Family and friends Lesson aims: A What’s your name? • introduce yourself • ask someone’s name • ask someone’s age




Will SAMPLE Presentation Will: Yes, I am. I’m in Class B. Megan: Great! See you at school! 1 1 Listen and read. Choose the correct words. 02 Will: Yes, see you soon. Bye! Anna: Oh sorry! Are you OK? Anna and Mark: Goodbye! Will: Yes, no problem. Anna: My name’s Anna. What’s your name? 2 1 Listen and repeat the dialogue. 03 Will: I’m Will. Hi! Anna: Mark, are you OK? Mark’s my 1 brother / sister. English today Mark: Yes, I’m fi ne, thanks. Megan: And I’m Megan. Hello! Are you 2 new / old here, Will? • Sorry! • Hello! Will: Yes, I am. I’m from . • Are you OK? • Great! Mark: Cool! How old are you? • No problem! • See you soon. Will: I’m 3 ten / eleven. • Hi! • Bye! Mark: Are you at Newham High 4 School / House? • I’m fi ne, thanks. • Goodbye!


M01_TODA_SB_01GBL_1068_U01.indd 4 20/06/2013 10:31 1

Vocabulary: Numbers 0–100 Grammar 1 How old are you ? I’m eleven. 3 04 Listen and repeat. Then count to a hundred in fi ves. fi ve, ten … 5 1 Complete the dialogue. Listen and check. 05 Then act it out.

Are name’s you am not 3 0 1 2 What’s I’m How zero one two three 4 5 6 7 Amy: Hello! 1 What’s your name? four ve six seven Will: My 2 Will. 3 8 9 10 11 Amy: Hi, Will! Amy. Mark’s my eight nine ten eleven brother and Anna’s my sister. Will: 4 old are you, Amy? 12 13 14 15 Amy: I’m nine. 5 you nine, too? twelve thirteen fourteen fteen Will: No, I’m 6 . I’m eleven. 17 18 19 16 Amy: Are 7 new here? sixteen seventeen eighteen nineteen Will: Yes, I 8 . 20 21 30 31 Amy: OK! See you soon. twenty- thirty- twenty thirty one one Writing 40 50 60 70 UNITS forty fty sixty seventy 6 Write a message to Mark or Anna.

100 80 90 Hi, Mark. My name’s Carlos. I’m at a HillsideSchool. I’m in Class 1G. I’m eighty ninety hundred eleven. How old are you?

Hi! I’m Lenny! Game

Grammar 7 Choose a picture. Then ask and answer. I’m Will. SAMPLE A: How old are you? You’re Anna. B: I’m thirty-three. Are you new here? A: You’re Steve! Yes, I am . /No, I’m not. What’s your name? My name’s Mark. Your name’s Anna.

Carla Ravi Suzie Speaking

4 Ask and answer. A: Hello. What’s your name? B: Hi. My name’s Pietro. A: How do you spell ‘Pietro’? Tom Steve B: P – I – E – T – R – O. > Now turn to Unit 1A in the Activity Book. Start on p1.


M01_TODA_SB_01GBL_1068_U01.indd 5 20/06/2013 10:31 B Who’s she? Lesson aims: • greet people formally Presentation through the day • tell the time 1 1 Listen and read. Tick (✓) the 06 correct words. Megan: Good evening, Mrs Price. Mum: Hello, Megan. Come in. Megan: Thank you, Mrs Price. Mark: Hi, Megan. Hey, what time is it? Megan: It’s 1 seven ✓ ten o’clock . Anna: Great! It’s time for Pop World! Mark: Wow! Who’s that, Anna? Anna: That’s Lady Gaga. She’s a 2 rock pop singer. Mark: Her 3 name hair is crazy! Megan: And who’s he? He’s 4 cool good . Mum: He’s a rapper. He’s Jay-B. Anna: Mum! His name isn’t Jay-B! It’s Jay-Z!

2 1 Listen and repeat the dialogue. 07 English today

• Come in. • It’s time for (Pop World). UNITS • Wow! • He’s cool.

Comprehension Vocabulary: Formal greetings 4 1 Listen and repeat. 3 Read again and complete the information. 08


Good morning!

Name: Job:

Good afternoon!

Name: Good evening! Job: 6

M01_TODA_SB_01GBL_1068_U01.indd 6 20/06/2013 10:31 1

5 Greet these people. Then greet your teacher! 7 Write the times in words. Good evening, Mr Price! 1 It’s fi ve past fi ve.

1 2 3

4 5 6 1 Mr Price

Grammar 2 Mrs Price Who’s he? He’s Jay-Z. Who’s that? That’s Lady Gaga. His hair is cool! Her hair is crazy!

Listening 3 Miss Jones UNITS 1 8 10 Listen and label the people in Vocabulary: The time the picture.

1 6 09 Listen and repeat. What time is it now? Ellie John Mr Smith Mrs Brown Jessica

one o’clock fi ve past ten past 3 quarter past twenty past twenty-fi ve past half past twenty-fi ve to twenty to 4 Ellie quarter to ten to fi ve to It’s half past eleven. SAMPLE fi ve to o’clock fi ve past


2 5 ten to ten past

quarter quarter to past Speaking

twenty twenty 9 Ask and answer about the people in the to past photo on page 6. A: Who’s she? twenty-fi ve twenty-fi ve B: She’s Megan. to past A: What’s his name? half past > Now turn to Unit 1B in the Activity Book. Start on p5.


M01_TODA_SB_01GBL_1068_U01.indd 7 20/06/2013 10:32 C He’s my uncle. Lesson aims: • introduce people Presentation • talk about your family

1 1 Listen and read. How old is Tony? 11 It’s Sunday afternoon at the Price house. Will: Hello, Mr Price! Mr Price: Hi, Will. Welcome to our barbecue! Will: Thanks. Burgers … yum! Mark: Hi, Will. Will: Hi, Mark. Hey, who’s that? Is he your cousin? Mark: No, he isn’t. He’s my uncle! Will: Your uncle? How old is he? Mark: He’s twenty-nine on Tuesday. Will: Oh, he’s young! Mark: Uncle Tony, this is my friend. His name’s Will. Uncle Tony: Nice to meet you, Will. Will: Nice to meet you, Mr Price. Uncle Tony: Oh, call me Tony! Mark: Quick, Uncle Tony! The burgers!

2 1 Listen and repeat the dialogue. 12 UNITS Comprehension

3 Read again and choose the correct words. English today

1 It’s / It isn’t Saturday. • Welcome to • Yum! 2 Will / Tony is Mark’s friend. (our barbecue) • Call me (Tony). 3 Uncle Tony is old / young. • Thanks. • Quick! 4 It is / isn’t Uncle Tony’s birthday.

Vocabulary: Days of the week SAMPLE UK 4 1 Listen and repeat. Then write the days 13 in order. Calendars

Friday Monday Saturday Sunday Thursday M onday Tuesday Wednesday T We say on Monday, Tuesday … W 5 Ask and answer. Use these questions.

1 A: What day is it today? T B: It’s … 1 What day is it today? F 2 What’s your favourite day of the week? 3 What’s your favourite TV programme? What S day is it on? S


M01_TODA_SB_01GBL_1068_U01.indd 8 20/06/2013 10:32 1

Vocabulary: Family members

1 6 14 Listen and repeat. Then describe the relationships in the Price family. father (dad) mother (mum) parents grandmother grandfather grandparents brother sister aunt cousin uncle niece nephew son daughter

The Price Family

George, 66 Diane, 61

Martin, 39 Gina, 35 Tony, 28 Veronica, 26 UNITS Becky, 1

Mark, 11 Anna, 10 Amy, 8 1 Anna / Martin I’m Anna. Martin is my father. 4 Amy / George 2 Veronica / Becky 5 Amy / Becky 3 Tony / Mark 6 Becky / Tony and Veronica

8 Look at the family tree again. Grammar A: Ask Amy about these people. Is he your cousin? SAMPLE B: You are Amy. Answer the questions. Yes, he is. No, he isn’t. Tony Veronica Becky Martin How old is she? A: Who’s Tony? A: How old is he? She’s ten years old. B: He’s my uncle. B: He’s twenty-eight. He’s/She’s/It’s = He is/She is/It is isn’t = is not 9 Student A: go to page 100. Student B: go to page 104.

Speaking About you

7 Look at the family tree in Exercise 6. 10 Write about someone in your family. A: Ask Mark questions about his family. B: You are Mark. Answer the questions. MY BROTHER A: Is he your dad? Filipe is my brother and he’s seventeen. His B: No, he isn’t. He’s my uncle. favourite TV programme is Sports Today. It’s on Sunday at eight o’clock.

> Now turn to Unit 1C in the Activity Book. Start on p9. 9

M01_TODA_SB_01GBL_1068_U01.indd 9 20/06/2013 10:32 D Communication

Speaking: Ask for personal information

1 1 Listen and read. 15 Anna and Megan are at the school dance club. Anna is a member but Megan is new.

1 2 3

Miss Khan: Good morning, Anna! Miss Khan: What’s your surname, Miss Khan: What’s your phone Anna: Good morning, Miss Megan? UNITS number, Megan? Khan. This is my Megan: It’s ‘Cheung’. Megan: It’s 734 6458. friend. She’s here for Miss Khan: Can you spell that? Miss Khan: Great. Dance Club is Dance Club. Megan: C-H-E-U-N-G. every Thursday at four Miss Khan: Great. What’s your Miss Khan: And what’s your o’clock. fi rst name? address? Megan: OK. Thanks, Miss Khan! Megan: It’s Megan. Megan: It’s 24, Maple Lane.

2 Match the questions with the answers. SAMPLE Your turn 3 Act out your dialogue. Student A: You are a new music or sports club member. Answer 1 What’s your fi rst name? a 48, Park Street. the questions. 2 What’s your surname? b It’s 369 087. Student B: You are a teacher. 3 Can you spell that? c It’s Taylor. Greet the new member and ask 4 What’s your address? d It’s Will. his or her name (and how to spell 5 What’s your phone number? e T – A – Y – L – O – R. it), address and phone number. A: Hello. I’m here for Music Club. English today B: Great! What’s … • What’s your fi rst name? • What’s your address? • What’s your surname? • What’s your phone number? • Can you spell that?


M01_TODA_SB_01GBL_1068_U01.indd 10 20/06/2013 10:32 1

Writing: Complete a membership card

4 Read the membership card and answer the questions.

G CLU MING CLUB SWIMMING CLUB IM W Name: Lisa Harris S Age: 11 Address: 51, Green Street, Cambridge Phone: 450 6192 Swimming Club is at ten o’clock on Sundays.

1 What club is Lisa in? Swimming Club. Writing tip 2 What’s her surname? Capital letters (1) 3 How old is she? 4 What’s her address? We use capital letters for: 5 What’s her phone number? names: Mark Peters 6 When is Swimming Club? places:UNITS 37, Woodlands Road, Cranford 5 Correct the membership card. Use capital the pronoun ‘I’: I’m eleven. letters in the correct places. days of the week: Monday, Friday Name titles: Mr Smith the fi rst word in a sentence: This is my sister.

Your turn SAMPLE6 Make your own club membership card. 1 Think of a club. Give it a name. 2 Design the membership card for your club. Look at the examples in Exercises 4 and 5 to help you. Don’t complete your card. 3 Exchange cards with a partner. Ask and answer to complete your partner’s card. A: What’s your name? B: My name’s ... 4 Check your capital letters! name: james moore age: 10 address: 29, river road, denton phone number: 916 4073 > Now turn to p13 in the Activity Book.

computer club is at three o’clock on tuesdays.


M01_TODA_SB_01GBL_1068_U01.indd 11 20/06/2013 10:32 E Culture today

This is a map of 2 1 the UK. The UK is , Wales, and Northern Ireland. Here are some typical families from the UK. Hi, I’m Ali and I’m nine. I’m from Hi, I’m Alison and I’m eleven. in Scotland. This is my I’m from Lisburn in Northern family. That’s my mum and Ireland. My family is very big. dad. I’m an only child. My He’s my grandfather and family is small. But my cousins Yasmin and Hassan she’s my grandma. And that’s UNITS are in Glasgow, too – my mum and dad. Here are that’s cool! my sisters, Liz and Molly. Ali, Glasgow Molly is really funny! Alison, Lisburn


Hi, I’m Jenny and I’m eleven. I’m from Colchester in England. My family is Hi, I’m Steven and I’m ten. I’m big! That’s my mum and from Bangor in Wales. This is my dad, my grandfather and family. That’s me with my mum grandmother, and my brother and my two brothers, Darren and my sister – Sarah and and Kurt. Darren is four and James. Sarah is ten and my Kurt is six months old. brother is seven years old. Steven, Bangor He’s naughty! Jenny, Colchester


M01_TODA_SB_01GBL_1068_U01.indd 12 20/06/2013 10:32 Families 1

Speaking New words big child funny naughty 4 Imagine you are Michelle or Mike from only (child) small Exercise 3. Describe your family. Hi! I’m Michelle/Mike. I’m … . This is … She’s … Reading 1 Say Hello. 2 Introduce yourself. 1 1 16 Listen and read. 3 Say your age. 4 Say where you’re from. Comprehension 5 Introduce each person in your family and say their age. 2 Read again and complete with the correct family word. Project: My family Alison 1 Liz is my sister . 5 Find a photo of you and your family. Write 2 Molly is my . about your family. Ali 1 Say Hello and introduce yourself. (name, age, city) 3 Hassan is . 2 Say who each person in your family is. (This is my 4 Yasmin is . dad. His name’s …) Steven 3 Describe your family. (My family is big/small.) 5 Darren . 6 Kurt . Jenny 7 Sarah . UNITS 8 James .


1 3 17 Listen to Michelle and complete her family tree with the correct names and ages.

Alan Debbie Clara Mike The Doyle Family SAMPLE MY FAMILY Hi! I’m Chiara and I’m eleven years old. I’m from Milan in Italy and this is my family. This is my mum and dad, my brother and me, and my grandmother and grandfather. 1 2 My grandmother is sixty-one years old. Her name is Luisa. My grandfather is sixty-eight. His name is Enzio. My brother is nine and he’s very naughty. His name’s Stefano. My family isn’t big but we’re happy!

3 Michelle, 11 4 13

M01_TODA_SB_01GBL_1068_U01.indd 13 20/06/2013 10:32 F Revision

1 Write the words or the numbers.

1 seventy-three 73 5 38 9 31 2 twenty-two 6 ninety-three 10 fi fty-six 3 48 7 17 11 0 4 sixty 8 twelve 12 eighteen

2 Match the clocks with the times.

a b c d e f

1 It’s fi ve to eight. c 4 It’s quarter to three. 2 It’s half past two. 5 It’s quarter past seven. 3 It’s fi ve past eight. 6 It’s ten to one.

3 Ask and answer about the clocks in Exercise 2. Say the correct greeting. 1 A: What time is it? B: It’s fi ve to eight. Good evening! UNITS 4 Look at the family tree. Complete the sentences.

Bill Mary

SAMPLE Kate Dan Lisa Tom James

Jack, me Emma Ben

My name’s Jack. Here’s my family. 5 Lisa is my . 1 Bill is my grandfather. 6 Tom is my . 2 Mary is my . 7 James is my . 3 Kate is my . 8 Emma is my . 4 Dan is my . 9 Ben is my .


M01_TODA_SB_01GBL_1068_U01.indd 14 20/06/2013 10:32 1

5 Draw your family tree. Ask and answer. Song: My crazy family! A: Who’s she? 1 8 19 Listen and complete. Then sing. B: She’s my mum. A: What’s her name? My family is crazy, B: Her name’s Maria. But we’re a lot of fun. A: How old is she? My 1 brother is eleven, B: She’s forty-one. My baby sister’s one. My brother and my 2 , 6 Order the letters. Make days of the week. My mum and dad and me, Which day is missing? My 3 , aunt and cousins, That’s my crazy family! 1 d a m o n y Monday Oh, oh, oh! Crazy family! 2 y t a u s e d My 4 John is fourteen, 3 y a d d e w e s n My cousin Lucy’s eight. 5 4 d y i f a r My Julie’s pretty, 5 r s d a a t y u And Uncle Sam is great! 6 y n a u s d Pronunciation: /θ/ 1 9 20 Listen and repeat. 7 1 Complete the dialogue. Listen and check. 18 It’s three o’clock on Thursday Then act it out. It’sUNITS a very happy day. address fi rst name four o’clock This Thursday is my birthday phone number spell surname And I’m thirteen today!

Mark: Hello. I’m here for Basketball Club. 1 1 Man: Great. What’s your fi rst name? 10 21 Listen and underline the /θ/ sounds. Mark: It’s Mark. Kathy’s birthday party is at three thirty on Thursday. Man: What’s your 2 , Mark? Mark: It’s Price. My progress Man: Can you 3 that? Mark: P – R – I – C – E. SAMPLE11 Read and tick (✓). Man: And what’s your 4 ? I can: Mark: 37, Woodlands Road. Man: OK … What’s your 5 ? introduce myself. Mark: It’s 219 3074. Hello! I’m/My name’s Marco. Man: Great! Basketball Club is every Wednesday at ask someone’s name and age. 6 . Have fun! What’s your name? How old are you? Mark: OK. Thanks! greet people formally through the day. Good morning/afternoon/evening. tell the time. It’s one o’clock. introduce people. This is my friend. His name’s Will. ask for personal information. What’s your address?

> Turn to Unit 1 Check in the Activity Book on p14. 15

M01_TODA_SB_01GBL_1068_U01.indd 15 20/06/2013 10:32 3 House and home Lesson aim: • talk about rooms in your A There’s a small bathroom. home


Presentation 2 1 Listen and repeat the dialogue. 38 1 1 Listen and read. Where are the children? 37 Will: Hi, Grandma! SAMPLE English today Grandma: Will! How lovely to see you! Hello, girls! What a nice surprise! • How loely to see you! Will: So this is your new house. It’s nice. • What a nice surprise! Grandma: Thank you, dear. Megan: There are lots of fl owers in the garden. Grandma: Yes, there are. The garden’s lovely. Will: How many bedrooms are there? Comprehension Grandma: There are two bedrooms and a small bathroom upstairs, and there’s a kitchen and a living room 3 Read again and answer True (T) or downstairs. False (F). Anna: Is there a computer? 1 The house is new. T Grandma: Yes, there is. Do you want a game of Space Attack, kids? 2 There isn’t a garden. Anna: Yes, great! 3 There’s one bedroom. Grandma: Well, come in. 4 There isn’t a computer. Megan: Wow, your grandma’s cool!


M03_TODA_SB_01GBL_1068_U03.indd 28 20/06/2013 10:40 3

Vocabulary: The house

4 1 Listen and repeat. Then match. 39 bathroom bedroom dining room garage garden hall kitchen living room toilet

1 bedroom

1 2

3 4 5 6 7 8


5 Look at the house in Exercise 4. Which Speaking rooms are downstairs and which 7 Ask and answer about your home. rooms are upstairs? A: How many rooms are there (in your house/fl at)? The kitchen is downstairs. The … B: There are fi ve rooms. A: Is there a dining room? Grammar B: Yes, there is./No, there isn’t. How many rooms are there?SAMPLE 1 how many / rooms? 5 a big kitchen? There’s a living room. 2 a dining room? 6 a garden? There are two bedrooms. 3 a living room? 7 a garage? There isn’t a dining room. 4 how many / bedrooms? 8 how many / bathrooms? There aren’t three bedrooms. About you

Game 8 Write about the rooms in your home.

6 A: Imagine and describe a house. In my at there are three bedrooms and B: Draw the house in your notebook. there are two bathrooms. There’s a kitchen A: It’s a big house. and a dining room. There’s a big living room, B: OK … too. There’s a big garden. There are lots of A: There’s a kitchen and there’s a big living owers in the garden. My home is great!

room downstairs. There isn’t a …

> Now turn to Unit 3A in the Activity Book. Start on p25. 29

M03_TODA_SB_01GBL_1068_U03.indd 29 20/06/2013 10:41 B It’s Grandad’s radio. Lesson aims:aim: • talk about possessions Presentation

1 1 Listen and read. Tick (✓) the 40 correct words.

Will, Mark and Anna are collecting things for the school jumble sale. Will: Here’s my box for the 1 school ✓ house jumble sale. Mark: Let’s see. These books are old! Will: Yes, they’re my grandma’s. Mark: These things are for the sale, too. They’re 2 new old , too. Will: Wow! What’s this? Mark: It’s 3 your our dad’s old silver radio. Anna: No, it isn’t! It’s Grandad’s radio, Mark. Will: Hmm ... It’s interesting. What else is there? Anna: Well, 4 this there is Mark’s skateboard. And this is our parents’ old camera. Will: Whose rollerblades are they? UNITS Mark: They’re 5 my his rollerblades. Will: Are you sure? They’re pink. Mark: Pink?! Oh! They’re Amy’s! Vocabulary: Colours

1 1 2 Listen and repeat the dialogue. 4 42 Listen and repeat. Then match. 41 black brown dark blue light blue gold green grey orange pink purple red English today silver white yellow • et’s see. SAMPLE • What else is there? 1 purple 3 4 • Are you sure? 2 5 6 Comprehension 1 10 11 7 3 Read again and match the people with 12 9 13 the things. 14 1 old books a Mark 8 2 radio b Grandma Taylor 3 camera c Mr and Mrs Price 4 skateboard d Amy 5 rollerblades e Grandad Price 5 How many colours can you fi nd in your

classroom in twenty seconds?


M03_TODA_SB_01GBL_1068_U03.indd 30 20/06/2013 10:41 3

Vocabulary: Common possessions 9 Look at your answers to Exercise 8. Ask

and answer. 6 1 Listen and repeat. Then point, ask 43 A: Whose watch is it? and answer. B: It’s her mum’s. bike camera computer football Speaking games console mobile phone radio rollerblades skateboard 10 Look at Mark and Anna and their parents. Ask

and answer. 1 A: What’s this? 1 2 1 A: Whose computer is it? 2 B: Whose watch is that? B: It’s a skateboard. B: It’s their parents’ computer. A: It’s Anna’s watch. A: What colour is it? B: It’s red. 1 computer 5 camera 3 4 5 2 watch 6 skateboard 6 3 rollerblades 7 books 4 bike 8 mobile phones

7 8 9


7 Memorise the possessions in Exercise 6. Then

cover. A: Say a colour. B: Say what it is. Can you remember? UNITS A: It’s light blue. B: Hmm … it’s a camera! A: Correct!

1 Grammar Whose rollerblades are they/those? 2 They’re Amy ’s. Whose radio is it/that? It’s my dad ’s old radio. SAMPLE This is my parent s’ camera. 3 4

Listening 5

8 1 Whose are they? Listen and choose. 44 6 7 8

1 a her mum’s b her dad’s

11 Student A: go to page 101. 2 a her grandad’s b her cousin’s Student B: go to page 105.

3 a her friend’s b her dad’s > Now turn to Unit 3B in the Activity Book. Start on p29.


M03_TODA_SB_01GBL_1068_U03.indd 31 20/06/2013 10:41 C It’s behind the chairs. Lesson aim: • say where things are 1 1 Listen and read. Choose the correct words. 45

OurOur SchoolSchool triptrip toto thethe SherlockSherlock HolmesHolmes MuseumMuseum inin LondonLondon

This is a photo of me, Will and Anna on our school trip to . We’re in front of the UNITS Sherlock Holmes Museum. He’s my favourite book character. Sherlock Holmes is a famous detective in the books by Arthur Conan Doyle. The Sherlock Holmes books are great and the films are, too. In the museum there are lots of 1 old / cool things. This living room is from 1881! How amazing is that? There isn’t a TV and there isn’t a computer! In the room, there’s an old desk and a lamp in front of the window. There are lots of 2 bags / books on SAMPLEthe bookshelves – all about Sherlock Holmes, of course! There are two chairs – one for Holmes and one for 3 Dr / Mrs Watson. There’s a fireplace behind the chairs. There’s a museum shop next to the museum. Our cool 4 watches / hats are from the shop. They’re brilliant! BY MEGAN CHEUNG

2 1 Listen and repeat the English Comprehension 46 today phrases. 3 Read again and complete the sentences.

English today 1 Megan, Will and Anna are on the school trip to London. • How amaing is that? 2 The school trip is to the Sherlock Holmes • They’re brilliant! . 3 The living room is from 18 . 4 There are lots of things in the living room. 32

M03_TODA_SB_01GBL_1068_U03.indd 32 20/06/2013 10:41 3

Vocabulary: House and furniture

4 1 Listen and repeat. Then describe the picture. 47 bed bookcase chair cupboard desk door lamp plant poster sofa table TV (television) wardrobe window

There’s a bed and … . There isn’t a cupboard. …

5 Find six things from Exercise 4 in the photos ListeningUNITS of the Sherlock Holmes Museum. 7 1 Listen and match. 48 1 table in front of sofa Grammar 2 TV next to door 1 2 3 3 sofa on window 4 lamp in front of TV 5 chair next to table in the bag on the bag under the bag 8 Look at Exercise 7. Make sentences. 4 5 SAMPLE6 1 The table is in front of the window. Writing

behind the in front of next to the 9 Write about your living room. bag the bag bag

Hi! I’m Hasad and I’m from Istanbul in Turkey. Speaking My favourite room is the living room. It’s very 6 Look at the Grammar box. Where’s the cool. There’s a big red sofa and a chair next to mouse? Ask and answer. the door. There’s a plant behind the sofa and a lamp next to the sofa. There’s a table with a 1 A: Where’s the mouse? Is it behind the bag? lamp on it next to it. There’s a big TV and a B: No, it isn’t. It’s in the bag. games console in the living room. There isn’t a 1 behind 4 in computer in the living room. Our computer is in 2 under 5 on the dining room. 3 next to 6 in front of

> Now turn to Unit 3C in the Activity Book. Start on p33. 33

M03_TODA_SB_01GBL_1068_U03.indd 33 20/06/2013 10:41 D Communication

Speaking: Show someone your home

1 1 49 Listen and read. Mark and Will are at Will’s house.

1 2 3

Mark: Hi, Will. Mark: But there isn’t a games Mark: Is that your CD player on Will: Hi, Mark. Come in! This console here. UNITS the bookcase? is our living room. Will: Yes, there is. Will: No, it’s Dad’s. These Mark: The sofa’s very nice. It’s Mark: Where is it? are our CDs. Here’s a great colour! Will: It’s in this cupboard, Example’s new album! Will: Brown is Dad’s favourite behind the doors. Look! Mark: Great. He’s so cool. colour. Mark: That’s really cool.

1 2 50 Choose the correct words. Listen and English today check. Then act out the dialogue. Anna: Hi, Megan. SAMPLE • This is ourmy (liing Megan: Hi, Anna. Come in! This is my 1 bathroom / room). bedroom. •The (sofa)’s ery nice. Anna: The 2 bed / window ’s very nice. It’s a great • It’s a great colour. colour! • That’s really cool. Megan: Blue is my favourite 3 colour / room . Anna: That’s funny! There isn’t a 4 wardrobe / shelf ! Megan: Yes, there is. Your turn Anna: Where is it? 3 Act out your dialogue. Megan: It’s here! There are big 5 posters / books on Student A: You are showing Student B your the doors. Look! new bedroom. Anna: That’s really cool. Is that a new 6 MP3 player / Student B: You are looking at Student A’s computer on the desk? new bedroom. Megan: Yes, it is. And these are my new songs. Let’s A: This is my bedroom! listen to Beyoncé. She’s brilliant! B: The bed’s very nice. I like the colour. Anna: No! Let’s listen to Shakira! Megan: Oh, OK! 34

M03_TODA_SB_01GBL_1068_U03.indd 34 20/06/2013 10:41 3

Writing: Describe your room

4 Read the email and answer the questions. 5 Complete the email with a starting phrase and an ending phrase. Who’s the email to? Who’s it from?

Subject: My Room! Hi Emma! This is my new bedroom. It’s very cool. There’s Subject: My Room! a big poster on the wall. There’s a lovely pink 1 Sam, bed in front of the window. Pink is my favourite This is my new bedroom. It’s brilliant! colour. There’s a chair and there’s a new desk. There’s a guitar next to the desk and there are There are two posters and three guitars lots of magazines, too. There’s a stereo on the on the walls. There’s a red bed next to shelf and there are lots of CDs next to the the wall. Red is my favourite colour. stereo. My new room is brilliant. Come and see There’s a wardrobe and there’s a desk, it soon! too. My computer is on the desk and Love, Anna my computer games are next to the computer. There are lots of books on the shelf. Come and see my new room this weekend! 2 MarkUNITS

1 What colour is Anna’s bed? Pink . 2 Is there a chair in Anna’s room? 3 What’s next to the desk? 4 How many posters are there on the wall? 5 Is there a stereo in the room?SAMPLE 6 Where are the CDs? Your turn

Writing tip 6 Write an email to your friend about your bedroom. Starting and ending an email 1 Think about what is in your room and where the We can start an email like this: things are. DearHiHello (your friend’s name). 2 Write your email. Use starting and ending We can end an email like this: phrases. Look at the examples in Exercises 4 Love,/Bye for now!/See you soon! and 5 to help you. (your name). 3 Swap your work with a partner and check Circle the starting and ending phrases in the for mistakes. email in Exercise 4. Who’s the email to? Who’s it from? > Now turn to p37 in the Activity Book.


M03_TODA_SB_01GBL_1068_U03.indd 35 20/06/2013 10:41 E Culture today



semi-detached % detached 30

25 20 fl a t D 15



0 semi-detached detached at terraced terraced MY HOME 1 Send in a photo and write aboutUNITS your home.

My name’s Mike and this is our house. It’s a detached house in Norwich. It’s quite big and there’s a great garden! The living room and kitchen are downstairs, Hi! I’m Jenny and I’m twelve. This is my and the bedrooms are upstairs. The home. It’s a terraced house in Manchester. house is very cool but there aren’t other Terraced houses are small but our house is houses next to our house. My friends are perfect for our family. There are three all thirty minutes from my house. bedrooms and a garden. MySAMPLE favourite Mike, 10 room is the living room. There’s a comfy sofa and a big TV there. 2 Jenny, 12

3 I’m Tessa and I’m from London. This is our home. It’s a fl at in London. It’s small but it’s in a great place. It’s only twenty- fi ve minutes from Big Ben by train. My bedroom is my favourite room because there’s a balcony. There’s a view of the Olympic Stadium from my balcony! Tessa, 11


M03_TODA_SB_01GBL_1068_U03.indd 36 20/06/2013 10:41 Homes 3

Project: My dream home New words balcony comfy only perfect 6 Draw a picture of your dream home. Then write place stadium view about it. 1 Describe where your dream home is. Reading 2 Describe your house type. 3 Describe the inside. (There are … bedrooms … There’s 1 1 Listen and read. 51 a cool …) 4 Describe the outside. (There’s a … There isn’t a …) Comprehension 5 Describe your favourite room. (Upstairs, there’s a … 2 Match the people 1–3 with their homes A–D on My favourite room is …) page 36. There is one extra home.

1 Jenny 2 Mike 3 Tessa

3 Read again. Answer True (T) or False ( F ). 1 Jenny’s favourite room is the living room. T 2 Mike’s house is semi-detached. 3 Mike’s friends are thirty minutes from his house. 4 There’s a balcony in Tessa’s bedroom. 5 There’s a view of Big Ben from Tessa’s balcony. UNITS Listening

1 4 52 Listen to Danny from Australia. Choose the correct answers. Name: Danny 1 From: a Melbourne b Sydney 2 Age: a ten b twelve 3 Type of house: a fl at b terraced house 4 Number of bedrooms: a three b two 5 Garden: a yes b no SAMPLE 6 Favourite room: a kitchen b bedroom My dream home I’m Pablo and I’m eleven years old. I’m from Speaking Barcelona in Spain. This is my dream home. It’s in a small town near Barcelona. It’s a big 5 Talk about your home. Ask and answer. detached house and it’s new. A: Where’s your home? Upstairs, there are eight bedrooms, and there B: It’s in (…). are two living rooms downstairs. There’s a • Where’s your home? big TV in one of the living rooms – it’s like a • What type of home is it? cinema! The garden is very big and there’s a swimming pool and basketball hoop. My • How many bedrooms are there? favourite room is the kitchen – there’s always • What’s your favourite room? pizza and ice cream in the kitchen! • Is there a garden?


M03_TODA_SB_01GBL_1068_U03.indd 37 20/06/2013 10:42 F Revision

1 Look at the pictures 1–8 and complete the email.

1 2

To: Jaime Subject: My home

Hi, Jaime! 3 4 Thanks for the photos of your home! It’s really nice. My 1 bedroom is very cool. My2 is next to the 3 . My 4 is next 5 to the . Football is my favourite sport 5 6 and there’s a 6 of Cristiano Ronaldo on the wall. My bedroom is cool but it’s not my favourite room. My favourite room is the 7 and there’s a great 7 8 8 , too! Bye! Kostas

2 Write sentences about the rooms in your home. Use There is/There are . 1 There’s a desk in my bedroom. UNITS 2 There’s a in the bathroom. 3 There isn’t a in the . 4 living room. 5 6 7 8

3 Look at the picture. Complete the sentences on the right. behind in in front of nextSAMPLE to next to on on under 1 There’s a table next to the bed. 2 There’s a lamp the desk. 3 The green schoolbag is the wardrobe. 4 There are two books the bag. 5 There’s a cool basketball poster the wall. 6 There’s a clock the poster. 7 There’s a skateboard the bed. 8 I’m the door! Hello!


M03_TODA_SB_01GBL_1068_U03.indd 38 20/06/2013 10:42 3

4 Look at the table. Ask and answer. Song: My house 1 A: Whose bike is it? 7 1 Listen and complete. Then sing. B: It’s Jenny’s bike. 53 My house, my house, 1 bike 5 rollerblades It’s a happy place for me. 2 camera 6 skateboard My house, my house, 3 mobile phone 7 MP3 player 4 radio 8 watch My house, my house, For my friends and 1 family . Our favourite things My house, my house, Jenny Paul Alice There’s a garden with a tree, There’s a skateboard and a 2 . There are photos in the 3

Of me and my brother Mike. My house, my house … There’s a comfy 4 , too. There’s a blue bed in my room. Our 5 is nice and new, So come and visit soon!

Pronunciation: 1 8UNITS 54 Listen and repeat. 5 Look at the table in Exercise 4. Complete the The chair is in the kitchen, sentences. Then write four more. My watch is on the chair. There’s a sandwich on the table, 1 Jenny’s MP3 player is pink . And now it isn’t there! 2 skateboard is . 3 watch is . 1 4 radio is . 9 55 Listen and underline the // sounds. Ch arlie watches Manchester United in the kitchen in his 6 Put the dialogue in the correct order. Then favourite chair. act it out. Anna: Yes, they are. Let’s playSAMPLE my new My progress Lady Gaga CD. It’s brilliant! Anna: Hi, Megan. Come in! 1 10 Read and tick (✓ ). Anna: Red is my favourite colour. Anna: This is my bedroom. I can: Anna: It’s on the desk. Look! talk about rooms in my home. Anna: Yes, there is. There’s a living room and there’s a kitchen. Megan: The bed’s very nice. talk about possessions. Megan: OK! This is Mark’s skateboard. Megan: Where is it? Megan: But there isn’t a computer! say where things are. Megan: Thanks! There are lots of books on the bookshelves. Megan: Oh, yes. That’s really cool. Are those show someone my home. your CDs next to the computer? This is our living room.

> Turn to Unit 3 Check in the Activity Book on p38.


M03_TODA_SB_01GBL_1068_U03.indd 39 20/06/2013 10:42 5 Routines Lesson aim: A I play every Thursday. • talk about routine actiities

Football is my favourite sport. I play every Thursday and I watch it on TV every Saturday. My favourite football player is Wayne Rooney. He plays 1 football / basketball for Manchester United and 2 France / England . This is his routine before a big match. ROONEY’S ROUTINE Wayne Rooney usually goes to bed at 3 twelve / eleven o’clock and gets up at eight o’clock in the morning. He always sleeps for 4 eight / nine hours before a match. He sleeps for two hours in the afternoon, too! He always has a small breakfast – cereal and 5 an apple / a banana . Then he goes to the stadium and gets dressed for the match. The players talk or UNITS listen to music. Sometimes they 6 watch TV / play computer games , too. Just before match time, the players have an energy drink. Then it’s time for kick-off!


2 Grammar 1 01 Listen and read. ChooseSAMPLE the I get up at eight o’clock. correct words. H e gets up at seen o’clock. Vocabulary: Routine activities W e get up at si o’clock.

2 2 Listen and repeat. What do you do 02 every day? Comprehension

do (my) homework fi nish school 3 Read again and put Wayne Rooney’s match get dressed get up go to bed go to school day routine in order. have breakfast have dinner have lunch has an energy drink play computer games play football start school watch TV has breakfast gets up at eight o’clock 1 I get up at seven o’clock every day. Then, I … goes to the stadium talks to the players


M05_TODA_SB_01GBL_1068_U05.indd 52 20/06/2013 10:48 5

4 Complete the text with the verbs in the box. Grammar I always get up at eight o’clock. get up go go go have have plays You usually listen to music. play talk watch He often has a small breakfast. They sometimes play football. We never get up late. always sometimes usually neer often

6 Look at the chart and make sentences about This is Helen. She’s a snowboarder in her Will and Megan. national team. This is her training routine 1 Will always gets up late on Sundays. when there’s a competition. I’m Helen and this is my typical day. I 1 get up at nine o’clock and I 2 breakfast with my team in the hotel and we 3 TV. After breakfast we 4 to snowboard practice. My best friend 5 ice hockey, Will Megan

so she goes to ice hockey practice. 1 get up late on 6 After lunch I to my friend’s hotel SundaysUNITS room and we 7 computer games. I 8 dinner with my team and then I 2 play sports 9 to my family on the phone. I after school 10 to bed early – every day is a busy day! 3 do homework before dinner 5 Look at Busy Beth. A: Start a sentence. B: Finish the sentence. 4 go to school 1 A: She gets up … by bus B: … at six o’clock. SAMPLE 5 go to bed early on school days

1 2 About you

7 Choose a day and write about your routine.

I’m Alessandro. I’m from Palermo in Italy. This is my typical Monday. I 3 4 get up at…

> Now turn to Unit 5A in the Activity Book. Start on p49.

5 6 53

M05_TODA_SB_01GBL_1068_U05.indd 53 20/06/2013 10:48 B Do you have Maths Lesson aim: every day? • talk about school subects


1 2 Listen and read. Choose the correct words. 03 Megan is chatting online with her friend, Sarah, from Toronto.

Add Text Pro le Call

1 chat Megan Cheung


2 2 Listen and repeat the English Vocabulary: School subjects 04 today phrases. 4 2 Listen and repeat. Then match. Which 05 English today subjects are not in the pictures? Art English French Geography History • Bad luck! • Night night! ICT (Information and Communication Technology) • e too! • Good night! SAMPLEMaths PE (Physical Education) • Are you good at it? RE (Religious Education) Science

1 PE Comprehension 1 2 3 3 Read again. Answer True (T) or False (F).

1 It’s uarter past nine. F 2 egan goes to bed at eleen o’clock. 4 5 6 3 Tomorrow is a school day. 4 Sarah plays netball at school. 5 Sarah plays ice hockey. 6 Sarah’s brother is in the school ice 7 8 hockey team.


M05_TODA_SB_01GBL_1068_U05.indd 54 20/06/2013 10:48 5

5 Ask and answer about school subjects. Speaking

A: What’s your favourite subject? 8 Look at Mark and Will’s timetable. Ask B: Geography. and answer. A: Are you good at it? 1 A: Do Mark and Will have Maths on Mondays? B: Yes, I am! B: Yes, they do. Listening

6 2 Listen and tick (✓ ) the subjects the 06 students have on Mondays. 1 aggie Class 1B timetable a b c MORNING AFTERNOON

Monday Maths, Art PE 2 eter a b c Tuesday Science, English French

3 achel WednesdayUNITSRE, ICT LUNCH Maths a b c

Thursday English, History Science

Maths, Friday English Geography Grammar Do you have aths eery day? Yes, I do .No, I don’t . (do not)SAMPLE 1 ark and Will aths ondays? Yes, we do .No, we don’t . 2 ark and Will Thursdays? Does he play in a team? 3 ark and Will Wednesdays? Yes, he does .No, he doesn’t . (does not) 4 ark and Will rench Tuesdays? Do they play ice hockey in Canada? 5 ark and Will rench ridays? Yes, they do .No, they don’t . Writing

7 Ask and answer about Maggie, Peter and 9 Write about your school routine. Rachel in Exercise 6. 1 A: Does Maggie have Maths on Mondays? Hi, I’m Jaime. My favourite subjects B: Yes, she does. are Science and PE. Monday is my 1 aggie aths on ondays? favourite day! I have Science and PE 2 eter Science on ondays? every Monday. 3 achel Science on ondays? My favourite sport is football. I play 4 aggie Geography on ondays? after school every Friday. It’s great! 5 eter History on ondays? > Now turn to Unit 5B in the Activity Book. Start on p53. 55

M05_TODA_SB_01GBL_1068_U05.indd 55 20/06/2013 10:48 C What do you do? Lesson aim: • talk about obs Presentation

1 2 Listen and read. How many days a week does Kate work? 07

This week we meet 23-year-old Kate Cooper. Kate’s got a very interesting job. What does she do? Read and nd out!

Teens Today: Kate: TT: Kate: TT: Kate:




Comprehension Vocabulary: Jobs and places of work

2 Read again and write short 3 2 Listen and repeat. Then match the jobs with the 08 answers. places of work. 1 Is Kate a teacher? Jobs: chef doctor hairdresser mechanic No, she isn’t. receptionist secretary shop assistant waiter vet 2 Does she work in eeds? SAMPLEPlaces of work: garage (animal) hospital hotel 3 Does Kate work in a school? offi ce restaurant salon shop

4 Is Saturday her day off? 1 chef – restaurant

5 Does she wear eans for work? 4 Look at the pictures. Write sentences.

1 A chef works in a restaurant . 6 Does she start work at nine thirty?

7 Is she happy with her ob?

1 2 3 4 5 6


M05_TODA_SB_01GBL_1068_U05.indd 56 20/06/2013 10:48 5

Listening Grammar 7 2 Listen and choose. I don’t work on Sundays. 09 He doesn’t work on Sundays. We don’t work on Sundays. They don’t work on Sundays.

5 Make sentences. Use these words. Then Sam Taylor match with the people below. 1 we mechanics work in a school We’re mechanics. We don’t work in a school. 2 He police offi cer wear a uniform 3 I chef sit down all day 1 Job: a chef b teacher 4 They hairdressers work in a salon 2 Place: a school b restaurant 3 Works: a Tuesday–Saturday a b b Wednesday–Sunday 4 Starts work: a 10.30 b 4.30 5 Wears: a a white jumper b a white jacket

c d Speaking

8 AskUNITS and answer about Sam. Look at your answers in Exercise 7 to help you. 1 A: What does Sam do? B: He’s a chef. Grammar 1 what do? What do you do? 2 where work? Where do you work? 3 work at weekends? What time do you start work? 4 what time start work? What do you wear for work? 5 what wear for work? What does she do? Where does she work? SAMPLE 9 Student A: go to page 102. Student B: go to page 106.

6 Ask and answer about someone in Writing your family. 10 Write about someone in your family. 1 A: My mum. B: What does she do? A: She’s a receptionist. My uncle 1 What do? M y Uncle Ricardo is a mechanic and he works in a 2 Where work? garage in Lisbon. It’s a small garage but he’s very 3 What time start work? busy! He starts work at half past eight and fi nishes at 4 work Saturdays? half past six. He works on Saturdays but he doesn’t 5 What wear? work on Sundays. For work, he usually wears jeans and a T-shirt.

> Now turn to Unit 5C in the Activity Book. Start on p57. 57

M05_TODA_SB_01GBL_1068_U05.indd 57 20/06/2013 10:48 D Communication

Speaking: Give invitations

2 1 10 Listen and read. It’s half past three. Mark, Megan and Will are in the school playground.

1 2 3

Mark: Hi, egan. Would you Mark: Are you free on Saturday Will: Oh no! The Smurfs are like to come to the afternoon, Will? UNITS boring! cinema with me on Will: Yes, I am. Why? Mark: No, they aren’t. Saturday afternoon? Mark: Would you like to come They’re fun. Megan: Sorry, I can’t. I’m busy. to the cinema with me? Will: Well, I don’t think so. It’s my grandmother’s Will: Sure. What’s on? Mark: OK, then. et’s play a sitieth birthday party. Mark: The new Smurf fi lm. computer game instead. Mark: That’s a pity. Neer Will: Yeah! That sounds great. mind.

English today 2 2 Put the dialogue in the correct order. 11 SAMPLE Listen and check. Then act out the dialogue . • Would you like to come to • Sorry, I can’t. I’m busy. the cinema? • That’s a pity. • Are you free on Saturday? • Neer mind. • Yeah! That sounds fun goodgreat.

Megan: Well, I don’t think so. Your turn 1 Anna: Would you like to watch T at my house on Sunday eening, egan? 3 Act out your dialogue. Megan: Yeah! That sounds great. Student A: You want to go to the park and read Anna: A fashion show. magaines with your friend. Anna: OK, then. et’s watch a DD instead. Student B: You don’t want to read magaines. Megan: Oh no! ashion shows are boring! You want to play football. Anna: No, they aren’t. They’re great. A: Are you free this afternoon? Megan: Sure. What’s on? B: Yes, I am. Why? 58

M05_TODA_SB_01GBL_1068_U05.indd 58 20/06/2013 10:48 5

Writing: A party invitation 5 Complete the invitation with the headings from the Writing tip. 4 Read the invitation and answer the questions.


Date: Saturday, 18th May Time: 6 p.m.–9 p.m. Will Taylor Place: 37, Woodlands Road (my house!) Please come to my ‘football stars’ Wear a pop star costume and get ready party! to dance! 2 : Saturday, 25th May See you soon! 3 : 5 p.m.–8 p.m. Love, UNITS 4 : Woodlands Park Anna Wear a football shirt and trainers and get ready to play! See you soon! 1 Who is the initation to? The invitation is to Megan. Mark 2 Who is the initation from? 3 When is the party? 4 What time does the party fi nish? 5 Where is the party? 6 Match the headings with the information. 6 What kind of party is it? 1 To a Burger alace SAMPLE 2 Date b p.m. p.m. Writing tip 3 Time c att arker 4 lace d Sunday, th uly How to write an invitation When we write an initation, we include these headings Your turn T o 7 Write an invitation for your party. Date Time 1 Think about your party. What kind of party is it? lace When is it? Where is it? Say what clothes to wear. Look at the invitation in Exercise 4. 2 Write your initation. se the headings in the Circle the headings. What information Writing tip. ook at ercises and to help you. comes after each heading? 3 Show your initation to the class and ote for the best one!

>Now turn to p61 in the Activity Book. 59

M05_TODA_SB_01GBL_1068_U05.indd 59 20/06/2013 10:48 E Culture today

Here are some facts about schools in the UK: 99% of schools in the UK have a uniform. 2% of schools in the UK are for boys or girls only.


f o ru m School life Hi! My name’s Kasia and I’m from Poznan in Poland. Our school exchange trip to the UK is next week! I’m very excited … but I’m nervous, too! What’s an English school like? What’s the routine in your school? Kasia

Hi Kasia! There are lotsUNITS of different schools in the UK. This is my school. It’s in London and it’s very big! We always start school at 8.45. We have two lessons in the morning and then we have a small break. We have two more lessons and then I have lunch at home at 12.30. We have two lessons in the afternoon. My favourite subject is History – the Romans are great! We go home at 3.20. There are lots of after-school clubs, too. I’m in the school band – I play the violin! SAMPLEDanny, London Hi Kasia! This is my school. It’s in Chelwood (a village near Bath) and it’s very small! It’s great, but it’s different from Danny’s school. I go to a boarding school, so we sleep in the school. We get up at seven o’clock in the morning and get dressed. We have breakfast at school, too! We start lessons at eight o’clock. We have lunch at twelve o’clock in the canteen and then we have more lessons. School finishes at four o’clock but after school we do our homework in the library. After that we have some free time and then we go to bed. I like my school. My friends and I share a room – it’s so cool! Nina, Bath in the uk? 60

M05_TODA_SB_01GBL_1068_U05.indd 60 20/06/2013 10:48 School 5

Speaking New words after-school club band 5 Tell the class about your school day. Think boarding school exchange trip about the questions below. excited free time library School starts at 8.30 every day. nervous routine share village • When does school start? • How many lessons do you hae in the morning? Reading • When is lunch? • Where do you eat lunch? 1 2 Listen and read. Where are Kasia, Danny • When does school start after lunch? 12 and Nina from? • How many lessons do you hae in the afternoon? • What time does school fi nish? Comprehension • What do you do after school?

2 Read again. Complete the table with the Project: My school routine correct times. 6 Write about your school routine. Name School Lunch is School 1 Introduce yourself. starts at … at … fi nishes at … 2 Describe your school, the morning, lunch, the afternoon, your faourite subects and what you do Danny 1 8.45 2 3 after school. UNITS Nina 4 5 6

3 Choose Danny or Nina. 1 Danny Nina goes to a small school. 2 Danny Nina has breakfast at school. 3 Danny Nina doesn’t hae lunch at school. 4 Danny Nina does homework at school. 5 Danny Nina plays a musical instrument at school. 6 Danny Nina sleeps at school. SAMPLEHi, I’m Konrad and I’m twelve. I’m from Poznan in Poland. My school is Listening big and it’s great. We don’t wear a 4 2 Listen to a boy from South Africa and uniform to school! 13 School starts at 8.00 every day. We choose the correct answers. have three lessons in the morning and 1 Name a Benny b Bryce then we have a break. After the break 2 School starts a . b . we have two more lessons. School 3 orning a lessons b lessons fi nishes at 1.30. My favourite lessons 4 unch a caf b school are English and History. 5 Afternoon a lessons b lessons We have a short lunch break, so we 6 School fi nishes a . b . have lunch at school with our friends. 7 After school a rugby b football After school, I do my homework and watch TV. On Tuesdays I have piano lessons after school. Mum says I’m the new Chopin!


M05_TODA_SB_01GBL_1068_U05.indd 61 20/06/2013 10:48 F Revision

1 Complete the text. Use the words 4 Write sentences about Megan’s timetable. in the box. Then tell the class about Mark’s day. Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Mark gets up at seven o’clock on Mondays. He … Morning do fi nish get go go have have have play start watch

I have a busy day on Mondays. I 1 get up at seven o’clock. I 2 breakfast and then Afternoon I 3 to school with Anna, Will and Megan. We 4 school at half past eight and we 5 lunch at twelve o’clock. We 6 school at half past three. After school, I usually 7 sports with my friends. Then I 8 my homework. I 9 dinner at half UNITS past seven and then I 10 TV. I usually 11 to bed at ten o’clock. 1 egan has ICT , , and on ondays. 2 egan has , , and on Tuesdays. 2 Write sentences. Then answer 3 egan has . True ( T ) or False ( F) for you. 4 . 1 get up seen o’clock 5 . I always get up at seven o’clock. F 5 Ask and answer about Megan’s timetable. 2 go to bed twele SAMPLEo’clock 3 read in bed 4 watch T after school 5 go to school by bike

3 Correct the false sentences in Exercise 2. 1 I always get up at eight o’clock. 2 1 A: When does Megan have ICT? 3 B: She has ICT on Mondays and Thursdays. 4 1 ICT 4 nglish 5 2 History 5 Art 3 aths 6

6 Draw your timetable. Then write about it. I have Maths on Mondays. 62

M05_TODA_SB_01GBL_1068_U05.indd 62 20/06/2013 10:48 5

7 Complete the sentences. Song: Busy days 1 A et works in an animal hospital . 10 2 Listen and complete. Then sing. 2 A works in a restaurant. 14 3 A works in a hotel. I always get up early 4 A shop assistant works in a . And I’m never late for 1 school . 5 A hairdresser works in a . I have a lot of subjects 6 A waiter works in a . And I think they’re very cool. 7 A secretary works in an . My days are never boring, 8 A works in a hospital. They’re full of work and play. 8 Ask and answer about the jobs in Exercise 7. From 2 until Sunday, A: Where does a vet work? Every day’s a busy day! B: A vet works in an animal hospital. I sometimes go to parties Or 3 films at the weekend. 9 Complete the dialogue. Then act it out. I 4 do my homework band boring listen sounds think Would And I often visit friends.

Pronunciation: word stress with // 2 11UNITS 15 Listen and repeat. She’s a hairdresser, she has burgers for dinner.

He’s a footballer and today he’s a winner!

2 12 16 Listen and underline where the stress is. 1 teacher 2 doct or 3 hairdresser

SAMPLE My progress

13 Read and tick (✓ ).

Will: Would you like to go to a concert in the I can: park? It’s free. talk about routine activities. Mark: Sure. Which is it? We get up at six o’clock. Will: Top Secret . Mark: Oh no! Top Secret are ! talk about school subjects. Will: No, they aren’t. They’re brilliant. Do you have Maths every day? Mark: Well, I don’t so. talk about obs. Will: OK, then. et’s to music at What do you do? my house then. I’m a vet. Mark: Yeah! That great. >Turn to Unit 5 Check in the Activity Book on p62.


M05_TODA_SB_01GBL_1068_U05.indd 63 20/06/2013 10:48