B'S'D' Holocaust is something that a Jew can identify with nationally, without INTERNET PARSHA SHEET having to inconvenience himself by having a relationship with G-d. It ON BO - 5759 allows him to feel that he has paid his spiritual dues to Judaism by empathizing with his people. Then he can drive off to the Saturday See instructions below on subscribing to individual lists. Thank you to M. Fiskus and S. Gunsburg afternoon game with a clear conscience. One of the pre-requisites for distributing in JE. To receive this formatted parsha sheet in WP 6.1 file (readable by Word), for eating the Pesach offering was bris mila (circumcision). What is the please e-mail me at
[email protected] (with copy to
[email protected]). connection between the Pesach offering and bris mila? A bris is a _____________________________________________________________ covenant. It comes from the root word "bar" meaning "to exclude." We SOME INTERNET DVAR TORAH LISTS Virtual Jerusalem: E-mail to:
[email protected] In msg type: subscribe <listname> Your_Name" Some of lists: DafYomi have the same word in English, "to bar." A covenant implies a desire to (by Ohr Somayach); Parasha-QA (by Ohr Somayach); Weekly (Ohr Somayach on Parsha); YS-Parasha (from Shaalvim); YITorah (Young Israel); Camera; Shabbat-Zomet; hk-nebenzahl (by Rabbi Nebenzahl); Machon_meir; Yossi (parsha comics). Send command "lists" for lists. Ye shiva Har Etzion: E-mail to:
[email protected] In msg type: enter into a unique and exclusive relationship. Only those who are part of subscribe <listname>" Some of lists: Yhe-UndHalakha; Yhe-halak; Yhe-IntParsha; Yhe-Sichot (Rav Lichtenstein and Rav Amital); Yhe-Jewhpi; Yhe-Rav; Yhe-Parsha (by YHE rabbis & yhe-par.d); Tsc-parsha & tsc-par-new (by Rabbi Leibtag); Tsc-navi (by Rabbi Leibtag).