Multi-Stage Voting, Sequential Elimination and Condorcet Consistency∗ Parimal Kanti Bag Hamid Sabourian Department of Economics Faculty of Economics National University of Singapore University of Cambridge AS2 Level 6, 1 Arts Link Sidgwick Avenue, Cambridge CB39 DD Singapore 117570 United Kingdom E-mail:
[email protected] E-mail:
[email protected] and Eyal Winter Economics Department The Hebrew University of Jerusalem Jerusalem 91905, Israel E-mail:
[email protected] Address for correspondence: Hamid Sabourian, Faculty of Economics, Univer- sity of Cambridge, Sidgwick Avenue, Cambridge CB39 DD, United Kingdom E-mail:
[email protected]; Tel: 44-1223-335223; Fax: 44-1223- 335475 Running head: Sequential elimination and Condorcet consistency ∗We thank two anonymous referees of this journal and the editor, Alessandro Lizzeri, for very detailed comments and helpful suggestions on earlier drafts. At various stages the work has been presented at the 2003 Econometric Society European Meetings, 2005 Wallis Political Economy Conference, 2005 Models and Methods Conference at the Indian Statistical Institute, 2006 Econometric Society Far Eastern Meetings, 2007 SAET Conference (Kos), 2008 Workshop on Game Theory (Milan), and seminars at Birmingham, Cambridge, Essex, Keele, LSE, NUS (Singapore), Oxford and York universities. We thank the conference and seminar participants. For errors or omissions, we remain responsible. 1 Abstract A class of voting procedures based on repeated ballots and elimination of one candidate in each round is shown to always induce an outcome in the top cycle and is thus Condorcet consistent, when voters behave strategically. This is an important class as it covers multi-stage, sequential elimination ex- tensions of all standard one-shot voting rules (with the exception of negative voting), the same one-shot rules that would fail Condorcet consistency.