Parish of ,

Ogbourne Maizey and Rockley

Minutes of the Meeting

Held on Microsoft Teams at 7pm on 8th March 2021

Present: John Hetherington (Chair) Allison Holland (Clerk) John Edmunds Alan Brown Nick Parsons Sid Vincent

Public present: Stuart Williamson Ian Davis

Apologies: Steve Heaven Yvonne Parsons

1. Minutes from the last meeting The amended Minutes from the last meeting on 11th January 2021 were approved.

2. Matters Arising a. Shipping Container – all plastic and rubbish has been collected. Parish Newsletter will contain update and call for volunteers to help refurbish the Shipping Container. A digger has been volunteered by a villager having building work done which will move the container a few feet into its final resting place. JH to deliver the litter picking equipment to container for storage. b. Resilience Fund – ideas for funding still to be put forward to Nick Parsons. Current suggestion of a pull along gritting machine discussed as a good idea. Sid Vincent shared that if local farmers were to volunteer to help grit the roads, they can get reimbursed by Council.

3. Update on Community Pub Project

Stuart Williamson shared an update on the Community Pub progress. In summary:

• Community Share offer was launched in February and has so far attracted £60k of investment out of the target £240k. Local high net worth investors being approached to solicit funding. Their deadline for raising funds is by the end of May 2021. • Application made to Plunket Foundation for funding – a charity set up to buy and run local ventures such as this. • Virtual Town Hall event held with over 120 people dialled in to show support and interest. • Project is continuing to maximise awareness via various media channels. local press and social media. SW interviewed by Daily Mail “This Is Money” for an article about the new government funding proposal. • National government announcement for support is a matched funding scheme to help save local pubs. • Project keen to continue momentum and overcome any investment apathy considering the recent government announcement (mentioned above).

4. Community Pub Parking Feedback from the Town Hall event given to Stuart regarding keeping the footpath clear of parked cars so traffic exiting the village can do so with a clear line of sight from the junction. The state of the curb in front of the pub was also discussed as it is very shallow and falling apart. Action: Alan Brown to talk to Martin Cook regarding refurbishment.

5. Village Defibrillators Nick Parsons shared information collected by Yvonne (absent due to illness). Awaiting a third quote for defibrillators so an informed decision on cost and installation can be made. Sites suggested on the Pub / Main road and on the Green in Ogbourne Maizey on the side of Brian Wood’s garage. He has agreed that he would be happy to connect it to his power supply. Discussions agreed that an additional one would be required for Rockley. Possibility that one of the units could be paid for from the Resilience Fund was discussed. Action: YP to share costings once received

6. Village Maintenance

a. Main Road/Thames Water Works – issues with potholes and uneven surfaces along the A346 through the village discussed. These are believed to be caused by the repairs Thames Water made to the road c. 3 years ago. now responsible for any repairs. Complaints have been made by those who live overlooking the road that big lorries going over the uneven surface make a lot of noise at all hours of the day. Action: JH to write to Martin Cook to ask what can be done. b. WI Tree - David Oliver (tree surgeon) has been out to look at the tree and has emailed JH with a pricing estimate to cut back/pollarding the tree. JH discussed a possibility that the WI may help pay for the costs given the Ogbourne WI planted the tree. When the OSA WI closed they handed back funds to WI headquarters. Action: JH to contact WI headquarters regarding possible funding contribution.

7. CATG – 20MPH in Ogbourne Maizey At the recent CATG meeting the Ogbourne Maizey scheme was classified as a priority so it is looking likely to get the go ahead. It is one of five schemes in the area to be progressed to the next stage of planning. JH discussed possible issues re finance if the PC are asked to pay for some of the signage (possibly up to £3k). Awaiting feedback from CATG.

8. Planning Summers Cottage, Olympia – single storey extension agreed. The Manor, Ogbourne Maizey - Full planning and renewal of previous application. No changes to previous applications so agreement given. Grain Store @ end of Pouchcombe Road – (Dylan Kalis new owner). JE discussed plans with the planner regarding issues of noise if drying fan units run at night. He was assured that fan units are inside the building and would not cause any noise issues. Application returned with no objections but caveats that if any noise issues are reported that Wiltshire Council will prioritise investigation.

9. Financial Report

Current account £2,137.73 Savings account £5,912.60 TOTAL: £8,050.33

Total expenditure since the last PC Meeting total £149 for the website update with Netwise.

10. Jobs for Parish Steward The following jobs were recognised as a priority for the Parish Steward on their next visit to the village: • Clear the footpath along the A346 of vegetation. • Erection of Community Speed watch signs as directed by .

11. Correspondence 2021 Elections AH shared that councillors should receive their nomination packs within the next few weeks. These need to be completed and all councillors need to re-nominate themselves for their positions. A notice of election needs to be put up within the villages by the end of March and it was agreed that these would be sited on the noticeboards and on the village website. Action: councillors to let AH know if they do not receive their nomination papers by 22nd March Action: AH to post the statutory Notice of Election

Policies dictate that the AGM for Parish Council must take place within 14 days of new electees being announced on 10th May to appointed and welcome new councillors and agree on a Chairperson for the next Council duration. The next PC meeting was due to be on May 10th and through discussion it was agreed to move the meeting to the 22nd May to allow the results to be published.

12. A.O.B.

Ian Davis asked for an update from JH/NP regarding getting the community speed watch back in operation. It was discussed that there remained concerns over the speed of traffic on A346 and that Covid restrictions have restricted the process of volunteers being able to complete their training. NP has been in discussions with Wiltshire Police who have provided high viz vests and official IDs received for volunteers who have completed their training. Once the minimum number of volunteers has been reached it will be possible to receive permission from Wiltshire Police to start the speed watch programme.

Action: NP to encourage remaining volunteers to attend training courses and investigate putting OSA on the rota for the handheld devices. Parish Footpaths – Wiltshire Council has a map for all public rights of way within the village. JH has written something for the newsletter asking people to use the paths and report if they are unusable.

Update on the sewage leakage at the end of Sheepridge – NP has been working with local residents to inform Thames Water of the sewage leak. As the leak is draining into the , Thames Water are legally obliged to inform Environment Agency but have not done so and this has been reported. Thames Water taking action by pulling more water out the system at the Bay Bridges pumping station. Wiltshire Council has also been informed.

Caravan in the woods – SV investigated this as requested a few months ago and the caravan has now gone.

There was no further business and the meeting closed at 20.00pm.

The next meeting (AGM) will be on Monday 24th May 2021 and the 2021 dates will be as follows:

12th July 2021 13th September 2021 8th November 2021