Virginia County Records
Ill nil:.:. JH P ABBE8ra8! fill iHHIII in IPill Jgli IB ml 11Bi I IP inni M 195v 7 10 96130 REYNOLDS HISTORICAL GENEALOGY COLLECTION l LEN COUNTY PUBLIC UBHAfw i 3 1833 02375 0398 Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2013 s *br rmttta CEotmig ftnatbi^5 PUBLISHED QUARTERLY EDITED BY William Armstrong Crozier, F R. s., F. G. s. A. Publiif-rd by Th« Genealogical Association H«tbrouck Hfi.-hU N«w Jersey VOLUME VII. 1910 • « - I i, »• 4 1596130 Snbtx to Vol 7 5 S " Snbcx - Abdell 1S5 At wood 82 Beavens 41 A bell 167 Auber 3s Beaver, Beavers 38. Abcrn it hv 1 39 Auldrldge 7'.) 128 Al>h.,tt 28, 144, 179 Austin 51, 158, 168 mont S3 Abrahall 177, 178 Avent 20, 136. 13s Ad i ms 8, 24, 27, 52 Avery 19. 21 I U ^ Adeock 63. 157 Aylett iu3 •.am 166 Addison SO Aylmer 181 ngfleld 78, 138 Adkins 53 Ayre, Ayres 25, 88, Bedworth J50 Acas 52 101 Bel< h< r Aken 12. 13 Baber 31 Beldeld 19S Alcock 4 7 Backsdale 49 Bell, 19, 80, 81, 10, Alderson 172 Badger 41 41. 4 7. 54. 16, 147, Aldin SI Bagnal 54 177. 179, 188, 198 Aldman 53 Bagwell 15 2. 152 Bellow "«» Alexander 139 Bailey 38, 76, 77, Belote 40, 41, 12. isr, Afford S7 100, 161. 189 Belvin 15 1 Allen 29, 45, 53, 64, Bain 41 II 20 75, 78. 82, 92. 97, Baker 8, 54, 92, 139, Bennett 54, 9R. 178 114, 153.
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