0-5) -(0-5) 222 Hazara Singhwala (339) 628 1,660(275) P,M -(5-10) HP,TW,W -(0-5) BS 223 Lakha Siaghwala Hithar (340) 563 803(139) P -(5-10) HP,TW,W -(5-10) -(0-5) _(5-10) HP,TW,W -(0-5) -(0-5) . 22~ Latch:! Siu;!hwala Uttar (308) 25 144(26) P 225 Sawai Bhokhari (307) 241 358(67) P -(5-10) HP,TW -(0-5) -(0-5)

226 Chupati (306) 149 289(48) P -(5-10) HP -(0-5) ,. -(O-5) 227 Mamdot Uttac (305) 735 3,574(592) P,M,H -MCW,FPC HP PO BS -H(2), D, RP 228 Mamdot Hithar (341) 800 1,945(311) _(0-5) -(0-5) HP -~1O+" BS 229 Dona Rahmatwala (363j 123 28(7) _(0-5) -(10 +-) HP,TN -(0-5) -(0-5) 230 Dona Jaimalwala (343) 560 6(2) _(0-5) -(0-5) HP,rW .. -(0-5) -(10+) 231 Lakhmirke Hithar (342) 100 294(54) P -(0-5) HP -(0-5) -(0-5) 232 Lakhmirke Uttar (302) 76 337(53) P -(U-5) HP -(0-5) -(0-5) 233 Basti Pathananwali (303) 101 69(13) P _(O-j) HP,TW -(0-5) -(10+) 234 Chak Ghobai Alias 326 583(98) P -(0-5) Ht',TW -(0-5) -(5-10) Taranwala (300) 235 Rahimeke Uttar (301) 227 722(128) P -(0-5) HP,TW -(0-5) BS _(0-5) 236 Rahimeke Hithar (345) 96 48(6) P HP,TW -(0-5) -(5-10) Chak Dona Rahimeke (344) 110 236(42) P -(0-5) HP,TW -(0-5) BS 237 _(0-5) 238 Gatti Basti Masta No.1 t36l:S) 39 263(47) -(0-5) , HP -(0-5) -(0-5) Gatti Basti Masta No.2 (358) 216 171(30) P _(0-5) HP,TW -(0-5) BS 239 -(0-5) 240 Malaha Rahimeke Uttar ,297) 72 244(33) P HP,TW -(5-10) -(5-10) _(0-5) 241 Chak Ghobai Alias 295 539(101) P HP,TW -(0-5) -(5-10) Tangan (299) 242 Malha Rahimek{!t}lithar (346) 70 19(3) -(0-5) -(5-10) HP -(0-5) -(5-10; _(0-5) _(0-5) 243 Tibbi Kalan (277) 521 1,098(168) P,M HP,TW BS ChakMalha Kari (280) 62 60(11) _(0-5) -(0-5) HP,TW -(0-5) -(0-5) 244 _(0-5) 245 Mohamad Khan :Niazi (279) W 146(3U) P (5-10) HP,TW BS

246 Kakar (278) 121 343(49) P -(5-10) HP,TW -(0-5) -(0-5) pojuke Uttar (296) 245 959(146) P _~0-5) HPTW _(0-5) BS 247 _(0-5) 248 lnayatke (295) 53 80(16) -(0-5) HP -(0-5) -(0-5) t49 Kalu Ara;n Uttar (294) 56 ',50 Kalu Arain Hithar (349) 140 822(160) P _c5_:_iO) HP -(S'_:_10) -(0-5) pojuke Hithar (348) 222 144(21) _(0-5) _(5-10) HP -(5-10) -(0-5) 51 P _(0-5) 5.2. Chhanga Khurd (298) 34 928(175) HP -(0-5) BS i3 Chak lJhangewala (347) 548 795(134) P -(0-5) HP -(0-5) -(0-5) Gatti Chak jadid (367) 367 i4 .... (0-5) -(0-5)' -(Q_:_S) 5 Gatti Mehmudke Hithar (366) 269 10(1) HP -(~5) 8;

VILLAGE DIRECTOY FlROZPUR DISTRICT Land use Approach Nearest town and Power Staple food Land use (i.e. area under different Remarks (including any place to the dhtance (in kms..) supply types oft and use in hectares rounded of religious, historical or village to the nearest unit) archaeological interest)

Forest Irriga- Unirri- Cultu- Area Number of Places of ted g1.ted rable not Cars/Jeeps! religious. bv waste availa- 1\'10tor cycles! l.istorical source (inclu- ble for Scooters.! or archaeologi- ding cultiva- NewspJ.pers cal interest gauch- tion Tractors arand groves) 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 20(a) PR Guru Har Sahai(l6) EA Wheat, Maize 86 :'2 14 T-5 & Rice PR Guru Hat Sahai(14) EA Whea1, Maize 141 19 14 1 T-9 & Rice KR Guru Har Sahai(14) EA Wheat, Maize & Rice 42 47 6 14 PR Guru Har Sahai(14) EA Wheat, Maize 128 7 24 16 T-5 & Rice PR Guru Hat Sahai(16) BA Wheat, Maize 234 4 22 M-3, T-7 & Rice

KR Guru Har Sahai(14) EA Wheat 11 4 1 PR Firozpur Cantt.(23) EA Wheat, Maize 462 11 155 T-6 & Rice PR Firozpur Cantt.(21) EA Wheat, Maize 276 43 26 218 T-6 & Rice FR Firozpur Cantt.(21) EA Wheat Maize 16 9 & Rice KR Guru Har Sahai(13) EA Wheat, Maize 182 47 14 M-l, T-4, N-2 Rice

PR Flrozpur Cantt.(18) EA Wheat, Maize 109 23 17 T-4,N-2 & Rice PR Ffrozpur Cantt.(16) EA Wheat 641 95 T-4, C-3, M-15 PR Firozpur Cantt.(20) EA Wheat 684 116 C-3, M-l, T-23 , PR Firozpur Cantt(19) EA Wheat 83 40 PR Firozpur Cantt.(18) EA Wheat 95 8 457 T-2 PR Firozpur Cantt.(18) EA Wheat .. 84 16 T-;? PR Firozpur Cantt(18) EA Wheat 71 5 T-2 PR Firozpur Cantt(18) EA Wheat 84 17 T-2 PR Firozpur Cantt(12) EA Wheat, Maize 261 48 2· 15 M-20, T-2 & Rice PR Firozpur Cantt'(17) EA Wheat & Rice 202 11 1 13 M-27, T-8 KR Firozpur Cantt.(14) EA 73 17 6 M-4 PR Firozpur Cantt(18) EA Wheat & Rice 102 2 5 M-15, T-2 PR pirozDur (14) EA Wheat & Rice 6 1 32 PR Firozpur (14) EA Wheat & Rice 204 11 M-20 PR Firozpur Cantt.(16) EA Wheat, Maize 67 5 M-12, T-2 & Rice PR Firozpur Cantt.(19) EA Wheat & Rice 279 16 M-35, T-2 KR Firozpur Cantt.(18) EA Wheat & Rice 63 4 3 PR Firozpur Cantt.(12) EA Wheat, Maize 395 92 34 M-75, T-18 & Rice PR Firozpur Cantt.(10) EA Wheat & Rice 58 4 T-4 PR Firozpur Cantt.(11) EA Wheat & Rice 72 8 T-S

PR Firozpur (16) EA Wheat & Rice 115 6 T-4 PR Firozpur (14) EA Wheat & Rice 225 20 T-8 PR Firozpur Cantt.(18) EA Wheat & Rice 9 23 13 8 Uninhahlted PR Frozpur . (18) EA Wheat . 54 54 32 T-7 Uninhabited KR Firozpur (16) EA Wheat 216 6 PR f irozpur (16) EA Wheat & Rice 27 7 T-3 PR Pirozpur (13) EA Wheat 518 30 T-13 PR Firozpur (13) EA 39 185 24 21 84 FmoZPUR TAHS[L 1,}81 CENSUS Amenities and Loca· Name of vitlage Total Total Amenities available (if not available within t]le viT1qe. t c:,.,h(_) is «ion (With Hadb"st No.) area population shown in the ooluom and next to it in brackets, tIte di stance in broad Cod':' of the and No. of ranges vi~ _5 kms., 5_10 kms. and 10+kms. of the nearest place No. vmaze l\Qullehotds wlwre the facility is avaitable, is given) (in hectares) ---~-~----~ Edu~ational Medical Drinking F»st and Day Communi- W3.ter telegraph or cations (potable) dais (Bus stOI'. oftue railway ~" l-Li:iI·. station, kett water- hat. way) if any 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 '3 9 to 3/2/255 Mehnunudke Mahal 150 62(14) -:0-5) --(0-5) HP -(0-5) -(0-5) Hithas (35Z) 251 Mehmaludke Hlthar (:289) 63 25S Mehmmudke Uttar (293) 66 9(2) :... .'(0-5) ~()-5) UP ':":(0-5) _:_C()-5) 259 Lakha Hajl (291) 140 436(78) P _(5-10) UP _.IS-I 0) BS 260 Bhamba Haji .(286) 191 767(142) P --(5-10) HP,TW _(5-10) -0-5)

261 Fattewa[a Uttar (2.92) 19 9{4) -(O-S) -(5-10) HP - (S-H]) ., _(0-5) 262 Rol:tela Hazi Hithar (353) 25 19(4) - (0-5) -(5-10) HP ~(5-10) _(0-5) 263 Gatti Teluwala Mai (364(365) 255 33(3) -(0-5) -(5-10) HP -(5-10) -(()..-.-S)

264 Fatewala Hithar (351) 55 271(54) P -(5-10) HP,TW _(5-10) - ... (O~5) 265 Ronela Hajl Uttar Q.S7) 79 241(44) p --(5-10) HP,TW -(5-10) -(O-S)

.266 Chak Sutaeya (288) 28 10(2) -(0-5) -(5-10) HP -(5-1-::)1 ~(0--5) 267 Nih!l.1a Kicha (284) 157 222(43) l' -flO..,...) llP.TW -(5-W} -l:O-5) 268 Dona Telumalwala. (69) 44-1 5(1 i --(D-S) _(5-W) HP ~(5-1O) _(0--5) 269 Haoiowala (70) 362 1,174(210) P -(10+) HP,TW 1>0 -(5-10) 210 Gandhu Kilcba Uttar (2S5) 365 190 (40) P - (5_10) HP, TW -(5-!O) BS 271 Gandllu KilcM Hithat (354) 33 272 Lamochar (61) 53 :m AliAulakh (6S) 115 .. 274 Bareke (66) . 1,225 1,433(256) P;M :"":'(0-5) HP,TW PO. Phone BS 215 Ghulam Hussainwala (65) 662 770(159) P -(0_5) HP.TW -(j)_5) -(0-5) 276 Weir (65/1) 1,399 1.626(310) p -(10+) HP,TW _(10+) _(10+) 217 Machhiwara (62) 156 ...... 218 Ghatti Rahimeke (63) 310 724(119) P -(5_10) HP,TW -(5_10) ':":(5-10) 219 Kaluwara (61) 165 59(9) -(0_5) _(5_10) HP -(5_10) _(5_10) 280 Niha,lewala (60) 233 101(15) _(0_5) _(0_5) UP -(0_5) --((5) 28:1 Habibke (59) 380 1,048(178) P --{0_5) HP,TW -(0_5) --«()_5}

282 Aulake (64/107} 97 282(49) -{O_5) _(0--.5) HP,TW ~(O_5) 283 Ferozpur (108) 1,993 1,546(254) P(8).M(5). H;PHC,D. T,HP,TW PTO,PhQOO .. -BS,RS H(S),Q2) MeW,FPC 284 Madhre (106) 123 298(41) -(0_5) -(0_5) HP.TW - (0_5) BS 285 Suba Qadim (102) 205 520(83) P -(5_10) HP.TW -{5_10) -(5_10) lS6 KaiLuwala (101) 81 159(26) -(0_5) _(0-5) HP•. TW -(5_10) -(5_10)

287 Kadan Pahelwan (100) 173 301(47) P,M,H R,D HP,TW -(5_10) -(5_10) 288 Suba Ja.did (103) 109 189(29) P _(0_5) HP,TW -(0_5) -(5_]0) 289 Gokhiwala (105) 190 240(40) P -(:i-tO) HP,TW -(S_10) -(5_10) 290 Machhlwara (104) 118 257(38) P -(5_10) HP.TW -(5_10) _(5_10) 291 Pir Ismail Khanwaia (71) 293 591(113) I' -(5_10) HP,TW -(5_10) -(5_10) 292 Dulewata (n} 161 459(S2} --(lL5) --(5-1(\) HP,TW -(5_10) -(5_10) 293 Hasteke (99) 195 396(59) P -(5_10) HP,TW -(5_10) -(0_5) 294 Kahan Chandwala (96) 210 1,162(201) P -(5_10) HP,TW .,...-(5_10) -(0_5) ~S Ha~i Cbhiroba (97) 19 146(21) -({)-5) .,.-.(0_5) HP -(0_5) .. -{O_S) 85 VILLAGE DIRECTORY PIROZPUR DISTRICT Land Use ,Approach Nearest town and Power Staple food . Land use (i .e. ,area under different types Remarks (including any place 'to the distance (in kms). supply of land use in hectares rounded to the of religious, historical or village nearest unit) archaeological interest)

Forest Irriga- Un- Cultur- Area Number------of Places of ted by irriga- able not Cars/Jeeps/ religious, source ted waste avail- Motor-cycles/ historical (includ- able Scooters/News or archaeo- ing for papers/, logical gauchar culti. Tri1ctors interest 8c vation groves)

11 12 13 14 15 16 11 18 19 20 .1.0(a) >PR 45 86. 19 ! Flrozpur (16) EA Wheat & Rice .. Uninhabited I·"- .. !)(R FiroZpur (18) EA Wheat·s., Rice ii 4.1 3 (KR Firozpur (16) EA Wheat & Rice 32 92 2 14 T-2 rKR Firozpur (12) EA Wheat & Rice 84 79 12 22 T-l ( '.'KR Firozpur (13) EA Wheat & Rice 15 3 1 !xR Firozpur (14) EA Wheat &Rice 12 12 1 r:KR Firozpur (14) EA Wheat & Rice 28 51 12 164 Firozpur (11) EA Wheat & Rice 15 35 5 T-t ~ Firozpur (14) EA Wheat & Rice 56 18 5 T"l 'KR Firozpur (13) EA Wheat & Rice 11 10 1 :KR Firozpur (12) EA Wheat & Rice '28 112 10 7 T-! ··'KR Firozpur (8) EA Wh¢at &. Rice 142 3 296 T-4 ,.PR Firozpur (8) EA Wheat 104 228 4 26 PR Firozpur (8) EA Wheat 90 170 23 82 1 Uninhabited Uninhabited Uninhabited Firdzpur (4) EA Wheat 317 54~ 184 175 Col, T-4 Firozpur (8) EA Wheat, Maize 82 315 76 189 M-2, T-6 & Rice Firozpur (10) EA Wheat, Maize 236 751 412 T-9 f: & Rice i:4. Uninhabited ~R Firozpur (8) EA Wheat, Maize 45 227 38 T-t & Rice ~R Firozpur (10) EA Wheat, Maize 94 71 ! & Rice ~R Firozpur (6) EA Wheat, Maize 2 11 220 & Rice fR Firozpur (2) EA Wheat, Maize 146 114 120 T-3 , & Rice PR Firozpur (1) EA Wheat, Maize 42 44 11 & Rice PR Firozpur (0) EA Wheat, Maize 1,296 1 701 C-31, M-4. T-91 & Rice PR Firozpur (2) EA Wheat, Maize 110 13 M-2 T-I0 & Rice PR Firozpur (2) EA Wheat, Maize 185 20 M-3, T-IS & Rice PR Firozpur (2) EA Wheat, Maize 72 9 T-5 & Rice PR Firozpur (5) EA Wheat, Maize 150 4 19 T-5 & Rice PR Firozpur (5) EA Wheat, Maize 89 20 T-6 & Rice PR Firozpur (5) EA Wheat, Maize 159 31 M-l, T-3 & Rice PR Firozpur (5) EA Wheat, Maize 106 6 6 M-I, T-S & Rice PR Firozpur (6) EA Wheat, Maize 233 49 11 M-2, T-lO l & Rice -P~ Firozpur (5) EA Wheat, Maize 146 3 12 M-l, T-3 & Rice PR Firozpur (7) EA Wheat, Maize 119 40 1 35 M-2, T-16, N-2 & Rice PR Firozpur (5) EA Wheat, Maize 106 79 25 M-3, T-8, N-4 & Rice PR Firozpur (5) EA Wheat, Mai?:1;l .. 17 t. ., 2 M-2, T-I, N~;;I ~Rice 86 FIROZPUIt· TAHSIL 1981 CENSUS Amenitills and Loca- Name of village Total Total Amenities available (if not available within the village, a dash(-) is shown tion (With Hadbast. No.) !U'ea population in the column and next to it in brackts, the distance in broad ranges Code of the and No. of viz., -5 kms, 5-10 kms and lO+kms. of the nearest place where No. village households the facility is available, is given) (in hectares) Educational Medical Drinking Post and Day Communi- water telegraph or cations (potable) days (Bus stop, of the railway marketl station, hat, water- if way) any 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 8 9 10 3/2/296 Khilchi ]adid (95) 83 316(49) P _(0_5) HP -(0-5) -(0_51 297 Khilchi Qadim (94) 135 662(111) P -(0_5) HP -(0-5) --(0_5.' 298 Naurangke Sial (93) 119 945(158) P -(0_5) HP _(0-5) -(0_5)

~ , 299 Piranwala (92) 94 507(86) P D T,HP,W -(0-5) --(O-

300 Ghaniwala (90) 160 78(14) -(0-5) -(0_5) HP -(0_5) ~(0_5)

301 Naurangke Lalli (91) 244 612(105) P -(5_10) HP -(5_10) BS 302 Luther (98) 111 294(56) 'p -(5_10) HP _(5_10) -(0_5) 303 Khai (78/88) 1,620 3,056(569) P,M,H H,PHS,D HP PTO BS,RS 304 Miran Shah Noor (87) 68 170(33) P - (0_5) HP -(0__ 5) -(0_5) 305 Fatuwala (89) 418 977(182) P -(0_5) HP -(0-5) -(0_5)

306 Bubn Khanwala (216) 622 1,032(193) P - (0_5) HP,W,TW,R -(0_5) -(0_5)- 307 Jhok Harihar (215) - 2,202 2,563(431) P,M -(0_5) HP,W,TW,R PO -(0_5) 308 Tut (214) 1,010 1,363(221) P -(5-10) HF,W,TW, PO -(0_5) R • 309 Rukna Begu (209) 346 1,203(196) P -(5_10) HP PO BS 310 Nurpur (213) 973 2,703(414) P,M,H MeW,PHS HP FO -(0_5) 311 Rukna Mungala (115) 112 604(104) P -(0_5) HP _(0-5) BS 312 ButewaIa (116) 218 323(51) P -(0_5) . HP -(0-5) BS 313 Bazidpur (212) 1,326 3,069(508) P.M,H H,MCW,_ HP PO -(0_5) 314 Bajewala (211) 231 51(8) P,M,H D HP _(10+) RS 315 Kasu Begu (210) 329 740(128) P -(0-,-5) HP PO _(0_5)

316 Sayianwala (208) 369 501(86) P,M PHC HP PO BS 317 Wan (207) 336 545(82) P -(0_5) HP -(0_5) BS 318 Sappanwali (206) 431 444(72) P -(0_5) HP PO BS 319 Bhangar (205) 833 1,185(190) P -(5_10) HP PO BS 320 Ratta Khera Punjab 653 607 (89) P,M _(5_10) HP PO :3S SinghwaJa (204) 321 Mana Singhwala (203) 527 1,428(219) P FPC -(0_5) BS 322 Jaimalwala Alias 263 1,057. (178) P _(5_10) HP,TW PO BS Pireana (202) 323 Badhni Jaimal Singh (199) 430 472(80) P -(5_10 HP,TW -(0_5) -(5_10) 324 Machhiwara Alias 337 839(130) P -(5_10) HP,TW -(5-10) -(5_10) Kamagar (200) 325 Kakuwala (127) 477 1,181(185) P -(5_10) HP,TW - (5_10) RS 326 (201) 1,594 3,192(520) P(2) H,D,MCW HP,TW PO BS,RS 327 Saidanwala (125) 323 556(87) P,M -(5_10) HP,TW PTO _(0_5) 328 Sanda Hasham (126) 427 1,295(211) P,M -(5_10) HP,TW -(5_10) BS 329 Walhdor (128) 400 927(152) P,M,H D,FPC HP -(0_5) -(0_5) 330 Gadodoo (131) 161 90(13) -(0_5) _(5_10) HP,TW -(0_5) ,. -(0-5) 87

VILL~GE DIRECTORY FIROZPUR DISTRICT Land use ApiJfOach Nearest town and Power Staple food Land use (i.e. area un.der different tyPes Rema~k~ (inclu~ing any place to the distl:1ce (in kms.) supply oftilnd use in hectares rou,nded to the of relIgIOUS, hIstorical or village nelre,t unit). archaeological interest)

------~-- Forest trriga- Un- Cultur- Area Number of Places of ted by Irnga- able not Cars/Jeeps/ religious, source ted waste avai- Motor.cycles/ historical or (includ· able Scooters/ ~rchaeological ing for Newspapersl Interest gauchar culti - Tractors & vation groves)

71 12 13 14 15 16 17 lR 19 20 20(a) PR Firozpur (3) EA JWheat, Maize 57 15 11 M-2. T-4, N-2 & Rice . PR Firozpur (2) EA ~Wheat. Maize 115 5 15 M-2, T-6, N-2 & Rice . PR Firozpur (3) EA ,Wheat, Maize 98 21 M-l, T-2, N-2 & Rice PR Firozpur (5) EA , Wheat, Maize 15 46 ,33 C-15, M-14, & Rice T-3, N-4 PR Firozpur (5) EA I Wheat, Maize 112 48 M-2 T-S, N-2 & Rice ~ 43 \R Firozpur (5) J EA Wheat, Maize 172 29 M-2, T-6, N-2 & Rice ~R Firozpur (6) EA Wheat, Maize 25 57 29 M-2, T-4 & Rice :PR Firozpur (8) EA Wheat, Maize 1,247 13 6 354 M-8, T-35,N-2 !.:" & Rice iF,R Firozpur (8) EA Wheat, Maize 62 6 .. & Rice ,R Firozpur (5) EA Wheat, Maize 234 3 176 5 C-l, M-2! T-7 ....t & Rice '."-1, ~R Firozpur Cantt (6) EA Wheat, Maize 260 319 43 ~ , & Rice kPR Firozpur (4) EA Wp C>~ t, Maize, 417 1,304 195 286 ~ & Rice . :l»R Firozpur Cantt. (9) EA Wheat, Maize 119 812 79 ~ & Rice R Firozpur (6) EA Wheat, Maize 202 86 58 M-2, T-7 \r & Rice r,R Firozpur (6) EA Wheat 740 82 151 M-7, T-27 Firozpur CanU. (2) EA Wheat 100 12 C-l, M-3, T-3 ~~ Firozpur (3) , EA Wheat 165 45 8 C-3, M-6, T-9 ~fiR Firozpur (5) EA Wheat 780 361 185 M-3, T-35 ;t>R Firozpur (11) EA Wheat 175 46 10 T-3 !l»R Firozpur (10) EA Wheat 208 98 23 M-2, T-4

l>R Firozpur Cantt. (11) EA Wheat 197 129 4 39 C-5, M-5, T, 14, N-4 PR Firozpur Cantt. (11) EA Wheat 76 234 1 25 M-2, T-2 PR Firozpur (12) EA Wheat 179 225 27 M-l, T-8 PR Firozpur Cantt. (14) EA Wheat 245 493 43 52 M-8, T-I5, N-l PR Firozpur (11) EA Wheat 193 401 1 58 C-5, M-6; T-I8, N-4

PR Firozpur Cantt. (10) EA Wheat 303 187 1 36 M·2, T-19 PR Firozpur Cantt. (11) EA Wheat 180 39 1 43 M-2, T-8 PR Firozpur Cantt. (11) EA Wheat 299 90 2 39 , C-I,M-5, T·ll PR Firozpur Cantt. (13) EA Wheat 255 36 46 M-3, T-I 0 PR Firozpur (7) • EA Wheat 418 4 55 C-2, M-5, T-lO PR Firozpur Cantt. (8) EA Wheat 1,132 293 169 C-6, M-12, T-50, N-lO 1~1~ Firozpur Cantt. (8) EA Wheat 243 64 16 M-3, T-7 PR Firozpur (8) EA Wheat, Maize 389 1 2 35 C-l, M-15, T·25 & Rice PR Firozpur (10) EA Wheat, Maize. 327 6 1 66 M-l. T-22, N-2 & Rice It • PR Firozpur (10) EA Wbeat, Maize 146 1 4 10 &; Rice 8S FIROZPUR TAHSIL . 1981 CENStJS Amenities and Loca­ Name of village Total Total Amenities available (if n::>t available within the village, a dash (-) is tion (With Hadbast No.) area population shown in the colu::nn and next to it in brackts, the distance in broad Code of the and No. of ran,ges viz, -5, kms., 5-10 kms. and 10+kms. of the nearest place No. village households where the facility is available, is given) (in hectares) Educational Medical Drinking Post and Day Commun i- water telegraph or cations (potable) days (Bus stop, of the railway mar- station, ket/ water­ hat, way) if any 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 3/2/331 Mohkam Bhatti (129) 234 , 184(29) P _(5-10) HP.TW -(0-5) -(0-5) 332 Yare Shahwala (130) 340 746(126) P , _(5-10) HP,TW -(5_10) -(0-5) 333 Sadu Shahwala (138) 417 679(112) P -(5_10) HP, TW -(5_10) _(5-10) 334 Pharayamalwaia (29) 365 809(125) -(5_10) HP.TW -(0_5) _(5_10)

335 Baggeke Pipal (123) 679 1,619(243) ...:__(5_10) HP,TW -(5_10) --'{0~5)

336 Hastewala (122) 796 j 1,811(298) P.M -(.0_5) HP.TW _(0_5) _(0_5) 337 Dlstul Slhibwata (124) i 775 ),637(236) P(S),M(2),H -(O_5) HP,TW -(0-5) BS .338 Sbahdillwala (119) 170 672(96) P _(O_S) HP.TW --(O_-S) -(0_5) 339 Mohkam Kbaawala (117) ; 244 457(66) P -(0_5) HP,TW -(0-5) BS 340 Satyewala (114) 741 1,777(264) P(3) -:0-5) HP,TW _(0-5) BS

341 Pir Ahmad Khanwala (113) 110 308(39) P _(0-5) HP,TW _(0-5) _(0-5)

342 Kotwal (118) 204 241(44) P _(0-5) HP,TW _(0-5) -(0-5)

343 Assai (120) 257 898(133) P, M _(0-5) HP _(0-5) -(0-5) 344 Gillanwaia (121) 273 443(67) P -(O-S) HP _(0-5) _(0-5)

345 Baghail Singbwala (110) 115 255~40) -(0-5) _(0-5) HP -(0-5) -(0-5)

346 Hakewala (112) 110 758(101) P -(0-5) HP -(0-5) _(0-5) 347 Ramewala (111) 46 299(48) P _(0-5) HP -(0-5) _(0-5)

348 Theth (109) . 47 40(7) _(0-5 j _(0-5) HP _(0-5) _(0-5) 349 Sodhewala (50) 211 396(60) P,M, H _(0-5) HP _(0-5) BS 350 KhushaI Singhwala (49) 111 1,286(192) P, M, H _(0-5) HP _(0-5) -(0-5)

351 Khaneke Ahal (48) 113 170(30) P -(0-5) HP -(0-5) -(0-5) 352 Padri (47) 118 248(43) P _(0-5) HP _(0-5) _(0-5)

353 Rajiwala (46) 260 512(89) P -(O-S) HP -(0-5) --(0-5) 354 Bhadru (45) 197 302(47) p,;n _(5-10) HP _(5-10) BS 355 Bahadurwala (52) 196 155(29) _(0-5) _(0-5) HP _(0-5) BS

356 Bhagwanpura (51) 178 113(20) _(0-5) _(0-5) liP _(0-5) _(0-5)

357 Qutbewala (57) 64 335(50) _(0-5) -(0-5) HP, TW, W -(0-5) -(0-5)

358 Saideke (58) 222 151(25) _(0-5) _(0-5) HP, TW, W _(0-5) -(0-5)

359 Dulchike (56) _j 1,724 1.319(225) P(l), M -(0-5) HP, TW, W _(0-5) -(0-5)

360 Palha Megha (55) _J .._1,197 1,732(290) P,M, H -(0-5) HP _(0-5) -(0-5) 89


Approach Nearest town and' Power Staple_ food Lind USe {i.e. area ~nder different types Rem~rks (including any place to the distance (in kms). supply of land use in hectares rounded to the of relIgious, historical or village nearest unit.) archaeological interest)

Forest Irriga- Un- CultlIr~ Area Number of Places of ted by irriga- able not Cars/Jeeps/ religious, source ted waste avail- Motor-cycles/ historical (includ- able SCooters/News or archaeo- ing for papers/ logical interes t gauchar culti- Tractors & vation groves)

11 12 13 14 15 16 17 1& 19 20 20(a) PR Firozpur (11) EA Wheat, Maize 197 8 2 27 T-4 & Rice PR Firozpur (13) EA Wheat, Maize 287 16 6 31 M·l, T·ll & Rice PR Firozpur (13) EA \Vheat, Maize 289 59 8 61 T-12 & Rice PR Fi rozpur 13) EA Wheat, Maize 334 31 M-2, T-8 & Rice PR Firozpur(ll) EA Wheat Maize 601 16 62 M·S, T-30 & Rice

PR Firozpur (5) EA Wheat, Maize 693 10 93 C-1, M.S, & Rice T-45 PR Firozpur (3) -EA WheRt, Maize 706 46 23 C-3,M-ll, & Rice T-48 PR Firoz!,ur (5) EA Wheat, Maize 155 1 14 C·1, M·6, & Rice T-1S PR Firozpur (3) EA WI eat', Maize 221 23 C-l, M-5, T-16 & Rice PR Firozpur (2) EA Wheat,Maize 543 27 171 C·l, M-6, T.40 & Rice

PR Firozpur (3) EA Wheat, Maize 100 10 M·4, T-12 & Rice PR Firozpur (3) EA Wheat Maize 194 9 M-3, T·lO & Rice PR Firozpur (3) BA Wheat, Maize 227 30 M·5, T.l&, N-1 & Rice PR Fi rozpur (3) EA Wheat, Maize 249 24 C-1, M-5, T-16 & Rice PR Frozpul (3) EA Wheat, Maize 104 11 M·4, T·g & Rice 95 PR Firozpur (2) EA Wheat, Maize 15 M·4, T.1O, & Rice N-2 43 PR Firozpur (2) EA Wlleat, Maize 3 M·4, T·8 & Rice PR Firozpur (3) EA Wlleat, Maize 43 4 C-1, M·1, T.4 &; Ril:e PR Firozpur (2) EA \Vheat, Maize 177 15 19 M·l, T·7 & Rice PR Firozpur (2) EA V/lieat, Maize 98 13 M·I, T·l7, N·5 & Rice

PR Firozpur (2) EA Wheat, Maize 103 10 T-8 & Rice PR Firozpur (3) EA Wheat, Maize 113 5 T·7 & Rice PR Firozpur (6) EA Wheat, Maize 238 22 & Rice PR I:irozpur (6) EA \V;leat, Maize 166 31 T·5 & Rice PR Firozpur (4) EA Wheat, Maize 180 16 T·4 & Rice

PR Firozpur (3) EA 'Wheat, Maize 161 17 C-2,M-l, T-4, & Rice N·4 PR Firozpur (3) EA W;leat, Maize 57 7 T·6 & Rice PR Firozpur (1) BA. Wheat, Maize 207 15 7·3 & Rice Pit Firozpur (3) %. Wheat, Maize 444 964 316 Col, M·2, T ·25 & Rice Pit Flr.:>z;;>ur (3) EA Wheat, Maize 845' 62 97 193 M·2, T·17 & Rice FtROWuR tAHSit 1981 cENsus Amenities and

Loca- Name of village Total Total !"menirics a\'llilable (if not ~v~b1e within the village, a daf>h(-) is shown (With Hadba&t N().) ilCe:a poPUlAtion 10 the column aad next to It 10 bcacl:ts, the -distance in broad ranges lion viz., -5 kms •• 5-10 k.tm. and IO+lrnm. of the nearest place where Code Qfthe and No. of village households tbe facility is available, is ghen) No. (in hectares) Educational Medical Drinking Post and Day Communi- water telegraph or cations (potable) dal'$ (Bus. stap, of the railway market! station, hat, water- if way) any S 6 7 8 9 10 i 2- ~ 4 488 909(166) P,M -(0-5) HP -(0-5) .. _(0-5) 312/361 Langian (53) 101 99(14) P _(0-5) HP,TW _(0-5) .. -(0-5) 362 Bhamba Singhwala (54) 428(89) P _{5-1 0) HP,TW _(5-10) .. --(5-10) 363 A1ewala (3.9) 197 364- Thaith (37) 21 543(96) P _(5-10) HP.TW _(5-10) -(0-5) 365 KamalwaIa (38) 262

_(5-10) _(5-10) _(0-5) Akuwala (40) 278 429(76) P HP,TW .. 366 46 43(9) -(0-5) _(5-10) HP,TW -(5-10) .. _(0-5) 367 Lakha Bubna (41) _(5-10) _(O--S) Asman Randhawa (42) 61 65(12) _(0-5) _(5-10) HP.TW .. 368 Sl1l(8&) PrM,H Mew, FPC HP,TW --{S-IO) .. _(0-5) 369 Attari (43) 2&2 194(20) P _(5-10) HP,TW _(0-5) BS,R.S .370 Tega Singhwala (34) 106

_(5-to) HP,W.TW _(0-5) .. BS 371 Jiwa Bhedl (35) 118 207(36) P _(5-10) HP,W,TW PO .. RS 372 Masteke (36) 1,759 2,604(4{}7) P _(5-10) HP,TW _(G-S) _(0-5) 373 Mllth[anwala (321) 724 149(26) P .. _(0-5) HP,TW _(0-5) _(0--5) 374 Kamalwala (324) 264 566(97) P .. _«(J...-S) _(0-5) HP _(0-3) -(0-5) 375 Zama Megba (322) 1.9S 268(48)

HP.TW _(0-5) _(0-5) 376 Bala Megha (323) 159 141(25) --(0-5) D .. _(10+) _(5-10) 377 Nihala Lawera (325) .329 362(67) -(0-5) _(10+) HP _(5-10) HP _(5--10) _(5-10) 378 Tali Guiam (327) ISS 230(39) _(0-5) HP -(5-10) _(0--5) 379- Dhica Ghara (326) 329 298(5.2) _(0--5) _OO+:I .. HP -(5-10) _(10+) 380 Bundala (32&) 1,136 580(96) P PHe

_(0-5) HP _(5-10) _<5-10) 381 Kaleke Hitbar (343) 332 321(48) P .. _(1(,+) HP _(0--5) _(0-5) 382 Qutabdinwala (1) 276 4SS(74) P .. 442 871(132.) P _(10+) HP -(0-5) -(0-5) 383 Dula Singhwala (2) _(0----5) -(0-5) Ruknewala (3) 449 136(118) P,M PHS HP 384 _(5-10) HP _(0-5) _(0-5) 385 Kamala Middu (15) IS8 275(38) P .'

HP,TW -(0-5) Gurditiwala (4) 86 190(26) P _(5-10) 386 _(10+) RPTW _(0-5) --(0-5) 387 Fata Bora (5) 224- 234(39) _(0-.5) 278 657(113) P -(10+) HP,TW _(0-5) -(0----5) 3B8 Jaimalwala (6) _(O-S) Kama[wala Khurd (7) 201 589(103) P -(10+) HP,TW RS 389 _(O----S} HP,WT -(0-5) RS 390 Aliwala(8) lOS 224(35) --(0-5) _(0-5) _(0-5) RS 391 Kaluwala (10) 95 266(49) P HP 96 63(10) -C0-5) _(O-S) HP _«()-5) -CO-51 392 Bir Sarakar (9) HP,TW _(0-5) .. -(0-5) 393 Sadhu Singhwala (11) 435 847(144) P D,PHS _(0-5) HP,TW -(0--5) .. _(0-5) 394 llmewala (12) 309 477(74) P --(Q-S) -(0-5) 395 Kamala Badal (13) 35& 605(102) P -(0-5) HP,TW .. 91 VlLLAG£ DIRECI'ORY FlROZPUR DISTRICI' Land use Approach Nearest town and Power Staple food Land use (i.e., area under different types ' Remarks (including any place to the distance (in kms). supply of land use in hectares rounded to the of religious, historical or village nearest unit.) archaeological interest)

Forest Irriga- Un- Cultur- Area Number of Places of ted by irriga- able not Cars/Jeepsl religious. source ted waste avail- Motor-cycles/ historical (includ- able ScootersfNewS- or archaeo- ing for papers/ locical interest gauchar cuJti- Tractors & vatioD groves)

11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 20(a) PR Firozpur (3) EA Wheat, Maize 414 1 19 54 T-g &.Rice PR Firozpur (3) EA Wheat, Maize 96 5 T-2 &.Rice PR Firozpur (6) . EA Wheat 184 1 12 T-3 Uninhabited

PR Firozpur (12) EA Wheat 240 7 15 M-I, T-5

PR Firozpur (8) EA Wheat 140 98 40 T-5 PR Firozpur (10) EA Wheat 42 4 '1-2 PR Firozpur (to) EA Wheat 57 . i 4 M-l, T·3 PR Firozpur Cantt. (5) EA Wheat, Maize 238 8 35 M-I, T·18, & Rice "N-3 PR Firozpur (10) EA Wheat, Maize 76 22 8 M-3, T-12, N·I &'Bajra

PR Firozpur (ll) EA Wheat & Maize 108 1 9 M-2, T-IO, N-l N-1 PR Firozpur Cantt. (13) EA Wheat &. Maize 1,545 27 187 C-I, M-22, T.S, N-2 PR Khem Karan 14) EA Wheat, Maize 56 8 495 Hi5 &. Bajra PR Khem Karan (17) EA Wheat, Maize, 1 149 25 89 T-6 Rice&Bajra PR Khem Karan (16) EA Wheat, Maize, 143 49 3 T-2 Rice &.Bajra PR Khem Karan (17) EA Wheat, Maize. 50 17 92 T-2 Rice&. Bajra KR Khem Karan (18) EA Wheat, Maize. 194 45 42 .4 Rice&. Bajra PR Khem Karan (18) EA Wheat, Maize. 2 164 11 T-2 Rice & Bajra PR Khem Karan (18) EA Wheat, Maize, 222 8 9 T·2 Rice & Bajra KR Khem Karan 18) EA Wheat, Maize. 73 476 548 139 T.3 Rice &. Bajta

PR Khem Karan (19) EA Wheal, Maize. 178 71 83 M-l. T·3 Rice & Bajra l'R F irozpur (22) BA Wheat & Maize 44 209 23 T-3 PR Firozpur (22) EA Wheat & Maize 80 333 29 T·I0 PR Firozpur (21) EA Wheat & Maize 175 225 49 T·8 PR Firozpur(19 EA Wheat &. Maize 160 16 12 T-6

PR Firozpur (21) EA Wheat &. Maize 30 45 11 T-4 PR Firozpur (20) EA Wheat & Maize 177 35 12 T-4 PR Firozpur (20) EA Wheat & Maize 104 166 8 T-7 PR Firozpur (18) EA Wheat & Maize 151 33 iii 1 T-4 PR Firozpur (21) EA Wheat & Maize 80 10 18 T-5 PR Firozpur (20) EA Wheat &. Maize 12 15 8 T·5 PR Fir07pur (21) EA Wheat &. Maize 79 8 9 T-2 PR Firozpur (20) SA Wheat. Maize 218 139 35 43 M-l, T-20 & Rice PR Firozpur (19) EA Wheat, Maize 252 19 4 34 . M-l. T-t5 & Rice Wheat, Maia; ., q PR Firozpur (1~1) EA '! ~19 lZ7 r·ll k~~ 92 FIROZPUR TAHSIL . 11)81 CENSUS Amenities and

Loca· Name of village Total Total Amenities available (if not available within the village. a dash(-) is tion (With Hadbast No.) area population shown in the column and next to it in brackets; the distance in broad Code of the and No. of ranges viz, -5 kms., 5-10 kms. and 10-kms. of the nearest place . No. village households where the facility is available, is given) (in hectares) ._---- Educational· Medical Drinking Post and Day Communi water telegraph or cations (potable) days (Bus stop, of the railway mar- station, ketl water- hat, way) if any 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 -(0-5) 3/2}396 Far'dewala (16) 134 330(53) P -"'.-(0-5\ HP,TW -(0-5) _(0-5) 397 Bagguwala (14) 280 400(68) P _(0-5) . HP,TW -(0-5) _(5-10) 398 Hamidwala (14/1) 132 534(92) P -(0-5) HP,TW -(0-5) _(0-5) 399 BaggewaJa (17) 313 465(68) P -(0-5) HP,TW -(0-5) -(0-5) 400 Usmanwala (I 8) 284 191(27) P PHS HP,TW -(0-5)

477(76) .p -(5-10) HP -(()-5) BS 401 GulamwaIa (19) 260 -(0-5) 402 Achhcwala (20) 217 489(84) P -(5-10) HP,TW -(0-5) -(0-5) Dholewala (21) 186 265(411 P _ (0-5) HP -(0-5) 403 BS 404 Arifke (22) 848 1,612(265} P(3), M,H H,PHC,D HP,TW PO __ (0-5) 405 Baghewala (23) 170 225(36' P -'0·-5) I.{P,TW -(0-5) -(0-5) 406 Sultanwala (24) 47 520(84) P -(0-5) HP,TW -(0-5) BS 407 Nazamwala (25) 518 578(88) P,M D HP,TW -(0-5) BS 408 Katora (26) 424 639(113' P D,PHS HP,TW -(0-5) 208(35) -(0:.-5) HP,TW -(0--5) -(0-5) 409 Sandamoja (27) 127 P -(0-5) 410 Aku Masteke (31) 292 490(76) P -(5-10) HP,TW ,_(0--5)

RS 411 Maha'am (33) 236 1,168(211) P,M -(5-10) HP, W,TW PO BS 412 Patti Ghairabad (44) 86 31(5) -(0-5) -(5~-10) HP -(5-10) 206(39) P _(5-10) HP,TW -C0-5) _CO-5) 413 S;dhu (32) 162 -(0-5) 356(64) P _5-10) HP,TW -(0-5) 414 Lakha Bhed; (30) 289 _(0-5) -(0-5) 415 Tali Saidasr.hu (28) 283 ~98(65) P ..,,-(0-5) HP,TW -(0-5) 416 Chugatewala (139) 470 1,279(176) P,M D:PHS HP, W,TW ~(0-5) _(0-5) BS 417 Char.gali Jadid (140) 562 1,193(148) P(3), M, H -m-5) HP,W,TW -(0-5) ·--(0-5) 418 Rukan Shahwala (137) 282 460(66) P PRC HP,W,TW _(0-5) 419 Changali Qadim (136) 620 1,033(156) P PRC HP,TW -(0-5) BS 420 Fridewala (141) 574 883(135) P •. -(0.- 5) HPW, TW, PO

-(0_5) BS 421 SUrsinghw2.li\ (142) 384 1,093(189) P, M,H . PHS,D, RP HP,W,TW --(0_"5) HP,TW -(0_5) -(0_5) 422 L~h:garh (144/145) 657 1,269(201) P(3) BS 237 417(66) P -«(L-5) HP,TW -(p_ 5) 423 Kulgarhi (J 35) _(0-5) US 424 Na}ju Sh?h Misri (134) 428 578(77) P -(0 __ 5) HP --(5 __ 10) US 425 SlIer KhanW<1la (132) 383 1,717(280) P,M,AC 'H,n,RP HP,W,TW

---(0_5) 71(1(1 D) P(2) '-(O':__S) HP,TW· -(0_.5) 426 JamC'.itpnrfC Dhcru (133) 338 _(CL.5) RS 427 Ugoke (150) 458 74fl llf;) P. i\1.H ':_(O._ 5) HP,W, TW PO BS 428 Sodhi Naga'urfSultan 1,412 2,091(3~l) P,M,H D,H, RP HP,W,TW Khanwa!a (149) _(0_5) _(0_5 429 Qadabora (1

Forest Trriga- Un- Culttir-' Area Number of Places of ted by irriga- able not Cars/Jeeps/ religious, source ted waste avail- Motor-cycles! historical or (includ- able Scooters! archaeologica 1 ing for Newspapers! interest gauchar culti- tractors & vation groves)

11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 20(a)

PR Firozpur (16) . EA Wheat, Maize & 21 104 9 T·3 Rice PR Firozpur (21) EA Wheat, Maize & 119 131 10 20 T-2 Rice PR Firozpur (19) EA Wheat, Maize & 93 24 15 T-3 Rice PR Firozpur (16) EA Wheat, Maize & 50 218 31 14 T-12 Rice PR Firozpur (16) EA Wheat, Maize & 34 228 9 13 T-8 Rice PR Firozpur (18) EA Wheat 230 1 29 M-l,T-9 PR Firozpur (14) EA Wheat 191 .. 26 M-l, T-I0, N-2 PR Firozpur (14) EA Wheat 166 2 18 T-4, N·t PR Firozpur (13) EA Wheat 717 8 123 M-2, T, 13, N-3 KR Firozpur (13) EA \Vheat 157 13 1'-4 PR Firo:.>pur (14) EA Wheat 38 4 5 T-2 PR Firozpur (16) EA Wheat 330 !IS 103 Col, M-3. N-l T-14 PR Firozpur (to) EA Whea t, M8.i ze 319 59 46 T-8 PR Fil'ozpur (9) EA Wheat, Maize 86 36 5 T·3 PR Firozpur (6) EA Rice, Wheat & 197 54 41 M-i, T-3 Maize

PR Firozpur (10) EA Wheat. Mrize & n~Q 20 27 rvf·2, T·IO Rice PR Firozpur (6) EA Wh(,,'l.t, M8.i2e & 10 13 2 Ri<:e PR Firozpur (10) EA Wheat & Maize 138 9. 15 M·4.T·13 PR FirozPur (to) EA Wheat & Mahe 227 49 3 10 M-I, T-9 PR Firozpur (13) EA Whe2.t & Maize 95 141 11 36 M·l T-13 PR Firozppr (13) EA. Wlieat .. Mai7e & 415 8 47 T-22 Rice PR Firozpur (19) EA Wheat, Mp.i7c & 393 61 .70 38 T-22, N 3 Rice PR Fir07pur (19) EA Wheat,M8.i.le & 257 22 2 M-l. T·12 Rice PR Fir07pur (16) EA Wheat, Maile & 480 14 19 107 M·l, T-14 Rice PR Firozpur (24) .EA Wheat, MB.ize & 471 9.2 Jl T·16 Rice

Firozpur (22) EA Wheal, M'1ize & 334 70 30 C-l, M-7., T-16, PR Rice N-4 PR Firozpur (15) EA Wheat & Rice 600 17 40 (;·4, M·4. T·21 PR Firozpur (14) EA Wheat & Maize 194 12 5 26 M·6 T·Il PR Firozpur (I2) EA Wheat & Rice 384 44 . M:.'2, T·12 PR Firozpur (10) EA Wheat, Mahe & 338 2 43 M-3. T-16 • N·4 Rice PR Firozpur (12) EA Wl eat & Maize 296 1:,\ 7.7 C-l M-4, T-8 PR Firo.lpur (15) EA Wheat & Maize 294 107 1 56 M-l. T-Il, N '! PR Firozpur Cantt. (11) EA \Vheat & Rice 960 394 4 54 C·IO, M-5, T·30. N-7 PR Firozpur (15) EA Wheat 289 8 19 T-16. N,3 PR Firozpur (15) EA Wheat 145 13 20 M·2, T-5, N-2 94 FmozpUR TAHSIL 1981 CENSUS Amenitie$ and Location Name of village Total Total Amenities available (if not availabJe within the village. a dash(-) is shown Code (With Hadbast No.) area population in the column and next to it in brackets, the distance in broad ranges No. of the and No. of viz.,-5 kms., 5-10 kms. and 10-kms. of the nearest place where villal!lD households the facility is available, i s given) (in hec­ tares) Educational~~~------~~~------. Medical Drinking Post and Day or Communi- water telegraph days or cations (potable) the (Bus stoP. market/ railway hat, station. if any waterway)

1 2 3 4 7 8 9 10 3/2/431 Ratta Khera Bhai Gulab 238 256(38) P HP, W,TW -(0-5) BS Singh (146) 432 Karmuwafa (ISS) 1,1~1 1,400(217) P T.HP,TW PO BS,RS 433 Tttanwati (154) 357 781(138) P HP,W.TW PO R.S 434 Fer07e Shah (153) 1,245 2,392(428) P,M,H H,PHC,D T,HP.W,T PTOPhone .. BS.RS FPC 435 Machhiwara (152) 85 6(1) _(O_S) HP _(0_5)

431- Bhama alias Landa (15J) 447 1,021(159) P _(5_10) HP.TW -(0-5) 43t Dhindsa (198) 420 189(137) P,M -(5_10) T.HP.TW PO _(0_5) 438 Misriwala (197) 390 927(146) P -(5-10) HP BS 439 Badhni Gulab Singh (196) 264 344(56) P _(5_10) HP.TW _(0_5) 440 ShakoC'r (195) 1,170 1,686(288) P,M.H . D.PHS HP.W,TW PO BS 441 Kh8.ia Kharak (191) 4M 793(125) P -(0-5) HP.W. TW _(0-5) BS 442 Kailash (190) 747 1.088(180) P _(0-5) HP -(0-5) -(0-5) 443 Bara Bltai (189) 536 1,063(172) P,M D HP,TW PO BS 444 Saranwati (192) 380 593(84) P,M -(0-5) HP -(0-5) BS 445 Shahzadi (194) 731 1,291(225) p _(0_5) HP PO BS 446 Ghall Khurd (193) 808 1,597(214) P,M,H -(0_5) HP.W.TW PO BS t _ (r _ :) 447 Arazi Katoria (157) 206 8(2) _(0_5) _(0_5) HP _(r _ ~) 448 Mohkamwala (156) 511 635(104) P RP }iP,W,1W - «(\_~) _ «(l~_ ~) 449 Bhangali (160) 214 383(70) P RP RP,W.TW FO 138 450 Thethar Khurd (158) 89 118(22) -(0_5) _(0_5) RP,W,TW _«(\_5) _ (0_ 5) 451 Thethar Kalan (159) _ 404 917(159) P RP llP,W,TW PO -(0._·5) 452 Naraingarh (161) 367 834(l42} P,M MCW HP,W,TW -(5_10) .. BS 453 Bara Jawahar Singh (163) 310 599(96) PT' -(0_5) m,w. TW -(5_10) .. -(0_5) 454 Sulhani (162) 740 1,401(211) P,M RP HP.W,TW _(5_10) •. BS 455 Machhi Bugra (184) 408 897(146) P,M,H RP RP.W.TW PO _(0_5) 456 Kaliewala (185) 412 754(119) p RP HP,W.TW PO _(0_5) 457 Hakumat Sillgbwala (186) 438 544(86) P -(0-5) HP, W,TW _(0_5) _(0._5) 458 Jawahar Singhwala (187) 460 771(125) P,M. RP HP,W,TW PO BS 459 Bhollowala (183) 381 896(147) P, M MeW,FPC HP,W,TW PO BS 460 Lalle (167) 660 1.233(182) p RP HP. TW PO BS 461 Jhanjian (166) 495 257(38) P _(0-5) HP.W,TW -(0_5) _(0_5) 462 Haraj (164/165) 997 1,857(338) P,M,Tr. -(0_5) T,HP,TW PO -(0-5) 463 Karmiti (168) 711 459(64) P _(0_5) TW. HP -(0_5) -(0_5) 464 Kotla (171) 160 277(42) P -(0-5) T. HP.W _(0_5) _(0-5) 465 Kot Karor Kburd (110) 250 506(71) P _(0_5) T.HP.W -(0_5) _(0-5) , , 9S VILLAGE DIRECTORY FIROZPUR DISTRICT Lant/use

Approach Nearest town and Power Staple food • Land use (i.e. area under different types Remar~s (incIu~ing any place to the distance (in kms.) supply of land use in hectares rounded to the of relIgiOUS, historical or village nearest unit). archaeological interest)

Forest Irriga- Un- CuItu- Area Number of Places of ted by irriga- rable DOt Cars/Jeeps! religious, source ted waste avail- Motor-cycles/ historical or (includ- able Scooters/ archaeological ing for Newspapers! interest gauchar colti- Tractors &; YatiOD aro",) 11 12 13 14 is 16 17 18 19 20 2O(a) PR Firozpur (15) EA Wheat 145 78 1 14 M·3, T·IO, N·15 PR Firozpur (3) EA Meat. Maize. 452 515 164 C.1,M-2, Rice & Bajra T-8. N·2 PR Tal wandi Bhai (10) EA Wheat, Maize 282 49 26 C·I, M-2, T-8, & Rice N·2 PR Talwandi Bhai (10) EA Wheat, Maize 741 372 132 C-5, M·7. & Rice T·12, N·2 PR Firozpur (13) EA Wheat. Maize . 79 5 & Rice

PR Firozpur Cantt. (1~ EA Wheat, Maize, 268 120 59 M·4, T·I0 Rice, & Bajra PR Firozpur (14) EA Wheat, Maize, 310 74 36 C-2, M-6. Rice & Bajra T·ll, N·2 PR Firozpur Cantt. (16) EA Wheat, Maiu 309 29 52 M.6, T·13, & Bajra ' N·2 PR Firozpur Cantt. (14) EA Wheat, Mai7e 198 31 35 M·4, T·12 & Rice PR Talwandi Bhai (16) EA Wheat. Maize, 714 294 87 75 M-5,T·2L Rice & Bajra N·l PR Talwandi Bhai (13) EA Wheat. Maize. 350 100 36 M·2. T·7, N~l Rice & Bajra PR Talwandi Bhai (14) EA Wheat & Maize 446 181 22 98 T-12 PR - Talwandi Bhai (15) EA Wheat & Maize 267 137 9 123 Col. M-2, T·13, N-2 FR Talwandi Bhai (14) EA Wheat & Maize 274 77 S 24 C.I, T-14 PR Talwandi Bhai (15) EA Wheat & Maize 485 114 40 92 C·l, M·S. T-25,N-4 PR Talwandi Bhai (11) EA Wheat &; Maize 334 208 78 188 M·7, T-30, N-2 PR Talwandi Bhai (12) EA Wbcat & Maize 108 50 I 47 PR Talwandi Bhai (10) EA Wheat, Maize 402 109 T:io & Bajra PR Talwandi Bhai (8) EA Wheat, Maize 162 36 16 C-I. M·l, & Bajra T·15 PR Talwandi Bhai (6) EA Wheat, Maize 54 35 T·2 & Bajra PR T~lwandi Bhai (6) EA Wheat, Maize 205 154 45 T·s & Bajra PR Talwandi Bhai (8) EA Wheat. Maize 306 32 29 C-2, M·s, T·30 & Bajra PR Talwandi Bbai (5) EA Wheat, Maize 221 70 19 T·12 &. Bajra PR Talwandi Bhai (5) EA Wheat, Maize 355 325 60 M-4, T·25 &Ricc / PR Talwandi Bhai (8) EA Wheat & Maize 293 6 109 T·IO PR Tal wandi Bhai (8) EA Wheat & Maize 205 162 4S T-S PR Talwandi Bhai (10) EA Wheat & Maize 116 275 47 T·2 PR Talwandi Bhai (8) EA Wheat & Maize 186 214 60 M·4, T·2S PR Talwandi Bhai (6) EA Wheat & Maize 306 46 29 C-2. M·S, T-30 PR Talwandi Bhai (5) EA Wheat & Maize 561 36 63 C·I, M-I, T·15 PR Tal wandi Bhai (3) EA Wheat, Maize. 268 197 30 M·2, T·S, N-3 Rice & Bajra PR Tal wandi Bhai (2) EA Wheat, Maize, 229 701 67 M-3. T·25, Rice&; Bajra N.) PR Talwandi Bhai (2) EA Wheat, Maize • 611 41 26 33 Col, M·2, T-IS, Ricc&Bajra N-3 PR Talwandi Bhai (2) EA Wheat, Maize 114 20 3 13 M-l, T-9 & Rice PR Talwandi Bbai (2) EA Wheat. Maize 221 2 27 M·l. T-13, .Bajra 96

1981 CENSUS FlROZPUR TAHSIL Amenities and Land use Total Total Arrieilit!es. availai,le (if not availabl,? within the village, adash(-) is Location Name of village shown the column and next to 1t In brackets, the distance in broad (With Hadbast No.) area populatiui1 ll: Code au'iNo. of ranges, vlz.,-5kms., 5-10kms. and 10+kms. of the nearest place No. "rthe village ' household where the facility is available, is given) (in hec- taleS) Educational Medical Drinking Post and Day of Communi- water telegraph days of cations (Potable) the (Bus stop. market] Railway hat, if station. any waterway)

4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 2 3 869(132) P ~(0.--5) HP -(0_5) -(0_5) 3121466 Phida (173) 558 2,136(420) P, M,Il --(0-5) T,TW,HP PO -(0_5) 467 Kot Karor Kalan (172) 1,072 888(133) P,M,H -(0-5) HP.TW.W PO -(0_5) 468 Tombar Bhan (182) 318 P -(0_5) HP.W -(0__ 5) -(0_5) 469 PaUli (lSI) 515 723(120) P -(5-10) HP,W,T PO BS 470 Laham (180) 627 1.145(168) -(0-5) -(0-.-5) HP.W.T -(0_5) BS 471 Jit Singhwala (188) 303 99(15) 412 843(138) P D TW,HP, W -(0_5) -(0_5) 472 iYfirzeke (179) HP, -(0_5) -(10+) Kahar Bachha (178) 857 1,174(188) P (0-5) 473 H,P (2), M (2) D,H. RP HP.TW PO BS 474 Mudki (174) 3,032 5,020(699) P -(0-5) HP -(0_5) -(0_5) 475 Chanar (177) 490 828(123) _(5_10) -(O_~) -(0_5) Jandwa.la (176) 273 754(119) P.M HP 476 P,M -(5_10) HP -(0_5) -(0_5) 477 Gill (175) 867 1,785(280) 9' VILLAGE DIRECTORY FiROZPUR DISTRIct Land use Approach Nearest town and Power Staple food Land use (i.e. area under different types of Remarks (including any to the distance (in kms.) supply land use in hectares ronded to the place of religious, historical village nearest unit) or archaeological interelt)

Forest Jrriga- Un- Cultu- Area Number of Placet of ted irrigated rable not CarsjJeeps/ religi0:r by waste availa- Motor cyclesl histori source (inclu- ble for Scooters/ or ding culti- Newspapersj archaeolo- gauchar vation Tractors Jical &: groves) Intcrelt

11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 2O(a) l'R Talwandi Bhai (6) EA Wheat, Maize ] 491 67 T-Il &:Bajra PR Talwandi Bhai (4) EA Wheat. Maize 724 S9 243 46 C-2, M-S, T:68. &:Bajra N-2 PR Talwandi Bhai (5) BA Wheat &: Maize 295 23 M-6. T-19, N-I PR Ta\wandi Bhai (6) EA Wheat &. Maize 4S9 S6 M-I. T-la. N-I PR Talwandi Bhai (8) BA Wheat &: Maize 570 57 M-2, T-14 PR Talwandi Bhai (8) BA WheM& Maize 271 32 T-7 N-IO PH. Ta.\wandi Bhai (11) EA Wheat&. Mai~ 247 litS 49 M-3, T-24 PH. Talwandi Bhai (13) BA Wheat &: Maize 491 339 27 T-2 PR Talwandi Bhai (10) EA Wheat. Maize. 1.641 996 395 M-7, T-59. Rice&: Bajra N-8S PR Talwandi Bhai (11) EA Wheat 381 97 9 3 T-S PR Talwandi Bhai (14) EA Wheat 184 70 .. 19 T-3 PH. Talwandi Bbai (14) EA Wheat 814 14 38 1 C-4, M-6, T-4. N·l







~~~~9!~~~:~~~~ ~A~~~in .. • • • • ~~~;GR~I<;~~:~~l ANO i'O,PTO tfHfl'iffAl'iHrEo6" ;;'-((.(,:I;1J£5 -HOSP~TAL~ PRfMAfn'" HEALtH U:R-So\N AREAS m~ CE~"R-E .. OISPENSARY -~

M4i"$~L ------'h~.Il" '* ~ .... wn",'Mt. Pf.1IIW!.5OI .. n.va ~ ...... --. OF ..... filii ...uaM P ~!l1 - ~TlI.I) "IP~J$ U,,,Lf to ~ CId.., O'tlllll. '11' SIfJ..,"", OF TJfE ..",. .. Ht-. tOI ALPHABETICAL LIST OF VILLAGES FAZll..KA TAHSIL Serial Name of the Village Location Serial Name of the Village Location No. Code No. No. Code No. t 2 3 1 2 3 1 Abhun 3/3/144 66 Chak Lakbowali 3/3/60 2 Abohar 3/3/243 67 Chak Lamochar 3/3/49 3 Ahal Bodla 33/122 68 Chak Manewala 3/3/40 4 Alamgarh 3/3/272 69 Chak Mochanwala 3/3/45 5 Alambe 3/3/33 70 Chak Mochamadewala 3/3/52 6 AlamShah 3/3/169 71 Chak Mohamadewala 3/3/51 7 Aliana 3/3/96 72 Chak Pakhiwala 3/3/127 8 Amarpura 3/3/265 73 Chak PaIiwala 3/3/67 9 Arainwala 3/3/42 74 Chak Paniwala 3/3/18 10 Arnianwala 3/3/84 75 Chak Panj Kohi 3/3/78 11 Arniwala Sheikh Subhan 3/3/103 76 Chak Puranwali 3/3/56 12 Asfawala 3/3/184 77 Chak Gabarwala 3/3/79 13 Awa urf Waryampura 3/3/179 78 Cha k Ramwala 3/3/44 14 Azamwala 3/3/226 79 Chak Rohela 3/3/160 15 Badha 3/3/150 80 Chak Rohiwala 3/3/71 16 Bagheke Hithar 3/3./30 81 Chak Roranwala 3/3/75 17 Bagheke Uttar 3/3131 82 Chak Sarkar Mohazi Parbhat Singhwala 3/3/27 18 Bahadar Khera 3/31258 83 Chak Sarkar No.1 3/3/25 19 BahawaI Basi 3/3/254 .84 Chak Sarkar No.2 3/3/26 20 Bahmaniwala 3/3/46 85 Chak Sarian 3/3/66 21 Bakayanwala ' 313/224 86 Chak Singhewala 3/3/59 22 Bakhu Shah 3/3/182 87 Cha.k Sohelawala 3/3/87 23 Baluana 3/3/253 88 Chak Sohna Sandar 3/3/19 24 Bananwali 313/101 89 Cha.k Sokhera 3/3/48 25 Banwala 3/3/214 90 Chak Sotria 3/3/58 26 Bandiwala Hanwanta 3f3/201 91 Chak Sukkar 3/3/32 27 Bareka 3 3/221 92 Chak Tahliwala 3/3/8 28 Bazidpur 3/3/313 93 Chak Totianwala 3/3/47 29 Bazidpur Katianwali 3/3/234 94 Chanan Khera 3/3/252 30 Beganwali 3/3/209 95 Chanlanwali 3/3/115 31 Behak Hasta Hithar 3/3/137 96 Choharianwali 3j3f205 32 Behak Rasta Uttar 3f3fl38 97 Chuhriwala Chishti 3/3/192 33 Behak Khas 3/3f139 98 Chuhriwala Dhana 3/3/238 34 Bhagsar 3/3/302 99 Danewala Stakasi 3/3/204 35 Bhagu 3/3/262 100 Dan gar Khera 3/3/236 36 3/3/249 101 Daulatpura 3/3/276 37 Bhaba Watu Hi thar ' 3/3/5 102 Depulana 3/3/121 38 Bhaba Watu Uttar 3/3/4 103 Dhabwala Kalan 3/3/105 39 Bhangar Khera 3/3f288 104 Dhaban Kokaryan 3/3/259 40 3/3/312 lOS Dhab Karyal 3/3/82 41 Bodiwala Pitha 3/3/229 106 Dhab Khushal Joia 3/3/83 42 Burj Hanumangarh 3/3fl0 8 107 Dhandi Khurd 3/3/36 43 Burj Moharwala 3/3/244 108 Dhandi Dadim 3/3/35 44 Chak Arainwala 3f3/41 109 Dharampura 3/3/270 45 Chak Araniwala 3/3/43 110 Dharangwala 3/3/247 46 Chak Balochanwala 3/3/81 111 Dhinganwali 3/3/290 47 Chak Banwal a 3/3/118 112 Dhippanwali 3/3/106 48 Chak Bazida 3/3/10 113 Dewan Khera 3/3/2RO 49 Chak Bhabra 3/3/50 114 Dodewala 3/3/298 50 Chak Bhamba Watu 3/3/54 115 Dona Sakandri 3/3 161 51 Ch1.k Chh1.priw~la 3/3/61 116 Dotarianwali 3/3/103 52 Clnk Dabwal a 3/3/117 117 Dulmir Khera 3/3/277 53 Clnk Drub K~ushal Joia 3/3/85 118 Fatuwala 3/3 12 54 Ch'lk O;)m1.! 3/3/63 119 Gaganke 3/311 66 55 Chak Gheruw~la 3/3/72 120 Ganj Bakhash Sani 3/3/191 56 Cbak Gariba Sandar 3/3/13 121 Ganjuana 313/151 57 Chak Glila.m R1.sulwala 3f3/80 122 Gatti Hasal 3/3/11 58 Chak Hamid Sedeke 3/3/55 123 Gharami 3/3/185 59 Chak Jandwala 3/3/76 124 Ghattianwali Bodla 3/3/97 60 Chak Janisar 3/3/89 125 Ghattianwali Jattan 3/3/125 61 Cnak Kheowali 3/3/126 126 Ghubaya 3/3/7 62 Chak Kherewala 3/3/53 127 Ghullu 3/3/230 63 ChakKhiwa 3/3/6 128 3/3/107 64 Chak Khundwala 3/3/53 129 Ghurba 3/3 157 65 CbakKhuraj 3/3/14 130 Gidranwali 3/3/279 10,2 ALPHABETICAL LIST OF VILLAGES FAZILKA TAHSIL

Serial Name of the Village Location ~rial Name of the Village Lo;::atlon No. CO~N0. No. Code No. 1 2 3 ,1 2 3 131 Gobindgarh 3/3/245 196 Kundal 3/3/248 132 GOdanDoab 3/3/250 197 Laduka 3/3/132 133 Gulam Rasul wala 3/3/154 lQ8 ,Ladhuwaia 3/3/86 134 Gulshah 3/3/171 199 Lakheke Hithat 3/3/:135 135 Gumjal 3/3/286 200 'Lakheke Masahib Uttar 3/3/2 136 Halimwala 3/3/92 201 Lakheke Uttar 3/3/133 137 Hamid Sedeke 3/3/3 202 Lakhewali Asli 3(3/136 138 Haripura 3/3/2,75 203 Lakhewali 3/3/216 139 Hasta Kalan ~/3/,158 204 Lakhowali 3/3/62 140 Hauz Alias Gander '3/3{.129 205 Lalanwali 3/3/145 141 HauzKhas .3/3/94 206 :Lambochar Kalan Hithar 3/3/14 142 Himatpura 3/3/311 207 'Lambochar Kalan Uttar 3/3/16 143 Hiranwali l/3/200 208 Lamochar Khurd 3)3/9 144 .Isl amwa 1a 3,/3{114 209 \Lashkardin urf Ghanlani 3/3/146 145 Jalalabad 3/3/39 210 Ladhuwala Hithar 3/3/21 146 Jalala Kheke Hithar 313/1 ;2.11 :¥ahammad Pira 3/3/178 147 Jamalke 3/3/134 212 ·Mahar Jamsher 3/3/163 148 Jandwala 3/3/77 213 ,Mahar Khlwa 3/3/164 149 Jandwala Bhimeshah 3/3/99 '214 'Mahatam Nagar 3(3/159 150 Jandwala Hanwanta 3J3J283 215 -Mahuana Bodla 3/3/104 151 .Jandwala Kharta 3/3fl99 21'6 ·Malukpura 3/3/256 152 Jandwala Mira Sangla 3/3/225 217 'Mambeke 3/3/183 153 Janlsar 3/3{S8 218 MamumKhera 3/3/232 154 Jaura Jand urf Chlmnewa'a 3/3AU8 219 Muradwala Bhungar 3/3/219 155 Jhangar 3/3/.1.88 220 Maujgarh 3{3/278 156 Jharor Khera 3/3/,293 221 ' Mehrajpura 313f308 157 Jhotianwali 3/3/98 222 'Mlani Basti 3/3/148 158 Jhumlanwali 3/3/233 ~23 Modi Khera 3/31310 159 Jiwanpura 3/31175 224 .Mohar Singhwala Hithar 3/3/23 160 Jodhpura -3/31257 2~ Mohar Singhwala Uttar 3/3/22 161 Jorke Andhewa'i . 3/3f124 ,2% 'Mojewala 3 13(15 162 Jorke Kankarwali 3/3/143 22:7 \Muazam 3/3/165 163 Kehnewala 3/3/38 228 Mohammad Arnira 3{3/172 164 Kalaran 3/3/299 229 ,Mohamad 3/3/170 165 KalarKhera 3/3/284 230 Mohamad Usman 3/3/173 166 Kala Tibba .3/3[2.63 .23:1 ,Muhar Suna urf Nakike 3/3/190 167 'Kamalwala 3/3/112 232 ,Muhkarn Arain 3/3137 168 Kandarke 3/3/176 233 Mulianwali 3{3/102 169 Kandwala Amarkot 3/3/2,66 23:4 Muradwala Dal Singh 3/31309 170 Kandhwala Hazar Khan 3/3/111 235 Muthianwali 3/31195

171 .Karni Khera 3/3/196 236 ~arianpura 3/3/301 172 Karian 3/3/194 237 'Naukerian 3/3/95 173 ,Katehra 3/3/231 238 ~aulan 3/3/140 174 Kathgarh 3/3/69 239 '. Nihal Khera 3/3/237 175 ,Kawanwali 3/3/153 240 -Nur Mohamad 3/3/189 176 Kera Khera 3/3/255 241 ,Ojanwali 3/3/123 177 Khanwala 3/3/193 242 Pacca Chisti 3/3/186 178 Khairpura 3/3/306 243 Pakan 3/3/100 179 Khatwan 3/3/294 24.4 :P,aliwala 3/3/68 180 ·Kheowali ,3/3/220 245 Panchanwali 3/3/203 181 .Khippanwall 3/3/227 246 '{'aniwala Mahla 3131187 182 Khokhac 3/3/174 247 Panj Kosi 3/3/241 183 Khubban 3/3/309 248 Parbhat Singhwala Hithar 3/3/28 184 Khulan Sarwar 3/3/274 249 Parbhat Singhwala Uttar 3/3}34 185 Khui Khera 3/3/211 250 Patti Puran 3,3/206 186 Khuranj 3/3/73 251 patti Taja 3/3/246 187 Kikar Khera 3/3/271 252 Patrewala 3/3(239 188 Kikerwala Rupa 3/3/208 253 Patti Amra 3/3{292 189 Killi 3/3/149 254 Patti Bihla 3/3/268 190 Killyanwali 3/3/242 255 punjawa 3/3/281 191 -K;rianwala 3/3/130 256 Qabul Shah Hithar 3/3/181 192 Koharianwali 3/3/110 257 Qabul Shah Hithar 3(3(212 193 -KoilKhera 3/3/223 258 Qadar Bakhsh 3/3/177 194 ,Korinwali 3/3/204 259 . 3/3/197 195 ,Kotha Alias Lukmanpufa 3/3/180 260 Qutab Din urf Beriwala 3r3(1~.7 1M ALPHABETICAL LIST OF VILLAGES FAZILKA TAHSIL

Serial Name of the Village Location Serial Name of the Village Location No. Code No. No. Code No. 1 2 3 1 2 3 261 Raipura 3/3/260 291 Shaman Khanka 3/3/119 262 Rajanwali 3/3/261 292 Shehtirwala 3/3/217 263 3/3/297 293 Shergarh 3/3/289 264 Ramgarh 3/3/251 294 Sherwala 3/3/295 265 Ramkot 3/3/228 295 Singhewala 3/3/57 266 Ram Nagar urf Jatwa) 3/3/147 296 Singhpura 3/3/207 1..67 Rampura 3/3/202 297 Sitogunu 3/3/307 268 Rampura 3/3/264 298 Sohna Sandar 3/3/20 269 Rampura 3(3/300 299 Sokhera Bodal 3/3/17 270 Ram Sipghwala 3/3/24 300 Suana urf Jhugian 3/3/218 271 Rana 3/3/152 301 Sukh Chain 3/3/305 272 Ratta Khera 3/3/90 302 Sultanpura 3/3/168 273 Rohela Tajeke 3/3/162 303 Tahliwala BodIa 3/3/116 274 Roheranwali 3/3/235 304 Tahliwala Jattan 3/3/113 275 Roranwala 3/3/91 305 Taro Bari 3/3/131 .W 276 Roranwa!a Urf Tarewali 3/3/70 306 Theh QaIandhar 3/3/120 277 Rukanpura urf Khui Khera 3/3/267 307 TiIlanwaH 3/3/215 278 Rup Nagar 3/3/222 308 Tutwala 3/3/282 279 Sabuana 3/3/213 309 Usman Khera 3/3/285 280 Saideke Hithar 3/3/141 310 WahabwaIa 3/3/296 281 Saideke Uttar urf Chandmari 3/3/142 311 Walleshah Uttar 3/3/155 282 Saiwala 3/3(93 312 Walleshah Hithat 3/3/156 283 Sajrana 3/3/210 313 Waryam Khera 1/3/2.91 284 Salem Shah 3/3/167 285 Santokh Singhwala 3/3/29 286 Sapanwali 3/3/269 287 Sardarpura 3/3/304 288 Sareshwala 3/3/198 289 Sarian 3/3/65 290 Sayadwala 3/3/273


los 106 FAZILKA TAHsiL 1981 CENSUS Amenities and Loca- Name of village Total Total Amenities available (if not available within the village, a dash(--) is sho'tvn tion (With Hadbast No.) area population in the column and next to it in brackets, the distance in broad ranges Code of the and No. of viz., -5 kms., 5-10 kms. and 10+kms. of the nearest place where No. village households the facility is available, is given] (in hectares) Educational Medical Drinking Post and Day Communi· water telegraph or cations (potable) days (Bus stop, '7 of the railway marketl station, hat, water-way) if any 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 3/3/1 Jalalakheke Hithar (369/370) ,204 470(81) p -(10+) HP,W,TW _(10+ ) BS 2 Lakheke Masahib Uttar (238) 296 551(92) P -(10+) HP,TW _(10+) BS 3 Hamidsedeke (237) 147 190(34) P _(10+) HP,W,TW -(0-5) -(0-5) 4 Bhama Watu Utta (239) 191 774(145) P MCW HP,W,TW _(0-5) .. -(5-10) 5 Bhama Watu Hithar (371) 221 228(40) P -(10+) T,HP,W -(10+) .: -(5-10) 6 Chak Khiwa (368) 785 739(135) P -(10+) HP,T _(0-5) -(5-10) 7 Ghubaya (242) 714 1,965(357) P,Tr. -(10+) HP,T,W, PO --(0-5) TW Af Chak Tahliwala (366) 233 1,101(180) P -(10+) HP,W,TW -(0-5) .. _(0-5) 9 Lamochar Khm:d (243) '1309 654(!198) P _(10+) HP,W,TW -(0-5) .. -(5_10) 10 Chak Bazida (367) 873 1,389(232) P(2) _(10+) HP,TW,W - (0-5) _(0-5) 11 Gatti Hasal (353) 234 12 Fatuwala (354) 815 l,ii4(279) P _(0:.--5) HP, TW ""':(0-5) _{O~5) 13 Chak Gariba Sandar (363) 147 101(21) P _(10+) HP,TW -(0-5) .. -(0-5) 14 Lambochar Kalan Hithar (361) 94 15 Motewala (244) 259 486(81) P -(10+) HP,TW -(0-5) _(0-5) 16 Lambochar Kalan Uttar (245) 376 1,339(235) P,M,H PHS,D, T,HP,TW PO .. _(0-5) Me W.RP 17 Sokhera Bodal (248/360) 404 1,043(196) P -(0-5) T,HP,TW --(0-5) .. _(0-5) 18 Chak Paniwala (197) 252 318(61) P _(0-5) HP,TW -(0-5) RS 19 Chak Sohna Sandar (252) 266 666(120) P -(0-5) T,HP,TW _(0-5) -(0~5) 20 Sohna San dar (251) 203 720(117) P -(0-5) T,HP,TW -(0-5) _(0-5)

21 Ladhuwala HitIlar (249/358) 245 802(148) p -(10+) HP,TW -(0-5) _(0~5) 22 Mohar Singhwala Uttar (250) 31 996(194) P _(10+) HP,TW _(0-5) _(0-5)

23 Mohar Singhwala Hithar (356) 452 140(28) P _(10+) HP,TW,W --(0-5) -(0~5) 24 Ram Singhwala (355) 287 919(160) P -(0-5) HP _(0-5) _(0-5) 25 Chak Sarkar No. I (350) 232 26 Chak Sarkar No.2 (351) 2 27 Chak Sarkar Mohazi 54 Parbhat Singhwala (346) 28 Parbhat Singhwala Hithar(347) 684 554(91) _(0-5) _(10+) HP,TW -(5-10) .. _(5-10) 29 Santokh Singhwala (349) 344 423(64) P -(10+). T,HP,TW,W _-(5-10) .. -(5-10) 30 Bagheke Hithar (357) 306

31 Bagheke Uttar (253) 420 1,406(258) P,M MeW HP,TW -(5~1O) --(0-5) 32 Chak Sukkar (254) 198 611(108) P -(0-5) HP,TW,W _(0-5) -(0-5) 33 Alamke (255 & 348) 311 492(76) P -(10+) HP,TW,W -(5-10) .. -(5-10) 34 Parbhat Singhwala Uttar(256) 114 1,340(215) P -(10+) HP,TW,W -(5-10) .. -(5-10) 35 Dhandi Qadim (257) 1,150 1,572(246) P -(10+) HP,TW -(5-10) .. _(5-10) 36 Dhandi Khurd (258) 341 800(129) P _(10+) HP,W -(5-10) .. -(5-10) 37 Mohkamarian (260) 561 1,548(285) P -(0+5) HP,TW,W -(0-5) .. -(5-10) 38 Kahnewala (259) 277 422(.66) P -(0-5) HP,TW,W _(0-5) .. -(5-10) 39 Jalalabad (196) 1,923 3,917(705) P,M,H FPC,RP T,HPTW,W PTO, .. -BS,RS P MCW Phone 40 Chak Manewala (195) 325 844(143) -(0_5) HP.TW -(0-5) .. -(0-.5) 10il


Approach Nearest town. and Power Staple food Landluse (i.e. area under different· types Remarks (including,any place. to the distance.(in kms). supply' of land'uadn hectares:fQunded to,the of religious. historical or village neaTest unit.) archaeological interest)

Forest· Irriga- Un- Cuhur- Area Number of Places of ted irriga- able not Cars/Jeepsl religious, by ted waste avail- Motor-cyclesl historical source (includ- able Scooters/News- or archaeo- ing for papersl logical interest gauchar culti- Tractors & vation groves) 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 20(a) PR Jalalabad (17) EA Wheat, Maize; 142 48 ' 1 13 Rice & Bajra PR Jalalabad (16) EA Wheat, Maize· 245 1 26 24 T';l1 & Rice PR Jalalabad (16) EA Wheat, Maize· 131 1 T 8 T~l1 & Rice PR Jalalabad (15) EA Wheat, Maim, 168 1 22 T.7 & Rice PR Jalalabad (14) EA Wheat, Maize' 212 3 3 3 &' Rice PR Jalalabad (11) EA Wheat, Maize 571 33 145 36 T·2 &' Rice PR Jalalabad (11) EA Wheat, Maize 655 3 52. 4 T':6' Rice & Bajra PR Jalalabad (13) EA· Wheat, Maize 207 2S. 1 T~2 Rice & Bajra PR Jalalabad (11) EA Wheat, Maize, 294 14 1 T·4 Rice & Bajra PR Jalalabad (13) EA Wheat, Maize, 753 38 30 52 T-4 Rice & Bajra.· Uninhabited PR Ja'lalabad (11) EA Wheat 746 46 23 TJ8 PR Jalalabad (11) EA Wheat 121 18 8 T-l Uninhabited PR lalalabad (11) EA Wheat 219 24 16 T-8 PR lalalabad (5) EA Wheat 249 93 34 T-15 PR Jalalabad (3) EA Wheat 279 87 38 M·2 PR Jalalabad (1) EA Wheat ~ Rice 189 38 25 M-2. T-6 PR Jalalabad (5) EA Wheat & Rice 239 8 19 M-2, T-9 PR Jalalabad (6) EA Wheat & Rice 165 23 15 M-7 PR lalalbad (9) EA Wheat & Maize 210 18 17 M-l, T-6 PR Jalalabad (6) EA Wheat & Maize 25 6 T-2' PR Jalalabad (10) EA Wheat, & Maize 377 64 11 T-2 PR Jalalabad (5) EA Wheat & Maize 62 165 11 33 16 T-2 Uninhabited Uninhabited Uninhabited PR lalalabad (6) EA Wheat 489 110 22 63 T-2 PR lalalabad (6) EA Wheat 193 10 141 T·4 Uninhabited PR Jalalabad (5) EA Wheat & Rice 366 13 40 T·9 PR Jalalabad (3) EA Wheat & Rice 178 3 17 T·4 PR Ialalabad (5) EA Wheat & Rice 283 1 12 15 T-2 PR Jalalabad (6) EA Wheat 94 3 17 T-4 PR lalalabad (6) EA Wheat, Maize 788 57 209 96 T·5 & Bajra PR Ialalabad (6) EA Wheat, Maize 294 6 22 19 T-6 & Bajra PR Jalalabad (5) EA Wheat Maize 327 46 166 22 T·8 & Bajra PR Jalalabad (4) EA Wheat 246 2 12 17 M.4, T-7 lalalabad (0) pR EA Wheat 1,368 7 246 302 M-3,T-5,N-2~

P~ lalalabad (ll EA Wl1eat & l\.faize ~42 2 3~ 49, 1\1-2, T-!? 108 FAZILKA TAHSTL 1981 CENSUS Amenities and Loca- Name of village Total Total Amenities available [if anot available within the village, a dash(-) is tion (With Hadbast No.) area population shown in the column and next to it in brackets, the distance in broad Code of the and No. of ranges viz, -5 kms.,5-10 kms. and 10+kms. of the nearest place No. village households where the facility is available, is given] (in hectares) Educational Medical Drinking Post and Day Communi- water telegraph or cations (potable) days (Bus stop, of the railway mar- station, ket/ waterway) hat. if any 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

3/3/41 Chak Rainwala (194) 533 1,262(199) P(2) -(0-5) HP,TW _(0-5) _(0~5) 42 Arainwala (193)J 432, 616(110) P -(0-5) HP,TW -(0-5) -(0-5) 43 Chak Araniwala (203) 337 1,071(195) P -(0-5) HP,TW _(0-5) _(0-5) 44 Chak Ramwala (201) 412 423(66) P -(0-5) HP,TW -(0-5) -(0-5) 45 Chak Maujdin (200) 386 1,256(222) P _(0-5) HP,TW -(0-5) _(0-5) 46 Bahmaniwala (199) 1,467 2,866(486) P,M MCW HP,TW PO RS 47 ChakTotianwala (198) 432 853(148) P -(0-5) HP,TW _(0-5) RS 48 Chak Sokhera (247) 294 698(100) P _(10+) HP,W,TW _(5-10) _(0-5) 49 Chak Lamochar (246) 304 482(79) P _(10+) HP,W,TW -(10+) _(0-5) 50 Chak Bhabra (233) 470 450(85) P _(0-5) HP,W,TW -(10+) -(0-5) 51 Chak Mohamadewala (241) 223 686(102) - P -(0-5) T,HP,W,TW --(10+) _(0-5)

52 Chak Mochanwala (240) 182 375(71) P -(10+) HP,TW,W _(0-5) _(0-5) 53 Chak Khundwala (234) 408 640(112) p _(10+) HP,TW,W _(0-5) -(0-5) 54 Chak Bhamba Watu (235) 318 536(82) P -(10+) HP,TW,W -(0-5) _(0-5) 55 Chak Hamid Sedeke (236) 239 71(13) P _(0-5) HP,TW,W _(0-5) _(0-5)

56 Chak Puranwali (230) 372 645(114) P _(0-5) HP,TW -(0-5) -(0-5) 57 Singhewala (231) 394 253(50) P -(10+) HP,TW -(5-10) -(0-5) 58 Chak Sotria (232) 404 673(113) P -(0-5) HP,TW -(0-5) RS 59 Chak Singhewala (229) 358 681(119) P -(0-5) T,HP,TW.W -(10+) _(10+) 60 Chak Lakhowali (228) 339 795(149) P,M,H D HP,TW,W PO -(10+) 61 Chak Chhapriwala (224) 352 514(91). P -(0-5) T,HP, _(0-5) -(5-10) TW,W 62 Lakhowali (225) 427 718(128) P _(0-5) T,HP,TW, PO --(5-10) 63 Chak Domal (227) 423 538(94) P --(10+) HP,TW _(0-5) -(0-5) 64 Chak Kherewala (226) 454 935(156) P,M _(10+) HP,TW -(0-5) -(5-10) 65 Sarian (223) 480 749(129) P -(10+) HP,TW _(0-5) _(0-5) 66 Chak Sarian (222) 463 365(55) P _(10+) HP,TW -(0-5) _(5-10) 67 Chak Paliwala (221) 498 971(167) P _(10+) HP,TW -(0-5) -(0-5) 68 Paliwaia (220) 597 1.680(291) P,M -(10+) HP -(5-10) -(0-5) 69 Kathgarb (219) 579 1,827(309) P,M -(10+) HP,TW -(10+) -(10+) 70 Roranwala urf Tarewali (218) 575 727(113) P _(10+) HP,TW -(5-10) -(10+)

71 Chak ROhiwala (217) 349 258(41) P _(5-10) HP,TW _(5-10) -(5-10) 72 Chak Gheruwala (216) 297 95(17) P -(5-10) HP,TW _(0-5) -(0-5) 73 Khuranj (215) 692 933(174) P -(5-10) HP.TW PO -(5-10) 74 Chak Khuranj (214) 333 447(89) P _(0-5) HPTW -(0-5) _(0-5) 75 Chak Roranwala (213) 530 637(109) P _(5-10) HP,TW -(0-5) -(5-10) 76 Chak Jandwala (212) 335 479(77) P -(10+) HP,TW -(0-5) -(10-+ ) 77 J and wala (211) 442 366(61) P -(10-/) HP,TW -(10+) -(0-5) 78 Chak Panj Kohi (210) 324 436(73) P,M _(10+) HP,TW,W P.O. -(10+) .79 Chak Gabarwala (209) 338 572(94) P -(10+) HP,TW, W -(0-5) -(10+) 80 Chak Gulam Resulwala (208) 313 690(107) r, M,li _(l()+) lIP, TW _(10+) _(5-10) 10~ VILLAGE DIRECfORY FlROZPUR DISTRICT

Land Use Approach Nearest town and Power Staple food Land use (Le. area under different types Remarks (including any place to the distance (in kms.) supply of land use in hectares rounded to the of religious. historical or village nearest unit) archaeological interest)

Forest Irriga· Un- CuItur· Area Number of Places of ted irriga· able not Cars/Jeeps/ religious, oy ted waste avail· Motor-cycles/ historical or sourse (includ. able Scooters! archaeolo· ing for Newspapersl gical gauchar culti- Tractors interest & vatioa groves)

11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 20(a) PR lalalabad (2) 2A Wheat & Maize 538 14 44 117 T·14 PR Jalalabad (2) EA Wheat & Maize 348 3 35 46 M·l, T-6 PR lalalabad (2) EA Wheat & Maize 249 6 33 49 M·I, T·5 PR laIalabad (6) EA Wheat & Maize 271 33 108 M·I, T-4 PR Jalalabad (3) EA Wheat & Rice 275 1 110 T·5 PR Jalalabad (6) EA Wheat & Rice 1,089 120 136 122 C-l, M-2, T·26 KR Ialalabad (6) EA Wheat & Rice 282. 30 81 39 T·8 PR Jalalabad (5) EA Wheat, Maize 210 59 25 M-l. T-3 & Bajra PR Ialalabad (3) EA Wheat & Maize 209 28 67 T·6 PR Jalalabad (3) EA Wheat, Maize, 247 68 100 55 T-6 Bajra & Rice KR Jalalabad (10) EA Wheat, Maize, 166 5 38 14 T-3 Rice & Bajra PR Jalalabad (8) EA Wheat, Maize 163 6 1 12 T-2 Rice & Bajra PR Jalalabad (10) EA Wheat, Maize, 201 82 93 32 M-2, T-8 Rice & Bajra KR Jalalabad (10) EA Wheat, Maize, 269 18 31 T-7 Rice & Bajra PR Jalalabad (11) EA Wheat, Maize, 181 17 41 T·2 Rice & Bajra PR Fazilka (14) EA Wheat 316 22 12 22 M·1, T-18 PR Fazilka (16) EA Wheat 211 18 145 20 T-5 KR lalalabad (12) EA Wheat 270 4 92 38 M·5, T·12 KR Jalalabad (12) EA Wheat 2!}8 19 -l 40 M·l, T-18 PR J alalabad (13) EA Wheat 285 10 2 42 Col, T-18 PR Fazilka (14) EA Wheat 327 3 22 T-5 PR Jalalabad (14) EA. Wheat 376 8 43 T-27 KR Jalalabad (10) EA Wheat & Maize 314 2 39 68 T-9 PR Jalalabad (10) EA Wheat & Maize 411 1 40 2 C-2, M·4, T-52 KR Ialalabad (14) EA Wheat & Maize 287 147 30 16 C·2, T·6 'KR Jalalabad (14) EA Wheat, Maize 305 73 40 45 T·2 & Rice KR Jalalabad (14) EA Wheat & Maize 292 134 32 40 M-l KR FaziJka (l3) EA Wheat 404 124 60 9 KR Fazilka (II) EA Wheat 448 74 57 T·ll KR Fazilka (12) EA Wheat 305 219 2 49 M·l, T·ll

PR Fazilka (19) EA, Wheat 258 60 1 30 T·6 PR Fazilka (18) EA Wheat 129 108 52 8 T·2 PR FpzHka (1&) EA Wheat 491 106 12 17 C·14, T·27 • N·S PR Ialalabad (16) EA Wheat 196 76 23 38 T·5 PR Ialalabad (14) EA Wheat 390 83 2 55 T·7 PR Jalalabad (13) EA Wheat 176 140 19 M-l, T·14 KR lalalabad (16) EA Wheat, Maize, 245 145 28 24 T·6 Bajra & Rice PR lalalabad (13) EA Wheat. Maize, 264 42 2 16 T-7 Bajra & Rice KR FaziIka (12) EI\ Wheat, Maize, 177 145 16 T-IO Bajra & Rice PR Jalalabad (10) EA Wheat, Maize, ']29 62 22 M·:;?, T·9 Bajra & Rice HOi FAZmlQ&; TAHSIL 1981 CENSUS Amenities and Loea- Name of village TQtal Total Amenities available (if not available within the villages, a dash (-) is tion (With Hadbast No.) area population shown in the colu'TIn and next to it in brackets, the distance in broad Code of the and No. of ranges viz, -5 kms.,5-10 kms. and 10+ kms. of the nearest place No. viIlage households where the facility is available, is given) (in hectares) ----- Educa.tional Medical Drinking Post 'and Day Communi- water telegraph or cations (potable) days (Bus stop, of the railway mar- station, ket/ water- hat, way) if any 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

3/3/81 Chak Balochanwala (207) 398 1703(297) P,M -(10+) HP, TW -(0-5) -(5-10) 82 Dhab Karyal (202) 435 743(118) P -(10+) HP,TW _(0-5) _(5-10) 83 Dhab Khushal Joia (206) 473 1,163(206) P -(10+) HP -(5-10) _(5-10) 84 Arnianwala (204) 339 643(102) P _(10+) HP,TW _(0-5) -(5-10) 85 Chak Dhab Khushal ,Joia 417 307(59) P -(10+) HP -(0-5) -(5-10) (205)

86 Ladhuwala (125) 1,069 1,379(240) P PHS HP _(10+) -(10+) 87 Chak Sohelawala (119) 1,614 1,727(295) P -(10+) HP PO _(10+) 88 Jani Sar (116) 558 209(35) P -(10+) HP _(0-5) _(iO-f) 89 Chak Jani Sar (118) 1,086 1,614(293) P(2), M MCW HP PO -(10+) 90 Ratta Khera (48) 1,537 2,048(312) P _(0_5) HP _(0-5) _(10+)

91 Roranwala (210) 507 48(8) _ (0-5) _(0-,-5) HP - (10-1-) . RS 92 Halimwala(211) 571 2,236(409) P,M,H D,PHC, TW. HP PO RS RP 93 Saiwala (212) 333 257(44) P -(O~5) HP,TW _(0-5) RS 94 Hauz Khas (218) 768 1,117(205) P _(0-5) HP,TW -(10-l) -(0-5)

95 Naukerian (209) 1,308 2,162(371) P,M,H ~(0-5) HP _(0-5} RS

96 Aliana (208) 558 1 432(247) P,M -(0-5) HP -(0:_5) _(5-10) 97 Ghattianwali Bodla (207) 675 '999(181) P -(0-5) HP -(10+) _(10+) 98 Jhotian wali (204) 1,507 3 115(518) P -(0-5) HP -(0-5) -(0-5) 99 Jandwala Bhimeshah (203) 1,409 2:050(365) P,M,H H,PRC.D, HP,C PO -(0-5) MCW, RP 100 Pakan .(202) 1,305 2,143(280) P -(0-5) HP, C _(10+) -(0-5) _(0-5) 101 Banan wali (200) 1,231 1,828(296) P,M _(O~5) HP,C,T _(0-5) , 102 Molianwali (198) 1,219 1,640(272) P,M _(0-5) HP,C,T PO -(10-1 ) 103 Arniwala Sheikh Subhan (199) 1679 3,915(694) P -(0-5) T,HP, W PO -(10+) 104 Mahuana Bodla (205) 1,332 2,291(410) P,M -(0-5) HP,C,T PO -(10+) 105 Dhabwala Kalan (183) 1,530 2,597(438) P,M,H MCW,PHC, C,HP PO _(10+) FPC 106 Dhippanwali (184) 1,202 1,706(269) P.2 -(0-5) C,HP PO _(10+) 107 Ghuriana (177) 1,233 2,057(375) P RP HP,C.W -(0-5) -(10+) 108 Burj Hanumangarh (178) 967 2,044(323) P D,RP C,HP,W -(0-5) -(10-1 ) 109 Muradwala Dal Singh (146) 1,223 1,918(330) PM _(0-5) HP,C, W PO _(10+ ) 110 Koharian wali (145) 1,326 2,151(351) P(2) _(0-5) HP,C, W PO --(10+) 111 Kandnwala Hazar Khan (179) 1,361 2,445(375) P _(0-5) HP,C,T PO _ (5-10) 112 Kamalwala (180) 1,480 2,384(381) P,M D, PHS HP,W PO _(5-10) 113 Tahliwala Jattan (182) 1,606 1,691(322) P,M,H,C D,RP HP,W PO _(5-10) 114 IsIamwala (181) 1,711 2,093(350) P D RP, W,T.W -(0-5) _(5-10) 115 Chaheanwali (228) 740 1,396(255) P .,-(5-10) HP,TW _(5-10) _(0-5) Hi VILLAGE DIRECTORY FIROZPUR DISTruCl' Land use Approach Nearest -town and Power Staple food Land use (i.e. area under different types Remarks (including any place to the distance (in Kms.) supply of land use in hectares rounded to the of religious, historical or village nearest unit). archaeological interest)

Forest Iniga- Un- Cultur- Area Number of Places of ted by irriga- able not Cars/Jeeps/ religious, source ted waste avail- Motor-cycles J historical or (includ- able Scooters/ archaeological ing for News papers/ interest gauchar culti- Tractors & vation groves)

11 12 13 14 15 16 17 ' 18 19 20 20(a) PR Jalalabad (8) EA Wheat,· Maize, 344 5 13 36 -M-I, T-6 Bajra & Rice KR Jalalabad (6) EA Wheat, Maize, 291 56 51 37 M-I, T-5 . Rice& Bajra KR Jalalabad (6) EA Wheat, Maize, 232 205 36 T-10 Rice & Bajra PR Jalalabad (5) EA Wheat, Maize, 187 58 58 36 T-5 Rice &-Bajra KR Jalalabad (6) EA Wheat, Maize, 158 23'5 5 19 M-l, T-9 Rice'& Bajra

PR Mukatsar (14) EA Wheat, Maize 369 615 22 63 & Bajra KR Mukatsar (15) EA Wheat, Maize 728 724 132 30 & Bajra KR Mukatsar (16) EA Wheat, Maize 86 417 27 28 & Bajra KR Mukatsar (14) EA Wheat, Maize 4J4 565 2 105 & Bajra KR Mukatsar (16) EA Wheat, Maille 747 683 107 & Bajra

KR Fazilka (19) EA Wheat & Rice 467 40 PR Fazilka (20) EA Wheat & Rice 504 67 M-6, T-5, N-5 PR Fazilka (20) EA Wheat & Rice 304 29 M-l, T-3, N-6 PR Fazilka (15) EA Wheat & Rice 730 38 C-2, M-6, T-12, N-2 PR Fazilka (19) EA Wheat & Rice 1,207 101 C-l,'M-4, T-1S, N-5

PR Fazilka (19) EA Wheat -& 'Rice 511 41 T-3, N-2 PR FaziIka (17) EA Wheat & Rice 620 55 M-1, T-7, N-37 PR Fazilka (15) EA Wheat & Rice 1,126 279 102 M-1, T-20,N-2 PR Fazilka (20) EA Wheat & Rice 1,135 204 70 C-2, M-4, T-40, N-SO PR Mukatsar (15) EA Wheat & Rice 1,031 205 69 M-I, T-40, N-5 PR Fazilka (15) EA" Wheat & Rice 1,056 100 17 58 M-2, T-30, N-5 PR FaziIka (23) EA- Wheat 924 234 61 Col, M-ll, T-18, N-l PR Fazilka (20) EA Wheat 1,377 197 105 C,-l M-3, T-8, N-35 PR Fazilka (18) EA Wheat 1,055 165 112 M-4, T-12 PR Abohar (19) EA Wheat 1,404 68 1 57 C-3, T-24, M-6, N-4

PR M ukatsar (24) EA Wheat 1,094 15 4 89 C-5, M-3, T-16, N-l PR Abohar (19) EA Wheat 1,139 27 67 CoS, M-6, T-25 PR Abohar(19) EA Wheat 871 34 62 C-4, M-6, T-23 PR Abohar (16) ,EA Wheat 1,134 28 2 59 C-9, M·ll, T-22, N-2 PR Abohar (19) EA Wheat 93~ 333 S6 C-3, M-S, T-15, N-l PR Abohar (18) EA Wheat 1,148 132 378 M-2, T-33, N-4 PR Fazilka (14) EA Wheat 1,298 104 78 C-l, M-2, T-40, N-2 PR Fazilka (9) EA Wheat 1,329 204 73 . C-7, M-10, T-70, N-lO PR Fazilka (15) EA Wheat 1,322 252 2 135 C-8, M-10, T-60, N-5 PR Fazilka (14) EA Wheat 496 192 2 50 M-5. T-6 112 l<'AZltKA TAHSlL 1981 cENsus Amenities and Loca- Name of village Total Total Amenities available (if not available within the village, a dash (-) is shown tion (With Hadbast ~o.) area population in the column and next to it in brackets, the distance in broad ranges Code of the and No. of viz., -5.kms, 5-10 kms and 10+ kms. of the nearest place where No. village households the facility is available, is given} (in hectares) Educational Medical Drinking Post and Day Communi- water telegraph or cations (potable) days (Bus stop, of the railway, market! station hat, water- if way) any

1 2 3 4 S 6 7 8 9 10

3/3/116 Tahliwala Bodla (229) 1,229 2,034(350) P,M PRC IIp,TW PO _(10+) 117 Chak Dabwala (227) 621 1,178(215) P RP HP, PO RS 118 Chak Banwala (226) 602 591(104) P,M RP HP,TW PO -(0-5) 119 Shaman Khanka (225) 633 1,492(247) P RP HP,TW PO RS 120 Theh Qalandar (224) 499 682(108) P _(5_10) HP _(0-5) -(0-5)

121 Depulana (223) 599 1,465(246) P ~(5_:'10) HP,TW -(0-5) -(5_10) 122 Aha! Bodia (222) 607 1,045(116) P -(5-10) HP,TW -(5-10) -(5-10) 123 Ojanwali (216) 532 1,219(255) P _(10+) HP, TW.C -(0-5) -(0-5) 124 Jorke Andhewali (215) 553 628(108) P --(10+) HP, TW,C -(0-5) RS 125 Ghattian wali Jattan (206) 544 944(204) P - (10+) HP -(0-5) -(0-5) 126 Chak Kheowali (214) 580 ] ,139(211) P -(10+) HP -(0-5) RS 127 Chak Pakhi wala (213) 499 996(201) . P -(10+) HP,TW -(0-5) RS 128 Jaura Jand Urf Chimne- 502 784(144) P, M,H, AC -(10+) HP,TW -PO RS wala (217) 129 Hauz Alias Gandas (219) 589 878(150) P -(0-5) HP,TW _(0-5) RS 130 Kirianwala (220) 600 755(141) P,M H(3), M,MeW HP,TW -PO RS AC PHS 131 Tarobari (221)"1./" 989 2,744(511) P -(0-5) HP,TW -(0-5) BS 132 Laduk!J.J.lOSJ--, .... ·__ ·._ 849 4880(910) P(2) M,H H. PHC,RP HP -PO BS 13me Keuttar (309) 267 1~115(192) P -(0-5) HP -(0-5) 134 Jamalke (310) 176 435 (71) AC,P -(0-5) HP _(0-5) ":_:(0-5) 135 Lakheke Hithar (311) 240 136 Lakhewali Asli (312) 350 137 Behk Basta Hitbar (318) 38 138 Behak Hasta Uttar (307) 678 1,046(194) P(2) -(5":":10) HP:TW _(0-5) _(5-10) 139 Behak Khas (306) 1,013 2,703(488) P(3), M -(5-10) HP,TW PO _(0-5) 140 Naulan (304) 214 505(102) P -(10+) HP,TW -(0-5) _(10+) 141 Saideke Hithar (303) 218 691(127) P -(5-10) HP,TW _(5-10) -(5-10) 142 Saideke Uttar Urf 772(151) P -(5-10) HP,TW -(5-10) -(0-5) Chand Mari (302) 357 726(110) P,M,H -(5 10) HP TW _(5-10) -(0-5) 143 J orke Kankarwali (232) 891 144 Abhun (231) 1,266 1,030(178) P _(5-10) HP.TW _(0_5) -(0-5) 145 Lalanwali (233) 1,058 1,769(304) P,M -(0-5) HP. TW -(0-5) -(0-5) 146 Lasbkardin urf Ghaniani (301) 110 80(20) _(0-5) -(0-5) HP. W, TW -(0-5) -(0-5) 147 Ram Nagar Urf Jatwali (300) 309 229(44) P --(0-5) HP,TW -(0-5) _(0-5) 148 Miani Basti (293) 330 896(167) P _(0-5) HP,TW -(0-5) _(0-5) 149 Killi (292) 53 150 Badha(291) 249 380(74} P -(0"':":5) HP, W,TW (0-5)· _:_:(O-5}

151 Ganjuana (296) 437 1454~41) P -(O~S) T,IIP, TW -(0_5) ~(5_10) 152 Rana (299) 963 1,326(248) P -(5-10) HP,W,TW -(5-10) -(5-10) 153 Kawanwali (297) 406 223(44) -(0-5) -(0-5) W,HP,TW -(5-10) .. -(5-10) 154 Gulam Rasulwala (305) 521 367(64) P --(0-5) Hp,TW _(0-5) -(0-5) 155 Walleshah Uttar (317) 268 932(171) P -(0-5) HP,W _(0-51 .. _(10+) 156 Wallelshah Hithar (316) 344 505(91) P -(0-5) HP -(0-5) -(10+) 157 Ghurka (314) 872 474(78) P -(0-5) RP,W _(0-5) -(0-5) 158 Rasta Kalan (298) 1,563 3,153(547) P --(0-5) HP -(0-5) -(10+) 159 Mahatam Nagar (319) 761 1,107(187) -(0-5) -(0-5) Hp -(0-5) -(5-10) 160 Chak Rohela (321) 193 113

VILLAGE DIRECTORY FlROZPUR DISTRICT Land use Approach Nearest town and I:'ower Staple food . Land use (i.e. ,area under different type~ Remarks (including any place to the distance (in kms). supply of land. use in hectares rounded to the cf religious, historical or village nearest unit.) • archaeological interest)

Forest Irriga- Un- Cultur- Area Number of Places of ted by irriga- able not Cars/Jeeps/ . religious. source ted waste avail- Motor-cycles/ historical (includ- able Scooters/News- or archaco- ing for papers/ logical interest gauchar culti- Tractors & vation groves)l

11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 20(n)

PR Fazilka (13) EA Wheat 842 286 100 M-2, T-33, N-8 PR Fazilka (10) EA Wheat 400 187 34 T-15 Fazilka (11) EA Wheat 412 14J 8 ~41 C-2, M-3, T-20 PR '54 PR FaziJka (11) EA Wheat 517 2 T-15, M-2 PR Fazilka (8) EA Wheat . , 358 75 66 T-15, M-I

PR Fazilka (11) EA Wheat 446 113 40 T-4 PR Fpzilka (14) EA Wheat 447 119 4 37 T-2 PR Fazilka (10) EA Wheat 489 43 T-10 PR Fazilka (ll) EA Wheat 441 70 42 T-10 PR Fazilka (16) EA Wheat 184 324 36 T-14 PR lalalabad (13) EA Wheat 496 2 82 T-6 PR Fazilka (24) EA Wheat & Rice 255 184 60 T-8 PR Fazi1ka (22) EA Wheat & Rice 259 210 33 T-lO, M-2, N-l PR Fazilka (22) EA Wheat & Rice 1 474 38 77 T-7 PR Fazilka (21) EA Wheat & Rice 398 165 37 M-2, T-1, N-4

PR Fazilka (19) EA Wheat &'Ric~ 875 50 64 T-12 PR Fazilka (16) EA Wheat & Rice i 704 52 93 M-l, T-22 PR Fazilka (1 (,) EA Wheat &'~ice 235 9 23 T-2 PR Fazilka (2I) EA Wheat & Rice 164 12 T-2 Unnhabited Unin habited Uninhabited PR Fazilka (16) EA Wheat & Bajra 536 86 56 M-1, T-4 PR Fazitka (10) EA Wheat & Bajra 867 21 125 M-3 , T-15, N-2 PR Fazilka (10) EA Wheat, Bajra 186 14 14 T-4 & Rice PR Fazilka (6) EA Wheat & Bajra 183 22 13 T-7 PR Fazilka (6) EA Wheat & Bajra 308 22 27 M-2, T-5, N-l PR Fazilka (5) EA Wheat & Rice 700 117 63 11 Col, M-3, T-1O N-2 PR Fazilka (6) EA Wheat & Rice 966 217 83 C-2,M-3, T-1S, N-25 PR Fazilka (6) EA Wheat & Rice 939 23 93 3 M-2, T-16, N-4 PR Fazilka (8) EA Wbeat 103 2 5 T-2 PR Fazi1ka (4) EA Wheat 289 20 M-2, T-4 PR Fazilka (4) EA Wheat 236 81 13 T-4 Uninhabited PR Fazilka 0) EA Wheat 111 96 42 T-2 PR Fazilka (3) EA Wheat & Rice 322 26 89 T-IO PR Fazilka (7) EA Wheat & Rice 903 13 47 T-10 KR Fazilka (10) EA \\heat 109. 40 75 182 PR Fazilka (11) EA Wheat &rRice 450 1 5 65 T-2 PR Fazilka (11) EA Wheat 208 9 51 PR Fazilka (15) EA Wheat 281 13 50 PR Fazil ~a (9) EA Wheat 518 8 244 102 PR Fazilka (10) EA Wheat 1,325 95 143 T-6 PR Fazilka (10) EA Wheat 505 9S 74 87 T-4 Uninhabited , \ l. 114 FAZILKA TAHSIL 1981 CENSUS Amenities and Loca- Name of village Total Total Amenities available (if not available within the village, a dash (-) is shown tion (With Hadbast No. area population in the column and next to it in brackets, the distance in broad ranges Code of the and No. of viz., -5 kms, 5-10 kms and 10+ kms., of the nearest place where No. village households the facility is available, is given) (in hectares) Educational Medical Drinking Post and Day Communi- water telegraph or cations (potable) days (Bus stop, of the railway market, station, hat, water- if way) any 10 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 -(10+) 3/3/161 Dona Sakandri (320) 392 34(6) --(0-5) -(0-5) HP --(5-10) -(0--5) HP -(5-10) .. -«(10+) 16,2 Rohela Tajeke (322) ~ 313 4m(154)? -(0--5) -(10+) 549711' 11 (120) P _(0--5) T,W, HP _(0--5) v1"63~J:!W'J S~ 27"( . 431(72) . P -(0-5) T,W,HP -(0-5) ~(1O+) 164. ahar Khtwa (3 - -(0-5) 165 Muazam (278) 807 2,031(388) P,M -(5-10) HP,TW,C PO --(0-5) 166 Gaganke (295) 175 256(50) _(0-5) -(0--5) TW,C --(0-5) -(0-5) -(0-5) 167 Salem Shah (294) 917 1,337(243) P --(0-5) HP,TW.. 168 Sultanpura (290) 340 '::'(0-5) 169 Alam Shah (288) 442 934(179) P ':':'(0-5) T,HP,TW _(0-5) 170 Mohamad Islam (286) 80 TW,HP _(0-5) -(0-5) 171 Gulshah (287) 69 8(2) _(0-5) --(0-5) _(0-5) 172 Mohamad Amira (279) 100 23l( 45) P -(0-5) HP,TW -(0-5) 173 Muhammad Usman (280) 118 174 Khokhar (276) 51 175 Jiwanpura (275) 20

176 Kandarke (268). 6 '::'(0-5) 177 Qadar Bakhsh (273) 162 81(18) _(0-5) ':":"0-5) HP -(10+) ., -(0-5) T,HP,W -(0-5) _(0-5) 178 Mahammad Pira (285) 393 904(165) P _(0-5) 179 Awa Urf Waryampura (289) 338 679(138) P -(0-5) HP -(0-5) -(0-5) 180 Kotha alias Lukmanpura (284) 340 774(J21) P(2) -(0-5) HP -(0-5) _(5-10) 181 Qabul Shah Hithar (283) 297 485(91) P -(5-10) T,HP,W _(5-10) .. 182 Bakku Shah (282) 129 384 (70) P --(5-10) HP - (0-5) -(5-10) 183 Mambeke (274) 352 799(136) P _(5-10) HP _(5-10) .. -(5-10 184 Asafwala (272) 329 793(141) P -(5-10) HP --(0-5) .. -(5-10) 185 Gharami (271) 146 380(69) P --(5-10) HP -(0-5) -(5-10) 186 Pacca Chishti (264) 968 1,570(297} pel), Tr. RP T.HP,W -(0_5) -(10+) 187 Qutabdin Urf Beriwala (270) 215 186(36) P -(0-5) T,HP·,TW -(10+) -1:0-5) 188 Jhangar (266) 62 189 Nurmohamad (269) 89 95(21) _(0-5) .:..:cl0+ ) HP _(10+) -(10+) 190 Muhar Suna Urs Nakike (277) 185 346(66) P -(10+) T,HP,W _(5-10) .. -(5-10)

191 Ganj Bakhash Sani (265) 215 .. 192 Chuhriwal;l Chishti (263) 693 1,444(283) P -(0-5) HP _(10+) -«(10+) 193 Khanwala (260) 778 739(130) P D,RP T,HP,W -(10+) -(10+) 194 Karian (261) 1,065 1,068(165) P RP . HP,C,T, -(10+) --(10+ ) 195 Muthianwali (262) 724 1,014(201) P _(0-5) T,HP,W -(10+) -(0-5) 196 Karni Khera (248) 1,029 2,310(386) P,M,H,Tr. H,PHS,RP. HP -(10-) -(5-10) MCW,FPC 197 Qdian (249) 732 646(109) P --(5-10) HP,TW,C -(0-5) -(0--5) 198 Sareshwala (247) 769 1,182(202) P --(5-10) HP,TW,C _(0-5) -(0-5) 199 Jandwaia Kharta (243) 698 1,267(201) P FPC HP,TW,C PO -(10+) Hiranwali (242) p --(0--5 HP,TW,C -(0-5) 200 724 1,004(170) _(0-5) 201 Banwala Hanwanta (244) 742 -{0-5) HP,TW,C -(0-5) 858(160) P,M -(0-5) 202 Rampura (245) 734 -(0-5) HP,TW.C Phone 500(92) P -0-5) 203 Panchanwali (234) 861 -(0-5) HP,TW,C - (0-5) 861(157) P(2) -(0-5) 204 Korianwali (235) 854 1,401(240) P --(0-5) HP,TW,C ~(0-5) 205 Choharianwali (236) 678 HP,TW,C -(0-5) --(5-10) 1,110(161) P,M D -(5-10) 206 Patt i Puran (230) 326 225(44) P,AC _(5-10) HP,TW -(0-5) 207 Singhpura (238) 718 HP -(0-5) -(10+) 816(125) P,AC RP _(10+) 208 Kikarwala Rupa (237) 713 308(52) P,AC -(IO -t-) HP -(10+) 209 Beganwali (240) 1,063 -(5-10) HP -(5-10) -(5-10) 993(165) P,M,AC -(10+) 210 Sajrana (239) 1,405 2.416(424) P,M RP HP -(10+> 11S VILLAGE DIREcrORY FIROZPUR DISTRICT Land use Approach Nearest town and Power Staple food Land use (Le. ,area under different types Remarks (including any place to the distance (in kms). supply of land use in hectares rounded to the of religious, historical or village nearest unit.) archaeological interest)

Forest lrriga- Uo- Cultur- Area Number of Places of ted by irriga- able not Cars/Jeeps/ religious, source ted waste avail- Motor-cycles/ historical (includ- able Scooters/News- or archaeo- ing for papers/ logical intere~ t gauchar culti- Tractor~ & vati071 grovc-s)

11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 20(a) KR Fazilka (8) EA Wheat 266 126 KR Fazilka (13) EA Wheat 289 6 18 KR Fazilka (10) EA Wheat 243 185 121 KR Fazilka (8) EA Wheat & Bajra 164 113 T-l PR Fazilka (5) EA Wheat & Rice 601 3 88 115 T-8. N-2 PR Fazilka (4) EA Wheat & Rice 153 6 16 T-l PR Fazilka (2) EA Wheat 807 38 72 M-2. T-IT Uninhabited PR Fazilka (3) EA Wheat 416 26 M-3, T-6 Uulnhabited

PR Fazilka (5) EA Wheat 56 1 12 PR Fazilka (5) EA Wheat 90 5 5 M-l, T-l Uninhabited Uninhabited Uninhabited .. Uninhabited PR Fazilka (5) EA Wheat 127 14 21 T-2 PR Fazilka (5) EA Wheat 349 20 24 M-2, T-8 PR Fazilka (?) EA Wheat 306 1 31

PR Fazilka (5 ~ EA Wheat 312 27 T-5 PR Fazilka (6) EA Wheat 245 16 15 21 T-5 PR Fazilka (5) EA Wheat 117 12 T-2 PR Fazilka (8) EA Wheat 287 13 52 T-l PR Fazilka (6) EA Wheat 268 6 5'i M-l, T-4, N-I0 PR Fazilka (6) EA Wheat 123 23 PR Fazilka (12) EA Wheat 628 28 222 90 M-2, T-12 PR Fazilka (12) EA Wheat 133 32 31 19 T-l Uoin habited PR Fazilka (11) EA Wheat 43 3 35 8 T-l PR Fazilka (10) EA Wheat 168 17 N-6 Uninhab;ted PR Fa7ilka (111 EA Wheat & Bajra 512 35 88 58 M-I, T-6 PR FaLillca (lfI) FA Whea t & Bajra 543 189 10 36 M-3, T-5 PR Fazilka (10) EA Wheat & Bajra 942 28 9 86 M-2, T-5 PR Fazilka (8) EA Wheat & Bajra 661 2 61 M-2 PR Fazilka (3) EA Wheat 937 4 12 76 C-3, M -7, T-15 PR Fazilka (7) EA Wheat 513 141 32 46 M-2. T-12 PR Fazilka (2) EA Wheat 581 114 12 62 T-12 PR Fazilka (5) EA Wheat 526 124 1 47 M.I. T-20 PR Fazilka (11) EA Wheat 636 46 42 T-17, N-2 PR Fazilka (5) EA Wheat 568 95 17 62 C-2, M-3, T-12 N-20 PR Fazilka (3) EA Wheat 599 50 19 66 C-3, M-4, T-I0, PR Fazilka (1) EA Wheat 640 16 205 C-3. M-4, T-6 PR Fazilka (3) EA Wheat 601 126 26 101 C-l, M-4, T-8 PR Fazilka (6) EA Wheat 524 53 60 41 T-4 PR Fazilka (8) EA Wheat 216 26 30 54 T-3 PR Fazilka (12) EA Wheat & Bajra 508 49 139 22 C-2, T-IO PR Fazilka (8) EA Wheat & Bajra 639 33 34 7 C-l, T-6. N-2 PR Fazilka (8) EA Wheat & Bajra 776 59 200 28 C-2. M-2, T-18 PR Fazilka (16) EA WQ~t I,02~ JOI 27~ 8 '1-2,T-lS, N-~ 116 ". \ZILKA TAHSIL 1981 CENSUS Atr1enilies and

loca­ Name of village Total Total Amenities available (if not available within the village, a dash(-) is tion (With Hadbast No.) area population shown in the column and next to it in brackets, the distance in broad Code of the and No. of ranges viz, -5 kms., 5-10 kms. and 10+kms. of the nearest place No. village households where the facility is available, is given) (in hectares) Educational Medical Drinking Post and Day Communi water telegraph or cations (potable) days (Bus stop, of the railway mar- station, ket! water­ hat. wav) if .

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 10 3/3 {211 Khui Khera (241) 1,295 2,450(390) P,M,H(2) H,PHC,P"C, HP Phone, -(10+) MCW,RP PTO 212 Qabu1 Shah Khuban (251) 1,689 2,214(374) P,M RP T,HP,W -(0-5) _.(10+ ) 213 Sabuana (250) 1,522 1,908(304) P,M D.RP HP PO -(10+) 214 Bandfwala (258) 736 1,017(176) P,M,H(2) -(10+) HP _(0-5) -(10+) 215 Tillanwall (257) 332 711(139) P RP HP -(0-5) -(10-+ ) 216 Lakhewall (252) 2,021 1,548(251) P,M,H -(0-5) T,HP,W PO _(10+) 217 Shehtirwala (256) 786 1,544(246) P MCW,PPC, HP -(0--5) _(10+) RP 218 Suana Urf Jhugian (259) 840 834(142) P -(0-5) HP -(0-5) -(10+) 219 Muradwala Bhungar (255) 581 369(62) P -(0-5) HP _(0-5) _(10+) 220 Kheowali (253) 1,215 1,254(2(2) P,M,\l PHS HP,TW PO _(10+)

221 Bareka (254) . 1,062 1,210(167) P RP HP;W,e -110+) -(5-10) 222 Rupnagar (126) 1,098 1,716(288) P(2) RP T,HP,TK -(104 .) _(5-10) 223· KolJ Khera (105) 724 1,105(291) P RP T,HP,TK -(LO+) RS 224 Bakayanwala (125) 1,361 2,360(397) P,M,H RP T,HP,TK PO RS FPC 225 Jandwala Mira Sangla (127) 1,609 2,748(452) P,M PHS, RP HP P.O . -(5-10) 226 Azamwala (140) 1,666 3,134(499) P,M,H RP HP' PO _(10+) 227 Khfppanwalf (139) 1,563 2,274(367) P RP T,W,e, -(5-10) -(10+) 228 Ramkot (141) 1,049 1,265(187) P RP T,HP,W -(0-5) _(5-10) 229 Bodiwala Pitha (142) 1,161 1,454(210) P -(0-5) HP,e PO -(0-5) 230 Ghullu (138) 1,355 2,271(326) P,M PHS T,HP,W _(0-5) . . - (10+) 231 Katehra (143) 1,375 1,828(263) P,M -(10+) HP,C PO BS 232 Mamun Khera (144) 1,261 2,001(206) P -(10+) HP PO BS 233 IhumianwaIi (136) " 1,696 3,044(418) P,M,H D,FPC, T,TW PO -(10+) PHS 234 Bazidpur Katianwali (137) 1,609 3,031(445) P,M RP T,TW,C PO RS 235 Roheranwali (132) 1,571 1,969(298) P,M RP T,TW,C PO BS 236 Dangar Khera (131) 1,609 3,556(593) P,M RP TW,C,HP PO BS 237 Nihal Khera (130) 1,425 2,805(422) P,M,H RP TW,HP,W PO BS MeW 238 Chuhrlwala Dhana(129) 1,563 3,730(545) P,M,H D,RP T,HP,W,C PO BS 239 Patrewala (128) 1.529 2,673(458) P!M,H RP,MCW T,HP,WC PO BS 240 Danewala Satkosi (124) 1,673 2,568(419) P D T,HP,C PO BS 241 Panjkosi (123) 1,690 2,994(448) P,M ,R H,D T,HP,C,W PO BS 242 KiIlanwali (122) 1,697 3,152(444) P.M T.HP,C,W PO BS 243 Abohar (121) 4.861 5.413(940) P HP, C,T PTO BS

244 Burj Mohar Wala (120f 1,021 1,712(248) P(2),Tr~ D HP,C -(0-5) BS 245 Gobindgarh (119) 1.808 2,510(411) P(2).M,H· D T,HP,W PO BS 117 VILLAGE DIRECTORY FIROZPUR DlSTRIcr


Approach Nearest town and Power Staple food Land use (i.e. area under different types Remarks (including any place to the distance (in kms.) supply of Jand use in hectares rounded to the· of religious, historical or village nearem 'unit). archaeological interest)

Forest Trriga- Un- Cultur- Area Number of Places of ted by irriga- able not Cars!Jeeps! religious, source ted waste avail- Motor-cycles! historical or (indud- able Scooters! archaeological ing for Newspapers/ interest gauchar cu Iti- Tractors & vation groves) 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 20(a) , PR Fazilka (13) EA Wheat & Bajra 999 205 25 66 C-3, T-16, M-4, N-5 PR Fazilka (14) EA Wheat 1,160 398 131 M-3, T-36, N-4 PR Fazilka (8) EA Wheat & Bajra 1,150 177 106 89 C-l, M-l, T-4, N-7 PR Fazilka (13) EA Wheat 650 30 8 48 C-3, M-3, T-16 PR Fazilka (17) EA Wheat 290 11 2 29 M-l, T-7 PR Fazilka (19) EA Wheat 1,696 226 5 94 M-2, T-20 PR Fazilka (17) EA Wheat 609 90 9 78 C-2,M-4, T-18 KR Fazilka (19) EA Wheat 669 135 36 KR Fazilka (18) EA Wheat 488 51 42 KR Fazilka (I~) EA Wheat 688 439 88

KR Abohar (19) EA Wheat 524 487 51 KR Abohar (25) EA Wheat 986 17 25 70 C-2, M-I, T-ll PR , Abohar (19) EA Wheat 657 8 2 57 C-1, T-8 PR Abohar (20) EA Wheat ],241 43 1 76 M-2, T-ll PR Abohar(24) EA Wheat 1,360 170 79 M-2, T-19 KR Fazilka (20) EA Wheat, Maize 1,165 378 123 C-2, M-S, T-67 & Bajra PR Fazi'ka (21) EA Wheat, Maize 1,]93 263 107 C-4. M4, & Bajra T·35 KR Fatilka (10) EA Wheat, Mai2'e 606 377 66 M-3, T-20 & Bajra PR Fazilka (14) EA Wheat & Bajra 972 98 91 C-2, M-4. T·12, N-8 PR Abohar (10) EA Wheat & Bajra 834 452 69 C-3, M-3, T-5, N-lO PR Abohar (19) EA Wheat & Bajra 1,050 98 176 51 C-6, M-14, T-25, N·8 PR Abohar (13) EA Wheat 794 402 65 M-2, T-lO, N-4 PR Abohar (16) EA Wheat 1,435 175 86 C-2, M·16, T-28 PR Abohar (13) EA Wheat 1,375 164 70 C-2, M-16, T-28 PR Abohar (6) EA Wheat 1,159 333 19 C'4, M-8, T-24, N-4 PR Abohar (6) EA Wheat 1,281 217 111 C-7, M-IO, T-17 PR Abohar (10) EA Wheat 1,345 23 57 C-5, M-6, T-25, N-12 PR Abohar (10) EA Wheat 1,136 325 102 C'S, M-6, T-16, N-IO PR Abohar (13) EA Wheat 1,438 91 C-5, M-6, T-24, N-10 PR Abohar (10) EA Wheat 1,541 20 112 C-5, M-lO, T-51. N-4 PR Abohar (14) EA Wheat 1,465 134 91 C-l5, M-Il, T·40, N·15 PR Abohar (8) EA Wheat 1,558 41 98 C-25, M·8, T·49, N-ll PR Abohar (I) EA Wheat 3,272 ,1,009 99 481 C-2, M·I0. PR T-42, N-5 Abohar (5) EA Wheat 962 3 56 M-7. T-20 PR Abohar (8) EA Wheat 1,503 158 147 C-3, M-6r T-25 118 FAZILKA TAHSIL 1981 CENSUS Amenities and 'loca­ Name of village Total Total Amenities available (if n,:lt available within the village, a dash( --) is tion (With Hadbast No.) area population shown in the column and next to it in brackets, the distance in broad Code of the and No. of ranges viz, -5 kms., 5-10 kms. and lO+kms. of the nearest place No. village households where the facility is available. is given) (in hectares) Educational Medical Drinking Post and Day Communi­ water telegraph or cations (potable) days (Bus stoP. or the railwav mar­ station, ket/ water­ hat, way) if any 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 tl 9 10 3/3( 246 Patti Taja (133) 627 828(114) P -(5-10) HP PO BS 247 Dharangwala (135) 1,539 2,659(440) P,M,Tr. PHS,D,FPC T,HP,W PO BS

248 Kundal (134) ~ 1,644 2,774(471) P,M(2), H D,PHS,RP HP,W PO BS 249 Bhanga]a (149) 885 1,664(264) P,M RP HP,C PO BS 250 Godan Doab (151) 1,092 1,812(293) P M,H -(0-5) T,W,C PO BS 251 Ramgarh (150) 652 677(104) P D· T,HP,C PO BS 252 Chanan Khera (118) 1,357 2,078(348) P.M RP HP PO BS 253 Baluana (115) 2,017 3,210(549) P,M,H MCW,D,PHS HP,TW PO BS 254 Bahawal Bas i (113) 1,568 2,257(342) P RP HP,TW _(5-10) BS,R S 255 Kera Khera (114) 1,122 2,365(370) P,M D T,HP,C PO BS,RS 256 Malukpura (60) "1 1,298 2,331(389) P,M,H D,FPC, PHS, HP,C,W - (10+) _(0-5) RP 257 Jodhpura (59) 865 1,311(207) PJ! -(0-5) W,TW _(10+) BS 258 Bahadar Khera (61) 1,321 1,528(268) P MCW,RP HP, C,W -(10+) BS 259 Dhaban Kokaryan (63) 2,417 2,006(305) P,M _(0-5) T,C,W PO -(5-10) 260 Raipura (112) 1,467 2,412(294) PJ' RP HP,C,W -(0-5) BS

261 Rajanwali (64) 1,627 2,533(419) P ~ RP T,HP,W PO -(5-10) 262 Bhagu (73) 1,832 2,306(373) P, M,H RP T,W,HP PO -(0-5) 263 Kala Tibba (111) 1,632 1,820(290) P RP TW,C,W -(5-10) BS 264 Rampura (80) 1,811 2,751(431) P,M RP TW,T,W PO BS 265 Amarpura (79) 1,539 2,341(318) P, M RP T,W,TW -(0-5) BS

266 Kandhwala Amar Kot (83) 2,352 4,245(698) P,M,H H,D,PHS T,HP PO BS 267 Rukanpura Urf 959 1,473(208) P- H T,HP,C,W PO BS Khui Khera (84) 268 Patti Bihla (91) 802 1440(188) P -(0-5) T,HP,C,TK PO -(10+) 269 Sapanwali (92) 1,776 2,324(337) P,M D,RP T,HP,C,TK PO BS 270 Dharampura (82) 1,485 2,704(408) P,M,H -(0-5) T,HP,C PO BS 271 Kikar Khera (81) 1,528 3,063(467) P,M -(0-5) T,HP,C PO BS 272 Alamgarh (109) 2,323 3,830(571) P,M RP C PO BS 273 sayadwala (108) 1,775 3,686(511) P,M RP W,TK PO BS,RS 274 (107) 1,606 2,467(392) P,M,H RP W,TK PO BS,RS 275 Haripura (106) 1,381 2,242(397) P,M,H RP W,TK PO BS 276 Daulatpura (93) 1,553 1,305(227) P RP HP,C,W -(0-5) BS 277 Dulmir Khera (90) 1,696 2,507(419) P.M,H PHS.RP,H T,HP,C,W PO BS 278 Maujgarh (95) 1,380 2,368(362) P,M,H PHS,H,RP T,HP,C,W PO BS 279 Gidranwali (94) 1,354 1,821(277) P,M RP T,HP,C,W PO BS 280 Diwan Khera (104) 2,249 3,283(S68) P,M,H FPC,PHS HP PO -(0-5) 119 VILLAGE DIRECTORY FIROZPUR. bISTRICT Land use Approach Nearest town and Power Staple food Land use (i.e. area under different types' Remarks (including any place to distance (in kms.) supply of Jand use in hectares rounded to the ~ of religious, historical or village nearest unit). archaeological interest)

Forest Irriga- Un- Cultur- Area Number of Places of ted by irriga- able not Cars/Jeeps/ religious, source ted waste avail- Motor-cycles! historical or (includ- able Scooters/ archaeological ing for Newspapersl interest gauchar culti- Tractors & vatioD groves)

11 12 13 14 IS 16 17 18 19 20 20(a) PR Abohar(lO) EA Wheat 412 179 :36 M-2, T-6 KR Abohar(13) EA Wheat 1,346 107 86 C-2. M-14. T-25, N-2 PR Abohar (13) I EA Wheat & Rice 1,176 375 2 91 C-3, M-5, T-30, N-25 PR Abohar (17) EA Wheat & Rice 805 20 60 C-2, M-4, T-17 PR Maiout(28) EA Wheat & Rice 961 68 63 C-3, M-8. T-22, N-25 PR Abohar (12) EA Wheat & Rice 581 40 31 C-4, M-l, T-8, N-S PR Abohar (11) EA Wheat 1,159 76 122 CoS, M-5, T-42 PR Abohar (11) EA Wheat I,S25 87 105 c-4, M-7, T-45 PR Abohar (6) EA Wheat 1,451 19 98 M-2, T-53 PR Abohar (6) EA Wheat 950 99 73 M-3, T-18 PR Abohar (16) EA Wheat 790 416 92 C-1, M-4, T-23, N-1 PR Malout (13) EA Wheat 417 401 47 M-1 T-16 KR Abohar(16) EA Wheat 584 679 58 C-3, M-2, T·30 PR Abohar (12) EA Wheat 1,579 726 112 M-2, T-20 PR Abohar (10) EA Wheat. 819 559 89 C-4, M-2, T-35 PR Abohar (10) EA Wheat 1,382 150 95 C-5, M-lO. T-42 IpR Abohar (14) EA Wheat 982 741 109 C-l, M-2, T-38 PR Abohar (6) EA Wheat 907 608 117 C-7. M-S, T-22 PR Abohar (10) EA Wheat 1,425 282 104 C-S, M-2, T-2S PR Abohar (13) EA Wheat 1,282 173 84 C-3, M-5, T-22

KR Abahar(lO) E,A Wheat 1,843 367 142 C-2, M-I0, T-SO, N-30 KR Abohar (12) EA Wheat 737 171 51 C-2, M-2, T-10, N-5 KR Abohar (15) EA Wheat 715 40 47 C-2, M-3, 1'-15. KR Abahar (13) EA Wheat 917 805 54 M-3, T-20 N-10 PR Abohar (13) EA Wheat 114 1,302 69 C-4, M-S T-20 N-IO KR Abohar (6) EA Wheat 1,119 303 106 C-2, M-S T-15 N-lO PR Abohar (5) EA Wheat 1,461 654 208 C-2, M-2. T49 N-ll PR Abohar (8) EA Wheat 1,562 124 89 C-3, ~~T-S5 N-S ~ :;<~~""'<' PR Abahar (13) EA Wheat 1,381 115 llO C _1 !;"'''~ .... ; ;;;~ N-S' t· ' , KR Abohar(lS) EA Wheat 1,163 114 104 C-2. N-S PR Abohar (13) EA Wheat 1,039 312 102 C-Z. N-t PR Abohar(14) EA Wheat 1,513 83 100 C-6. PR Abohar(22) EA Wheat 1,272 49 59 C-l PR \.bohar (21) EA Wheat 887 390 77 M· PR Abobar(20) EA Wheat 1,902 226 121 M· no FAZILKA TAHSIl, 1981 CENSUS Amenities and Loca- Name of village Total Total Amenities available (if not available within the village, a dash(-) is shown tion (With Hadbast No.) area population in the column and next to it in brackets, the distance in broad ranges Code of the and No. of viz.• -5 Kms., 5-10 kms. and 10-kms. of the nearest pJace where No. village households the facility is available, is given) (in hectares) Educational Medica! Drinking Post and Day Communi- water telegraph or cations (potable) days (Bus stop, of the railway mar- station, ket! water- hat, way) if any 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 3/3/281 Punjawa (103) .1,310 1,542(252) P RP HP -(10-+ ) _(0-5) 282 Tutwala (102) 1.452 1,727(265) P RP T,HP,C -(0-5) -(0-5) 283 Jandwala Hanwanta· (96) 1,480 3,241(450) P,M RP T,C,TK PO :as 284 Kalar Khera (lOO) 1,837 2,718(371) P,M RP T,C,HP,W PO BS 285 Usman Khera (101) 1,572 261(191) P,M RP T,C,HP,TK -(5-10) BS

286 Gum.ial (99) 1,522 1,500(231) P.M --(W+) T,W,HP PO BS 287 Paniwala Mahla (98) 1,617 2,090(352) P D,PHS T,W,HP PO -(0-5) 288 Bhangar Khera (97) 1,594 2,680(421) P(2) -(10+) T,W,HP PO BS 289 Shergarh (88) 2,061 2,499(377) P -(10-+ ) T,C,HP PO BS 290 Dhinganwali (89) 1,796 2,488(367) P,M D C PO BS

291 Waryam Khera(87) 2,597 3257(478) P,M D,PHS C PO BS 292 Patti Arora (86) 1,267 1969(325) P _(10+) C PO BS 293 Jharor Khera.._ (85) 1,697 2,383(399) P,M,H -(10+) C PO BS 294 Khatwan (78) 1,159 1,240(199) P -(10+) T,C,W PO - (0-5) 295 Sherewala (77) 1,343 1,772(252) P -(10-J) T,C,W PO BS 296 Wahabwala (76) 1,636 2,246(324) P RP T,C,W,TK PO BS 297 Rajpura (75) 1,523 2,675(408) P RP T,W,C,TK PO BS 298 Dodewala (74) 1,915 1,984(262) P --{10+ ) T,W,HP PO BS 299 Kalaran (72) 1,960 3,069(440) P PHS T,W,HP PO BS 300 Rampura (71) 835 1,716(238) P,M -(0-5) T,W,HP PO BS

301 Narainpura (70) 863 2,354(1,019) P,M _(0-5) HP,T,W PO BS 302 Bhagsar (67) 1,524 1,666(240) P -(10-+ ) HP.T,W PO -(5-10) 303 Dotaianwali (65) 1,754 2,135(301) P,M,H DRP HP,T.W PO BS 304 Sardarpura (62) 1,218 2,220(326) P RP RP,T,W PO BS 305 Sukh Chain (66) 1,331 1,591(219) P -(0-5) HP,T,W _(0-5) BS

306 Khairpura (68) 1,203 1,165(150) p RP HP,W,TW -(0-5) _.(0 -5) 307 Sito Gunu (41) 1,717 3,262(530) P PHC,H,MeW HP,T,W PO RS RP,FPC 30& Mehrajpura (42) 1,185 1,818(263) P,M RP C,T,W _(0-5) -(0-5) 309 Khubban (38) 1,584 3,331(514) P,M,H RP C,T,W. PO BS

310 Modi Khera (39) 1,108 1,934(266) -P -(10+) T,HP,C _(0-5) ~-(O-S)

311 Himatpura (40) 1,450 1,977(315) P _(5-10) T,HP,WI PO ~(10+) 3]2 Bishanpura (69) 1,681 1,504(245) P RP HP,T,W -(0-5) BS 313 Bazidpura (21) 1,879 3,169(4<>2) P RP HP,T.W 1;>0 lsS 121 VILLAGE DmECTORY FmOZPUR DISTRICT Lund use Approach Nearest town and Power Staple food Land use (i.e. ,area under different types Remarks (including any place to the distance (in kms.) supply of land use in hectares rounded to the of religious, historical or village nearest units) archaeological interest)

Forest Irriga- Un- Cultur- Area Number of Places of ted by irriga- able not Cars/Jeeps/ religious source ted waste avail- Motor-cycles/ historical' (includ- able Scooters/News- or archaeo- iDg for papers! logical interes gauchar culti- Tractor<; & vation grove

11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 20(a) KR Abobar (27) EA Wheat 601 638 71 C-2, M-4, T-2 PR Abobar (26) EA Wheat 816 573 63 M-2, T-10 PR Abohar (24) EA Wheat 1;387 9 84 Cl M-7. T-25, N-3 PR Abohar(27) EA Wheat 1,106 31 100 C-6, M-7. T-35, N-2 PR Abohar (31) EA Wheat & Rice 512 971 89 M-2, T-10

PR Abohar (32) EA Wheat 906 544 72 C3. M-2. T-9 PR Abohar (29) EA Wheat 885 651 81 C-I, M-3, T-27. PR Abohar (32) EA Wheat 1446 77 71 T-25 PR Abohar (24) EA Wheat 1:372 618 1 70 M-3, T-14, N-2 PR Abohar (22) EA Wheat 1.124 589 1 82 C-l5, M-12, T-2l, N-2 PR Abohar (10) EA Wheat 2,048 421 . 128 C15, M-12. T-42 N-24 PR Abobar (22) EA Wheat 829 357 81 M-2, T-30 PR Abohar (16) ·EA Wheat 1,443 163 1 90 C-2, M-2, T-35 KR Abohar(13) EA . Wheat 797 301 3 58 C4, T-16 PR Abohar (17) EA Wheat 1,09:8 168 4 73 M-2, T-13 PR Abohar (13) FA Wheat 584 694 358 T-2, N-4 PR Abobar (18) EA Wheat 715 749 59 T-39, N-4 PR Abohar (20) EA Wheat 1.-068 761 86 M-1, T-23. N-S PR Abohar (30) EA Wheat & Bajra 1,037 849 74 C4, M-3, T-33 PR Abohar (30) EA Wheat & Bajra 546 233 56 C-l, M-l. T·25

PR Abohar(30) EA Wheat &. Bajra 665 133 1 64 C·4, M-2, T-21 PR Abohar (18)' EA Wheat 819 619 3 83 C-4. M-5, T-22 PR Abohar (13) EA Wheat 1,471 151 132 C-4, M-2, T-40. N-5 PR Abohar (14) EA Wheat 998 141 79 C3. T-27. N-4 PR Abobar (18) EA Wheat 1.149 90 92 C-1, T-24

PR Abohar (17) EA Wheat 362 790 51 C-1, T·16 PR Abohar (22) EA Wheat 1.460 137 120 C-I2, M-2, T-50, N-5 PR Abobar(24) EA Wheat 850 257 78 C-I, M-2, T-12 PR Abohar(29) EA Wheat 1,342 149 93 C-4, M-6 T-53. N-50 PR Abohar(29) EA Wheat 848 175 85 M-2. T-25 PR Abohar(22) EA Wheat 76 944 428 2 C·4, M-5,T-21 PR Abohar (22) EA Wheat 918 687 1 75 C-5 M-l, T-I8 PR Abobar (29) EA Wheat 1.297 465 1 116 C-7, M-5, T-50 122 vtLLAGF. APPENDTX Tahdlwise Abstract of Educational, Medical FIROZPUR DiSTRICT

EDVCATIO Serial Name of Tahsil______-:- ______, No. Primary school Middle school Matriculation/ Higher Secondary/ College Secondary school PVC/Inter­ (Graduate and mediate/Junior above) college

Villages Institu- Villages Institu- Villages In~titu- Villages Institu- Villages Institu- tions tions tions tions tions 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1 Zira 306 308 64 64 28 31 3 5 2 Firozpur 383 418 79 86 28 33 1 2 3 Fazilka 283 311 94 95 41 47 2 2 ----District Try tal 912 1037 1.31 345 91 111 3 5 3 4 MEDICAL DRINKIl'iG Serial Name of Tahsil No. Community Others Villages Tube- Health workers with no well ! medical Tap Well Tank Hand River facility ------_-----_----Pump Villages Institu- VilIagf's lnstitu- tions tions

1 2- 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 31 38 39 1 Zira 49 49 322 166 2- Pirozpur 2S 69 392 361 3 Fazilka 70 163 189 129 District Total 114 251 903 656 123

DIRECTORY I and OtlJer Amenities


Adult Others Villages Dispensary Hospital Maternity and Primary Health Family Planning Primary Health Literac), with Child Welfare Centre/Health Centre sub-centre Class/ no edu­ Centre/Maternity Centre Centres cational Home/Child faeilities Welfare Centre ------ViI- Institu- Vii 1- Institu- Vill- Institu- Vill- Institu- Vill- Institu- ViII- Institu- ViIl- Institu- Vill- Institu- lages tions ages tions ages tions ages tions ages tions ages tions ages tions ages tions 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 .3 3 60 27 27 7 7 11 11 5 5 4· 4 16 16 4 4 76 34 34 15 16 13 13 10 10 7 10 14 14 12 12 11 31 31 12 12 18 18 7 7 13 13 20 20

19 19 147 92 92 34 3S 42 -42 22 22 24 27 50 50


Foun- Canal Others More ViI- P.O. T.O. P.T.O. P.O. & T.O. & PTO & Phone Bus Rail. Navi­ Avail- Not tain than I ages Phone Phone Phone stop way gable able avail- one with station water­ able source no way _-__- __-_---drink- ___ _---_------.-__ -_------ing ------water facility of any type

40 41 42 43 44 45 46 41 48 49 50 51 52 S3 S4 5S 56 200 S1 1 2 141 25 366 98 61 3 1 3 126 14 459 5 160 103 1 2 1 73 26 294 5 458 221 5 1 2 5 1 340 65 119 124 APPENDIX II-VILLAGE DIRECTORY Land utilization data in respect of non-municipal Towns (Census Towns) There is no non-municipal town in Firozpur District, 125 APPENDIX Ill-VILLAGE DIRECTORY Lis. orvillages where non.e of the seven amen.ities relating: to education, me:lical, drinkin.g water, post and tt 'egraph, communication, power supply and market hat is available :- Zira Nil Firozpur Nil Fazilka Nil 126

APPENDIX IV-VILLAGE DIRECTORY List of villages according to the proportion of Scheduled Castes to the total population by ranges FIROZPUR DISTRICT ZIRA TAHSIL Ranges of Scheduled CasteS Serial Location Name of village with had bast No. population (percentages) No. Code No. 1 2 3 4

0-5* 17/3/1/11 Valayat Shahwala (36) M 19 Dineke (53) 31 32 Makhu (63) 4 34 Bhutiwala (72) 5 46 Chakian (68) 6 56 Amir Shahwala (85) 7 57 Gurali (86) 8 65 Sharaf Ali Shahwala (100) 9 67 Buhglljran (112) 10 70 Malang Shahwala (113) 11 76 Pir Mohamad (116) 12 92 Sadarwala (127) 13 101 Machhian (139) 14 166 Mahianwala Khurd (346) 15 201 Bula (162) 16 251 Chirag Shahwala (229) 17 260 Kanian Ktas (235) 18 266 Miani (221) 19 267 pipli (220) 20 276 Ramgarh (190) 21 292 Melak Kangan (208) 22 301 Gol uwala (199) 23 302 Lal Handi (200) 24 307 Madarpur (203) 25 312 Bara Kalirauna (224) 26 313 Mahlewala (222) 27 335 Chamb (262) 28 338 Chak Tarewala (298) 29 339 Gatti Jattan (299) 30 343 Chak Kanian Khurd (303) 31 344 Kanian Kalan (276) 32 348 Thuthgarh (264/265) 33 355 Nasirewala (274) 6-10 1 17{3/1 (7 Gata Badshah (45) 2 17 Baharwali (47) 3 30 Variah (126) 4 59 Mundi Chhuri Maran (87) S 69 Bat (109) 6 80 Shianpari (135) 7 84 Tibbi Araian (120) 8 87 Waraswala Arain (132) 9 95 . Ghuduwata (34) 10 108 Tindwan (148) 11 117 Malhuwaliawala (15) 12 125 Sidhara (14) 13 149 Virkanwali (359) 14 157 Malhuwala (371) 15 201 Awan (156) 16 208 Beri Qadarabad (163) 17 212 Baghelewata (168) . 18 214 Amargarh Bandian (110) 19 222 Daulewala (180) 20 248 Jas:pur Alias Gehliwala (181) 21 306 Sanghera (205) 22 333 Bhodiwala (261) 23 336 Chak Singhpura (279) 24 354 Roshanwala (213) 11-15 1 17/311/5 Fatehgarh Sabra (41) 2 8 Nihalke (39) 3 18 Wa.ttu Bhatti (52) 4 22 Talwandi Nepalan (50) 5 23 Maujgarb (56) 6 31 Bulhoke (124/125) 7 53 MoM.mad Shawala (90) 8 66 Lalleh (110) 9 78 Mastewala (137) 10 91 Mohkamwala Alias Ataianawala (130) 11 94 Chak Mehrana (129) 12 97 Behk Walayat Shah (H2}

.~clud~s villages with Nil S.C. Population. 127

APPENDIX IV-VILLAGE DIRECTORY List of villages according to the proportion of Scheduled Castes to the total populatiou by ranges F1ROZPUR DISTRICT Z1RA TAHSIL

Ranges of Scheduled Castes Serial Location Name of village with hadbast No. Population (percentages) No. Code No. 1 2 3 4 11_15 (coneld.) 13 11/3/1/104 Nurpur (53» 14 105 Machhiwara (154) 15 120 Asiake (22) 16 124 Kamalwala (18) 17 127 Mallanwala (1) 18 145 Chuchak Wind (356) 19 156 Joianwala (312) 20 163 Vakilanwala (340) 21 170 Pheroke (345) 22 174 Bundala Purana (330) 23 258 Sherput Tai ban ( 230) 24 278 Shadiwal (239) 25 282 Fatehpur Jhugian (181) 26 293 S'lirle Shahwala (196) 27 294 Fateh Ullah Shahwala (99/105) 28 296 Maujewala (167) 29 300 Bahadarwala (l01) 30 309 Bundala (204) 31 323 Manjhli (223A) 32 326 Sangl a (226) 33 327 Sir Sari (257) 34 359 Bahadurwala (252) 35 374 Kishanpura Khurd (278) 16_20 1 17/3/1/9 Aulakh (46) 2 14 Jahmke (32) 3 25 Cb.urian (58) 4 29 Vanjoke (123) 5 64 Madahar Shera (98) 6 73 Aminwala (118) 7 75 Wariswala Jattan (115) 8 77 Chamb (136) 9 82 Sudan (66) 10 114 Hashmatwala (26) 11 115 Jattanwali (25) 12 119 Rode Jallewala (23) 13 126 Asafwala (17) 14 142 Jhita (9) 15 150 Gogoani (363) 16 151 Marur (364) 17 153 Mankianwali (362» 18 160 Buianwala (370) 19 187 Mansur Deva (328) 20 19(1 Jhatra (325) 21 194 Chuhar Chak (318) 22 20C) Bagi Patni Alias Mohkamwala (164) 23 210 Killi Naubad (165) 24 211 Karahewala (166) 25 224 Longiwind (177) 26 234 Varah (296) 27 241 Jaffarwala (243) 28 243 Nasirpur Janian (309) 29 247 Nihalgarh (311) 30 261 Sherewal a (232) 31 271 Bhaini (211) 32 281 Mastewala (183) 33 288 Melak Akalian (195) 34 289 Raowal (194) 35 295 Mundi Jamal (106) 36 325 Aminwa.la (255) 37 349 Sai Mohamad Shahwala (267) 38 351 Doburji (268) 39 356 Kot Mahamad Khan (272) 40 361 Kasana (250) 21_30 1 17/3/1/4 Killi Godha (40) 2 15 Sirhali (35) 3 16 Padhri (48/49) 4 63 Khanna (97) 5 68 Jhanda Bagra Nawan (108) 6 71 Jogewala (83/84) 1 81 Lehra Bet (119) 128 APPENDIX IV-VILLAGE DIRECTORY List of villages according to the proportion of Scheduled Castes to the total population by ranges FIROZPUR DISTRICT ZIRA TAHSIL Ranges of Scheduled Serial No. Location Code No. Name of village with hadbast No. Castes Population (Percentages) 1 2 3 4 21_30 (Coneld.) 8 17/3/1/83 Rasulpur (65) 9 88 Quatabpur (131) 10 89 Khadur (134) . 11 90 Killi Bodla (33) 12 100 Roshan Sbahwala (140) 13 102 Bahawalpur (149) 14 103 Ch.ohIa (150) 15 106 Bundala Nau (152) 16 '107 Maloke (151) 17 109 Malsian Shahzada Saut Singh (146) 18 113 Lohke Kalan (29) 19 121 Alewala (21) 20 123 Masiake (19) 21 129 Kohala (6) 22 134 Mano Chahal (13) 23 135 Lohke Khurd (11) 24 137 Thatha (27) 25 154 Hoi an wa Ii (360) 26 158 Hardasa (368) 27 159 Chhajanwali (369) 28 161 Pihewali (367) 29 165 Warnala (347) 30 172 Gadriwala (343) 31 173 Lehra Rohi (342) 32 175 l\:1ahianwal8; Purana (341) 33 178 Dhana Shahld (338) 34 181 Mansurwal (331) 3S 182 Wara Man~urwala (334) 36 184 Suehar (332) 37 192 Longo Deva (319) 38 193 Urmariana (321) 39 19R Talwandi Jalle Khan (323) 40 204 Kamlagarh Khurd (158) 41 206 Katora (174) 42 213 Shah Abubakar (169) 43 226 Raniala (315) 44 228 Ghaloti (306) 45 230 Khosa Randhir (303) 46 233 Lot ara (302) 47 235 Chugha Kat an (295) 48 237 Mubarakpur (297) 49 240 Karya) (299) 50 244 Kot Ise Khan (310) 51 246 Talwandi Nau Bat-ar (312) 52 249 Masitan (182) S3 250 Behramke (241) 54 256 Baqarwala (228) 55 265 Said Jalalpur (224) 56 272 Daulewala Kalan(233) 57 277 Said Mohamad (238) 58 279 Kishanpura (240) 59 283 Qadarwala (184) 60 284 Dharam Singhwala (189) 61 298 Fatehgarh Panjtur (103) 62 303 Kahnewala (198) 63 304 Mahiwala (197) 64 322 Rehrwan (225) 65 345 Kanlan Khurd (277) 66 347 Jindra (270) 67 358 Baduwal (289) 68 366 Fatehgarh Korotana (294) 69 368 Lohgarh (288) 70 369 Bhinder Kalan (292) 71 370 Bhinder Khurd (285) 72 372 Kokri Wehniwal (283) 73 373 Kalan (279) 74 377 Talw.andi Malian(281) 31+ 1 17/3/1/6 Ghuram(44) 2 10 Game Muradewala (37/38) 3 12 Var Pal (30) 4 13 Mithe (31) 5 21 Nizam Dlnwala (51) 6 27 Sudhia (61) 129 APPENDIX IV-VILLAGE DIRECTORY

iist of villages according to the proportion of Scheduled Castes to the total population by rang(s FIROZPUR DISTRICT ZIRA TAHSIL Ranges of Scheduled Serial No. Location Code No. Name of village with hadbast No. Castes Population (percentages) 1 2 3 4 31 + (contd.) 7 17/3/1/34 Bhutiwala (72) 8 79 Malhewala (138) 9 96 Behk Fattu (143) 10 98 Behk Gujran (144) 11 99 Behk Pasarian (141) 12 110 Dhandian (145) 13 111 Santuwala (351) 14 112 Chabba (28) 15 116 Hamadwala Hithar (16) 16 118 ButewaIa (24) 17 122 Fattewala (20) 18 128 Hamadwala Uttar (2) 19 130 Burewala (4) 20 131 Gurdittiwala (3) 21 132 Bhagoke(5) 22 133 Burawali (7) 23 136 Jaura (12) 24 138 Naurang Singhwala (352) 25 139 Alipur (353) 26 140 Valtoha (10) 27 143 Mian Singhwala (354) 28 144 Markhai (355) 29 146 Khosa Dal Singh (357) 30 148 Bharana (358) 31 152 Kassoana (365) 32 155 Wara Waryam Singh (361) 33 162 Malhe Shahwala (366) 34 164 Nilewala (348) 35 167 Mehar Singhwala (349) 36 168 Kachar Bhan (350) 37 169 Botianwala (344) 38 171 Zira Nau (147) 39 176 Ratul Rohi (335) 40 177 Sodhiwala (339) 41 179 Sadhuwala (337) I 42 180 Sekhwan (336) 43 183 Pandori Khatrfan (333) 44 188 Ratul Bet (327) 45 189 Sukhewala (326) 46 191 Wara Chain Singhwala (320) 47 195 Atari (317) 48 196 Ban Khandi (316) 49 197 Manawan (322) 50 199 Talwandi Mange Khan (324) 51 200 Pandori Jattan (157) 52 202 Shahwala (161) 53 203 Wara Pohwfndian (160) 54 205 Kamalgarh Kalan (159) 55 218 Sherpur Takthawala (175) 56 221 Mandar (185) 57 223 Mehal (178) . 58 225 Singhpur Munan (314) 59 227 Khosa Kotla (305) 60 231 Bhagpur Alias Gagrah (307) 61 232 Janer (301) 62 238 Chuhar S,nghwala (300) 63 239 Chiman (308) 64 242 Kot Sadar Khan (245) 65 245 DatewaIa (313) 66 251 Musewala (242) 67 254 Dholewala (237) 68 255 Mojgarh (249) 69 259 Bagge (236) 70 263 Bir Sarkar (231) 71 270 Kambo Khurd (210) 72 274 Tota SfnghwaIa (192) 73 275 RajanwaIa (191) 74 280 Charag Shahwala (188) 75 285 Kili Gandran (186) 76 287 Khamba (193) 77 290 Kambo Kalan (209) 130 APPENDIX IV-VILLAGE DIRECTORY

List of villages according to the proportion of Scheduled Castes to the total population by ranges FIROZPUR DISTRICT ZIRA TAHSIL Ranges of Scheduled Castes Serial Location Code No. Name of viHage with had bast No. Population (percentages) No. t 2 3 4 31 + (concld.) 78 17/3121291 Mandar (207) 79 308 Bhohgewala (201) 80 319 Jamaliwala (216) 81 321 Adraman (223) 82 328 Bijapur (256) 83 329 Fero:zewal Mangal Singh (254) 84 130 Kamalke (259/260) 85 334 Kawan (263) 86 146 Fatehpur Kanian (275) 87 353 lzzatwala (271) 88 357 Indergarh (286/287) 89 360 Ferozewal Bada (253) 90 362 Pandori Araian (251) 91 363 Kalla (247) 92 364 Nurpnr (246) 93 365 Jalalabad (291) 94 367 Datta (293) 95 315 Daya' Kalan (280) 96 376 Kokri Buttran (282 131

APPENDIX IV~VILLAGE DlltECTORY Ust ~f villages according to the proportion of Scheduled Castes to the total population by ranges FIROZPUR DISTRICT . HROZPUR TAHSIL

Ranges of Scheduled Castes Serial Location Code No. Name of village with hadbast No. Population (Percentages) No. 1 2 3 4 0--5* 1 17/3/2/5 Pireke Uttar (262) 2 8 Nathu Chishti (261) 3 9 Pir Bakhash (267) 4 14 Badaike Hithar (283) 5 16 Duleke Nathuwala (331) 6 18 Kherike Uttar (284) 7 24 Sawaya Rai Uttar (286) 8 27 Nau Baramad Sher Singhwala (327) 9 28 Rana Panjgrain (320) 10 36 Megha Panjgrain Hithar (311) 11 40 Chak Chhanga Rai (308) 12 41 Bahadarke (301) 13 43 Chhanga Rai Uttar (298) 14 45 Bula Rai Uttar (297) 15 46 Haji Betu (296) Hi 52 Mobanke Uttar (168) 17 55 Qutabgarh (174) 18 62 Hadiwala (180) 19 65 Malik Zada (291) 20 73 Rahme Sham Bodia (276) 21 78 Thara Singhwala Uttar (268) 22 81 Chak Kathgarh (190) 23 82 Chak Rakh Arnir (189) 24 83 Shamashdin Chishti (271) 25 84 Sher Mohamad Mahigir (273) 26 85 Rukna Qasam (281) 27 86 Burhandinwala (272) 28 92 Sawahwala (192) 29 94 Ghanga Khurd (124) 30 95 Ghanga Kalan (123) 31 111 Mare Khurd (167) 32 115 Alike Jhugian (248) 33 118 Chak Kande Shah (323) 34 120 Ahmed Dhandi (322) 35 121 Chak Mabain Hardo Dhandi (240) 36- 124 Hamad (242) 37 131 Lohra Nawab Sahib (235) 38 145 Machhiwara (227) 39 187 Khamba (253) 40 193 Mirza Lakhoke (315) 41 203 Dona Mattar (332) 42 204 Mattar Hithar (333) 43 207 Raoke Uttar (313) 44 208 Raoke Hithar (334) 45 215 Jaman Rakhia Huhar (337) 46 222 Hazara Singhwala (339) 47 223 Lakha Singhwala Hithar (340) 48 228 Mamdot Hithar (341) 49 232 Lakhmirke Uttar (302) 50 240 Malaha Rahimeke Uttar (297) 51 - 246 Kakar (278) 52 250 Kalu Arain Hithar (349) 53 253 Chak Bhangewala (347) 54 269 Habibwala (70) 55 275 Ghulam HussaiDwala (65) 56 278 Ghatti Rahimeke (63) 57 285 Suba Qadim (102) 58 289 Gokhiwala (I05) 59 290 Machhiwara (104) 60 291 Pir Ismail Khanwala (71) 61 293 Hasteke (99) 62 304 Miran Shah Noor (87) 63 349 Sodhewala (50) 64 361 Langiana (53) 65 365 Kamalwala (38) 66 371 Jiwa Bhedi (35) 67 382 Qutab Dinwala (1) 68 386 Gurditiwala (4) 69 387 Fata Bora (5) . 70 392 Bir Sarkar (9) 71 400 Usmanwala (18) 72 424 Najju Shah Misri (P4) ·pxcludes vj)}sJ'ea with Nil s. C. poptl}aqon 132 APPENDIX IV-VILLAGE DIRECTORY List of villages according to the proportion of Scheduled Castes to tbe total populati?n by ranges

PIROZPUR DISTRICT FIROZPUR TAHSIL Ranges of Scheduled Castes Serial Location Code No. Name of village with hadba.. t No. Population (Percentages) No.

1 2 3 4

6-10 1 17j312/7 Mida (264) 2 11 Ghulla (280) 3 32 Panjeke Uttar (294) 4 49 Bajeke (300) 5 50 Pindi (169) 6 57 Kuti (176) 7 58 Chak Nidana (177) 8 60 Talewali (179) 9 71 Barhan Bhatti (275) 10 75 Bilimar (278/324) 11 80 Amir Khas (270) 12 88 Chak Jaimal Singh (183) 13 89 Jamaigarh (185) 14 91 Chak Sawahwala (191) 15 137 Chak Haraj (233) 16 142 Gulam Patra (219) 17 153 Malhuwala (223) 18 159 Saidek.e Rohela (86) 19 169 Jalalwala (73) 20 171 Kandawali (76) 21 182 Tibbi Khurd (281) 22 190 Daryake (244) 23 192 Bodal (314) 24 196 Megha Rai (326) 25 205 Mattar Uttar (316) 26 206 Awan (321) 27 209 Gatti Mattar (362) 28 213 Pharuwala (357) 29 226 Chupati (306) 30 235 Rahimeke Uttar (301) 31 241 Chak Ghobai Alias Tangan (299) 32 247 Pojuke Uttar (296) 33 252 Chhanga Khurd (298) 34 260 Bhamba Haii r286) 35 276 Weir (65) 36 281 Habibke (59) 37 288 Suba Jadid (103) 38 321 Saidanwala (125) 39 330 Gadodoo (131) 40 333 Sadu Shahwala (138) 41 334 Phara Malwala (29) 42 356 Bhagwanpura (51) 43 362 Bhamba Singhwala (54) 44 395 Kamala Bodal (13) 45 396 Faridewala (16) 46 410 Aku Masteke (31) 47 449 Bhangali (160) 48 461 Jhanjian (166) 11-15 1 17/3/2{47 Mohanke Hithar (172) 2 56 Nadana (175) 3 64 Moranwala (186) 4 66 Thatheranwala (182) 5 68 Tarpalke (290) 6 90 Budwala (188) 7 99 Rattewala Urf Sohangarh (121) 8 110 Mare Kalan (166) 9 114 Chak Jamiat Singh wala (237) 10 117 Chak Somianwala (239) , 11 119 Chak Megha Wiran (324) 12 122 Guddar Dhandi (241) 13 157 Phabra Azam Shahwala (22) 14 167 Roranwala (77) 15 176 Sadar Dinwala (272) 16 178 Pir Khan Sheikh (269) 17 188 Betu Qadim (245) 18 201 Chak Shikargah (228) 19 211 Chak Raoke Hithar (335) 20 225 Sawai Bhokhari (307) 21 287 Karian Pahelwan (100) Z2 305 Patuwala (89) 133 APPENDIX IV-VILLAGE DIRECTORY List of villages according to the proportion of Scheduled Castes to the total population by ranges FIROZPUR DISTRICT FIROZPUR TAHSIL Ranges of Scheduled Castes Serial Location Code No. Name of village with hadbast No. Population (Percentages) No. 1 2 3 4 11-15-concld 23 17/3/2/308 . Tut (214) 24 310 Nurpur (213) 25 321 Mana Singhwala (203) 26 325 Kakuwala (127) 27 331 Mohkam Bhatti (129) 28 345 Baghail Singhwala (110) 29 354 Bhadru (45) 30 363 Alewala (39) 31 366 Akuwala (40) 32 312 Masteke (36) 33 381 Kaleke Hithar (343) 34 394 IIamewala (12) 35 399 Baggewala (17) 36 401 Gulamwala (19) 31 414 Lakha Bhedi (30) 38 418 Rukan Singh wala (137) 39 463 Karmiti (168) 40 415 Chanar (117) 16-20 1 11/3/2/51 Wasul Mohanke (170) 2 63 Chak Mahantanwala (181) 3 70 Mehmun Joya (274) 4 102 Fatehgarh (158) 5 107 Mothanwala (161) 6 109 Virak Khurd (165) 7 130 Dila Ram (249) 8 135 Tahliwala (231) 9 140 Chak Roranwala (220) 10 152 Bharoli Bhan (224) 11 163 Jhok Naudh Singh (82) 12 166 Piroowala (81) 13 219 Jatala (255) 14 227 Man'dot Uttar (305) 15 243 Tibbi Kalan (277) 16 245 Momamad Khan Niazi (279) 17 318 Sappanwali (206) 18 328 Sanda Hasham (126) 19 390 AIiwala (8) 20 391 Kaluwala (10) 21 403 Dholewala (21) 22 405 Baghewala (23) 23 413 Sidhu (32) 24 415 Tali Saida Sahu (28) 25 426 Jamaitpura Dheru (133) 26 430 Rata Khera Baja Kotwal (174) 21 432 Karnuwala (155) 28 455 Machhi Bugra (184) 29 457 Hakumat Singhwala (186) 30 467 Kot Karor Kalan (172) 21-30 1 17/3/2/54 Saldeke Mohan (173) 2 67 Tilu Arain (292) 3 14 Sheikh Shaman (277) 4 87 Chak Blarwau (187) 5 93 Chak Saidoke (120) 6 96 Roranwali (122) 7 100 Jandwala (160) 8 103 Lopon (151) 9 106 Bachuwala (163) 10 108 Guru Har Sahai (162) 11 116 Koer Singhwala (238) 12 123 Alfooke (241) 13 136 Shah Singh\\·ala (232) 14 144 Mehma(228) 15 147 Toor(258) 16 149 Kill! (263) 11 151 Dod (225) 18 155 Bhure Khurd (268) 19 158 Dhira Para (217) 20 168 Hussain Dhut (74) 134 APPENDIX IV-VILLAGE DIRECTORY list .. :l'iIl:ages according t& tbe proportion of Scheduled. Castes to- the total populatien by ranges FIROZPUR DISTRICT FlROZPUR TAHSIL Ranges of Scheduled Castes Serial Location Code No. Name of village with hadbast No. Population (percentages) No. 1 2 3 4 21-30(concld.) 21 17/3/2/112 Wahagke (282) 22 180 Kala Tibba (275) 23 183 Karman (265) 24 217 Khunder Uttar (312) 25 220 Saideke Naul (254) 26 274 Bare ke(66) 27 295 Haji Chhimba (97) 28 300 Ghaniwala (90) 29 303 Khai (78/88) 30 319 Bhangar (205) 31 329 Walhdor (128) 32 332 Yare Shahwala (130) 33 335 Baggeke Pipal (123) 34 336 Hastewala (122) 35 339 Mohkam Khan wala (117) 36 341 Pir Ahmad Khan wala (113) 37 346 Hakewala (112) 38 355 Bahadurwala (52) 39 359 Dulchhike (56) 40 360 Palha Megha (55) 41 383 Dula Singhwala (2) 42 384 Ruknewala (3) 43 393 Sadhu Singhwala (11) 44 397 Bagguwala (14) 45 404 Arifke (22) 46 408 Katora (26) 47 409 Sanda Moja (27) 48 417 Changali Jadid (140) 49- 420 Fridewala (141) 50 425 Sher Khan wala (132) 51 427 Ogoke (ISO) 52 429 Qada Bora (148) 53 431 Ratta Khera Bhai Gulab Singh (146) 54 434 Feroze Shah (153) 55 439 Badhni Gulab Singh (196) 56 440 Shakoor (195) 57 442 Kailash (190) 58 443 Bara Bhai (189) 59 444 Saranwali (192) 60 445 Shahzadi (194) 61 446 Ghall Khurd (1~3) 62 458 Jawahar Singhwala (187) 63 459 Bhollowala(183) 64 465 Kot Karor KhuJ1d (170) 65 468 Tonbar Bhah (182) 66 470 Loham (180) 67 472 Mirzeke (179) 68 473 Kabar Bachha (178) 69 474 Mudki (174) 70 477 Gill (175) 31+ 1 17/3/2/12 Sulla (279) 2 48 Nunari Khokhar (299) 3 53 Mandiwal (171) 4 59 Mahantanwala (178) 5 61 Ihariwala (180) 6 72 Rukna Bodia (293) 7 97 Chak Kala Singhwala (126) 8 98 Chak Jawahar SinghwaJa (130) 9 101 Ranjitgarh (159) 10 104 Kahan SinghwaJa (156) 11 105 Sharinwala (I 55) 12 112 Chugha (164) 13 113 Chak Tahliwala (236) 14 125 Lakhoke Behram (252) 15 127 Kari Kalan (257) 16 129 Sharinwala (250) 17 132 Burj Makhan Singhwala (234) 18 133 Mohre (259) 19 134 Jhoke Tahal Singh (260) 20 138 Theh Gujjar (230) 21 139 Chak Sadhuwala (229) 22 143 Nasira Kbilchi (2211 A) 135 APPENDIX IV-VILLAGE DIRECTORY

List or Villages ac~diRg to the proportion of Scheduled Castes to the total pefIIIation ~y uag6!t- FIROZPUR DISTRICT FIROZPUR TAHSIL f Ranges of Scheduled Castes Serial Location Code No. Name of village with hadbast No. population (perc!entages) No. 1 2 3 4 Sl+(contd..) 23 17/3/2/146 Jang(2:6t) 24 148 Buttar (262) 25 150 Tara Singh wala (226) 26 154 Khangarh (267) 27 156 Phularwan (271) 28 160 Gamewilla (85) 29 161 Begu Mahu (S4) 30 162 Bbure Kalan (83) 31 165 Waryamwala (SO) 32 170 Waghawala (75) 33 175 Mehal Singhwala (273) 34 177 Hussain Shahwala (270) 35 184 Sodhiwala (266) 36 185 Nawan Qilla (264) 37 186 Jodhpur (304) 38 191 Malsian (243) 39 216 laman Rakhia Uttar (310) 40 229 Dona Rahmatwala (363) 41 230 Dona Jaimalwala (343) 42 223 Fir~ur (108) 43 286 K.ailuwala (101) 44 292 Dulewala (72) 45 294 Kahan Chandwala (96) 46 296 Khilchi Jadid (95) 47 297 Khilchi Qadim (94) 48 298 Naurangke Sial (93) 49 299 Piranwala (92) 50 301 Naurangke Lalli (91) 51 302 Luther (98) 52 306 Bukan Khanwala (216) 53 307 Jhok Harihar (215) 54 309 Rukna Begu (209) 55 311 Ruma Mungala (115) 56 312 Butewala (116) 57 313 BazidpUr (212) 58 315 Kasu Begu (210) 59 316 Sayianwala (208) 60 317 Wan (207) 61 320 Ratta Khera Punjab Singhwala (204) 62 322 J aimalwala alias Pireana (202) 63 323 Badhni Jaimal Singh (199) 64 324 Machhiwara alias Kamagar (200) 65 326 Malwal (201) 66 337 Dastul Sahibwala (124) 67 338 Shahdinwala (119) 68 340 Satyewala (114) 69 342 Kotwal (118) 70 342 Assai (120) 71 344 GilIanwala (121) 72 347 Ramewala (111)] 73 348 Theth (109) 74 350 Khushal Singbwala (49) 75 351 Khaneke Ahal (48) 76 352 Padri (47) 77 353 Rajiwala (46) 78 357 Qutbewala (57) 79 369 Attari (43) 80 373 Muthianwala (321) 81 374 Kamalwala (324) 82 375 J ama Megha (322) 83 376 Bala Megha (323) 84 377 Nihala Lawera (325) 85 378 Tali Gulam (327) 86 3')9 Dbira Gbara (326) 87 488 Jaimalwala (6) 88 389 Kamalwala Khurd (7) 89 402 Achhewala (20) 90 407 Nazamwala (25) 91 411 Mahalan (33) 92 416 Cbugatewaia (139) 136 APPENDIX IV-VILLAGE DIRECTORY List of villages according to .the proportion of Scheduled Castes to the total population by ranges FIROZPUR DISTRICT FIROZPUR TAHSIL R"nges of Scheduled castes Serial Location Code No. Name of village with hadbast No. Population (percentages) No. 1 2 3 4

31-(COQ~ld.) 93 17j3J21419 Changali Qadim (136) 94 421 Sur Singbwala (142) 95 422 Lohgarh (144/145) 96 423 Kulgarh (135) 97 428 Sobhi Nagar urf Sultan Khanwala (149) 98 433 Ittanwali (154) 99 436 Bhama alias Landa (151) 100 437 Dhindsa (198) 101 438 Misriwala (197) 102 441 Khaja Kharak (191) 103 448 Mohkamwala (156) 104 451 Thethar Kalan (159) 105 452 Naraingarh (161) 106 453 Bara Jawaher Singh (163) 107 454 Sulhani (162) 108 456 Kaliewala (185) 109 460 Lalle (167) 110 462 Haraj (164/165) 111 466 Phida (173) 112 469 Pattli (181) 113 476 landwala (176) 137 APPENDIX IV-VILLAGE DIRECTORY

,List of villages a<;cording to the proporation of Scheduled Castes to, t~) total pOPwfltioD .. br_"ranges "PIROZPUR'DISTRIcT - . FAZILKA TAHSIL Ranges of Scheduled Castes Serial Location Code No. Name of village with hadbast No. Population (percentages) No. 1 2 3 4 0-5·. 1 17/3/3/2 Lakheke Masahib Uttar (238) 2 4 Bhama Watu iJttar (239) 3 6 Chak Khiwa (368) 4 7 Ghubaya (242) 5 8 Chak Tahliwala (366) 6 10 Chak Bazida (367'1 7 12 Fatuwala (354) 8 15 Mojewala (244) 9 16 Lambochar Kalan Uttar (245) 10 17 Sokhera Bodal (-248/360) 11 19 Chak Sohna Sandar (252) 12 20 Sohna Sandar (251) 13 22 Mohar Singhwal~ Uttar (250) 14 24 Ram Singhwali (355) 15 32 Chak Sukkar (254) 16 33 Alamke (255/348) 17 34 Parbhat Singhwala Uttae (256) 18 35 Dhandi Badim (2$7 i 1 19 36 Dhandi Khurd (258) 20 38 Kahnewala (259) , 21 40 Chak Manewala (195) 22 41 Chak Arannwala (194) 23 43 Chak Arainwala (203) 24 44 Chak Ramwala (201) 25 45 Chak Maujdin (200) 26 . 46 Bahmaniwala (199) 27 47 Chak Totianwala (198) 28 49 Cha< Lambochar (246) 29 50 Chak Bhabra (233) 30 : 51 Chak Mohamade:wala (241) 31 . 53 Chak Khundwala (234) 32 54 Chak Bhamba Watu (235) 33 56 Chak Puranwali (230) 34 69 Kathgarh (219) 35 74 Chak Khuranj (214) 36 76 Chak Jandwala (217) 37 81 Chak BalochaDwala (209) 38 82 Dhab Karyal (202) 39 96 Aliana (208) 40 97 Ghattianwali Bodla (207) 41 111 Kandhwala Hazar Khan (119) 42 116 Tahliwala Bodla.(229) . 43 117 Chak Dabwala (227) 44 121 Depulana (223) 45 126 Chak Kheowala( 214) 46 129 Hauz Alias Gand~r (219) 47 131 Taro Bari (221) , 48- 133 Lakheke Uttar (309) 49 138 Behak Hasta Uttar (307) 50 139 Behak Khas (306) 51 145 Lalanwali (233) 52 151 Ganjuana (296) 53 152 Rana (299) . 54 155 Walle Shab Utta,r (217) 55 . 158 Rasta Kalan (29.8) 56 159 Mahatam Nagar (319) 57 162 Rohela Tajeke (322) 58- 163 Mahar Jamsher (326) 59 164 Mahar Khi wa (325) 60 165 Muazam (278) 61 167 Salem Shah (294) 62 169 AI am Shah (288) 63 . 178 Mahammad Pira (285) 64 180 Kotha Alias Luknianpura (284) 65 182 Bakhu Shah (282) 66 183 Mameeke (274) 67 184 Asfawala (272) . 68- 186 Pacca Chishti (264) 69 192 Chuhriwala Chishti (263) 70 195 Muthianwali (262) 71 203 Panchanwali (234) '12 210 Sajrana (239) 73 274 Khuiaki Sarsar (107) .Exc'udes Villages with nil S.C. populatIon. 138 APPENDIX IV-VILLAGE DIRECTORY Lilt 01 villages according to the proportion of Scheduled Castes to the total population by ra hges

PIllOZPU.R. DISTR.ICT PAZILICA TAHSIL lIlaa•• OIf Scheduled Castes Serial Location Code No. Name of village with hadbast No. PopuJatio. (pcrcenta~es) No.

1 2 3 4 '-10 1 17/3/3/18 Chak paniwala (197) 2 31 Baghe ke Uttar (253) 3 39 Jal~labad (196) 4 61 Chak Chhapriwala (224) 5 62 Lakhowali (225) . 6 65 Sari an (223) 7 68 Paliwala (220) 8 83 Dhab Khusal Joia (201) 9 84 Arnianwala (204) 10 85 Chak Dhar Khushal Joia (205) 11 93 Saiwala (212) 12 103 Arniwala Sheikh Subhan (199) 13 123 Ojanwali (216) 14 127 Chak Pakhiwala (213) 15 132 Laduka (308) 16 134 Jamalke (310) 17 142 Saideke Uttar uri Chand Mad (302) 18 147 R'llU Nagar uri Jatwali (300) 19 148 Miani Basti (293) 20 150 Badha (291) 21 196 Karni Khera (248) 22 204 Korianwali (235) 23 225 Jandwala Mira Sangla (127) 24 229 Bodiwala Pitha (142) 25 234 Bazidpur Kantianwali (137) 26 255 Kera Khera (114) 27 280 Diwan Khera (101) 28 282 Tutwala (02) 29 290 Dhingan waH (89)

&i-IS 1 17/3/3/3 Hamid Sedeke (237) 2 42 Arainwala (193) 3 70 Roranwala Uri Tarewali (218) 4 80 Cllak Gulam Rasulwala (208) 5 86 Ladhuwala (125) 6 95 Naukerian (209) 7 98 Jllotianwali (204) 8 119 Shaman Khanka (225) 9 143 Jark~ Kankarwali (232) 10 194 Kanan (261) 11 205 Choharianwali (236) 12 213 Sabuana (250) 13 215 Tillanwali (257) 14 232 Mamun Khera (144) 15 236 Dangar Khera (131) 16 238 Chuhriwala (129) 11 243 Abahar (121) 18 246 Patti Taja (133) 19 260 Raipura (112) 20 284 Kalar Khera (100) 21 289 Sheritarh (88) 22 293 Jharor Khera (85) 23 305 Sukh Chain (66)

16-20 1 17/3/3/37 Mehkam Arain (260) 2 52 Chak Mochanwala (240) 3 57 Singewala (231) 4 59 Cbak Singhewala (229) 5 67 Cbak Paliwala (221) 6 89 Chak Jani Sar (118) 7 115 Chahlanawli (228) 8 118 Chak Banwala. (226) 9 120 Theh Balandar (224) 10 181 Qabul Shah Hithar (283) 11 197 Qdian (249) 12 198 Sareshwala (247) 13 212 Qabul Shah Khuban (251) 14 220 Kheowali (253) l~ 228 Ramkut (141) 139 APPENDIX IV-VILLAGE DIRECTORY

List or villages according t9 tbe prQPorfiQQ of S~bed"led CP.St~5 to tbe totftl PQpu)l,tiOD hy.ra.... FIROZPUR DISTRICT

FA ZILKA TAHSIL Ranges of Scheduled Castes Serial Location Code No. Name of village with hadbast No. Population (percentages) No. 1 2 3 4 16-20-(concld.) 16 17/3/3/230 Ghullu (138) 17 239 Patrewala (128) 18 265 Amarpura (79) 19 267 Rukan Pura Uri Khuikltera (184) 20 269 Sapanwaii (92) 21 273 Sayadwala (l08) 22 277 Dulmir Kbera (90) 23 283 Jandwala Hanwanta (96) 24 291 Waryam Kbera (87) 25 295 Sherewala (77) 26 296 Wahabwala (96) 27 306 Khairpura (68) 28 307 Sito Gunu (41) 29 308 Mehrajpura (42)

21_30 1 17/3/3{60 Chak Lakhowali' (228) 2 71 Chak Rohiwala (217) 3 77 Jandwala (211) 4 78 Chak Panjkohi (210) 5 79 Chak Gabarwala (209) 6 88 Jani Sar (116) 7 99 Jandwala Bima Shah (208) 8 100 Pakan (202) 9 104 Mahuana Bodla (205) 10 105 Dhabwal Kalan (183) 11 106 Dhippanwali (184) 12 110 Koharianwali (145) 13 112 Kamalwala (180) 14 122 Ahal Bodla (222) 15 125 Ghattianwali Jattan (206) 16 130 Kirianwala (220) 17 179 Awa Uri Waryampura (289) 18 193 Khanwala (260) 19 200 Hiranwali (242) 20 202 Rampura (245) 21 206 Patti Puran (230) 22 209 Beganwali (240) 23 211 Khui Khera (241) 24 214 Bandiwala (258) 25 216 Lakhewali (252) 26 221 Bareka (254) 27 223 Koil Khera (l05) 28 224 Bakayanwala (125) 29 226 Azamwala (140) 30 227 Khippanwali (189) 31 231 Katehra (143) 32 235 Rohe Ranwali (132) 33 237 Nihal Khera (130) 34 244 Bud Moharwala (12[» 35 247 Daarangwala (135) 36 248 Kund~l (134) 37 251 Ramgarh (150) 38 252 Cunl.u Khera (118) 39 253 Baluana (ll5) 40 254 Bltu,w.ll Basi (113) 41 262 B:n.gu (73) 42 265 K"lnii'.Vlla Anl.rkot (83) 43 27J D~1l.ram.:).lra (82) 44 272 Alangarh (109) 45 275 H:lfipura (105) 46 278 Maujgarh (95) 47 279 Gidranwal i (94) 48 285 Usman Khera (101) 49 286 Gumjal (99) 50 288 Bhangar Khera (97) 51 292 Patti Amra (86) 52 297 Rajpura (75) ~~ ~98 Dodewala (74) 140 APPENDIX IV-VILLAGE DIRECTORY

List; of villages according to the .,roportio1l of Schedule41 Castes to the ,total Vopulation JJr 'raJl~e~ FIROZPUR DISTRICT F AZILKA TAHSIL

Ranges of Scheduled Castes , Serial Location Code No. Name 0 f vi1l~ge with hadb:lst No. ' Population (percentages) No,

2 3 4

21-30-(concld.) 54 17/3{3(302 Bhagsar (67) 303 Dotarianwall (65) ~~ 310 . Modi Khera (39) 57 '311' HimatPura (40) 58 313 Bazidpura (21) 3.1+ 1 17/3/3J21 Lodhuwala Hithar (2491358) '2 58 Chak Sotria (232) , 3 63 Chak Domal (227) 4 64 Chak Kherewala (226) 5 73 Khuranj (215) 6 75 Chak Roranwala (213) 7 87 Chak Sohelawala (119) 8 90 Raita Khera (48) 9 92 Halimwala (211) 10 94 Hauz Khas (218) 11 101 Bananwali (200) 12 102 Mullanwali (198) 13 107 Ghuriana (177) 14 108 Burj Hanumangarh (178) 15 109 Muradwala Dal Singh (146) 16 113 Tahliwala Jattan (182) 17 114 Islamwala (181) 18 124 Jarke Andhewali (215) 19 128 Jaura Jand urf Chlnnewala (217) 20 144 Abhun (231) , 21 199 Jandwala lQ1arta (243) 22 201 Banwala Hanwanta (244) 23 207 S{nghpura (238) 24 208 Kikarwala Rupa (237) 25 217 Shehtirwala (256) . : 26 218 Suana Urf Jhugian (259) 27 219 Muradwala Bhungar (255) 28 222 Rupnagar (126) _ 29 23.3 Jhumianwali (136) 30 240. DanewaJa Satkosi (124) 31 241 Panj Kosi (123) 32 242 Killian\Vali (122) 33 245 Gobindgarh (119) _34 249 Bhangala (149) 3S 250 Gad~n Doab (151) 36 256 Malukpura (60) 37 257 Jodhpur (59) 38 258 Bahadara Khera (61) 39 259 Dhaban Kokaryan (63) 40 261 Rajanwali (64) , 41 263 Kala Tibba (111) 42 264 Rampura (80) 43 268 Patti Bihla (11) 44 271 Kikar Khera (81) 45 276 Daulatpura (93) 46 281 Punjawa (103) -47 287 Pani wala Mahla (98) 48 294 Khatwan (78) 49 299 Kalaran (72) 50 300 Rampura (71) 51 301 Narainpura (70) 52 304 Sardarpura (,62) 53 309 Khubban (38) 54 312 Bishanpu:a (69) SEeTON-II Town Directory



The towa dire.:tory has b~en compiled in six different statements for all the urban areas of the district. The data on amenities and other aspects have been presented in codes which are explained below :-

Statement J :- This Statement gives status and growth history of each town in the district.

Class has been introduced in all the statements of town directory to facilitate analysis for purposes demographic and socia-economic characteristics of towns at the state and all India levels. It has been present according to 1981 census population of the core town in the following manner: Population Class 100,000 and above I 50,000-99,999 II 20.000-49.999 In 10,000-19,999 IV 5,000-9,999 V Below 5,000 VI

The civic administration statlls as in 1980 has been indicated by the following abbreviations. Census town are regarded as having no civic status. Coj~ (C.T.) has been used for census town. Municipal Corporation - M. Corp. Municipal Committee = M.C. Cantonment Board - C.B. Notified Area Committee = N.A.C.

Census Town (S.A.S. Nagar Mohati and ) = C.T. Statement n: It gives for each town, physical aspects and location of towns. Statement III: This statement gives municipal finance for each town of the district. Statement IV: It gives civic and other amenities. The abbreviations used are indicated below: . (I) Road length !

PR := Pucca Road

KR *= Kaccha Road (II) System of seweraae : i == Sewer OSD == Open Surface Drain!! BSD == Box Surface Drains SD == Sylk Drains CD = Cesspool method

Pt !iii: Pit systelD (ttI) .Method of dispOsal of 'night soil :

·HL Head Loads

B Baskets

WB Wheel Barrows ST Septic Tank latrines S Sewerage

(IV) Protected water supply__::"Source and capacity of storage systems:

(a) Sources of water-supply :

TW Tubewell/hand pump T Tap water W Well water TK Tank water

(b) System of storage of water:, OHT Overhead Tank SR Service Reservoir RIG River Infiltration Gallery

BWP Borewell Pumping System i PT Pressure Tank

Statentent V : this gives medical) educational, recreational and cultural facilities. The, abbreviations used are indicated below :

Medical amenities :

H Hospital n Dispensary He Health Centre Fe Family Planning Centre TB TB clinic NH = Nursing Home o Others A Ayurvedic U Un ani Hom. Homoeopathic

In case of allopathic, no separate code has been given, The information in col. 4 011 medical facilities has been presented horizontally in the same line as illustrated below :

H(A-l. 2), D{Hom-2. U-l) 145

Here H(A~l, 2) represents one ayurvedic and 2 allopathic hospitals and D(Hom~2, 1, U~l) represents 2 homoeopathic, one allopathic and one unani dispensaries. If the medical facility is not available in a town, name of the nearest place (if in the same district) or nearest district (if in the same state) or other state and its distance from the town where the facility is available has been mentioned in column 4. EducationaJ amenities: The codes that have been used are as follows :

A Arts only S Science only AS Arts and Science only C Commerce only AC Arts and Commerce only ASC Combined for all categories, Arts, Science and Commerce

L Law SH Shorthand Type Typewriting Sh. Type Shorthand and Typewriting o Others P Primary schools M Junior secondary or Middle School H = Matriculation or secondary PUC Higher secondary/intermediate/pre~ university/Junior college/'IO+2' system whether held in schools or colleges If there are more institutions of a type in the town, their number has been given against each in brackets. If any educational facility is not available in the town the name of nearest place (if in the same district) or the name of nearest district (if in the same state) or other state and its distance from the town where this facility is available has been given in brackets. Recreational and cultural facilities: The following codes have been used PL Public Library RR Reading Room Statement VI : This gives information on trade, commerce, industry and banking for each town of the district. Appendix to the town directory shows towns of the district which have outgrowths and population of outgrowths. i46

1981 CENStTS STATEMENT Status and Growth

t'~· i Serial Class, name and CIVIC Location Name of Area in Number of Population and growth rate of ,.lj • NO. administration status of town Code No. Tahsil (sq. kms) households ------~.--.------~---~~ *. including 1901 1911 1921 houseless households in 1981 census)

1 2 3 4 5 i5 7 8 9 1 II Abohar (M.e. ) l/IX Pazilka 14·17 14,489 9,492 8916 (-) (-, .6.(7)

2 Dharamkot (M.C.) See Dharamkot Dharamkot U.A. * Zira N.A. 1,595 6,731 5,859 5,960 (-12.95) ( \-1.72)

(i) V Dharamkot (M.C.) 3{I 'Zira 1'10 1,559 6,731 5,859 5,960 (-) (-12'95) (+ 1 '72) 3 III Fazilka M.C. 3/VIfI Fazilka 5·44' 8,173 8,505 10,985 13,829 (-) ( +29.16) (+25·89) 4. Firozpur Cantt See Firozpur Cantt .. Firozpur Cantt U.A.* Firozpur N.A 8,710

(i) III Firozpur Cant( (C.B. ) ljV Firozpur 20.10 7,374

5 II Firozpur (M.e.) l/lV Firozpur 11'33 10,275 49,341 50,836 54,351 (-) (+3 ·03) (+6,91)

6 V Guruhar Sahat (M.C. ) 3/VI Firozpur 1·50 1,247

7. Jalalabad (M.e.) See Jalalabad Jalalabad U.A * Fazilka N.A. 2,871 5,096 3,833 (-) (-24.78)

(i) IV Jalalabad (M.C.) 3/VII FaziJka 2·84 2,483 5,096 3,833 (-) (-24'78)

8 V Ta!wC1Qdi Dba. (M.e) 31m Firozpur 2·00 1,411

9 IV Zira (M.e.) 3/n Zira 19·42 3,211 4,001 4,378 ~4,622 (-) (+9 '42) (+5 '57)

------.---.. --~--- *Town having non-town components of urban agglomeration. **Firozpur District Code Number is 3 and second element of Code in Roman figure is that of town. 147

TOWN DIRECTORY I History t he town at the r:ensuses of Density Sex ratit;' (1981 1931 1941 1951 1961 1971 1981 Census) 1961 1971 1981 Census Census Census

10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 14,035 2J,222 25,476 46,863 58,925 86,334 6,093 824 850 853 (+57·41) (+51'21) (+20 ·05) (+83 ·95) (+25.74) (+46'52) Urban Agglomeration 6,779 8,360 6.845 6,443· 7,720 9,328 N.A 878 865 883 (+13.74) (+23.32) (-18.12) (-5.87) (+19.82) (+20 '83) 6,779 8,360 6,845 6,443 7,146 9,125 8,295 878 867 886 (+ 13 ,74) (-I 23·32) (-18 '12) (-5 ,87) (+10'91) (+27·69) 18·463 28,262 25,934 32,015 36,281 43,548 8,005 886 865 925 (+33 '51) (+53,07) (-8·24) (+23 '45) (+13·33) (+20 ·03) Urban Agglomeration 7,134 38,784 46,327 41,571 44,678 N.A. 576 944 888 (-) (-) ( t- 19.45) (-10.27) (+7,47) 38,784 46,327 36,496 38,582 1,920 576 971 904 (-) (+19·45) (-21'22) (+5,72) 64,634 82,502 44,503 51.605 56,138 61,162 5,398 842 846 891 (+18 '92) (+27·64) (-46'06) (+15·96) (+8 '78) (+8 '95) 1,470 2,311 3,128 4;!93 4,601 7,684 5,123 871 880 886 (-) (+57'21) (+35 '35) (+37·24), (+7'17) (+67'01) Urban Agglomeration

7,7 )J 7,D.J 6,233 7.723 11,032 16,639 N.A. 894 836 847 ,- ! ) ).)7) (_7.39) (-11.93) (+22.92) (+42.85) (+50 '82)

7,703 7,tH 6,2~3 7,7!3 10,233 t ~,7H 5,1 ~~ 894 833 844 C+l())'97) (_7·3) ( -11'937) (+!2<>2) (+32,24) (+i~'27)

14,~85 1>,0!8 9,1l7 4,55'} 853 871 853 (-) (+23·17) (+51. ·50) 5.3l3 5.953 6339 8,118 9,264 19,581 1 .. 008 901 918 859 + 15 'OS) (+12'13) (+7'14) (+27 -06) (+14·12) (+ 111 '37) --- 148

1981 CENSUS STATEMENT Physical Aspects and Serial Class and name of town Physical aspects No. Rainfall Temperature (in centigrade) (in mm.) Maximum Minimum 2 3 4 5 1 II Abohar 268'5 45'3 0-2

2 Dhararokot See Dharamkot Dharamkot U.A. • See Constituent (i) V Dharamkot 491'1 45'5 0·8

3 III Fazilka 291 '4 45 '5 0'8

4 Firozpur Cantt. See Firzopur Cantt. Firozpur Cantt.· U.A.· See Constituent (i) III Firozpur Cantt. 332'5 45'5 0·8

5 II Firozpur 332'5 45-5 0·8

6 V Guruhar Sahai 304·2 45'5 0'8

7 Jalalabad See Jalalabad Jalalabad U.A.· See Constituent (1) IV Jalalabad 304'2 45'5 0'8

8 V Talwandi Bhai 500'8 45'5 0'8

9 IV Zira 500'8 45'5 0'8

.Town having Don·town corn_;Duents of Urban agglomeration. 149

TOWN DffiECTORY II Location of Towns, 1979 Name of and road distance (in Kms.) from

~----~------State HQs. District HQs. Tahsil HQs. Nearest city with Railway Stations Bus route Navigable Population of one River/Canal lakh and more (if within 10 Kms.) 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Chandigarh (284) Firozpur (112) Fazilka (34) Bathinda (88) Abohar (0) Abohar (0)

Urban Agglomeration Unit Chandigarh (185) Firozpur (59) Zira (24) Ludhiana (82) Moga (16) Dharamkot (0)

Chandigarh (299) Firozpur (86) Fazilka (0) Bathinda (55) Fazilka (0) Fazilka (0) Satluj (R)(9)

Urban Agglomeration Unit Chandigarh (217) Firozpur (2) Firozpur (2) Bathinda (86) Firozpur Cantt. (0) Firozpur Cantt.(O) Satluj (R)(8)

Chandigarh (215) Firozpur (0) Firozpur (0) Bathinda (86) Firozpur (0) Firozpur (0) Satluj (R)(7)

Chandigarh (254) Firozpur (39) Firozpur (39) Bathioda (125) Guruhar Sahai (0) Guruhar Sahai (0)

Urban Agglomeration Unit Chandigarh (263) Firozpur (50) Fazilka (36) Bathinda (135) lalalabad (0) Jalalabad (0) Sa tl uj (R)(9) -,.

Chandigarh (183) Firozpur (32) Firozpur (32) Ludhiana (90) Talwandi Bhai (0) Talwandi Bhai (0) A bohar Bunch of Sirhind (C)(7) Beas (R)(2) Chandigarh (189) Firozpur (35) Zira (0) Amritsar (81) Talwandi Bhai (15) Zira (0) fl50

191n CENSU~ STATEMBNT MWlJclpal Fjmuu:e.

Serial Class and name of to'A1t· Civic admi~ Receipt (in No. ~11 isttation status (in Rcc%ipt Revenue .Go... emment Loar::l 1980) . tlu"ougb derived from grant taxes etc. municill'Rl properties and power apart from taxation 1 2 3 4 S 6 7 1 II Abohar M.e 46,980 5,lOO 10 2 Dharamkot See Dharamkot Dharamkot U.A .• See Constituent (i):V DharamJrot M.e. 2,209 13() 345 3 m FazUka M.e. 14,980 5.200 4- Plroz1l'ut' Can.tt. See FJrozP1.It Firozpur Canet, U.A.· See Constituent (1) m Firozpur Catltr. C.B. 17,345 6,167 .11,534 5 II Firozpur M.e• 23,923 2.900 11 820 • 6 V Guruhar Sabai M.e. 4,800 l.400 40 7 Jalalabad See Jalalab~d Jalalabad U.A.· See Constituent (i) IV Jal.alabad M.e, 7;767. 732 297 8 V 'J'alwandi Bbai M.e. 4,440 363 2(1() 400

9 IV Zira M.e. ~871 3,04.6 826 ·Town baYing non-town comp.onents or Urban agglomeration. iSi



RIl .'(0) EICpendlture (iii R:&/OO) ,

Advance Other Total General, Public Public Public, Public OUters Total sources receipt administra- 'Safety health wori;:~ lMt{tw· (specify) cJl.pendi- (specifY) tion and tioos ture COIl- vcnierii::el

8 9 10 II 12 13 14 15 16 17 160 4.740 57,190 7.7fIJ 3,.310 16,550 23:330" 150- 7,310 58.410 Urban Agglomerat_1on llllit n 250 3,011 528 208 730 81 935 2,S33-

1,900 1700·. 23-,780 6,060 :2,.430 5,340 1.g.20~ 2,430 24,180 Urba!l A!slOmeratlon. Unit

34 8,O:m 4J,21O 5,606 2.356 --11;911 2.694 2,082 5.SSl 36.500 477 5,5B2 33,713 2.084 1~(}56 6,887 11,699 96 11,240 -33,062 80 2,.150 8,670 1,'i)80 290 860 4.1SQ 1,450 8,830 Urban Agglomeration Unit ..

1,661 lO.4S7 2,381 -227 4,689 1,844 62 1,163 10,366 [l0 641 6,220 1.725' 252 2,141 149 5 2,O7l' ~,3.n 9 99) 11,143, 1,&08 2,484 3,88,2... 1,586 JO,16(} 152

1981 CENSUS STATEMENT Civics and Other

Serial Class and n'lme of the'towh j Civic Popula- Sheduled Road System of Number of Latrine;; No. administra- tion Castes length sewerage ------­ tion population (in kms) Water Service Others status Borne (in 1980)

1 2 3 4 5 (t 7 8 9 10 11 Abohar M.e.' 86.334 15,396 40'75 OSD/S 2,500 5500 1,100 2 Dharamkot See Dharamkot

V Dharamkot U.A.* 9.328 1,643 3·1')0 25 480 (i) V Dharamkot ,M.e. 9,125 1,643 3·00 OSD/S 25 480

1 3 III Fazilka M.e. o 43,548 8,892 22·00 OSDfS 1,090 6

4 Firozp~r Cantt. Sec Firozpur Cantt, Firozpnr Cantt. U,A.* 44,678 8,188 49·78 8 3,018 89

(i) ,II Firozpur Cantt. C.B. 38.582 6,213 49'7R OSD/S ,8 3,018 89

5 II Firozpur M,e. 61,162 9,770 30·00 S/OSD 5 9,000

6 V Guruhar Sahai M.C. 7.684 932 5·80 SjOSD 31 600 264

7 Jalalabad See JalaJabad Jalalabad U.A •• 16,639 1,775 9'00 2 134 13

(0 IV Jalalabad M.e, 1,4734 1,495 9·00 ,OSD/S 2 134 13

8 V Talwandi Bhai M.e. 9,117 1942 3·00 OSD 260

9 IV Zit'a M.e. 19,581 4.449 55·00 OSD/S 50 2,000

*Town having non-town components of Urban agglomeration.

STATEMENT-IV-A Civil and other amenities in notified slums, 1919 No slum area has been noticed in Punjab State though certain pockets have separately been identified. '153 T(hYN DBtECTORY IV Amenities. 19'19' Method of Protected water sqpply Fire EleofJJi£K::ation' (Number of; GDlltlections) disposal fighting of night Source of System of . servjce Domestic Indusmial . (i;ommercial Road ligh ting Others soil supply stOrage with points capacity (in thousand litrcs)

11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 S/RL TW OHT (10,000) Yes 6,631 237 1.828 1,530 Urban Agglomeration 918 38 327 213 33 WB/HL TW/W Mogs 918 38 3!1 213 33 (16) SjHL TW/W SR Yes 6,070 186 f,m 795 187 (555) Urban Agglomeration

·QHT 4,491 450 12,910 586 (155)

HL/WB TWIT OHT Yes 4,491 450 li,910. 586 (155)

HL/S TW,T OHT Yes 7,029 :;62 1,150 1,57~ (7,930) 2"S~

WBIS TWIT OHT/Pt FirozPUl' 1.352' 508 461 1:11' : ,(\SO) (~9) Urban Agglomeration ';&J .~'" 1,4ro ,~ 586 229 HL/S TW,T OHT Fazilka 1,400 "0 586 229 (210) (36)

WB/HL TWfW om Moga 1.,000 147 62'S 95 1.426 (227) (21)

HL/S TW/W OHT Yes 2,610 .195 910 243 125 (1'50) 154 1981 CENStJS STATEMENT Medic:a1. Educational. Recreational and

Serial Class and name Population Medical facilities Educational No. of town Hospitals/ Beds in Arts/Sci ence/ . Medical Engineering Polytechnics Dispensar- medical Commerce colleges colleges. iesrr.B. institu- colleges (of clinics· tions dejp'eC level etc noted in and above) column 4

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 II Abohar 86.334 H(2) 68 AS(2) Faridkot (106) Ludhiana (206) Firozpur (112) FC D TB 8 ~(3) 2 Dharamkot See Dharamkot Dharamkot UA* 9.328 D 12 AS (i) V Dharamkot 9.125 D 12 AS Ludhiana (82) Ludhiana (82) Ludlliana (82) 3 III Fazilka 43.548 H 56 ASC Faridkot (92) Ludhiana (206) Firozpur (86) HC NH(10) FC 0(18) 4 Firozpur Cantt. See Firozpur Cantt. FiroZIJur CanU. UA· 44.678 H(4) 392 AS(2) ; (i) m Firozpur Cantt. 38.582 H(4) 392 AS(2) Faridkot (33) Ludhiana (123) FiroZIJUf (2)

AS(2) Faridkot (31) Ludhiana (120) 1 S II Firo~r 61.162 ~~~tl.l) 130 TB FC(4) 6 V Guruhar Sabai 7.684 HC 8 C Jalandhar (155) Ludhiana (161) FiroZ!'ur (39) D(2) 16 .' . 7 Jalalabad See Jalalabad Jalalabad UA· 16,639 J:l 24 FC 0 (i) tv Jalalabad 14.134 H 24 Faz! lka (36) Jalandbar (166) Ludhiana (170) Firozpur (50) FC 0 8 V 'talwalldi Bltai ! 9,117 D ~4 FiroZIJut (32) Ludhiana (OO) Ludhfaoa (90) FiroZIJUr (32)

9 IV Zira 19.581 H SO AS Amrltsar (81) Ludhiana (91) FitoiPur (3S) FC 0 -'town baving non-town cC)mPonents of urban agglomeration. 'ISS

TOWN DIREctORY V Cultural Facilities, 1979 facilities Number of recreational and cultural facilities Working. Recog. Higher Second- Junior Primary Adult women's Stadia Cinema Auditorial Public nised Secon- ary!Ma. second- schools literacy hostels Drama/ libraries short- daryl tricula aryand classesl with num- Community including hand, Interme. tion middle centres, ber of seats halls reading type- diatel schools otbers rooms writing PUC (pre- (specify) amI vo- University cational college! training Junior institu- college tions level) 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 0 1 13 5 IS 1(23) 1 4 PL(2) RR(2)

Urban Agglomeration 0 1 1 3 1 RR 0 1 1 3 1 RR 0 1 3 2 8 1(20) 2 1 PL RR(2)

Urban Agglomeration 2 3 2 13 1 2 22 PL(2) RR(3) 2 3 2 13 1 2 22 PL (2) RR(3)

0(3) 8 3 11 1 3 PL RR(2)

0 2 2 PL RR Urban Agglomeration 2 2 2 1 PL RR.(2)

2 2 2 1 PL RR(2) 1 1 2 PL RR(3) 2 4 4 fL .t56

19&1. CENSUS STATEMENT Trade. COlDlllelCe. lDdustry and Serial Class and name"df ,town Name of three most important commodities imported Name of three No. 1st 2nd 3rd 1st

1 2 4 5 6 1 II Ababar Wheat Narma Cotton Ginned Cotton Ginned Cotton

2. Dharamkot See Dn8ramkot Dbaramkot U A * See .COnstituent (i) 'V Dharamkot Foodstuffs Cloth Raw-Wood Sugarcane . 3. m Fazilka Cotton Paddy Wool Cotton

4. Firozpur Cantt. See Flrozpur CanU.

Firozpur Caoft. UA* S~'Constituent' (i) '111 Firozpur Caatt Sugar Vanaspati Ghce Textile goods Wheat Threshers

5 ·11 Firozpur Sugar Ghee Wheat

6 V Guruhar Sabai Foodgrains Sugar Ghee Paddy

7. .~lalabad See JalaJa bad· JaJalabad VA· See Constituent 0) IV Jalalabad Paddy Wheat Sugar Rice

8 IV Talwandi Bhai Paddy Sugar-Gur Tea Rice

9 IV Zira Paddy Wheat Ma~ Ricy * Town having non-town compOneqts of urban agglomeration 157


Badltlng, ~ most important commodities exported Name of three most important commodities manufactured Number Number Number or banks ofagri- of non- -- cultural agricult- 2nd 3td 1st 2nd 3rd credit ural cre- societies dit so- cieties

7 8 '9 10 11 12 13 14 Cotton cloth Fruits Ginned Cotton Co\ton cloth SJioell 13 7 6

urban agglomeration unit Rice Wheat Thresher Vinegar Furniture 3 5 6 Wood Rice Cotton Ooth Agricultural Shoes 7 72 35 Implements urban agglomeration unit Gobar Gas Plants Agricultural Wheat Threshers Gobu Gas Plants Agricultural 4 14 Implements Implements Rice Cotton Rice Wheat Flour Gram Flour 20 67 54

Wheat Barley Agricultural Shoes Furniture 3 1 9 Implements urban agglomeration unit Wheat Twine Rice Agricultural Twine 4 3 13 Implements, Wheat Sarson Oil Agricultural Bakery Products Shoes 4 2 1 Implements WQ.eat Agricultural Agricultural Rice shellers Shoes 4 19 15 lmpleIIlents Implemepts ISS

APPENDIX Towns showing their out Growth with Population Serial Name of the town WIth Population of Outgrowth Population of No. location Code core town outgrowth 1 2 3 4 S 1 Dharamkot 17/3/1 ·9,125 (i) 80 Houses outside 203 M.e.limits (OG)

2 Firozpur Cantt. 17{3/V 38,582 0) Railway Station Cantt. and 6,096 Railway Colony (OG) 3 Jalalabad 17/31V1l 14,734 (i) . Extended -Area Block 1.90S No. 22 (OG) PART-I PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT (GENERAL) Primary Census Abstract (Scheduled Castes)

161 PART B PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT (GENERAL) Primary Census Abstract (Scheduled Castes) EXPLANATORY NOTE ON PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT The Primary Census Abstract (PCA) General and Scheduled Castes provides the basic information rela­ ting to population data pertaining to 1981 census. It contains the data in respect of area, number of occupied residential houses and house-holds, total population (including institutional and houseless popUlation), population break up by sex, scheduled castes, literates, main workers classified into four categories of cultivators, agri­ cultural labourers and other workers, marginal workers and non-workers for each village and for each town ward-wise. The district totals given at the beginning of the PCA are followed by break up of rural and urban areas of the district. The data are presented tahsilwise. The rural PCA presents the data for the villages arranged in ascending order of location code numbers (assigned to the villages within the tahsil). The urban PCA, presents wardwise data for each town. In rural PCA, the uninhabited Villages and the villages which have got merged in towns have also been indicated. It may be mentioned here that the peA data provided here has been compiled on the basis of the basic schedules i.e., household schedule and the universal individual slip convassed during 1981 census operations. The concepts and terms occurring in the PCA are briefly explained here. Census House :

A census house is a building or a part of a building having a separate main entrance from the road or common courtyard or staircase etc., used or recognised as a separate unit. It may be occupied or vacant. It may be used for a residential or non-residential purpose or both. Occupied Residential House : Occupied residential house is a dwelling house and includes a house used partly as a dwelling and partly for some other purpose like shop, workshop, factory, etc., but does not include a 'vacant house' where no person was found to be residing at the time of census. Household :

A household is a group of persons who commonly live together and would take their meals from a common kitchen unless the exigencies of work prevented any of them from doing so. There may be a household of persons related by blood or a household of unrelated persons or having a mix of both. Examples of unre­ lated households are boarding houses, messes, hostels, residential hotels, rescue homes, Jails, ashrams, etc. These are called 'institutional households'. There may be one member household, two member household or multi­ member household. For census purposes, each one of these types is regarded as a 'household. Another type of household for census purpose is houseless household which is a household comprising of "houseless person/ persons'. A houseless person in census terminology has been defined as ; (i) a person who might be doing domestic service or other work with one or more households but who does not reside in any house and sleeps in the corridors, verandahs or passages in build­ ~ngs or in the streets ; (ii) wandering or nomadic tribes found to be staying in temporary huts etc., and (iii) beggar, vegrant, tramp, sadhu, fakir, etc., who is found on the footpaths, streets, in places like parks, gardens, railwayyards, etc.

Scheduled Castes are such castes, races or tribes or parts of groups within such .castes, races or tri~es ~s are declared to be scheduled castes by the President of India's orders issued under ArtIcle 314 or the constItutIOn of India. Literate:

A person who can both read and write with understanding in any language has been taken as literate. A person who can merely read but cannot write has not been considered as literate. It is not necessary that a person who is literate should have received any f~rmal education or should have passed any minimum educatio­ nal standard. 162

All children of the age of 4 years or less have been heated as illiterate even if the child has been going to a school and might have picked up reading and writing a few odd words. Workers and Categories of Workers:

Work may be defined as participation in any economically productive activity. Such participation may be physical or mental in nature. Work involves not only actual work but also effective supervision and direction of work.

In the economic questions, canvassed in 1981 census, there has been some difference. The 'work' concept in 1961 and 1971 censuses, as opposed to the 'income' or 'economic independence' concept of the earlier censuses was adopted for 1981 census, but the criterion for classification of persons as workers was changed. While in 1961 and 1971 censuses different approaches, namely, usual status and current status, were adopted with reference period of one year and one week for seasonal and for regular work respectively, at the 1981 census the usual status approach was adopted uniformly for all work.

In 1961, a person qualified as a worker jf he had worked regularly during the last season or if he had worked at least for a day in regular (non-seasonal) work during the preceding fortnight. At the 1971 census a person was treated as a worker only if he spent his time mainly in work or if he worked at least for a day in regular (non-seasonal) work during the preceding week. The dichotomy of worker/non-worker of 1961 and 1971 censuses was discarded at the 1981 census -'and instead a trichotomy of main workers, - marginal workers and non-workers was adopted. For main worker the time criterion of engagement in work for the major part of the year, i.e., at least 183 days was adopted. Those who worked for some time during the last year but not for the major part were treated as marginal workers. Those who had never worked during the last year were non-workers. This tricho­ tomy partially permits a.comparability of 1981 census economic data with that of 1971 as well as 1961. The main workers of 1981 census can be expected to correspond to the workers of 1971 and the main workers and marginal workers of 1981 together to correspond to the workers of 1961. Classification of Main Activity :

The main activity of workers has been classified into four categories, viz., cultivator, agricultural labourer , household industry and other worker. These terms are explained below: Cultivator :

For purposes of the census, a person has been considered working as cultivator if he or she has been engaged either as employer, single worker of family workers in cultivation of land owned from Government or held from private persons or institutions for payment in money, kind or share. Cultivation included supervision or direction of cultivation. It has been indicated by abbreviation 'C'. Agricultural Labourer :

A person who worked in another person's land for wages in money, kind or share has been regarded as an agricultural labourer. He/she had no risk in the cultivation but he/she merely worked in another person's land for wages. An agricultural labourer had no right of lease or contract on land on which he/she worked. It has been indicated by abbreviation 'AL'.

Household Iudustry : Household industry has been defined as an industry conducted by the head of the household himself/ herself and or by the members of the household at home or within the village in rural areas and only within the precincts of the house where the household lived in urban areas. The larger proportion of workers in a house hold industry constituted of members of the household including the head. The industry should not be run on the scale of a registered factory which would qualify or has to be registered under the India Factories Act. For a person who has returned his/her main activity as engaged in some production, processing, servicing or repair of articles or goods such as 'handloom weaving, dyeing, carpentary, bidi rolling, pottery manu­ facture, bicycle repairing, blacksmthy, tailoring, et(' it has been ascertained ifit is a household industry, and if so, it has been indicated by the abbreviation 'HHl' in Hie space provided for. Otber Workers: All workers, i.e., those who have been engaged in some economic activity during the last one year, hay not been categorised as cultivators or agricultural labourers or in household industry, are 'other workers' 'OW', The type of workers that come under the category 'OW' included factory workers, plantation workers, those in trade commerce, business, transport, mining, construction, political or social work, all government servants, municipal employees, teachers, priests. entertainment artists, etc. DISTRICT PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT (GENERAL)

(163) 164


Location Name of District/Tahsil/U.A./City/Town Total Area in Km2 Occupied No. of Code No. Rural Residential Households Urban Houses

1 2 3 4 5 6 17/3 Firozpur District T 5,874 ·0 217,636 217,910 R 5,796'1 165,803 165,928 U 77'9 51,833 51,982 3/1 Zira Tahsil T 1,312 ·7 48,086 48,170 R 1,292 '2 43,286 43,364 U 20'5 4,800 4,806 Dharamkot (U.A.) U N.A. 1,595 1,595 3/I Dharamkot (M.C.) U 1'10 1,559 1,559 80 Houses outside M.C. Limits (O.G.) U N.A. 36 36 3/II Zira(M.C.) U 19·42 3,205 3,211 3/2 Firozpur Tahsil T 1,813 '4 73,359 73,423 R 1,778 '5 51,773 51,780 U 34'9 21,586 21,643 3/III Talwandi Bhai (M.C.), U 2·00 1,390 1,411 3[IV Firozpur (M.C.) U 11·33 10,275 10,275 Firozpur Cantt. (U.A.) U N.A. 8,709 8,710 3tv Firozpur (C.B.) U 20·10 7,374 7,374 Railway Station Cantt. and Railway Colony (D.G.) U N.A. 1,335 1,336 3tv! Guru Har Sahai (M.C.) U 1'50 1,212 1,247 3/3 Fazilka Tahsil T 2,738 ·3 96,191 96,317 R 2,715 ·8 70,744 70,784 U 22·5 25,447 25,533 Jalalabad (U.A.) U N.A. 2,871 2,871 3/VTI Jalalabad (M.C.) U 2·84 2,483 2,483 Extended Area Block No. 22 (O.G.) U N.A. 388 388 3/VII1 Fazilka (M.C.) U 5·44 8,130 8.173 3[JX Abohar (M.C.) U 14'17 14,446 14.489 165


Total Population Scheduled Castes Scheduled Tribes Literates (including Houseless and Institutional Population)

P M F M F M F M F 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 1,307,804 694,280 613,524 146,535 126,793 273,961 148,278 1,009,733 535,609 474,124 118,302 102,059 181,178 85,077 298,071 158,671 139,400 28.233 24,734 92,783 63,201 295,958 157,705 138,253 38,664 33,463 58,298 34,636 267,049 142,221 124,828 35,399 30,636 49,724 28,931 28,909 15,484 13,425 3,265 2,827 8,574 5,705 9,328 4,953 4,375 873 770 2,764 1,960 9,125 4,837 4,288 873 770 2,711 1,931 203 116 87 53 29 19,581 10,531 9,050 2,392 2,057 5,810 3,745 436,655 231,582 205,073 49,562 42,718 92,176 54,330 314,014 166,614 147,400 38,401 33,047 52,391 25,909 122,641 64,968 57,673 11,161 9,671 39,785 28,421 9,117 4,894 4,223 1,048 894 2,687 1,885 61,162 32,337 28,825 5,296 4,474 19,570 14,820 44,678 23,663 21,015 4,316 3,872 15,360 10,239 38,582 20,263 18,319 3,293 2,980 12,974 8,926 6,096 3,400 2,696 1,023 892 2,386 1,313 7,684 4,074 3,610 501 431 2,168 1,477 575,191 304,993 270,198 58,309 50,612 123.487 59,312 428,670 226,774 201,896 44,502 38,376 79,063 30,237 146,521 78,219 68,302 13,807 12,236 44,424 29,075 16,639 9,011 7,628 951 804 5,619 4,242 14,734 7,991 6,743 818 677 5,285 4,082 1,905 1,020 885 133 127 334 160 43,548 22,626 20,922 4,668 4,224 13,021 8,966 86,334 46,582 39,752 8,188 7,208 25,784 15,867 166


Location Code Name of District}Tahsil/U.A./City/Town Total Total Mam workers Caltivators No. Rural (I-IX) (I) Urban M p M F 1 2 3 16 17 18 19 17/3 Firozpur District T 383,757 15,. 117,363 z,m R 303,665 9,759 171,709 2,198 U 80,092 5,326 4.654 31 3/3/1 Zira Tahsil T 90,382 2,435 48,960 182 R 82.059 2,052 47,655 173 U 8,323 383 1~305 9 Dharamkot (U.A.) U 2.695 138 762 3/1 Dharamkot (M.C.) U 2.621 136 717 80 Houses out side M.C. Lirilits (0.0.) U 74 2 45 13/II Zira (M.e.) u 5,628 245 543 9 3/2 Firozpur Tahsil T 127,272 5,840 58,908 927 R 95,778 3,031 57,632 920 U 31,494 l,80!) 1,276 7 lIm Talwandi Bhai (M.C.) U 2,640 158 337 l/lV Firozpur (M.C.) U . 15,687 1,762 770 2 Firozpur Cantt. (U.A.) U 11,209 803 98 5 3/V Firozpur (C.B.) U 9,532 680 "96 5 Railway Station Cantt. and Railway Colony (0.0.) U 1,671 123 2 3(VI Guru Har Sahai (M.C.) U 1,958 86 71 3/3 Fazilka Tahsil T 166,103 6,810 69,495 1,120 R 125,828 <4.676 67,422 l,105 U 40,275 2,134 2,073 15 Jalalabad CU. A.) U 5,147 2.69 402 4 3!VII Jalalabad (M.C.) U 4,582 '1.67 372 4 Extended Area Block No. 22 (O.G.) U 565 1 30 3/VIH Fazilka (M.e.) U 11,185 625 627 3 3/IX Ab:>har (M.C.) U 23,943 t.z.lO t,044- ~ 167 ABsTRAer (GENERAL) WORKERS Marginal Workers Non.Workers -Agricultural Labourers Household Industry·Manu- Other Workers [III,IV, (II) facturinl. Processing, Ser- V(b)&VI to IX)] vicin, & Repairs [V(a)] M F M F M F M F M F 20 11 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 91,210 5,467 6,718 500 107,456 6,889 5,570 32,608 304,953 565,831 17,168 5,310 3,759 301 39,929 1,950 5,033 32,055 226,911 432,310 4,941 157 2.,969 199 67,527 4,939 537 553 78,042 133,521 21,909 1,038 1,204 123 IS,309 1,092 905 2,702 66,418 133,116 20,734 964 1,138 115 12,532 800 889 2,688 59,273 120,088 1,175 74 66 8 5,777 292 16 14 7,145 13,028 400 58 20 1 1,513 79 8 2 2,250 4,235 394- 57 20 1 1,490 78 8 2 2,208 4,150 6 1 23 1 42 85 775 16 46 7 4,264 213 8 12 4,895 8,793 26,504 1,500 2,254 167 39,606 3,246 2,422 10,782 101,888 188,451 24,938 1,464 1,007 73 12,201 574 1,987 10,339 68,849 134,030 1,566 36 1,247 94 27,405 2,672 435 443 33,039 54,421 233 95 8 1,975 150 20 2,234 4,065 1,108 21 789 70 13,020 1,669 313 391 16,337 26,672 184 14 304 15 \0,623 769 57 52 12,397 20,160 182 14 296 15 8,958 646 57 52 10,674 17,587 2 S 1,665 123 1,723 2,573 41 1 59 1,787 84 45 2,071 3,524 43,797 2,929 3.270 210 49.541 2,551 2.243 19.124 136,647 244,264 41.596 2.881 1,614 113 15,196 576 2.157 19.028 98,789 178,192 2,201 47 1,656 97 34,345 1,975 86 96 37,858 66,072 434 2 272 12 4,039 251 9 19 3,855 7,340 177 1 267 12 3,766 250 9 19 3,400 6,457 257 1 5 273 1 455 883 Q6 16 355 24 9,777 582 54 53 11,387 20,244 1,341 29 1.029 61 20,529 1,142 23 24 22,616 38,488


169 170


ZIRA TAHSIL Total Population Scheduled Scheduled Location Name of Tahsil/Village Are of No. of No. of (with Hadbast NO.) Tahsil in Occupied House- (inc1 uding Insti- Castes Tribes Code tutional and No. sq. kms Residen- holds and of tial Houseless Village Houses Population) in Hec- tares P M F M F M F 10 12 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1.1 142,221 124,828 35,399 3(),636 3/1 Zira Tabsil (Rural) 12,922 43,286 43,364 267,049

1 Badal Bagga (42A) 43 1 1 9 5 4 2 Tanna Bagga (42:8) 141 2 2 17 10 7 3 Arazi Sabrai (43) 480 27 27 146 82 64 4 Ki Hi Godha (40) 238 84 84 407 213 194 50 48 5 Fatehgarh Sabrai (41) 959 318 318 1,522 853 669 116 93 6 Ghuram (44) 120 14 14 96 60 36 19 14 7 Gatta Badshah (45) 559 109 109 694 371 323 25 20 326 18 78 449 251 198 2') 20 8 Nihalke (39) 14 9 Aulakh (46) 64 29 29 171 94 17 18 10 Game Muradewala (37/38) 68 16 16 87 46 41 12 11 1 11 Valayat Shahwala (36) 151 40 40 194 ')9 95 3 12 Var Pal (30) 263 124 124 712 396 316 154 122 13 Mithe (31) 178 51 51 352 187 165 62 57 14 Jhamke (32} 225 55 55 372 202 170 34 24 15 Sirhall (35) 336 139 139 819 460 359 132 104 padhri (48/49) 221 74 113 768 458 310 107 82 16 10 10 17 Baharwali (47) 202 45 45 274 138 136 18 Wattu Hhatti (52) 204 38 38 232 122 110 17 12 19 Dineke (53) 264 19 19 106 56 50 3 1 20 Gatti Harike {.54/55) 332 4 4 27 18 9 .. 21 Nizamdinwala (51) 546 131 131 782 423 359 156 134 Talwarldi Nepalan (50) 1.161 347 347 1,912 1,106 866 125 101 22 179 19 11 8 23 Mauj~arh (56) 328 26 26 100 24 Buh Araian (57) 131 Un: 25 Churian (58) 189 15 15 96 53 43 11 6 26 Bhedanwala (59/60) 58 Un~ 27 Sudhia (61) 169 11 11 12 42 30 23 17 28 Changian (62) 64 10 10 63 36 21 29 Vanjoke (123) 305 448 448 2,606 1,434 1,172 208 205 30 Variah (126) 85 26 26 176 89 87 5 8 31 Bulhoke (124/125) 78 69 69 471 263 208 32 30 32 Makhu (63) 287 746 746 4,522 2,277 2.245 115 106 33 " Bir Sarkar (67) 57 --:-:-- Un- 34 Bhutiwala (72) 197 18 18 99 53 46 16 15 35 Kot Kaim Khan (64) 425 6 6 27 18 9 36 Sangeke Kalan (77) 127 3 3 3 3 37 Hardo Jand (78) 192 Un- 38 Gatta Dalel (79) 33 8 8 44 26 18 39 Mannu Machhi (80) 331 71 71 423 207 216 40 Behbalwala (81) 67 10 10 50 26 24 41 -Shah Dinwala (75) 77 17 17 95 48 47 42 Ruknewala Khurd (76) 138 15 15 101 49 52 43 Ruknewala Kalan (73) 536 5 5 20 11 9 44 Ma01newala (74) 82 6 6 43 21 22 45 Bhupewala (71) 109 15 15 75 43 32 46 Chakian (68) 232 100 100 555 290 265 14 14 47 Manjwala (69) 100 81 81 "504 269 235 48 Kalhewala (70) 31 1 1 9 5 4 49 Mahmudwala (82) 98 16 16 88 52 36 50 Tibbi Rang (92) 98 16 16 98 48 50 51 Tibbi Badra (93) 25 4 4 18 10 8 52 Madahar Kalu (91) 40 4 4 24 11 13 53 Mohammad Shahwala (9Q) 75 17 17 97 56 41 8 7 54 Madayatullawala (89) 2S Un- 55 Dibwala (88) 93 35 3S 257 136 121 171

CENSUS' 'ABSTRACT FIROZPUR DISTRICT MAIN WORKERS Literafes ------_. Marginal Non-Workers Total Main Cultivators Agricultural Household Otber workers Workers Workers Labourers Industry- rID, IV, V(b) a-DO (I) (II) Manufacturing. VI t4;) IX] Processing. $ervicing and Repairs [Veal] _ _._------~-- --._.------M F M F M F M F M F ----M F M F M F 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28

49,724 28,931 82,059 2,052 47,655 173 20,734 964 1,138 115 12,=~2 SCQ 889 2,688 '59,273 120,088 4 4 1 4 8 8 2 7 6 2 66 66 16 64 78 48 125 92 27 3 3 88 194 229 116 501 2 372 82 6 41 2 12 59 340 608 37 1 37 1 23 35 114 66 207 174 , 19 14 2 '6 162 317 79 33 160 108 38 14 91 198 23 10 52 35 12 5 1 42 76 18 9 22 1 21 1 1 24 40 30 20 59 55 2 2 1 40 94 106 23 231 116 87 28 165 316 42 5 102 63 32 7 85 165 70 29 102 72 23 1 6 1 8 99 162 115 23 264 176 50 t 37 1 195 359 93 31 297 36 133 65 3 96 36 161 274 56 41 65 55 5 1 4 73 136 32 21 67 66 t 55 110 16 16 46 40 1 5 10 50 1 15 15 3 9 97 40 228 2 140 2 71 1 16 195 357 472 260 644 20 206 74 12 352 20 30 '6 432 840 21) 24 30 24 6 70 79 inhabited .. 19 7 18 16 2 35 43 inhabited 3 7 12 4 1 6 2 4 30 25 8 6 11 10 1 25 21 514 271 793 37 83 'i 102 16 42 566 20 4 4 637 1,131 44 35 34 1 19 7 1 2 6 55 86 61 46 155 34 13 8 9 .. 125 34 108 174 1,489 1,139 1,010 37 79 267 1 10 2 654 34 23i 7 1,036 2,201 Inhabited 15 9 29 25 3 24 46 7 2 12 12 6 9 3 3 Inhabft~ 25 25 1 18 17 165 2 164 2 1 42 214 12 12 14 24 13 3 32 28 4 16 41 23 23 26 52 2 . i 8 8 3 9 1 1 15 15 6 22 14 29 29 14 32 79 44 186 162 7 17 104 265 52 19 159 127 23 9 io 100 235 5 4 4 3 1 1 4 5 2 34 34 18 36 6 1 26 26 22 50 4 5 5 5 8 3 1 4 4 7 13 11 2 30 26 3 1 26 41 Inh'lbitej 59 27 85 2 66 4' is ...-, 5'1 119 172 zmA TAHSIL Location Name of Village Area of No. of. No. of TotlJl 'Population (includ­ Scheduled Scheduled Code (with Hadbast Noo) Village Dccu- House­ ing Institutional and Castes Tri~ No. in pied holds Ilouseless Pop\1l;1.tipn) Hectares Residen- tial l{q\l§OS

P M F ,M F M F 1 2 3 4 S 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

3/1/56 Amir Shahwala (85) 165 59 59 408 217 191 2 2 57 GuraB (86) 116 27 27 173 85 88 2 4

58 Burj MOhamad Shahwala (111) 138 61 61 397 212 185 0 1 • 59 Mundi Chhuri Ma-ran (87) ~"t1 353 167 167 963 492 471 47 39 60 Akbarwala (94) ,. . 88 76 76 513 266 247 61 SUe Wind (95) i 239 26 26 161 77 84 62 Khiali (96) 64 18 18 86 48 38 63 Khanna (97) 283 116 116 675 350 325 102 83 64 Madahar Shera (98) 101 23 23 119 60 59 11 12 .. 65 Sharaf Ali Shahwala (100) 127 48 48 257 126 131 3 2 66 Lalleh (110) 229 96 96 579 316 263 51 34 67 Buh Gujran (112) 247 88 88 467 251 216 4 7 68 Jhruida Bagga Nawan (108) 253 92 92 658 351 307 85 80 69 Bal (109) 232 55 55 341 187 154 17 14 70 Malang Shahwala (113) 135 41 41 . 243 126 117 7 5 71 Jogewala (83f84) 539 189 189 1,122 595 527 142 123 72 Nangal (117) 155 45 45 265 146 119 12 7 73 Aminwala (118) 208 56 56 330 172 158 33 27 74 Mubarewala (114) 36 12 12 73 40 33 75 Wariswala .'attan (115) 221 80 80 459 243 216 51 40 76 Pir Mohamad (116) 597 223 223 1,372 703 669 17 16 77 Chamb (136) 292 98 98 562 323 239 54 44 78 Mastewala (137) 308 79 79 561 306 255 40 33 79 MalhewaJa (138) 237 69 69 428 2.27 201 83 69 80 Shianpari (135) 896 216 216 1,546 825 721 59 38 81 Lehra Bet (119) 477 111 111 692 358 334 72 80 82 Sudan (66) 395 193 193 1,185 622 563 119 100 83 RasuJplir (65) 196 55 55 362 177 185 49 54 84 Tibbi Araian (120) 144 35 35 223 126 97 11 9 85 JaggewaJa Alias MisewaJa (133) 980 31 31 183 91 92 86 Phemiwala (121/122) 167 71 71 466 249 217 87 Waraswala Araian (132) 96 35 35 234 118 116 12 10 88 Qutabpur (131) 181 69 69 424 223 201 64 63 89 Khadur (134) 355 149 149 938 505 433 142 116 90 KilIi Bodla (33) 333 106 106 632 356 276 90 68 91 Mohkamwala Alias Araianwala (130) 120 48 48 274 152 122 20 15 92 Sadarwala (127) 64 59 59 331 159 172 6 4 93 Chak Dhangarh (128) 97 Un- 94 Chak Mehrana (129) 142 54 54 357 192 165 25 19 95 Ghudu wala (34), 450 187 187 1,239 663 576 58 51 96 Behk Fattu (143) 469 191 191 1,257 636 621 404 407 97 Behkwayat Shah (142) 168 31 31 237 127 110 15 14 98 Behk Gujran (144) 1,097 349 361 2,168 1,146 1,042 379 348 99 Behk Pasarian (141) 266 87 87 564 300 264 114 108 100 Roshan Shahwala (140) 262 82 82 464 254 210 71 44 101 Machhian (139) 193 29 29 208 110 98 1 102 BahawalpUl' (149) 138 31 ' 31 180 88 92 20 18 103 Chohla (150) 201 91 91 661 342 319 97 92 104 Nurpur (153) 312 152 152 923 495 428 73 50 105 Machhiwara (154) 286 51 51 334 181 153 22 20 106 Bundala Nau (152) 334 139 139 887 484 403 119 98 107 Maloke (l51) 270 97 97 700 383 317 107 76 108 Tind wan (148) 232 99 99 684 354 330 18 25 109 (Malsian) Sahzada Sant Singh (146) 635 225 226 1,577 844 733 219 1'32 110 Dhandian (145) 457 130 130 850 457 393 i63 146 173 CENSUS AQSTAAC'f F1ROZPUR DISTRICT, MAIN WORKERS Non Workers Literates ______._----+____._____.--.....___.-__...... ,.______.___..__~-~~ Marginal Total Main Cultivators Agricultural Household Other Workers Workers Workers (1) Labourers Tndustry- [lIl, IV (b) and (I-On OI) Manufacturing, VI to IX] Processing, Serviding and Repairs (V(a))

~~--~ -~-- F, M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M 26 27 28 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25

89 17 2 2S 8 84 183 69 23 133 8 30 86 15 6 55 2 48 6 2 1 79 27 2 104 185 35 27 108 420 275 237 19 19 51 217 165 52 3 111 243 56 10 155 1 149 3 3 1 48 29 84 6 3 48 9 38 39 39 136' 318 93 38 214 7 18,1 23 7 10 ' , 16 59 , 39 5 ' , 16 9 44 . 46 87 55 41 78 1 59 15 1 4 2 43 130 233 162 89 186 30 96 70 29 20 " . 17 81 4 38 13 5 9 5 118 194 99 27 124 164 306 122 75 ]87 1 136 43 8 1 92 11 1 2 4 81 150 67 38 106 52 117 44 21 74 69 5 222 137 1 19 216 527 157 66 379 64 119 53 19 82 65 12 1 4 6 77 158 47 34 95 71 18 33 24 10 22 21 1 18 , 106 215 102 62 137 1 84 31 22 1 . 268 662 232 98 431 7 333 6 55 1 42 4 8 1 53 155 185 69 37 168 1 128 32 255 92 39 175 lZ5 33 3 14 131 91 51 3 82 201 75 22 145 292 720 284 129 _ 533 1 393 1 119 21 164 332 95 46 194 2 140 2 37 3 14 ,I 190 '] ]6 4 30 1 282 562 147 74 340 67 lR 5 39 21 110 69 40 1 32 30 3 1 61 96 43 26 65 1 37 92 36 30 54 53 1 84 61 4 100 217 82 54 149 42 116 42 39 16 63 10 3' 86 42 4- 2 11 31 78 110 52 39 134 205 314 216 114 300 59 146 85 57 69 2 32 3 17 1 140 275 112 46 216 1 164 117 171 40 25 84 2 48 29 7 3 67 '64 58 79 47 18 14 80 . , 164 Inhabited ' , .. .. . , 551 99 51 112 1 86 19 7 1 80 25 37 2·36 159 66 427 25 222 168 614 19 123 3 46 2 1 287 106 161 78 349 6 161 1,036 27 14 73 3 71 1 :'I 1 1 54 179 1 2 73 3 10 2 471 253 268 151 665 4 411 210 123 48 158 11 99 30 5 24 11 1 141 37 24 132 118 13 1 122 1 3 7 34 91 34 10 73 72 89 18 18 60 3 43 B 3 4 2& ·5 128 53 5 ]6 145 314 46 29 197 425 109 37 294 3 193 2 76 1 , , 25 201 35 9 118 101 14 2 1 63 153 169 78 291 179 85 2 25 193 403 132 72 23 156 311 122 58 227 236 128 70 220 134 52 34 10 94 124 334 177 498 '6 281 157 I 59 6 346 7'17 126 53 273 1 172 84 10 " 184 387 174

ZIRA TAHSIL VILLAGE PRIMARY Location Name of Village Area of No. of No. of Total Population (indud- Scheduled Scheduled Code j (with Hadbast No.) Village Occu- House- ing Institutional and'~ Castes Tribes No. in pied holds Houseless Population) j Hectares Residen- tial Houses ------P ": M F M F M r F 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 ' 12

3/1/111 Santuwala (351)" 636 202 202 1,277 671 606 235 196 112 Chabba (28) 342 133 133 898 461 437 223 212 113 Lohke Kalan (29) 736 251 251 1,548 817 731 181 164 114 Hashmatwaia (26) 626 188 188 1,249 647 602 120 111 115 Jattanwali (25) 168 57 57 335 175 160 37 28 116 Hamadwala Hithar (16) 246 75 75 499 268 231 85 88 111 Malhuwaliawala (15) 578 230 230 1,421 777 644 58 41 118 Butewala (24) 182 100 100 532 298 234 89 78 119 Rode Jallewala (23) 814 212 212 1,252 67] 581 112 99 120 Asiokeke (22) 425 7I 71 572 291 281 31 33 121 Alewala (21) 466 90 90 546 293 253 78 73 122 Fattewala (20) 233 . 74 74 412 225 ]87 70 59 123 Mashia.ke (]9) 208 60 60 384 193 191 48 54 124 Kamalwala (18) 686 146 ]46 951 514 437 64 59 125 Sidhara (14) 428 110 110 721 394 327 32 19 126 Asafwala (17) 436 101 101 662 375 287 67 57 127 Mallanwala (1) 2,451 1261 ' 1,261 7,932 .,tI' 4,196 3,736 532 461 128 Hamadwala Uttar (2) -. 837 171 171 1,224 663 561 207 169 129 Kohala (6) 557 207 207 1,162 617 545' 187 163 130 Burewala (4) 86 117 117 644 342 302 222 193 131 Gurdittiwala (3) 394 112 112 736 385 351 138 117 132 Bhagoke (5) 336 105 105 772 393 379 131 133 133 Bura waIi (7) 503 44 44 246 130 116 58 48 134 Mano Chahal (13) 754 112 112 779 422 357 122 80 135 Lohke Khurd (11) 490 129 129 814 428 386 112 76 136 Jaura (12) 417 96 96 622 339 283 132 119 137 Thatha (27) 686 256 256 1,616 866 750 239 194 138 Naurang Singhwala (52) 300 97 97 679 364 315 116 100 139 Ali pur(353) 536 152 152 887 490 397 185 147 140 Valtoha (10) 254 96 96 697 381 316 176 150 141 Ambar Har (8) 336 61 61 425 221 204 142 Jhita (9) 207 38 38 215 109 106 26 18 143 Mian Singhwala (354) 407 153 153 877 475 402 164 126 144 Maryhai (355) 605 209 209 1,157 617 540 290 248 145 Chuchak Wind (356) 777 168 168 969 523 446 64 46 146 Khosa DaI Singh (357) 230 103 103 587 319 268 163 126 147 Chak Pahar Singh Wala (358A) 38 . ' .. . . Un- 148 Bharana (358) 650 261 261 1,619 888 731 286 221 149 Virkanwali (359) 302 34 34 212 114 98 14 8 150 Gogoani (363) 359 118 118 663 354 309 75 57 151 Mawr (364) 258 82 82 533 283 250 45 46 152 Kassoana (365) 730 243 243 1,481 809 672 321 263 153 Mankianwali (362) 282 83 83 431 231 200 48 29 154 Holanwali (360) 444 93 93 557 298 259 61 55 155 Wara Waryam Singh (361) 265 128 128 768 414 354 169 120 156 Joianwala (372) 535 111 lit 804 423 381 56 43 157 Ma1huwala (371) 198 11 11 79 39 40 5 3 158 Hardasa (368) 363 166 166 1,037 542 495 223 205 159 Chhajanwali (369) 146 27 27 175 100 75 23 15 160 Buianwala (370) 314 125 125 721 417 304 72 55 161 Pihewali (367) 315 56 56 390 209 18t 58 51 162 Malhe Shahwala (366) 136 45 45 284 153 131 50 43 163 Vakilanwala (340) 505 249 249 1,509 811 698 118 98 164 Nilewala (348) 312 91 91 478 238 240 84 71 165 Warnala (347) 183 95 95 587 324 263 70 59 i75

, , CENSUS ABSTRACT FIROZPUR DlSTRJCr MAIN WORKERS Literates Marginal Non Worker Total Main Cultivators Agricultural Household Other Workers Workers Labourers Industry Workers (I-X) (I) (11) Manufacturing, [III, IV(b) Processing, &VI to IX] Servicing and Repairs [V(a)]

----______. ~-~------M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27, 28

302 176 135 1 219 163 2 51 1 75 213 161 392 166 133 270 2 "137 82 1 1 50 1 87 191 348 244 138 494 6 332 2 118 2 7 37 2 2 321 725 287 157 420 D 299 2 82 9 1 38 2 ]6 227 573 89 " 49 93 44 34 15 82 160 54 17 190 115 71 3 2 78 229 171 60 465 325 120 20 312 644 60 10 191 103 62 5 21 107 234 1"8 86 436 2 395 25 2 4 12 235 579 52 30 203 187 14 2 88 281 55 19 170 165 3 2 123 253 57 32 135 131 1 1 2 90 187 71 30 115 1 111 1 2 1 1 11 1 67 189 185 102 288 2 196 72 5 15 2 226 435 78 37 236 201 15 20 158 327 161 287 159 66 214 155 . " 49 2 8 1,573 824 ~2,378 70 996 2 593 5 120 40 669 23 14 24 1,804 3,642 150 60 343 \ 267 61 15 38 320 523 212 121 309 160 119 30 71 308 474 75 27 196 21 76 114 21 6 146 281 101 51 232 32 100 113 31 18 4 153 315 209 117 156 2 119 12 25 2 46 5 191 372 29 13 79 32 39 8 51 116 167 77 222 135 46 6 35 32 23 168 334 185 120 240 147 62 5 26 188 386 106 36 127 4 87 4 18 22 80 37 132 242 245 113 543 5 294 1 157 2 1 91 2 3 103 320 642 146 88 204 2 114 58 3 29 2 160 313 193 104 260 152 76 1 31 2 230 395 133 74 203 96 86 21 178 316 74 62 123 1 88 27 8 1 98 203 50 35 81 S5 20 6 28 106 187 87 302 1 162 93 47 1 173 401 266 127 383 45 175 135 45 2 71 234 495 233 148 318 10 211 42 7 7 58 3 205 436 116 69 183 7 78 85 6 20 1 136 261 inhabited 356 162 450 S 229 168 2 2 51 3 438 726 60 37 70 67 1 2 44 98 172 ... 112 195 1.4 109 l37 2 47 4 159 305 147 103 167 1 119 28 1 20 116 249 393 236 457 11 198 148 5 5 106 6 1 351 661 106 82 142 2 99 35 1 7 2 1 88 198 88 32 196 1 123 57 1 15 1 102 2S8 193 114 231 5 124 2 89 2 1 16 2 20 183 329 193 144 234 8 198 2 29 5 1 6 1 13 189 360 18 9 23 18 4 1 16 40 204 117 339 4 160 1 137 12 30 3 203 491 56 34 52 1 38 10 4 1 48 74 202 96 263 199 43 4 17 154 304 90 41 106 1 76 1 28 2 ,. 103 180 56 27 93 1 58 31 4 1 60 130 254 196 501 4 294 1 89 68 2 50 1 310 694 105 .83 121 1 47 48 1 25 1 1 116 239 140 76 203 131 44 3 25 1 120 263 176 VILLAGE pRlMARY ZIRATAHSIL

Location Name of Village Area of No. of No. of Total Population (includ- Scheduled ScJeduled Code No. (with Hadbast No.) Village occu- House- ing Institutional & House- Castes TnOes 1n Hee- pied holds less Population) tares Residen- tial houses

P M F M F M F 1 2 . 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 3/1/166 Mahianwala Khurd (346) 167 55 55 316 179 137 4 3 167 Mehal' Singhwala (349) 572 160 160 893 467 426 192 174 168 Kachar Bhan (350) 287 106 106 623 332 291 122 95 169 Botianwala (344) 558 158 158 910 487 423 204 151 170 Pheroke (345) 690 191 191 1,161 628 533 71 64 171 Zira Nau (147) 208 50 50 297 152 145 G3 62 172 Gadriwala (343) 727 207 207 1,254 686 568 163 150 173 Lehra Rohi (342) 376 124 124 771 422 349 92 74 174 Bundala Purana (330) 236 46 .46 300 164 136 23 20 175 Mohianwala Purana (341) 508 234 234 1,476 776 70{) 191 181 176 Ratul Rohi (335) 400 167 167 932 510 422 184 145 177 Sodhiwala (339) 997 151 151 914 491 423 168 132 178 Dhana Shahid (338) 399 141 141 851 442 409 114 110 179 Sadhuwala (337) 283 157 157 983 539 444 221 176 180 Sekhwan (336) 768 217 217 1,472 777 695 233 226 181 Mansurwal (331) 639 200 200 1,311 741 570 167 126 182 Wara Mansurwala (334) 269 54 54 390 206 184 53 47 183 pandori Khatrian (333) 577 189 189 1,305 109 596 258 208 184 Sunehar (332) 780 350 350 2,139 1,174 965 313 248 185 Zira Khas (329) 1,895 Merged id.· 186 Sher Singhwala (155) 128 2 2 15 8 7 187 Mansur Deva (3lS) 706 289 289 1,873 1,030 843 202 154 188 Ratul Bet (327) 381 139 139 829 432 397 212. 211 189 Sukhewala (326) 486 161 161 896 460 436 2CJ7 171 190 Jhatra (325) 298 134 134 913 486 427 92 79 191 Wara Chain Singhwala (320) 364 133 133 746 401 345 210 188 192 Longo Deva (319) 694 198 198 1,195 670 525 152 119 193 Umariana (321) 271 81 81 503 283 220 73 61 194 Chuhar Chak (318) 574 177 177 1,198 648 550 114 97 195 Atari (317) 371 91 91 583 332 251 140 118 196 Ban Khandi (316) 495 99 99 674 365 309 129 109 197 Manawan (322) 1,068 398 398 2,406 1,276 1,130 662 560 198 Talwandi Jalle Khan (323) 796 315 315 1,952 1,006 946 256 243 199 Talwandi Mange Khan (324) 550 256 255 1,583 805 77g 269 239 200 Pandori Jattan (157) 178 78 78 435 241 194 90 68 201 Awan (156) 198 63 63 347 196 151 12 9 202 Shahwala (161) 481 179 179 1,112 584 528 216 191 515 191 191 1,174 615 559 271 252 203 Wara Pollwinidian (160) 7 204 Kama]garh Khur~ (158) 163 9 9 44 26 1& 4- 205 Kamalgarh Kalan (159) 209 lOB 108 685 372 313 123 114 206 Katora (174) 294 104 104 622 320 302 7 12 207 Bula (162) 314 67 67 466 240 226 11 9 208 Beri Q adarabad (l53) 338 96 96 540 270 270 19 14 209 Bagi Patni Al ias 162 33 33 191 101 90 U 21 Mohkamwata (164) 210 Killi Nao&bad (165) 112 54 S4 352 2Q7 145 34 25 63 211 Karahewala (166) 454 88 88 610 356 254 59 212 Baghelewala (168) 186 45 45 388 196 192 13 11 213 Shah Abu Bakar (169) 356 105 105 153 411 342 95 78 214 Amargarh Bandian (110) 225 36 36 220 116 104 8 10 215 Bhogewala (171) 122 31 31 209 112 97 216 Malhewala (173) 134 59 59 341 179 162 217 Mohaar (172) 102 15 15 67 36 31 218 Sherpur Takhtuwala (175) 314 89 . 89 535 295 240 94 80 219 Jbanda Baggapurana (176) 403 105 105 626 346 280 220 Dargah Saidan (179) ~2 8 8 43 25 18 .. 177


Literates Total Main Cultivators Agricultural Household Other Workers Marginal Non-Workers Workers (I) Labourers Industry- [ill, IV. V(b) Workers (I-IX) (II) Manufac- & VI to IX] turing, Proce9Sing, Servicing and Repairs (V (a))

-~~- M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 75 43 107 100 4 3 72 137 130 51 285 3 117 1 110· 2 2 56 182 423 57 25 249 177 68 4 83 291 181 121 307 166 105 36 180 423 207 120 393 1 294 58 41 1 235 532 65 30 81 3 27 29 2 25 1 71 142 265 163 372 1 235 98 1 38 1 314 567 154 105 252 1 124 78 50 1 170 348 76 45 77 1 59 13 1 5 87 135 379 243 470 4 265 136 1 9 60 3 1 306 695 223 116 273 4 119 111 43 4 237 418 210 137 301 1 174 111 1 5 11 190 422 190 115 257 143 70 44 185 409 179 114 331 2 165 112 1 54 1 1 207 442 227 141 502 4 301 1 164 37 3 275 691 246 134 410 264 104 2 40 331 570 60 32 109 7S 1 28 1 5 97 183 252 142 339 155 115 5 64 370 596 1'23 161 759 1 434 237 2 86 1 415 964 Z1RA M.e• . . 3 3 6 6 2 7 305 199 408 S 277 52 13 66 5 45 6 577 832 201 111 249 1 86 126 37 1 7 84 176 312 203 107 274 158 91 25 186 436 164 118 309 209 79 21 177 427 106 55 253 139 106 8 148 345 243 143 429 1 281 94 1 53 1 1 240 524 71 23 160 1 97 49 3 11 1 123 219 215 119 374 276 64 3 31 21 81 253 469 121 44 241 161 128 101 154 5 7 7 1 9 90 81 116 61 211 62 103 2 101 60 1 6 IS4 247 489 326 751 9 266 1 354 6 1 125 7 16 2 S09 1,119 412 276 S64 3 288 183 1 1 92 2 442 943 430 283 476 9 191 1 176 5 3 106 3 81 329 688 92 55 135 1 72 52 11 1 106 193 48 29 122 2 96 22 2 4 74 149 232 121 303 1 156 116 31 1 281 527 201 90 379 156 193 1 29 92 236 467 7 1 17 16 1 9 18 132 64 241 2 125 93 2 23 131 311 116 38 169 1 138 18 1 3 10 151 301 33 16 159 151 5 3 81 226 96 43 158 102 43 13 112 270 30 29 69 9 52 17 9 32 81 111 7 141 121 19 1 66 145 109 2S 247 176 63 8 109 254 88 69 122 101 12 9 74 192 139 59 240 1 144 1 62 34 171 341 54 21 60 53 5 2 " 56 104 30 8 58 58 S4 97 61 27 93 46 41 6 86 162 16 12 28 22 6 8 31 86 44 180 5 167 5 10 3 115 235 96 53 196 6 118 1 66 5 1 11 150 274 6 6 17 17 8 18 178


Location Name of Village Area of No. of No. of Total Population Scheduled Schedued Code (with Hadbast No.) Village Occupied House- (including Institutional and Castes Tribes No. In Resi-- holds Houseless Population) Hectares deDtial Houses

P M F M F M F 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 3/1/221 Mandar (185) 571 186 186 1,253 651 602 267 250 222 Daulewala (180) 581 283 283 1,748 911 837 58 46 223 Mehal (178) 48S 189 189 1,122 590 532 206 172 224 L6ngiwind (177) 196 107 107 682 364- :n8 58 49 225 Singhpur urf Munan (314) 364- 133 133 889 460 429 142 148 226 Raniala (315) 576 149 149 1,061 550 511 152 136 227 Khosa Kotla (305) 1,160 471 471 3,058 1,661 1,397 548 458 228 Ghaloti (306) 753 284 284 1,921 1,010 911 241 201 229 Jalal Singhwala (304) 152 33 33 232 127 105 .. 230 Khosa Randhir (303) 1,391- 506 506 3,054 1,663 1,391 sOO 421 231 Bhagpur alias Gagrah (307) 348 138 138 864 452 412 155 137 232 Janer (301) 514 286 286 1,846 991 855 347 289 233 Lohara (302) 561 273 273 1,740 1,003 737 211 163 234 varah (296) 269 132 132 860 497 363 80 66 235 Chugha Kalan (295) '544 252 252 1,538 803 735 189 172 236 Chugha Khurd (298) 132 41 41 275 155 120 237 Mubarkpur (297) 193 79 79 550 296 254 77 70 238 Chuhar Singhwala (300) 239 79 79 463 240 223 91 72 239 Chiman (308) 381 254 254 1,375 785 590 475 350 240 Karyai (299) 1,191 527 527 3,248 1,714 1,534 474 428 241 Jaffarwala (243) 157 51 51 301 160 141 34 24 242 Kot Sadar Khan (245) 811 316 316 1,893 965 928 328 310 243 Nasirpur Janian (309) 16-7 92 92 548 289 259 48 47 244 Kot lse Khan (310) 465 904 904 5,244 2,738 2,506 701 666 245 Datewala (313) ~ 155 155 993 514 479 177 148 246 Talwandi Nau Bahar (312) 347 ::!:5 ' 145 888 456 432 127 86 247 Nihalgarh (311) 160 52 52 288 159 129 31 25 248 Jaspur alias Gehliwala (181) 212 40 218 108 110 10 12 249 Masitan (182) 828 293 ~ 1,910 1,020 890 309 242 250 Behramke (241) 402 120 120 753 385 368 83 79 251 Musewala (242) 136 44 44 331 166 165 52 56 252 Bajeke (244) 523 101 101 605 336 269 253 Rasulpur (248) 150 23 23 153 88 65 254 Dholewala (237) 517 173 173 1,030 575 455 200 166 255 Mojgarb (249) 216 90 90 623 326 297 130 140 256 Baqarwala (228) 273 83 83 601 320 281 69 58 257 Chirag Shahwala (229) 78 26 26 164 81 83 3 4 258 Sherpur Taiban (230) 462 230 230 1,366 705 661 83 75 259 Bagge (236) 135 53 53 349 183 166 62 58 260 Kanian Khas (235) 169 45 45 260 147 113 1 1 261 Sherewala (232) 144 54 54 327 158 169 25 27 262 Paraliwala (218) 249 4 4 18 8 10 263 Bir Sarka r (231) 61 5 5 27 15 12 15 12 264 Jhugian (219) 67 . . .. Un- 265 Said Jalalpur (224) 212 19 19 100 57 43 15 13 266 Mlani (221) 314 79 79 494 265 229 4 3 267 Pipli (220) 426 161 161 1,003 519 484 13 10 268 Gadaipur (215) 30 11 11 66 39 27 269 Mehruwala (217) 147 13 13 66 34 32 270 Kambo Khurd (210) 47 10 10 59 30 29 30 29 271 Bhain! (211) ,255 59 59 366 210 156 40 31 272 Daulewala Kalan (233) 97 35 35 238 146 92 44 28 273 Daulewala Khurd (234) 92 3 3 12 9 3 274 rota Singhwala (192) 220 57 57 359 174 185 60 58 275 Rajanwala (191) 205 59 S9 414 210 204 70 80 179 cENSUS ABSTRACT FIROZPUR DISTRICT MAIN WORKERS Literates Marginal Non-Workers Workers Tota) Main CUltivators Agricultural Household Other Workers Workers (I) Labourera ImtuSttt- [Ill. IV. V(b) a-IX) (II) M'ulian ac- &VItolX] i:l'iring, Pr • ~.CJng and Repairs [V(a)] M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 200 95 356 5 176 146 3 .., 27 2 295 597 354 173 529 1 360 73 3 93 1 382 836 294 192 305 3 117 125 2 2 61 1 9 '3 276 526 138 48 213 15 133 34 46 15 151 303 170 101 275 157 83 35 18S 429 190 148 332 8 171 112 7 9 40 1 218 503 420 274 957 3 520 315 1 16 106 2 704 1,394 337 200 532 110 254 36 164 71 114 :3 '4 478 797 35 24 64 61 1 2 63 105 639 370 960 10 447 297 4 15 201 - 6 703 1,381 204 131 263 1 161 81 1 20 1 189 411 212 117 552 2 249 241 1 61 2 439 8S3 365 193 635 5 338 154 1 7 1 136 :3 368 732 204 115 269 13 159 42 5 3 1 65 7 8 1 220 349 317 235 436 4 235 101 1 7 93 :3 367 731 78 63 105 1 92 13 1 50 119 109 66 182 123 41 6 12 114 254 115 73 122 17 63 29 IS 1 29 2 1 4 117 202 186 98 446 66 83 125 8 230 66 2 339 522 769 557 841 28 396 207 3 23 IS 21S 10 52 17S 821 1.331 56 33 97 67 14 6 63 132 294 161 567 15 335 4 171 7 1 :3 60 1 2; 398 886 136 98 166 1 78 59 29 1 i23 258 1,188 799 1,399 88 150 4 119 8 13i 16 999 60 8 99 1,331 2,319 200 122 274 47 102 1 100 43 72 3 240 432 'i!Iii 154 116 244 133 58 1 52 20 44 192 388 57 36 94 63 21 1 9 65 129 58 43 72 1 59 1 6 7 11 36 98 288 208 602 342 188 3 69 30 418 860 152 87 221 163 42 16 164 368 60 49 95 2 57 36 2 2 8 71 ISS 116 61 209 19 130 1 72 18 7 127 250 41 27 57 56 1 31 6S 200 85 335 2 209 82 44 2 240 453 108 61 214 122 82 10 112 . 291 108 46 204 169 24 11 116 281 34 14 49 47 2 32 83 226 87 444 269 152 1 22 2 259 661 28 5 107 89 15 3 76 166 50 26 90 81 4 5 57 113 13 7 109 90 17 1 1 49 169 3 1 6 6 2 10 6 2 8 8 7 12 inhabited " .. 14 8 39 38 1 18 43 118 49 147 4 128 12 4 7 14 118 211 122 48 310 245 53 3 9 209 484 15 7 20 20 .. 2 18 17 9 3 1 20 1 18 1 1 1 2 14 29 5 14 14 1 16 28 63 34 109 87 18 2 2 101 156 43 14 75 64 9 2 71 92 6 5 3 ·2 4 3 6 3 97 64 28 5 .. 77 185 27 18 144 11 136 10 4 1 4 5 66 188 180


Location Name of Village Area of No of No. of Total Population (includ- Scheduled Scheduled Code (with Hadbast No.) Village Occupied House- ing Institutional & Castes Tribes No. In Resl- holds Houseless Population) Hectares dentfa1 Houses

P M F M F M F 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 3/11276 Ramgarh (190) 173 32 32 195 104 91 1 3 277 Said Mohamad (238) 295 109 109 636 333 303 64 72 278 Shadlwal (239) 130 39 39 270 133 137 17 23 124 27 27 185 100 85 19 279 Kishanpura (240) " 7,0 280 Charag Shahwala (188) 218 79 79 525 280 245 110 ·79 281 Mastewala(183) 127 38 38 224 105 119 21 22 282 Fatehpur Jhugian (187) 106 -40 40 245 124 121 23 12 283 Qadarwala (184) 472 169 169 1,018 539 479 156 139 284 Dharam Slngbwala (189) 630 148 148 924 476 448 126 127 285 Kflll Gandran (186) 315 34 ; 34 199 97 . 102 52 51 286 Khera Droli (104) 110 12 12 78 48 30 287 Kbamba (193) 407 77 77 574 294 280 123 108 288 Melak Akallan (195) 147 54 54 323 184 139 58 47 289 Raowal (194) 161 37 37 251 143 108 23 17 290 Kambo Kalan (209) 54 17 17 92 49 43 49 43 291 Mandar (207) 252 72 72 388 206 182 153 139 .. 292 Melak Kangan (208) 180 60 60 378 194 184 11 9 . 293 Saide Shahwala (196) 323 79 79 491 2.61 230 31 28 294 Fateh Ullah ShahwaIa (99{10S) 399 85 85 512 2.88 224 34 28 295 Mundi Jamal (106) 344 107 107 661 341 320 62 58 296 Maujewala (167) 273 81 81 566 299 267 43 34 297 Danewala (107) 162 26 26 173 95 78 298 Fatehgarh Panjtur (103) 762 567 567 3,423 1,839 1,584 388 316 299 ChotiaA.{l02) 148 32 32 202 112 90 300 Bahadarwala (101) 105 25 25 170 85 85 13 11 301 Golawala (199) 123 51 51 294 164 130 4 6 302 Lal Handl (200) 155 50 50 322 160 162 1 303 KahnewaIa (198) 40 10 10 63 33 30 8 5 304 Mahiwala (197) 136 26 26 139 68 71 13 16 305 Takhtuwala (202) 70 28 28 169 84 85 306 Sangbera (205) 306 53 53 272 161 111 11 11 307 Madarpur (203) 70 46 46 245 128 117 7 4 308 Boghewala (201) 125 36 36 231 117 114 65 62 309 Bundala (204) 38 6 6 35 22 13 3 1 310 Chek Khanna (230) 267 10 10 69 38 31 311 Bara Sulemim (229) 112 20 20 107 54 53 312 Bara Kalirauna (224) 194 85 85 533 274 259 3 1 313 Mahlewala (222) 341 101 101 600 317 283 2 5 314 La}uwala (221) 331 52 52 280 148 132 315 Tibbi Badra (219) 46 2 2 13 8 5 316 Tibbi Tayab (220) 99 25 25 165 89 76 317 Tibi Ranga (218) 54 27 27 154 91 63 318 Manu Macbhi (217) 119 26 26 143 78 65 319 Jamaliwala (216) 93 7 7 66 53 13 ii i3 320 Mirzapur (222) 29 2 2 14 8 6 321 Adraman (223) 352 3 3 20 10 10 10 10 322 Rehrwan (225) 357 175 175 1,024 534 490 160 139 323 Manshli (223A) 103 29 29 158 89 69 12 10 324 Bhoepur (227) 260 96 96 585 317 268 325 Aminwala (255) 324 155 155 1,003 544 459 100 88 326 Sangl a (226) 320 105 105 638 366 272 51 40 327 Sirsari (257) 120 14 14 82 42 40 6 6 328 Bisapur (256) 167 27 27 183 98 85 33 38 329 Ferolewal Mangal Singh (254) 253 83 83 418 229 189 71 59 330 Kamalke (259/260) 472 184 184 1,079 570 509 291 282 181

CENSUS ABSTRACT FlROZPUR DIS'IRICf MAIN WORKERS Literates Total Main Cultivators Agricultural Household Other Marginal Non- Workers Labourers Incluslry_ Workers WorkerS Workers (I-IX) (1) (m· Manufacturing, fID, lV, V(b) Processing & Vi to IX] Servicing and Repairs [V (a)J

M F M F M F M F M F M F M F -----M F 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 35 18 63 58 1 3 41 91 93 45 199 2 138 1 42 19 1 134 301 58 35 86 I 75 2 1 9 47 136 28 22 60 52 3 5 40 85 98 75 171 46 84 77 43 10 3 109 199 38 42 71 56 14 1 34 119 29 20 74 56 13 1 4 50 121 218 95 316 165 111 .. 40 223 479 189 ]20 268 36 149 1 95 35 5 19 10 208 402 28 20 51 2 20 29 2 2 .46 100 14 3 26 J 25 1 .. 22 29 1()4 66 151 123 21 .. 2 5 6 137 280 33 21 103 I 70 23 1 3 7 81 13& 37 21 73 63 10 21 70 87 7 1 22 3 7 15 3 27 40 69 52 124 1 87 30 7 1 82 181 63 57 108 3 93 9 . i 6 3 3 6 83 175 93 48 148 1 109 31 8 44 113 185 104 55 176 145 27 4 6 112 218 103 72 209 3 146 1 37 26 2 4 27 128 290 7() 48 169 1 132 26 5 6 130 266 35 21 56 51 4 1 39 78 838 615 1,064 43 367 2 218 19 29 3 450 19 5 770 1,540 57 28 6S 26 63 26 2 47 64 1 33 46 35 6 5 39 85 71 28 83 67 12 4 81 130 58 42 81 3 68 2 6 1 6 1 79 158 9 8 20 14 6 .. 13 30 31 26 42 30 10 2 26 71 14 13 50 48 1 1 34 85 35 16 100 9 59 41 8 61 102 51 17 59 59 3 66 117 40 26 71 55 9 1 6 1 45 114 16 16 6 13 7 1 27 26 1 11 31 8 30 30 24 53 16 3 154 91 58 5 4 120 255 32 5 176 4 134 ~ 37 2 5 141 279 19 3 102 100 '" 1 1 46 132 1 5 5 3 5 5 44 44 3 19 42 57 4 1 56 'i 56 1 3 35 59 1 48 48 30 65 15 48 12 34 2 5 13 1 4 4 4 ~ 2 6 6 4 10 164- 49 327 254 54 19 1 206 490 17 4 57 51 6 32 69 94 33 176 . j 162 8 2 4 141 268 195 99 321 215 72 1 33 223 45S 133 57 227 160 37 6 24 B9 212 19 10 26 23 2 1 2 16 38 44- 31 5.2 1 42 6 1 1 3 46 84 39 21 116 3 79 27 3 2 7 I 113 186 105 &3 328 203 87 38 242 509 182


LocatIon Name of ViII age Area of No. of No. of Total Population Scheduled Scheduled Code (with Hadbast No.): Village Occupied House (including Institutional Castes Tribes No. In Resi- holds & Houseless Hectares dential Population) Houses

P M F M F M F 1 2 3 4 5 ·6 7 8 9 10 11 12 3/1/331 Gatti Kamalke (260A) 81 3 3 26 14 12 332 Basian (258) 100 6 6 35 20 IS 333 Bhodiwala (261) 182 57 57 35S 188 167 12 10 334 Kawan (263) 153 32 32 227 113 114 39 32 335 Chamb (262) 108 21 21 110 54 S6 2 2 336 Cbak Singbpura (279) 194 44 44 254 140 114 10 7 337 Chal< Bhaura (280) 102 00 00 Un- 338 Chak Tarewala (298) 334 121 121 775 3()1 384 4 339 Gatti Jattan (299) 21() 69 69 395 191 19~ 12 8 ~40 Chak Jir:dra (300) 118 14 14 83 46 37 341 Chak Kanian Kalan (302) 294 93 93 587 307 280 342 Cha" Fatehpur (301) 167 26 26 160 81 79 343 Chak Kanian Khurd (303) 80 25 25 147 72 75 1 ~44 Kanian Kalan (276) 60 17 17 97 54 43 4 1 345 Kanian Khurd (277) 54 15 15 74 33 41 9 13 346 Fatehpur Kanian (275) 281 67 67 404 220 184 137 104 347 Jindra (270) 277 140 140 804 440 364 137 102 348 Thuthgarh (264{265) 258 125 125 706 362 34~ 15 9 349 Said Mohamad Shahwala (267) 98 30 30 165 89 76 15 14 350 Aku Shahwala (266) 45 8 8 39 23 16 351 Doburji (268) 200 66 66 418 223 '95 49 35 352 Phalahgosh (269) 77 6 6 36 23 13 353 Tzzatwala (271) 148 65 (5 403 220 188 95 85 354 Roshanwala (273) 149 39 39 242 122 1:10 7 8 355 Nasirewala (274) 255 131 131 941 484 457 26 17 356 Kot Mohamad Khan (272) 573 140 140 828 432 396 82 79 357 Indergarh (286/287) 1,318 465 465 2,694 1,401 1,293 484 449 358 Baduwal (289) 1,013 399 399 2,443 1,305 1,138 390 328 359 Bahadurwala (252) 146 32 32 185 113 72 14 10 360 Ferozewal Bada (253) 309 152 152 861 449 412 262 251 361 Kasana (250) 64 15 15 114 59 55 11 10 362 Pandori Araian (251) 514 201 201 1,251 658 593 237 204 363 Kaila(247) 429 295 295 1,282 692 590 421 351 364 Nurpur (246) 367 258 258 1,530 790 740 266 247 365 Jalalabad (291) 2,117 813 839 4,896 2,615 . 2,281 1,093 937 366 Fatehgarh Korotana (294) 1,191 598 598 3,699 1,980 1,719 609 515 367 Datta (293) 603 226 226 1,519 817 702 285 240 368 Lohgarh (288) 1,208 330 330 2,165 1,135 1,030 264 231 369 Bhinder Kalan (292) 1,384 761 761 4,695 2,414 2,281 714 689 370 Bhlnder Khurd (285) 644 375 375 2,243 1,208 1,035 296 260

371 Umarpura (284) 447 00 00 Un- 372 Kokri Behniwal (283) 289 209 209 1,254 649 605 165 157 373 Kishanpur Kalan (279) 2,510 823 823 4,754 2,517 2,237 778 664 374 Kishanpur Khurd (278) 337 59 S9 468 252 216 25 32 375 Daya Kalan (280) 423 130 . 130 860 453 407 162 166

376 Kokri Buttran (282) i 359 207 207 1,265 644 621 272 254 377 Talwandl Malian (281) 1,664 602 602 3,816 1,992 1,824 476 412 l&3

CENSUS ABSTRAcr PIROZPUR DISTRICT Main Worlters Literates TotalMaln Cultivators Agricutural Household Other MatiPoal Non-Workers Workers Labourers Industry- Workers Wot'kers (I-IX) (I) (II) Manufacturing, [m.IV. V(b) Processing. & VIto IX] Servicing and Repairs [V (a»)

M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 2S 26 27 28 5 1 6 6 8 12 7 5 15 15 5 15 1P 35 6S 45 15 5 123 167 52 29 70 5 41 2 28 3 1 59 43 SO 15 10 29 18 10 1 3 24 22 32 65 16 72 5 67 3 5 2 S5 68 54 Inhabited 140 69 232 197 21 2 '(; 159 384 26 5 129 93 35 1 70 196 27 16 25 24 1 21 37 79 40 177 1 168 6 3 1 130 279 34 28 40 2 36 1 2 1 2 41 77 31 28 46 3 44 3 2 1 33 25 39 6 28 23 3 .. 2 26 43 11 19 22 1 22 1 11 40 38 20 117 66 49 2 103 184 113 41 318 17 185 9 116 7 9 8 1 1 105 121 242 97 41 239 209 16 14 9 123 335 36 28 49 40 1 8 8 40 68 5 7 19 17 2 4 16 96 54 123 110 4 9 100 195 8 1 17 17 6 13 57 22 116 .. 4 104 188 72 37 3 1ll) 61 22 91 85 3 2 1 31 249 193 239 S 134 46 1 1 S9 3 245 452 122 59 246 2 179 1 53 1 14 186 394 513 393 743 29 355 3 240 22 22 1 126 3 27 13 631 1.251 415 261 716 7 424 224 2 66 7 589 1,131 36 18 68 53 13 2 45 72 138 40 267 167 67 1 26 182 412 15 11 32 25 6 1 27 55 262 147 394 236 113 9 36 264 593 218 113 402 4 206 142 1 1 53 3 290 586 174 121 475 4 116 293 1 65 4 .. 315 736 813 545 1,553 143 542 2 385 2 18 608 139 16 9 1,046 2,129 682 425 1,191 39 582 341 5 1 263 38 1 788 1,680 335 219 450 241 137 6 66 367 702 446 324 673 14 436 147 3 6 84 11 42 462 974 1,042 804 1,332 10 733 391 3 43 3 165 4 1 152 1,081 2,119 500 260 662 22 370 180 8 12 2 100 12 9 111 537 902 inhabited ...... 306 197 386 8 251 76 6 3 1 56 1 1 263 596 684 483 1,517 26 771 456 1 31 259 24 1,000 2,211 107 63 159 138 15 2 4 93 216 186 IH> 293 5 161 115 5 17 51 160 351 301 219 340 26 141 131 19 68 7 1 304 594 939 663 1,103 29 619 253 8 34 8 197 13 1 888 1,795 184



Name ofTown/Ward Area of No.or No. of Total Population (including Scheduled Scheduled LoCation Castes Code Townl 0ccBpIi4 House­ Institutional and Houseless Tribes No. Ward ed Rest .. holds Population) inKml dentfal Houses

P M F M F M F 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Dbaramkot U.A. NA 1,595 1,595 9,328 4,953 4,375 873 770 3/1 Dbaramkot M. C. 1·10 1,559 1,559 9,125 4,837 4,288 873 770 & Ward No. 103 103 667 361 306 2 146 146 886 478 408 7 5 3 120 120 591 309 282 4 2 4 151 15t 892 465 427 3 3 5 127 127 807 421 386 6 132 132 710 352 358 7 161 161 920 497 423 62 48 8 131 131 725 392 333 27 18 9 154 154 899 481 418 233 219 10 175 1'75 1,062 562 500 440 395 11 159 159 966 519 447 97 80 sO Houses outside M.C. Limitfl (O.G.) 36 36 203 116 87 3/11 Zira M.e. 19'42 3,205 3,211 19,581 10,531 9,050 2,392 2,057 Ward No. t 301 301 1,864 1,007 857 333 287 2 217 211 1,342 721 621 645 554 3 266 266 1,564 858 706 233 170 4 157 157 1,015 504 511 23 21 5 233 233 1,379 734 645 61 43 6 279 279 1,777 990 187 174 149 7 182 182 1,203 625 578 109 90 8 201 201 1,185 628 557 9 186 186 1,054 546 508 4 2 10 348 348 1,954 1,042 912 385 346 11 317 323 2,199 1,273 926 244 215 12 247- 247 1,427 740 687 29 29 13 271 211 1,618 863 755 152 145 iss CENSUS ABSTRACT FIROZPUR DISTRICT

MAIN WORKERS Literates Total Main Cultivators Agricultural Household Other Marginal Non-Workers Workers (I) Labourers Industry­ Workers Workers (I-IX) (II) Manufactur­ [III, IV, V(b) ing. Pro- & VI to IX} cessing, Servicing and Repairs l(V (a)]

M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 2,764 1,960 2,695 138 762 400 58 20 1 1,513 79 8 2 2,250 4,235 2,7H 1,931 2,621 136 717 394 57 20 1 1,490 78 8 2 2,208 4,150 169 128 214 2 163 11 1 39 2 147 304 247 181 263 5 119 46 1 97 5 215 403 237 174 155 15 16 139 15 154 267 299 210 259 10 84 7 168 10 206 417 241 165 235 87 17 131 7 2 119 384 287 235 175 14 15 2 1 158 13 177 344 340 218 248 14 3 14 8 223 14 249 409 274 178 201 3 44 12 4 141 3 191 330 171 111 274 7 52 53 1 168 7 207 411 169 97 307 59 13 203 55 4 87 4 255 441 277 234 290 7 121 29 1 1 139 5 1 228 440 53 19 74 2. 4S 6 1 23 1 42 85 5,810 3,745 5,628 US 543 9 775 16 46 7 4,204 213 8 12 4,895 8,793

436 248 514 16 124 156 7 18 2. 216 7 493 840 144 56 344 10 13 89 242 10 10 377 601 471 246 462 5 89 84 1 289· 4 396 701 411 444 294 19 1 1 292 19 1 209 492 515 370 408 10 42 21 7 338 10 7 319 635 472 249 583 4 96 96 4 387 4 407 783 368 228 317 4 2.5 7 285 4 308 574 491 364 310 17 9 301 17 138 540 443 315 281 28 25 1 255 28 265 48° 456 262 593 17 45 1 173 5 1 370 15 449 895 643 402 731 67 57 8 73 8 9 4 592 47 1 542 85 8 522 287 382 25 10 1 371 25 358 661 438 274 409 23 16 64 3 326 23 454 732


187 188


Location Name of Tahsil/Village Area of No. of No. of Total Population Scheduled Scheduled Code (with Hadbast No.) Tahsil in Occupied House- (including Institutional Castes Tribes No. Sq. Kms. Resi- holds & Houseless and of dential Population) Village Houses in Hectares

P M F M F M F 12 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 3/2 Firozpur Tahsil (Rural) 1,778,'5 51,773 51,780 314,014 166,614 147,400 38,401 33,047 1 Bodel Pireke (343) 241 14 14 74 40 34 2 Mahamud Khanke (342) 55 8 8 64 35 29 Bamanwala (339) 228 8 8 54 26 28 3 Un- 4 Pireke Hithar (341) 118 5 Pireke Uttar (262) 121 116 116 645 336 309 3 6 6 Bura Sarwan (340) 38 15 15 81 42 39 7 Mida (264) 154 80 80 484 246 238 16 13 8 Nathu Chishti (261) 105 49 49 291 147 144 2 9 Pir Bakhash (267) 301 105 105 658 334 324 9 6 10 Balalke Rohela (265) 134 33 33 190 94 96 11 Ghulla (280) 129 61 61 346 186 160 17 16 12 Sulla (279) 93 91 91 485 244 241 92 92 13 Duleke Ghairabad (269) 96 15 15 85 41 44 14 Badalke Hithar (283) 37 17 17 96 48 48 5 2 15 Gatti Ajaib Singhwala (330) 148 11 11 68 39 29 (331) 639 227 227 1,351 725 626 9 9 16 Duleke Nathuwala Un- 17 Khereke Hithar (325) 299 18 Khereke 'Uttar (284) 150 143 143 864 463 401 10 5 19 Badalke Uttar (282) 91 37 37 199 108 91 20 Duleke Abad (283/332) 71 15 15 96 52 44 21 Nureke (285) 153 51 51 307 157 150 22 Chak Panjeke (288) 183 57 57 356 186 170 23 Sawaya Rai Hithar (322) 62 23 23 131 71 60 24 Sawaya Rai Uttar (286) 259 130 130 764 404 360 7 5 25 Isa Panj Grain (287) 242 92 92 459 243 216 26 Sher Singhwala (326) 187 33 33 185 99 86 27 Nau Baramad Sher Singhwala (327) 507 104 104 544 288 256 2 28 Rana Panj Grain (320) 620 73 73 382 206 176 3 29 Dona Bhadru (314) 53 5 5 25 16 9 .' 30 Gudar Panj Grain (317) 134 53 53 311 167 144 Un- 31 Dona Gudar Panj Grain( 318) 71 n Panjeke Uttar (294) 631 508 508 2,989 1,504 1,485 131 129 33 Megba Panj Grain Uttar (295) 92 18 18 106 59 47 34 Panjeke Hithar (316) 110 25 25 156 79 77 35 Ilabi Bakbash BodIa (315) 93 7 7 22 10 12 829 436 393 1 36 Megha Panj Grain Hithar (311) 360 138 138 Un- 37 Dona Khungike (312/313) 52 1 2 2 38 Dona Bahadarke (307) 625 1 Un- 39 Chak Sarkar Mazi Bahadarke (306) 153 .. 40 Chak Chhanga Rai (308) 409 230 230 1,342 696 646 38 34 41 Bahadarke (301) 618 119 119 602 306 296 9 7 42 Chhanga Rai Hithar (309) 53 13 13 57 29 28 43 Chhanga Rai Uttar (298) 505 372 372 1,916 996 920 15 8 44 Bula Rai Hithar (310) 279 7 7 36 19 17 45 BuIa Rai Uttar (297) 263 118 llS 700 370 330 5 7 46 Haji Betu (296) 265 76 76 423 221 202 7 5 828 306 306 1,766 898 868 113 115 47 Mohanke Hithar (172) 56 48 Nunari Khokhar (299) 190 51 51 270 134 136 48 49 Bajeke (300) 663 171 171 1,055 551 504 43 29 50 Pindi (169) 351 177 177 1,018 504 514 54 43 51 WasuJ Mohanke (170) 280 124 124 789 417 372 77 73 52 Mohanke Uttar (168) 738 413 413 2,420 1,224 1,196 46 43 227 139 139 928 491 437 227 191 53 Mandiwal (171) 57 54 Saideke Mohan (173) 223 78 78 481 244 237 56 5S QutabJarh (174) 475 122 122 703 383 320 5 9 189

CENSUS ABSTRACf FlROZPUR DISTRIct MAIN WORKERS Marginal Non-Workers Total Main Agricultural Household Other Workers Workers Cultivators Labourers Industry- Workers (I-IX) (I) (II) Manufactur- [III. IV, V(b) iog. & VI to IX) Processing, Servicing and ZIRA' Repairs Loc"·.!.·_' _____ [V (a) 1 (', M --_---- F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 52,391 25,909 95,778 3,031 57,632 920 24,938 1,464 1,007 73 12,201 574 1,987 10,339 68,849 1,34,030 7 4 24 24 16 34 6 2 19 19 16 29 1 1 21 21 5 28 inhabited 136. 39 182 110 65 7 154 308 , , , , , , , , , 0 . , ,0 4 21 2 12 2 9 2 15 19 22 75 36 140 76 50 5 9 127 106 111 31 10 89 55 31 1 2 81 58 63 169 96 168 15 124 12 17 3 6 21 166 309 27 12 58 58 11 36 85 67 33 113 74 32 7 73 160 118 68 124 14 62 44 14 4 14 2 120 225 21 12 30 20 7 3 10 11 34 16 9 27 2 21 2 6 21 20 25 12 1 20 20 13 19 16 55 6 452 7 375 3 59 4 17 2 406 271 213 inhabited 00 176 95 291 208 66 2 15 64 172 336 36 10 59 34 22 3 45 49 46 22 13 33 4 29 20 19 24 33 10 94 84 5 5 1 104 62 46 50 9 95 85 6 4 28 93 63 77 6 38 1 24 14 1 27 33 32 121 25 254 4 199 40 4 14 38 150 318 52 4 147 1 135 1 11 1 3 87 93 128 20 59 52 7 40 86 29 2 170 141 1 21 8 118 255 65 23 129 115 10 2 2 10 71 166 3 10 9 1 7 6 2 32 9 82 79 1 1 4 63 81 81

inhabited 00 .. 510 256 862 18 500 4 155 3 9 1 198 10 46 168 596 1,299 15 2 30 1 30 1 3 30 26 16 20 6 41 2 36 2 5 38 75 2 1 7 6 1 3 12 171 79 261 5 240 9 12 5 23 175 365 inhabited 1 2 "2 inhabited 184 39 348 2 258 68 2 20 50 199 298 445 120 63 188 153 23 12 118 296 2 1 16 16 3 9 10 19 213 23 437 1 369 3 5 60 187 466 372 453 3 10 10 9 17 176 31 208 2 171 27 2 10 162 328 113 63 120 2 90 2 21 9 20 101 180

387 219 528 2 254 188 O' 14 72 2 7 50 363 816 35 17 70 1 19 25 1 26 7 64 128 151 175 317 10 235 3 34 5 2 46 2 1 2 233 492 215 113 289 7 137 2 87 4 8 57 1 13 66 202 441 189 94 231 7 102 68 4 J 60 3 1 186 364 320 73 693 4 487 1 139 3 8 59 176 530 1,016 173 83 304 194 120 33 159 160 25 1 187 243 100 48 149 1 104 1 29 16 95 236 122 46 Z26 153 56 17 157· 320 VILLAGE PRIMARY FIROZPUR TAHSIL

Location Name of Village Area of No. of No. of Total Population (including Scheduled Scheduled Code (with Hadbast No.) Village Occupied House. Institutional & Houseless Castes Tribes No. In Residential holds Population) Hectares Houses

P M F M F M F 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 3/2/56 Nadana (175) 556 166 166 1,{)35 511 524 60 58 57 Kuti (176) 251 92 92 551 307 244 16 15 58 Chak Nidana (177) 403 164 164 1,061 553 508 47 44 59 Mahantanwala (178) 496 91 91 430 233 197 102 77 60 Talewali (179) 431 67 67 433 216 217 13 20 61 lhariwala (180) 452 129 129 738 393 345 137 123 62 Hadiwala (184) 582 92 92 542 282 260 9 7 63 Chak Mahantanwala (181) 501 144 144 979 485 494 88 81 64 Moranwala (186) 267 7S 78 512 267 245 30 33 65 MaIikzada (291) 320 88 88 566 294 272 2 2 66 Thatheranwala (182) 406 142 142 938 513 425 69 53 67 TiIuArain (289) 129 25 25 194 96 98 68 Tarpalke (290) 179 49 49 281 154 127 17 16 69 liwa Arain (292) 630 214 214 1,338 693 645 183 139 70 Mehmun loya (274) 259 74 74 439 234 205 39 43 71 Barhan Bhatti (275) 95 27 27 139 72 67 5 4 72 Rukha Bodla (293) 138 53 53 280 138 141 58 57 73 Rahme Shah Bodla (276) 137 50 50 330 175 155 4 3 74 Seikh Shaman (277) 78 24 24 138 77 61 23 17 75 Bilimar (278/324) 93 31 31 190 92 98 8 5 76 Balelke Hasal (266/336) 186 60 60 394 193 201 77 Balalke Kamalwala (337) 321 130 130 685 363 322 78 Thara SinghwaJa Uttar (268) 93 141 141 831 420 411 7 4 79 Thara Singhwala Hithar (335) 24 .. . . -- Un- 80 Amir Khas (270) 714 300 300 1,609 848 761 49 44 81 Chak Kathgarh (190) 509 135 135 753 387 366 10 13 82 Chak Rakh Amir (189) 195 172 172 918 477 441 20 21 83 Shamashdin Chishti (271) 141 70 70 383 190 193 7 4 84 Sher Mohamad Mahigir (273) 502 163 163 870 452 418 6 5 85 Rukna Qasam (281) 241 74 74 496 254 242 2 6 86 Burhandinwala (272) 168 58 58 391 207 184 9 7 87 Chak Burwala (187) 223 82 82 510 274 236 60 53 88 ChakJaimalgarh (183) 297 76 76 475 247 228 20 23 89 Jaimalgarh (185) 541 100 100 618 329 289 21 19 90 Burwala (188) 458 109 109 714 354 360 39 44 91 Chak Sawahwala (191) 420 67 67 409 208 201 25 16 92 Sawahwala (192) 647 174 174 1,063 572 491 18 13 93 Chak Saidoke (120) 1,703 393 393 2,246 1,230 1,016 252 232 94 Ghanga Khurd (124) 711 148 148 834 439 395 24 21 95 Ghanga Kalan (123) 1,252 190 190 1,197 651 546 19 14 96 Roranwali (122) 826 177 177 987 539 448 150 121 97 Chak Kala Singhwala (126) 1,026 198 198 1,050 568 482 261 205 98 Chak lawahar Singhwala (130) 1,244 193 193 1,054 552 502 277 241 99 Rattewala urf Sohangarh (121) 1,253 368 368 2,288 1,240 1,048 169 128 100 Jandwala (160) 1,115 280 280 1,704 897 807 244 209 101 Ranjitgarh (159) 1,191 137 . 137 921 509 412 195 159 102 Fatehgarh (158) 638 114 114 746 392 354 68 61 103 Lopon (157) 1,042 156 156 984 522 462 132 122 104 Kahan Singhwala (156) 811 74 74 416 234 182 79 63 105 Sharinwala (155) 1,237 263 263 1,545 825 720 278 224 106 Baghuwala (163) 193 39 39 229 117 112 22 25 Mothanwala (161) 336 130 130 880 465 415 88 81 --1€J Guru Har Sahai (162) 5,509 2,105 2,105 12,256 6,422 5,834 1,753 1,572 109 Virak Khurd (165) 137 68 68 400 207 193 31 31 110 Mare I

F M F M F M F M F M F M M F M F 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 21 28 1 5 54 117 52 304 2 135 110 1 3 201 519 126 5l 166 55 77 76 55 13 .. 141 ]89 244 147 337 1 246 .. 39 4 48 1 76' 216 431 69 36 142 .. 76 57 9 .. 40 91 ]57 79 49 121 1 86 21 8 1 1 2 94 214 161 94 241 5 129 78 1 3 31 3- \4 :n \38 309 73 35 188 2 lSI 19 18 2 94 258 224 131 252 4 166 1 46 I 9 31 2 4\) 238- 193 252 121 71 159 106 24 10 19 1 55 107 190 l 100 59 164 106 47 .. 10 no 272 221 128 273 .5 170 56 3 2 41 61 240 359 58 50 56 1 41 12 3 1 40 97 51 26 95 24 60 11 59 127 326 194 3.59 32 173 146 31 3 37 1 3 55 331 558 121 89 130 74 17 39 9 122 95 83 35 23 36 24 11 1 36 67 52 37 75 8 40 2 17 4 13 2 1 63 133 &8 34 97 37 47 6 1 78' 155 29 9 39 8 21 4 12 38 49 37 21 S4 42 8 4 2 37 36 61 46 23 96 3 &0 2 16 1 64 91 134 52 7 219 .. 203 13 3 6 96 138 226 84 13 249 41 145 S 92 33 12 7 154 164 216 inhabited 317 148 509 10 273 2 124- 3 5 107 5 124 339 627 lOS 49 225 70 132- 23 3 162 363 182 81 272 152 86 34 219 205 222 85 29 110 9 41 25 6 38 3 4 SO 180 124 45 278 256 14 8 174 418 52 17 166 109 52 5 152 88 90 94 41 108 95 2 3 8 98 184 105 S4 104 68 25 11 170 236 134 74 13& 2 105 2 21 3 9 109 -1 1 225 146 95 171 1 141 21 1 .. S 1 IS7 283 112 54 204 8 121 20 2 4- 6 59 150 352 34 15 102 .. 80 18 4 2 106' 199 271 1]5 309 1 253 1 30 5 21 263 490 297 115 667 3 477 1 lOS 19 66 2 66 87 497 926 96 65 284 1 184 74 'i 24 1 34 1505 360 157 83 408 1 333 54 21 1 '243 54$

164 78 343 2 171 140 1 3 23 4 4 192 442 166 76 376 177 164 3 32 3 26 189 456 168 83 347 15 126 192 ii 1 28 4 2 5 203 482 403 ISO 738 5 418 220 5 20 13-0 3 502 .1.040 249 155 429 13 247 141 2, 41 1L 53 163 41:S 631 109 62 326 30 182 1 116 29 1 27 183 382 95 52 229 15 131 14 4 60 10 22 1 163 399 263 153 314 3 224 SO 1 19 1 21 208 459 91 56 131 SO 49 2 103 182 2135 188 437 2 210 120 1 46 2 30 125 358 593 38 26 73 57 IS 1 3 76 41 36 173 83 292 1 191 72 29 1 173 414 2,016 _1.047 :1.666 117 1.794 :9 1,108 74 42 1 722 33 15 211 2.741 5,506 S6 32 117 .. 66 50 .. 1 9{) 193 64 6 268 23 242 22 15 1 1 III 189 JS() 192 riROZPUR TAHSIL VlLLAGE pRiMARy

Location Name of Village Area of No. of No. of Total Population (including Scheduled Scheduled Code (with Hadbast No.) Village Occupied House- Institutional & Houseless Castes Tribes No. in Residential holds Population) Hectares Houses

P M F M F M F 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 3121111 Mare Khurd (167) 229 190 190 1,019 530 489 8 5 112 Chugha (164) 818 137 137 801 418 383 134 120 113 Chak Tahliwala (236) 314 69 69 439 239 200 96 I 83 114 Chak Jamiat Singbwala (237) 538 94 94 651 355 296 57 41 115 Alike Jhugian (248) 162 53 53 346 189 157 2 2 116 Koer Singhwala (238) 1,032 240 240 1,564 821 743 263 200 117 Chak Somianwala (239) 372 96 96 533 293 240 4S 33 118 Chak Kande Shah (323) 259 83 83 563 299 264 15 18 119 Chak Megbawiran (324) 376 95 95 533 287 246 37 23 120 Ahmad Dhandi (322) 359 162 162 987 507 480 5 8 121 Chak Mabain Hardo Dhandi (240) 469 106 106 632 353 279 16 IS 122 Guddar Dhandi (241) ·751 223 223 1,328 705 623 97 88 123 Alfooke (247) 494 71 71 523 277 246 80 74 124 Hamad (242) 728 97 97 828 435 393 5 6 125 Lakhoke Behram (252) 792 347 347 2,147 1,119 1,028 793 742 126 Dona Nawab Sahib (256) 19 .. . . Un- 127 Kari Kalan (257) 477 193 193 1,091 584 507 213 194 128 Kari Khurd (251) 114 9 9 48 21 27 129 Sharinwala (250) . 276 70 70 424 219 205 71 63 130 Dila Ram (249) 652 232 232 1,315 719 596 147 109 131 Lohra Nawab Sahib (235) . 197 43 43 261 141 120 2 3 132 Burj Makhan Singbwala (234) 383 72 72 444 227 217 91 96 133 Mohre (259) 365 73 73 478 245 233 109 107 134 Jhoke Tahal Singh (260) 456 128 128 747 402 345 163 130 135 Tabliwa]a (231) 170 36 36 224 132 92 25 15 136 Sham SinghwaJa (232) 262 67 67 496 274 222 87 51 137 Chak Haraj (233) 412 118 118 727 392 335 22 20 138 Theh Gujjar (230) 232 38 38 292 160 132 66 60 139 Chak Sadhuwala (229) 242 45 45 234 125 109 66 56 140 Chak Roranwala (220) 198 34 34 207 106 101 16 20 141 Chubar Khilchi (221/B) 196 29 29 216 122 94 142 Gulam Patra (219) 391 78 78 469 252 217 26 18 143 Nasira Khilchi (221/A) 375 101 101 678 352 326 138 119 144 Mehma (228) 841 186 186 1.233 679 554 189 168 145 Machhiwara (227) 277 30 30 209 112 97 4 1 146 Jang (261) 500 175 175 1,011 538 473 206 184 147 Toor (258) 278 58 58 330 178 152 48 46 148 Buttar (262) 132 67 67 328 176 152 88 76 149 Killi (263) 239 92 92 573 329 244 96 78 150 Tara Singhwala (226) 231 90 90 573 302 271 111 83 151 Dod (225) 229 64 64 385 231 154 57 34 152 Bharoli Bhan (224) 215 32 32 180 100 80 22 14 153 Ma1Ihuwala (223) 306 82 82 485 268 217 22 15 154 Khangarh (267) 289 102 102 583 309 274 156 119 155 Bhure Khurd (268) 199 74 74 438 224 214 60 55 156 Phuiarwan (271) 189 46 46 285 158 127 70 55 157 Bhabra Azam Shahwala (222) 987 283 283 1.727 929 798 119 91 158 Dhira Patra (217) 812 184 184 1,197 636 561 148 111 159 Saideke Rohela (86) 250 46 46 325 171 154 20 14 160 Gamewala (85) 546 200 200 1,181 631 550 318 273 161 Begu Mahu (84) 100 50 50 254 134 120 63 54 162 Bhure Kalan (83) 256 79 79 486 256 230 152 131 163 Jbok Naudh Singh (82) 202 53 53 310 153 157 35 25 164 Sodhiwala (79) 44 Un- 165 Waryamwala (80) 131 36 36 250 130 120 42 43 193



L!terates. Total Main Cultivators Agricultural Househ0!9- Other Marg{nal Non-Worke~ Workers (I) Labourers Industry­ Workers Wor"ers~ O-TX) (In Manufacturing, {Ill, IV, V(b) Processfng; & VI to IX] Servicing and Repairs rV (a)]

M F .M F M F M F M F M F M F M F 13 14 IS 16 17 18 ]9 20 21 22 ;!3 24 25 26 27 28 10.2 31 330 86 260 85 52 3 15 200 154 88 243 149 78 t 15 175 ~j 60 31 148 (,8 n 3 S 91 200 75 35 242 Il"J 4S 14 .. 113 .196 45 14 11)2 ('5 39 ..... 8 2 7 85 150 232 149 407 24 218 2 143 18 3 3 .. 43 1 41 188 373 531 98 40 160 2 95 48 1 .. ' 17 '1 1)3 138 8, 21 177 , . 14~ . . 18 4 12 lRi '122 77 86 3') 181 3 12l ., 53 I 3 4 171 106 72 l64 57 183 225 46 1 11 224 480

144 90 223 3 133 _69 2 21 .··f' 130 276 226 136 418 3 331 1 46 1 9 L ~1 l .. " 2 ~287 618 4 246 123 79 147 ,. 129 . . l4 . " 'no ISO 96 279 146 198 W3 54 36 '7 4 20 :; s 4S 151 199 194 223 532 3 316 155 6 S5 3 1 587 1,024

, nhPbited ..j._- .. 185 101 306 11s 127 3 r 43 1 218 503 27 1 1 15 .. 13 2 t>e .. '", .~ 6 39 tS 141 14S lOS 115 33 ~ 33- I :2 ,. 18 57 24); ])9 394 5 204- 139 5 51 325 59l 64 39 77 70 I 1 S 64 120 87 4S 127 58 44 25 .. 100 217 56 41 138 65 62 11 107 233 126 86 230 6 97 95 38 172 339 50 23 64 43 12 9 68 92

82 53 ]5~ 102 4S 1T ] 16 222 III 71 221 190 19 12 111 335 51 27 Hli 2 54 47 59 130 31 Hi 79 32 42 5 46 109 31 34 71 57 B 1 35 101 39 22 69 66 3 , , 66 53 28 64 27 145 i11 26 4 4 107, 211 (14 133 323 94 52 219 3 2 '1& '. ~ I 27 1 •.. 144 65 472 6 287 5 1St 1 5 29 It 132 ,196. 416 24 11 71 16 50 20 16 I - 2 , ~9 .81 180 94 326 I 143 113S 48 I 8 211 464 74 37 132 23 92 23 16 ·1 - 45 129 39 29 107 60 ~~ 1 :35 ~ 69"f 111 125 64. 171 104 . . 61 ; . ·, 12 152 2-\4 112 62 171 2 95 2 68 1 7 3 128 269 78 29 145 104 40 86 154 21 IS 59 45 14 ,.. 41 80 66 39 162 '9 68 5 106 217 49 37 198 85 97 16 111 274 S4 16 144 89 1 44 6 ·. 11 SO 206 3& 14 103 ~ S5 39 9 .. 5S 1.27 :284 132 564 18 335 1 17S 13 · . S4 4 , . '365 7S0 262 116 364 2 224 2 lOt 6 33 4 272 5S5 77 51 92 .. 84 5 , . 3 , , ,. 63 , 79 91 141 70 343 7 128 200 7 15 3 285 543 51 23 80 26 52 ,., 2 ,40 54 SO 64 43 J 55 53 88 14 1 98 Ifl~~OO 132 66 34 93 1 52 37 4 2. :l'l'tj 60 154 inhabited . . . . ~ . 51 43 70 1 43 17 1 10 , 1 - ~ i 59 lJi 194


Loc3.tion Name of Village Area of No. of No. of Total Population (includ­ Scheduled Scheduled Code (with Hadbast No.) Village Decu- HoUSl>- ing. Institutional and Castes Tribel No. in pied 11,0148 Houseless Populatiop) Hectares R.es~den- tial .".' HOpses

P M F M F M F 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

3/2/166 Piroowala (81) 234 53 53 361 201 160 30 27 167 Roranwala (77) 114 35 35 224 114 110 14 10 168 Hussain Dhut (74) 170 59 59 326 170 156 43 34 169 Jalalwala (73) 328 140 140 678 358 320 20 '19, 170 Waghawala (75) 306 130 130 810 415 395 143 130 171 Kandawali (76) 92 90 90 570 296 274 19 , 18 172 Wahagke (282) 287 65 65 394 204 190 59 55 173 Mida Haji (290) 141 5 5 24 12 12 .. 174 Ala Dhuto (274) 45 6 6 47 25 22 175 Mehal Singhwala (273) 119 86 93 516 282 234 256 216 176 Sadar Dinwala (272) 204 61 61 355 191 164 23 16 171 Hussain Shahwala (270) 121 39 39 223 113 110 57 51 .. 17g Pir Khan Sheikh (269) 172 44 44 293 164 129 18 17 179 Chhanga Makhna (276) 49 .2 2 16 8 8 180 Kala Tibba (275) 92 30 30 189 89 100 20 19 181 Kamal Din Niazi (283) 149 8 8 32 17 15 182 Tibbi Khurd (281) 294 82 82 532 278 254 26 23 183 Karman (265) 832 258 258 1,753 919 834 236 201 184 Sodhiwala (266) 271 94 94 553 296 257 104 80. 185 Nawan Qila (264) 231 63 63 389 209 180 117 91 186 Jodhpur (304) 338 82 82 604 329 275 110 107 f87 Khamba (253) 145 75 75 506 261 245 6 4 188 Betu Qadim (245) 487 176 176 1,055 540 515 57 64 189 Lodharan (246) 124 32 32 188 96 92 190 Daryake (244) 126 49 49 307 157 150 11 14 191 Malsian (243) 113 23 23 152 78 74 27 28 192 Bodal (314) 104 53 53 351 178 173 16 , 15 193 Mirza Lakhok. (315) 108 21 21 153 82 71 4 3 194 Wadi (320) 150 55 55 312 154 158 195 Madyake (319) 145 31 31 243 122 121 Megha Rai (326) 440 316 316 1,877 942 935 72 65 ~ Chak Megha Mahtam (325) 144 45 45 26l 142 125 198 Chak Madyake (318) 174 74 74 40' 220 187 199 Atuwal!l. :Uttar (317) 144 11 11 53 29 24 200 Atuwala Hithar (327) 93 45 45 276 141 135 201 Chak Shikargah (328) 175 24 24 131 70 61 12 6 202 Dona Raja Dina Nath (329) 22S Un- 203 Dona Mattar (332) 956 234 234 1,397 7it 686 9 8 204 Mattar Hithar (333) 504 91 91 642 329 313 14 7 205 Mattar Uttar (316) 281 128 128 735 405 330 25 17 206 Awan (321) 134 34 34 226 121 105 7 8 207 Raoke Uttar (313) 179 33 33 206 106 100 5 6 208 Raoke Hithar (334) 428 213 213 1,247 651 596 4 6 209 Gatti Mattar (362) 483 55 55 330 174 156 16 12 210 Raja Rai (355) 306 35 35 190 ]05 85 211 Chak Raoke Hithar (335) 178 50 50 270 135 135 17 13 212 Doni Khundar (360) 11 ,. Un- 213 Pharuwala (357) . 195 55 55 339 166 173 15 10 214 Khundar Hithar (336) 342 28 28 140 79 61 215 Jaman Rakhia HUhar (337) 289 139 139 -788 423 365 9 10 216 Jaman Rakhia Uttar (310) 123 90 90 496 25t 245 195 186 217 ~hood~ Uttar (312) 175 110 110 642 329 313 68 75 218 Ch!lk Khundar (~11) 109 30 30 175 88 87 219 Jatala (255) 175 45 45 279 142 137 27 27 220 Saideke NauI (2S4) 260 60 60 438 240 198 60 44 195

'CENSUS ABSTRACT FIROZPUR DISTRICT MAIN WORKERS Literates Marginal Non.. Workers '- .Total Main Cultivators .' Agri~~' 'Household Other Wor1fcn Workers , ' ..). L&bo ... _.. InduStij..:;.. , Wbrkers (I-IX) (I) (II) M_lICturing, (IiI, IV, V(b) Pi" "" &V! to IX] Servi~~nd .. Repi'IHi'{V(a»)

M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 21i 79 39 126 95 23 8 75 160 40 14 74 59 7 8 1 39 110 64 31 104 5 99 5 5 82 66 69 79 15 239 209 21 9 ~ ., 119 320 134 76 237 3 183 37 3 17 6 178 386 65 7 177 3 137 2 26 14 119 ' 271 57 34 133 15 109 3 19 12 5 71 175 6 1 5 ; 5 1 12 13 12 12 12 .. .. 13 27 14 149 18 11 130 til 8 39 133 171 52 24 108 2 50 1 48 1 10 3 83. lSi 29 19 68 1 29 35 1 4 4S 10: 33 6 95 85 3 7 1 69 121 3 4 3 1 -i' .. 4- 20 16 54 42 9 3 7 35 9~1"( 6 13 13 4 lsI 110 59 168 132 22 14 5 105 2S4 258 125 512 4 329 138 3 45 1 ,6' 43 401 787 55 26 159 3 87 55 2 1 16 _1 .. • , it1 131 254 24 20 125 4 88 18 19 4' 84 176 i 63 22 185 106 6') 1 18 144 275 107 45 191 173 10 .. 8 7{) 245 269 141 244 1 167 1 31 1 44 .n 1 296 513 34 13 61 53 8 ,3 S9 30 33 85 63 72 52 10 .. 10 8i 150 18 12 44 30 "14 34 74 88 62 91 70 12 '9 io 2 71 171 32 21 39 34 S .. ,3 40 71 S3 25 87 87 67 . IS8 64 51 71 62 9 51 " 121 185 39 597 140 366 53 133 16 17 4 81 67 7 266 338 529 55 16 97 93 4 45- - 125 56 10 164 8 162 7 2 1 56 179 5 2 19 19 00 10 24 19 91 iii 7S i6 16 6 1 52 49: 67 ~~ : 13 5 46 46 24 61 jnhabited 93 :ii 4si i3 399 42 ij io 1 259 673 59 26 196 178 7 11 133 313 124 35 249 210 17 22 156 330 37 39 73 61 9 3 48 105 18 1 S6 44 10 2 8 35 42 65 80 6 411 281 121 1 8 2 240 594 39 13 97 71 1 26 3 15 74 140 22 5 48 37 11 S 54 52 31 25 12 83 4 63 19 4 1 3 24 49 107 inhabited 36 is 98 73 19 6 ·9 87 59 86 21 8 48 2 32 11 5 1 4 26 27 33 85 5 260 92 139 29 163 365 62 11 148 141 5 2 103 245 180 113 191 15 101 46 44 15 138 298 .29 5 54 4 49 1 57 34 30 39 94 1 66 21 1 7 48 136 49 136 1 92 30 14 1 104 197 r: , - .. ; 196


Location Name ofviUage Area of No. of No. of Total Population (ipclud­ Scheduled Scheduled Code (with Hadbast No.) vfi1age Oc:ca- House-: iog Institutional and Castes Tribes No. :eet- .~ holds Houseless Population) ares tiaL,. I' ~

P M F M F M F 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 to 11 12 3/2/221 Chak Sawai Khurd (309) 17 12 12 69 37 32 222 Hazara Singhwala (339) 628 275 275 1,660 855 805 11 6 223 Lakha Singhwala Hithar (340) 563 139 139 803 414 389 10 13 224 Lakha Singhwala Uttar (308) 25 26 26 144 71 73 22S Sawai Bhokhari (307) 243 67 67 358 185 173 20 21 226 Chupati (306) 149 48 48 289 149 140 16 14 227 Mamdot Uttar (305) 736 592 592 3,574 2,049 1,525 430 300 228 Mamdot Hithar (341) 800 311 311 1,945 1,127 818 49 6 229 Dona Rahmatwala (363) 123 7 7 28 17 11 14 9 230 Dona JaimalwaJa (343) 560 2 2 6 4 2 4 2 231 Lakhmirke Hithar (342)1 100 54 54 194 154 140 232 Lakhmirke Uttar (302) 76 53 53 337 179 158 6 3 233 Basti Pathananwali (303) 101 13 13 69 38 31 234 Chak Ghobai AUas Taran wala (300) 326 98 98 , 583 309 274 235 Rahimeke Uttar (301) 227 128 128 722 370 352 30 32 236 Rahimeke Hithar (945) 96 6 6 48 17 31 237 Chak Dona Rahimeke (344Js 110 42 42 236 133 103 238 Gatti Basti Masta No. I (3 ) 39 47 47 263 136 127 239 Gatti Basti Masta No.2 (358) '216 30 30 171 88 83 240 Malaha Rahimeke Uttar (297) 72 33 33 244 125 119 7 6

241 ChaIt Ghobai Abas Taogan (299)1 29S 101 101 539 284 255 19 . 13 ~., Malha Rohimeke Hithar (346) . 70 3 3 19 7 . 12 ~ Tibbi Kalan (271) 521 168 168 1,098 601 497 118 85 244 Chak Karl (280) 62 11 11 60 28 32 245 Mohamad Khan Niazi (279) 80 30 30 146 77 69 10 15 246 Kakar (278) ~ 121 49 49 343 181 162 5 2 247 Pojuke UttarJ;96) 245 146 146 959 476 483 35 39 248 Inayatke (29 53 16 16 80 40 40 . 56 .. 249 KaJu Arain Uttar (294) " Un- 250 KaJu Arain Hithar (349) 140 160 160 822 , . 411 411 9 4 251 Pojuke Hithar (348) .. 222 21 21 144 86 58 252 Chhanga Khurd (298) 1 34 175 175 928 476 452 40 30 253 Chak Bhangewala (347) 548 134 134 795 405 390 14 14 254 Gatti Chak Jadid (367) 367 · . · . Un- 255 Gatti Mehmudke Hithar (366) 269 1 1 10 4 6 256 Mehmmudke Mahal Hithar (352) 150 14 14 62 37 25 257 Mehmmudke Hithar (289) J 63 · . · . . . Un- 258 Mehmmudke Uttar (293) 66 2 2 9 6 3 259 Lakha Haji (291) 140 78 78 436 237 199 260 -Bhamba Haji (286) 197 142 142 767 394 373 18 27 261 Fattewala Uttar (292) '. 19 4 4 9 5 4 262 Rohela Haji Hithar (353) 25 4 4 19 11 8 263 Gatti Teluwala Mai (364/365) 255 3 3 33 19 14 264 • Fatewala Hithar (351) . 55 S4 54 271 147 124 265 Rohela Haji Uttar (287) 79 44 44 241 125 116 266 ChakSutarya (288) 28 2 2 10 7 3 .. 267 Nihala Kilcha (284) 157 43 43 222 112 110 268 Dona TeJu Malwala (69) 441 1 1 5 2 3 269 Habibwala (70) 362 210 210 1,174 589 585 2 270 Gandhu Kilcha Uttar (285) 36S 40 40 190 9S 9S 271 Ghandhu Kilcha Hithar (354) , 33 Un- 272 Lamochar(67) 53 Un- 273 Ali Aulakh(68) 115 · . · . . . Un- 274 Bareke (66) 1,225 256 256 1,438 747 691 190 166 275 Ghufam Hussainwala (65) 662 159 159 770 419 351 21 16 1~1

cENsus ABStR4CT FlROZPUR DISTRICT MAIN WORKERS Lit~ates Marginal Non-Workers Total Main Cultivators Agricultural Household Other Workers Workers (1) Labourers . Industry- Workers (I-IX) (II) Manufacturing, (III, IV, V(b) Processing, &VI to IX) Servicing and Repairs [V(a)]

-~------M F M F "M F M F M F -----M F M F M F 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 6 16 12 4 21 32 247 38 317 224 70 23 161 377 805 84 8 262 4 125 123 2 5 1 9 1 248 151 137 29 39 27 12 32 73 74 31 98 65 25 8 87 173 .31 2 92 1 50 42 1 79 57 60 1,135 549 1,216 23 260 194 4 12 2 750 17 38 833 1,464 372 81 758 8 219 1 241 3 1 1 297 3 23 369 787 4 3 12 10 2 3 5 8 2 2 2 2 16 10 82 61 1 9 12 34 72 105 32 2 97 67 29 1 19 82 139 9 11 25 24 1 13 31 25 3 180 178 2 129 274 118 74 240 2 165 50 25 2 130 350 1 13 13 24 4 7 17 10 69 .. 19 46 2 2 64 103 38 10 83 46 37 53 127 23 48 47' 1 3 .. 37 83 33 25 83 2 77 4 1 1 2 2 3 40 114 75 17 186 151 23 12 41 98 214 4 3 6 6 ,. 1 12 203 107 293 4 196 69 2 1 27 2 308 493 4 4 16 16 .. 12 32 32 13 43 3 36 6 3 1 .. 34 66 46 20 121 111 9 1 60 126 133 50 310 116 254 44 116 12 166 367 12 29 29 11 40 inhabited .. 74 2 239 181 49 9 172 411 28 3 48 41 7 38 58 70 15 288 3 184 85 1 19 2 188 440 87 33 264 247 7 10 141 399 inhabited 1 3 3 1 6 2 28 28 9 25 inhabited .. 1 2 2 4 3 60 10 120 100 17 3 2 115 199 26 5 228 2 192 2 33 2 1 166 370 4 4 4 1 7 1 5 2 1 4 7 13 11 2 6 14 18 78 1 68 ., 10 1 2 69 121 2 78 78 .. 47 116 2 2 2 5 3 16 5 75 75 2 37 108 1 1 1 . 1 1 3 82 23 299 23 257 23 18 1 23 37 158 253 404 21 1 43 43 52 95 inhabited inhabited inhabited 139 40 441 17 235 2 134 9 72 6 is 175 288 J4S1 118 69 200 2 79 2- 119 2- 219 499 198

PtROZPUR TAHSIL VILLAGE PRIMARY Location Name of Village Area of No. of No. of Total Population (incIud- Scheduled Scheduled Code ~witll HadbastNo.) Village Occu- House- ing Institutional and Castes Tribes No. in pied holds Houseless Population) HectareS Residen- tial Houses •


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 3/2/276 Weir (65/1) 1,399 310 310 1,626 871 755 68 48 277 Machhiwara (62) 156 .. Un- 278 Ghatti Rahimeke (63) 310 119 119 724 357 367 1 279 Kaluwara (61) HI5 9 9 59 34 25 280 Nihalewala (60) 233 15 15 101 49 52 281 Habibke (59) 380 178 178 1,048 556 492 37 31 282 Aulake (64/107) 97 49 49 282 136 146 283 Firozpur (1 OS) 1,998 254 254 1,546 811 735 421 368 284 Madhre (106) 123 41 41 298 158 140 285 Suba Qadim (102) 205 83 83 520 284 236 15 10 286_ Kailuwala (101) 81 26 26 159 84 75 44 33 287 Karian Paheiw(lll (100) 173 47 47 301 152 149 21 25 288 Suba Jadid (103)' - 109 29 29 189 100 89 9 7 289 Gokhiwala (l05) 190 40 40 240 129 111 2 290 Machhiwara (104) 118 38 38 257 137 120 5 5 291 Pir Ismail Khanwala (71) 293 113 113 591 324 267 1 292 Dulewala (72) 161 82 82 459 232 227 132 116 293 Hasteke (99) 195 59 59 396 212 184 12 5 294 Kahan Chandwala (96) 210 207 207 1,162 644 518 450 353 295 Haji Chhimba (97) 19 21 21 146 71 75 18 17 296 Khilchi Jadid (95) 83 49 49 316 171 145 73 64 297 Khilchi Qadim (94) 135 117 111 662 370 292 252 187 298 Naurangke Sial (93) 119 158 158 945 504 441 293 265 299 Piranwala (92) 94 86 86 507 259 248 246 231 300 Ghaniwala (90) 160 14 14 78 44 34 12 11 301 Naurangke Lalli (91) 244 105 105 672 362 310 164 139 302 Luther (98) 111 56 56 294 154 140 122 118 303 Khai (78/88) 1,620 569 569 3,056 1,638 1,418 457 377 304 Miran Shah Noor (87) 68 33 33 170 94 76 3 3 305 Fatuwala (89) 418 182 182 977 493 484 51 55 306 Bukan Khanwala (216) .622 193 193 1,032 540 492 217 216 307 Jhok Harihar (215) 2,202 431 431 2,563 1,387 1,176 833 683 308 Tut (214) 1,010 221 221 1,363 742 621 106 77 309 Rukna Begu (209) 346 196 196 1,203 647 556 218 167 310 Nurpur (213) 973 414 414 2,703 1,407 1,296 204 187 311 Rukna Mungala (115) 112 104 104 604 321 283 100 92 312 Butewala (116) 218 57 57 323 182 141 133 97 313 Bazidpur (212) 1,326 508 508 3,069 1,625 1,444 547 516 314 Bajewala (211) 231 8 8 51 29 22 315 Kasu Bcgu (210) 329 128 128 740 376 364 225 238 316 Sayianwala (208) 369 86 86 507 261 246 98 89 317 Wan (207) 336 82 82 545 295 250 168 151 318 Sappanwali (206) 431 72 72 444 245 199 45 40 319 Bhangar (205) 833 190 190 1,185 646 539 186 143 320 Ratta Khera Punjab Singhwala (204) 653 89 89 607 329 278 215 171 321 Mana Singhwala (203) 527 219 219 1,428 778 650 85 69 322 Jaimalwala Alias Pireana (202) 263 178 178 1,057 564 493 417 362 323 Badhni Jaimal Singh (199) 430 80 80 472 243 229 133 130 324 Machhiwara Alias Kamagar (200) 337 130 130 839 476 363 173 139 325 Kakuwala (127) 477 185 185 1,181 625 556 93 72 326 Malwal (201) 1,594 520 520 3,192 1,747 1,445 787 650 327 Saidanwala (125) 323 87 87 556 296 260 18 18 '. 328 Sanda Hasham (126) , 427 211 211 1,295 695 600 145 117 400 152 152 927 511 416 132 123 329 wa:Ji,r (128) ·40 330 Go . -o(131} 161 13 13 90 SO 4 2 199

CENSUS ABSTRACT FIROZPUR DISTRICT MAIN WORKERS Literates Marginal Non-Wokers Total Main Cultivators Agricultural Household Other Wokers Workers (I) Labosrers Industry- Workers (l-DO (II) Manufacturing, (III, IV, V(b) Processing, & VI to IX) Servicing and Repairs [V(a)]

M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 69 5 521 6 472 5 24 24 1 45 228 305 521 Inhabited 86 2 199 3 194 3 5 158 364 5 22 16 6 1 16 12 9 2 44 27 17 5 52 47 8 309 2 177 119 2 13 32 206 215 284 48 48 1 88 145 254 118 443 9 106 112 1 68 7 157 1 3 368 723 72 42 85 75 2 8 , . 73 140 144 83 141 97 19 3 22 1 43 235 42 26 36 19 13 10 15 8 8 1 48 55 90 54 67 2 40 13 2 14 7 85 140 53 40 53 44 6 3 25 47 64 40 18 69 2 42 7 2 20 .. 60 109 48 15 79 1 64 1 10 5 6 58 113 50 5 207 207 117 267 117 87 134 40 15 112 40 7 1 4 97 183 59 47 117 103 13 1 95 184 58 16 375 30 53 277 29 45 1 . 269 488 23 17 41 24 15 2 30 75 63 18 90 43 37 9 81 145 66 24 178 60 56 62 192 292 155 77 275 59 69 50 156 59. 229 382 27 6 118 4 9 70 3 39 1 18 123 244 16 6 25 11 13 1 5 16 14 18 87 45 186 4 56 106 3 4 1 20 176 306 39 26 82 13 47 22 72 140 594 260 961 12 511 1 243 2 9 198 9 2 3 675 1,403 35 28 59 48 6 5 35 76 87 41 294 197 42 55 199 484 154 77 315 168 132 15 15 210 492 252 104 586 10 202 128 7 13 243 30 15 771 1,151 236 129 462 15 329 60 15 5 68 6 3 274 603 204 94 383 203 120 5 55 264 556 275 340 738 45 297 8 262 33 8 171 3 1 668 1,251 120 47 182 1 53 47 2 80 1 139 282 58 28 104 35 26 1 73 34 5 6 78 100 683 350 871 6 358 315 2 13 185 '4 1 754 1,437 14 7 22 21 1 7 22 113 48 251 6 112 106 6 1 32 125 358 126 77 169 67 65 37 1 92 245 102 33 147 26 69 27 25 148 250 94 57 155 5 91 48 1 15 1 90 194 235 135 413 1 253 88 9 63 1 233 538 98 47 174 3 49 2 69 56 1 155 275 304 195 448 7 218 1 144 3 3 1 83 2 1 329 643 171 46 209 1 35 132 1 2 40 109 114 246 378 64 33 121 7 45 55 6 21 1 122 222 192 71 241 1 118 70 1 53 11 5 224 357 244 125 352 2 181 120 2 51 273 554 685 357 994 107 376 1 487 104 22 109 2 9 4 744 1.33 125 78 166 1 135 1 20 11 130 254 308 192 341 3 157 1 i8 1 14 92 1 31 22 323 579 158 83 306 1 139 138 6 23 1 102 205 31S 19 6 :49 29 , ,- 21 430 200


Location Name of Village Area of No. of No. of Total Population (includ­ Scheduled Scheduled Code (with Hadbast No.) Vil!?ge Occu­ House­ ing Institutional and Castes Tribes No. In pied holds Houseless Population) Hec­ Residen­ tares tial Houses

P M P M F M F 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 3/2/331 Mohkam Bhatti (129) 234 29 29 184 106 78 11 13 .. 331 Yare Shahwala (130) 340 126 126 746 406 340 108 92 333 Sadu Shahwala (138) 417 112 112 679 365 314 24 18 , 334 Pharaya Malwala (29) 365 125 125 809 445 .364 38 27 235 Baggeke Pipal (123) 679 243 243 1,619 875 744. 208 187

336 Pastf'wola (122) 7°6 r8 798 1,81t (\72 ~"'Q 301 248 33 7 Dastul Sahlbwala (124) 775 2 1 h' :'~h 1,h37 "'57 7p£' 290 258 338 Shahdlnwala (119) PO 91) 96 6'-' ~46 ~.,,, 141> 144 339 Mohkam Kh"nwa'a (117) 244 66 66 4:;' 255 707 64 38 340 Satyewala (114) 741 :'f4 64 1,777 947 830 273 273 341 Pir Ahmad Khanwala (113) 110 3Q 39 308 179 1).{) 53 35 342 Kotwa1 (118) 204 44 44 741 f?" 112 60 55 343 A~saJ (PO) 757 133 1:'3 89R 490 40, 3tO 255 10-' 81 344 GiIIanwala (121) :'73 r7 67 441 244 1°~ 345 Baghall Sfnghwala (110) 115 40 4C) ~5' 1"" , '''6 20 17 77 ~46 Hakewala (112) 111) 1m tOl 75!l 391 ~67 93 347 R~mewala (111) 46 4R 48 '.QQ 155 14·· 87 73 348 Theth (l09) 47 7 7 40 "1 19 14 10 349 Sodhewala (50) 711 1)1) 1"0 ':F'!) 2f10 r'7 7 7 350 Khush1.1 S!nghwala (49) 111 192 lQ' 1,28'5 (;98 5"8 280 21, 63 351 Xhaneke Aha! (48) 113 3'"1 "'·0 .,,0171) )<8 82 69 352 Padrf (47) 118 41 4· ' 1~6 1'2 45 49 35~ Rajfwala (46) 71'0 4 174 143 378 Tali Gulam (327) ]85 39 39 230 127 108 122 108 379 Dhira Ghara (326) 329 52 52 298 150 148 139 137 380 Bundala (32~) 1,136 96 96 580 338 242 381 Kaleke Hithar (343) 332 48 48 321 174 147 18 ~ 17 382 Qutab Dinwah (1) 276 74 74 455 217 218 3 3 383 Dula Singhwala (2) 442 132 132 ,71 489 382 122 93 384 Ruknewala (3) 449 118 118 786 428 358 79 84 385 Kamala Middu (15) 188 38 38 275 144 131 201

CENSVS ABSTRACT F'IROZPUR DISTRIct MAIN WORKERS Literatc (I) an Manufacturing, (III, IV, V(b) Processing, & VI to IX) Servieing and Repairs [V(a)]

______._- ~~~------_ __.__.__,~-~ M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F 13 14 15 16 17 18 1-9 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 30 18 60 40 19 ., 1 8 46 70 115 58 241 3 153 65 3 2 21 1 51 164 286 84 34 219 3 160 39 3 10 10 1 145 311 160 51 263 204 37 22 182 364 313 146 524 2 300 160 6 58 2 52 351 690 402 839 323 139 570 "" 343 131 96 344 219 47-1- 2 264 1 178 32 1 382 778 121 67 190 r 78 127 35 1 156 325 102 202 95 52 153 "" 95 56 2 419 237 537 " 285 1 108 9 1 135 3 410 825 49 22 111 71 38 .1 68 129 39 22 8" 74 38 32 41 39 :I 3 47 38 203 408 139 51 287 "" 67 206 14 91 50 13(; 2 61 60 15 2 5 9 103 188 fO 43 75 1 57 2 16 1 3 51 125

144 88 )26 136 65 25 165 367 20 16 R" 37 ~6 1 1 70 144 8 5 10 4 6 .. 2 7 9 12 84 1 82 185 42 127 2 99 1 14 " " 14 192 117 358 11 130 2 200 9 2 26 2 340 575 40 81 14 11 41 10 37 " " 34 27 79 16 27 6 5 47 122 91 137 145 72 16 139 40 89 " " 2 8 72 44 76 73 2 1 1 79 146 24 17 46 31 15 34 75 18 9 40 4 30 10 3 1 27 47 81 45 92 2 44 20 28 2 90 151 7 3 49 46 1 2 25 77 294 601 184 99 424 221 "" 152 11 40 195 68 530 13 388 2 93 1 48 10 1 373 815 134 56 300 257 31 12 139 416 19 43 14 3 37 " . 35 2 47 13 131 1 100 11 17 1 20 :05 171 . " inhabited " - " " 44 8 167 124 6 3 7 5~ 118 205 43 14 136 134 2 91 202 6 5 11'; 16 9 18 11 6 . 17 12 5 14 34 76 32 159 86 56 17 124 235 57 34 01 1 44 16 1 1 6 50 76 57 28 68 45 11 ]2 69 40 30 265 126 Qll< 601 1:;'1 36 1 542 1,243 12 4 40 40 13 48 22 26 99 35 155 132 16 1 6 40 '73 117 81 SI 16 1(0 73 4 3 70 118 24 7 44 38 6 1 35 61 12 6 119 137 1 59 164 'j 6 82 ~2 40 1G8 8 4 86 1(\ 6::- 2 t_,:~ 148 24 } 246 :'43 3 92 242 36 15 97 81 10 6 ." 77 144 54 24 14fi t 117 1 78 1 91 217 83 36 322 247 63 12 167 382- 122 66 254 234 10 10 174 358 39 16 83 83 61 131 202


Location Name of Village Area of No. or No. of Total Population {includ- Scheduled Scheduled Code (with Hadbast No.) Village Occu- House- ing Institutional & Castes Trib~ No. in Hec- pied holds Houseless Popul~tion) tares Residen- tial Houses

P M F M F. M F 2 3' 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 3/2{386 Gurditiwala (4) 86 26 26 190 99 91 1 387 Fata Bora (5) 224 39 39 234 118 116 7 5 388 Jaimalwala (6) 278 113 113 657 355 302 131 122, 389 Ilmalwala Khurd (7) 201 103 103 589 325 264 150 1361 390 Aliwala (8) 108 35 35 224 123 101 28 16 391 Kaluwala (10) 95 49 49 266 140 126 26 21 392 Bir Sarkar (9) 96 10 - 10 63 35 28 2 393 Sru:lhu Singhwala (11) 435 144 144 847 460 387 127 107 394 Ilamewala (12) 309 74 74 477 269 208 35 23 395 Kamala Bodal (13) 358 102 102 605 337 268 25 21 396 Faridewala (16) 134 53 53 330 186 144 17 14 397 Bagguwala (14) 280 68 68 400 207 193 58 46 398 Hamidwala (1411) 132 92 93 534 279 255 399 BaggewaJa (17) 313 68 68 465 260 205 37 18 400 UsmanwaJa (18) 284 27 27 191 94 97 5 4 401 GuJamwula (19) 260 76 76 477 237 240 34 25 402 Achhewala (20) 217 84 84 489 259 230 113 109 403 Dholewala (21) 186 41 41 265 147 118 32 18 404 Arifeke (22) 848 265 265 1,612 855 757 182 171 405 BaghewaTa (23) 170 36 36 225 131 94 21 16 406 Sultanwala (24) 47 84 84 520 267 253 407 Nazamwala (25) 5i8 88 88 578 302 276 128 121 408 Katora (26) 424 113 113 639 345 294 69 67 409 Sanda Moja (27) 127 35 35 208 106 102 25 22 410 Aku Masteke (31) 292 76 76 490 261 229 28 23 I 411 Mahalam (33) 236 211 211 1,168 627 541 478 379 412 Patti Ghair Abad (44) 86 5 5 31 '17 14 413 Sidhu (139) 162 39 39 206 118 88 16 16 414 Lakha Bhedi (30) 289 64 64 356 197 159 20 19 415 Tali Saida Sahu (28) 283 65 65 498 261 237 45 35 416 Chugate Wala (13) 470 176 176 1,279 678 601 202 191 417 Changali Jadid (140) . 562 148 148 , 1,193 623 570 138 107 418 Rukan ShahW'ala (137) 282 66 66 460 238 222 27 31 419 Changali Qadim (136) 620 156 156 1,033 542 491 281 239 420 Fridewala (141) 574 135 135 883 494 389 129 105 421 Sursinghwala (142) 384 189 189 1,093 563 530 219 206 422 Lohgarh (144/145) 657 201 201 1,269 655 614 193 204 423 KuJgarhi (135) 237 66 66 417 218 199 ~7 81 424 Naju Shah Misri (134) 428 77 77 578 302 276 9 6 425 Sher Khanwala (132) 383 280 280 1,777 913 864 250 243 426 Jamaitpura Dheru (133) 338 113 113 710 376 334 66 73 427 Ugoke (150) 458 118 118 740 412 328 104 80 428 Sodhi Nagar urf Sultan Khanwala (149) 1,412 351 351 2,091 1,090 1,001 476 405 429 Qada Bora (148) 317 136 136 940 513 427 112 87 430 Rat ta Khera Baja Kotwal (147) ?,38 42 42 258 140 118 25 25 431 RaUa Khera Bhai Gulab Singh (146) 238 38 38 256 143 113 41 35 432 KarmuwaJa (155) 1,131 217 217 1,400 744 656 142 128 433 IttanwaJi (154) 357 138 138 781 440 341 166 116 434 Feroze Shah (153) 1,245 428 428 2,392 1,235 1,157 365 337 435 Machhiwara (152) 685 1 1 6 3 3 436 Bhama alias Landa (151) 447 159 159 1,021 538 483 210 184 437 Dhindsa (198) 420 137 137 789 427 362 200 162 438 Misriwala (197) 390 146 146 927 522 405 229 180 439 Badhni Gulab Singh (196) 264 56 56 344 178 166 36 37 440 Shakoor(195) . 1,170 -288 288 1,686 876 810 202 169 203

CENSUS AB$TRACf FIROZPUR DISTRIct MAIN WORKERS Literates Marginal Non-Workers Total Main Cultivators Agricultural Household Other Workers Workers Workers (I) Labourers Industry- [III, IV, V(b) (I-IX) (II) Manufac- & VI to IX) turing, Processing, Servicing and Repairs V[(a)]

M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 30 17 62 53 9 37 91 42 19 67 64 3 51 116 92 44 203 140 51 12 152 302 60 17 213 31 78 57 78 31 112 233 33 12 59 58 1 64 101 38 29 81 1 70 1 7 4 59 125 13 14 19 14 3 2 16 28 123 59 241 2 129 78 8 1 26 1 '4- 27 215 358 83 35 130 104 14 2 10 139 208 78 39 198 1 131 1 52 15 2 137 267 62 31 120 115 3 2 66 144 53 23 123 117 3 3 84 193 35 7 156 120 a, , 24 2 10 123 255 41 14 172 57 151 52 18 4 2 1 1 1 88 147 34 12 53 2 53 2 41 95 52 43 142 115 15 12 f 94 240 84 41 159 1 80 56 3 20 1 100 229 58 24 85 1 70 11 1 4 62 117 328 182 484 5 377 2 40 1 1 66 2 1 371 751 19 5 50 41 6 3 2 79 94 67 12 192 132 51 2 7 75 253 115 40 174 7 78 77 3 19 4 128 269 115 57 184 2 152 13 3 16 2 29 5 132 287 30 23 60 59 1 16 30 102 94 44 158 1 136 1 9 13 103 228 127 55 19i '7 55 1 9 71 6 50 133 82 303 452 3 2 8 8 9 14 33 15 56 29 18 9 2 60 88 70 33 98 1 81 1 14 3 1 99 157 73 19 135 1 119 8 1 8 2 126 234 250 118 383 174 200 64 146 109 11 1 26 12 27 283 400 259 128 312 1 230 1 48 34 29 21 282 548 26 11 152 125 134 115 17 10 1 21 86 76 134 64 221 60 149 2 10 115 120 206 371 123 45 273 4 184 1 71 2 18 1 221 385 192 119 338 5 146 119 1 73 4 5 30 220 495 237 124 366 2 171 139 1 1 56 2 287 612 65 32 130 67 " 59 4 88 199 87 62 171 " 136 24 2 9 131 276 370 - 213 523 5 301 133 4 4 85 1 390 859 130 61 199 4 109 50 4 5 35 14 75 163 255 123 71 258 4 167 73 i 17 4 154 324 338 168 611 11 225 2 284 2 7 1 9S 6 479 990 169 114 293 185 74 2 32 220 427 40 18 81 60 18 3 59 118

25 14 79 49 23 7 64 113 324 217 409 5 286 57 1 65 5 10 26 325 625 82 41 286 3 166 94 5 21 3 154 338 598 349 748 14 344 235 7 162 14 487 1.143 3 .. 3 3 3 229 136 351 1 176 137 38 1 187 482 193 110 282 6 117 122 3 3 40 3 145 356 187 97 313 108 119 86 209 405 95 54 100 5 55 27 1 18 4 78 161 311 186 488 6 303 112 1 7 66 , 2 16 386 781 204


Location Name of Village Area of No. of No. of Total Population (includ­ Scheduled Scheduled Code No. (with Hadbast No.) Village occu- House- ing Institutional and Castes Tribes in pied holds Houseless Population) Hect­ residen- areS tial Houses

P M F M F M F 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

3/2/441 Khaja Kbarak (191) 486 125 125 793 433 360 145 126 r 442 Kailash (190) 747 180 180 1,088 588 500 161 135 443 Bara Bhai (189) 536 172 172 1,063 575 488 136 103 444 Saranwali (192) 380 84 84 593 300 293 67 60 445 Shahzadi (194) 731 225 225 1,291 702 589 187 170 446 Ghall Khurd (193) 808 274 274 1,597 854 743 195 166 447 .Arazi Katoria (I57) 7.06 2 2 8 4 4 448 Mohkamwala (156) 511 104 104 635 343 292 114 101 449 Bhangali (160) 214 70 70 383 207 176 17 16 450 Thethar Khurd (158) _ 89 22 22 118 65 53 451 Thethar Kalan (159) 404 159 159 917 502 415 221 195 452 Narairrgarh (161) 367 142 142 834 453 381 143 123 453 Bara lawahar Singh (163) 310 96 96 599 319 280 111 113 454 Sulhani (162) 740 221 221 1,401 722 679 269 240 455 Machhi Bugra (184) 408 146 146 897 463 434 104 19 456 Kaliewala (185) 412 119 119 754 421 333 144 111 457 Hakumat Singhwala (186) 438 86 86 544 294 250 59 42 458 Jawahar Singhwala (187) 460 125 125 771 425 346 110 77 459 Bhollowala (183) 381 147 147 896 479 417 146 124 460 LaUe (167) 660 182 182 1,233 649 584 253 236 461 Jhanjian (166) 495 38 38 257 130 127 12 14 462 Haraj (164/165) 997 338 338 1,857 986 871 525 454 463 Karmiti (168) 717 64 64 459 268 191 40 27 464 Kotla (171) 160 42 42 277 150 127 465 Kot Karar Khurd (170) 250 71 71 506 279 227 56 49 466 Phida (173) 558 132 132 869 458 411 202 179 .. 467 Kot Karor Kalan (172) 1,072 420 420 2,736 1,446 1,290 251 247 468 Tunbar Bhan (182) 318 133 133 888 495 393 113 85 469 PaUli (181) 515 120 120 723 391 332 197 168 470 Laham (180) 627 168 168 1,145 608 537 139 120 471 Jit Singhwala (188) 303 15 15 99 52 47 472 Mirzeke (179) 412 138 138 843 443 400 139 118 473 Kabar Bachha (178) 857 188 188 1,174 646 528 127 115 ~4 Mudki (174) 3,032 699 699 5,020 2,750 2,270 589 469 475 Chanar (177) 490 123 123 828 442 386 61 49 476 Jandwala (176) 273 119 119 754 400 354 187 166 477 Gill (175) 867 280 280 1,785 920 865 232 230 205

CENSUS A~S1'RAct FlROZllUR DISTRiCT MAIN WORKER'S Literates Marginal Non-Workers Total Main Cultivators AgricultUral HOOCebold Other Workers Workers Workers (I) Labourers l:IrdUSti'y- [III, IV, V(b) (I-IX) (II) Manufac- & VI to IXj turing, Processing, Servicing and Repairs [V (a)]

M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28

141 88 303 2 177 98 1 11 1. 17 80 130 278 202 103 396 8 196 1 91 5 1 2 108 42 192 450 244 130 319 6 196 ~O 1 6 2 37 3 1 255 482 137 86 194 119 44 10 21 16 106 277 235 85 392 4 214 121 1 2 56 2 38 4 272 581 361 188 502 11 2-39 102 1 42 119 10 352 732 3 2 2 2 4 92 48 1"90 US "65 1 9 153 292 67 34 107 1 83 4 20 1 100 175 49 23 24 1 14 1 10 7 20 34 32 111 33 178 1<16 41 2 19 86 49 238 366 181 119 182 2 89 53 6 1 34 1 83 62 188 317 121 73 171 1 85 62 2 22 1 1 148 278 253 160 362 211 109 5 37 2 2 358 677 207 145 256 9 117 79 2 10 50 7 207 425

171 78 245 1~3 94 18 1 176 332 106 60 180 5 129 4 31 1 20 114 245 169 86 250 3 142 60 3 45 3 175 343 42 11 337 13 217 6 1'05 '7 15 8 240 134 164 146 59 371 20 213 5 131 10 1 26 5 12 188 266 376 52 42 68 5 46 3. 15 1 2 ... 2 62 120 342 156 588 36 268 139 34 81 2 398 835 98 56 166 114 32 20 102 191 41 29 89 16 80 13 1 8 3 1 60 111 126 62 175 1 22 151 1 2 104 226 113 53 262 122 112 ., .. 28 196 411 373 194 838 30 440 120 7 15 263 23 1 608 1,259 182 99 268 1 150 57 2 59 1 41 221 351 148 65 251 1 105 1 132 14 140 331 248 148 373 3 225 97 7 44 3 235 534 29 31 32 28 2 2 1 34 19 13 132 66 290 160 90 8 32 153 400 254 119 447 8 297 2 76 4 1 . , 73 2 2 26 197 494 1,124 661 1.726 41 820 2 371 28 5 507 34 5 107 1,019 2,122 169 93 268 1 208 1 36 24 69 174 316 169 88 218 1 105 77 1 5 31 1 181 35.1 283 182 6SS 476 159 3 20 262 86' 206 FtROZPUR TAHSiL URBAN PRIMARY

Location Name of Town/Ward Area'of No. of. No. of Total population (incJud- ~ Scheduled Scheduled Code No. Town! Occu­ House- iog Institutional and Castes Tribes Ward pied holds Houseless Population) inKm2 Resi­ dential Houses

P M F M F M F 1 2 3 .. 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 3/Ill Tahvandi Bbai M.e. 2·00 1,390 1,411 9,117 4,894 4,223 1,048 894 Ward No.1 152 173 1,110 585 525 293 258 2 99 99 644 336 308 74 69 3 104 104 710 383 327 99 76 4 98 98 726 371 355 4 6 5 208 208 1,251 667 584 126 95 6 141 141 898 469 429 6 5 7 119 119 718 377 341 217 214 8 109. 109 667 360 307 99 75 9 111 111 747 383 364 5 5 10 76 76 523 282 241 11 103 103 642 334 308 20 16 12 70 70 481 347 134 105 75 3/IV Firozpur M.e. 11 ·33 10,275 10,275 61,162 32,337 28,825 5,296 4,474 Ward No. 1 283 283 1,828 974 854 71 50 2 389 389 . 2,420 1,263 1,157 3 1 3 : 364 364 2,182 1,123 1,059 5 9 4 414 414 2,436 1,275 1,161 138 113 5 443 443 2,716 1,407 1,309 6 522 522 3,095 1,548 1.547 14 13 7 390 , 390 2,306 1,183 1,123 7 4 8 393 393 2,299 1,213 1,086 116 112 9 377 377 2.037 1,046 991 10 304 304 1,830 929 901 28 23 11 753 753 5.243 2.698 2,545 24 22 12 305 305 1,741 859 882 91 100 13 294 294 1,704 886 818 155 139 14 603 603 3,590 1,971 1,619 859 732 15. 546 546 3,033 1,541 1.492 135 133 16 456 456 2,636 1,364 1,272 435 386 17 368 368 2.327 1,220 1,107 571 502 18 794 794 4,597 2,454 2,143 1,187 1,053 19 175 175 981 524 457 275 224

20 440 440 2,525 ll.364 ~ 1.161 401 306

21 441 441 2,706 1,439 ~.. 1,267 380 323 22 1,221 1,221 6,930 4,056 2,874 401 229 207 CENSUS ABSTRACl' FIROZPUR DISTRIct MAIN WORKERS Literates Marginal Non-Workers Total Main Cultivators Agricultural Household Other Workers Workers Workers (1) Labourers Industcy­ {III, IV, V(b) (I-IX) (II) . Manufac­ & VI to IX) turing, Processing, Servicing and Repairs LV (a)] ._------M F M I F M F M F M F M F M F' M F 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 2,687 1,885 2,640 158 337 233 95 8 1,975 150 20 2.234 4,065 194 121 273 17 18 40 34 5 181 12 9 303 508 224 158 179 13 5 174 13 157 295 254 157 225 27 5 21 199 27 158 300 301 231 192 9 2 190 9 179 346 420 305 349 19 11 31 21 3 286 16 318 565 261 208 240 5 4S 8 187 5 229 424 132 75 196 29 121 46 181 341 158 109 176 6 42 134 6 184 301 261 233 213 2 71 11 131 2 170 362 168 121 145 3 73 1 8 63 3 137 238 218 156 167 4 28 .'. 19 1 119 4 167 304 96 11 285 53 18 2 265 53 11 51 81 19,570 14,820 15,687 1,762 770 2 "1,108 21 789 70 13,020 1,669 313 391 16,337 26,672 543 358 536 20 28 1 84 423 20 438 ·834 906 704 651 85 8 142 40 501 45 612 1,072 899 715 590 60 14 1 4 571 60 533 999 893 724 660 18 7 6 1 646 78 615 1.083 1,006 787 673 52 13 6 34 620 52 734 1,257 1,252 990 796 107 17 27 752 107 1 752 1,439 855 666 563 74 42 8 4 509 74 620 1,049 871 640 559 53 17 8 13 1 521 52 4 654 1,029 838 709 529 61 11 10 71 2 437 59 39 517 891 697 613 491 44 16 4 1 471 43 9 258 429 599 2,097 1,720 1,310 138 67 49 29 2 1,165 136 12 1 1.376 2,406 517 436 442 71 62 35 13 332 71 1 28 416 783 539 405 448 38 28 50 2 368 38 5 438 775 798 530 950 78 39 269 2 11 2 631 74 5 1,021 1,536 926 926 8SS 326 10 5 2 1 839 324 1 686 1,165 744 543 671 157 18 10 1 83 1 560 155 3 693 1,112 577 471 591 60 51 1 4 25 5 511 54 1 629 1,046 850 458 963 45 81 1 123 1 14 1 745 42 290 6 1,201 2,092 176 116 302 29 4 96 1 45 7 157 21 222 428 516 332 716 17 92 88 45 1 491 16 648 1.144 549 352 724 27 116 275 12 84 7 249 8 1 39 714 1,201

142 29 ~4 2 5~ 1,521 l40 2,389 2,76~ FIROZPUR TAHSIL URBAN PRIMARY

Location Name of A1lea of No of No. ot: Total Population (includ Ing ScheQuled Scheduled Uode lawn/Ward Townl ClQQupie4 House- Institutional & Houseles8 (.:astes Tribes No. Ward Resi~l holds Po)ulation) in Krns IrIC?~

P M F M F M F 4J 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 - 11 12 3jV Firozpur Cantt. U.A. iN.A. 8,709 8,710 44,678 23,663 21,015 4,316 3.872

l"irozpur (C.B.) 20'10 7,374 7,374 38,581 ~ 20,163 18,319 3,193 1,980

Ward No. 1 , 1,093 1,093 6,907 3,668 3,239 1,059 i 910 2 , 1,038 1,038 6,076 3,197 2,879 352 315 3 1,014 • 1,014 5,588 3,109 2.479 786 718 4 761 761 4,120 2,152 1,968 36 39 5 707 707 3,547 1,899 1.648 496 442 6 815 815 4,855 2,524 2,331 63 61 7 ;1,946 1,946 7,489 3,714 3.775 501 49S Rallway Station Cantt. f 1,335 1,336 6,096 3,400 2,696 1,013 892 and Railway ColQllY (O.G,)

3/vl Guruhar Sahai M.C. 1'50 1,211 1,247 7,684 4';074 3,610 501 431 Ward No.1 118 118 848 435 413 4 1 2 128 128 770 426 344 161 138 3 113 113 767 405 . 362 73 57 4 127 127 706 389 317 9 5 S 84 84 501 258 243 3 3 6 85 85 611 309 302 1 2 7 91- 91 600 311 289 .. S 89 89 584 311 273 3 2 9 134 169 1,026 533 493 92 87 10 78 78 483 264 219 4 2 11 ~65 16? 7~8 4~~ 355 1St 134 .. 209

CENSUS ABSTRACT FIROZPUR DISTRICT MAIN WORKERS Literates Total Main Cultivators Agricultural Household Other Marginal Non-Workers Workers (1) Labourers Industry·- Workers Workers (I-IX) (II) Manufacturing, [III,IV,V(b) Processing, &VI to IX] Servicing and Repairs ((Y(a)}

F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M 28 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 15,360 10,239 11,209 803 98 5 184 14 304 15 10,623 769 57 52 12,397 20,160 l:!,974 8,926 9,532 680 96 5 13:t 14 296 15 8,958 646 57 52 10.674 17,581 1.848 1,039 1,618 67 4 3 19 1 1,592 66 14 3 2,036 3,169 "- 2.272 1.522 1,488 94 2 4 32 1 1,450 93 35 19 1,674 2,766 2,296 1.910 1.081 1,430 183 37 4 155 14 71 10 1,167 155 1,679 , 1 1.671 1,322 l.104 75 3 6 102 2 993 73 1 1,047 1,892 1.086 146 965 116 37 1 10 46 1 872 114 934 1,532 1.941 1,523 1,211 65 5 2 18 1,186 65 1,313 2,265 Z,I46 1,693 1,716 S() 8. 2 S 1,698 go 7 28 1.991 3,667 2,386 1,313 1,677 123 2 Z 8 1,665 123 1.723 2,573

3,524 2.168 1,477 1,958 '6 71 41 1 59 1 1,787 84 45 2.071 236 405 2~1 145 196 S 11 6 2 177 8 3 337 57 16 188 7 5 17 1 166 6 238 355 155 115 186 7 1 5 10 170 7 219 251 163 185 9 2 4 25 154 9 204 308 238 184 138 134 5 4 13 117 5 291 234 117 170 11 10 1 159 11 139 250 209 183 12 2 1 1 180 11 128 277 265 236 152 151 8 19 2 130 8 ~160 25') 199 205 6 2 1 1 201 6 42 286 487 212 169 104 139 7 4 3 132 7 125 212 349 142 39 221 6 1~ 7 201 6


211 212


FAziLKA TAHSIL Location Name of Tahsil/Village Area of No. of No. of Total Population (including Scheduled Scheduled Code (with Hadbast No.) Tahsil Occupied House- Institutional & Houseless Csstes Tribes No. in Sq. Residential holds Population) Kms Houses arid of Village in Hectares P M F M F M F

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 3/3 Funks Tahsil (Rural) 2,715.8 70,744 70,784 428,670 226,774 201,896 4,401 38,376 1 Jala Lakheke Hithar (369/370) 204 81 81 470 250 220 2 Lakheke Masahib Uittar (238) 296 92 92 551 286 265 5 i 3 Hamid Sede ke (237) 147 34 34 190 101 89 13 13 4 Bhama Watu Uttar (239) 191 145 145 774 410 364 19 16 5 Bhama Watu Hithar (371) 221 40 40 228 120 108 6 Cha', Khiwa (368) 785 135 135 739 385 354 6 8 ~hubaya (242) '714 357 357 1,%5' 1,010 955 5 3 hak Tahliwala (366) 233 180 180 1,101 V"" 57) 531 2 9 Lamochar Khurd (243) 309 108 108 654 349 305 10 Chak Bazida (367) 873 232 232 1,389 730 659 10 9 11 Gatti Hasal (353) 234 Un- 12 Fatuwala (354) 815 279 279 1,724 898 826 18 18 13 Chak Gariba Sandar (363) 147 21 21 101 54 47 14 Lambochar Kalan Hithar (3,61) 94 Un- 15 Mojewala (244) '. 259 81 si 486 255 231 8 12 16 Lambochar Kalan Uttar (245) 376 235 238 1,339 700 639 11 10 17 Sokhera Bodal (248}360) 404 196 196 1,043 542 501 14 13 18 Chak Paniwala (197) 252 61 61 318 166 152 11 9 19 Chak Sohna Sandar (252) 266 120 120 666 343 323 7 8 20 Sohna Sandar (251) 203 117 117 720 361 359 4 3 21 Ladhuwala Hithar (249/358) . 245 148 148 802 435 367 224 179 22 Mohar Singhwala Uttar (250) 31 194 194 996 539 457 10 9 ~ Mohar Singhwala Hithar (356) 452 28 28 140 76 64 Ram Singhwala (355) 287 160 160 91'l_ 476 443 1 25 Chak Sarkar No.1 (350) 232 Un- 26 Chak Sarkar No. 2(351) 2 Un- 27 Chak Sarkar Mahazi Parbhat Singhwala (346) 54 un-. 28 Parbhat Singhwala Hithar (347) 684 91 91 554 295 259 .t 29 Santokh Singhwala (349) 344 64 64 423 226 197 30 Bagheke Hithar (357) 306 Un- 31 Bagheke UttiU' (253) 420 258 258 1,406 728 678 60 52 32 Chak Sukkar (254) 198 108 108 611 322 289 7 9 33 Alamk:e (255/348) 311 76 76 492 265 227 6 7 34 Parbhat Smghwala Uttar (256) 114 215 215 1,340 697 643 18 22 35 Dhandi Qadim (257) 1,150 246 246 1,572 800 772 11 11 36 Dhandi Khurd (258) 341 129 129 800 443 357 10 9 37 Mohkam Arain (260) 561 285 285 1,548 806 742 139 116 38 Kahnewala (259) 277 66 66 422 213 209 5 3 39 Jalalabad (196) 1,923 705 705 3,917 2,042 1,875 208 194 40 Chak Manewala (195) 325 138 143 844 436 408 12 6 41 Chak Arainwala (194) 533 199 199 1,262 636 626 10 10 42 Arainwala (193) 432 110 110 616 323 293 35 32 43 Chak Araniwala (203) 337 195 195 1,071 578 493 10 6 44 Chak Ramwala (201) 412 66 66 423 214 209 6 6 45 Chak Maujdin (200) 386 222 - 222 1,256 660 596 30 36 46 Bahmaniwala (199) 1,467 486 486 2.866 1,501 1,365 49 38 47 Chak Totianwala (198) 432 148 148 853 437 416 14 8 48 Chak Sokhera (247) 294 100 100 698 348 350 49 Chak Lamochar (246) 304 79 79 482 240 242 1 50 Chak Bhabra (233) 470 85 85 450 235 215 13 9 51 Chak Mohamadewala (241) 223 102 102 686 359 327 9 10 52 Chak MOchanwata (240) 182 71 71 375 203 172 33 26 53 Chak Khundwala (234) 408 112 112 640 330 310 8 5 54 Chak Bhamba Watu (235) 318 82 82 536 290 246 14 13 SS Chak Hamid Sedeke (236) 239 13 13 71 39 32 .. 213

CENSUS ABSTRACT FlROZPUR DISTRICT MAIN WORKERS Literates Total Main Cultivators Agricultural Household Other Marginal Non-Workers Workers (1) Labourers Industry- Workers Workers (I-IX) (II) Manufacturing, [III, IV, V(b) Processing, & VI to lX] Servicing and ------,------,------_._--Repairs [V (a)] M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28

79,063 30,237 125,828 4,676 67,422 ~,105 41,596 2,882 1,614 113 15,196 576 2,157 19,02.8 98,789 178,192 77 14 156 . 96 109 67 42 29 1 4 3 8 91 116 132 63 160 31 67 75 31 7 11 26 126 208 36 23 57 1 37 14 1 2 4 5 44 83 177 79 232 19 138 2 65 8 10 19 8 178 345 23 3 77 77 43 108 145 33 245 211 13 21 140 354 327 146 625 3 322 268 1 35 2 385 952 205 7 362 114 334 14 6 100 22 229 208 188 77 16 148 1 140 1 2 6 9 31 192 273 288 40 440 20 332 51 18 57 2 290 639 inhabittea 268 67 474 275 172 1 26 424 826 24 10 26 26 28 47 inhabitted 109 142 2 110 15 17 , 47 2 113 229 224 105 400 10 236 81 2 14 69 8 1 300 628 169 59 327 94 206 27 215 501 80 28 104 68 28 3 5 1 3 61 149 99 42 198 &6 106 6 25 145 298 129 41 184 12 92 1 41 10 8 1 43 1 167 176 180 123 41 268 ::6 89 96 7 41 18 42 1 42 4 163 299 182 18 271 6 121 2 122 1 2 2 26 1 268 451 18 47 43 2 2 2 29 62 134 20 281 211 45 11 14 195 443 Inhabitted Inhabitted Inhabitted 92 23 183 181 2 112 259 44 6 133 1 128 1 3 2 26 93 170 Inhabitted 241 109 468 4 304 98 5 61 4 3 251 257 423 82 23 139 97 34 8 11 172 289 57 16 133 111 17 5 3 5 129 222 134 16 439 1 398 22 1 19 2 253 256 389 123 2S 476 9S 226 231 95 19 1 323 677 129 37 267 208 49 10 176 357 111 40 469 2 188 177 104 2 395 337 345 111 72 102 2 72 1 19 1 11 111 207 768 238 1,191 12 463 1 605 8 13 110 3 851 1,863 96 30 244 1 127. 74 43 1 1 23 191 384 175 51 368 1 233 111 2 22 1 303 268 322 159 87 183 3 89 74 20 3 140 290 227 81 304 2 144 1 89 71 1 11 222 263 269 75 23 118 76 24 2 16 1 27 9S 182 355 167 371 9 174 3 154 5 5 38 1 18 12 271 575 615 336 671 69 411 20 151 39 2 1 107 9 149 372 681 924 117 39 284 15 198 66 12 3 17 3 153 401 120 36 201 95 86 1 19 147 350 87 35 134 2 99 25 2 2 8 1 106 239 73 34 140 102 21 17 3 10 92 205 118 38 179 163 5 2 9 30 19 150 308 84 45 111 3 78 3 24 9 92 169 159 78 169 133 18 2 16 161 310 105 50 158 143 5 10 132 246 4 S 27 14 12 1 12 32 214


Location Name of Village Area of No. of No. of Total Population (including Scheduled Scheduled Code:! (with Hadbast No.) Village Occupied House- Institutional & Houseless Castes Tribes No. in Residential holds Population) Hectares Houses

P M F M F M F 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 3/3/56 Chak Puranwali (230) 372 114 114 645 343 302 8 6 57 Singhwala (231) 394 50 50 253 127 126 26 27- 58 Chak Sotria (232) 404 113 113 673 375 298 166 131 59 Chak Singhewala (229) 358 119 119 681 335 346 54 54 60 Chak Lakhowali (228) 339 149 149 795 413 382 98 93 61 Chak Chhapriwala (224) 352 91 91 514 251 263 16 14 62 Lakhowali (225) 427 128 128 718 361 357 33 31 63 Chak Domal (227) 423 94 94 538 277 261 97 90 64 Chak Kherewala (226) 454 156 156 935 485 450 197 186 65 Sarian (223) 480 129 129 749 415 334 34 28 66 Chak Sarian (222) 463 55 55 365 186 179 67 Chak Paliwaia (221) 498 167 167 971 500 471 94 89 68 Paliwala (220) 597 291 291 1,680 881 799 84 71 69 Kathgarh (219) 579 309 309 1,827 948 879 5 1 70 Roranwala urf Tarewali (218) 575 113 113 727 398 329 54 47 71 Chak Rohiwala (217) 349 41 41 258 127 131 36 36 72 Chak Gheruwala (216) 297 17 17 95 49 46 73 Khuranj (215) 692 174 174 933 521 412 278 212 74 Chak Khuranj (214) 333 89 89 447 225 222 9 11 75 Chak Roranwala (213) 530 109 109 637 351 286 116 94 76 Chak Jandwala (212) 335 77 77 479 247 232 12 12 77 Jandwala (211) 442 61 61 366 200 166 45 42 78 Chak Panj Kohi (210) 324 73 73 436 226 210 59 50 79 Chak Gabarwala (209) 338 94 94 572 302 270 67 52 80 Chak Gulam Rasulwala (208) 313 107 107 690 359 331 46 37 vfu' Chak Balochanwala (207) 398 291 297 1,703/ 877 826 6 2 82 Dhab Karyal (202) 435 118 118 743 402 341 9 4 83 Dhab Khushal Joia (206) 473 206 206 1,163 610 553 41 31 84 Amianwala (204) 339 102 102 643 343 300 31 20 85 Chak Dhab Khushal Joia (205) 417 59 59 307 161 146 16 13 86 Ladhuwala (125) 1,069 240 240 1,379 747 632 98 95 87 Chak Sohelawala (119) 1.614 295 295 1,727 927 800 504 407 88 Jani Sar (116) 558 35 35 209 115 94 22 22 89 Chak Jani Sar (118) 1,086 293 293 1,614 879 735 165 132 90 Ratta Kbera (48) 1,537 312 312 2,048 1,094 954 382 341 91 Roranwala (210) 507 8 8 48 24 24 .. 92 Halimwala (211) 571 409 409 2,236 1,171 1,065 530 499 93 Saiwala (212) 333 44 44 257 137 120 8 7 94 Hauz Khas (218) 768 205 205 1,117 596 521 196 163 95 Naukerian (209) 1,308 371 371 2,162 1,135 ·1,027 173 151 96 Aliana (208) 558 247 247 1,432 716 716 10 5 97 Ghattianwali Bodla (207) 675 181 181 999 504 495 15 8 98 Ihotianwali (204) 1,507 518 518 3,115 1,586 1,529 235 236 99 Jandwala Bhimeshah (203) 1,409 365 365 2,050 .1,084 966 333 268 100 Pakan (202) 1,305 280 280 2,143 1,122 1,021 318 296 101 Bananwali (200) 1,231 296 296 1,828 983 845 363 292 102 Mulianwali (198) 1,219 272 272 1,640 851 789 308 268 103 Arniwala Sheikh Subhan (199) 1,679 694 694 3,915 2,073 1,842 126 98 104 Mahuana Bodla (205) 1,332 410 410 .2,291 1,180 1,111 290 262 105 Dhabwala Kalan (183) 1,530 438 438 2,597 1,325 1,272 372 336 106 Dhippanwali (184) 1,202 269 269 1,706 881 825 230 239 107 Ghuriana. (177) 1,233 375 375 2,057 1,103 954 561 453 108 Burj Hanumangarh (178) 967 323 323 2,044 1,109 935 527 458 109 Muradwala Dat Singh (146) 1,223 330 330 1,918 992 926 422 390 110 Koharianwali (145) 1,326 351 351 2,151 1,126 '1,025 278 246 i15

CENSUS ABSTRACl' FIR OZPUR DISTRICT MAIN WORKERS Litecatcs Marginal Non-Workers Total Main Cultivat()1'8 Agricultural Household Other Workers Workers (l) Labourers Industry~ Wqrkers (I-IX)] (II) Manu- {ill,IV.V(b) facturing, &VltolX) Processing, Servicing and Repairs {V(a)1 M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 n 28 131 48 194 7 94 1 76 5 1 23 1 149 295 44 29 70 6 50 20 6 .. 57 120 101 44 195 4 93 .. 93 2 9 2 180 294 153 80 196 30 .140 3 42 27 14 139 316 215 136 227 9 125 2 64 3 35 7 186 373 146 104 124 1 97 .. 8 5 14 1 127 262 173 104 198 6 143 4 25 1 29 2 126 163 225 108 85 147 12 95 39 11 13 1 2 148 128 101 191 113 276 2 138 1 96 42 1 20 1 189 447 220 117 177 6 110 5 3! 4 32 1 238 328 67 27 90 87 3 1 95 179 100 29 319 ·s 227 2 63 3 1 28 181 466 285 64 489 1 363 95 2 29 1 1 391 798 316 79 483 3 283 159 3 3 38 1 99 464 777 183 104 231 1 185 1 29 2 15 167 328 42 38 73 59 13 1 6 21 48 110 11 5 32 27 5 17 46 173 70 320 74 225 21 201 412 66 32 141 74 56 .. 11 83 84 139 134 66 212 134 67 3 8 139 286 87 48 147 100 39 8 100 232 51 14 145 ltO 34 1 1 19 54 147 92 54 132 1 ' 84 33 4 11 1 94 209 141 80 140 1 86 41 13 1 162 269 163 85 159 3 105 36 1 1 18 1 1 199 328 202 58 474 .. 256 197 1 20 108 403 718 185 71 195 7 102 81 7 3 9 207 334 243 102 384 26 230 9 115 16 9 30 1 6 54 220 473 134 49 183 1 119 49 " 15 1 160 299 80 55 101 1 68 27 1 6 60 145 174 95 468 1 372 69 1 2 25 5 279 626 234 91 537 10 21)6 292 3 13 4 26 3 2 6 388 784 37 10 62 1 53 9 1 .. 8 53 85 409 189 508 9 323 .. 102 5 4 79 4 1 371 725 380 181 572 4 334 1 199 2 39 1 12 40 510 910 5 5 13 11 2 4 7 24 549 284 632 21 155 204 13 19 254 11 30 43 5"09 1,001 47 16 55 35 17 3 10 72 120 187 69 328 1 138 159 1 3 28 26 27 242 493 498 265 648 10 395 172 5 9 72 5 26 23 461 994 303 49 358 34 272 34 38 3 45 39 26 319 656 194 72 301 18 217 2 51 15 33 1 203 477 706 508 784 9 454 2 182 13 1 135 6 35 371 767 1,149 541 311 614 15 301 2 167 1 146 12 8 470 943 186 80 615 2 408 178 1 6 23 1 1 65 506 954 276 121 613 3 330 2 257 5 1 21 .. 370 842 316 180 504 14 193 1 254 11 6 51 2 16 347 759 971 491 1,110 48 461 7 222 4 39 388 37 29 88 934 1,706 507 283 680 19 326 2 213 10 1 131 16 11 287 489 805 507 280 792 4 337 361 1 12 82 3 3 533 1,265 378 213 535 2 267 180 1 87 2 1 345 823 309 201 624 9 230 4 317 3 22 55 2 2 3 477 941 300 141 620 35 258 1 298 34 13 51 19 82 470 818 316 178 582 2 250 271 2 59 2 :; 24 405 900 415 259 626 8 239 284 2 101 8 3 128 497 889 216


Location Name of Village Area of No. of No. of Total Population (including Scheduled SchedUled Code (with Hadbast No.) Village Occupied House- Institutional and Houselcss Castes Tribes No. in Residential holds Population) ~ Hectares Houses

P M F M F M F 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 313!l1} Kandhwala Hazar Kban (179) 1,361 375 375 2,445 1,322 1,123 305 264 112 Kamalwala (180) 1,480 381 381 2,384 1,284 1,100 300 262 113 Tahliwala Jattan (182) 1,606 322 322 1,691 907 784 388 338 114 Islamwala (181) 1,711 350 350 2,093 ],092 1,001 527 470 115 ChahaIanwali (228) 740 2.55 2SS 1,396 729 667 129 108 116 Tahlwala BodIa (229) 1,229 345 350 2,034 1,057 977 52 41 117 Chak Dabwala (227) 621 215 215 1,178 615 563 6 1 118 Chak RanwaIa (226) 602 104 104 591 308 283 51 51 119 Shaman Khanka (225) 633 247 247 1,492 803 689 99 104 120 Theh Qalandar (224) 499 log 108 682 349 333 68 53 121 Depulana (2~) 599 246 246 1,465 762 703 13 8 122 Ahal Boola (222) 607 176 176 1,045 551 494 130 109 123 Ojanwali (216) 532 225 255 1,219 650 569 51 57 124 Jorke Andhewali (215) 553 lOB lOS 628 338 290 109 101 125 Ghattianwali Jattan (206) 544 204 2Q4 944 504 440 140 97 126 Chak Kbeowali (214) 580 211 211 1,139 621 518 19 14 127 Chak Pakhiwala (213) 499 201 201 996 541 455 55 38 128 Jaura Jand UrI Chimnewala(217) 502 144 144- 784 424 360 142 113 129 Hauj Alias Gander (219) 589 150 150 878 450 428 16 16 130 Kirianwala (220) 600 141 141 755 421 334 133 94 131 Taro Bru:i (221) 989 511 511 2,144 1,402 1,342 41 29 132 Laduka (308) 'V 849 910 910 4,S~0 2,532 2,348 241 217 133 Lakheke Uttar (309) 267 192 192 1,:t'15 584 531 6 3 134 Jamalke (310) 176 71 71 435 230 20S 18 18 135 Lakheke Hithar (311) 240 Un- 136 Lakhewali Asi. (312) 350 Un- 137 Behak Basta Hithar (318) 38 .. .. Un- ,A18 Behak Hasta Uttar (307) 678 194 194 1,046< 535 511 Z 139 Behak Khas (306) 1,013 488 488 2,703 1,408 1.295 10 4 140 Naulan (304) 214 102 102 505 273 232 141 Said eke Hithar (303) 218 127 127 691 369 322 142 Saideke Uttar Uri Chand Mari 357 151 151 772 403 369 29 ii (302) 143 Jorki Kankarwali (232) 891 110 110 726 379 347 42 37 144 AbhuD (231) 1,266 178 178 1,030 553 477 181 162 145 Lalanwali (2.33) 1,058 304 304 1,769 907 862 10 8 146 Lashkardin Vr/Ghamiani (301) 110 20 20 80 54 26 147 Ram Nagar UrfJatwali (300) 309 44 44 229 }13 116 7 9 Miani Basti (293) 330 167 167 896 466 430 45 36 ;3 ~ Killi (292) .. . . Un- 150 Ba:dna (291) 249 74 74 380 195 185 13 15 151 Ganjuaoa (296) 437 241 241 1,454 760 694 20 16 152 Rana (299) 953 248 248 1,326 693 633 6 g 153 Kawanwali (297) 406 44 44 223 121 102 Gulam Rasulwala (305) 521 64 64 367 192 175 ,. ,~ Walle Shah Uttar (317) 268 171 171 932 505 427 1 156 Walle Shah Hithat (316) 344 91 91 505 253 252 157 Ghurka (3}4) 872 78 78 4-74 236 23S Hasta Kalan (298) 1,563 547 547 3,153 1,667 ],486 '3 ~ Mahatam Nagar (319) 761 187 187 1,107· 570 527 2· 160 Chak Rohela (321) 193 Un- 161 Dona Sakandari (320) 3~2 6 6 34 18 16 162 RoheJa Tajeke (322) 313 154 154 927 473 454 1 163 Mahar Jamsber (326) '5~9 120 120 711 361 350 3 4 164 Mahar Khiwa (325) 277 It 12 431- 217 214 1 165 Muazzam (278) 807 388 388 2,031 1,055 976 11 8 217

CENSUS ABSTRACT F1ROZPUa DlSTRICI' MAIN WORKERS Literates Marginal Non-Workers Total Main Cultivators Agricultural Household Other Workers. Workers (I) Labourers Industry- Workers (I-IX) (II) Manu- [m,IV,V(b) facturing, & VI to IX] Processing, Servicing and Repairs (V(a) 1 M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 420 174 754 4 463 1 191 3 17 83 7 6 561 1,113 411 200 761 41 345 4 310 33 4 102 4 10 175 513 884 213 100 509 62 157 310 62 2 40 .. 398 722 346 197 542 3 192 202 1 9 139 2 46 148 504 850 298 174 398 2 229 103 7 59 2 331 665 472 268 582 41 327 30 136 1 21 4 98 6 8 58 467 878 288 129 383 51 274 45 59 6 50 6 226 503 123 67 188 1 105 58 1 25 .. 120 282 347 100 476 7 313 106 6 6 51 1 2 327 680 122 67 210 1 99 95 16 1 13) 332 245 67 465 127 261 3 172 124 1 31 297 576 218 118 315 230 62 3 20 ~36 494 193 37 407 24 325 58 24 1 23 186 243 359 109 59 190 45 103 66 45 21 1 6 147 239 83 41 287 3 172 89 7 19 3 I 211 437 233 58 326 9 208 2 66 5 52 2 21 186 274 323 191 75 322 40 170 5 115 35 37 4 28 215 387 216 115 281 5 156 3 93 1 31 2 143 355 173 75 245 5 177 52 4 3 13 13 3 192 420 203 106 275 1 143 66 4 62 1 146 333 332 1)9 166 210 320 104 339 98 10 2 97 6 54 327 582 80S 1,009 538 1,358 48 57L 8 343 29 28 3 416 8 5 63 1,169 2,237 248 88 335 3 202 101 1 3 29 2 147 249 381 108 54 99 3 57 17 2 2 23 1 13 24 118 178 inhabited inhabited inhabited ...... 194 98 286 1 259 15 12 1 23 142 226 368 530 225 734 3 397 261 3 73 2 24 180 650 1,112 69 27 135 92 36 2 5 17 42 121 190 95 17 199 87 100 1 11 1 15 169 307 180 73 234 17 143 1 47 16 44 32 181 137 171 129 30 220 1 160 42 1 2 16 159 346 240 96 295 .27 153 4 96 22 1 45 1 30 1 228 449 330 114 5 1 1 I:" 2~0 :1 165 7 2 1 54 1 4 396 846 8 1 39 2 7 32 2 7 15 17 46 39 78 12 33 3 27 7 18 2 35 104 185 82 247 15 69 108 10 15 21 7.37 198 178 inhabited 91 51 90 3 56 18 3 1 15 105 182 273 130 415 28 283 14 85 14 3 44 25 242 320 424 280 154 440 7 89 318 6 33 1 2 253 624 20 5 78 1 47 1 31 43 101 52 8 114 100 13 1 2 95 76 80 12 305 292 6 1 6 100 200 327 39 5 143 100 40 3 110 252 45 9 134 129 3 2 102 238 181 46 857 4 681 2 155 2 21 293 810 1,189 55 307 30 208 11 90 19 9 152 263 355 inhabited

1 10 9 1 8 16 94 16 240 220 ]2 8 14 111 219 343 57 21 200 155 39 6 1 160 350 56 5 112 100 8 4 105 214 271 63 604 2 470 1 87 47 1 451 974 218 , - F~K.A TAHSIL VILLAGE PRIMARY

Location Name of Vi llage Area of No. of No. of Total Population (inclu­ Scheduled Scheduled Code (with Hadbast No.) ViUagein OCcupied House­ ding Institutional and Castes Tribes No. Hectares Residen­ holds Houseless Population) tial Houses

P M F M F M F 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

3/3/166 Gaganke (295) 115 50 50 256 139 117 161 Salem Shah (294) 917 243 243 1,337 696 641 12 6 .. 168 Sultan pura (290) 340 Un- 169 Alam Shah (288) 442 179 179 934 500 434 17 9 170 Mohamad Islam (286) 80 Un- 171 Gulshah (287) 69 2 2 8 5 3 172 Mohamad Amira (279) 100 45 45 231 134 97 173 Mohamad Usman (280) 118 Un- 174 Khokhar (276) 51 Un- 175 Jiwanpura (275) 20 Un- 176 Kandar ke (268) 6 Un- 177 Qadar Bakash (273) 162 is is si 43 38 178 Mahamrnad Pira (285) 393 165 165 904 493 411 6 3 179 Awa Urf Waryampura (289) 338 138 138 679 374 305 102 90 180 Kotha Alias Lukmanpura ,284) 340 121 121 774 411 363 11 7 181 Qabul Shah Hithar (283) 291 91 91 485 245 240 33 50 182 Bakhu Shah (282) 129 10 70 384 184 200 3 4 183 Mambek e (274) 352 136 136 799 406 393 3 1 184 Asafwala (272) 329 141 141 793 414 379 4 2 185 Gharami (271) 146 69 69 380 190 190 186 Pacca Chishti (264) 968 297 297 1.570 842 728 19 13 187 Qutabdin urr Beriwala (270) 215 36 36 186 99 87 188 Jhangar (266) 62 Un-" 189 Nur Mohamad (269) 89 21 21 95 54 41 190 Muhar Suna urr Nakike (277) 185 66 66 346 171 175 191 Ganj Bakhash Sani (265) 215 Un- 192 Chuhriwala Chishti (263) 693 283 283 1,444 758 686 6 5 193 Khanwala (260) 778 130 130 739 400 339 100 70 194 Karian (261) 1,065 165 165 1.068 578 490 86 79 195 Muthianwali (262) 724 201 201 1,014 535 479 16 11 196 Karni Khera (248) 1,029 386 386 2,310 1,209 1,101 78 64 197 ()dian (249) 732 109 109 646 324 322 57 53 198 Sareshwala (247) 769 202 202 1,182 645 537 100 106 199 Jandwala Kharta (243) 698 201 201 1,267 683 584 201 188 200 Hiranwali (242) 724 170 170 1,004 527 477 120 135 201 Banwala Hanwanta (244) 742 160 160 858 462 396 168 164 202 Rampura (245) 734 92 92 500 270 230 79 70 203 Panchanwali (234) 861 157 157 861 465 396 23 15 204 Korianwali (235) 854 240 240 1,401 733 668 75 59 205 Cboharjanwali (236) 678 161 161 1,110 591 519 77 71 206 Patti Puran (230) 326 44 44 225 117 108 33 23 207 Singhpura (238) 718 125 125 816 451 365 191 141 208 KikarwaJa Rupa (237) 713 52 52 308 154 154 71 75 209 Beganwali (240) 1,063 165 165 993 538 455 143 108 210 Sajrana -(239) 1,405 424 424 2.416 1,248 1,168 45 41 211 Khui Khera (241) 1,295 390 390 2,450 1,333 1,117 336 261 212 QabuI Shah Khuban (251) 1,689 374 374 2,214 1,191 1,023 199 162 213 Sabuana (250) 1,522 304 304 1.908 1.015 893 114 95 214 Bandiwala (258) 736 176 176 1,017 544 473 135 107 215 Tillanwali, (257) 332 139 139 711 369 342 42 40 216 Lakhewali (252) 2,021 251 251 1,548 840 108 197 152 217 Shehtirwala (256) 786 246 246 1,544 815 729 287 243 218 Suana urr Jhugian (259) 840 142 142 834 465 369 150 114 219 Muradwala Bhungar (255) 581 62 62 369 191- 178 69 66 220 Kheowali (253) 1,215 212 212 1,254 691 563 110 93 219


MAIN WORKERS Literates Non-workers ------Total Main Cultivators Agricultural Household Other workers___ ~lworkers workers (I) Labourers Industry- [ill, IV, V(b) (I-IX) (II) Manufacturing, & VI to IX] Processing, Servicing and Repairs [V (a)]

M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28

17 11 77 22 50 2 3 62 117 290 147 411 5 237 109 2 2 63 285 663 inhabited ...... 158 43 273 2 170 39 1 1 64 1 68 226 364 inhabited 2 3 2 1 2 3 32 7 95 69 18 8 39 97 inhabited inhabited inhabited inhabitd ...... , . .. 12 2 22 14 7 1 21 38 150 32 29 153 31 216 5 " 277 411 137 68 201 2 55 90 1 55 2 173 303 138 47 215 1 107 93 1 15 7 196 355 101 43 139 1 78 51 1 10 106 239 60 18 103 97 4 2 81 200 116 18 218 2 164 48 2 6 188 391 76 18 255 4 92 144 4 19 159 375 91 50 103 53 36 14 87 190 238 118 553 8 318 5 199 36 3 289 720 44 29 51 47 1 1 2 2 46 81 Inhabited ...... , 16 1 29 3 15 1 14 2 25 38 30 17 105 8 95 2 66 175 inhabited ...... , . 14 137 27 444 " 243 .. 183 4 4 314 682 144 54 209 11 161 5 41 6 2 5 191 328 129 13 337 31 220 90 31 27 259 241 200 153 38 324 2 146 " 2 157 21 211 477 319 108 621 12 111 426 10 7 1 77 1 31 139 557 950 113 33 184 1 141 26 17 140 321 220 60 387 1 193 118 1 4- 72 2 13 256 523 244 144 425 302 83 5 35 25 258 559 201 42 301 162 111 2 26 226 477 168 76 289 7 147 1 96 3 21 2 25 1 6 25 167 364 60 10 145 43 o- 100 2 125 230 164 78 252 13 85 S 113 5 2 52 213 383 288 93 401 3 226 2 122 5 48 'i 3 87 329 578 270 109 360 233 75 3 49 46 231 473 28 13 67 35 31 1 50 108 123 46 232 56 75 8 113 48 1 43 8 219 301 61 18 88 41 38 9 19 66 135 258 74 297 189 69 39 13 310 228 145 382 161 724 8 359 1 254 6 4 107 1 136 524 1,024 732 236 626 16 238 215 5 33. 140 11 87 189 620 912 482 187 684 5 311 1 259 7 107 4 2 505 1,018 425 51 565 1 294 214 1 3 54 9 7 441 885 191 80 262 24 127 10 83 14 13 39 51 190 231 .259 119 41 227 74 80 121 74 1 25 142 268 348 117 435 4 234 132 4 29 40 38 68 367 636 283 85 483 8 208 1 200 6 75 1 8 6 324 715 193 43 253 1 163 68 2 20 1 5 20 207 348 67 11 100 62 29 2 7 10 91 168 237 54 400 1 258 95 1 47 13 56 278 506 220


Location Name of Village Area of No. of No,of Total Population (includ­ Scheduled Scheduled Code (With Hadbast NO.) Village Occu-! House-­ ing Institutional and Castes Tribes in pied holda Houseless Population) No. Hect- Reai.den- ares tial Houses

P M F ~--- M F M F 3' 4 5 6 7 8 2 9 10 11 12 1.062 167 167 1,210 633 577 3131221 Bareka (254) 144 135 1.098 286 288 1,716i 915 801~ 222 Rupnagar (126) 422 358 Koil Khera (105) 724 291 291 1,105 ; 600 505t 223 1 134 I 114 224 Bakayanwala (125) 1,361 397 397 2,360" 1,217 1,143 367 1,609 452 452 2,748" 1,433 1,315 348 225 Jandwala Mira, sangla (127) 123 129 1,666 499 499 3,134 1,669 1,465 226 Azamwala (140) 489 435 227 Khippanwali (139) 1,563 367 367 2,274 1,252 1,022 326 1,049 187 187 1,265 265 228 Ramkot (141) 684 581 122 92 229 Bodiwala pitha (142) 1,161 210 210 1,454 741 713 326 81 67 230 Ghullu (138) 1,355 326 2,271 1,220 1,051 237 217 263 1,828 231 Katebra(143) 1,375 976 852 210 169 232 Maroun Kbera (144) 1,261 ~gg 206 2,001 1,080 921 3,044 181 129 233 Jhumianwali (136) 1,696 418 418 1,596 1,448 509 431 234 Bazidpur Kantianwali (137) 1,609 445 445 3,031 1,605 1,426 298 1,969 96 95 235 Roheranwali (132) 1,571 298 1,035 934 243 212 236 Dangar Khera (131) 1,609 593 593 3,556 1,907 1,649 2,805 235 188 237 Nihal Khera (130) 1,425 422 422 1,501 1,304 457 382 238 Chuhriwala Dhana (129) 1,563 545 545 3,730 1,993 1,737 227 201 239 Patrewala (128) 1,529 454 458 2,673 1,418 1,255 276 232 240 Danewala Satkosi (124) 1,673 419 419 2.568 1,326 1,242 573 532 241 Pam Kosi (123) 1,690 448 448 2,994 1,610 1,384 508 418 242 Killianwali (122),_/'" 1,697 444 444 3,152 1,731 1,421 747 608 .../243 Abohar (121) , 4,861 940 940 5,413 v 2843 2,570 400 380 244 Burl Moharwata (120) l;02 248 248 1~'71T '921 791 283 236 ,., 245 Gobindgarh (119) 1,808 41i 411 2,510 1,356 1,154 614 468 246 patti Taja (133) 627 114 114 828 457 371 65 60 247 Dharangwata (135) 1.539 440 440 2,659 1,433 1,226 315 268 248 Kundal (134) 1,644 471 471 2,774 1,500 1,274 437 392 249 Bhangala (149) 885 264 264- 1,664 912 752 372 295 250 oodan Doab (151) 1,092 293 293 1,812 949 863 398 362 251 Ramgarh (150) 652 104 104 677 378 299 87 75 252 Chanan Khera (118) 1,357 338 348 2,078 1,107 971 316 280 253 Baluana (115) 2,017 549 549 3,210 1.658 1,552 397 337 254 Bahawal Basi (113) 1,568 342 342 2,257 1,196 1,061 339 306 255 Kera Khera (114) 1,122 370 370 2,365 1,240 1,125 125 109 256 Malukpura (60) 1,298 389 389 2,331 1,256 1,075 409 328 257 Jodhpura (59) 865 207 207 1,311 703 608 271 230 258 Bahadar Khera (61) 1.321 268 268 1,528 812 716 496 435 259 Dhaban Kokaryan (63) 2,417 305 305 2,006 1,057 949 329 319 260 Raipura (112) 1,467 294 294 2,412 1.312 1,100 183 161 261 Rajanwali (64) 1,627 419 419 2,533 1,369 1,164 365 324 262 Bhagu (73) 1,832 373 373 2,306 1,252 1,054 337 255 263 Kala Tibba (111) 1,632 290 290 1,820 963 857 424 382 264 Rampura (80) 1,811 431 431 2,751 1,513 1,238 • 486 391 265 Amarpura (79) 1,539 318 318 2,341 1,304 1,037 233 186 '-'266 Kandhwa1a Amarkot (83) 2,352 698 698 4,245 2,255 1,990 489 390 267 Rukanpura U rf Khui }{hera (84) 959 208 208 1,473 803 670 142 ]22 268 Patti Bihla (91) 802 '188 188 1.440 772 66(1 244 220 269 Sapanwali (92) 1,776 337 337 2,324 1,236 1,088 206 164 210 Dharam pura (82) 1,485 408 408 2,704 1,405 1,299 364 328 271 Kikar Khera (81) 1,528 467 467 3,063 1,656 1,407 686 577 272 Alamgarh (109) 2,323 571 571 3,830 2,045 1,785 426 390 273 Sayadwala (108) 1,775 511 511 3,686 1,978 1,708 357 306 274 Khuian Sarwar (107) 1,606 392 392 2,467 1,261 1,206 68 66 275 Haripura (106) 1,381 397 397 2,242 1,209 1,033 285 247 221

CENSUS ABSTRACT FlROZPtJR. DISTRICT MAIN WORKERS Lit«ates Marginal Non Workers- Total Main Cultivators Agricultural Household Other Workers Workers (I) Labourers lndustry~ Workers (I-IX) (II) Manufacturing, [nI, IV, V(b) - Processing. &VI to IX] Servicing and Repairs (V(a)]

-~-- M F M F M F M F M F M F M F -----M F 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 290 138 339 43 158 5 133 36 48 2 6 119 288 415 209 45 472 25 207 2 180 19 2- 83 4 36 125 407 651 227 90 362 17 166 1 127 12 2 67 4 238 488 352 141 701 9 368 237 6 18 78 3 10 217 506 917 668 397 835 24 553 172 16 7 103 -8 3 595 1,291 452 193 960 6 535 339 11 1 75 5 1 708 1,459 450 192 655 1 229 284 1 10 132 13 203 584 818 265 65 375 4 261 83 4 31 309 577 326 159 351 5 226 2 75 2 4 46 1 25 29 365 679 511 211 570' 5 . 231 206 1 10 1 123 3 38 74 612 972 283 87 553 7 156 1 360 6 1 36 2 58 421 787 460 237 580 8 394 6 150 3 33 2 6 500 907 616 156 839 3 383 329 3 27 100 4 26 753 1,419 691 154 823 212 458 131 215 73 39 3 111 5 21 231 761 983 406 149 600 9 281 5 270 4 9 40 5 161 430 764 843 257 1,039 7 578 4 248 1 31 182 2 7 10 861 1,632 656 160 745 6 218 324 2 14 189 3 38 93 718 1,205 848 192 930 4 488 .. 265 1 12 165 _3 22 328 1,041 1,405 528 176 832. 11 377 1 333 4 38 3 84 3 3 586 1.241 285 138 843 12 254 512 10 11 2 66' 126 483 1,104 487 147 821 3 -290 413 , 2 34 84 1 46 566 743 815 392 163 1,026 71 296 541 - 1 188 71 2 705 1,348 1,114 428 1,575 S6 940 4 51 4 252 1 23 572 1,245 1,942 336 111 478 5 197 2 f~~ . 2 2 94 1 2 89 441 697 526 246 761 8 299 377 6 14 71 2 595 1.146 159 29 248 1 120 1 110 .. 5 13 209 370 535 187 791 112 421 73 260 35 19 2 91 2 43 642 l,em 577 241 952 11 520 1 326 2 10 96 8 82 548 1,181 302 140 509 8 257 168 13 1 71 7 3 159 400 58.5 337 150 503 5 305 3 159 39 2 25 446 833 126 39 182 1 66 104 1 11 - 1 17 179 298 487 236 611 17 174 274 9 26 137 8 17 167 479 787 761 401 921 4 444 292 _3 9 176 737 1,548 314 133 721 1 433 214 4 70 1 1 475 1,059 416 162 648 13 370 2 171 6 23 3 84 2 592 1,112 406 151 727 8 315 313 4 3 95 5 1 529 1,066 176 48 392 215 109 10 58 1 311 607 213 114 487 2 174 264 1 48 2 10 287 315 427 295 124 585 2 332 1 195 7 51 1 472 947 401 97 662 26 494 5 124 19 2 42 .2 33 78 617 996 534 99 744 2 337 1 327 8 1 72 1 624 1,162 434 154 718 221 325 113 341 105 6 46 3 7 65 527 768 223 67 540 1 105 379 1 56 2 423 854 528 114 854 41 320 8 376 28 10 3 148 2 154 659 1,043 485 86 719 14 400 5 219 9 3 97 6 105 579 918 955 409 1,220 28 489 539 10 12 2 180 16 .. 43 1,035 1.919 369 150 462 21 278 1 123 20 8 53 341 649 188 46 360 5 170 1 154 4 6 30 69 196 343 467 496 165 614 3 340 1 115 20 1 139 1 622 1.085 448 116 717 1 316 303 2 96 1 688 1,298 • 591 217 953 2 408 460 1 14 71 1 230~ 703 1,175 755 244 1,102 10 559 2 391 5 10 142 3 2 87 941 1,688 743 136 1,036 31 587 228 5 16 6 205 20 942 1,671 616 375 653 7 378 89 1 185 7 17 57 591 1,.142 ~72. 152 695 57 325 9 241 47 22 107 1 1 514 975 PAZlLKA TAHSiL VILLAGE PRiMARY

Location Name of Village Area of No. of No. of Total Population (includ­ Scheduled Scheduled Code (with Hadbast No.) Village Oceu- House- ing Institutional and Castes Tribes No. in pied holds Houseless Population) Hectares Residen- tial Houses

P) M F M F M F 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 313/276 Daulatpura (93) 1,453 226 227 1,305 704 601 252 197 277 Dulmir Khera (90) 1,696 419 419 2,507 1,332 1,175 275 217 278 Maujgarh (95) 1,380 362 362 2,368 1,240 1,128 280 259 279 Gidranwali (94) 1,354 276 277 1,821 929 892 261 i 263 280 Diwan Khera (104) 2,249 568 568 3,283 1,661 1,622 98 93 281 Punjawa (103) 1,310 252 252 1,542 809 733 282 252 282 Tutwala iJ02) 1,452 265 265 1,727 892 835 85 67 283 Jandwala Hanwanta (96) I~80 450 450 3,241 1,769 1,472 310 244 284 Kalar Khera (100) 1,837 371 371 2,718 1,437 1,281 172 147 285 Usman Khera (101) 1,572 191 191 1,261 659 602 165 161 286 Gumjal (99) 1,522 231 231 1,500 822 67& 207 163 287 paniwala MabIa (98) 1,617 352 352 2,090 1,072 1,018 417 378 288 Bhangar Khera (97) 1,594 421 421 2,680 1,444 1,236 350 331 289 Shergarh (88) 2,061 377 377 2,499 1,326 1,173 189 161 290 Dhinganwali (89) 1,796 367 367 2,488 1,319 1,169 ... 137 117 291 ; Waryam Khera (87) 2,597 478 478 3,257 1,745 1,512 360 297 292 :; Patti Amra (86)' 1,267 325 325 1,969 1,044 ' 925 303 259 293 Jharor Khera (85) 1,697 399 399 2,383 1,301 1,082 172 132 294 Khatwan (78) 1,159 199 199 1,240 644 596 252 227 295 Sherewala (77) 1,343 252 252 1,792 950 842 161 131 296 Wahabwala (76) 1,636 324 324 2,246 1,169 1,077 204 214 297 Rajpura (75) 1,523 391 408 2,675 1,410 1,265 366 317 298 Dodewala (74) 1,915 262 262 1,984 1,043 -941 239 217 299 Ralaran (72) 1,960 440 44b 3,069 1,659 1,410 560 474 300 Rampura (71) 835 238 238 1,716 910 806 286 266 301 Narainpura (70) 863 1,019 1,019 2,354 1,229 1,125 413 375 302 Bhagsar (67) 1,524 240 .240 1,666 869 797 239 235 ·303 Dotarianwaii (65) 1,754 301 301 2,135 1,120 1,015 328 307 304 Sardarpura (62) 1,218 326 326 2,220 1,191 1,029 433 394 305 Sukh Chain (66) 1,331 219 219 1,591 849 742 127 115 306 Khairpura (68) 1,203 150 150 1,165 617 548 124 101 307 Sito Gunu (41) 1,717 528 530 3,262 1,750 1,512 342 282 308 Mehrajpura (42) 1,185 263 263 1,818 989 829 175 137 309 Khubban (38) 1,584" 514 514 3,331 1,797 1,534 738 604 310 Modi Khera (39) 1,108 266 266 1,934 1.031 903 265 208 311 Himatpura (40) 1,450 315 315 1,977 1,020 957 260 200 312 Bishanpura (69) 1,681 245 245 1,504 "" 795 709 259 235 313 lJazidpura (21) 1,879 462 462 3.169 1,703 1,466 512 431 223

CENSUS ABSTRACT FlROZPUR DISTRICT MAIN WOKKERS Literates --~ Marginal Non-Workers Total, Main Cultivators Agricultural Household Other Workers Workers (n Labourers Jndustrry- Workers (l~IX) (II) Manufacturing, [III, IV, V(b) Processing, & VI to IX] Servicing and Repairs [yea)]

~- M F M F M F M F H F M F M F M F 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 238 76 381 226 116 4 35 6 7 317 594 378 199 763 87 364 16 329 68 9 61 3 1 152 568 936 448 200 671 24 291 231 22 7 136 2 2 2 567 1,102 317 165 507 3 391 'i 81 4 31 2 14 408 889 788 427 9~5 7 520 1 201 2 39 3 175 1 24 336 702 1,279 324 129 505 8 268 193 3 13 5 31 18 98 286 627 402 116 419 1 344 88 1 -- 6 41 42 357 371 477 689 206 930 41 524 1 226 20 37 11 143 9 2 342 837 1,089 557 115 777 4 494 173 3 27 1 83 185 660 1,092 232 120 367 212 ltO 5 40 15 292 587 308 57 471 307 193 121 253 185 25 1 31 351 340 324 127 539 7 217 258 3 10 54 4 27 '275 506 736 534 197 796 19 468 " 247 15 81 4 31 514 617 703 391 91 694 10 363 1 266 6 17 48 3 13 632 1,150 351 55 675 13 293 274 3 18 1 90 9 3 162 641 994 431 78 925 76 478 2 328 72 7 112 2 820 1,436 385 129 635 3 369 222 3 11 33 1 408 922 389 156 788 541 174 6 67 513 1,082 134 ' 59 366 38 156 5 150 33 2 58 28 22 250 536 306 97 495 80 283 2 146 74 1 1 65 3 6 153 449 609 337 175 690 11 470 3 154 8 13 53 3 14 476 1,052 376 126 804 7 459 208 5 12 125 2 60 635 546 623 424 145 536 2 327 139 2 1 69 5 196 502 743 567 120 889 4 403 389 1 2 95 3 166 770 1,240 262 43 499 6 254 181 12 46 6 1 411 799 388 121 689 11 404 1 213 8 4 68 .,... 1 44 '539 1,070 162 62 514 39 425 55 36 5 3 29 355 758 486 171 597 11 431 7 92 1 13 3 61 77 222 446 782 424 149 636 29 263 283 29 8 82 257 555 743 238 45 462 90 312 37 110 53 5 35 387 652 103 14 359 241 100 1 17 258 548 478 107 927 98 \, 501 16 310 80 14 102 2 44 124 779 1,290 295. 44 524 17 312 5 169 10 16 ' 2 27 26 87 439 725 507 184 1,017 127 208 480 113 11 2 318 12 1 9 779 1,398 314 47 528 7 319 165 6 8 36 1 1 160 502 736 316 111 585 16 381 150 14 7 1 47 1 24 258 411 683 256 46 480 1 285 174 1 21 3 2 312 706 748 223 989 73 603 304 73 11 71 29 132 685 1,261 224 URBAN PRIMARY FAZILKA TAHSIL

Location Name of Town/Ward Area of No of No. of Total Population (including. Scheduled Scheduled Code Town/ Occupied House- Institutional and Houseless Castes Tribes No Ward Residential holds population) in Houses Km2.


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 R 9 10 11 12 Jalalabad U.A. N.A· 2,871 2,871 16,"39 9,011 7,628 951 8M 3/vn Jalalabad M.C. 2'84 2,483 2,483 14,734 7,991 6,743 818 677 Ward No. 1 248 248 1,266 665 fOt 71 80 ( 2 _.149 149 838 418 420 125 125 795 405 390 23 28 4 165 165 983 533 450 39 32 5 153 882 441 441 6 166 166 904 478 426 7 174 174 916 498 478 8 172 172 1,048 531 511 23 23 9 242 242 12,19 672 601 323 320 10 274 274 1,682 851 825 133 130 11 166 166 934 482 452 14 18 12 118 118 707 363 344 12 7

13 331 331 2,440 1,642 79~ 179 39 Extended Area Block No. 21. (O.G.) 388 388 1,905 1,020 Sqs 133 127 3/VUI Fazilka M.e. ~ 5.44 8,130 8,173 43,548 22,626 20,C)2't 4,668 4,U4 Ward No. 1 602 615 2,953 1,600 1,353 275 228 2 210 210 2,065 1,012 993 41 28 3 556 556 3,025 1,583 1,442 113 102 4 796 826 4,461 2,327 2,140 1,272 1,159 5 387 387 2,556 1,353 1,203 1,105 962 6 2112 282 1,626 838 788 213 191 7 393 393 2,306 1,146 1,160 150 151 8 564 564 3,301 1,735 1,572 471 '442 9 373 373 2,281 1174 1,107 120 115 10 426 426 2,400 1,209 1,191 75 69 11 387 387 2,209 1,129 1,081 20 25 12 420 420 2,283 1,195 1,088 148 147 13 472 472 2,790 1,516 1,274 641 587 14 998 998 2,342 1,225 1,117 2 1 15 548 548 3,063 1,580 1,483 16 387 387 2,169 1,071 1,098 18 14 17 329 329 1,706 873 833 4 3 225

CENsUS ABSTRACT FIqOZPUR DISTRICT MAIN WORKERS Lfterates Total Main Cultivators Agricultural Household Other Marginal Non-Workers Workers 0) Labourers Industry­ Workers Workers (I-IX) (II) Manufacturing, [III, IV, V(b) Processing, & VI to IX] Servicing and Repairs [V (a)}

M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F 13 14 15 1"; 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 5,619 4,242 5,147 269 402 4 434 2 212 12 4,039 251 9 19 3,855 7,340 5,285 4,082 4,58:'. 26"1 372 4 171 1 267 12 3,766 250 9 19 3,400 6,~7 356 234 367 35 45 26 11 285 34 1 - 297 566 15 178 26 1 2 187 392 315 262 2~O 26 37 367 335 280 206 23 35 3 168 23 199 432 315 221 311 17 27 55 36 2 193 14 1 221 214 421 343 300 226 18 27 3 7 189 18 2 . 29 179 240 410 336 251- 236 16 28 2 14 2 461 358 810 ?78 17 14 2 13 249 17 220 502 355 270 262 7 31 5 226 7 2 275 593 181 100 354 14 13 15 49 5 277 9 318 '16 417 806 509 412 440 1.8 20 1 57 36 327 234 427 335 250 246 21 24 6 2 215 19 2 4 151 328 270 219 212 14 13 4 1 12 183 13 2 427 752 1,277 470 1,214 41 58 14 45 1,097 40 5 1 455 ·883 334 160 565 2 30 257 1 5 273 53 11,387 20,244 13,021 8,966 tl.t85 62'5 627 3 426 16 355 24 9,777 582 54 793 1,312 763 438 807 41 58 16 732 41 973 697 532 530 20 46 9 21 454 20 542 770 1,382 1,237 918 813 59 45 53 2 715 57 1 1,204 2,021 939 562 1,112 103 24 146 6 47 8 895 89 11 16 745 1,190 278 127 588 12 6 35 '2 14 533 10 20 420 771 474 315 418 17 24 18 3 376 14 559 1,139 676 430 587 21 32 6 5 36 2 513 14 880 1,545 718 590 855 27 21 2 3 28 804 24 601 1,078 756 503 564 24 34 33 3 496 21 9 5 635 1,124 855 695 574 67 59 3 4 1 508 66 883 719 601 27 60 4 537 26 528 1,053 847 532 592 38 70 7 44 1 471 37 603 1,049 711 103 758 9 8 93 g 1 643 8 758 1,265 696 507 568 29 25 3 7 533 29 3 654 1,088 1,146 919 802 73 43 3 756 72 13 778 1,397 856 701 586 46 52 1 9 1 525 44 11 15 474 1,037 443 82·) 489 375 430 12 20 105 19 2 286 10 1 226


Location Name of Town/Ward Area of No. of No. of Total Population (including Scheduled Scheduled Code Town! O;;cupied House- Institutional and Houseless Castes Tribes No. Ward Residential holds Population) in Km2 Houses

P M F M F M F 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 3/IX Aboltar M.e. 14'11 14,446 14,489 86,334 46,582 39,152 8,188 1,'!O8 Ward No. 1 864 864 5,034 2,684 2,350 '598 51"" 2 606 606 3,677 1,901 1,776 27 15 3 522 522 3,197 1,667 1,530 43 35 4 812 848 4,963 2,650 2,313 403 336 5 878 878 5,185 2,706 2,479 211 200 6. 415' 415 2,818 1,384 1,434 19 ' 18 7 598 599 3,616 1,906 1,710 105 86 8 491 491 2,931 1,507 1,424 9 524 524 3,363 1,777 1,586 64 54 10 467 467 3,374 1,761 1,613 12 8 11 528 528 3,693 1,926 1,767 705 628 12 888 888 5,062 2,859 2,203 1,170 1,093

13 760 760 4,600 3,070 1,530 310 20~ , 14 572 S72 3,391 1,801 1,590 82 85 15 627 627 3,331 1,789 1,542 44 36

1 i 661 661 3,371 1,892 1,479 18 12 17 715 7!5 4,356 2,344 2,012 677 605 18 577 577 3,959 2,148 1,811 1,875 1,643 19 767 767 4,709 2,531 2,178 I,OOG 949 20 799 799 5,481 3,088 2,393 597 518 21 1,375 1,381 6,223 3,191 3,032 222 168 CENSUS ABSTRACT FlROZPUR DISTRIct MAIN WORKERS Literates Total Main Cultivators Agricultural Household Other Marginal Non-Workers Workers (I) Labourers Industry, Workers Workers O-IX) (II) Manufacturing, [III, IV, V(b) Processing, & VI to .lX1 Servicing and Repairs [V (a)]

M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 16 27 28

25,784 15,867 23,943 1,240 1,04~ 8 1,341 29 1,029 61 20,529 1,142 23 24 22,616 38,488 1,350 899 1,228 43 78 1 109 137 904 42 3 1.453 2,307 1,219 920 904 65 75 14 21 794 65 997 1,711 1,056 728 772 35 59 1 21 19 4 673 30 1 894 1,495 1,011 531 1,438 54 125 293 1 53 5 967 48 1,212 2,259

1,816 1,417 1,328 104 52 ~ 36 62 1,1'8 104 2 1,378 2.373 1,057 993 610 36 40 12 4 554 36 774 1,398 1,419. 1,129 1,046 112 48 3 47 7 948 105 2 858 1,598 1,202 969 807 56 91 1 13 702 55· 1 6 699 1,362 1,253 926 943 35 17 5 26 2 895 33 1 834 1,550 1,396 1,035 846 16 10 7 44 1 785 15 915 1,597 1,079 625 956 60 9 23 1 225 20 699 39 6 1 964 1.706 1,004 328 1,625 121 44 4 223 12 38 1 1,320 104 1 1,233 2.082 1,336 247 2,152 80 55 194 4 6 1,897 76 5 4 913 1,446 1,112 763 906 37 12 66 8 828 29 2 7 893 1,546 1,258 835 920 23 7 2 12 1 899 22 869 1,519 1,369 754 1,064 47 20 79 5 48 6 917 36 828 1,432 1,333 793 . 1,148 51 8 1 22 5 26 1,092 45 1 1,196 1,960 451 115 1,116 28 3 1,113 28 2 ),032 1,781 1,365 569 1,226 72 19 23 101 4 1,083 68 2 1,303 2,106 1,426 594 1,350 74 160 237 1 49 1 904 72 1,738 2,319 1,272 691 1,558 91 115 37 29 1 1,377 90 1,633 2,941

URBAN/VILLAGE PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT APPENDIX Total, Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes Population .. Urban Blockwise




total, Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes Population-Urban Blockwlse


Location Name of TownlWardl Total Scheduled Scheduled Code No, Urban Blockwise Population Castes Tribes

1 2 3 4 5

Dharamkot U.A. 9,328 1,643 17/3/1 Dharamkot M .C. 9.125 1,643 Ward No 1 667 Block No. t 667 Ward No.2 886 12 Block No. 2 886 12 W¢No 3 591 6 Block No. 3 591 6 Ward No.4 892 6 Block No. 4 892 6 Ward No.5 807 Block No.5 174 Block No.6 633 Ward No.6 710 Block No. 7 710 Ward No.7 920 110 Block No. 8 920 110 Ward No.8 725 45 Btock No. 9 725 45 Ward No.9 899 452 Block No. 10 899 452 Ward No. 10 1,062 835 Block No. 11 144 582 Block No. 12 318 253 Ward No. 11 966 177 Block No. 13 966 117

80 HOUSeS out side M,O. 203 limit (O.G.) Block No. 14 203 '7/3/D Zira M.e. 19,581 4,449

W~rd No.1 1,864 620 lJlocJa No. t 754 43 2 I.PO ~77 ,. 232 URBAN/VILLAGE PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT APPENDIX Total, Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes Population-Urban Blockwise FIROZPUR DISTRICT Lacation Name of Town/ward/ ,Total Scheduled Scheduled CodeN"). Urban block wise Popuiatio:n Castes Tribes 1 2 3 4 5 17/2/II Zira M.C. (cone/d.) Ward No. 2 1342 1,199 Block No. 3 603 536 4 739 603 WaId No. 3 1,564 403 Block No. 5 1.088 360 6 476 43 .. Ward No. 4 1,015 50 Block No. 7 1,015 50

Ward No. 5~ 1,379 104 Block No. 8 723 38 9 656 66 . Ward No. 6 1,777 323 Block No. 10 921 288 11 856 35 Ward No. 7 1.203 199 Dlock No. 12 583 52 13 620 147 Ward No. 8 1,185 Block No. 14 618 1.5 567 Ward No. 9 1,054 6 Block No. 16 1,054 6 Ward No. 10 1,954 731 Block No. t7 562 296 18 725 186 19 667 249 Ward No. 11 2,199 459 Block No. 20 t.OSl 74 21 1,148 385 Ward No. 12 , 1.427 58 Block No. 22 780 21 23 647 37 Ward No. 13' 1,618 297 Block No. 24 647 82 25 971 215

I7/l/HI . Talwaedi Bhaj M.e. 9.117 1,942 Ward No. t 1,110 551 Block No. 1 538 229 2 572 322 Ward No. 2 644 143 Block No. 3 644 143 Ward No. 3 710 175 Block No. 4 710 175 Ward No. 4 726 10 Block No, s 726 10 233 URBAN/VILLAGE PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT APPENDIX Total, Scbeduled Castes and S~beduled Tribes Population-Urban Blockwise FIROZPUR DISTRICT Location Name of Town/Ward/ Total Scheduled Scheduled r Code No. Urban Block population Castes Tribes 1 2 5 4 5 17/3/111 Talwandi Bbai M.C. (coneld.) Ward No.5 1,251 221 Block No.6 376 217 7 875 4 Ward No.6 898 11 .' . Block No. 8 898 11 Ward No. 7 718 431 Block No.9 718 431 Ward No. 8 667 174 Block No. 10 667 174 Ward No.9 747 10 Block No. 11 747 10 Ward No. 10 523 Block! No. 12 523 Ward No. 11 642 36 Block! No. 13 642 36 Ward No. 12 481 180 Block No. 14 481 180 17/3/IV Firozpur M.C. 61,162 9,770 Ward No.1 1,828' 121 Block No.1 924: 2 334 7 3 570 114 Ward No,. 2 2,420 4 Block No. 4 829 5 436 6 1,155 4 Ward No.3 2,182 14 Block No.7 541 8 796 14 9 845 Ward No.4 2,436 251 Block No. 10 614 248 11 1,055 3 12 767 Ward No.5 2,716 Block No. 13 511 14 669 15 531 16 1,005 Ward No. 6 3,095 27 Block No. 17 1,116 4. 18 871 1 19 1,10 22 234 URBAN/VILLAGE PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT APPENDIX Total, SCheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes Population-Urban Blockwise FIROZPUR DISTRICT Location Name of Town/Ward! Total Seheduled Scheduled Code No. Urban Block Population Castes Tribes 1 2 3 4 5 17/3/IV Firozpur M. C. (contd.) Ward No.7 2,306 11 BlockNo. 20 1,027 21 708 ·. 22 571 11, i Ward No.8 2,299 228 Block No. 23 .396 78 24 818 · . 25 1.085 150 Ward No.9 2,037 Block No. 26 402 27 665 28 616 29 354 Ward No. 10 1,830 51 Block Nc.30 1,153 51 31 677 Ward No. 11 5,243 46 Block No. 32 599 42 33 675 · . 34 1,068 4 35 376 36 824 37 798 38 903 Ward No. 12 1,741 191 Block No. 39 443 · . 40 720 167 41 578 24 Ward No. 13 1,704 294 BlocklNo. 42 922 231 43 782 63 Ward No. ·14 3,590 1,591 Block No. 44 1,748 1,239 45 806 347 46 1,036 . 5 Ward No. 15 3,033 268 Block No. 47 834 1 48 605 48 49 621 119 50 548 48 51 425 52 Ward No. ~ 2.636 821 Block No. 52 709 16 53 462 327 54 1,021 171 5S 444 307 1M l1RBAN/VIDLAGE PRIMARY CENSUS ABsTRACT


Total, Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes Population-Urban BJockwise


Location Name of Town/WardjUrban Total Scheduled Scheduled Code No. Block Population Castes Tribes

1 2 3 4 5

17/3/IV F.iJ'ozPur M. C. (contd.)

Ward No. 17 2,327 1,073 Block No. 56 465 70 57 922 587 58 940 416 Ward No•. 18 4,597 2,240 Block No. 59 560 205 60 996 348 61 611 217 62 615 209 63 427 260 64 789 630 65 599 371 Ward No. 19 981 499 Block No. 66 981 499 Ward No. 20 2,525 707 Block N(). 61 863 283 68 843 326 69 511 57 70 308 41 Ward No.21 2,706 703 Block! No. 71 941 88 72 1,058' 528 73 707 87 Ward No. 22 6,930 630 Block No. 74 569 8 75 458 19 76 473 81 .. 77 589 10 78 629 63 ..

79 615 80 •• 80 446 23 - 81 459 62 82 537 5S - 236 URBAN/VILLAGE PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT APPENDIX

Total. Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes Population-Urban Blockwlse


Location Name of Town/Ward/Urban Block Total Schedu1~d Scheduled Code No.' Population Castes Tribes

1 2 3 4 5 ITJ3flV Firozpur M.e. (concld.) Blook No. 83 561 24 84 505 16 Special Charge Central Jai

17/3/V Firozpur Caott. U.A. 44,618 8.188 Firozpur C .B. 38,582 6,273

i Ward No.1 6,901 1.969 Block No.1 548 298 2 561 228 3 149 359 4 785 80 5 904 481 6 712 21 7 809 124 8 779 69 9 617 1'35 10 443 174 Ward No. :2 6,076 667 Block No. 11 508 362 12 418 13 609 35 14 631 41 15 705 9 16 673 17 17 415 ~16 18 519 S6 19 107 37 20 831 Ward No 3 5,588 1,504 Block No. 21 667 139 22 498 117 23 271 15 24 600 300 25 704 453 26 290 99 27 734 102 28 682 66 29 704 159 30 438 54 - Ward No.4 4.120 75 Block No. 31 349 53 32 477 33 230 •• 34 671 35 508 17 36 382 37 450 38 559 5 39 .488 - 231 URBAN/VILLAGE PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT APPENDIX Total, Schedllled Ca~tes and Scheduled Tribes Population-Urban Blockwise FIROZPUR DISTRICT Location Name of Town!Wil,rdjUrban Block Total Scheduled Scheduled Code No. Popula tion Castes Tribes " 1 2 3 4 5 17/3/V Firozepuc C.~. (cone/d.) Ward No.5 3,547 938 Block ~o. 40 299 74 41 471 191 42 809 232 43 661 140 44 451 85 45 542 101- 46 314 115 Ward No.6 4,855 124 Block No. 47 625 8 48 433 49 309 50 659 50 51 524 52 408 5 53 594 22 54 606 23 55 697 16 Ward No.7 2,321 753 Block No. 56 705 384 57 901 180 58 134 53 59 428 130 60 5,321 249 Railwak Station Cantt. 6,096 1,915 and RaHway Colony, O.G. Block No. 1 739 172 2 1.331 557 3 1.199 290 4 1,472 445

5 944 367 / 6 411 84 17/3fVl Guru Hac Sahai M.C. 7,684 932 Ward No.1" 848 5 Block No. 1 848 5 Ward No.2 770 299 Block No. 2 770 299 Ward No.3 767 130 Block No, 3 767 130 Ward No.4 706 14 Block No. 4 706 14 -Ward No 5 501 6 .. 501 (; Block No.5 •• 238 - . URBAN/Vll..LAGE PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT APPENDIX

Total, Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes Population-Urban Blockwise FIROZPUR DISTRICT Location Name of Town/Ward/Urban Block Total Scheduled Scheduled Code No. Population Castes Tribes 1 2 3 4 5 17/3JVI Guru liar Sahai M.e. (conc/d') Ward No.6 611 3 Block No.6 611 3 Ward No.7 600 Block No. 7 600 Ward_No.8 584 5 Block No. S 584 5 Ward No.9 1,026 179 Block No. 9 1,026 179

Ward No. 10 483 6 Block No. 10 483 6

Ward No. 11 788 285 Block No. 11 788 285

17j3/Vll Jalalabad U.A. 16,639 1,755 Jalalabad M.e. 14,734 1,495 Ward No.1 1,266 151 Block No. 1 354 33 2 389 70 3 523 48

Ward No.2 838 1 Block No.4 838 1

Ward No.' 3 795 51 Block No. 5 795 51 Ward No.4 983 71 Block No. 6 -594 5 7 389 66

Ward No.5 882 Block No. S 882 Ward No.6 904 Block No. 9 904 Ward No.7 976 Block No. 10 452 11 524 Ward No.8 1,048 46 Block No. 12 520 20 13 528 26 Ward No.9 1,279 643 Block No. 14 617 231 15 662 412 23~ URBAN/VILLAGE PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT APPENDIX Total, Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes Population-Urban Blockwise FJROZPUR DISTRICT Location Name of Town!Ward/Urban Block Total Scheduled Scheduled Code No. Population Castes Tribes I 1 2 3 4 5 17/3/VII JalaJabad M.e. (concld.) Ward No. 10 1,682 263 Block No. 16 783 220 17 899 43 Ward No. 11 934 32 Block No. 18 934 32 Ward No. 12 707 19 Block No. 19 107 19

Ward No. 13' 1,316 57 Block No. 20 643 57 21 443 22 230 Extended Area O.G. 1,905 260 Block No. 23 309 26 24 725 182 25 342 20 26 529 32 17/J/VIII Fazilka M.e. 43,548 8,892 Ward No.1 2,953 503 Block No.1 699 119 2 1,011 92

3 524 120 4 719 172 Ward No.2 2,065 69 Block No.5 916 2 6 627 7 522 67 Ward No.:} 3,025 215 Block No.8 85) 15 9 791 10 612 34 IJ 765 166 .. 240 URBANjVILtAGE PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT APPENDIX Total Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes Population·Urbau Blockwise FIROZPUR DISTRICT

Location Name of Town/Ward} Urban TotaJ Scheduled Scheduled Code No. Block PopuIaticm Castes Tribes 1 2 3 4 5 17/3fVIII Fazllka M.e. (contd.r Ward No.4 4,467 2.431 BlockNo. 12 731 305 13 858 464 14 991 626 15 899 490 16 988 546 Ward No.5 .2,556 2,067 BlockNo~ 17 787 640 \ 18 652 613 19 327 148 20 790 666 Ward No.6 1,626 404 Block No. 21 582 341 22 375 52 23 669 11

Ward No.7 , 2,306 30' Block No• .24 655 64 25 980 63 26 671 174 Ward No.8 3,307 913 Block No. 27 681 645 28 793 113 29 l..158 150 30 669 5 Ward No.9 2,281 235 Block No. 31 359 .. 32 452 27 33 723 165 34 747 43

Ward No. 10 2,400 144 Block No. 35 501 19 36 791 90 37 1,108 35 Ward No. 11 2,209 45 BlocIa No. 38 1,026 39 556 .. 40 627 45

Ward No. 12 2,283 295 Block No. 41 1,009 31 42 667 55 43 '607 209 Ward No. 13 2,790 1,228 .. Block No. 44 828 490 45 869 6 .. 46 1,093 732 .... 241 URBAN/VILLAGE PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT


Total, Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes Population -Urban Blockwlse

FIROZPUR DISTRICT Location Name of Town/Ward/Urban Total Scheduled Scheduled Code No.' Block Population Castes Tribes

1 2 3 4 5 17/3/VllI Fazilka M.e. (concld.) Ward No. 14 2,342 3 Block No. 47 337 · . 48 736 3 49 624 50 ' 645 Ward No. 15 3,063 Block No. 51 862 52 802 53 562 54 837 Ward No. 16 2,169 32 Block No. 55 849 10 56 362 · . 57 958 22 Ward No. 17 1,559 7 Block No. 58 434 7 59 778 60 347 17/3f1X Abobar M.C. 86,334 15,396

Ward No. 1 5,034 1,112 Block No. t 902 202 2 722 536 3 767 73 4 897 286 5 909 .. 6 837 15 Ward No. 2 3,677 42 Block No. 7 722 42 8 450 9 1,131 10 955 11 419 Ward No. 3 3,197 78 Block No. 12- 581 .. 13 838 10 14 868 68 15 910 Ward No. 4 4,963 739 Block No. 16 1,056 405 17 779 270 18 527 · . 19 337 32 20 518 24 21 615 8 22 1,131 242 URBAN} VILLAGE PlUMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT


Total, Sdleduled Castes Rod Scheduled Tribes PopuJation~ Urban Bloekwise.


Location Name of Town/Ward/Urba.n Total Scheduled Seheduled Code No. BJock PopuJa6on Castes Tribes

L' 2 3 4 5 17/3/IX Abohar M.e. (contd.) Ward No. S 5,185 411 Block No. 23 606 24 815 25 360 · . 26 652 54 27 1,185 90 28 9S5 249 29 582 IS

Ward No. 6 2,818 37 Block No. 30 930 37 31 1,036 32 852 Ward No. 7 3,616 191 Block No. 33 742- 34 712 · . 35 783 56 36 469 67 37 407 29 .3S 503 39

Ward No. TS 2,931 Block No. 39 734 40 707 41 559 42 931 Ward No. 9 3,363 118 Block No. 43 604 98 44 141 · . 45 489 20 46 864 47 698 48 567

Ward No. 10 3,374 20 Block No. 49 551 50 424 51 773 52 755 · . 53 871 20

Ward No. 11 3,693 1,333 Block No., 54 447 148 55 512 121 56 ' 77 .. 57 479 446 58 625 209 59 929 297 60 624 112 243 URBAN/VILLAGE PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT APPENDIX

Total, Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes Population-Urban B}ockwise


Location Name of Town/Ward/Urban Block Total SCheduled Scheduled Code No. Population Castes Tribes 1 2 3 4 5 17/3/IX Abohar M.e. (conld.) Ward No. 12 5,062 2,263 Block No. 61 605 109 62 1,162 46 63 390 70 64 577 79 65 932 750 66 505 505 67 891 704 Ward No. 13 4,600 515 Block No. 68 9ll 68 69 1,193 80 70 779 73 71 725 134 72 992 160 Ward No. 14 , 3,391 167 Block No. 73 1.182 52 74 613 111 75 763 4 76 833 Ward No. 15 3,331 80 Block No. 77 898 38 78 760 34 79 984 80 689 8 Ward No. 16 3,371 30 Block NO. 81 783 11 82 704 83 1,046 18 84 838 1 Ward No. 17 4,356 1,282 Block No. 85 872 16 86 902 225 87 f832 606 88 1,058 300 89 692 135

Ward No. 18 36 959 3,518 Block No. 90 413 466 91 723 695 92 480 332 93 239 210 94 666 485 95 952 904 .. 96 426 426 •• 244 URBAN/VJLLAGE PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT APPENDIX Total, Sbheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes Population-Urban Blockwise FIROZPUR DISTRTCT Location Name of Town/Ward/Urban Block Total SCheduled Scbeduled Code No. Population Castes Tribes 1 2 3 4 5 17/3{lX Abohar M.e. (concld.) Ward No. 19 4,709 1,955 Block No. 97 1.153 98 980 6J2' 99 765 99 100 1,221 818 101 590 292 Ward NO. 20 5,481 1,115 Block No. 102 1,301 43 103 692 159 104 733 105 480 90 106 872 562 107 258 174 108 645 87 Ward No. 21 5,027 366 Block No. 109 572 15 110 265 51 111 823 17 112 846 113 713 168 114 591 12 .. US 891 70 116 326 33 14S ANNEXURE TO APPENDIX

Descripti_ of Ea"'eratiOll' BlGeks of Dbarmkot M.e.

Block No. Descript iolt

1. Ward No.1 ;-House No.1 that is vauant to residence of Am&r' Singh in H~ No. 56 and H. No. 57 to 97 of Dalip Singh to Gurdawara. 2. Ward No. 2:-House No.1 that is vacant to Mandir in H. No. 62(2) and ,M. No. 63 to 157 of Shop to residence of Lachman Singh. , 3. Ward No. 3:-Residence of Ashok Kumar to residence- of Baldev Rajcin H. ,No., 1 to 67 and H. No. 68 to 154 of Muleh; and to the vaca.nt house. 4. Ward No. 4.-Dharmshala in H. No.1 to residence of Dalip' Singh to residence of Gurmukh Singh in l{. No. 52 to 94/2 and H. No. 95(1) to 148 of Kishori Lal to lla.rbans Singh and residence of Amar Singh to Charanji Lal in H. No. 149 to 163. 5. Ward No. 5.-Residenc~ of Achhar Singh to Kamail Singh in H. NO.124 to 167. 6. Ward No. 6.-This Block Starts from House No 8, Residence of Jagir Singh to residence of Harbans Lal -in H. No. 62 and·, H: No. 63 to 123 of Joginder Ram to Sewa Singh. 7. Ward No. 6.-Residence of Amrik Lal in H. No. 1 to club in H. No. 62(2), H. No. 63 to 133 of Woods Store to Doctor's Shop and Shop of Karyana to -Bootor's Shop in H. No. 134 to 1&8 and Shop of Clothes to ~ron Shop ih H. No. 1&<9 ,to, 2-50; , 8. Ward No. 7.-From Petition writer in H. No.1 to Sweet Shop in H. No. 52. H. No. 53 to 105 of Vegetable Shop to Khadi Clothes Shop and, Boots Shop to residence of Charanji Lal in H. No. 106 to 145, Residence of Raj pal to Sod.. Water Factory in H. No. 146 to 199 andH.No. 200to 252 of residence of Dev Ra.j to Teleph

11. Ward No~ 1O.-Residence No. 1 to 101, H .. No. 149 to 250. 12. Ward No. lO.-House No. 115 that is vacant to re.sidence of Singh in H. No. 171; Residence of Narang Singh to Material of Woods Shop in H. No. 178 to, 258. Residance of Bikar Singh in H. No. 102(1) to residenc-e of partap Kaur in H. No. 148 and H. No. 176 to H. No. 200 of residence of Natbi to residence of Jang Singh. 13. Ward No. 1 I.-Residence No. 1 to 238.

14. Out Growth Population.-Residence of Sardara Singh in H. No. 1 to residence of Kartar Singh in H. No. 20.

Description of Emtmeration Blocks of Zira M.e.

BloCk No. Description

1. Ward No. ',-House No. 1 that is vacant to Petrol Pump in house No. 56, Residence of Manjit Singh inhouse No. 51 to Residence of Baj Singh in house No. ISO. 2. Ward No. J .-House of Rur Singh to residence of S'atyapal in House No. 151 to 215, H. No. 216 to 297 of Sardari La1 to Cattle Shed.

3. Ward No. 2.-Residence No.1 to 100, including Mandir. 4. Ward No. 2.-Residence No. 101 to 199, including School. ANNEXURE TO APPENDIX Description of Enumeration Blocks of Zira M.C.-concld.· Block Nc. Description 5. Ward No. 3.-House of Tara Singh to residence of Jaswant Singh in house No. 1 to 65, and 66 to 140 (.>f Gurdayal ,Singh to Ram Chand. 6. Ward No. 3.-Residence of Ajit Singh in house No. 141 to Punjab and Sind Bank in house No. 180. Thakka Sarab to Chungi in house No. 18-1 to 229 and Club to residence of Gurdas Singh in house No. 230 to 272. 7. Ward No. 4.-Shop of Photo Graphar to shop of iloot hO:lse in house No. 1 to 62, Shop of Bajaj to residence of in H. No. 63 to 149 and residence of Gurnam Singh to residence of Hemraj in H. No. 150 to 224, and residence of Chiman Lal to vacant house in H. No. 225 to 351. ( 8. Ward No. 5.-Dhabba to residence of Sangara Singh in house No.' 1 to 55 and residence of Jeena Ram to re3idellce of A'ihok Kumar in H. No. 56 to 110. 9. Ward No. 5.-Residence No. 111 to 338, including Jain Mandir. 10. Ward No. 6.-Residcnce of Tara Singh to residence of Sukhdev Singh in house No. 1 to 55 and 56 to 100 of Harbans Lal to Om Gir. 11. Ward No. 6.-Residence of Diwan Singh to Gurdawarain H. No. 101 to 154 and 155 to 208. of Lakba Singh, Tej Kaur to Trilok Singh. 12. Ward No. 7.-Tea Shop to Khad Store in H. No. 1 to 64 and Telephone Exchange to Residence of Son an Lal in H. No. 65 to 110. 13. Ward No. 7.-Residenceof R. K. Bhargav to residence of JagirSingh inhouse No. III to 151 and resjdence of Jagan Nath toresidence of Joginder Singh in house No. 152 to 210. 14. Ward No. 8.-Residence No. 1 to 120, including B.D.O. Office, S.D.M. Office, Gurdwara· and School. 15. Ward No. 8.-Residence of Sardari Lal in H. No. 121 to Mandir in H. No. 173 and Dharmshala in H. No. 174 to Te~idence of Satya Pal in H. No. 233. 16. Ward No. 9.-Residence of Jai Gobind Singh in H. No. 1 to Residence of Durga Dass in H. No. 71, House No. 72 to 140 of residence of Tarsem La] to Gurdwara and the Shop ofBajaj to residenee of Saran Das in H. No, 141 to 221. 11. Ward No. lO.-Residence No. 1 to 100. Talwandi Road, High School Boys and Gurdwara. 18. Ward. No. lo.-ResideAce of Kasmir Singh in H. -No. 101 to Residence of Ganga Singh in H. No. 151 and H. No. 152(1) to 200(3) of residence of Ajit Singh to residence of Malkit Singh. . .

19. ·Ward No. IO.-Residence No 201 to 310, including Office Punjab State Electricity Board, Govt High School and Water Works. 20. Ward No. ll.-Tea Stall in H. No.1 to Doctor's Shop in H. No. 72/2 and H. No. 72/3 to 140 of Shop of Clothes to Cattle Shed.

21. Ward No. ll.-H, No. 141 that is vacant to H. No. 203(2) is Gurdawara and residenCe of Hardyal Singh to residence of Surjan Singh in H. No. 204(1) to 272. 22. Ward No. 12.-Residence of Hukam Singh in H. No. 1 to Cattle Shed in H. No. 67/2 and H. No. 68/1 to 140/2 residence of Atar Singh to Pirthi Chand. . 23. Ward No. 12.-1ron Shop in H. No. 141 to Punsup in H. No. 211 and H. No. 212 to 2&7/1 Photographar to residence of Tilak Raj. 24. Ward No. I3.-Residence No.1 to 120, including Gaushala and Market Committee. 25. Ward No. 13.-Dyer Shop in H. No. 121 to Punjab Machinery Store in H. No. 253, H. No. 254 to 303 of Kishan Spareparts Shop to Arya Samaj Mandir and Oil Store of Barkat Ram to residence of Chhinder Shah in H. No. 304 to 361. 247 ANNEXURE TO APPENDIX Description of Enumeration Blocks of Talwandi Bbai M.e. Block No. Description 1. Ward No. I.-Residence of Harbans Lal to house of Balbir Singh, H. No. 1 to 42 House of Mohinder Singh to house of Budh Singh, H. No. 43 to 90, including Veterinary Hospital and Sehool. 2. Ward No. I.-Residence of Banta Singh to Office Food and Supply, H. No. 91 to 118, House of Ram Kishan to house of Budh Ram, Ho. No. 119 to 170. 3. Ward No. 2.-Shop-cum-residence of Shri Gian . Chand to house of Amar Chand. H. No.1 to 110, including Mandir and Primary SchooL 4. Ward No. 3.-Road Faridkot, Mandi Road, Residence of 1 to 84. 5. Ward. No. 4.-From shop to house of Tek Chand, H. No.1 to 102, House of Heera Bahadur to Laxmi Bank, H. No. 103 to 183.

6. Ward No. 5.-House of Des Raj to house of Muni Lal, H. No. 1 to 87, Workshop to house of Kedar Nath. H. No. 88 to 181. including Dairy, Post Office and Hospital. 7. Ward No. 5.-Spareparts Shop to house of Shiv Dass, H. No. 182 to 222, Residence of Bishan Singh to Shamshan Ghat, H. No. 223 to 329,

8. Ward No. 6.~Flour Mill to house of Gurdeep Singh, H ..No. 1 to 56, House of Kartar Singh to house of Santa Singh. H. No. 57 to 168.

9. Ward No, 7.-House of Kapoor Singh to house cf Sucha Singh.

10. Ward No. 8.-House of Ram Bahadur to Cattle-Shed, H. No.1 to 66, Hous~ of Balbir Singh to house of Sant Singh, H. No. 67 to 102.

11. Ward No. 9.-House of Surat Singh to house of Sukesh Kumar, H. No.1 to 82, House of Jai Chand to house of Jaswant Singh, H. No. 83 to 132. 12. Ward No. IO.-Not Available. 13. Ward No. Jl.-House of Suresh Kumar to house of Darshan Singh. H. No. 1 to 58 House of Saber Singh to vacant house, H. No. 59 to 98. 14. Ward No. I2.-Residence House No. I to 70, including Daultpura Road, G.T. Road, Amritsar Road and SchooL

-Description of Enumeration E locks of Firozpur M. C. Block No. Description 1. Ward No. I.-Residence No. 1 to 68, H. No. 18-A to 73-A, H. No. 30 to 66 and H. No.9 to 16, including Mandir. 2. Ward No. I.-House No.1 to 57, H. No. 112 to 127.

3. Ward No. ] .~Residenc~ No. 128 tG) 129, H. No. 1 to 41, Dina Lal Road, H. No. 1 to 25 and H. No, 1 to II.

4. Ward No. 2.~House of Rattan Lal to Shop, H. No.7 to ~, House of Dharampal to house of Sangara Singh, H. No. 10 to 26, including School.

5. Ward No. 2.~House of Kasturi Lal to house of Des Raj, H. No. 10 to 11.

6. Ward No. 2.~Talhi Mohalla, From Shop to house of Billu, H. No.2_to 5, including Mandir. 7. Ward No. 3.-House of Budh Ram to house of Arnrit Ram, House No. 10 to 16. Main Bazar, purana Bazar and Mohalla Gulatian, '48 ANNEXURE TO APPENDIX Description of Enumeration BloCks of Firozpur M.C.-contd.

Block No. Description g. Ward No. 3.-Houee of K. K. Grover, to house of Madan Lal, House No. 1 to 8. Bazar Durga Dass and Mandir. 9. Werd No. 3.-Residence of sunder Lal to house of Rud Singh, House No. 56 to 58, Gali . Kasalawali and Mori Gate.

10. Ward No. 4.-From house of Devi Dass to house of Eachan Singh H. No. 20 to 37. including Mandir. 11. Ward No. 4.-Not Available. 12. Ward No. 4.-House of Parkash Wati to house of Radhey Sham. H. No. 1 to 4. 13. Ward No. 5.-Dhobian Mohalla, Gali Madan. La1 Bhaia, House No. I to 5, and H. No. 57.to 96. 14. Ward No. 5.-From Shop to house of Khrati LaI, House No. 15 to 22, Street Nihal Siugh.

15. Ward No. 5.-~irculaT Road, Bazar Durga Dass, Gali Mistrian Wali, House No. 8 to SA, H. No. 1 to 16 and H. No. 64 to 82. 16. Ward No. 5.-From Store to house of Leku Raj, House No. 15 to 31, House ofKesar Devi to house of Joginder Nath, H. No. CS-l to 57. 11. Ward No. 6.-Nima WaH Gali, Dhobi Moh~l1a, Beri Mohalla, Butta Mal, Residence No. IS to 31, H. NO.1 to 57, and H. No. CS-l to CS-19. 18. Ward No. 6.-Gali Ghumiara, Ram a.li, Bazar Durga Dass, House No.1 to 33, and H.,No. B-1 to B-34, including Mandir and MohAl1a . Sachdna. . 19. Ward No. 6.-House of Madan Lal to house or Devi Singh, House No. BS-l to BS~22, including Mandir and Gurdwara, II. M. High School. 20. Ward N('J. 7 ·-Residem:e of Ram Nath to house of Sham Singh, House No. BS~10 to BS-23 including Govt. Offices, School, Mandir nnd Library. 21. Ward No. 7.~Chungi Kbana Road, purana Bazar, post Office Street, House of Sawan Mal to bouse of Jhanda Singh, House No. BS-28 to BS--31. 22. Ward No. 7.-CattIe-Shed to house of hhar Kanr, House No. BS--19 to BS-21. inclu­ ding Octroi Post. 23. Ward No. 8.-Residence of Nihal Chand to house of Parkashwati, .House No. nS-lS to BS-20. 24. Ward No. 8.-Residence No. 41 to 95, and H. No. BS-l to 26. 25. Ward No. ".-Kuuri Chowk. Gausha)a ROlld and Gi.J.rdwara Akalgarh Road, House No. BS-21 to BS-57, and H. No.1 to ~3. 26. Ward No. 9.-House of Ujjagar Singh to house of Giao Chand, House No. BS-23 to BS-27. 27. Ward No. 9.-Mohalla Saidan, Gali Bhagat Ram, HOWie No., 1 to 54, aod H. No. 40 to 74. 28. Ward NQ. 9.-Residence of Diw[l_n Chand to house of Shanti Devi, House No. 22 to 27. 29. Ward No . .9.-Gali Arya Samaj, Gate Nanak Mandi, Chowk Sadhu Ch'llld. Turu B_azar, House No. 14 to 46, H. No. 55 to 70, H. No.1 to 5 and H. No, BS-l to BS-3. 249 ANNEXURE TO APPENDIX

Description of Enumeration Blocks of Firozpur M.C.~cont.d. Block No. Description

30. Ward No. JO,--Anaj Mandi, Residence No. 151 to 166, Dincluding .A.V. High School. Mandir and State Bank of India. , 31. Ward No. lO.-MohalIa Budhwara, Bazar Ram Sukh Dass, Gali Amritsarian. Residence No. CS-l to CS ~-22. 32. Ward No. Il.-Anaj Mandi, Tahli Moha1la and Old Post Office, From Govt. Office to house of Sawarn Singh, H. No. 2 to 10.

33. Ward No. 1 I.-Flour Mill to house of Jagdish La1, House No. 27 to 36, Gaushala Road.

34. Ward No. ll.-Hou~e of Rohi Bai to house of shanti sarup, House No. 31 to 35, includ­ ing Post Office and Hindu Girls, School. 35. Ward No. lI.-From Shop to Brij Mohan to house of Gurcharan Dass, House No. AS-I to AS-1, including Purana Dl'l.k Khana Bazar. 36. Ward No. II.-House of Dharam Pal to hnuse of Kuljit Singh, House No.3 to 7. 37. Ward No. ".-House of Kuidip Singh to house Gurdial Singh. House No. 12 to 34. 38. Ward No. " .-Street Ganga, Turi Ba-..ar, Bansi Gate, 'Devi Dwarka Road, Residence No. I to 74, and H. No. 23 to 27.

39. Ward No. 12.-Bawa Bagh, Krishna Nagari, Bhagat Dhana Mal Road, House No. 24 to 30, H. No. I-A to 6-A, and H. No. 12 to 14. 40. Ward No. 12-House of Karam Singh to house of Gurdas Mal, House No. 19 to 27, including ,Gurdwara.

41. . Ward No. 12-From Godown to house of Hakam Singh, House No. AS-21 to AS-23.

42. Ward No. 13-Gali Gujran, GaU Kashmirian, House No.1 to 48, AS-l to AS-40, and RNo. 1 to 26. 43. rVard No. 13-Basti Mehrian, Zira Gate and Hindu Gate, Residence No. 1 to 53, H.No. 1 to 29, B. No. 27 to 63 and H.No. 46-A to 58-A. 44. Ward No. 14-From Factorv to house of Dhola Singh, House No. ES-ll to ES-15, including Bhagat Singh Colony Hostel,.

45. Ward No. 14-House of Masih to Hotel, House No. 214 to 277, including Government Office and Cinemas.

46. Ward No. 14--Dhawan Colony, Railw~y Employees Colony and Municipal Committee.

47. Ward No. IS-Mall Road, Circular Road from Bansi Gale, Mohalia Dhobian, Residence No. 1 to 23, H. NO.·1 to 56, H. No. 19 to 23 and H. No.6 to 11.

48. Ward No. IS-Mall Road, Railway Hospital, and Sarai, House No. 75 to 163.

49. Ward No. IS-Mission Hospital, Hou'se of M.e. Monga to house of Gian, House No.1 to 53. , 50. Ward No. IS-House of Alhuwalia to house of H.S. Sodhi, House No.1 to 87, including Street Bank Colony. 51. Ward No. IS-Labour Colony, Tehsil Office and Gurdwara, and Government High School. H. No.1 to 87. 52. Ward No. 16-Residence No.1 to 76, H. No. 77 to 147, and House No. 83 to 143.

53. Ward No. 16-House of Sadiq to house of Lekh Raj, House No. lto 48, including Mandir. 250 ANNEXURE TO APPENDTX , Description of Enumeration Block~ of Firozpur M.C.-contd. Block No. Description

54. Ward No. 16-House of Major Singh to hou~e of Om Parkash, House No.1 to 58, House of Kundan Lal to house of Bimla, H. No.1 to 7, including Mandir. 55. Ward No. 16-Basti Bhatian, Residence No.1 to 34, H. No.1 to 7, and H. No. 19 to 48.

56. Ward No. 17-Modi Road, Gali Manohar Lal, Gali Gurdwara, Residence No.1 to 29, H. No. 59 to 105, and H. No.1 to 16 and H. No. 17 to 28, including Power House, Ice Factory and Civil Hospital. . , 57. Ward No. 17-Basti Bhatian, Gali Mala Basti, Balmik Mandir, Cattle-Shed and SchJol. 58. Ward No .. 17-Basti Bllatian, Residence No.1 to 25, H. No.1 to 76 and H. No. 30-B to 38-B, including Mandir and Octroi Post. .

59. Ward No. IS-From Cattle-Shed to house of Irtder Singh, House No. 53 to 56, H. No. 58 to 91, including Post Office.

60. Ward No. 18-Gali C~owdhry, Kamla Basti, Bouse No.1 to 65, H. No. 66 to 133. 61. Ward No. 18-Gali Chur Mal Khatri, Residence No. 49 to 101, H. No.1 to 12 and H. No. I to 68. 62. Ward No. 18-Gali Harbans Kumar, House No.1 to 21, H. No.1 to 14 and H. No.1 to 69. 63. Ward No. 18-Gali JhaUer, Basti Bhatian, Residence No.1 to 18, H. No.1 to 61, including Church and Dharamsala. 64. Ward No. lS':_FIouse ofPrem Nath to Mandir, H. No.1 to 22, House of Dalawar Singh to Vacant House, Residence No. 23 to 68. .

65. Ward No. IS-House of Buta Singh to house of Sarwan Singh, House No. ES-70 to ES-75~ 66. . Ward No. 19-Khai Road, Railway Crossing, MuItani Gate, Residence No. 102 to 142, H. No. 35 to 44, H. No. 116 to 121, H. No.1 to 15 and H. No.1 to 51. 67. Ward No. 20-Railway Quarters, House of Darshan Lal to house of Jagdish Singh, House No. 36 to 45. . 68. Ward No. 20-House ofJaadu Ram to Residence -cum-Mandir of Sunder Lal, House No. 67 to 71.

69. Ward No. 20-House of Krishan La! to house of Nirmal Singh, House No. 73 to 76. 70. Ward No. 21-From Flour Mill to house of Bhagwan Singh, House No. 77 to 78, including Kamboj Nagar. 71. Ward No. 21-Basti Kamboan WaH, Residence No.1 to 158. 72. Ward No. 21-House of Gurbax Singh to house of Buta Ram, House No. ES-2 to ES-5. 73. Ward No. 21-Guru Nanak Pura Basti Kamboan, Residence No.1 to 101.

74. Ward No. 22-Residence No. 1 to 16, Ahata Chandi Ram, H. No. 21 to 25, Ahata Rama Anand, H. No. 1 to 72. 75. Ward No. 22--Shed Road, Basti Tasan Wa!i, H. No. 18 to 20, H. No. 17 to 21, H. No.1 to 9, H. No. 10 to 12, H. No. 30 to 40, and H. No. 14 to 24. 76. Ward No. 22-Shed Road! Railway Nala, House No.1 to 12, H. No.1 to 14, H. No.1 to 5, and H. No.1 to 11. 77. Ward No. 22-House No.1 to 11, H. No.1 to 19, H No.1 to 5 and H. No.1 to 23. 78. Ward No. 22-Ho\lse of Balwant Singh to house of Gurcharan Singh, House No. G-5 to G-8, H. No.2 to 21. isi ANNEXURE TO APPENDIX

Description of Enumeration Blocks of Firozpur M.C.- coneld.

Block No. DescriptiOn 79. Ward No. 22-Gali No. 15, House No.3 to 26, Gali No. 17, House No.1 to 72, Gali No. 16, House No. 4to 8.

80. Ward No. 22-Gali No. 12, H. No.1 to 24, Gali No. 14, H. No. 21 to 28, Gali No. 19, H. No.1 to 8, Gali No. 18, H. No.1 to 8-A.. .

81. Ward No, 22-Gali No.9, House No. 39 to 72, Gali No. 12, H. No. 10 to IS, HOuse No. 73 to 99. 82. Ward No. 22-Gali No.7, House No. 17 to 25, Gali No.9. House No.1 to 38. 83. Ward No. 22-Gali No.4, House No.7 to 19, Gali No.5, H. No.1 to 35, Gali No.7, House No.1 to 16, Gali No.8, House No.1 to 10. 84. Ward No. 22-Gali Guru Tegh Bahadur, H. No.1 to 9, Gall No. I, House No.1 to II, Gall No.2 House No. 138 to 142. Description of Enumeration Blocks of Firozpur Cantt.

Block No. Descript ion

1. Ward No. I-Residence of Ram Singh .to house of Chand Singh, H. No. 141 to 150, including D.A.V. Girls School. 2. Ward No. I-Residence of Nand Kishore to house of Muni Lal, House No. 151 to 166. 3. Ward No. I-House of Shri Rama to house of Raghubir Singh, House No. 166 to 195, including Sukh Bar Nala and Dramatic Club. 4. Ward No. I-House of Chotte Lal to house of Luxmi nevi, H. No. 196 to 256, House of Shanti Devi to house of Shambb.oo, H. No. 257 to 274.

5. Ward No. I-Residence No.1 to 82. 6. Ward No. I-Residence of. Sohat;l Lal t? house o~ Ram Chand, House No.1 to III,House of Kishore La} to Hospital, H. No. 229 to 237 lllc1udmg MandIr.

7. Ward No. I-House of Balwant Singh to house of Surinder Kumar, H. No. 112 to 149, House of Lal Chand to house of Lekh Raj, House No. 150 to 219, including Masjid.

8. Ward No. 1-Gowal Mandi Road, Residence No. 220 to 305. 9. Ward No. I-House of Raj Kumar to house of Tilak Raj, H. No. 306 to 358, House of Sardara Singh to house_of Manzoor Masih, H. No. 359 to 361, including Balmik Sabha Mandir.

10. Ward No. I-Gowal Mandi Khatik Mandi, Residence No. 370 to 419 including Mandir. 11. Ward No. 2-Dhakka Basti, Civil Cenentry, Residence of Ram Singh to house of Mangat Ram H. No. 1 to 68. including Boys School and Petrol Pump.

12. Ward No.2-House of Charan ji Lal to house of Rattan Chand, H. No. 133 to 140. Ward No. 2:-Residence No. 99 to 132 Employment Exchange Road, Mandir. 13. r 14. Ward No. 2:-House of Kashmiri ;Lal to house of Jamna. Devi, H. No. 140 to 211, House of Budh Ram to house of WIlson, H. No. 212 to 228, Including Mandir. 15. Ward No: 2 :-Pandit Gobind Ram Street, Temple Street, House No. 1 to 139. 16. Ward No.2: -Residence of Balbir Singh to Gurdwara, H. No. 52 to 72 House of Harbans Singh to Dispensary, H. No. 73 to 83, House of Daulat Ram to Tample,· H. Ro. 84 to 98. . 252 ANNEXURE TO APPENDIX Description of Enumeration Blocks of F'irozpur Cantt.-contd. Block No. Description 17. Ward No, 2 : -From Shop to house of Udham Ram, House No.26 to 51, House of Jagat Singh to house of prem Kumar, H. No. 29 to 38. 18. Ward No. :2 : -Hoase of Manu Lai to house of Mohan, House No. 11 to' 28, House of Manna Lal to Shop, H. No, 104 to 161. 19. Ward No.2 :-From Workshop to Auto Stoie, House No. 62 to 116, House of Hans Ra}to Loundary, House No. 1 to 88, including Gurdwara. 20. Ward No.2 :-Residence No, 1 to 31, H. No. 41 to 63, H. No. 28 to 36, and House No. 117 to 160. 21. Wdtd No.2: -Residence of Subhash Chander to house of Lachhman Dass, H. No. l' to 11 Residence of Mohinder Singh to Mandir, H. No. 12 to 56. 22. Ward No.3: -Residence of Chaman La! to Shop, House No. 164 to 177. House of Hans Raj to Vacant house, H. No. 13 to 65. 23. Ward No.3: -Residence of laswant Singh to shop, H. No. 72 to 108, House of Ramjiwan to house of Jasbir Singh, H. No. 67 to 97 24. Ward No.3 ;-From Shop to house of Balwant Singh, H. No. 38 to 77, including School 25. Ward No.3 :-Harijan Colony, Water Tank, Godown and Octroi Post. 26. Ward No.3 :-New Grain Market, G. T. Road, Harijan Quartets and Railway Road, Residence of Mehar Singh to Dalmik Mandir, H. No. 81 to 83. 21. Ward No.3: -House of Kulwant Singh to house of Ram Lal, H. No. 1 to 62, Residence of Saudagar Singh to vacant house, H. No. 63 to 126. 28. Ward No.3: -Residence No. 127 i. e. vacant to house of Manohar Lal, House No. 127 to 166. including Devi Mandir and D. A. V. Girls College, 29. Ward No.3: -House of Des Raj to house of Rajesh, H. No. 1 to 19, House of Ram Nath to Animal Shed, H. No. 124 to 128.

30. Ward No.3 :-House' No. 60to 70, aDd H. No. 123 to 127. 31. Ward No.4: -House of panna Lal to house of Balbir Singh, House No. 39 to 58. 32. Ward No.4: -Residence of Bhim Kumar to house of Baldev Raj, H. No. 63 to 103, House of Vidya Parsad to house of Jaswanti Devi, H. No. 77 to 89. 33. Ward No.4: -Residence No. 57 to 62, H. No. 49 to 76, H. No. 90 to 98 and House No. 56 to 59. 34. Ward No.4; -House of Gurbans LaI to house of Ram Kishan, H. No. 40 to 58, Houloe of Ram Rattan to Shop, H. No. 99 to 139, From Shop to vacant house, H. No. 255 to 298. 35. Ward No.4: -Residence No. 110 to 155, House No. 212 to 254. 36. Ward No. '( :~Residence No. 140 to,203, H. No.1 to 35, H. No. 60 to 90, H. No. 299 to 377, H. No. 142 to 211, House No. 116 to 185. 31. Ward No.4: -From Store to Cycle-repair Shop, H. No. 103 to 11 5, HOUie of Guhhan Ram to Cattle Shed, H. No.6t034. 38.. Ward No.4: -House of Shanta Ram to house of Vinod Kumar, H. No. 47 to 92, House of Jaswant Singh to house of Ashok Kumar, H. No. 20 to 34. 39. Ward No. 4 :~Residence No. 29 to 61, H. No. 35 to 71 and Bunglow No. 157. 40. . Ward No.5 :-House No. 31 to 52, H. No. 63 to 16 and H. No. 121 to 159, includins Civil Surgeon and Session Courts. 253 ANNEXURE TO APPENDIX

Description of Enumeration Blocks of Firozpur Cauti.-cone/d. Block No Description

41. Ward No.5: -House of Suraj Parkash to bouse of Surjit Singh, H. No. 23 to 38, House of Tandon to bouse of Mohan, H. No. 69 to 77.

42. Ward No.5 :- From Godown to house ~of Tiza Ram, H. No. 79 to 80, Division Town to S. K. Bedi, H. No. 117 to 156, including State Bank of India. 43. Ward No.5: -Residence No. 82 to 84, H, No. 114 to 14] and H. No. 142 to 147, including Hospital and Ice Factory.

44. Ward No. 5 :~House No. 86to 88, H. No. 112 to 132, and H. No. 142 to 144. 45. Ward No 5 : -Residence No. 15 to 28, H. No, 79 to 85 and H. No. 108 to 133.

46. Ward No.5: ~Bunglow No.9 to 20, and H. No. 89 to 93. 47. Ward No, 6 : -House of Sant Lal to Barber Shop, House No.1 to 25, House of Jaswant La} to vacant house, House No. 1 to 16. 48. Ward No.6: -Residence 'of Paul Chard to house of Bhim Sain, H. No. 1 to 19.

49. Ward No. 6 :~Residcnce of Tek Chand. to Electric Shop, H. No. 204 to 226, House of Surinder Singh to house of Rikhi Ram. H. No. 47 to 61- 50. Ward No.6: -House No. 212 to 231 and House No. 62- to 70.

51. Ward No.6: -House of R. C. Gupta to Janj Ghar, H. No. 295 to 311, House of Kishore Chand to house of Surinder Kumar. H. No. 20 to 37, Dharamsa]a topan Shop, H, No.28() to 305. 52. Ward No.6: -confectionary Shop to Radio, Shop. H. No. 1 to 43, Cloth Shop to Liberary, H. No. 204 to 231.

53~ Ward No.6: -Residence No. 106 to 141, H. No. 1 to 28, H. No. 1 to 13 and H. No. 38 to 85. 54. Ward No.6: -House of Sham Lal to house of Amir Chand, H. No. 282 to 294, House 'of Jai Dayal to house of Chand, H. No. 38 to 53, Barbar Shop to house of Johri Lal. H. No.259 to 279. 55. Ward No.6 :-House No. 275 to 28t, H. No.232 to 258. H. No. 97 to 121, H. No. 44 to 105 and H. No. 14to 33. 56, Ward No.1 :-Doctor's Shop to house of SUrya, H. No. I to 124. 57. Ward No '7 :-House of Devi Ditta to house of Lal Massie, H. No. 125 to 233, House of Magher to house of Bishan. H. No. 234 to 312. 58. Ward No 7 : -Residence No. 1 to 108, inc1uding octroi post.

59. Ward No.7 :-Residence No. 134 i. e. vacant to Church, H. No. 134 to 138, 60. Ward No.7 :-Colony punjab State Electricity Board including Office M. E. S, C. B. School and disposal Works. Description of EnumeratioD Blocks of Guruharsahai M. C. \ Block No. Descr,iption 1. Ward No 1 :-Residence of Jama to house of Maya Devi, H. No.1 to 61, House of Raj Kumar to Karyana Shop. H. No. 62 to 126, including Petrol Pump, Girza and Mission Hospital. 2. Ward No.2 :-Residence No. 926 to 971, including Model SchOol and Hospital. 254 ANNEXURE TO APPENDIX Description of Enumeration Blocks of Guruharsabai M. C.-coneld, Block No. Description 3. Ward No.3: -Residence of Banarsi Dass to house of Sham Lat, H. No. 159 to 195, House of Lal Chand to house of Sohan Lal, H.No. 201 to 237. includin~ Mandir. 4. Ward No.4: -House of Gurdev Singh to shop, H. No. 251 to 265, House of Surjan Dass to house of Ram Singh, H. No. 297 to 368. 5. Ward No. 5:-Bissan Bazar, Gali No. 12, Residence NO.1 to 84. 6. Ward No 6 : -Flour Mill to house of Tilak Raj. H. No.1 to 93, House of Janak Devi to' Boot House, H. No.1 to 83. 7. Ward No.7 :-House No.1 i. e. vacant to Mandir in H. No. 76, House of ~j Kumar to Shop, House No. 77 to 130. ! Ward No.8: -Karyana Shop to Fertilizer Store, H. No.1 to 81, Office Pb. Ware-House , Corporation to Sh<>,p, H. No. 82 to ISO, including Mandir 9. Ward No.9: -Residence" of Charan Dass' to Guru Nanak Model School, H. No. 1 to 75, House of Sawan Singh to Godown, H. N. 76 to 203. 10. Ward No.to : -Municipal Office to Mandir, H. No.' 1 to 16" :aouse of Hardwari iaI to lagdama Rice Mill, H. No. 17 to 117. 11. WardNo. ll:-Residence of Om parkash to House of SitaRam, H. No. 1 to 76, House of Rameshwar Dass to Workshop~ H. No. 77 to 97. Description of Enumeration Blocks of Jalalabad M. C, Block No. Description t. Ward No.1 :-Residence No.1 to 91, including Water Works Road, School and Park. 2. Ward No.1 :-School Road, Veterinary Hospital Road, Basti Road, House No. 1752 to 1755. 3. Ward No. J'-House ofHakam Rai to house of Kapoor Singh, H. No. 1194 to 1205, House of Mahant Karta! Singh to house of Walyati Ram, H. No. 1206 to 1233, including School. Police Station and Mandir. 4. Ward No. 2:-Thana Bazar. Nimwala Chowk, Gali Madana. Bajajan Street, H. No., 1033 to 1082, H. No. 1106 to 1127 and H. No. 1325 to 1343. 5. Ward No. 3 :-Kapoor's Street, Railway Bazar, Street Hakim Rai, H. No. 1128 to 1135, H. No. 1204 to 1268. 6. Ward No. 4:-Railway Road. Sheller, Guranditta Mal, Godown, Street Munshi Ram Chhabra. Residence No.1 to 217. 7. Ward.No. 4:-House of Banarsi Dass to house of Harbhagwan, H. No. 185 to 210, and H. No .. 1620 to 1624. 8. Ward No.5 :-Residence of Gian Chand to house of Rattan Lal, H. No. 159 to 184, House 'of, Mulkh Raj to vacant house, H. No. 238 to 274, including Mandir. . 9. Ward No. 6:-Residence No. 64 i. e. vacant to house of Dhamori Lal in H. No. 81. Electric Shop to house of Kishore Chand, H. No. 284 to 313, including Krishna Mandir, Post Office. Dispensary and Government Primary School. 10. Ward No. 7:-House No. 348 i. e. vacant to house of Chaman Lal in H. No. 372, Barbar Shop to Octroi Post, H. No. 1581 to 1620. 11. Ward No. 7:-l{ouse of Hans Raj to house ofYash Raj, H. No. 417)0 464, Residence of Sunder Lal to house of Bali Ram, H. No. 593 to 667. 12. Ward No. 8:-Street Nathu Ram, DauIat Mal, Baba. Bachan Dass Street, H. No. 474 to 480. H. No. 703 to 751 and H. No. 1488 to 1504. 255 ANNEXURE TO APPENDIX. Descriptio.. of EnmneratioD Blocks of .Jalalabad M. C-concld. Block No. Description 13. Ward No. 8:-House of Brij L'1l to h()use of Fa.tch Cha.nd, H. No. 434 to 497, Residenoe of Rosha.n Nath to vacant house, H. No. 620 to 661.

14. Ward No. 9:-Mohalla Rajputa.n. Gausha.l~ Road, H. No. 498 to 566, H. No. S70 to 584, and H. No. 1861 to 1886.

15. Ward No. 9~-House of Mohinder Singh to house of Resham Singh, H. No. SSt to 556, House of Kushal Singb. to h()u~e of PLlr:l'l Sin~ll. H. No. 1&91 to 1915, including Office Block Development. 16. Ward No. 10 :-Dashmesh Nagri, Street Walia Sahib, Street Mangoo Ram Halwai and Road Muktsar and Fazilka. . . , 17. Ward No. 10:-House No. 1764 i. e. vacant to house of Teja Singh in H. No. 1812. Godown to Karyana Shop, H. No. 1813 to 1821. including Sabji Mandi and Sheller. 18. Ward No. 11 :-Street Bhagwan Dass to Master Chanan Ram, Street Kishore Chand Narang, Aggarwal street and Gurdwara Stre;,t, H. N'J. 9-U to 946. II. No. 1446 to 1470, including Punjab National Bank. 19. Ward No. 12:-Seth Om Parkash Aggarwal Street, Kalka Mandir Street, Thana Bazar, H. No. 947 to 956, H. No. 1002 to 1026, H.' No.i 1378 to 1406.

20. Ward No. 13 :-Residence of Om Parkash to house of Ram Rattan, H. No. ~ 82 to 993, Thana Bazar, Petrol Pump, and M. C. Park. 21. Ward No. 13 :-Rtilway Bil :ar, Gali Agg-lrwal, Gali Kishore Junga. including Post and Tele­ graph, M. C. Office and State Bank! of India. 22. Ward No. 13 :-Punjab National B3.uk Street, Khewa R'lom Street, Street Jagdish, H. No. 764 to - 819 and H. No. 1160 to 1178, including School.

23. Out Growth Area~-House of Rup Lal to Gurdwara. H. No. 754 to 809. House of Milkhi Ram to Residence of Jagan Nath, H. No. 810 to 819, House of Kashmir Singh to house of Dess Singh H. No. 1159 fo 1193. 24. Out Growth Area:-Tubewell to house of Jagtar Singh. H. No. S-83 to S-199 HouSe of Dalip Singb. to hOU3~ of Bhupinder. H. No. S-200 to S-208. 25. Out GroNth Area : -Re3iden;;~ of Baba Sin~h to House of Layakat Rai. H. No. S-209 to S-265 26. Out Growth Area :-From Shop to Water Works, H. No. S-266 to 3-328, House of Sukhdev Ram to house of Ada!at Ram. H. No. S-329 to S-361. [Description of Enumeration Blocks of Fazilka M. C. Block No. Description

1. Ward No.1 :-Residence N:>. 1 to 1')2, in~l!liing G::wernnent High School, S. D. O. Office, Ice Factory and Power House. 2. Ward No. 1 :-Resiclence No. 1 to 164, including Markfed, F. C. I. and School. 3. Ward No.1 :-Residence No.1 to 95, N!w Abldi Islamlbacl and Office of B. D. O.

4. Ward No~ 1 :-Cycle Repair Shop to G.:>vernment Primary School, H. No. 1 to 133, Partap 'Bagh to Railway Station, H. No. 134 to 2&7, including Civil Hospital, Church, post Office and Sadhu Ashram. 5. Ward No. 2:-From Workshop to hause of Laxmi Chand, H. No. t to 197, including Bus Stand. 6. Ward No. 2 :-Residence No. 663 to 684, 170 to 173 and H. No. 194 to 248, including State Bank.

1. Ward No. 2~-Firozpuri Chowk, Arya Nagar Chowk. Gali Sobha Singh, and Post Office. H_ No. 1 to 103. 256 ANNEXURE 'PO APPENDIX Description of Enumeration Blocks of Fazilka M. C. -contd. Block No. Description

8. Ward No. 3:-Ram Gali to Gurdwara Bhagwan Singh, Kalka Mandir to Bhatinda Tubtwell" Residence No.1 to 158. 9. Wa,d No.3:-Gali Dr. Shagan Lal and Gaushala, Prem Gali, GaH Mohri Sunder, Residence No.1 to 152. 10. Ward No. 3:-Kailash Nagar, Gaushala Road, Residence No. 367 to 415. 11. Ward No. 3:-Gaushala Road, Gali Bhagwanti parsad, Residence No. 291 t6 439, including Shops. Gurdwara and Mandir.

12~ Ward No. 4:-From Sanjiv Cinema to Chowk. Karan Cold and Ice Factory, Residence No.1 to 117.

13~ Ward No. 4:-Residence No. 106 to 317, including Grain Market, Petrol Pump, and Cold and Ice Factory. 14.. Ward No.4:-Residence No.1 to 186, including Saw Mill, Gaushala and Satsang Ghar. IS... Ward No. 4:-Gali -Bhagwati parshad, Mohalla Arya Nagar, Radha Swami Bhawan and Guru Nanak Service Station, Residence No.1 to 161. 16... Ward No. 4:-Residence No. 1 to 189, Arya Nagar, Police Station, Kalka Mandir and Tube­ well. 17_ Ward No.5:-Gaushala, Octroi Post, Gali Mandir WaH. Gali Rewaram and Islamic School, H. No. 291 to 403. .

18... Ward No. j :--Gaushala Road, From residence of Kishan Lal to house of Banwari Lal,. Residence No. 404 to 480.

Ward No. 5 :~Atta Chakki, GaIi Ramji LaI, Gali IsIarilic Shool, Gali Mandir Wali, Residence 1 to 136. Ward No. 5:.-House of Hans Raj to house of Mangu Ram, House No. 138 to 296, Chamba Ram Gali arid Gall Ramji Lal. .. - 21.- Ward No. 6:-Residence No. 12 to 48 and H. No. 272 to 277. 22- Ward No. 6:-Residence No. 19 to 30 and 263 to 272, including Mandir Sita Ram. 23. Ward No- 6:-Residence of Sohan Lal to house of Amar Singh, H. No. 2661 to 2672, House of Hans Raj to house of Satpal, H.No. 17 to 55. 24. Ward No. 7:-Abohari Road, Din Mohamad Road and Gali Radha Swami Satsang, Residence No. 202 to 209,' 372 to 417 and H. No. 417 to 436. Ward No. 7:-House of Khraiti Lal to house of Jagan Nath, H. No. 210 to 371 and H. No. 372 to 450. 26. Ward No.7:-Gali Lal Chand Gandhi, Gali Kumharan, Gali Patwarian, and Gali Radha Swami, Residence No. 215 to 219, H. No. 246 to 479. 27., Ward No. 8:-Ganda Nala, Jau.1 Ghar, Waste Water Pond, Residence No.1 to 1.25, including Post Office and Mandir Ravidass. 28. Ward No. 8.-Abohari Octroi Post, Truck Union, Disposal Water, Dhaka Basti and Masjid. 29. Ward No. 8.-Mehtab Ganj ~ Road, Ganda Nala. Gali Hans Raj Manchanda and Gali ,Malhotra, iS7 ANNEXURE TO APPENDIX Descdption of Enumeration Blocks of Fazilka M. C.~contJ. Block No. Description 30. Ward No. 8.-Residence No.1 to 12S, Gali Lachhman Dass, Road Deen Mobamd, includinJl Post Office.

31. Ward No. 9.-Mehtab Ganj Road, Gali Saran Dass, Abobari Road, Residence No. 1 to 61. 32. Ward No. 9.-Gali Uma Dutt Sharma, Gali Sadhu Ram to Punsup Shop and Bikaneri Road, Residence No. 223 to 289.

33. Ward No. 9.-Gali Veer Parkash, Abohari Road, School and Madan Gopal Road, including Patrol· Pump, Govt. School. and Water Tank. House No.1 to 122.

34. Ward No. 9.-From Tea Shop to Dharmshalla. Residence No. 1 to 80, S<:hool to house of Kaur Chand, House No. 81 to 110.

35. Ward No. IO.-Residence No. 76 to 84, H. No. 85 to 134 and H. No. 135 to 149. 36. Ward No. IO.-House of Kashmir Lal to Mandir, Residence No.' 164 to 281, Cattle Shed to house of Jagtar Singh, House No. 282 to 287. 37. Ward No IO;-Shop-cum-residence of Daya Ditta to house of Amir Chand, House No. 343 to 389 and Gaushala Road, Office Road, Office Market Committee.

38. Ward No. lI.-Co-operative Bank upto GaushaJa Road, GaIi ]awaJa Parshad, GaIi Kataria and Abobar Road; Residence No.1 to 164. 39. Ward No. 1 I.-Residence of Dina Nath to Templo, H. No. 109 to 248, Commission Agent to Co-operative Store, H. No. 249 to 280, including School and Mandir.

40. Ward No. 11.-Gali Baij Nath, Street Maheshwari, and Anaj Mandi, including Punjab National Bank. Residence No. 251 to 336.

41. Ward No.12.-Flour Mill of Babu Ram, Bikaneri Road to Mabavir Cotton, Mill, House of Tara Chand to Gali Jain, H. No. 1 to 200, including Mandir.

42. Ward No. 12.-Flour Mill of Malli Ram to Paras Road, including Mandie Residence No. 1 to 145.

43. Ward No. 12.-Cinema Road, Gali BhagaI Ram, Sabzi Ma~di, ReSidence No. 1 to 93, including Mandie. Janj Ohar, Govt. Primary School and Office Home Guard.

44. Ward No. 13.-Residence No. 129 to 386, including Octroi Post. S. D. Model School, Mandir and S. D.S .. College. 45. Ward No. H.-From Shamshaan Bhoomi to house of Arjan Dass, House No." 215 to 277, including Mandir, Guru Teg Babadur Stadium and M. R. College. -- 46. Ward No. H.-Residence No.1 to 113, including Hanumaan Mandir and Octroi Post. 47. Ward No. J4.-Rice Sheller, Muhani Octroi Post, Sewall Sabha. Dhobi Ghat and Mohalla Rathora, Residenee No. 259 to 317. 48. Ward No. I4.-Gali Bhagat Ram to house of Girdhari Lal, Gali Mal Singh, House No. t to 120. 49. Ward No. 14.-Gali Subbash Kataria, Gali Mal Singh, Ganda Nala and Alam Shah Road, Residence No.1 to 109. 50. Ward No. 14-Residenc:e of Surat Singh to house, of Kishan Lat, H. No. 82 to 123, Residence of Hans Raj to house of Kamaal Singh, House No. 124 to 130. 2~8


Description of Enumeration Blocks of Fazilka M. C.-cone/d.

Black Na. Description

51. Ward No. 15-Waan Bazar, Gaii Chawla, GaH KhWlgran, Gali Pt. Ram Chand, Residence No. 236 to 352 .. 52. Wa'rd No. 15.-Adarsh Nagar, GaH Monga, Gali Mohinder Bawa. Residence, No.1 to IS!. 53. Ward No. l5.-Residence of Hakam Rai to house of Som Nath H. No.1 to 97, Resi­ d!!nce Qf Diwan Chand to ho~e of Budb Ram, H. Nc9. 98 to ,116. ~4iJjg Sri Anall4 .Asharam. i

54. ; Ward No. IS.-Residence of Krishan Lal puri . to hoqse o(G~lWat R,a.i, HoWle No. ll' to 215. .

55. Ward No. 16.-L~kkar Tall to houseofSopa"!1 Lal, House No. 60 to 210, R,e,udence No. 211' to 403, including Raja Cinema and Godown. 56. Watd No. J6.-Shop of Mithun Lal to Gujjar Bazar, Waa.n Bazar, GllJi Jargr3,Q., Residence No. 385 to 436. .

57. Ward No. J6.~Om Parkash Miglani Street, Arya Salllaj Road. GaH Gilohtrian, Residence No. 11 to 183. .

58. Ward No,' l7-Residence of Ashok Kumar to ho~ .of Saban LaJ, R~si4enoe No. 232 to 294, including Office Food & Supply, Mandir and School. .

j. ; 59. Ward No, 17-A.®.rsh N~r. Mandir W~li Gali, Alam Shah R.oad, Abadi Sultanpur and Ashoka Cotton Factory, Residence No.1 to 204. 60. Ward No. '17.-Phirni Road, Adarsh Naga.l'", ResIdence No. l to 63.

Description of Enumeratiou Blocks of Abohar M. C. Block No. Description 1. Ward No. I.-Residence of Dayal Chand BathJa to Govt. Office, House No. 320 to 333.. Residence of Ram· Ch~der to l).ouse of Mldkiat Singh, H. No~ 339 to 344. 2. Ward No. I.-Residence of Ram Singb to Mandir of Chud Singh. H. No. 1 to 63, House of Jagmal Singh to house of Ghan Ram, H. No. 64 to H O.

3. Ward No. I,-House of Sohan Lal to house of Kishori Lal, Resi4ence No. 763~ to 7700, R.esidence of Phulan Devi to house of. Haka:m Chand, House No. 7101 to 7132. 4. Ward No. I.-Residence of Suraj Pal to Dera Baba Mastana, Residence No. I to 18, ,House of Banta Singb to house o:fGurba.chan Kaur, H. No. 7611 to 7662, House of Suba Singh to house of Ram Devi, H. No. 7737 to 7795, 5. Ward NO~ I.-Residence No. I to 80, including Gurdwara, Garden and School ..

6, War4 No. i.-House ~f Des'Raj to house of Diwan Chand, H. No. 1 ,to' g7, Residence of Hukam Chand to house of Ramesh, H. No. 88 to 138. 7. Ward No. 2.-Rcsid,ence of Dwarka Nath to house of Munshi Ram, H. No. 7274 to 7289, house of Mulkh Raj to house of Hari Ram. H. No. 7323 to 73'66, including Masjid.

8, Ward No. 2.-Residence No •. 7412 to 746.4. 2S~ ANNEX\JItE TO APPENDIX

Description of Enumeration Blocks 0( Abohar M. C.-contd. Block No. Description 9. Ward No. 2._;_Hous:! of Ram Piari to house of Om Parkash, H. NQ. 1466 to 7568, House of Bakshi to house of Kedar Nath, H. No. 7569 to' 7601. 10. Ward No.,2.-Residence of Lekh Raj to house of Khan Chand, H. No. 7124 to 717), House of Jagdish Chand to house of I<.hem Chand, H. No. 7174;to 7188; 11. ",ard No. ~.-Residence oK Nand ,Lal to house of Jagan Nath, H. No. 6979 to 6998, House of Banwari Lalto vacant House, H. No. 1003 to 7031 including Masjid, 12. Ward No. 2-Fazilka Road, Nanak Nagari, Gali No.1, Including School and Masjid, Residenc No. 6601 to 6616, H. No. 6970 to 6978. . ..

13. Ward No. 3-,-Residence of Surjit Singh to house of Puran Singh, H. No. 6494 to 6541, House of Shiv Lal to house of Kundan LaI, H. No. 6635 to 6678. .

14. Ward No.3-Residence of Avtar Singh to house of Hoshiar Singh. House No. 6726 to 6777. Including Thana Road and Veterinary Hospital Road. 15. Ward' No.3-Resid~nce of Kirpal Singh to house of Lal Chand, H. No. 6843 to 6900, House of Roshan Lal to house of Durga Devi, H. No. 6901 to 6974, Including Raj Ashram Mandir and School. . .'. ." .. . , . 16; . Ward No. 4-R.esidence Nb. l.i.e.,vacant to house of Jagir Singh in House No. 10, Residence of Sher Singh to house of Sumir Singh, H. No. 6131 to 6172, Including Shamshan Ghat, Post Office' Cotton Mill and Church. 11. Ward No.4-Residence of Maan Singh to house of Dogar Singh, Ii.No. 6021 to 6084, Resi­ c:Un'l¢e No. 6412 to 6416. 1 18. Ward No.4-House of Khajan Singh to house of Lekh Raj, House. No. 6422 to 6485, including Mandir. 19. Ward No.4-Residence of Bebal Singh to Gurdwara, H. No. 6210 to 6246, House of Ranjit Singh to Tek Chand, H. No. 6247 to 6260. 20. Ward No.4-House ofChud Singh to house of Sunder Singh, H. No. 6262 to 6303, House of PaaIa Singh to vacant house, H. No. 6304 to 6331. .

21. Ward No.4-House ofHanuman Dutt to house of Avtar Singh, House No. 6341 to '6397. 22. Ward NoA:"-Office Punjab State Electricity Board to house of Satpal, H. No. 125, Honse of Khushi Ram to house of Bhoora Ram, H. No. 126 to 193, Including M.E.S. Office and Octroi Post. 2), Ward 'No. 5:-Residence No. 5919 to 6013, including Sandeep Theatre Road, Soap Factory and Dharamsala. 24. Ward. No. 5:-House orOm Parkash to hous" of Charanjit Singh, House No. 5931 to 5942, house of' Ashwani Kumar to House of Harbans Lat, H. No. 5943 to 59'82. 25. Ward No. 5:-Residence No.1 to 59, Thana Road and MateH Road. 26. Ward No. 5 :-From Hostel Superintendent to house of Harnam Singh, House' No.1 to 8. 21. Ward Na. 5 :-Bank Land Mortgage to house of Ashok Kumar, Residence No. 5821 to 5852, iucluding Rest House and SchooL . 28. Ward No. 5:-Sitlo Road, Amrit Model School Road, Hanumangarh Road, MilitaJY Area and Petrol PJImp. 29. Ward No. 5:-Residence No. 1976 to 1993, H. No. 2016 to 2057, H~ No. 2100 to 2138, including Gat_ldhi Garden, Bus Stand, School, M. C. Quarters and Gurdwara. 30. Ward No. 6:-Residenoe.of Gurdas Rai to house of Kirpal Singh, H. No. 1991 to 2041, House of Darbara Singh to house of Mukhtiar Singh, H. No. 2048 to 2198.

31. Ward No. 6:-House of Gora.kh Nath to house of: Mangat Raj,- H. No. 1629 to 164~. Hous~ of ~kha ~in~h to house of fritam. Kaur,,' H. No .. U28 ,to 1920~ 260 ANNEXUEE TO APPENDIX Description of Enumeration- Blocks of Abohar M. C.-contd Block No, Description

32. Ward No. 6:-Residence of Raghunath Rai to house of Kalu Ram, H. No. 1941 to 1955. \~ House of Tara Chand to houie of Madan Lat, H. No. 1300 to 7320. .

33. Ward No. 7:-Hospitat Road, Circular Road and Gurdwara, Res~dence No. 1704 to 1799, H. No. 1800 to 1808. 34. Ward No. 7:-House of Bhim Sain to house of Har Bhagwan, H. No. 1716 to 1788, Residence No. 2145 to 2165. 35. Ward No. 7:-Residence No. 2180 to 2224, H. No. 2460 to 2481, including ¥ospital, M. C. Park, Rest House and School.

36. Ward No. 7:-Ho~se of Daya Ram to house of Chander Sain, House No. 2251 to 2284, House of Heera Singh to h·)use of Anup Singh, H. No. 3120 to 3133, including Telephone Exchange, Octroi Office anJ M. C. Office. 37. Ward No. 7:-Residence No. 2286 i.e. vacant to House of Mangat Rai, H. No. 2286 to 2329, House of Subhash Chand to House of Mukh Ram, H. No. 2329 to 2349.

38. Ward No. 7~-Ajitgarh Road, Gaushala Road, East Street, House No. 2350 to 2415. 39. Ward No. 8:-Residence No. 2897 to 2907; H. No. 3000 to 3032, Main Bazar, Lakar Mandi. 40. Ward No. 8:-Residence of Roshan Lal to house of Ladu Ram, H. No. 1392 to 1459, Hoose of B'lnwari Lal to House of Durga Dass. H. No. 1460 to 1494. 41. Ward No. 8:-House of Ram Bilas to Sita Ram Ma.ndir, H; No. 1197 to 1296, Flour Mill to house of Hans Raj, H. No. 1291 to 1306, House of Sham Lal to House of Sudarshan. H. No. 1348 to 1371. 42. Ward No. 8:-Residence of Harish Chander to house of Ram Nivas, H. No. 1180 to 1275, House of Ram Saran to vacant House, H. No. 1276 to 1391. 43. Ward No. 9:-:-Residence No. 3074 to 3110, H. No. 2852 to 2891, including Market and State Bank of India. 44. Ward No. 9:-House No. 1044 i.e. vacant to house of Kansi Ram in H. No. 1064.

45. Ward No. 9:-From S~10p to Sham Mandir, House No. 561 to 617, including Hospital, Kaluan Bhoomi, Canal Deptt. and Ganesh Oil Mill. 46. Ward No. 9::'-House of Ram Kishan to house of Jagdish. H. No. 801 to 820, House of Parveen Kumar to House of Madan Lat, H. No. 841 to 984. 47. Ward No. 9:-House of Dalpat Rai to house of Bhagirath, H. No. 391 to 396, house of Puran Chand ~to house of Om Parkash H. No. 457 to 530. 48. Ward No. 9:-Abohar to Ganga Nagar Road, House No. 403 to 458 and Factory No. 544 also in the same Block. 49. Ward No. lO:-House of Bhagirath Mal to Primary School, H. No. 1096 to 1109, House of Parshotam Lal to house of Ved Parkash, H. No. 1110 to 1173.

50. Ward No. JO:-House of Ram Parsad to High School, H. No. 1008 to 1042, House of Ram Piari to house of Murari Lat, H. No. 1043 to 1083. 51. Ward No lO:-Hohse of Ram Kishan to house of piara Lal, H. No. 936 to 957, House No. 997, i.e. vaeant to house of Madan Lal in H. No. 1004.

~2. Ward No. lO:-House of Ram Dhari to house of Bimla Devi, H. No. 851 to 897. House of ~~nohar Lal to vacant Ilouse, H. No. 898 to 931, including Dispensa,ry aqd Mandir, 261 ANNEXURE TO APPENDIX Description of Enumeration Blocks of Abohar M.C,-contd Block No. Description

S3. Ward No. 10~-House ofDurga Parsad to School. H. No. 650 to 709, Houle of Godawari to house of Dogar Ram. H. No. 710 to 751. including Dharamsala. 54. Ward No. II :-Residence of Chaman Lal to house of Dhana Lal, H. No. 613 to 678, School­ cum-residence of Shiv Kumar to hoose of Vasu D~v. H. No. 7983 to 8000.

55. Ward No. II:-From School to house of Bhagwan Dass, H. No. 906 to 916, Residenco No. 1016 to 1118, including Mandir, School and Gurdwara. 56. Ward No. 11 :-House of Bhanwar Kumar to House of Lachhi Rant, H. No. 1011 to 1084. including Mandir and Guru Nanak School. 57. Ward No. 11 :-House of Bhagu Ram to House of Hari Chand, H. No. 126 to 183. Jandi Wali Gali. 58. Ward No. 11 :-From Shop to house of Hakam Rai. H. No.1 to 59. House of Munshi Ra(ll to house of Sohan Lat, H. No. 60 to 17. 59. Ward No. JJ :-House of Bali to house of Nand Lat, H. No. 7800 to 7832, House of Phul Chand to house of Prem Bahadur, H. No. 7833 to 7847. 60. Ward No. 11 :-House of Sohan Lal to house of Gurmel Singh, H. No. 7878 to 7894. Residence of Ram Lal to Store, H. No. 1905 to 7916. 61. Ward No. 12:-Residence NO.1 to 24. including Office Food Corporation of India, Shamshan Ghat, Disposal Water, Cotton Factory and Central Ware-hoUse. 62. Ward No. 12-Resldencc No. 159 to 171, H. No, 202 to 212, H. No. 213 to 283. 63. Ward No. 12:-Residence No.1 to 107, Ganda NaIa Gali, Krishna Nagar Road, Mabaluxmi Ice Factory. 64. Ward No. 12-Residence No. 1 to 126. including Mandir. Murad Lal Ahuja Factory an" Ganda Nala Road. 65. Ward No. 12:-Residence No. 59 to 250, Idgab Road, Sat Nagar and Ganda Nala.

66. Ward No. 12~-Residence No. 152 to 170, H. No. ISO to 204, including Mandir. 67. Ward No. 12:-Housc of Phul Chand to house of Des Raj, H. No. 1 to 66, HOUle or Partap Singh to Floor Mill, H. No. 67 to 129.

68. Ward No. 13~-Residonce No.1 to 10, H. No. 51 to 61, H. No. 11'1 to 164 and H. No 248 to 301, including Cotton Mill. 69. Ward No. 13 ;-House of Madan Lal to house of Sardara Singh, H. No. 1 to 63, House of Sham Lal to house of Mulayam Singh, H. No. 64 to 249. including Mandir and Duraa Manch. ' 70. Ward No .13:-Gali Patwari, Residence No. 18 to 36, H. No. 54 to 99, including 100 Factory, Sehool, Godown and Labour Colony. 71. Ward No. I3:-Residence No. 3196 to 3200, H. No, 3206 to 3239, H, No, 1 to 41, including Petrol Pump. 72. Ward No 13 :-House of Harbinder Siolgh to h:>use ofPrema Ram, H. No. 35 to 79, House of Hakam Ram to house of Moti Ram, H. No. 80 to lSI, including Cold Store and Punjab Govt, Godowns, . Ward No 14 :-House of Chaturbhuj to house of Sohan Lal, H. No. 3267 to 3278_, H. No, ~~OO to 3320. Ii. No. 3520 to 3540, 262 ANNEXURE TO APPENDIX Desctijrtion or;EnumeratiM Blocks of Abehar M. C.-wntd. Block No. Description 74. _ Wlifd No; 14 :-House of Nanak Chand to house of Tara Chand, H. No. 3352to 3365, reiidence of Raghubans Lal to house of Kundan Lal, H. No. 3470 to 3485, inclu.ding Shiv Mandir.

75. : Ward No.: 14 :-~esi~ence No. 3361 to 339B, H. No. 3429 to 3485, and H. N? 3505 to: l554,

76. Ward No. 14 :-House of Om Parkash to house of Chaman Lat. H. No. 3556 to 3564 Hous~ of Jamna Dass to house of Parmeshvari Bai, Il. No.:4300 te 4311.' '",.,

77. Ward No. 15 ~-Residc;lce of Manjit Singn tv hOIl~) of C'luni Gla1l1, H. No. 3191 to 38l2, inoluding:,Power House" ImprOY6IIlent Trust and SC:lOol, '

78. Ward No. 15 :-Jlou~e of Lekh Raj to house of Ramji Lal, H. NQ. 3259 to 3265 House of Kaalu Ratn to house of,P.rem, H. No. 3526 t) 3570, includhg R,S.D. Scho:)l.,', . ,~ , 79. Ward No.I5 :-Residcnce of Nand Lal to house of Luxmi :Rai, H~ No. 3575 to 3597, HQuse of Kasturi La! to houle ~f Puran Clland, H. No. 36].6 t::> 3679. .,. , • ..

80. Ward No. 15 :-Residence of Kishan Lal to house of Ram Dial, H. N. 3566 to 3574. House of Ja.at Ram to houSe of Punjab Rai, H. N0. 3642 to' 3651, including Mandir and Dharamshala. . :

81. , Ward NfJ.16 ,:-Ilol.lse of Madln Lal to house-cum-Gurdwara of Shri Jagir Singh, H· NO'. 3900 to 3997, House of Raj Kishan, to. house of Ravinder Kumar, Il! No. 4()()2 ,to' ,4076.

82. ;' Ward Np. l~ :--House of Prem ' Ram to' house of Sham La.l, H. No. 3974 to 4012, House of Brij Dihari to residenCeA)f Som Dutt, H. No. 4079 to 4091. , . ; 83. , Ward No. 16':-Rlesi~enoe of Amar Singh to house of ,Munshi Ram, H. No~ 3942 to 39.53, House of Mani La! to house of Sham Lal, H. No. 4016 to 4098. Ward No: 16 :~House of Basti Ram .. to Lakkar 'TaU. H~' No. 3853 to 3859, House of Om Parkash to residence of Hans Raj, H. No. 3960 to 3988. ss. Ward No. 17 :~Reside~ct} of Sagar Ram to Cattle-Shed. H. No. 4375 to 4383. Houie of Asa Ram to house of Inder Sain, H. N. 4384 to 4428. .

86. Wit;d jij~. },1 ';-House' of Pirkhi· to house of Nor Singh, g. No. 4500 to 4518, House of,Kirpa,Ram to house of Satya Parka8h, H. No. 4927 to 49j6. ,

1f'frddl!o. 17: :~Resjdence of laspal to bO!lse of Kundan L-3.1, H. N). 4440 .tp 4494, inol\lding ~~~. .

ii. ,Wflrd No.; 17 :~Residence No. 4433 to 4439, H. No. 4935 to 4998. including Arya Nagar. . ." , '. 89. Ward No. 17 :-Residence No. 1 i.e., vacant to house of 1atinder Singh in H. No. 64, including Mahatma. Gandhi School ;and Radha Swami Dera. 90. , 'Jilard No. '18 :~R~sidence 'of Kaiu Ram to house of' Kishan Lal, H. No. 4772 to 4784, Residence No. 4788 to 4796 including Employment Exchange and Mandir: '91. Ward No. 18 :~House of K.ishQri Lal to. house of Shiv Ram, H. No. 4714'to 4759.

,,9,2.[ Ward No:. 18 :-R~sidence of Parvati to house: of Kundan LaI, H. No. 480~ to 4830. 93. Ward No. 18 :-House of Sri Ram to houre of Sarbati Devi, H. No. 484'3 to 4857, House of Chuni 41 to house of Faqir Chand, H. No. 4858 tq 4863. 94. Ward No. '18 :-ResidenceNo. 4903 to 4Sl25, H. No. 4880 to 4894. " 9S. . ,W,'o/d No.. J8 :~Residen~,~fMaan Singh to house of J~ngi. H::No. 46.32 to 4653. 263 ANNEXURE TO APPENDIX

Description of Enumeration Blocks of Abobar M.C.-concld.

Block No. Description

96. Ward No. 18 :-Residence of Shov Chand to house of Pars Ram, H. 1'.10. 4539 to 4,)54, HO"!Jse of Sant Nath to house of Roshan LaI, H. No. 4555 to 4579.

97. Ward No. 19 :-Residence of Rajesh Kumar to house of Jaswant Singh, H. No. 5664 to 5685, House of Sant Singh to house of Bhim Singh, H. No. 5686 to 5723. /

98. Ward No. 19 :-Shanti Devi to house of Gopi Ram, H. No. 5537 to 5575 House of Phul Chand to house of Ram Saran, H. No. 5576 to 56b6.

99. Ward No. 19 :-Residence of Pritam Singh to Dhaba, H. No. 1 to 52, House of Oobind.LaI to residence of Duni Lal, H. No. 53 to 102.

100. Ward No. 19 :-FromPetrol Pump to house of Roop Chand, H. No. I to 80, Residence of' Ram to house of Sudarshan Singh, H. No. 81 to 145.

101. Ward No. 19 :-Residence of Ram Chand to house of Het Ram, II. No.1 to 51, House of Durga Ram to house of Hari Ram, H. No. 58 to 67, including Mandir.

102. Ward No. 20 :-ResideDce of Dina Nath to house of Ourbanta Singh, ~. No. 5808 to 5819.

103. Ward No. 20· :-Residence of Banwari Lal to house of Sukhan Singh, H. No. 5805 to 5856. including School and Govt. Office.

104. Ward No. 20:-House of Balkar Singh to house of Bachitar Singh, H. No. 5405 to 5432, House ofNahar Singh to house of Jarnail Singh, H. No. 5433 to 5470, including Mandir.

105. Ward No. 20 : -House of Dial Singh to vacant house, H. No. 5079 to 5083, House of Onkar Mal to houS(l of Ram Chand, H. No. 5125 to 5150, including Dispensary and Gurdwara.

106. Ward No. 20 : -Residence of Bhagwant Singh to house of Sahib Ram, H. No. 6368 to 5400.

107. Ward No. 20 : ~House of Gorkha Ram to house of Jas Ram, H. No. 5307 to 5367. 108. Ward No. 20 : -Residence No. 4967 to 5006, including School. 109. Ward No. 21 : -Ahohar Ajimgl:!fh Road, Gali Surja Ram, including Mandir and Dispensary.

1l0. Ward NO. 21 : -Residence of Bhajan Lal to house of Sri Krishan. H. No. 5230 to 5273. including Canal and Gurdwara. 111. Ward No 21 : -Residsnce ofBansi Ram to house of Anokhey LaI, H. No.1 to 54, House of Ram Singh to Primary School, H. No. 55 to 103, House of Puran Ra.m to vacant house, H. No. 104 to 151.

112. Ward No. 21 : -Residence of Om Parkash to : house of Hukam Ram, H. No. 4973 to 5038, House ofLadhu Ram to house of Heera Ram, N. No. 5039 to 5046.

113. Ward No. 21 :-Residence No. 4204 to 4298, H. No. 4422 to 4436. 114. Ward No. 21 : -Residence of Har Narain to house of Mul Chand, H. No.1 to 14, House of Babu Ram to house of Ved Parkash, H. No. 4126 to 4181. 115. Ward No. 21 :-Residence No. 4138 to 4185, including School, Mandir and Dispensary. 116. Ward No. 21 : -From Shiv Mandir to house of Nathu Ram, H. No. 1 to 11, includins Mandir.


265 266


Location Name of District/l'absU/U.A./ Total No. of Total Scheduled Caste Population Code CityjTown Rural Households No. Urban with S.C. Members

p M F 7 1 2 3 4 5 6 1,46,535 . 1,16,793 17/3 Firozpur District T 46,463 2,73.318 .lit 37,881 1,10,361 1.18,3Ol 1,0l,059 U 8,582. 52.967 18,233 24,734 33,463 3/1 Zira Tahsil T 12,553 72,127 38,~ R 11,537 66,035 35,399 30,636 U 1,016 6,092 3,265 2,827 770 Dharamkot U.A. U 275 1,643 873 .. .-~ " 873 770 3/1 Dharamkot M.C. U 275 1,643

80 Hou~ oUJ-sid~ M.C. limits (00) u '. - ';;...... ,t '.. 2,051 31ll ZiraM.C. U 741 4,449 2,392 42,718 3}2 Firozpur Tahsil T 15,974 92,280 49,562 R 12,429 71,448 38,401 33,047 U 3,545 20,832 11,161 9,671 1,048 894 31IlI Talwandi Bhai M.e. U 331 1,942

5,296 4,474 '3/lV Firozpur M.C. U 1,618 9,710 4,316 3,812 Firozpur Cantt. U.A. U 1,434 8,188 3,293 2,980 3fV Firozpur C.B. U 1,098 6,273 1,023 892 Railway Station Cantt. and Railway Colony (00) U 336 1,915 501 431 3/VI Ouru Har Sahai M.e U 162 932 58,309 50,612 3/3 Fazilka Tahsil T 11,936 1,08,921 R 13,915 82,878 44,502 38,376 U 4,021 26,043 13,807 12,236 951 804 Jalalabad U.A. U 302 1,755 818 677 3jVI1 Jalalabad M.C. U 245 1,495 133 127 Extended Area Block No. 22 (00) U 57 260 4,668 4,224 3/VIII Fazilka M.C. U 1,358 8,892 8,188 7,208 3/IX AboharM.C. U 2,361 15,396 2f)7 ",~,~; ABSTRAcr (FOR SCHEDULED CASTES ONLy) f;)'f~',r. ~., ... '~ :_. \,. ,. ~,'J( MAIN WORKERS

Literates Total Main Workers- Cultivators (I) (I-IX) ~ . j r" '''.' ,

.' ,~~ v ... , P M F P M F p M F 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 33,008 25,705 7,303 84,552. SO.IM 4,448 8.695 8,sS7 138 22,884 18,106 4.778 69,9Sl 66,562 3,371 8,478 8.34S 133 10,124 7,,599 2,525 14.619 13,542 1,077 2.17 2.U 5 , . ~t(' oj, ;;,-:,. ~~', H· f 8,638 6,510 2,128 22,SCi9 21,778 1,091 2,581 2,558 23 ",' ~ 7,482 5,670 1,812 21,095 20,108 987 2.440 2.421 .. f""r' 19 I ,; " f )0 f 1,156 840 316 1,774 1~67? ' 104 141 137 4 350 239 111 504 451 53 10 10 350 239 111 504 451 53 10 10 " ~

806 601 205 1,270 1,219 51 131 127 4 ' . ." ~ 12,044 8,956 3,088 28,117 26,545 1,572 3,069 3,023 ' 46 7,215 5,574 1,641 22.497 2'f,466 1,031 3,029 a,983 46 4,829 3,382 1,447 5,620 5,079 541 40 40 308. 232 7~ 616 528 88 19 19- 1.626 1,170 456 2,719 2,446 273 11 11 2,791 1,909 882 2,104 .t::929 175i 10 10

1,903 1.297 ~ 1,629 1,483 146 8 8 888 612 276 '1t7S 446 29 2 2. 104 71 33 181 176 5· .. 12,326 10,239 2,087 33,566 31,781 1,785 3,045 2,976 69 8,187 6,862 1,325 26,341 24,988 1,353 3,009 2,941 68 4,139 3,377 762 7,~25 6,793 432 ;""36 ~'a5 1 . " 406 322 84 588 558 30 2. 2 " 384 302 82 519 489 30 2 2 22 20 2 p9 69

1.420 1,117 303 2,270 2,i21 149 10 9 1 "' .. 2.313 1,938 375 4,367 4,114 253 24 24 " , - 268



Location Name of District/Tabsil/U.A.I Total Agricultural Labourers HOUIehold Industry-Manufacturing, COde -City(fOWD· Rural (II) Processing. Servicing and Repairs No. UrbaD [V(a)]

P M F P M F 1 2 3 17 18 19 20 21 22 17/3 FiroZPUr Dis1rIct T 54560 51,847 2.713 2,177 2,007 170 R 5%,242 49,615 2,627 1,249 ,'1,137' . 112 U 2,318 2,232 86 928 ; 870 58 3/1 Zira Tahsil T 16,683 15.924 759 370 32,7 43 R 15.935 15,228 707 364 322 42 U 748 696 52 6 5 1 Dharamkot U.A. U 293 248 45 3 2 1 3/1 Dharamkot M.e. U 293 248 4S 3 2 1 80 Houses out side M.e U limits (O.G.) 3/11 Zira M.e. U 45"5 448 7 3 3 3/2 Firozpur Tahsil T 71,265 16.402 863 685 631 54 R 16,411 15.561 850 396 361 35 U 854 841 13 289 270 19 3/1ll Talwandi Bhai U 174 174 33 28 S 3IN Firozpur M.e. U 621 608 13- 231 217 14 Firozpur Cantt. U.A. U 48 48 20 20 3N Firozpur C.B. U 46 46 16 16 Railway station Cantt and U 2 2 4 4 Railway Colonv (O.G.) 3/VI Guruhar Sahai M.e. u 11 11 5 s 3/3 Fazi1ka Tahsil T 20.612 19.521 1,091 1.122- 1,049 73 R 19,896 18,826 1,070 489 454 3S U 716 695 21 633 595 38 Jalalabad U.A. U 74 73 1 53 51 2 3fVl1 Jalalabad M.e. U 27 26 1 53 51 2 Extended Area Block No. 22 u 47 47 (0.0.) 3{VDl Fazilka, M.C. U 193 182 11 ISS 142 13 3{JX Abohar M.C. U 449 440 9 425 402 23 269



Other Workers Marginal Workers Non-Workers [III, IV, V(b) and VI to IXl .---- - p M F P M F P M F 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 19,120 17,693 1,427 10,033 1,784 8,249 1,78,743 I 64,647 1,14,096 7,964 7,465 499 9,723 1.580 8,143 1,40,705 ' 50,1fiO 90,545 11,156 10,228 928 310 204 106 38,038 14,487 23,.551 3,235 2,969 266 1,781 280 1,501 47,477 16,606 30,871 2,356 2,137 219 1,768 277 1,491' 43,172 15,014 28,158

879 832 47 13 3 10 4,305 1,592 2,713 198 191 7 1,139 422 717 198 191 7 1,139 422 717

.(\ 681 641 40 13 3 .lv 3,166 1,170 1,996 7,098 6,489 609 3,063 838 2,225 61,100 122,179 38,921 2,661 2,561 100 2,816 662 2,154 46,135 16,27 29,862 4,437 3,928 509 247 176 71 14,965 5,906 9,059 390 307 83 5 5 1,321 51S 806 1,856 1,610 246 179 122 57 6,872 2,728 4,144 2,026 1,851 175 27 13 14 6,057 2,374 3;683 1,559 1,413 146 27 13 14 4,617 1,797 2,820 467 438 29 1,440 577 863

165 160 5 36 36 715 289 426 8,787 8,235 552 5,189 666 4,523 70,166 25,862 44,304 2,947 2,767 180 5,139 641 4,498 51,398 18,873 32,525 5,840 5,468 372 50 25 25 18,768 6,989 11,779

459 432 27 3 .. ' 3 1,164 393 771 437 410 27 3 3 973 329 644 22 22 191 64 127 1,912 1.788 124 42 24 18 6,580 2,523 4,057 3,4"69 3,248 221 5 1 4 11,024 4,073 6,951

11173 D. C. O.(P)_Govt. Press, U. T. ·Cbd.