Traces in Scotland of Ancient Water-Lines
TRACES IN SCOTLAND OF ANCIENT WATEE-LINES MARINE, LACOSTRINE, AND FLUVIATILE WITH SOME ACCOUNT OF THE DRIFT MATERIALS ON WHICH THESE TRACES ARE IMPRINTED AND SPECULATIONS REGARDING THE PERIOD IN THE WORLD'S HISTORY TO WHICH THEY MAY BE REFERRED, AND THE CLIMATIC CHANGES THEY SUGGEST BY DAVID MILNE HOME, of Milne Graden, LL.D., F.K.S.E. EDINBURGH DAVID DOUGLAS, CASTLE STREET 1882 SEUL AMD COMPANY, EDINBURGH, GOVERNMENT BOOK ANT) LAW PItTNTKRS FOR SCOTI.ASH. ANCIENT WATER-LINES, fto. INTKODUCTION. Attention has been from time to time drawn to the traces of sea- terraces, more or less horizontal, at various levels. These traces occur in many countries, especially in those bounded by the sea. Dr Chambers, in his "Ancient Sea-Margins," published in the year 1848, gave a list of many in our own country, and he added a notice of some in other countries. So much interested was he in the subject, that not content with a special inspection of the coasts, and also of the valleys of the principal rivers in Scot land, he made a tour round and through many parts of Eng land, and even went to France to visit the valley of the Seine. Dr Chambers had previously been in Norway, and had been much interested in the terraces of the Altenfiord, described first by M. Bravais. He, however, did not confine himself to Europe, — he alluded also in his book to the existence of terraces in North America, as described by Lyell and others. The subject was one which had about the same time begun to engage my own attention ; — as may be seen from references in Dr Chambers' book, to information he obtained from me.
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