Tahun ke 1 dari Rencana 2 Tahun

Ketua Tim Peneliti Dr. Yaya Mulyana, A. Aziz NIDN 0429076401

Anggota Tim Peneliti Drs. Abu Huraerah, M.Si NIDN 0404026201 DRS. Ediyanto, M.Si NIDN 0023095901


Dibiayai oleh : Direktorat Riset dan Pengabdian Masyarakat Direktorat Jenderal Penguatan Riset dan Pengembangan Kementerian Riset, Teknologi, dan Pendidikan Tinggi


Dalam perekonomian nasional, pariwisata merupakan salah satu sektor yang diharapkan mampu memberikan peningkatan pendapatan melalui penerimaan devisa. Sektor pariwisata memberi dampak yang sangat besar bagi masyarakat, terutama masyarakat yang berada di kawasan atau lokasi yang menjadi tujuan wisatawan. Pariwisata merupakan sektor yang terus-menerus dikembangkan pemerintah sebagai sebagai pilar pembangunan nasional karena mampu menopang perekonomian nasional pada saat dunia sedang mengalami krisis. Kepariwisataan sebagai upaya ekonomi, bukan saja padat modal, tetapi juga padat karya. Dengan demikian, sektor pariwisata mampu meningkatkan penyerapan tenaga kerja. Penyerapan ini sangat berhubungan dengan peningkatan pariwisata sebagai andalan yang mampu menggalakkan sektor lain yang terkait. Pola pengelolaan kawasan pariwisata yang tidak menyeluruh telah menimbulkan dampak negatif yang mengakibatkan menurunnya daya tarik obyek wisata. Pengembangan kegiatan pariwisata masih berfokus di daerah Cianjur utara dan itu pun hanya pengembangan aspek fisik saja, seperti hanya mengembangkan potensi alamnya, misalnya Kebun Raya Cibodas, Pantai Jayanti, Curug Citambur, Waduk Jangari, Tracking Gunung Gede, dan Kota Bunga. Sementara untuk pengembangan kegiatan pariwisata belum terlihat upaya menciptakan obyek pariwisata baru, seperti dengan mengembangkan potensi wisata pantai yang berada di daerah Cianjur Selatan dan budaya lokal kabupaten cianjur pada umumnya yang bisa dijadikan daya tarik bagi pariwisata di kabupaten cianjur seperti upacara adat yang dimiliki atau kegiatan unik. Wisata kebudayaan potensial yang terus-menerus dikembangkan oleh Pemerintah Daerah Cianjur adalah Situs Gunung Padang Cianjur, Pantai Jayanti, Pantai Sereg dan atau Pantai Apra Sindangbarang Cianjur yang berada di daerah Cianjur Selatan yang hingga dewasa ini banyak dikunjungi wisatawan. Pantai di Cianjur Selatan memang belum bisa disejajarkan dengan Pantai Palabuhanratu di Kabupaten yang sudah lebih dulu menjadi kawasan wisata pantai atau Pantai Pangandaran di Kabupaten Pangandaran. Namun dari eksotisme serta kesempatannya untuk berkembang dinilai tak kalah menarik. Hanya saja memang konsep penataannya masih alakadarnya. Kebijakan sebagai suatu proses berarti pembuatan kebijakan tidak selesai setelah kebijakan tersebut ditentukan ataupun disetujui.PNamun, hal ini berarti ada sebuah tindakan pasca proses kebijakan agar tujuan yang diharapkan dapat tercapai. Dalam kedudukannya yang sangat menentukan itu, maka daya tarik wisata harus dirancang dan dibangun/dikelola secara profesional sehingga dapat menarik wisatawan untuk datang untuk datang. Membangun suatu objek wisata harus dirancang sedemikian rupa berdasarkan kriteria tertentu. Daftar isi

Kata Pengantar ...... i Daftar Isi...... ii Bab I pendahuluan...... 1 1.1 Latar Belakang ...... 1 1.2 Perumusan Masalah ...... 7 1.3 Tujuan Penelitian ...... 8 1.4 Kegunaan Penelitian...... 8 1.5 Ruang Lingkup Kajian ...... 8 Bab II LANDASAN TEORITIS ...... 9 2.1. Konsep Kebijakan Publik ...... 9 2.2.1. Karakteristik Model Kebijakan ...... 12 2.2.2. Model Pembuatan Kebijakan ...... 13 Model Elit...... 13 Model Kelompok ...... 14 Model Institusional...... 15 Model Inkrimental ...... 16 Model Sistem Teori (Policy as sytem output) ...... 17 Model Rasional ...... 18 Model Proses ...... 21 2.3. Konsep Implementasi Kebijakan ...... 22 2.4 Model dalam Proses Implementasi Kebijakan ...... 29 2.4.1. Model Edward III ...... 30 2.4.2. Model Daniel A. Mazmanian & Paul A. Sabatier ...... 35 2.4.3. Model Nugroho ...... 38 2.5 Pengertian Pariwisata ...... 39 2.6 Berbagai Macam Bentuk Wisata ...... 41 2.7 Pengembangan Wisata ...... 49 2.8 Upaya pengembangan Pariwisata ...... 23 2.9. Kebijakan Pemerintah Daerah dalam pengembangan wisata 61 2.9.1. Kebijakan Pengembangan Pariwisata Kab. Cianjur...... 67 BAB III TUJAUAN DAN MANFAAT PENELITIAN ...... 71 3.1. Tujuan ...... 71 3.2 Manfaat Penelitian ...... 71 BAB IV METODE PENELITIAN 4.1 Rancangan Penelitian ...... 73 4.1.1. Jenis Penelitian ...... 73 4.1.2. Jenis Data ...... 73 4.2. Subjek Penelitian ...... 73 4.3. Objek Penelitian ...... 74 4.4. Teknik Pengumpulan Data ...... 74 4.5. Teknik Analisis Data ...... 75 BAB V GAMBARAN UMUM OBJEK PENELITIAN 5.1 Kondisi Umum Kab. Cianjur ...... 76 5.2 Dinas Pariwisata,Kepemudaan dan Olah Raga Kab.Cianjur ...... 80 5.2.1 Struktur Organisasi ...... 80 5.2.2 Program Pengembangan wisata ...... 81 BAB VI HASIL DAN PEMBAHASAN ...... 82 6.1 Pengembangan Pariwisata ...... 82 6.2 Upaya Pengembangan Pariwisata ...... 85 6.3 Kebijakan Pemerintah Daerah dalam Pengembangan Pariwisata . 95 BAB VII KESIMPULAN DAN SARAN ...... 7.1. Kesimpulan ...... 100 7.2. Saran ...... 102 Daftar Pustaka ...... 104 Lampiran Foto kegiatan penelitian ...... 75 Logbook ...... 79 Materi SeminarInternational (Korea Selatan) ...... 86 DAFTAR GAMBAR

Gambar .2.2 Model Implementasi Kebijakan menurut Grindle dalam Wibawa (1994) Gambar 2.3. : Faktor yang Menentukan Keberhasilan Kebijakan Publik Gambar 2.4. : Model Implementasi Kebijakan Langsung dan Tidak Langsung.

Gambar 2.5. : Model A Frame Work for Implementations Analysis. Gambar 2.6. : Model Sekuensi Implementasi Kebijakan.




1.1. Latarbelakang

Pariwisata merupakan salah satu sektor pembangunan yang saat ini sedang digalakkan oleh pemerintah. Pariwisata di Indonesia merupakan salah satu sektor ekonomi penting. Di samping sebagai mesin penggerak ekonomi, pariwisata adalah wahana yang menarik untuk mengurangi angka pengangguran.

Dalam perekonomian nasional, pariwisata merupakan salah satu sektor yang diharapkan mampu memberikan peningkatan pendapatan melalui penerimaan devisa. Sektor pariwisata memberi dampak yang sangat besar bagi masyarakat, terutama masyarakat yang berada di kawasan atau lokasi yang menjadi tujuan wisatawan. Pariwisata merupakan sektor yang terus-menerus dikembangkan pemerintah sebagai sebagai pilar pembangunan nasional karena mampu menopang perekonomian nasional pada saat dunia sedang mengalami krisis.

Dalam Undang-Undang Nomor 10 Tahun 2009 dinyatakan bahwa pembangunan kepariwisataan diperlukan untuk mendorong pemerataan kesempatan berusaha dan memperoleh manfaat serta mampu menghadapi tantangan perubahan kehidupan lokal, nasional, dan global. Kegiatan pariwisata merupakan salah satu sektor sangat berperan dalam proses pembangunan dan pengembangan suatu wilayah yaitu dapat memberikan kontribusi bagi pendapatan 2

suatu daerah maupun bagi masyarakat. Pariwisata mempunyai peranan penting dalam pembangunan nasional: meratakan dan meningkatkan kesempatan kerja dan pendapatan, memperkokoh persatuan dan kesatuan, serta budaya bangsa (Yoeti,


Hal tersebut dimungkinkan karena kepariwisataan sebagai upaya ekonomi, bukan saja padat modal, tetapi juga padat karya. Dengan demikian, sektor pariwisata mampu meningkatkan penyerapan tenaga kerja. Penyerapan ini sangat berhubungan dengan peningkatan pariwisata sebagai andalan yang mampu menggalakkan sektor lain yang terkait. Adapun tujuan pengembangan pariwisata di Indonesia terlihat dengan jelas dalam Instruksi Presiden Republik Indonesia

Nomor 9 Tahun 1969, khususnya Bab II Pasal 3, yang menyebutkan bahwa usaha- usaha pengembangan pariwisata di Indonesia bersifat suatu pengembangan industry pariwisata dan merupakan bagian dari usaha pengembangan dan pembangunan serta kesejahteraan masyarakat dan negara.

Di samping itu, penatakelolaan dan pengembangan kepariwisataan juga bertujuan untuk memperkenalkan keindahan alam dan kebudayaan Indonesia. Ini berarti, pengembangan pariwisata di Indonesia tidak terlepas dari potensi yang dimiliki Indonesia untuk mendukung pariwisata tersebut. Indonesia memiliki keragaman budaya yang sangat menarik. Keragaman budaya ini dilatari oleh adanya agama, adat istiadat yang unik, dan kesenian yang dimiliki oleh setiap suku yang ada di Indonesia. Selain alamnya yang indah akan memberikan daya tarik tersendiri bagi wisatawan baik itu alam pegunungan (pedesaan), alam bawah laut, maupun pantai. 3

Seirng dengan Undang-Undang Nomor 10 Tahun 2009 yang meneyebutkan bahwa pembangunan kepariwisataan diperlukan untuk mendorong pemerataan kesempatan berusaha dan memperoleh manfaat serta mampu menghadapi tantangan perubahan kehidupan lokal, nasional, dan global.

Pemerintah daerah provinsi Jawa Barat melalui Peraturan Daerah Nomor

25 Tahun 2010 tentang Perubahan Peraturan Daerah Nomor 2 Tahun 2010

Tentang Rencana Pembangunan Jangka Menengah Daerah (RPJMD) Parovinsi

Jawa Barat Tahun 2013-2018, maka setiap Organisasi Perangkat Perangkat

Daerah (OPD) Wajib menyelaraskan dengan Rencana Strategis Organisasi perangkat Daerah (Renstra OPD) Tahun 2013-2018 baik visi, misi, tujuan, strategi, kebijakan, program dan kegiatan pembangunan sesuai tugas dan fungsinya, secara lebih spesifik, terukur dilengkapi dengan sasaran yang hendak di capai. Dengan kata lain Dinas Pariwisata yang ada di tingkat Kabupaten/Kota yang merupakan leading sektor dalam pengembangan potensi khususnya sektor pariwisata harus mampu berinovasi baik dalam bidang promosi sebagai wadah dalam menarik investor ataupun dapat berinovasi dalam pengembangan wisata lokal, hal ini di perlukan dalam rangka mengoptimalkan potensi yang terdapar di kabupaten Cianjur,yang pada akhirnya kan menciptkan kesejahteraan rakyat.

Hal tersebut dimungkinkan karena kepariwisataan sebagai upaya ekonomi, bukan saja padat modal, tetapi juga padat karya. Dengan demikian, sektor pariwisata mampu meningkatkan penyerapan tenaga kerja. Penyerapan ini sangat berhubungan dengan peningkatan pariwisata sebagai andalan yang mampu menggalakkan sektor lain yang terkait. Adapun tujuan pengembangan pariwisata 4

di Indonesia terlihat dengan jelas dalam Instruksi Presiden Republik Indonesia

Nomor 9 Tahun 1969, khususnya Bab II Pasal 3, yang menyebutkan bahwa usaha- usaha pengembangan pariwisata di Indonesia bersifat suatu pengembangan industry pariwisata dan merupakan bagian dari usaha pengembangan dan pembangunan serta kesejahteraan masyarakat dan negara.

Kabupaten Cianjur memiliki beragam tempat wisata yang menarik yang banyak dikunjungi oleh wisatawan. Khaususnya Daerah utara Cianjur sudah lebih dulu banyak magnetnya. Selain pemandangan alam yang indah kondisi wilayah tersebut cenderung memiliki udara dingin dan infrastruktur relatif bagus. Selain itu jarak juga memengaruhi banyaknya wisatawan yang lebih memilih untuk berkunjung kelokasi wisata tersebut. Namun pariwisata di kabupaten cianjur bukan saja Cianjur Utara saja yang memiliki daya tarik wisata yang bagus tetapi

Cianjur Selatan pun memimiliki potensi pariwisata yang tak kalah bagus dengan

Objek wisata didaerah cianjur Utara, seperti Pantai Jayanti,pantai cidaun yang memiliki ke indahan pantainya, danau lewi Soro, Curug Cikondang dan masih banyak lagi tempat-tempat wisata yang berada di daerah Cianjur Selatan. Objek- objek wisata ini selayaknya mendapat perhatian dari masyarakat dan pemerintah setempat. Namun, sayangnya, pengelolaan pada beberapa objek wisata tersebut belum optimal. Masih terbatasnya dukungan sarana dan prasarana dan masih terkendala masalah infra struktur dalam menunjang kegiatan pariwisata telah mengakibatkan menurunnya daya tarik obyek wisata.

Pola pengelolaan kawasan pariwisata yang tidak menyeluruh telah menimbulkan dampak negatif yang mengakibatkan menurunnya daya tarik obyek 5

wisata. Pengembangan kegiatan pariwisata masih berfokus di daerah Cianjur utara dan itu pun hanya pengembangan aspek fisik saja, seperti hanya mengembangkan potensi alamnya, misalnya Kebun Raya Cibodas, Pantai Jayanti,

Curug Citambur, Waduk Jangari, Tracking Gunung Gede, dan Kota Bunga.

Sementara untuk pengembangan kegiatan pariwisata belum terlihat upaya menciptakan obyek pariwisata baru, seperti dengan mengembangkan potensi wisata pantai yang berada di daerah Cianjur Selatan dan budaya lokal kabupaten cianjur pada umumnya yang bisa dijadikan daya tarik bagi pariwisata di kabupaten cianjur seperti upacara adat yang dimiliki atau kegiatan unik. Wisata kebudayaan potensial yang terus-menerus dikembangkan oleh Pemerintah Daerah

Cianjur adalah Situs Gunung Padang Cianjur, Pantai Jayanti, Pantai Sereg dan atau Pantai Apra Sindangbarang Cianjur yang berada di daerah Cianjur Selatan yang hingga dewasa ini banyak dikunjungi wisatawan. Pantai di Cianjur Selatan memang belum bisa disejajarkan dengan Pantai Palabuhanratu di Kabupaten

Sukabumi yang sudah lebih dulu menjadi kawasan wisata pantai atau Pantai

Pangandaran di Kabupaten Pangandaran. Namun dari eksotisme serta kesempatannya untuk berkembang dinilai tak kalah menarik. Hanya saja memang konsep penataannya masih alakadarnya.

Pengembangan pariwisata wilayah Cianjur Selatan memang selama ini masih terkendala masalah infrastruktur. Hal tersebut tentu menjadi sebab kawasan

Selatan belum ramai didatangi wisatawan dibanding kawasan Cianjur Utara.

Dalam perencanaan tahun depan, pihaknya tengah menyusun rencana pengembangan Pantai Jayanti di Cianjur Selatan. Untuk itu, pihaknya terus 6

menggenjot pihak-pihak terkait untuk saling bersinergi merangsang perkembangan pariwisata di Cianjur Selatan. . Pengembangan pariwisata harus dilakukan secara lintas sektoral. Dengan beberapa dinas terkait misalnya untuk infra struktur yang merupakan kewenangan Dinas Bina Marga , sedangkan Dinas

Pariwisata membawahi penataan tempat wisatanya. Hal-hal seperti ini yang harus sinkronkan.

Dilihat dari obyek dan daya tarik yang ada, Kabupaten Cianjur relatif memiliki jumlah obyek wisata yang lengkap, mulai dari obyek wisata alam, buatan dan obyek wisata budaya cukup tersedia. Sebagai suatu Daerah Tujuan

Wisata (DTW), potensi kepariwisataan di daerah Kabupaten Cianjur telah memiliki daya tarik cukup kuat bagi kunjungan wisatawan, baik wisatawan nusantara maupun wisatawan mancanegara. Hal ini seharusnya mampu menjadi bahan kebijakan pemerintah daerah pada khususnya, untuk memperbaiki dan membawa sektor pariwisata daerah menjadi lebih baik.

Saat ini telah terdapat beberapa kebijakan yang bertujuan untuk mendorong pengembangan kegiatan pariwisata di Indonesia pada umumnya dan

Kabupaten Cianjur khususnya. Kebijakan-kebijakan ini tentu saja merupakan upaya-upaya yang dilakukan oleh Pemerintah untuk mengembangkan kepariwisataan di Indonesia.

Sehubungan dengan hal tersebut, penelitian ini akan menguraikan tentang kebijakan Pemerintah Daerah yang terkait dengan perkembangan kepariwisataan di wilayah Kabupaten Cianjur, khususnya Cianjur Selatan yang perlu mendapatkan perhatian khusus oleh pemerintah didalam pengembangan 7

pariwisata di Kabupaten Cianjur. Hal ini berhubungan dengan adanya Asean

Community 2015 dimana seluruh masyarakat Asean sudah bebas dan bisa langsung untuk mengunjungi berbagai negara Asia dengan berbagai fasilitas kemudahan yang diterapkan. Dalam hal melihat kebijakan daerah tentang pengembangan kepariwisataan yang telah ada, maka perlu adanya penelitian mengenai Kebijakan Pemerintah Daerah dalam Pengembangan Kepariwisataan di

Kabupaten Cianjur.

1.2. Perumusan Masalah

Berdasarkan latar belakang di atas, maka dapat dirumuskan permasalahan penelitian sebagai berikut:

1. Sejauhmana kebijakan Pemerintah Daerah telah berhasil mengembangkan kepariwisataan di Kabupaten Cianjur?

2. Potensi kepariwisataan apa sajakah yang dapat dikembangkan di Cianjur Selatan Kabupaten Cianjur?

3. Faktor-faktor apa sajakah yang menghambat pengembangan kepariwisataan di Cianjur Selatan , Kabupaten Cianjur?

4. Langkah-langkah apa sajakah yang dapat dilakukan Pemerintah Daerah dalam mengembangkan kepariwisataan di Cianjur Selatan Kabupaten Cianjur?

1.3. Tujuan

Adapun tujuan kajian ini adalah untuk:

1. Menganalisis keberhasilan kebijakan Pemerintah Daerah dalam mengembangkan kepariwisataan di Kabupaten Cianjur. 8

2. Memetakan potensi kepariwisataan yang dapat dikembangkan di Cianjur Selatan ,Kabupaten Cianjur.

3. Menganalisis faktor-faktor yang menghambat pengembangan kepariwisataan di Cianjur Selatan, Kabupaten Cianjur.

4. Menyusun langkah-langkah yang dapat dilakukan Pemerintah Daerah dalam mengembangkan kepariwisataan di Cianjur Selatan, Kabupaten Cianjur

1.4. Kegunaan

Kegunaan kajian ini adalah sebagai berikut:

1. Sebagai bahan masukan bagi Pemerintah Kabupaten Cianjur dalam hal peninjauan kebijakan mengenai pengembangan kepariwisataan di Kabupaten Cianjur.

2. Sebagai bahan masukan bagi Pemerintah Kabupaten Cianjur dalam memetakan potensi wisata di Cianjur Selatan Kabupaten Cianjur.

3. Sebagai bahan masukan bagi Pemerintah Kabupaten Cianjur untuk mengetahui faktor-faktor apa sajakah yang menghambat pengembangan kepariwisataan didaerah di Kabupaten Cianjur.

4. Sebagai bahan masukan bagi Pemerintah Kabupaten Cianjur dalam menyusun langkah-langkah pengembangan kepariwisataan di Kabupaten Cianjur.

1.5. Ruang Lingkup Kajian

Ruang lingkup kajian ini adalah untuk melakukan peninjauan terhadap kebijakan Pemerintah Daerah terkait pengembangan kepariwisataan di Kabupaten

Cianjur dan memberikan masukan kepada pihak Pemerintah Daerah sebagai upaya dalam pengembangan kepariwisataan di Kabupaten Cianjur. 9


2.1. Konsep Kebijakan Publik

Secara konseptual kebijakan publik dapat dilihat dari Kamus Administrasi

Publik Chandler dan Plano dalam Pasolong (2013:38) menyebutkan, bahwa kebijakan publik adalah pemanfaatan yang strategis terhadap sumber-sumber daya yang ada untuk memecahkan masalah publik atau pemerintah.

Dye (1978) yang dikutip Wahab (2008), bahwa public policy is whatever governments choose to do or not to do (kebijakan publik merupakan pilihan pemerintah tentang apa yang dilakukan maupun yang tidak dilakukan. Pengertian tersebut mengarah pada tindakan pemerintah dalam berbagai sektor, semisal politik, ekonomi, sosial yang bersifat dinamis, dimana pemerintah menjadi satu- satunya otoritas dalam pengambilan kebijakan publik. Wibawa (1994) menyebutkan, tiga hal utama dalam kebijakan publik, yakni tujuan yang luas, sasaran yang spesifik dan cara untuk mencapai sasaran tersebut. Dua hal utama, tujuan yang luas dan sasaran yang spesifik, kemudian diterjemahkan dalam program aksi dan proyek. Hal ketiga, yakni cara untuk mencapai sasaran merupakan komponen yang berfungsi untuk mewujudkan tujuan dan sasaran, yang kemudian disebut sebagai implementasi.

Berdasarkan penjelasan tersebut dapat disimpulkan, bahwa kebijakan publik harus memenuhi dua hal utama, yakni, pertama dibuat oleh institusi yang 10

memiliki otoritas (pemerintah) dan kedua adalah kebijakan tersebut diarahkan kepada masyarakat yang memberi otoritas kepada pengambil kebijakan. Suatu keputusan menjadi kebijakan publik jika mengandung unsur kepentingan masyarakat.

Kebijakan sebagai suatu proses berarti pembuatan kebijakan tidak selesai setelah kebijakan tersebut ditentukan ataupun disetujui.PNamun, hal ini berarti ada sebuah tindakan pasca proses kebijakan agar tujuan yang diharapkan dapat tercapai. Tindakan inilah yang disebut sebagai suatu implementasi kebijakan.

Permasalahan implementasi merupakan suatu proses interaksi antara penentuan suatu tujuan dan tindakan yang dilakukan untuk mencapai tujuan tersebut. Hal ini dimaksudkan agar hubungan mata rantai sebab akibat yang mempengaruhi jalan atau tidaknya suatu kebijakan bisa tercapai. Menurut

Pressman dan Wildavsky (1984) dalam Wibawa (1994), bahwa implementasi tidak akan efekfif apabila hubungan antar semua aktor kebijakan malah menghasilkan “defisit implementasi”. Oleh karena itu, untuk mengurangi permasalahan implementasi maka beberapa hal harus dilakukan, diantaranya: tujuan harus dijelaskan secara rinci dan dipahami dengan baik, sumberdaya harus tersedia, komunikasi efektif antar sistem untuk dapat mengontrol individu dan organisasi yang terlibat. Pressman dan Wildavsky (1984) masih dalam Wibawa

(1994) pun menegaskan perlunya sistem kontrol yang baik, komunikasi top-down yang tepat dan sumberdaya yang efektif. 11

Menurut Grindle dalam Wibawa (1994) terdapat dua faktor yang menentukan implementasi kebijakan publik, yakni isi kebijakan dan konteks kebijakan. Isi kebijakan, meliputi :

a. Kepentingan-kepentingan yang dipengaruhi oleh kebijakan. Kebijakan yang menyangkut kepentingan orang banyak akan cenderung lebih sulit untuk diimplemetasikan daripada kebijakan yang menyangkut kepentingan orang dalam skala kecil. Hal tersebut wajar mengingat kebijakan merupakan suatu proses politik yang sarat akan kepentingan;

b. Jenis manfaat yang didapatkan dari implementasi kebijakan. Kebijakan yang akan memberi manfaat lebih besar tentunya mendapat dukungan berbagai pihak sehingga implementasinya lebih mudah. Manfaat kebijakan terkait dengan tingkat perubahan yang dikehendaki dengan adanya kebijakan yang dimaksud;

c. Tingkat perubahan yang diinginkan. Tingkat perubahan dapat disesuaikan dengan dimensi waktu. Untuk jangka waktu yang lama, tingkat perubahan dapat dilaksanakan secara perlahan sehingga proses implementasi juga lebih mudah. Hal ini tentu saja berbeda apabila suatu kebijakan yang menghendaki adanya perubahan mendasar dalam perilaku kehidupan masyarakat yang menjadi objek kebijakan. Dalam hal ini, implementasi kebijakan akan lebih sulit dilakukan;

d. Tempat pembuatan kebijakan. Tempat pembuat kebijakan mengandung pengertian kedudukan pembuat kebijakan; e. Aktor implementasi kebijakan. Aktor implementasi kebijakan meliputi pembuat dan penerima kebijakan (sasaran kebijakan); f. Sumberdaya yang tersedia. Sumber daya yang dialokasikan dalam kebijakan juga akan mempengaruhi implementasinya. Jumlah sumber daya yang besar akan mempermudah implementasi kebijakan; Konteks kebijakan, meliputi :

a. Kekuasaan, kepentingan dan strategi aktor yang terlibat; b. Karakteristik lembaga dan penguasa; c. Kepatuhan dan daya tanggap.


Gambar .2.2 Model Implementasi Kebijakan menurut Grindle dalam Wibawa (1994)

2.2.1 Karakteristik Model Kebijakan

Secara garis besar bahwa model dalam kebijakan publik itu memiliki karakteristik, sifat dan ciri tersendiri. Karakteristik tersebut antara lain ialah :

Model dalam kebijakan publik itu harus sederhana & jelas (clear). Ketepatan dalam indentifikasi aspek penting dalam problem kebijakan itu sendiri (precise).

Menolong untuk pengkomunikasian (communicable). Usaha langsung untuk 13

memehami kebijakan publik secara lebih baik (manageable). Memberikan penjelasana & memprediksi konsekuensi (consequences).

2.2.2. Model Pembuatan Kebijakan

Ada beberapa pendapat para ahli seperti Yehezkel Dror, Thomas R. Dye,

Nicholas Henry, Amitai Etzioni (Islamy, 2006 : 40-79) yang mengemukakan tipologi dan variasinya tentang analisa model dalam hal pembuatan kebijakan, di mana model pembuatan kebijakan berkembang sesuai dengan kondisi real yang ada. Beberapa tipologi dan variasi dalam model perumusan kebijakan negara antara lainnya adalah : Model Elit

Kebijakan publik dalam model elite dapat dikemukakan sebagai preferensi dari nilai-nilai elite yang berkuasa. Teori model elite menyarankan bahwa rakyat dalam hubungannya dengan kebijakan publik hendaknya dibuat apatis atau miskin informasi. Dalam model elite lebih banyak mencerminkan kepentingan dan nilai- nilai elite dibandingkan dengan memperhatikan tuntutan-tuntutan rakyat banyak.

Sehingga perubahan kebijakan publik hanyalah dimungkinkan sebagai suatu hasil dari merumuskan kembali nilai-nilai elite tersebut yang dilakukan oleh elite itu sendiri. Dalam model ini ada dua lapisan kelompok sosial :

1) Lapisan atas, dengan jumlah yang sangat kecil (elit) yang selalu mengatur. 2) Lapisan tengah adalah pejabat dan administrator. 14

3) Lapisan bawah (massa) dengan jumlah yang sangat besar sebagai yang diatur. Isu kebijakan yang akan masuk agenda perumusan kebijakan merupakan kesepakatan dan juga hasil konflik yang terjadi diantara elit politik sendiri. Sementara masyarakat tidak memiliki kekuatan untuk mempengaruhi dan menciptakan opini tentang isu kebijakan yang seharusnya menjadi agenda politik di tingkat atas. Sementara birokrat/administrator hanya menjadi mediator bagi jalannya informasi yang mengalir dari atas ke bawah. Model Kelompok

Model kelompok merupakan abstraksi dari proses pembuatan kebijakan.

Dimana beberapa kelompok kepentingan berusaha untuk mempengaruhi isi dan bentuk kebijakan secara interaktif. Dengan demikian pembuatan kebijakan terlihat sebagai upaya untuk menanggapi tuntutan dari berbagai kelompok kepentingan dengan cara bargaining, negosiasi dan kompromi.

Tuntutan-tuntutan yang saling bersaing diantara kelompok-kelompok yang berpengaruh dikelola. Sebagai hasil persaingan antara berbagai kelompok kepentingan pada hakikatnya adalah keseimbangan yang tercapai dalam pertarungan antar kelompok dalam memperjuangkan kepentingan masing-masing pada suatu waktu. Agar supaya pertarungan ini tidak bersifat merusak, maka sistem politik berkewajiban untuk mengarahkan konflik kelompok. Caranya adalah :

1) Menetapkan aturan permainan dalam memperjuangkan kepentingan kelompok. 15

2) Mengutamakan kompromi dan keseimbangan kepentingan. 3) Enacting kompromi tentang kebijakan publik. 4) Mengusakan perwujudan hasil kompromi.

Kelompok kepentingan yang berpengaruh diharapkan dapat mempengaruhi perubahan kebijakan publik. Tingkat pengaruh kelompok ditentukan oleh jumlah anggota, harta kekayaan, kekuatan organisasi, kepemimpinan, hubungan yang erat dengan para pembuat keputusan, kohesi intern para anggota dsb. Model kelompok dapat dipergunakan untuk menganalisis proses pembuatan kebijakan publik. Menelaah kelompok-kelompok apakan yang paling berkompetensi untuk mempengaruhi pebuatan kebijakan publik dan siapakan yang memiiki pengaruh paling kuat terhadap keputusan yang dibuat.

Pada tingkat impelemntasi, kompetensi antar kelompok juga merupakan salah satu faktor yang menentukan efektifitas bebijkan dalam mencapai tujuan. Model Institusional

Hubungan antara kebijakan (policy) dengan institusi pemerintah sangat dekat. Suatu kebijakan tidak akan menjadi kebijakan publik kecuali jika diformulasikan, serta diimplementasi oleh lembaga pemerintah. Menurut Thomas dye (Thoha, 2004 : 97-98. Islamy, 2006 : 43-44 ) dalam konteks kebijakan publik, lembaga pemerintahan memberikan tiga karakteristik atau ciri-ciri utama, yaitu :

1) Legitimasi (pengesahan) terhadap kebijakan negara. Oleh karenanya, kebijakan negara menjadi kewajiban-kewajiban hukum yang harus dilaksanakan oleh semua warga negara. 16

2) Universalitas, hanya kebijakan negara yang mampu menjangkau semua warga dalam suatu negara, dan tidak satu orangpun yang mampu menghindar dari suatu keputusan kebijakan yang telah diambil pemerintah.

3) Paksaan, hanya pemerintah yang memegang hak monopoli untuk memaksakan secara sah kebijakan-kebijakannya kepada anggota masyarakat, sehingga pemerintah dapat memberikan sanksi pada warga masyarakat yang tidak mematuhinya.

Lembaga pemerintah yang melakukan tugas kebijakan-kebijakan adalah: lembaga legislatif, eksekutif dan judikatif. Termasuk juga didalamnya adalah lembaga pemerintah daerah dan yang ada dibawahnya. Masyarakat harus patuh karena adanya legitimasi politik yang berhak untuk memaksakan kebijakan tersebut. Kebijakan tersebut kemudian diputuskan dan dilaksanakan oleh institusi pemerintah. Undang-undanglah yang menetapkan kelembagaan negara dalam pembuatan kebijkaan. Oleh karenanya pembagaian kekuasanaan melakukan checks dan balances. Otonomi daerah juga memberikan nuansa kepada kebijakan publik. Model Inkrimental

Model ini merupakan kritik pada model rasional. Pada model ini para pembuat kebijakan pada dasarnya tidak mau melakukan peninjauan secara konsisten terhadap seluruh kebijakan yang dibuatnya, karena beberapa alasan, yaitu : 17

1) Tidak punya waktu, intelektualitas, maupun biaya untuk penelitian terhadap nilai-nilai sosial masyarakat yang merupakan landasan bagi perumusan tujuan kebijakan.

2) Adanya kekhawatiran tentang bakal munculnya dampak yang tidak diinginkan sebagai akibat dari kebijakan yang belum pernah dibuat sebelumnya.

3) Adanya hasil-hasil program dari kebijakan sebelumnya yang harus dipertahankan demi kepentingan tertentu.

4) Menghindari konflik jika harus melakukan proses negosiasi yang melelahkan bagi kebijakanbaru. Model Sistem Teori (Policy as sytem output)

Pendekatan sistem ini diperkenalkan oleh David Eston dalam “The

Political System” (Islamy, 2006 : 50), yang melakukan analogi dengan sistem biologi. Pada dasarnya sistem biologi merupakan proses interaksi antara organisme dengan lingkungannya, yang akhirnya menciptakan kelangsungan dan perubahan hidup yang relatif stabil. Ini kemudian dianalogikan dengan kehidupan sistem politik. Pada dasarnya terdapat tiga komponen utama dalam pendekatan sistem, yaitu: Input, Proses dan Output. Nilai utama model sistem terhadap analisis kebijakan, adalah :

1) Apa karakteristik sistem politik yang dapat merubah permintaan menjadi kebijakan publik dan memuaskan dari waktu ke waktu. 2) Bagaimana input lingkungan berdampak kepada karakteristik sistem politik. 18

3) Bagaimana karakteristik sistem politik berdampak pada isi kebijakan publik. 4) Bagaimana input lingkungan berdampak pada isi kebijakan publik. 5) Bagaimana kebijakan publik berdampak melalui umpan balik pada lingkungan. Proses tidak berakhir disini, karena setiap hasil keputusan merupakan keluaran sistem politik akan mempengaruhi lingkungan. Selanjutnya perubahan lingkunagn inilah yang akan memepengruhi demands dan support dari masyarakat. Salah satu kelemahan dari model ini adalah terpusatnya perhatian pada tindakan-tindakan yang dilakukan oleh pemerintah. Seringkali terjadi bahwa apa yang diputusakan oleh permerintah memberi kesan telah dilakukannya suatu tindakan, yang sebenarnya hanya untuk memelihara ketenangan/kestabilan.

Persoalan yang muncul dari pendekatan ini adalah dalam proses penentuan tujuan itu sendiri. Model Rasional

Kebijakan rasional diartikan sebagai kebijakan yang mampu mencapai keuntungan sosial tertinggi. Hasil dari kebijakan ini harus memberikan keuntungan bagi masyarakat yang telah membayar lebih, dan pemerintah mencegah kebijakan bila biaya melebihi manfaatnya. Untuk membuat kebijakan yang rasional, maka pembuat kebijakan harus :

1) Mengetahui semua keinginan masyarakat dan bobotnya.

2) Mengetahui semua alternatif yang tersedia.

3) Mengetahui semua konsekwensi alternatif. 19

4) Menghitung rasio pencapaian nilai sosial terhadap setiap alternatif.

5) Memilih alternatif kebijakan yang paling efisien.

Asumsi rasionalitas adalah preferensi masyarakat harus dapat diketahui dan dinilai/bobotnya. Harus diketahui nilai-nilai masyarakat secara konprehensif.

Informasi alternatif dan kemampuan menghitung secara akurat tentang rasio biaya dan manfaat. Aplikasi sistem pengambilan keputusan. Pada dasarnya nilai dan kecenderungan yang berkembang dalam masyarakat tidak dapat terdeteksi secara menyeluruh, sehingga menyulitkan bagi pembuat kebijakan untuk mementukan arah kebijakana yang akan dibuat. Pada akhirnya pendekatan rasional ini cukup problematis dalam hal siapa yang menilai suatu kebijakan. Bersifat rasionalitas ataukan tidak. Model Proses

Aktivitas politik dilakukan melalui kelompok yang memiliki hubungan dengan kebijakan publik. Hasilnya adalah suatu kebijakan yang berisi :

Identifikasi/pengenalan Masalah, Perumusan Agenda, Formulasi Kebijakan,

Adopsi Kebijakan, Implementasi Kebijakan, Evaluasi Kebijakan. Model pilihan publik (Opini Publik) seharusnya ada keterkaitan antara opini publik dengan kebijakan publik. Sehingga tidak timbul perdebatan kapan opini publik seharusnya menjadi faktor penentu terpenting yang sangat berpengaruh kepada kebijakan publik. Contoh Model kebijakan dalam pelaksanaan retribusi Parkir.

Pada dasarnya kebijakan pemerintah dapat dipengaruhi oleh lingkungan, dimana sistem terpengaruh oleh lingkungan sehingga kebijakan yang diambil akibat 20

pengaruh lingkungan terhadap sebuah sistem politik. Sistem politik melalui pemilihan langsung oleh masyarakat menjadikan pengambil kebijakan dapat dipengaruhi oleh tuntutan-tuntutan masyarakat, hal ini disebabkan oleh keinginan mempertahankan status quo oleh pemegang kebijakan.

Dalam sistem politik Indonesia, pengambil kebijakan dan pelaksana kebijakan adalah eksekutif, proses pengambil kebijakan harus melalui lembaga legislatif sebagai lembaga legitimate dalam membuat kebijakan. Sistem ini dapat terpengaruh oleh tuntutan-tuntutan masyarakat sebab adanya andil masyarakat dalam sistem pemilihan pengambil kebijakan.

Konsep Kebijakan mengenai retribusi parkir oleh Pemerintah Kota

Bengkulu pada awalnya telah disiapkan oleh para administrator di pemerintahan yaitu dengan melakukan lelang kepada pihak ketiga, kebijakan tersebut akan dituangkan pada peraturan walikota, akan tetapi para petugas parkir yang menuntut pemerintah daerah kota bengkulu agar tidak melakukan lelang zonasi parkir kepada pihak ketiga membuktikan bahwa adanya pengaruh lingkungan- sistem politik terhadap pengambilan kebijakan oleh pemerintah daerah.

Pada awalnya pemerintah berkeinginan melakukan lelang zonasi parkir dengan tujuan untuk meningkatkan PAD Daerah Kota Bengkulu dengan target pencapaian hingga 3,6 milyar rupiah. Kebijakan yang akan dilakukan ini tentunya mendapat respon oleh para petugas parkir di Kota Bengkulu, sehingga adanya tuntutan untuk membatalkan lelang zonasi parkir melalui demonstrasi oleh para petugas parkir. 21

Meningat sistem politik di Indonesia saat ini adalah sistem pemilihan langsung dimana semua pengambil kebijakan ingin mempertahankan status quo melalui pemilihan dan berharap pencitraan yang positif dikalangan masyarakat.

Begitu juga para legitimated di lembaga DPRD Kota Bengkulu pun ikut memperjuangkan aspirasi petugas parkir tersebut dengan harapan bahwa mereka bisa dianggap wakil rakyat yang mengerti dan mampu mengaspirasi keinginan rakyat, sehingga munculah dukungan-dukungan terhadap tuntutan para petugas parkir.

Lingkungan melalui tuntutan dan dukungan merupakan input yang berpengaruh terhadap sistem politik sehingga kebijakan pembatalan pelelangan zona parkir merupakan out put dari sebuah sistem politik pengambil kebijakan yaitu eksekutif. Konsep-konsep yang telah dipersiapkan oleh para administrator ternyata dapat berubah karena pengaruh dari lingkungan terhadap sistem politik dimana tuntutan-tuntutan yang kemudian mendapatkan dukungan mempengaruhi sistem, sehingga keputusan-keputusan yang dihasilkan adalah pengaruh dari input.

Target pencapaian retribusi parkir seolah diabaikan tetapi tuntutan petugas parkir diakomodir yang hanya menyatakan sanggup menyetorkan retribusi 2,5 milyar.

Out put yang dihasilkan tidak lagi berorientasi pada peningkatan PAD tetapi lebih pada stabilitas dan ketenangan, Out put yang dihasilkan menurut model sistem merupakan untuk memelihara ketenangan/kestabilan saja, sebab adanya keinginan mempertahankan status quo pada pemilihan kepala daerah serta pencitraan yang dilakukan oleh lembaga legislatif. Berdasarkan paparan di atas dapat disimpulkan sebagai berikut : 22

1) Model-model dalam kebijakan publik merupakan beberapa alternatif pilihan dalam mementukan kebjakan apa yang paling tepat yang akan diputuskan dan dilaksanakan.

2) Ketika suatu kebijakan telah diputuskan, maka seluruh komponen harus saling bekerjasama, membantu dalam merealisasikannya

3) Pilihan kepada salah satu model kebijakan, merupakan suatu upaya untuk mementukan arah kedepan yang lebih baik.

4) Orientasi kebijakan publik tidak hanya menyenangkan dan memuaskan satu golongan tertentu saja, melaikan harus bersifat universal dan menyeluruh.

5) Kebijakan Pemerintah Kota Bengkulu terhadap retribusi parkir dikarenakan adanya tuntutan dan dukungan sehingga merubah karakteristik sistem politik dalam pengambilan kebijakan retribusi parkir tersebut.

2.3. Konsep Implementasi Kebijakan

Berbagai literatur yang mengkaji implementasi kebijakan memaparkan bahwa implementasi kebijakan, tidak hanya membahas berkaitan dengan mekanisme operasional kebijakan ke dalam prosedur-prosedur birokrasi melainkan juga terkait dengan masalah konflik keputusan. Oleh karena itu, guna memahami proses implementasi kebijakan, kiranya penting untuk memahami beberapa konsep implementasi kebijakan yang telah dikemukakan oleh para pakar kebijakan publik, untuk dijadikan rujukan dalam menstrukturkan konsep teoritik dalam penelitian ini. 23

Implementasi kebijakan menurut Dye (2002 : 50) : “Implementation involves all the activities designed to carry out the policies enacted by the legislative branch”. Pemikiran ini menjelaskan bahwa pelaksanaan kebijakan publik merupakan pelaksanaan yang meliputi segala kegiatan yang dipolakan untuk menyelenggarakan kebijakan yang telah ditetapkan oleh lembaga legislatif.

Penekanan implementasi kebijakan pada keputusan-keputusan yang telah ditetapkan lembaga-lembaga, yang memiliki kewenangan untuk menetapkan peraturan yang mengikat kepentingan publik, sejalan dengan pendapat

Mazmanian dan Sabatier (Agustino, 2014 : 61) sebagai berikut :

“Implementasi kebijakan publik merupakan pelaksanaan keputusan

kebijaksanaan dasar, biasanya dalam bentuk undang-undang, namun dapat pula berbentuk perintah-perintah atau keputusan-keputusan eksekutif yang penting atau keputusan badan peradilan. Lazimnya keputusan tersebut mengidentifikasi masalah yang ingin diatasi, menyebutkan secara tegas tujuan atau sasaran yang ingin dicapai dan berbagai cara untuk menstrukturkan atau mengatur proses implementasinya”.

Sementara itu, Meter dan Horn (Winarno, 2004 : 102) mengemukakan pendapatnya mengenai implementasi kebijakan, yang lebih menekankan pada tindakan-tindakan para pelaksana kebijakan, untuk mencapai tujuan sesuai keputusan-keputusan yang telah ditetapkan dalam kebijakan, adapun pendapatnya seperti berikut :

“Tindakan-tindakan yang dilakukan baik oleh individu-individu atau pejabat-pejabat atau kelompok-kelompok pemerintah atau swasta yang diarahkan pada tercapainya tujuan-tujuan yang telah digariskan dalam keputusan kebijaksanaan”. 24

Merujuk pada pemikiran-pemikiran dari ketiga ahli tersebut di atas, memberikan pemahaman pada peminat studi kebijakan publik, ada beberapa hal yang mendasar dalam implementasi kebijakan publik, yang meliputi tentang tujuan atau sasaran kebijakan, aktivitas atau kegiatan pencapaian tujuan, dan hasil kegiatan yang dicapai. Dengan kata lain bahwa implementasi kebijakan merupakan suatu proses yang dinamis dan berkesinambungan. Para pelaksana kebijakan melaksanakan kegiatan, sehingga mendapatkan suatu hasil yang sesuai dengan tujuan atau sasaran kebijakan tersebut.

Berikutnya, pendapat yang dirujuk dari Grindle (Tachyan, 2008 : 25), di mana pemikirannya menjelaskan bahwa implementasi kebijakan publik memiliki keterkaitan dengan tindakan-tindakan dalam administrasi, sebagaimana pandangannya yang dinyatakan berikut ini : “Public policy implementation a general process of administrative action that can be investigated at specific program level”. Bila mengacu pada pernyataan tersebut, sesungguhnya telah memberikan pemahaman bahwa implementasi kebijakan publik merupakan setiap proses kegiatan administratif secara keseluruhan, yang dilakukan setelah kebijakan ditetapkan/disetujui. Jadi dengan demikian, pelaksanaan kebijakan mengandung makna sebagai suatu keputusan yang berisi berbagai tingkatan mengenai rencana-rencana maupun program-program telah ditetapkan dan harus dilaksanakan oleh pemerintah sebagai pelaksana kebijakan, melalui perangkatnya berupa lembaga-lembaga adminstratif sesuai bidang tugas, fungsi dan tingkatannya dari masing-masing satuan kerja di lingkungan lembaga 25

administratif tersebut, dalam rangka melaksanakan program yang telah ditetapkan, dengan maksud untuk mencapai keberhasilan pelaksanaan program, sehingga dapat mencapai sasaran rencana-rencana maupun program-program tersebut.

Pelaksanaan kebijakan baik oleh lembaga pemerintah maupun lembaga swasta, akan tergantung pada keadaan negara bersangkutan oleh karena itu, sering terjadi tingkat perbedaan keberhasilan dalam pelaksanaan kebijakan. Hal ini, sangat dipengaruhi juga oleh suatu kenyataan kondisi negara bersangkutan, apakah masih dalam kategori berkembang, atau negara tersebut sudah dianggap negara maju. Selain itu, pada dasarnya keberhasilan dalam implementasi kebijakan ditentukan juga oleh kegiatan-kegiatan yang meliputi proses perencanaan, pengendalian dan pengawasan, dalam pelaksanaan kebijakan itu sendiri.

Pertimbangan dan pemahaman tersebut di atas, sesuai rujukan berdasarkan pemikiran Nugroho (2015 : 213), di mana pandangannya untuk memahami keberhasilan dalam proses implementasi kebijakan perlu mempertimbangkan kondisi suatu negara sebagai berikut :

“Di negara-negara maju, ketika institusional masyarakat sudah mapan, keberhasilan implementasi kebijakan sebagian besar berasal dari perumusan kebijakan yang sangat bagus dan perencanaan. Hal ini berbeda dengan realitas dan berasal dari negara berkembang seperti Indonesia. Keberhasilan kebijakan publik di negara berkembang 20% berasal dari perumusan atau perencanaan yang sangat bagus, sedangkan 60% berkontribusi dari implementasi yang genius, dan dari seberapa berhasil dalam kontrol implementasi”.


Mengacu pada pertimbangan tersebut di atas, telah memberikan pemahaman kepada analis kebijakan publik, bahwa keberhasilan implementasi kebijakan dalam mencapai tujuaanya, dapat mencapai sebesar 60%. Peran implementasi kebijakan dalam mencapai tujuannya, ditentukan oleh tiga alasan yang meliputi : Pertama, alasan dalam hal perumusan. Kebijakan mungkin menjadi terlalu sulit untuk diimplementasikan karena dirumuskan dengan tidak jelas atau ragu-ragu sehingga pelaksana kebijakan tidak mampu untuk melaksanakannya. Kedua, alasan karena adanya kontrol yang lemah dalam implementasi kebijakan sehingga terjadi bias, baik disengaja maupun tidak disengaja atau terjadi penyalahgunaan. Ketiga, adalah tentang pemerintahan, atau entitas politik bahwa legislatif mungkin menjadikan agenda politik yang berbeda dengan eksekutif, oleh karena itu mereka cenderung melakukan sabotase kebijakan yang disiapkan oleh eksekutif.

Sehubungan dengan berbagai pertimbangan tersebut di atas, selanjutnya

Nugroho (2015 : 214) memberikan gambarannya dalam bentuk suatu model faktor yang menentukan keberhasilan kebijakan publik, yang dapat dilihat sebagai berikut : 27

Gambar 2.3. : Faktor yang Menentukan Keberhasilan Kebijakan Publik. Sumber : Riant Nugroho (2015 : 214)

Nugroho (2015 : 15) menambahkan bahwa keberhasilan kebijakan dalam mencapai tujuannya ditentukan pula oleh faktor perilaku dari aktor pelaksana kebijakan, sehingga kebijakan yang diimplementasika dapat mencapai sasarannya, adapun pernyataannya itu adalah : “Perilaku merupakan variabel dari implementasi kebijakan. Variabel perilaku lebih menentukan keberhasilan dan kegagalan implementasi kebijakan”. Berdasarkan beberapa pertimbangan ini, telah memberikan penjelasan bahwa dalam proses implementasi kebijakan, indikasinya dapat dilihat dari bagaimana substansi kebijakan itu di rumuskan dalam perencanaan yang menghasilkan program-program atau rencana yang akan direalisasikan. 28

Selanjutnya, adalah ketika rencana atau program kebijakan tersebut akan dilaksanakan, maka perlu juga ditentukan siapa aktor pelaksananya dan target/sasaran apa yang dipengaruhi oleh implementasi kebijakan itu sendiri.

Implementasi kebijakan memiliki peran yang besar dalam mencapai keberhasilan dan tujuan kebijakan, oleh karena itu dalam pelaksanaan kebijakan diperlukan kontrol dari pejabat di atasnya, terhadap perilaku para aktor pelaksana kebijakan, sehingga perilaku aktor pelaksana kebijakan dapat diarahkan untuk pencapaian target dari sasaran kebijakan.

Berdasarkan pemikiran di atas, maka peranan administrator publik meliputi tugas dan fungsi untuk melaksanakan setiap kebijakan untuk tercapainya tujuan kebijakan tersebut. Implementasi kebijakan pada dasarnya juga mengukur akan keberhasilan atau kegagalan suatu hasil kebijakan yang secara nyata dilaksanakan dilapangan oleh para implementator dan bagaimana dampaknya terhadap masyarakat maupun stakeholder-nya, sebagaimana dikemukakan oleh

Saefullah (2007 : 39):

“Pada tingkat pelaksanaan kebijakan menyangkut bagaimana atau sejauhmana suatu kebijakan bisa dilaksanakan dalam dunia nyata. Pemahaman tentang pelaksanaan kebijakan bukan hanya dimiliki oleh aparat lembaga dan aparat pelaksana, tetapi juga oleh masyarakat atau pihak-pihak yang menjadi sasaran kebijakan”.

Pernyataan di atas, sebenarnya menunjukan bahwa peran, tugas dan fungsi administrator publik, yang akan menentukan berjalan, berhasil atau tidaknya suatu kebijakan, yang telah ditetapkan oleh para policy maker, serta merupakan jembatan penghubung antara yang diamanatkan negara bagi kepentingan 29

masyarakat, untuk menerima dan merasakan setiap implementasi kebijakan yang dilaksanakan oleh para administrator publik melalui pendekatan yang kondusif dan intensif melalui sosialisasi kebijakan sebagai langkah pertama, sebagaimana dikemukakan oleh Saefullah (2007 : 39), bahwa :

“Langkah awal dalam pelaksanaan kebijakan adalah melakukan sosialisasi agar kebijakan yang bersangkutan diketahui, dimengerti, dan diterima oleh semua pihak yang bersangkutan”. Peran pendekatan melalui sosialisasi yang intensif oleh administrator secara persuasif akan menunjang terhadap terealisasinya implementasi kebijakan melalui setiap program atau kegiatan pemerintah dengan baik dan lancar”.

Kondisi lembaga publik dan peran administrator publik sebagai perangkat lembaga pelaksana kebijakan publik tertentu, harus mampu mensosialisasikan kebijakan yang telah ditetapkannya. Oleh karena itu, berhasil tidaknya suatu kebijakan mencapai harapan dan sasarannya, kiranya perlu didukung oleh kemampuan lembaga dan Sumberdaya manusia yang memadai, seperti halnya

Katz (Tachjan, 2006 : 74) menyatakan :

“Ketidak berhasilan dalam implementasi kebijakan disebabkan karena petugas-petugas pemerintah tidak memiliki pengetahuan dan kemampuan yang cukup untuk merencanakan dan menegakkan organisasi-organisasi, lembaga-lembaga dan cara-cara yang penting artinya bagi pembangunan di negara mereka sendiri”.

2.4. Model dalam Proses Implementasi Kebijakan

Model dalam proses implementasi kebijakan tersebut dimaksudkan untuk memberikan gambaran secara teoritis, bagaimana unsur-unsur dalam proses 30

pelaksanaan kebijakan dapat dilakukan untuk keberhasilan dalam mencapai target kebijakan tersebut. Sebelum menguraikan model-model kebijakan yang dikemukakan oleh para pakar kebijakan publik, yang telah diakui kebenarannya oleh para peminat studi kebijakan publik diberbagai Negara.

Penyajian beberapa model implementasi kebijakan dari para pakar kebijakan publik, yang akan dipaparkan dalam bagian ini, dimaksudkan untuk memahami bagaimana proses implementasi kebijakan tersebut, untuk itu, perlu penyederhanaan dari konsep implementasi kebijakan, atau yang disebut sebagai model. Hal ini, dijelaskan pula oleh Winarno (2014 : 178) : “Untuk memahami model implementasi kebijakan perlu menyederhanakan, dan untuk menyederhanakan perlu merinci penjelasan-penjelasan tentang implementasi dalam komponen-komponen utama”. Patut diperhatikan di sini, bahwa implementasi dari setiap kebijakan, merupakan suatu proses yang dinamis yang mencakup banyak interaksi dan banyak variable. Oleh karenanya, tidak ada variable tunggal dalam proses implementasi, sehingga perlu dijelaskan keterkaitan antara suatu variabel dengan variable yang lain, dan bagaimana variable-varibel ini mempengaruhi proses implementasi kebijakan.

2.4.1. Model Edward III

Model implementasi kebijakan publik yang dikembangkan oleh Edward

III (Agustino, 2015 : 155), dengan melihat empat faktor atau variabel dalam implementasi kebijakan, sebagaimana diungkapkan sebagai berikut : 31

“Four critical factor or variable in implementing public policy : communication, resources, disposition or attitudes, and bureaucratic structure. Terdapat empat variabel yang sangat menentukan keberhasilan dalam implementasi suatu kebijakan baik secara langsung maupun tidak langsung. Dengan kata lain, komunikasi, sumberdaya, disposisi, dan struktur birokrasi”.

Selanjutnya dijelaskan pula, bahwa ke empat faktor yang berpengaruh terhadap implementasi kebijakan bekerja secara simultan, dan berinteraksi satu sama lain, untuk membantu implementasi kebijakan, maka pendekatan yang ideal adalah dengan cara merefleksikan kompleksitas ini dengan membahas semua faktor tersebut sekaligus.

Bagaimana mengenai gambaran model implementasi kebijakan publik yang dikembangkan oleh Edward III, dengan ke empat faktor atau variabel yang berpengaruh terhadap implementasi kebijakan, yang bekerja secara simultan dan berinteraksi satu sama lain, untuk membantu implementasi kebijakan, serta dapat menentukan secara langsung maupun tidak langsung keberhasilan implementasi kebijakan dapat dilihat di bawah ini : 32

Gambar 2.4. : Model Implementasi Kebijakan Langsung dan Tidak Langsung. Sumber : Edward III (Agustino, 2015 : 156).

Sehubungan dengan model implementasi kebijakan publik yang dikemukakan di atas, kemudian dijelaskan oleh Edwards III (Agustino, 2015 :

157-163), adapun secara ringkas peneliti simpulkan sebagai berikut :

Variabel komunikasi sangat menentukan keberhasilan pencapaian tujuan dari pelaksanaan kebijakan. Selanjutnya dijelaskan pula bahwa pelaksanaan kebijakan yang efektif terjadi, apabila para pembuat keputusan sudah mengetahui apa yang akan dikerjakan. Pengetahuan atas apa yang akan dikerjakan dapat berjalan apabila komunikasi berjalan dengan baik, sehingga setiap keputusan dan peraturan pelaksanaan harus ditransmisikan (dikomunikasikan) kepada para pelaksana di lapangan dengan tepat. Terdapat tiga indikator dalam mengukur keberhasilan variabel komunikasi yaitu :

a. Transmisi : penyaluran komunikasi yang baik akan dapat menghasilkan suatu implementasi yang baik pula; b. Kejelasan : komunkasi yang diterima oleh para pelaksana kebijakan haruslah jelas dan tidak membingungkan; c. Konsistensi : perintah yang diberikan dalam pelaksanaan suatu komunikasi haruslah konsisten dan jelas untuk diterapkan dan 33

dijalankan. Selanjutnya variabel kedua yang mempengaruhi implementasi kebijakan adalah sumber daya. Indikator ini terdiri dari beberapa elemen yaitu :

a. Staf : kegagalan yang sering terjadi dalam implementasi kebijakan salah satunya karena staf yang kurang mencukupi ataupun tidak kompeten dibidangnya, motivasi dalam melaksanakan tugas; b. Informasi : meliputi informasi yang berhubungan dengan cara bagaimana melaksanakan kebijakan, informasi mengenai data kepatuhan dari para pelaksana terhadap peraturan dan regulasi pemerintah yang ditetapkan; c. Wewenang : kewenangan merupakan otoritas atau legitimasi bagi para pelaksana kebijakan secara politik; d. Fasilitas : tanpa adanya fasilitas pendukung berupa sarana dan prasarana implementasi kebijakan tidak akan berhasil. Variabel ketiga adalah disposisi atau sikap pelaksanaan kebijakan, jika para pelaksana kebijakan bersikap baik karena menerima suatu kebijakan maka kemungkinan besar merekaakan melaksanakan secara bersungguh-sungguh seperti tujuan yangdiharapakannya. Sebaliknya jika perspektif dan tingkah laku parapelaksana berbeda dengan para pembuat kebijakan maka proses implementasi akan mengalami kesulitan. Berdasarkan penjelasan diatas bahwa dalam mendukung Dispositions dalam kesuksesan implementasi kebijakan harus adanya kesepakatan antara pembuat kebijakan dengan pelaku yang akan menjalankan kebijakan itu sendiri dan bagaimana mempengaruhi pelakukebijakan agar menjalakan sebuah kebijakan tanpa keluar dari tujuan yang telah ditetapkan demi terciptanya pelayanan publik yang baik.

Sikap para pelaksana sebagai faktor penentu dilaksanakan atau tidak dilaksanakannya suatu kebijakan publik. Adapun beberapa faktor yang dapat mempengaruhi dilaksanakan atau tidak dilaksanakannya suatu kebijakan publik, diantaranya meliputi :

a. Faktor Penentu dilaksanakannya Kebijakan, diantaranya : 34

a) Respeknya anggota masyarakat pada otoritas dan keputusan pemerintah; b) Adanya kesadaran untuk menerima kebijakan; c) Adanya sanksi hukum; d) Adanya kepentingan publik; e) Adanya kepentingan pribadi; f) Masalah waktu. b. Faktor penentu penolakan atau penundaan pelaksanaan kebijakan : a) Adanya kebijakan yang bertentangan dengan sistem nilai yang dianut; b) Tidak adanya kepastian hukum; c) Adanya keanggotaan seseorang dalam suatu organisasi; d) Adanya konsep ketidakpatuhan selektif terhadap hukum. Variabel keempat adalah struktur birokrasi. Birokrasi sebagai pelaksana harus dapat mendukung kebijakan yang telah diputuskan secara politik dengan jalan melakukan koordinasi dengan baik. Pelaksana kebijakan mungkin tahu apa yang harus dilakukan dan memiliki keinginan yang cukup dan sumber daya untuk melakukannya, tapi mereka mungkin masih terhambat di implementasi oleh struktur organisasi di mana mereka melayani. Dua karakteristik utama birokrasi adalah prosedures operasi standar (SOP) dan fragmentasi. Perihal yang pertama berkembang sebagai respon internal, untuk waktu yang terbatas, sumber daya pelaksana, dan keinginan untuk keseragaman kerjasama antar organisasi yang kompleks dan luas, serta merancang program baru, cara kerja baru, dan juga personil dalam melaksanakan kebijakan.

Perihal kedua berkaitan dengan fragmentasi merupakan kemampuan birokrasi dalam menghadapi faktor-faktor eksternal yang turut mempengaruhi birokrasi. Pengaruh terhadap birokrasi dapat berupa tekanan-tekanan dari luar birokrasi, seperti kelompok kepentingan, partai politik, Lembaga swadaya 35

Masyarakat (LSM), kelompok profesi, maupun tekanan dari anggota legislatif karena perbedaan kepentingan.

2.4.2. Model Daniel A. Mazmanian & Paul A. Sabatier

Model implementasi kebijakan yang dikembangkan oleh Mazmanian dan

Sabatier (Tachyan, 2008 : 57-60) dikenal dengan konsep model A Frame Work for

Implementations Analysis. Model ini, memjelaskan beberapa variabel yang dapat mempengaruhi tercapainya tujuan-tujuan dalam implementasi kebijakan, yang diklasifikasikan menjadi tiga kategori :

1. Tractability of the problem implementation (Mudah tidaknya masalah yang akan dilaksanakan/dikendalikan); 2. Ability of policy decision to structure (Kemampuan keputusan kebijakan untuk menstrukturkan secara tepat proses implementasinya); 3. Non statury variabel affecting implementation (Pengaruh langsung pelbagai varibel yang termasuk dalam keputusan kebijakan tersebut)”.

Berdasarkan model A Frame Work for Implementations Analysis tersebut di atas, dapat diketahui bahwa setiap kategori variabel terdiri dari beberapa dimensi. Sedangkan dimensi-dimensi tersebut dijelaskan oleh Mazmanian dan Sabatier (Tachyan, 2008 : 57-60) yaitu :

1. Mudah tidaknya masalah yang akan dilaksanakan/dikendalikan, dengan indikator : 1) kesukaran kesukaran teknis; 2) keragaman perilaku kelompok sasaran; 3) prosentase kelompok sasaran sebanding jumlah jumlah penduduk; 4) Ruang lingkup perubahan perilaku yang diinginkan. 2. Kemampuan keputusan kebijakan untuk menstrukturkan secara tepat proses implementasinya, dengan indikator : 1) Kejelasan dan konsistensi tujuan; 2) Digunakannya teori kausal yang memadai; 36

3) Ketepatan alokasi sumber dana; 4) Keterpaduan hierarki dalam dan diantara lembaga pelaksana; 5) Aturan-aturan keputusan dari badan pelaksana; 6) Rekruitmen pejabat pelaksana; 7) Akses formal pihak luar. 3. Pengaruh langsung pelbagai varibel yang termasuk dalam keputusan kebijakan, dengan indikator : 1) Kondisi sosio-ekonomi dan teknologi; 2) Dukungan publik; 3) Sikap dan sumber-sumber yang dimiliki kelompok-kelompok; 4) Dukungan dari pejabat atasan; 5) Komitmen dan kemampuan kepemimpinan pejabat-pejabat pelaksana.

Berkaitan dengan Model A Frame Work for Implementations Analysis, Mazmanian dan Sabatier (Tachyan, 2008 : 58) bentuk gambarannya dapat dilihat di halaman berikutnya :


Gambar 2.5. : Model A Frame Work for Implementations Analysis. Sumber : Mazmanian dan Sabatier (Tachyan, 2008 : 58).

Adapun mengenai langkah-langkahnya dalam proses implementasi kebijakan sebagai variable yang dipengaruhi (Variabel Tergantung) menurut Mazmanian dan Sabatier (Tachyan, 2008 : 60), sebagaimana telah diuraikan di atas meliputi :


2.4.3. Model Nugroho

Nugroho (2011 : 619) mengemukakan model implementasi kebijakan dengan menyatakan pengembangan pemikirannya sebagai model sekuensi implementasi kebijakan, model tersebut pada prinsipnya menjelaskan bentuk pilihan-pilihan sebagai berikut :

“Model implementasi kebijakan menggambarkan suatu cara agar sebuah kebijakan dapat mencapai tujuannya. Oleh karena itu, untuk mengimplementasikan kebijakan ada dua pilihan, yaitu langsung mengimplementasikannya dalam bentuk program atau melalui formulasi kebijakan derivasinya atau turunannya”.

Sehubungan dengan hal di atas, selanjutnya dijelaskan bahwa kebijakan publik yang isi kebijakannya bersifat teknis dan operasional bisa langsung diimplementasikan melalui program, proyek, dan kegiatan, sehingga manfaatnya bisa langsung diterima atau dirasakan oleh sasaran kebijakan. Kebijakan seperti ini biasanya berbentuk peraturan-peraturan atau keputusan-keputusan pejabat atau pimpinan, untuk menangani suatu masalah tertentu yang bersifat khusus.

Sedangkan, mengenai kebijakan-kebijakan yang isi kebijakannya masih bersifat umum, dimana dalam hal pelaksanaannya memerlukan penyesuaian dengan situasi dan kondisi, karakteristik, lingkungan sosial-budaya dari sasaran kebijakan tersebut, biasanya dilakukan perumusan kebijakan turunannya atau derivasinya.

Kebijakan seperti ini biasanya berbentuk undang-undang dan peraturan-peraturan kelembagaan lainnya. Misalnya klebijakan yang mengatur mengenai penataan ruang dan wilayah, peraturan tentang pengendalian peredaran minuman keras. 39

Adapun, mengenai bentuk dan gambaran umum model sekuensi implementasi kebijakan publik Nugroho (2011:619) dapat dilihat di bawah ini :

Gambar 2.6. : Model Sekuensi Implementasi Kebijakan. Sumber : Nugroho (2011:619).

2.5. Pengertian Pariwisata

Menurut Kodyat (2001) pariwisata adalah perjalanan dari suatu tempat ke tempat lain, bersifat sementara, dilakukan perorangan atau kelompok, sebagai usaha mencari keseimbangan atau keserasian dan kebahagian dengan lingkungan dalam dimensi sosial, budaya, alam dan ilmu. Sementara, Burkart dan Medlik

(Bram, 2006) menjelaskan pariwisata sebagai suatu trasformasi orang untuk sementara dan dalam waktu jangka pendek ke tujuan-tujuan di luar tempat di 40

mana mereka biasanya hidup dan bekerja, dan kegiatan-kegiatan mereka selama tinggal di tempat-tempat tujuan itu.

Sedangkan Wahab (2003) menjelaskan pariwisata adalah salah satu jenis industri baru yang mampu menghasilkan pertumbuhan ekonomi yang cepat dalam penyediaan lapangan kerja peningkatan penghasilan, standar hidup serta menstimulasi sektor-sektor produktivitas lainnya. Sebagai sektor yang kompleks, pariwisata juga meliputi industri-industri klasik, seperti kerajinan tangan dan cindera mata, penginapan, transportasi secara ekonomi juga dipandang sebagai industri.

Menurut pendapat Pitana (2009:54) pariwisata adalah aktifitas dari visitor,orang yang melakukan perjalanan kedan tinggal di tempat diluar tempatnya tinggalnya sehari-hari utnuk periode tidak lebih dari 12 bulan untuk beragam kegiatan leisure, bisnis, agama dan alasan pribadi lainnya tetapi tidak mendapatkan upah/gaji dari perjalanannya tersebut.

Di dalam Undang-Undang Republik Indonesia Nomor 10 Tahun 2009 tentang Kepariwisataan, menyatakan bahwa:

1. Wisata adalah kegiatan perjalanan yang dilakukan oleh seseorang atau

sekelompok orang dengan mengunjungi tempat tertentu untuk tujuan

rekreasi, pengembangan pribadi, atau mempelajari keunikan daya tarik

wisata yang dikunjungi dalam jangka waktu sementara.

2. Wisatawan adalah orang yang melakukan wisata. 41

3. Pariwisata adalah berbagai macam kegiatan wisata dan didukung berbagai

fasilitas serta layanan yang disediakan oleh masyarakat, pengusaha,

Pemerintah, dan Pemerintah Daerah.

4. Kepariwisataan adalah keseluruhan kegiatan yang terkait dengan

pariwisata dan bersifat multidimensi serta multidisiplin yang muncul

sebagai wujud kebutuhan setiap orang dan negara serta interaksi antara

wisatawan dan masyarakat

2.6. Berbagai Macam Bentuk Wisata

Pariwisata memiliki berbagai macam bentuk kegiatan wisata yang dapat disesuaikan dengan minat ataupun kebutuhan wisatawan. Kegiatan wisata yang dilakukan memiliki tujuan tertentu yang mendatangkan manfaat tersendiri bagi masing-masing wisatawan. Menurut Suwantoro (2004) terdapat beberapa macam perjalanan wisata bila ditinjau dari berbagai macam segi, yaitu:

1) Dari segi jumlahnya, wisatawan dibedakan atas:

a. Wisatawan perorangan (Individual Tour)), yaitu suatu perjalanan wisata

yang dilakukan oleh satu orang atau sepasang suami-isteri.

b. Wisatawan keluarga (Family Group Tour), yaitu suatu perjalanan

wisata yang dilakukan oleh serombongan keluarga yang masih

mempunyai hubungan kekerabatan satu sama lain. 42

c. Wisatawan rombongan (Group Tour), yaitu suatu perjalanan wisata

yang dilakukan bersama-sama dengan dipimpin oleh seorang yang

bertanggung jawab atas keselamatan dan kebutuhan anggotanya.

Biasanya paling sedikit 10 orang, dengan dilengkapi diskon dari

perusahaan principal bagi orang yang kesebelas. Potongan ini berkisar

antara 25 hingga 50 % dari ongkos penginapan atau penerbangan.

2) Dari segi kepengaturannya, wisata dibedakan atas:

a. Wisatawan berencana (Pra-arranged Tour), yaitu suatu perjalanan

wisata yang jauh hari sebelumnya telah diatur segala sesuatunya, baik

transportasi, akomodasi maupun objek-objek yang akan dikunjungi.

b. Paket wisata (Package Tour), yaitu perusahaan Biro Perjalanan Wisata

yang telah bekerja sama menyelenggarakan paket wisata yang

mencakup biaya perjalanan, hotel, ataupun fasilitas lainya yang

merupakan suatu komposisi perjalanan yang disusun guna memberikan

kemudahan dan kepraktisan dalam melakukan perjalanan wisata.

c. Wisatawan terpimpin (Coach Tour), yaitu suatu paket perjalanan

ekskursi yang dijual oleh biro perjalanan dengan dipimpin oleh seorang

pemandu wisata dan merupakan perjalanan wisata yang dilakukan

secara rutin, dalam jangka waktu yang telah ditetapkan dan dengan rute

perjalanan yang tertentu pula. 43

d. Wisata khusus (Special Arranged Tour), yaitu suatu perjalanan wisata

yang disusun secara khusus guna memenuhi permintaan seorang

langganan atau lebih sesuai keinginannya.

e. Wisata tambahan (Optional Tour), yaitu suatu perjalanan wisata

tambahan di luar pengaturan yang telah disusun dan diperjanjikan

pelaksanaannya, yang dilakukan atas permintaan pelanggan.

3) Dari segi maksud dan tujuan, wisata dibedakan atas:

a. Wisata liburan (Holiday Tour), yaitu suatu perjalanan wisata yang

diselenggarakan dan diikuti oleh anggotanya guna berlibur, bersenang-

senang, dan menghibur diri.

b. Wisata pengenalan (Familiarization Tour), yaitu suatu perjalanan yang

dimaksudkan guna mengenal lebih lanjut bidang atau daerah yang

mempunyai kaitan dengan pekerjaanya.

c. Wisata pendidikan (Educational Tour), yaitu suatu perjalanan wisata

yang dimaksudkan untuk memberikan gambaran, studi perbandingan

ataupun pengetahuan mengenai bidang kerja yang dikunjunginya.

d. Wisata pengetahuan (Scientific Tour), yaitu perjalanan wisata yang

tujuan pokoknya adalah untuk memperoleh pengetahuan dan

penyelidikan terhadap sesuatu bidang ilmu pengetahuan.

e. Wisata keagamaan (Pileimage Tour), yaitu perjalanan wisata yang

dimaksudkan guna melakukan ibadah keagamaan. 44

f. Wisata kunjungan khsusus (Special Mission Tour), yaitu suatu

perjalanan wisata yang dilakukan dengan maksud khusus, misalnya

misi dagang, kesenian, dan lain-lain.

g. Wisata perburuan (Hunting Tour), yaitu suatu kunjungan wisata yang

dimaksudkan untuk menyelenggarakan perburuan binatang yang

diijinkan oleh penguasa setempat sebagai hiburan semata.

4) Dari segi penyelenggarannya, wisata dibedakan atas:

a. Ekskursi (Excursion), yaitu suatu perjalanan wisata jarak pendek yang

ditempuh kurang dari 24 jam guna mengunjungi satu atau lebih objek


b. Safari Tour, yaitu suatu perjalanan wisata yang diselenggarakan secara

khusus dengan perlengkapan maupun peralatan khusus yang tujuan

maupun objeknya bukan merupakan objek wisata pada umumnya.

c. Cruise Tour, yaitu perjalanan wisata dengan menggunakan kapal pesiar

mengunjungi objek-objek wisata bahari dan objek wisata di darat

dengan menggunakan kapal pesiar sebagai basis pemberangkatannya.

d. Wisata remaja (Youth Tour), yaitu kunjungan wisata yang

diselenggarakan khusus bagi para remaja menurut golongan umur yang

ditetapkan negara masing-masing.

e. Wisata bahari (Marine Tour), yaitu suatu kunjungn ke objek wisata

khususnya untuk menyaksikan keindahan lautan, misalnya menyelam

(wreck-diving) dengan perlengkapan selam lengkap. 45

Sedangkan yang disebut wisatawan adalah orang yang mengadakan perjalanan dari tempat kediamannya tanpa menetap ditempat yang didatanginya, atau hanya untuk sementara waktu tinggal ditempat yang didatanginya. Nyoman

S. Pendit (1999: 42-48) memperinci penggolongan pariwisata menjadi beberapa jenis yaitu:

1. Jenis dan Macam Pariwisata Berdasarkan Letak Geografis

a. Pariwisata Lokal (Local Tourism)

Pariwisata setempat yang mempunyai ruang lingkup relatif sempit dan

terbatas dalam tempat-tempat tertentu saja. Misalnya pariwisata kota

Bandung, DKI Jakarta, dan lain-lain.

b. Pariwisata Regional (Regional Tourism)

Pariwisata yang berkembang di suatu tempat atau daerah yang ruang

lingkupnya lebih luas bila dibandingkan dengan local tourism, tetapi

lebih sempit bila dibandingkan dengan national tourism. Misalnya

Pariwisata Sumatera Utara, Bali, dan lain-lain.

c. Pariwisata Nasional (National Tourism)

1) Pariwisata Nasional dalam arti sempit

Kegiatan pariwisata yang berkembang dalam wilayah suatu negara.

Pengertian ini sama halnya dengan “pariwisata dalam negeri” atau

domestic tourism, di mana titik beratnya orang-orang yang

melakukan perjalanan wisata adalah warga negara itu sendiri dan

warga asing yang berdomisili di negara tersebut. 46

2) Pariwsiata Nasional dalam arti luas

Kegiatan pariwisata yang berkembang dalam wilayah suatu negara,

selain kegiatan domestic tourism juga dikembangkan foreign

tourism, di mana di dalamnya termasuk in bound tourism dan out

going tourism. Jadi, selain adanya lalu lintas wisatawan di dalam

negeri sendiri, juga ada lalu lintas wisatawan dari luar negeri,

maupun dari dalam negeri ke luar negeri

3) Regional-International Tourism

Kegiatan Pariwisata yang berkembang di suatu wilayah

international yang terbatas, tetapi melewati batas-batas lebih dari

dua atau tiga negara dalam wilayah tersebut. Misalnya pariwisata

kawasan ASEAN, Timur Tengah, Asia Selatan, Eropa Barat, dan


4) International Tourism

5) Kegiatan pariwisata yang berkembang di seluruh negara di dunia

termasuk regional-international tourism dan national tourism.

2. Jenis dan Macam Pariwisata Menurut Alasan/Tujuan Pariwisata

a. Business Tourism

Jenis Pariwisata di mana pengunjungnya datang untuk tujuan dinas,

usaha dagang atau yang berhubungan dengan pekerjaan, meeting,

insentif, convention, exhabition (MICE).

b. Vacational Tourism 47

Jenis Pariwisata di mana orang-orang yang melakukan perjalanan

wisata terdiri dari orang-orang yang sedang berlibur atau

memanfaatkan waktu luang.

c. Educational Tourism

Jenis Pariwisata di mana pengunjung melakukan perjalanan untuk

tujuan studi atau mempelajari sesuatu di bidang ilmu pengetahuan.

Educational Tourism meliputi study tour atau dharmawisata. Dalam

bidang bahasa dikenal istilah polly glotisch, yaitu orang-orang yang

tinggal sementara waktu di suatu negara untuk mempelajari bahasa

negara tersebut.

3. Jenis dan Macam Pariwisata Menurut Objeknya

a. Cultural Tourism

Jenis Pariwisata di mana perjalanan dilakukan karena adanya

motivasi untuk melihat daya tarik dari seni-budaya suatu tempat

atau daerah. Objek kunjungannya adalah warisan nenek moyang

dan benda-benda kuno. Seringkali terbuka kesempatan bagi

wisatawan untuk mengambil bagian dalam suatu kegiatan

kebudayaan di tempat yang dikunjunginya.

b. Recuperational Tourism

Biasanya disebut sebagai pariwisata kesehatan. Tujuan wisatawan

melakukan perjalanan adalah untuk menyembuhkan suatu penyakit.

Seperti halnya mandi di sumber air panas, mandi lumpur yang 48

biasa dijumpai di Eropa, serta mandi kopi di Jepang yang diyakini

dapat membuat wajah terlihat awet muda. c. Commercial Tourism

Disebut sebagai pariwisata perdagangan, karena perjalanan wisata

ini dikaitkan dengan kegiatan perdagangan nasional atau

internasional, di mana sering diadakan expo, fair, exhabition, dan


Sport Tourism Biasanya disebut dengan istilah pariwisata olah

raga. Orang-orang yang melakukan perjalanan bertujuan untuk

melihat atau menyaksikan suatu event olah raga di suatu tempat

atau negara (dapat juga ikut berpartisipasi dalam kegiatan tersebut).

Misalnya Olympiade, All England, Pertandingan Tinju atau sepak

bola. d. Political Tourism

Biasanya disebut sebagai pariwisata politik, yaitu suatu perjalanan

yang tujuannya untuk melihat atau menyaksikan suatu peristiwa

yang berhubungan dengan kegiatan suatu negara. Misalnya

kemerdekaan suatu negara (Parade 1 Mei di Tiongkok, Parade 1

Oktober di Rusia, dan lainlain). e. Social Tourism

Pariwisata sosial jangan diasosiasikan sebagai suatu pariwisata

yang berdiri sendiri. Pengertian ini hanya dilihat dari segi

penyelenggaraannya saja yang tidak menekankan pada usaha untuk 49

mencari keuntungan. Misalnya study tour, youth tourism yang

dikenal dengan istilah pariwisata remaja.

f. Religion Tourism

Jenis pariwisata di mana tujuan perjalanan yang dilakukan adalah

untuk melihat atau menyaksikan upacara-upacara keagamaan.

Seperti halnya Ibadah Haji atau Umroh ke Mekaah bagi penganut

agama Islam, kunjungan ke Lourdes bagi penganut agama Katolik,

dan lain-lain.

2.7. Pengembangan Pariwisata

Menurut Joyosuharto (1995:46) bahwa pengembangan pariwisata memiliki tiga fungsi, yaitu:

a. menggalakkan ekonomi,

dapat menciptakan lapangan pekerjaan, meningkatkan dan meratakan

pendapatan masyarakat

b. memelihara kepribadian bangsa dan kelestarian fungsi dan mutu

lingkungan hidup, serta memperkenalkan seni budaya daerah dan hasil

kerajinan daerah

c. memupuk rasa cinta tanah air dan bangsa.

Untuk menjalankan ketiga fungsi tersebut maka diperlukan pengembangan obyek wisata dan daya tarik wisata, meningkatkan dan mengembangan promosi dan pemasaran, serta meningkatkan pendidikan dan pelatihan kepariwisataan. 50

Pengembangan bidang pariwisata merupakan suatu hal yang sangat perlu dilakukan oleh Pemerintah Daerah, mengingat banyak sekali keuntungan atau manfaat yang bisa diambil dari kegiatan

Dalam melakukan pengembangan pariwisata dibutuhkan berbagai pendukung untuk memperlancar jalannya kegiatan, antara lain sumber daya manusia yang berkualitas, adanya dana yang cukup memadai, didukung sarana dan prasarana serta kebijakan dari Pemerintah Daerah yang memprioritaskan bidang pariwisata. Suatu kegiatan pengembangan pariwisata yang sudah baik tanpa adanya dukungan dari hal-hal tersebut diatas tidak mungkin dapat mencapai hasil yang diharapkan, artinya setiap pengembangan bidang pariwisata sangat membutuhkan dana serta SDM yang berkualitas di samping ditunjang adanya sarana dan prasarana serta kebijakan dari Pemerintah Daerah Pengembangan pariwisata dilaksanakan dengan mempertimbangkan aspek destinasi dan aspek market.

Meskipun aspek market perlu dipertimbangkan namun macam, sifat dan perilaku obyek dan daya tarik wisata alam dan budaya diusahakan untuk menjaga kelestarian dan keberadaannya, sehingga pengembangannya harus berdasarkan market driven. Pengembangan pariwisata memerlukan perencanaan secara nasional, regional atau Provinsi dan kawasan ataupun obyek. Perencanaan secara nasional disusun berdasarkan peraturan perundangan yang berlaku serta berbagai issues dan fenomena yang berkembang. Sementara itu, pengembangan pariwisata regional atau lokal didasarkan pada regulasi di daerah serta persepsi dan preferensi masyarakat sebagai bentuk realisasi paradigma baru yang 51

memberdayakan masyarakat. Proses perencanaan pengembangan pariwisata yang mengkoordinasikan pemikiran nasional dan pemikiran masyarakat akan menghasilkan perencanaan terpadu. Secara langsung perencanaan ini akan menjadi participation planning.

Pengembangan pariwisata Indonesia telah tercermin dalam rencana strategi yang dirumuskan oleh Kementerian Kebudayaan dan Pariwisata RI, yakni:

a. Meningkatkan kesejahteraan masyarakat dengan membuka kesempatan

berusaha dan lapangan kerja serta pemerataan pembangunan di bidang


b. Mewujudkan pembangunan pariwisata yang berkesinambungan sehingga

memberikan manfaat sosial-budaya, sosial ekonomi bagi masyarakat dan

daerah, serta terpeliharanya mutu lingkungan hidup;

c. Meningkatkan kepuasan wisatawan dan memperluas pangsa pasar; dan

d. Menciptakan iklim yang kondusif bagi pembangunan pariwisata Indonesia

sebagai berdayaguna, produktif, transparan, dan bebas KKN untuk

melaksanakan fungsi pelayanan kepada masyarakat, dalam institusi yang

merupakan amanah yang dipertanggungjawabkan (accountable).

Perencanaan Nasional Pengembangan Pariwisata menghasilkan strukturisasi pengembangan kawasan konservasi. Perubahan yang mendasar adalah konsep kawasan sebagai fungsi utama pelestarian. Sementara pemanfaatan hanya dilakukan terhadap aspek jasa estetika, pengetahuan (pendidikan dan 52

penelitian) terhadap ekosistem dan keanekaragaman hayati filosofi, pemanfaatan jalur untuk tracking dan adventuring.

Proses yang hampir sama dapat dilakukan terhadap perencanaan pariwisata wilayah regional Provinsi. Pada perencanaan ini akan menghasilkan wilayah atau kawasan pengembangan pariwisata. Perencanaan pada level wilayah

Provinsi ini merupakan perencanaan yang menampung perencanaan lokal dengan menjabarkan dan berpedoman pada perencanaan nasional.

2.8. Upaya Pengembangan Pariwisata

Menurut Suwantoro (2004), upaya pengembangan pariwisata yang dilihat dari kebijakan dalam pengembangan wisata alam, dari segi ekonomi pariwista alam akan dapat menciptakan lapangan pekerjaan. Memang pariwisata alam membutuhkan investasi yang relatif lebih besar untuk pembangunan sarana dan prasarananya. Untuk itu diperlukan evaluasi yang teliti terhadap kegiatan pariwisata alam tersebut. Banyak pendapat yang menyatakan bahwa pariwisata alam yang berbentuk ekoturisme belum berhasil berperan sebagai alat konservasi alam maupun untuk mengembangkan perekonomian. Salah satu penyebabnya adalah sulitnya mendapatkan dana pengembangan kegiatannya.

Pengelolaan kawasan wisata alam banyak menggunakan dana dari pendapatan pariwisata dari pengunjung sebagai mekanisme pengembalian biaya pengelolaan dan pelestarian kegiatan pariwisata alam belum tercapai secara optimal. 53

Unsur pokok yang harus mendapat perhatian guna menunjang pengembangan pariwisata di daerah tujuan wisata yang menyangkut perencanaan, pelaksanaan pembangunan dan pengembangannya meliputi 5 (lima) unsur, yaitu:

1. Objek dan daya tarik wisata

Menurut Undang-Undang Kepariwisataan Nomor 10 tahun 2009 Pasal 1 mengatakan bahwa : daya tarik wisata adalah sesuatu yang memiliki keunikan, keindahan, dan nilai yang berupa keanekaragaman kekayaan alam, budaya, dan hasil buatan manusia yang menjadi sasaran atau tujuan kunjungan wisatawan.

Dapat disimpulkan beberapa unsur yang terkandung dalam pengertian tersebut, yaitu:

1) Setiap daya tarik wisata memiliki keunikan, keindahan;

2) Daya tarik dapat berupa alam, budaya, atau hasil karya manusia yang berseni

tinggi dan layak untuk dijadikan suatu produk;

3) Sasaran utama adalah wisatawan.

Objek wisata sebaiknya memiliki kriteria-kriteria yang memenuhi syarat serta berpotensi sehingga layak untuk dijual. Ada tiga kriteria yang menentukan suatu objek wisata dapat diminati wisatawan, yakni:

1) Something To See, adalah objek wisata tersebut harus mempunyai sesuatu

yang biasa dilihat atau dijadikan tontonan oleh pengunjung wisata. Dengan

kata lain, objek tersebut harus mempunyai daya tarik khusus yang mampu

untuk menyedot minat dari wisatawan yang berkunjung ke daerah tersebut. 54

2) Something To Do, adalah agar wisatawan bisa melakukan sesuatu yang

berguna untuk memberikan perasaan senang, bahagia, relax, berupa fasilitas

rekreasi baik arena bermain atau tempat makan, terutama makanan khas dari

tempat tersebut sehingga mampu membuat wisatawan lebih betah tinggal di


3) Something To Buy, adalah fasilitas untuk wisatawan berbelanja yang pada

umumnya adalah ciri khas atau ikon dari daerah tersebut, sehingga bisa

dijadikan sebagai oleh-oleh (Yoeti, 1985:164).

Objek wisata merupakan potensi yang menjadi pendorong kehadiran wisatawan ke suatu Daerah Tujuan Wisata. Objek dan daya tarik wisata merupakan salah satu unsur dalam produk pariwisata yang harus mendapat perhatian khusus dari berbagai pihak guna menunjang perkembangan kepariwisataan. Daya tarik wisata yang juga disebut objek wisata merupakan potensi yang menjadi pendorong kehadiran wisatawan. Pengusahaan objek dan daya tarik wisata dikelompokkan ke dalam:

1) Pengusahaan objek dan daya tarik wisata alam,

2) Pengusahaan objek dan daya tarik wisata budaya,

3) Pengusahaan objek dan daya tarik wisata minat khusus.

Dalam kedudukannya yang sangat menentukan itu, maka daya tarik wisata harus dirancang dan dibangun/dikelola secara profesional sehingga dapat menarik wisatawan untuk datang untuk datang. Membangun suatu objek wisata harus dirancang sedemikian rupa berdasarkan kriteria tertentu. Umumnya daya tarik suatu objek wisata berdasarkan pada: 55

1) Adanya sumber daya yang dapat menimbulkan rasa senang, indah, nyaman

dan bersih.

2) Adanya aksesibilitas yang tinggi untuk dapat mengunjunginya.

3) Adanya ciri khusus/spesifikasi yang bersifat langka.

4) Adanya sarana/prasarana penunjang untuk melayani para wisatawan yang


5) Objek wisata alam mempunyai daya tarik tinggi karena keindahan alam

pegunungan, sungai, pantai, pasir, hutan, dan sebagainya.

6) Objek wisata budaya mempunyai daya tarik tinggi karena memiliki

nilaikhusus dalam bentuk atraksi kesenian upacara-upacara adat, nilai luhur

yang terkandung dalam suatu objek buah karya manusia pada masa lampau.

Pembangunan suatu objek wisata harus dirancang dengan bersumber pada potensi daya tarik yang memiliki objek tersebut dengan mengacu pada kriteria keberhasilan pengembangan yang meliputi berbagai kelayakan.

1) Kelayakan Finansial

Studi kelayakan ini menyangkut perhitungan secara komersial dari

pembangunan objek wisata tersebut. Perkiraan untung-rugi sudah harus

diperkirakan dari awal. Berapa tenggang waktu yang dibutuhkan untuk

kembali modal pun sudah harus diramalkan.

2) Kelayakan Sosial Ekonomi Regional

Studi kelayakan ini dilakukan untuk melihat apakah investasi yang

ditanamkan untuk membangun suatu objek wisata juga akan memiliki dampak

sosial ekonomi secara regional; dapat menciptakan lapangan kerja/berusaha, 56

dapat meningkatkan penerimaan devisa, dapat meningkatkan penerimaan pada

sektor yang lain seperti pajak, perindustrian, perdagangan, pertanian dan lain-

lain. Dalam kaitannya dengan dengan hal ini pertimbangan tidak semata-mata

komersial saja tetapi juga memperhatikan dampaknya secara lebih luas.

Sebagai contoh, pembangunan kembali candi Borobudur tidak semata-mata

mempertimbangkan soal pengembalian modal pembangunan candi melalui

uang retribusi masuk candi, melainkan juga memperhatikan dampak yang

ditimbulkannya, seperti jasa transportasi, jasa akomodasi, jasa restoran,

industri kerajinan, pajak dan sebagainya.

3) Kelayakan Teknis

Pembangunan objek wisata harus dapat dipertanggung jawabkan secara teknis

dengan melihat daya dukung yang ada. Tidaklah perlu memaksakan diri untuk

membangun suatu objek wisata apabila daya dukung objek wisata tersebut

rendah. Daya tarik suatu objek wisata akan berkurang atau bahkan hilang bila

objek wisata tersebut membahayakan keselamatan para wisatawan.

4) Kelayakan Lingkungan

Analisis dampak lingkungan dapat dipergunakan sebagai acuan kegiatan

pembangunan suatu objek wisata. Pembangunan objek wisata yang

mengakibatkan rusaknya lingkungan harus dihentikan pembangunannya.

Pembangunan objek wisata bukanlah untuk merusak lingkungan tetapi sekedar

memanfaatkan sumber daya alam untuk kebaikan manusia dan untuk

meningkatkan kualitas hidup manusia sehingga menjadi keseimbangan, 57

keselarasan dan keserasian hubungan antar manusia dengan manusia, manusia

dengan lingkungan alam dan pmanusia dengan Tuhannya.

2. Prasarana wisata

Prasarana wisata adalah sumber daya alam dan sumber daya buatan manusia

yang mutlak dibutuhkan oleh wisatawan dalam perjalanannya di daerah tujuan

wisata, seperti jalan, listrik, air, telekomunikasi, terminal, jembatan, dan lain

sebagainya. Untuk kesiapan objek-objek wisata yang akan dikunjungi oleh

wisatawan di daerah tujuan wisata, prasarana wisata tersebut perlu dibangun

dengan disesuaikan dengan lokasi dan kondisi objek wisata yang


Pembangunan prasarana wisata yang mempertimbangkan kondisi dan

lokasi akan meningkatkan aksesibilitas suatu objek wisata yang pada

gilirannya akan dapat meningkatkan daya tarik objek wisata itu sendiri. Di

samping berbagai kebutuhan yang telah disebutkan di atas, kebutuhan

wisatawan yang lain juga perlu disediakan di daerah tujuan wisata, seperti

bank, apotik, rumah sakit, pom bensin, pusat-pusat perbelanjaan, barber, dan


Dalam melaksanakan pembangunan prasarana wisata diperlukan

koordinasi yang mantap antara instansi terkait bersama dengan instansi

pariwisata di berbagai tingkat. Dukungan instansi terkait dalam membangun

prasarana wisata sangat diperlukan bagi pengembangan pariwisata di daerah.

Koordinasi di tingkat pelaksanaan merupakan modal utama suksesnya

pembangunan pariwisata. 58

Dalam pembangunan prasarana pariwisata pemerintah lebih dominan

karena pemerintah dapat mengambil manfaat ganda dari pembangunan

tersebut, seperti untuk meningkatkan arus informasi, arus lalu lintas ekonomi,

arus mobilitas manusia antara daerah, dan sebagainya, yang tentu saja dapat

meningkatkan kesempatan berusaha dan bekerja masyarakat.

3. Sarana wisata

Sarana wisata merupakan kelengkapan daerah tujuan wisata yang

diperlukan untuk melayani kebutuhan wisatawan dalam menikmati perjalanan

wisatanya. Pembangunan sarana wisata disesuaikan dengan kebutuhan

wisatawan baik kuantitatif maupun kualitatif. Lebih dari itu selera pasar pun

dapat menentukan tuntunan sarana yang dimaksud. Berbagai sarana wisata

yang harus disediakan di daerah tujuan wisata adalah hotel, biro perjalanan,

alat transportasi, restoran dan rumah makan serta sarana pendukung lainnya.

Tak semua objek wisata memerlukan sarana yang sama atau

lengkap.Pengadaan sarana wisata tersebut harus disesuaikan dengan

kebutuhan wisatawan. Sarana wisata kuantitatif menunjukkan pada jumlah

sarana wisata yang harus disediakan, dan secara kuantitatif yang menunjukkan

pada mutu pelayanan yang diberikan dan yang tercermin pada kepuasan

wisatawan yang memperoleh pelayanan. Dalam hubungannya dengan jenis

dan mutu pelayanan sarana wisata di daerah tujuan wisata telah disusun suatu

standart wisata yang baku, baik secara nasional dan secara internasional,

sehingga penyedia sarana wisata tinggal memilih atau menentukan jenis dan

kualitas yang akan disediakannya. 59

4. Infrastruktur

Infrastruktur adalah situasi yang mendukung fungsi sarana dan prasarana

wisata, baik yang berupa sistem pengaturan maupun bangunan fisik di atas

permukaan tanah dan di bawah tanah seperti:

a. Sistem pengairan, distribusi air bersih, sistem pembuangan air limbah

yang membantu sarana perhotelan/restoran.

b. Sumber listrik dan energi serta jaringan distribusikannya yang merupakan

bagian vital bagi terselenggaranya penyediaan sarana wisata yang


c. Sistem jalur angkutan dan terminal yang memadai dan lancar akan

memudahkan wisatawan untuk mengunjungi objek-objek wisata.

d. Sistem komunikasi yang memudahkan para wisatawan untuk mendapatkan

informasi maupun mengirimkan informasi secara cepat dan tepat.

e. Sistem keamanan atau pengawasan yang memberikan kemudahan di

berbagai sektor bagi para wisatawan. Keamanan diterminal, di perjalanan,

dan di objek-objek wisata, di pusat-pusat perbelanjaan, akan meningkatkan

daya tarik suatu objek wisata maupun daerah tujuan wisata. Di sini perlu

ada kerjasama yang mantap antara petugas keamanan, baik swasta maupun

pemerintah, karena dengan banyaknya orang di daerah tujuan wisata dan

mobilitas manusia yang begitu cepat membutuhkan system keamanan

yang ketat dengan para petugas yang selalu siap setiap saat.Infrastruktur

yang memadai dan terlaksana dengan baik di daerah tujuan wisata akan 60

membantu meningkatkan fungsi sarana wisata, sekaligus membantu

masyarakat dalam meningkatkan kualitas hidupnya.

5. Masyarakat/lingkungan

Daerah dan tujuan wisata yang memiliki berbagai objek dan daya tarik wisata

akan mengundang kehadiran wisatawan.

a. Masyarakat

Masyarakat di sekitar objek wisatalah yang akan menyambut kehadiran

wisatawan tersebut dan akan memberikan layanan yang diperlukan oleh

para wisatawan. Untuk ini masyarakat di sekitar objek wisata perlu

mengetahui berbagai jenis dan kualitas layanan yang dibutuhkan oleh para

wisatawan. Dalam hal ini pemerintah melalui instansi-instansi terkait telah

menyelenggarakan berbagai penyuluhan kepada masyarakat. Salah satunya

adalah dalam bentuk bina masyarakat sadar wisata. Dengan terbinanya

masyarakat yang sadar wisata akan berdampak positif

karena mereka akan memperoleh keuntungan dari para wisatawan yang

membelanjakan uangnya. Para wisatawan pun akan untung karena

mendapat pelayanan yang memadai dan juga mendapatkan berbagai

kemudahan dalam memenuhi kebutuhannya.

b. Lingkungan

Di samping masyarakat di sekitar objek wisata, lingkungan alam di sekitar

objek wisata pun perlu diperhatikan dengan seksama agar tak rusak dan

tercemar. Lalu lalang manusia yang terus meningkat dari tahun ke tahun

dapat mengakibatkan rusaknya ekosistem fauna dan flora di sekitar objek 61

wisata. Oleh sebab itu perlu adanya upaya menjaga kelestarian lingkungan

melalui penegakan berbagai aturan dan persyaratan dalam pengelolaan

suatu objek wisata.

c. Budaya

Lingkungan masyarakat dalam lingkungan alam di suatu objek

wisata merupakan lingkungan budaya yang menjadi pilar penyangga

kelangsungan hidup suatu masyarakat. Oleh karena itu, lingkungan budaya

ini pun kelestariannya tidak boleh tercemar oleh budaya asing, tetapi harus

ditingkatkan kualitasnya sehingga dapat memberikan kenangan yang

mengesankan bagi tiap wisatawan yang berkunjung. Masyarakat yang

memahami, menghayati, dan mengamalkan sapta pesona wisata di daerah

tujuan wisata menjadi harapan semua pihak untuk mendorong

pengembangan pariwisata yang pada akhirnya akan meningkatkan

pendapatan dan kesejahteraan masyarakat.

2.9. Kebijakan Pemerintah Daerah dalam Pengembangan Pariwisata

Berbagai definisi tentang kebijakan kepariwisataan dikemukakan oleh ahli-ahli pariwisata. Goeldner dan Ritchie (2006) mendefinisikan kebijakan pariwisata sebagai regulasi, aturan, pedoman, arah, dan sasaran pembangunan/promosi serta strategi yang memberikan kerangka dalam pengambilan keputusan individu maupun kolektif yang secara langsung mempengaruhi pengembangan pariwisata dalam jangka panjang dan sekaligus kegiatan sehari-hari yang berlangsung di suatu destinasi. 62

Biederman (2007) menambahkan hal penting dalam definisi kebijakan kepariwisataan dengan mengemukakan bahwa prinsip dari kebijakan kepariwisataan adalah harus menjamin negara maupun daerah mendapatkan manfaat yang sebesar-besarnya dari kontribusi sosial dan ekonomi yang diberikan pariwisata. Biederman juga menyebutkan bahwa sasaran akhir dari kebijakan pariwisata adalah peningkatan kemajuan negara atau daerah dan kehidupan warga negaranya.

‘A tourism policy defines the direction or course of action that a particular country, region, locality or an individual destination plans to take when developing or promoting tourism. The key principle for any tourism policy is that it should ensure that the nation (region or locality) would benefit to the maximum extent possible from the economic and social contributions of tourism. The ultimate objective of a tourism policy is to improve the progress of the nation (region or locality) and the lives of its citizens’.

Definisi yang lebih luas dikemukakan oleh Edgell, dkk (2008) yang mengemukakan bahwa kebijakan pariwisata merupakan kerangka etis yang terfokus pada isu-isu yang dihadapi dan mempertemukan secara efektif keinginan/kebutuhan masyarakat dengan rencana, pembangunan, produk, pelayanan, pemasaran, serta tujuan dan sasaran keberlanjutan bagi pertumbuhan pariwisata di masa yang akan datang, seperti yang dinyatakan berikut ini.

‘Tourism policy is a progressive course of actions, guidelines, directives, principles, and procedures set in an ethical framework that is issues- focused and best represents the intent of a community (or nation) to effectively meet its planning, development, product, service, marketing, and sustainability goals and objectives for the future growth of tourism’ . Definisi terakhir menjadikan pemasaran, pengembangan produk, dan pelayanan hospitality memegang peranan penting dalam kebijakan 63

kepariwisataan. Lebih penting lagi, definisi tersebut mengisyaratkan bahwa kebijakan kepariwisataan bersifat dinamis dan fleksible dalam melakukan penyesuaian dan penyempurnaan terhadap perkembangan yang terjadi. Kebijakan kepariwisataan terkait erat dengan perencanaan kepariwisataan.

Menurut Edgell, dkk. (2008,) perencanaan kepariwisataan memperkuat kedudukan kebijakan kepariwisataan dalam pembangunan. Edgell, dkk (2008) mengemukakan bahwa model perencanaan pariwisata mencakup pernyataan visi dan misi yang diikuti oleh serangkaian tujuan, sasaran, strategi, dan taktik dalam pengembangan pariwisata.

Kebijakan dan perencanaan kepariwisataan seharusnya dapat berfungsi secara efektif sebagai arah pembangunan kepariwisataan suatu destinasi. Akan tetapi, pada kenyataannya banyak sekali konflik kepentingan di tingkat para pengambil keputusan pada saat mengimplementasikan kebijakan maupun perencanaan kepariwisataan yang sebenarnya sudah disepakati bersama sehingga perkembangan pariwisata tidak lagi mengacu pada kebijakan dan perencanaan yang sudah dibuat.

Pengembangan kepariwisataan di Kabupaten Cianjur merupakan salah satu hal yang penting dilakukan oleh Pemerintah dalam rangka peningkatan kesejahteraan masyarakat. Beberapa hal yang terkait dengan pengembangan pariwisata dapat dijelaskan sebagai berikut:

1. Pembangunan kepariwisataan diarahkan pada peningkatan pariwisata menjadi

sektor andalan yang mampu menggalakkan kegiatan ekonomi, termasuk

kegiatan sektor lain yang terkait, sehingga lapangan kerja, pendapatan 64

masyarakat, daerah dan negara serta penerimaan devisa meningkat melalui

upaya pengembangan dan pendayagunaan potensi kepariwisataan nasional.

2. Dalam pembangunan kepariwisataan harus dijaga tetap terpeliharanya

kepribadian serta kelestarian fungsi dan mutu lingkungan hidup.

Kepariwisataan perlu ditata secara menyeluruh dan terpadu dengan melibatkan

sektor yang terkait dalam suatu keutuhan usaha kepariwisataan yang saling

menunjang dan saling menguntungkan baik yang berskala kecil, menengah

maupun besar.

3. Pengembangan pariwisata nusantara dilakukan sejalan dengan upaya

memupuk rasa cinta tanah air dan bangsa serta menanamkan jiwa semangat

dan nilai-nilai luhur bangsa dalam rangka lebih memperkokoh persatuan dan

kesatuan nasional terutama dalam bentuk penggalakan pariwisata remaja dan

pemuda dengan lebih meningkatkan kemudahan dalam memperoleh pelayanan

kepariwisataan. Daya tarik Indonesia sebagai negara tujuan wisata

mancanegara perlu ditingkatkan melalui upaya pemeliharaan benda dan

khazanah bersejarah yang menggambarkan ketinggian budaya dan kebesaran

bangsa serta didukung dengan promosi memikat.

4. Upaya pengembangan objek dan daya tarik wisata serta kegiatan promosi dan

pemasarannya, baik di dalam maupun di luar negeri terus ditingkatkan secara

terencana, terarah, terpadu dan efektif, antara lain dengan memanfaatkan

secara optimal kerjasama kepariwisataan regional dan global guna

meningkatkan hubungan antara bangsa. 65

Pemerintah telah menerapkan sejumlah kebijakan sebagai pemandu dalam setiap perencanaan pembangunan dan pengembangan kepariwisataan sebagai berikut:

1. Undang-Undang No. 9 Tahun 1990 Tentang Kepariwisataan.

2. Undang-Undang Republik Indonesia Nomor 10 Tahun 2009 Tentang


3. Instruksi Presiden Republik Indonesia Nomor 9 Tahun 1969 Tentang

Pedoman Pembinaan Pengembangan Kepariwisataan Nasional.

4. Instruksi Presiden Republik Indonesia Nomor 16 Tahun 2005 Tentang

Kebijakan Pembangunan Kebudayaan dan Pariwisata.

5. Peraturan Pemerintah Republik Indonesia Nomor 32 Tahun 1996 Tentang

Penyelenggaraan Kepariwisataan.

6. Peraturan Menteri Kebudayaan dan Pariwisata Nomor: PM.17/HK.001/MKP-

2005 Tentang Organisasi dan Tata Kerja Departemen Kebudayaan dan


7. Peraturan Menteri Kebudayaan dan Pariwisata Nomor PM.

105/UM.001/MKP/2010 Tentang Perubahan Pertama Atas Rencana Strategis

Kementerian Kebudayaan dan Pariwisata Tahun 2010-2014.

Instruksi Presiden Nomor 16 Tahun 2005 Tentang Kebijakan

Pembangunan Kebudayaan dan Pariwisata yang ditandatangani Presiden RI pada

29 Desember 2005. Dasar pemikirannya adalah untuk, pertama, meningkatkan kualitas pelayanan kepada publik dalam bentuk jasa atau kemudahan yang diperlukan bagi wisatawan mancanegara yang hendak berkunjung ke Indonesia 66

dan kemudahan bagi wisatawan nusantara dalam melakuan perjalanan untuk mengenali, mencintai alam dan ragam budaya Indonesia. Kedua, mengambil langkah-langkah nyata guna mengoptimalkan akselerasi pembangunan kebudayaan dan pariwisata nasional dalam upaya menyejahterakan masyarakat, membuka lapangan kerja, memberantas kemiskinan dan memeratakan pembangunan. Ketiga, secara proaktif melakuan upaya perlindungan, pengembagan dan pemanfaatan sumber daya alam dan budaya untuk pembangunan kebudayaan dan pariwisata. Keempat, menggunakan tema

“Indonesia Ultimatye in Diversity” dalam setiap kegiatan promosi di luar negeri dan tema “Kenali Negerimu Cintai Negerimu. Ayo Tamasya Jelajahi Nusantara” dalam setiap kegiatan promosi di dalam negeri.

Bagi Kabupaten Cianjur, ketentuan yang sangat penting dari Instruksi

Presiden Republik Indonesia Nomor 16 Tahun 2005 Tentang Kebijakan

Pembangunan Kebudayaan dan Pariwisata, yang tercantum pada butir 21 yaitu bahwa para Gubernur, Bupati, dan Walikota: a. Meningkatkan sistem informasi dan promosi kepariwisataan daerah; b. Menyusun Rencana Induk Pengembangan Pariwisata Daerah (pengembangan

produk, pemasaran serta sarana dan pelayanan/Sumber Daya Manusia); c. Mengadakan pengawasan dan pengendalian kerusakan lingkungan; d. Mengembangkan informasi peluang investasi di bidang kebudayaan dan

pariwisata; e. Meningkatkan pelaksanaan sadar wisata melalui program Sapta Pesona (aman,

tertib, bersih, sejuk, indah, ramah tamah dan kenangan); 67

f. Meningkatkan dan memberikan kemudahan pemberian perizinan industri

kebudayaan dan serta pariwisata kemudahan perizinan pemanfaatan lokasi

untuk syuting film; g. Melakukan penataan objek wisata dan penyiapan infrastruktur dasar; h. Mengembangkan daya tarik wisata di jalur pergerakan wisatawan nusantara

dan di sekitar perkotaan; i. Melestarikan tradisi, nilai, dan adat istiadat melalui penyelenggaraan event


2.9.1. Kebijakan Pengembangan Pariwisata di Kabupaten Cianjur sejatinya mengacu pada beberapa hal sebagai berikut:

1. Kebijakan Pokok

a. Mewadahi, membangun dan mengembangkan manfaat potensi pariwisata

sebagai kegiatan ekonomi yang menciptakan lapangan kerja.

b. Meningkatkan kemampuan dan keterampilan aparatur serta pemberdayaan

tugas dan fungsi organisasi Diparda sebagai fasilitator dan regulator

pengembangan pariwisata.

c. Meningkatkan kesempatan berusaha dan keterlibatan masyarakat dalam

mengembangkan kawasan wisata

d. Melaksanakan kerjasama pariwisata antar daerah dan dunia usaha.

2. Kebijakan Spasial (keruangan) Pariwisata 68

a. Memberikan arahan yang jelas bagi pengembangan pariwisata di

Kabupaten Cianjur berdasarkan karakteristik keruangannya melalui

penetapan zonasi pengembangan.

b. Untuk kemudahan pembangunan serta pengelolaannya, perlu dilakukan

pengelompokkan obyek dan daya tarik wisata pada Satuan Kawasan

Wisata (SKW). Satuan-satuan kawasan wisata tersebut merupakan

kawasan yang memiliki pusat-pusat kegiatan wisatawan dan mempunyai

keterkaitan sirkuit atau jalur wisata.

c. Melakukan urutan prioritas pengembangan satuan kawasan wisata dengan

memperhatikan dampaknya terhadap perkembangan obyek dan daya tarik


3. Kebijakan Pengembangan Produk Wisata

a. Asas keberlanjutan (sustainibility), keserasian (harmonizes),

keterjangkauan (affordability) dan kerakyatan merupakan landasan pokok

dalam pengembangan produk wisata.

- Keberlanjutan mengandung arti: pengembangan produk wisata bukan

hanya ditujukkan bagi pengembangan saat ini saja, tetapi juga untuk

masa yang akan datang.

- Harmonisasi mengandung arti: pengembangan produk wisata yang

bernuansa lingkungan hidup, yaitu dengan selalu memperhatikan

kelestarian alam, adat istiadat dan budaya daerah.

- Keterjangkauan mengandung arti: pengembangan produk wisata tidak

hanya ditujukan bagi kalangan tertentu, tetapi produk wisata yang 69

dikembangkan tersebut harus dapat dinikmati oleh segenap lapisan


- Kerakyatan mengandung arti: pengembangan produk wisata tidak

hanya menguntungkan beberapa golongan tertentu tetapi harus dapat

memberikan manfaat bagi masyarakat terutama masyarakat sekitar

obyek dean potensi wisata yang bersangkutan.

b. Pengembangan produk wisata diarahkan bagi penguatan identitas daerah

yang dapat memunculkan “warna” pariwisata Kabupaten Cianjur yang

khas serta memiliki keunikan dan keunggulan daya saing oleh karenanya

diperlukan penggalian, penataan dan pengembangan diversifikasi produk


c. Perlunya penetapan produk wisata unggulan bagi Kabupaten Cianjur

sebagai faktor penarik utama bagi pengembangan pariwisata di Kabupaten


d. Obyek-obyek dan daya tarik wisata budaya dan kesenian daerah serta

event-event pariwisata masih harus didukung oleh Pemerintah Daerah

melaui pengembangan dan pematapan pembinaan seni budaya dan

penyelenggaraan event seni budaya tertentu.

4. Kebijakan Pengembangan Obyek dan Daya Tarik Wisata

a. Pengembangan obyek dan daya tarik wisata menyangkut aspek

perencanaa, pemanfaatan dan pengendalian yang satu sama lainnya

merupakan satu kesatuan yang terintegrasi, oleh karenanya pembangunan

obyek dan daya tarik wisata harus didasarkan pada sistem perencanaan. 70

b. Pengembangan obyek dan daya tarik wisata dilakukan berdasarkan

pendekatan pembangunan Satuan Kawasan Wisata dengan nuansa nilai

agama, budaya, estetika dan moral yang dianut oleh masyarakat.

c. Pengembangan obyek dan daya tarik wisata dilakukan sesuai dengan

mekanisme pasar dan meliputi wisata alam, wisata budaya, wisata minat

khusus, wisata pantai dan wisata petualangan.

5. Kebijakan Pengembangan Sarana dan Prasarana Pariwisata

a. Penyiapan sistem perencanaan Tata Ruang Kawasan Wisata

b. Meningkatkan aksesibilitas ke kawasan wisata

c. Pemenuhan fasilitas standar (fasilitas kesehatan, keamanan, kebersihan,

komonikasi) di kawasan wisata sesuai dengan kebutuhan.

d. Menarik investor untuk membangun akomodasi dan fasilitas penunjang


6. Kebijakan Pemasaran dan Promosi Wisata

a. Penataan dan pengembangan sistem informasi pariwisata yang efektif

secara komprehensif dengan akses pasar dalam dan luar negeri.

b. Mengembangkan pola kerjasama promosi antar daerah dan dengan dunia

usaha pariwisata.

c. Mengikuti pelaksanaan event promosi di tingkat internasional, nasional,

regional maupun penyelenggaraan kegiatan promosi dengan melaksanakan

kegiatan-kegiatan festival kepariwisataan di daerah.



3.1. Tujuan

Adapun tujuan kajian ini adalah untuk:

1. Menganalisis keberhasilan kebijakan Pemerintah Daerah dalam

mengembangkan kepariwisataan di Kabupaten Cianjur.

2. Memetakan potensi kepariwisataan yang dapat dikembangkan di Cianjur

Selatan ,Kabupaten Cianjur.

3. Menganalisis faktor-faktor yang menghambat pengembangan kepariwisataan

di Cianjur Selatan, Kabupaten Cianjur.

4. Menyusun langkah-langkah yang dapat dilakukan Pemerintah Daerah dalam

mengembangkan kepariwisataan di Cianjur Selatan, Kabupaten Cianjur.

3.2. Manfaat Penelitian

Kegunaan kajian ini adalah sebagai berikut:

1. Sebagai bahan masukan bagi Pemerintah Kabupaten Cianjur dalam hal

peninjauan kebijakan mengenai pengembangan kepariwisataan di Kabupaten


2. Sebagai bahan masukan bagi Pemerintah Kabupaten Cianjur dalam

memetakan potensi wisata di Cianjur Selatan Kabupaten Cianjur. 72

3. Sebagai bahan masukan bagi Pemerintah Kabupaten Cianjur untuk

mengetahui faktor-faktor apa sajakah yang menghambat pengembangan

kepariwisataan didaerah di Kabupaten Cianjur.

4. Sebagai bahan masukan bagi Pemerintah Kabupaten Cianjur dalam

menyusun langkah-langkah pengembangan kepariwisataan di Kabupaten




4.1. Rancangan Penelitian

4.1.1. Jenis Penelitian

Jenis penelitian yang digunakan adalah penelitian deskriptif-analisis, yaitu penelitian yang bertujuan untuk mendapatkan gambaran analisis tentang kebijakan pemerintah daerah dalam pengembangan kepariwisataan di Kabupaten Cianjur.

4.1.2. Jenis Data

Jenis data yang digunakan adalah data primer dan sekunder. Data primer diperoleh dengan wawancara terhadap pihak-pihak yang terkait dan penyebaran angket kepada para wisatawan. Sedangkan data sekunder merupakan data yang diperoleh tidak secara langsung dari objek penelitian yaitu melalui dokumen, arsip, jurnal penelitian, buku-buku yang berkaitan dengan permasalahan penelitian.

4.2. Subjek Penelitian

Adapun yang menjadi subjek pada penelitian ini adalah pihak-pihak yang terkait dalam pengembangan kepariwisataan di Kabupaten Cianjur, yaitu pihak Dinas Kebudayaan dan Pariwisata Kabupaten Cianjur, pihak praktisi, wisatawan, dan pihak akademisi bidang pariwisata di Kabupaten Cianjur.

4.3. Objek Penelitian

Objek penelitian pada penelitian ini adalah hal-hal yang terkait dengan kepariwisataan di Kabupaten Cianjur, yaitu daerah-daerah wisata di Kabupaten 74

Cianjur dan daerah-daerah yang dapat menjadi potensi wisata di Kabupaten


4.4. Teknik Pengumpulan Data

Teknik pengumpulan data yang dilakukan pada penelitian ini adalah melalui:

a. Survei melakukan pengamatan secara langung ke daerah yang menjadi

lokasi penelitian.

b. Wawancara dengan pihak-pihak yang terkait dengan penelitian.

c. Studi dokumentasi, yaitu penulis mengumpulkan data yang diperlukan

dari dokumen/arsip yang berkenaan dengan permasalahan yang akan


d. Angket, yang dilakukan dengan mengajukan beberapa pertanyaan

kepada wisatawan di Kabupaten Cianjur untuk mendapatkan informasi

yang berkaitan dengan penelitian. Angket ini terdiri dari dua bagian,

yaitu bagian pertama berisikan data diri responden dan bagian kedua

berisikan informasi yang terkait dengan infrastruktur di Kabupaten


4.5. Teknik Analisis Data

Adapun yang menjadi teknik analisis data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah menggunakan teknik deskriptif-analisis, yaitu berdasakan 75

data-data yang ditemukan di lapangan selanjutnya dibuat analisis dan kemudian ditarik kesimpulan.



5.1. Kondisi Umum Kabupaten Cianjur

Kabupaten Cianjur terletak di tengah Provinsi Jawa Barat, berjarak sekitar

65 km dari ibukota Provinsi Jawa Barat (Bandung) dan 120 km dari ibukota

Negara (Jakarta). Secara geografis Kabupaten Cianjur terletak di antara 6° 21” –

7 °25” Lintang Selatan dan 106°42” - 107°25” Bujur Timur, dengan batas

wilayah yaitu sebelah utara berbatasan dengan wilayah Kabupaten dan

Kabupaten Purwakarta, sebelah barat berbatasan dengan wilayah Kabupaten

Sukabumi, sebelah selatan berbatasan dengan Samudera Indonesia dan sebelah

timur berbatasan dengan wilayah Kabupaten Bandung Barat, Kabupaten Bandung

dan Kabupaten Garut. Batas-batas wilayah daerah meliputi :

a. Sebelah utara berbatasan dengan Kabupaten Bogor dan Kabupaten

Purwakarta ;

b. Sebelah timur berbatasan dengan Kabupaten Purwakarta, Kabupaten

Bandung, Kabupaten Bandung Barat dan Kabupaten Garut;

c. Sebelah selatan berbatasan dengan Samudra Hindia ;

d. Sebelah barat berbatasan dengan Kabupaten Sukabumi dan Kabupaten


Wilayah Kabupaten Cianjur meliputi areal seluas 350.148 ha terdiri dari

32 Kecamatan, 6 Kelurahan dan 354 Desa serta 2.754 Rukun Warga (RW) dan

10.402 Rukun Tetangga (RT) dengan penduduk berjumlah 2.243.904* jiwa. 77

Secara geografis wilayah Kabupaten Cianjur terbagi ke dalam 3 (tiga) bagian, yaitu Cianjur Bagian Utara, Tengah dan Selatan. Cianjur Bagian Utara merupakan di kaki Gunung Gede dengan ketinggian 2.962 m di atas permukaan laut, sebagian besar merupakan daerah dataran tinggi pegunungan dan sebagian lagi merupakan dataran yang dipergunakan untuk areal perkebunan dan persawahan. Cianjur

Bagian Tengah merupakan daerah yang berbukit-bukit dengan struktur tanah yang labil sering terjadi tanah longsor dan merupakan daerah yang rawan terjadi gempa bumi. Sedangkan dataran lainnya merupakan areal perkebunan dan persawahan.

Cianjur Bagian Selatan merupakan daerah dataran rendah, serta terdapat banyak bukit-bukit yang diselingi oleh pegunungan yang melebar sampai ke daerah pantai

Samudera Indonesia. Seperti halnya daerah Cianjur bagian tengah, bagian selatan pun tanahnya labil dan sering terjadi longsor serta gempa bumi. Meskipun tidak terlalu luas, di Cianjur bagian selatan terdapat areal perkebunan dan persawahan

Gambar : Luas Wilayah Kenurut Kecamatan Kab. Cianjur 2015

Sumber : Kabupaten Cianjur dalam Angka 201 Gambar : Peta Administratif Kabupaten Cianjur


Sumber : Kabupaten Cianjur dalam Angka 2016

Kabupaten Cianjur memiliki filosofi yakni NGAOS, MAMAOS dan MAEN PO yang mengingatkan pada kita semua tentang 3 (tiga) aspek keparipurnaan hidup. 79

1. NGAOS adalah tradisi mengaji yang mewarnai suasana dan nuansa Cianjur dengan masyarakat yang dilekati dengan keberagamaan. Citra sebagai daerah agamis ini konon sudah terintis sejak Cianjur lahir sekitar tahun 1677 dimana wilayah Cianjur ini dibangun oleh para ulama dan santri tempo dulu yang gencar mengembangkan syiar Islam. Itulah sebabnya Cianjur juga sempat mendapat julukan gudang santri dan kyai sehingga mendapat julukan KOTA SANTRI. Bila di tengok sekilas sejarah perjuangan di tatar Cianjur jauh sebelum masa perang kemerdekaan, bahwa kekuatan-kekuatan perjuangan kemerdekaan pada masa itu tumbuh dan bergolak pula di pondok-pondok pesantren. Banyak pejuang-pejuang yang meminta restu para kyai sebelum berangkat ke medan perang. Mereka baru merasakan lengkap dan percaya diri berangkat ke medan juang setelah mendapat restu para kyai.

2. MAMAOS adalah seni budaya yang menggambarkan kehalusan budi dan rasa menjadi perekat persaudaraan dan kekeluargaan dalam tata pergaulan hidup. Seni mamaos tembang sunda Tembang Cianjuran lahir dari hasil cipta, rasa dan karsa Bupati Cianjur R. Aria Adipati Kusumahningrat yang dikenal dengan sebutan Dalem Pancaniti. Ia menjadi dalem tatar Cianjur sekitar tahun 1834-1862. Seni mamaos ini terdiri dari alat kecapi indung (Kecapi besar dan Kecapi rincik (kecapi kecil) serta sebuah suling yang mengiringi panembanan atau juru. Pada umumnya syair mamaos ini lebih banyak mengungkapkan puji-pujian akan kebesaran Tuhan dengan segala hasil ciptaan-Nya.

3. Sedangkan MAENPO adalah seni bela diri pencak silat yang menggambarkan keterampilan dan ketangguhan. Pencipta dan penyebar maenpo ini adalah R. Djadjaperbata atau dikenal dengan nama R. H. Ibrahim, aliran ini mempunyai ciri permainan rasa yaitu sensitivitas atau kepekaan yang mampu membaca segala gerak lawan ketika anggota badan saling bersentuhan. Dalam maenpo dikenal ilmu Liliwatan (penghindaran) dan Peupeuhan (pukulan). 80

5.2. Dinas Pariwisata,kepemudaan dan Olah raga Kabuapten Cianjur

Dinas Pariwisata,kepemudaan dan Olah raga Kabuapten Cianjur dengan

Alamat di Jalan Siti Jenab No. 31 Cianjur 43211, Tlp. (0263) 2697311

/Fax.267311 Website:http://disbudpar.cianjurkab.go.id/.

5.2.1. Struktur Organisasi Dinas Pariwisata,kepemudaan dan Olah raga Kabuapten Cianjur Kedudukan Dinas Pariwisata,kepemudaan dan Olah raga Kabuapten

Cianjur merupakan unsur pelaksana otonomi daerah di bidang kebudayaan dan pariwisata. Dinas Pariwisata,kepemudaan dan Olah raga Kabuapten Cianjur dipimpin oleh seorang Kepala Dinas yang berada di bawah dan bertanggung jawab kepada Bupati melalui Sekretaris Daerah.

Gambar Struktur organisasi Dinas Pariwisata,kepemudaan dan Olah raga Kabuapten Cianjur


5.2.2. Program Pengembangan Destinasi dan Promosi Wisata Serta Kemitraan

Dalam mengembangkan potensi pariwisata di kabupaten Cianjur Dina

Pariwisata , kepemudaan dan olah raga memiliki program kerja Grand Desain 7

Cluster Wisata di Kabupaten Cianjur sebagai berikut:

1) Kegiatan Expo Nusantara dan Citra Pariwisata Tahun 2017

2) Pengembangan Sistem Informasi Pariwisata Daerah ( Simparda ) Kbupaten Cianjur

3) Festival Cianjur Jago 2017

4) Helaran Seni Budaya Tradisi Cianjur

5) Penataan Destinasi Pariwisata Kabupaten Cianjur

6) Pelatihan Peningkatan Kapasitas bagi para Guide (Pemandu Wisata)

Program tersebut di rancang untuk menarik minat wisatawan, baik lokal maupun international yang bertujuan guna meningkatkan PAD kabupaten Cianjur.




6.1. Pengembangan Pariwisata

Kabupaten Cianjur memiliki beragam tempat wisata yang menarik yang banyak dikunjungi oleh wisatawan. Khaususnya Daerah utara Cianjur sudah lebih dulu banyak magnetnya. Selain pemandangan alam yang indah kondisi wilayah tersebut cenderung memiliki udara dingin dan infrastruktur relatif bagus. Selain itu jarak juga memengaruhi banyaknya wisatawan yang lebih memilih untuk berkunjung kelokasi wisata tersebut. Namun pariwisata di kabupaten cianjur bukan saja Cianjur Utara saja yang memiliki daya tarik wisata yang bagus tetapi

Cianjur Selatan pun memimiliki potensi pariwisata yang tak kalah bagus dengan

Objek wisata didaerah cianjur Utara, seperti Pantai Jayanti,pantai cidaun yang memiliki ke indahan pantainya, danau lewi Soro, Curug Cikondang dan masih banyak lagi tempat-tempat wisata yang berada di daerah Cianjur Selatan. Objek- objek wisata ini selayaknya mendapat perhatian dari masyarakat dan pemerintah setempat. Namun, sayangnya, pengelolaan pada beberapa objek wisata tersebut belum optimal. Masih terbatasnya dukungan sarana dan prasarana dan masih terkendala masalah infra struktur dalam menunjang kegiatan pariwisata telah mengakibatkan menurunnya daya tarik obyek wisata.

Pengembangan bidang pariwisata merupakan suatu hal yang sangat perlu dilakukan oleh Pemerintah Daerah, mengingat banyak sekali keuntungan atau 83

manfaat yang bisa diambil dari kegiatan pariwisata, antara lain dapat menciptakan lapangan pekerjaan, meningkatkan dan meratakan pendapatan masyarakat serta memperkenalkan seni budaya daerah dan hasil kerajinan daerah untuk dapat dipasarkan kepada wisatawan, baik wisatawan mancanegara maupun wisatawan nusantara,dan yang tak kalah penting adalah dapat memberikan kontribusi bagi pendapatan asli daerah (PAD).

Dalam melakukan pengembangan pariwisata dibutuhkan berbagai pendukung untuk memperlancar jalannya kegiatan, antara lain sumber daya manusia yang berkualitas, adanya dana yang cukup memadai, didukung sarana dan prasarana serta kebijakan dari Pemerintah Daerah yang memprioritaskan bidang pariwisata. Suatu kegiatan pengembangan pariwisata yang sudah baik tanpa adanya dukungan dari hal-hal tersebut diatas tidak mungkin dapat mencapai hasil yang diharapkan, artinya setiap pengembangan bidang pariwisata sangat membutuhkan dana serta SDM yang berkualitas di samping ditunjang adanya sarana dan prasarana serta kebijakan dari Pemerintah Daerah Pengembangan pariwisata dilaksanakan dengan mempertimbangkan aspek destinasi dan aspek market.

Meskipun aspek market perlu dipertimbangkan namun macam, sifat dan perilaku obyek dan daya tarik wisata alam dan budaya diusahakan untuk menjaga kelestarian dan keberadaannya, sehingga pengembangannya harus berdasarkan market driven. Pengembangan pariwisata memerlukan perencanaan secara nasional, 84

regional atau Provinsi dan kawasan ataupun obyek. Perencanaan secara nasional disusun berdasarkan peraturan perundangan yang berlaku serta berbagai issues dan fenomena yang berkembang. Sementara itu, pengembangan pariwisata regional atau lokal didasarkan pada regulasi di daerah serta persepsi dan preferensi masyarakat sebagai bentuk realisasi paradigma baru yang memberdayakan masyarakat. Proses perencanaan pengembangan pariwisata yang mengkoordinasikan pemikiran nasional dan pemikiran masyarakat akan menghasilkan perencanaan terpadu. Secara langsung perencanaan ini akan menjadi participation planning.

Pengembangan pariwisata Indonesia telah tercermin dalam rencana strategi yang dirumuskan oleh Kementerian Kebudayaan dan Pariwisata RI, yakni:

a. Meningkatkan kesejahteraan masyarakat dengan membuka

kesempatan berusaha dan lapangan kerja serta pemerataan

pembangunan di bidang pariwisata;

b. Mewujudkan pembangunan pariwisata yang berkesinambungan

sehingga memberikan manfaat sosial-budaya, sosial ekonomi bagi

masyarakat dan daerah, serta terpeliharanya mutu lingkungan


c. Meningkatkan kepuasan wisatawan dan memperluas pangsa pasar;

dan 85

d. Menciptakan iklim yang kondusif bagi pembangunan pariwisata

Indonesia sebagai berdayaguna, produktif, transparan, dan bebas

KKN untuk melaksanakan fungsi pelayanan kepada masyarakat,

dalam institusi yang merupakan amanah yang

dipertanggungjawabkan (accountable).

Perencanaan Nasional Pengembangan Pariwisata menghasilkan strukturisasi pengembangan kawasan konservasi. Perubahan yang mendasar adalah konsep kawasan sebagai fungsi utama pelestarian. Sementara pemanfaatan hanya dilakukan terhadap aspek jasa estetika, pengetahuan (pendidikan dan penelitian) terhadap ekosistem dan keanekaragaman hayati filosofi, pemanfaatan jalur untuk tracking dan adventuring.

Proses yang hampir sama dapat dilakukan terhadap perencanaan pariwisata wilayah regional Provinsi. Pada perencanaan ini akan menghasilkan wilayah atau kawasan pengembangan pariwisata. Perencanaan pada level wilayah

Provinsi ini merupakan perencanaan yang menampung perencanaan lokal dengan menjabarkan dan berpedoman pada perencanaan nasional.

6.2. Upaya Pengembangan Pariwisata

Menurut Suwantoro (2004), upaya pengembangan pariwisata yang dilihat dari kebijakan dalam pengembangan wisata alam, dari segi ekonomi pariwista alam akan dapat menciptakan lapangan pekerjaan. Memang pariwisata alam membutuhkan investasi yang relatif lebih besar untuk pembangunan sarana dan 86

prasarananya. Untuk itu diperlukan evaluasi yang teliti terhadap kegiatan pariwisata alam tersebut. Banyak pendapat yang menyatakan bahwa pariwisata alam yang berbentuk ekoturisme belum berhasil berperan sebagai alat konservasi alam maupun untuk mengembangkan perekonomian. Salah satu penyebabnya adalah sulitnya mendapatkan dana pengembangan kegiatannya.

Pengelolaan kawasan wisata alam banyak menggunakan dana dari pendapatan pariwisata dari pengunjung sebagai mekanisme pengembalian biaya pengelolaan dan pelestarian kegiatan pariwisata alam belum tercapai secara optimal.

Unsur pokok yang harus mendapat perhatian guna menunjang pengembangan pariwisata di daerah tujuan wisata yang menyangkut perencanaan, pelaksanaan pembangunan dan pengembangannya meliputi 5 (lima) unsur, yaitu:

1. Objek dan daya tarik wisata

Menurut Undang-Undang Kepariwisataan Nomor 10 tahun 2009 Pasal 1 mengatakan bahwa : daya tarik wisata adalah sesuatu yang memiliki keunikan, keindahan, dan nilai yang berupa keanekaragaman kekayaan alam, budaya, dan hasil buatan manusia yang menjadi sasaran atau tujuan kunjungan wisatawan.

Dapat disimpulkan beberapa unsur yang terkandung dalam pengertian tersebut, yaitu:

1) Setiap daya tarik wisata memiliki keunikan, keindahan;

2) Daya tarik dapat berupa alam, budaya, atau hasil karya manusia yang

berseni tinggi dan layak untuk dijadikan suatu produk; 87

3) Sasaran utama adalah wisatawan.

Objek wisata sebaiknya memiliki kriteria-kriteria yang memenuhi syarat serta berpotensi sehingga layak untuk dijual. Ada tiga kriteria yang menentukan suatu objek wisata dapat diminati wisatawan, yakni:

1) Something To See, adalah objek wisata tersebut harus mempunyai

sesuatu yang biasa dilihat atau dijadikan tontonan oleh pengunjung

wisata. Dengan kata lain, objek tersebut harus mempunyai daya tarik

khusus yang mampu untuk menyedot minat dari wisatawan yang

berkunjung ke daerah tersebut.

2) Something To Do, adalah agar wisatawan bisa melakukan sesuatu yang

berguna untuk memberikan perasaan senang, bahagia, relax, berupa

fasilitas rekreasi baik arena bermain atau tempat makan, terutama

makanan khas dari tempat tersebut sehingga mampu membuat

wisatawan lebih betah tinggal di sana.

3) Something To Buy, adalah fasilitas untuk wisatawan berbelanja yang

pada umumnya adalah ciri khas atau ikon dari daerah tersebut, sehingga

bisa dijadikan sebagai oleh-oleh (Yoeti, 1985:164).

Objek wisata merupakan potensi yang menjadi pendorong kehadiran wisatawan ke suatu Daerah Tujuan Wisata. Objek dan daya tarik wisata merupakan salah satu unsur dalam produk pariwisata yang harus mendapat perhatian khusus dari berbagai pihak guna menunjang perkembangan kepariwisataan. Daya tarik wisata yang juga disebut objek wisata merupakan 88

potensi yang menjadi pendorong kehadiran wisatawan. Pengusahaan objek dan daya tarik wisata dikelompokkan ke dalam:

1) Pengusahaan objek dan daya tarik wisata alam,

2) Pengusahaan objek dan daya tarik wisata budaya,

3) Pengusahaan objek dan daya tarik wisata minat khusus.

Dalam kedudukannya yang sangat menentukan itu, maka daya tarik wisata harus dirancang dan dibangun/dikelola secara profesional sehingga dapat menarik wisatawan untuk datang untuk datang. Membangun suatu objek wisata harus dirancang sedemikian rupa berdasarkan kriteria tertentu. Umumnya daya tarik suatu objek wisata berdasarkan pada:

1) Adanya sumber daya yang dapat menimbulkan rasa senang, indah,

nyaman dan bersih.

2) Adanya aksesibilitas yang tinggi untuk dapat mengunjunginya.

3) Adanya ciri khusus/spesifikasi yang bersifat langka.

4) Adanya sarana/prasarana penunjang untuk melayani para wisatawan

yang hadir.

5) Objek wisata alam mempunyai daya tarik tinggi karena keindahan alam

pegunungan, sungai, pantai, pasir, hutan, dan sebagainya.

6) Objek wisata budaya mempunyai daya tarik tinggi karena memiliki

nilaikhusus dalam bentuk atraksi kesenian upacara-upacara adat, nilai 89

luhur yang terkandung dalam suatu objek buah karya manusia pada

masa lampau.

Pembangunan suatu objek wisata harus dirancang dengan bersumber pada potensi daya tarik yang memiliki objek tersebut dengan mengacu pada kriteria keberhasilan pengembangan yang meliputi berbagai kelayakan.

1. Kelayakan Finansial

Studi kelayakan ini menyangkut perhitungan secara komersial dari pembangunan objek wisata tersebut. Perkiraan untung-rugi sudah harus diperkirakan dari awal. Berapa tenggang waktu yang dibutuhkan untuk kembali modal pun sudah harus diramalkan.

2. Kelayakan Sosial Ekonomi Regional

Studi kelayakan ini dilakukan untuk melihat apakah investasi yang ditanamkan untuk membangun suatu objek wisata juga akan memiliki dampak sosial ekonomi secara regional; dapat menciptakan lapangan kerja/berusaha, dapat meningkatkan penerimaan devisa, dapat meningkatkan penerimaan pada sektor yang lain seperti pajak, perindustrian, perdagangan, pertanian dan lain-lain. Dalam kaitannya dengan dengan hal ini pertimbangan tidak semata-mata komersial saja tetapi juga memperhatikan dampaknya secara lebih luas. Sebagai contoh, pembangunan kembali candi Borobudur tidak semata-mata mempertimbangkan soal pengembalian modal pembangunan candi melalui uang retribusi masuk candi, melainkan juga memperhatikan dampak yang ditimbulkannya, seperti jasa 90

transportasi, jasa akomodasi, jasa restoran, industri kerajinan, pajak dan sebagainya.

3. Kelayakan Teknis

Pembangunan objek wisata harus dapat dipertanggung jawabkan secara teknis dengan melihat daya dukung yang ada. Tidaklah perlu memaksakan diri untuk membangun suatu objek wisata apabila daya dukung objek wisata tersebut rendah. Daya tarik suatu objek wisata akan berkurang atau bahkan hilang bila objek wisata tersebut membahayakan keselamatan para wisatawan.

4. Kelayakan Lingkungan

Analisis dampak lingkungan dapat dipergunakan sebagai acuan kegiatan pembangunan suatu objek wisata. Pembangunan objek wisata yang mengakibatkan rusaknya lingkungan harus dihentikan pembangunannya.

Pembangunan objek wisata bukanlah untuk merusak lingkungan tetapi sekedar memanfaatkan sumber daya alam untuk kebaikan manusia dan untuk meningkatkan kualitas hidup manusia sehingga menjadi keseimbangan, keselarasan dan keserasian hubungan antar manusia dengan manusia, manusia dengan lingkungan alam dan pmanusia dengan Tuhannya.

5) Prasarana wisata

Prasarana wisata adalah sumber daya alam dan sumber daya buatan manusia yang mutlak dibutuhkan oleh wisatawan dalam perjalanannya di daerah tujuan wisata, seperti jalan, listrik, air, telekomunikasi, terminal, jembatan, dan lain sebagainya. Untuk kesiapan objek-objek wisata yang akan dikunjungi oleh 91

wisatawan di daerah tujuan wisata, prasarana wisata tersebut perlu dibangun dengan disesuaikan dengan lokasi dan kondisi objek wisata yang bersangkutan.

Pembangunan prasarana wisata yang mempertimbangkan kondisi dan lokasi akan meningkatkan aksesibilitas suatu objek wisata yang pada gilirannya akan dapat meningkatkan daya tarik objek wisata itu sendiri. Di samping berbagai kebutuhan yang telah disebutkan di atas, kebutuhan wisatawan yang lain juga perlu disediakan di daerah tujuan wisata, seperti bank, apotik, rumah sakit, pom bensin, pusat-pusat perbelanjaan, barber, dan sebagainya.

Dalam melaksanakan pembangunan prasarana wisata diperlukan koordinasi yang mantap antara instansi terkait bersama dengan instansi pariwisata di berbagai tingkat. Dukungan instansi terkait dalam membangun prasarana wisata sangat diperlukan bagi pengembangan pariwisata di daerah. Koordinasi di tingkat pelaksanaan merupakan modal utama suksesnya pembangunan pariwisata.

Dalam pembangunan prasarana pariwisata pemerintah lebih dominan karena pemerintah dapat mengambil manfaat ganda dari pembangunan tersebut, seperti untuk meningkatkan arus informasi, arus lalu lintas ekonomi, arus mobilitas manusia antara daerah, dan sebagainya, yang tentu saja dapat meningkatkan kesempatan berusaha dan bekerja masyarakat.

6) Sarana wisata

Sarana wisata merupakan kelengkapan daerah tujuan wisata yang diperlukan untuk melayani kebutuhan wisatawan dalam menikmati perjalanan wisatanya. Pembangunan sarana wisata disesuaikan dengan kebutuhan wisatawan 92

baik kuantitatif maupun kualitatif. Lebih dari itu selera pasar pun dapat menentukan tuntunan sarana yang dimaksud. Berbagai sarana wisata yang harus disediakan di daerah tujuan wisata adalah hotel, biro perjalanan, alat transportasi, restoran dan rumah makan serta sarana pendukung lainnya.

Tak semua objek wisata memerlukan sarana yang sama atau lengkap.Pengadaan sarana wisata tersebut harus disesuaikan dengan kebutuhan wisatawan. Sarana wisata kuantitatif menunjukkan pada jumlah sarana wisata yang harus disediakan, dan secara kuantitatif yang menunjukkan pada mutu pelayanan yang diberikan dan yang tercermin pada kepuasan wisatawan yang memperoleh pelayanan. Dalam hubungannya dengan jenis dan mutu pelayanan sarana wisata di daerah tujuan wisata telah disusun suatu standart wisata yang baku, baik secara nasional dan secara internasional, sehingga penyedia sarana wisata tinggal memilih atau menentukan jenis dan kualitas yang akan disediakannya.

7) Infrastruktur

Infrastruktur adalah situasi yang mendukung fungsi sarana dan prasarana wisata, baik yang berupa sistem pengaturan maupun bangunan fisik di atas permukaan tanah dan di bawah tanah seperti:

a. Sistem pengairan, distribusi air bersih, sistem pembuangan air

limbah yang membantu sarana perhotelan/restoran. 93

b. Sumber listrik dan energi serta jaringan distribusikannya yang

merupakan bagian vital bagi terselenggaranya penyediaan sarana

wisata yang memadai.

c. Sistem jalur angkutan dan terminal yang memadai dan lancar akan

memudahkan wisatawan untuk mengunjungi objek-objek wisata.

d. Sistem komunikasi yang memudahkan para wisatawan untuk

mendapatkan informasi maupun mengirimkan informasi secara

cepat dan tepat.

e. Sistem keamanan atau pengawasan yang memberikan kemudahan

di berbagai sektor bagi para wisatawan. Keamanan diterminal, di

perjalanan, dan di objek-objek wisata, di pusat-pusat perbelanjaan,

akan meningkatkan daya tarik suatu objek wisata maupun daerah

tujuan wisata. Di sini perlu ada kerjasama yang mantap antara

petugas keamanan, baik swasta maupun pemerintah, karena dengan

banyaknya orang di daerah tujuan wisata dan mobilitas manusia

yang begitu cepat membutuhkan system keamanan yang ketat

dengan para petugas yang selalu siap setiap saat.Infrastruktur yang

memadai dan terlaksana dengan baik di daerah tujuan wisata akan

membantu meningkatkan fungsi sarana wisata, sekaligus

membantu masyarakat dalam meningkatkan kualitas hidupnya.

8) Masyarakat/lingkungan 94

Daerah dan tujuan wisata yang memiliki berbagai objek dan daya tarik wisata akan mengundang kehadiran wisatawan.

a. Masyarakat

Masyarakat di sekitar objek wisatalah yang akan menyambut kehadiran wisatawan tersebut dan akan memberikan layanan yang diperlukan oleh para wisatawan. Untuk ini masyarakat di sekitar objek wisata perlu mengetahui berbagai jenis dan kualitas layanan yang dibutuhkan oleh para wisatawan. Dalam hal ini pemerintah melalui instansi-instansi terkait telah menyelenggarakan berbagai penyuluhan kepada masyarakat. Salah satunya adalah dalam bentuk bina masyarakat sadar wisata. Dengan terbinanya masyarakat yang sadar wisata akan berdampak positif

karena mereka akan memperoleh keuntungan dari para wisatawan yang membelanjakan uangnya. Para wisatawan pun akan untung karena mendapat pelayanan yang memadai dan juga mendapatkan berbagai kemudahan dalam memenuhi kebutuhannya.

b. Lingkungan

Di samping masyarakat di sekitar objek wisata, lingkungan alam di sekitar objek wisata pun perlu diperhatikan dengan seksama agar tak rusak dan tercemar.

Lalu lalang manusia yang terus meningkat dari tahun ke tahun dapat mengakibatkan rusaknya ekosistem fauna dan flora di sekitar objek wisata. Oleh sebab itu perlu adanya upaya menjaga kelestarian lingkungan melalui penegakan berbagai aturan dan persyaratan dalam pengelolaan suatu objek wisata. 95

c. Budaya

Lingkungan masyarakat dalam lingkungan alam di suatu objek wisata merupakan lingkungan budaya yang menjadi pilar penyangga kelangsungan hidup suatu masyarakat. Oleh karena itu, lingkungan budaya ini pun kelestariannya tidak boleh tercemar oleh budaya asing, tetapi harus ditingkatkan kualitasnya sehingga dapat memberikan kenangan yang mengesankan bagi tiap wisatawan yang berkunjung. Masyarakat yang memahami, menghayati, dan mengamalkan sapta pesona wisata di daerah tujuan wisata menjadi harapan semua pihak untuk mendorong pengembangan pariwisata yang pada akhirnya akan meningkatkan pendapatan dan kesejahteraan masyarakat.

6.3. Kebijakan Pemerintah Daerah dalam Pengembangan Pariwisata

Pengembangan kepariwisataan di Kabupaten Cianjur merupakan salah satu hal yang penting dilakukan oleh Pemerintah dalam rangka peningkatan kesejahteraan masyarakat. Beberapa hal yang terkait dengan pengembangan pariwisata dapat dijelaskan sebagai berikut:

1. Pembangunan kepariwisataan diarahkan pada peningkatan pariwisata

menjadi sektor andalan yang mampu menggalakkan kegiatan ekonomi,

termasuk kegiatan sektor lain yang terkait, sehingga lapangan kerja,

pendapatan masyarakat, daerah dan negara serta penerimaan devisa 96

meningkat melalui upaya pengembangan dan pendayagunaan potensi

kepariwisataan nasional.

2. Dalam pembangunan kepariwisataan harus dijaga tetap terpeliharanya

kepribadian serta kelestarian fungsi dan mutu lingkungan hidup.

Kepariwisataan perlu ditata secara menyeluruh dan terpadu dengan

melibatkan sektor yang terkait dalam suatu keutuhan usaha

kepariwisataan yang saling menunjang dan saling menguntungkan baik

yang berskala kecil, menengah maupun besar.

3. Pengembangan pariwisata nusantara dilakukan sejalan dengan upaya

memupuk rasa cinta tanah air dan bangsa serta menanamkan jiwa

semangat dan nilai-nilai luhur bangsa dalam rangka lebih memperkokoh

persatuan dan kesatuan nasional terutama dalam bentuk penggalakan

pariwisata remaja dan pemuda dengan lebih meningkatkan kemudahan

dalam memperoleh pelayanan kepariwisataan. Daya tarik Indonesia

sebagai negara tujuan wisata mancanegara perlu ditingkatkan melalui

upaya pemeliharaan benda dan khazanah bersejarah yang

menggambarkan ketinggian budaya dan kebesaran bangsa serta

didukung dengan promosi memikat.

4. Upaya pengembangan objek dan daya tarik wisata serta kegiatan

promosi dan pemasarannya, baik di dalam maupun di luar negeri terus

ditingkatkan secara terencana, terarah, terpadu dan efektif, antara lain 97

dengan memanfaatkan secara optimal kerjasama kepariwisataan

regional dan global guna meningkatkan hubungan antara bangsa.

Pemerintah telah menerapkan sejumlah kebijakan sebagai pemandu dalam setiap perencanaan pembangunan dan pengembangan kepariwisataan sebagai berikut:

1. Undang-Undang No. 9 Tahun 1990 Tentang Kepariwisataan.

2. Undang-Undang Republik Indonesia Nomor 10 Tahun 2009

Tentang Kepariwisataan.

3. Instruksi Presiden Republik Indonesia Nomor 9 Tahun 1969

Tentang Pedoman Pembinaan Pengembangan Kepariwisataan Nasional.

4. Instruksi Presiden Republik Indonesia Nomor 16 Tahun 2005 Tentang

Kebijakan Pembangunan Kebudayaan dan Pariwisata.

5. Peraturan Pemerintah Republik Indonesia Nomor 32 Tahun 1996

Tentang Penyelenggaraan Kepariwisataan.

6. Peraturan Menteri Kebudayaan dan Pariwisata Nomor:

PM.17/HK.001/MKP- 2005 Tentang Organisasi dan Tata Kerja

Departemen Kebudayaan dan Pariwisata.

7. Peraturan Menteri Kebudayaan dan Pariwisata Nomor PM.

105/UM.001/MKP/2010 Tentang Perubahan Pertama Atas Rencana

Strategis Kementerian Kebudayaan dan Pariwisata Tahun 2010-2014. 98

Instruksi Presiden Nomor 16 Tahun 2005 Tentang Kebijakan

Pembangunan Kebudayaan dan Pariwisata yang ditandatangani Presiden RI pada

29 Desember 2005. Dasar pemikirannya adalah untuk, pertama, meningkatkan kualitas pelayanan kepada publik dalam bentuk jasa atau kemudahan yang diperlukan bagi wisatawan mancanegara yang hendak berkunjung ke Indonesia dan kemudahan bagi wisatawan nusantara dalam melakuan perjalanan untuk mengenali, mencintai alam dan ragam budaya Indonesia. Kedua, mengambil langkah-langkah nyata guna mengoptimalkan akselerasi pembangunan kebudayaan dan pariwisata nasional dalam upaya menyejahterakan masyarakat, membuka lapangan kerja, memberantas kemiskinan dan memeratakan pembangunan. Ketiga, secara proaktif melakuan upaya perlindungan, pengembagan dan pemanfaatan sumber daya alam dan budaya untuk pembangunan kebudayaan dan pariwisata. Keempat, menggunakan tema

“Indonesia Ultimatye in Diversity” dalam setiap kegiatan promosi di luar negeri dan tema “Kenali Negerimu Cintai Negerimu. Ayo Tamasya Jelajahi Nusantara” dalam setiap kegiatan promosi di dalam negeri.

Bagi Kabupaten Cianjur, ketentuan yang sangat penting dari Instruksi

Presiden Republik Indonesia Nomor 16 Tahun 2005 Tentang Kebijakan

Pembangunan Kebudayaan dan Pariwisata, yang tercantum pada butir 21 yaitu bahwa para Gubernur, Bupati, dan Walikota:

a. Meningkatkan sistem informasi dan promosi kepariwisataan

daerah; 99

b. Menyusun Rencana Induk Pengembangan Pariwisata Daerah

(pengembangan produk, pemasaran serta sarana dan

pelayanan/Sumber Daya Manusia); c. Mengadakan pengawasan dan pengendalian kerusakan lingkungan; d. Mengembangkan informasi peluang investasi di bidang

kebudayaan dan pariwisata; e. Meningkatkan pelaksanaan sadar wisata melalui program Sapta

Pesona (aman, tertib, bersih, sejuk, indah, ramah tamah dan

kenangan); f. Meningkatkan dan memberikan kemudahan pemberian perizinan

industri kebudayaan dan serta pariwisata kemudahan perizinan

pemanfaatan lokasi untuk syuting film; g. Melakukan penataan objek wisata dan penyiapan infrastruktur

dasar; h. Mengembangkan daya tarik wisata di jalur pergerakan wisatawan

nusantara dan di sekitar perkotaan; i. Melestarikan tradisi, nilai, dan adat istiadat melalui

penyelenggaraan event daerah.



7.1. Kesimpulan

Objek dan daya tarik wisata merupakan salah satu unsur dalam produk pariwisata yang harus mendapat perhatian khusus dari berbagai pihak guna menunjang perkembangan kepariwisataan. Daya tarik wisata harus dirancang dan dibangun/dikelola secara profesional sehingga dapat menarik wisatawan untuk datang untuk datang. Membangun suatu objek wisata harus dirancang sedemikian rupa berdasarkan kriteria tertentu.

Pembangunan suatu objek wisata harus dirancang dengan bersumber pada potensi daya tarik yang memiliki objek tersebut dengan mengacu pada kriteria keberhasilan pengembangan yang meliputi berbagai kelayakan.

1. Kelayakan Finansial

Studi kelayakan ini menyangkut perhitungan secara komersial dari pembangunan objek wisata tersebut. Perkiraan untung-rugi sudah harus diperkirakan dari awal. Berapa tenggang waktu yang dibutuhkan untuk kembali modal pun sudah harus diramalkan.

2. Kelayakan Sosial Ekonomi Regional

Studi kelayakan ini dilakukan untuk melihat apakah investasi yang ditanamkan untuk membangun suatu objek wisata juga akan memiliki dampak sosial ekonomi secara regional; dapat menciptakan lapangan kerja/berusaha, dapat 101

meningkatkan penerimaan devisa, dapat meningkatkan penerimaan pada sektor yang lain seperti pajak, perindustrian, perdagangan, pertanian dan lain-lain. Dalam kaitannya dengan dengan hal ini pertimbangan tidak semata-mata komersial saja tetapi juga memperhatikan dampaknya secara lebih luas. Sebagai contoh, pembangunan kembali candi Borobudur tidak semata-mata mempertimbangkan soal pengembalian modal pembangunan candi melalui uang retribusi masuk candi, melainkan juga memperhatikan dampak yang ditimbulkannya, seperti jasa transportasi, jasa akomodasi, jasa restoran, industri kerajinan, pajak dan sebagainya.

3. Kelayakan Teknis

Pembangunan objek wisata harus dapat dipertanggung jawabkan secara teknis dengan melihat daya dukung yang ada. Tidaklah perlu memaksakan diri untuk membangun suatu objek wisata apabila daya dukung objek wisata tersebut rendah. Daya tarik suatu objek wisata akan berkurang atau bahkan hilang bila objek wisata tersebut membahayakan keselamatan para wisatawan.

4. Kelayakan Lingkungan

Analisis dampak lingkungan dapat dipergunakan sebagai acuan kegiatan pembangunan suatu objek wisata. Pembangunan objek wisata yang mengakibatkan rusaknya lingkungan harus dihentikan pembangunannya.

Pembangunan objek wisata bukanlah untuk merusak lingkungan tetapi sekedar memanfaatkan sumber daya alam untuk kebaikan manusia dan untuk meningkatkan kualitas hidup manusia sehingga menjadi keseimbangan, 102

keselarasan dan keserasian hubungan antar manusia dengan manusia, manusia dengan lingkungan alam dan manusia dengan Tuhannya.

7.2. Saran

Pengembangan kepariwisataan di Kabupaten Cianjur merupakan salah satu hal yang penting dilakukan oleh Pemerintah dalam rangka peningkatan kesejahteraan masyarakat. Beberapa upaya yang harus ditingkatkan oleh pemerintah kabupaten Cianjur adalah,:

1. Upaya pengembangan objek dan daya tarik wisata serta kegiatan promosi

dan pemasarannya, baik di dalam maupun di luar negeri harus terus

ditingkatkan secara terencana, terarah, terpadu dan efektif, antara lain

dengan memanfaatkan secara optimal kerjasama kepariwisataan regional

dan global guna meningkatkan hubungan antara bangsa.

2. Mengambil langkah-langkah nyata guna mengoptimalkan akselerasi

pembangunan kebudayaan dan pariwisata nasional dalam upaya

menyejahterakan masyarakat, membuka lapangan kerja, memberantas

kemiskinan dan memeratakan pembangunan.

3. Secara proaktif melakuan upaya perlindungan, pengembagan dan

pemanfaatan sumber daya alam dan budaya untuk pembangunan

kebudayaan dan pariwisata.



Biederman, Paul S., Jun Lai, Jukka M. Laitamaki, Hannah R. Messerli, Peter D.Nyheim, dan Stanley C. Plog. 2007. Travel and Tourism: An Industry Primer, Pearson Education, Inc., Upper Saddle River, NJ.

Edgell Sr, David L., Allen, Maria D., Smith, G., Jason, R. Swanson. 2008. Tourism Policy and Planning: Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow, Elsevier, Burlington.

Goeldner, Charles A. and J.R. Brent Ritchie. 2006. Tourism: Principles, Practices,Philosophies (10th ed.), Wiley, Hoboken, NJ.

Kodyat, RA. 2001. Statistik Induktif Terapan. Yogyakarta: BPFE UGM

Mill, R.C and Morisson, A.M. 1985. The Tourism System : An Introductory Text. Englewood Cliff : Prentice Hall-Inc

Suwantoro, Gamal. 2004. Dasar-dasar Pariwisata. Yogyakarta: Andi

Wahab, Saleh. 2003. Manajemen Kepariwisataan. Jakarta: PT Pradnya Paramita

Yoeti, Oka. 2007. Pemasaran Pariwisata. Bandung: Angkasa.

Rujukan Media elektronik, Internet


Instruksi Presiden Republik Indonesia Nomor 16 Tahun 2005 Tentang Kebijakan Pembangunan Kebudayaan dan Pariwisata.






















Dr. Yaya Mulyana, A. Aziz NIDN 0429076401



1. Introduction

Tourism is one of the construction sector which is currently being promoted by the government. This is due to tourism has a very important role in the development of Indonesia, particularly as one of the country's foreign exchange. is one of the important economic sectors. In addition, as the engine driving the economy, tourism is an attractive vehicle to reduce unemployment.

In the national economy, tourism is one sector that is expected to provide increased revenue through foreign exchange earnings. The tourism sector gave an enormous impact for the community, especially people who are in the area or location a tourist destination. Tourism is a sector that is constantly developed by the government as a pillar of national development because it is able to sustain the national economy when the world is experiencing a crisis.

In Act No. 10 of 2009 states that tourism development is needed to encourage equality of opportunity to try and obtain benefits and able to face

the challenges of changes in local, national, and global. Event tourism is one sector plays an important role in the development process and the development of an area that can contribute to the income of a region and for society. Tourism plays an important role in national development: leveling and increase employment opportunities and incomes, strengthen unity and integrity, as well as national culture (Yoeti, 2007).

This is possible because of tourism as an economic effort, not only capital intensive, but also labor-intensive. Thus, the tourism sector is able to increase employment. This absorption is associated with the increase in tourism as a mainstay that is able to promote other related sectors. The purpose of the development of tourism in Indonesia can be seen clearly in the instructions for the President of the Republic of Indonesia Number 9 of 1969, in particular Chapter II, Article 3, which states that efforts to develop tourism in Indonesia is a 124

development of the tourism industry and is part of the business development and the development and welfare society and the state.

In addition, the governance and development of tourism also aims to introduce the natural beauty and culture of Indonesia. This means, the development of tourism in Indonesia can not be separated from the potential of Indonesia to support the tourism. Indonesia has a very interesting cultural diversity. This cultural diversity against the backdrop of their religion, unique customs, and art owned by each of the tribes in Indonesia. In addition to beautiful nature will give a special attraction for tourists both natural mountain (rural), the underwater world, as well as the beach.

Cianjur Regency has a variety of interesting sights which are visited by tourists. The north in particular Cianjur already many magnet. In addition to the beautiful natural scenery of the region conditions tend to have cold air and relatively good infrastructure. In addition, the distance also affect the number of tourists who prefer to visit the tourist localized. However, tourism in the district of Cianjur not only Cianjur Holland who has a tourist attraction which is nice but South Cianjur also memimiliki tourism potential is not less good with attractions area cianjur North, such as Turkish Jayanti, beach Cidaun who has the beauty of its beaches, lakes Levi Soro , Curug Cikondang and many more tourist attractions in the area South Cianjur. These tourist objects should receive attention from the public and local authorities. However, unfortunately, the management at some attractions are not yet optimal. The limited facilities and infrastructure and still constrained problem infra structure to support the tourism activity has resulted in decreasing tourist attraction.

The pattern of management of tourist destinations have not thoroughly negative impact that resulted in a decreased tourist attraction. Development of tourism activity is still focused in the northern area of Cianjur and it was only the development of the physical aspects, such as only develop its natural resources, such as Cibodas Botanical Garden, Beach Jayanti, Curug Citambur, Reservoir Jangari, Tracking Mount Gede, and the City of Flowers. As for the development 125

of tourism activities have not seen an effort to create objects, new tourism, such as by developing the tourism potential of the beach is in the area South Cianjur and local culture district cianjur in general can be used as an attraction for tourism in Cianjur such ceremonies owned or unique activities , Tourism potential of culture that is constantly developed by the regional government is the largest Gunung Padang, Cianjur Cianjur, Turkish Jayanti, Turkish or Turkish Sereg and Apra Sindangbarang Cianjur located in South Cianjur area, which until today is much visited by tourists. Beaches in South Cianjur indeed can not be equated with Palabuhan ratu beach in Sukabumi that has already become a tourist area of Pangandaran beach or the beach in Pangandaran Regency. But of exoticism and the opportunity to grow rated not less interesting. Only the concept of the arrangement is spurious.

South Cianjur region tourism development is so far still constrained by infrastructure problems. It is certainly a cause South region yet crowded by travelers compared to North Cianjur district.

In planning parisiwata Cianjur Regency middle Jayanti Turkish development plan in South Cianjur. For that, it continued to push the parties to synergize to stimulate the development of tourism in South Cianjur. , The tourism development should be done across sectors. With several related offices such as for infra structure which the authority of the Department of Highways, while the Tourism Department in charge of structuring attractions.

Judging from the object and the attractiveness of existing, Cianjur Regency has a relatively complete number of attractions, ranging from the natural attractions, artificial and cultural attractions is available. As a tourist destination areas, the potential of tourism in the district of Cianjur has had a strong enough appeal for a visit by tourists, both domestic and foreign tourists. This should be a material capable local government policy in particular, to improve and bring the local tourism sector to be better. Even with its potential, the development of the tourism sector could be one source of local revenue alone for significant Cianjur regency can even mendorng improving the local economy. 126

Nowadays, there are some policies that aim to encourage the development of tourism activities in Indonesia in general and in particular Cianjur regency. These policies certainly the efforts undertaken by the regional government to develop tourism in Cianjur, but the effort was a vain hope if not dibarengai seriousness in the implementation of these policies should pay attention to the content and the policy environment conteks ..

In connection with this, the study will elaborate on Government policy relating to the development of tourism in the district of Cianjur, which need special attention by the government in the development of tourism in Cianjur. This is related to the Asean Community in 2015 where all the Asean community is free and can be directly to visit various Asian countries with a variety of convenience facilities are applied. In terms of regional policy view about the development of tourism that already exist, the need for research on the Local Government Policy in the Development of Tourism in Cianjur.

2. Research Methodology

This type of research is descriptive-analytic study, the research aims to get an overview analysis of government policy in the development of tourism in Cianjur.

The data used is primary and secondary data. The primary data obtained through interviews of the parties concerned and questionnaires to the tourists. While secondary data is data obtained indirectly from the object of research, namely through the documents, archives, research journals, books related to research problems. 127

The subject in this study are the parties involved in the development of tourism in the district of Cianjur, namely the Department of Culture and Tourism Cianjur, the practitioner, tourists, and the academia field of tourism in Cianjur.

The object of research in this study are matters related to tourism in Cianjur, the tourist areas in Cianjur and areas that could be potential in Cianjur travel.

Data collection techniques in this research is through:

a. Survey inspects indirectly to the area you are investigating.

b. Interviews with parties related to the research.

c. Study the documentation, the authors collected the necessary data from the document/ records regarding the issues to be discussed.

d. Questionnaire, which is done by asking a few questions to tourists in Cianjur to get information related to the research. The questionnaire consists of two parts, the first part containing the personal data of respondents and the second part contains information related to infrastructure in Cianjur.

As for the technique of data analysis used in this research is using descriptive-analytic techniques, ie Based on the data found in the field and then made analysis and then drawn conclusions.

3. Discussion

According Kodyat (2001) tourism is traveling from one place to another, temporary, done individually or in groups, in an effort to find a balance or harmony and happiness with the environment in the social, cultural, nature and science. Meanwhile, Burkart and Medlik (Bram, 2006) describes tourism as a transformation of people for a while and in the short term to destinations outside the places where they normally live and work and their activities during a stay in places of interest that. 128

In the Law of the Republic of Indonesia Number 10 Year 2009 concerning tourism, states that:

a. Travel is a travel activity undertaken by a person or group of people to visit a particular place for the purpose of recreation, personal development, or to learn the uniqueness of the visited tourist attraction in the interim time period.

b. Travellers are people who do travel.

c. Tourism is a wide range of tourist activities and supported a variety of facilities and services provided by the public, employers, Government and Local Government.

d. Tourism is the overall activities related to tourism and is multidimensional and multidisciplinary emerging as a manifestation of the need for everyone and the country as well as the interaction between tourists and the local community, fellow travelers, Government, Local Government, and employers.

The development of tourism is a thing that needs to be done by the Government, given the many advantages or benefits to be gained from tourism activities, among others, can create jobs, improve and flatten public income as well as introducing local cultural arts and crafts area to be marketed to tourists, both foreign and domestic tourists, and equally important is to contribute to revenue .

In doing various supporting tourism development needed for the smooth running of activities, such as quality human resources, funds are sufficient, supported by infrastructure and policies of the local governments who prioritize tourism. An activity of tourism development is already well without the support of the things mentioned above may not be able to achieve the expected results, meaning that any development of the tourism sector is in dire need of funds and qualified human resources in addition supported by their infrastructure and 129

policies of the Local Government Development of tourism implemented by considering aspects of the destination and market aspects.

Although aspects need to be considered but a wide market, properties and behavior of objects and natural attractions and culture and sought to preserve its existence, so development should be based on market driven. Tourism development requires planning national, regional or province and the region or object. National planning is based on existing regulations as well as the various issues and the growing phenomenon. Meanwhile, regional or local tourism development based on the regulations in the area as well as the perceptions and preferences of society as a form of realization of a new paradigm that empowers people. Tourism development planning process that coordinates national thinking and mindset of the people will produce integrated planning. Directly this planning will be participation planning.

Indonesia tourism development has been reflected in the strategic plan formulated by the Ministry of Culture and Tourism of Indonesia, namely :

a. Improving the welfare of the community by opening up business opportunities and employment as well as the distribution of development in the field of tourism;

b. Achieve sustainable tourism development so as to provide the benefits of socio-cultural, socio-economic for the community and the region, as well as the preservation of environmental quality;

c. Increasing tourist satisfaction and expand market share; and

d. Create a climate conducive to the development of tourism in Indonesia as a powerful, productive, transparent and corruption-free to carry out the function of service to the community, the institution that is a mandate which accounted (accountable).

National Planning Development of Tourism generates structuring the development of a conservation area. The fundamental change is the concept of the area as the main function of preservation. While the use of conducted only on the 130

aesthetic aspects of the services, knowledge (education and research) to ecosystems and biodiversity philosophy, track utilization for tracking and adventuring.

Similar process can be made to the provincial tourism planning region. In this planning will produce or areas of tourism development. Planning at the level of the province is planning to accommodate local planning by presenting and guided by the national planning.

According Suwantoro (2004), tourism development efforts are seen in the development of a policy nature, in terms of tourism economy of nature will be able to create jobs. Indeed, nature tourism requires relatively larger investments for the construction of facilities and infrastructure. It required a careful evaluation of the nature tourism activities. Many suggestions that nature tourism in the form of ecotourism has not been successful is an instrument of nature conservation as well as for economic development. One reason is the difficulty of getting funding development activities.

Management of many natural tourist areas using funds from tourism revenue from visitors as a mechanism to recover the cost of management and conservation of nature tourism activities have not achieved optimally.

The key elements that need attention in order to support the development of tourism in the tourist destination that involves the planning, implementation and development includes the construction of five (5) elements, namely:

6. Object and attractions

According to the Tourism Act No. 10 of 2009 Article 1 says: tourist attraction is something that has uniqueness, beauty, and value in the form of natural diversity, cultural and man-made results of the target or destination of tourists visit. Can be summed up some of the elements contained in these terms, namely: Each has a unique tourist attraction, beauty; The appeal can be either 131

natural, cultural, or artistic works of high human and deserve to be used as a product; and the main targets are tourists.

Attractions should have criteria that qualify and potentially making it feasible to sell. There are three criteria that determine an object can travel demand by tourists, namely:

a. Something To See, is a tourist attraction must have seen something unusual or made show by tourist visitors. In other words, the object must have a special appeal that is able to suck the interest of tourists who visit the area.

b. Something To Do, is that tourists can do something useful to give you a happy feeling, happy, relax, be a good recreational facilities playground or a place to eat, especially foods typical of these places so as to make travelers more comfortable staying there.

c. Something To Buy, is a facility for tourists shopping in general is the hallmark or the icon of the area, so it can be used as souvenirs (Yoeti, 1985: 164).

Attraction is the potential that drives tourists to the presence of a tourist destination areas. Objects and tourist attraction is one element in tourism products that should receive special attention from various parties to support the development of tourism. Tourist attraction also called attraction is the potential that drives the presence of tourists. Cultivation of objects and tourist attraction are grouped into: Exploitation objects and natural attractions, concession objects and cultural attractions, and concession objects and attractions of special interest.

In a very decisive position, the tourist attraction had to be designed and built / managed professionally so as to attract tourists to come to come. Build a tourist attraction should be designed in such a manner based on certain criteria. Generally, the attractiveness of an attraction based on:

a) The existence of resources that can give rise to a sense of fun, beautiful, comfortable and clean. 132

b) The existence of high accessibility to be able to visit.

c) The existence of special features / specifications are scarce.

d) The existence of facilities / infrastructure and facilities needed to serve the tourists in attendance.

e) Natural attractions have high appeal because of the natural beauty of the mountains, rivers, beaches, sand, forests, and so forth.

f) cultural attractions have a high appeal because it has nilaikhusus in the form of artistic attractions of traditional ceremonies, the noble values that are contained in an object fruit of man's work in the past.

Construction of a tourist attraction must be designed, referring to the potential appeal having the object with reference to the successful development of criteria covering various eligibility.

5) Financial Feasibility

This feasibility study concerning the commercial calculation of the construction of tourist attraction. Estimates of cost-benefit has to be expected from the beginning. How much lead time required for return of capital also must be foreseen.

6) Socio-Economic Feasibility Regional

The feasibility study is underway to see if invested to build an attraction also will have socio-economic impacts on a regional basis; can create jobs / attempted, can increase foreign exchange earnings, can improve reception in other sectors such as taxation, industry, trade, agriculture and others. In connection with the consideration it is not purely commercial but also considering the impact more broadly. For example, the reconstruction of the temple of Borobudur is not solely consider the matter of return on capital construction of the temple through the fees entrance of the temple, but also pay attention to their impact, such as 133

transportation services, accommodation services, restaurant services, handicraft industry, taxes and so forth.

7) Technical Feasibility

Attraction construction should be accountable technically by looking at the existing carrying capacity. There is no need to force yourself to build a tourist attraction when the carrying capacity of the attraction is low. The appeal of a tourist attraction will be reduced or even disappear when the attraction that endanger the safety of the tourists.

8) Environmental Feasibility

Environmental impact analysis can be used as a reference for the development activities of a tourist attraction. Construction of tourist attraction that cause damage to the environment must be stopped construction. Attraction construction is not to destroy the environment but merely exploit natural resources for the good of men and to improve the quality of life of human beings to balance, harmony and harmonious relationship between man and man, man and nature and the environment pmanusia with his Lord.

7. Tourist Infrastructure

Tourism infrastructure is a natural resources and man-made resources that is absolutely needed by the traveler in his journey in tourist destinations, such as roads, electricity, water, telecommunications, terminals, bridges, and so forth. For readiness sights to be visited by tourists in a tourist destination, the tourism infrastructure should be developed according to the location and conditions of the relevant attraction.

Development of tourism infrastructure for the condition and location will increase the accessibility of attractions which in turn will be able to increase the tourist attraction itself. In addition to the various requirements mentioned above, another traveler needs should also be present in tourist destinations, 134

such as banks, pharmacies, hospitals, gas stations, shopping centers, barber, and so forth.

In carrying out the construction of tourist infrastructure required steady coordination between the relevant agencies together with tourism agencies at various levels. Support agencies involved in building tourism infrastructure is necessary for the development of tourism in the area. Coordination at the level of success of the implementation is the main asset of tourism development.

In the development of tourism infrastructure more dominant government because the government can take the double benefit from such development, such as to improve the flow of information, the traffic flow of economic, human mobility flows between regions, and so on, which of course can boost employment and public works.

8. Tourist Facilities

Tourist facilities is a complete tourist destination that is required to serve the needs of travelers in enjoying a tourist trip. Construction of tourist facilities adapted to the needs of tourists, both quantitative and qualitative. More than the taste of the market can determine the guidance means in question. Various tourist facilities should be provided in a tourist destination is a hotel, travel agency, transportation, restaurants and homes as well as other supporting facilities.

Not all attractions require the same means or lengkap.Pengadaan tourist facilities should be adapted to the needs of travelers. Means of quantitative travel shows on the number of tourist facilities should be provided, and quantitatively show the quality of services delivered and that is reflected in the satisfaction of tourists who get services. In conjunction with the type and quality of service tourist facilities in tourist destinations have compiled a travel standard standard, both nationally and internationally, so that providers of tourist facilities just select or specify the type and quality that will provide.

9. Infrastructure 135

Infrastructure is a situation that supports the functions of facilities and infrastructure, either in the form management system as well as the physical building above ground and underground such as:

f. Irrigation systems, water distribution, waste water disposal system which helps the means hospitality / restaurant. g. Electricity and energy sources and distribute them to the network is a vital part for the implementation of the provision of adequate tourism. h. Transit lines and terminal systems are inadequate and substandard will be easier for tourists to visit the sights. i. The communication system that allows the traveler to get information and send information quickly and accurately. j. Security or surveillance system that provides convenience in various sectors for the tourists. Security in the terminal, on the way, and at the attractions, in shopping centers, will increase the attractiveness of a tourist attraction as well as a tourist destination. Here there needs to be steady cooperation between security officers, both private and government, due to the multitude of tourist destinations and human mobility is so fast requires strict security system with the officers who are always ready at any saat.Infrastruktur adequate and implemented both in tourist destinations will help improve the function of tourism facilities, while helping people to improve their quality of life.

10. Community/neighborhood

Areas and tourist destinations that have a variety of objects and tourist attraction will invite the presence of tourists.

a. community

Communities around the object wisatalah who will welcome the presence of tourists and will provide the services needed by the tourists. For these communities around the attraction needs to know the different types and 136

quality of service required by the tourists. In this case the government through relevant agencies have conducted various outreach to the community. One of them is in the form of building society tourism awareness. With terbinanya conscious society will have a positive impact travel

because they will benefit from the tourists who spend money. The tourists will profit as it gets adequate services and also get various facilities to meet their needs.

b. Environment

In addition to the communities around the attraction, the natural environment around the attractions also need to be considered carefully so as not damaged and contaminated. Human traffic continues to increase from year to year may result in the destruction of ecosystems fauna and flora around the attraction. Therefore there is need for efforts to preserve the environment through the enforcement of various rules and requirements in the management of a tourist attraction.

c. Culture

Community environment in a natural environment in a tourist attraction is the cultural environment into the pillar of a society's survival. Therefore, this culture was preserved environment must not be contaminated by a foreign culture, but should be improved so as to provide a memorable memories for each of the tourists who visit. People who understand, appreciate, and practice stepping tourist destination travel in the hope of all parties to encourage the development of tourism, which in turn will increase the income and welfare of the community.

Various definitions of tourism policy proposed by the experts in tourism. Goeldner and Ritchie (2006) defines tourism policies as regulations, rules, guidelines, directions and goals of development / promotion and strategy that provides a framework for decision-making individual and collective which 137

directly affects the development of tourism in the long term and at the same daily activities that takes place at a destination.

Biederman (2007) adds the important things in the definition of tourism policy by arguing that the principle of the policy must ensure tourism is the state and local levels to benefit as much as possible of the social and economic contribution of tourism given. Biederman also mentioned that the ultimate objective of tourism policy was improved country or region and the lives of its citizens.

‘A tourism policy defines the direction or course of action that a particular country, region, locality or an individual destination plans to take when developing or promoting tourism. The key principle for any tourism policy is that it should ensure that the nation (region or locality) would benefit to the maximum extent possible from the economic and social contributions of tourism. The ultimate objective of a tourism policy is to improve the progress of the nation (region or locality) and the lives of its citizens’. In terms of marketing, product development, service and hospitality plays an important role in tourism policy. More importantly, this definition implies that tourism policy is dynamic and flexible in making adjustments and improvements to developments. Tourism policy is closely related to tourism planning.

According to Edgell, et al. (2008) tourism planning policy strengthened the position of tourism in development. Edgell, et al (2008) argued that tourism planning model includes vision and mission statements were followed by a series of goals, objectives, strategies, and tactics in the development of tourism.

Policy and tourism planning should be able to function effectively as the direction of the tourism development of the destination. However, in reality a lot of conflicts of interest at the level of decision makers during the implementation of the policy and planning of tourism which is already agreed that tourism development will no longer refer to the policies and plans that have been made. 138

The development of tourism in Cianjur Regency is one of the important things done by the Government in order to improve the welfare of society. Some aspects related to the development of tourism can be explained as follows:

5. The development of tourism aimed at improving tourism became the mainstay of the sector that is able to promote economic activities, including the activities of other related sectors, so that employment, income communities, regions and countries as well as increased foreign exchange earnings through the efforts of the development and utilization of national tourism potential. 6. In the development of tourism should be kept maintaining the personality and preservation of function and quality of the environment. Tourism should be comprehensive and integrated, involving relevant sectors in a tourism business integrity and mutual support and mutual benefit for both the small, medium and large. 7. Development of the archipelago tourism in line with efforts to foster a love for the homeland and the nation as well as the spirit and inculcate noble values of the nation in order to further strengthen the unity and national unity, especially in the form of tourism promotion of adolescents and youth to further improve the ease of obtaining service of tourism , Indonesia's attractiveness as a travel destination abroad need to be improved through the efforts of the maintenance of objects and historical treasures that illustrate the cultural elevation and greatness of the nation and supported by promotional lure. 8. Efforts to develop objects and attractions as well as promotional and marketing activities, both at home and abroad continue to be improved in a planned, purposeful, integrated and effective, including by making optimal use of regional tourism and global cooperation to improve relations between the nations.

Presidential Decree No. 16 Year 2005 on Development Policy of Culture and Tourism signed by the President on December 29, 2005. The idea is to, first, 139

improving the quality of public services in the form of services or facilities required for tourists who want to visit Indonesia and convenience for tourists in melakuan way to recognize, love nature and cultural diversity of Indonesia. Second, take concrete steps in order to optimize acceleration of national culture and tourism development in the effort to provide social welfare, employment, eradicate poverty and equalize development. Third, proactively undergo a safeguard, development and utilization of natural resources and culture to culture and tourism development. Fourth, using the theme "Indonesia Ultimatye in Diversity" in any promotional activities abroad and the theme "Know loved your country. Come Sightseeing Explore the archipelago "in any promotional activities in the country.

For Cianjur, very important provisions of Presidential Decree of the Republic of Indonesia Number 16 Year 2005 on Development Policy of Culture and Tourism, listed in item 21, namely that the Governors, Regents and Mayors:

j. Improving the system of information and promotion of tourism; k. Develop Regional Tourism Development Master Plan (product development, marketing as well as infrastructure and services / Human Resources); l. To supervise and control environmental damage; m. Developing information investment opportunities in the field of culture and tourism; n. Improving the implementation of tourism awareness through programs Sapta Pesona (safe, orderly, clean, cool, beautiful, suave and memories); o. Enhance and facilitate the provision of the licensing industry and tourism culture and ease of licensing the use of the location for filming; p. Doing Attraction structuring and preparation of basic infrastructure; q. Developing tourist attraction in the future path of domestic tourists and around urban areas; r. Preserving traditions, values, and customs through the organization of regional events. 140

While the Tourism Development policies in Cianjur actually refers to some of the following:

7. Principal Policy e. Accommodating, build and develop the potential benefits of tourism as an economic activity that creates jobs. f. mproving the ability and skill of personnel and empowering tasks and functions of the organization as a facilitator and regulator Diparda tourism development. g. Increase business opportunities and community involvement in developing tourist area h. Implement tourism cooperation between the regions and the business world.

8. Spatial Policy (spatial) Tourism d. Provide clear direction for the development of tourism in Cianjur based spatial characteristics through zoning development. e. For ease of development and management are necessary grouping of objects and tourist attraction in the Unit Area Tourism (SKW). Units of the tourist area is an area that has centers of tourist activity and is linked circuits or tourist track. f. Doing the order of priority development unit of the tourist area with due regard to their impact on the development of objects and tourist attraction.

9. Tourism Product Development Policy e. The principle of sustainability (sustainibility), harmony (harmonizes), accessibility (affordability) and citizenship is a basic foundation in product development wisata.a. The principle of sustainability (sustainibility), harmony (harmonizes), accessibility (affordability) and citizenship is a basic foundation in the development of tourism products. 141

- Sustainability implies: the development of tourism products not only ditujukkan for the current development, but also for the future. - Harmonization implies: the nuances of tourism product development environment, by always pay attention to the preservation of nature, customs and culture of the area. - Affordability implies: the development of tourism products is not only intended for certain, but the developed tourism products should be enjoyed by all levels of society. - Democracy implies: the development of tourism products not only benefit some particular group but should be able to provide benefits to society have gripped object tourism potential is concerned. f. Tourism product development is directed to the strengthening of regional identity that can bring "color" typical Cianjur regency tourism and has unique strengths and competitiveness therefore the required excavation, management and development of tourism product diversification. g. The need for the establishment of tourism products featured for Cianjur regency as a major pull factor for tourism development in Garut regency. h. Objects and cultural attractions and local arts and tourism events still to be supported by the Regional Government through development and coaching pematapan art, culture and art of organizing events specific culture.

10. Development Policy Object and Attractions d. Development of objects and tourist attraction concerning aspects of planning, utilization and control one another is an integrated whole, therefore, the construction of objects and tourist attraction should be based on the planning system. e. Development of objects and tourist attraction is based on the development approach with the nuances Unit Area Tourism religious values, cultural, aesthetic and moral values embraced by the people. 142

f. Development of objects and tourist attraction carried out in accordance with the market mechanism and include eco-tourism, cultural tourism, special interest tourism, beach tourism and adventure tourism.

11. Development Policy Infrastructures Tourism e. Spatial planning system setup Tourism Region f. Improving accessibility to tourist areas g. Fulfillment standard facilities (facilities of health, safety, cleanliness, komonikasi) in tourist areas as needed. h. Attract investors to build accommodation and other supporting facilities.

12. Marketing and Tourism Promotion Policy d. Structuring and development of effective tourism information system in a comprehensive manner with access to domestic and foreign markets. e. Develop a pattern of cooperation between regions and the promotion of world tourism business. f. Following the implementation of promotional events at the international, national, regional and organizing promotional activities by carrying out activities in the area of tourism festivals. Various plans and programs over hanyal string of pretty words alone if it can not be implemented in a concrete fashion. Therefore, if seen from the analysis Merilee S. Grindle (1980), then the various policies in the field of tourism in Cianjur can be seen from the two major variables, namely the contents of the policy and implementation environment. Variable contents of this policy include:

1. Interest Affected (interests that affect). Stakeholders with an interest in tourism development policy is the Local Government, particularly the Department of Culture and Tourism (Disbudpar) Cianjur, Society and also entrepreneurs themselves. With the interests and objectives of 143

each, the party is linked in this process. So far it is still within the reasonable although not optimal. 2. Type of Benefits (the type of benefits). Content of Policy. The benefits with the implementation of development policies pariwsata is for local governments receive revenue (PAD), and helpful to society with a well-organized spatial so it does not interfere with the beauty, comfort and conservation of natural resources. As for employers helpful for obtaining benefits and profit potential. 3. Extent of Change Envision (degree of change to be achieved). The degree of change you'd achieved was well-organized environment and conserving natural resources. In addition, the increasing enthusiasm of people to meneingkatkan standard of living with the development of this parisiwata so as to attract investors to come and for the Department of Tourism itself facilitate control of the tourism industry in Cianjur. 4. Site of Decision Making (the location of the decision). Location of decision-making based tourism kebijkakan Disbudpar RPJMD and Strategic Plan which encourages the development of tourism, but there are still weaknesses as the Department of Tourism does not have its own Technical Team and still have to coordinate premises related SKPD. 5. ImplementerProgram (executive program). Implementing the program in Cianjur regency Disbudpar refers to the SOP that has been set, but there are still problems in the transfer of its implementation in the field, especially when in contact with other agencies. 6. Resources Committed (resources used). In the implementation of tourism development in Cianjur is terkendalah problems in the field of human resources do not have a good ability to create and destination- destinas mengcreate new, more exciting like Bandung, which at any time is always creating new destinations. While the analysis of Policy Context according to Grindle is: 144

1. Power, Interest and Strategy of Actors Involved (power, interests and strategies of the actors involved). There are external intervention is still quite large, among others, private parties, public figures related to the political side. implementers must understand the strategy set by Disbudpar in accelerating the process of implementation of tourism policies. Often the different goals of each stakeholder is a conflict of interest that need to be determined to whom the powers conferred. 2. Institution and Regime Characteristic (characteristics of the institution and the ruling regime). There are two internal masalaah involved, that the interaction of the environment program and program administration. 3. Compliance and Responsiveness (level of compliance and the absence of a response from the executor). Problems faced by Disbudpar is how to increase enthusiasm and awareness in promoting the flow of tourists.

Thus, if the governance of tourism development in Cianjur has not been optimal, certainly because of some of the factors set forth above Grindle has not been implemented optimally. Whereas Cianjur district has a wealth of natural complete the potential to become an interesting tourist attraction. Cianjur northern part are mountainous areas, plantations and rice fields. The conditions were very suitable to be a place of nature and agrotourism. Cianjur middle part is focused as a central location mementoes and souvenirs typical of Cianjur for tourists. Lastly, there are the southern Cianjur small hills and also the coastal area which also has potential as a tourist attraction is natural.

Some attractions in Cianjur Regency has developed and become excellent for tourists. Among them, Taman Bunga Nusantara in District Sukaresmi and Cibodas Botanical Gardens in District Cipanas. Currently, the two became a favorite tourist spot in the weekend for domestic tourists, especially those living in the Greater Jakarta area. Other areas had already started to develop the tourism potential owned. Cirata lake and attractions in Cianjur Jangari the 145

center is being developed by the local government, but is still not optimal development so as not to attract tourists who come masiv.

The tourism sector is part of the tertiary sector. Table 1.3 shows the development of the contribution of sectors forming the Regional Revenue Regional Bruto (GDP) Cianjur regency based group of sectors. Can be seen in the table, the tertiary sector in the last five years, the most dominant contribution to the GDP formation. During the period from 2006 to 2010, the tertiary sector showed an increasing share to the GDP Cianjur district with a range of 48.87 percent to 54.11 percent. Inversely proportional to the development of the primary sector contributes its share continues to decline. This shows that the economy Cianjur regency began to transform from the agricultural sector to the service sector / tertiary.

The role of the tourism sector on the economy of Cianjur Regency can also be seen from its contribution to the establishment of regional revenue. The contribution the tourism industry can be seen through the hotel tax, restaurant tax and entertainment tax. The data shows the contribution of the tourism industry to the formation of Cianjur Regency PAD is high enough. Tourism's contribution to the formation of PAD ranged from 34.03 percent to 36.76 percent. The high contribution of the tourism sector to the formation of PAD indicates that tourism is an important sector for Cianjur regency.


Table 1.4. The development of the regional revenue in Cianjur of the Tourism Sector Period 2006-2010 (Rupiah)

Sector 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010

Hotel 2.633.117.0 2.822.859.4 3.559.646.8 3.692.571.0 3.878.915.1 53 91 14 19 32

Restora 1.910.237.4 1.917.292.5 1.980.937.1 2.272.440.3 2.349.772.4 n 90 22 23 20 70

Hibura 645.160.100 n 579.660.875 664.202.061 674.121.165 704.833.850

Total 5.645.718.9 7.385.142.0 7.757.830.2 06 82 28 38 64

Source: Department of Revenue Cianjur, 2011

Furthermore, the growth share of the tourism sector to PAD continues to experience growth fluctuate. The rate of growth achieved share of the tourism sector in the 2006-2010 period ranges from -3.25 percent to 5.11 percent. Although the growth rate of the tourism sector share fluctuated, but its value continues to show improvement. This shows that the tourism sector's performance is quite good.

Tourism has become a popular industry mainly because of its economic benefits. Thus, each region has begun competing to develop the region's potential to become a tourist destination. Tourism competitiveness has an important role in improving the reception area. Areas that have tourism competitiveness which is superior to other areas will certainly attract more tourists to come. The advantages of this competitiveness can be seen from the development potential, adequate facilities and infrastructure, as well as good service and satisfying (Sholeh, 2010). 147

Based on the description above, it can be seen that the reception area of the tourism sector has always experienced positive growth. It is demonstrate that the tourism potential of the area that is already able to contribute quite good. However, the contribution of the tourism sector could still be improved view still many undeveloped tourist potential. So, we need a study done for the development of the existing potential running optimally.

The government's vision to make the Cianjur regency as a major tourist destination in West Java tourism seems to still need time. The policies that have been implemented are still not able to improve the performance of the tourism sector optimally. This is evident from the development of tourism competitiveness position Cianjur, which is derived from the analysis Competitiveness Monitor, which tends to decrease.

Indicators that the value dayasaingnya showing negative growth trend indicator, among others, infrastructure development, openness indicator, and human toursim indicator. Poor road infrastructure is certainly not a direct responsibility of the department of tourism, but the public works agency. However, this indicates that there is still lack of good coordination between agencies that should be one focus of the policy. Disbudpar Cianjur regency should further improve communication to other services that have an important role to the tourism sector Cianjur regency. Decreased openness and human tourism indicator indicator seems due to lack of promotion and innovation in attracting tourists to visit attractions in the district of Cianjur. Since the policy is run almost no new innovations from tourist attraction to attract tourists to come. Based on the analysis, only environmental indicator dayasaingnya better value.

Furthermore, the policy is still not optimal can also be seen from the construction of the attraction is too berfokusnya travel-Cipanas area attractions while in the area of South Cianjur still less structured. This leads to underdevelopment of tourist accommodation such as hotels, inns, restaurants and villas in South Cianjur district due to lack of interest of investors to invest in this 148

area. In fact a lot of restaurants, restaurants, or places selling souvenirs existing ones should be closed due lonely visitors who come (Disbudpar Cianjur, 2012).

The local government and the Department of Tourism Cianjur District should improve the competitiveness of tourism, especially indicators showed negative growth and a lower position, as well as the factors that have a significant effect on the results of the analysis to improve the performance of the tourism sector in order to achieve the vision as the leading tourist destinations Java West. In addition, the tourist area of Central and South Cianjur also should be considered by the government because of the potential that exists in this region is still very large to be explored. (Indra Putra, 2012)

4. Conclusion

Based on the research results obtained the following conclusions:

Based on the analysis of policy implementation in the District Cainjur tourism, the development of content and context indicators still show development policy is not optimal. Of the several factors that example is the support of a number of hotels, good quality paved roads, hotel occupancy rates, and education level of the workforce of the tourism sector in a real and significant impact on the industry / tourism sector. Factors that have a significant effect can be a reference for local governments to see indicators of what needs to be prioritized in the development of the tourism sector in the future Cianjur regency.

Based on some of the issues that then suggested some of the following:

1. Improving the quality of infrastructure, one of the road. The quality of good roads can make access to a better and comfortable travel pass so as to encourage tourists to come. Coordination with the Department of Public Works should be improved in watching the development of infrastructure, especially related to the tourism industry. 149

2. Increase the promotion of tourism objects Cianjur regency. Currently Cianjur regency own Grand Design Development and Tourism Destination Development, but the view is still low openness (openness) Cianjur regency tourism promotion will be needed to introduce this program to tourists. Promotions, there is still less effective. Means that currently there like Tourism Information and Center should be optimized in providing information to tourists and potential tourists who will come. In addition, the promotion of Cianjur Regency also have to highlight the advantages of the natural conditions held to attract tourists.

3. There should be a policy that supports hotel and accommodation industry bigger one. Based on the analysis, the hotel industry and other accommodation provide a considerable influence on tourism Cianjur regency. The government should enhance cooperation with industry players in the tourist areas to improve service quality in order to attract more tourists.

4. The Department of Culture and Tourism Cianjur district should pay more attention to data archiving policies related to the tourism sector due to the availability of complete data can facilitate academia or the private sector in conducting research and development of tourist activities.




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13 Best Travel Sites in Cianjur, West Java December 14th, 2016 by Agus Panoto

1. Site Of Mount Padang

Foto: http://cianjurpos.com/

Site of Mount Padang is one of the historic sites that belonged to the stone age megalithic alias. The site is believed to be a complex area punden the largest in Southeast Asia and some time ago had made headlines in the media because it seems size punden in Mount Padang is greater than the Pyramids in Egypt. In addition, age punden is also much older than the Pyramids in Egypt. Pundek terraces of Mount Padang is estimated to have existed since 4700-10900 BC. Gunung Padang site itself is at an altitude of about 885 meters above sea level. Research on this area has continued until today. 2. Mattress Mountain site 153

Foto: http://fat38.blogspot.com/

Besides Mount Padang, there's one more place in Cianjur were also believed to be a relic of the megalithic era, namely Mount mattress. In this place there is indeed no punden super wide as in Gunung Padang. However, there are several items indicates that this mountain is a relic from the Stone Age. Mount mattress had a height of about 1,080 meters above sea level. At the top there is the tomb sacred by local residents. The location of this mountain is located between the village and Cibodas Gadog in District Pacet. 3. Mount Gede-Pangrango

Foto: http://www.wiranurmansyah.com/

Mount Gede and Pangrango are two mountains that are in the same region. The location of this mountain is in three districts in West Java, namely Bogor, Cianjur and Sukabumi. Gunung Gede- 154

Pangrango can be climbed from several hiking paths. One is the path that is in Cianjur Cibodas. Gunung Gede-Pangrango itself is two mountains that became a favorite of climbers who domicile in West Java. When life first, Su Hok Gie also often climb these two mountains. Surya Kencana square is one of the most interesting spots in the region of Mount Gede Pangrango. This spot is one of the best places in Indonesia to enjoy the beauty of the edelweiss flower.

4. Cibodas Botanical Garden

Foto: https://www.flickr.com/

If climbing Mount Gede-Pangrango via Cibodas, do not miss the chance to stop by the Cibodas Botanical Garden which is filled with a variety of flora. The park is still in the area of Mount Gede Pangrango. Cibodas Botanical Garden is a branch of the Bogor Botanical Gardens. This botanical garden was built in 1852 by a Dutch botanist, Elias Teijsmann. Besides being a research center, the place is also open to the public as a tourist. Various tourist support facilities have been built in the area of the botanical garden includes playing ground for children, shelter, pavilion, open-air theater, as well as 3-hectare camping ground.

5. Taman Bunga Nusantara 155

Foto: http://stat.ks.kidsklik.com

In Cianjur there is a super spacious garden filled with flowering plants. His name is Taman Bunga Nusantara. This park has an area of 35 hectares and reaches large areas covered with flowers of various kinds. So, do not imagine how beautiful this park, seemed in the Netherlands. The location is in the flower garden Kawungluwuk Village, District Sukaresmi. To make it easier for visitors to explore the whole park, the manager has to provide a car that has been designed specifically to get around.

6. Tirta Jangari


Cirata is one of the largest reservoirs in Indonesia which is located in three districts namely Purwakarta in West Java, Bandung and Cianjur. Most puddle Cirata it is in Cianjur although some people may know this reservoir as Cirata Purwakarta. In addition to hydropower and irrigation purposes, the reservoir also developed as a tourist destination. In Cianjur No place called Tirta Jangari. This place is part of Cirata. In this place there are many stalls buoyant. If you want to get around the lake, we could hire a boat that much rent.

7 Curug Citambur

Foto: @doni_kuswara

Citambur is the name of a waterfall located in the border district of Cianjur and Bandung. Administratively the location of this waterfall is located in the village of Karang Jaya, Pasirkuda subdistrict, Cianjur regency. However, this waterfall can also be accessed from the tea plantation area Rancabali located in Ciwidey, Bandung. Citambur waterfall itself is a fairly high waterfall with a volume of water that is also quite high. High waterfall is about 130 meters.

8. Curug Kondang 157

Foto: http://svananegriku.blogspot.co.id/

If you plan to visit the sites of Mount Padang, do not miss the chance to stop by the waterfall Cikondang a distance of about 7 km from the megalithic site. Still in the same districts. Curug Cikondang flared with the water volume is high enough, especially in the rainy season. This waterfall itself is not very high, about 50 meters. Currently, Curug Cikondang not yet developed sufficiently seriously by the relevant agencies so that the facilities are minimal. But that's what makes a visit to this waterfall is becoming increasingly worth it because the atmosphere is still quite natural. 9. Kebun Teh Gedeh

Foto: http://irwanhaettami.blogspot.co.id/ 158

West Java is the province's largest tea producer in Indonesia. Naturally, because this province there are also many tea plantation in Bandung, Bogor to Cianjur. If you're sightseeing to Cianjur and want to feel the atmosphere of a typical green tea plantations, there came to Tea Gardens Gedeh is located 7.2 Km from Jalan Raya Cipanas Cianjur. That said, the tea garden is one of the oldest tea plantation in Java.

10.Kota Bunga

Foto: @niearamadhani

What is the Kota Bunga ?. In this place we can do interesting activities ie boat ride past the residential area. Incidentally, in a residential area where there are trenches that are already designed in such a way. This place will remind us briefly with city Venice in Italy. In fact, some people actually call this place with Little Venice.

Flower City aka Little Venice itself is a Villa Real neighborhood built on an area of 125 ha. Location neighborhood settlements, this elite is in the mountains with an altitude of about 700 meters above sea level. The location of this place itself is located on Jl. Hanjawar, Sukanagalih Village, District Pacet, Cianjur regency

11.Sungai Cikundul 159

Foto: https://sakapariwisatacianjur.wordpress.com/

Cikundul River is a river in Cianjur known as rafting locations. This river has rapids that fall into the classification of grade 3 rafting. In West Java, the name of this river may not have been too well-known as well as Citarik River. However, the rapids were so challenging to make Cikundul River is the potential for rafting locations. 12. Pantai Sereg

Foto: http://febryramadhani.blogspot.co.id/

As already mentioned at the beginning. Cianjur southern region bordering the Indian Ocean so Cianjur also has the potential for coastal tourism if developed could also be a regional asset. One of the beaches that can be visited in Cianjur is Sereg Beach. This beach has a gray-colored sand with waves are relatively high. The distance is quite far from the city center Cianjur, about 120 km. But it could not hurt to visit this beach as a tourist destination at the weekend 160

13. Pantai Jayanti

Foto: @maya06rm

In addition Sereg Beach, other beaches are also no less interesting to visit in Cianjur is Jayanti Beach. The atmosphere there was at the beach location is not much different from Sereg Beach. Only, at this beach you probably will see more boats because Jayanti Beach has become one of the central activities of the fishermen in Cianjur. The location of this beach itself is located in the village of Cidamar, District Cidaun which is about 140 km from the city center Cianjur.



Judul : Kajian Kebijakan Pemerintah Daerah Dalam Penata Kelolaan dan Pengembangan Pariwisata di Cianjur Selatan Kabupaten Cianjur Nama Ketua Pelaksana : Dr. Yaya Mulyana, A. Aziz. Drs. M.S.i Institusi : Lembaga Penelitian Universitas Pasundan Bandung Bidang Ilmu : Ilmu Administrasi Negara Tahun Pelaksanaan : Tahun 2017 Biaya : 70% dari Rp. 50.000.000,00 (Rp 35.000.000,00) Tujuan : 1. Menganalisis keberhasilan kebijakan Pemerintah Daerah dalam mengembangkan kepariwisataan di Kabupaten Cianjur. 2. Memetakan potensi kepariwisataan yang dapat dikembangkan di Cianjur Selatan ,Kabupaten Cianjur. 3. Menganalisis faktor-faktor yang menghambat pengembangan kepariwisataan di Cianjur Selatan, Kabupaten Cianjur. 4. Menyusun langkah-langkah yang dapat dilakukan Pemerintah Daerah dalam mengembangkan kepariwisataan di Cianjur Selatan, Kabupaten Cianjur Sasaran Akhir Tahun : Profil kesiapan upaya pembenahan tertib administrasi kependudukan dan catatan sipil khususnya akta kematian di Kabupaten Bandung Barat; LOGBOOK KEGIATAN PENELITIAN HIBAH BERSAING TAHUN ANGGARAN

Kegiatan hibah : Hibah Bersaing

: Kajian Kebijakan Pemerintah Daerah Dalam Penata Kelolaan dan Pengembangan Judul Kegiatan Pariwisata di Cianjur Selatan Kabupaten Cianjur 162


11 Juli 2017 Pertemuan Eksternal Pembayaran pajak (Koordinasi dengan Lemlit UNPAS) Pph psl 21 525.000 dan 02302 Penandatanganan 100% Pph psl 22 157`500 Kontrak dengan 02302 Lemlit UNPAS Ppn 1.050.000 Bandung 02302 1.732.500

Pertemuan Internal 13 Juli 2017 (Konsolidasi Awal Tim Peneliti) :

 Persamaan persepsi;

 Penyerahan honor

u/6 bulan ke 02301 depan 3840000 Tim Peneliti 02301  Menyusun 100% Honor Output Kegiatan 4080000 rencana & 02301 pembagian kerja; 3600000 02301 Revisi Rencana  2880000 Anggaran 02301 Anggaran; 2880000  Kesepakatan Pertemuan Internal Tim Peneliti

17 Juli 2017 Pertemuan Internal Tim Peneliti :

 Studi Dokumentasi dan Literatur; (bahan 163

komparasi kajian 100% 02303 - Buku Referensi 2.000.000 terkait ttg 10 Bk @ Pariwisata - - Jilid Proposal dan  - Laporan 20 Buah -

 Pengenalan objek - kajian via internet - 200.000 (kebijakan 75% - pemerintah dalam

penata kelolaan wpariwisata di

Kab. Cianjur &  infrastruktur); 200.000 02303  Inventarisasi contact person di Dinas Pariwisata, kepemudaan dan olah raga kab. Cianjur

19 Juli 2017 Pertemuan Internal Tim Peneliti

 Persiapan survey; -  Pulsa - Sarana Pedoman -  komunikasi observasi, 02303 wawancara;  Back up data 100% 500`000 Sarana prasarana  survey (a.l. surat pengantar - melakukan survey - Adminstrasi dan dari Lemlit fotocopy UNPAS);

 Penentuan purposive 75% sampling; 02303 150.000


Kunjungan Tim - Transportasi Tim 500.000,- penelitan Ke Dinas peneliti

Pariwisata, 02304 - Makan Siang - Rental kepemudaan dan 20 Juli 2017 15% Kendaraan 284,555 olah raga kab. Oprasional + Cianjur dan juga 02304 Bensin penyampaian Surat - Pintu Tol Pp izin untuk 02304 500.000 mengadakan

penelitian Di Wilayah Kab. Cianjur 02304 8,00

penyampain surat permohonan - Transportasi Tim izinuntuk peneliti

melakukan - Makan Siang - FC. Berkas penelitian di - Jilid beberapa kecamatan - Map yang ada di KBB - Kendaraan 02304 Oprasional + 45% 500.000 Bensin Foto copy &jilid

02304 198,500

02303 21,450

02303 12,000

02304 8,000





Pelaksanaan 02304 - Transportasi Tim 500.000,- Survey ke Kantor peneliti

Dinas Pariwisata, - Makan Siang - Rental kepemudaan dan 24 Juli 2017 30% 02304 Kendaraan 160,500 olah raga kab. Oprasional + Cianjur Bensin

02304 500.000

02304 - Transportasi Tim 600.000 peneliti Survey Lapangan - Makan Siang desa gekbrong Kab. - Rental 27 juli 2017 Cianjur sebagai 02304 Kendaraan 148,500 desa pengembang Oprasional + Bensin wisata edukasi di - Kab. Cianjur 60% 02304 - 500.000 - Beli Tinta Printer 166



- Transportasi Tim 500.000 02304 peneliti Studi Banding Ke - Makan Siang

Kantor Dinas - Rental Kendaraan 201,300 Pariwisata, 02304 kepemudaan dan Oprasional + Bensin olah raga kab. - Pintu Tol Bdg- Cianjur 75% Pinto Tol 500.000 02304 Purwakarta – Survey Lapangan Padalarang situs Purbakala - Gunung Padang 02304 3 Agustus 26,500 2017



3 Agustus 02304 - Transportasi Tim 500.000 2017 peneliti

Kantor Kecamatan - Makan Siang Campaka - Rental (wawancara On The 02304 Kendaraan spot Warga Sekitar Oprasional + Bensin di bantu Pamong 108,000 - Warung Kopi Kecamatan) 100% 02304 - Kertas A4 dan F4


02304 167

Pembelian ATK 26.000

02303 153.000

7 Agustus Penyusunan hasil 50% - Back up data 2017 wawancara 02303 125.000 lapangan

7 Agustus Rapat pembahasan 02303 - Penulisan 2.000.000 2017 persiapan Laporan

pembuatan laporan -

8 Agustus Rapa Koordinasi - Konsumtif 2017 Tim dan 02304 102.350 pembahasan untuk 100% penyusunan laporan kemajuan

15 Agustus Pembahasan - Seminar Laporan 2017 persiapan seminar 02303 kemajauan 2.000.000

dan pembuatan - Jurnal 1.000.000 jurnal

Ketua Pelaksana,

Dr. Achdiat, Drs., M.Si. NIDN. 0405086201




02301 HONOR OUTPUT KEGIATAN Honorarium Pelaksana


ATK,buku referensi. Bahan habis pakai, surat menyurat, foto copy, pengadaan 02303 BELANJA BAHAN dokumentasi, sarana komunikasi dan pelaporan

Perjalanan/transportasi, 02304 BELANJA PERJALANAN LAINNYA konsumtif


Seminar korea







Dr. Yaya Mulyana, A. Aziz NIDN 0429076401



1. Introduction

Tourism is one of the construction sector which is currently being promoted by the government. This is due to tourism has a very important role in the development of Indonesia, particularly as one of the country's foreign exchange. Tourism in Indonesia is one of the important economic sectors. In addition, as the engine driving the economy, tourism is an attractive vehicle to reduce unemployment.

In the national economy, tourism is one sector that is expected to provide increased revenue through foreign exchange earnings. The tourism sector gave an enormous impact for the community, especially people who are in the area or location a tourist destination. Tourism is a sector that is constantly developed by the government as a pillar of national development because it is able to sustain the national economy when the world is experiencing a crisis.

In Act No. 10 of 2009 states that tourism development is needed to encourage equality of opportunity to try and obtain benefits and able to face

the challenges of changes in local, national, and global. Event tourism is one sector plays an important role in the development process and the development of an area that can contribute to the income of a region and for society. Tourism plays an important role in national development: leveling and increase employment opportunities and incomes, strengthen unity and integrity, as well as national culture (Yoeti, 2007).

This is possible because of tourism as an economic effort, not only capital intensive, but also labor-intensive. Thus, the tourism sector is able to increase employment. This absorption is associated with the increase in tourism as a mainstay that is able to promote other related sectors. The purpose of the development of tourism in Indonesia can be seen clearly in the instructions for the President of the Republic of Indonesia Number 9 of 1969, in particular Chapter II, Article 3, which states that efforts to develop tourism in Indonesia is a development of the tourism industry and is part of the business development and the development and welfare society and the state.

In addition, the governance and development of tourism also aims to introduce the natural beauty and culture of Indonesia. This means, the development of tourism in Indonesia can not be separated from the potential of Indonesia to support the tourism. Indonesia has a

2 very interesting cultural diversity. This cultural diversity against the backdrop of their religion, unique customs, and art owned by each of the tribes in Indonesia. In addition to beautiful nature will give a special attraction for tourists both natural mountain (rural), the underwater world, as well as the beach.

Cianjur Regency has a variety of interesting sights which are visited by tourists. The north in particular Cianjur already many magnet. In addition to the beautiful natural scenery of the region conditions tend to have cold air and relatively good infrastructure. In addition, the distance also affect the number of tourists who prefer to visit the tourist localized. However, tourism in the district of Cianjur not only Cianjur Holland who has a tourist attraction which is nice but South Cianjur also memimiliki tourism potential is not less good with attractions area cianjur North, such as Turkish Jayanti, beach Cidaun who has the beauty of its beaches, lakes Levi Soro , Curug Cikondang and many more tourist attractions in the area South Cianjur. These tourist objects should receive attention from the public and local authorities. However, unfortunately, the management at some attractions are not yet optimal. The limited facilities and infrastructure and still constrained problem infra structure to support the tourism activity has resulted in decreasing tourist attraction.

The pattern of management of tourist destinations have not thoroughly negative impact that resulted in a decreased tourist attraction. Development of tourism activity is still focused in the northern area of Cianjur and it was only the development of the physical aspects, such as only develop its natural resources, such as Cibodas Botanical Garden, Beach Jayanti, Curug Citambur, Reservoir Jangari, Tracking Mount Gede, and the City of Flowers. As for the development of tourism activities have not seen an effort to create objects, new tourism, such as by developing the tourism potential of the beach is in the area South Cianjur and local culture district cianjur in general can be used as an attraction for tourism in Cianjur such ceremonies owned or unique activities , Tourism potential of culture that is constantly developed by the regional government is the largest Gunung Padang, Cianjur Cianjur, Turkish Jayanti, Turkish or Turkish Sereg and Apra Sindangbarang Cianjur located in South Cianjur area, which until today is much visited by tourists. Beaches in South Cianjur indeed can not be equated with Palabuhan ratu beach in Sukabumi that has already become a tourist area of Pangandaran beach or the beach in Pangandaran Regency. But of exoticism and the opportunity to grow rated not less interesting. Only the concept of the arrangement is spurious.


South Cianjur region tourism development is so far still constrained by infrastructure problems. It is certainly a cause South region yet crowded by travelers compared to North Cianjur district.

In planning parisiwata Cianjur Regency middle Jayanti Turkish development plan in South Cianjur. For that, it continued to push the parties to synergize to stimulate the development of tourism in South Cianjur. , The tourism development should be done across sectors. With several related offices such as for infra structure which the authority of the Department of Highways, while the Tourism Department in charge of structuring attractions.

Judging from the object and the attractiveness of existing, Cianjur Regency has a relatively complete number of attractions, ranging from the natural attractions, artificial and cultural attractions is available. As a tourist destination areas, the potential of tourism in the district of Cianjur has had a strong enough appeal for a visit by tourists, both domestic and foreign tourists. This should be a material capable local government policy in particular, to improve and bring the local tourism sector to be better. Even with its potential, the development of the tourism sector could be one source of local revenue alone for significant Cianjur regency can even mendorng improving the local economy.

Nowadays, there are some policies that aim to encourage the development of tourism activities in Indonesia in general and in particular Cianjur regency. These policies certainly the efforts undertaken by the regional government to develop tourism in Cianjur, but the effort was a vain hope if not dibarengai seriousness in the implementation of these policies should pay attention to the content and the policy environment conteks ..

In connection with this, the study will elaborate on Government policy relating to the development of tourism in the district of Cianjur, which need special attention by the government in the development of tourism in Cianjur. This is related to the Asean Community in 2015 where all the Asean community is free and can be directly to visit various Asian countries with a variety of convenience facilities are applied. In terms of regional policy view about the development of tourism that already exist, the need for research on the Local Government Policy in the Development of Tourism in Cianjur.


2. Research Methodology

This type of research is descriptive-analytic study, the research aims to get an overview analysis of government policy in the development of tourism in Cianjur.

The data used is primary and secondary data. The primary data obtained through interviews of the parties concerned and questionnaires to the tourists. While secondary data is data obtained indirectly from the object of research, namely through the documents, archives, research journals, books related to research problems.

The subject in this study are the parties involved in the development of tourism in the district of Cianjur, namely the Department of Culture and Tourism Cianjur, the practitioner, tourists, and the academia field of tourism in Cianjur.

The object of research in this study are matters related to tourism in Cianjur, the tourist areas in Cianjur and areas that could be potential in Cianjur travel.

Data collection techniques in this research is through:

a. Survey inspects indirectly to the area you are investigating.

b. Interviews with parties related to the research.

c. Study the documentation, the authors collected the necessary data from the document/ records regarding the issues to be discussed.

d. Questionnaire, which is done by asking a few questions to tourists in Cianjur to get information related to the research. The questionnaire consists of two parts, the first part containing the personal data of respondents and the second part contains information related to infrastructure in Cianjur.

As for the technique of data analysis used in this research is using descriptive-analytic techniques, ie Based on the data found in the field and then made analysis and then drawn conclusions.

3. Discussion

According Kodyat (2001) tourism is traveling from one place to another, temporary, done individually or in groups, in an effort to find a balance or harmony and happiness with the environment in the social, cultural, nature and science. Meanwhile, Burkart and Medlik


(Bram, 2006) describes tourism as a transformation of people for a while and in the short term to destinations outside the places where they normally live and work and their activities during a stay in places of interest that.

In the Law of the Republic of Indonesia Number 10 Year 2009 concerning tourism, states that:

a. Travel is a travel activity undertaken by a person or group of people to visit a particular place for the purpose of recreation, personal development, or to learn the uniqueness of the visited tourist attraction in the interim time period.

b. Travellers are people who do travel.

c. Tourism is a wide range of tourist activities and supported a variety of facilities and services provided by the public, employers, Government and Local Government.

d. Tourism is the overall activities related to tourism and is multidimensional and multidisciplinary emerging as a manifestation of the need for everyone and the country as well as the interaction between tourists and the local community, fellow travelers, Government, Local Government, and employers.

The development of tourism is a thing that needs to be done by the Government, given the many advantages or benefits to be gained from tourism activities, among others, can create jobs, improve and flatten public income as well as introducing local cultural arts and crafts area to be marketed to tourists, both foreign and domestic tourists, and equally important is to contribute to revenue .

In doing various supporting tourism development needed for the smooth running of activities, such as quality human resources, funds are sufficient, supported by infrastructure and policies of the local governments who prioritize tourism. An activity of tourism development is already well without the support of the things mentioned above may not be able to achieve the expected results, meaning that any development of the tourism sector is in dire need of funds and qualified human resources in addition supported by their infrastructure and policies of the Local Government Development of tourism implemented by considering aspects of the destination and market aspects.

Although aspects need to be considered but a wide market, properties and behavior of objects and natural attractions and culture and sought to preserve its existence, so development should be based on market driven. Tourism development requires planning

6 national, regional or province and the region or object. National planning is based on existing regulations as well as the various issues and the growing phenomenon. Meanwhile, regional or local tourism development based on the regulations in the area as well as the perceptions and preferences of society as a form of realization of a new paradigm that empowers people. Tourism development planning process that coordinates national thinking and mindset of the people will produce integrated planning. Directly this planning will be participation planning.

Indonesia tourism development has been reflected in the strategic plan formulated by the Ministry of Culture and Tourism of Indonesia, namely :

a. Improving the welfare of the community by opening up business opportunities and employment as well as the distribution of development in the field of tourism;

b. Achieve sustainable tourism development so as to provide the benefits of socio- cultural, socio-economic for the community and the region, as well as the preservation of environmental quality;

c. Increasing tourist satisfaction and expand market share; and

d. Create a climate conducive to the development of tourism in Indonesia as a powerful, productive, transparent and corruption-free to carry out the function of service to the community, the institution that is a mandate which accounted (accountable).

National Planning Development of Tourism generates structuring the development of a conservation area. The fundamental change is the concept of the area as the main function of preservation. While the use of conducted only on the aesthetic aspects of the services, knowledge (education and research) to ecosystems and biodiversity philosophy, track utilization for tracking and adventuring.

Similar process can be made to the provincial tourism planning region. In this planning will produce or areas of tourism development. Planning at the level of the province is planning to accommodate local planning by presenting and guided by the national planning.

According Suwantoro (2004), tourism development efforts are seen in the development of a policy nature, in terms of tourism economy of nature will be able to create jobs. Indeed, nature tourism requires relatively larger investments for the construction of facilities and infrastructure. It required a careful evaluation of the nature tourism activities.


Many suggestions that nature tourism in the form of ecotourism has not been successful is an instrument of nature conservation as well as for economic development. One reason is the difficulty of getting funding development activities.

Management of many natural tourist areas using funds from tourism revenue from visitors as a mechanism to recover the cost of management and conservation of nature tourism activities have not achieved optimally.

The key elements that need attention in order to support the development of tourism in the tourist destination that involves the planning, implementation and development includes the construction of five (5) elements, namely:

1. Object and attractions

According to the Tourism Act No. 10 of 2009 Article 1 says: tourist attraction is something that has uniqueness, beauty, and value in the form of natural diversity, cultural and man-made results of the target or destination of tourists visit. Can be summed up some of the elements contained in these terms, namely: Each has a unique tourist attraction, beauty; The appeal can be either natural, cultural, or artistic works of high human and deserve to be used as a product; and the main targets are tourists.

Attractions should have criteria that qualify and potentially making it feasible to sell. There are three criteria that determine an object can travel demand by tourists, namely:

a. Something To See, is a tourist attraction must have seen something unusual or made show by tourist visitors. In other words, the object must have a special appeal that is able to suck the interest of tourists who visit the area.

b. Something To Do, is that tourists can do something useful to give you a happy feeling, happy, relax, be a good recreational facilities playground or a place to eat, especially foods typical of these places so as to make travelers more comfortable staying there.

c. Something To Buy, is a facility for tourists shopping in general is the hallmark or the icon of the area, so it can be used as souvenirs (Yoeti, 1985: 164).

Attraction is the potential that drives tourists to the presence of a tourist destination areas. Objects and tourist attraction is one element in tourism products that should receive special attention from various parties to support the development of tourism. Tourist

8 attraction also called attraction is the potential that drives the presence of tourists. Cultivation of objects and tourist attraction are grouped into: Exploitation objects and natural attractions, concession objects and cultural attractions, and concession objects and attractions of special interest.

In a very decisive position, the tourist attraction had to be designed and built / managed professionally so as to attract tourists to come to come. Build a tourist attraction should be designed in such a manner based on certain criteria. Generally, the attractiveness of an attraction based on:

a) The existence of resources that can give rise to a sense of fun, beautiful, comfortable and clean.

b) The existence of high accessibility to be able to visit.

c) The existence of special features / specifications are scarce.

d) The existence of facilities / infrastructure and facilities needed to serve the tourists in attendance.

e) Natural attractions have high appeal because of the natural beauty of the mountains, rivers, beaches, sand, forests, and so forth.

f) cultural attractions have a high appeal because it has nilaikhusus in the form of artistic attractions of traditional ceremonies, the noble values that are contained in an object fruit of man's work in the past.

Construction of a tourist attraction must be designed, referring to the potential appeal having the object with reference to the successful development of criteria covering various eligibility.

1) Financial Feasibility

This feasibility study concerning the commercial calculation of the construction of tourist attraction. Estimates of cost-benefit has to be expected from the beginning. How much lead time required for return of capital also must be foreseen.

2) Socio-Economic Feasibility Regional

The feasibility study is underway to see if invested to build an attraction also will have socio-economic impacts on a regional basis; can create jobs / attempted, can increase foreign exchange earnings, can improve reception in other sectors such as


taxation, industry, trade, agriculture and others. In connection with the consideration it is not purely commercial but also considering the impact more broadly. For example, the reconstruction of the temple of Borobudur is not solely consider the matter of return on capital construction of the temple through the fees entrance of the temple, but also pay attention to their impact, such as transportation services, accommodation services, restaurant services, handicraft industry, taxes and so forth.

3) Technical Feasibility

Attraction construction should be accountable technically by looking at the existing carrying capacity. There is no need to force yourself to build a tourist attraction when the carrying capacity of the attraction is low. The appeal of a tourist attraction will be reduced or even disappear when the attraction that endanger the safety of the tourists.

4) Environmental Feasibility

Environmental impact analysis can be used as a reference for the development activities of a tourist attraction. Construction of tourist attraction that cause damage to the environment must be stopped construction. Attraction construction is not to destroy the environment but merely exploit natural resources for the good of men and to improve the quality of life of human beings to balance, harmony and harmonious relationship between man and man, man and nature and the environment pmanusia with his Lord.

2. Tourist Infrastructure

Tourism infrastructure is a natural resources and man-made resources that is absolutely needed by the traveler in his journey in tourist destinations, such as roads, electricity, water, telecommunications, terminals, bridges, and so forth. For readiness sights to be visited by tourists in a tourist destination, the tourism infrastructure should be developed according to the location and conditions of the relevant attraction.

Development of tourism infrastructure for the condition and location will increase the accessibility of attractions which in turn will be able to increase the tourist attraction itself. In addition to the various requirements mentioned above, another traveler needs should also be present in tourist destinations, such as banks, pharmacies, hospitals, gas stations, shopping centers, barber, and so forth.


In carrying out the construction of tourist infrastructure required steady coordination between the relevant agencies together with tourism agencies at various levels. Support agencies involved in building tourism infrastructure is necessary for the development of tourism in the area. Coordination at the level of success of the implementation is the main asset of tourism development.

In the development of tourism infrastructure more dominant government because the government can take the double benefit from such development, such as to improve the flow of information, the traffic flow of economic, human mobility flows between regions, and so on, which of course can boost employment and public works.

3. Tourist Facilities

Tourist facilities is a complete tourist destination that is required to serve the needs of travelers in enjoying a tourist trip. Construction of tourist facilities adapted to the needs of tourists, both quantitative and qualitative. More than the taste of the market can determine the guidance means in question. Various tourist facilities should be provided in a tourist destination is a hotel, travel agency, transportation, restaurants and homes as well as other supporting facilities.

Not all attractions require the same means or lengkap.Pengadaan tourist facilities should be adapted to the needs of travelers. Means of quantitative travel shows on the number of tourist facilities should be provided, and quantitatively show the quality of services delivered and that is reflected in the satisfaction of tourists who get services. In conjunction with the type and quality of service tourist facilities in tourist destinations have compiled a travel standard standard, both nationally and internationally, so that providers of tourist facilities just select or specify the type and quality that will provide.

4. Infrastructure

Infrastructure is a situation that supports the functions of facilities and infrastructure, either in the form management system as well as the physical building above ground and underground such as:

a. Irrigation systems, water distribution, waste water disposal system which helps the means hospitality / restaurant. b. Electricity and energy sources and distribute them to the network is a vital part for the implementation of the provision of adequate tourism.


c. Transit lines and terminal systems are inadequate and substandard will be easier for tourists to visit the sights. d. The communication system that allows the traveler to get information and send information quickly and accurately. e. Security or surveillance system that provides convenience in various sectors for the tourists. Security in the terminal, on the way, and at the attractions, in shopping centers, will increase the attractiveness of a tourist attraction as well as a tourist destination. Here there needs to be steady cooperation between security officers, both private and government, due to the multitude of tourist destinations and human mobility is so fast requires strict security system with the officers who are always ready at any saat.Infrastruktur adequate and implemented both in tourist destinations will help improve the function of tourism facilities, while helping people to improve their quality of life.

5. Community/neighborhood

Areas and tourist destinations that have a variety of objects and tourist attraction will invite the presence of tourists.

a. community

Communities around the object wisatalah who will welcome the presence of tourists and will provide the services needed by the tourists. For these communities around the attraction needs to know the different types and quality of service required by the tourists. In this case the government through relevant agencies have conducted various outreach to the community. One of them is in the form of building society tourism awareness. With terbinanya conscious society will have a positive impact travel

because they will benefit from the tourists who spend money. The tourists will profit as it gets adequate services and also get various facilities to meet their needs.

b. Environment

In addition to the communities around the attraction, the natural environment around the attractions also need to be considered carefully so as not damaged and contaminated. Human traffic continues to increase from year to year may result in the destruction of ecosystems fauna and flora around the attraction. Therefore there is


need for efforts to preserve the environment through the enforcement of various rules and requirements in the management of a tourist attraction.

c. Culture

Community environment in a natural environment in a tourist attraction is the cultural environment into the pillar of a society's survival. Therefore, this culture was preserved environment must not be contaminated by a foreign culture, but should be improved so as to provide a memorable memories for each of the tourists who visit. People who understand, appreciate, and practice stepping tourist destination travel in the hope of all parties to encourage the development of tourism, which in turn will increase the income and welfare of the community.

Various definitions of tourism policy proposed by the experts in tourism. Goeldner and Ritchie (2006) defines tourism policies as regulations, rules, guidelines, directions and goals of development / promotion and strategy that provides a framework for decision- making individual and collective which directly affects the development of tourism in the long term and at the same daily activities that takes place at a destination.

Biederman (2007) adds the important things in the definition of tourism policy by arguing that the principle of the policy must ensure tourism is the state and local levels to benefit as much as possible of the social and economic contribution of tourism given. Biederman also mentioned that the ultimate objective of tourism policy was improved country or region and the lives of its citizens.

‘A tourism policy defines the direction or course of action that a particular country, region, locality or an individual destination plans to take when developing or promoting tourism. The key principle for any tourism policy is that it should ensure that the nation (region or locality) would benefit to the maximum extent possible from the economic and social contributions of tourism. The ultimate objective of a tourism policy is to improve the progress of the nation (region or locality) and the lives of its citizens’. In terms of marketing, product development, service and hospitality plays an important role in tourism policy. More importantly, this definition implies that tourism policy is dynamic and flexible in making adjustments and improvements to developments. Tourism policy is closely related to tourism planning.

According to Edgell, et al. (2008) tourism planning policy strengthened the position of tourism in development. Edgell, et al (2008) argued that tourism planning model includes

13 vision and mission statements were followed by a series of goals, objectives, strategies, and tactics in the development of tourism.

Policy and tourism planning should be able to function effectively as the direction of the tourism development of the destination. However, in reality a lot of conflicts of interest at the level of decision makers during the implementation of the policy and planning of tourism which is already agreed that tourism development will no longer refer to the policies and plans that have been made.

The development of tourism in Cianjur Regency is one of the important things done by the Government in order to improve the welfare of society. Some aspects related to the development of tourism can be explained as follows:

1. The development of tourism aimed at improving tourism became the mainstay of the sector that is able to promote economic activities, including the activities of other related sectors, so that employment, income communities, regions and countries as well as increased foreign exchange earnings through the efforts of the development and utilization of national tourism potential. 2. In the development of tourism should be kept maintaining the personality and preservation of function and quality of the environment. Tourism should be comprehensive and integrated, involving relevant sectors in a tourism business integrity and mutual support and mutual benefit for both the small, medium and large. 3. Development of the archipelago tourism in line with efforts to foster a love for the homeland and the nation as well as the spirit and inculcate noble values of the nation in order to further strengthen the unity and national unity, especially in the form of tourism promotion of adolescents and youth to further improve the ease of obtaining service of tourism , Indonesia's attractiveness as a travel destination abroad need to be improved through the efforts of the maintenance of objects and historical treasures that illustrate the cultural elevation and greatness of the nation and supported by promotional lure. 4. Efforts to develop objects and attractions as well as promotional and marketing activities, both at home and abroad continue to be improved in a planned, purposeful, integrated and effective, including by making optimal use of regional tourism and global cooperation to improve relations between the nations.


Presidential Decree No. 16 Year 2005 on Development Policy of Culture and Tourism signed by the President on December 29, 2005. The idea is to, first, improving the quality of public services in the form of services or facilities required for tourists who want to visit Indonesia and convenience for tourists in melakuan way to recognize, love nature and cultural diversity of Indonesia. Second, take concrete steps in order to optimize acceleration of national culture and tourism development in the effort to provide social welfare, employment, eradicate poverty and equalize development. Third, proactively undergo a safeguard, development and utilization of natural resources and culture to culture and tourism development. Fourth, using the theme "Indonesia Ultimatye in Diversity" in any promotional activities abroad and the theme "Know loved your country. Come Sightseeing Explore the archipelago "in any promotional activities in the country.

For Cianjur, very important provisions of Presidential Decree of the Republic of Indonesia Number 16 Year 2005 on Development Policy of Culture and Tourism, listed in item 21, namely that the Governors, Regents and Mayors:

a. Improving the system of information and promotion of tourism; b. Develop Regional Tourism Development Master Plan (product development, marketing as well as infrastructure and services / Human Resources); c. To supervise and control environmental damage; d. Developing information investment opportunities in the field of culture and tourism; e. Improving the implementation of tourism awareness through programs Sapta Pesona (safe, orderly, clean, cool, beautiful, suave and memories); f. Enhance and facilitate the provision of the licensing industry and tourism culture and ease of licensing the use of the location for filming; g. Doing Attraction structuring and preparation of basic infrastructure; h. Developing tourist attraction in the future path of domestic tourists and around urban areas; i. Preserving traditions, values, and customs through the organization of regional events.

While the Tourism Development policies in Cianjur actually refers to some of the following: 1. Principal Policy a. Accommodating, build and develop the potential benefits of tourism as an economic activity that creates jobs.


b. mproving the ability and skill of personnel and empowering tasks and functions of the organization as a facilitator and regulator Diparda tourism development. c. Increase business opportunities and community involvement in developing tourist area d. Implement tourism cooperation between the regions and the business world.

2. Spatial Policy (spatial) Tourism a. Provide clear direction for the development of tourism in Cianjur based spatial characteristics through zoning development. b. For ease of development and management are necessary grouping of objects and tourist attraction in the Unit Area Tourism (SKW). Units of the tourist area is an area that has centers of tourist activity and is linked circuits or tourist track. c. Doing the order of priority development unit of the tourist area with due regard to their impact on the development of objects and tourist attraction.

3. Tourism Product Development Policy a. The principle of sustainability (sustainibility), harmony (harmonizes), accessibility (affordability) and citizenship is a basic foundation in product development wisata.a. The principle of sustainability (sustainibility), harmony (harmonizes), accessibility (affordability) and citizenship is a basic foundation in the development of tourism products. - Sustainability implies: the development of tourism products not only ditujukkan for the current development, but also for the future. - Harmonization implies: the nuances of tourism product development environment, by always pay attention to the preservation of nature, customs and culture of the area. - Affordability implies: the development of tourism products is not only intended for certain, but the developed tourism products should be enjoyed by all levels of society. - Democracy implies: the development of tourism products not only benefit some particular group but should be able to provide benefits to society have gripped object tourism potential is concerned. b. Tourism product development is directed to the strengthening of regional identity that can bring "color" typical Cianjur regency tourism and has unique strengths and


competitiveness therefore the required excavation, management and development of tourism product diversification. c. The need for the establishment of tourism products featured for Cianjur regency as a major pull factor for tourism development in Garut regency. d. Objects and cultural attractions and local arts and tourism events still to be supported by the Regional Government through development and coaching pematapan art, culture and art of organizing events specific culture.

4. Development Policy Object and Attractions a. Development of objects and tourist attraction concerning aspects of planning, utilization and control one another is an integrated whole, therefore, the construction of objects and tourist attraction should be based on the planning system. b. Development of objects and tourist attraction is based on the development approach with the nuances Unit Area Tourism religious values, cultural, aesthetic and moral values embraced by the people. c. Development of objects and tourist attraction carried out in accordance with the market mechanism and include eco-tourism, cultural tourism, special interest tourism, beach tourism and adventure tourism.

5. Development Policy Infrastructures Tourism a. Spatial planning system setup Tourism Region b. Improving accessibility to tourist areas c. Fulfillment standard facilities (facilities of health, safety, cleanliness, komonikasi) in tourist areas as needed. d. Attract investors to build accommodation and other supporting facilities.

6. Marketing and Tourism Promotion Policy a. Structuring and development of effective tourism information system in a comprehensive manner with access to domestic and foreign markets. b. Develop a pattern of cooperation between regions and the promotion of world tourism business. c. Following the implementation of promotional events at the international, national, regional and organizing promotional activities by carrying out activities in the area of tourism festivals.


Various plans and programs over hanyal string of pretty words alone if it can not be implemented in a concrete fashion. Therefore, if seen from the analysis Merilee S. Grindle (1980), then the various policies in the field of tourism in Cianjur can be seen from the two major variables, namely the contents of the policy and implementation environment. Variable contents of this policy include: 1. Interest Affected (interests that affect). Stakeholders with an interest in tourism development policy is the Local Government, particularly the Department of Culture and Tourism (Disbudpar) Cianjur, Society and also entrepreneurs themselves. With the interests and objectives of each, the party is linked in this process. So far it is still within the reasonable although not optimal. 2. Type of Benefits (the type of benefits). Content of Policy. The benefits with the implementation of development policies pariwsata is for local governments receive revenue (PAD), and helpful to society with a well-organized spatial so it does not interfere with the beauty, comfort and conservation of natural resources. As for employers helpful for obtaining benefits and profit potential. 3. Extent of Change Envision (degree of change to be achieved). The degree of change you'd achieved was well-organized environment and conserving natural resources. In addition, the increasing enthusiasm of people to meneingkatkan standard of living with the development of this parisiwata so as to attract investors to come and for the Department of Tourism itself facilitate control of the tourism industry in Cianjur. 4. Site of Decision Making (the location of the decision). Location of decision- making based tourism kebijkakan Disbudpar RPJMD and Strategic Plan which encourages the development of tourism, but there are still weaknesses as the Department of Tourism does not have its own Technical Team and still have to coordinate premises related SKPD. 5. ImplementerProgram (executive program). Implementing the program in Cianjur regency Disbudpar refers to the SOP that has been set, but there are still problems in the transfer of its implementation in the field, especially when in contact with other agencies. 6. Resources Committed (resources used). In the implementation of tourism development in Cianjur is terkendalah problems in the field of human resources do not have a good ability to create and destination-destinas mengcreate new,


more exciting like Bandung, which at any time is always creating new destinations. While the analysis of Policy Context according to Grindle is: 1. Power, Interest and Strategy of Actors Involved (power, interests and strategies of the actors involved). There are external intervention is still quite large, among others, private parties, public figures related to the political side. implementers must understand the strategy set by Disbudpar in accelerating the process of implementation of tourism policies. Often the different goals of each stakeholder is a conflict of interest that need to be determined to whom the powers conferred. 2. Institution and Regime Characteristic (characteristics of the institution and the ruling regime). There are two internal masalaah involved, that the interaction of the environment program and program administration. 3. Compliance and Responsiveness (level of compliance and the absence of a response from the executor). Problems faced by Disbudpar is how to increase enthusiasm and awareness in promoting the flow of tourists.

Thus, if the governance of tourism development in Cianjur has not been optimal, certainly because of some of the factors set forth above Grindle has not been implemented optimally. Whereas Cianjur district has a wealth of natural complete the potential to become an interesting tourist attraction. Cianjur northern part are mountainous areas, plantations and rice fields. The conditions were very suitable to be a place of nature and agrotourism. Cianjur middle part is focused as a central location mementoes and souvenirs typical of Cianjur for tourists. Lastly, there are the southern Cianjur small hills and also the coastal area which also has potential as a tourist attraction is natural.

Some attractions in Cianjur Regency has developed and become excellent for tourists. Among them, Taman Bunga Nusantara in District Sukaresmi and Cibodas Botanical Gardens in District Cipanas. Currently, the two became a favorite tourist spot in the weekend for domestic tourists, especially those living in the Greater Jakarta area. Other areas had already started to develop the tourism potential owned. Cirata lake and attractions in Cianjur Jangari the center is being developed by the local government, but is still not optimal development so as not to attract tourists who come masiv.

The tourism sector is part of the tertiary sector. Table 1.3 shows the development of the contribution of sectors forming the Regional Revenue Regional Bruto (GDP) Cianjur regency based group of sectors. Can be seen in the table, the tertiary sector in the last five

19 years, the most dominant contribution to the GDP formation. During the period from 2006 to 2010, the tertiary sector showed an increasing share to the GDP Cianjur district with a range of 48.87 percent to 54.11 percent. Inversely proportional to the development of the primary sector contributes its share continues to decline. This shows that the economy Cianjur regency began to transform from the agricultural sector to the service sector / tertiary.

The role of the tourism sector on the economy of Cianjur Regency can also be seen from its contribution to the establishment of regional revenue. The contribution the tourism industry can be seen through the hotel tax, restaurant tax and entertainment tax. The data shows the contribution of the tourism industry to the formation of Cianjur Regency PAD is high enough. Tourism's contribution to the formation of PAD ranged from 34.03 percent to 36.76 percent. The high contribution of the tourism sector to the formation of PAD indicates that tourism is an important sector for Cianjur regency.

Table 1.4. The development of the regional revenue in Cianjur of the Tourism Sector Period 2006-2010 (Rupiah)

Sector 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010

Hotel 2.633.117.053 2.822.859.491 3.559.646.814 3.692.571.019 3.878.915.132

Restoran 1.910.237.490 1.917.292.522 1.980.937.123 2.272.440.320 2.349.772.470

Hiburan 579.660.875 645.160.100 664.202.061 674.121.165 704.833.850

Total 5.645.718.982 7.385.142.038 7.757.830.264

Source: Department of Revenue Cianjur, 2011

Furthermore, the growth share of the tourism sector to PAD continues to experience growth fluctuate. The rate of growth achieved share of the tourism sector in the 2006-2010 period ranges from -3.25 percent to 5.11 percent. Although the growth rate of the tourism sector share fluctuated, but its value continues to show improvement. This shows that the tourism sector's performance is quite good.

Tourism has become a popular industry mainly because of its economic benefits. Thus, each region has begun competing to develop the region's potential to become a tourist destination. Tourism competitiveness has an important role in improving the reception area. Areas that have tourism competitiveness which is superior to other areas will certainly attract

20 more tourists to come. The advantages of this competitiveness can be seen from the development potential, adequate facilities and infrastructure, as well as good service and satisfying (Sholeh, 2010).

Based on the description above, it can be seen that the reception area of the tourism sector has always experienced positive growth. It is demonstrate that the tourism potential of the area that is already able to contribute quite good. However, the contribution of the tourism sector could still be improved view still many undeveloped tourist potential. So, we need a study done for the development of the existing potential running optimally.

The government's vision to make the Cianjur regency as a major tourist destination in West Java tourism seems to still need time. The policies that have been implemented are still not able to improve the performance of the tourism sector optimally. This is evident from the development of tourism competitiveness position Cianjur, which is derived from the analysis Competitiveness Monitor, which tends to decrease.

Indicators that the value dayasaingnya showing negative growth trend indicator, among others, infrastructure development, openness indicator, and human toursim indicator. Poor road infrastructure is certainly not a direct responsibility of the department of tourism, but the public works agency. However, this indicates that there is still lack of good coordination between agencies that should be one focus of the policy. Disbudpar Cianjur regency should further improve communication to other services that have an important role to the tourism sector Cianjur regency. Decreased openness and human tourism indicator indicator seems due to lack of promotion and innovation in attracting tourists to visit attractions in the district of Cianjur. Since the policy is run almost no new innovations from tourist attraction to attract tourists to come. Based on the analysis, only environmental indicator dayasaingnya better value.

Furthermore, the policy is still not optimal can also be seen from the construction of the attraction is too berfokusnya travel-Cipanas Puncak area attractions while in the area of South Cianjur still less structured. This leads to underdevelopment of tourist accommodation such as hotels, inns, restaurants and villas in South Cianjur district due to lack of interest of investors to invest in this area. In fact a lot of restaurants, restaurants, or places selling souvenirs existing ones should be closed due lonely visitors who come (Disbudpar Cianjur, 2012).


The local government and the Department of Tourism Cianjur District should improve the competitiveness of tourism, especially indicators showed negative growth and a lower position, as well as the factors that have a significant effect on the results of the analysis to improve the performance of the tourism sector in order to achieve the vision as the leading tourist destinations Java West. In addition, the tourist area of Central and South Cianjur also should be considered by the government because of the potential that exists in this region is still very large to be explored. (Indra Putra, 2012)

4. Conclusion

Based on the research results obtained the following conclusions:

Based on the analysis of policy implementation in the District Cainjur tourism, the development of content and context indicators still show development policy is not optimal. Of the several factors that example is the support of a number of hotels, good quality paved roads, hotel occupancy rates, and education level of the workforce of the tourism sector in a real and significant impact on the industry / tourism sector. Factors that have a significant effect can be a reference for local governments to see indicators of what needs to be prioritized in the development of the tourism sector in the future Cianjur regency.

Based on some of the issues that then suggested some of the following:

1. Improving the quality of infrastructure, one of the road. The quality of good roads can make access to a better and comfortable travel pass so as to encourage tourists to come. Coordination with the Department of Public Works should be improved in watching the development of infrastructure, especially related to the tourism industry.

2. Increase the promotion of tourism objects Cianjur regency. Currently Cianjur regency own Grand Design Development and Tourism Destination Development, but the view is still low openness (openness) Cianjur regency tourism promotion will be needed to introduce this program to tourists. Promotions, there is still less effective. Means that currently there like Tourism Information and Center should be optimized in providing information to tourists and potential tourists who will come. In addition, the promotion of Cianjur Regency also have to highlight the advantages of the natural conditions held to attract tourists.


3. There should be a policy that supports hotel and accommodation industry bigger one. Based on the analysis, the hotel industry and other accommodation provide a considerable influence on tourism Cianjur regency. The government should enhance cooperation with industry players in the tourist areas to improve service quality in order to attract more tourists.

4. The Department of Culture and Tourism Cianjur district should pay more attention to data archiving policies related to the tourism sector due to the availability of complete data can facilitate academia or the private sector in conducting research and development of tourist activities.




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13 Best Travel Sites in Cianjur, West Java December 14th, 2016 by Agus Panoto

1. Site Of Mount Padang

Foto: http://cianjurpos.com/ Site of Mount Padang is one of the historic sites that belonged to the stone age megalithic alias. The site is believed to be a complex area punden the largest in Southeast Asia and some time ago had made headlines in the media because it seems size punden in Mount Padang is greater than the Pyramids in Egypt. In addition, age punden is also much older than the Pyramids in Egypt. Pundek terraces of Mount Padang is estimated to have existed since 4700-10900 BC. Gunung Padang site itself is at an altitude of about 885 meters above sea level. Research on this area has continued until today. 2. Mattress Mountain site

Foto: http://fat38.blogspot.com/ Besides Mount Padang, there's one more place in Cianjur were also believed to be a relic of the megalithic era, namely Mount mattress. In this place there is indeed no punden super wide as in Gunung Padang. However, there are several items indicates that this mountain is a relic from the Stone Age. Mount mattress had a height of

26 about 1,080 meters above sea level. At the top there is the tomb sacred by local residents. The location of this mountain is located between the village and Cibodas Gadog in District Pacet. 3. Mount Gede-Pangrango

Foto: http://www.wiranurmansyah.com/ Mount Gede and Pangrango are two mountains that are in the same region. The location of this mountain is in three districts in West Java, namely Bogor, Cianjur and Sukabumi. Gunung Gede-Pangrango can be climbed from several hiking paths. One is the path that is in Cianjur Cibodas. Gunung Gede-Pangrango itself is two mountains that became a favorite of climbers who domicile in West Java. When life first, Su Hok Gie also often climb these two mountains. Surya Kencana square is one of the most interesting spots in the region of Mount Gede Pangrango. This spot is one of the best places in Indonesia to enjoy the beauty of the edelweiss flower.

4. Cibodas Botanical Garden

Foto: https://www.flickr.com/ If climbing Mount Gede-Pangrango via Cibodas, do not miss the chance to stop by the Cibodas Botanical Garden which is filled with a variety of flora. The park is still in the area of Mount Gede Pangrango. Cibodas


Botanical Garden is a branch of the Bogor Botanical Gardens. This botanical garden was built in 1852 by a Dutch botanist, Elias Teijsmann. Besides being a research center, the place is also open to the public as a tourist. Various tourist support facilities have been built in the area of the botanical garden includes playing ground for children, shelter, pavilion, open-air theater, as well as 3-hectare camping ground.

5. Taman Bunga Nusantara

Foto: http://stat.ks.kidsklik.com In Cianjur there is a super spacious garden filled with flowering plants. His name is Taman Bunga Nusantara. This park has an area of 35 hectares and reaches large areas covered with flowers of various kinds. So, do not imagine how beautiful this park, seemed in the Netherlands. The location is in the flower garden Kawungluwuk Village, District Sukaresmi. To make it easier for visitors to explore the whole park, the manager has to provide a car that has been designed specifically to get around.

6. Tirta Jangari


Cirata is one of the largest reservoirs in Indonesia which is located in three districts namely Purwakarta in West Java, Bandung and Cianjur. Most puddle Cirata it is in Cianjur although some people may know this reservoir as Cirata Purwakarta. In addition to hydropower and irrigation purposes, the reservoir also developed as a tourist destination. In Cianjur No place called Tirta Jangari. This place is part of Cirata. In this place there are many stalls buoyant. If you want to get around the lake, we could hire a boat that much rent.

7 Curug Citambur

Foto: @doni_kuswara Citambur is the name of a waterfall located in the border district of Cianjur and Bandung. Administratively the location of this waterfall is located in the village of Karang Jaya, Pasirkuda subdistrict, Cianjur regency. However, this waterfall can also be accessed from the tea plantation area Rancabali located in Ciwidey, Bandung. Citambur waterfall itself is a fairly high waterfall with a volume of water that is also quite high. High waterfall is about 130 meters.

8. Curug Kondang

Foto: http://svananegriku.blogspot.co.id/


If you plan to visit the sites of Mount Padang, do not miss the chance to stop by the waterfall Cikondang a distance of about 7 km from the megalithic site. Still in the same districts. Curug Cikondang flared with the water volume is high enough, especially in the rainy season. This waterfall itself is not very high, about 50 meters. Currently, Curug Cikondang not yet developed sufficiently seriously by the relevant agencies so that the facilities are minimal. But that's what makes a visit to this waterfall is becoming increasingly worth it because the atmosphere is still quite natural. 9. Kebun Teh Gedeh

Foto: http://irwanhaettami.blogspot.co.id/ West Java is the province's largest tea producer in Indonesia. Naturally, because this province there are also many tea plantation in Bandung, Bogor to Cianjur. If you're sightseeing to Cianjur and want to feel the atmosphere of a typical green tea plantations, there came to Tea Gardens Gedeh is located 7.2 Km from Jalan Raya Cipanas Cianjur. That said, the tea garden is one of the oldest tea plantation in Java.

10.Kota Bunga

Foto: @niearamadhani


What is the Kota Bunga ?. In this place we can do interesting activities ie boat ride past the residential area. Incidentally, in a residential area where there are trenches that are already designed in such a way. This place will remind us briefly with city Venice in Italy. In fact, some people actually call this place with Little Venice.

Flower City aka Little Venice itself is a Villa Real neighborhood built on an area of 125 ha. Location neighborhood settlements, this elite is in the mountains with an altitude of about 700 meters above sea level. The location of this place itself is located on Jl. Hanjawar, Sukanagalih Village, District Pacet, Cianjur regency

11.Sungai Cikundul

Foto: https://sakapariwisatacianjur.wordpress.com/

Cikundul River is a river in Cianjur known as rafting locations. This river has rapids that fall into the classification of grade 3 rafting. In West Java, the name of this river may not have been too well-known as well as Citarik River. However, the rapids were so challenging to make Cikundul River is the potential for rafting locations. 12. Pantai Sereg

Foto: http://febryramadhani.blogspot.co.id/


As already mentioned at the beginning. Cianjur southern region bordering the Indian Ocean so Cianjur also has the potential for coastal tourism if developed could also be a regional asset. One of the beaches that can be visited in Cianjur is Sereg Beach. This beach has a gray-colored sand with waves are relatively high. The distance is quite far from the city center Cianjur, about 120 km. But it could not hurt to visit this beach as a tourist destination at the weekend

13. Pantai Jayanti

Foto: @maya06rm In addition Sereg Beach, other beaches are also no less interesting to visit in Cianjur is Jayanti Beach. The atmosphere there was at the beach location is not much different from Sereg Beach. Only, at this beach you probably will see more boats because Jayanti Beach has become one of the central activities of the fishermen in Cianjur. The location of this beach itself is located in the village of Cidamar, District Cidaun which is about 140 km from the city center Cianjur.



Dr. Yaya Mulyana, A. Aziz NIDN 0429076401



1. Introduction

Tourism is one of the construction sector which is currently being promoted by the government. This is due to tourism has a very important role in the development of Indonesia, particularly as one of the country's foreign exchange. Tourism in Indonesia is one of the important economic sectors. In addition, as the engine driving the economy, tourism is an attractive vehicle to reduce unemployment.

In the national economy, tourism is one sector that is expected to provide increased revenue through foreign exchange earnings. The tourism sector gave an enormous impact for the community, especially people who are in the area or location a tourist destination. Tourism is a sector that is constantly developed by the government as a pillar of national development because it is able to sustain the national economy when the world is experiencing a crisis.

In Act No. 10 of 2009 states that tourism development is needed to encourage equality of opportunity to try and obtain benefits and able to face

the challenges of changes in local, national, and global. Event tourism is one sector plays an important role in the development process and the development of an area that can contribute to the income of a region and for society. Tourism plays an important role in national development: leveling and increase employment opportunities and incomes, strengthen unity and integrity, as well as national culture (Yoeti, 2007).

This is possible because of tourism as an economic effort, not only capital intensive, but also labor-intensive. Thus, the tourism sector is able to increase employment. This absorption is associated with the increase in tourism as a mainstay that is able to promote other related sectors. The purpose of the development of tourism in Indonesia can be seen clearly in the instructions for the President of the Republic of Indonesia Number 9 of 1969, in particular Chapter II, Article 3, which states that efforts to develop tourism in Indonesia is a development of the tourism industry and is part of the business development and the development and welfare society and the state.

In addition, the governance and development of tourism also aims to introduce the natural beauty and culture of Indonesia. This means, the development of tourism in Indonesia can not be separated from the potential of Indonesia to support the tourism. Indonesia has a

2 very interesting cultural diversity. This cultural diversity against the backdrop of their religion, unique customs, and art owned by each of the tribes in Indonesia. In addition to beautiful nature will give a special attraction for tourists both natural mountain (rural), the underwater world, as well as the beach.

Cianjur Regency has a variety of interesting sights which are visited by tourists. The north in particular Cianjur already many magnet. In addition to the beautiful natural scenery of the region conditions tend to have cold air and relatively good infrastructure. In addition, the distance also affect the number of tourists who prefer to visit the tourist localized. However, tourism in the district of Cianjur not only Cianjur Holland who has a tourist attraction which is nice but South Cianjur also memimiliki tourism potential is not less good with attractions area cianjur North, such as Turkish Jayanti, beach Cidaun who has the beauty of its beaches, lakes Levi Soro , Curug Cikondang and many more tourist attractions in the area South Cianjur. These tourist objects should receive attention from the public and local authorities. However, unfortunately, the management at some attractions are not yet optimal. The limited facilities and infrastructure and still constrained problem infra structure to support the tourism activity has resulted in decreasing tourist attraction.

The pattern of management of tourist destinations have not thoroughly negative impact that resulted in a decreased tourist attraction. Development of tourism activity is still focused in the northern area of Cianjur and it was only the development of the physical aspects, such as only develop its natural resources, such as Cibodas Botanical Garden, Beach Jayanti, Curug Citambur, Reservoir Jangari, Tracking Mount Gede, and the City of Flowers. As for the development of tourism activities have not seen an effort to create objects, new tourism, such as by developing the tourism potential of the beach is in the area South Cianjur and local culture district cianjur in general can be used as an attraction for tourism in Cianjur such ceremonies owned or unique activities , Tourism potential of culture that is constantly developed by the regional government is the largest Gunung Padang, Cianjur Cianjur, Turkish Jayanti, Turkish or Turkish Sereg and Apra Sindangbarang Cianjur located in South Cianjur area, which until today is much visited by tourists. Beaches in South Cianjur indeed can not be equated with Palabuhan ratu beach in Sukabumi that has already become a tourist area of Pangandaran beach or the beach in Pangandaran Regency. But of exoticism and the opportunity to grow rated not less interesting. Only the concept of the arrangement is spurious.


South Cianjur region tourism development is so far still constrained by infrastructure problems. It is certainly a cause South region yet crowded by travelers compared to North Cianjur district.

In planning parisiwata Cianjur Regency middle Jayanti Turkish development plan in South Cianjur. For that, it continued to push the parties to synergize to stimulate the development of tourism in South Cianjur. , The tourism development should be done across sectors. With several related offices such as for infra structure which the authority of the Department of Highways, while the Tourism Department in charge of structuring attractions.

Judging from the object and the attractiveness of existing, Cianjur Regency has a relatively complete number of attractions, ranging from the natural attractions, artificial and cultural attractions is available. As a tourist destination areas, the potential of tourism in the district of Cianjur has had a strong enough appeal for a visit by tourists, both domestic and foreign tourists. This should be a material capable local government policy in particular, to improve and bring the local tourism sector to be better. Even with its potential, the development of the tourism sector could be one source of local revenue alone for significant Cianjur regency can even mendorng improving the local economy.

Nowadays, there are some policies that aim to encourage the development of tourism activities in Indonesia in general and in particular Cianjur regency. These policies certainly the efforts undertaken by the regional government to develop tourism in Cianjur, but the effort was a vain hope if not dibarengai seriousness in the implementation of these policies should pay attention to the content and the policy environment conteks ..

In connection with this, the study will elaborate on Government policy relating to the development of tourism in the district of Cianjur, which need special attention by the government in the development of tourism in Cianjur. This is related to the Asean Community in 2015 where all the Asean community is free and can be directly to visit various Asian countries with a variety of convenience facilities are applied. In terms of regional policy view about the development of tourism that already exist, the need for research on the Local Government Policy in the Development of Tourism in Cianjur.


2. Research Methodology

This type of research is descriptive-analytic study, the research aims to get an overview analysis of government policy in the development of tourism in Cianjur.

The data used is primary and secondary data. The primary data obtained through interviews of the parties concerned and questionnaires to the tourists. While secondary data is data obtained indirectly from the object of research, namely through the documents, archives, research journals, books related to research problems.

The subject in this study are the parties involved in the development of tourism in the district of Cianjur, namely the Department of Culture and Tourism Cianjur, the practitioner, tourists, and the academia field of tourism in Cianjur.

The object of research in this study are matters related to tourism in Cianjur, the tourist areas in Cianjur and areas that could be potential in Cianjur travel.

Data collection techniques in this research is through:

a. Survey inspects indirectly to the area you are investigating.

b. Interviews with parties related to the research.

c. Study the documentation, the authors collected the necessary data from the document/ records regarding the issues to be discussed.

d. Questionnaire, which is done by asking a few questions to tourists in Cianjur to get information related to the research. The questionnaire consists of two parts, the first part containing the personal data of respondents and the second part contains information related to infrastructure in Cianjur.

As for the technique of data analysis used in this research is using descriptive-analytic techniques, ie Based on the data found in the field and then made analysis and then drawn conclusions.

3. Discussion

According Kodyat (2001) tourism is traveling from one place to another, temporary, done individually or in groups, in an effort to find a balance or harmony and happiness with the environment in the social, cultural, nature and science. Meanwhile, Burkart and Medlik


(Bram, 2006) describes tourism as a transformation of people for a while and in the short term to destinations outside the places where they normally live and work and their activities during a stay in places of interest that.

In the Law of the Republic of Indonesia Number 10 Year 2009 concerning tourism, states that:

a. Travel is a travel activity undertaken by a person or group of people to visit a particular place for the purpose of recreation, personal development, or to learn the uniqueness of the visited tourist attraction in the interim time period.

b. Travellers are people who do travel.

c. Tourism is a wide range of tourist activities and supported a variety of facilities and services provided by the public, employers, Government and Local Government.

d. Tourism is the overall activities related to tourism and is multidimensional and multidisciplinary emerging as a manifestation of the need for everyone and the country as well as the interaction between tourists and the local community, fellow travelers, Government, Local Government, and employers.

The development of tourism is a thing that needs to be done by the Government, given the many advantages or benefits to be gained from tourism activities, among others, can create jobs, improve and flatten public income as well as introducing local cultural arts and crafts area to be marketed to tourists, both foreign and domestic tourists, and equally important is to contribute to revenue .

In doing various supporting tourism development needed for the smooth running of activities, such as quality human resources, funds are sufficient, supported by infrastructure and policies of the local governments who prioritize tourism. An activity of tourism development is already well without the support of the things mentioned above may not be able to achieve the expected results, meaning that any development of the tourism sector is in dire need of funds and qualified human resources in addition supported by their infrastructure and policies of the Local Government Development of tourism implemented by considering aspects of the destination and market aspects.

Although aspects need to be considered but a wide market, properties and behavior of objects and natural attractions and culture and sought to preserve its existence, so development should be based on market driven. Tourism development requires planning

6 national, regional or province and the region or object. National planning is based on existing regulations as well as the various issues and the growing phenomenon. Meanwhile, regional or local tourism development based on the regulations in the area as well as the perceptions and preferences of society as a form of realization of a new paradigm that empowers people. Tourism development planning process that coordinates national thinking and mindset of the people will produce integrated planning. Directly this planning will be participation planning.

Indonesia tourism development has been reflected in the strategic plan formulated by the Ministry of Culture and Tourism of Indonesia, namely :

a. Improving the welfare of the community by opening up business opportunities and employment as well as the distribution of development in the field of tourism;

b. Achieve sustainable tourism development so as to provide the benefits of socio- cultural, socio-economic for the community and the region, as well as the preservation of environmental quality;

c. Increasing tourist satisfaction and expand market share; and

d. Create a climate conducive to the development of tourism in Indonesia as a powerful, productive, transparent and corruption-free to carry out the function of service to the community, the institution that is a mandate which accounted (accountable).

National Planning Development of Tourism generates structuring the development of a conservation area. The fundamental change is the concept of the area as the main function of preservation. While the use of conducted only on the aesthetic aspects of the services, knowledge (education and research) to ecosystems and biodiversity philosophy, track utilization for tracking and adventuring.

Similar process can be made to the provincial tourism planning region. In this planning will produce or areas of tourism development. Planning at the level of the province is planning to accommodate local planning by presenting and guided by the national planning.

According Suwantoro (2004), tourism development efforts are seen in the development of a policy nature, in terms of tourism economy of nature will be able to create jobs. Indeed, nature tourism requires relatively larger investments for the construction of facilities and infrastructure. It required a careful evaluation of the nature tourism activities.


Many suggestions that nature tourism in the form of ecotourism has not been successful is an instrument of nature conservation as well as for economic development. One reason is the difficulty of getting funding development activities.

Management of many natural tourist areas using funds from tourism revenue from visitors as a mechanism to recover the cost of management and conservation of nature tourism activities have not achieved optimally.

The key elements that need attention in order to support the development of tourism in the tourist destination that involves the planning, implementation and development includes the construction of five (5) elements, namely:

1. Object and attractions

According to the Tourism Act No. 10 of 2009 Article 1 says: tourist attraction is something that has uniqueness, beauty, and value in the form of natural diversity, cultural and man-made results of the target or destination of tourists visit. Can be summed up some of the elements contained in these terms, namely: Each has a unique tourist attraction, beauty; The appeal can be either natural, cultural, or artistic works of high human and deserve to be used as a product; and the main targets are tourists.

Attractions should have criteria that qualify and potentially making it feasible to sell. There are three criteria that determine an object can travel demand by tourists, namely:

a. Something To See, is a tourist attraction must have seen something unusual or made show by tourist visitors. In other words, the object must have a special appeal that is able to suck the interest of tourists who visit the area.

b. Something To Do, is that tourists can do something useful to give you a happy feeling, happy, relax, be a good recreational facilities playground or a place to eat, especially foods typical of these places so as to make travelers more comfortable staying there.

c. Something To Buy, is a facility for tourists shopping in general is the hallmark or the icon of the area, so it can be used as souvenirs (Yoeti, 1985: 164).

Attraction is the potential that drives tourists to the presence of a tourist destination areas. Objects and tourist attraction is one element in tourism products that should receive special attention from various parties to support the development of tourism. Tourist

8 attraction also called attraction is the potential that drives the presence of tourists. Cultivation of objects and tourist attraction are grouped into: Exploitation objects and natural attractions, concession objects and cultural attractions, and concession objects and attractions of special interest.

In a very decisive position, the tourist attraction had to be designed and built / managed professionally so as to attract tourists to come to come. Build a tourist attraction should be designed in such a manner based on certain criteria. Generally, the attractiveness of an attraction based on:

a) The existence of resources that can give rise to a sense of fun, beautiful, comfortable and clean.

b) The existence of high accessibility to be able to visit.

c) The existence of special features / specifications are scarce.

d) The existence of facilities / infrastructure and facilities needed to serve the tourists in attendance.

e) Natural attractions have high appeal because of the natural beauty of the mountains, rivers, beaches, sand, forests, and so forth.

f) cultural attractions have a high appeal because it has nilaikhusus in the form of artistic attractions of traditional ceremonies, the noble values that are contained in an object fruit of man's work in the past.

Construction of a tourist attraction must be designed, referring to the potential appeal having the object with reference to the successful development of criteria covering various eligibility.

1) Financial Feasibility

This feasibility study concerning the commercial calculation of the construction of tourist attraction. Estimates of cost-benefit has to be expected from the beginning. How much lead time required for return of capital also must be foreseen.

2) Socio-Economic Feasibility Regional

The feasibility study is underway to see if invested to build an attraction also will have socio-economic impacts on a regional basis; can create jobs / attempted, can increase foreign exchange earnings, can improve reception in other sectors such as


taxation, industry, trade, agriculture and others. In connection with the consideration it is not purely commercial but also considering the impact more broadly. For example, the reconstruction of the temple of Borobudur is not solely consider the matter of return on capital construction of the temple through the fees entrance of the temple, but also pay attention to their impact, such as transportation services, accommodation services, restaurant services, handicraft industry, taxes and so forth.

3) Technical Feasibility

Attraction construction should be accountable technically by looking at the existing carrying capacity. There is no need to force yourself to build a tourist attraction when the carrying capacity of the attraction is low. The appeal of a tourist attraction will be reduced or even disappear when the attraction that endanger the safety of the tourists.

4) Environmental Feasibility

Environmental impact analysis can be used as a reference for the development activities of a tourist attraction. Construction of tourist attraction that cause damage to the environment must be stopped construction. Attraction construction is not to destroy the environment but merely exploit natural resources for the good of men and to improve the quality of life of human beings to balance, harmony and harmonious relationship between man and man, man and nature and the environment pmanusia with his Lord.

2. Tourist Infrastructure

Tourism infrastructure is a natural resources and man-made resources that is absolutely needed by the traveler in his journey in tourist destinations, such as roads, electricity, water, telecommunications, terminals, bridges, and so forth. For readiness sights to be visited by tourists in a tourist destination, the tourism infrastructure should be developed according to the location and conditions of the relevant attraction.

Development of tourism infrastructure for the condition and location will increase the accessibility of attractions which in turn will be able to increase the tourist attraction itself. In addition to the various requirements mentioned above, another traveler needs should also be present in tourist destinations, such as banks, pharmacies, hospitals, gas stations, shopping centers, barber, and so forth.


In carrying out the construction of tourist infrastructure required steady coordination between the relevant agencies together with tourism agencies at various levels. Support agencies involved in building tourism infrastructure is necessary for the development of tourism in the area. Coordination at the level of success of the implementation is the main asset of tourism development.

In the development of tourism infrastructure more dominant government because the government can take the double benefit from such development, such as to improve the flow of information, the traffic flow of economic, human mobility flows between regions, and so on, which of course can boost employment and public works.

3. Tourist Facilities

Tourist facilities is a complete tourist destination that is required to serve the needs of travelers in enjoying a tourist trip. Construction of tourist facilities adapted to the needs of tourists, both quantitative and qualitative. More than the taste of the market can determine the guidance means in question. Various tourist facilities should be provided in a tourist destination is a hotel, travel agency, transportation, restaurants and homes as well as other supporting facilities.

Not all attractions require the same means or lengkap.Pengadaan tourist facilities should be adapted to the needs of travelers. Means of quantitative travel shows on the number of tourist facilities should be provided, and quantitatively show the quality of services delivered and that is reflected in the satisfaction of tourists who get services. In conjunction with the type and quality of service tourist facilities in tourist destinations have compiled a travel standard standard, both nationally and internationally, so that providers of tourist facilities just select or specify the type and quality that will provide.

4. Infrastructure

Infrastructure is a situation that supports the functions of facilities and infrastructure, either in the form management system as well as the physical building above ground and underground such as:

a. Irrigation systems, water distribution, waste water disposal system which helps the means hospitality / restaurant. b. Electricity and energy sources and distribute them to the network is a vital part for the implementation of the provision of adequate tourism.


c. Transit lines and terminal systems are inadequate and substandard will be easier for tourists to visit the sights. d. The communication system that allows the traveler to get information and send information quickly and accurately. e. Security or surveillance system that provides convenience in various sectors for the tourists. Security in the terminal, on the way, and at the attractions, in shopping centers, will increase the attractiveness of a tourist attraction as well as a tourist destination. Here there needs to be steady cooperation between security officers, both private and government, due to the multitude of tourist destinations and human mobility is so fast requires strict security system with the officers who are always ready at any saat.Infrastruktur adequate and implemented both in tourist destinations will help improve the function of tourism facilities, while helping people to improve their quality of life.

5. Community/neighborhood

Areas and tourist destinations that have a variety of objects and tourist attraction will invite the presence of tourists.

a. community

Communities around the object wisatalah who will welcome the presence of tourists and will provide the services needed by the tourists. For these communities around the attraction needs to know the different types and quality of service required by the tourists. In this case the government through relevant agencies have conducted various outreach to the community. One of them is in the form of building society tourism awareness. With terbinanya conscious society will have a positive impact travel

because they will benefit from the tourists who spend money. The tourists will profit as it gets adequate services and also get various facilities to meet their needs.

b. Environment

In addition to the communities around the attraction, the natural environment around the attractions also need to be considered carefully so as not damaged and contaminated. Human traffic continues to increase from year to year may result in the destruction of ecosystems fauna and flora around the attraction. Therefore there is


need for efforts to preserve the environment through the enforcement of various rules and requirements in the management of a tourist attraction.

c. Culture

Community environment in a natural environment in a tourist attraction is the cultural environment into the pillar of a society's survival. Therefore, this culture was preserved environment must not be contaminated by a foreign culture, but should be improved so as to provide a memorable memories for each of the tourists who visit. People who understand, appreciate, and practice stepping tourist destination travel in the hope of all parties to encourage the development of tourism, which in turn will increase the income and welfare of the community.

Various definitions of tourism policy proposed by the experts in tourism. Goeldner and Ritchie (2006) defines tourism policies as regulations, rules, guidelines, directions and goals of development / promotion and strategy that provides a framework for decision- making individual and collective which directly affects the development of tourism in the long term and at the same daily activities that takes place at a destination.

Biederman (2007) adds the important things in the definition of tourism policy by arguing that the principle of the policy must ensure tourism is the state and local levels to benefit as much as possible of the social and economic contribution of tourism given. Biederman also mentioned that the ultimate objective of tourism policy was improved country or region and the lives of its citizens.

‘A tourism policy defines the direction or course of action that a particular country, region, locality or an individual destination plans to take when developing or promoting tourism. The key principle for any tourism policy is that it should ensure that the nation (region or locality) would benefit to the maximum extent possible from the economic and social contributions of tourism. The ultimate objective of a tourism policy is to improve the progress of the nation (region or locality) and the lives of its citizens’. In terms of marketing, product development, service and hospitality plays an important role in tourism policy. More importantly, this definition implies that tourism policy is dynamic and flexible in making adjustments and improvements to developments. Tourism policy is closely related to tourism planning.

According to Edgell, et al. (2008) tourism planning policy strengthened the position of tourism in development. Edgell, et al (2008) argued that tourism planning model includes

13 vision and mission statements were followed by a series of goals, objectives, strategies, and tactics in the development of tourism.

Policy and tourism planning should be able to function effectively as the direction of the tourism development of the destination. However, in reality a lot of conflicts of interest at the level of decision makers during the implementation of the policy and planning of tourism which is already agreed that tourism development will no longer refer to the policies and plans that have been made.

The development of tourism in Cianjur Regency is one of the important things done by the Government in order to improve the welfare of society. Some aspects related to the development of tourism can be explained as follows:

1. The development of tourism aimed at improving tourism became the mainstay of the sector that is able to promote economic activities, including the activities of other related sectors, so that employment, income communities, regions and countries as well as increased foreign exchange earnings through the efforts of the development and utilization of national tourism potential. 2. In the development of tourism should be kept maintaining the personality and preservation of function and quality of the environment. Tourism should be comprehensive and integrated, involving relevant sectors in a tourism business integrity and mutual support and mutual benefit for both the small, medium and large. 3. Development of the archipelago tourism in line with efforts to foster a love for the homeland and the nation as well as the spirit and inculcate noble values of the nation in order to further strengthen the unity and national unity, especially in the form of tourism promotion of adolescents and youth to further improve the ease of obtaining service of tourism , Indonesia's attractiveness as a travel destination abroad need to be improved through the efforts of the maintenance of objects and historical treasures that illustrate the cultural elevation and greatness of the nation and supported by promotional lure. 4. Efforts to develop objects and attractions as well as promotional and marketing activities, both at home and abroad continue to be improved in a planned, purposeful, integrated and effective, including by making optimal use of regional tourism and global cooperation to improve relations between the nations.


Presidential Decree No. 16 Year 2005 on Development Policy of Culture and Tourism signed by the President on December 29, 2005. The idea is to, first, improving the quality of public services in the form of services or facilities required for tourists who want to visit Indonesia and convenience for tourists in melakuan way to recognize, love nature and cultural diversity of Indonesia. Second, take concrete steps in order to optimize acceleration of national culture and tourism development in the effort to provide social welfare, employment, eradicate poverty and equalize development. Third, proactively undergo a safeguard, development and utilization of natural resources and culture to culture and tourism development. Fourth, using the theme "Indonesia Ultimatye in Diversity" in any promotional activities abroad and the theme "Know loved your country. Come Sightseeing Explore the archipelago "in any promotional activities in the country.

For Cianjur, very important provisions of Presidential Decree of the Republic of Indonesia Number 16 Year 2005 on Development Policy of Culture and Tourism, listed in item 21, namely that the Governors, Regents and Mayors:

a. Improving the system of information and promotion of tourism; b. Develop Regional Tourism Development Master Plan (product development, marketing as well as infrastructure and services / Human Resources); c. To supervise and control environmental damage; d. Developing information investment opportunities in the field of culture and tourism; e. Improving the implementation of tourism awareness through programs Sapta Pesona (safe, orderly, clean, cool, beautiful, suave and memories); f. Enhance and facilitate the provision of the licensing industry and tourism culture and ease of licensing the use of the location for filming; g. Doing Attraction structuring and preparation of basic infrastructure; h. Developing tourist attraction in the future path of domestic tourists and around urban areas; i. Preserving traditions, values, and customs through the organization of regional events.

While the Tourism Development policies in Cianjur actually refers to some of the following: 1. Principal Policy a. Accommodating, build and develop the potential benefits of tourism as an economic activity that creates jobs.


b. mproving the ability and skill of personnel and empowering tasks and functions of the organization as a facilitator and regulator Diparda tourism development. c. Increase business opportunities and community involvement in developing tourist area d. Implement tourism cooperation between the regions and the business world.

2. Spatial Policy (spatial) Tourism a. Provide clear direction for the development of tourism in Cianjur based spatial characteristics through zoning development. b. For ease of development and management are necessary grouping of objects and tourist attraction in the Unit Area Tourism (SKW). Units of the tourist area is an area that has centers of tourist activity and is linked circuits or tourist track. c. Doing the order of priority development unit of the tourist area with due regard to their impact on the development of objects and tourist attraction.

3. Tourism Product Development Policy a. The principle of sustainability (sustainibility), harmony (harmonizes), accessibility (affordability) and citizenship is a basic foundation in product development wisata.a. The principle of sustainability (sustainibility), harmony (harmonizes), accessibility (affordability) and citizenship is a basic foundation in the development of tourism products. - Sustainability implies: the development of tourism products not only ditujukkan for the current development, but also for the future. - Harmonization implies: the nuances of tourism product development environment, by always pay attention to the preservation of nature, customs and culture of the area. - Affordability implies: the development of tourism products is not only intended for certain, but the developed tourism products should be enjoyed by all levels of society. - Democracy implies: the development of tourism products not only benefit some particular group but should be able to provide benefits to society have gripped object tourism potential is concerned. b. Tourism product development is directed to the strengthening of regional identity that can bring "color" typical Cianjur regency tourism and has unique strengths and


competitiveness therefore the required excavation, management and development of tourism product diversification. c. The need for the establishment of tourism products featured for Cianjur regency as a major pull factor for tourism development in Garut regency. d. Objects and cultural attractions and local arts and tourism events still to be supported by the Regional Government through development and coaching pematapan art, culture and art of organizing events specific culture.

4. Development Policy Object and Attractions a. Development of objects and tourist attraction concerning aspects of planning, utilization and control one another is an integrated whole, therefore, the construction of objects and tourist attraction should be based on the planning system. b. Development of objects and tourist attraction is based on the development approach with the nuances Unit Area Tourism religious values, cultural, aesthetic and moral values embraced by the people. c. Development of objects and tourist attraction carried out in accordance with the market mechanism and include eco-tourism, cultural tourism, special interest tourism, beach tourism and adventure tourism.

5. Development Policy Infrastructures Tourism a. Spatial planning system setup Tourism Region b. Improving accessibility to tourist areas c. Fulfillment standard facilities (facilities of health, safety, cleanliness, komonikasi) in tourist areas as needed. d. Attract investors to build accommodation and other supporting facilities.

6. Marketing and Tourism Promotion Policy a. Structuring and development of effective tourism information system in a comprehensive manner with access to domestic and foreign markets. b. Develop a pattern of cooperation between regions and the promotion of world tourism business. c. Following the implementation of promotional events at the international, national, regional and organizing promotional activities by carrying out activities in the area of tourism festivals.


Various plans and programs over hanyal string of pretty words alone if it can not be implemented in a concrete fashion. Therefore, if seen from the analysis Merilee S. Grindle (1980), then the various policies in the field of tourism in Cianjur can be seen from the two major variables, namely the contents of the policy and implementation environment. Variable contents of this policy include: 1. Interest Affected (interests that affect). Stakeholders with an interest in tourism development policy is the Local Government, particularly the Department of Culture and Tourism (Disbudpar) Cianjur, Society and also entrepreneurs themselves. With the interests and objectives of each, the party is linked in this process. So far it is still within the reasonable although not optimal. 2. Type of Benefits (the type of benefits). Content of Policy. The benefits with the implementation of development policies pariwsata is for local governments receive revenue (PAD), and helpful to society with a well-organized spatial so it does not interfere with the beauty, comfort and conservation of natural resources. As for employers helpful for obtaining benefits and profit potential. 3. Extent of Change Envision (degree of change to be achieved). The degree of change you'd achieved was well-organized environment and conserving natural resources. In addition, the increasing enthusiasm of people to meneingkatkan standard of living with the development of this parisiwata so as to attract investors to come and for the Department of Tourism itself facilitate control of the tourism industry in Cianjur. 4. Site of Decision Making (the location of the decision). Location of decision- making based tourism kebijkakan Disbudpar RPJMD and Strategic Plan which encourages the development of tourism, but there are still weaknesses as the Department of Tourism does not have its own Technical Team and still have to coordinate premises related SKPD. 5. ImplementerProgram (executive program). Implementing the program in Cianjur regency Disbudpar refers to the SOP that has been set, but there are still problems in the transfer of its implementation in the field, especially when in contact with other agencies. 6. Resources Committed (resources used). In the implementation of tourism development in Cianjur is terkendalah problems in the field of human resources do not have a good ability to create and destination-destinas mengcreate new,


more exciting like Bandung, which at any time is always creating new destinations. While the analysis of Policy Context according to Grindle is: 1. Power, Interest and Strategy of Actors Involved (power, interests and strategies of the actors involved). There are external intervention is still quite large, among others, private parties, public figures related to the political side. implementers must understand the strategy set by Disbudpar in accelerating the process of implementation of tourism policies. Often the different goals of each stakeholder is a conflict of interest that need to be determined to whom the powers conferred. 2. Institution and Regime Characteristic (characteristics of the institution and the ruling regime). There are two internal masalaah involved, that the interaction of the environment program and program administration. 3. Compliance and Responsiveness (level of compliance and the absence of a response from the executor). Problems faced by Disbudpar is how to increase enthusiasm and awareness in promoting the flow of tourists.

Thus, if the governance of tourism development in Cianjur has not been optimal, certainly because of some of the factors set forth above Grindle has not been implemented optimally. Whereas Cianjur district has a wealth of natural complete the potential to become an interesting tourist attraction. Cianjur northern part are mountainous areas, plantations and rice fields. The conditions were very suitable to be a place of nature and agrotourism. Cianjur middle part is focused as a central location mementoes and souvenirs typical of Cianjur for tourists. Lastly, there are the southern Cianjur small hills and also the coastal area which also has potential as a tourist attraction is natural.

Some attractions in Cianjur Regency has developed and become excellent for tourists. Among them, Taman Bunga Nusantara in District Sukaresmi and Cibodas Botanical Gardens in District Cipanas. Currently, the two became a favorite tourist spot in the weekend for domestic tourists, especially those living in the Greater Jakarta area. Other areas had already started to develop the tourism potential owned. Cirata lake and attractions in Cianjur Jangari the center is being developed by the local government, but is still not optimal development so as not to attract tourists who come masiv.

The tourism sector is part of the tertiary sector. Table 1.3 shows the development of the contribution of sectors forming the Regional Revenue Regional Bruto (GDP) Cianjur regency based group of sectors. Can be seen in the table, the tertiary sector in the last five

19 years, the most dominant contribution to the GDP formation. During the period from 2006 to 2010, the tertiary sector showed an increasing share to the GDP Cianjur district with a range of 48.87 percent to 54.11 percent. Inversely proportional to the development of the primary sector contributes its share continues to decline. This shows that the economy Cianjur regency began to transform from the agricultural sector to the service sector / tertiary.

The role of the tourism sector on the economy of Cianjur Regency can also be seen from its contribution to the establishment of regional revenue. The contribution the tourism industry can be seen through the hotel tax, restaurant tax and entertainment tax. The data shows the contribution of the tourism industry to the formation of Cianjur Regency PAD is high enough. Tourism's contribution to the formation of PAD ranged from 34.03 percent to 36.76 percent. The high contribution of the tourism sector to the formation of PAD indicates that tourism is an important sector for Cianjur regency.

Table 1.4. The development of the regional revenue in Cianjur of the Tourism Sector Period 2006-2010 (Rupiah)

Sector 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010

Hotel 2.633.117.053 2.822.859.491 3.559.646.814 3.692.571.019 3.878.915.132

Restoran 1.910.237.490 1.917.292.522 1.980.937.123 2.272.440.320 2.349.772.470

Hiburan 579.660.875 645.160.100 664.202.061 674.121.165 704.833.850

Total 5.645.718.982 7.385.142.038 7.757.830.264

Source: Department of Revenue Cianjur, 2011

Furthermore, the growth share of the tourism sector to PAD continues to experience growth fluctuate. The rate of growth achieved share of the tourism sector in the 2006-2010 period ranges from -3.25 percent to 5.11 percent. Although the growth rate of the tourism sector share fluctuated, but its value continues to show improvement. This shows that the tourism sector's performance is quite good.

Tourism has become a popular industry mainly because of its economic benefits. Thus, each region has begun competing to develop the region's potential to become a tourist destination. Tourism competitiveness has an important role in improving the reception area. Areas that have tourism competitiveness which is superior to other areas will certainly attract

20 more tourists to come. The advantages of this competitiveness can be seen from the development potential, adequate facilities and infrastructure, as well as good service and satisfying (Sholeh, 2010).

Based on the description above, it can be seen that the reception area of the tourism sector has always experienced positive growth. It is demonstrate that the tourism potential of the area that is already able to contribute quite good. However, the contribution of the tourism sector could still be improved view still many undeveloped tourist potential. So, we need a study done for the development of the existing potential running optimally.

The government's vision to make the Cianjur regency as a major tourist destination in West Java tourism seems to still need time. The policies that have been implemented are still not able to improve the performance of the tourism sector optimally. This is evident from the development of tourism competitiveness position Cianjur, which is derived from the analysis Competitiveness Monitor, which tends to decrease.

Indicators that the value dayasaingnya showing negative growth trend indicator, among others, infrastructure development, openness indicator, and human toursim indicator. Poor road infrastructure is certainly not a direct responsibility of the department of tourism, but the public works agency. However, this indicates that there is still lack of good coordination between agencies that should be one focus of the policy. Disbudpar Cianjur regency should further improve communication to other services that have an important role to the tourism sector Cianjur regency. Decreased openness and human tourism indicator indicator seems due to lack of promotion and innovation in attracting tourists to visit attractions in the district of Cianjur. Since the policy is run almost no new innovations from tourist attraction to attract tourists to come. Based on the analysis, only environmental indicator dayasaingnya better value.

Furthermore, the policy is still not optimal can also be seen from the construction of the attraction is too berfokusnya travel-Cipanas Puncak area attractions while in the area of South Cianjur still less structured. This leads to underdevelopment of tourist accommodation such as hotels, inns, restaurants and villas in South Cianjur district due to lack of interest of investors to invest in this area. In fact a lot of restaurants, restaurants, or places selling souvenirs existing ones should be closed due lonely visitors who come (Disbudpar Cianjur, 2012).


The local government and the Department of Tourism Cianjur District should improve the competitiveness of tourism, especially indicators showed negative growth and a lower position, as well as the factors that have a significant effect on the results of the analysis to improve the performance of the tourism sector in order to achieve the vision as the leading tourist destinations Java West. In addition, the tourist area of Central and South Cianjur also should be considered by the government because of the potential that exists in this region is still very large to be explored. (Indra Putra, 2012)

4. Conclusion

Based on the research results obtained the following conclusions:

Based on the analysis of policy implementation in the District Cainjur tourism, the development of content and context indicators still show development policy is not optimal. Of the several factors that example is the support of a number of hotels, good quality paved roads, hotel occupancy rates, and education level of the workforce of the tourism sector in a real and significant impact on the industry / tourism sector. Factors that have a significant effect can be a reference for local governments to see indicators of what needs to be prioritized in the development of the tourism sector in the future Cianjur regency.

Based on some of the issues that then suggested some of the following:

1. Improving the quality of infrastructure, one of the road. The quality of good roads can make access to a better and comfortable travel pass so as to encourage tourists to come. Coordination with the Department of Public Works should be improved in watching the development of infrastructure, especially related to the tourism industry.

2. Increase the promotion of tourism objects Cianjur regency. Currently Cianjur regency own Grand Design Development and Tourism Destination Development, but the view is still low openness (openness) Cianjur regency tourism promotion will be needed to introduce this program to tourists. Promotions, there is still less effective. Means that currently there like Tourism Information and Center should be optimized in providing information to tourists and potential tourists who will come. In addition, the promotion of Cianjur Regency also have to highlight the advantages of the natural conditions held to attract tourists.


3. There should be a policy that supports hotel and accommodation industry bigger one. Based on the analysis, the hotel industry and other accommodation provide a considerable influence on tourism Cianjur regency. The government should enhance cooperation with industry players in the tourist areas to improve service quality in order to attract more tourists.

4. The Department of Culture and Tourism Cianjur district should pay more attention to data archiving policies related to the tourism sector due to the availability of complete data can facilitate academia or the private sector in conducting research and development of tourist activities.




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13 Best Travel Sites in Cianjur, West Java December 14th, 2016 by Agus Panoto

1. Site Of Mount Padang

Foto: http://cianjurpos.com/ Site of Mount Padang is one of the historic sites that belonged to the stone age megalithic alias. The site is believed to be a complex area punden the largest in Southeast Asia and some time ago had made headlines in the media because it seems size punden in Mount Padang is greater than the Pyramids in Egypt. In addition, age punden is also much older than the Pyramids in Egypt. Pundek terraces of Mount Padang is estimated to have existed since 4700-10900 BC. Gunung Padang site itself is at an altitude of about 885 meters above sea level. Research on this area has continued until today. 2. Mattress Mountain site

Foto: http://fat38.blogspot.com/ Besides Mount Padang, there's one more place in Cianjur were also believed to be a relic of the megalithic era, namely Mount mattress. In this place there is indeed no punden super wide as in Gunung Padang. However, there are several items indicates that this mountain is a relic from the Stone Age. Mount mattress had a height of

26 about 1,080 meters above sea level. At the top there is the tomb sacred by local residents. The location of this mountain is located between the village and Cibodas Gadog in District Pacet. 3. Mount Gede-Pangrango

Foto: http://www.wiranurmansyah.com/ Mount Gede and Pangrango are two mountains that are in the same region. The location of this mountain is in three districts in West Java, namely Bogor, Cianjur and Sukabumi. Gunung Gede-Pangrango can be climbed from several hiking paths. One is the path that is in Cianjur Cibodas. Gunung Gede-Pangrango itself is two mountains that became a favorite of climbers who domicile in West Java. When life first, Su Hok Gie also often climb these two mountains. Surya Kencana square is one of the most interesting spots in the region of Mount Gede Pangrango. This spot is one of the best places in Indonesia to enjoy the beauty of the edelweiss flower.

4. Cibodas Botanical Garden

Foto: https://www.flickr.com/ If climbing Mount Gede-Pangrango via Cibodas, do not miss the chance to stop by the Cibodas Botanical Garden which is filled with a variety of flora. The park is still in the area of Mount Gede Pangrango. Cibodas


Botanical Garden is a branch of the Bogor Botanical Gardens. This botanical garden was built in 1852 by a Dutch botanist, Elias Teijsmann. Besides being a research center, the place is also open to the public as a tourist. Various tourist support facilities have been built in the area of the botanical garden includes playing ground for children, shelter, pavilion, open-air theater, as well as 3-hectare camping ground.

5. Taman Bunga Nusantara

Foto: http://stat.ks.kidsklik.com In Cianjur there is a super spacious garden filled with flowering plants. His name is Taman Bunga Nusantara. This park has an area of 35 hectares and reaches large areas covered with flowers of various kinds. So, do not imagine how beautiful this park, seemed in the Netherlands. The location is in the flower garden Kawungluwuk Village, District Sukaresmi. To make it easier for visitors to explore the whole park, the manager has to provide a car that has been designed specifically to get around.

6. Tirta Jangari


Cirata is one of the largest reservoirs in Indonesia which is located in three districts namely Purwakarta in West Java, Bandung and Cianjur. Most puddle Cirata it is in Cianjur although some people may know this reservoir as Cirata Purwakarta. In addition to hydropower and irrigation purposes, the reservoir also developed as a tourist destination. In Cianjur No place called Tirta Jangari. This place is part of Cirata. In this place there are many stalls buoyant. If you want to get around the lake, we could hire a boat that much rent.

7 Curug Citambur

Foto: @doni_kuswara Citambur is the name of a waterfall located in the border district of Cianjur and Bandung. Administratively the location of this waterfall is located in the village of Karang Jaya, Pasirkuda subdistrict, Cianjur regency. However, this waterfall can also be accessed from the tea plantation area Rancabali located in Ciwidey, Bandung. Citambur waterfall itself is a fairly high waterfall with a volume of water that is also quite high. High waterfall is about 130 meters.

8. Curug Kondang

Foto: http://svananegriku.blogspot.co.id/


If you plan to visit the sites of Mount Padang, do not miss the chance to stop by the waterfall Cikondang a distance of about 7 km from the megalithic site. Still in the same districts. Curug Cikondang flared with the water volume is high enough, especially in the rainy season. This waterfall itself is not very high, about 50 meters. Currently, Curug Cikondang not yet developed sufficiently seriously by the relevant agencies so that the facilities are minimal. But that's what makes a visit to this waterfall is becoming increasingly worth it because the atmosphere is still quite natural. 9. Kebun Teh Gedeh

Foto: http://irwanhaettami.blogspot.co.id/ West Java is the province's largest tea producer in Indonesia. Naturally, because this province there are also many tea plantation in Bandung, Bogor to Cianjur. If you're sightseeing to Cianjur and want to feel the atmosphere of a typical green tea plantations, there came to Tea Gardens Gedeh is located 7.2 Km from Jalan Raya Cipanas Cianjur. That said, the tea garden is one of the oldest tea plantation in Java.

10.Kota Bunga

Foto: @niearamadhani


What is the Kota Bunga ?. In this place we can do interesting activities ie boat ride past the residential area. Incidentally, in a residential area where there are trenches that are already designed in such a way. This place will remind us briefly with city Venice in Italy. In fact, some people actually call this place with Little Venice.

Flower City aka Little Venice itself is a Villa Real neighborhood built on an area of 125 ha. Location neighborhood settlements, this elite is in the mountains with an altitude of about 700 meters above sea level. The location of this place itself is located on Jl. Hanjawar, Sukanagalih Village, District Pacet, Cianjur regency

11.Sungai Cikundul

Foto: https://sakapariwisatacianjur.wordpress.com/

Cikundul River is a river in Cianjur known as rafting locations. This river has rapids that fall into the classification of grade 3 rafting. In West Java, the name of this river may not have been too well-known as well as Citarik River. However, the rapids were so challenging to make Cikundul River is the potential for rafting locations. 12. Pantai Sereg

Foto: http://febryramadhani.blogspot.co.id/


As already mentioned at the beginning. Cianjur southern region bordering the Indian Ocean so Cianjur also has the potential for coastal tourism if developed could also be a regional asset. One of the beaches that can be visited in Cianjur is Sereg Beach. This beach has a gray-colored sand with waves are relatively high. The distance is quite far from the city center Cianjur, about 120 km. But it could not hurt to visit this beach as a tourist destination at the weekend

13. Pantai Jayanti

Foto: @maya06rm In addition Sereg Beach, other beaches are also no less interesting to visit in Cianjur is Jayanti Beach. The atmosphere there was at the beach location is not much different from Sereg Beach. Only, at this beach you probably will see more boats because Jayanti Beach has become one of the central activities of the fishermen in Cianjur. The location of this beach itself is located in the village of Cidamar, District Cidaun which is about 140 km from the city center Cianjur.