PUBLISHER’S NOTE Graphic novels have spawned a body of literary criti- 6FRSHDQG&RYHUDJH FLVPVLQFHWKHLUHPHUJHQFHDVDVSHFL¿FFDWHJRU\LQWKH 7KLV VLQJOHYROXPH FRYHUV RYHU ZHOOUHJDUGHG SXEOLVKLQJ¿HOGDWWDLQLQJDOHYHORIUHVSHFWDQGSHUPD- works of the manga medium, summarizing plots and nence in academia previously held by their counterparts analyzing the works in terms of their literary integrity in prose. Salem Press’s Critical Survey of Graphic and overall contribution to the graphic novel landscape. Novels series aims to collect the preeminent graphic 2IWHQ GH¿QHG E\ VXFK FKDUDFWHULVWLFV DV VW\OL]HG OLQH novels and core comics series that form today’s canon ZRUNFXOWXUDOVSHFL¿FQDUUDWLYHVDQGFRPSHOOLQJVWR- for academic coursework and library collection devel- rytelling that often stand in contrast to the character- RSPHQWR൵HULQJFOHDUFRQFLVHDQGDFFHVVLEOHDQDO\VLV centric framework of American comics, manga none- of not only the historic and current landscape of the in- theless encompasses a broad range of genres and terdisciplinary medium and its consumption but also subgenres. Researchers will gain a better understanding the wide range of genres, themes, devices, and tech- of the latter, which, in the manga tradition, is repre- niques that the graphic novel medium encompasses. sented by a wide spectrum that includes: josei manga, 7KHFRPELQDWLRQRIYLVXDOLPDJHVDQGWH[WWKHHP- which targets a mature female audience; shoujo-ai phasis of art over written description, the coupling of manga, which focuses on the spiritual, sexual, or emo- mature themes with the comic form—these elements tional aspects of relationships; VKǀQHQDL, manga cre- appeal to the graphic novel enthusiast, and are gaining ated by female authors that focuses on homoerotic or popularity with other readers. Designed for both pop- homoromantic male relationships; and kodomo manga, ular and scholarly arenas and collections, the series created exclusively for a young audience. provides unique insight and analysis into the most in- Contributors worked from original sources, pro- ÀXHQWLDODQGZLGHO\UHDGJUDSKLFQRYHOVZLWKDQHP- viding new criticism and content aimed at decon- phasis on establishing the medium as an important aca- structing both centuries-old themes and concepts as demic discipline. We hope researchers and the common well as nontraditional genres and styles, and portraying reader alike will gain a deeper understanding of these the graphic novel as literature. Essays look beyond the works, as the literary nature is presented in critical popular-culture aspects of the medium to show the IRUPDWE\OHDGLQJZULWHUVLQWKH¿HOGRIVWXG\ wide range of literary devices and overarching themes 7KLV QHZ HGLWLRQ RI Critical Survey of Graphic DQGVW\OHVXVHGWRFRQYH\EHOLHIVDQGFRQÀLFWV)XUWKHU Novels: Manga follows a new edition of Heroes & Su- critical attention was paid to panel selection and rele- perheroes. New editions of Independents & Under- YDQF\DQGWRDSDUWLFXODUZRUN¶VLQÀXHQFHRQWKHFUH- ground Classics and History, Theme, & Technique will ators’ careers, other graphic novels, or literature as a be published in 2019. whole. Manga, which represents a style of Japanese comic 7KHJUDSKLFQRYHOV¶¿HOGLVWUHPHQGRXVO\FRPSOH[ ERRNVDQGJUDSKLFQRYHOVFROOHFWVPRUHWKDQVL[W\¿YH and it would be impossible to cover all important works of the most popular and studied manga graphic novels, and creators in the manga medium in this single volume. ranging from metaseries to stand-alone books. A con- Attention has been focused on translated works that WLQXHG LQÀX[ RI WUDQVODWHG -DSDQHVH PDQJD LQWR WKH KDYHEHHQLQÀXHQWLDOLQWKHGHYHORSPHQWRIDVSHFL¿F American market has sparked a greater interest in for- graphic novel tradition. HLJQODQJXDJH WUDGLWLRQV DQG ORQJIRUP FRPLFV 7KLV volume provides detailed insight into and analyses of 2UJDQL]DWLRQDQG)RUPDW WKHPDMRUZRUNVWKDWKDYHKHOSHGGH¿QHWKHPDQJDPH- 7KH HVVD\V LQ Manga appear alphabetically and are dium, focusing on translated works that have been par- approximately 3 to 4 pages in length. Each essay be- WLFXODUO\LQÀXHQWLDOLQWKHGHYHORSPHQWRIWKHPDQJD gins with full ready-reference top matter, with pri- tradition. Stories have been compiled and dissected to mary author(s), illustrators, other artists who contrib- provide viewpoints that are easily missed during initial XWHG WR WKH ZRUN DQG WKH ¿UVW VHULDO DQG ERRN readings. SXEOLFDWLRQ7KHPDLQWH[WLVGLYLGHGLQWR3XEOLFDWLRQ vii PUBLISHER’S NOTE Critical Survey of Graphic Novels +LVWRU\ 3ORW 9ROXPHV &KDUDFWHUV 6W\OH 7KHPHV major thematic point is a chronicle of the author’s per- and Impact, described below. A list of adaptations of sonal development, or a projection of it, and how this WKH JUDSKLF QRYHO LQWR ¿OP DQG WHOHYLVLRQ DUH DOVR may resonate with readers. noted, and a user-friendly bibliography completes the Impact FRYHUVWKHZRUN¶VLQÀXHQFHRQWKHFUHDWRUV¶ essay. Cross-references direct readers to related careers, publishing houses, the medium of graphic topics, and further reading suggestions accompany all QRYHOVLWVHOIDQGOLWHUDWXUHLQJHQHUDO7KHVHFWLRQDOVR articles. analyzes the impact of the creation of new characters or Publication History presents an overview of the series, the critical reception of the work or series and work’s origin and publication chronology, such as dates whether it was atypical for its historical period. RI ¿UVW VHULDO SXEOLFDWLRQ ¿UVW ERRN SXEOLFDWLRQ DQG Bibliography lists secondary print sources for fur- ¿UVWWUDQVODWLRQLQWR(QJOLVK0DQ\JUDSKLFQRYHOVZHUH ther study and examination, annotated to assist readers ¿UVWVHULDOL]HGLQFRPLFERRNIRUPRIWHQDVDOLPLWHG in evaluating focus and usefulness. series, and were later collected or republished in book format, while others were conceptualized as novelistic $SSHQGL[HVDQG2WKHU6SHFLDO)HDWXUHV ZRUNV,QDGGLWLRQGHWDLOVDERXWWKHVLJQL¿FDQWDZDUGV Special features help to further distinguish this refer- and honors won by each work are listed. HQFHVHULHVIURPRWKHUZRUNVRQJUDSKLFQRYHOV7KHVH Plot provides an in-depth synopsis of the main story include a general bibliography as well as a timeline dis- progression and other story arcs. As an aid to students, FXVVLQJVLJQL¿FDQWHYHQWVDQGLQÀXHQWLDOJUDSKLFQRYHO this section focuses on the most critically important predecessors spanning the ancient world, when wood- plot turns in the series or work and why these were im- EORFNSULQWLQJZDV¿UVWEURXJKWWR-DSDQIURP&KLQD portant. WKURXJKWKH¿UVWXVHRIWKHWHUP³PDQJD´LQWKHHDUO\ Where applicable, Volumes orients the reader or re- 1800s to the present. Another key feature of the essays searcher to the accepted reading order of the work. For in this publication are biographical sidebars on authors, series, it lists individual volumes or collections, often LOOXVWUDWRUVDQGVLJQL¿FDQWSXEOLFDWLRQVUHODWHGWRWKH FRPSULVLQJ GL൵HUHQW VWRU\ DUFV 7KH \HDU ZKHQ HDFK ZRUNVSUR¿OHG$GGLWLRQDOO\DOOYROXPHVLQWKHVHWIHD- FROOHFWLRQ ZDV SXEOLVKHG LV SURYLGHG$OVR LGHQWL¿HG ture full-page images and panels from the actual works. are the issues that were collected within a volume, a Four indexes round out the set, illustrating the V\QRSVLV RI WKH YROXPH¶V PDLQ IRFXV DQG LWV VLJQL¿- breadth of the reference work’s coverage: Works by cance within the entire collection. Publisher; Works by Author; Works by Artist; and Sub- Characters presents detailed descriptions of major ject Index. characters in the story, beginning with the main pro- WDJRQLVWVDQGDQWDJRQLVWV7KHVHFWLRQGLVFXVVHVSK\V- $FNQRZOHGJPHQWV LFDOGHVFULSWLRQVFKDUDFWHUWUDLWVDQGVLJQL¿FDQWFKDUDF- 6DOHP3UHVVLVJUDWHIXOIRUWKHH൵RUWRIDOOLQYROYHGLQ teristics, the character’s relationship with others, and producing this work, including contributors of these es- the primary role a character plays in advancing the plot says, whose names can be found both at the end of each RIWKHZRUNRUVHULHV7RDLGUHDGHUVGHVFULSWLRQVLQ- essay and also in the Contributor List that follows the clude “also known as” names and monikers. Introduction. Style provides analysis of the work’s visual content, We are also indebted to editors Bart Beaty, Professor especially as it relates to characterization, plot, and of English at the University of Calgary, and Stephen mood; discussion of any changes in style as the story Weiner, Director of Maynard Public Library in May- progresses; and the use of elements and devices such as nard, Massachusetts, for their selection expertise and dialogue, captions, panels, penciling, inking, and back- writing contributions. Beaty’s works include Fredric grounds. Wertham and the Critique of Mass Culture, Unpopular Themes LGHQWL¿HV WKH FHQWUDO WKHPHV LQ WKH ZRUN Culture: Transforming the European Comic Book in how they are expressed—for example, through plot or the 1990s, and David Cronenberg’s “A History of Vio- layout—and how they relate to characterization and lence.” Weiner is author or co-author of The 101 Best style. It also discusses, when applicable, whether a Graphic Novels, Faster than a Speeding Bullet: The viii JOJO’S BIZARRE ADVENTURE Critical Survey of Graphic Novels JOJO’S BIZARRE ADVENTURE $XWKRUAraki, Hirohiko $UWLVWV Hirohiko Araki (illustrator); Sean McCoy (let- terer) 3XEOLVKHUV 6KnjHLVKD -DSDQHVH 9,= 0HGLD (QJ- lish) )LUVW 6HULDO 3XEOLFDWLRQ JoJo no kimyo na boken, )LUVW %RRN 3XEOLFDWLRQ (QJOLVK WUDQVODWLRQ 2005-2010) 3XEOLFDWLRQ+LVWRU\ Hirohiko Araki launched JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure in LQ-DSDQ¶V:HHNO\6KǀQHQ-XPSPDJD]LQH7KH ¿UVW¿YHSDUWVRIWKHVHULHVFRQVLVWLQJRIFKDSWHUV later collected in sixty-three volumes, were published in :HHNO\6KǀQHQ -XPS IURP WR 6WULFWO\ VSHDNLQJWKHVH¿UVWVL[W\WKUHHYROXPHVDUHWKHRQO\ ones published under the series title of JoJo’s Bizarre
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