CO 66 India (1)” of the White House Central Files Subject File at the Gerald R
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The original documents are located in Box 23, folder “CO 66 India (1)” of the White House Central Files Subject File at the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library. Copyright Notice The copyright law of the United States (Title 17, United States Code) governs the making of photocopies or other reproductions of copyrighted material. Gerald R. Ford donated to the United States of America his copyrights in all of his unpublished writings in National Archives collections. Works prepared by U.S. Government employees as part of their official duties are in the public domain. The copyrights to materials written by other individuals or organizations are presumed to remain with them. If you think any of the information displayed in the PDF is subject to a valid copyright claim, please contact the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library. --- ~~----·-....C'k".'"~:=,,,,..- ,.--- Digitized from Box 23 of the White House Central Files Subject File at the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Libraryi.:::.. :~ :# J ~ t ... p ,-0/l?-... :· ' .. c.occ AMBASSADOR OF 't'Nbit\ WASHINGTON. D. C. 9th August 1974 t Dear Mr. President, I a.'U directed by my Prime Minister to convey to you the following message on the happy occasion of your assumption of the highest off ice in the pnited States of America: "As you assume the high office of the President of the United States of America, I have great pleasure in sending you my cordial greetings and warm felicitations. We look forward to the further strengthening of the f:riendly relations between our two cou;itries. .. · Please accept my best wishes £or your personal well being and for the prosperity of the people of the United States of America. .,,__ INDIRA GJ... NDHI". May I add my own heartiest congratulations and respectful wishes for your health and happiness and that of your family, and success in your new off ice. II , Hith respectful regards , Sincerely, I f (T.N. KilUl') . [ I . MEMORANDUM OF INFORMATION FOR THE Flµ DATE ~-P~ CORRESPONDENCE FILED CENTRAL FILES - CONFIDENTIAL FILE . Department of State (}Jvvf~ J 3; / .... "'/ ---·--- ------------------------- \) EXECUTIVE 7811 ;t.1/J 3-.3/co~£ 43 OR:G:~ N!Aa~:S sso-00 /06"1 R / <'-· ORAF~S1 SV N~Al!NS!GD!~NA8El A?PRO~Z~ au N!A~LBLAtNGEN I I NEA/: ·J ~ ~ i-!BMORi..EV .,,. SIC?fl !-!:;,..!. V: S \ l e / ~I~!:".. ~·~:-,A ·.· - , ,"~·.' ..-Jw~,,~e ·tr?~AP.~:z ... a;__:,f ' --~~ ~ ~ ~g ~wg~• g&~a~~w ~ 055463 0 ~ ::. .. .S .~ .., .... J ; 1 A ,M SE~~~A~E WASHOC TO ~ME~SASSV NEW D~~H! 7MM~DIAT ~ ,_ • TA GS. ?:i'01'l :N !US ;!:~: :NDI AN lN DEP EN OEN;f DAV MESSAGE :t • f.'I,.· .... ::~ -·. ~e\1 :s RZ:iJES":~O ~~H'J.SS!'Ot.,_ow:NG MESS'-GE ·o PRES:'Jc:,..: .... ..;;zru FROM ~R£5!0£N7 FOi:?O., QUOTE~O~AR HR P" C:S:.., ~1·. ~ ; ON ·.·:..E 27 •; .... ANN! VER S ARV OFiHE l NDE?E~ .OEN~E OF IND:~ • ~A~~ GK~•i ?~EASU~E %N :ONVEV:NGTCVOU MY CON GRA~U_A~~~NS ANO 7HE BESY W!SHES OF YHE PEOP~E OF THE U~l~E: S~n~~S~ ! AM :ONF!OfNT THATAS WE 'ACE TH! eHAi..:.:-~..;~s OF THE C:M:NG YEARu OUR MUTUAL. OZVO"l"lON ':'O "l'M E e~ :..' : .. - '.";'..:.~E *'O":" ~~!- v !N SCU':''-i AS"' ·BU':' ! N A~:. ? A~';'~ Oi; 1 .,- H:. '. •. ~ " : L. i.. :,. E t. !') 7 0 E'.' !! >J : :. 0 S E R :: 0 0 P f RA ":' I 0 N BE "; WE E N 0 UR c;c v:.~ • . ·: ~.. MA... •nt: r!J':" :;~E 8~: NG ":'O vou !ND YO!.JR COUN'TRY• ~E· .. ""...,:;.;~:NG:; "'F :~:~~~!..SED .:R:;G":ESSANO '- OS?ERiiV;; \.;: ~k : ' .• ' : $"42:31/ s:NCZRE ... v v GE!V.;..D FORO;; r·.. ~;; o~;~~~rENT DOES NOT P~AN TO RELEASE BUT HAS NO ' OSJE:7~: •. ~~ EMB •• .>SV W~SHC!S TO 00 sog KISS!~GER I .. THE WHITE HOUSE WASHINGTON SCHEDULE PROPOSAL Date: August 14, 1974 FROM: Henry A. Kissingeri/f( VIA: David N. Parker >< MEE Tli"'\IG: With the Ambassador of India, Triloki Nath Kaul DATE: August 17, 1974 PURPOSE: To greet the Indian Ambassador. FORMAT: The Oval Office Ambassador Kaul Five minutes SPEE CH MATERIAL: Talking points would be provided. PRESS COVERAGE: Announcement in Mr.· terHorst's daily briefing; photo opportunity. STAFF: Secretary Kissinger RECOMMEND: Secretary Kissinger PREVIOUS PARTICIPATION: Ambassador Kaul called on you as Vice President earlier this year. BACKGROUND: Our relations with India have greatly improved during the past few years, after undergoing a period of strain in 1971 when India and the US were in disagreement over the developments which resulted in the India-Pakistan war and the creation of Bangladesh. A brief meeting with Ambassador Kaul vvill give you an opportunity personally to affirm that the United States will continue its policy of seeking strengthened r.elations with India. PRESS FOLLOW - UP: Short summary statement in Mr. terHorst' s briefing. APPROVE --- DISAPPROVE ... ' ._ ' . - ·---- I THE WHITE House: WASHINGTON August 14, 1974 TO: DAVJ!;.,PARKER 1974 J-\G!.:i 14 A\l 10 55 FROM: BRENT SCOWCROFT The President has informally agreed to these "handshake" calls. , . , ... ' I !!0£f5 NATIONAL SECURITY COUNCIL Co~G WASHINGTON, O.C. 20506 ~-2~0-/~/""""..J:""",/~::::::==~---.- ///i!f'y c-""""'11f'T"'1c;~m~;1:~FC//' August 19, 1974 \ MEMORANDUM FOR: ..; Mr. George S. Springsteen Executive Secretary Departrnent 0£ State . r SUBJECT: Change 0£ Order President• s Appointments with Ambassadors of Iran, India and Pakistan on August 21 \ I i To confirm our telephone notification, we wish to change the' order ·, in which the President receive.s the Arn.bassadors of Iran, India ' and Pakistan, as follows: ' .. ; i The Ambassador of Pakistan is to arrive at 12:30 PM, followed ' I by the Ambassadors of Iran and India. Please advise the ambassadors . accordingly and confirm this changeo Each ambassador will have a 5- l minute appointment. i . ' ' ~ ' < ,•l i I ; ? :· ~ ~ .• r i I . j ~··r':"· ... .; itEtU\/tS' . ; ' ·... ~1J(; t 1·~~: •A\ ~ cu~TH~l f \t1' \ T "'"Pt .t. .... /( ~ --- 'X'o: ··~ ACTIOr~ REQUl~SYE!!> --- Dredi reply for: ~ f ll I -----President's ai9nature. t) <",... \ -----Undersigned's siqnature. C" • " NOTE ___ Memorandum for use aa enclosure to reply. Prompt action is essentittk ___ Direct r,,ply. If more than 72 hours' delay is encountere.d, ____ Furnish information copy. please telephone the undersigned immediateiy, Code 1450. (" . X Suitable acknowledgment or other ... appropriate handling. Bask correspondence should ho retu.rned wh1•m _______ "7i;.·rii'll co·;y o1 >ct-l.y, if any. t"..raii .. • 'y, mc.m -:r... ndum. v:-· ccn~imt b ,,.,. quested. ___ For your information. ~- I · -· ___ For comment. R.E.1\1ARKS: Dei>criplion: ____ Letter:_;,:.-- Telegram: Other: h To: T~'\e :E>:':'c 'idcni: Fxom: C--o ·~ P,..iucsn::::· Vijf~ya, New I;e hi, Date: 8 / 14 / 7 ,1 ')ub:e:c!: ' 1 l t (' a .. • 1 "''"' r • r.., Jry .nc S S<:.£C;; re.'- ~ - " to rrev1 :>UC COl.'l; <.?"' ~net.enc.• '\/11 n Prezid::.nt - i.xon~ ~t,'lte tu1t !· -~ xnothe ..· ,., e :\..J..i.ha.r .... ~ii Cun1ci.rn1~,:~1 F."'...aiir !"! _____ ._N N1.a !1;.~-~~a!rrte thn l?.,i"c .~-·-- .,_oi_I.n<l' , ----· By di.rection of the President: Roland L. Y-:iliott .L-' ..~ ~ ... .. .. .. J,. w .. crn£ .. ' . to the ~- ·c :iC: nt (\l'.'hito Hous0 File Copy} / .. Ii LIMITED OFFICIA~ USE 8914 l 60 OrEG!N NEA.,.16 '~ Rsc~01 ss-20 PRs~~1 /052 R '' ' DRAFTED BY TEXT RECEIVED FROM WHITE HOUSE~JET APPROVED BY NEA?LBLAINGEN NEA/!NS:OHKUX S/CPR~SROCKWELL NSC!HAP?LEBAUM -~1s~S (C) ~ H~ s~ DENHAM 5/Sg JPMOFFAT u 222i~C' ~vG ;~ FM SECS1ATE WASHn c TO AMEM8ASSY NEW DE~HI IMMEDIATE L1MITED OFFICIAL use-STATE 184822 YAGSZ PFCR 1 IN SUBJECT~ ~ESSAG= GF CONGRATULATIONS FROM PRESIDENT FORD TO PRES!DCNTm~LE:T faK~RUDD!~ ALI AHMED )( t~ EH3ASSY IS REQUESTED TO· PASS FOLLO~!NG MESSAGE TO ?RESIDE~T~ELECT AHMED FROM PRESIDENT FOHDQ QUOTE: I wau~D ~!XE TO EXTENn HY HEARTIEST PERSONAL CONGR ATU~AT~ l(H!S, MJD !HOSE OF hH: AMEP.!CA~,; GGVERNMf.:~H AND PEOPLE; TO you U~ON YOUR ELECT~ON TO THE OFFICE OF PRESIDENT Of TnE R~PU2LIC OF INDIAa THE /ME~ICAN PEO?LE SHA:E MY HOPE FOR G\.:00 r::o~JTUNE ANO SUCCESS VOR 'fOU 1~NP YOUR COUNiRY fl. 'R rt.:(:; T ii f. ~~ E r· r ! ',: E. yEAR s " I L 0 0 ;~ r uR "iii, D T 0 c0 '·1 - I Nu Hi 1:; Pi~OGRESS H: iHE R~L~'i!CNS B~TWEEN OUR 'r1110 COUNiRIESi S!NCC.REl.Yr CERALu R., fORD,,. u~.QUOTE<) .. !r.4 w )d :!\ MEMORANDUM OF INFORMATION FOR THE FILE ~ / . CORRESPONDENCE FILED CENTRAL FILES - CONFIDENTIAL FILE . , :3 53~ /~· r. j f i f .·:J • i~~ll THE WHITE HOUSE WASHINGTON MEETING WITH THE INDIAN AMBASSADOR, TRILOKI NA TH KAUL Wednesday, August 21, 1974 12:40 p. m. (5 minutes) The Oval Office From~ Henry A. Kissinger{.{( I. PURPOSE To reaffirm the continuity of US foreign policy under your leadership, including our interest in continuing to strengthen our relations with India. II. BACKGROUND, PARTICIPANTS & PRESS PLAN A. Background: US relations with India have greatly improved during the past 2.-1/2 years, after reaching a low point during 1971 when India and the US were in disagreernent over the developments that culminated in the December 1971 India-Pakistan war. Since then, India has been engaged with Pakistan in a series of talks aimed at resolving their differences, and both countries have been gratified by US support for this process.