A Aichi University, Aichi Gakuin University

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A Aichi University, Aichi Gakuin University A Aichi University, www.aichi-u.ac.jp Aichi Gakuin University, www.aichi-gakuin.ac.jp Aichi Medical University, www.aichi-med-u.ac.jp Aichi Prefectural University, www.aichi-pu.ac.jp Aichi Prefectural College of Nursing Health, www.aichi-nurs.ac.jp Aichi Institute of Technology, www.aitech.ac.jp Aichi University of Education, www.aichi-edu.ac.jp Aichi Shukutoku University, www.aasa.ac.jp The University of Aizu, www.u-aizu.ac.jp Asia University, www.asia-u.ac.jp Akita University, www.akita-u.ac.jp Akita Prefectural University, www.asia-pu.ac.jp/graduate/ Aomori University, www.aomori-u.ac.jp Aomori Public College, www.nebuta.ac.jp Aoyama Gakuin University , www.aoyama.ac.jp Asahi University, www.asahi-u.ac.jp Asahikawa University, www.asahikawa-u.ac.jp Asahikawa Medical College, www.asahikawa-med.ac.jp Ashikaga Institute of Technology, www.ashitech.ac.jp Azabu University, www.azabu-u.ac.jp B Baika Women’s College, www.baika.ac.jp Baiko Gakuin University, www.baiko.ac.jp Beppu University, www.beppu-u.ac.jp Bukkyo University, www.bukkyo-u.ac.jp Bunka Women’s University, www.bunka.ac.jp Bunkyo University, www.bunkyo.ac.jp Bunkyo Gakuin University, www.u-bunkyo.ac.jp/wu/ C Chiba University, www.chiba-u.ac.jp Chiba Keizai University, www.cku.ac.jp Chiba Institute of Technology, www.it-chiba.ac.jp Chiba University of Commerce, www.cuc.ac.jp Chitose Institute of Science and Technology, www.chitose.ac.jp Chubu University, www.chubu.ac.jp Chukyo University, www.chukyo-u.ac.jp Chuo University, www.chuo-u.ac.jp D Daido Institute of Technology, www.daido-it.ac.jp Daito Bunka University, www.ic.daito.ac.jp The University of Electro-Communications (Denki Tsushin Daigaku), www.uec.ac.jp Dokkyo University, www.dokkyo.ac.jp Dokkyo University School of Medicine, www.dokkyomed.ac.jp Doshisha University, www.doshisha.ac.jp Doshisha Women’s College of Liberal Arts, www.dwc.doshisha.ac.jp E Ehime University, www.ehime-u.ac.jp Sapientia University (Eichi Daigaku), www.eichi-u.ac.jp Elisabeth University of Music, www.eum.ac.jp F Ferris University, www.ferris.ac.jp Fujita Health University, www.fujita-hu.ac.jp Fukui University, www.fukui-u.ac.jp Fukui Medical School, www.fukui-med.ac.jp Fukui Prefecture University, www.fpu.ac.jp Fukui Institute of Technology, www.fukui-ut.ac.jp Fukuoka University, www.fukuoka-u.ac.jp Fukuoka Women’s University, www.fwu.ac.jp Fukuoka Prefectural University, www.fukuoka-pu.ac.jp Fukuoka Institute of Technology, www.fit.ac.jp Fukuoka University of Education, www.fukuoka-edu.ac.jp Fukuoka Dental College, www.fdcnet.ac.jp Fukushima University, www.fukushima-u.ac.jp G Gakushuin University, www.gakushuin.ac.jp Gifu University, www.gifu-u.ac.jp Gifu Women’s University, www.gijodai.ac.jp Gifu Keizai University, www.gifu-keizai.ac.jp Gifu Shotoku Gakuen University, www.ha.shotoku.ac.jp Gifu Pharmaceutical University, www.gifu-pu.ac.jp Gunma University, www.gunma-u.ac.jp Gunma Prefectural Women' s University, www.gpwu.ac.jp H Hachinohe Institute of Technology, www.hi-tech.ac.jp Hakuoh University, www.hakuoh.ac.jp University of Hamamatsu, www.hamamatsu-u.ac.jp Hamamatsu University School of Medicine, www.hama-med.ac.jp Hanazono University, www.hanazono.ac.jp Hannan University, www.hannan-u.ac.jp Heisei International University, www.hiu.ac.jp Hijiyama University, www.hijiyama-u.ac.jp Himeji Dokkyo University, www.himeji-du.ac.jp Himeji Institute of Technology, www.himeji-tech.ac.jp Hirosaki University, www.hirosaki-u.ac.jp Hiroshima University, www.hiroshima-u.ac.jp Hiroshima Jogakuin University, www.hju.ac.jp Hiroshima University of Economics, www.hue.ac.jp Hiroshima Institute of Technology , www.it-hiroshima.ac.jp Hiroshima Kokusai Gakuin University, www.hkg.ac.jp Hiroshima City University, www.hiroshima-cu.ac.jp Hiroshima Shudo University, www.shudo-u.ac.jp Hitotsubashi University, www.hit-u.ac.jp Hokkai Gakuen University, www.hokkai-t.ac.jp Hokkaido University, www.hokudai.ac.jp Health Sciences University of Hokkaido, www.hoku-iryo-u.ac.jp Hokkaido Information University, www.do-johodai.ac.jp Hokkaido Institute of Technology, www.hit.ac.jp Hokkaido University of Education , www.hokkyodai.ac.jp Hokkaido Tokai University , www.htokai.ac.jp Hokkaido College of Pharmacy, www.hokuyakudai.ac.jp Hokuriku University, www.hokuriku-u.ac.jp Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology, Hokuriku, www.jaist.ac.jp Hokusei Gakuen University, www.hokusei.ac.jp Hosei University, www.hosei.ac.jp Hoshi University, www.hoshi.ac.jp Hyogo College of Medicine, www.hyo-med.ac.jp College of Nursing Art and Science, Hyogo, www.cnas-hyogo.ac.jp Hyogo University of Teacher Education, www.hyogo-u.ac.jp I Ibaraki Christian University, www.icc.ac.jp Ibaraki University, www.ibaraki.ac.jp Ishinomaki Senshu University, www.isenshu-u.ac.jp Iwaki Meisei University, www.iwakumu.ac.jp Iwate University, www.iwate-u.ac.jp Iwate Medical University, www.iwate-med.ac.jp Iwate Prefectural University, www.iwate-pu.ac.jp J Jichi Medical School, www.jichi.ac.jp Jissen Women’s University, www.tokyo-wd.ne.jp Jobu University, www.jobu.ac.jp Sophia University, www.sophia.ac.jp Joetsu University of Education, www.juen.ac.jp Josai University, www.josai.ac.jp Josai International University, www.jiu.ac.jp Joshibi University of Art and Design, www.joshibi.ac.jp Juntendo University , www.juntendo.ac.jp K Kagawa Nutrition University, www.eiyo.ac.jp Kagawa University, www.kagawa-u.ac.jp Kagoshima University, www.kagoshima-u.ac.jp The International University of Kagoshima, www.iuk.ac.jp Kanagawa University, www.kanagawa-u.ac.jp Kanazawa University, www.kanazawa-u.ac.jp Kanazawa Institute of Technology , www.kanazawa-it.ac.jp Kanazawa Seiryo University, www.seiryo-u.ac.jp Kanda University of International Studies, www.kuis.ac.jp National Institute of Fitness and Sports in Kanoya, www.nifs-k.ac.jp Kansai University, www.kansai-u.ac.jp Kansai Gaidai University, www.kansai-gaidai-u.ac.jp Kansai Medical University, www.kmu.ac.jp Kwansei Gakuin University, www.kwansei.ac.jp Kanto Gakuin University, www.kanto-gakuin.ac.jp Kanto Gakuen University, www.kanto-gakuen.ac.jp Kwassui Women College, www.kwassui.ac.jp Kawasaki University of Medical Welfare, www.kawasaki-m.ac.jp Keio University, www.keio.ac.jp Hiroshima Prefectural Women' s University, www.hirojo-u.ac.jp Kibi International University, www.kiui.ac.jp Kinjo Gakuin University, www.kinjo-u.ac.jp Kinki University, www.kindai.ac.jp The University of Kitakyushu, www.kitakyu-u.ac.jp Kitami Institute of Technology, www.kitami-it.ac.jp Kitasato University, www.kitasato-u.ac.jp Kanazawa College of Art, www.kanazawa-bidai.ac.jp Kobe University, www.kobe-u.ac.jp Kobe Gakuin University, www.kobegakuin.ac.jp Kobe Design University, www.kobe-du.ac.jp Kobe College, www.kobe-c.ac.jp Kobe Women’s University, www.kobeus.ac.jp Kobe Shoin Women’s University, www.shoin.ac.jp Kobe University of Mercantile Marine, www.kshosen.ac.jp Kobe Pharmaceutical University, www.kobepharma-u.ac.jp Kobe City University of Foreign Studies, www.kobe-cufs.ac.jp Kobe City College of Nursing, www.kobe-ccn.ac.jp Kochi University, www.kochi-u.ac.jp Kochi Women' s University , www.kochi-wu.ac.jp Kochi University of Technology, www.kochi-tech.ac.jp Kogakkan University, www.kogakkan-u.ac.jp Kogakuin University, www.kogakuin.ac.jp Kokugakuin University, www.kokugakuin.ac.jp International University of Japan, www.iuj.ac.jp International Budo University, www.budo-u.ac.jp International College for Advanced Buddhist Studies, www.icabs.ac.jp International Christian University , www.icu.ac.jp Kokushikan University, www.kokushikan.ac.jp Komazawa University, www.komazawa-u.ac.jp Konan University, www.konan-u.ac.jp Konan Women’s University, www.konan-wu.ac.jp Koriyama Women’s University, www.kobepharma-u.ac.jp Koshien University, www.koshien.ac.jp Koyasan University, www.koyasan-u.ac.jp Kumamoto University, www.kumamoto-u.ac.jp Kumamoto Gakuen University, www.kumagaku.ac.jp Kunitachi College of Music , www.mmjp.or.jp Kurashiki University of Science and the Arts, www.kusa.ac.jp Kure University, www.kure-u.ac.jp Kurume University, www.mii.kurume-u.ac.jp Kurume Institute of Technology, www.kurume-it.ac.jp Kyorin University, www.kyorin-u.ac.jp Kyoritsu Women’s University, www.kyoritsu-wu.ac.jp Kyoritsu College of Pharmacy, www.kyoritsu-ph.ac.jp Kyoto University, www.kyoto-u.ac.jp Kyoto Bunkyo University, www.kbu.ac.jp Kyoto Prefectural University, www.kpu.ac.jp Kyoto University of Foreign Studies, www.kufs.ac.jp Kyoto Gakuen University, www.kyotogakuen-u.ac.jp Kyoto Women’s University, www.koho.kyoto-wu.ac.jp Kyoto Institute of Technology, www.kit.ac.jp Kyoto University of Education, www.kyokyo-u.ac.jp Kyoto Sangyo University, www.kyoto-su.ac.jp Kyoto Seika University, www.kyoto-seika.ac.jp Kyoto City University of Arts, www.kcua.ac.jp Kyoto Tachibana Women’s University, www.tachibana-u.ac.jp Kyoto Pharmaceutical University, www.kyoto-phu.ac.jp Kyoto University of Art and Design, www.kyoto-art.ac.jp Kyushu University, www.kyushu-u/ac/jp Kyushu Institute of Design, www.kyushu-id.ac.jp Kyushu Institute of Information Sciences , www.kiis.ac.jp Kyushu Institute of Technology, www.kyutech.ac.jp Kyusyu International University, www.kiu.ac.jp Kyushu Kyoritsu University, www.kyukyo-u.ac.jp Kyushu Sangyo University, www.ip.kyusan-u.ac.jp Kyushu Dental College, www.kyu-dent.ac.jp Kyushu Tokai University, www.ktokai-u.ac.jp M Maebashi Institute of Technology, www.maebashi-it.ac.jp Matsusaka University, www.matsusaka-u.ac.jp Matsuyama University, www.matsuyama-u.ac.jp Meiji University, www.meiji.ac.jp Meiji Gakuin University, www.meijigakyin.ac.jp Meiji University of Oriental Medicine, www.meiji-u.ac.jp Meiji Pharmaceutical University, www.my-pharm.ac.jp Meijo University, www.meijo-u.ac.jp Meikai University, www.meikai.ac.jp Meio University, www.meio-u.ac.jp Meisei University, www.meisei-u.ac.jp Mejiro University, www.mejiro.ac.jp Mie University, www.mie-u.ac.jp Minami Kyushu University, www.nankyudai.ac.jp Miyagi University, www.myu.ac.jp Miyagi Gakuin Women’s College, www.mgu.ac.jp Miyagi University of Education, www.miyakyo-u.ac.jp Miyazaki University, www.miyazaki-u.ac.jp Miyazaki Prefectural Nursing University, www.mpu.ac.jp St.
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