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FEDERAL REGISTER VOLUME 14 NUMBER 233 %JTEO Washington, Saturday/ December 3, 1949 TITLE 6— AGRICULTURAL CREDIT of unshelled walnuts equivalent to at CONTENTS least 98 percent of the quantity of walnut Chapter IV— Production and Market kernels for which his application is ap Agriculture Department p&&e ing Administration and Commodity proved, he shall be entitled to receive See Production and Marketing Ad Credit Corporation, Department of payment at a rate of 10 cents for each ministration. diverted pound of unshelled walnuts hav Agriculture ing a 25 percent kernel content. Such Alien Property, Office of Subchapter B—Export and Diversion Programs payment will be increased 0.4 of 1 cent Notices: per pound for each percent of kernel Vesting Orders, etc.: P art 539—N uts content above 25 percent and decreased Eckhardt, Agnes, et al---------- 7280 SUBPART A—TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF 0.4 of 1 cent per pound for each percent Graziani, Elise____________ 7285 WALNUT DIVERSION PROGRAM (FISCAL of kernel content below 25 percent. Gut, Magdalena___________ 7283 YEAR 1950) Hoffman, Julia__ __________ 7284 (b) If a participant has not completed Kessemeier, Rudolf Theodore. 7286 Sec. diversion of his approved quantity, in accordance with § 539.103, by March 1, Krafft-Leitz, Josephine_____ 7284 539.101 General statement. Okada, Taiji________ 7285 539.102 Eligibility for payments by the 1950, he shall be entitled to receive 80 Secretary. percent of the payment applicable to the Shimo, T„ and Keiko Shimo.. 7284 639.103 Quantity to be diverted by each portion diverted prior to that date, and Uhlich, Annie___________._ 7285 participant. Civil Aeronautics Administra 539.104 Minimum grade and inspection. such participant shall be entitled to re 539.105 Claims supported by proof of di ceive the additional 20 percent upon tion version. diversion of not less than 98 percent of Rules and regulations: 539.106 Records and accounts. the quantity approved for diversion for Air traffic rules; danger area 539.107 Amendment and termination. such participant. In the event of termi alterations ; correction_____ 7269 639.108 Persons not eligible. nation of the program as provided in 539.109 Definitions. § 539.107, the,participant shall receive the Civil Aeronautics Board 539.110 Information and forms. See also Civil Aeronautics Admin additional 20 percent on the quantity he istration. A u t h o r it y : §§ 539.101 to 539.110 issued un has diverted up to the time of such der sec. 32, 49 Stat. 774, as amended; 7 U. S. C. termination. Notices: and Sup., 612c. Airline Transportation Carriers, (c) The walnuts on which payments Inc., transcontinental coach § 539.101 General statement. In or will be made must have been produced in type service case; hearing___ 7281 der to encourage the domestic consump the States of California, Oregon, and tion of walnuts produced in the United Washington. Diversion shall be accom Coast and Geodetic Survey States by diverting them from the normal plished on or before June 10,1950, unless Rules and regulations: channels of trade and commerce, the such time is extended by the Director or Training program under Philip Secretary of Agriculture, pursuant to the his designee. Walnuts classified as “sur pine Rehabilitation Act_____ 7270 authority conferred by section 32 of plus” under the marketing agreement Commerce Department Public Law 320, 74th Congress, as and order (13 F. R. 4344) may only be See Civil Aeronautics Administra amended, offers to make payment to shelled by the participant or by an tion; Coast and Geodetic Sur packers or shellers subject to the terms authorized sheller, so designated by the vey. and conditions stated in this subpart. Walnut Control Board established pur suant to said marketing agreement and Federal Communications Com § 539.102 Eligibility for payments by order. mission the Secretary, (a) In order to become (d) Diversion as used in this subpart Notices: eligible for payments under this program, means (1) the initial processing of un Canadian broadcast stations; a packer or sheller must be located in the shelled walnuts, including the kernels list of changes, proposed States of California, Oregon, or Wash therein, in the manufacture of an ap changes, and corrections in ington, and must first execute and file an proved product, by rasping, crushing, assignment.:______ 7277 application in triplicate for participation grinding, cooking, or by any other Hearings, etc.: in the program with the Director, Fruit method approved by the Director so as Connecticut Electronics Corp. and Vegetable Branch, Production and to preclude the use of such unshelled et al___ ï.________ 7278 Marketing Administration, United States walnuts or the kernels therein as human Dempsey, John J __________ 7281 Department of Agriculture, Washington food; or (2) the utilization as animal First National Bank of Mont 25, D. C., to be received not later than feed. gomery and Margaret Cov December 13, 1949, and such application ington Milwee__________ . 7280 must be approved by the Director. If a § 539.103 Quantity to be diverted by International Bank for Recon-’ packer or sheller participating in the each participant. Each participant shall struction and Development program, hereinafter referred to as “par state, in his application for participation et al___ _______________ 7279 ticipant,” diverts, on or after the effective in this program, the quantity of walnut Keystone Broadcasting Corp. date hereof, in accordance with the fol kernels to be delivered by him in un- (WKBO) et al__________ 7280 lowing terms and conditions, a quantity (Coninued on p. 7265) KVLH Broadcasting Co____ 7280 7263 7264 RULES AND REGULATIONS CONTENTS— Continued CONTENTS— Continued Federal Communications Com- Page Production and Marketing Ad- Page FEDEML^pEGISTER mission— Continued ministration \ l»3* v (Junto* Notices—Continued Proposed rule making: Hearings, etc.—Continued Peaches, Elberta, in California; Radio Reading____________ 7281 changes in representation on Published dally, except Sundays, Mondays, Scripps-Howard Radio, Inc., Elberta Peach Commodity and days following official Federal holidays, et al. (2 documents)____ 7278 Committee—_____________ 7273 by the Division of the Federal Register, the Southern California Broad Rules and regulations: National Archives, pursuant to the authority casting Co. (KWKW) et al_ 7280 Diversion programs, terms and contained in the Federal Register Act, ap Texas Star Broadcasting Co. conditions, 1950: proved July 26, 1935 (49 Stat.. 500, as and KTRH Broadcasting Almond__________________ 7266 amended; 44 U. S. C., ch. 8B ), under regula tions prescribed by the Administrative Com Co____________________ 7279 Walnut__________________ 7263 mittee, approved by the President. Distribu Tri-City Broadcasting Co. Oranges in California and Ari tion is made only by the Superintendent of (WTRF) ________—. 7281 zona ; limitation of shipments. 7267 Documents, Government Printing Office, Winston-Salem Broadcasting Securities and Exchange Com Washington 25, D. C. Co., Inc. (WTOB), and The regulatory material appearing herein Ralph D. Epperson mission is keyed to the Code of Federal Regulations, (WPAQ)_______________ 7280 Notices: which is published, under 50 titles, pursuant Motions Commissioner, design Hearings, etc.: to section 11 of the Federal Register Act, as Central Power and Light Co_ 7283 amended June 19, 1937. nation___ _____ __ T_______ 7278 City of Porto Alegre_______ 7281 The F ederal R egister will be furnished by Proposed rule making: Ohio Power Co___________ 7282 mail to subscribers, free of postage, for $1.50 STL stations________________ 7274 per m onth or $15.00 per year, payable in ad Standard Gas and Electric Co_ 7282 vance. The charge for individual copies Federal Power Commission Tax Court of the United States (minimum 15£) varies in proportion to the Notices: Rules and regulations: size of the issue. Remit check or money Hearings, etc.: Rules of practice; miscellane order, made payable to the Superintendent Newport Electric Corp_____ 7276 ous amendments._________ 7270 of Documents, directly to the Government Pennsylvania Electric Co___ 7276 Printing Office, Washington 25, D. C. There are no restrictions on the republica Housing Expediter, Office of CODIFICATION GUIDE tion of material appearing in the F ederal Rules and regulations: R eg ister. A numerical list of the parts of the Code Rent, controlled; housing and of Federal Regulations affected by documents rooms in rooming houses published in this issue. Proposed rules, as and other establishments in opposed to final actions, are identified as Now Available certain States___ -.________ 7269 such. Interior Department UNITED STATES Title 3 Page See Land Management, Bureau of. Chapter I (Proclamations) : GOVERNMENT Interstate Commerce Commis Jan. 25, 1906 (see PLO 618)____ 7271 ORGANIZATION sion Title 6 MANUAL Notices: Chapter IV: Applications for relief: Part 539 (2 documents) — 7263, 7266 1949 Edition Automobile bodies from Mich igan to eastern points----- 7277 Title 7 (Revised through July 1) Classes and commodities to Chapter IX : and from Hildago, Tex— 7276 Part 936 (proposed)__________ 7273 Published by the Division of the Federal Part 966______ ____________ 7267 Register, the National Archives Sulphate of ammonia from Louisiana and Texas to the Title 14 725 pages— $1.00 a copy South__________________ 7277 Chapter I: Part 60______________ 7269 Order from Superintendent of Documents, Justice Department United States Government