Curriculum Vitae Anne Lendermann


Rue des Vétérinaires 49, bte 0201, 1070 , +32 (475) 531420 [email protected]

Sex Female | Date of birth 29 July 1968 | Nationality German

JOB APPLIED FOR MA Conference Interpreter German (A) English (B/Retour) French (B/Retour) Dutch (C)

EDUCATION AND TRAINING 2007 – 2009 Cologne University of Applied Sciences Course of Studies “Interpreting” Qualification: Master of Arts Conference Interpreting

1991 – 1992 Fachhochschule Köln (Higher Technical Institute) Course of Studies “Interpreting“ Qualification awarded: Diplom-Dolmetscherin (Graduate Interpreter)

1987 – 1991 Fachhochschule Köln (Higher Technical Institute) Course of Studies “Translation“ Qualification awarded: Diplom-Übersetzerin (Graduate Translator)

1978 – 1987 St. Antonius-Gymnasium Lüdinghausen (Grammar School) School leaving qualification: “Abitur“ (A level)

REFERENCES 20 years Conference Politics, European and International Organizations: Interpretation Experience Queen Fabiola, Baudouin, Queen Mathilde, King Philippe of Belgium Jean-Claude Juncker European Commission President Premier ministre de Belgique Vice-Premier ministre Guy Verhofstadt ancien Premier ministre de Belgique Martin Kotthaus German Ambassador in Belgium Scheduled for Angela Merkel and (Brexit Summit Egmont Palace) European Commissioners Öttinger, Ansip, Stylianides, Hogan, Cañete…; International Dog Show FCI Shanghai; International Handball Federation; COMECE Euroean bishops conferences, ACI Airport Council International; Copa-Cogeca Agriculture; German Regional Representations of Baden-Württemberg, Saxony, Hessen... to the EU...

Live Interpretation on TV/Radio and Press Conferences European Presidential debate Euronews, Scooter (live on TV), Rammstein (live in Bxl, ), WDR-Gothe Institute, Spa-Franchorchamps Sebastan Vettel- Kimi Räikkönen...

Foundations, Corporations, European Work Councils and Trade Unions Queen Fabiola, King Baudouin and Konrad Adenauer Foundation, EU Secotral social dialogue meetings, Honeywell, Solvay, Caterpillar, Bonduelle, BNP, IBM, H&M, C&A, Siemens…

ADDITIONAL INFORMATION 2010 – 2016 COOVI Elishout Brussels: Teacher Training (in ) Qualification: Diploma van leraar (Teaching Certificate)

1991 – 1997 Russian / St. Petersburg University / Summer classes

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