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Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-88306-1 - The Cambridge History of English Poetry Edited by Michael O’Neill Index More information Index Abercrombie, Lascelles, on Romanticism 423 Alanus de Insulis, Liber Parabolorum 53 Ackroyd, Freda (Alun Lewis’smistress)867, 868 Albion Village Press 971 Acland, Henry 677 Aldhelm, St 16 Actaeon, myth of, Spenser’s use 152 Aldington, Richard 728, 787, 798 Adam, Milton’s presentation in Paradise Lost and Greek culture 804 265–6, 267 and Imagism 803 Adams, Barbara, on Laura Riding 898, 903 works Adams, Eddie (photographer) 829 ‘1915’ 804 Addison, Joseph 335, 383 ‘Choricos’ 796 Adlington, Richard, ‘In the Via Sistina’ 797 ‘To a Greek Marble’ 796 ‘advocacy’ texts 359 ‘Whitechapel’ 804 Advocates’ MS 19.2.1 (Auchinleck MS; Alexander, Michael 9, 24 National Library of Scotland alexandrines (Edinburgh)) 46 Auden’s use of 851 Aengus (Celtic bard) 768 Dowson’s use 699 Aeschylus Drayton’s use 163 works Emily Brontë’s use 637 Oresteia,influence on Shelley 533 Sidney’s use 158 Prometheus Bound 273, 620 Alice, Lady (child of Earl of Bridgewater), part aesthetic franchising 717 in Comus 240 Aesthetic Movement 649, 698 allegiance, complexities, addressed by Horace aestheticism 224 Dryden’s sense of 303 allegory Tennyson’s views 688 figural allegory 69 Yeats’s concerns with 779 personification allegory 69 ‘age of Chaucer’ 43 in Piers Plowman 68–72 agricultural revolution, importance for Clare’s Spenser’s Faerie Queen 146 writing 551 Allen, Lord (Irish politician attacked by Akenside, Mark Swift) 325 blank verse 381 Allen, Ralph (friend of Montagu) 366 composition 391 Allingham, William, on Tennyson and descriptions of nature 388 Keats 604 on God and nature 388 Allison, Drummond 859, 861 on nature 386 Aloes Books (publisher) 971 on sight 385 Alvarez, A.
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