Ssc-384 Post-Yield Strength of Icebreaking Ship

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Ssc-384 Post-Yield Strength of Icebreaking Ship NTIS#PB96-109129 SSC-384 POST-YIELD STRENGTH OF ICEBREAKING SHIP STRUCTURAL MEMBERS This dmment has ken approved for publicreleaseandsslq its dislributicmis unlimited SHIP STRUCTURE COMMITTEE 1995 c–/ U(P STRUCTURECOMMilT& The SHIP STRUCTURE COMMl~EE is constituted to prosecute a research program to improve the hull structures of ships and other marine structures by an extension of knowledge pertaining to design, materials, and methods of construction. RADM J. C. Card, USCG (Chairman) Chief, Ofice of Marine Safety, Security and Environmental Protection U, S. Coast Guard Mr. Thomas H. Peirce Mr. Edwin B. Schimler Dr. Donald Liu Marine Research and Development Associate Administrator for Ship– Senior Vice President Coordinator building and Technology Development American Bureau of Shipping Transportation Development Center Maritime Administration Transpofl Canada Mr, Robert McCarthy Mr. Thomas Connors Dr. Ross Grahm Director, Survivability and Structural Acting Director of Engineering (N7) Head, Hydronautics Section Integrity Group (SEA 03P) Military Sealift Command Defence Research Establishment–Atlantic Naval Sea Systems Command EXECUTIVE DIRFC_~Q~ CONTRA CTING OFFICER TFCH NKAL~ lIYE CDR Stephen E. Sharpe, USCG Mr. VWliam J. Siekierka U. S. Coast Guard Naval Sea Systems Command SHIP STRUCTUR ESUBCOMMllTEE The SHIP STRUCTURE SUBCOMMllTEE acts for the Ship Structure Committee on technical matters by providing technical coordination for determinating the goals and objectives of the program and by evaluating and interpreting the results in terms of structural design, construction, and operation, MILITARY SEALIFT COMMAN.Q MARITIME ADMINISTRATION jJ_S. COAST GUARD Mr. Robert E. Van Jones (Chairman) Mr. Frederick Seibold CAPT George Wright Mr, Rickard A. Anderson Mr. Richard P. Voelker Mr. Walter Lincoln Mr. Michael W. Touma Mr. Chao l-f, Lin Mr. Rubin Sheinberg Mr, Jeffrey E, Beach Dr, Walter M. Maciean AMERICAN_iUIR.EAU OF SHIPPING NAVAL S= SYSTEMS COMMAND TRANSPORT CANADA Mr, Glenn Ashe Mr, W, Thomas Packard Mr. John Grinstead Mr. John F. ConIon Mr. Charles L Null Mr, Ian Bayly Mr. Phillip G. Rynn Mr. Edward Kadala Mr, David L. Stocks Mr, William Hanzelek Mr. Allen H. Engle Mr. Peter Timonin DEFENCE RESEARCH ESTABLISHMENT ATLANTIC &%~~~%n Gibson Dr. Roger Hollirrgshead Mr. John Porter ~HIP STRUCTURE SUBCOMMllTEE LIAISON MEMBERS ~OCIETYOF NAVAL ARCHITECTS AND NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES - MARINE ENGINEERS MARINE BOARD Dr. William Sandberg Dr. Robert Sielski CANADA CENTRE FOR MINERALS AND NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES - FNERGY T ECMt@LOG IES COMMITTFF ON MARINE STRUC TIJ&ES Dr. William R, Tyson Dr. John Landes U. S, NAVAI A ~A12HyfY WELDING RF SF~NH COUNCII Dr. Ramswar Bhattacharyya Dr. Martin Prager ~, S, MERCHANT MARIN.U~ADEMY AMERICAN IRON AND STEEL lNSTITU_E Dr. C, B. Kim Mr. Alexander D. Wilson U. S. COAST G UABC!_A@AD_EMY ~L RESEARCH LCDR Bruce R. Mustain Dr. Yapa D, S. RaJapaske L1._S.._TECHNlCAL ADIVSORY GROUP TOJJ-IE f@&.$ACHUSETTS INSTITUTF OF TECHNOLOGY INTERNATIONAL STANDARDS ORGANIZATION CAPT Charles Piersall CAPT Alan J, Brown STUDENT MEMBER Mr. Jason Miller Massachusetts Institute of Technology ‘“” c- 2-- MemberAgencies: AddressCorrespondenceto: American Bureau of Shipping ExecutiveDirector De fence Rweatch Es&blishment Atlantic Ship StructureCommittee Ma@ime Administration Ship U.S.Coast Guard (G-MMS/SSC) Milit SeaYM Command 2100 Second Street, S.W. Naval Sea7 ystems Command Washin ton, D.C.20593-0001 Transport Canada Structure Ph:(202? 267-OCKEI United States Coast Guard Committee F%;(202)267-4816 An Interagency Adviso~ Committee SSC-384 SR-1380 23 October, 1995 POST-YIELD STRENGTH OF ICEBREAKING SHIP STRUCTURAL MEMBERS In this project an icebreaker hul 1, as modified to meet the requirements of the proposed Canadian Arctic Ship Pollution Prevention Regulations (ASPPR), was modeled. The model was then given a load which was extreme enough to cause some minor plastic deformations of the degree which would be allowed under ASPPR. Through analysis it was determined that the load at which main frame buckling would occur was less than that which had been anticipated. This was interpreted to be due to the progressive yielding of the surrounding structure. Through this and other work the ASPPR will be reviewed for adequacy. This study will also be used to determine how global effects can be applied to local area models of ship structures to avoid the need to model the entire vessel structure. This project was funded by the Canadian Transportation Development Centre and given to the Ship Structure Committe= to allow a wider distribution of the results. C. CARD Rear Admi 2’al, U.S. Coast Guard Chairman, Ship Structure Committee i PUBLICATION DATA FORIM 1. l_ranscart Canada Publication Na. 2. ?rojec: r.h 3. PWC:mcmr’s Catalcgue No. TP11837E 7720 4. Title and SubtitlR ~ SSC-384 I 5. Publkation Da~* Post-yield Buckling of Icebretig Ship Structural lMembers 6. ?ertormmg Organization Dwumnnt No. ~ TR-94-02 7, Author(s) I ~. Transport Canada File No. C.G. DesRochers, E.J. Crocker, R. Kumar, D.P, Br~, B. Dick and S. Lantos , 1460-310 ~, ?ertormmg Orgamzarlon Name and Admss 10. 0SS HIe N~, Manec Limited XSD90-00268-(673) 1888 Bnmswick Street I Suite 400 :1. 0SS w ~ransm Canada Comracr NO. Halifax, NS B3J 3J8 T8200-O-0561/01 -XSD 12. Swnsorlng Agency blame andAddress Transport DeveIopmemCentre (TDC) 13. Type d Publlcarlon and Peri~ c~vg~~ Guy Faureau Complex ‘ ‘ zoo Rene Levesque BIvd. West West Tower, Suite 601 Montreal, Quebec H2Z IX4 * :S. Suoplementan{ NaIes (Fundinq prqrams, titles of raiawd publicatl~s. erc. ) cw~nsored W tie National Energy Board. Direction from a proj~t cotitiee consisttig of representativesfrom TDC, COUI Gu~d (Co~~ Gtid Northern, Ship Safety and Fleet Systems), Canadia Navy DefenseResearehEstablishmentAtlan@ md he projec~team. T6. Abstract The proposed ASPPR regulations allow a terrain amount of plastic deformation of the strucrure under exmemeice loads. The buckling criteria employed in the regulations has facrors to take into account some of the nonlinear effects associated with exceeding he linear range of material propertiw This project is an expioratoty inves~igationinto the post-yield behaviour of icebre&g vessels with tie underlyingobjectiveto determinewhether or no~the reguiruiom are adequatein regards to buckling. The project consisn of modelling two areas of the NIVArctic under a ASPPR calculatedice load of total magnitude F=. The main frames were redesignedlocally to cmform to the proposedASPPR regulations. ArIanalysiswas performed using the finite element program ADI.NAand consisted of a nonlinear stadc analysis using tie are-length metiod (Ioaddispiacement conrroI). Plasticity was found to initiae in the main frames at a load of about .7F=. Bucklingwas found to occur in the main frames at a load level of approximately 1.2*F-. The load required to cause buckLingcalculatedusing linear assump~iomwas siguifieantly higher indicating a substantialdegradationof buckling strength associatedwith the progression of yielding through the sn-ucrure. The structure was found to be capable of canyirtg further load through membrane smngth in the plating. The analysis accounts for global ship dfeets in the local area by modellingthe entire MV Arctic using the program MAESTRO. Conclusion were drawn m to how the gloimleffects can be includedin tie local mode without the requiremen~of modellingthe entire ship. 17. Key UVords 1a. Distrik[jan S tat-ant Post-Yield Buckling, k.ebreaking Ship Structures, Distribution is unlimited; available from: Nonlinear Pmdysis, ASPPR, MV hetic, MaiKIl%amq National Technical Information Service Imperfections, Arc-Length ,Method U. S. Dept of Commerce s P rifi- E“$i;~d +a ------------ 19. Security Clas$ificatian (of this publication) 20. %5urlty Classlftcation (of This page) Z1. ~d~ksslficatlon 22. No. af 23. Price Unclassified Pages UllC~assified 9QL $36.50paP r I Luu TDC!CZT 79+305 1- ...-.... 3 Canadi lhltedstak DqsmmntofcoImmsca Nlsr ::Rl%E5Lm39Nallonalhsthrlo01.RandatdsandTmhnolcqy METRICCONVERSIONCARD Approxima[eConversionsto MerncMeasures ApproximateConve~ionsfi-omMetricMeasures ~~ Symbol Whn Yoit KI;OW kfi~ltiply by To Find Syr)lboi g ~ Symboi When Y014Know Mi4ifiply by To Find Symbol LENGTi H m —_ LENGTH in inches 2.5 centimeter cm ~ mm millimeter 004 inches in f! feet 30 centime[em cm — cm centimeter 0.4 inches in yd yards 0.9 meters A— ,m meters 3.3 feet ft mi miles 1.6 kilometers h-= m meters yards yd AREA km kilometers ;;: miles mi in 2 square inches 6.5 SquarEcentimeters cm z — AREA f[2 square fmt 0.09 square meters m z ~ cmz square centimeters 0.! 6 square inches ~2 ~dz squaw yards 0.8 square meters rn2 — rn2 square meters 1.2 square yards ~dz ~i 2 square miles 2.6 square kilometers kml N ~ ; km 1 square kilometers 0.4 square miles mi 2 acres 0.4 hectares ha ~ ha hectare 2.5 acres MASS (wei*t) (10,OCQm2) Oz ounces 28 MASS (weight) lb pounds 0,45 E&s :g ~ g glarns 0.035 ounces Oz short tons 0,9 metricton t— kg kilogmms 2.2 pounds lb (2000 lb) u~ t metric ton 1J short tons VOLUME (1,000 kg) tsp teaspoons 5 milliliters mL VOLUME ~;p tabl&poons 15 milliliters mL— rrt milliliters 0.03 fluid ounces fl Oz cubic inches 16 millilhers mL ~ mL milliliters 0.06 cubic inches in3 fl 02 fluid ounces 30 milliliters mL —~ L lhers 2,1 pints pt c cups 0.24 lilers L ~’== L titers 1.06 quarts qt pt pints 0.47 Ii[em L- L liters 0.26 gallons :? qt quarts 0.95 liters L~ rn3 cubic metets 35 cubic feet ~al rn3 ~d3 gallons 3.8 liters L= cubic meters 1,3 cubic yards . ft3 cubic feet 0.03 cubic meters rn3 — TEMPERATURE (exact) @3 cubic yards 0.76 cubic meters m3 ‘c degrees multiply by 9/5, degrees ‘F TEMPERATURE (exact) m~ Celsius add 32 Fahrenheit ‘F degrees subtrac[ 32, degrees ‘C ~ Fahrenheit multiply by 5i9 Celsius =A -4(I -20 0 20 37 60 80 100 E* “c 1 t I 1 I .F 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ~A 40 0 32 80 98.6 T60 212 em water freezes bdy temperature water boils TABLE OF CONTENTS VOLUME I 1.
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