Pepin the Short (714-768 C.E.)
PEPIN THE SHORT (714-768 C.E.) BIOGRAPHY WORKBOOK SERIES FOR HIGH SCHOOL B Bio Pepin the Short PEPIN THE SHORT (714-768) Charles Martel, as we have seen of the Palace, in the districts of in other readings, was never king of Neustria and Austrasia respectively, the Franks, and his sons were too under the nominal sovereignty of politic to assume the title on his death. Childeric III, the last of the fainéant Griffo, the third son, may be dismissed kings, whom they set up as a puppet. from our notice at once, as he was from the government of the kingdom, 1. Who ruled as the puppet king of his brothers, Carloman and Pepin, France at this time? taking advantage of his weakness to ____________________________________ dispossess him. After this act of ____________________________________ supremacy, Carloman and Pepin were ____________________________________ for some time content to act as Mayors ____________________________________ Complete the following chart, noting where/how/if each son of Charles Martel held power in France. Carloman Charles Pepin Martel Griffo Page 2 Carloman distinguished himself Shaving off Childeric’s long hair, the by attacking the Saxons and other symbol of royalty among the early tribes which threatened aggression. Frankish kings, Pepin sent him to one In 744, Pepin severely punished a monastery at St. Omer, and revolt of his father's old enemy (Eudes, Childeric’s son Thierry to another at Duke of Aquitaine, a.k.a. Odo the Fontenelle. This accomplished, Pepin Great), who had been compelled to do proceeded to obtain justification for homage to the Frankish crown.
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