Update August 10 - August 16, 2020, Dr. Peter J. Lansberg MD, PhD Weekly COVID-19 Literature Update will keep you up-to-date with all recent PubMed publications categorized by relevant topics COVID-19 publications - Week 33 2020 804 Publications PubMed based Covid-19 weekly literature update For those interested in receiving weekly updates click here For questions and requests for topics to add send an e-mail
[email protected] Reliable on-line resources for Covid 19 WHO Cochrane Daily dashbord BMJ Country Guidance The Lancet Travel restriction New England Journal of Medicine Covid Counter JAMA Covid forcasts Cell CDC Science AHA Oxford Universtiy Press ESC Cambridge Univeristy Press EMEA Springer Nature Evidence EPPI Elsevier Wikipedia Wiley Cardionerds - COVID-19 PLOS Genomic epidemiology LitCovid NIH-NLM Oxygenation Ventilation toolkit SSRN (Pre-prints) German (ICU) bed capacity COVID reference (Steinhauser Verlag) COVID-19 Projections tracker AAN - Neurology resources COVID-19 resources (Harvard) COVID-19 resources (McMasters) COVID-19 resources (NHLBI) COVID-19 resources (MEDSCAPE) COVID-19 Diabetes (JDRF) COVID-19 TELEMEDICINE (BMJ) Global Causes of death (Johns Hopkins) COVID-19 calculators (Medscap) Guidelines NICE Guidelines Covid-19 Korean CDC Covid-19 guidelines Flattening the curve - Korea IDSA COVID-19 Guidelines Airway Management Clinical Practice Guidelines (SIAARTI/EAMS, 2020) ESICM Ventilation Guidelines Performing Procedures on Patients With Known or Suspected COVID-19 (ASA, 2020) OSHA Guidance on Preparing the Workplace