CONSCIENCIOUS EXEMPTION Sponsored by National MP Politicians have demanded their right for a conscience vote, yet those voting against this proposed amendment have voted to ignore the consciences of celebrants, registrars, churches hosting weddings, and others in the wedding industry. The protection clauses in the same-sex marriage bill are contrary to what Labour MP promised in the 1st Reading when introducing the bill.

HOW THEY VOTED: FOR respecting the consciences of all celebrants, registrars, churches etc: 36 NATIONAL: , Kanwaljit Singh Bakshi, , David Bennett, , , , , Aaron Gilmore, Paul Goldsmith, , John Hayes, , Paul Hutchison, Colin King, Melissa Lee, Sam Lotu-Iiga, Tim Macindoe, Todd McClay, Murray McCully, Ian McKelvie, Mark Mitchell, , Simon O'Connor, Eric Roy, , Mike Sabin, Nick Smith, , , Jian Yang, Jonathan Young. LABOUR: Damien O'Connor, Ross Robertson, Su'a William Sio. INDEPENDENT: .

AGAINST respecting the consciences of all celebrants, registrars, churches etc: 80 NATIONAL: Chris Auchinvole, , Jackie Blue, Cam Calder, David Carter, , , , , , , , , , Jami-Lee Ross, Scott Simpson, , , Kate Wilkinson, . LABOUR: , Carol Beaumont, David Clark, Clayton Cosgrove, , Clare Curran, Lianne Dalziel, Ruth Dyson, Kris Faafoi, Darien Fenton, , Chris Hipkins, Parekura Horomia, , , , Iain Lees-Galloway, Andrew Little, Moana Mackey, , Trevor Mallard, , David Parker, Rajen Prasad, , , , , Phil Twyford, Louisa Wall, Megan Woods. GREENS: , , , Julie-Anne Genter, , , Gareth Hughes, , , , , , , . MAORI PARTY: , , . : . ACT: John Banks. MANA: Hone Harawira. NZ FIRST: Asenati Lole-Taylor, , , , , Andrew Williams, Denis O'Rourke.

NO VOTE (What are they in Parliament for?): 7 NATIONAL: Shane Ardern, , Jonathan Coleman, , Katrina Shanks, , .