Aaron, 264 Abiathar High Priest, 363 Abraham, 300 Absolutism, 200
Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-83667-8 - The Cambridge Companion to Hobbes's Leviathan Edited by Patricia Springborg Index More information index Aaron, 264 Arminianism, 15, 246 Abiathar Arminius, Jacobus, 247, 266n17 high priest, 363 Asclepius, 33–5, 38, 44, 53 Abraham, 300 asthenes,´ 13, 297, See also absolutism, 200, 212–13, 443, 453, weakness 474, 494 ataraxia (psychological well-being), Achillini, 345 135 Act of Uniformity (1667), 312 Athens, 46, 408 Adam, 244, 248, 250 Aubrey, John, 17, 432, Brief Anabaptists, 396 Lives Anglicanism, 358–60, 365, 369–70, Augustine, 244, 277, 398, City of 395, 449 God anopheles,´ 13, 297, See also Austin, John, 19, 443–5, 494, See uselessness also William Birchley, Anselm of Canterbury Christian Moderator archbishop and saint, 279 authorization, political, 148, 206, anthropology, 98, 272, See 224, 231–2, 482 materialist Aylesbury, Sir Thomas, 462 Antioch synagogue, 295 Bacon, Francis, 414 Apollodoros Baillie, Robert ancient historian, 70 Scottish Presbyterian, 488 Aquinas, Thomas, 219, 245, 277, barbarism (‘barbaries’), 14, 341, 348, 345, 376 471 Archimboldo, Guiseppe Baxter, Richard, 18, 446, 484–9 Archimboldesque composite Bayle, Pierre, 207 images, 38 Bayne, Paul, 169, 301 Aristophanes, 114 Beacon Aristotelians, 82–4, 88–9, 97, 339, petition, 483–94 346, 424 Beccaria, 235, 238n32 Aristotle, 84–5, 96, 128, 133–5, 300, Bellarmine, Robert 342–6, 347–51, 354, 393, 396, Catholic Cardinal, 319–21, 362–4, 422, 435, Rhetoric, Metaphysics 389, 395 523 © in this web service Cambridge University Press
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