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Albuquerque Evening Herald, 1914-1922 New Mexico Historical Newspapers

5-15-1917 The veE ning Herald (Albuquerque, N.M.), 05-15-1917 The veE ning Herald, Inc.

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nfli'i the atiereaaor of (leneriil Otiihuff field artillery la form lh new Nine- tlllK lllCii Hlllllltlll. ALL APPROPRIATION T DEBATE ON TAX teenth nnd Tumitielh field nrtlllery. LABOR IS UNITED IN IB A( Clin urnniiKii lltrk Klevon"i In- PRESIDENT WILSON AND fantry to form tho nrw nfty-i.- r nml rifty-Kecnn- Hixlh Infantry to form WIFE ATTEND WEDDING -- Klfty-fouit- RUSSIA WILL TRY 10 BILL IS DRAWING TO the new it third and STAND1NGBEHINDTHE OF MISS NONA M'ADOO Cleirtith rnVHliy lit form Hi new Twenty. nnd Twenty. third em- ail V. Djr Aunrnipil I'mi At Kurt Hnrllinn, Minn. Thirty- - STEER OLD SHIP OP W.'iNliiiiiilnii, Mm- - 15. I'lcHiilriM By CCflGRESS TODAY POLICY CONGRESS CLOSE; LEADERS HOPE Of Kixth infantry In form thi new PRESIDENT III W'iImi. I, ihIumI nff thr cabinet meel-Ih- k COM Indny fortieth nnd Korty-llm- l. mi that lie iiiiil Mm. Wlliuti - iiiulil attend the wedding iif Mi" At Fort Ui.iml-"- . rtuh- Twentieth new Knrty-aw- . SAFE PORT Viiiui Mc Ail. .... limit lili r .f the IN TO AND Infantry to form ihe STATE TO DEFICIENCY BILL TALK NOT ACT TO WEEK Ki.rty-thlr- HE HAS DECIDED UPON letnry uf I hi' Irea-m- y ami Ferdinand onl nnd VOTEJIS lllley. Muln rum Inlili n i lie llninn cm At Kort Kun. Herotid luiHy Htiiff. lOiKhih held nrtlilery to form the new Tenth mid Weienth field nr- Although Beset With Many Diffi-cultie- i, FOREST FIRES RAGING Senate Committee Reports War, President Takes Steps to Speed Determined Efforts Will be Made tlilery: Thirteenth rylry t form British Delegates and Officials of the new Twentieth itnd Twenty-llr.- it Regime Is the Present UNABATED FOR 48 HOURS Army and Navy Deficiency Up the Program of War Legis- to Amend Measure Intended to t ylry American Federation Visit the Determined to Stick to Its Task Meatiure Carrying Unprecedent- lation Essential to Carry on Raise Revenue to Prosecute the At Hfinrut, U'im ('itmI linttaiinn CAUSE HEAVY DAMAGE the KiKhth Held artillerv to form the new While House; Place Approval and Bring Order Out of Chaos. ed Sum of $3,300,940,000. Conflict With Germany. War With Germany. Sixie. nlii anil Mr. entrcnth field r- -t on U. S. War Program. My Aatr.i 1'n-t- tilery. illhrll. Mum.. Miiv IV tinKllu A i Vuncotiver., Waiih. una liilnl fur li limn H.fnt'rHi lire near Tin liattnllunti Fniirtventh infantry GERMANS ARE li il U. S. MERCHANT TO IN SESSION NEWSPAPER PUBLISHERS OFFERING heir ii' ilrnrun d luii farmi m FLEET SIX WEEKS; In form the new Forty. tmirth CONFLICT MUST, NOT LOWER nun h damage ! DETERMINED RESISTANCE aucd lluekrt britta!.-- GET $400,000,000 AT ONCE ALMOST NOTHING DONE POINT OUT INJUSTICE At Ihn 're.idio, an Kmnriuco. hii Imtm fiiiiniil to l ill" Twelfth Infnniry lo form Ihe new WORKWOMEN'S STANDARDS nf Immcitetidrr.. The entire Sixty-Krcnn- d nrt Hixty-thlr- Mepiil.ii rang.- i iIii imh1I in Kini.kc. At I). A. ItiiKitell. Wyn. Klrwl Fire, are liiirnniK near l.ieirt h, Vir- Aside Proposed Levy Classed as Con- French Front Is Scene of Hard Government Is Authorized to from Declaring War and Is now Twenty-fourt- h Mr. Wilson Says ginia, Klnrin. .Miiunliii!! Inm. I'nnk. rnvalry to form the We Are Fight nd Twenty-nrt- h ravalry. Fighting, With the Teutons i 'nhiiMni't nnit Kinncv. A hcniy wind Commandeer Shipyards an'd Passing Bond Bill, the Record fiscatory; Papers Must Suspend ing in a Cause Which Means w.mhi work Iiiimic. it 1m i'i-- i lit (!. At Kurt Sill, ok Itt. Flrt and Hec Stubbornly Contesting Further Factories for the Purpose of Is Barren of Results; Long De- - and Many Men Will be Thrown nnd hntlHllnnK. Fifth field nrtlll.'ry. to the Lifting of the Standards of COLD iVbvERT form new Thirteenth and Four- Advances on of Enemy. SPRING Speeding Up Construction. . bates Block tho Wheels. Out of Employment, Prediction. the Part teenth field ititllleiy. Life and Must Co operate. IS OPINION OFFICIAL OF At Kl ratio. TexHn Thlr hattnllon

nn-ial- Fifth Held artillery to form the new Ill Prl U. S. WEATHER BUREAU Hy Atii.rm.t.! lrrfi Ill limn. miH Pr, t Rr Amm iatfil Prri By rr-- . Thirty-fourt- h innutnri-fihl- Alav I ".. All ippiu-priiitiu- n S - Ii 1. n .May I".. W'liHhiitKlnn. May Ktthteenth held nrtlilery; Awitit tlthmitih with .iliiiiitli.ii, n. l,r"i(i'i!i rin vtnxhiiiKton. May !S P r e I 6 n difrn iiHo-m- . the linn liunnl am en.mont uril'i ul cmujri'i wi ru ilsi.n tmlai tiiuk M'P In npi'fil th uar 'ax hill ilrrw tn n iIubc In infantry to form the new Sixty- - WIIko,, A ifr4 Pr iii today addreaned the Biitiah if K ii Kti4 Im determined to Ntick In it1 lj ' (ruki'ii luilay i h ii M uppiu- - niigi-i.'i- mi thu nf UK'-Iniin- n limine tniliiy. a fourth. Mity V- - thii tiaif ptiigraiii uar thr "ffrrinir nf in labor delvKtitea and offir la l in-k- tViirfhtiiftttnti, Thf rtiM of th Tin- m eminent will make in pi'iatiiinH ti'il thi' war, lu I'nirv on tlii ii tiller Ik At WIlHoti FlrMt i : r. Tin- inirt..n riiitiinitli'f thr llir minute rule niuin Imttallon. Amerlran Faderutlnn of when effort tu .imaiitiintiiEc the In k wmth'T - ith Uurinuny. H- - .o tthnr iliverm i' ::riny .mil limy it'tit, lull. mri- the Mtnttr. ,euilern Impp it vuti Thlr.l Held artillery, to form tho new they vilKleil the While Houae headed W thi-ll- tiidu iiiiiuinn that jii'pi'n.atH illi h nv rnpfllrt $ m u ik-- mii P. of Ik.iIi nnil hmtiw telril. hale i.imiI-tnttiMi- : n ii tutal uf l.:!ini.!i ni nil ntr ..his nati limy in rest h'M thin ii'i'k. Twenty-Dia- l Held artillery. hy I'reKldent (lompera of On- mini vt 'f I'M ""iff tuiitl-'h- of the federa made mi nrili'i'i'il iiinl i fl'u n ni hut $ nun t iin.t in nrKi iiiuii Hpii'i In I r w itnlti .iti 'l M:iiiiii i i'Jtth r lull. nnil fur oiihi iuti mii irii iiiinnl rfinriM .ll lie mail. In At IioiikIiik, Ari Nineteenth tion. in Cumihi ininiHsilii, 11 itu-- i m injj tliruii'.-- ini'ninri'K ilialiim wiiii . I t Ik ) U ultlllttllly I'f W'Mll ll ui an Atni'rii in iin ii ha llltirnil the hill. Fifty-aevent- The pre.1,1, nt In a ex- - ,i prm lull Th i hinltl-- t tn form the new hiief pwh lue. in l.iniiit inn iv li i ur.ii'.ii. prui'iiliinr fur the nnM'ii.xnriH M v ' t hi f t in. ritii' prrm I preaitetl the hope IA'-..m-- III i lw is l flrl-t- t' Krlsey. r ntltiK thi" Al Furl llenjainin llarrlaun, ml. that thj atandardt that unity wll l'e fin ;t iiil i'l rin h.l..t the war t.'X H - ci.tiiiiiitu-i- inlipil ".; :i ii pnhll-ratio- . t mill' to roiii1. d Ian Thi' uniil n Forty-- aet fi.r lithor thrnuuh many yeara t titishml ami ulllitiy a'--- linn t lull, umi i. tin i V'lti'h'x ' 'iimiutnlun. that Tenth Infantry to form the new f of thr A n Hi'iiaii-in- ii Inil. in u tli" ' t - tin hnii".' -- pai.l tin IiinI year rt ti Forty-eixt- leitilatiie effort would not he lowereil if liiii iiriniiii ntatiie- .if tin pi i i'l. vu al tinlny uulri iinirnt and e riMi-f- mm Thr hi nipriKi'iiti aa roiiKi-inien'- iii-- tnl-- wi'ii' l.'.iiii. fur pontaue hul new a of the war. Mr It.i racy IIumi- pioper ih' ns IhuiuuKlili nliiu-r- il to I Ii Mitii.itloti lllli.mio rr utuler tin' i! uf nut li.l.iil il' fi'lli-- i . f I. iiii". mill fui' - Onmperit the preahtant i mi: '! B I wuiilil liny IIHI. pit- awured that Inn in the tuk " cmili lli a ' ii ii l I n in. I'un- - late il umi. while l i 'il -- u'iIiiik ii i 14. uf in'il lirm ' :H wat u.ilted in "tandlnir behind I'll li fit ' ii'til n. ul'i s lian l III ii's.! ,n llllnllt h, i pi r ii imhl eimi I'll) nmre. HHii.iiiiii f.,i- iiiai-li.i'i- .l him. Tli mum II i.f iililii't nnil wrk- - iiiin IWiKs ami vi it Ii tlir ipl mil of thr I. ohm ilry of the .' w ork Tune $::.,. mm. nun uril- - tv ( fu. h'.nv .irn.v I. ,,r l.- - poMtam paper The ireldent apoke In part a foN llli ll H li'K'lti'i. i.lll IMIlli lllillMh" !i hiii- ami tin- .mi mul ami woiil.1 ! ll.l Tlf". Iowa: I llf liml Xtiriin' WILL BE AUTHORIZED Can l.niiil lull, Iris put thiniiuh iioni' ihn Tiiiu-- 1,, ii mure. ii ppii ri'nl l' l K"r tln in . ini'i nu'iilimil uf thi ii'iii.lal Inn llfri'SMii y tn n Mm '.t'nlK MrAnetiy nf the Tiiiii'H de- -' "Thia la a mrwl welrnme vlalt ae - i: hii-ri- l T It appru-piiat'.u- a willing tu i uiiMili-- p.irtir ihfy il tt'tti'il tiiinii'iluiti- ii'scfnl prnHt'i'iitiiiii nf tin viar. the tux roiitlxriitnry. mtana moat weirom.i thin. i PiiiIkii In tlir r.nMiHiHiu nf it cu.illl in uf $ Iini. linn, mm and tiiithtir- - Mill II ili'lay IllIM iirriiHlmir'il. Si nali. r W i in in h miKKeHleil the the Ki.mtaneou nf men a .Mi from wulk of life It linii iippi'inti-r- TO RAISE A DIVISION .1 1 3 nun in'" iiiuii' fur Inter Iiartiriiiaiiv m tin' nonati ly lonix rnulil ailimire iheir ritten. Mr. nil lntrreld to piu'.i--Iniin- ii' we any - tu nruttmi. Willi tin- an "fliKI filliil." No pi ..lira in of lust what nirnr,-uii'- Mi'Aneny Kuht that wti-- J lnipu(iilie. that do not foraet f the firin- unit i fui mill. t Im ciple nf our Uvea In meeting (jiii iimn Thi- till :tuili"iixi' !hi uuv riniH-n- sho.ii.l assil flrit hud tnn Frank I. HIiixk mii i,l there win, Kim the treat wlm-- wmilil emeritenr) haa upon ink ii pri'trim uf lumlilii'ii" tu imIi-i'I- (tup MH'N. tniipp.'il "nt tniliiv. lint it ln'lii'M'il nip to a. that oottie Iniinl the effort that tin tax wim I very poiinit Sm iiiliM upon n I i li'iii-latu- wniil-- l have been niueh alarmed at cnirv iH'i iir thi' pruiliii n ul (.in h l.i' t"l'H'M ami thai "...I .nit il lit it in pun hh ni'WHptipi'i'K. I. ii In tin- - nnnintiv. Senate House Conferences on In- filMt one nr two thinsa that have happened and t.l.ll' i'i tlllU'llllillliK lilnullii thr t a . t' i': Jaiiir. Kerlry i.r he 'hirnK't .llrr-- at the apparent Ini llnatli.n of the leftla- - Tins ImIIuw. llii- iiiiiii iI'k IIILHU-- ' 1(4 i ulll rani h PI l.i mil nllla ul Ul -- in-t- n Name tin- the Army Bill Agree to Report inl that rvcrythinr that K'irn Nebraakan's Brought Into Imiirea nf tine or two of our atntea tn npi.n llii nim :it tli fiunt I ('"Il-- j u'i u inm' III. i lllrl lull Hit. iiiainil.ti-tiir- nt a tiewMpapor wet uf . iMinu tu fi :iu i with thr aalde even temporarily tiie law nii' Provis-io- n lai ilil Ki"l In In plllil PETAIK IS PLACED IN h:t.-- l Trial of Fram RinUlen and it In - the Measure With This I'll! l.i ailianrt-i- in thn hint vein front whirh hale aafeicuardod atnndnrda of anil mi nppiul tu a tin-i- fur al ...itl.llilr pi itt M .'.nil labor nnd life. I 1.111111' ttll' nlll'iiHIVi' llt:.llt!Nt mi tn tier rent. Othen, Chafged With Conspir- of think nnthlnf Remaining in It. i : I luin-i- far- - thim i,ii iii' tlii- - "f ii pi ...ii'. i('llrr i''illsii MuTi Sroit, pic.uilriil of the ln-- t i. uld be morn deplortiiile than that. ii'i-i- ' nr inn "lltlli'ltt-- i lllil I.H rniit'.nnal Typurirhtntl union, acy to iJiBrupt the Industry. We are Irvine to .Hunt. .In I raun pciia hz'-il- whirh m ea iim thn lifting aland- - MiallW'', ' I" ..!, I I'l .i in i COM i.ti'l of the My Pr- or we In w HUH Acr!!..!! iillu-- l I s u l Li' ard life and tun flht that iiii tin .It'll .'. ' in imoii put law' yutt are "iini: mi ri' slllv W IsllillKli II. May I M'liatu all'l "If inn tin int.. bent h voluntary i4.-i- I 111. III-- I II ' I' a . I ratine r'.'ifiemtlon. ii i' liv Hi' ' h I'll 'i i ,:i .... ul iii .tllll ipl lull, IP. mi: tn mill tn the army nf linen,. Hy Aioriati Treil. - I any ht.dy nf men l In l liv till- Hl'Kl Il a ml Imi, 1.1 ' Ii $ .11 IHt It New May IS. do not douhl that nl a ni'rn j " stl ..I '( tip' Kltiitili.'ti York. Federal Juds .la am i I'.l I" l ' pi'l t i w i ii jptottil ami make all thi repreHentlmr labor In thia country 'i ' m h. m Iiii hi tlx il ill ! Il- -i ll.lM' If , l....i I. It lull. tl. I '.M.U.tHI'P '".tiKhnian. i.reKi.llntr at the trial of inm a at hut .: ilu- '"i'.', Will"!'. peitklnir for their tellowa. will ho pit lll'lt tU pIlLllI. I r ilalliti'l- iiii ain.-- alia; f"l .11' a t ailit--. 1 1. lliiv nl laininr. FTitnx Klnti '..n. raptaln iii i r h'-i- pi'ri of the In-- li willing any aarrlfioe la I lliu imIhiiIi ,l:iM"ll aatt '"ll, l.lriit tn make that I. If Hll' rnmii in". TU- - t :t it 'iam N, (I,,., lv fi.r nil ill I'l'rl'UlH, in the Herman imiy, and ntliera, for ili'-i- r. i i "" i - neri-Muir- liuMi-wr- . l It.,.,, Hi t,, p'.nl am . tiall'iiia! Allied ITHillntt Tnult- in order to farry thia fonteat h n lu .1 n1 i $ - nll.'Ked y illMiipt the mil haw lu tin clip ill'' Ml . u tl iH't' J unttpirai to re t uth.-- I' 'I (' k;iiiI :7j Inhnl to it aurreiwful laaue and in that II a; It'illi- j.Vu haites in I1!' villi- ' H - lllrle lierp IndiiKlry In 191 S. toduy hlorked .ml. iiiuii Inn' in ilu' uiii HI II.I tu nlth.n le ust f'l n I in. uli- i h- l h. I Popular Hero Is Named pu liltrnt miw ami law- wniilit I JoaeplniM feel thnt It would lie tip' i ma iluii-- t ruiiipli'ti'l l. .uifi il- - that In ji inn l effurlK to hitv ' mi M .i m ti i.n in.i i i.i .i K'l we deprived men worn. . i III. If Oxlitl navy, If and I Tin- i'i. I'll ii ! ' v. i'I l..... nimitt .nit uf lire. rhtnielH. aerretary of the railed i u. , i... .i ltnsi:la ntiwi i ii chief; General Foch, am h a plrlt or any of the ex- - -- .. leHtiftjt Mr. IanlelK tele en of i mln-- I liall-- i- tin- n p lm ; I m( t i. of riihlirr here In Tin- il' ilii.' al ilu'. In huii. mil f .'in hu mii .it n i ti i n n a nl ri the Iini wtfeKiinrda of law. Therefore I , y I Krnplieil intluK mi-.- ii'liilili-i'l- I'l'p-i,- In I". A. lie knew alamlntrly nnthln mi puHiinin H' tin1 Ii Ill' ii! una! I'HM-is- .;, Hero of wrrr at, next. win Ii. j, r ul ii. i .il (.nun Battles of the Marne III (hull exeri lae my Influrnre mo far a llli-li- nf Ihe The JllilKe derided If II rhta a lillthur u '". lulmli-.- is i.rlaiii J imii). nf Akrun. a,,l the hill :ik iae. hap- l.'l "l'llil'.l TH:ir,m- ri( p' J. ii. Imtiiimiiy nereKKiiry a ilepORltloti It K.ira to nee that that doea not pn-- h I l II 11 II in-- Yser, Succeeds Him. wiih tnw nil tin' f"iu uf w:i jllliiH-- "llli-t i $ ; and iltaliril wan tin, lair tu the rilhln!' we ;ti mii.s i.r tniio MiT" 111 pen ami that the anrrifirea muke - - iit ruiihl he WaMhina'ton. pi ll llll-n- i ' lili'iiilii np. I'll ''111 I - l.- II'-'- ! - Hi rt .'. pt-- taken refill. !'illi "I aillll it i '. I r a rin rn''!.!.''! that thnll he nittde voluntarily and not un mail" hf mii - Ijiniar the Ktan.'. runt Inn is a:!llli-- r ' hi- mlatiikoniyi l.uli aiwl f t'u';t . nut rrlit iiniloriii tax nil ruhher le.. line - pi In der Iho t'oinpulMlt.n whirh l 'rt $:' ft)- A l'r.-.- hie teKtitiinm- retntrd to tho Is MIT II ' ,nriiit..l II K. Maul llief,. wan null" l 11 i ll a , llulrhkicM la interpreted l menn a h.werln of l'ltl. fcls Wln'tli' I' ami nil i.;hmi riutnura'tut'i' 'f Miinhi,ir,'i I'.ll-.-,- tereMi mii Hrvan I I - he i.l William JenuliiK N t l ftr May p. Ill l irn- I WITH Id sol Mil . I. t Ii ti y Hilpply nf III' e anuRht fui.-.- iyu liuw.-wi- i mi t v. d.tiv rillihrr 'il Htnndiir.U whirh have ulii nti cr al'rua.l, dt r fur h nt i , took In the Iraffi the I ". IT. n-i- )i- t al I'rla in a . .uipi'inti il riiin-i.- f liirnty-nin- r I'.irls May n mi Tin- lur tlii piinli-n- p. I'llitril SlatrK mnt nl... nt hlu reMltinatli.n throiiah an many Bt nerntlona to hrlti ltii(-m- lii'iiianiM at- - iimvenieiit after ul mmi.-ii'- i "I mu inamlrr in rhnf ihr Krrnrh tran-i- t lliilibri-inatiiifa-'- i I nation tin ITIim i i i a.-- . l il.iii.' supply in to heir prenent levei. ui: pi inn i' in. ims troni NINETY LIVES LOST IN tin- an Ktirretarv of Mt.ite. ll il in n uprriit mi: mi al r.-- r.i-- linilik'ilf anil limii'i 1 - K furnirrly lhri'. flKhtinR remorrnry In Ilu :in umi,, m1 tin- v.ii'l; j . urri Henry H. Martin, a defendnnt. told "We are for . . il I III Ci a iiim-tit- t. 'I llli' ' in :ilil ul Ir.iKr.iil. alilnrt ll niuiitliH' Mipply, hlt- - Meii-.- e ho exprottced ii'IhIh lliu i nil!i-r-- ll"p'' lu liavr tin' TORPEDOING OF LINER he "aal him. Ijiinar leMtified. that llryim liirer than ran li.ivr a pamf il tmpt i ilrin-ra- l Niirll. wa. i.l.'unl in ruin-tiian- many riiii.i'it "i"ii I Wyinn-il't-- t. triiKt" In any political term. There are I "III lll'llll .lllllplll llvlirm nut Mumlrll of terlv deiiiniiirrd the munition ml in. M .- I- .1 tln f. i that tin- ot a i:ruiip n minir-i- . tlinrru! ai' government an . ABOSSO NEAR FASTNET Ki'puliliian, a...nihil the nernnil ami the men i.f It w ho. he nl'l. in 191a forma of Democratlr i natluii in lipt-it- i is mcttini: wnr-i- lu- h. u In. plaii'l an inipi.rtani rult on the we fiKhtlntr for any partlrular . tiili-- I.H were hrinttlna nreKKiire to hear are not licili-r- : ll. lltall itlrrr.ljie all r nr nil rn e- - mi. I'l I'f anl it iiiuri' nippr WAR LIKE CHILDBIRTH, .ii thr linttps uf tin M i tin- : inl Into we fiKhtlnx for tl.e Pri- ihr iireaident to fnrre Ihe rnunlry form, but are Ilia. an KiiKpfi ti ll. Br i in, t. proyilH'ialn,tll. namely, we COMPARISON OF HEAD CF Xr Vi'ik, May rr HiirrirJ-- ilrii.ral I'rtain war Itrvan exiireiwed approval, l.a nentlal part nf It nil. that rlirlr i U.-i- "I nut iipprnnrlt ihiM Ktilijer'. In i ll, f ul' .tall nl (In lillll.sllv uf tin ninr aald. Martin t'.ld him, of the ire all eipially Intereated In our aortal M T. l w n Ii it il an tinrnnf mr.l rrpuit tnilay that (he or I'liMIM iiii: - the ilitrreln of tie movement, "nv polltitnl life and all nae a riaot BANKERS' ASSOCIATION Hvih on A pi il 111 tin- traffir nnd l I lil.l l IIV i t n. li.lntl ttrlr lu.l I'l niauaninrn,'' baiil. "I. itt an government under in mi tin- ittMh r.i l I'l lllin a hr lather m ir li mi Id "b.i dnwn Into hlatory to the voire in the May I i Via l.uiiiluii. tut pi ilnini: of Iti linrr Aim... uai. Irtlrr. . Tin--i- i i'hr ivhn defiicM alt inturinntlun Ihri an a which we live and that when men ani a - alnnit Tl iiiiIib .until ..( I'.i.tin-I- "luiu m t In II ,tK nf t. Will, ttood thinK." M.n i:.. J a in. i Till' tlM nt tl'i- Mr ihIh.I I'lr tn la nut - equally admitted to tn,. iv l . t In- many riu-h-- ruiitam nntiutial anil hit- women are tUV i:i Pii-.- i. I . - ;Ki- i hil'1 ni ph kril up iiiiniiti' tun n In ia o- - ii. Dill- til Ihv CtlSHI.III Ill lMtlt hiti' Yuii etntatmi't- I auregilitrtl I. la-- ' ii Initial in Hrupr. that Snnraicr In jitland. right we have the bet ll III' Hnlillflf Hint lui th h ti 11 us t lit tl'l i lat'l ami lamlril at lain I'l'l'. ii ni Iiii r ii u tur :h,. mi. i. lilt" 1'iHMl' Wirl.' riiilr It iltlllll-l- n I'l" plUpUMillM lllil, May peitc thut the world .1. (IX l prli-ltt-- tl v. Lllil u ilr.-ti- : . . till in London. 15. (1:11 P. m.l JiiHtire nnd "f ll li'K'ltOs ' "IltlllUilll' O a tlt'ttn. in-- IT "Hli lit l' i'l till' pnSHI'tU'rl'-- mil r hah .ii r mi Mtfegimrd. i'l lU'Krf hi'. lull iMlahl:..h it a ' lit. MiMtein. Ktnte for There la no other -- N.tM i It fnlll nf i : l I Ii lit Waller II l.i.ti. erretiiry of nffi.rd. t w;ir .Mul l:tlrs :i i n 't . Tl s lol tl thr rrrv, In n ,r tiuiit. )r ranir tf tl' ' , . i 1m any group of men. Whatever ineir - A ilmpat. ll ,, 'I ion of it nnil mil the rnlunli'K. In! ruitnrert In the houne Let lull) Ihr li.- lii1'' at thi ttf lihiK v Hum lani'lull inrlitl a pupil! .1 hri am tl u! Ihr intention, attempt to dlrlaie f ' I 1,' llr- - . 1.114 re original i K ll an I mule hnpni ta in ihati nf .ii today the elertnrnl .f i i' :.hiKtm' nn l(lllllri till' l.uiiiluii I'll "l,ll I" f.. h,. .1 l i.l iifi'y reiennr ii in hat pollti- - '1 new .pa (n'r- - en to their fellow men their l i- ii- - lt.i(a 'l nt tin' ii.iiiH' 'f ii in ii K lu know .h thr lalllch ll fir Iho lirlfarn nf til, I'l form h whirh providea for the ami ni Tin 'it. nrl lillllrl'ntnuil lla ntl foitun. a hall he and the reeuit : uin-'i- i il ilit- iv n hail falli',1 pnlilixh lu In iiiaKaxiiiri,. W'r iiin.l halt lhMi of women, Mr. lA'H II I iti.u ih" iivmi' ii in thr luul I h ant of Ml. hll fninrhlM'n.ent and wrong of rtiTi rHM " lu'-o- f l ll'W It and Imrdshln " of nf "it hit ship with "a . r- - ' litlrlelit puintM nt if ive t' ii Id would tlo Ihilii. Ma I I Via I. lull. I 'in nxiit ihr full stnnnth tht Tx:n ri'itain lull w Hi h nip-.- 'pull tin- jut. h i air the itoveriimeiil deepent aort. Thereiore. we tl liyr.." iim a hutiiutti-nrnii- pi hi'Hl ri K n of thi. )'i tulioii. tiiifiiH, linn' mnri than I i -- rii-'- r "iitin'ii niile. to I.r limit tin ndditli'li i. Ii Tiini K of thr Hi'llnan iruMli Urn, la! l.i ill iia Iiih Ui'' Juki now feeling a we nave neier im t m t m r Hi' In hill Hxe nl whlrh a ilu i haw- r 1( III Ihr f.ll'lll of thr nrmil thrift ...I I. win, in i. Ml. ii4 tin which 'he nm' out if a aenae ot eomrndeiililp. . tin In-- , it t'f iiniHiii mul women would he lied tn rt imisi ..f I'm t ir M.illllal.'ill nit t .. a. pt ilu I" n .ilnini am I: una' "l' We ahull feel 11 even more. he.nii . full :a . ( ln oiil inm'. it nd :ia tin Alsin uila s a rlliv .tl in ni - l.lill tu II'. ARMY REGIMENTS TO at we have not vet made the aaerlfliea piii-.lij- r u.lii ri ..'in 111 i a iilliplr' s at III r t 1. Ill III .. uperalm lu inakr I I l make, an we have In uil'pl.ll Irl st r p. .It. lu- .1. s rr, ' 1..I Ill I',., that we are going to ,t tin- war. prea-ur- e m lli.' : r -- mm w ;l a. i In n..t yet felt Ihe lerrlhle K I l i up II III hr '' we are I.I IIM III T Itlll lsll "Tin ai an f"i cit I'l- li. .offering and pain of war and l III I. I I t i II I HI 1.1 IN v'il Unit h'in.aii In feel It, and I hav ll iniiHi' r hair WILL NO! DELIVER a N.M'lll-I'rla- .a ciilmnliii ' going preatntlv -t tin iir I. .May i I p - hi'ii i ,11,1 Itl In a H- - prewur mul. hi I'i tu rmhtx ilrrriu ir II every ronfidenie that ri al II. ',, nt thr laltn', fal- i IH liv llriiiiaii-- i .I " In Ill'P'll ua our eplrlt will not itlrl' ii. l.ninrhnil thr -- t w eotnea upon II,. II lu tl. In- ii ulr d 'ii. I. on Ihlll-l- l pusltmli- - III 'hu and be atreniilhe-ie- and il i I 111 Mar-lll- l ter hut ne Unlli front ll in. Ihr Miir nl L we ahull have a nn-- t nil i'ckihii mi thr .rra t that in the laat SPEECH AT PRESENT i ri-- ii rim rt ii'lii'lnl K' h. unltv I'.i.lai's ofd'liil 'itatrinr il saw Ihn mini I feeling and national w In. a I'l .Ilia it: In in Ht rr il in ItnlliTiini t niailr rrooiil ni Hinli an never gladdened our heart .hi. t ll .1 nit Hint (In- - Itritlsll ailianri',1 p. .M. tin il a r, W in, il' limn lu tUr "ilTVj, U htfnrr. it in thr iiorthii I'Hirrn puitmn nf thi ! UtHt 11111 "1 want to thank you for the ha- ills-- a ay If there lll.iui urrr lulrril k a sltnlt Peace Terms Are Not to be Out- Will be Expanded to Form the of thia visit and m r HE IS INNOCENT OF AGED WOMAN WILL BRAVE am wav m whirh I can lined by German Chancellor; the purpnne of till committee or New Units Necessary to Bring with labor-In- n II U I V T K I ' III I IN M SUB DANGERS TO REACH with thoie wth whom you are I: Teutons Have About 325 prlv.-leg- I III-.II- II XIII IIIIOI l' IN All Ho Wants Is an Early and the Regulars to the Full War it will afford me a ene of l.ll HER HOME IN AUSTRIA " .Mai 1.'. (Via May I ' and of pleaauie llullir l.olliull. Satisfactory Conclusion of War. Strength; Locations Assigned and from 80 to 100 Have Been ...ll p m I - Thr Italians luul. thr luilai Tin- war in iiuiiin 111 Pri-- Lost, According to Interview HUNDREDS OF FLORAL r uiiM'lrr.i I'lr pim;r-s- wa. mail I in M.n I.U'-- ti t;.-- ihit . U-5- r A,.n.-- k i I it.- 4'i-- of FROM AVIATORS 11 till' l'l. iill'll. nil tllli sluprs t'r.i I'rri la i.i In i' i"i,.i Vii.ii iu fine I'i With Member of Crew PIECES Kelly Enters a Plea of IP Iiii i ,a I. ill. Intl. M i U M 1 Mniitr 1'i.uin ami on tip' hillc i'n-- 1 "I The Rev. nl Mr. I .1' ' il l li'rk. .1 .pin- a ll. n. il . t FUNEHAL I a t i tin-- 'IIU i lu-l- a I 1 I u tn w it a w n i AT CARLSTROM uil ivia nnil '( I toliiy..a 'I'hl'l al. Not Guilty When Arraigned i Mm i Inn. ui' of Hum HI .11 year.-- 'ill in ni 'nit r m V tu l.ul ill ml f niailr a thriiHi In thr niirih'rn si'itu! pr mt inllrt III 11 111 rr In, lay f..- .V Vut k til I'ravr mil d lu m tu Ihe lly At.'iri in-.- l !'rrif inl thr I .1 I'al-- n lilli-liri- i In- la'il Inn ii '.. i i tn Jll A Unndmi, May mi' Today ; Suys He Ii a Law abid- Ihr I. I' ll . I. IK luilay I'i h.i i mtt that .1 tin- ll limi ts nl .i' H'T'III luj'iwr i.'.iiii'iiii tt'i thn in. I' ul.uii tVni hy I"ii I w 7 I i.r i uf ami 111 t , -- I,, 1.' a, nermann have uhout . Mav - Hundred ..f thr iinnv Mist nil lint M-- ,' III li ) l ut In' thf.iinh thr nt ilu xutii'. Mil.' tail ir .trenicth in The m iner. a Bluebeard. i . l u . I i I i v I w ; , military ...I. pri.i.iu'ii ing Citizen, Not In a 'I. ni ami llpliill-i- i.l Ihr ti a " is ul i 11.'. Biihui.iriiie. ,ii iiperatiun and about tlurtl piece-- from aviator, ip" i,, until inakr ria tali all A, -- Tin- slalriin-i.- - J i, ,. V V - 1, Hit Hi lt in all part of the Ihr illfnilri' - f Th h e I'mt friend In- ilriiiiii il tn .In .... tlrrni.-ii- trui ' .ti (tinman i Al Sua, tie. in in Inn i been tlirmnrh oltl, ial and , hy nit-llri- ihrriiuii. f Trie-tirau- f. .p in-!- v miiiiini miipi.rl''l il .! .. n i v f.'llltli tn f"l III Thirt r iht h Ir Ii ill. an to Ih" made tho ntiU'rat inoay ili-r- u All ii nl Inn nit while thr iit'ta iiu. rouniry m prifoniMK linui;hl in Thi. h in, sa 1. that in 't a notable Niiiiili.rv an' It r MH''(llr I'r ii tin y wen iiniI ll. ".r Nidi. lu , 1. 1 and Th h .N.inlh ini.iiili'V l' wblt h 'n inU an interview with iAiialoe Virior farlftrom I V- -- 1.1 t.iu: war amm Hit null III iu 111, I Hal, la Mar liri mi .ty. fni ui the ni iv ty null uD'l a inember of thr crew or the aubma-lin- i one. Formerly of Imiit er. CarlHironr 14 m K lll-l- 1 Flerk. Jr., uf thn. ItMV l I .1 fui' Inm ii a an lllil lnl IWII Itl S it t!H ttiiniMtrr. rail. i ' h Tvii-iit- I nil.lnl-- v in nvlnilon ona tl Krll, iinrrmit Mix. "1 Hat n i ilay oil I'ul ulii tli'i I'.S. 'lieianie an In.trucior IN t I t HI w I'lirk nil II M ItlMI.N THINS airi-.sli'i- i trlil.l; in nllllri Inn With riilli'llIM nf hr ar w aa- - hi folorad' ilu-- ' Tuikl-- h ri:a-- t tu tui in the in I'uiti ninth and Kif. When ut hea the .iliimtrinea Iw.ek niter leaving I 'llll-a-a- . n- - ihe .nine .hip wi'li 1' i i May a ilt'l at .it.-- l I g I'' it? rn Vi l.uniluii. Ihr Itl I.' mill Ilu runiilii. ami lull lliplrl -' I In I every ninrn-in- Hying and before hi 'I ion ii 'n in .1 airs. m ill. n.t Lati i'iiin ar teinhlt. at a given point run' h to I - l I I I i;iiiIi a i I . tin J', p. Ill It lililllll.' known lo Irn-i- a pi ii., al mi' p.iM t III . in.- p I -t Newport ir thr nihil r uplr till. I V tu fnllll Ihr h tirl. al mid rereiie w .releit in.tru.'tloni. .l.alh la- week lt New. 1. ilu- Tin- hi .1. n that Just htf iiii hr.uini: luilai ipii"t inn uf ii ar II M II II.I pi .11 . "ii,i ii t - oh wnrld a reroriS ll.-- I. Urn Tiler,, are hiri nine t'.bi.i.l- V ... hi.'l brnkeii Urlil-t'a- l ll ' .1 annul of War lulliei I.r I'l' ' I I t f 1'im limit Alllllslff rriiiutal tu K.I III Ul" .11.. lur llllili a hr t I'.. :i S ml - type, eui-- u a lepiilii'lmi whU'W I it M.irr. lattnl- of the newettt taryiiig and atiniied lu1 rstrnlai luilay v. i' c ml-- ! Clearings hliuif wih iiniiniin l.ltrr r Ira Bank Today llfty-ai- x ran Ki-n- for rin.' huh I..I.. Third IH'lil nrt 'lleii lu fui in Hi'' ri'fw of men. phired b in in the tnreni.wt i AH'XiH Hiiis-iiu- if mini. In "I am a law iiniilinif ilini.' '..m il ill ft t l iL III a ll,l I In' t y. Mt a -- peed nrw-p.'- pi itu-- liir mil hr Twelfth lu I'l artill. The Itl rlaxa hoala have t.iLiiun'M airnien. n nl it m ni mi. s m thr mil. I III a flat PI In ih. rhnf Ihi .In uf" it i . ..-- I i inlan-t- brought l IHinver - I leri lliu ni ...lull I'n I'mirth r.i I. 'Hinted aa Hiilllclent to ovettako wiin ..llllmrMI-l- ami l.rlll'l.ll lllllku 11 I. tin- I.' lakr I. Tin eli'iirini'i i'f tlin Alliu .mil The Inn- ;i'l tit- 1 I. i a brother. - wr-- I I a, nl. In l ti'' th" null e'lniin fur li" in ful'll inw !' iy hi h .iml am "at. Kut'll t"llipliek tt.m.iav hy furl ln ..I una. uli r oil tin- llil. i.i'l l am not uinlli. luinks tnil;iy iniiin gov- - ' hi ly it ml a' " .ui. am iui'riii worei II I wo pel aomeUinea i in Ih ! I'l' nl ll. r.l mil i ..I ll a Ii i r ihlr n inn as that ll I'lttV llilith. iilftllltrv In fur. with and who aM) an iiitrurtor III Hunt flkli Irlirlril il- t t he war Mel unit l I I .. i Hi Mit-tli- t. to O'1 achool at epor I .mix. Thr ll'.IUlial ! llli r I uiililii I In Itln'tv nf kllllliu people ihe Shi aii, .lir'"lliU to from thirty ernmeiit aviation ii 'uty aiiythinti $82,343.31 1 j: lit i live In Sweden. unity oftp'eni i't ' inmiuli'rul J iH'ii-- i tu and tl i'l n t km Al Mulilauk I., HevfntU ilicuea. tit parenta tto :

It The Evening Herald, Albuquerque, N. M., Tuesday, May 15, 1917.

44V4444444444 4 4V4 4 ASUDGEIJ ATTACKOF STATE SANIT0R1A STEPS ARE TAKEN BY Today's Baseball IT t ...... Results HEART DISEASE FATAL ARE ADVOCATED BY American keagua ' CI lira go 1 1 s I'hlladclpbla n. Simply Class At t'liltvigo. It. II. K. TO JOSEPH H. CHOATE I'hilaileipbi ,on onu one u 4 Chlef.i ,n :n (i:x-- ll II! I Mattor.ea: K. Johneon. Mer and 1' Imley; na and lchalk. Former Ambassador to Great Aid Organisations Caught Be. Regulations Art Adopted Which W anltJiiutiMt, III S. the True Intern-tiona- At (. That's Description Britain tnd Lawyer of l twven War's Millstones, High Will Stabalise Prices; May Op- Driroli: lnk ). K. waahiugton ,.n:i nil luifl 11 M I Reputation Diet Sudden- Prices and Small Contributions, tions Are Eliminated and July Hciroll , i o 1 (tin 2ni :, 1J at His Home New While Appeals Holp Go llntterieor Jldinaon and Alimmlth; ly in York. for On. and September Curtailed. t'oveloaxle. Itauan. Couch. Jame and1 i Kpencor, Veil. of Our Furnishings Tho iabllahment In Now Mexico By New May of iid lm. lbMou Clctclnnil 5. York, U. Jneph Hodge Mate ranatorla for tnhor'-uloal- waal 'hiuo. May IV BeprentatlVM Hcoro: n. :. leading II. . (nrmfr mtcrador ti advocated hy (IMIiort Ctwulioh. general grain exchange of tho Boat on 202 III) " l t Britain nnH lrt ' country a meeting today lawyer of International aeeretary or tha civic Betterment at her rec . . . . 013 (IIIO - levoland od i II i died- , ex- - fume, inirtdenly nf heart dlee tonaiio. In hl inonthlv report to tho nmmended to their Hitterle. Ituth. Leonard and -: Realizing the wt hla )wtii In I III city )al night dlrectora. who met at tha Commercial 'hatige that they continue until rur Comlio, taiobvth, tloulil and hi ittireit olu laat nltrh. tlior nolir tho rtilctle reitulntlonK i i Neill. great demand by yrnra. Mr. i"1inai frmlt an acflva part Mr. 'oiiltcft quoted from a report ahlrh were put in effect y regulation in the entertainment mm nee nf the or an ddrer that aiMared In a r'-r- Tlieo varied but little National League young men for n war eomm Ueton laaiiv of Tho Kvonlii- - Herald, In the varliiiKi exi hnnRee elimlnntin French Brltth May In New Yin. tho aucreas of urh limtltu option and riirtnilins oprratlonp Brooklyn, 6: t lia'hiiiuli. 1. In July and Heilemlier wheat by fix K good furnishi- a-- Hon in Maairhuiwtta. as outlined hy At Brooklyn: It II Mr. wh with her '!! Chut. a apeaKor afnro In ing a maximum price: permlttlne auo mill - '2 n 1 hiiniNuid wbeit h J v!, itljapurd and tho National Ao Cincinnati ...,ii:'i ngs, jtmn for tho ntudy and l'revontlon of '' but no buin. eycept to llnuldnte llrooklu nun o n lux I 1;' " this store is una carried front hi room. Early .rxiwiui today a hujlriin homed liy phician Tuierciloel. nnc" llatterle.'l, Kuetxer and "Wo en Id apoaker 1 1 lV)i Mar-HiNi'- have round." tho The repreaented at tho WiiiRo. . Clitrk; Cheney. d prepared to called i attend her rUied that ehane meet hrr quoted hy Mr. Cnwulich. "that the Il'i meeiin were; Miniiciiiolla hmnber anil Miller. conditio i war critical. patient now llvln and at work aeojof ennunerce: St UmiIk nierchnnt In to I ha memory of Mr upproxlnintelv week.' knnnaii I'ity lionrd of the demand tiibut ll.lii cmincr. lrnil.. ChlciUlit, H: Iheaott. . wan hy In irrftt tho In - .New Cltnate. who chararierled which. Itnelf. ahowa liinhn Drain exchanito. York At Hi. nli. n, H K. Mat or Wit.hel In hla of we- - jveotment whh h etato had made In I'roduce ixchiince. Dululh board of and now we are addre the I'hk'RKn n;n njn 040 1 1 irta B New larito lolip or put tent la not al- - Win- - u to Arthur J. Balfour jthla trmle. Toledo I'roduce exchunce. 1 :i - llonton nun nun ; York' citiaen' the mayor together waatod." nlpe- exchnnite. and the t'hi- - mil ready. 'foremot drain Vi(ni.'hn Ty- Before ordered th flag at City hall placed Mr. ' honrrt of trade. A committed llalterlen:' nnd Wllaon: Coaullth apoke of tho rhnnRod ler And dowdy. at half mil at. condition, duo to the war. that vharity J made tho followliiR Announcement you buy rieb-Rnt- - your Tli funeral will e held Thuraduy oraaniiHtiona ar now faoliiRT. j "The aiwenthled In Chica- Nf4"' i 1 I'liibvbdpliUl. N; A. morning In ft. Bartholomew' church "l'auht botwoen war two reit j Mav . repteeentatlve IHtplnirlv , north-loctlon- a At II. II K Summer MiiriHl 111 b 8tnokhrldge. inlllatonoo b price anuill col-- nilllera from the oiithwet. the I'bil idelphln: supply ami at and nun ; the auinmcr horn nf the Chottto charity orcanlxntlotui are went and the mlddlcweet k well n I'ilinHiii $h ....flan 2i " K family.(., t confronted with the necenelty of re- - prominent Rraln nierchnnt from other I'hiludelpbla ..UO'i "4:1 lux 14 of furnishings let coiinlry. upproved Hutlerlcn: Klnch-T- ; At 50c to $2.50 Mr. la have over-tune- frenchmen! and readjuntment." al'l ectlon of the hm e ilrlnir. Miller and Clinaia believed to ex- - 1 or what wn done by the different Miiyur nnd KiMlfer. hla trength In hta effort the noker. us show you our Iln- - 1(.1 mux I price hnvo Wo lire sclliiio n ill French and Britinh en- "The famnu wr elon of 'Huninee., hnnea In mil in nnd int'itMin iie vurlou-panlo- n S a com-- 1 decided to recommend to A 11 ( c i voy during their recent vill rual' miRht to have it the variety of tio in m . motto. 'Charity fer-- j exchaiiRe which Iho.i repreHent thit Yesterday's Results Tha worda apoken by Mr. rual.' Ijcague. toltMr. wer told tod.iy hap with conetiint hammertnR. otir'auch price he continued and the National I'hoate Balfour - by Nlilmlaa Murray Pin lor. tirerldenl cltlxen can be made to w, thl. Tho huylnn reatrlrted to the cliwlnar of ex- Clncinn.iti :l. llri'klyn 2. of Columbia, tinlvaralty, hlRh oohi or Rtn will continue to"lln contract until further notice St. Iitii 3; Neu York I. a "The which ha been taken. riiiliiitelphia 3. I'itwlnimh i. ' wo alia'.l again rtow hlher. In direct proportion action Bcmeniber. meet we believe, ha been very henefiem' ChlcMiio 11. Ili.ftnii 0 Craoats tn lelchrate tho victory.' " Mr. ButKr the mean or Riving continue to ink meantime, uP-pc- to the public In t:ihillr.iiiR price and minted Mr. t'hoato na mylng. lower. And In the the ror aid will remain a niimerou counteracting the hvteria that hn tiMTKwn I xii u no. condolence all ; Mrwalni of from I u during eace time, to any the prevailed In thl country for ome Cle ela lid . Iloetou (. v Shir Is part nf ruuntry woro delivered at the lrnt " time pant." New York M I'ui 2 At 50c Crumie nidcnc hy the hiimlrnl. The eummary of the churlly work. The t'hiiniM boanl of trade linme- - fetroii S: Yahinitton 2 ror April howed that riftv-on- e r.iee dintcly put the re' ommenilatioim in Chiiutfo i: rhiluilelphia 2. T 7 Tin1 Hli'iwini; "f mIU Imso that mulo for had been handled, thirty-thre- e beinn effci t und it a eanl that other 'iiy th WANT AD way. 1 nose in iniiiliii wason? aeventeen Mexican and in muck would wlibout iuentuin 'I' Games Tomorrow siiiiiiiii't' one. negro. The caue of dixtrc kele. nro sinriliiii; wore: i ild ro. M : tuberciilo!, : . Nallmuil hn niro at Itonton. I nnemploynient. . deertion. 4; A FLOTILLA OP GERMAN Ciiicinuaii at Itronklvn. Gloves neap, it. iiiih nuim. . A GOOD PLACE TO EAT a: St. I.oule New York. mmm jThe relief given wa tlalfied a SUBMARINES CAPTURED at Provuion. Is: fuel. 4; meal. I'itt-ln- ii h at I'hliiidcliihia. Colorado Cafe rent. 9; lodging. 3. trHni"rla-'llon- . BY ENGLAND, IS REPORT (5.00 Meal Tickets $4.50 !; t: colony. 3: clothing, f: AnicrKan iJniroc. Handker- rhiluilelphia at ChiinKO. 110 N. Second Phone 529 'work. 4. H? AMnriateil Vm j hoved l." New York at HI. l.oum. Tho financial taten.ent I'lrtMinoutli. N II., May In Tin' .inic vhIiu'h iii ,v In jthat tho expenditure In April were Hhipping circle ini'mi a r port wan VnhlnRton at IX'trolt. chiefs 410 4J, and the receipt $'j:,3..1. current ihm the Hrlt h had nptnrei Boston at Cleveland. I- i- li.ul in ntlii'i' f - ' A number of civic and ennltnrv a tint Ll of ilerooin iiiiinai-lii- lioilml iny s. ,iiatwiiH,iiwit ; way and matter were dim uaaed. and nnBUe t American Standing of the Teams 1 linoanj were ulo threnhed out. ,ul,i, cc. WAVT! VfiTT ATTT.WnT.n ! Tho following wore prenent: A. H. ihnre. National THE 'stronp. The .eiguro w iS.l o have taken Team Won l.ont proaldont. Kv. K.lward f. New H s !chueler. vice prenldent. Mole l''' e early !n April, hul the place or York Uhh Chicago I'-- 9 : ' capmre o n ' CLOSING OUT Foreman. ecrotorv Mr. Alfred " or iiieuc n.ui x Clarke. 1. ffecied were mil reiealetl. The re- I'biliiilelphia IJ nrnnnfeld. Mr. John I I 1" SALE llodcy and port wiiii nld to ha.e come from an jt. I.oui 'A. I'ortorrield. I'eane Bunion 1" i Mr. Conulli h. officer of a iraiiM.-iilanti- nhip who AT i - 11 ' wa Nald to hoard of it from 'liicinnatl hae I'litnlmi gh X IT nource In touch with the Blitiwh John Lee Clarke's Mortuary I'.looklV n ' I BIG CURIO STORE? Mary A. ; year mcricnti limuc. Mr. Culdwen. MANY AMERICANS ARE TO Won I.ot GUARANTEE old. wife of Jame Caldwell, died ut BoHtoil a i hoiiie, ;1T Silver avenue, I If not you do not know her Wet SAIL FROM HOLLAND ON New York t yenterday. Mr. Culilwell camo ti IT M about big we Chicago ' the bargains Alliugueriiie twonty-fo'i- r ear ago THE STEAMER NOORDAM . ,. T every St. l.oillH 14 II are offering day. Mo. Hh u n I CLOTHING from Montgomer . CI COMPANY "!e eland iiicnilit-- r of the Kirn l'reb) teriuu Br AiivoriairJ Pri lletrolt 1" 14 church and the Womuu Belief corp. UiitteKl.ini. Mom I,u. M.i II. VI:i Washington I I TODAY IS A COOD TIME Ilenlde her huaband: nhe leae two liotiilon. Mac I".. 2.4H p m i The I'hlladelphia T 13 lloliaiid-Aiii- niHtei'H, one in Colotiiilo and lii ottlI t line tr.imhlp 111 TH W -. I TO PAY US A VISIT FINAL SHAPING OF THE fl ..; Ho hoi- I,, J THE NEWLY a 1 In MlMourl. Noordhaiii I expected to a.i for SENATE PASSES HOUSE CREATED Jiiiiiii!niiiHimiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiaiiiKiiiSHiwii(iiiiiii!iiHiiiti!:imiu':i.? Funeral eorvlce do held ut Amerlcii tomorrow. gi ing the Itrit ESPIONAGE BILL RESTS RED CROSS Strong chapel. ttinity of luar.y BILL FOR INCREASING COUNCIL Brother' oppoi for the rcuuii U(H .Y I W s The funeral will be held at Strolm who lieeii Htrimded In WITH JOINT COMMITTEE lsnr AniiTlciiii I I BEGIN3 WORK TODAY chapel on Thurwlny aftetnooii STRENGTH OF THE NAVY '.ivh,iil.n, Mav '. titt iti. ii Hru.' Holland - at J 1 o'clock. It will be lonilucteii iy thf M"i,iii'-- i rliiiiiii.i itui of lieiimto Hieinatice luen Hy AN4-- .airfl Prr hut ' 111 111.' l .. by l!ev. Nell Kemuxon. Burial will Hill 1M IM'Mlll lit , ii May 1.'.. - Wiiyhinprlmi. ; Hhap-- til' Hr Won-- I I'ri-- A reg.irilliiu the pniwimo of the WueliliiKl. The senate .t.i I' ihI I il ai. - he In Kalrvlew cemetery. niKtir - I i .nl- - IheadughtI gone. 2 .Ml pas-- e l lull ;ih (i"iii hi? ifin im- mli. s W.l.liKtoli, May i: hoiiM- Hiife About Amer- loilii the o 11 U tniiiir-t- i The newlv from Kanum City and 11 nephew from 'f th a if 'mii iii'i.,ii:f euln-lc- d V ilr leul-li- ll t I- I- c ican are among the puHMeimer". tho etielliilll ol the nil' to ' Miratiiig ion ouioic in ted Bed Cross will onncil iiega'i Carllnle, Kan., are expected here fox hut p.t 'ft-,- v " :i t. i ,,. I L p )!.: 1 1 . l.'iii.iiiiii nu n: tint of the nun ne cm war to. lav pltriucil to l en, u ilii .c work here on fitting Ih" the funeral. i t t v the task of granti'i-- ,'t'i t l"i(n Wil)t ;i culil'l- - Kill overalls NO MORE ZEPPELINS TO to aii.ioin men and i iiicre.i.ei Bed i ialU- r- - 're fiiiain IVM - for the burden fatl tin- enlii-ti'i- l piioii-ni'- i 'fn i MMt ill it i Th.- I f - A in piy In iiaw';i iir,iii, is working on u ciicf'i!i will . war thrust upon it in the Hell mi'e BE BUILT BY GERMANY, e,iial to tliofe provided l'"i' t TflflH " W , w jM H'H'li',1 mil lor I "Ji of i'l T iir ."l' ,;..iM iiml 4 COMING KVKNTS. .. , at homo. ;r tatisfaclion foio. fh.p. t, .,,1,1 X)l, M Win tin r the proposi'd miv piolil'u- - PREVAILING OPINION i I Si rrturv Mc.vii.i, wn i horeii treas- : - with tvtry ( 'nrut, liii sbiill due, tl. pioinlul sun umlicr of ri'iiilsl uffs in in. null o tin nil; ure! of the great rum! which is to be .i - Thi 4it,iti ft) i, The llrolhvrhooil of American Yen. By A.m iattl lrr.. Washington. May I'. At. other li uoi or shall merely clothe the pren-nlc- i mined hv a countrv-wlil- e campaign. ( ' .ihit'iLiiiiwnt t.t r ..f Ar will at x o'clock tonight ii'nc a, A pi ll ri'Hponilriii-- heaiiiiK on i ho proposed oust it ut urn jt.i'i I with power in prohiiot it is mi Henry IV liiivison of .1. I'. Morgan nun meet fm- ii,- - i H grunt Hiininge to " tiM.j ihii !hi- il Co, II. took Hi dd Fellow' ball. Candi- of th Ahniic'iiiI(I lM'iH.. nl nini'iuluo in to ib tl rniilo Mont ale raid to fill'ir the chairman of the cotnii the b hi'-- had ail'ipir.l ' u n date will no initiated. Bcfrenhim in tl f rum I ! fnini psIhm ii, mi luk women w it lie::l today Hie senaHi iia f,,i mi-- plan. mini' i harm'. will be nerved. i NiiirtlaiU', t Hit f Hiiii o tho if urrr.ige commtttee. Mi. Mabel Ver- t)u- - na- f.'M)n( ZM'I in, who w, ulwut il non of Ncn t.i, rcpreei,tiii t - Th" Woman Aiixiharv of !i thf k t mi-- iti Ihk m ria tional woman - part'., nppcued in J" John will meet W'i'ilneediiv al 2 (ilniiH. u nuinln f .r t in iti fH In i h f,.r of the n soltiiion. p. m, with Mr. K.itherin" Finrell. Zrpl'Hin fa tir' ai lr irlinhnv : r.i; Yei Ituiiiu. There will le in- I't-fi-i "i (lfr"i .it'in thi hmuv. Stiff Sentence for V fo, noil talk by iln- - deleguio who iit-- li Th uitral ili"n at Kr n f eil the lillllll ll meet ng of the trtihat thi icrman mihtai an Negro Quack Doctor ? y Ai xiiinry of Hie ilini't in Hnntu I'e i)n.ri!U'ti wiU 'i'hH!nnt mi iii"tt X. -- y hut week. trl n. For practi'lnii medl' inn without n V license. Manuel Chavez, a nemo, wa- regular met ting of A lliiiiiuer-ill- e TAKEN NO !'" ilin1 t The ENGLAND HAS nned $H"i ami sentenced to ? coUlli il. Klllgllln of 'nl. mi lei, will in Jail lie JilHICi. ol til" Pein e I'l ill" V DEFINITE STEP TOWARD lav lie held thl evening. I'lnal plan for II. Taitaglla ..f San J"e, to. fee t the fourth degree exemplitlcation. to CONTROL y w STATE LIQUOR t l.o held next Holllla. ill be lirMliKCil SOCIALIST CONFERENCE y y llltlier III litlelid.llice al the etate y council held at lie Vckh Ian. Hun-da- y lljr Askortatrit rri-v- TO HAVE BEEN HELD AT y 1 ' I 4 I III y will muk their report. l.olidoli, Mil) CI p. in. CALLED OFF y tile hoiic of ciiliinio'ih today i 'Iln ncOi-lo- r STOCKHOLM V Illghl.tiid lodge. No. OlT. Ilii.llur-boo- d llonnr liw aid the announcement y e men and Fu- - puhlielied Hub morning Unit the row of l.oconiiitiv Fir Copelltlani'ii. M iy l.'i i Via London, y h.ol taken a k I o I S ' i t gmemeii. will cclcl.i.ite the iweiitieih eminent defnuie I - a ,i i According to the -- Mav y I I"- - of control of ilie .HltliM II of Ihe foUlld'lig of ItH the direction tile Hi, .,i for the nroposed . . i i ill i iilnig to uiniiiiK-- I'ohtiken Willi nil iiifin mill dunce it r irafti' III V Will 11 rliupler - in .. .o fcl'i'liee irotia This We;k We Are Going to Sell All Blankets at Special Low Price t barge of the l.rcwcipi vmi all u 2 Maioiilc temple tomorrow mgbi. Tile iWstii. ,1 no in iliut the Interna-ouferci- i com, t stall tl A of i, n n. .ii hi .itc .ii ol ,. k - Lull will Hlati at o'clock. IIOI.Hl So, lall-l- e at Sto, V Stock Is Complete in Sizes, Color j lit ii f the m private inteiiiew - Combinations the e foil ow lieoeral in v,al In. in lo ,1 iilel to olietl lomoll cuiomitt' W it h I'l "III I .!" il leol ke langeilieiit. ,l l 1'nuil. li I . Mlll'-- pi.stiiilie The paper D that lil'll and Designs I. the and V. II Knicrirk. d. rating. II. Wan) disiilist.ii Hon pievail unions f ; to fiilile in Bauiliiil' y 1, i lift auU Ila B. I' i. I l inc. i .. M..V .. BaRllllil dolomite. Inoe-pem- .1. 'n mil, ii. ;.i v , Herman II H.lMiie, tloor, F. i The tint the y IO in i. o ll l.i col ,ollili '. n I Come and Lrl Us Quote the Special Prices Look J. .1 BolHTte. V '". I.. ii. il ut so 1st have h,, refuse r .V''X"I,I for cir. I lii .. i, iii. ei Ml I 'a Mi- i oiiipain an to cause lb'' y V. F. !u . pilKSpoils is ,.x,cclcd nml id, il toil.i e? this ticket I, mean to n In o to negotiate Willi the y y Vander-elile- . ENTIRE STOCK MUST BE SOLD R. S. MORRIS PROBABLY hcnl, ma an group. Kmlle y CollgltVi. lif .liNII'llilllel. f iln- Belgllln S.nialisls y Cutrtnteed the Lett overall n of the Oer-mu- n y REGARDLESS OF PRICE 0 AS ei dcilalCK tli Iln relimal y WILL BE SELECTED il.i m tV'ia l.i.mlon. Miv I,, ex- i pome panrpori you ever bouM of money ,"i l A Huilapevi auili. iiu to V la a. lc ,Ioiii'i.i follow- y AMBASSADOR TO JAPAN cept to s In nl. I. ut ii ii and bis after 30 dy' wet. 4 ..n Hint the llutiKarian n.ii" "f ers is proof of the ilesiie of the y ilci tiled in 'i,c .it den - lout iuii:it bio. a''"'. f Every Article in the- Store Is a Bargain I I Hi rilillll people (or I" y It? tti.rii-:.)-' l'lt-- U i union of Join n.i y $2.00 the Suit " S. W'uKhiiigioii. Mid Itol.iiol a ' cony i of iiCih in i.hii'o call C inetn Agcllls of the I'nclfic Mull Stenlilsh ll y V Mori i or I'liilitdclphia I. lin n t. iIihi io- - pe.i. c. $1.00 a Pair iieiiMal ciiillnl In been notified ih.u tllillly llecnleil upon b I'l'eeulent iimi.iitn to have y Sizes the rc cni mder liurriiut eni'i iy iiliee $1.25 Extra Wilgun for ii mbaeieidor to Japan to -. traiiK-l'.ic- or y f Keliworlby kobl In iUicl- from pussnge mi the ic y vacancy by - wbll nil ibo eaued the lieatb I I i Ken- i .,, I u JOHN ,ro.. I,,. LEE Inc. o to cb euitomor SI .on is William ,,i lieell mollified CLARKE. Ou: suit v. ol ihIiiii gh. - y y the tut. of fleorge lluililie Tit worth. -- uliHlitute f.eiiier for Ibo at that eiiemv aliens Iiohcsiiik the wr't- GOING OUT OE BUSINESS Mr. II oil i chiilripan of the in mo-- ' l.ollU Ameti'lllin, h.lli bi'i-- Hold to ollseiil of Ilie Hiao- - I"' y z ' i y of 1'reiwVl. lc- - I cr.itic mala cOnioiitleO tile lam lli dull ol the I'UCC ii it i'. Stuei district allot t .1 I' - In at mi itia. o.i h um'. 41 o tl i tin- : : : : ; : : : : The Evening Herald, Albuquerque, N. M., Tuesday, May 15, 1917. Three 'XT- - "- -.

W Sell Victroloa and Grafonolat on tha Easy Ah Astonishing Sale of Ladies' Suits at $19.95 Payment Plan. All Models for Yonr Selection. There! We have said it I But 'twas not without effort that this wonderful as- A VERY SPECIAL OFFER IN FIBRE SILK sortment of suits became the object of a riotous sale Extra Special All Leathers HOSE FOR LADIES XyQtJ today and for the rest of this week. We had our mar- - AT wv Most All Sizes i i t. . i 1.1 Low Shoes r a l a. a tzy c upcu wncn wc scuuicu uicsc suns. tli neir 29c a pair freshness their varied styles will appeal to you as they did to us; you will recognize at a glance the excep- tr.y tional value, they hold out to you at their respective price. PICK YOUR CHOICE AT $2.95 A PAIR

$19.95 A fine representation of LOW SHOES gathered from Will you join us in thanking fortune for these timely our immense stock. Styles suitable for street and savings? It will be to your interest to visit the second floor garment salons today if you need a suit; the sale house wear, such as patents, gunmetal, vici kid, tan of the season beckons you. y calf, also the most wanted gray and champagne kid. THE NEW SILKS Some are pumps, some are oxfords and many neat FitciircH not ly any iiip-mi- ordinary tint tlione tlmt diitt' hiick to nncii'iit Oriental nilemior "The Presents to the Bride Were Numerous strap effects. These models on today's market would and Beautiful" now rhiiriieterie our in'wcst Milk.. Ho nioili'm nrc. they tlmt the wravorn have taken crnlit for In one Ih'.v nine from h jewely More. For wlierc Ue sell from $6.00 to $8.00 a pair. " unmet liinjr new tin? fltlM Mllcll lll'flllt if III Mllltl hil HIV I'lolll )'Xl'l'lt II lirodueiinr under mui," f.H jewelry Miiiv--nn- l why not KommiwhIiI'm .Jewelry Mori" T ti! irive them tho jrlory the HinViiality of iiiiiiivt-rsiit- See these displayed in our front case, main entrance, If you've is frieinl to rcineinln'r 11 hirtlnliiy the silk they hnve produced uiukcM theiu tloNerv-injf- . or tlmt jollicst of nil oriiisiiiiis, n wnlilinu here is h More tlint stiimU for nil I hut you coiihl poshilily iiniiffihc in tin then come in and make your selection in our commo- You tutiHt nee them. Wilt of Mllitllllll" M I'M'lllH. Tin" irifi" will iii'i'oiiiinoiliiti" ii millionaire, or tin" iivTHr" dious shoe department. si.t'il pocket I'nnk. Ami l' Mirr to keep this in mlml thin is the store for presents. Aisle One Main Floor lRosenwalcTs

- . . UK'-- iT I Me VXIIMMIN....'MlltK I hf intlrf. tliilifult - ,;:;! he ki eater than :n Buy other illHlrlel uin- liamlK raft, wry ltvn or a km I Mitti' i tlu't. Wht'ii. a Socorro Schools to of Himllnr ana In the world. The ih-it- hfltii tin- u,ir. KtiKiantl hail Kara hisrai lhy ha to v W. ,!u..r iiiinee of tho Mate never huve heen I, A w Holrl Ii. ttt ahi'uail. ctriklnn xanil tr4 nK'h in (afI tn an vx nt w hich rxhnuitieil. the unloiic lied HtorvhouxeH t n I Ugh! Calomel Sickens; Salivates! h iit a Ah far .is Iiminv a not ni projiortlon with th4!r ow'i Exercises Friday of mineral wealth await development itiaii; uum a I'.ntihh , lnilutrv of rfihta!H 'I'tiiH iiniilii'H no lianit ' while many mine-- which have been tlit W.ii. it irtuully u.ih a iiiiinojailv ii tlu Turkibli uiitlmrit m h. but i the i.l I'.trrr to Th llcraM alianUinied been line of dnpletion uf n h ami itiTinan work 8ni - Liver if f' ro.Hult muni 'iiiin.tanff.-x.- ifoforru. N. Al . May lj. Aftr:- a may h nd Please Try Dodson's Tone ii cuiin-ii- . of pvi'i'i mi preeimiM metalw reiipenc.l int iinirtt'l rM'i iall into thi nl In anil il fixlv-Hi- x Xlnlifiu-ini-ilii- ii (iiffrifff .ear hlih eaih u profit lead i;iiKlih iMiii-- M Hliflir. worked at for (.'upper, art' tuiniirt tuuelit-- well roii(t if I i.MU-i'i- - - every niuy feel li mi metulH. out vvs atnl i risniH of an a!iK"l-i- un- loilKfd in tin- ii'Ht nil other hit "' the wink ueeniiillNheil. the Hueorro i of till-!- ' hi'l'iuhU I ivim- - tn At, inlneralH conipo-- only My medicine does not upset ctirary "i h"s hat in the town. llniwi. scli..,il .Mil iliim! Friday. May 1 I am sincere! liver to i hii licit i,t of vvhifh i i!iti'il on 1 one of Ihe many Krotipn of naturnl ti' thf irl.' .uh Nu'f inber i in Thiirxtliiy eveiilnif nt elglit or tht- wl.irh Mexico hn In eh.ind-ane- e and lxnvels so you losr x day's work. I'l.ita UiTinany war. iikI rnurt'Mi UritiNh iilliifi". i .'i. h i Ii rU will nfi'iir the neronil onlv a ivv- ut'iiti-- - never have heen tie. .it tlx Kfiift'-'l'-- It- Hi the Un- of the Hfienrrn rnunty and which Thousands of Them Arc Doing ii It, I in. '.I thin fktll hut ihl'M- i veloped lieynnil motit primltl e til lit i.ttiv mul lintt'l iiMiiiiiKfh I hi IiimiI. when Mlfw iMiirn llurvuiit. the llf tht-i- lilch - an o itiK-''t- l hi aH Htaae- aiio th"o At A il ti Km .ihiHuiir Xf.eiii!i-- MImii Ailiiim. ntiil I'hirence II m-- - lieeaum of the revolvtlun. Delicate and t VtiL-- in en Irene Difficult Work in kind i.f sM-r- work am) rat units Wheat, li. limine. MtH :nd You're ImIIoii-- ! Vour liver la al u n -- etable., tn . tin-r- i h nf- - In- prewiiteil with col Iiean". therefore liar und can - were Pritl-- j mel will their ' wan Ami tin1 aHoiiiNhini: thiru I ore cupahle he nK not fo jonr'cli'ldreii. the Munition Factories; Learn M. Kl.ti-l- i v..,l'etM ! flll"Min. other of gmh' I'uu feel luxv, d!xx anil ail Tilveu' it i.4 it hut a,hotit I.J anil tn. naotit thnt all 'I'ltu Ami ' w Krovv n here lit iiliunxt e.ery dix'i ' t ' Milliona of peupie are unln-- f Dodaon'a -- I Thi-M- ivl-o- fllun The i(n..litv t.f f t! "r out Vour head U dull, your Men. in tfiiM of (hoiisa f thf ' Uu-- pinJiflH cal- Quicker Than the ,,H " N M"X''" " the mate. Imitation have I.lver Tone of dangerinia tkilh'il iirtt.--a lit-- Uuw hail the .lia nt tv touijue coated, bad: Htnin-ac- h wotiM'ii iiiil'IreHi. M the remalne.l Idle for lack of workmen, li meath omel now. Your druawiHt will tell ii n tit'-n- t w i I.... kiii.iI! The .l. l.n He, r... a n i f in on hn Ih ' lather i -- . Hour und howelH constipated. Hut ifliii i in riiiay urternnini ui i .a-- win i riv er may he dammed tu water you that the Hale of calomel la almoal hav( , cars iiiv an aHHiiriifii-- tr in the TnrkiHli I At-r- liii'U hail fl doll' lake HiilivatliiK lalomel. It Iljr .i tfttrft l'rrta. ' rur I lie final ami iroKruni at ImiiiIm and underitrmtn.l water stopped entirely here. hiiih o in inn rul that the yi-- ou may Iohh a, day'a . rtfiiif ..i niiiiiiitf initl.-i- ' the lrr'i;at-Iii- k makea nick; Luii'l'-ll- Mny - TlH'-- f III-- .i... offer another method ol I' Vhn ti. GEN. TOWNSHEND HELD f till ll'M 'IH lit inure anil wurk. hWm (li.ii tlx- - (lrtM.,(1 1f n,..le WlltianiH lint; tn th iimm- t i ; the fertile land. illi. Ill n ila til eel e W . r (Mi x. W HI Ih unit-knit- FACTORIES OF DENVER tinii wi'iki-- 1h ii .iti'iul.i nt u,"M Illll.. (il lffith The eXeff i ml I'uloiinl iniiiiil'v or fit iiin' PRISONER ON ISLAND exactly the s.uiu final im th Tnrki-t- IIuvhi- I'ottiui, Ixle mid oilier textile i mtu wi-r- he Hlinrt in order that who which caiiHi-- neiroHlH of Ihe lumen, him. i im'nnMl in riMtiiiitii Kf.lillcr. llher eropn may uUn he aiow n in thia - l may then attend the I'loiina (.'ulomel craMhi-- liku WANT GIRLS TO TAKE mil lnrunilil- of iktnii the nnw IN SEA OF MARMORA Htate. hecaime of the Miipply c r. Into Hour bile - niHi-h'f-- i mh-mli- i flint and ' fkiMi-- nititaii, an Ihiuk i The ilelfyalf- tlei'lale Ihf exerelHi-- nf the In the (I.Miaiiille, hi cakin-.- ' ll up. That n niven . can lie produced and Hold tin the 1 HUtiHlli-- w arrnnue-tiunt- " whl h nt iii.K.iiU n hei.- un- ma if exii elm ly ilh the w.ird will when ..on feel I hat avvlal tin Unfa ami THF. PLACES OF MALES of -' Ainern an market at a very low price. hiiUHJiiids In llv A"... mini Prri. In uutlinrl-I- n two under the Ulreitinn of wnimn miTlianio inaile the lir.tmh oilnik. , crampinif. I I - Native urowM wild In thin ntiil i iffn-t- i M l.i'Mili'ii. Miiv '. T"ns-Iomh- I f"i- "UiH M.irtnierlli- Sweet. Mihh Mar. doiim ilrln utr and the hinininir. feiilitm anil ei-- . I.ewlH. fnri-Ht- exiHt which have never If ini waul tn enjoy ihe nlceni. Uy I vitik thnt. in time, of ;n i.nly I lit. iuh euturi'il in lvutt'l-- c'tithiiiK nt Turklfh irl ner. ilarri nnil Mi"" Harah you Alanciat.-- f"re.a. M- Krlilny. timber, mill Iuiih of .t. re aeutleat ll.'er and bowel eleaiinlna; ri'tHMtal Xitrl uh tlmuuht rai.- - tn , tn ih" enrl I'lintpU'n In In Ihe evenlnir nf tile lsth. touched for Kenver. folo.. May Denver ever expel Jio-- l take a Mpuonful l. - will Ki'MXiiiK he. . nf iloliiK Thlf I'lnnf t" Im iii.' fill- I'liiiiuini.i. is loilui'il tn the .!l.f In the nuirt reini at emht o'uloek of land are without eitH" fuctorlcM ure aeekliiK arlrla to taVa the of han of lull nilexH liodHon'n Tone hl an t tin- iihi jH:uitHn nt I'riiikiiM. an ilund in he held the exerelwii cauie of the re.olutionM and .t (ilaeea of men and bo-- who hnvu j Hn'-orr- nchniil under MeXieu Your druitslKt or dealer aella rtry 'f iiHinltimii i t:y in;. l In S. ii i.f M ii'iinir.'i. lie h.imim tin. the rniiiiniir heen inedleted that ted in the army and navy. The ! rnn-lia- l ' MAGICALLY! of home of eatl-- you a ' lent hot lie of ImhIhoii'm l.lver hoya I )niriiifrj- thai tlu !.: t ur ( UioiiKlitni! of the iitti'tuiin ! Ihe diff tho future the aehool. where inn pupllM will Tune my peieotial money-lim- k w t I 111 I'hn.ex. The fnll.n. Iry on tho American ruiiliiien'. under and itu'la have heet. trained all liter ti'tai v a irn .Ut nunif :i ill lnr ii'M fur IV . Alta Hpuuiiful will cm a- - elBhth (trade diplomn: glial unite thai emh In IliiliiHtrlal i upMtlolia. haa been UTc a trM I'KibtM nf "Uilh'il TlllH Mnttn;lit ih llllnl. .! till' III LIFT OUT nnen: CORNS ll.iffinaii. Klva .'iidev. Keluln clean ji-u- r alUKKlnh better Ihau flooded with reiiueHta gir enifduyeM i an- n J .1 OF SALT LAKE fur Sin h I'MKMn it.u ronilllltlev i.f tli- II' . . GARDENS !:' X larem-- (AW-yta- llotiiiale '. a. of htiHty and that It and are beinif muds t i Uy WnliH'ii. t Hnil. iN I caoiiil airnnnenienta lilt'il Sttrl ai' ;iriHf in tlifir Intent f(iiiifl m Unliert lllllnti. lu'in-- l jin ma hin il i1mvh " WITH FINGERS Kiidiilfn CITY TO BE SUPERVISED wi'ii'l make you nick. Inereaae the facllitlea of the achool ho that mili-- nf thii Hnrii'tv li,'iM' . ittoil in;my Iteye Walter Pnillev. InduHtry may l an in h. nnl Wit', Hainhex. IiihIsoiih I.lver Tone la real local not auffer throuth Ht llili. Kniirh mul ."tapletoii llnyniiiiid Hpear. BY SIX FARM EXPERTS calliiia- - employee n ik'( in .it f it ilaii' v tha l i 'k iiini uhinni Manuel medicine. You'll know ll next imil'ti-li- the of renuliir Into jlinllan nttU'i'i-- nr tiitii'i'il ami llnv lla--a- . in Italy aervtre. t.- tin- fiartnm n a miiiiiin'1 A Vl'irentiini hecaiiHe you ..ill wake up feeling; i )...; H inn- -' Vmi Hlinpb a tn the ilrut; ti1--- .! tn a all i.ift iu:n.-- ri'r'i:ilii'il Hi- One machine ahon haa called for tinii ii'tai i A.niUl4 l're.. hue. your will nni' the T'li'kUh a it! linrit 'en have maile man. "iii.f me i nl an eiiti-- TO he'workina. phuttn tlial it - a mti nf n",t t. nnarter MEXICO MAY PROVE .May I.I. ix heiiilai-he- Inlxieen Kirla und Htlpttlnten they mut lt . - y Xult Lake I'll). I'l.ih. .ind liiaxlnesa khiii', oui ' - ii' tilt- har.l- - i.f fi i i jiiinij." Tliii- will i'"M vui lut'e tl tun anil tf n: nl' mi al'iiia'i iiKrieul-tur- w how-el- s wear oieralla nt their work. They tlll ltlt'l m ii V.unl farm ixpeitn from the I'tah Hlomueli ilt be a., eet und our i h Illfr-- i III lint Miff in e.n FACTOR re- Miini'n It a ai nr. ant loti ;unl "lllin till f.lit,.lt. BE IMPORTANT men to work-Ink- . will be paid the aame waxen men l have iibtulned You will feel like hi-r- il''- - - mift lille'H feel. reuuiar. wr in;nl- in in l.i'ni 'I'ln Tli. in - In . ceived lor the name work. A en MUperviHt- the ii'antum of ..on II be fall ol unw a- - I .. ii ' - few i1iiiih iIiih in ether IN WAR pii'dl-- ri n v hi i "f In t:,e :.. hi-l- i ami n. IN HELPING OUT .o ho. The ippnt tunltv achoi.1 la a ' l " H.v i; a the ill... Kevin .lull tn nchool Hiiibitintt. a a Mn h It. tin al'l'ln-i- ill ni' tender. e anil liiHtrui may be had n il. a::i n..llr(. ,lte ll.'.IM h li.i i en i!.n at - ..III T' liiRfilutioti and tlnn 'he Hh.iil .1 telle- the H woik I'urinit the auiiimer. In veg tin- n- ll il'lilllK erh. IioiNiiTm I.lver Tone entirely free. mlili that "hi uu mim of ,he llrit.Hh ami I I'ri-.-. Hchool KirU will pin- - luiuheoiiH for i i y . Hi" Ainsriai.-- pie - m t m N list lit ami eniiie hr he-jtl- g r.iliil ' it it ut im'Ih Ih i i' i Mity ihe 'i A of IJ.vlii'i With iuiih. the furn. iniii Mini nil. ilrie am! iii.i Chlhiinhua I'll. Mex.. lj rker. fund K I a a in l pin llil.--i Meed. in ki i'Ui hi i.iihhii1 have ill. i.le an. f "in mil wl"li Ihe I'l.iirerr. e In Mexico h.i il lor - iv .. a lifted I'e.n lie .al uiitine- thai nii'ii a- - in t lie n anil final. Ah fur - u- mu-'-i feet ! to he rcalm-- ill-l'- Thl new ivm- rnl .vh.i h lietliiiniu i U Th-'- i i l., are Jut lire lull mi ..n lili-i- - t ii- - ll tin- ii'i un illfterent. fin-ii- wan lntriiiiin.eil hv I'm' inn.iti 1,. federal oltlenU of the NEW YORK AGENCY OF ne fvlin-lt'- t - fur a . M !l.ll the iitinm- lt We 1,11. m thai the TlUlll-l- l nays fretM nc i thin time, . man. liu that, while M.xi'-a- iii.eriiineiit. Al 'I'ln.-- uam.'i' tin it li iMuinnl ITALIAN BANK TAKES nr.. l t" (hi- aiin- t'l'uinie: Htlekv. It In a moment. Hi.-- l Hill" of iiiiIioiih . tin-Hi- . 'I' ilrlen Mex m one Ihe few a t.f Ib.OllltllH ! wher. in tine - vi ll Ii ill- - nlv Hrm-l- un without t 1.1, .. lliii an- .Miiieni .ill liitie. the torn . f thnt - nt with th II Ini-l- Anil till" I" I'NllI 'I' - the larth LIBERTY LOAN BONDS I'M.- - th-- 4 pi iwitiniiM ami I In II K ..l even. Illllaillj- III ir" ltieKhll lli.llll.le t ilt v .. to .III- -. it ate vv.nld the relllllillc'H a whitle t.f' I'tn ..I i Til .lll.l llest am. Mint ul I ml ll 1111 liNHUe ul Hlvlll wll lie inrteH. niiii Iih'I I'lilli-li- lu-- kiml al I" ai.i.l. of natuiil elth iHliinent The I :ui nn a iih. iiiii-. I let father die nf lllfei linll 'Tj and e.iii the Hr I I'ri-.-t lua n ii f ii t ii hii ..a .itti mliiii; mini ..'I I'.". needed to lei'd. en.ilti rir tll'i-- e Kilt, In.kliiw limii whiitlini; it hn ..a-- . eX' i.i'!y it'iilil ha.f IV, 1.1 New Vim k May j. The New York le fxhilnt Iiearil laiiu . j 'I l.iit lip i iit and null.'' I.u'i li y Hill" . I I -- t. " '.ei'ii .. ea Ihe liiari lien thi. .iKeni of the ItatHo ill Napoll never tln.iiuht li."ilil h.e 111.- Hi.- nf rhihiiuhua Bloite. ' -- - In kuIimi $. en rt, . Ihi ilrillf inailf li ,ti r.m the th en that nne ran iiniler- him rlbed Mm. In tl'v l.l 'i We ant you to Imvt" it Illu-- re A" tli- - r i i tn Ad. mini in loan. It wan annutineed tndav. t There few iiihi" i ll l.i'i'l ti'i al mil health NeedtHelp? Try Want IuiiiiI in ill. vhIiicn in ale far u Ik known thin In Ihe fuel nuiili- - to V to the louu by a full' IK n nii jatuei,viitH. liiivf j ii. t ret'-five- i liirirt. A line of liitt" atylfl UimiIi-i:- i to .elect from. t HEAD STIIFFFn FROM LAIAiiriii Url A COLO Our Blue Serge Special Kay-- Cream Appllod in NoatriU Open Air PaaaaRea Kight L p. ii a real value, at and relief no waitim; Vour up i iioMidx open rinhl up, t u i.'r $15 : vour ; on -.'- :-i - paiacc ol head clear end In the fact" of n can breathe fre. ly. No more lia M.i t. .,ea;.w we have- iiiviit-t- l li a - - ' I'lowtn-r- . l -. ,! ,J. '!' . Miiifflliiii. he iduelif. dr. ' eV'SlI Iff - No for breath nt niiint; (.linwiiiff of nil ti'tml .,J .., yfnir told or catarrh illiipiei nnil iinliiiislii-i- l uur-Meil- . j .. ' iv a h iii.i of I'reaiii I In lit" . 4 v- -M. - T Hlioat . ..!. - to liuil -- r ...... t now- Vpp y liiilni fi'oin .our druKiiiHi III tin" iriec. jiinrrtiiteel ;r.v.. .'.vj-'M..'- .:' a little of this Iraniaat. iintlHept...... v. i -- ''-- ""' ' A hc.iliuB in .our iioHtrlln. It pen. nliMiliitely fast in color. r-- tm fiiain itmti'H tlitoiiKh evil, nil lUNi'-m- i of the h. ud. RontheH the Inflanitd or National Woolen w.'llen iii'i-oii- s iiiemhrane and rrUef . Nf i .4. inMaiiU-- . .i' n - . ioinf-- Mill If- - Jut fine limit tnv nf fed-- a ii-l- or miMtv ivith 1 ... i ' acclden' Inanraiiee Ir L Th.-ina- . 1'7 .fl la lei tic int. for uirn. .v t . t uix Mild enn f lea. All UrniiUi-i-- i Hill 11. J.'.c and :0c.

A llttla WANT AD now and then It rad by vary claaa of men and New Science Hall, Silver City Normal woineu too. Try onx Four 5:5 The Evening Herald, Albuquerque, N. M., Tuesday, May. 5, 1917. -" 11 in j.ii .n i TIIK TIIIUIJatMO NTtlHY lltl-t.-ll he wa preparing for th cumins i.r. uiiiiiiiiifmacricciqan:nrcKaaft house on ths selective draft hill was - rF --- , - , .M'H AVOMI'X.t' I.i The Evening Herald IIKIKHC more thsn a year before .ir mad by Congressmen VV. lll, Frank James : r--.-- tleclaced, the French arm.' held of Michigan, who said in the course v The only Ansetieun woman member elaborate maneuver. At that Hit e he The Scrap Book of. his remarks: Hel-glu- m "The sob Tim EVEXIXQ HERALD, two. of the Commlsalon for ltHf In dismissed five off'cen. These men nrtist,1 the 'weep my countrvnicir experts, have had a 1?.'. iti'tti OBOltQB . .VAIXXANT, haa wrltt tn a book thai -- houlil were hi personal friends, ut Mnrr that Miiiiiimmiiiiiijiiiiiiiiimiiiimtmimw great held day in the house. Home everywhtere 1 be read In this conhtry. made no difference. They had who have for )eur been In the king' Jehilah4 vry afuroooa is entitled "Wonarn of ttelgium Turn- sutMKirt and wielded strong influence Xy tin M:vr:n class of 'sou sound a. Listen, young Your country Is orators' won apt fun lay at 114 North ftacoa Tragedy tn Triumph." wa the heroes! place thcniKelves In ing ami In cabinet. Joffre, however, was culll-ia- : fr the emperor' BtrMt, Albw,urqua, N. M. class. Home ; written out of Mr Charlotte Kellogg' ii fleibxle and hi order wetn not' Time who linv, heeii in the '' strikes the hour for the brave 'also ran' class for year yr .. '. own personal observation and experi rescinded. Again In the early st.igei1 and the true. broke In 'if KntrA as MOBd-eU- N matter Ihe clims thai won the 'money.' Albnqucroua, ence In that smlttsn country. The In of the war he tllmlssed several high Now. while the foremost are fighting "II a at tha fMlollln at and falling. hard day on sotno of N. M., Bad tha act et March , troduction is by Herbert Hoover that officer for Inefficiency. them; they not only had to sob at whoa) Kill up the ranks thut have open- own sp. 1ITI. great Amerlorui through tire- It was not viected that tlernianvj ed their erhes. but they hud to for you' ob Hi less efforts ag chairman of th relief would Invade L'elglum in an effort to k the speeches of thi lr Oaa moeth bjr nail or arrlar, t I rlcnds. cotnmlslon. the deplorable condition of rlrike ot France i.oneturntl France You e hom the fathers made free and Oaa 7 bf nail or oarrlar "And ul night, when the people the Belgian people Is being alleviated began pourln.t her troops Into defended. back home' ta 4tkpc .uv! Htnin not scroll cmbluxons .lead these speeches ill ....MM Mrs. Kellogg'a haishand had charge of I.oralne. when waH declared. cg- - the that their papers, ear their fume' the) wept but their flrussels head- petting to terns were of Itelglan relief a the meet there the main part Tou whose heritage spotless de- tears mortification. fair "The "sob jTelephonea quarter of the and her of the Herman army. OrrmsnVi at- -' scended. uillsls' wept from early morning until at night. They Offlaa for1 eight months were tack on HelgluM v.m.e as a decided Leave not eiir children a birth- late Boils opportunities wept sys- ' right kIuiiiu-- : about the nupiUoU draft' woman known. surprise to France, j of Editorial Boom..... 117 such as no other has and to the entire tem, the volunteer, the volunteer sys- to world, therefore (mined world, It was ;n tem, She has given the as vio.l sctay not for oiirxttonr while Freedom the mother, the Mag mid our jmiwyimwimnrmTrr a most Intimate) view of women' work Killon of ell the niles of Intern.iti "!' stand. ...,i.l.,' coiinir; . and courage, and sacrifice, made law. however. nieamr.i: up Walt not till Honor lies wrapped "About the oiiiv ones for whom they did Hot weep by th desolation of war. to the exigencies of the case. Hup- - In his pull' were the poor ' mother and oubies who went to n P rted en his left by a Hng.lsh ' Ul ,h niceling be. swift th This unique volume Is Is not a "war- - small wale i) giave on the I.ueit ttniu and expeditionary he hands' clasping book" in the sense that It details hor forte withdrew his bT other boat. - to the" is cliouuh Tor rors of battle, but rather It rovers a troops doggedly but skillful-)- bud. "Thi) wept uli. oil he draft system them all' being us, 1 period, a history, along me roads which converge furred upon but the diu'l' I : tragic a marvelous jtij Is Iff c In their bill and they will all volt-lo- Philanthropy, never before known. It Paris, until the region of the .Mar-i- Urruk from the units that would if 7 fondly you' It. recite the splendid courage and the wa reached There every foot of lhJ caress ,Urk ,lM ,hp 'ui'w' blu,": "Thev wept about the uiitrorm. thu brother-hoo- d jround was familiar to him o he had "al"'r" nable service of true human .1 ' blue uniform' the Volunteer a, ia , t. drawn' if and sisterhood. To read It Is n father" uniform they never wore. year be fore. When time came the "Tht Inspiration d a delight. ev?n If many the shall bless you. nipt about the 'volunteer of its pages are brimming with Pathos gr-.'n- marshal rolled up hi maps and Maidens shall weep for ou when system' a svMciii thvy theinselv es you gone! never tried. ; You ran help the hungry and homeless .till that the retreat had gom- fir are V i: . "They wept ubout the 'ling.' y" 'fil-eh- under Helglnns hjr ordering a copy, for not a e In an nrrier uf lh d.iv ivl.l. I. ' mm .Never or now! cries the blood f a whose folds the) never marched. t V publica- will be read by French children and cent of tho profits from Its nation "They wept about "our cuuntr).' a l V Vew ill ' t To the Flag tion goes to author or publisher or by liberty loving people throughout! ,ured on the lulf where the red oil to whose standard they did not ill answer, any on ele except the Commission the clvillxed world to the lust syllable j rose should bloom. under whose ,u liner thev dull of recorded time, Marshul nid ow is ine uay auu nmir m siiimiii ill! not rail... ' ?, Its-- - for Belief in Belgium. It "has 230 Joffre ' V l'f' j O fokts of white and sruik't! to hi men: "The to Never or now pells the triumph of "The) wept about the 'poor moth' pages, Is well printed and illustrated, time ha come ei," gilvor -- doom! but no heartbroken mother ever. O blue field with jour turn! where we oti- -j i In cloth, wilt sent to are and to die In en-- start! May fond eyes welcome bound and be t Mlver Wendell Holmes. bed to noli hlltcrly because they i any address, post-pai- d, on receipt of tracks rather thnn leld another step' listed or wanted lu enlist. you, willinjr feet follow you, ' $110. by Funk Wagnalls company. of France." It was there thut thej Till'. MI.I.TIX. ItlT "What Una country wai t is an Ktrong hand defend you, wurin per- - j The in Mexico army luiscd. not according the 354-38- avenue. New Tor! battle of the Mnrne was fought, trouble continue. to Fourth i hearts cherish you, and dying M j The minister ul liuunce of China has :heoi:e ot men who ure capable of City. Buy one. a dosen, copl"". haps the bloodiest engagement of ei ' give fito. icen removed for accepting a bribe. 'sobbing but according to the the- - liN you their be- history. The liermniin were and dlntribiite them and you will halted und on id men w no going Oura. by inheritance, ours by al- The protrui ted strike the trolle are to direct friend and starving while turned buck toward their native so1! or Wllkesbnrre. IM railway our haulmi men. not our 'weeping legiance, ours by affection the destitute lins the you benefit and inform yourself. Purls was saved. cost t .i.noo.nOO. w llloxv .' long may you float on the free In treypaariiig on the railroad '.'.-ini- 'i "This is no ..o.ifrM' fur wh.rh we la-c- - - ' winds of heaven, the emblem of IHvl.AYIVti THK A II MY Bill., One today Is worth un eternity of persons have killed and ln.- arc prcpai I. ul a war. u real wui.. Mr rap- i liberty, the hope of the world! yesterday. Oimi injured during the last twinty a war with Die greatcsi militate na- - years: tool of Huh ,,r an) other fine. The dellttornle manner In which wu Anon. When a young widow begins tnklnr; The American iim.iaador "There is an old rhyme which the army hill Is being handled dovn hlss-- anil the lieiiioiii ambassador runs ?''rff dancing lessons It Is a sign that she is I at Washington Indicates that the cheered at a remit session of thu If )otl do as sav. anil til do, too. i going grasp matter will be foucht out on congres- to unothe, opportunity. Mixlcan iNirlliinien!. lmi to heavili. and III go, too, THK Y. M. '. .V IN' TIIK WAII. II I I :t:;;vig. The lute J. J. Hill of the livcut Hut voii do as do. and do too. sional Hies if it takes all summer. It ' ' .. V The hah of borrowing is as demur Northern railway once u steicdore You'll go to hell, und II go. too. tU - r ha been six weeks since congress ' 1 lUatltlt.t., V. Two hundred bulbllng and elve-t- t alixing as that of begging. on the railroad disks, lett tin estate ruining it down to date It would adopted the Joint resolution declaring of over tlfty millions. hundred trained errrtarlc will b read that a state of war existed between A New Knglsnd woman I sears If voii do as 1 av and I do. too. Virginia Will Piwcnt Great Britain With Statue tlrumlillng at the B I a ry T. M. C. army harvest new.r(lI had I II I i).cwi to start the A. Germany and the I'nlted Htates. but ttttl, MlUunl toinhsle.iie and Vouil i;o ami volunteer, and k" v makes up for time fooled nuy In thljher name curved upon it und stated asliui'ton work In the mobilisation ramp Minn to date no legislation has beep enacted too. spring ago was T veais. I nt if you do a I I do. i that her did. and tso. to be Bach building will to enable the government to raise and I establish!. I lleducliig the supplies of meat. Vouil st it.v at home, and II sta too. erte a brlgad and have a staff of eiiuip An army. The silver lining is ulways more ap eug-- . si.. ne and poultry in lieimati) hue tended to muke thu people i I.4MOMMTMIS ItlMI lv five The building "111 More than three week elapsed after parent In the clouds of other people oi llt ertarie. healthier. line for the vegetarian! An order of nliv v es the declaration of a ntu.te of war be- than in our own. loci.mot frrlt provide larg meeting fur ntnv. A member of the llontou school f "III the winks - cooil but, ruomi on fore the house and senate acted the recently elected wa a lu ll, vv hen a raiiioiol tlri ,des to ottO Ing con-tert- e, turn Summer picture, entertainment anil delay Home people ure so suspicious Tourist army legislation. Much of the that hop in a hotel m that cilv mil. three that number iroiu .ts own srrap )ar-1- - correspondent- facilities, room was due to advocates of the volun- they would even regard the piu lit in 4 weeks before gtection. th' ti. hirv t inrnt has more than ordi- for educational cluaeea, alnu games, teer system who inslvted that the of trees "as a shady transaction. Till 1 '"A Cohaiss wUhiiot Ilium." nary sigiuii. am e. Tins has rfelniiv says the New Yor.i World. It is the been d by the Ituiimu'oti s& build-Inn- s Htates must go to war online Excursions piano and grapha phone. The I'nlted sumo congress that the World fouuht h..p atitl hlk'hly organised i.i Iri iitl in ii vai .nil the will be available for Human the most milltaiv Legal Adviser of so hard to elect. enttiii' s that a .veal or -- o ak' power known to history with an The of Herman) ha sold We-l- lit.eil up on Die siilt-- l t s lu a Catholic and Hebrew services, a Governor Probing tar army establishment such as the mnguilicf lit liiaiiiond necklace dilapidated .,'li.litlon air now serving a for i'rotestant aervliea. h'-- b lb" - had alreadc broken down I in ireat Bond Transactions! that was picscnted f1 I'lali'il iitos oi various pints of ill.- I Morgan of New York. Hiring the time the national guard Britain. J P. ni.'ldi- west. f.i.ft live May l't. and re piece oi mail .1 - a on lf.0 c.'urrrtMn4-iiv- to Th HirAH Nearly eleven million .V of trlltlllv alto Ihe blg- the border ecretarlet were Pl?ril la- -t eiy day tlierealter. up to President 'Vllsons military policy is -a in a Fe. N. ..I, Mavll An siullt matter posted In th:. coun'.r.v g.--- J Town.: t v vv little employed In Y. M. '. A. work among atilre-t- .".n. 'Aitu tn:al establixhed u on a ixdld foundation of of the state's transactions In lion vear wcio o b',:"d!y tiial llrrle.l a II a ll t 'ne who bus tiul .l Hiiiieinbcr the Muldlers In camps. 41 building - t experience. The war department is with Series "C" bonds, aiithorieil the) were sent to the dead letter their iuni;. I"ii iippearanie and nnr- 'in, td Oi tohet :.l on nil were erected for housing Hie a'llvltie-o- f the Kuabllng tn t to prov ide for the tow ho.- s .vlil (ml soon f"i tfl't tbt'lil t:- !Ms, flic Sa'ita Fe R. R. to begin the work of raising ami payment I p t the eu.'liitl"n, and $J&. a of bonds und accrued lntcrei A blli to restore to Th.-s- enKH.' s pu'l'-- the liltf of will sel! Ktiund Tup training as soon us the power of t coun- iiovv tirscts In t Ilia armies thereon tlrai ami Santa Fe alio former Ameriiau lii;ii'.ntf the. r dt.v anil run on every line in the spent magnificent work. With liv in vaiiinis castein point at is conferred upot ft. Nothing Is lack- ties, has lieen staiied II. c. Iteid. with the. allies is to be intl ''ic cd in cn.intlv. The ill'ill leviathan, of the the new army soon to be organised legai to llovornor I.indsev. It n- - ci'iu ra es. ing but consent of congress. adviser congress. Colonel K'" ell Mioiild present t in'- hail li"i at ell tholluill ,t. rd I the is in connection with there alii mure than a million men thce transac. lii-.i- thrill. Mat the lines of Congress take Itself too seriously. Mr. a Hem- overpav- - car "i inain to look after and it Is thut lions that Reil lotced h'S two children d estimated by For huvinu the load serin-- mole tralllc. llama few exceptions, the ments have been made the sint". i must be raised at once In Aside from the li uiul eais old. In drink lort wine irrew- lori.yer and tar heavier and the members 'body ure making estimates of tin amount of sin h they wete a New Yolk order to f Innnie the through the of that - until diunk. llfle ellk'iltc Ilia! hail done their sel work ranging from tmo.0') to tl'O- -- w money wag cut to the oik house lor ir- so we'll a few W'-r- ri'inalnt-- r f this year. more than they could hope to 00". father veals blioro t hirt v crowded oft The Atlanta: cV I'utili'i The I :iov.ii,. ,'it- ; lew ii ell c Miy I.i make in private life. The majority In .1 statement made to das. the rale nt i. Several large gifts have alri-atl- lioverinr I if over JJ.0IH i"ll urit- - of falill places men ordinary Limlsey Mr. says is pos 'ypes of lives look 'heir of the membets ure of rtold that "it of Ne v York oiilv puf.blo cor.o ;r mo .SSI.Oft been mude. The Kmkefeller Kunnda-tlo- n sible has been an land in the slate ali.l the tittle heelers'- were louis. ability who, by the wuy. ure that there H.J.'ill.U'MI alitl i per BrniNcs CIIICAOO. 11 I. .S.r'H.H.'i hus contributed l.'IIU.lKiil. th- -I fncrll payment of manv ill'' cultivated Klailliiily slilctta.-k.-- a they Wol'l colo toi.o thou.iiid ioll.u'. COLO. J N Y . credited having good sense when the " popala'. ion v DENVER. S.'b NI.V. YOKK. Sho Id 'lilted and this uudit. I inl that rent of '" "ill Kv ei railroad has found tliein ftulc Kteel I'.irporalloll 110. after KANSAS CITY. MO s .it a. i CINCINNATI. OHIO . they ure In private life but when they attorney general lie to a. lil'l I.i t , n ui. so It!-- at iia bern III" Uuo 1 the autlioriccd - and Ilie l'lielps-- lodge Interests A d a million-am- i Ho congress are sio-- nrceasary to Woman who man 1', i. III Illoltve blllltli.m. to their actions lake the iirtion !U"ieiv paitit-ula- plume ll'iOiio. Xew and iv In. foi inci known a th'-- Am lor liutlirr tail Jul Mexico. Anions ns to lead the people to believe that pndeit the stute a intercut in tin- mat and wits I'.m al" ng bio k. the western Texas have been asked for ter." thu most oca at I"! i n. an in lienn-- lalurr rliKllirs liitu" ili'tt Ue "ll the their heretofore good Judgment hn - pauper a New f Is.auO. whirh is a viry nominal sum "propi'Tly to ploter- the ili"d u in lll.llll lines, liril of Ihe "v mill W hr'i-'- t J. JOh.YSON, Agont fin su ken them und that thev hn would lousii-- . piuli-abl- York institn-a- rccciitl) s be tlt.i A s - rtate's interest' as rollid used srrviee oil for then states. stciiiniii- cam- - a v gone wandering off after fal."c godn Ill suits to recover i x e pay- in to lnisse line biancli lines. And that ih vv liere tin paign Is being planned and will be pos pllllllli" l il tl d Men who couldn't tell a 'no-e- aii' incuts niade to bondholder, inj on tlldty III !!! loll ItflV lociinit'l'V I" ate bema put to Id il soon. lit n the soiithwes' sibly suits on the bonds of slate iffl- - of violating Hie law hi ' from taps' or Who couldn't illtlniilHli e - the pnv nu to HlC SU "Tlll-- gelllir- h.-- will be thut angrily and the rers who permitted n's loWU. colli! id. .t lit-- I. me lo all riiiu'il a machine gun from a howltzr hive - people mill hava un uppoi tunlty to made. lueli ale no iiior rr liu '.ban ao.V of tlitstj locomotives from thu snap In lean-latiir- in my delivered learned (") dlseoiirses The first Mate ',i". otlor man ,u tin Ileum, of pile u wa f'niii'l ' hat the frames w et e contritoite to this work which mran-a- n neressarv leuibl. rongresa endeavoring- tu override the the v olt e lor ihe most putt riititr!y koo'I. N' vv to fcoung boy Sel "1" bi as L much our men and the Issiianre of irr - . army men de- Let the We rule: b.clcr- i on i i ne ut wete bouultt and .r.,-- opinions of who have III the Knablllig net. mil on who fiork to the colors. liovided ll hi Clik'ltl.'s taken down pull ll) voted years to the study of all the Mure I. I IMS. the stale m r. ad-.- to The war department expressed the I M i:i; iMtM ll Now i . I v speaking, w it Ii I h T i" part ii. tin ipiestlona connected with war- refund the bunds. Mr. It"i Ids. llill-O- gr Ucsirci that th Young Men's Cliiintlan HloUX Cltv. a Mo 'lr ollt I'Xi'l'I'l l''ll oi the' is all (he nlll.c therefore, that no on a il of Mi l e fare. In faM. if this Vas' that hi i w i nined bv Charles new W'-r- stiveifc AosiM.'lutloii I part of ihe enuitie Kinduut the welfaie nork the bond hcveinl that He Miol.ld iiiimiKia-lio- n cupltol hav stuie c i,iiiiisi"iicr of iln- - HS" among sraied around the could have been paid, iiinl that tin- p v nii iit from setup pie Th" nood ptnis the ri'my of the million men. fioii-i- provide a - J, to en bottled up, rent to the allied on w l it for iNintda to from tin- ..Id es were of ttilerexf interest v - I'restdent Wilson expressed himself as ' or I v V sLtllleiit vv ho olilll- armies and turned looi-- e the The alleged excess pav metis mi,. mu'o ri llisl the saint; as ill blllliliui: .1 imaint it ' va-- a i; r ic'Mi 'll al paituularly Lucres'. m having the ..r l....i-.M- ti.v iiif-inil- s V.ii h tern- to the l Sntiir.y urw Kvru tin- ol.l Herman thev would have IiiHtantlv r. iiinrs- int.--- -I Ih nig to in. ao W'-r- association work In beliall of our 1. 3: Intel on liip'u ! uriuv .ryauiad bollrrs it"! rlllirelv lst t"l imm deailly et to its fumes and n . s i i : i ' army a iv tlons. and ledeiiipii. of moons America pioti'on of thm tvrrti uiadi lo do sel and nav. In recent cxecut of I In; the war would have been over lorn whlrh were not portioi s .f tin-- nd A a result "f the lainoi'ini. it e in rotnidh'iina s and shop wi. r older of the president's he states tlrit ' m o e c n t ago. i refunded. "Mai r a a i n.hii ml" in them was no ncrvsilv lor lnHi steam thin organization by ex- tln-.- Is "prepured No transio lions " 11. with acores of mi s iaicd liainlc . i .1 M vi if th-- perience, approved methods and Series olid li.tvr be rarrird when 'iilii'-- uss'tl l Ii i d new ' at m mimi i. joi i lir; ""' About one. the rest of vv ' or m r s w men studi-n- l Min d resource, to service ei"pe lull; on since early In iloverro l.lin'sev were i... j Fifty mi. Iiv.s a saved h the plan. lKs ''M! i I vv a wlu-- ere tin- llldilrrnieilt ot - the troopt tn field. It em atlminlstration. f.nir 'nil Willi '. iolml and tin . iiK.n. s in pronounced vast-h- ' etnp ami Never before has the world wit- preseutetl to me 'C him for Mlfllllttl w lie in ,.l'll' iihiiitccrcd to join the superior lo their I'orei unnii s. and for f - aov I bel the interest ef the servire thut svirh scenes as have occurred in llistcao of siunli u tic Ihimi- hi - nessed lu mi al Hi lie Moim lltKlst. Un- of any oi tlinS 'I .iltoK'ihir p it shall continue s n voluntary rvliun the States the past lw-- ake.l in ei:al ll. I'. M"l to l.take 'v liiitr dining styo nrwt l.rolitot:v r In1 on, ' built enlllriv al otguiiixatlon; however, the lei'iittK ob. lecen-tiiin- s an ami tin iiivcstiu ii i hi: pinvr weeks in coiinertion with the t i.i;i sW works Hti'iililir Ainiiliall. i r. 1.: t .' .i c a .!a t .VI' lion h i lie h ahnig-- it It III I'll ,,t tamed are su benefu lal und Ihmit Joseph ' surd tendered to Henerul i In- t 'cJ'li I r l for an a in. nt is ii w a rdr a onr n rula'lon lu mas-nii'i'- ti !,! , i. i t vv MONETARY SYSTEM OF diict field marshal of actio c..lin.-- on itlt the I gov 111 effuir.n. Jaiiice i'eaire Joffre, .1. ill. ii- t bv I,.' ei I' iu lor four '.,n i. tl ' -. as (lie uovWio'i K rv w Oegeral Joffre ilteil IviVrril'l t, f oileit s and has Frame here p oi'stl MEXICO MAY BE STUDIED Mr Kei.l ha t d Iir fotnul 1! Summer Happiness t onti Unites 1. Hie h.i ,' I'll! sh'.pv .Is a iiiiUiih, olitent lias itiMie he has been hailed as the dlipll. to gone I. i,ki. al iitlon of piVlnent limolliitll.i; tiie-iiet- e pen-oiine- Ul oiit.ull BY BANKERS OF TEXAS und morule of the thut u greatest .' I '. I II. it. t,, mlliiarv hero cf all time aim t ami ihat Kuiisiia Cilv bond -- I i t ii I ha' M' III ul" ILiviiiv llll llllllSl' liftiiit s - ,n-- tart scrviic order to unify thu i l.iluui h'ttei mei.t um-- h i huver- - li.i'. ihe dlipll'-atioli- ba't pri hti; people f un naiionaiiies uiiu . - . ' eligageil III ship!. ml. Villi o ill1 III. I II ( I i iictik-ilie- to trea-ai- ill in had Hr h' ftlt-l- I're'wH l.lil' lll'iliui' llll'lll s. In the ill mm. und the the aurei.l to let un the slate Ii rurlher lolneil In paying hoiuuge to pin .1 ..uaitiHt tin l M t i lio'id for the sum inu pi "ii lll.lltlltt' i.i IV '.. 'II tlM' orK.iiiiz-iiloi- aio eiluti.oi 11m- work of the i thut hit' and la. k "t : t ; It l l In w ' v who In his bull doa determination or e.iiivab'iit. within l i;eltnm a "i.tiuC ami imiiU cf h I; in i .i hiti- Vvw t.miii A "in ll'jlll Ii.iii lo. l.iiiii'V ill en . demonstrated lu uiiility to n bat k the .10 pra.-lira- X il WHS Inellliolie.l i hi- i - lender teiiaiity saved I'arla. hurled pt of days lire i'iH I'fi.itimntr t, '!Yxii Ki.nUt in. I ii 1,1 II l il uiul eli- il- - . .in li' t'l ;in eertlce desired b both offi'i-- i und Uerrnnn army at the Marne and ne'.i lilllllik- h ... fci en Ulth lieliclal iiki-i- In t it'll will ' uivvii an i i"i nun (ul- I In Km In n Int t in. lness un- imlv il men. offl la I rei osnitlon Is heie'iy Fiiglum). .unreedy and Alii; until A ll HUM i ioethats ll wtlltlV llH IIIMlM'tit l f .!' Ill the line until r .its', Ih,- 1 i Mil. lia ruited if a rnl ..( .iniiii.t! lew in liniti'i Jti,'. iiiilit ulvi-rsa- thru given the Young Al n's t'brlstlsu Asso- larking even a a) item of l lilMllMHM.' hT iiinilt ship. s.n.l ho I'' thi t i'silay i nliun w tin ti i ti as a vuluaWe adjum t sod rin iti ciation uillilarv training. could I. While there are women who seen '.l' sii lift tm.ii (iffi er are enjolneial despondent and gov iiinenl ll to the serviie. bring vast force to tiear In tlm lalwic and drpressrtl "tYeli." pi sed the MnlM-- iHr lll H N'll' l 's- I v I her f ''('H4 in.: mi i .ii lu lillil. ilinii liese liins expe. is not . to fullesi prartn-abl- Franeo-ltrl3- i n ting misfortune that I epres-llt- al i U hO III of till . render tte great e on the t'lHltli.l I hi i 'ffrniv omiitb.n Such un- i linvv Tin- til il ill" is sli-- einiiiil!-e- In mailt-ten- s Woiiuiii natural "I ieti. l al ...a built the Tannin. hi iHHihvtti Mi'Xlm will lit alslance and the fro'it. s, fortunate ri.'iii An M , III I lie I I il tn in-- assoela-tion- , snll'i I.II1III,'' iepl.1 uivi.-- im inUii'ii j.i h cut H'lt till'l.'l iiiuiles o.i'll me and ettepslon of the had never reuliaed the full abliormul ronilitn.,1 of the s v si c . n ri lis ins "Ho Vita the aliswei u I'm - wilt lit iuuti- - v til' i'Kt ion in tt.t tiht iiveii ne il ifii. at pei'itianeiit posts and wgnike express- Itself ill net uusness. sleep- be- - i.iln both linpoitan.e of riermsny I .l ' build a canal I I It r It lliillcs. W lessness, ha kH.'hes. Iiruilut he, ami ...oi er Hill 4 l't H llllloM and field.' seems to have ' A im-rt- i and in sinp preparations. Joffre v foie- nut iiiri'haii-i- t"i ti ii I cam-p.iis- n I .. l i. t saw' lite iioilit t Im- - t i M x i ; Fverr dollar collected in tlita been one of the few men high Ir. the It all tilling women would nuihc ir lie it ha ihotifv . ln wr iiiu i n wioely spent. And of the w no faithful ii. of thai grand Italia New. itiiMi"i tn anil will ult-nt- lll lo council Fri n'h .nation . s I.vdlu li I'lnk ha tit's NilllMuhl- - nHI'K It'tl-Hl- lltlll'l' Albuquerque Gas, Electric T. M. '. A- - building at an army ranvi foresaw that a clash with lbs kalirr lt. l s Vegetable t 'oitipoiiml. there would be kill' llll: Mill MJI III All X Hi n .(tiM'tai ni "h.rh (Iti'v wil hov was inevitable. XV I t h mean a plat where the soldier in Ihe near future llttls ts casioll to ask if desnoiidei:' asliilo;! nil The iiiiioroii he ftUII itl tn p.tV Hlllnltt.tlil ul tin his caie-e-i iu th army in lh') pune & tH while away nia a louetoui hour, Thtonhi'Ut uli u BaiU1Bi i0 woman. H'VeiU of tilt tiiniu ba'e CBUUlibllitl la'c il lu tW flit. 9s Light Power Col .The Evening Herald, Albuquerque, N. M., Tuesday, May 15, 1917. Five

l;ftflnm 'plaintiff .MtM ,I..Nf.HIlf iHti'Ki,W:M; Hiih a rcnannuhle. (ullaHe ' .MI ..W .till . i, ii tul Kiifa imilu with which lii tiarform AAAe fa 111 work." DELINQUENT TAXES GETAHEN AND HELP Il Ik stated In the alxth paragraph y y if the complaint thai plaintiff, whl'o y driving the mul "fly" wee endeavor-I- ty v release brake on a enr "to INCREASE POULTRY y Ami I ti - which Kim hltt tied the said mule 'fly- y y una further that anld mutt without notice any warning and without any signal y y from the plaintiff, suddenly started TO PURCHASE SEED OUTPUT OF COUNTRY y y how Willi suld rm anil thin plaintiff ' caught between the aid of the ear y y the mill tlif rlli or Hi. If of I hi' nmln entry y y In thr dcfcmluut'a km Id mini'. Tlmt crust hi Imi'k mul lioilv wire rut. bruised, Startling Condition of Affairs la 35 Men in 28 Counties Art Desig Products of United States Could y y crushed nml tutored.'' y y r Shown in Article Prepared by nated to Pass Upon Farmers' be Doubled Within a Year on Tho churaiti-- or the mule "riy" l If y y further In the ninth pnnigrnpri A. . James; 1917 ; - Session of Applications for Assistance No Everybody In a Aid your i'f th- eumpliiitit which state Position to y YOU MAY THINK THIS A y "Kly" wna nn unsafe, unrulv n ml dun-gern- Legislature Unproductive. Money to be Furnished. Did Their Part.. y y niiliiiul." Aa n result of his PECULIAR FURNITURE AD i experiences driving ttiln y COTTOLKNi: mule the y Well, Schcer s Is ft "Different of a lliiliitirf state lit paragraph ten. tlmt Sort" hl'irinl In Tht Hrmlil Hpiedal rorrrtainurnr ta The fTarald Washington, D. C, Alny H. Tha y Furniture Store. y "he wits confined to the hospital fur Mi ii tit I'V. X. M.. May IS. An an- Hanla Ke. X. A!., May I In Una ii five such In-- j alalenient mode at tho recent agri- biscuit of month nnil nouncement hy the Htnto tail coinmla-mo- u with a definite plan for a Id y y lurb'a have , mancntly Impaired the extending cultural conference at St. IMila that NIlVO II CllstilllllT ftlHvllC 50 fflltH (o the tax ioIIm viirloiiH form-ulnte- d I'iii-k- that of the to the fartnera of New .Mexico, y I plalnt- - the poultry product, of I'nite, up rtM-ko- tomes muscle it nil hones of the cnuntiei of Ih- - ho- iipproxl-imitel- y hy the anvinir. iiiiinl y.iiil a f'J.r0 Iff nnil tte a committer of th council Statea couij bo w ithin a year the functional activities ofi 1 1 Mill. (Mm niitMamllnir In doul'bd hHine I'tisiiiiiicr lelli jinsxitily hnlf a Ii im In of defeitae anil approved hy that body meana If to kidney nml he now and will w that everybody In n position WK luxe, ndili Inlerent to a nnil hy (iovernor l.indaey, tha gover- rcliitivi'K nnil Cririnls iiIumit the hnr- - y always he unrilili to peifnrni iniinunl of the tux collection law pame'l tu help did their part snim iiiin.niia f nor yeaterdny appointed Ihlrty-flv- o ! I ." le' i iii!v.-- iii (dp In "or by reason of mi Id Injuries," etc at the recent renular' of the worth of food would a ii to our ..en on oars- tisiitir world, y eion tlnnnrln) In twenty -- plate IcxMature. which haa pre- aicenta the elKhl aupply thia year. 1' ' c ..I a oh: I'i ol !' - ' l.l't' liew eus- - been count lea of .'.'! the atale. whoaa dutlea Thlg llu holes both for i m I v mrt Father pared by A. K. JnnieH, director of the ntenl f ''', i' i; i iii an a hi,,- lirimitiin utiito ami and Son Are puna forth-comi- will ,10 to ti'iMin applkatloiiN y fur and eyga. Very few ! Tuxpuvera' Amhii'IhIUhi. for the farmera v ' .1 iii. i i i t !n p I lilt g .a, may e eh inn el use t Inflicted lixtie of the Tax IteMew. The a sl'.t.mcr, and urrntiKo for legal ft. practice, a syatrmatic plun of llp"a-lu- y t Charge fur-Mfiir- y trisfi on Htnl "tiivp tliillnri,-- - will buy i' law Im iiRM-- In tonot'ctlon with u cnrlty for nil nei'd uiid provender pro- of their fowla after they have liirci' tir tour iliinl di' V picfhr-rtin- - hrbun Of Mutilating Victim nenerol review of the 117 uieiilalatlon. vided. ceased lo he productive, although It fnf an Iiimim- hihI 'iuivo y At the nutlet Mr. J.iiue etatex toil Abnolutely nu money la tu be fur- ia well known thai fowla of the heav- times ilntl inticli. every new piircliancr to the new law heara evdence of huty ier breeda, auch aa the I'lymotilh t'irrrionilrnte Ti llrrild nished directly tu any applicant, and yf ii " i iiihiiciiI ciistiiincr nml tells other people Katun. .S. ,.. .May Ii. Krunk tlriiftniK'. mul cltea the fact that the need and provender only through the Itocks. reaae to produce a profitable , nliuiit Scliccr'a. I'lniiKii ,iii, J. I'hninh. of i hi'roki'O, old law on rollectlon H left on II egga 4 f lax nam. la I in tho coun- number of at the end of their y FWrri Ciaw book remaining 2?1 K.ii-.- . Catlitr iimendnienl. aeita Miriuua and koii. with the xtaliite IiooI.h without Tho in ti li second laying, and that thia llirg-nia- III ties. Hicuri'd hy y sr by fatiaHit tiM.kv lent free. Iiuwiik riiininally mutilliitid Improvement ultimate in While eotue niortHatfi covering holila true of tho lighter breeda. auch iiIium l.-- Itromi, po he under chattel croi.a and f WiiieThe N. K.taifhank I ninpany, a former tax collei tions muv expei tcd aa lscghurtn. at tha end t their third y y Iniiiiiiii of the WfhBtvr new flnda It fa Ha other iirupirty. toKether with uutea 11 1 I'lKTnktc at the law. he that laying year. Consequently, if eflurta Weil Wellington Street, nub-Joe- l, for y i In-d- a nut tu exceed eotht montha, wnh y iu'm h ni'ar 'iia.irron, have hvi n short of nn ndeniiHte law on the were dispose all femalca III. ti'd hy hope :n Intel at t per tenl. Imtfta in iMty. made to of CliiK. tho Colfax comity gland Jury and expreanea the in when heat laying day a were over y V (or mi nt uf acid and pruvcuder w 111 be their Geo. ukdiiiiu collection C. "with intent to iiiulin anil the near future "u real tux tScheer a lurge uunnllty of poultry meat diKfiKiin" utiil nHKUUlt deadly tie polllcullv pomlhle " "Th.' drawn on tho atala diaburainic lugent y with law nuiy would be placed on tho market. All eaioii Hi rmiian in aileKiu to huvu cel)tl:ilM of tax follei tloll." he anVK. in Mania Ke. and to ach diaft will y yf - poorly developed elope, with Frank 'loiiKh- wife, and prom pi mid certainty. Tax a bn till; chickena should "are iicm allachcd approval of the ho Go. iitiiiiialiiiBi likewise culled out and used aa y y the liiihl'uiid and hm nn followed him fhotild he collected, not only ultimate- coiintv UKvnt, Furniture314-31- 317-31- liiuinrlitl nolo of tho the way 6 South Second St. 9 to thin coiintv. found him alone at his ly, but when due. A Btatvment oil farmer and thu ilmttcl iiioitKugi' meat. Thia of disponing of y y ;i n on the WcliMcr rntti'h, where he etnte appropiiatlouH and tax levlen taken. fow la would allow tho farm- had Kei ui eil ' I . . ineiit. and, ufterl ahowi that only tiluoit per fen' er to feed hla grain to younger and Obstreperous Mule '' n The plun rulla for the uctlvo coop, JesJesJestJeJeeJeeJeeeeeJe la.iieniiur hnn to the floor with ImiIii'k j of our luxe are collected within more productive fowla. t crulion uf the Wlnlcalu Urocera' Causes Injuries to wire. riinliialh inutiliated him. iiMr of the time th- ar ityxeKM' CitMinialng the cock re Is that are I purchuaa oi diti),' to hm toi The cane ik hiiiiU'! The mom elemnt In pronipt in the and distri- not Intended for breeding purposca eientlal Vegas, state treasurer; VMliam A. EST Miner, It Is Alleged In r in Us detail to (lie l'inl,ih I.iILj tax colli" tloiin f a penally and Inter-ev- t bution (,f need for Hlato utH'tiunt. Xo will not only Increase their viae but REVOLUTION MEXICO i It hiah-l- v proviHiuu ia iiiailu lor expenditure Keleher, Alliuiueriue, state advocate; t'i'i' iii Kaiiu lly yeiirsi rale hufh e'lotieh to ninke the will place a more ile.lruble poultry HAS COST I I paver to make of K'.ale funda for pui poses thun V. I. $951,736,300 in Th llI, unprofitable for a tax uther meut on tho market. Another prac- Ijinlgnn. tlnl jp, atala warden; il Cnfri'ii'infn' ;;thI Ii old Inter- piirchaae of provender. H.uifii .M Mn 1.. ?!!. inn' lieM,le the i'loiih:l)H. I;, oilier were. the e1:i eibiuiker. The the need and tice that ahould be adopted more J. P. Farrand. Albuipiei one, and 3. J. CARSANZA E3TD3SATE3 l one ihiiimmI ' T'lv" iMt flrM.r" Indicted hy the Kiand Jury, n'.il ihe.rl est rate on d''iiuiui hi taxei The plan diflcra from chat outlined widely la that of fattentng all chick- Connelly, Ituton. delegates w a alternate - -- , ;,m-- pnr a The lo law ay mail-la- r i nil- ll tli r V lit II Mltl- f"f H'.'t.fHtl with J I other cine en the1 rent month. lioveruor liiudxey Haturday ena that am to bo marketed before to the eupreme convention. Gallup f' By 4 III (hi I S. I'iiitinal will lie lirouuht lie no ymiltv While formerh ua the coiiiny tK'rittion la they can lie got 1311 j Anultli Preu. l:itmiCM fllffl ..wtH iloeket. liavo the farm. Thia the convention. I - frnlil tax Alay 11. Ii iK- - ..(fit i l'u- fore the petit Jury, w hii h the treiiiurer rertlflclite Tho propoaed Incorporation easily by confining Mexico City, Tho recent Minln Mitt ii'tr.ened ilclln-iiueii- ,. dune the birds for The adopted reaolmloiii -- pi t i"il convention l ti- h PtFMiii"t tl.- h'nn .il.fli I' lU verier, 'a iiiormitK. The Jur will he within a horl after of oiKanniatioiiM wua ubandon-il- a week or ten days feeding revolution coal Mexico S5l.73S.3Ui new Mi" an I l ntid them which reaffirm the loyultv of tho i t . I V t A I under the law ua by Venue- - i t i ii t M w fc"'H ' "imi ic.iurci! i., at ui'ontl Indi, iiiieiitu for in favor of hiiulli'ial uucnta. a fattening ration. They will Knighta of Columlrtia to the coun- eatimated tleneral t lit of the 1 t ti t - in',1'1, r. ii J lmn-- llt oil the .lu.lciio prealdenl-elec- It. i htf-- tin tliii'. l.tiiil lor cniltfv.lf incut. for Thu to, am tul am named In condi- try reao-lutlo- jtiatio Curranca, he t In if pofMblv. I.y nn np-pe- hla Uov. come to market then better In this time of war. Similar . ii ife J court, delayeii. congreee, Iff. of AiiMiiii. abandonment. for a. mil. for new eror l.iiulsiy follow: tion und the fanner will receive a were passed by the aupreme a ineaauge to the Alexican A 14.1111I1I1KJ to the court The HlJit-- on for wife a w'pnio,' I 111 greatest In I'laititiff tlmt I'atidonnicn. In I mt It,. .Max Xordhaua. Alhu- - profit fur their added weight. hoard of dnec some time ago. The tOf this auin the part wa v n law. tin reforc will increit'e rat trs j ,,:i ill ai'peal. I urge of paper currency, of which Xi'.SU.siiO ..f de, r asc the aoouiMt ,,f current iut Ue. The greater production of lurkeya, resolution also upon Kntahta a nt nun n n v uml w In tin 'I t'i t 10 aOdltion to tile Itoll' ttli' Ml" than Columbus, pure peaoa waa coat or i action San MiKuel. Lr. J. Al. Cunningham, ducks, geese, and guineas, all uf all Cathollca and the expenii'a. ino that hi imjui wt t. !. the Jtlf lit thlM term. de'lmiuen unhs the otirt army iiuiif. if. pro hied - pnnnpily 'en.i. which can he profitably rained and a minded public to discourage the dis melntalning the amounted to tint- tin- - nclu n t f. Tile i.l',. of Ht:,t" e llrilei.. State therein 'eBiin tt rt'iu'linV Hi, n A. M. , ready in moat aectlona, play of Immoral and suggestive motion :n.3i5.0.',t peeiai, of which all but 1 and vIkoi u"ly proeeuted." Juan. Aninden, market found to ihmvmIm a mi( I'I.m in whith lliistiuoente. State Valdea. murder la OUS , I Mr. picture filtna. It recommended that ,(1,551, pesoa wag paid In paper 11 , In i lid lit! hi." dlsrtiei'on. il. A. I'lvrve, would increiuio the aupply uf poultry ti. work .mil "In iik t" x'i in-- will he hroiiuhl up at thlf ter.11 pa Atc. "the white Hat," which contain tha currency. nli laincH taxpaMT who Colfax, considerably. The production f i (mm i.Militin ilj; ..f hiiic The ti. II. Turner. Katun. meat rt( in 'i curt t names of fllnia and hooka meet it .U taxex ha- - a unlit M exip' I hu.ct. lj. A. Cahoon. of ducks espcciully should ue empha- that Tho total amount of pajper money awe-we- Hiwe. the approval of a censorship board of ,t leiiKl all who arc 1',-n- (.. Lua sised at thia time, because of tho rap- issued by the government during the Ana. J. Miller. Cfucra. the church na being morally fit. he cir ("tllpclle.l to pa an, ia promptly Kddv, Lieorge .ook. Curlahad; I). idity with which they grow, pucka revolution' aubaetpiant to April 2S, , culated and patronage of plays or pur- In not a lew "Unties f the tate the I'. Willliims, ArtiHia. of moat of the meat bree'r. ;iroperly ma. waa SJ1.S54.IH peaoa. Thia ii chase of books not contained thereon I. in, Hii of the tnxpaer who ih not managed, lnh Monolove, r.f 6.I.MMI,. tSiiailalupc. 11. it. Ilobinaon, funta fed und frequently be dlaemiraged. The white Hat ia pub. the laaue tax paver l allooM a heavy an the: frum five to six pounds) ten weeka 'DUO peasia. the conatltutlonallat army ,v Kimii. at Ilet-e- once each month, and a copv ,'ot of emmi'iit." W. Murray, Silver City, of age. ft la eat limited by poultry-me- n I Issue of 2.'.Hu0. 0lu peaoa, the prov ls-- The review of lull ICKWlntlou ehow ' litant. I. cut to each parish priest. reg- I'. 1 .Voidhuua, UeiuiiiK. making it specialty of growing loniiJ government of Mexico laaue of that II"' law a wen. pae, at the l.ui.a. The meeting of the atnte council I.iiicolu, iloon.'c urrixozu. ducks that the feed costs per pound of more than 41.Oiin.onu and the pr, - aew-io- of the latin e. that I'lrlck. f win attended hy iblmutes from each ular producing S government Vera, Crua la-- ue in r:i "I .McKlnley, tX X. Cotton, .iullup. duck meal ritngea from of six and visional of HI ,.f the n Holier are and cents, depending upon the councils of the state nearly deslKll.'-tiii- u Morn. Kuireniu ltomcro. Moru. C. cents to - tho by all officers. Among of snti.oiin.wno. it doea out local InWB. It of the laiter pruca grain the slate "ipfulstiieahle" hicliwavB in v.irioiii It. Ala runlhv. Koy. rut rent of and other those who were present were Stute Include the leeue rnade I Iced". during u period aa one Z liona of the Hale, ii tot that only utero, II. K. 1'i'iii nian. Al.tinoKordo. Deputy T. K. Murphy of Ituton. Stale denominated SUPPORTING THE of the if. m i' il law- - arc , f prime Im- Ciirri. 8. A. Jones. Clo is. Iim rremtiur the Supply cf 14.1. Hecretury J. J. Conney of Itaton. of reconstruction. portance. Hue or the I" the liev. l.iu.iy, II It. Jonea. Tuciinuarl. The number of marketable egga Ftatea Treasurer W. It. Tipton of In addition tit other Indebtedness, y road act. which ci lire, in the opin- Koorevclt. Itcp Smith, I'ort.iles. can be Increased by following a tew Vegas State Advocate W, A Kele. nenerul ( uiranxu declared that GOVERNMENT ion f Mr. .1 hock, central control of Santa I'c. I. vl A. UuKhea. Sunln Ke. pructbal auggeatlona. Among t.. her of Albuiiier,Ue, State Warden W. for Injuriea rulTered Curing In (lallup. I'huplnln load liilildnik' without parallel the Suet rro. L e lliildwln, Kocorro. nnt important of these are the pro. K Ijinigun of Htate ll.e war eventually muat be charged . IT lldlllllll-'cre- d. S. Albu-riieriii- lllll.d Slate-- well'. Philip Jauela, ilernulillu. duction uf the infertile eug after the Itev. Father Mundularl, J., of against the revolution. Among theae It MloUld pro! I' of lllcnlell. prop (leorge J. Herman und I', J. he Mivw. Sicrrn. .1. A I've, llillsboru. breeding scii'iui ia over, mid the indc mnitiea are the kuiiib reuulred tu is a time for every citiien to hepellt to the tatf iTlHHt' U er bundling of egga by the litrmer Kluemiker, lain Vegas; ileorge T. I'nion. T. II. Hixey, Clayton. - rehuhlliiate the national railways. Y law in, reaHinK airrii illtur I'rcNton. . lais Crueea; F It Honue- THIS the United States government, the .1 before sending them to market. The Jr work, and the la pi bl- Torrance. M. l'lckel. Willaril; C. fori and T. .1. Ye.iger. (Iullup: K. IV many so extenaion iilfcrtilo egg la obtained hen all mule ban-iou- and are doing at considerable liomero. i. Ke; The Uotary club will hold a et ink- for inveatiKatlons ill connection birds removed from tho dock. Havlea and Jose Sena. Santa cost or sacrifice to themselves. Tiioh, W ia in AlcKvan, Taos; Leu- - are II. at the Alvarudo hotel Thursday with the proponed drainiik'" "f the I'.c not the number of J. Kaatler, Katon. Th- - luolk'ct laws cadaj Maniiiex, una. Thlt dura decrease evening at 6:30 o'clock. The affair iliande vnlb'v. two eggs produced, but It dota Increase y We have joined the Federal Reserve Bank- f lrissed ll'.cl.lle.l to be (tooll. "1" 'n in. Kiikeno Kempenlch, Loa A little WANT AD now ana than will be Informal an, only members t greatly their keeping iiualttica. The System - called to the f.o thai I.uaaai John Hcckcr. Jr.. Helen. I read by every rlaaa of men and with their wIvch are expected lo be ing established by the government attention - egg und -- uhmll a conali- S. Lkjv production of the Infertile ' to give greater 'alnpamu pic lc, to I.eii. J. liixes. Hilton. marketing women too. Try one. prcreul. financial stability and hodyinir nn ef- I tho proper handling and of tutlonal inicinlmeiit cie n linca, ileoiice W. Curr. l'orl egga strength to the member banks and protec- He iirov t' lon. which, 'f hy the producer would increase fect luidm't Suininr. market-a-hl- tieinia-neot.- v I Muu-ii- tremendously the nuicoer of tion to their depositors. i., lopled. would probald.- Iiave Itio Arriba T. . Iturtia, Jr.. e f the hildiret "vatem eggs each by itluuni-hln- i; V estal'llahed Tii rra Ainarill.i. H the aro l' n'll tinlil 7Va You can give your support to this govern- Were ll"t kept. I" "eld "lit The eriior appointed C. It. Ilrlcc the otianiity that edu.-ation- credited hv for food. ment enterprise and also obtain its protec- y county boiirda "f of lioswcli to have churKti of the ilia-In- n W . In, i ,.f ,!u na' one Beneral la In ploper - ., An Im cased i'ii of the s i iX of I In- li li iHio Htate appru- - tion for your money by becoming our promote chool egga isa'il-- In-- c- b:iii.M. i an ,o much to prialion l"r iisrkulturul extrnMoit or la itdv depositor. eronomv and effn-iencf- mill 'he lav. kcta ure found. e'i-- , such pall of it aa may he used. Ilrice , ., t . oiiMcrv inn the ,erioanent land The poultry houa should be la ii in, 'Hilar of t'lo com I, ,vv no t foods I." ill" lured to he t'xeeutite nml suiniaty lite lovvla tree flout o of slali) defi couiii.'ll. and i. and the unci Important of until Die ibe insect pests, thereby pi eventing dis- V all tin- locaHUiea for future iteoer.i.,r ease und inortalily. It is estimated I I ti,,,,- - or taxp-iv- "a he wv HOT WATER FOR tlmt nearly I'.i.ouu.ntiti wmth of poul- , tiv e ta I, Kll llulll. Ml tallow h year disease omtrio - try ia loet cm tlu ouuh state- - the M'msioii "if enlirelv o- SICK HEADACHES alone. Special attention should lie ..A lil'l- - '',V,- - ,du, of a total of nine to the feeding und housing ol ., A Vv First National '.v Ihe l,t'' tax com m Is r... ,p.s luying fowla at sumisoiis ol the yeitr all hut two Oassed the Telia wllv eveivoiiv abould drink hot when luilural source of food - ..1.3 e passed th" their hut not a s;m;le mcaui nulil wilh phorphute In It supply la cut oil. holl-- e . hflorc breaktnat. hu UMiM' In I'rtKliu-la- Although the hutching uson ; cf Bank A AH nnve and by ?ei"". 'ri.v 'I little tn" he of tiny kind, la lauai d 'iv-",- s . 1 WtT - Ilei.l.u proper ahould be loiisnlcied ut an end e eln man- nit a'lio-iiitox- '. la rend bv erv of e Albuquerque, New Mexico ion whlih nieana 1. may aomu Trv nw, poiaona by May il be frusiblc in trnmen "o. I.ner and bowel und north- ASSETS OVER MILLION aucki'd into blood, sectiona of the norilurn FIVE DOLLARS iilled toxins, the western part of this country to con- x 4 t lit, hi k Ii lymph tlucta. excito the the tinue hutching until the first of June. ALBUQUERQUE FOUNDRY & who Ii puinpa hlutiJ an faat heart the Chicka ut that time, with it cotiKii-i- in the amnller nrteriea hatched that proper mat uuenu nt. will MACHINE WORKS ami vein of the head producing vio- feed anil begin luyiior in January uf y I lent, throbbing puin and dlatreaa. call- frtuenily ic'tnoors I'liiiiiilora Ma. hlulsta following year. The maturity of . osiiiics in Iron, lltuaa, llrone, ed headache. Von bvt'umo nervoua. tho e. fowla bite can he greatly .Muiiiiiioiii. Mru, Mit l for dcapondent. si' k, feverish, and itnacra-I'l- hatched Too turnl ns are coiilln-e- d much rain is ruinous I'.i.Il'c nnil llullillnua. nii ii'i aour and almost na If tho mother In e, weaned. In Wnrka and I if fli t lbuiui rqur. N. l von. Then you raort lo acetanl-hd- until thu thicks are iiHplrin "r tho bronudea whuh thia way feid that is furnished th and so is too little growth, instead of temporarily elieve hut do not rid thu chicka producea fvajyit I' rain Is ncreisary for all vtgetable anif al, l of lion" irritating toxina. onergy t follow thu mother. Hxtra h I; animal life. rainfall at regular A Klnsii of hot water with a precuuHoi'is should be taken In the. Vy Mpdsrj'fi Intw of liioestniie phosphate In It. late spring &ml early aumnier to keep 111 ii vals is tlie ii-a-l condition. Extreme of evetV drank heroic breakfast for awhile, thu young birds tree from lice and . ifrmi.?ej fynJ always co Tone. Juftjcs anol Richt are will not oiilv wash theae poisons Irotn dlyettse. both of which cause thoits-am- i in the balancing of forces. Tbus it is with IWuLXjnvocinf vour si, an and cure ou of headacha lo die every year. More general will an gxtrrmp. it u) unjust, acutorial and j j but will purify and ftenhen use of the Inctiii.itor und brooder I r-- I t VS . W..SSIM I a n 1 1. output ,,f llic c.atiie .meutary '. u Incieiise t oiisidcribly the ror do )nn --r nave honestlyttwva ttuuvv ipiart-- r nnui-he- r luslh s, oi. i ('hat niacin for a chickens, il ml coHhenUfiitly the tllfi drkys. cf rjicdaauen. It is a rrulJ brw ef die finest" I can. I of Inn, Mono phosphate. It la following year of lavera the Bailey-Mal- t st grown in America, and the rarcit SuCT. 1..11 iiiIosn u it augur, and T'lo I 'llted States lb ,arl nil 111 o' arl-cultui- Hops tasiei.i. except for u sou loll ai;iic e and the several slat" grown ui old Bohcrfia. When used within reason, felliTWship, Iw ng win b la not unp.',uaut. colUaes wil! be , hid to sup- h awakens kindly and is a fic!oioms ana if ,,u .urn h feeling y.iur tiext, if ply Information to anyone In- healthful as iu flavor is distinctive and delicious. tongue ,s oa'ed or you wake up it li large the-sam- terested in raising poultry on a e food old DUDVv'aEll. U RRDUSO lad tnste. foul brcalh or have colda. scale. Back and FrMl-Lae- a iiidiif'ti, ii Mllo'isnesa. .'i.nsl'patloii ANHKUSER'bUSCH 6T L0U1S,U1A FOR STOUT FIGURES or aour. a, nl .tomaeh. begin tlie phoi-- I Vuaart a Si Lmm vi vmsMtHMiy sitaad at aapMi at pUia 'tai I4' ate. hat.. I hot uaii-- t urn to rid your New Mexico Knights liipt diaappaari bulky waUt-Hna- a l Maka lam V'.tcm ,,f tovitia and polsont awkward baat-lina- a amallaraad E. KunZ DistrftHJtor Alboquerque, N. U (raraful) kavatba llesiilta are ".tilt k and It Is cbtiined Of Columbus Headed C Mt "Old Coraat" comfort with firat wearing. Botk ihosr who to flush out Biodium and law butt. thai continue By Las Vegas Man he aioms'li liver und bowels eveiv 75 aJ 00 tnornliig have any hi hu 3 5 niver itda' ui HpiM'i.l .',irrrii,.,i,'lrr'' lo Th. Herald know a mirrralde moment. lata Vegaa, N. M., .May 15 K. S"- f Sulita Ke. assiaunt district ' I'eel lav NuronMBack and Front4-ac- a Hlllous heavy after dinner' attorney, whose iguroiia work In the ' For SLENDER and AVERAGE FIGURES Hitter ta-i- e Complexion mellow? prosecution of Klbert W. Illaneett at- K I.lver pcihU's needa waking up. throughout th - : W.B.Rtis., Ne.703.J3.7S Gi StyU, Comfort and porfoctly fitting Gowa N.929-il0- 0 tracted attention W.B.Nsffa I'oau'a for bilious attacks, lev at Boat Ecouoanitail Prica. Sunday waa ele' led slate --'.ii at all oiea. - aupreme knight by the New kSzjj 00 deputv- 1 Mexno stale council of the Knighta f A WANT chosen At All DaaUr. WEINCARTEN BROSH loc. Now York Ckicago &aa little AD now and than of Columbtia. other offbera Fraacitoa la read by every claaa of men and are aa follow. Jae D. Sena. Sanla F. women ton Try one. italn aecrel.tiy; I'r W. II Tipton. Six U The Evening Herald, Albuquerque, N. M., Tuesday, May 15, 1917.

MEN FROM ALL WALKS OF LIFE bntlory of field arlillerv; Itolwrt W. mascun. If they swing to the rust MIIIIIIIIIIMM Carey, of tVroyhurat. Wo., I drill ' they will withdraw from the protec- ARE READY TO FOLLOW TEDDY TO Ing a rUndron of cavalry and ex-do- tion of the Meet. They limy have so eriw.r Ueorge Curry H acti-l- New completely demoralised the Turks Si a rt afV THE BATTLEFIELDS OF EUROPE Mexico. Hint I hi protection I not necessary. l o uur iuxtomers, uur Michigan, which ha been deer!led SUPPLY THE PRIZE Oil "This seems to me the bonrd on a a d vlrlct, 1 much Inter. which thn game of war Is being play- Correspondent, and Others The New Twit Tribune I the first a the grnefal public, supposed. ni'inl ha In rtooeevelt gtrogram. Rep. ed. Already I helples newspaper lo proem a authoritative I There are ntd in (lermany in comparatively few of thae. . Wish to Participate atalrment of hat Colonel Theodore mainly rraentatlv Roy Wmidruff la now Aimeniu and Mesopotamia uml if Who berauee lu the yeses that have regiment while buy Kugllsh force can get I:mmihIi and hie am have dona In- t lapsed lnc Han ralin7 tT not Aleppo then Juan Hill the taw In Waahlngton. and Ilrigadler Ueneral the power Influence in the Forthcoming ward raising ti"t for Immediate boy type ha becmne scarce. In (help and of Knvland orvice in The J.. Hat, .of Kault Marie, will have been doubled by this war franc. article rllivra: glare are rlerk. tank era, brokers. &rt regiment tt. Government Loan To date, he haa enrolled I lawyer engineers, haa prtmilaed a from that and the Immense resources of Egypt ., and the norront part eaw men, egclueive I officer, all of them of men of the elate, tie service in snd the entire valley f the Kuphrstes are having annual Income Tigris exempt from conscription; he In pre ranging front S50(I ISO. the Philippine, aa did Colonel tlau Possession Of a Country Capable and will fall Into her lap. This to 009 a year of who mean Wo liolievo it is to send the nret detachment to . being remarkable. "ubetsntlally none tendeln. Portland, Ore., ha will a railroad from Capetown the duly of every true American 1rd many of Second: Oregon In- of Forniahing tha Entire World tlombay within mix weeks from the da 1,4 them ha relative dependlag noon the old to and a future for the world to sulwrilio a liberally It in or circum- necessary fantry In hi brigade, which ha never her lae authorisation Issue hi earning. " entered Into the IMltre With This Certal b One of tha stance will permit and we offer-in- g from Washington. If devtred. the en. Army Name on LM, Woe .Vntror Ifoam. mind of the most enthusiastic take plea.dre in Nearer home. Police Commlaaioner tire cost or mohlliaatiun and equip- Juat a remark We k the I let of StaJtea at Issue. dreamer." our service ui ligndliiiif suUeriptiouH with- ping thee men ran be met from pri- name T. Edawrd llond. of Anburn, N. T la Incidentally, it Is pointed out that ot the regular army omcera rabjlng a company: Clyde out charge. vate fund which have been weed In who have been tentatively scheduled It. Propper, the Uritlsh forces In their northward settling the heavy expense of en. chairman of the Schohalre County Ay through Palestine Inward the for stile in the command. On thl ni Aiwtiated PrAl march We will lu; jrlud to fiiniisli roll meat. For raining and sending many famous army pur sublican committee, la similarly en Chicago, May IS. I'onnenslon of s ancient pass of Issiis must cross the full purtictilurn upou troopa nam, gaged, Thorn aa H. la to rranr. an unlimited example. Captain Philip I Carroll prepared source of gheat supply, capable of siiposed Held of the battle of requeat. Sheridan to supply regiment of employe of amount of money I available, offer scheduled to b made a colonel. Cap. a feeding the em Ire world, I one of the ranging the New York Hotel Men associa- la date from email Individual tain Kttahugh would eominantl take at iwue In the lighting In Mo. Vours very contribution to one from a group of Je tion; tloch Channlng, opotamia and on the adjoining truly, mn from Tega. Captain Nat hart lied alhelot, wouM hav many college front, Felipe Hubbell and capitaltatg in a eouthem city, pledg- ford Fnrrwet. eon Con- assert Professor John Adam Hcoit. of th famou men In hi A. ing any amount up to I I.Ol'O.OOO. federal command: Captain H. of tha Northwestern unlverally. Chi-vng- raider, aio be a colo. K.y. who ha been aeaiatlng at th Ray Sena Recruiting WouM lea huiaur BrtUKlu. nel. d Lieutenant Thomas Jackaon 'ho I an International author In wny command that he may t Christian, grandson Hooaevelt hendquarter. I ready, with ity on of Stonewall the, backing of the Old Guard, to pro. the oriental vouutrie. J. Felipe Iltiblicll and Hoy Hen a are THE STATE termHtrd to rale. Colonel Jlooaerelt Jackson, would have high rank. In describing the cununerclul and oiganir.lng a guard compini haa no desire vide S,O0 men not Included In the nations, for higher rank than military (MmollHlltloe; In the country tipnnlsli-Amerlcn- n From private llf would com many ISC. 00 already enrolled: to be known as that of the Junior brigadier. beyond llaadad, Xi'ott nad: Volunteers. Is to be made tip of. NATIONAL BANK The men who have achieved prominence. J. Ma) hew Walnwright haa 4.000 l'rofosir It colonel ha let it become "There la no Kng-ll-- h by. Hpanlsh-Americs- Among them Robert He con. former drilling In Theee, doubt that the and officered kno that hi Idea, would be to ralee mora Wtchetcr. are now trying clove door exclusively. partner of J. P. Morgan and too, r counted In to the Albuquerque, N. M. two division of three brigade ech. not the Kooaevelt by which any new troops can Hubbell and Henn have signed fifty-si- x to France; Henry L. Ktlm-- 1 nor regiment reach each brigade to connint of on regi- lno.oon, are three of Mesopotamia. It cumpiiled men In four days. Thej went to of war: Kenator Dea-mon- d. that ment of men from the regular army IboMMtdor engineer, .picked, by Thomaa C. llcrnallllo recruits today. E. Horth, of Idaho, who la nubwy digger ancient llabylonln and the territory after auj lao ! be recruited from the host front the and II only I anilou to erv in ay capacity; John conntructlon men of New York. under control covered nbout inniwninirflmmiiw of men who have asked in be allowed ' other one-fift- h Feel languid, weak run down C. uroome. head Daw-ley- . of Mesopotamia. et thn soil to accompany him; officered of the Penns) Ivania Tkomaa It. of "The Provl-denc- c Htomarh "orT?" A good from the constabulary; Hiram liing wan so fertile and tree from defect" Heartache? regular army. I'rofrntor Journal.'' la recruiting cavalry remedy I Burdock lllood Hitters. If. however, the war ham. of Vale; Percy, which produce famine that It sup- deportment should it well to of In Ithole Island. Ask your druggist, fries 11 00. Read The Evening Herald's Want Ads. They Get Results. think Mississippi; j ported In a "population greater ralee army Iteprenentattve .Mcdill A larg port of the men In the wrnlth an culpa anion men not - than the state of New York now affected by new conscription McCormlck. of Illinois; Itcpresehta- lloosercit enrollment are from the o. the law. Augustus .1'. Mama-- When a dcfenied he la the (lartfner. of ! I".: universities, who come In a in- scssfs. lurlous prepared to uilv them the hunctta; by Alessndcr. was found In of now Jume It. 'larneltl. eon dividual. Two of the smaller col- there the lit those em oiled. the preeldtnt vault of gold und to 1 (Ymtsirs Mwrtr. mart) red and lege are prepared to send unit Piirios silver the of the interior; Frederic - w valuo of I4.Mi.uuO.iiuO. t'al- I M'.ildleuury, Yt., hone distin In these mm imwl list the cowboy element. ...ill lu, i II I' ll...., P ..l - Mi'aopotumia which up ao large part guished alumnuk wa George Dowry, "If all of cun come mde of the iielgluni; William J. Mchlrfrelln. head' under I he great Is Out? ' company control of one nation Your Hair of Infantry, Coming Hpanlsh-Atnerlca- a and Lawrence colonel command u the n Kchit-ffe- - of the big chemical houno of college of Appleton. Wla., a Iroop of mi that there can be a comprehensive war. I not a conspicuous Jin (.'oiuiHwiy, lighting par ' and and a cavalry. The Virginia .Military Inntl-tut- e, and untiled development of reservoir son from Minnesota, the Itev. William which tprovlded ao many officers and Irrigation. It is mife to My that it A. brltrlck. who Ik recrulllng a regt- - j army, will be the richest land on earth, among for tho Confederate offer a Ask a STOP IT NOW! merit the member of the Pint regiment of Itx gradualcx. Harvard since n other land haa soil made in KEPT HERAliAKE Congregational ' church of tlr"Bt Falls. uixlcrgruduiite are rotniuent In the alluvial deporlts and shl'h contains who Friend or Rememlier! Nothing hurts vour altrnclivencus sn other would acne a olllcer ncru wpiudron, which Allan J. Lltch-llel- d, 15 r cent of lime. It i this lime In such a command are John 11. Kelly, Cambrxlge. linn rained. loyond nil which makes much a a straly dead looking head of hair. A hrM impr s. of cle this Tutraclrr The Terrilh Funs in Back editor of "The Hioux City (towa)j 4il Maloi Offer OuiinmiMK country so valualiTe, ami which makes Prove Its smn ol your is often formed hy liie appi araticc of 11. mayor j Side. Cardui Gere Relief. Tribune." and W. Dawson, In all the record at the ltoievelt rust, mildew, and Kindred evils Inipos. your hair. of ilreul I'Hiii. Kan., who are raining , headliarletti, 7 rS Fifth avenue, where slble. Two hurvcHts can be garnered Value M. ' reglmenln; Colonel John Parker, Captain W. K. iHime la In charge, each year, on from ra-.- anil one from Marksvitle. La. Mrs. Alice Johnson, Progruwiv Dandruff Kill Hair Hoots lundldute for vice preel nhow that 43 fUiten have offered to Irrigation. The one from rain Is the of this place, writes: "For one year I dunt. who la lecrulting in Louielaiiu, I Yourself? eupply complete commands. Htate only harvest now. Dandruff take the life from the hair make suffered with an awful misery In my back and Willuim U Uukelinan. of Port-- 1 linen, will not, however, be followed What Mime Me., 'The movement from Hgvpt Is it look Ihin and straggly or oily and heavy. A lew and sides. My left side was hurling me land. in charge of the Pin Tree' In thn niakc-u- p of reulmeiit or com- - eav. i to shut off ..II iiccoks from uerre JBl twice a lute. ItooMCVelt being to minute' rare wren mil soon make your hair all the time. The misery was something the Idea l'urope by land, i ln e the Cusxians Jack IM'MII lUk-lll- g HHiptiH'. iinl. Ponv vigorous and relect from the volunteer the lem In control of Armcul.. uml "I fori hralthy, attractive. awful Then there la colonel Jack Dunn, of lie :Ji. peian HAIR Mm-sag- e men available ui to the llmlr. required puss so nt I could not da anything, not even sleep hohi on. who service the overland ti the Turk' to surpass all a and pliice them where they may be are forctt. to send troops throiitrlr the tln'Sht It kept me awake most Oi the In Cuba and the Philippine, and advantage. other toBM-- t in ij used to tho beet l )u pa. or lv the .e.uiiir tia nijl.t I toek different medicines, but no raii.g a crigade. ungaoier I a New Mexican, j ... w- (Captain Iwmt gulf Th's in the route ;' the Itug'lud - .f Albu-rqu- e. Lillian Rerthi Pompeian good or relieved me "al ; fotnier dlelrlct etiurt clerk at .Minor a T JIiumi. amtlarly eng-tged- (Suy Mur- - railroad. Asia bin tlmVe llargreavea. Ion-du- UQU I 100K Caraui ... chle Rimh ui.lei, who ha ralKCd series of most iliMicult miiniaj Inglsnd. I was not able to do any Of my work tw o machine gun !.comimnlea; Kloane Mnn l.tPru anil s" I nrnrrs must skirt to for one year and got worse all the time, hiidpmou of Texan, w ho w ould be a 'hiu the 'I find that 111lrVv 4yfm HAIR Massage was Confined to my bed ofi and On. Igot lieutenant colonel; Kdmund J. IHehle, ni'lih or to the oulh. now your II AIK Mas- 'lore he route to the c-i- h so that sage the so bad with my back that when I stooped ut K. p. Coffin, banker, Girls! Use Lemons! kees A liquid (not Not P'b"'h; If Kilai,i the oi.e t'l the hair from lalling rlenr anihrr cream). 1 " p.nn who ha recruit. iun ilwf down was not able to straighten up south, hhe l,e i u out as well as oily. Not stickv. Is a treatment, nut merely a tonic. . ei a troop of cavalry among hi mil- - will us i.' ajain . . . I decided I would try Cardui Make Bleaching, . s Bhe In i:h topilhr itrhing" 1 lie manKapin into the ul sliinui.itcn the routs. llunnlr, n,,;Khbu uml Klcwttrt . f. a .fricu. ... By time I had taken the entire bottle Jiuiney. of Baltimore, who win ar- - mn"c' llteie Is no uveittie liy Allh an I., n. P.. W est Thug it. ivnue. Aller.llif lrt ajiplimf ntt vour oJp I WIS feeling pretty good and Could rang for the Maryland contingent. Beautifying Cream I ftiiny c itlil ciime. Tilt- dilli-cu'.t- Spnnglield.Mssa. will feel refreshed and your hair look iiriluiieil up. straighten up and my peine were nearly Major luae-uia- t Kctcinwix. ip ci ifiiug in or out oi l'a'd has : have Isren in MWmm ,B Tenne Major ticorg O. Hop-- been the intense heat of til" s.rt "I all gone. business 4 vears, .() und 81 p- - south anil west of Oazn. 'ml the 2.o, Iiotllcs.ut the stores. I shall always praise Cardui. I eon- - J,' ?. r'cr,uJ!.'n. 1h-- ' and have llie lirt utrntr-e- d of a raiiroad haiimt ment H. of The Juice of two freeh lemci ii.ienK thing to hud to tinued taking It until I wis strong and This d'n-r- t ..Th Ktw,l0rt P,.in T,lk... a com. into a bottle containing three oun- built across this desert. equal Pims?ian MK Have your haiher f;ive on g Poinneign II A IK weU." If you tuffer from pains due to y Is night, need pany, R. c. Weii and wmiam j. ce oforchurd white make a hole cool nt so that trams IHIK Massage " Massage. I ed in over .'UI.(HK) of the lievt hathcr reiuurVable run through It only by niitht, female complaints, Cardui may be usl urner, the utter a nationally known quarter pint of the liioit alive Mrs. R. J. M.C shops lrinn Maine to California. Major lomon akin beuutlfier at nlitu the out the d. stance is not great. The Kng-lls- h what you need. Thousand of women contractor. aaiting Hppy; Hair Dressing mmm. Made hv ihe Cy- relial.le' makers of the famous Rich-Card- ui one pay for a (mail jar of the Allen-tow- who once euftered in thU way now praise Colonel jnnmg o. wi, of must already have a naval bue at Parlor. mond-,h- ordinary cold cream. Care should prus, so the.- (ontrol the sea sml Pa. ronijieiau MASSACK Cregin. for their pteaeat good health. " b,n bu nroiiinir men in that Virginia, wher Captain Cary It. be taken to strain the lemon Juice can thus assist the urmy moving In- Giva U a trial. HQ-V- O wr,n , Plrumouth. ha. raued a through a fine cloth ao no lemon pulp land. The Knirlmh, are about gets in. then this lotion will keep freh miles from their goal and mum cress BOTTLE SHOWS ACTUAL RESULTS for month. Every woman knows that the high mountains of Lebanon or ONE Is to blench re lemon Juice ued and swing to I he where a railroini eucn a -. eat move oiemienc irrrmti, has already been built tlirmmli I;i- - IL, luwness and tan and I the Ideal nknil Deautiful Bust and Shoulders softener, smoolhcner snd beaiillfier. sr gimleii If yea wiU wear a arieauacaily eeattrurted Just try It! (Set throe ounce ofj tea ialm Uraiieii. a) orchard white nt ny phiirnmcy and Tlie drtrlg weight nf eneged butt m tretrhe4 the grocer vagatUag nosciei tae cetoaf oi tit sure w spoiled. tow lemons from the and make tat sweet!'' I sat Ut rest beek where It - up a quarter pint of thl lea, snmat Ih Nil bael froK fragrant lemon lotlo.i and makeago it! saving am epparac er dnily into the face. neck, nrme and ehaiinate lit daneer ef help to e draemng siuarleeantf cenAne the hand. It naturally should " gc.h ef the skealder ai'iai a often, freshen, bleach and bring out graotfui Use te the eat Ira sister barfy. the rose and beauty of any nklu. H They r the dainlleat and BMt eervlreable eaneeeb) heiiei-- I simply marvelous to smoothed UM is all asd alrkee : ( !! en siirile m' V. rough, red liuuil. gmnt. gnrsloe. Haixloau. rte. gied with s.aiuhu," Uie a "V ruttieej tiuaiBcswBiitUBg wbint wluVoal rcwal. ' Have rem' dler yu fci IaII gVaailerv. If net iitnrfe BEAUTIFUL PALACE Or ed. will gladly end kus. sfesaid. Misnaee I aliow res. IS BrNJAMIN 4i JOIISM. 41 Warrea Street. Newark, N. J DON LUIS TZRBAZAS For All Around FALLING INTO DECAY TV

Br Aaoriaid 1'reaa May (iiiIiu.iImih City, Mrt, IV ion-Qui- ck t luce the powerful Don I.uls T rrninn Satisfatf Kesults lived In his palace of white mt;rbl on l Alameda, oy a retinue 9x SAVED Q ho surrounded of Miiunts. socrela! Ics mid retainers hi(h guve hi e uilillshmcnt the 3 of roully Now the "pulucio III: nco" the white palace is deserted ifr palm TRY-- Kuril en muilu fodiler for thu cnialry l,..,w horsv of Vila's liodyifiud when he was :ii ciniiiiiaiiil here; Hi until Terra, xn and his family urn In exile In Kl I'jhii and the TcrrasuH millions liaio been scattered hy tho wln.'.it of tliu revolution. thu hordua of the SIa-dcr- u Ads r'irst caiim Want v- - m ji Herald dm1 i. - ri volution which swept our thu a ast like a pli guo of L locuKir. divuurlng. kiiini; cit:o and J luiUk'Uig tho ranch I1014 K.:. Tin 11 the ir4ci rciolution leiied its tributo Read Them for Profit upon I mil Luis uml )! v. cull'iy fam- ily. Then mine 'lllu ami ln revolu-tioiiU- to ' onipli ic tliu (I". Ir uctloii. A Llirf,'!' Sli.puicnt Results ef .Sow llie uit 'Is rrijaa i.ittlc n nclo s Use Them for aru barren ot bcif c.ilt'e. tlic ranch FLOKSHEIM uru or bin m d. the P ANP WHITMAN KEITH liuiihvs ih.hI country i ml t'i ;i IioUhixi o.' ilenei-i- SHOES Truxu uml h.s fum.iy are in ilirc-pui- r UAS JUST ARRIVED uml the tiitiio l'ir,.is rni ily cuntinav lo live ill the I'.iltcd ritate' LINES, TIMES r'uio has heuped her In.'d heiny THREE THREF Thee Shoe Are Great UP" tho tooMd Kllol'lillTf. of llie old Me Aic an general. II a n.ii. I.ui THREE DIMES Correct Style, Perfect Taate, Coinfort, Service, Moderate Prices Tii:ixa-- , Jr.. was held In pr.1011 more than 0 years by Villa and recently 111 (Nile efTei-t- of hi Tlii'g'f tilii' rrctiiiiiiifiiilul imiH grc to tiike ii 1111 u 11 iii4ltt liHTtl to died from tho A ir conlliiemutit. His son, (grandson ami no if you mi1 Inokiutr for a Ntii'sliii iurs' xlioi . nami-uH- e of tho old generuli was nr. ri tvoiild ho aurc of kliiic ciTiiMciii'v. wlcct from our new htoi'k letted 111 ,i mco City and comlHinueil If tou sli"i us a revolutionist, another lictti-- r oflVrcil tnw of l!M7 model. NolliiiiK ever in lliw coin, grandson was Killed during one of the hi ii in ly. ri I'lilmionary buttles while : third was wounded and never recovered his PRICES $5 AND $7 health. Ktlenda of (lem ral Terrain suy h lives lor (he day when he can leturn to lu native land and hi on hsje I WILLIAM CHAPLIN aal(l to ha that he wilt survive to aee 121 Ave W. Ontrnl hut family reiiKinliliwIicd in llo-.- r filii-doil'- houies III Mesli o, The Evening Herald, Albuquerque, N. M., Tuesday, May 15,1917. Sever

eil n he moIW In th wnv f rv?nin liimintj hid, 2 Si per rent; offered mi I rare up open neiyntnts. VrIiii'k. Hlthotmh per rent, jyray.ra nlleit .. the lielleritl wek IM, fell on In eni nntteenhle vxtunt ihan lr York M'IbI. - I other main , .w- York. Miiy , 14. foprwr The Markets Lower i.iotii Hons on h"K Hiid rorn Firm. Kleelrnlylle. spot mid sroond 1'iilled ilnwn - Inluna. Arllvlly win quarter. 13 1. no is.oo; third iiiarter H ED Hlnril I'd. so no T chlelly to and Inter S'fNr deliveries. 2,"a) ADVffi ttetntttw Clone: Iron Firm and iitii'hmed. Willi Nim-i- . Wheal-Ju- ly, 1 42; Kepi.. Tin Htrmia; sot, B.7i. New Vol, .Miiy i.V-T- ciirl forii Jul., l.r.,'i, Hepl., 1.444, At l.oiiilon: ppi,t popper, I1H; fu- To "Read the Ad for Profit" Means to Answer Those That Appeal to You. stuck niiirkt't riilly lirniiKht full re. Halt July, Hc; fept.. ;". tures, 1129. 10.1s; elerli-,-, lytic, 1142; I'dVITV III steel Mllll other IlltUc - I'oik -- Mn, July. 3.. spul lln, 121S. futures, 1 2.1 a. mte. Inn miK lininedlincly followed -- July, l'5.77; Kent., fit.'. liy fresh llltm on n brniider lml ItJDn July,; Hept.. $i.7. 1.4-a- and Kix-lie- which sent price under oponlnir lev. New Vork, May li. Lead, nlrong. i For Sale For Rent flu. Tin wn iiccoiiittnticd Ilik-nui- l.lvslM'k. 10' .hid. UNIVERSITY HEIGHT3 FOR BALE inoeticni Hpelier Hpnt by wciikncs In lliisslmi t'liUiiuo. .May 1.1. Hik Itwf Iptii. Quiet. Knat Pi. txiula lsjsse.ii'iswi ssi,issrn S A lag rrncuril Ainu-qutrq- fOB. HAf.K Ah anea firnt'Claaa Foil RKNT Two flaw Bungalowa. corner lot. feel front, l.l.iMiii; 2.1.111111. delivery, ,. th lureftt in bond un tlm "ciirli." Trfiilltm thin lotniirrow, Market tH j Ii lnTtmnt aKond-haii- d tiraa. ( modern, In Mouth Kdltlt, Iwn At London Lend, iao, Hla; spelter. and I'rlrea rlaht; and room, aiad wdh house. nettled iovn in Km ilull routine of re-ie- lull. Hi- muter yvmrrduy'ii iivern. real Mtau tout. B'l auaranleod. liOURILI TIKI"! CO., aleeplnr porch, etc, unfurnlahed; Will ell ni a eaerlflee. , C4, ilavH. investment rulls. Imn-nvw- Mum. tin imti ,0 :111, unlit, nr. .an I'hon 411, 121 North Fourth street. Just eiMiiplntaiti prloa roiiahle; on .1 II ; A HUBB8. Balw suit impairment ill ex- H lienvy, 1 7 a 11 I 4 II plus, JAY Aont 3. H. PAK i'I'iiik furthii' Sew Yiirk 4'iKtoii. Pbont 733 207 Want Gold block nortrt uf Praabytarlaa honiiltal. run- - I 1 10 .".mil In. All FOK HALE Sanitary couch, also 611 U it decline of In 2't point. NVw May 1.1. corner Mulberry and Call Wect Ceatrat Phots 891 - 40.1100; York. fotton futur'a baby buxcy. Knaliili aryla, both In I nil imt i In 1m. shipping nnil pt- Ini- I'attli lleeelpu, market ' May. dfi, July. from 1 to S p. ni. Alio modern bun-fulo- .MM elosed steaitv. Il'l rood condition. lot4 North Hixth tio leldod more nhst Intitelv Imt tint n steady. Xtitlve heef cattle, in. lieeemher, 414 New Tork. 17. r 7; iirlnher, Ii; I'hona IDit. iivli'il ii lower tendency. H.7a; ntoeker and feeder". Il.i:i 27; January. I1Hll.S4 tit iiihI ttm turns wore the hcnvy I". 4: ohm and heiferB. lti.B.141 110; Hpot yulel. MhldllnK, 20 10. Wanted 'Cilt HALK house, I'nlver. Knll RENT for auiruner rm.n'h. :i 41 III 41. modern cottage, sleeping Professional Cards fiiii iiii'm uf the lioinl iiimkei. ale. f. mty llcichtK, on enay term. H w Close: Hheep - ISreeipts, ii.mifl; marker Tin Irish CJiietiiii. YVA.NTKI Two tneihanlrs and Amleriion at l'niverlty. porch, on Central ."venue, oppoaite ;'."i I ! ! 1 i 11.00; Hood lieljier. White Ijaraee. unlveralty; 2127J. PHYaiClAJHS A tliei lea i HiiHiir n u sironK Wethers. I.onilon, May 1.1 1 14 p. til. ) An- phona la 1 1 7 .111 I I - A met Ira II Tel. ii ml Tel. . 17 iiih.. drew llonar Ijiw. ehaneellor of ho WASTED clean cotton Full HAI.K 13 rnbhlta hu!f- flood inn, . HK.VT For summer. Modern THE MUEPHY SAHATORHJM A. MO otlilil 'oiiii-- 7 J anniiiineed in house of grown 2:'o each, If taken at onije FR e. heolier. the Herald oflloe. cottnae. aleeplna por1 h on mean, 'IH's Kjiiisiis 4 II y l'iiillll4'. commons today thnl l.lovd also rtiKea. 10" North Heeond. I'hon Tuberruloala of th Throat and l.un, Ati hlsun Premier opposite unlveralty. 2 37 J. City Ave, Kaiisax I'llv. .May 15. Hop llc- - Oooir-- would n eomniunlentlon t'hohe Office. .1J! Weal Central t'hinu 1'npper 1.3', iiinke IIK1HF.RT PAHH PllK'F paid for 11 ciie-tln- n Office Hour: to a. nt.; to eipis,'Mi; market lower. Hulk, to Die Irish lenders on (he Irish 8i!ii:-iiiu0cr- I'oloiailn K mill on m nien'a old cloliiitig and ihoca. FOR RENT n four room p. 1 1.1 7:. 11 he In hands hy Tvi'frrwicnisii hai.k. m. Hnnatorluin I'hona 4l. I I . ' !.:'".. hemv. '.'ail whli h wouhl Ihelr Inspil a hill' 'upper . .4 tin l.S Phona 610. $JS.OO cnttaae with sleeping porch, fur nich- W. T. M. D. pai'ket! 1.111I hint hers, 1 no 'a tomorrow. The iioverninent, he added, I.'nderwfiod No. Munilxf. Nullheiu I'aiiiir !i:i 1. 10 60. 0U ed. Nice fruit trees, aood location on '10 4j I Monday for Komir.Kton No. '. liuhl II". lii '.. p:s, 2.;u4i wns prepared to allot WAN'TKD lull B'Tn riiltlvnled ram h Walter, No. ID14. Apply 42T. liltildllil; No. ft S&.00 touth at DRS. TULL AND BAJO.3 .. I .' of the guestlon. suitable heona. (live put Oliver HiiiUhi'i n l':i In- Ill I, for full No. 3S.00 ftoiith Kdith or phone No. 1203. .... th uliirs, lo' atlon, Improvement!. U 8. enilih t SpeHatlt Fy. Noei, Thro, I'ltlon IMcllic 1.1 J l!ee'ipts, K.IMIII inarkii rent. No. 10 SO OU Fr futile Mrs, l.yiui H M In hell and H. It. Smith I'remlur tjuito Natbmal ftanh Uldc. I 111 sti-ad- frof and ee. Answer. are Herald. FOR REHt fcoomi I'liili il Hmti'H Kte"l . I'linie ted steet n, All strictly first clas order. 'i ll.'.4ai their i hlldren will have on their vi' art in I'hotK) Sll. Hi 117 I :i I ' llrei-'se- heef steers I'.i." .1 ti any machine 50 cent lulled Hllllc eel. pld iHtlon trip to the east on June 1. W.NTi:ii An eneriietle solli itor for nibbona for FOR RENT Modern furnished room .2.1. western steers, 12. So; TYI'R-WltlTK- Il I.' lo.oofi neelilent and ii kne Insuralu e. A each. AUU'ijfKltyrK with or without aleeping porch. 301 DR. GEOEOE K. ANGUS m. '11 1 hetf.-rs- . iiv. $ii in uo; ol.l-liii- e KXCIIANCE, 123 South 4tli t tih aso llotiril of Tniih, lff0i llmr haul hntK.ine and all nincr sound, rompntiy. Hood pny Hiuiih Arno; phona 20K 2. Ere, Kitr, Knao and Throat 12. itreet. I'hone Ml. .in alio, ..May li. Hlmrply lower i; sunken. uud feeders. JSl'I'ii ihlne.: for man who run t;et Imsiness; no N. I. AllHUO BI.IM1. prior In Hip 1 I no. Alnit;i-riiue- , ifHiilte.i wheat luatk't He rnine at your (ailing aa" other wanted, llox 324, FOR BAI.E Royal No. 5 Typewriter. FOR RKNT Naat and :eao Hh. stim-m- - HOtiOMOX nt'RTO.N, M. toilay an a cin iiiiencc of the Hheep tieri'ipiH. 4.0101; market thrlr nliuta. call 10 North 1st. at. Kahn Btnra. houaekeeivlna and !eeoln room. ti. U. cx- - 1 WAXTKD ru by ii i'hil!t icn of new hii) itix strontt Uuiilm. 1 1 i.Oti ii 11.31; ear-hiin- IIU nintio la prompt new; In wrl e "Id to he cleaned 1131 West I'antrnl avenua. rthyak'ian and Suraron, i to Oil- - up mil m1 : nil I1U 114 ihhi 17.00: wethers. la fine; our eleeirln vaemini cleaner. Our For Salo Automobiles Baaldence, 110 South Walter Street. I'm chnsci-- mil' r such rrstl'ictlnn ft ewei.. 112 ami li.011. Whenever ym nam Idm lust phono lepresentative will rUc free demon-str- ut FOR RENT Two nicely furnlahed Phona 1I4Q.W. :.o .": US, A room In private family ainale or werr mi mmi, Ilia! wilues hrnkc NIXtVrilHKK.NISI'. Ion. call llnhiuernue, c,a, FOR BAI.K I9IT modl Ford; only Office, t Darnett BhJ. Phona lit. Inish-o;- Onr-iir- i, In Phone 1.111 .1., S01 North on the .ie of thr e hits of ...niin Iioihit l.lvi-sli- k, Kleclrle I.iuhl and Power Co. used one month. See Well suite. 32.1 Fourth street. ORf MAIttUKCT rAltTWRI(;ilT the Kinnllcsi aiiiiMiiifi in which May 11 - l!ei'Mlls, West Copper. lienvei. futile NOT"a" lTEbF Prmillc IJmltcd lo niwMKsea of Wo- (lail'H lire possible. t .iih on Ihene ."1.1:011. market steiulv. Ilei'f steers, WANTEIIrn FOR RENT Furnished room with lu'il UNTIL FOR Podae iourti ear. fln"J men and Chlhlrew, three milieu that the innikot nie lanii'u 12 II; niol h' ets. II.imi BREAKFAST W'.WTEn Experienced bindery Individual alrepina porche. 17 I loweHt over- rnnditlon; Rood tire; nil equipment ti Offlce and Rrnidmcr. Ua K. Omtral the pii.tit of nil II eelit '.I n nil; storM-r- :ilnl 7..1n''l Apply Ihe 110 per month, with or w ithout hoard. 171. ! leeitrs. YOU DRINK WATER Kirl. at Kveniyc Herald. complete. Owner will anerlflee, $r.0. Phone night II to I J.4S fur the Jul) lie. 110. l J'.O iSouth Rtondway. 1I09-R- . In I'lilves, l2."a 14.21. See me at 10 to 2. 4.'1 I'hona l'rnsie,-t- existing .1 aartina .outh thai the II. iKS lleeeipis. 2, J11", ' malket fur-nleh- DXSTTISTS Iii HI Kill hp Third Btreet, in rear. RENT one or two room, h.i.t in option It 'inline; '.i lower. Tup. hull.. may Fon lo: IUI.1: Say it (.In of Hot Wntvr nml I'Ihm who elalni any interesl or till ImiiaekeepInK, aleep-lul- l liulelinitely fortneil the main .urn i.i !ia. for with Hit. 3. KRAFT $r. il ale prevent llliieaa nml adverse to plnlntilTs: PERSONAL .120 Urondway. il tnlliieio ! n i n u it :i porrhe. South ''. - ; I Urnlal iieinit Sheep Itoeelpts tiolu limt h'i keep I k II. You and eaeh of you lire hereby 190H-- fenrsnr. to Ii cent low- - I'hoiie m-ig- . ullit'll I'lini:',! from i notilled thai the alnive named plain- LADIES' HIIOEH 8IIINF.I at Horn. Room I and , Harnett Over I. with .lu'.y "' 2 tii iiinl "B" Juat a rnal. when It hurna. leavea tiffs have heitun an netion iitraintit yon Khmer ent to ihelr home. 117 no. Foil RENT -- Furnished for hou. Theater. Si on nit" at lo $J ere lol. I (Appointment by Now Vnrk liiw.v. helt ti.l a eertain amount ol iii omhi. ill said eourt, ihe Keueral object he-In- or phona 3 2. keeplnir, S and leepln!t made mall), I.iwe.t h aililittotlal seiliai!: uf :r Firt rim riutne 741. New York. May I I Mi tianti'i- pa- tlhle material In the Torni or ashes, to eatahliiih th plnintilT' poreh: modern; ahndr: cheap to to ',' allil tlli-l- a hi'iilenite tallv. ena'a int. .. per eetii. sterling. lolls, no the food and drink taken day alter in eertain real estate deserihed aa fo- ROOM AND BOARD parlieR. 010 North 8'cond. ATTORNEYS At ox the y y mil t: the in..- low point of 4 7;. i oiiiiiiet clal, ..i day leave hi the nliinentiii in a llow, I Koo.M lh i.MlD 410 ili July when! was nlf eent from 4 . I ; ' of indineat ihio mu. I and fouth Arno. jhulil.M. 3 , i ulilllurrial. rln pertuiu amount l.o! niiinliered Three J) and I'our JO! IV P. HIMMH fini-di- . n ii year estab- .v h eliive ' 7 '. ; - I s. not eonipletely ' to makn rhree proof, tn ii Tit' wis I. ills. 4 7 I : il'tnanil. I terlul. whlrli It elm. (Ii In block lettered IJ" of ihe John IH'O.M siith'.l. 7 to 17c net lower with Jul, at ayairm eaeh day, he. and lo.R! Excellent board; lish claim lo the bind above Iwtr. I Til Inaleil from lh M. Moore licully Company Addition 17-1- 8 t 4 i ,i I teptemher I- - II" ti huo-ler- laiKo hum room, with individual R. Harnett Tllilr. Attwqncrqn. lit I.' 7 1 eomea food for the million of I'd. before ileorae Oral, t'nlied . Car nil er. N e hiimher Three (.1) to the City of sleepinif porihea Ol) 00 per i ''it'll HUKKcd With wheat. Uomiii-- howelH. Kroin 135. to $10 State Commissioner, at Albuquerque, "Si whteh tnfwt thn New Mexico, n per plal 320 KOIIF.V ItODKT uiiM liuht nail sellers ji a iloeMeil in.- - Mi xn aii dollars. month. '.Mr. Curt. Botith liroad N. (1n 1(117. thl nia of leftover waste, loxin mov-R- M.. July 4. A I a n I v of said Addition, filed In the olllco of way. Phone . turner law. ' l tlto to I" holl'ls. steail e. Alter olielllUK hattueil rilllelt and plouiain-llk- polaona am formed Claimant name a witnesses: I.o-nld- o Bulla 8, I aw library HulliUna. li.wi-- liollils. i;iK, the I'rohate Clerk ami J the m.iilii t siiiTi'ri il further and sueked Into the blond. Montoya, Enraloo-.a-, N. M., tl'i 4,a1 ftecoriler of llernallllo County. New P0ULTR7 AND EGGS of I" lines ali si't nieil uiliihle In main- Tune loans, weak, ilas. women who eiin't Ret feel. . - ., Men and on Ihe I St h day of Nov enibi r. poslotn.-e- Chllill, N. M.; Pablo Mal- Dressmaklnf tain l el ie. I per (lit; :in davs. 4'.. '.14 nr Ilia mu si heKin to lalto inaide .1 rlvht IJI'.!.IT fi:XTS. Idouado, of Cauadii I.imrra. poatofflca. :I nt. i inoiith. 4 ! per ri ni. liu. Th' 'lose was at to ii balhs. Hefiro eat Ink hreakfat each tuff and Whltu Orplnatona and Black Chillll, N. M : Torlblo nalK'Koa, or Al. DRESSMAKING Mra. Alio Parish. ti"iis i inly, :i pi't' Vim are lurtlur untitled that the nts nel 'all iiiotw, st. llimi. fniir-nntee- d. ilerllne. moritin drlnU a glaa of real hot Minorca. biniuerque, N. M ; Mora y Uul-en- enptrlenceii dressmaker. Work low. per nil na rales. s.'id complaint la for the purpose of Eliaa Atienil.ine' in the o.its ilowil Mas eelit. i't iiiii: water with a of lime, TIIF. C. tu K. I'ARM. Eaeohona, N. poHtofllra, Room J10 Occidental building. I! eatahlishinij tho plailitiirs' estatu In . of .!., ttnilnatl tlam-a- i tii'ns m per trtil; last ohm. per oeu to out of Ii II. Monnin, Me-r- ia7 I'hone 390. l.iiet'in Jia stone phuapliate in it wash the ili'seiitied real estate I'hona Chllill. N. M. of linwela the previoua I' O. Ilox Boa, Albuquerque, N. M. the thirty feet aKiiinst any i laiin which you or liny DEI.IIAHO, lat .nn of poison and FRANCISCO dny'a acenmi, one of you may to the TYPEWRITERS alimen- have adverse ANMIIMIMKM' Iteglsler. toxin and to keep the entire 111 of philtiliri said land ami bits-Hii'- I'. P., L. tary "anal eleati, pure and fresh. on and after May l.. 1H17, my P.. Al l. KIN H8, both new an-- aecnnd that you w ill hi' Tuicvcr estopped ft out who ut anhjecl to su k head,, will he 'ii'ii'lucjevj. (in il atfUtly .hand, boUKlit, aold. ranted and re- printed stationery eoiiHiiptitiou. havlni; anv In imht or tit'e to ca h basis. In return I offer mo- XVlKT-- : paired. Albuqueroue Typewilter aiiie, Inliousiiea. . lha Hilt I'l I1I.ICATIOX. ptemUe ailvei-!- plaint- - othen who wake up with had taste, the said to torcycle and blcyclo ride.- the best of Department of thu Interior. United Phun 114. 123 Bo. 4th SL iff,! and iti will be lot-ev- WELL foul hreath, harkaehe, rheumatic their t.tle thit' servl. e, repair work, nud the beat! State liiid Oltlc at Santa Fe, New eet at re-a- . in sllfl'iie or have e sour, ijasy atom. uuieteil and I'lU'cA pnaailile in vilw of the preaent Mexico. April 27. 11117. confidence Vou are noiiln-- a h lifter meala, tiro Iked to net n fnnlirr that tho ci'iiil.liini of Hit muiktt. .Notice ia Hereby Re im liven that phot-phat- e naino of pla.utiH' attorney M. K. pouiol of luiustono Hy special new liar-le- y in undo (Irlenu, of Juan Tvimai, N. M.. The S. W. Junk Co. 'imirter oltirc unit postoftii-- addresq itrrauKeuif ul the minds of your customers. ftmiii thu dru store, unit Ijikiii lavl.lH"ii iiKiiorcyclva ittuy he bait who on May 11. 1S14, made Home- H A iKm i 1. .i New Mixico. And Btrra pr.ielieiaff internal on. This ". on p;t incliis. stead Entry No. O'JOUIltl. for N V' thnl. utile- - ou (inter your appear-an- t time will ri"! very little, hut ia anlTli lent Si-- mo about this. SEH. NKV FW4 K N VV SW4, Coppor, Bras, Rubber, Eafcrs. e in said jo t on on or befoi-- i the to make anynnn an enthusiast on thu CARI. O. .VEIN. Section 12, Towimhip 9N, Rni'Ke 6H, Bottles, Bones, Magazines and lith day or .IjI'. 1 : 7 will feel milijeet, Juilumeui Phono 3'14. 2oa Hum N. M. IV Meridian, hu filed of We confident that we In you hy itef Centrul. notice Rubber Hose. lifctiii inhi r inside liathlnu la more rendered aitainst mil intention to make three year proof, Mi i.N'T Clerk, important than outside hathuiK. NI'.STol! iVA. to establish claim to the laud above ry TllfiS. K. H. M APDISi IN. W will tine t yon Brtee for the skin pore do not nhorh fore iJenrEM I!. CraiK. U. 8. Commla-slone- r. described, teea jwnr can please with our printing. Clerk, before neurit it. Crnlit, old utoKobil. roout attoaUoa p impurl'.ie Into tho blond, cnulntr at Albuquerque, New Mexico, I'nlted States Commissioner at Albu to all anon call. f poro ruhllsh May v. r,. , n. poor ln'iilth. while tlte bowel un the 22 day vt June, ltUT. querque, N. M.i on July , 1317. di. Just n soap and hot water Claimant name n witneseii: Jntne Claimant nnmex ua Jose 610 elennse. sweeten and freshens tho NOTI4 I'! neaiiiiK. J. M. Viokery, Kiuil Maun, witness: PHONE t Orleo y Garcia, Carlo Orieao, skin, so hot water and limestone l.nst will ami tesiuroi-n- of Ainhrosio jOttn Vail Cleave, of Albuquei qua, 114 WBST LB AD ATUUI H. rrnnke MJrtlnex, Cnndelarla drlego. phosphate net on the stomaeh, liver, CnnilelHiia, deeenseil tn Vrene V. M. FRANCISCO tiClAIADH, C. Kauif-iiiun- , all of Juan Tmnas. N, M. Jus! call 924 when you want klitnev and bowel.. executrix. Adelunlii Register. Curlota 'a nih larla, II. It J.tmi-sou- . FRANCISCO ADO, I'. P., May 2; 1,. P., Jane 4. 8ANTA FE an MiTll i; ol SI IT. ail litem for minor ReKlster. TIME TABLE .New Mi xii n. County of Catiilclai 'ii. ih tavio Caudi'lai ia. F. P., I.. P.. 3. State of Cau-del- HI, R I l u 17. Cainli'lat ia and Iti'Kina Ml'IK i: lOIS I'l ATION l'..illl!o. in the Court. In pat I mi nt of the Interior. Inlted CONFIDENCE ,' Itoninsoil, ami Helen la. V'ou the al- Slatta l.uiid oill.e at ffiintn Fe, i'laiiitifis. are notifieii that l.oiin..n. iened last w ill and lestami nt of Am- - April 2 , mi. broNlo l.'iinilelrn ia. deceased, late of Notice. Is herehy itiven that J. sit Westbound. I.. H;iu;tns. Mtlli. hpll, tfUHtOO Ma. Sanchez, of Ca-- a N the county ol llernallllo ami stale of .l No. Dally Ar. Lv. PRODUCING lr J'iiii M. MtMin It, it v ('tiin-tl- New Mqxh'o, was pto,lme.l and read !ho. May il, IIU7. made lloiiicstead ;i ii;. , iik niiUnnw n 1 The Scout :10B .in nipt iiihl In me prolniU' court of the iiuinty of Entry No. 01147. for lot K,, 1, 17 T:3p .1 1 California 11. th H'liialillo, alite of New Mexico, on Is. Secto'ii 14. Township I .IN, Limited. ll:nca sot jiind 7 iiiiUimwi. )imh i.f M;itliili the seventh iny if Mai, 141 T. ami the HmiKe :HV N. M. i'. Meridian, ha Fa'rio Faat (:45a 10:11 ii I Th f nsi'il, ati'l ill! niiitiiuwn day of the provntu of sal. aliened lasi Illod notice of Intention to make fivo I Nwijn lliSUp ll.lta PRINTING fix-e- w SoutlilHiuml ulm rimv cliiim n'iy iiilcri'!! or titl. lil and lealmncnt wan thereupon year final pi f, tn establish claim In ; i v to p;.i iiil I n fcii.lit nt n. the day or .lutie. ID K imi ilt. for Saturriu? ind the land a lime d''s. rilied, before o Paao Erprea .. lt:30n - 10 To i. I. M.iuuim. ItiiUxittf Spktx. huh-fi- A. U., miKat o'clock in the fore, ortijt, probate Clerk, iSandoval 115 El Paao Kxpreee. . . 10:05a ur M. M im y "iit-piii- i. noon of said day. FfeNthouiirt Our representative will call Jnhii irt lU'all ooiiiiiy. at Itei mi lilin, N. M , on July pally. my hand and the mil 1 I.anlrupt, itti.t tin unUiiowu liiven under , I !i 17. The Rcout 7:Jfia May. A li i t1"-- of this court, i hla Kill day of 1 Navajo "f h.i ut ami Claiiiiunt nunira a witnesser: Man. The 3:lSp l:4p u k vv 1917. 4 7 if ii he ri of Mariano l'l'tcu, R. ii- -l J.iramilln. f ( aomon. N. M.; California Limited. I:40p 00p flifitNrit, initl all unUinwn pirMi ISeall NKSTOU Mi iNT Y A. (lo 5 Banta Fa 7:15p T:(0p County cietk Jarainillo. t Casa Salajar. N. M.i pnona Elfht... l a Kouth 1 7. Teoilnro liarcla, of Sal.iiar, N. l'nh M u 10 C, . M.; Pedro Montaln, of Cumi Salarar, Tor K. Chlcas 7:00a II For K. C. 4k Chlcafo l:25p The NtlTII I'. I'Oli I'l lll.irATIoV. N. M. THE BAKER AND HIS EVENING Btandard deeper for Clovl and Deportment ol the Interior, Tinted FRANCISCO I.KI.i. Alio, BREAD No. connect Q The race is not al- Land oillcn lit Santa Fe, New Register. Rcawell leavea en 19. F. ., p., a. 4. at Belen whh train No. SI. leaving Mexico, Apol 191 . tin' urciit holjis lo ii tint n i t y- Helen at 11 BS p. m. . Notice bficiiy Riven that vv Ii HERALD to the swift is ieni,e ut woitlil wo ()o without liimt T pa ways No. cm'.ch only! P.iIHe, Alb New Mexico, .OTI K I'l lll.K AI'IOV. nnrrlea of t'iieriiue. Mtit tho ri linkers ihpI linkers, who, on Mar. h llilil made Home, Department of ihe Inter, or, Pulled inv trpr. but most always. No. will have Wandard deeper stead Ent'v No. i'.'a44, for .Slate I.and i if al S unn Fe, New iiinl tlioir iin'thoiU nml materials IK '1 from from No. at quarter of Section 32, Township Mexico, April 2?, UK. iiro wiilcly (liffcri'iit, lis iiro uNn Rowll train II CUHTIRS, MANNING CO. ANNOUNCE NAME OF Melon. 4 THAT THE TUEIB TIRM 1IAS I I ast. N. M. P. .Me- Nolle is hereby given that felso pruiliK'tK. Wo nm BELN ClIANUID TO That hare and tortoise Noilh P.ance their tlm hest vf tn Jaruinlllo. of Salaziir, N. M , AGENT ridian, has lil'il i.otlce Intrnttun Cas.i M'lccti'il flour iiinl othor intrr(li-iMits- , P. J. JOHNSON. who, on Miii-e- CURTISS, MONTAGUE & CO. race would hardly be riiake three-- ' car proof, to establish is, mi.1, made Home, oniil(iy tho be- - sicud Entry No. K most ciitupi'ti'iit Tb rarlout ofTlrat of th firm, tti Riiral rliarartir of III butiiiiMii nd th Onimlal claim to the iai 'l above ilescrilieil, II(V foi 1..U mid (ponkibility ol tb lurtueti rtmaui iitbhUiititUy th aut. classed as a sporting 9. Section 21, Township I'X, l.inKfl nud careful help, iiinl t'C tin 1uf J. S. CURTISS, JNO. V. MONTAGUE, L. C. HEEP 3'.. N. M. P. Meridian, bus tiled no- pnssililo results in lironit, Kulls Chicago Mill A Lumber Co. tice of 110 So. Hs'uuil Hi. l'Uon 010 Albuuuirquf. N. M. intention to make three year nml Uisciiil. '1'r.v us tmliiy. General Mill event now. final pi oof, to esluhlish claim to the Planing FOR HOME PAINTERS land above ilesriihi',1. betori. I'ircl. PIONEER BAKERY 3rd & Marquette Pirnne 8 It is the man who Ilium or) la. prohtii, Clerk, Sandoval VMSPAIt. jroiintv. at llermiiilt,,, m j,,y 207 South First Et. delivers the goods I roll I'MHMIS. ii. 1017. Vf ft WHRE TO BUY mu Clii'lnatH liilinen aa witnesies: Jesil jm'.vuo Ma. Ham hex, of Castt Salaxar, N', M ; who has the blue I I RMTI'UIC, Jose T. Chavez, of Cusn Huliuur. N. VITRI.ITF M ; Herman Homern. of 'uni Salurar, ribbon pinned on him I N' M Till: 1.4 U K . Vulai Valencia, of Casa Sahi-- j Hahn Coal Company n Kir, N. M. this of j ii Cerrillos Lump, Gallup Lump, Callup in year our At TOMOHII.r. I'AIXT. Fit ivt-iw- ii:i.iiaiio, Erjj, Anthracite, all slaes. Kindling and Mill Wood, Brick and Planlerinjf, Lime, Santa Fe Lord. C. A. HTBS0N P. IV. 1; I.. P . Brick. For the best lo fuel of all kinds : : : : PHONE 91 4tli anil CopiM-- r Ave. : 1 1 it U COLEMAN BLANK COMPANY If trBafBTI,.i4''J J irrii I'l ni Aiiov. J you are running a "fif iiuj.ff" mil Hit I t GARAGE OI'EN DAY AND NIOUT ii nn nl uf tlte Interior, I'niled Bent (ililpped l'lant In Bouttiwcat SI iile Land nttice il S.iuhi l'e. New 6th and Central PUoue 842 square race young Mexico, April 27, 1S17. Notice benhy slceu Buldeh C0R2TELL 1000 Sj. Second 8t, rbone 4:1B thnl BOARD man. and the race R. Ilow, of .Mhiiiiieriite. M., ,ho DODGE BROTHERS' CARS AND New Mexico Junk Co. on !'"hriimy J. r.UI, niadH lliiinesti-a- 8HERWIN WILLIAMS PAINT ALABASTlNt goes to the tortoise, Scrap Iron. Brans, Copper, Lead, Application No. n:i7l4. fur KE4 FRANKLIN CARS J. KORBER & CO. Blue. Rubber, Sural, IUk, Bottle HW'.,. flecllon nr.. T li V, ll:inaa E, J. C. Baldridge Lumber Co. what you need is and Bone. iiinl the hit 3 nml 4. Mi'itlnii 1, 218 North Second Street Pbon-- 783 fj Phone 401 423 i Albttqueiiiua. N. M. T'.n-lil- i k, I'.:iiik. HE, N. M. I. South First Street i another iob. M' I i'l an. lias lilid im' i.i, ,f intenlioii 1 The Evening HeraU, Albuquerque, N. M., Tuesday, May 15, 1917.

cnnaldera that I ha average crop o PEOPLE OF ESTAHCIA beana la I, "no pounda per acre, w hite In noma eaaea the yield haa been aa high a 1900 pound. It will be eeen PACTIDE THEATER that when l romea to ralalng moil-gngP- a SPRINGER Green Chili I . TODAY AND TOMORROW VALLEY WILD OVER and prilling people on the aunny aide of eay atreet heana are In p. Thar)' rraaon why this la tn beet a clue by themaelve Hauls Trash, Ashes Manned Chill packed. William S. Hart in "The Desert Man" There la no other, In the F world today." Hruatnr llarth contin- and Things Charles Murray, Louise Harry Booker in ued, where land capable of yielding Fuenda m-- hlg return can be laSught an "MAGGIE'S FIRST FALSE cheaply. It la poaalhle to make fin STEP" an acre on land that can he bought A Special Two-ree- Keystone Comedy l Senator Barth, After Visit There, for $10 and I5. I duly anybody to Crescent Hardware Co. Sl'lim-llllil-n- a Saya Every Available Acre Is equal It anywhere, tlrent ia the TO . TIMS Or SUOWg I, 1:30. 4, 6:30. T. ). 10 P. M. valley?" If you fall to Bet our evenlna- - 318 WEST CENTRAL AVE. Admission Adults 15c, Children lOo Beinr Plowed and Planted to A good anw ha fiillen over the paper, call entire valley, which haa put molture I'OHTAI. TWHiml'll a. Plumbers, Hot Water and Steam Heating Money-making- - 'Frijolei.' enough Into the, ground to mature the COMPANY. I'llMNi- 3d. Tinners bean crop, according to old aelllere In : the valley. However, aa they are cer- WROT STEEL WARM AIR FURNACES Senator taaac llarth. Mra. Harth tain to get rain during the aummer Abtolutel Guaranteed and Mr. and Mra. C'oppork motored iheae will have n tendency to Increa" oxer to tha Estiincla. valley Sunday the production per acre, to nothing Phone 315 where the aenator owna one hundred etund In I lie way now of an unpre- X THE WEATHER ALBUQUERQUE MEW MEXICO and eeventy alx acre ft land near cedented crop In that aeetion of the J Manmnu. Not Ocalrlnii to iwve land hi the ale. P r II K P , 8 T Tonight and Idle preaent niiitn-tlo- n rcm.'iln ilurlnir the The actual work of plnnting the Wcdticadny fnir; DELICATESSEN f, not niio h CITY food-tuf- tor IncrCHNiiiaT the output of hr-in- beana yesterday and will con-tlnn- e chunite in temnerniuir. Registration the aenator arranged to have without Officers plowed up cessation until llnlshed. the entire tract aiul planted r., or Federal to beana. Am nature hua already been At.nrot'i:i:urK ivnihii Draft in 24 houra ending 8 n kind to for mere of valley hy Brother Duke City in.: CRYSTAL the the of Mnxliniini a This County Named OPEN UNTIL 9 O'CLOCK TONIGHT furntahlnit ample motature In the wuy si. .Minimum 1 7. of about a nine Inch anow, audit-len- t Woman Off for France Company Itnnge St. av llcgiatration officer' for the enroll- Ice to make a crop of beana, the old tim. men aubject In U. S. Hospital Corps At a. m. i. 4 ment of to the federal era any. the aenator feela aure that draft have been named by Sheriff Prompt Service Phone 332 la over Kat wlml: clear. One of our light lunches will touch the spot when tha harvest the reult A. K. Hutrhinaon ha received Itafilel Unrein The list follow will ahow ha added ma. Mr. a that he uulte word that her brother. Itlchard Knapp, Pond Mother of Ban Joe Nu holn iirtega. after the show. tciially production of bean in Abient to the ha Killed fur In the American I Km tha valley. ltiardman knew Jack would Ie Kiliiardu Sam hcz honpital aervlce. lie I an officer In diatinauiHh hlmelf wilh the Alameda Itrrnard Kn Ik enrich. "That country over thera hi almply the corp. regiment, and he ha. Itancho de AllMiitienpie ltli' THOS. F. KELEHER rraay over beana." aaid tha aenator Mr. Hutchinson know merely that The Neighbor Who Hn crop. Ka ndovnl, Leather and Finding, Saddle. Bar-a- . X Our Store Is as Near You as Your X In peaking- - trip. "Kvery to Phone today of hla her brother hna willed. Knapp. follow- ped In Ah; n guard on the Mnrcla Daniel O'llnnnoti Palnti, Out Solea, Waterproof acre la being plowed up and nine, ing military Instruction, told hla fam- border, lan't he? l.o I'ndllliia Jean I'lnlilla. Obrotu Bole. Hboe tttor Bupplla. tentha of the cultivated land will ha ily only that in a certain number of i Pond Mnthei- - Heller ihan San Antonio Jacolm Haca. 408 WEST CENTRAL planted to beana. A mile a dnya would on hla wity ncros t.o -. and half he be I h ii t Why. hi letter a li. s ilrlecro- Ihi PI Peren. PROMPT 0 M. Buiuncla, we one aena. He wna Hun-che- i. rZLTVERY UNTIL ?. went of ww fellow forbidden to tell the rUIlt III the Kllard hcuae Tlancho de Atrlsco Allium putting In eighty acre of peanut. port of departure, hla destination point '.taelf I:ut moat everywhere you go If or the number of men with whom he Kai-- iMian Fra nci Kra nci. bean, beana, beana. Around Tajlque. Unveiled. I'alarito- - llnhl FRED CROLLOTT Phone 234 Torrenn and Mansuno the people are flld Allliiiicriue . Ijiointii 306 W. Central I FUNERAL DIRECTOR J putting In about Nve or aix time the There a difference between it Run Igniicio No holaa llerrern. acreage they had in htal yeur. which hnuae and a home. A home built In wmiuiummnrnnnirrinfiiiiiiiiiiiuutu San Aiitniiio Kpifniiio Unrcla. j (Shipment atrgngemeutt ta aJl part the nlveraity llelghta now can later ti the world.. Private, motor ant waa the banner year for Torrance l - A. K ami if MeeMMeoeMeeeee44 be aold t profit a Albu'tneroue Walker Phone Day or 678. county aitrtcutturully. The people a rather than lo. Personal News ileorge K. AlliriKhl. bulunca. Ntgbt the atrictnen that bin chnracterlaed Burton, enat of the Tijerai 4IR-4J- Bo. Becond St. Authorities Squelch around 1IOMK TIJAT f Atrlsco Mariano Se'iedra their ftdminiatwtlona alnre enteritis" canyon, are working overtime. frrilT. Items. t'hililll - lliiviiiomi T Siincliea office. Both not only feel convinced evcr where during our travel I.ocnl artlHt In mtinlc and drammlc Rumors of Return of fact I.oa iMua'ic I r II. Itrown that community acntimcnt la attalntd wo a have not art. niled by acclhetlc dnneera wi'l llenr witnessed 111- y a'ne uh aupi-rlo- AH olitallied will t' Rcdlight Conditions red llaht londltinna. hut they arc lilatory of the provide n pmgmnt at the rianie occurred in the Hiii red lle;irt Thoraduy even- Autu f'iinu. nil make. Korlx r Co thrown toitctlnr and from the enure A GOOD BANK tronCly oppowd to offlcliil nlley. They echool W. encouragement of commercialised Ksiaurlu reemble mine ing. Ticket ale will go to the build- Mr. K. Vincent him looted from list will la. drawn n number ciiii to TO HAVE AN ACCOUNT IN Following a conference between atx cloeely incident to Cornell ii en ue vice. the henu ing fund of the pew fnvred He 'it to hiUer incline. twice the o'totii for count of the elirht city councllmen. Col. Al- of gold in u new minimi A II lleiieh.i. (Nintu iilloriicv. Krom the tiuii In r drawn will Iios. If nccoa-ear- y church. Program liegina nt :Sii. 'r The Citizen's Bank fred Hpringer. It haa been announced that w.i nv-e- t il drunafeld and Manuel camp. people who hud abandoned Ticket .'i (eiilM. On aalc door a visitor in town lust iiikIu en sin h a will the phl-li.- to check Immorality If the na- at r':ir K. "The Bank of Bervlce" of the county "onimiMlonr: Sheriff their farina unit ii"n to other state It. HiIIoii of Kncuio. V. M wa it'on ami other rcpi .1 ement up Rafael tional guard camp la locnted here, liar' la and Chief of Police J. lun.l AltT-WIT- ir a :ii the iiiy lo duly In are returning and putting their IIKAITV PAKlOlt lutor the n'liitber of the cttntCs oiia:i H. Qaluaha, more men will be put on the x it ha leen emphatically in cultivation, while muny newcomer 20H t Mi. .iri.l Mra. I'omcII Mt.u kIioiirv. The clioo-ioi- iif rhe .ft, a announced no city and county by the iiuthnritier. Mm cotral avc. 1'Imiihi 77 ointt' that autriteetlon to are. arriving daily, being attracted to of Miin A ill on lo, N. M . were mitor wilt not le stai'd until the presi!! of :. The city pollre ia prepared - ' a red llvht dietrlet In thin detriment ennr-inou- a .n A ,n j uti-- It iv. ex- tjio valley by the reporta of the There 1 a difference tietween n loi'i i tie day. procl.iiiintioti U'siied. wlili city or In the county would be toler- to appoint a plain clothea mun to t CHESTER T. yield of henna and the hiuli hoiutr and a home. A h.ime built in Mi lio.ori t'omiell of Alimirila. pev ted to lie announced during FRENCH ated. There been rumor that with the evil. I haa price which prevailed last year." the rnlvrridty lluighta now ran Inter Cul.. ih iiing Mr. ami Mr. A M. few dn. I'MIICItTAhKK the "red Hint" would be allowed to . Motor Hiirlh that aitent ue aold at a profit rather than a L l'i.". Sou ill .xeienlh atrt-et- The nien w ho are named by the fiincrala. .burn attain when nation"! Senator atJlcd lo. , the cuord Thera la a difference between w county ers pi jtty Asalstallt. now on ground contt nctlng to I.ibrada M'oituuo. ho ia a offn for the . camp wa eatabliched here. are the leceni Aipr-lnt- houaa and a home. A home h.itlt l ' gruduuti- - of SI. J,w ph'a hopi:al, i,.ft clneta are also to for the ..hoc Chief Claluaha and Pheriff Garcia buy beana from the farmer at nine BEBBER. mic Phono &S0. OPTICIAN 1" "" nik-li- i p irpose for the state iinaril. liny or Mtl't, will continue to enforce the law the rntvernity llelghta now cun later cent a pound, aa agalnm rive anil for her home ut li.illnp to - peiol .t aruinat vUi without ar- relaxation of be aold At a. profit rather than lo. j neven cent paid lust year. When one Citizens Bank Bldg. nation. Ml J Jiolcll oi w York l on a Adjutant General Is visit lo Mr. ami Mr. Noah llf.-l- Mrs Jlldell ih II MMi-- i,f Noull anil lllll Coming; Not Expected llf. I.I Mi iiinl Mi. ,ok-.- li.irncii. who To Pass on Camp Site USE v.i i c wsitini; r ! vi a ml nu mls in II,, no. KjtiMie. -- MiM.ilil. s aiul hoi' Adjutant Ccucial II, 011 cut woidj Matthew's - Milk refnrned to tlo- cil. lo national i;ii:iril officers here IimIhv W A. WiiMht. pre i of the tliiit In- will in- in town tins cvctileii. Phone 420 Wrli-h- t I'lothiiiK 'oiopan. Iimvfn 'apt il. M Cel.. oiiiin.imli of the! t I runi-t'lllc- liii-- - ' .11 illiln irmmmitnpttrttnu. h.y fir he lii-- i on ii in i!: il rei roil in it ul lie rS H ju--- t u h v Ihi-- i' of laiMio-- trip. know it is lie It'll Ken ii,-t,iu- t ,i, ii ii i for- - t ho adjutant c m i IV- - it. I'l l' ml e!i'- III cll.ill.'e of liraritiu, is s - in iiihiic lion of r lull- - ami ftiiiitteis inn In- vicil, at SiKcr t in c fcr- - ami :t 'liicus'oon of r. r nit m it Don't Forget 888 ehce wirh foj Mi,crt ,son Ihcre Il is 110 believed licit 111'' ail tnl-- l " t By upoctal permit .stun we refer ct id. - , a'uo to IM'.LZilia lliallels. l!l'liTili Will I'.l- oil tlo- site, lb.' you to P. P. McCaima. Singer cut teli(-i.i- recelvcil b Ciot. 1'iof. Mi. I i oi t.r Slierwiu li.ivv L'liiar Co., St ueer rtiriuture Co, Chut; m 1 ,rr ,,f lb,, ramp onimiitec. is fine all right, but then it is still better be griven the KHill up I heir totlllge on Yale aenu Mrtinxliaw Caieterta. Mr. Oeo. S. to at 11 I I 'I ami are slaving tern poi .irilv In u uni- beitiic lit !' liO'tliilm that Kluck. Mm. (Judge) Hr acock, y lioatii of rritkilai iirmv 0 tfi cr-- i W'il hard-earne- d versity dni'iiiit.ii (oitiiKo iiiiiillio: Mra. Albert Hi nuns. Mr. J. E. same time a chzmce to make those dollars of dci ill- tilt atnp itlle-tio- tt tlo-i- ili'iiirt iire ,m n n ip rasl. I'ranklin, Mra. Geo 1'rotit, V i r - 11"' nolo- tin. Mrs. If. S. .V. M.. h:ile or is about A Unodrlch. Plait of Hure, I ' :l a li. sili'." ii nl pt K. 'Ill yours go the furtherest in the way of getting for you just Jenr a res.iient oj this citv. is We clean Wallpaper. Painted chief M Ion bi ful Ho- or- - hern on a viwt to her Motor. Mrn. illi Walls and Riti. Call for giiiiureis is i''ci aits. I led nit n ii m l what you want, and surely have made effort to do K W. Iinvlea and Mrs. I Weed, we an k'.'InK on em ay It to in et 1. .11 BERT : r:il to ppi ing mniini'.-- r 888 do and II ought I be esscil shopping hope, iili.l mini .in just that for you. every ii loan m tli' liv '"'d Lieut, w. A. Heed, in charge of the the Mtate that If he has no recriiltum of til" New Mexico nuliolinl ho phonlil enlist Ijiiard. iM'h ln in.H.irti i s in Alliil-leill- MEN! THIS IS WHERE YOU "GET ON" left last IIIK'lt (o Colunilols. There la n dlfffienre lietwein a N M , Ki take tlio exaiiiuiallon for house and a home. A home built in I'liiv'-rsil- Heights now can Intel VERY LAST WORD IN l oiniiiissinn u a i itpla.n. the TO THE LIGHT i. M. in chaise of tiuiher be mild "t .1 profit rather Minn a l"s sales in the I'niteil stale lorcst cotill-lelic- Ice, I, It yeslerla The name - poun'a Inspire e WEIGHT SUMMER CLOTHES STYLES. uflerllooii In Visit Kidney timber salt- - are.. on Santa IV nnd lioana I'llla for kid the ney a rkin I'arsoii national lot vain In northern III. Iioun Hutment for New itching. Imun'a Itogulet for a mild drug Miss Itose Maluiram. who was one liixiitne. Sold ut all Mime. It is a well known fact that the tendency to wear only the of the teachers in the puoic hools i f Santa It. tu, ' i ru nt county, hi re- most comfortable as well as serviceable type of garment turned In I lie city, anil la now during the months increases CLOTHCRAFT 1 to sn liil In r l ileal loll III summer every day among aouthcin t'ulitoi inn. MALOY'S iB B CIothes$15to$25 Mr. S. K. who hpi-n- t men who -- take the dressing problem seriously. We think, eicral wM-k- Msitnig reiulivi'H and I Consider Before You (Therefore, that you should come store, the SERGE SPECIALS fru lid ill HaKcrMowu, Mil Ion Strawberries every day 10c to our store "G130" Blue, $16.50 home. While east Mr. Neu. Cheaper in tiiantltie. tin- - Spent! Your Payday "6130" $16.50 coiiiei attenilei national conven- that honestly trys to help you make your "dollars have Ora, tion of the D.iiiKlltcl'H ol the Ameri- '4130M Blue, $20.00 Summer Siiuaxh Green Pra can K. Hit inn in W II. I' Btrilig Beaux TonuHne Money - more cents," and see our display of Clothcraft clothes. Gray, $20.00 l "SISO" (.'apt. Carter, . 1... I'. S. A. ha New Potatue Aspnrijipi Made by rented C Hake' rcr-ilc- e 0:1 Bptnarb Oreeu For believe is . and Mustard these reasons we this tali- In. anil .Mr--- Ilaket- plan The Joepb It Telia Co. aei.ue. Vouim Onn im Kadishes to le.t.e Hhortlv on a till to lutlliilta. Head Let'ure Rhubarb Cleveland 'I" c expect to lie gone three month. 1 r. Hake ha puri haeil a new toiir-I11- 4 Sweet Corn Seed, pk lTa- - cui . Let U3 show you the biff J. II. Ileinilon attended 11 Time to plant now- -? kinda. fcrTTrpw .ii ili:"Jiir.. ti 01 coiuiiuttcciiii'ii of t lie fcili-ru- valuo we ofTcr in our ?ftf district, appointed to help Hunt Camatiuii Wheat Fluk' irc the lihcity loan, in Imllas, Tex, Alber's riarjurk Flour. 2 for 3.1c special $2000 suit. A lihl!!! Mr. Hernd'Mi : the only li lit New Mexico baitiier on he cotu lull tec. Money Bark Bread ,10c visit to our store will be H'- - (itisiil'lit o' the S'ale N.'lt.'-nn- i'ltHiT Ml CotttiKO Hulls . IOC ' Hill woll worth your while. lj .1 ; tvll-ll.- t tatiiil li l.eilis t.l lil'il fl Olll .1 tl.i ho- - 1. alBiBaiBaV ttii' of two on inch in tlie taal BkiaaU Cniinnrltii illstllit 1.: the Nillill.l lllnlltlf.i - 11: t'.'o ..'tl lli.l ami A.J.MALOY lOrne-- 111 of - t Lewis, aie (liniue the 1 '1m.ii,- 17 ami 17:; 1. null, .ii.ii tin- ii,. arc it cpa iim lot a Ion cl"p Sit.lWo ai'ICN ni'- lil Many new summer fab FOR YOU ti'iitu t,n alii'-- - tu mount. tin I11.-.I- . I po'aiie-- ami o :ii ch in rics in the latest put-tern- s ) n tt 111 K. have just arrived. There l. a dllferenco belwrcn II TAX lioiise and a In me. A home l.ullt in POLL ' tin I ii l ' i -- i I now can later sold ai a profit lather than a lost. Suits will be filed alphabet-icull- y against all thoee delin- quent after May 1. Avoid M. MAN DELL SEND IT TO court cobU by paying today. I THE. LIVE CLOTHIER Bill's Shop DUKE CITTi CLEANERS cieiieFnciiep KNOW HOW - THEY We chilli Inn, men' anil women- , Successful ilni-rlc- Albuquerque'! clotliliik. rim, iirtnliu., UjpaHaBaMaj nient en., II JO West i dd. Phone tin. Phone 480 215 8. Second Promptneia Our 114 Motto i W. Central