POMONA VOTE FRIDAY CIILlfORNl1I TECH TODAY C(Jliftuni(J Institutl of TechnoloKY Volume L. ______Th'ursday, February 24, 1949______No. 18 ASCIT Candidates Face Voters ad PAauhR"ng S~ggdeSFts COpncession ~:s Sf:: ii ·Stan Boicourt, Ralph Lovberg s equU: ",m'M.~~ eace ~;~~~;~~~~$~~:: Compete for Top Position Dr. Linus Pauling's talk on "Progress Toward 'World Gov- ernment" at Monday's Y Forum, started a wave of discussions speech squad finished a busy P 'd ' B II 0 p II t B 0 F II 00 t 415 among the Techmen who heard it, foJ' DJ', Pauling brought up ~~,~r~~~e;~;ir~c~~~~~: i~Vi~~e s~~ reSI ent saO s 0 e pen rom : 0: many points which invited.

::~~~:};~~d ~!:~:Eoc~:~~~~ Biologists Invite ~:m~~!:'::,k:::fi::: d::e:~ , tour· Set for AS CIT In Bridge, Lower Throop, Houses self up as an authority on his All 0 M· Ge·orge Brown. andF d Bernard E very term has its ASCIT Today the annual ASCIT elections are being held. During the sUbJ·eet. and refer. red, re.peatedly R u d In, argumg on e eral Aid past week you have witnessed the campaigns of the various nomi· n eXICan ~ -I' . dance, and this one set for Sat- ta artlcles by Journalists and t a .L!.A ucatlOn, received third nees, and heard their speeches in the houses and Throop Club. In members of world government place in senior men's division at urday evening, March 5, looks this issue of the Tech you will find the statements of the nominees. D t J t like an exceptionally fine one. It t h"ct eser aun tlle B. a k ers fi e Id T ournament Ile Id The first nine of the following offices comprise the Board of movements a s u~ o r t IS 1 eas. last Saturday, Feb. 19. Caltech will be from nine to twelve at D' f The general attitude of the the L. A. Breakfast Club on Los I rectal's: 01' ASCII).' President, Ralph Lovberg ancl Stan Boicourt; ' Ivas t-hat a Ivol'ld gov- debating teams on the ::werage -======,'.VlcC.I'I·esidc nt, Merle Kaln and speakel An excurs ion into Lower Cali- t h F'eliz near Hivel's ide Drive. The r ernment, based directly on the f . b I I b won wo out of tree debates, Dave MacKenzie; Sccl'ctm'y, Ollie orilla to e e( y Dr. Went will tl b t d f h I dress is semi-formal, which sig- people it I'epresents, Ivas the b e the feature of this year's Biol- le d'es recorh 01' any sc 00 nif\es tuxes or dark suits fol' the ~'IIe1i" /i'(J ~()/ie Gardner and Fred Wood,' TI·cas· only hope for world peace', and ogy C·lub s pl'lng field trip, par·,a llen mg t e tournament. men and formals for their dates. m 'm', John Fee, John Goerke, that both the existing power ticipation in which is open to 2nd by Brciman and David Oakley. Dance Theme B -d 11 00 1 00 Athlctic Managet·, Noel Reed, blocks mus t make the conces- all those connected with Tech A week earlier, Leo Breiman rI ge, : -: sions necessary to the attain· I' . was awarded second prize in ora· The theme of this dance is the 0 b H 11 11 00 4 J, Michael Sellen, and Howell w 10 are II1terested in JOIning the Pres ident's Ball given in honor a ney a, : - :15 ment of this goal. "expedition." tory. His speech was "Looking Tyson; Publicity Manager', Jim of Dr. DuBridge, and he will be Lower Throop, 12:00-4:15 lbdly (Continued on Page 6) Hendrickson; Commission· I n discussing the obstacles to Dcscr·t l i1 lowers there with some prominent mem- Ricketts-Fleming er, Bert Snider a nd Bitt Wright; the creation of such a govern­ The purpose of the excursion bel'S of the faculty. This is the Court, 1 :00-4: 15 l1' h'st Hcp, Bill Freed and Bruce ment, Dr. Pauling said that dur­ will be to collect and observe the Statements by the candi­ first affa ir of this type seen Robinson; Second Rcl', Stan Gro­ ing his travels in Europe he re­ vegetation of the Mexican desert, around Tech for some time and Throop Club and House dates will be found on page Courts, 12 :30-1 :00 ner, Richard Jones, Phil Ran· ceived the impression that the in connection with a program 3 of this issue of The Cali­ it seems like a swell idea. Bids dolph, and Bob Stanaway. European people generally con­ being carried out by Tech, UCLA fornia Tech. will be distributed by student Yell Leader, Ulrich Mel:tOn; and Pomona. This more serious sidered the U. S. to be at least body card On Monday, February E ditor of the California '£ech, aspect of the field trip will be as responsible for the failu re of 28. This c1ance will be the day Earl Hefner; Bus iness Manager, carried ou t by those members moves toward peace as Russia after the ASCIT play, which pro· Wilson Bradley; Business Mana­ is. The wave of anti-Russian who are qua lifted in this field, Benes Nephew Instrument Plant vides quite a social weekend. gel' of the Big 'r, Jim Blum, propaganda now sweeping this whereas the majority of the This is a good time to start look­ country has strengthened this party will only be expected to ing for a date. These officers control the af· belief, and many Europeans seem come along and enjoy the scen­ Set For IRE Visiting To Speak Friday fai rs ancl policies of the ASCIT, They spend your money, plan to feel that American economic ery while garnering whatever Caltech's student IRE will Mr. Bohus Benes, nephew of your social affairs and activities, policy is layed out so as to keep knowledge and useful informa­ vis it the plant of the Consolidat· the late Dr. Edward Benes, will essential processing industries tion they can. The rainfall con­ ed Engineering Company in Pas· Paulings Entertain so it is vitally impor tan t that concentrated in this country. ditions this past season have adena tomorrow, F'l'iday, Febru­ speak on ';Russia in the Heart everyone get au t and vote for the ca,ndidate of their chOice. With regard to the World Con· been nearly idea,l for desert flow· ary 25. The Consolidaed Engi· of Europe" in tomorrow's assem­ At Next Fireside The .ASCIT needs ability and stituent Assembly scheduled for ers, and it is expected that this neering Company manufactures bly at C.ulbertson Hall, men who can work and s pend 1950 in Geneva, Dr, Pauling said year's will be the most varied electronic gaging and mass spec­ One of the most enjoyable Y This will be a rare opportunity their time in ASCIT affairs. Read he did not think that the U, S., a nd brilliant display in several tographic equipment. The group Firesides of this term is antlcl· pated this coming Sunday, F eb­ to hear a man who knows the the candidates statements and due to its present attitude toward years. will assemble at the entrance to think about their qualifications such matters, would send repre· Camping Tournament Park at 1:00. All ruary 27, at the home of Dr. a nd problems of communism in Eu­ rope very intimately. Mr. Benes before you vote. rrhe polls will sentatives to help draw up a As in the past, the field trip engineers a re reminded that Mrs. Linus Pauling. The present be open as shown: world constitution, but he hoped will last 4 or 5 days, probably membership in the national or· sophomore class will remember was a member of the Czech Gov­ Bridge Lab ...... 11:00 to 1:00 that his prediction would be starting on Friday Or Saturday ganization is not required for the term-long series of firesides ernment-in·Exlle until Novem­ ber, 1942, He then' served as Dabney H a l! ...... 11:00 to 4:15 wrong. If a suitable constitution, of finals week, and transporta· partiCipation in this and the last year during which the Paul­ Lowel' Throop ...... 12:00 to 4:15 based on justice, could be drawn tion will be in individual mem­ many other field trips sclleduled Ings entertained all of the Fresh. Czech consul in San Francisco RiCkettS-Fleming COUl't...... up, Russia might or might not bers' cars. It is not expected thl'ough the year by the student man class in groups of 12 to 15 until 1948 when the Czech gov· ...... 1:00 to 4:15 join, but in either case, the U,S. that any lengthy trips will be chapter. men. You are particularly urged ernment went under Red dam· Throop Club and Student would not lose anything by sup. made away from good roads, It is the policy of the Caltech to get your name on the sign·up ination. Houses ... 12:30 to 1:00 porting the effort. although an effort will be made chapter to sponsor as many ac· lis ts posted in each of the four Mr. Benes is in Pasadena to houses and In T hroop Club as During the question period, the to make the trip as comprehen­ tivities through the year as is address the Institute Associates sive as possible, Expenses for possible in order to acquaint the soon as possible if you wish to on Thursday, February 24 , and problem of two different eco­ go, the trip should not be excessive, students with modern practices he has graciously agreed to stay nomic systems under one world Suggestions Radio Roundtable government was brought up. Dr. s ince camping on the desert, and in the fie lds of electronics and and speak to the student body Pauling said that he did not pro­ campfire cooking will be the communications. These activi· Perhaps there are those of you on Friday, T his promises to be fess to know enough about com· rule, thus limiting expenditures ties include lectures by outstand­ who are waiting for a fireside an informing discussion on a Presents Talk On munis t doctrine to say what to those for transportation and ing engineers and scientists and at the home of some particular vital subjeet to the people of the changes would be necessa ry. but food. In accordance with a pol­ field trips which bring the stu· faculty member. If you have world. It will be worth your Health Programs icy of allowing the pa rticipants dent in d irect contact with the any suggestions, please con tact while to be in Culbertson at 11:00 he felt that if each s ide made a On Wednesday eveningl Feb. few concessions, the two systems (Continued on Page 6) processes and techniques. (Continued on Page 6) tomorrow. 16, the Caltech YMCA Radio could exist simultaneously. Roundtable represen ted by Don Bratton, George Brown, and CANDIDATES FOR ASCIT OFFICES F'red Smith discussed the pros Books Offered and cons of Pres ident Truman's The Ca ltech Newman Club National Health Insura.nce Pro· now has a book-s helf in the Y gram. 'Wi th Don Bratton su p· Lounge. porting th e Administration's v iews a nd George Brown oppos­ Here a re books on all phas· ing them, a li vely, informative es of Catholic thought and discussion was mainta in ed. The teaching, as well as autobiog­ program was tied together effec­ raphies of several prominent tively by Fred Smith, who acted converts. as moclerator. Don presented the Anyone who is interested is ca rdinal points of President Tru­ welcome to make use of these man's Health bill , while George books. presented as a preferable alter· native the new hea lth proposals of the America n Medical Assoc. C(Jmpus Calendar The Roundtable w ill be heard on the evening of March 2 over THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 24- station KPPC at D:45 p.m., when El ection!t-Gct out and Vote! the subject under discussion will 12:00 Y Upperclass Lunchoon be "The Desirability of Future 12 : 15 Throop Club Meeting 7 :30 Danci ng Class, Culbertson Va ll ey Authorities." An invita­ 7 :15 ASC tT Board Meeting tion to participa te in this broad­ FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 25- cast is extended to all who are 11 :00 Assembly, Mr. Benes Speaking on interested. A preliminary meet­ " Russia" ing will be held Monday , F ebru­ 6 :45 Basketball, Frosh vs. Pomona ary 28, in the YMCA lounge at 8 ;15 Basketball, Cal tech vs. Pomona 11 :00 a.m. and all those inter· SATURDAY, FEBRUA RV 26- ested are urged to be present. 6 :45 Basketball, Frosh at Loyola 8: 15 Basketball, Calted, at Loyola MONDAY, fEBRUARV 28- Interview Schedule 4 ;20 Interhouse Bowlino FEBR UARY 24 AND 25- NATIONAL ADVISORY COMM ITTEE TUESDAV, MARCH 1- FOR AERONAUTICS. Mr. E. P. Hartman I 2 :00 Frosh Luncheon and Dr . Dean Chapman of the National Advisory Comm it tee for Aeronautics, Ames 7 :30 Band Practice, Culbertson Aeronautical Laborato ry, Moffett Field, California, will be on the ' campus for the WEDNESDA V, MARCH 2- purpose of interviewing students who have 4 :30 Alumni Placement Talk, Dabney completed their 5th year or more in Aero· Lounge n' Pr.-registration February 2 1-March 5 Groner; thb-d rOWj Merle Kam, Phil Randolph, Bruce Robinson, dates to sign up for definite appointment. Page 1.2 ______T HE CAL I FOR N I ATE C H ___------Thursday, February 24, 1949

Y'. Doings Tauhates To Repeat Tne CfJ/iffJrnifJ Teen Before that suit of plagiarism trade-with our ga1. By Vern Edwm-ds Published every Thursday during the college year except duro comes banging down on our ears: Bozart climaxed the evening FacuIty Rating Poll ing examinations and holiday periods. the tender verse from last week, with the presentation of Terwil· Tonight the main topic for CA],)F'ORNIA INS'l'I'l'U'l'E 01' TECHNOLOGY IDLE THOUGHTS WHILE I liger & the dramatic Yvonne, as Cabinet meeting will be the nom· In the last week before finals 1201 East California Street, Pasadena, Calif. SIT THIS ONE OUT, or TO the couple with "The Lousiest inations for next year's student week of this term, the C.aJtech HELL WITH CALTECH STU­ Costume!" The lucky pair will Y officers. We have only one Chapter of Tau Beta Pi will re­ Subscription rates $1.50 per year DENTS WHO DANCE WITH receive a year's supply of used senior, Verne Smith, leaving our peat its Faculty Rating Poll. Entered as second-class maLter Nov. 22, 1947, at the Post Office MY GIRL was by J ohn Badgley. beer cans. Cabinet this year and so we Last year, the results of the in Pasadena, C.alifornia, under the Act of March 3, 1879. Oxy '43! Sorry, John. NOl'theast should hav.e an abundance of poll for each instructor were Offices: Lower Fleming IJal'b Riot From the Rowdies Roost comes good leadership in the Y for the given to him and to his depart· coming year. ment head. None of the instruc· Telephone: SYcamore 6-7121 Ext. 180 The gentlemen from the South­ a sparkling shovel of dirt, John Elections will be held the fol- tors or the students knew the re­ Distributor of Collegiate Digest west enjoyed a quiet party Fri­ Noble, newly elected Frosh lowing week on Wednesday eve- suIts of the polls for individuals day. Though hastily conceived, prexy, has more than political Jim Hummel, Editor "control". His gal came up from ning rather than on Thursday other than themselves. It was an alleged ftoorshow was con· evening. This is in order that hoped that the instructors would trived, and the wlrole labeled "Daygo" to juggle bed-pans at our regular Cabinet meeting be able to use the results of the BOZARTS! The quartet opened L. A. County Horsepita!. John EDITORIAL S'l'AI'I' time will not conflict with the poll to improve their teaching with that w ell-loved madrigal, made the observation that it Managing Editor...... Earl Hefner takes 2.973 hours to get there Drama Club presentation. techniques, and perhaps to 1m- Sports Editor...... _...... Thorne Butler " Who Shot a Hole in My Som­ brero?" whereupon strong-men and back via P.E.-word was Unfortunately, as yet we have prove their courses. Feature Editor...... Bob Kurland given to get a car. She did! He not set up any qualifications for It has now become necessary News Editor ...... •...... Bruce Stowe Hickey and Blanchard delicately tore telephone books, decks of can be seen driving a cute lil' voting. However, any and all to find out whether or not these News SlafL Fred Drury, Ollie Gardner, Packard coupe most anytime. individuals who have an active desired results were achieved. Dick K~ng , BIll Wright, Tony Malanoski, Stu Goldman, cards, and one a.nother apart. A Carl Price, V\layne H elzlg, UIl'l ch Mel ten, Norman Fink, stolen gem from a melodrama Trying to better the good deals interest in the Y or have partici· The taking of this poll costs Walt Mudgett featured one Yvonne entering in they blind-dated their ways into pated in any activities of the Y I quite a bit and requires a large Rewrite StatL ...... _...... Bob Haufe, Chief a dress either incompletely en­ at Scrapps, Jim Wilcox and Win are cordially invited to drop expenditure of time by the Tau­ Lee Ross, Alex Drapes, Charles Steese, Bob Kurland tered from the top or overshot (Scripps is a 2.973 gallon trip) down to Dabney lounge next bates. If it is successful in im­ Special Writers...... Fl'ed Wood, Paul Saltman Dick Schuster Soule took a pair of Oxy-ettes to Wednesday evening at 7:30 for proving the quality of instruc· Stan BolcourL, Dick King, J im Young, Ca'rl Fox, Vern' from the bottom, with the line, "Hello, you two-timing -" (A the game last week. Comment: the elections. tion, then it should be repeated Edwards With Dr. Pauling concluding every t.hree or four years, but if Sports Staff...... Dale Krause, ErIe Brown, Leon Mlchaelson disrespectful term here, caused Sob!-not really blind, just deaf llill H al'l IS, Stan BOlCOU l"L, Dan Lemay, Sid Stone ' the Scripps girls to laugh just and dumb. Moral: Chalk up a our winter Forum series, we are not then the whole idea should P hotogl'apher ...... Hugh Stoddart loud enough to prove they aren't purple check for Schmipps. looking towards planning for an· be dropped. The object of repeat· BUSINESS STAI'F prudes, yet quietly enough to The famous, infamous Apache other series for the spring. In ing the poll this year is to deter· charge of this will be Bob Smith, mine what sort of improvement Manager _...... Bill Bradley I show they aren't coarse. Perfec- Dance is the big event this week '5], who has worked along with has taken place-to find out Circulation Manager...... Win Soule tion!) POOl' Willie was anxious, 'til Di fl ew the iron bird to Salinas for Fred Drury on t.he present se· whether the instructors have im· Business StatL...... Charlie Steese Markoff suffered vapor-lock, a wedding. Sereno, Pallakoff and ries. proved in those traits in which petrol exhaustion, a.nd pneumatic McEwing a re cultivating beards. For those of you who have not they were weakest. The Evening Concert Musical Masterpieces recession to the extent that he yet discovered, the Y office is The poll will be much the was half an evening late bring­ Collectively, they might have KFAC 8-10 p.m. KFAC 4-5 p.m. daily enough to cover a small peach. now open during the noon hour. same as the one taken last year. ing Royce's date. That unhappy 2-51 p.m. Sunday Most of the Rowdies have their If you find it har d to get down Half of one class period will be Presented by the Southern California Presented by the Slavick lad spent the evening petulantly dates lined up-Spence is still in between classes to check on used taken for the poll and the forms and Southern Counties Gas Companies Jewelry Company pinning up girls' skirts that ex· the phone booth. books or lost and found articles will be gathered up and depos­ THURSDAY. FEBRUARY 24. 1949 THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 24 ceeded the required knee length. A Program of Chamber Music Good Samaritan of the week is or such, you might find it con- ited in a collection box by some The Crown Diamonds Overture-Auber Bozart, himself, (looking remark­ BRANDENBURG CONCERTO No. 2 IN F Constant Lambert and London Philhar­ Ted Bowen. Bob Worthington venient to drop down at that responsible student. The forms MAJOR, by Bach. Busch Chamber Play­ monic Orchestra ably like Fred Eimer), had the ers conducted by Adolph Busch (13!. had it bad, got his face in the time. There is always someone will be identified only by a key 1;Concerto No.3- Bartok girl who probably went farthest TRIO No. I IN B flAT MAJOR, by Schu­ Gyorgy Sandor, pianist way of a baseball. When "Sore· there to help you out. number. bert. Alphonse Onnou, Viol mist. Rob­ Eugene Ormandy and The Philadelphia avoiding excessive dress length. ert Maas, Violoncellist . Karl Ulrich Orchestra head Ted" went to see him at Schnabel, Pianist (32). ':'Su ite from Hary Janos-Kodaly QUART ET No. 7 IN F MAJOR lRasoumov- Eugene Ormandy and Minneapolis Sym­ Looking about as much like an the local sick-bayou, bier (ja!) skX No.1 ) , by Beethoven. Paganini phony Orchestra M.E. as we resemble Ingrid Berg­ Strmg Quartet (36). somehow entered the confab. QUINTET IN E FLAT MAJO~, by Dvorak. FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 25 man, Eve \Vilcox gave everyone From the remnants of poor Cap· Prague String Quartet (32) . II Signor Bruschina Overture-Rossini the old decollete, wind-swept tain Harry Begg's engagement HOUSE JACKETS FRIDAY, FEBRUARY lS, 1949 Arturo Toscanini and N BC Sym phony Weekly Feature Concer t- a New Golden Orchestra mane, eight· inch cigarette holder "wake", via Ted and a glass Age of * Swan Lake Ballet- Tchaikovsky routine. Whoosh! Bob Davis, Corduroy and Flannel SEXTETE {CHI MI FRENA IN TAL MO·· Vladimor Golschmann and St . Louis Sym­ straw, one can of foam found its MENTO?- WHAT RESTRAINS ME?) from phony Orchestra repor tedly out·of·phase with his way to Tubby's tummy. That , by Donizetti. ~' H o liday in Seville-Albeniz Lma Pagliughi, Soprano. Gloanni Mali­ Leopo ld Stokowski and The Philadelphia date, is watching House-Lover nurse sure was suspicious after piero, Tenor. Giuseppe Manacchini, Ban­ Orchestra Knoepffiel' stepping into the a few burps and calls for a vase 881 E. Open fri. 6- tone. Maria VinCiguerra, Soprano Muzio SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 26 breach; Pete even brought her to resounded down the corridor. Gioagnoll, Tenor. Luciano Neron'i, Basso Tristan and Isolde-Prelude and Liebestod Sat. Nite. ( 4) . - Wagner dinner Saturday night. Also on On the Cob Yet Colorado BmU SAYAO, SOPRANO. Wilhelm Fu rtwangler and Berlin Philhar­ ONE OF WHOM I DREAMED AND t'LL monic Orches'tra our buddy list are the Dabney A number of the courageous FULFILL THE ROUND OF PLEASURE La Gioconda "Cicio e mar"-Ponchielli waiters, who refused tips for Ricketts troops, King, Bowen, FROM LA TRAVIATA, by Verdi (8). "Celeste Aida"- Verdi UlJ1en~s Distinctive Fashiolls" QUINTET FROM , by Bizet. Gladys Fedora "Mia Madre" -Giordano their services, but took it out in (Continued on Page 6) Swarthout, Mezzo-Sop rano. Thelma Vo­ Galiano MaSini, tenor tlpka, Sop rano. Luciclle BrOWn ing, MeZ­ Arturo Ba sile and UQo Tans;ni and zo-Soprano. Anthony Amato, Tenor. Symphony Orchestra of lurin George Cehanovsky, 141. Scuola di Ballo Ballet Music-Boccherin; LAWRENCE TIBBETT, BARITONE (81 . Antal Dorat! and London Philharmonic IS IT THOU? FROM THE MASKED BALL THE S~UAH[S! CIRCLE Orchestra by Verdi. ' ROOM FOR THE FACTOTUM FROM THE SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 27 BARBER OF SEVILLE, by Rossini. "CONCERT FAVORITES", 2:00-3:00 p.m . To the Editor, CalUOl'll ia Tech; QUARTET lONE MORN, IF I REMEMBER) ':'Concertino for Piano and Orchestra FRO.M RIGOlETTO, by Ve rdi. Benjamino Jean Francaiz, pianist with the Berlin The past week stands out from Glgll, Tenor. Amelita Galli-Curci 50- Philharmonic Orchestra pra~o. Giuseppi de Luca, Baritone. Our Nightingale all others in one resepect: we LOUIse Homer, Contralto (4) . Erna Sack, co loratura soprano have been reminded of the ex­ GRACE MOORE, SOPRANO (81, Concerto in F-Gershwin ONE FINE DAY FROM MADAME BUT­ Oscar Levant, pianist wi th Andre Koste­ istence of the ASCIT. Unfort!­ TERFLY, by Puccini. lanetz and Philharmonic Symphony Or­ EVER SINCE THE DAY FROM LOUISE chestra of New York nately, during the rest of the by Charpentier. .- , Ma Curly-Headed Baby year we find the student gov­ QU~R T ET FRo.M LA BOHEME, by Puccini. Paul Robeson PI~ Tasslnan, Soprano. Ferruclo Taglia­ The Jolly Coppersmith, Folies Bergere ernment isolated from ourselves. ml, Ten~r. Maria Huder, Soprano. Enzo M arch The apathy which follows makes Maschermi (4). Bruno Seid ler Winkler and Concert JUSSI BJOER LlNG, TENOR 181 . Orchestra democratic government here at FL ~:fteEt~ SONG FROM CARMEN , by "STAGE MELODI ES", 3 :00-4 :00 p.m. a, The Birth of the Blues, The Peanut Vendor Caltech dream. Never THY TINY HAND IS FROZEN FROM Limehouse Blues, Masquerade ' The problem of student gov­ LA BOHEME, by Puccini. Morton Gou ld and Orchestra PLEBE! PATRIZ I (PlEBIANS AND PATR1 - ~ 'Pcrfume Sct to Music-Harry Reeel ernment is thus clearly defined. CIANS) - PIANGO SU VOR II WEEP Orchestra, Chorus and T hercmin Con­ One solution is obvious-it is a FOR YOU ) FROM SIMON BOCCANEGRA ducted by Leslie Baxter by Verdi. lawrence Tibbett Baritone' Melodies of the Thirties positive attempt to al'ouse stu­ Rose Bampton, Soprano. Gio'anni Mar~ before g~~~st~:tti and The Savoy-Plaza ~~~~li'14renor. Leonard Warren, Bari- dent interest in our government When Day Is Done, All The Things You through publicity in the Califor­ lINA PAGL1UGHl SOPRANO (8). A,. DEARE~T NAME FROM RIGOLETTO, by Dennis Day nia Tech. \Ve have noted that VerdI. Fa vorite Serenades A LITTLE VOICE I HEAR FROM THE David Rose and Orchestra during this yea'r the Tech has BARBER OF SEV ILLE, by Rossini. "MUSICAL MASTERPIECES" 4:00-5:00 been negligent in reporting meet­ a pen so TRIO (THEN lEAVE HER ) FROM p. m. ' by Gounod. Mireille Berthon, Soprano: Raymond Overture-Thomas ings of the student government Cezar Vezz

Representing your Parker dealer's. The Parker Pen Pharmacy Company, Janesville. Wisconsin, COURTE.SY •• SERVICE NEW YORK LIFE INSURANCE U. S. A .• and Toronto. Canada. SATISFACTION Dependable Reqistered Pharmacists COMPANY Prompt Free Motor Delivery 882 East CalUomia Street 234 E. Colorado St., Pasadena SYcamore 2·2101 Paaadena, CalUomia Phone SY. 2-7141 Oepr. 1.. ..,. 11M Parker Po" Company Thursday, February 24, 1949 ______T H E CAL I FOR N I ATE C H ------Page 3 capacity as treasurer of the carry it through for the best in- of lower classmen to the Board. Candidates' Statements ASCIT, lhe sludent body needs tcrests of the Student Body. The Dick Jones The following are the s t a te.~ -a\-v-a-:-i l-e-:d:-t:;h-e-m-.------m-o-r-e -p-ri-d-e-to--h-i s-r-e-c-o-rd-t-h-a-n a perso n who is trained in the time I have spent working for methods of accounting a.nd book- the Student Body demonstrates Bob Stannway m cn ts of the candidates [ or We can a nd must bring the can Olly Gardner, my nominee keeping. We a re very fortunate my wil li ngness for such work. The duty of Second Represen· ASC fT offi ces. men off-ca mpus closer into our for Secretary. to have I'unning for this offi ce a If elected 1 promise my ready tative is to keep you of the stu­ cooperative scheme of student OIly has served his classmates man who not only has a B.S. de· attention to the comments and dent body posted as to what is ASCI'I' PRESIDENT government, and encourage their well as Secretary-Treasurer of gree in accounting from the Uni- suggestions of all students in re- going on. If elected, I propose participation in a ll its phases. his Frosh Class, Second Rep, Stirn BOicoUl't versity of Kansas, but who has gard to athletics. a nd promise to do this by personally contact­ I w ould like very much to vice-chairman of the Instituters, also served in the capacity of a.n my best efforts to represent in ing the Engineering SOCieties, The I'esponsibilities of your tackle this job-I know I can assistant business ma nager of accounta nt a nd auditor for a t h'IS ca paCIty. t h e interest of the Bea.vers, Instituters, YMCA, Ath- ASCIT President are in ti mately do it. the Big T, WSSF cO'chairman, large wheat firm in the midwest. students. Ie tic Department, Rally Commls· related to a wide fi eld of student Ralph Lovberg manager of the water polo team, He has shown his inte rest in the Mike Sellen sion, the four Student Houses, activities from athletics, assem- and as a member of the deba ting student body and his capability and Throop Club weekly. I will blies, and social functions to re- VICE PH.ESII)EN'.r and ski teams. Howell 'rysoll to serve by being elected to pres­ see tha t an up to date schedule lations with other schools. The Those who know OIly well can ident of his So ph class, National In running for the office of of coming events is accurately man you elect to this offi ce Merle Kant tell you that he enters into each Representative of the Y, secre­ Athletic Manager of the ASCIT, published each week in the Cali­ should have shown his interest, The impo rtant responsibilities responsibility with assurance I feel that there a re two ex­ and ability, and does his job tary for Blacker House, a nd nu­ fomia Tech, and posted in lower his ability and his enthusiasm in of the vice·presilent are those in tremely important jobs involved. Throop. 1 would also like to par­ con nection with the Board of thoroughly and well. The Board merous other activities. There First, that of becoming an a'Ctivc a 11 of these respects. ticipate actively as a member of Control and the Court of Tradi­ could not ask for a more capable is no othel' candidate for this of· representative of the athletic in­ man as its Secretary. the Board of Directors in direct­ Your ASCIT Presid ent should tions. As chairman of the Board fice that has these outstanding terests of the Associated Stu­ ing business of the ASCIT. In be experienced in both t he of Co nlrol, hc stands for the Chuck Forester qualifications but J ohn Fee for dents, not only before the Stu­ short, I would like to fill, com· Board of Control and the Board Honor System and all that it im­ dent Board of Directors and the Treasurer of the ASCIT. pletely a nd efficiently, the office of Directors in order to best meet plies. Having been an active Fred Wood Faculty Representation, but be­ of your Second Representative. the problems of his office. member of the Court of Tradi­ Paul Saltman fore the Southern California In­ The duty of the secreta ry of Bob Stanaway r ask you r investigation of tions and some of the more di­ tercollegiate Conference as well. these quali ficat ions in my candi­ rective groups on ca mpus a t the the ASCIT as defined in the Can· Jon Goca'kc Second, that of increasing inter­ sti tution seems very limited. He Stan Groner dacy, amI repeat m y enthusias­ end of the war, I feel well quali­ est and participation in intercol­ is to take minutes at a ll boa rd 1 wa nt to serve you as Treas· tic desi l'C to serve you as your fi ed to be running for this office; legiate athletics within the Stu­ meetings and handle correspon­ urer of the A.S.C. l.T. J neither 1 am running for an office that and if elected, I shall do my ut­ dent Bocly as a group. Student Body President. feel, think, nor believe I can do has been misnamed. Ha.ving In­ most to further the ideals of this dence for the organizations. How­ ever, a person with imagination the job . .. I know I can. Thanks. Dil igent appli cation on the part vestigated the duties of the sec· institution. of the Athletic Manager can ac­ and representative, I find that he Uall'h LOVbel'g Merle Kam and fh'e can do fa r more than co mplish the first, and this I really doesn't represent anyone. these simple tasks. He can bring David Oakley My ca ndidacy for ASC.IT pres· pledge. The seconci requires the His main duties consist of cor­ ~I K' the students in closer touch with D cooperation of the Student Body, relating the ASCIT Social pro· id ent is based on the idea that ave ! . ac CIlZl e Ith e Board with a n interesting Remember w hen chOOs ing gram with those of the four our student government has The Vice-President's chief can· column; he can project himself your Treasurer that not only and to gain this I will, in con­ houses a nd Throop Club as well evolved to th e paint where ex­ cern is, as you know, the Honor into the numerous activities that does he keep the fi nancia.l rec­ junction with the Rally Commis· as maintaining the bulletin board pans ion of its functions is neces­ system. Since I've had reason .require time a.nd effort. Such a on ls of the corporation, but he sion, bend my every effort. sary a nd desirable. represents you on the Board of I have shown my interest in in lower Throop. If elected, I to become very interested in the ma n is Fred Wood. His past promise to make it the direct re­ There are certain unexploited methods of the Board of Control record bears ample evidence of Directors. The job of Treasurer student activity by lettering in fields where student government demands a person who ca n keep basketball and track, playing two sponsibility of the second rep. to this past year, I'm very a.nxious his willingness to work, his abB­ represent both the sophomores can logicall y co me into its own to give abundant publicity to the ity to get things done, his imag­ the books up to date and who years of varsity foo tball, and and freshmen on the Board of as the voice of the man it repre· Honor System, its principles and ination and ingenuity. A s Rally can keep up to date himself in having held the offi ce of 2nd Rep· Directors by taking an active sents. methods of ope ration, in the Commissioner, president of his stucie nt affairs. I believe tha t I resentative of the ASCIT in 1945. pa rt in the activities of next We can, fo r instance, establish hope that a thorough under- frosh class, frosh letterman, and have the time, energy, and abil­ year's sophomore class at an ad­ channels through which the ity to c::t ITY a li t thi s job in the ~' [RST HEP. standing of its application 'to member of the Beavers, Fred visory position in the new fresh­ ASCIT will represent those of Tech life will reestablish the Wood ha.s proven himself to be fin e tradition of former Treasur­ man class. its members who have legitimate Honor System to its former the best man for the office of ers. Bill F"eed com ph:l.in ts on courses or instruc­ David Oakley Stan Groner prominence. With your support, Secretary. The job of ASCI T Social Chair· tors. I can realize this objective. Paul Saltman man requires: 1, a man who will We can launch a well-planned PhU Randolph A'J'HL~:'l' I C MANAGER plan social activity with both off cam paign, beyond the start al­ SECRETAltY 'l'REASURER campus men and house members The second Rep of the ASCIT ready made, to make student life Noel Reed in mind. 2, the ability to organ­ must be a man who is willing at Tech look attractive to out­ to work hard and faithfully at Olly Gal'due l' John Fee Thc ornce of Al hletic Ma nager ize. 3, va riety of contacts and standing high school men who pre vious experience. I would like tasks which are not necessa.rily would come here if they knew I believe tha t no candidate for As the ma n who handles requires experience in inter-co l­ challenging, the most important legiate com petition, knowledge the privil ege of serving in this opportunities for outside activity ASCIT office can paint with roughly $10,000 per year in his capacity as 1 feel 1 ha ve the nec­ of these keeping up the bulletin of Athletic Co uncil poli cy, a nd boa rd in Lower Throop and the ability to organize a nd man­ essary qualifications fo r the job. Bill Freed keeping a calendar of events in age events such as the Foo tba ll the California Tech. He must Banquet a nd the Spring Awards Bl'uce Robinson also be a level-headed person Assembly. I feci tllat I have the who will do his best to improve necessary qualifications as I have The position of 1st Rep. calls Tech in every possible way been a member of the football for a man with ideas, originality, through his position on the and swimming teams, Athletic energy, and enthusiasm, since he Board of Directors. Ma nager of my Freshma n Class, arranges the ASCIT social func­ a nd have discussed problems and I feel that I fulfill these quall· tions. Having had experience in fi cations and ask your support in procedure w ith past athletic arranging house a nd student managers and members of the the coming election. body social functions, and hav­ Thanks, Athletic Department staff. I ing pa rticipated in numerous won't ma ke specific promises school activities which bear di­ Phil Randolph which later I might find impos­ rectly on t he qualifications re­ si ble to ful fi ll , but I do promise quired for the position of 1st HALLY COMMISSIONER to ca rry out the duties of the Rep, 1 would welcome the oppor­ office to the best of my ability. tunity to serve you in this ca­ BIU Wright Noel Reed pacity. Please consider me for your social l:epresenta tive. The office of Rally Commis· Mjke Sellen Bruce Robinnson sioner requires someone who is interested, capable, and who has The job of Athletic Manager the time and~ ability to really or­ I demands experience and t he SEco ~'m REI'. ganize school spirit. In addition, willingness to devote the neces­ experience and a n understand· sary time. Three years as a Dick Jones ing of the problems encountered member of va rsity squads have a t Caltech in relation to school given me association with the I feel that the duties of the spirit mean a lot to the job. coaches a nd men on the school offi ce of Second Representative teams, a nd I know their wishes. can and should be enlarged. This For the past two years I have They're I have held a position on the offi c:e r should do more than he been a writer for the California \ , Board of Directors and have is at the present. A bigger and Tec h, a nd 1 have handled most , , . , of the stories concerning rallies, worked with the Athletic, De· better calendar should be kept. ... . pa rtment, so I know what the Above all, I t hink the 2nd Rep. assemblies, and social affairs of job requit'es. I believe I can should be a better representative the ASC IT. In tha t connection .. popping up 1 have seen the workings of the I I I \ \ \ Rally Commission, and have as­ sociated closely with the past all over two Ra.lly Commissioners. As a like cream hair tonics? result I feel I know what's need­ ed for good school spirit. I have the lime and energy to do a People have been wanting more and more really fine job for you. telepho.ne service and we've been working hard Bill Wright to prOVIde it.We've added neariy 9,000,000 new Bert Snider telephones in the past t hree year s. Still more are needed and are on the way. The principal function of the R ~ lly Commissioner is the plan­ But that's not all that we've been doing gives your hair ning of assemblies and rallies. to increase the usefulness and value of the that "just-combeci." Having served on the Rally Com· telephone. mittee during the past year, I look-all day long! feel that I ha ve the qualifications Telephone service has been extended to auto­ required. Your vote for Bert mobiles, trucks, boats, trains a nd airplanes ... Snider will show your confidence real progress has been made in expanding and in my ability. improving rural telephone facilities ... w ire Bert Snider and radio r elay networks have been developed and enlarged .. ,research has started on new NEW FORMULA WITH VIRATOL. electr onic devices which promise to bring even works wonders in the COTTAGE ~RILL wider horizons of electrical communications looks of your hair. 915 E. California St. within view. It looks natural. .. it Lunches Served II a.m. All this means better telephone service for f eels natural. .. and to 7 :30 p.m., 65c up you. , • more people you can reach easil y and Iti3tays in place I Breakfast - 35c up quickly .•. more time in your day .. . a larger Try a bottle. world in your grasp. CALTECH BARBERS BELL TELEPHONE SYSTEM on Cal ifarnia Near Lake Page 4 ______THE CAL I FOR H I ATE C H ______Thursday, February 24, 1949

Neither side vulnerable Delta Delta Delta ...... PR. 79415 .------1 w N S Delta Gamma ...... PR. 79898 CES to Discuss Who Dealt IC Db' P• IS Schussing P 3HI P .1 Your Ctlmpus"O PR. 79925 with the Shoose This Mess p 4 D P 5HI By J ohn Whittlesey Delta Zeta ...... PR. 79376 P OH P P By Carl F ox PI Gamma Phi Beta ...... PR. 79842 Dabney Leads in IH L illy '.rrophy Engineer's Act The part of the campus which Kappa Alpha. T heta .... PR. 79389 Admittedly North's hand is not is rarely treated in this paper Last Sunday afternoon the F eatured speaker at the ASCE· This dea l came up during the Kappa Delta ...... PR. 79981 an ideal double, but what would concerns the HCaltech girls." past week and this writer had Dabney ski team raced to a sur­ sponsored meeting of the Can­ Due to great demand we print Kappa Kappa Gamma .. PR. 79382 the pleasure of bidding the South you have him bid? It does fill prise win over Ricketts to lead solidat.ed Engineering Societies a new edition of last year's col· Phi Mu ...... PR. 79216 next Monday will be Mr. John hand. There is, unfortunately, the requirements and no other in the Lilly Interhouse Ski Tro· bid paints as vivid a picture and umn containing the most com­ Phi Sigma Sigma ...... PR. 5748 K. Minasian, a graduate of the nothing of value in the play of mon phone numbers of !'Caltech phy contest. The final awarding class of 1938 of Cal tech. Mr. the hand but the bidding is ra­ still conserves the bidding level Pi Beta Phi ...... PR. 69501 girls." of the trophy is on the basis of Minasian's subject will be the ther interesting. But first, a word for the passing of information. PR. 79257 This list does not contain all the combined times for two Registration Act for Civil and on takeout doubles. Also, note that no other bid will Zeta Tau Alpha ...... PR. 79406 the numbers of the girls coming Professional Engineers. As Culbertson points out, one permi t the slam to be reached. meets. The second m eet will be to Caitech, but we hope you will of the most valuable and flexible Other Houses: held in the first couple of weeks Qualified N ow let me sketch the reason­ excuse our inability to secure all of the next term. of all strength showing bids is ing of South as the auction pro­ Harris Plaza . __ PR. 69238 Mr. Minasian's qualifications number s. The race was held on the East the takeout double. It requires ceeds. The first response is easy PR. 79596 for this discussion are indicated slope of the bowl at Snow Val­ a minimum of 2Ih to 3 honor -a brief thought of 'Four HUNTI NGTON MEMORIAL PR. 79463 not only by the fact that he him­ ley. and the snow conditions tricks. In addition, support in Spades' quickly banished by hor· HOSPI TAL PR. 79662 self is a Registered Civil and the other major, if a major suit Elizabeth von were ideal for racing. There was Structural Engineer, but by his rible visions of the possible fit, Nurses residence ...... SY. 22111 a hard pack that didn't rut very was doubled, is needed. If the recognition of a probable Heart KleinSchmid Hall ____ PR. 79529 experience in conducting a train­ opponents bid a minor then sup· much during the race. ing school for engineers and ar· fit and decision that the best ' L. A. COUNTY H OSPI TAL PR. 69287 port in both majors or strength ro~te to any contract lies via Nurses and student PR. 79095 The best total times were chitects preparing for the regis' in one major and a rescue suit of turned in by Ollie Gardner of tration examinations. 'One Spade'. nurses residence ...... CA. 3161 Sequoia Hall . ______. ______PR. 79913 five card length containing four Willard Hall ______PR. 79605 Ricketts and Blom and Stana­ Hist.ory winners is required. This is for Partner's jump in Hearts OCCIDENTAL COLLEGE way of Dabney: comes as something of a shock. Erdman Hall ______CL. 69252 PR 69033 Included in the discussion will use if partner can bid only the Graduate House ______PR. 79428 Gardner Ricketts 55.5 sec. This particular North doesn't re­ Siom Dabney 58.6 be the history of the Act and suit in which doubler is weak. CL. 69233 Moreland c.o·op . ____ .. ____ .PR. 79730 bid values, he tells you once and Haines Hall __ ... __ . __ ..... __ .. CL. 69422 Stanaway Dabney 60.7 current phases of its operation, The doubler should tread cau­ Nichols House ____ ... ______.PR. 79445 Ricketts 6 4.4 quits. But here he is, without Price both with regard to the engineer tiously in his subsequent bidding CL. 69526 Women's Residence Schuster Fleming 73.8 so much as one trick promised La Casa ______..... ______CL. 69166 in training a.nd the professional for he has frequently told the Hall ______. ______.PR. 79019 Jones Fleming 79.7 by me, forcing to game. His Orr Hall __ . ______. ____ .CL. 69524 These times are for two runs. engineer. Of greatest interest is whole story in his one bid. Nev­ honor count just went zooming the promise of Mr. Minasian to ertheless the converse seems CL. 69504 U.C.L.A. The factors leading to Dab· past the four level, 4 or more. Alpha ______. __ .CL. 63334 supplement his discussion with gem'ally to hold. Doubler, who Sor orities: ney's win were Ed DuFort's good In addition he must have nine Beta Phi Delta ______. __ .CL. 4362 mimeographed material which has fa llen in love with his' hand, support for that team after al­ or ten winners in the hand. But, Alpha Chi Omega ...... AR. 99145 will describe all details of the bids and \'ebids the same values, Beta Tau Zeta. ______.... CL. 64221 most no skiing thus far in the in spite of the superb Heart fit AR. 99142 Registration Act to prospective getting in deeper all the time. Delta Omicron Tau ______CL. 76970 season, plus the fact that Brad­ let's tell him about the rebidd· Gamma Kappa Theta ____ CL. 71329 Alpha Delta Pi ...... AR. 99077 registrants, and will include ex­ Now take a look at the hand. ley and Carus of Ricketts both able Spade suit since he isn't Alpha Epsilon Phi ...... AR. 99152 had bad luck. Bradley missed amples of the teste given re­ POMONA COLL~ s -- about to stop yet. Alpha Gamma Delta .... AR. 99067 a hairpin altogether and was cently . HAK J9 7 Harwood Hall ______.. LY. 51215 D K Q J 10 9 The Diamond bid isnt com· Alpha Omicron Pi ____ .. AR. 99179 eliminated from the race, and Vital I lItm'est C A 10 7 Mudd-Blaisdell . ____ ...... __ .LY. 51255 pletely unexpected. If he can't Alpha Phi ... __ .______...... __ .AR. 99124 Cal'lls took a bad spill that leng­ This meeting, which will be 5 A 10 c: 5 K 6 4 2 support both majors he m ust AR. 99057 thened his second time consid­ held in 200 Dabney, at 11 a.m. H 5 3 H 10 4 SCRIPPS COLLEGE D A 7 3 D 6 5 2 have a rescue suit. That takes Alpha Xi Delta .. __ .. __ ...... AR. 99310 erably. The team limes were as Monday, will be of vital interest CK Q J 62 C 9 5 4 3 General exchange .. __ .... LY. 51211 care of the two Diamond losers. Chi Omega ____ ...... __ .... ____ AR. 99205 follows: to all students who plan to enter Browning HaJI __ .. ______ext. 536 5 Q J 9 8 5 3 Now let's count his hand. Five AR. 99420 Dabney ...... _.200.7 sec. the engineering profession. H Q 8 6 2 Clark Hall . ______.... __ .. ____ ..... ext. 537 D • 4 Diamonds, five Hearts by infer­ Delta Gamma ...... ____ ...... AR. 99109 Ricketts ...... 211 .8 C . Dorsey Hall ...... __ ...... __ .. ext. 539 Delta Delta Delta ____ .... AR. 99292 Fleming ...243.5 ence. If he has either black suit Toll Hall ... ____ ... __ .... __ .. ______.... ext. 538 Blacker ...... 504.1 South certainly doesn't have stopped there is a play for six, AR. 99346 anything to get happy about, if not then five appears make­ SOUTHERN CAL. Delta Zeta ____ .... __ .... ____ . __ .AR. 99189 Considerable credit must be Gamma Phi Beta ______AR. 99123 does he? able. True, he has never prom­ Sororities: given to the house men that AR. 99290 filled out all of the teams (the Dabne~ites Doff West dealer, ised either black Ace but he m ust Alpha Chi Omega ____ .. __ .PR. 79387 have the outside values some­ Kappa Alpha Theta ____ AR. 99025 procedure is to run five m en and PR. 79349 AR. 99022 take tile three best times). Many place. So let's tell him about the Alpha Delta Pi __ .. ______PR. 69205 Kappa. Delta ______...... __ AR. 99083 of them either -were beginners Dignit~ at Dance situation with a slam invitation, Alpha Epsilon Phi ______PR. 69390 AR. 99242 or had not been on skis yet this 'Five Hearts'. Alpha Gamma Delta ____ PR. 79373 Dabney's first annual Bozart's Apache Dance Set Kappa Kappa Gamma .. AR. 99024 season, Yet they got out and Brawl held last Friday, proved 'Six Hearts'. So he did have a Alpha Omicron P i ______PR. 79 1 2~ AR. 96741 (Continued on Page 6) a tre\~lendous success, as the stopper th"'t he couldn't tell us Alpha, Phi ...... ------PpRR· 77~~7 AR. 99294 Darbs doffed their accustomed For Rowdie Toughs about. And, with infinite faith _C_h_i_o_m_e_g_a_... _--_ .. _.--_.. _--._--_.--_.. --:-_.--::-::- Phi Mu ______. dignity to cavort as unruly ruf­ Tough, rugged, Apaches and in us, he has bid the slam. .----~~: ~~~~~ ;::======-, fii ans and gay Bohemians. Tables their notorious women will is a rare but useful bid. When Phi Sigma Sigma ...... __ AR. 99048 for four were placed in the emerge from the catacombs Sat­ Before abandoning the bidding partners' opening suit bid is dou­ Pi Beta Phi ...... __ __ ... ____ AR. 99035 lounge, covered with red and Ul'day night for the Ricketts examine one of the more brU· bled and you hold 2lh-3 honor AR. 99256 white tablecloths, and arranged House annual Apache blowout. Hant bids of the entire auction. tricks, redouble to announce the Sigma Kappa ______AR. 99147 around a typica lly small cabaret­ The Parisian hoodlums will sport Could you, w ith Weil's holding, fact, even hold ing void or sin· T heta Phi Alpha. ______.. __ AR. 99301 style dance fioor. Lighting was old loud pants, turtle neck sweat­ refrain from doubling? Would gleton in his suit. This exchange Theta Upsilon __ . __ .... __ ... AR. 99060 by candles set in tallow-covered ers, berets, and beards, while the you? Consider that opponents of information may permit a pen­ AR. 99211 femmes will display their charms never bothered to check on the alty double of ensuing opposi­ Oak Knoll wine bottles. The crowded night Zeta Tau Alpha ______.... AR. 99186 club effect was easily achieved in tight, spjit skirts, low neck Aces and King that you hold; tion bids Or the reaching of a Other Houses: as roughly fifty toughly dressed lines, and vivid make-up. they must have distributional playable contract of your own. Mira Hershey Hall .. ____ AR. 36516 Cleaners couples elbowed their way into Dancing from nine to twelve­ values. A set of one is all that But remember that there is Hilgard Club (Co-<>p) __ AR. 99219 the melee. thirty in Ricketts lounge will be you can hope for. But suppose one promise impliCit in the re­ Mathewson Club to the music of Hal Neely and It makes-or they have the cheek double. You have requested (Co·op) . ____ ...... ______... __ .AR. 99132 Entertainment was plentiful his orchestra. Hal is noted for to redouble and make. You stand partner to pass opponents next Twin Pines (CD·Op) ______AR. 96517 and varied, paced by a startling his ability to continue playing to lose too much. Pass. bid around to you. You will AR. 99191 melodrama about a Hollywood THREE long after the last light has been And now let's mention redou- either double it for penalties or Bannister Hall ______. __ .AR. 99177 (Continued on Page 6) extinguished. bles of takeout doubles. Here overcall. Douglas Hall ______. ______.AR. 99031 DAY Cleaning Service J MADE PROVED TO ME How fuItJo/' HOW REAllY MILO CAMELS ARE! "~L Heor Fr can a. Song he ? ..at's At an \Yarre . Y NallJe?" n S.ng/ng FIVE-DAY 10,. - ••• Ond ew- RC4 ~ Titian-haired YOu'll know-I lctor disc LAUNDRY a tunefuIIazn Fran Warren l\>' "What' " ent about I ' lth tears in h SY. 3·6704 s "ly IV. o Ve. Th ' er 1'0' • Y OUI' Ci azne?", lead e tltle of F ,lCe, Slngs Rain or shine we're it "E garette?" F s to ano· L ran snell' d ' , Ve - ran a '-ers "c StlOn "WL are O1y c· O1ade cb 3 ' a01eI! " A. ' Llat's ALWAYS on time. 19arette. " e a-day llliId S Fran sin ness test, C gs ~ azne~ Special Features OW MILD C8Iz a . Peraseptic, cleaninq, SAtOICI C4AttL 9g~tte he ? moihproofinq service, -4N, S FOR • In a recent 1) YOU'LL /(N,30 D4 YS tailoriDq and repair­ "'olDen "'b ' coast.to·coast °WI age of one: Slllo.lc.ed Only ~~t of hundreds of inq. after IDak ' ""0 Packs a d IDels for 30 d IDen aad Jng Weekly ~ . ~Iy-OOted tb aYS_ aQ al'er_ Nor 0'" 'ID,nations, re~roa t SPecialists I KNOW HOW MI LO ".1 SIN ~rred ' Pressing While You Wait ' AND FULL- FLAVORED IRRlr4r/ON GLE C4S1 OF tH . DUE rO S... R04r CAMELS ARE ! ,"OICING "Servi ce With a Smile"

902 East California Street (4 Doors East of Lake)

,,~- ~ rJl):k @ua4o.n1ee ' Test Camel mildness for your· e./f'U»~ - UJac. ' -;y. • self in your own "T-Zone." T for taste, T (or th roat. If, at any time, you a re not convinced that <;:amels Next Door to are the mildest cigarette you've ever smoked. return the ~ackage W Ith the Cal tech Ba rber Shop u nused Camels aod you w ill receive its full purchase pnce, plus PO't~ge. (Signed) R. } . Reynolds Tobacco Company, W inston-Salem. N orth Carolina. Thursday, February 24, 1949 ______THE CALIFO·RNIA TECH ______Page 5 • Beaversli Tackle Sagehens, Whittier Cops Title Lions As Season Closes aI Beflver With 58-38 Victory After the tr ouncing that the Poets handed the Beaver five last Saturday, the fans do not give the Shy men much of a chance Saltman Talces Scoring Honors against the Pomona Sagehens Friday. While the lads from Claremont ha.ve not had a too impressive With 15 Digits As Poets Run Wild SpDrts ------<$> Whittier's speedy Poets gar· season, they 11a ve not been taken to the "cleaners" yet in confer­ ence play. ~-' Ol' the Engineers this game will mean either a tie for nered theil' third successive third place or a s pot in the cellar. So the pressure is really on s.c,l.e. basketball title Saturday the cagel's to pull a win over po - @'~==::::::::::::::::::::=::::::::==. as Oxy trounced Red.la nds in the moml Friday night. Rickett's Keglers Fleming Takes fil'st game of a doubleheader to O JSOII Talkin' It Over Clinch Goldsworthy Track To Hold clinch top slot for the boys from The Sagehen attack will be \Vith T he Goon Whittier. Just to prove it was centered around perennial Locke Trophy; Big Lead IH Trophy Lead no fluke, the Poets poured it on Olson, who is now in his nth Jus t wandering about the love· Tech, 58·38, in the second tilt to year of college ball. Coupled ly grass covered campus the The Ricketts keglers clinched Fleming roared into a fifteen maintain their u nblemished loop with Locke will be those two other day when I spied Big Don the Goldsworthy Trophy last point lead in the Interhouse tro· record. high scoring forwards Hammon Barrie, entrepreneur, labor lead. week in Interhouse Bowling at phy race by nudging Dabney in Cold and Pe te Welch. In their last el', and erstwhile golfer. He the Pasadena Bowling Courts. Saturday's track tilt. The Red Our offense and defense were meeting Welch beat the Engi­ seemed to be limping slightly The Rowdies now hold a 17·game annexed firs ts in the 100, 220, equally ineffective, it seemed. neers when he dropped a last and supporting himself upon lead over second·place Throop, 440, discus, javelin, 880, and 880 One major failing was the lack second bucket to give the Sage­ what at first glance seemed a and with only 8 games remain· relay. of rebounding. Every time that hens a 4'1-42 win. At the guard cane, b ut upon easel'I a bserva· ing in the final week of bowling Madden took two l'uns for the Poets missed a field goal, it spots will be Essig and " Mus­ tion proved to be a putter. still to be played, it is a mClthe· Fleming, the 100 and 220, with seemed as though they had as cles" McColL The Pomona club "\Vhat's the story here, Don?" I matical impossibility for Rick- Dabney's Tom Paulson crowding many more chances as they packs a lot of punch and will inquired. "M err y Christmas, etts to be overtaken. him in both events. The other wanted. Likewise, we usually give the Bea vel'S plenty of trou­ Goon," he replied, "Sit down and New Standings Red wins were by Carson in the got only one shot at the bucket, ble. I'll teU you a sad story." In matches rolled this week, 440, Scantlin in the 880, Lewis in when Whittier would take over. Coach Shy wi1~ depend a lot Da?ney moved up by winni~g 6, I the discus, and Norman in the \Ve were getting good s hots, es­ on Paul Saltman to carry most Discobolus while Blacker was lowered mto javelin. pecially in the first half; but, of offensive threat for the Engi­ It seems as if Fleming had fourth place below the Darbs in Hot Frosh Bob Stanaway ac­ they weren't hitting through for challenged Ricketts to a. golf spite of winning five games. Locke Olson, Pom ona's gI'eat­ neers. At present Paul is the counted for the Green's roster of cst basketlJa U star , will p ia')' h is counters. second highest scorer in the con­ match for the Discus Thrower Fleming s plit foul' and four, firsts, copping the high and low The first half started out very las t FridilY. I dotH want to say thereby clinching the cellar ::ipot last game against enltech th is ference with a 16 point game av­ hurdles. Dabney placed in the F t·iday evening. slowly with Tech holding quite erage. Ted Bowen and Bill Cox the boys in red were a little can- for themselves. Throop holds meet and placed also in most of fident or anything, but-Fleming second place by only a slim mar· playing at forward and guard re­ the events. Wayne Herzig was SCIC S'J'A.NIHNGS spectively carry tlie rest of the was willing to bet deserts with gin after dropping five games best second man in the broad W L Pct. Tech scoring threat. While Ted the Rowdies at ten to one odds. last Monday. jump, low hurdles, and pole Frosh Sports Roundup ...... 0 1.000 has had considerable trouble Fortunately Ricketts refused the Team standings after 15th vault, By Leon I\lichaclscn \Vhittier 7 wager and thus spared Fleming week: Redlands ...... 4 3 0.571 with his hand, he has been play­ Throop's Kitching was the best from starvation. For as it turned House \ VOIl Lost Pct. Pomona ...... 3 4 0.429 ing good ba II all season and jumper at the meet, both hori­ out Don dislocated his knee chas· Ricketts .... 78 42 .650 With a dynamic bid for second Caltech ...... 2 5 0.276 should prove very valuable in zontal and verticaL He won the place in conference standing, the ing alter a beer can that slipped Throop ...... 61 59 .508 Occidental ...... 2 6 0,250 Friday's game. high jump and broad jump while away from him, Md the other Dabney...... 58 62 .483 F'rosh fi ve stopped the Whittier L ast fot' Goon Schofield annexed the shot for four members of the F leming Blacker ...... 57 63 .475 ha ,·dwoodel's, 5:3 to 48. Although This is the last conference the otf-campusites. Redlands ha.. ') first place rather close. The refs were calling game for Paul Saltman and the squad were last seen quietly F leming...... 46 74 ,383 Ricketts won the mile with cold, there is now in progress a more fouls than any time this last meeting between Paul and strangling to death by choaking, High Games season. There were 10 called in while Ricketts successfully de· In the individual efforts, Low· ShaJ

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