(912-913) February 26, 1968

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(912-913) February 26, 1968 ROMANIA I BIWEEKLY BULLETIN EDITED BY AGERPRES ROMANIAN NEWS AGENCY j 10th year - Nr,14-15(912-913) February 26,1968 CONTENTSl PRAGUE VISIT OF ROMANIAN COMMUNIST PARTY DELEGATION LED BY NICOLAE CBAUSESCU, GENERAL SECRETARY OP THE C*C* OF THE R.C.P..'. 1 INDUSTRY - Great Depth Drilling in Romania*....... 2 - Special Oil Extraction Pump...*.. 2 - New Types of Waggons and Locomotives.. 3 - Investments in the Light Industry* *... 4 - Handicraft Cooperatives* .* ......... 4 FOREIGN TRADE - Tractor Exports Up.*.. 5 - Fish Products ...... 6 SOCIAL NOTES - Lower Morbidity Indices.*.. 7 - Labour Physiology.». 8 - Elastoplastic Designing of the Antiseismic Structures ....«.*••••.9 - Skin Biochemistry. •*...*.*. *... 9 - Turning to Account of Residual Hydrochloric Acid 10 - Pulmonary Autograft ..... 10 - Romanian Participation in International Debates on Education.*.. 11 - First International Light Music Festival in - Constructions in Support of the Fine Arts......* 13 - Village Film Festival* •.*•••••••• .. 13 TOURISM - More Hotels 14 - Spring Cruises of Romanian Vessels*... 15 DIARY .. 16 11 - - AGERPRES, Piata Scinteii, Bucharest, Phone.: 18.20.30 Telex: 00225 00272 f PRAGUE VISIT OF ROMANIAN COMMUNIST PARTY DELEGATION LED B'i NICOLAE CEAUSESCU, GENERAL SECRETARY OF THE C.C. OF THE R.C.P. A delegation of the Romanian Communist Party led by the General Secretary of the CC of the RCP Nicolaer Ceau- ^escu, attended the celebrations of the 20th anniversary of the February 1948 victory of the working people of Czechoslovakia, at the invitation of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Czechoslovakia# Ilie Verde^, member of the Executive Committee and of the Standing Presidium of the CC of the RCP, Manea Manescu, alternate member of the Executive Committee, Secretary of the CC of the RCP, and Ion Obradovici, Romanian Ambassador in Prague, were on the delegation# A salute from the Romanian Consaunist Party was conveyed by Nicolae Ceau^escu, at the festive meeting in Prague* The Romanian delegation attended the friendly get-to¬ gether arranged by the CC of the Communist Party of Czecho¬ slovakia in honour of the delegations of the fraternal par¬ ties of the socialist countries, laid a wreath at the Vitkov National Monument and attended the working people®a meeting in Prague. The RCP delegation also toured the National Art Gal¬ leries in Prague. •¥ On the 20th anniversary of the February victory of the working people of Czechoslovakia, the Romanian Party and State leaders addressed a congratulatory telegram to the Czechoslovak Party and State leaders. The Romanian press carried articles marking the event* . - 2 - industry Great Depth Drilling in Romania 1 Since recent surveys have pointed to the probable existence in the Romanian subsoil of oil deposits more than 3,000 m deep, exploration by great depth drilling has been intensified. Based on the experience gained fol¬ lowing the drilling of the first wells of depths of over 6,000 m,v the Romanian oilworkers perform now drilling at 12 wells at depths between 3t900 and 6,000 m, By the end of this year, the number of great depth wells is to in¬ crease. Accomplishments hitherto include the running of casing whose weight in air exceeds 300 ton3. Owing to permanent care for improving working methods the tests for the putting into operation are proceeding with nigh-standard equipment, A valuable help in the great depth drilling is given by the 4 DH-315 Romanian drilling rig3 provided with 1,250 hp pumps, which produce a working pressure of 200 kg/sq.ca., as well as by highly mineralized drilling fluids* made upon original solutions, which are resistant to temperatures up to 200 degrees and to high pressures. Special Oil Extraction Pump A n9w type of pump „ meant for the extraction of crude oil from layers with a high degree of impurity, was homo¬ logated at the engineering works of C£@piua« The new pump, whose serial production is to start this year, provides an increased safety during work, and operational duration is fourfold that of usual pumps* According to axperts* this product vies with the best similar makes abroad* - 3 - New Types of Waggons and Locomotives The output of rolling stock; of Romania is cfciaractpri¬ zed this year by several important novelties. The Bucharest "Grivi^a Ro?ieM works assimilated for the first time in this country, the serial manufacture of the tank waggon for the transport of bitumen and of other petrochemical products. The new waggons are built for capacities of b() and 90 tons respectively, the latter having a weight equal to those of 60 tons, although their transport capacity is 30 tons bigger. The mechanical engineering works of Turnu Severin and the waggon works of Arad, other two enterprises build¬ ing rolling stock of Romania, started the manufacture of freight cars for metric gauge, intended for countries having this railway system. The first clients are firms of Greece. They are to buy two types of covered rreight cars, on two and four axles, of 15 and 30 tons respectively, that can go a speed of up to 90 km per hour. They carry- bulk goods ,necessating protection against bad weather. The waggons have a sturdy mechanical build, board lateral and frontal walls and are covered with metal sheet lined with synthetic materials ensuring a constant temperature inside the waggon. Also among the novelities of 1968 is the bunxer-vyp© waggon for the transport of sugar. 3?he waggon is also made cy rhs Turnu Severin*mechanical engineering works for Cuba. The novelties concerning -che building of locomotives is no be added to this • The Craiova ,,EiecTrop^te^@}, works, streamlined to Diesel-electric locomotives starred produc¬ ing an electric-Diesel locomotive with an increased speed - of 120 km per hour-as compared with 90 km of the old products. The 20th electric locomotive was produced,, recently and the outout of such locomotives is to double as compared with 1967. The range of the hydraulic Diesel locomotives manufactured by the Bucharest '*23 August9* works has been expanded with a new type of 450 HP. The output plan in rolling stock building provides for an increase of 7 per cent as compared with the preced¬ ing year, the Romanian waggons and locomotives being expor¬ ted at present to approximately 14 countries in the world. Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2018 with funding from University of Alberta Libraries https://archive.org/details/newsfromromaniab9129ager - 4 - Investments in the ,Lighfc industry The fund of 2.6 thousand million lei, allocated for Romania’s light industry in 1968 (by 300 million more than last year) enables the building and commissioning of first-rate projects# Thus, units of 3,600 tons of carded cotton yarns a year will be commissioned among others at the Oltenia spinning mill while 22*1 million square metres of cotton fabric per year will be produced by the enter¬ prises of Orlova, Media?, Teleorman, while that of Negre?ti will produce annually 10 million sq#m. of thick hemp fabrics and that of Jassy 6 million sq#m. of silk weavings. Soon the building will start of knitwear and garment factories, etc# Work is also going on at the big industrial combines started last year. This year some 50 per cent of the necessary equipment for the new production capacities will be turned out in this country# Handicraft Cooperatives Following the increased demand for handicraft items, handicraft cooperatives have been be set up starting this year in Romania# Their number is to amount* to some 23# Expert artisans and specialists qualified in ethno¬ graphy and folklore will carry en activity an these co¬ operatives# Each unit will seek no reflect in its products the specific feanures of the area, laying stress on the mosn characterisnic ethnographic traits. Well-known, for instance, are the weavings of the Bra?ov area, the carpets of Oltenia, the pottery of Buceava as well as the wooden objects made by the Jassy handicraftsmen# FOREIGN TRAPS Tractor Exports Up Romania's increasing participation in the world trade with machines, equipment and industrial installations, is illustrative of the powerful impact of the country's industrialization on trade exchanges with foreign countries* A telling example in this field is the interest shown Dy partners in various countries for the Romanian tractors. Thousands of tractors produced by the Bra?ov works are yearly exported* Firms in 40 countries are today permanent partners of the Bucharest "Auto-tractor" company in respect of tractor export, and their numbers are continuously growing* In the last 6-7 years, on the average one out of less than four tractors made in Romania was exported* Concomitantly with satisfaction of internal requirements, new export availabilities have appeared* For this year, preliminary figures point to an increase of this rate* Thus, it is expected that exports should account by the end of this year# for more than 45 per cent of the total pro¬ duction, i.e* by some 1,000 tractors more than last year* The importers of Romanian tractors include countries with various economic structures, and of various geogra¬ phical position, like Algeria, Belgium, Britain, Bulgaria, Czechoslovakia, Ceylon, Denmark France, GDR, Greece, GFR, Ghana, Guinea, Holland, Hungary, Italy, Iran, Irak, Japan, Libya, Pakistan, Portugal, Spain, UAH, Venezuela and Yugoslavia* The most important tractor buyer is Iran* On the basis of an earlier contract, Romania supplies 15,000 tractors to Iran in the 1967-1970* - 6 - Fish Products The Romanian exports of food products include some renowned fish specialities which are appreciated for their exceptional qualities. The sturgeon, caviar, batog and pike perch delivered by ”Prodexport" have a high nutritive value and a taste which complies with the highest exigencies. These are in great demand in many countries including Austria, Belgium, Canada, Denmark, France, Federal Germany, Great Britain, Italy, the Lebanon, Spain, Sweden, and Switzerland.
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