

Graphic novels have spawned a body of literary criti- 6FRSHDQG&RYHUDJH FLVPVLQFHWKHLUHPHUJHQFHDVDVSHFL¿FDWHJRU\LQWKH 7KLV VLQJOHYROXPH FRYHUV RYHU  ZHOOUHJDUGHG SXEOLVKLQJ¿HOGDWWDLQLQJDOHYHORIUHVSHFWDQGSHUPD- works of the medium, summarizing plots and nence in academia previously held by their counterparts analyzing the works in terms of their literary integrity in prose. Salem Press’s Critical Survey of Graphic and overall contribution to the graphic novel landscape. Novels series aims to collect the preeminent graphic 2IWHQ GH¿QHG E\ VXFK FKDUDFWHULVWLFV DV VW\OL]HG OLQH novels and core comics series that form today’s canon ZRUNFXOWXUDOVSHFL¿FQDUUDWLYHVDQGFRPSHOOLQJVWR- for academic coursework and library collection devel- rytelling that often stand in contrast to the character- RSPHQWR൵HULQJFOHDUFRQFLVHDQGDFFHVVLEOHDQDO\VLV centric framework of American comics, manga none- of not only the historic and current landscape of the in- theless encompasses a broad range of genres and terdisciplinary medium and its consumption but also subgenres. Researchers will gain a better understanding the wide range of genres, themes, devices, and tech- of the latter, which, in the manga tradition, is repre- niques that the graphic novel medium encompasses. sented by a wide spectrum that includes: , 7KHFRPELQDWLRQRIYLVXDOLPDJHVDQGWH[WWKHHP- which targets a mature female audience; shoujo-ai phasis of art over written description, the coupling of manga, which focuses on the spiritual, sexual, or emo- mature themes with the comic form—these elements tional aspects of relationships; VKǀQHQDL, manga cre- appeal to the graphic novel enthusiast, and are gaining ated by female authors that focuses on homoerotic or popularity with other readers. Designed for both pop- homoromantic male relationships; and kodomo manga, ular and scholarly arenas and collections, the series created exclusively for a young audience. provides unique insight and analysis into the most in- Contributors worked from original sources, pro- ÀXHQWLDODQGZLGHO\UHDGJUDSKLFQRYHOVZLWKDQHP- viding new criticism and content aimed at decon- phasis on establishing the medium as an important aca- structing both centuries-old themes and concepts as demic discipline. We hope researchers and the common well as nontraditional genres and styles, and portraying reader alike will gain a deeper understanding of these the graphic novel as literature. Essays look beyond the works, as the literary nature is presented in critical popular-culture aspects of the medium to show the IRUPDWE\OHDGLQJZULWHUVLQWKH¿HOGRIVWXG\ wide range of literary devices and overarching themes 7KLV QHZ HGLWLRQ RI Critical Survey of Graphic DQGVW\OHVXVHGWRFRQYH\EHOLHIVDQGFRQÀLFWV)XUWKHU Novels: Manga follows a new edition of Heroes & Su- critical attention was paid to panel selection and rele- perheroes. New editions of Independents & Under- YDQF\DQGWRDSDUWLFXODUZRUN¶VLQÀXHQFHRQWKHFUH- ground Classics and History, Theme, & Technique will ators’ careers, other graphic novels, or literature as a be published in 2019. whole. Manga, which represents a style of Japanese comic 7KHJUDSKLFQRYHOV¶¿HOGLVWUHPHQGRXVO\FRPSOH[ ERRNVDQGJUDSKLFQRYHOVFROOHFWVPRUHWKDQVL[W\¿YH and it would be impossible to cover all important works of the most popular and studied manga graphic novels, and creators in the manga medium in this single volume. ranging from metaseries to stand-alone books. A con- Attention has been focused on translated works that WLQXHG LQÀX[ RI WUDQVODWHG -DSDQHVH PDQJD LQWR WKH KDYHEHHQLQÀXHQWLDOLQWKHGHYHORSPHQWRIDVSHFL¿F American market has sparked a greater interest in for- graphic novel tradition. HLJQODQJXDJH WUDGLWLRQV DQG ORQJIRUP FRPLFV 7KLV volume provides detailed insight into and analyses of 2UJDQL]DWLRQDQG)RUPDW WKHPDMRUZRUNVWKDWKDYHKHOSHGGH¿QHWKHPDQJDPH- 7KH HVVD\V LQ Manga appear alphabetically and are dium, focusing on translated works that have been par- approximately 3 to 4 pages in length. Each essay be- WLFXODUO\LQÀXHQWLDOLQWKHGHYHORSPHQWRIWKHPDQJD gins with full ready-reference top matter, with pri- tradition. Stories have been compiled and dissected to mary author(s), illustrators, other artists who contrib- provide viewpoints that are easily missed during initial XWHG WR WKH ZRUN DQG WKH ¿UVW VHULDO DQG ERRN readings. SXEOLFDWLRQ7KHPDLQWH[WLVGLYLGHGLQWR3XEOLFDWLRQ

vii PUBLISHER’S NOTE Critical Survey of Graphic Novels

+LVWRU\ 3ORW 9ROXPHV &KDUDFWHUV 6W\OH 7KHPHV thematic point is a chronicle of the author’s per- and Impact, described below. A list of adaptations of sonal development, or a projection of it, and how this WKH JUDSKLF QRYHO LQWR ¿OP DQG WHOHYLVLRQ DUH DOVR may resonate with readers. noted, and a user-friendly bibliography completes the Impact FRYHUVWKHZRUN¶VLQÀXHQFHRQWKHFUHDWRUV¶ essay. Cross-references direct readers to related careers, publishing houses, the medium of graphic topics, and further reading suggestions accompany all QRYHOVLWVHOIDQGOLWHUDWXUHLQJHQHUDO7KHVHFWLRQDOVR articles. analyzes the impact of the creation of new characters or Publication History presents an overview of the series, the critical reception of the work or series and work’s origin and publication chronology, such as dates whether it was atypical for its historical period. RI ¿UVW VHULDO SXEOLFDWLRQ ¿UVW ERRN SXEOLFDWLRQ DQG Bibliography lists secondary print sources for fur- ¿UVWWUDQVODWLRQLQWR(QJOLVK0DQ\JUDSKLFQRYHOVZHUH ther study and examination, annotated to assist readers ¿UVWVHULDOL]HGLQFRPLFERRNIRUPRIWHQDVDOLPLWHG in evaluating focus and usefulness. series, and were later collected or republished in book format, while others were conceptualized as novelistic $SSHQGL[HVDQG2WKHU6SHFLDO)HDWXUHV ZRUNV,QDGGLWLRQGHWDLOVDERXWWKHVLJQL¿FDQWDZDUGV Special features help to further distinguish this refer- and honors won by each work are listed. HQFHVHULHVIURPRWKHUZRUNVRQJUDSKLFQRYHOV7KHVH Plot provides an in-depth synopsis of the main story include a general bibliography as well as a timeline dis- progression and other story arcs. As an aid to students, FXVVLQJVLJQL¿FDQWHYHQWVDQGLQÀXHQWLDOJUDSKLFQRYHO this section focuses on the most critically important predecessors spanning the world, when wood- plot turns in the series or work and why these were im- EORFNSULQWLQJZDV¿UVWEURXJKWWR-DSDQIURP&KLQD portant. WKURXJKWKH¿UVWXVHRIWKHWHUP³PDQJD´LQWKHHDUO\ Where applicable, Volumes orients the reader or re- 1800s to the present. Another key feature of the essays searcher to the accepted reading order of the work. For in this publication are biographical sidebars on authors, series, it lists individual volumes or collections, often LOOXVWUDWRUVDQGVLJQL¿FDQWSXEOLFDWLRQVUHODWHGWRWKH FRPSULVLQJ GL൵HUHQW VWRU\ DUFV 7KH \HDU ZKHQ HDFK ZRUNVSUR¿OHG$GGLWLRQDOO\DOOYROXPHVLQWKHVHWIHD- FROOHFWLRQ ZDV SXEOLVKHG LV SURYLGHG$OVR LGHQWL¿HG ture full-page images and panels from the actual works. are the issues that were collected within a volume, a Four indexes round out the set, illustrating the V\QRSVLV RI WKH YROXPH¶V PDLQ IRFXV DQG LWV VLJQL¿- breadth of the reference work’s coverage: Works by cance within the entire collection. Publisher; Works by Author; Works by Artist; and Sub- Characters presents detailed descriptions of major ject Index. characters in the story, beginning with the main pro- WDJRQLVWVDQGDQWDJRQLVWV7KHVHFWLRQGLVFXVVHVSK\V- $FNQRZOHGJPHQWV LFDOGHVFULSWLRQVFKDUDFWHUWUDLWVDQGVLJQL¿FDQWFKDUDF- 6DOHP3UHVVLVJUDWHIXOIRUWKHH൵RUWRIDOOLQYROYHGLQ teristics, the character’s relationship with others, and producing this work, including contributors of these es- the primary role a character plays in advancing the plot says, whose names can be found both at the end of each RIWKHZRUNRUVHULHV7RDLGUHDGHUVGHVFULSWLRQVLQ- essay and also in the Contributor List that follows the clude “also known as” names and monikers. Introduction. Style provides analysis of the work’s visual content, We are also indebted to editors Bart Beaty, Professor especially as it relates to characterization, plot, and of English at the University of Calgary, and Stephen mood; discussion of any changes in style as the story Weiner, Director of Maynard Public Library in May- progresses; and the use of elements and devices such as nard, Massachusetts, for their selection expertise and dialogue, captions, panels, penciling, inking, and back- writing contributions. Beaty’s works include Fredric grounds. Wertham and the Critique of Mass Culture, Unpopular Themes LGHQWL¿HV WKH FHQWUDO WKHPHV LQ WKH ZRUN Culture: Transforming the European in how they are expressed—for example, through plot or the 1990s, and David Cronenberg’s “A History of Vio- layout—and how they relate to characterization and lence.” Weiner is author or co-author of The 101 Best style. It also discusses, when applicable, whether a Graphic Novels, Faster than a Speeding Bullet: The viii JOJO’S BIZARRE ADVENTURE Critical Survey of Graphic Novels


$XWKRUAraki, Hirohiko $UWLVWV Hirohiko Araki (illustrator); Sean McCoy (let- terer) 3XEOLVKHUV 6KnjHLVKD -DSDQHVH  9,= 0HGLD (QJ- lish) )LUVW 6HULDO 3XEOLFDWLRQ JoJo no kimyo na boken,  )LUVW %RRN 3XEOLFDWLRQ  (QJOLVK WUDQVODWLRQ 2005-2010)

3XEOLFDWLRQ+LVWRU\ Hirohiko Araki launched JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure in LQ-DSDQ¶V:HHNO\6KǀQHQ-XPSPDJD]LQH7KH ¿UVW¿YHSDUWVRIWKHVHULHVFRQVLVWLQJRIFKDSWHUV later collected in sixty-three volumes, were published in :HHNO\6KǀQHQ -XPS IURP  WR  6WULFWO\ VSHDNLQJWKHVH¿UVWVL[W\WKUHHYROXPHVDUHWKHRQO\ ones published under the series title of JoJo’s Bizarre Hirohiko Araki in December of 2013. (Courtesy of mono- Adventure. However, as Araki has used the same char- prixgourmet ⭏ȃǟုǃ⭏ȃǟ༠ȧᤍ㚤ǬǻǟȟȓǮ acters, ideas, settings, and background in later works, via Wikimedia Commons) KHKDVLQIDFWFRQWLQXHGWKH-R-RVWRU\XQGHUGL൵HUHQW titles. For that reason, the series is considered to be on- 3ORW going. 7DUJHWHG WR D WHHQDJH PDOH DXGLHQFH JoJo’s Bizarre From 1998 to 2002, :HHNO\6KǀQHQ-XPSpublished Adventure combines an action-adventure story begin- seventeen volumes under the new series title Stone ning in nineteenth century England with supernatural Ocean,QWKHVHULHVPRYHGWR6KnjHLVKD¶VUltra elements. As the series develops, Araki introduces new , a seinen magazine, and ran for another twenty- SURWDJRQLVWVIRUHDFKGL൵HUHQWVWRU\DUFDOORIZKRP four volumes under the title . After Ja- DUHJLYHQQDPHVWKDW¿WWKHQLFNQDPHRI-R-R SDQ¶V GHYDVWDWLQJ 7RKRNX HDUWKTXDNH RQ 0DUFK  As summarized by Araki in his introduction, part 1 2011, Araki launched a new version of his series, JoJo- of the series begins in 1868, when a carriage accident lion, for Ultra Jump. JoJolionLVVHWLQD¿FWLRQDO-DSD- kills the wife of English lord George Joestar. A bandit QHVHWRZQD൵HFWHGE\WKHHDUWKTXDNHDQGWVXQDPLDQG prowling for loot, Dario Brando, rescues Lord George features some of the familiar JoJo characters. and his infant son, Jonathan. Out of gratitude, George Media began to publish the series in English raises Dario’s son, Dio, as his own. However, evil Dio under the title JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure LQ7KH plots to take over the Joestar family. VIZ volumes begin with the last chapter of the original $WDJHWZHQW\-RQDWKDQ-RHVWDU¿JKWV'LR-RQDWKDQ volume 12 and extend to the end of the original volume has been trained in the supernatural martial art of 28. For the English edition, Araki created an eight-page Hamon, or Ripple, by an itinerant teacher. Hamon uses prologue summarizing the story up to the point at VRODU HQHUJ\ DQG LV PRVW H൵HFWLYH DJDLQVW YDPSLUHV ZKLFK9,=¶V¿UVWYROXPHEHJLQV 7KLVLVIRUWXQDWHDV'LREHFRPHVDYDPSLUHDIWHUKH puts on a magic South American stone mask.


After Dio kills Jonathan’s father, he severs his own with of Dio’s henchmen, who also controls a Stand KHDG7KLVVDYHVKLVKHDGIURPEHLQJGHVWUR\HGE\-RQ- of his own, a giant stag beetle. Jotaro, Joseph, and their athan’s Hamon attack. Later, at sea, Dio’s head attacks DOOLHV¿JKWWKHLUZD\IURP+RQJ.RQJWR(J\SW2Q Jonathan. Both appear to die as Jonathan grips Dio’s this quest, many new characters with unique Stands of head and they sink to the bottom of the Atlantic. their own join, or oppose, Jotaro and Joseph. By the Part 2 develops another bypassed in the time Jotaro confronts Dio in Cairo, many of his closest (QJOLVKYHUVLRQ,WIHDWXUHVWKH¿JKWXOWLPDWHO\YLFWR- IULHQGVKDYHGLHGDVWKHUHVXOWRI¿JKWVZLWK'LR¶VDO- rious, of young , grandson of the late lies. Jonathan, against Nazis and vampire gods in 1938. ,Q &DLUR -RWDUR GLVFRYHUV WKDW 'LR¶V 6WDQG 7KH 7KH(QJOLVKHGLWLRQEHJLQVZLWKSDUWRIWKHVHULHV World, enables Dio to stop time for his opponent for a Part 3 opens as seventeen-year-old Jotaro Kujo sits in a few seconds, rendering his opponent defenseless for MDLOFHOOLQ7RN\RLQ-RWDURLVWKHKDOI-DSDQHVH WKLVSHULRG7KHWZR¿JKWDQG'LRLQLWLDOO\VHHPVWR grandson of Joseph Joestar. A punk-style rebel, he was overpower Jotaro. However, after Dio stops time for DUUHVWHGDIWHUZLQQLQJDVWUHHW¿JKWDJDLQVWIRXUDUPHG nine seconds, Jotaro manages to stop Dio’s time for thugs. However, as Jotaro believes he is possessed by two seconds and escape his trap. Jotaro defeats Dio and an evil spirit, he refuses to leave jail. allows the sun to destroy the vampire’s remains. Re- $ÀDVKEDFNUHYHDOVWKDWYDPSLUH'LRZDVEURXJKW united with Joseph, Jotaro relishes his well-earned vic- back to life four years before when sea treasure hunters tory. raised and opened a chest containing Dio’s head, now 7KRXJKWKH9,=YROXPHVHQGZLWK-RWDUR¶VYLFWRU\ fused with Jonathan’s body. Aware of this, Jotaro’s the original series continues past this point. Part 4 fea- grandfather Joseph arrives in to prepare Jotaro tures the adventures of Joseph’s illegitimate son, for the battle against Dio. Joseph tells Jotaro that he has Josuke Higashikata. Part 5 introduces Dio’s son Giorno DFTXLUHGVSHFLDOSV\FKLFSRZHUV7KHPDQLIHVWDWLRQRI *LRYDQDZKRVHHNVWREHFRPHD0D¿DGRQ7KHRULJ- these powers is called a “Stand,” because it stands be- inal series ends after part 5, but parts 6 through 8 are side the person who can command and control it. Jota- also set in the JoJo universe, employing alternate time ro’s Stand is Star Platinum, and Joseph’s is Hermit OLQHVDQGGL൵HUHQWYHUVLRQVRIWKHIDPLOLDUFKDUDFWHUV 3XUSOH WKH ¿UVW SDUW RI HDFK Stand’s name comes from a dis- tinctive card in the Western tarot deck. Jotaro leaves jail with Joseph and his grandfather’s Egyptian friend, Mohammed Avdol, who DOVRKDVD6WDQG7KH¿JKWDJDLQVW Dio becomes more urgent when Jotaro’s mother and Joseph’s daughter, Holly, develops a plant- OLNH6WDQGRQKHUEDFN7KLV6WDQG will consume Holly’s life unless Dio dies. Jotaro and Joseph embark on a TXHVWWR¿JKW'LRZKRKDVFRPH WR UHVLGH LQ (J\SW 7KH DLUSODQH meant to transport them there A Gucci store display featuring JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure characters in 2013. (Cour- FUDVKHV GXULQJ DQ RQERDUG ¿JKW tesy of Zengame via Wikimedia Commons)

189 JOJO’S BIZARRE ADVENTURE Critical Survey of Graphic Novels

7KHVHWWLQJRIWKHRQJRLQJVHULHVWKHQPRYHVWRWKH¿F- and likes to dress in punk-style clothing, wearing WLRQDO-DSDQHVHWRZQRI0RULRZKLFKLVVX൵HULQJIURP a black leather cap and piercing the collar of his WKHDIWHUPDWKRIWKH7RKRNXHDUWKTXDNHDQGWVXQDPL black high school uniform overcoat with a short chain. He is a rebel and commands the Stand Star 9ROXPHV Platinum, which delivers powerful punches to ‡ JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure: The Evil Spirit, any opponent. His quest to defeat Dio and save Volume 1 (2005). Collects original Japanese his mother drives the plot. chapters 114-123 (renumbered 1-10). Jotaro ‡ Dio Brando, the antagonist, is a blond vampire Kujo is introduced, as is the concept of the from Victorian England. He commands the Stand 6WDQGV7KHVHULHVPRYHVIURPDGRPHVWLF-DS- 7KH:RUOG+HGHVLUHVWRUXOHWKHZRUOGDQGVHHNV anese setting to an international one. to destroy the Joestar family. ‡ JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure: Silver Chariot, Volume ‡ Holly Kujo is Jotaro’s loving mother and the 2 (2006). Collects original chapters 124-132 (re- daughter of Joseph Joestar. A pretty English numbered 11-19). Jotaro’s journey to Egypt is American woman, she is married to a Japanese interrupted when his plane crashes near Hong jazz musician. Her unnamed Stand will kill her .RQJ7KLVSORWGHYLFHVWUHWFKHVWKHWUDYHOWLPH unless Jotaro defeats Dio. to allow for the development of a multitude of ‡ Joseph Joestar is Jotaro’s grandfather, a bearded adventures featuring good and evil characters older man who wears a hat and cloak. His Stand and their Stands. is Hermit Purple. He is kind but determined to ‡ JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure, Volumes 3-10 (2006- kill Dio. He mentors Jotaro in the use of his Stand 2008). Each volume collects nine to ten of the and seeks to save Holly from hers. original chapters, ranging from chapter 133 to ‡ Mohammed Avdol is a middle-aged Egyptian  UHQXPEHUHG 7KHDGYHQWXUHVPRYH magician with the Stand Magician’s Red. A from Asia to the climactic location of Egypt. In friend of Joseph, he trains and supports Jotaro Egypt, Jotaro and his allies battle enemies using until he dies in battle. Stands based on ancient Egyptian gods. Jotaro is ‡ Noriaki Kakyoin is a tall, somewhat arrogant Jap- helped by a sympathetic animal character, the DQHVH KLJK VFKRRO VWXGHQW ZLWK ÀRZLQJ EURZQ Boston terrier Iggy, who commands a Stand of hair and pierced ears. He hides a warm heart his own. under a cold posture and commands the Stand ‡ JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure, Volumes 11-15 (2009- Hierophant Green. Although he initially seems to 2010). Collects original chapters 211-246 (re- be an enemy, he becomes a close friend of Jotaro numbered 98-143). Jotaro and his friends move until his death. LQ RQ 'LR ZKR LV GHIHQGHG E\ WKH ÀDPER\DQW ‡ Gray Fly is an elderly, balding Japanese man D’Arby brothers. Several prominent characters ZKRFRPPDQGVWKH6WDQG7RZHURI*UD\DQGLV are killed, including Avdol, Iggy, and Kakyoin. allied with Dio. His attack on Jotaro brings down ‡ JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure: Journey’s End, Volume the plane on which he is traveling, setting the    &ROOHFWV RULJLQDO FKDSWHUV  VWDJHIRUDQDGYHQWXUH¿OOHGMRXUQH\WR(J\SW UHQXPEHUHG 7KHVWRU\DUFHQGVZLWK ‡ Jean Pierre Polnareff is a young Frenchman with the climactic showdown between Jotaro and Dio. white hair. His ears are pierced with broken heart ornaments in memory of his sister. &KDUDFWHUV ‡ Tennille’s Impersonator is an assassin in ‡ Jotaro Kujo, the , is a seventeen-year- league with Dio and impersonates a ship captain old high school student living in Japan. He has an to try to kill Jotaro. English American mother and a Japanese father


‡ 6RXO 6DFUL¿FH is a sadistic Native American shaman and assassin. +LURKLNR$UDNL ‡ J. Geil is an ally of Dio with a deformed body and Hirohiko Araki, born in 1960, is best known for two right hands. He commands the Stand the his ongoing maverick, multigenerational saga Jo- +DQJHG0DQDQGLVNLOOHGE\3ROQDUH൵LQUHWULEX- Jo’s Bizarre Adventure, which has been running in WLRQIRUWKHPXUGHURI3ROQDUH൵¶VVLVWHU 6KnjHLVKD¶V:HHNO\6KǀQHQ-XPSRQDQGR൵VLQFH ‡ Iggy is a Boston terrier tamed by Avdol. His  $UDNL IUHTXHQWO\ HPSOR\V QDPHV IURP Stand, the Fool, helps Jotaro and his friends battle Western rock ’n’ roll to give additional color to his characters, and many of his non-JoJo manga are Dio and his allies. actually JoJo PDQJD XQGHU D GL൵HUHQW FRYHU ‡ Daniel J. and Terence Trent D’Arby are brothers (Battle Tendency, , Steel Ball and powerful allies of Dio. One is a cheating Run). So popular is JoJo that a widespread cul- , and the other is a skilled video- tural joke, or meme, emerged in which groups of game player. people imitate various histrionic poses from the ‡ Vanilla Ice is an ally of Dio who commands the manga. His other manga include , named 6WDQG&UHDP+HLVGHIHDWHGE\3ROQDUH൵$YGRO after a parasite that gives a man powers, and a col- and Iggy. lection of stories about such “eccentric” historical ¿JXUHV DV 1LNROD 7HVOD 7\SKRLG 0DU\ DQG WKH $UWLVWLF6W\OH creator of the Winchester Mystery House. Perhaps because of the series’ origin as a vampire story set in England, Araki draws JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure LQ D :HVWHUQLQÀXHQFHG VW\OH WKDW GRHV QRW IHDWXUH body parts often splatter the panels. It is not uncommon many of the stylistic elements common in manga, such for minor characters to endure brutal violence. Some of as exaggerated wide eyes. Major characters are drawn the graphic violence against animals, particularly dogs, extravagantly, often breaking out of their panels and has been toned down by Araki for the English version RFFDVLRQDOO\ ¿OOLQJ XS PRUH WKDQ KDOI D SDJH$UDNL of the series. takes great in creating detailed drawings of the 7KH VWRU\ LV WROG WKURXJK SLFWXUHV GLDORJXH DQG elaborate costumes of his characters. Jotaro, for in- EXUVWVRIVRXQGH൵HFWVZKLFKDUHRFFDVLRQDOO\ZULWWHQ VWDQFHVWDQGVRXWE\ZHDULQJDEODFNOHDWKHURXW¿WUH- in Japanese characters. Plot information is provided on sembling a punk version of a traditional Japanese boy’s introductory pages for each English volume. For his KLJKVFKRROXQLIRUP7KLVHPSKDVLVRQEODFNOHDWKHU covers, Araki uses bold, splashy colors that contrast FORWKLQJ PD\ UHPLQG :HVWHUQ UHDGHUV RI WKH ¿JXUHV with the black-and-white content of the interior pages. GUDZQE\7RPRI)LQODQG SVHXGRQ\PRI)LQQLVKDUWLVW On the color covers, Jotaro’s leather coat is depicted as 7RXNR/DDNVRQHQ  dark blue, and the links of his chain are painted gold. 7KHVXSHUQDWXUDO6WDQGVR൵HU$UDNLWKHRSSRUWXQLW\ WRH[HUFLVH$UWLVWLFIUHHGRPWRVWXQQLQJYLVXDOH൵HFW 7KHPHV 7KHPDQ\6WDQGVGHSLFWHGZLWKLQWKHVHULHVUDQJHLQ 7KHFRUHWKHPHVRISDUWRIJoJo’s Bizarre Adventure look from human-shaped martial-arts experts to insect are good versus evil and coming-of-age. At the center DQGRWKHUDQLPDOVKDSHVDQGWKHURERWOLNH7KH:RUOG RIWKHVWRU\LV-RWDURZKRKDVREYLRXVSUREOHPV¿WWLQJ 7KH:RUOGFRPPDQGHGE\'LRKDVVHQVXRXVO\GUDZQ into regular Japanese society. With his outsized leather lips similar to those of his master, who somewhat re- coat and torn leather cap, Jotaro is the very image of a sembles the Joker of the series. teenage rebel verging on juvenile delinquency. He feels Araki’s exuberant graphic style rarely follows tradi- VWLÀHGE\WKHD൵HFWLRQRIKLVPRWKHUDQGVHHPVGLVSDU- tional, static arrangements of panels. Instead, he seems aging of the many female high school classmates who to enjoy splashing his human and animal characters adore him. and their Stands wildly across double pages. Blood and

191 JOJO’S BIZARRE ADVENTURE Critical Survey of Graphic Novels

What makes Jotaro special is his discovery of the )LOPV magic powers of his Stand and his obligation to carry JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure. Directed by Hideki Futamura RQ WKH ¿JKW LQKHULWHG IURP KLV PDWHUQDO JUDQGIDWKHU DQG+LUR\XNL.LWDNXER ¿UVWVHDVRQ DQG.D]XIXPL :KHQ-RWDUROHDUQVKHPXVW¿JKWWKHHYLOYDPSLUH'LR Nomura and Noboru Furuse (second season). to save the life of his mother and ensure the survival of $3337KLVWKLUWHHQHSL- the Joestar family, the knowledge gives the young man sode original video animation stars Jurota Kosugi as a new sense of purpose in life. WKHYRLFHRI-RWDUR.XMRDQG1REXR7DQDNDDV'LR Jotaro is guided by his English grandfather, Joseph, %UDQGR7KH¿UVWVHDVRQFRYHUVWKHPLGGOHRIWKH who takes the place of Jotaro’s absent Japanese father, story to its end, with the second season adapting the who is touring Japan as a jazz musician and never beginning of the story. In the , Super PDNHVDQDSSHDUDQFH7KLVDVSHFWKDVEHHQQRWHGDVD 7HFKQR$UWVUHOHDVHGWKHHQWLUHVWRU\DUFLQFKURQR- critique of contemporary Japanese family and society. logical order in six DVD volumes between 2003 and In the course of his quest to defeat Dio, Jotaro gains 2005. new friends and ends his initial social isolation. As a JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure: Phantom Blood. Directed by consequence of his supernatural adventure, he matures -XQLFKL+D\DPD$3337KLVDQLPDWHG¿OP as a person. stars as the voice of Jonathan Jo- Many characters are named after real-life pop stars estar and Kenji Nojima as Dio Brando. It follows the and music groups. For copyright reasons, a few of SORWRIWKH¿UVWVWRU\DUFTXLWHIDLWKIXOO\ these names were changed in the English version. Most 6WDQGV DUH EDVHG RQ 7DURW FDUGV +RZHYHU ERWK RI )XUWKHU5HDGLQJ these Artistic choices seem to lack a discernible deeper Araki, Hirohiko. Baoh (1985-1986). PRWLYDWLRQRUH൵HFW Miura, Kentaro. (1990- ).

,PSDFW %LEOLRJUDSK\ Part 3 of JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure proved to be the Gravett, Paul. Manga: Sixty Years of Japanese Comics. most popular segment of Araki’s multigenerational ad- New York: Harper Design, 2004. venture story, and the invention of the Stands gave the -RKQVRQ:RRGV 7RQL HG Manga: An Anthology of manga a unique edge with its young male readers. De- Global and Cultural Perspectives. New York: Con- spite its popularity in Japan, the series was not as well tinuum, 2010. received in the United States; as of 2012, part 3 remains 7KRPSVRQ-DVRQManga: The Complete Guide. New the only part of the series translated into English. Its


F¶V Woodblock printing is brought to Japan from China.

c. 1100’s The Tale of the Genji, by Murasaki Shikibu (early eleventh century), is adapted into an illus- WUDWHGVFUROO7KLVHUDDOVRPDUNVWKHGHYHORSPHQWRINDPLVKLEDLRUD³SDSHUGUDPD´RIWHQ enacted on the street with the aid of illustrated scrolls.

c. 1600’s 7KLV FHQWXU\ PDUNV WKH GHYHORSPHQW RI XNL\RH FRQVLVWLQJ RI ZRRGEORFN SULQWV GHSLFWLQJ scenes from history, literature, and the environment.

1814 7KHWHUP³PDQJD´LVHPSOR\HGLQWKHWLWOHRIDFROOHFWLRQRIVNHWFKHVE\-DSDQHVHDUWLVWDQG printmaker Katsushika Hokusai, creator of the famous The Great Wave off Kanagawa print.



1909 Future manga publishing powerhouse is founded.

1918 Artist Rakuten Kitazawa founds the Manga Kourakuki, an association for Japanese illustrators.


1925 , an early manga publisher, is founded. Along with , it is now part of the Hitotsubashi Group.


1930s A depressed economy leads to the revival of kamishibai, which continues until after World War II. Many manga creators will get their start drawing kamishibai toward the end of and after the war.

1930s Ippei Okamoto introduces Japanese audiences to Western comics, including Bringing Up Fa- ther, Katzenjammer Kids, and Mutt and Jeff.

 7KHPRQWKO\PDJD]LQH0DQJD6KǀQHQ is founded and is published through 1955.

1949 Many trailblazing female (manga creators) are born, including , Yumiko 2VKLPD .HLNR 7DNHPL\D 5L\RNR ,NHGD DQG 5\RNR

1951 Astro Boy, or Tetsuwan AtomE\2VDPX7H]XNDLV¿UVWSXEOLVKHGVHWWLQJWKHWRQHDQGVWUXFWXUH for young boys’ (VKǀQHQ) manga.