Star Catalog**

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Star Catalog** ". -~ STAR CATALOG** A1 ternate~ Bayer Flam- Constel- NOTES NAME Name(s) (Lacaille) steed lation t indicates other names Acamar e 60 Eri Double 81,82 Achernar a Eri "riverls end" Achird f1 24 Cas Acrab Elacrab p 8 Sco Double ~l, ~2 Acrux a Cru double Acubens Sertan a 65 Cnc "claws" of crab Adara e 21 CMa Double Adhafera ~ 36 Leo Adhara Adara e 2 CMa "the Virgins" Agena Hadar 13 Cen "kneell Double Ailkes Alkes, Alkers a 7 Crt Ain e 74 Tau Aladfar rJ 20 Lyr Alamak Almach y 57 And Alaraph Zavijava 13 5 Vir Albali e 2 Aqr "the swallower" Albireo 13 6 Cyg Double, Head of Swan Alchiba Alchita a 1 Crv "the tentll Alcor 9 80 UMa Double with Mizar, lithe test", lithe near oneil, "the Rider (Arabic)11 Alcyone rt 25 Tau Pleiades Aldebaran Palilicium a 87 Tau I'follower of Pleiades", eye of Bull (Double) Great Hexagon Alderamin a 5 Cep "right arm'l Al Dhanab y Gru Aldib Altais 0 57 Ora see Nodus lIt Alfard Cor Hydrae a 30 Hya (Alphard) Alfirk Alphirk ~ 8 Cep "the flock" Algedi Al Giedi a 5,6 Cap Head of Sea Goat? Double see Giedi Prima & Secunda Giedi Algenib )' 88 Peg "wing" (Sometimes C1Per, see Mirfak)t Algieba )' 41 Leo Double "the lion's mane" Algol Gorgona ~ 26 Per Ecl ipsi ng Bi nary liThe Demon Star" (Arabic) Algorab 0 7 Crv Double, faint secondary called "The Raven" Alhajoth Capella a 13 Aur Alhena .y 24 Gem "a mark (on the foot of Pollux)" Alioth .E 77 UMa "the tai 1 of sheep" Alkaid Alcaid " 21 UMa "the Chief" (see also Benetnash) ~;~:: CA-T- I~ Alternate Bayer F1am- Constel- NOTES NAME Name(s) (lacai 11e:) steed lation t indicates other names Alkalurops IJ 51 Boo Double !-tI, ~2, "The Herdsman's- Staff" Alkes Ailkes a 7 Crt "Shallow basinl' Almach Alamak )' 57 And (Alamaak)t Double yI, y2 Almuredin Al Muredin E; 47 Vir (also Vindermiatrix)t Al Na1ir Alnair a Gru "the bright one" AllNasl El Nasl )' 10 Sag Point of Arrow Alnilam E; 46 Or; Orion's Belt ("string of pearlsl') Alnitak t 50 Or; Orion1s Belt ("the girdle") Alphard Alfard a 30 Hya "the Solitary Star in the serpent" Alphecca Gemma a 5 CrB "bright one of the dishll Alpheratz Sirrah a 21 And Horse1s Navel (6 Peg obsolete) Great Square Alphirk Alfirk ~ 8 Cep Alrai y 35 Cep Alrakis Arrakis ~ 21 Ora Alrami (1 - Sgr Al Recha Alrescha (1 113 Psc Alrescha Al R;scha (1 113 Psc "Knot" Al Rischa Ka;ta;n (1 113 Psc Alruccaba (1 1 UMi Alshain ~ 60 Aql Alsuhail y Vel "Brilliant" or "Glorious!' confused with A = Suhail Altair a 53 Aql SummerTriangle, Arabic for "the Eagle" Altais Nodus II 0 57 Ora See Aldibt Al Tart f3 17 Cnc Altert A 4 Leo Aludra fl 5 CMa Alula Australis ~ 53 UMa Alula Boroalis u 54 UMa Alwaid Rastaban ~ 23 Ora Alya e Ser Al Zimach Azimech 0' 1 Vir Arabic (Hebrew root = ssemah= II sprout branch'l) Ancha Spica e 43 Aqr "the hip" Angentenar t2 2 Eri Ankaa a Phe Ankel ? ? Ori Antares Vespertilio a 21 Sco "rival of Mars" Double (Heart of Scorpion) Apa Aura <5 43 Vir Arcturus a 16 Boo Greek for "Bear Keeper" Arich )' 29 Vir ~ CftT -1 Alternate Bayer Flam- Constel- NOTES NAME Name(s) (Lacaille:) steed lation t indicates other names Al"ided Deneb a 50 Cyg Arkab p Sgr "the tendon" Double: Arkab Prior = ~l, Arkab Posterior = ~2 Arneb a 11 Lep "rabbit" Arrakis Alrakis ~ 21 Ora "the dancer'! Asad Australis £ 17 Leo Ras Elased Australis Ascella t 38 Sgr Asellus Australis 6 47 Cnc Southern Assd Asellus Borealis 43 Cnc Northern Assd Asmidiske l ? Pup Aspidiske l Car Asterion Chara P 8 CVn I'starry" , Bootes' greyhound pursuing the bear Asterope Sterope 21 Tau Double with 22(u) in Pleiades Atik ~ 44 Per Atiks 0 38 Per Atlas 27 Tau (Pleiades) Father (with Pleione) of Pleiads Atria a - Tra Auva Apa 0 43 Vir Avior & Car Azelfafage 7[' 80 Cyg Azha " 3 Eri Azimech Spica a 1 Vir Al Zimacht Azmidiske t 7 Pup Baham Trapezium 81'2 41,43 Ori Quadruple center of M42 Baten Kaitos t 55 Cet Beid 01 38 Eri Bellatrix Y 24 Ori the left shoulder, named for an Amazon Benetnash Alkaid f1 85 UMaOr; !IEnd of Tai 111 (Benetnasch) Betelgeuse a 58 Giant's Shoulder (Arabic) or "armpit of the central one" Great Hexagon (Variable) B;ham e 26 PegAr; Bote;n 6 57 "the belly" (of the Ram) Can;cula Sirius a 9 CMa (See Sothis)t Canopus Cunopus a Car Rudder of Vessel (Argas) Capella Alhajoth a 13 Aur Great Hexagon, Eye of Chariottier or "She-Goat Star" that suckled the infant Zeus Caph Chaph p 11 Cas "The Hand" Caput Trianguli a 2 Tr; see Metallah, Mothallant dAsses ridden by Bacchus & Silenus in their battle with the Titans. Note M44 (Praesepe) is also known as "the Manger" for the asses. { :;z-s- ~~~/ rA-1'"- Alternate Bayer Flam- Constel- NOTES NAME Name(s) (Laca;lle) steed lation t indicates other names Ceginus <I> 54 Boo Castor a 66 Gem Gemini Twin (see Pollux) Cebalrai ~ 60 Oph I'heart of the shepherd" Celaeno 16 Tau (Pleiades) Chaph Caph ~ 11 Cas "The Hand" Chara Asterion ~ 8 CVn "be 1 oved" Bootes I greyhound pursuing the bear Cheleb r3 60 Oph Chertan Coxa e 70 Leo Cih Tsih )' 27 Cas Cor Caroli a 12 CVn Double al a2 "heart of Charles"c (some call it Charat) Cor Hydrae Alfard a 30 Hya Cor Serpentis a 24 Ser Coxa Chertan 8 70 Leo "the hip.1 Crimson Star Hindls Star R ? Lep (Mira Variable) Cursa Kursa f3 67 Eri IIfootstool of Orion" Cynosura Polaris a 1 UMi also Alruccaba Dabih f3 9 Cap "slaughterersl' (sacrifices of Arabs to heliacal rising of Capricon) Deneb Arided a 50 CY9 [Summer Tri angl eJ "Tai 1 of Swan" (Arabic) called Deneb Cygni (Deneb Adige on old charts) 15 49 Cap Tail of Sea Goat t3 16 Cet "Tail of Whale" 15 30 Aql "Tail of Eagle" t3 94 Leo "Tail of lion" a 42 Com Jewel in Berenice's hair t3 16 Cet 15 7 Sco "the forehead" a 50 UMa "The Bear" in Arabic III 31 Ora l 12 Ora t3 8 Sco 17 Tau Pleiades a 10 CMi t3 112 Tau lithe butting one" (y Aurigae obsolte) Eltanin Etamin )' 33 Ora Iidragonis head'i Enif E. 8 Peg lithe nosell Erakis IJ Cep Er Rai Errai )' 35 Cep "the shepherd" Etamin Eltanin )' 33 Ora sometimes confused with Rastaban CNamedfor Charles II of Englan(j by Halley , -co Alternate Bayer Flam- Constel- NOTES NAME Name(s) (Lacaille) steed lation t indicates other names Fomalhaut a 24 PsA "Fish1s Mouth" (Arabic) Furud t 1 CMa "bright single one" Gacrux y Cru Gemma Gnosia a 5 CrB Latin for Gem Giansar Giausar A 1 Ora (Gianfar misspelling?) "central oneil Giausar Giansar A 1 Ora "right wing of the raven" Giedi Algedi a 5,6 Cap "goatl', Double:Prima & Secunda Giedi Gienah y 4 Crv "the wi ngll Gnosia Alphecca a 5 CrB see also Gemmat Gomeisa ~ 3 CMi Old Arabic Name for Constellation Gorgona Algol ~ 26 Per The Gorgon Medussa Graffias Elacrab ~1 8 Sco Double Grafias t Sco Gredi a 5,6 Cap Probable misspelling of "Giedi" Grumium Grummium t 32 Ora Hadar Agena ~ ? Cen Double AB Hamal a 13 Ari Arabic for "Sheep" Han t ? Oph Haris y 27 Boo Hassaleh l 3 Aur Hatysa l 44 Ori Heka Me;ssa A- 39 Ori Heze t 79 Vir Hindls Star Crimson Star R ? Lep (Mira Variable) Hoedus I t 8 Aur Hoedus II ~ 10 Aur Homam ~ 42 Peg "lucky star" Hyades Tau Ilrai ny stars" cl uster in Taurus. See Glossary. Tzar Mirak E. 36 Boo "girdlell Jabbah U 14 Sco Kaffa Megrez 6 69 UMa Kaffaljidhma Alrescha )' 86 Get "head of the whale" Kaitain IX 113 Psc Kajam W 24 Her Kalb Regulus IX 32 Leo "little king" (?) Kaus Australis E. 20 Sgr South part of bow Kaus Borealis A 22 Sgr North part of bow Kaus Media 6 19 Sgr Middle part of bow (Kaus Meridionalist) Keid 02 40 Eri Kelb Alrai ~ 60 Oph Kerb t 62 Peg Kids (The Kids) £;t~t~ Aur the goats in the Chariot ~ (' A-T-< Alternate Bayer Flam- Constel- NOTES NAME Name(s) (Lacaille) steed lation t indicates other names Kiffa Australis a 8t9 Lib Double (Zuben Elgenuth)t Kiffa Borealis 13 27 Lib (Zuben Eschalrnali)t Kitalpha a 8 Equ "part of the horse" (which part ?) Kochab 13 48 UMi "Guardian of the Polel' (see Pherkad) Pole Star 1200 B.C. ? Koo She 6 ? Vel Kornephoros P 27 Her I'Cl ub-bearer" Kraz P 9 Crv Ksora Ruchbah 6 37 Cas Kuma u 24,25 Ora (Double) Kurhah t 17 Cep Cursa 67 Eri Kursa p II st i ng" Lesath u 14 Sco Maasym A 76 Her "the wrist" Ma;a 20 Tau (Pleiades) Marf;k A 10 Oph "the e1 bowll Markab a 54 Peg "the saddle" Markeb X? ? Pup (Check Bayer Notation) Mars;k K 7 Her Matar f) 44 Peg "fortunate rain" Mebsuta £ 27 Gem lithe root of the tai 111 Megrez 6 69 UMa Me;ssa Heka A 39 Ori Mekab a 92 Cet Mekbuda ~ 43 Gem Menkal;na Menkal;nan ~ 34 Aur "the shoulder of the rein-holder (Charioteer)" Menkar a 92 Cet lithe nose" Menkent e 5 Cen Menkhib ~ 44 Per liThe Shoul der" (now the ankl e) Menkib t 46 Per UMa Loins of Bear Merak 13 48 Merez ~ 42 Boo Merga r} 38 Boo 23 Tau (Pleiades) Merope (Double) Hebrew for 'Iministerl,a Mesartim Mesarthim 'Y 5 Ari Metallah Mothallah a 2 Tri see Caput Triangulit - Car Miaplacidus ~ Mimosa ~ Cru Minelauva () 43 Vir Minkar £ 2 Cry Alternate Bayer Flam- Constel- NOTES NAME Name(s) CLacail1e) steed lation t indicates other names Mintaka 6 34 Or; Orionls Belt Mira 0 68 Get "The Wonderfulll (Variable) Mirach P 43 And liThe gi rdl e of Andromeda I s Gown'! Mirak Pulcherrima £ 36 Boo Miram f') 15 Per Mirfak a 33 Per liThe elbowl! (some call it Algenibt) Mirzam Murzin Ai toI! 2 CMa "the announcer" (of the rising of Sirius) Misam x 27 Per Mizar t 79 UMa Doub1 e wi th A1 cor, The "Horse'l Arabic Mothallah a 2 Tri (Caput Trianguli, Metallah)t Muliphein Muliphen y 23 CMa Muphrid Saak r] 8 Boo (Mufrid)t "The Sol itary Star'! Museida 712 4 UMa Murzin Murzam ~ 2 CMa Muscida 0 1 UMa Naos ~ - Pup "the ship" Nash y 10 Sgr Nashira y 40 Cap Ilbringing good tidings'l Nath El Nath ~ 112 Tau Nekkar ~ 42 Boo head of Bootes Nihal ~ - Lep "camels drinking" Nodus I 22 Ora "first knotll or "loop" Nodus II Aldib 57 Ora "second knot" or ." 1oop" Nunki 0' 34 Sgr Mesopotamian name Nusakan P 3 CrB Nushaba y 10 Sgr Okda a 113 Psc Palilicium Aldeberan a 87 Tau Peacock a Pav Pezaglis a 0 Wmp Pezalyat Phact Phakt a - Col Phecda Phad y 64 UMa Also known as Phekdat Pherkad y 13 UMi Gaurdian of the Pole (see Kochab) Pherkard 0' 23 UMi Pleiades r'I M45 Tau Seven sisterst daughters of Atlast see glossary Pleione (BU) 28 Tau Mother (with Atlas) of Pleiads Polaris Alruccaba a 1 UM; "Stella Polaris"t North or Pole Star Pollux ~ 78 Gem Gemini Twin (see Castor) /-17j Alternate Bayer Flam- Constel- NOTES NAME Name(s) (Lacaille) steed lation t indicates other names Porrima Postvorta )' 29 Vir Minor goddess of justice Postvorta Porring )' 29 Vir Praesepe f.

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