Question Time 14 November 2008


1. called for the world to cut what?

( )Taxes ( )Carbon emissions

( )Number of obese people ( )Defence spending

2. The PM's spokesperson denied 'ministerial buck-passing' over what tragic issue this week?

( )Child abuse in Jersey ( )A fatal motorway accident

( )Equipment failures in Iraq ( )Baby P

3. How many illegal immigrants have evaded vetting checks for sensitive security jobs?

( )2,999 ( )11,345

( )1,350 ( )3

4. Which area went into recession this week?

( )Scandinavia ( )Eurozone

( ) ( )South America

5. Who admitted Britain wouldn't have bid for the Olympics if they had known recession was looming?

( )Lord Mandelson ( )Alastair Darling

( ) ( )

6. Which department has been accused of complacency over missing laptops?

( ) ( )Foreign Office

( )Prime Minister's Office ( )

7. Which two men rather surprisingly dined together this week?

( )Gordon Brown and ( ) and

( ) and Denis Skinner ( ) and Gordon Brown

8. Who won Parliamentarian of the Year at the Spectator Awards this week?

( )George Osborne ( )William Hague

( )Vince Cable ( )Lord Mandelson

9. Why is MP Laura Moffatt unlikely to forget the size of her majority?

( )It is tattooed on her left foot ( )The papers always refer to it

( )She has a necklace in the shape of the ( )It is the same as her age number '37'

10. MPs have backed government plans for what this week?

( )New select committees for Welsh regions ( )New select committees for English regions

( )A new select committee for pensioners ( )Lowering the voting age to 17


1 Taxes

2 Baby P

3 1,350

4 Eurozone

5 Tessa Jowell

6 Home Office

7 Peter Mandelson and George Osborne

8 Vince Cable

9 It is tattooed on her left foot

10 New select committees for English regions