No-FlY Accords - May, 2014 ______WHEREFORE, having previously determined the personal culpability and liability for crimes against humanity more fully described, infra, pursuant to the judicious standards applicable to each of the undersigned, of those persons duly recorded in Appendix A to this Accord, it is the purpose and intent of the undersigned of these Accords to promulgate, implement, and enforce the following agreement and orders which have been duly accepted as the law of the land of each of the undersigned Sovereigns.

AND WHEREFORE, each and every person duly recorded on Appendix A to this Accord has been adjudicated criminally liable by the duly and proper exercise of due process applicable in each of the undersigned Sovereigns for active or conspiratorial participation in one or more of the following crimes against humanity:

 engaged in unprovoked, illegal aggression and foreign orchestrated regime change in

Libya and Ukraine resulting in the most extreme and territorial violations

possible, human suffering, sovereign resources plundering, and massive human

suffering and killings;

 threatened and attempted to do the same in Syria and Iran;  engaged in human rights atrocities carried out by the US, the CIA and other agents of

the US in suppressing and brutalizing the Syrian, Libyan, and Ukrainian peoples in an

attempt to prop up US puppet governments;

 illegally interfered with Russian sovereignty in trade (illegal, unprovoked trade


 illegally threatened the sovereignty of Russia and China by attempting to extort the use

of petro-dollars for bilateral sovereign trade in which the US is not a party;

 provoked China by building up US and Western bi-lateral military agreements and

military presence in Asian countries antagonistic to China;

 politicized and provoked China with US trip to Asia in April, 2014, meeting

with only those countries who have active territorial disputes with China;

 illegally threatened Indonesia with manufactured national disasters and genocide;

 engaged in HARRP generated and geoengineered disasters throughout Asia, including

the radiation catastrophe at Fukushima, ;

 developed and implementing UN Agenda 21, including mass depopulation agendas

designed to reduce world population via genocidal programs by levels of over 85% of

the world population;

 engaged in the intentional worldwide atmospheric distribution of depleted uranium to

the enduring and lethal detriment to life everywhere on this planet;




1. Those parties duly recorded in Appendix A to this Accord are hereby precluded from ingress and

egress upon land, air, or sea regarding every territorial jurisdiction of each of the undersigned


2. Furthermore, each act of ingress and egress described in number 1, above, shall be a felonious

offense punishable by fines according to the jurisprudence of the undersigned Sovereign, and/or

imprisonment with an incarceration between one and five years at the discretion of the

jurisprudence of the undersigned Sovereign.

3. Upon probable cause of any violations of number 1, above, each undersigned Sovereign is both

authorized and has a duty to immediately apprehend the suspected offender(s) and detain

them, and subject them to criminal proceedings for violation of this Accord pursuant to the

jurisprudence of the State upon which the alleged violation of these Accords has taken place.

4. Each of the undersigned Sovereigns agree to reasonably coordinate their sovereign resources to

effectuate the apprehension, detainment, and prosecution of all persons recorded in Appendix

A of this Accord who ingresses or egresses the jurisdictional territory of an undersigned

Sovereign, after having been served, or otherwise being reasonably on notice, of the agreement

and orders of these Accords.

5. Each of the undersigned Sovereigns will make their sovereign resources reasonably available for

the apprehension of all persons duly recorded in Appendix A to this Accord, of whom a duly

issued arrest warrant has been issued by a court of competent jurisdiction to face charges or

suffer the consequences of penalties for crimes against humanity.


appendix A Parties adjudicated as committed crimes against humanity and subject to the orders of this no-fly accord

ALGERIA Yousfi, Youcef ANTIGUA AND BARBUDA Ashe, John W. Malcorra, Susana Boudou, Amado ARMENIA Sargsyan, Serzh AUSTRALIA Halton, Jane Kelly, Gail Leibler, Marc Keen, Paul Rubenstein, Colin Bishop, Julie Rothensteiner, Walter Treichl, Andreas Bronner, Oscar Cernko, Willibald Faymann, Werner Fischer, Heinz Schieder, Andreas Scholten, Rudolf Tumpel-Gugerell, Gertrude Hahn, Johannes Gusenbauer, Alfred AUSTRIA – USA Sajdik, Martin AZERBAIJAN Guliyev, Azay - OSCE


Aliyev, Ilham van Ypersele, Jean-Pascal Davignon, Etienne Coene, Luc Daele, Frans van Gucht, Karel de Huyghebaert, Jan Philippe of Belgium Leysen, Thomas Rompuy, Herman van Lungescu, Oana Praet, Peter Di Rupo, Elio Guy Verhofstadt Malmström, Cecilia BRAZIL da Silva, José Graziano Moura, Antonio Divino Azevêdo, Roberto Temer, Michel BULGARIA Bokova, Irina Georgieva, Kristalina Kamov, Nikolai BURKINA FASO Zerbo, Lassina CANADA Grimes, David McKinnon, Neil Black, Conrad Moffat Frum, David J. Campbell, Gordon Carney, Mark J. Clark, W. Edmund Mansbridge, Peter McKenna, Frank Orbinski, James Prichard, J. Robert S. Redford, Alison M. Reisman, Heather M. Wall, Brad


Weston, Galen G. Wright, Nigel S. Desmarais Jr Prentice, Jim Harper, Stephen Harris, Mike Lord, Bernard Chrétien, Joseph Jacques Jean Martin, Paul Edgar Philippe CHILE Valenzuela, Heraldo Muñoz CROATIA Grabar-Kitarović, Kolinda CROATIA Mimica, Neven CYPRUS Vassiliou, Androulla CZECH REPUBLIC Füle, Štefan Dlouhy, Vladimír Bělobrádek, Pavel Christiansen, Jeppe Corydon, Bjarne Eldrup, Anders Mchangama, Jacob Nyrup Rasmussen, Poul Schütze, Peter Rasmussen, Anders Fogh Høeg-Jensen, Kasper Hedegaard, Connie Queen Margrethe Alexandrine Þórhildur Ingrid Thorning-Schmidt, Helle Federspiel, Ulrik Topsøe, Jakob Haldor EGYPT Mansour, Mohamed Loza, Hamdi Sanad Mohieldin, Mahmoud ESTONIA Kallas, Siim


Varjoranta, Tero Apunen, Matti Blåfield, Antti Heinonen, Olli Johansson, Ole Katainen, Jyrki Ollila, Jorma Pentikäinen, Mikael Siilasmaa, Risto Urpilainen, Jutta Wahlroos, Björn Halonen, Tarja Rehn, Olli Kauma, Pia - OSCE Heinäluoma, Eero Olavi Niinistö, Sauli Väinämö Vanhanen, Matti Taneli Lagarde, Christine Blanchard, Olivier Dubourg, Thierry Flory, Denis Leroy, Anne-Marie De Villeroche, Hervé Bon, Michel Lévy-Lang, André Bergsten, C. Fred Beytout, Nicolas Barré, Nicolas Baverez, Nicolas Bavinchove, Olivier de Bazire, Nicolas Béchu, Christophe Castries, Henri de Chalendar, Pierre André de Fillon, François Hermelin, Paul Karvar, Anousheh Lamy, Pascal Lauvergeon, Anne Lévy, Maurice Montbrial, Thierry de


Pécresse, Valérie Ramanantsoa, Bernard Rey, Hélène Roy, Olivier Senard, Jean-Dominique Trichet, Jean-Claude Vimont, Pierre de Margerie Auroy, Patrick Chagnot, Stéphane Barnier, Michel Cœuré, Benoît Sarkozy, Nicolas Hollande, François Valls, Manuel Ayrault, Jean-Marc Badré, Bertrand Rothschild, David de GABON Ondimba, Ali Bongo GEORGIA Garibashvili, Irakli Brauner, Karl Hoven, Ingrid Schrempp, Jürgen Erich Scheel, Walter Achleitner, Paul M. Ackermann, Josef Enders, Thomas Ischinger, Wolfgang Koch, Roland Lauk, Kurt J. Lindner, Christian Löscher, Peter Nass, Matthias Reitzle, Wolfgang Scholz, Olaf Steinbrück, Peer Zetsche, Dieter Döpfner, Mathias Brauss, Heinrich


Oettinger, Günther Lautenschläger, Sabine Fuchs, Michael Westerwelle, Guido Schmidt, Helmut Heinrich Waldemar Merkel, Angela Dorothea Fischer, Joseph Martin Joschka Trittin, Jürgen GHANA Aning, Kwaku David, George A. Giannitsis, Anastasios Hardouvelis, Gikas A. Kyriacopoulos, Ulysses Papaconstantinou, George Papahelas, Alexis Papalexopoulos, Dimitri Tsoukalis, Loukas Stamatopoulos, Thrasyvoulos Terry Damanaki, Maria Voridis, Makis - OSCE Alogoskoufis, George Bakoyannis, Dora Diamantopoulou, Anna Stournaras, Yiannis Papathanasiou, Yannis Arapoglou, Takis Andor, László Martonyi, János ICELAND Sigurgestsson, Hörður Bjarnason, Björn Oddsson, Davíð Haarde, Geir Hilmar Sigurðsson, Jón INDIA Pachauri, Rajendra K. Mahindra, Anand Khurshid, Salman Basu, Kaushik


INDONESIA Indrawati, Sri Mlyani Walujo, Patrick Wanadi, Jusuf IRELAND Gallagher, Paul McDowell, Michael Noonan, Michael Sutherland, Peter D. Geoghegan-Quinn, Máire O’Mahoney, John Gleeson, Dermot ISRAEL Levite, Ariel E. Rabinovich, Itamar Ofer, Idan Pater, Richard Peres, Shimon Netanyahu, Benjamin Steinitz, Yuval 6. Murkes, Tanyah Siboni, Haim Lior, Dov Dahan, Eli Ben Rossella, Carlo Berlusconi, Silvio Bernabè, Franco Conti, Fulvio Cucchiani, Enrico Tommaso Elkann, John Gruber, Lilli Letta, Enrico Monti, Mario Nagel, Alberto Rocca, Gianfelice Scaroni, Paolo Tremonti, Giulio Draghi, Mario Napolitano, Giorgio Renzi, Matteo Berlusconi, Silvio


Bonino, Emma Tajani, Antonio JAPAN Sekimizu, Koji Ozawa, Toshiro Amano, Yukiya Kojima, Yorihiko Hasegawa, Yasuchika Tanaka, Nobuo Abe, Shinzō Suzuki, Hideaki ibn al-Hussein, Abdullah II KAZAKHSTAN Nazarbayev, Nursultan Äbishuly KYRGYZSTAN Aknazarova, Roza LATVIA Piebalgs, Andris LITHUANIA Šemeta, Algirdas Grybauskaitė, Dalia Reding, Viviane Mersch, Yves MALAYSIA Mohamad, Daud bin Yassin, Muhyiddin MALI Touré, Hamadoun MALTA Borg, Tonio MEXICO Sepúlveda-Amor, Bernardo Maryssael, Vorian Carbajal, José Serra, Jaime - Gómez-Robledo, Juan Manuel MONTENEGRO Krivokapic, Ranko MOROCCO Mokssit, Abdalah


Mezouar, Salaheddine NEW ZEALAND Key, John Phillip NIGERIA Aliu, Olumuyiwa Benard Nwanze, Kanayo F. Agah, Yonov Belo-Osagie Jonathan, Goodluck Ebele Azikiwe Lundestad, Geir Andresen, Johan H. Brandtzæg, Svein Richard Eide, Espen Barth Magnus, Birger Myklebust, Egil Ottersen, Ole Petter Prince Haakon Skogen Lund, Kristin Solberg, Erna King Harald V Stoltenberg, Jens Jensen, Siv Clemet, Kristin PAKISTAN Sharif, Mian Muhammad Nawaz Ostojski, Mieczyslaw Sikora, Sławomir Szwajcowski, Jacek Rostowski, Jacek Lewandowski, Janusz Olechowski, Andrzej Marian Suchocka, Hanna Sikorski, Radosław Tomasz de Oliveira, Manuel Ferreira Salgado, Ricardo Silva, Artur Santos Amado, Luís Balsemão, Francisco Pinto Barroso, Durão


Ferreira Alves, Clara Moreira da Silva, Jorge Nogueira Leite, António Portas, Paulo Rangel, Paulo Seguro, António José Teixeira dos Santos, Fernando Constâncio, Vítor Manuel Ribeiro Sena, Nilza - OSCE Santos, Isabel - OSCE de Pinho, Manuel António Gomes de Almeida Sócrates Carvalho Pinto de Sousa, José Aguiar-Branco, José Pedro de Santana Lopes, Pedro Miguel Sarmento, Nuno Morais da Costa, António Luís dos Santos Rio, Rui Fernando da Silva Leite, Maria Manuela Dias Ferreira Silva, Augusto Santos de Sousa, Marcelo Rebelo Guterres, António Manuel de Oliveira Rodrigues, Eduardo Luís Barreto Ferro de Sampaio, Jorge Fernando Branco Amaral, Luís Mira Constâncio, Vítor Manuel Ribeiro Ferreira, José Medeiros do Amaral, Joaquim Ferreira Barreto, António Miguel de Morais Cravinho, João Cardona Gomes Nabo, Francisco Luís Murteira QATAR Sheikh Hamad bin Khalifa Al Thani Sheikh Tamim bin Hamad bin Khalifa Al Thani ROMANIA Ducaru, Sorin Cioloş, Dacian Băsescu, Traian SAUDI ARABIA Jameel, Mohammed Olayan, Lubna Yamani, Hashim SERBIA


Comic, Gordana SINGAPORE Hsien Loong, Lee SLOVAKIA Tomka, Peter Šefčovič, Maroš Potočnik, Janez SOUTH AFRICA Nkoana-Mashabane, Maite Emily SOUTH KOREA Ki-moon, Ban Lee, Hoesung Kim, Jim Yong Seok-hyun Hong Geun-hye, Park Viñals, José Alierta, César Almunia, Joaquín Botín, Ana P. Carvajal Urquijo, Jaime Cebrián, Juan Luis Cisneros, Gustavo A. Cospedal, María Dolores de Entrecanales, José Manuel Guindos, Luis de Isla, Pablo León Gross, Bernardino Nin Génova, Juan María Polanco, Ignacio Queen Sofía Rodriguez Inciarte, Matías Sáenz de Santamaría Antón, Soraya Solana Madariaga, Javier Zapatero, José Luis Rodríguez Esteban Perez, Francisco Juan Carlos Alfonso Víctor María de Borbón y Borbón-Dos Sicilias Rajoy Brey, Mariano Moratinos Cuyaubé, Miguel Ángel Solbes Mira, Pedro SRI LANKA Azeez, Aliyar


SUDAN El Gizouli, Ismail A.R. Ibrahim, Mohamed Eliasson, Jan Barnevik, Percy Nils Stråberg, Hans Bäckström, Urban Bildt, Carl Björling, Ewa Bonnier, Jonas Borg, Anders Carlsson, Gunilla Ekholm, Börje Löfven, Stefan Renström, Lars Stigson, Björn Wallenberg, Jacob Fälldin, Nils Olof Thorbjörn Olofsson, Maud Elisabeth Reinfeldt, John Fredrik Sahlin, Mona Ingeborg SWITZERLAND Ringier, Michael Brabeck-Letmathe, Peter Groth, Hans Gutzwiller, Felix Janom Steiner, Barbara Jordan, Thomas J. Kudelski, André Leuthard, Doris Schmid, Martin Schweiger, Rolf Soiron, Rolf Supino, Pietro Vasella, Daniel L. Waldvogel, Francis A. Witmer, Jürg Burkhalter, Didier Blocher, Christoph SYRIA Kodmani, Bassma


THAILAND Phuangketkeow, Sihasak THE Haak, Hein Queen Beatrix Bolland, Marc J. Boxmeer, Jean François van Chavannes, Marc E. Dijkgraaf, Robbert H. Halberstadt, Victor Hommen, Jan H.M. Knot, Klaas H.W. Kroes, Neelie Pechtold, Alexander Polman, Paul Rinnooy Kan, Alexander H.G. Rosenthal, Uri Rutte, Mark Scheffer, Paul King Willem-Alexander Wellink, Nout Winter, Jaap W. Bolkestein, Frederik de Hoop Scheffer, Jakob Gijsbert Lubbers, Ruud Kok, Wim Balkenende, Jan Peter Verhagen, Maxime Jacques Marcel Uǧur, Agah Kohen, Sami Aydıntaşbaş, Aslı Babacan, Ali Berberoğlu, Enis Çakir, Ruşen Ciliv, Süreyya Dinçer, Haluk Gülek Domac, Tayyibe Gürel, Z. Damla Keyman, E. Fuat Koç, Mustafa V. Özel, Soli


Özilhan, Tuncay Pavey, Şafak Pekin, Şefika Sabanci Dinçer, Suzan Timuray, Serpil Kulkuloglu, Mehmet Sevki Gül, Abdullah Erdoğan, Recep Tayyip UAE bin Zayed bin Sultan Al Nahyan, Mohammed UK Weston, Michael Browne, Edmund John Philip Hutton, William Nicolas Knight, Andrew Stephen Bower Agius, Marcus Alexander, Helen Balls, Edward M. Bell, John Boles, Nick Bredow, Vendeline von Cameron, David Clarke, Kenneth Cowper-Coles, Sherard Davis, Ian Dudley, Robert Flint, Douglas J. Henry, Simon Kerr, John Lambert, Richard Mandelson, Peter Micklethwait, John Oldham, John Omand, David Osborne, George Rachman, Gideon Robertson, Simon Stewart, Rory Taylor, J. Martin Williams of Crosby, Shirley Wolf, Martin H. Wooldridge, Adrian D.


Powell, Charles Evans, Stephen Ashton, Catherine Williams, Roger - OSCE Polak, Stuart Tamam, Nathalie Gurd, James Stark, Leetal Akademir, Sedef Zabludowicz, Chaim Poju Kehoe, Dermot Fineberg, Tony Rothschild, Nathaniel Charles Jacob Rothschild, Nathaniel Philip Victor James Queen Elizabeth Alexandra Mary Prince Charles, Prince of Wales Prince Phillip, Duke of Edinburgh Blair, Tony Ashdown, Paddy Carington, Peter Alexander Rupert Gascoyne-Cecil, Robert Michael James Healey, Denis Winston Monks, John Stephen Owen, David Anthony Llewellyn Rifkind, Malcolm Leslie Hannay, David Hugh Alexander Brown, Gordon Prince William, Duke of Cambridge Voser, Peter Hines, Gwen Rothschild, Jacob Rothschild, Evelyn Robert de Thiam, Tidjane UKRAINE Horin, Olexandr Yatsenyuk, Arseniy Petrovych USA Abizaid, John Ackerman, Peter Ajami, Fouad


Albright, Madeleine Alexander, Keith B. Allaire, Paul Arthur Altman, Roger C. Annan, Kofi Armitage, Richard Arrison, Sonia Athey, Susan Aviel, Sara Margalit Bair, Sheila Baird, Zoë Bell, W Berger, Samuel Richard Bernanke, Ben Shalom Bersin, Alan Bezos, Jeff Blankfein, Lloyd Blinder, Alan Boies, Mary Bradley, David Brokaw, Tom Browner, Carol Brzezinski, Zbigniew Kazimierz Buffett, Warren Burns, R. Nicholas Bush, George W. Bush, George, H.W. Bush, Jeb Bush, Wayne J.


Clinton, Hillary Diane Rodham Clinton, William J. Collins, Timothy C. Curtiss-Lusher, Barry Daniels, Jr., Mitchell E. Daschle, Thomas Andrew DeMuth, Christopher Denning, Steven Donilon, Thomas E. Dunn Lee Eberstadt, Nicholas N. Edwards, Johnny Reid Eliot, Theodore L. Emanuel, Ezekiel Evans, J. Michael Faskianos, Irina Feinberg, Ken Feldstein, Martin S. Ferguson, Niall Fink, Laurence Fishman, Mark C. Fishman, Richard - AIPAC Foxman, Abraham H. Fried, Daniel USA Special Envoy Frieden, Thomas Friedman, Stephen Fudge, Ann Gann, Pamela Gates, William H.


Geithner, Timothy Franz Gelb, Leslie Genachowski, Julius Gensler, Gary Gephardt, Richard A. Gerstner, Louis Vincent Gfoeller, Michael Glocer, Thomas Goolsbee, Austan D. Gordon, Philip H. Gore, Al Graham, Donald E. Greenberg, Maurice Haass, Richard Haass, Richard Hagel, Charles Timothy Hamburg, Dr. Margaret Hamilton, Lee Herbert Harris, Britt Henry, Peter Hill, J Tomilson Hill, Steven Hills, Carla Hoffman, Reid Hormats, Robert D. Hrinak, Donna Hughes, Chris R. Huntsman, Jr., Jon M. Jackson, Shirley


Jacobs, Kenneth M. Jared, Valarie Johnson, James A. Jordan, Jr., Vernon E. Kagan, Elena Kaplan, Robert D. Karp, Alexander Karsner, Alexander Keane, John M. Kent, Muhtar Kern, Chrystal - AIPAC Kerry, John Kissinger, Henry A. Klain, Ron Kleinfeld, Klaus Kohn, Donald Kohr, Howard Kravis, Henry R. Kravis, Marie-Josée Krupp, Fred Kyte, Rachel Lander, Eric S. Lander, Eric Leibowitz, Jon Lessig, Lawrence Lew, Jacob Li, Cheng Lindsay, James Lipsky, John


Lipton, David Liveris, Andrew N. Lynn, William J. Mathews, Jessica T. Mazzie, Mark G. McDonough, William Joseph Mehlman, Kenneth B. Mills, Karen Miscik, Jami Moran, Ellen Mundie, Craig J. Naím, Moisés Ng, Andrew Y. Noble, Ronald Kenneth Noonan, Peggy Nuland, Victoria Nunn, Samuel Augustus Jr. Nye, Joseph S. Jr. Obama, Barack H. Olson, Keith Orszag, Peter R. Ottolenghi, Emanuele Owens, James Padrón, Eduardo Parker, Sean Pelosi, Nancy Perle, Richard N. Perry, James Richard Peterson, Peter


Petraeus, David H. Pipes, Richard Edgar Porat, Ruth Powell, Colin Luther Rattner, Steven Rattner, Steven Reid, Harry Rice, Condoleezza Rockefeller, David Rockefeller, David Rockefeller, David, Jr. Rockefeller, Jay Rockefeller, Sharon Percy Rogoff, Kenneth S. Rose, Charlie General Rosier/Lauren Ross, Dennis B. Rove, Carl Rubenstein, David Rubin, Robert E. Sanford, Marshall Clement Jr. Schapiro, Mary Schmidt, Eric Sebelius, Kathleen Shambaugh, David Shark, David Sheeran, Josette Sher, Susan Shulman, Douglas


Shultz, George Pratt Slaughter, Anne-Marie Smith, Frederick Smith, Stephen F. Soros, George Speyer, Jerry I. Steinberg, James B. Steinberg, James Stephanopoulos, George Robert Stern, Todd Stone, Christopher Summers, Lawrence H. Sunstein, Cass Sutphen, Mona Thiel, Peter A. Thompson, Craig B. Varney, Christine A. Vaupel, James W. Vershbow, Alexander Volcker, Paul A. Warner, Margaret Warsh, Kevin Weber, Vin West, F.J. Bing Whitman, Christine Wolfensohn, James D. Yergin, Daniel Yost, Casimir A. Zakaria, Fareed


Zoellick, Robert B.

VATICAN Ratzinger, Joseph Aloisius Bergoglio, Jorge Mario Tauran, Jean-Louis von Freyberg, Ernst Castelló, Santos Abril Ricca, Battista Mario Marranci, Rolando VIETNAM Nguyễn, Tấn Dũng ZAMBIA Moyo, Dambisa F. ZIMBABWE Masiyiwa, Strive


aPPENDIX B – Sovereign Parties To the 2014 no-fly accords


Federal Republic of Date:______By:______Brasil

Russian Federation Date:______By:______

Republic of India Date:______By:______

People's Republic of Date:______By:______China

Republic of South Date:______By:______Africa


Republic of Cuba Date:______By:______

Republic of Haiti Date:______By:______

Dominican Republic Date:______By:______

Commonwealth of Date:______By:______Jamaica

Republic of Trinidad Date:______By:______and Tobago


Commonwealth of Date:______By:______the Bahamas

Barbados Date:______By:______

Saint Lucia Date:______By:______

Country of Curaçao Date:______By:______

Aruba Date:______By:______

Grenada Date:______By:______

Saint Vincent and the Date:______By:______Grenadines

Antigua and Barbuda Date:______By:______

Dominica Date:______By:______

Federation of Saint Date:______By:______Christopher and Nevis

Sint Maarten Date:______By:______

Collectivity of Saint Date:______By:______Martin



Belize Date:______By:______

Republic of Costa Rica Date:______By:______

Republic of El Date:______By:______Salvador

Republic of Date:______By:______


Republic of Honduras Date:______By:______

Republic of Nicaragua Date:______By:______

Republic of Panama Date:______By:______


Republic of Columbia Date:______By:______

Argentine Republic Date:______By:______

Republic of Peru Date:______By:______

Bolivarian Republic of Date:______By:______Venezuela


Republic of Chile Date:______By:______

Republic of Ecuador Date:______By:______

Plurinational State of Date:______By:______Bolivia

Republic of Paraguay Date:______By:______

Oriental Republic of Date:______By:______Uruguay

Co-operative Republic Date:______By:______of Guyana

Republic of Suriname Date:______By:______


Nation of Brunei Date:______By:______

Kingdom of Cambodia Date:______By:______

Democratic Republic Date:______By:______of Timor-Leste

Republic of Indonesia Date:______By:______

Lao People's Date:______By:______Democratic Republic


Malaysia Date:______By:______

Republic of the Union Date:______By:______of Myanmar

Republic of Singapore Date:______By:______

Kingdom of Thailand Date:______By:______

Socialist Republic of Date:______By:______Vietnam

Independent State of Date:______By:______Papau New Guinea


aPPENDIX C – Applicable law under public and private international law

– An Opinion by Judge Silvercloud Musafir, Native American Law & Justice Center, USA)


The concept of a sovereign nation-state began at the Peace of Westphalia in 1648 when a major truncation between Church and State set into motion a series of highly dramatic political, social and economic events in the newly conceptualized nation-state governments within their borders, and their relations with one another across their borders, all over the world following colonization by the European powers.

European laws found their way into these colonies although public and private international law required the colonizer to recognize the customs, laws, mores and traditions of these new territories who were becoming colonies without their consent and understanding.

America drew up the first public international law in 1863, called the Lieber Code, to deal with Civil War atrocities under the crimes against humanity standard. This became a sort of a template to deal with other sovereign nation-states which went beyond the limits of human dignity and decency, morals and ethics, law, order and justice. Fraud is a crime. It has to be dealt with as an atrocity against mankind, too, especially when unremitting and unbridled manipulation is used in financial markets with the United States occupying the leading edge while other enslaved sovereign nation-states are summarily forced into the bleeding edge.


In the years that followed, other sovereign nation-states subscribed to limitations of their conduct, and numerous other treaties and bodies were created to regulate the conduct of states towards one another in terms of these treaties, including, but not limited to, the Permanent Court of Arbitration in 1899, the Hague and Geneva Conventions in 1864, International Court of Justice in 1921; the Genocide Convention, and the International Criminal Court in the late 1990s. Because international law is a relatively new area of law its development and propriety in applicable areas are often subject to dispute.


Under Article 38 of the Statute of the International Court of Justice, public international law has three principal sources: international treaties, custom, and general principles of law. In addition, judicial decisions and teachings may be applied as "subsidiary means for the determination of rules of law". A totality of juridical contours to arrive at a just, lasting, and viable decision in the interest of justice.


The United States of America has arrogated to itself the role of global policeman. It has interfered in Libya, Egypt, Syria, Iran. Yemen, North Korea, Russia, Ukraine, and several other countries in its attempt to maintain its superpower status without the consent of these sovereign nation-states. This is totally ultra vires mutually agreed upon treaty clauses and terms. There is always an implicit threat of aggression sewn into the treaty to benefit the United States only.

The United States of America has unleashed a fractional banking system upon the global financial system following the Bretton-Woods Agreement in New Hampshire in 1945 after World War Two. The printing of counterfeit dollars ultra vires the United States Constitution has become the norm. The Constitution prohibits the emitting of “bills of credit” (paper money) except for coinage in gold and silver. See Article 1, Section 8, Clause 5, and Article 1, Section 10, Clause 1. U.S. Constitution. It is technically called “Quantitative Easing” which really means unlimited, unbridled, and unceasing printing of paper money.

There has been no constitutional amendment to this constitutional clause except for the passage of the Federal Reserve Act in 1913 to create an international private bank under the misnomer “Federal Reserve Bank.” It was easier and less cumbersome to enact a law than to muster and marshal the support of all the States of the Union to effectuate constitutional amendment as required under Article V of the U.S. Constitution.

A law student once challenged the Federal Reserve Board (The Fed) to disclose its decision-making policies under the Freedom of Information Act. A federal court found in favor of The Fed by granting it the privilege of confidentiality necessary for the US financial markets to prevent being compromised or threatened through subterfuge. Merrill v. Federal Open Market Committee, 565 F.2d 778 (1977)

The United States of America has created, sustained, maintained and perpetrated international fraud within its borders and outside its borders through various officials working clandestinely and covertly with other banking cartels in Europe, Australasia, South America, and Asia. When any sovereign nation- state opposes its policies, war is usually threatened, and in some cases unleashed like in Iraq since the sacking of the Mossaddegh administration in the 1950s when Shah Pahlavi was installed into a position

2014 NO-FLY ACCORDS 33 of power to consort with American policies while the USA maintained a permanent station in the Middle East to help the fledgling nation-state of Israel formed in 1948. The Ayatollah Khomeini movement upstaged the Shah who fled to the USA, and shortly thereafter died. The same fate awaited deposed- President Ferdinand Marcos of the Philippines who fled to Hawaii.

The United States of America has violated every treaty it entered into with other countries with impunity just like it did with its own Aboriginal Americans using “manifest destiny” as its justification. More treaties were broken than concluded.

Article 31(1) of the Vienna Convention of Treaties writes on the topic of interpretation that:

"A treaty shall be interpreted in good faith in accordance with the ordinary meaning to be given to the terms of the treaty in their context and in the light of its object and purpose."

The purpose of a treaty is to maintain the principle pacta sund servanda – a promise is to be kept and not to be broken. The USA pays lip service to these first principles of law while telling the whole world that it is the bastion of the rule of law. Its weapons of mass distractions using the media is legion. It has no competition in this endeavor. It leads the pack using the First Amendment, U.S. Constitution (freedom of speech, association and the press) to the hilt.


1. The issue of United States dollar as a global currency forced upon sovereign nation-states is mentioned in none of the treaties entered into between other sovereign nation-states and the United States. What is not contemplated, expressed, or stated in a compact, agreement, contract, covenant or treaty is considered out of bounds and unlawful (expressio unius est exclusio alterius).

Some scholars argue that the United States of America was silent about the US dollar in these treaties by taking advantage of the subtlety inter arma enim silent leges – the law falls mute in the clash of arms. A subtle warning by the United States to other sovereign nation-states that war will become necessary if they wish and desire to disagree. Might is right. It has worked very well for the bullying stance of the United States in every corner of the globe. No country is spared the tentacles of the mighty United States, and its almighty dollar.


2. Allowing American officials to travel by air, sea or overland to other countries in their quest to establish the strength of the US dollar is hazardous and dangerous to the economic well-being of other sovereign nation-states.. Even telecommunications using satellites to effectuate electronic money transfers is ominous and devastating to other countries who customarily have used other means of exchange instead of paper money. Their efforts to revert to their customs and traditions is threatened by the US dollar, and accompanying economic sanctions usually by destabilizing its currency, and then causing havoc to its economy.

3. The United States cannot and should not have the monopoly because it says it practices anti-trust laws in its own country. It makes the laws with one hand, and breaks them with the other. It believes there is no power on earth to stop its excesses. It cleverly and cunningly uses the Necessary and Proper Clause (Article 1, section 8, clause 18) and the Needful Rules and Regulations Clause (Article IV, section3, clause 2, of the U.S. Constitution, for example, to make any rule or regulation when it becomes bothersome and cumbersome for Congress to pass a law with its first and second readings and committees, votes and vetoes. With these rules and regulations in place, the United States government is able to do whatever wishes and desires under the cloak of secrecy. When questioned, it has a standard answer that defies law, order, and justice – national security ! It even operates a 24-hour secret court called the FISA Court (Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act) manned by judges willing to sign a subpoena at the drop of a pin based on an affidavit by any law enforcement agent or agency claiming a breach to national security.

4. This international bullying using financial conduits, conspiracies, cartels and cabals must be stopped by participating countries whose sovereign airspace is constantly being violated when these officials fly in and out unabated and unchecked.

5. Public and private international law thus becomes the only necessary tool to prevent and stop atrocities against mankind when financial manipulations impose another form of economic slavery upon sovereign nation-states with the perpetration of deception, deceitfulness, outright dishonesty and blatant theft which are perfect are examples of fraud that qualify for criminal sanctions.

6. Plaintiff sovereign nation-states must be unflinching in their effort to do everything within their power to safeguard their airspace from such wanton acts by the United States. Lack of preventive measures by these sovereign nation-states will impel the United States to disregard public and private international law. The plaintiff sovereign nation-states have the power and authority to raise the standard of decency, morality and civilized behavior by setting an example with the NO FLY ORDER.



~ Aldrich-Vreeland Act of 1908

~ Federal Reserve Act of 1913 (HR vote: 285/85, vote: 54/34)

~ Gold Reserve Act of 1934 (Sec. 10, 31 U.S.C. 822 (b) – amended by striking out “stabilizing the exchange value of the dollar . . .)

~ Banking Act of 1935

~ Federal Reserve - Treasury Dept. Accord of 1951

~ Bank Holding Act of 1956 (PL 84-511, 70 Stat.133)

~ International Banking Act of 1978

~ Federal Banking Agency Audit Act of 1978

~ Full Employment & Balanced Growth Act of 1978

~ Depository Institutions Deregulation & Monetary Control Act of 1980

~ FDIC Improvement Act of 1991

~ Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act of 1999

~ Emergency Economic Stabilization Act of 2008

~ Financial Services Regulatory Relief Act of 2006

~ Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform & Consumer Protection Act of 2011