POMONA VOTE FRIDAY CIILlfORNl1I TECH TODAY C(Jliftuni(J Institutl of TechnoloKY Volume L. ____________________ Th'ursday, February 24, 1949______________________ No. 18 ASCIT Candidates Face Voters ad PAauhR"ng S~ggdeSFts COpncession ~:s Sf:: ii ·Stan Boicourt, Ralph Lovberg s equU: ",m'M.~~ eace ~;~~~;~~~~$~~:: Compete for Top Position Dr. Linus Pauling's talk on "Progress Toward 'World Gov- ernment" at Monday's Y Forum, started a wave of discussions speech squad finished a busy P 'd ' B II 0 p II t B 0 F II 00 t 415 among the Techmen who heard it, foJ' DJ', Pauling brought up ~~,~r~~~e;~;ir~c~~~~~: i~Vi~~e s~~ reSI ent saO s 0 e pen rom : 0: many points which invited. ::~~~:};~~d ~!:~:Eoc~:~~~~ Biologists Invite ~:m~~!:'::,k:::fi::: d::e:~ , tour· Set for AS CIT In Bridge, Lower Throop, Houses self up as an authority on his All 0 M· Ge·orge Brown. andF d Bernard E very term has its ASCIT Today the annual ASCIT elections are being held. During the sUbJ·eet. and refer. red, re.peatedly R u d In, argumg on e eral Aid past week you have witnessed the campaigns of the various nomi· n eXICan ~ -I' . dance, and this one set for Sat- ta artlcles by Journalists and t a .L!.A ucatlOn, received third nees, and heard their speeches in the houses and Throop Club. In members of world government place in senior men's division at urday evening, March 5, looks this issue of the Tech you will find the statements of the nominees. D t J t like an exceptionally fine one. It t h"ct eser aun tlle B. a k ers fi e Id T ournament Ile Id The first nine of the following offices comprise the Board of movements a s u~ o r t IS 1 eas. last Saturday, Feb. 19. Caltech will be from nine to twelve at D' f The general attitude of the the L. A. Breakfast Club on Los I rectal's: 01' ASCII).' President, Ralph Lovberg ancl Stan Boicourt; ' Ivas t-hat a Ivol'ld gov- debating teams on the ::werage -==============,'.VlcC.I'I·esidc nt, Merle Kaln and speakel An excurs ion into Lower Cali- t h F'eliz near Hivel's ide Drive. The r ernment, based directly on the f . b I I b won wo out of tree debates, Dave MacKenzie; Sccl'ctm'y, Ollie orilla to e e( y Dr. Went will tl b t d f h I dress is semi-formal, which sig- people it I'epresents, Ivas the b e the feature of this year's Biol- le d'es recorh 01' any sc 00 nif\es tuxes or dark suits fol' the ~'IIe1i" /i'(J ~()/ie Gardner and Fred Wood,' TI·cas· only hope for world peace', and ogy C·lub s pl'lng field trip, par·,a llen mg t e tournament. men and formals for their dates. m 'm', John Fee, John Goerke, that both the existing power ticipation in which is open to 2nd by Brciman and David Oakley. Dance Theme B -d 11 00 1 00 Athlctic Managet·, Noel Reed, blocks mus t make the conces- all those connected with Tech A week earlier, Leo Breiman rI ge, : -: sions necessary to the attain· I' . was awarded second prize in ora· The theme of this dance is the 0 b H 11 11 00 4 J, Michael Sellen, and Howell w 10 are II1terested in JOIning the Pres ident's Ball given in honor a ney a, : - :15 ment of this goal. "expedition." tory. His speech was "Looking Tyson; Publicity Manager', Jim of Dr. DuBridge, and he will be Lower Throop, 12:00-4:15 lbdly (Continued on Page 6) Hendrickson; Commission· I n discussing the obstacles to Dcscr·t l i1 lowers there with some prominent mem- Ricketts-Fleming er, Bert Snider a nd Bitt Wright; the creation of such a govern­ The purpose of the excursion bel'S of the faculty. This is the Court, 1 :00-4: 15 l1' h'st Hcp, Bill Freed and Bruce ment, Dr. Pauling said that dur­ will be to collect and observe the Statements by the candi­ first affa ir of this type seen Robinson; Second Rcl', Stan Gro­ ing his travels in Europe he re­ vegetation of the Mexican desert, around Tech for some time and Throop Club and House dates will be found on page Courts, 12 :30-1 :00 ner, Richard Jones, Phil Ran· ceived the impression that the in connection with a program 3 of this issue of The Cali­ it seems like a swell idea. Bids dolph, and Bob Stanaway. European people generally con­ being carried out by Tech, UCLA fornia Tech. will be distributed by student Yell Leader, Ulrich Mel:tOn; and Pomona. This more serious sidered the U. S. to be at least body card On Monday, February E ditor of the California '£ech, aspect of the field trip will be as responsible for the failu re of 28. This c1ance will be the day Earl Hefner; Bus iness Manager, carried ou t by those members moves toward peace as Russia after the ASCIT play, which pro· Wilson Bradley; Business Mana­ is. The wave of anti-Russian who are qua lifted in this field, Benes Nephew Instrument Plant vides quite a social weekend. gel' of the Big 'r, Jim Blum, propaganda now sweeping this whereas the majority of the This is a good time to start look­ country has strengthened this party will only be expected to ing for a date. These officers control the af· belief, and many Europeans seem come along and enjoy the scen­ Set For IRE Visiting To Speak Friday fai rs ancl policies of the ASCIT, They spend your money, plan to feel that American economic ery while garnering whatever Caltech's student IRE will Mr. Bohus Benes, nephew of your social affairs and activities, policy is layed out so as to keep knowledge and useful informa­ vis it the plant of the Consolidat· the late Dr. Edward Benes, will essential processing industries tion they can. The rainfall con­ ed Engineering Company in Pas· Paulings Entertain so it is vitally impor tan t that concentrated in this country. ditions this past season have adena tomorrow, F'l'iday, Febru­ speak on ';Russia in the Heart everyone get au t and vote for the ca,ndidate of their chOice. With regard to the World Con· been nearly idea,l for desert flow· ary 25. The Consolidaed Engi· of Europe" in tomorrow's assem­ At Next Fireside The .ASCIT needs ability and stituent Assembly scheduled for ers, and it is expected that this neering Company manufactures bly at C.ulbertson Hall, men who can work and s pend 1950 in Geneva, Dr, Pauling said year's will be the most varied electronic gaging and mass spec­ One of the most enjoyable Y This will be a rare opportunity their time in ASCIT affairs. Read he did not think that the U, S., a nd brilliant display in several tographic equipment. The group Firesides of this term is antlcl· pated this coming Sunday, F eb­ to hear a man who knows the the candidates statements and due to its present attitude toward years. will assemble at the entrance to think about their qualifications such matters, would send repre· Camping Tournament Park at 1:00. All ruary 27, at the home of Dr. a nd problems of communism in Eu­ rope very intimately. Mr. Benes before you vote. rrhe polls will sentatives to help draw up a As in the past, the field trip engineers a re reminded that Mrs. Linus Pauling. The present be open as shown: world constitution, but he hoped will last 4 or 5 days, probably membership in the national or· sophomore class will remember was a member of the Czech Gov­ Bridge Lab .......... 11:00 to 1:00 that his prediction would be starting on Friday Or Saturday ganization is not required for the term-long series of firesides ernment-in·Exlle until Novem­ ber, 1942, He then' served as Dabney H a l! ............. 11:00 to 4:15 wrong. If a suitable constitution, of finals week, and transporta· partiCipation in this and the last year during which the Paul­ Lowel' Throop ....... 12:00 to 4:15 based on justice, could be drawn tion will be in individual mem­ many other field trips sclleduled Ings entertained all of the Fresh. Czech consul in San Francisco RiCkettS-Fleming COUl't.. ........... up, Russia might or might not bers' cars. It is not expected thl'ough the year by the student man class in groups of 12 to 15 until 1948 when the Czech gov· .. ................... 1:00 to 4:15 join, but in either case, the U,S. that any lengthy trips will be chapter. men. You are particularly urged ernment went under Red dam· Throop Club and Student would not lose anything by sup. made away from good roads, It is the policy of the Caltech to get your name on the sign·up ination. Houses ... 12:30 to 1:00 porting the effort. although an effort will be made chapter to sponsor as many ac· lis ts posted in each of the four Mr. Benes is in Pasadena to houses and In T hroop Club as During the question period, the to make the trip as comprehen­ tivities through the year as is address the Institute Associates sive as possible, Expenses for possible in order to acquaint the soon as possible if you wish to on Thursday, February 24 , and problem of two different eco­ go, the trip should not be excessive, students with modern practices he has graciously agreed to stay nomic systems under one world Suggestions Radio Roundtable government was brought up.
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