Voorsitter: Willoughby Brits WORD FROM THE CHAIRMAN O/Voorsitter: Krige van Heerden This newsletter is that of the PVO Pretoria Canopy, but we decided to include as much of Sekretaris: Roche Vermaak Bats photos and stories that could be found on the internet for this edition. We do not take responsibility for any mistakes in the contents. Tesourier: Wynand Erasmus

This last three months must have been the busiest time in the existence of the PVO and Kommunikasie: Chris Pohl many other Parabat organizations. Therefore, we made this a special Christmas edition.

Regskonsultant: Wynand Fourie The Pretoria Canopy and others took part in many activities and to mention a few: Rememb rance services (worldwide); the gathering at the Hartebeespoortdam; ; Gasvryheid: Johan le Roex Canopy gatherings; wreath laying ceremonies; funerals; medical assistance; Boere Bats drought relief; help to some Bats in need; etc. Addisionele Lid: Ashley Carr We helped a few men to receive medical benefits from DMV. Contact us if you want Medical and other benefits.

“If you want to change the world, start of by making your bed, ”William McRaven, US

Navy Admiral, the power of hope. No matter what happens in life, be good to people. Being good to people is a wonderfull legacy to leave behind.

Baie dankie dat ons saam die PVO se Visie kon uitleef naamlik samesyn, mekaar help

INDEX / INHOUD en mekaar ondersteun. Baie dankie vir almal se bydraes. Baie dankie vir die kommittee van PVO Pretoria Canopy vir al jul harde werk en ondersteuning. Ten laaste wil ek en die

Voorsitter/Chairman 2 kommittee vir iedere Parabat ‘n geseënde Jesus Christus kerstydperk toe wens. Dit is Xmass Msg 3 gedurende die tydperk wat ons aan mekaar moet dink en ondersteun. Geniet die feestyd Admin 4 waartydens ons Jesus se geboorte vier. Onthou daar waar jy heen reis is daar altyd ‘n Parabat wat kan help in nood. Correspondance 5 Articals 12 Kom ons skep saam hoop, elke man tel! News from all over 19 Willoughby Brits

Uit die verlede 41 Final 45




Dit is weereens vir my ‘n groot voorreg om ‘n Kersboodskap aan al die lede van die PVO en hul geliefdes te bring. 2019 het vinnig ten einde gesnel en skielik het dit tyd geword vir die tradisionele Suid- Afrikaanse Kersvakansie. So, as the holiday season is upon us, we find ourselves reflecting on the happenings of the past year and those who have really contributed to build good relationships and helped to fulfil the Vision and the Mission of the PVO. Dit was hartverblydend om te sien dat ons lede die afgelope jaar hard probeer het om goeie verhoudings te handhaaf en sodoende daarin geslaag het om ware Broederskap te bevorder. Die gevolg hiervan is dat daar verskeie hoogtepunte behaal is veral wat hulpverlening op verskeie terreine betref.

Ek los dit vir die Voorsitter van ons Canopy om kommentaar te lewer op die suksesse wat die afgelope jaar bereik is. Allow me to say something about the true meaning of Christmas though. The true message of Christmas is that God came to Earth in the form of a man to save his own Creation. He came to die for our sins and for the sins of the whole World. Dit is dus die rede dat ons altyd moet onthou dat ons seuns van God is en derhalwe Broers is. Dit is ook die grootste enkele rede waaom ons verenig moet wees en saam moet staan. Op ‘n sombere noot wil ek melding maak van Valskermbroers wat die afgelope jaar oorlede is. Ook het van ons lede familielede aan die dood afgestaan. Aan al die naasbestaandes ons innige simpatie. Please drive carefully when you travel during the holiday season. Ry asseblief versigtig as julle op reis gaan en Stop by Stopstrate! Finally I would like to wish you and your families a joyous Christmas and a very Happy and Prosperous New Year. May God bess you all. Hiermee wens ek u almal ‘n Baie Geseende Kersfees en ‘n Gelukkige en Voorspoedige Nuwejaar toe. Mag ons Hemelse Vader u ryklik seen. Groete, Oom Ronnie.


You once heard the call of a Nation Parents dropped their sons off at the station Scared, filled with pride they prayed for you all Begging our Lord to Not let you fall.

You gave your life and your promise to me Not knowing if ever, thankful i’d be You read your letters with tears in your heart Missing the loved ones as life there was hard.

Friends became brothers that fought side by side Loyalty that grew while in bushes you hide Holding the hand of a Brother that died Tears on a face as a brotherhood cried.

Now it is over but memories stay With pride in our hearts can we thank you today The soldiers, our saviours we’re in your debt Thanking our Lord, your safety He kept.

Author: Sonet Pienaar The British Paras in Sydney sent Christmas greetings to all in the Outback Canopy.

“It is foolish and wrong to mourn the men who have died, rather we should thank god that such men lived”



PVO APP The PVO website MEMBER BENEFITS Emergency/Panic button - Get in is there to give you all the your vicinity to assist when you have an information you need on the organisation. Please emergency. visit it regularly. Any who needs to know where his nearest PVO Canopy is will be Access to the Parabat Heritage Channel - News, helped from this website. New members are Videos, sound clips, pictures and much more. welcome and existing members who are unsure An ever-growing repository with old and new

of any of the benefits on offer can make enquiries media recordings

there. • PVO Projects - Status, news and updates • Access to Employment opportunities PVO APP • PVO Enablement Fund Go onto the Android or Apple store, search for Parabat Veterans Organisation and download the Die PVO beleid is om alle Parabats in te sluit - PVO app on your mobile device. Paid-up PVO “ELKE MAN TEL!” members have access to premium information Ons is almal deel van 'n uitsonderlike groep and additional benefits. “volunteers - with the guts to step out of the aircraft door". Alle Paratroopers word aangemoedig om die APP af te laai en benut.

#Neem asseblief kennis dat die finansiele Vir enige tegniese probleme kontak - [email protected] state beskikbaar is vir enige opbetaalde lede vir besigtiging en vrae. Ons het strukture en Marked ouditeure in plek om verantwoording te doen Order from Pretoria Canopy a verity of vir elke sent wat ge-in of spandeer word. books, CD’s and DVD’s


Essentially, the wellbeing of all Parabats and their families is our primary concern. Many of us are reaching the age where retirement and redundancy become threats to our continued welfare. Some of us have been suffering from the strain of wounds and disabilities sustained during our years as soldiers as well as suffered after our military service ended. Others have been made redundant by retrenchments or affirmative action. All these people need help and support in their daily lives. This support is not happening to any great degree and the PVO aims to, over time, rectify this.

PelsA Boeke Kontak Paul J. Els oor sy boeke [email protected] of bestel vanaf [email protected]


Letters and messages


Ek is Erich Lamprecht en het my kursus in Jul Middag al die manne, ek en Annie wil net graag 1963 gedoen en daarna SMag aangesluit. Ek ons dank, teen oor elkeen van julle wat ‘n bydrae was 1964 tot 1966 by die Mil Akademie en terug aan ons gemaak het, oordra. Na die huis totaal verplaas na Rooiplaas op 1 Jan 1967. My Bn afgebrand het, het ons absoluut niks oor nie. Bevs was Genl's WP Louw, Jan Fourie, Boytjie Elke sent wat ons ontvang beteken geweldig Viviers, Mj du Plessis, en Hans Moller. baie, ons kan nou weer van vooraf begin, net Ek het as Valsk Opl Bev geeindig en by 3 afskaal. ‘n Mens gaar maar baie op na 52 jaar SAI, PW Botha se Sekretaris as Min v Verd getroude lewe! Ek weet nog nie wat hulle gaan asook toe hy Eerste Minister was, 51 Bn Bev, uit betaal nie. Maar ons was onderverseker! Dit Boph Weermag 2 IB, Groep 6 Bev, en HS Ops kan beteken dat ons baie minder gaan uitkry as by Kmdmt OP geeindig, waarna ek vroeg na 30 waarvoor ons verseker was. So die les is dat julle jaar afgtree het. Ek het daarna by Sanlam asb seker moet maak dat jul inhoud en huise nie beleggings behartig en toe in vir 5 jr by onder verseker is nie. Nogmaals baie dankie Microsoft se sekerheid gewerk terwyl my Vrou manne, julle is ysters en praat nie net nie, maar Annie, skool gehou het., Doen! Erich Lamprecht 18/10/2019 Einde 2005 het ons kom afgtree op Hephzibah naby Verena, 50 km van Bronkhorstspruit af. Ons het 19 jaar hier gebly totdat ons huis met al ons ANOTHER WELL- ATTENDED REUNION besittings op 27 Sep 2019, verlede Saterdag, AT THE DAM. verwoes is. Ons is 52 jaar getroud en het vir 52 jaar wêreldse goedere opgegaar! Alhoewel ons Mike Cronje hosted another huge reunion at his al ons aardse besittings verloor het, is ons reik place at Hartebeespoort Dam on Saturday. I aan ons Hemelse besittings. Abba Vader het ons don’t know whether it was a record, but I think intussen ryklik geseën kos, klere, kontant, Dianne, his wife said that 1050 Parabats went vriende, gebede wat ver hoor is. Ons sien nou through the gate that day. met vreugde uit na ‘n nuwe begin en vind dit baie interessant en uitdagend. God is goed, Hy Sal The Reunion is entirely run by Mike and his IN ons nooit verlaat nie en ons sien met verwagting HIS HONOR organisation without any help from na die uitdagings uit. Dankie aan almal wat vir the PVO, LAARSA or any other Parabat ons bid en andersins bygedra het. Julle is Ysters. organisation and all the funds collected go to VALSKERM. helping IN HIS HONOR keep operating through Groete, Erich Lamprecht 04/09/2019 the year until the next Reunion. This mammoth ongoing project provides food and shelter to many adults and children every single day and should be supported with open hearts and open pockets. All the Parabats who attended contributed to this noble task, so well done to the thousand plus men who were there. See you all next year.

Mike McWilliams. President. Parabat Veteran Organisation 29/10/2019

(Photo’s on page 22+)

TAKE NOTE: I am urgently looking for members of A Coy who jumped in the first ever operational jump on 4 June 1974 at Bwanbwata.

I also require the names of all members who did their parachute course in Dukuduku, Zululand for a reunion next year in September. [email protected]. PRETORIA CANOPY BAT CHAT Page 5


PVO Committee for 2019-2021. President - Mike McWilliams. Vice President - Willoughby Brits. Secretary - Dirk van de Wall. Treasurer - Jim Holzhausen with (Clive Long assisting). Membership - Andre Van Niekerk. Events and Fundraising - Andy Bowden. Enablement Fund - Willoughby Brits. CMVO Liaison - Deon Benadè. SANDF Liaison - Krige Van Heerden. Memorabilia and Apparel - Nick Jansen Van Vuuren.

Heritage and Museum - Barry Olivier.

Communications & Media - Chris Pohl.

Information & Technology Chris Pohl.

Strategy & Projects - Naas Grove.

Ombudsman- Justus Rothman.

Additional Members –

Johan Cronje,

Attie Van Niekerk

Deon Benadè.



LANDIES LANDMAN HULDEBLYK AAN WYLE JOHAN LANDMAN: VOORMALIGE RSM Op versoek van Madelein Landman plaas ek haar boodskap: (Nico Beneke 12/10/2019) VAN 1 VALSK BN

Hallo julle... Chris le Roux van die Parabats verklaar soos Tyd stap aan en wag vir niks of niemand. volg: “AO1 Johan Landman was my RSM by 1 Ek wil graag vir julle dankie sê met alles wat ek Valsk Bn vir vyf jaar. Ons aanstellings het het, vir julle omgee, gebede, boodskappe, gelyktydig geloop en het geduur van Jan 1984 tot oproepe ens, nie net toe my Pa siek was nie, Des 1988. Dit was ’n plesier om saam met hom maar ook al die jare. Julle ouens was my pa se te werk en hy was lojaal, positief en vriendelik en lewe... het altyd ’n goeie beeld van die eenheid uitgedra. Dankie namens ons hele gesin, maar die Die troepe, soos dit in daardie jare gebruiklik grootste dankie van myself af. Ek het my pa die was, het groot ontsag vir hom gehad. Tot met sy dag dokter toe gevat toe sy siekte begin het en afsterwe was hy aktief by 1 Valsk Bn se ek was laaste by sy kamer uit voor hy weg is... Veterane-organisasie betrokke, vir wie hy tot sy my Pa was en is my alles! Ek het die pad saam dood baie lief was. Ons eer sy nagedagtenis en met hom gestap. Die leemte wat hy by my los is verklaar ons innige simpatie met sy eggenote, te groot vir woorde... dis hoekom ek weet wat Tharina en die gesin”. julle vir hom beteken het. Ek moes elke oggend en aand as ek by hom kom al sy boodskappe vir hom lees en antwoord soos hy sê. Hy wou altyd weet wat sê julle. Duisend duisend dankies. Madelein Landman HULDEBLYK AAN WYLE OUBOET KRUGER

AO1 Ouboet Kruger is gister oggend om 04:00 in Langebaan oorlede aan keel kanker.

Hy was o.a. saam Johnny Kieser, Koos Moorcroft, Hans Moller, Ysterman van Niekerk, Pep van Zyl, Tilley Smit, Ronnie Claasens ens by 1 Valsk Bn. Daarna was hy by 1 SAI en 4 VK gewees voor hy afgetree het.

Puik soldaat & valskerm instrukteur en ouer broer van Vingers Kruger wat by Eheke gesterf het. Dave Stevenson 11/11/2019

A group of Outback Canopy members remembering Ouboet Kruger! Dave Stevenson, Slade Healy, Bill Mullany, Johan Burr- Dixon, Tim Chadwick and Roy Chase.



The Parabat legend passed away after a Ouboet was a simple, caring man who long fight with throat cancer. really loved his troops as he would his Ouboet holds a special place in my children. The affection was returned fourfold memory because in 1970, he was my second and we were very sad when the time came to Staff at 1 Para Bn. For some reason, rotate Platoon Staffs again. Platoon Sergeants, or Staff Sergeants, were The world and the Parabats have lost a rotated every few months. I was fortunate very fine man and soldier in John Ouboet enough to have Ronnie Claasens as my first Kruger and although I havent seen him in Platoon Staff and more of a gentleman, you many years, I will miss him and cherish the couldnt find. memory of of one of the Battalion's great When Ouboet was assigned Platoon 1, A men. Coy, my platoon, we all were shivering in our Mike McWilliams. boots. Here was a barrel-chested, wind-burned President. man who looked like he ate barbed wire for Parabat Veteran Organisation. breakfast. We were sure that the following few months, which incorporated our two weeks of PT as well as our jump course would be a hard and difficult time for us. When you heard his gravelly voice rousing you on that first morning of his reign, you knew that he did in fact eat barbed wire for breakfast. His deadly quite chuckle raise the hair on the back of your neck with its understated menace. You noticed that, when leading the Platoon in a run to the Kooikamp that Ouboet didnt bounce up and down when he ran. Instead, he cruized along like a Saracen armoured car, eating up the miles effortlessly, not changing pace, no matter what the obstacle in front of us. This man was a machine. After a week or so, none of the troops had been torn to bits and in fact, we found that Ouboet Kruger was turning into a very nice man. Of course, he was always a very nice man, the troops just didnt know it. He was very concerned with the wellbeing of his troops, often inspecting the feet of a trainee personally. Blisters were a common factor on the PT course and Ouboet John made sure that everyone could continue by applying Methyolate and plasters himself. He was sympathetic to "sluipers" like me who only got through the PT course by resting whenever the instructors back was turned. Like all good PT instructors, he had an extra pair of eyes in the back of his head and when he could see you were skipping a star-jump or two due to complete exhaustion, he would turn around and point his crooked forefinger at you and just say, "Ek watch jou McWilliams". E Coy 1984 -1986 reunion.


Some who attended Jakes Swart memorial service: Genl Dippenaar: Willoughby Brits; Genl Hans Moller; U/N; Greag Aston.

The memorial service for Jakes Swart was well attended by many family, friends, Special Forces and Bats members.

Left: Ronnie and wife at the service.

Some Bats who attended the Jakes Swart memorial. 29/11/2019

A former OC of 44 Anti-Aircraft Regiment, Patrick "Paddy" Case MMM JCD (26/06/1953 - 26/11/2019) passed away on the 26 of November. We will remember him.


LT COL DAVID IZAK BLAAUW, LWM hundreds of kilometres of isolated bush in Namibia. I remember despatching him and his company at night for By Brig Gen McGill Alexander an extended parachute operation deep inside Zambia. When they were deployed in Rhodesia, Dawid proved to be Dawid, or Davey, as we all knew him, was one of the three a brilliant Fire Force commander. legendary Blaauw brothers who left such a deep imprint on He was an enthusiastic and competent Bisley shottist the paratroopers of . He joined the Permanent and few people know that he successfully completed the Force in 1971 and following in the footsteps of his older Special Forces, or “Recce” selection. His battalion brother, Hennie, he underwent officer training and then commander, however, would not approve his transfer to the volunteered for the paratroops. He served for many years as Recces. In later years, he and I served together in HQ 44 an officer in 1 Parachute Battalion, South Africa’s premier Para Bde, where we worked closely, he as SO1 Training airborne unit. and me as SO1 Operations. And we parachuted together – While still a young 2nd , Dawid already both static line and free-fall. showed his courage during a hand grenade exercise on the Dawid was generally a quiet, reserved man. But he military training area of De Brug in the Free State. It was on always loved a good party and kept a set of civilian clothes 12 September 1974 and Dawid was a platoon commander in his standby kit, just in case the occasion arose! He was a in A Company, 1 Parachute Battalion. With six soldiers colourful character and could endlessly frustrate his senior under instruction, he approached the safety-pit with its officers. Yet his soldiers loved him and would have followed protective barrier of logs, where the troops primed their him to hell and back. grenades. I will never forget the way his brow would pucker until On the command, “Throw!” given by Dawid, the it looked like a knot in the middle of his forehead with a troops lobbed their grenades at the target, watching them puzzled expression on his face when he was asked to land as they had been taught before ducking for cover. explain something that had gone wrong. It was his way to Dawid counted the lethal objects as they landed, but only gain a bit of time to come up with the most atrocious answer identified five. Then, to his left, he saw one of the soldiers that left his questioner dumbfounded! running away. The man, having pulled the pin from his He was one of the powerful personalities of the grenade, had let the explosive device fall; terrified, he was paratrooper fraternity. His last years were difficult and he hightailing it away from the danger. The ticking grenade lay lived almost as a recluse. But over the past year he was on the ground right next to the other troops. “rediscovered” by some of the old paratroopers and they Dawid yelled at the others to take cover and most of were able to ease his lot a little. But now, gnarled and them did so with alacrity. But Rifleman Jordaan stood, weather-beaten from a lifetime of exposure to the elements, transfixed, staring at the grenade that was on the point of another giant cedar has fallen. exploding. Dawid did not hesitate for a moment. Diving at Fly high, Davey Boy! Blue skies and soft landings, the frozen Jordaan, he knocked him headlong to the ground from your airborne brothers. and then spread-eagled himself over the unfortunate soldier in an attempt to protect his head and body from the blast. TRIBUTE TO DAWIE BLAAUW Barely four seconds had passed since the grenade had by Herman van Niekerk been dropped! It was only a metre away from the two prostrate men when it exploded. You want to know who Dawid Blaauw was .... allow me The bang of the detonating grenade was still ringing to tell you about how magnificent he was..... during the in the young officer’s ears when he realised that he had war in Rhodesia he and his platoon was deployed in the Triangle area and in one contact his platoon shot 21 been hit in several places by bits of shrapnel, but that he terrorists with a total ammunition count for the whole was still alive. Not so, poor Jordaan. A tiny sliver of metal platoon of 76 rounds. That is exactly how a great leader had passed just underneath Dawid’s arm and entered the and commander he was in the training for, motivation of side of the soldier’s chest, piercing his heart and killing him men and execution of operations he was.....,, and he instantly. As the dust settled, Dawid picked himself gingerly stayed this humble guy with the wide smile and laughing and painfully off of the inert form. His heroic act had been in eyes .... and bobbing head! In world renown terms a vain. legend! That is who he was!! But for his courageous deed Lieutenant David Blaauw was awarded the Louw Wepener Medal (LWM) on 8 October 1975. That was how I knew Davey. He was, like all of us, not without his shortcomings; but he had a quality that transcended any faults: when the mango hit the fan, he was prepared to lay his own life on the line to save yours. He and I were company commanders together at 1 Para Bn in the late 1970s and early 1980s. Together, our companies rehearsed for a big airborne operation that was subsequently aborted as we were standing in the door of the aircraft. Together, our companies participated in follow-up operations and Fire Force operations as we ranged across



Dit is onder ons aandag gebring deur verskeie veterane dat daar mense is wat debiet orders laat teken namens die Veterane op die plaas by Rustenburg, ons distansieer ons van sulke insamelings. In His Honour is ‘n geregistreerde organisasie en doen ons eie fondsinsameling om veterane by te staan. Van tyd tot tyd word fondsinsamelings gedoen maar dan word In His Honour se bank rekening en NPO nommer gebruik. Hiermee ons bank besonderhede indien u ‘n bydrae wil maak: In His Honour Outreach Foundation ABSA Tjek Rekening Tak kode: 632005 Rekeningnommer: 9244722025 Mike en Dianne Cronje Verw: Veterane Mike Cronje PVO ENABLEMENT FUND / PVO HULP 30/10/2019 FONDS

Verskillende canopys help makkers. Ons help PARABATS BEWARE ‘n makker net een keer agv beperkte

There is an organisation which is phoning many hulpbronne. Makker in nood moet ‘n aansoek of the Parabats who were at the Big Reunion at vorm invul. Makker in nood moet asb na sy Hartebeespoort Dam two weeks ago. The caller naaste Canopy toe gaan vir hulp en dan na insinuates that he is a part of the PVO and that ons verwys word. Ons het laas week weer ‘n he is collecting money for military veterans. Take persoon gehelp met ‘n hospitaalbed, Verwys notice that the PVO is not in any way involved in asb na ons slideshow en skrywes oor hoe om this activity and would warn all Parabats not to aansoek te doen vir hulp by DMV. Ons het sign any stop orders or give any money to makkers gehelp met amper R400 000 kontant, anyone under these circumstances. The PVO dienste en goedere. Bank Account is a Nedbank account named Ons het ook baie nie PVO lede gehelp. We have helped with the following: Parabat Veteran Organisation and Mike Cronje's charity is called In His Honour. Any bank Food Medicine accounts lacking these details should be treated Doctor Toys with suspicion. School bags Clothing Mike McWilliams. Money Employment President. Parabat Veteran Organisation Accommodation Retirement village Hospital beds x5 DMV registrations DMV medical DMV study Bursary Medals Ons het ook gehelp met droogtehulp. Ons kan ook help met berading, PTSD en ander. Vriendelike Groete, Willoughby Brits



DOG TAGS During the Civil War, the inability of the military to identify battlefield casualties A gruesome rumor circulated that the created the need for a soldier identification notch was put in the tag so that the tag could method. be placed in a dead soldier’s mouth hold it According to the U.S. Army open to prevent the body from gaseous Quartermaster Foundation, prior to the Battle bloating. However, the real reason for the of Mine Run in northern Virginia 1863, notch was that the stamping machine General George Meade's troops wrote their required it to hold the tag in place during names and unit designations on paper tags embossing. and pinned them to their clothing. At the The point of the tag ultimately is to be same time, other soldiers created prototype left around the neck of a casualty, staying identification tags out of pieces of wood, with the remains at all times. perforating one end so that they could be According the Library of Congress, worn on a string around their necks. during the Vietnam War, “changes were Between 1862 and 1913, while the made to the information on dog tags. The military considered a number of options for dog tags went from the earlier eight digits identifying soldier remains on the battlefield, with their prefix to the current nine-day digit individual soldiers continued to utilize Social Security number. You could have both makeshift identification methods. In 1906, a stamped on your tag if you wanted; but, from circular aluminum disc was presented. By this point on, the Social Security number was 1913, identification tags were made the main identifying number.” mandatory by the military. Additionally, tags worn by the Marine The circular tags, hand stamped with Corps had a variety of additions including the name, rank, serial number, unit, and religion size of their gas mask. A number of religions were used during World War 1. were added and full names were spelled out Dog tags, name tapes and memorabilia as well. are displayed at the top of Mount Suribachi in Current dog tags still utilize a two-tag Iwo To, formerly known as Iwo Jima, Japan, system, with one on a long a chain around Dec. 17, 2014. the neck and one interlinked by a smaller By World War 1, soldiers wore two chain. The point of this method is to have tags: “One tag remained with the body, tied one that remains around the neck and around the legs or ankles or feet,” Luther another for the toe for the coroner’s Hanson, curator at the U.S. Army purposes. Quartermaster Museum, told The New York Related: Why the woobie is the Times in a 2013 interview. greatest military invention ever fielded. Around World War 2, the circular tag Though the dog tag has remained was replaced by the more oval shape used largely unchanged since the Vietnam War, by the military today. Its resemblance to dog the Army is currently developing and testing collar tags led to the designation of “dog tag.” several new dog tags known by various The tags used during World War 2 were names including the soldier data tag, stamped by a machine and had a rectangular individually carried record, meditag, and the shape with round ends and a notch on one personal information carrier. side. The new dog tags will contain microchip or USB technology, which will hold a soldier’s medical and dental records, reported The New York Times



Georg was the last of 5 commando in Congo before they were disbanded and returned to South Africa. He has been mentioned in a few books written about the time, including Mike Hoare’s books, as he was second in command to him, and for a while before he took over from Mike Hoare. The photo was taken when he was a Lt/Capt in 5 Commando. Unfortunately he passed away in 2004. He is wearing insignia from a mix of various units, including a Belgian 1st Para Battalion beret (thus SAS badge), South African parachutist wings (he had been a stick instructor with 1 Para SADF, and Congolese insignia (he was employed by the Congolese government). Georg Schroeder had apparently served in 1 Parachute Battalion, South African Defence Force as an instructor and Belgian 1st Para Battalion. British & Commonwealth ForcesSerge Revercez Belgian 1st Para Battalion saw action during the combined US/ Belgian/Congo rescue mission of European hostages taken by the Simba rebels. The US provided air transport, the Belgians the hostage rescue task force, the Congo govt support troops, including Western mercenaries - mostly British, Beligan, French and South Africans. There were no serving British paras in the Congo, only ex British paras in Col Mike Hoare's 5 Commando operating as part of the Congo's official national army Armée nationale congolaise. (Taken from Face Book.)


Our Artillery friends.



The Ordnance Quick Firing 6 Pounder (57mm) Sergeant Baskeyfield earning a for Anti- Gun was developed as a replacement single handedly destroying German with for the earlier 2 Pounder (40mm) and first saw such a gun at the road junction Benededorp Weg action in North Africa in 1942. and Acacia Weg in , Arnhem in The 6 Pounder was a towed weapon and . served by a crew of 6. With an effective range of 1500m against earlier German Tanks. It could penetrate Tiger tanks armour only within 100m of the tank. An Armour Piercing Discarding Sabot (APDS) was introduced from 1944 on which offered better penetration at longer ranges. Adopted for Airborne use to provide a potent anti-tank capability. The gun and its tow vehicle, the Airborne Jeep, could be deployed inside the Horsa Glider. Resupply was by parachute containers. The 6 Pounder was heavily used in and accounted for a number of enemy vehicles and tanks. Lance

WITHDRAWAL TO OOSTERBEEK THE STORY OF JOHN DANIEL BASKEYFIELD A 6 pounder anti–tank gun of the Border defensive units by Lieutenant Colonel Sheriff Regiment engages enemy armour on the Thompson, Commanding Officer of the 1st western perimeter of Oosterbeek, on the same Airlanding Light Artillery Regiment, who forcibly day as Baskeyfield's action. stopped many of the panicked troops and had The remnants of the four battalions fell Robert Cain form them into a defensive back in disarray to the main divisional positions screen half a mile in front of his own 75 Millimetre at Oosterbeek. Here they were gathered into Howitzers positions. The sector was designated


"Thompson Force", but Thompson actually sent ordering his crews to fire, while paratroopers of Major forward to take the 11th Battalion in nearby houses dealt with command of these outlying troops later in the attacking infantry. In the course of this action, day. Baskeyfield's crew was killed or wounded and The German forces made determined Baskeyfield himself was badly injured. However attacks against Lonsdale's force on 20 he refused to be evacuated and in a later September, starting soon after dawn. Baskeyfield German attack he worked his gun alone, loading, was in charge of two 6 pounder anti–tank guns laying and firing it himself. He fired round after defending a T junction on the Benedendorpsweg, round until enemy fire put his gun out of action, the southernmost road between Arnhem and and crawled to the second gun, whose crew had Oosterbeek. Baskeyfield's guns faced up the similarly been disabled. From here he engaged Acacialaan, which joined the Benedendorpsweg another self-propelled gun, dispatching it with two from the north, and covered the likely enemy rounds, but was killed shortly afterwards by fire approach along this road and from open ground from another German tank. to the north east. His right flank – to the east – Lonsdale's men fell back to new positions was covered by another anti-tank gun later that day and "Thompson Force" was commanded by Lance-Sergeant Mansell. renamed "Lonsdale Force" when Thompson was In an initial German assault, Baskeyfield wounded on 21 September. The force continued and his gun crews destroyed two tanks and a to hold the Oosterbeek perimeter until the Allies self-propelled gun as they advanced down the withdrew in Operation Berlin on the night of 25 Acacialaan. Baskeyfield allowed the armour to September. come within 100 yards of his positions before

In the course of this preliminary VICTORIA CROSS engagement Lance-Sergeant Baskeyfield was badly wounded in the leg and the remainder of his crew were either killed or badly wounded. The full citation for Baskeyfield's Victoria Cross appeared in a supplement to the London Gazette on 23 November 1944, reading:

War Office, 23rd November, 1944.

The KING has been graciously pleased to approve the posthumous award of the VICTORIA CROSS to: – No. 5057916 Lance-Sergeant John Daniel Baskeyfield, the South Staffordshire- Regiment (1st Airborne Division) (Stoke-on- Trent). . / John VC statue On 20 September 1944, during the battle of During the brief respite after this Arnhem, Lance-Sergeant Baskeyfield was the engagement Lance-Sergeant Baskeyfield N.C.O. in charge of a 6-pounder anti-tank gun at refused to be carried to the Regimental Aid Post Oosterbeek. The enemy developed a major and spent his time attending to his gun and attack on this sector with infantry, tanks and self- shouting encouragement to his comrades in propelled guns with the obvious intent to break neighbouring trenches. into and overrun the Battalion position. During After a short interval the enemy renewed the early stage of the action the crew the attack with even greater ferocity than before, commanded by this N.C.O. was responsible for under cover of intense mortar and shell fire. the destruction of two Tiger tanks and at least Manning his gun quite alone Lance-Sergeant one self propelled gun, thanks to the coolness Baskeyfield continued to fire round after round at and daring of this N.C.O., who, with complete the enemy until his gun was put out of action. By disregard for his own safety, allowed each tank to this time his activity was the main factor in come well within 100 yards of his gun before keeping the enemy tanks at bay. The fact that the opening fire. surviving men in his vicinity were held together and kept in action was undoubtedly due to his

PRETORIA CANOPY BAT CHAT Page 15 magnificent example and outstanding courage. two rounds at the self-propelled gun, scoring one Time after time enemy attacks were launched direct hit which rendered it ineffective. Whilst and driven off. Finally, when his gun was preparing to fire a third shot, however, he was knocked out, Lance-Sergeant Baskeyfield killed by a shell from a supporting enemy tank. crawled under intense enemy fire to another 6- The superb gallantry of this NCO is beyond pounder gun nearby, the crew of which had been praise. During the remaining days at Arnhem killed, and proceeded to man it single-handed. stories of his valour were a constant inspiration to With this gun he engaged an enemy self all ranks. He spurned danger, ignored pain and, propelled gun which was approaching to attack. by his supreme fighting spirit, infected all who Another soldier crawled across the open ground witnessed his conduct with the same to assist him but was killed almost at once. aggressiveness and dogged devotion to duty Lance-Sergeant Baskeyfield succeeded in firing which characterised his actions throughout.

(A total of five Victoria Crosses were awarded during Operation Market Garden.)

Left: Apparently, on this day in 1797, the first ever parachute jump was done from a height of 900m, from a hot-air balloon. Remark on FB 22/10/2019 by Janet Szabo: Completely successful - apparently done by Andre-Jacques Garnerin inventor of the frameless parachute, in Paris. Right; They start young. PRETORIA CANOPY BAT CHAT Page 16


On the 3rd of November 1980 a section of Parabats were sent along with a medic, to provide protection for Sapper Lt Koos Schoonees during a de-mining task near Ruacana. Schoonees triggered one of the Anti Personnel mines with his knee. Ops Medic Pte Louis Theo Muller reacted quickly and entered the minefield on his own, made his way to Schoonees and rendered medical treatment in extremely difficult conditions. During what seemed like a lifetime, Muller stopped the bleeding, administered fluid replacement and pain relief and kept his patient alive until one and a half hours later a chopper and a Doctor arrived. There was no thank you or any medal in 1980, after all, he was 'just' doing his job. In September 2019 Louis and Koos Schoonees met for the first time. A very grateful Koos had the opportunity to thank Louis. Today Koos is Professor Schoonees who teaches civil engineering at the University of Stellenbosch. Right is a picture of the two, with Louis on the left and Koos on the right. Ops Medic page / Mark Ashley Adams

At precisely 11:11 a.m. each Veterans Day (Nov. 11), the sun’s rays pass through the ellipses of the five Armed Services pillars to form a perfect solar spotlight over a mosaic of The Great Seal of the United States. The five marble pillars represent the five branches of the United States military. They are staggered in size (from 17 ft to 6 ft) and ordered in accordance with the Department of Defense prescribed precedence, ranging from the United States Army, the United States Marine Corps, the United States Navy, the United States Air Force and the United States Coast Guard. Additionally, the brick pavers within the Circle of Honor are inscribed with the names of over 750 U.S. servicemen and women, symbolizing the ‘support’ for the Armed Forces. The pavers are red, the pillars are white, and the sky is blue to represent America’s flag. The circle represents an unbreakable border. Anthem resident and chief engineer, Jim Martin was responsible for aligning the memorial accurately with the sun. The memorial was designed by Anthem resident Renee Palmer-Jones. PRETORIA CANOPY BAT CHAT Page 17


In - 76 opgeroep vir twee jaar - dit so geniet dat ek nog ‘n jaar aangesluit het. Die “army” was vir my ‘n “awesome experience”. Met my eerste huwellik in 84 het ek die eerste erge aggresiewe neigings begin toon, maar ek het geglo daar is niks fout met my nie. (Ek was ‘n Parabat onthou…. ) – Twee huwellike verder was ek van mening dat “hulle” my net nie verstaan nie. Dit was nooit ek nie, altyd hulle! So het dit gegaan vir die res van my lewe.

So onlangs soos ‘n paar maande gelede was dit weer die geval. Ek het ontplof teenoor familie lede sowel as werknemers! – en dit oor ‘n beuselagtigheid soos ‘n gereedskap stuk wat “verdwyn” het. Ek onthou dat ek begin hiperventileer

het en my hele liggaam het gebewe van woede. Ek het weggestap en vir die eerste keer in my lewe teenoor myself ERKEN dat ek ‘n probleem het. Die vraag is waar soek mens na die oplossing? Een ding het ek besef en dit is dat dit uit my verlede kom, want as kind was ek ‘n sagmoedige mens. Aangesien ek iemand is wat nie simpatiek staan teenoor psigiaters en sielkundiges nie, het ek besef dat ek die reis op my eie sal moet onderneem, terug in my verlede, tot sovêr as wat ek kan onthou as kind. Dus…. Sal ek baie diep moet gaan dink en onthou van alles en almal wat my in my lewe gekwets, aangerand en of benadeel het verbaal of andersins. Ek het begin by die weermag. Daar het ek heelwaarskynlik insidente belewe waarvoor ek te jonk was om te aanskou.

(Ek was maar net 19 jaar oud en nog geheg aan my ma se broodblik!!) In een insident was daar twee kamerade langs my swaar gewond – nogal deur eie magte!!!

Tweedens het ek het ook afgekom op ‘n berede troep wie se perd ‘n kaasmyn afgetrap het. Die ruiter se twee bene en die perd se kop was ge-amputeer. Ek kan onthou dat dit op daardie stadium my nie veel geraak het nie. (Want ek was ‘n tawwe paratrooper…. Onthou) Die vraag aan myself is… hoekom onthou ek die insident nog so duidelik na al die jare? En dan was daar ander minder ernstige gevalle. – Dit was dit. Myns-insiens was daar ander troepe wat baie erger goed as ek beleef het. Dit bring my terug by die vraag – waar kom my aggressie vandaan? Ek was genoop om verder terug te gaan in my verlede en het op ‘n klomp geraamtes afgekom. Ek was deur onderwysers gekwets - my pa was ‘n redelik aggressiewe man - Hy het ons stukkend gebliksem! Maar self met hierdie bewuswording kon ek nie die vinger plaas op waar my probleem vandaan kom nie!

Op hierdie stadium van my “journey” het ek besef ons is ALMAL daardeur ….. SO WHAT! en wat maak my nou so spesiaal dat ek al die mense naaste aan my mag verskreeu?

Dit het my gepla… dat ek al hierdie jare nie oor myself kon kom nie….. ek wou so graag net ‘n gewone lewe ly…. Een sonder aggressie….eerder vol deernis! Toe “drop” die spreekwoordelike “penny” – Die weermag het my nooit ge-“de-brief” nie. Die weermag het my eerder “EMPOWER” om nooit weer “kak” te vat van enigiemand of enigiets nie. Maar ongelukkig het ek dit uitgehaal op my drie huweliksmaats en ons kinders en ander mense naby my. Ek is nou 63 jaar oud en het besluit om myself te-“de-brief”. Ek het in die veld ingeloop vir ‘n paar dae en alles en almal wat my gekwets of kwaad aangedoen het vergewe. Ek besef vandag dat hulle nie van beter geweet het nie. Niemand wou my regtens benadeel nie… ooit nie!

Nie my ouers nie, nie my onderwysers nie, nie John Voster en al sy trawante nie. Hulle het almal gedink wat hulle doen is goed en reg binne die tydgleuf van hulle tydvak. Ek het hulle almal vergewe en vrygespreek. Die moeilikste was om myself

te vergewe vir die BLIKSEM wat ek was teenoor my naastes. Vandag is ek ‘n “vry” mens – mooi loop. (Sien foto van Steinmann tydens sy praatjie by PTA Canopy aand. Bladsy 38 ) Christian 74220336 BC – Sktr CML Steinmann (1 Valkskerm Bataljon BFN)


Parachuting is the experience we share; it is the binding factor in our unique identity. Each man who wears parachute wings is a volunteer. We are paratroopers because we want to be paratroopers. We are those who have stepped through the door. Others have not. Nevertheless, the parachute is no more than another means of arriving at the battlefield. Once there, we are soldiers, like any other, but with one important difference: we are on our own. Whatever our Army or Corps, what we must use, we must carry: and to carry us, our feet must suffice. Resupply is uncertain, casualty evacuation is often impossible, link - up with own forces cannot be guaranteed, fire support is limited, Armour protection does not exist and mobility depends on how fast our feet carry us. We expect to be out numbered in battle, and to fight isolated from other friendly units. So what kind of men are we, to voluntarily take such odds? We are men who know that the paratrooper`s role makes both his unit and his formation elite. And we want to be elite: a cut above the average. But more than that, we are men who know that our country expects us to march further and faster, to shoot straighter, and to exercise greater discipline, to fight harder, to be more self-reliant and to show greater courage than other soldiers. For us, ammunition means more than food; for us every shot must count; and therefore we take care of our weapons be fore ourselves. We are men who have been selected and trained to be aggressive in attack, tenacious in defense, confident in one another and loyal to our leaders. To become a paratrooper means to accept the challenge of become this sort of man. We have accepted that challenge. That challenge of THE MAROON BERET (FB 29/11/2019)



Koos Moorcroft laying wreath for Johan Landman

Annelize & Willoughby Brits at Willoughby Arnhem. Brits. The 75 celebration of Operation Market-garden was held in Arnhem with many Parabats from all over the world. Our own Canopy chairman and his wife attended the occasion. Above displaying the PVO flag with pride. Below: Mass jump at Arnhem. (Tim)


The group at Pegasus Bridge in Normandy. The chaps (from left to right) include Steve Smith, Tim Chadwick, Bill Mullany and Dave Stevenson.

The Paras having a beer together in Arnhem include Tony Deering, ex-1 Para Bn and 44. The other chap (Chris Millett) is a Col in the UK Ministry of Defence and ex-British Para Regt. He jumped the Roodeplaat water jump with me in 1995. (Dave)

Six members of the Perth SAMVOA group consisting of 3 Outback Canopy members (William, Dave and Tim) attended the tour to Arnhem for the 75th commemorations of the epic para landings in mid September 1944. The tour was lead by Koos Moorcroft, assisted by John Haynes, both former Special Force operators Left: Garth Pienaar, Koos Moorcroft (tour lead), Dave Stevenson, William Mullany, Tim Chadwick, Brian Halstead (ex airforce Dak pilot) Craig Howard, John Haynes (AO1 4 Recce) and Roy Chase. (Para course in PRETORIA CANOPY BAT CHAT1964.) Page 20

“We lit a candle in remembrance of Tim continues: “We had the opportunity to visit most landing and battle sights in the area S/Major Johan Landman in the as well as to rub shoulders with Veterans and soldiers from other nationalitities attending paratrooper church in Sainte Mere the celebrations. We also visited Normandy landing sights and did a very special wreath Eglise in Normandy, France. A place laying at Dellville Wood before we left France”. (Click on link below.) befitting a paratrooper with St Michael watching over proceedings. “RIP” (Dave.) 4OTpWSzoyNjIyNzgyNjcxMTIwMzA3/?comment_id=2631794276885813¬if_id=15700574 22006793¬if_t=group_comment


The Pretoria Canopy St Michaels celebration was held at the Leriba Lodge in Centurion. As guest speakers was General Joffel vd Westhuizen who was the Artillery officer during Operation Savannah (1975/76). The evening was attended with members from LAASA, Nomad Canopy and others.

Guast speaker Genl Joffel vd Westhuizen. Genl Joffel vd Westhuizen.

Willoughby Brits & Paul J. Els Assie de Lange en gade. Paul & Annelie Els.

Anthony Modena en Willoughby; Annelize; Brandon Morris en gade. Dries Veldthuizen. PRETORIA CANOPY BAT CHAT Page 22

Cape Canopy St Micheal potjie day. 28/09/2019. “We are watching rugby, stuff the potjies.”

CHARLIE McCOLGAN AT ARNHEM OOSTERBEEK WAR CEMETERY GELDERLAND, NEDERLAND. On 6 Oct Charlie wrote:: So a couple of weeks ago I was on parade at the military cemetery in Oosterbeek along with my brothers and sisters from the Arnhem Riders ... as the children came in to remember and lay the flowers for the fallen, I offered a young girl (stood next to me) my beret... I don’t speak Dutch but she looked overwhelmed and wore it with such pride. It planted a seed and I started thinking wouldn’t it be a lovely idea to be able to present all the children who take part in the remembrance service with a maroon beret to wear as they lay the flowers... it would take about 1400 to cover the children present... this could be achieved by donating an old beret that is just sat in the corner of the room, gathering dust, any present serving Airborne getting on to their store men to donate a few from the stores or to purchase enough to present to the children via their schools a few weeks before next years parade in Oosterbeek... I plan to design a special cap badge (along with my son Karl) for the children to be unique to them ....I’m on a mission ... please share to all the Airborne family around the world. it would be a very special way of thanking these kids for remembering everything they do for our fallen. Berets can be purchased on EBay for around £6 and the address to send them to is Charlie McColgan The Beautiful Shutter Company 95-97 Acklam Road, Middlesbrough, North Yorkshire TS5 5HR ..thank you.. thoughts guys !! Luitenant -kolonel Japie Keet (1983 gekwalifiseer) het Sondag die 22ste September sy pa, Sersant Majoor Doompie Keet, se Klub 50 pet en sertifikaat oorhandig names die PVO. Doompie Keet was vir byna 42 jaar ‘n staandemag lid en valskerm instrukteur. Sy spring kursus nommer was 5V en hy het gekwalifiseer Augustus 1962. Doug Gillespie son Cameron, "our little highland piper" wearing his canopy T shirt. 12 Oct 2019

Left: Daan ‘Ysterman’ van Niekerk Oct 2019.

Right: Peter du Toit and Tony Lunch at their Echo Comp 40th reunion in October 2019.


Pretoria Canopy

Guest speaker 11/10/2019 Blikkies Blignaut

Johan Kock; Attie v Niekerk; Paul J. Els

Will Endley; Blikkies Blignaut; Krige v Heerden

PRETORIAWilloughby Brits CANOPY BAT CHAT Page 24 Blikkies Blignaut & Paul J. Els

The WA based Outback Canopy in attendance at the 2019 SAMVOA Formal Mess Dinner in Perth. Was a great evening with Chris le Roux as Guest of Honour. From left myself, Dave Stevenson, Alfred Steel, William Mullany, Marnus Van Der Merwe, Don Pengelly, Chris le Roux, Johan Burr-Dixon, Slade Healy, Brian Halstead, Johan Joubert, Brian Danieland Chris Beath. Pengelly, Chris le Roux, Jo han Burr-Dixon, Slade Healy, Brian Halstead, Johan Joubert, Brian Danieland Chris Beath. (Tim N Cheri Chadwick Outback Canopy 19/10/2019.)

Die Bats en damesPRETORIA het die Fuller -CANOPYslangvel Party in BATdie Ou Tronk CHAT in Heidelberg Page geniet. 25 Links: Les Rudman. (Deon Benadé 19/10/2019)

Three signals parabats attended the reunion of the Signal Corps members in Heidelberg on 19/10/2019. Paul J. Els and Braam Blom. Also present was Herman “Bam” de Wet who is one of the two signal corps member’s who became Spec Forces Operators. Braam was a member of 1 Bin April 1962 to April 1972 and made in that time 186 jumps and jumped in Cassinga.

C Coy 86/87 “THE DAY AT THE DAM” 26/10 /2019

Vadim Dobrin USSR Parabat and Paul J. Els. DUKUBAT. PRETORIA CANOPY BAT CHAT Page 26

C Coy 86/87


PRETORIAAlpha CANOPY & Charlie 1990 BAT CHAT Page 27

Paul J. Els and Andile Guza. Des Mcgeer; Andy Prew; Malcolm Wolverson; Danie Blom; Ferdi Jordan; Pote de Villiers; Alwn Whitfield (front) Hans du Toit. Back: Tommy Viljoen; Kevin Vos. A Coy Jan 1975 intake.



NAG VALKE Derek Wood, Kerry Albertyn, Lance Solms, Vadim Dobrin, Tilo Mittwoch, Mark Tapson, Rey Mc Adam & Christopher.

Derek Wood, Mark Tapson, Vadim Dobrin, Kerry Albertyn, Alwyn Whitfield, Rocky Benade and Christopher Correia. NEXT MORNING.



Here is Eeben Barlow in Prague, Czech Republic, where he gave some lecturing at the Charles University in Prague. Before he returned home on the 6th of November, he and Dr Martin Riegl had to pose for a photo. Eeben wearing with proud his Bats cap.

Pretoria Canopy 08/11/2019

Guest speaker Les Rudman

Annelize & Willoughby Brits

Louis Botha & Willoughby Les Rudman Assie de Lange / Morne’ Coetzer.




Henrique Mota. Remembrance day, 10/11/2019.


Members of PTA Canopy in the Cemetery. In the Hero Acre there are 8 grave stones and four of the 8 re bats qualified. 10/11/2019: Corrie Meerholtz / R.A. Cook / N.S. Olivier / K. Claassen





th On Saturday November 10 in Bangkok in Thailand Andre van Niekerk represented the PVO at the British Remembrance Day wreath laying ceremony. It took place at the British Club and he was surprised to discover during conversations with various attendees how many of them had served in South Africa in the police force and as security for De Beer’s Mining Company. REMEMBRANCE PARADE IN VRYHEID Two Bats Bell and VD Nest names appear PRETORIA CANOPY BAT CHAT Page 33 on the stone. (Lukas Marais.)

A few of us Outbackers met Geoffrey Medico at the Remembrance Day Service, Kings Park, Perth. He is from Saint Cyr, the French Academy Training school founded by Napoleon in 1802. “Ecole Speciale Militaire”is the foremost French military academy. We noticed that he is jump qualified and stopped for a photo. Roy Chase (qualified in 1964), (Dave Stevenson,)

The École spéciale militaire de Saint-Cyr (ESM, literally the "Special Military School of Saint-Cyr") is the foremost French military academy – often referred to as Saint-Cyr (French pronunciation: [sɛ siʁ]) – located in Coëtquidan in Guer, Morbihan, Brittany, along with the École militaire interarmes. Its motto is Ils s'instruisent pour vaincre, literally meaning "They study to vanquish" or, more freely After waiting 32 years William Mullany eventually got his SADF medals put, "Training for victory". French cadet officers are called pinned to his chest by Dave Stevenson at last nights SAMVOA meeting saint-cyriens or cyrards. in Perth. the Veteran on the right is Ian Higley (Master-at-Arms of French students who enter Saint-Cyr as cadets are SAMVOA). 12/11/2019 about 21 years old, and undergo three years of training. All ESM cadets graduate with a master of arts or a master of science and are commissioned officers. The academy was founded in Fontainebleau in 1802 by Napoleon. It was moved in 1806 to the buildings of the former Maison Royale de Saint-Louis, in Saint-Cyr-l'École, west of Paris. During the Second World War, the cadets moved several times due to the German invasion. They eventually settled in 1945 in the Coetquidan military camp in Morbihan. He had to do training and then 5 basic parachute jumps pretty much like us during hangar course.

CAPE CANOPY BRANCH While some member of the Cape canopy Branch of the South African Legion attended the Remembrance Day Service in , a large contingent travelled to Hermanus where they attended the Remembrance Day Service. A wreath was laid on behalf of the branch at the Hermanus service. (Charles Ross.)


Ken Nosworthy het tydens die Bay Canopy se byeenkoms op 9 Nov 2019 ‘n wissel trofee nie amptelik aan Attie van Niekerk aan die Nomads Canopy wat dit vir 2019 – 2020 gewen het, oorhandig. Links: Clint Rieder, Renton, Attie, Ken Nosworthy en Chris. Regs: Ken en Attie. 9 Nov 2019


Our Bay Canopy had it’s annual Christmas Spit Braai on Saturday afternoon. What a great attendance. Current active members as usual were in attendance with some special guests joining us. Brigadier General McGill Alexander and his wife Anne with little Ruth and Olin. Another special guest and Brother to join us was Fr. David Grobbelaar. The ouens from the RLI and Selous Scouts with their lovely Ladies also joined us as usual.

Special thanks must go to Jan J Volschenk for doing the lamb on the spit and much more, also to Our committee members

and their wives for the salads etc. which they kindly provided. Thanks to all for attending and those that made the event so On remembering day in Bunbury enjoyable. Andre Rix (left) received his A Blessed Christmas to you all outstanding medals from Genl Peter Laubscher (FB 24 Nov. @ 12:27) Chris le Roux. 11/11/2019. Willoughby & Annelize visited Roland de Vries on 16/11/2019 in Plettenberg. (PTA Canopy)

Bay Canopy end year function with some RLI, Selous scouts chaps, wifes and others. 23/11/2019



Morne’ Coetzer

Hoon broers

Dis tradisie dat valskermsoldate mekaar help. Dit is weer eens bewys deur BOERE BATS veterane in ons geledere wat makkers in droogtegeteisterde gebiede bystaan. DROOGTE Anonieme skenkers uit verskeie oorde het reeds tonne bale voer en sakke HULP mielies gestuur, en duisende rande vir ander uitgawes betaal. Hierdie projek BOERE BATS DROUGHT gaan nog voort en word goed georganiseer en gekoördineer om ons eie boere in nood te help, veral in die droë Karoo, die Noord-Kaap en die Vrystaat. RELIEF

This video was produced by the PVO to show our members and prospective members what we do for fellow Parabats. It in no way tries to imply that the PVO is the only organisation that was involved in this programme. Our fellow Paratrooper organisations such as LAARSA, Rooiplaas and the Cape Canopy also pulled their weight. For the record, the current income statement shows that the Cape Canopy donated R5 100, others donated R7 400 directly to George Riekert (I dont have details of individual donors here) and the PVO Account yeilded R36 450 which includes R5 000 from the PVO Pretoria Canopy alone. This illustrates the wholehearted participation of Paratroopers from all organisations and privately to their comrades in need. Best regards and congratulations to all the Bats Mike McWilliams.President. Parabat Veteran Organisation. 9/11/2019 TO VIDEO:-content/PVOapp/DroogteHulp2019 -11-07.mp4


Hoon broers


Goeie More

Dit is met grootblydskap en ‘n traan in die oog van dankbaarheid dat ek vir julle dankie sê. Jul bydra het gehelp en help nog steeds om honger diere te voer!. Die vroue en manne sê: Ons staan op van oggend met ‘n nuwe hoop. My ontbyt ge-eet sonder ‘n skuldige gewete, maar met ‘n ongekende dankbaarheid vir my vrou ‘n tweede koppie koffie (in die bed geneem) want glo daar was genoeg gewees. Ons gaan vanmiddag ons kinders by die koshuis haal. Ons moet dorp toe en daar is diesel Die Liewe Vader sorg vir ons almal op onverwagte maniere in die tenk. Manne toe ek die valskerm kursus in 1967 op en tye. Kom ons prys Sy naam vir al die genade gawes. Bloemfontein en julle leer ken het om op mekaar staat te Die voer het op die plaas aangekom... dit gee ons nuwe maak het om die kursus te slaag; die swart telefoon pale hoop en uitkoms tot die reen kom. Petrus ons het nie en Bedford bande te swaar was vir een man. Ons het woorde om jou, Erhard by Distell en Willem by Stellar saam gestaan. Die droogte is te swaar vir een man. Die Bat kan nie Winery te bedank nie. Ons waardeer dit opreg en prys Vader alleen die droogte dra? Nou na 6 jaar en hier kom my se Naam. Seengroete aan julle almal. Saluut. Mooi aand Bats vriende en help my. verder. Kobus en Gerrit Hoon 17/11/2019. Ek ken julle almal en weet jul vriende wie nie Bats is nie, vreemde mense en help my en my honger diere. Nou glo ek heel hartig ”God sal voorsien! Daar reen dit ook land oor. My God voorsien! Maar ek het met tyd besef as ons nie met God praat en na Sy wee terug keer nie, hy ons in die woestyn gaan los!. Bid vir my. Bid vir ons dierbareland en ons mense, vir een elk. Ek dank God vir julle almal vir die uitkomste. Vra dat Hy ons sal vergewe. Lig gelowigheid. Die moord en vernielsug. Dankie ou valskermsoldate bond en jul vriend en almal wie bydrae gemaak het. Dankie dat ons kan deel en

U met ons deel. Ek vra ons Vader van Genade wees ons genadig.

Amen Van Niekerk 15 November 2019


Parabat Veterans Organisation Pretoria

02 December 2019

[email protected]

Distell Aan-de-Wagenweg Stellenbosch 7600 [email protected] Dear Sir, The Parabat Veterans Organisation (PVO) wishes to express its sincere appreciation for the donation of 50 tons of animal fodder to our drought relief project, and specifically to our farmers – all of them veteran paratroopers – who benefit from your contribution. One of the objectives of the PVO is to assist wherever possible members who qualified as paratroopers since the inception of 1 Parachute Battalion in 1961. Some of these projects include financial aid, assistance in medical care and several other categories of need. Lately we have launched several projects to aid our farmers, and their livestock in drought-stricken areas. However, the current drought created a new dimension to our actions, since the scale of this disaster makes it difficult to fulfil our task. We thank Distell for this show of solidarity towards our organisation and our members, and especially for the fact that the donation brings tangible relief to both farmers and animals. Morne Coetzer, Parabat and well-known TV personality joined the delivery convoy and filmed the moment. The below video conveys the thanks and appreciation of both farmers and animals.


On behalf of the PVO

Chris Pohl (and Morne Coetzer)

Chairperson, Communications & Media



2019/11/21, 09:33 - +27 83 567 0154: Hello Oom Ronnie. Nog geen reen op die plaas maar ons harte loop steeds oor van dankbaarheid vir die seeninge wat ons ontvang het. Weereens Dankie Makkers, julle het ons geseen met voer en nuwe moed en hoop gegee. Groete, Kobus Hoon

22/11/2019 18:30 Baie dankie aan die skenkers wat die oefening moontlik gemaak het. Ons paratrooper broer en sy famielie wat die voer geskenk het en ook die manne wat finansieel bygedra het sodat die vervoer kon realiseer. Ek salueer julle. Valskerm groete Willoughby Brits, PVO Die skenking wat afgelaai is by Andries Louw. 21/11/2019


Karl Badenhorst en dogter Amoré vir ‘n vinnige roete mars langs die Westelike grensdraad van Infantarie Nothing like a quick catch up FORTY years later. The original Echo Coy Skool, Oudtshoorn . “Vat vyf my pop, hier gaan ons”. 17 Nov 2019. (WELKOM BY DIE NOMAD CANOPY.) reunion last month in Parys. ( Outback Canopy.)

LAARSA JOHANNESBURG WING 21 Nov. Anthony Modena was guest speaker re Normandy D-Day 75th commemoration PRETORIA CANOPY BATLEES STORIE CHAT VAN Steinmann BLADSY 18 visit during June 2019 in France. Page 39

Paul J. Els ontvang die Ek is Spartacus trofee vir PTA Canopy lid vir grootste bydrae in 2019.


Uit die verlede / From the past


14th Parachute Bn Group, c.1988/89 (No Name) Dawie VRD; Hennie; Johan Blaauw HC.

Renier du Toit; Sieg Minnie; Johan Bantjies; Pieter de Who could remember Fred Kruger (2005) with Col . Bruyn. 2015 Suid Kaap Canopy

Here is Herold Marais and Ronnie Claassen in Santa Clara, the This photo was taken at Kromdraai in 1988. L to R: Col Bill vd night the Bats crossed the border and took Santa Clara on the 21 Linde, OC PS School; Cmdt Andre’ Schoeman and WO1 Paul J. August 1975. More photos and the report can be read in the book Els. What makes this photo special is that Bill and Paul did their Ons was daar Sektor 10 by Paul J, Els. jump course at Dukuduku in 1980. Also that it was for the first time that a commanding officer (Schoeman) and the RSM of a SA Signal unit ever jumped together.


Young paratroopers receiving there Pro Patria medals from Col Archie Moore. Date and troops names unknown. Still boys!!!! Below: Wing parade. Do you remember yours?? (Francois Lotriet). Stefan de Klerk receiving his wings from Col James Hills. Michael Stas standing on the right.


Back in 1970 we'd been in "The Battalion" (1 Para Bn) for three months without having had a pass. Then when our bungalow was given it's first w/e pass (staff) Tilly Smit promptly tore them up. Three of us sellotaped the passes back together and walked out of camp past the gate guards. Then on the train to Jhb. we were on our way down the narrow passage to the dining car and who should be coming towards us, none other than SMITTIE himself. (he'd not seen us). We rushed back to our compartment and ducked up onto the top bunks, never got to the dining car. Next morning Smittie got off the train at Germiston on his way to Pretoria. Then of course, it was necessary to get back to camp on the Monday morning without bumping into him again.....hahahaha. Always remember the taxi ride from Bloemfontein station to Tempe in those BIG old Ford Fairlane taxis of those days. Keith Page, FB. 15/10/2019 This map was placed on FB in Oct.


Louis Neethling; Bismark Bench; Willie Wagner; Corrie Naude.

Lede van A Coy 77-78 1 Valsk Bn op en deel van A Komp Cassinga se 40 jaar reunie (Deon vd (United Veteran Assosiation FB 19/11/2019)

OUTBACK CANOPY 14/09/2019 Echo Coy on the move on the Kaplyn. Same four troops Old friends reunited after 33 years in London UK. Our missing mate enjoying a beer forty years later: Hilton Way / Steve van Lt James Read never lived to grow grey like us three. Killed while Heerden / John McInerney / Neil Mc Namara. PRETORIA CANOPYserving his country BAT about CHAT a year after thisPage was 43 taken.

A Komp 1977-1978 1 Valskerm Bn. Kwalifiseer 121 manne, na 40 jaar is daar 98 teenwoordig met 52 vrouens se ondersteuning


This was the members who was chosen to attend a selection for futher men to go to the UK for parachute training. As we all know that only 15 was then selected to do the training.





JANUARIE ROLL OF HONOUR 2019 SEPTEMBER Paul Clayton MEI Johan Landman Pierre le Grange Willem Walters 77 Johan Loots FEBRUARY Paul Els 87 OCTOBER Greg Youens André Stemmet Charl Celliers JUNE NOVEMBER Gustav Swanepoel P.J. Botes Pote de Villiers (5) 60 Johnny Kieser Anton Scalabrino72 Johan “Ouboet” Kruger (10) MAART J.C. “Jakes” Swart (20) Vos Benade Pieter Schreuder JULIE Dawie Blaauw HC (20) Koegelenberg Patrick "Paddy" Case (26) 62 Keith Wilson At Vorster AUGUSTUS APRIL Koos Mocke 77 Craig Rorich

STOP DROP: If we don’t get any contributions towards this newsletter we will STOP DROP it. Please support us!!! / As ons nie bydraes gaan ontvang van ons lede nie gaan ons die Nuusbrief STOP DROP!!!! Pretoria Canopy Birthdays

OCT NOV DEC Monty Monnery 4 Okt Johan Pieterse 3 Nov Johan Saunders 6 Des Stefanus Roets 7 Okt Riaan Wessels 4 Nov Krige van Heerden 10 Des Steve Bester 7 Okt Ashleigh Carr 5 Nov Willoughby Brits 16 Des Ralph Benoy 21 Okt Christiaan Kruger 10 Nov Piet Viljoen 22 Des Pieter van der Walt 30 Okt William de Beer 22 Nov Anthony Modena 23 Des Louwrens Swanepoel 31 Okt Jimmy Sloane 26 Nov Henry Leppan 27 Des Leon J van Rensburg 30 Nov Lood Pepler 29 Des

WORD FROM THE EDITOR This is your newsletter. Please make contribution in the line of news; personal stories during training or operations; looking for someone; report on parade attended; and any lose of Bats. The next one will be at the end of March 2020 and I need your inset two weeks before that. VASBYT [email protected] [email protected] Chris Pohl Paul J. Els

ERE ROL / ROL OF HONOUR 2019 SEPTEMBER OCTOBER NOVEMBER DECEMBER Johan Landman 19/9 Pote de Villiers 5/11 Johan Loots 81 18/9 Johan Kruger 10/11 Jakes Swart 20/11 Dawie Blaauw HC 20/11 Patrick "Paddy" Case 26/11