Penwortham Post

April 2014 Penwortham Girls’ High School

Diamond Jubilee time Jubilee Welcome to the end of capsule Logo term newsletter. After much istory was made on Tuesday 11th March when Welcome to the Spring edition of our deliberation, Penwortham Post. The start of this term saw the members of the School Council buried our Diamond a winner has Jubilee time capsule. launch of our Diamond Jubilee celebrations and H been agreed there has already been a number of successful events, for the including the unveiling of the Jubilee Archive Wall, It was filled with items that capture the life of the school. Jubilee logo competition. The capsule has its own special coffin that was constructed the Jubilee Logo Competition and the Jubilee in the entrance to the new Humanities Wing which will be Concert. There are many other events planned and officially opened for the start of the Summer Term. former pupils will be invited to a series of Open Days during the next two terms. Look out for these So girls, when you enter or leave the new building, remember dates in our weekly newsletters and on our website. that the time capsule is lying right beneath your feet. There is now an extensive amount of information on the Jubilee section of the website. Do have a look Instructions will be left for as there is an extensive range of photos, newspaper a future Headteacher stating articles and documents about the of our that the capsule will be opened school, as well as a number of other news items up in 2074, when PGHS linked to the Jubilee. would be celebrating its 120th anniversary! The level of entry was exceptionally This term has also seen the completion of our new high with many original and Mr Ramsdale , Head of History Humanities classrooms and we are looking forward imaginative designs, making the job to teaching in them at the start of the Summer Term. of the judges extremely difficult. The outdoor learning area will also be completed Following much debate, Charlotte during the next few weeks and, weather permitting, Daley’s logo was chosen just ahead of Erin McLernon in second place will be used extensively throughout the Summer and Courtney Naylor in third. Term.

To see the full list of ‘Commended’ In the meantime, on behalf logos visit the school’s webpage, of all the staff and governors click on the Jubilee tab and select at PGHS, I would like to logo competition. Watch out wish you all an enjoyable and for Charlotte’s design appearing peaceful Easter holidays. on letters, newsletters and presentations in the near future. Mrs K Pomeroy Headteacher 1 Art Department News

ere is a selection of artwork from years 7, 8, 9 and 10. Year 7 have produced some Hwonderful tonal paintings based on the urban landscape. Year 8 have looked at the portraits of Julian Opie and re-created his simplistic style as a self - portrait and year 9 have looked at the ‘sweet paintings’ of Sarah Graham. The close-up observational drawings of sweets by year 9 show great skill and attention to detail.

Year 10 have experimented with different techniques and media in order to create some exceptional ‘Banksy’ work.

A special mention and congratulations should go out to Rebecca Clayton in year 9 who exhibited her self-portrait at the Art Exhibition and was awarded a Commendation from the Mayor of South Ribble.

Megan Caunce and Beth Soothill, both in year 11, also received Commendations for their superb art work at the exhibition. Well done to all!

2 3 English Department News Year 9 - ‘The Tempest’

et 9A ended their academic study of Shakespeare’s ‘The Tempest’ with a group Sproject to create a ‘brave new world’ of their own. Their ideas were creative, to say the least and ranged from politically challenging to down-right mad! (Mushroom World!) Each group presented their new world and explained its philosophy: a hefty dose of fantasy and foodstuffs made an appearance but so did worlds based on systems of fairness and equality. One challenging idea proposed a world where all aspects of life would be specifically affected by the attitudes the inhabitants took with them to this ‘brave new world’.

The girls judged each proposed new world and awarded the highest accolade to this very island. The results of their labours were captured on camera by Mr Gornall. Readathon 2014

t’s been all about reading in English recently for years 7, 8 and 9.We’ve signed up to Readathon, a national charity which raises funds for sick Ichildren in the UK. As part of Readathon we have been reading in every English lesson, for homework and in form time - whenever time allows.

We would like the girls to raise as much sponsorship money as possible – there will be prizes for the most books read and the most money raised. Your daughter can read on her Kindle, i-pad or just bring in a good, old-fashioned, paper book!

Reading for pleasure is one of the most important parts of your daughter’s academic, social and emotional growth and we have recently invested over £1000 in new books for our library to suit all reading levels. So please encourage Update on Year 11 English your daughter to visit and stock up on some inspiring new books. ell done to the girls who have performed really well overall in their March mocks – especially on the Language paper; Miss Thackeray has also applied for funding to transform our library into a 21st there are some very promising indications of forthcoming Century reading hub – watch this space! W results. However a plea to all girls and parents over Easter; please make sure those Literature texts are being read and revised constantly We will follow Readathon with a series of reading-related activities such as book as those quotes will not appear by magic in the final exams! We have swaps and reviews. Please encourage your daughter to read at home by reading had a very successful first term at PGHS: well done! with them, discussing your favourite books and recommending books to them. Non-fiction reading is also vital so guide them to parts of your newspaper they After Easter there will also be opportunities for girls to take part in A may find interesting and discuss current affairs with them. level taster lessons in English Language and Literature with our partner school, Hutton. This may help your daughter to get a clearer idea of All the girls were also given a £1 book voucher, to celebrate World Book Day, what each A level is about before they make any final decisions. They last week. These can be cashed-in for a free book at many major retailers or do not have to have applied to Hutton – the opportunity is open to all. used towards a book of a higher cost. Heather Mckeown If you would like more information about World Book Day or Readathon, visit Curriculum Leader-English these websites: Penwortham Girls’ High School

4 Food Technology Department News

Future Chef Competition Sadia Butt at regional adia Butt entered the regional finals and competed against catering final of colleges and schools in the North West region. future chef competition SThis is the end of the future chef competition for this year but the creativity continues in Food Technology where pupils at ks3 are given the option of extending their skills by producing starters, main course products and desserts thinking about target groups and any dietary needs.

This not only allows the learning to be put into real life contexts but also extends their creative skills and problem solving abilities. The participants then produce a menu that justifies the choices they have made; this will also prepare individuals that want to take part in the competitions later this year.

Hannah Collinson Future Chef Entry

Omama Lanjri future chef runner up 5 Geography Department News

Key Stage 3 Key Stage 4 The big move

s the end of term approaches PGHS lower ear 10 have completed he Geography and History school Geography students can look back two more units of work Departments will be Aon another excellent series of topics covered Ythis term and are making Tmaking the move across and hard work since Christmas. excellent progress through the the fields to the new syllabus Humanities wing early next term In the lower school we have seen units on map and although sad to see the old skills, volcanoes & earthquakes and international Many students are on target annexe go we are all excited development. A special mention to Anna Boden, already and we hope to see this about the new facilities. Jade Richey, Tejay Munagala, Katie Hindle and trend continue. Rachel Peet in Year 8 for excellent Kenya projects; We hope students will get these girls worked very hard on these pieces as did Year 11 are getting close to the involved in turning the new so many other Year 8 students. big exams and the Department rooms into vibrant and wishes them all the best for their interesting place to learn. In Year 7 we received wonderful 3D maps of the revision. British Isles from Aliya Samli, Hafsah Nakhuda, Pictures and further details Aamina Ismail, Khadijah Hafeji and Zahra Gurjee. Revision guides and workbooks to follow through the weekly Year 9 have written exciting Penwortham Peak are still available from your newsletters once we have moved. stories with a few grizzly staff member deaths Geography priced at £3 included - how could you!? for the pair.

Where’s Earthy?

looding is a regular occurrence in this low-lying country mainly due Fto the torrential rains the annual monsoon brings with it.

6 History Department News

Sophie Scholl Awards Curzon Institute March 10th, 2014 at Lecture n Thursday 20th March the Runshaw school was delighted to host a Curzon Institute lecture ophie Scholl was a member of the White O on the contribution of troops from Rose resistance movement in Nazi British Commonwealth countries Germany. She founded the non-violent S during the First World War. movement in 1942 and actively fought against fascism. The lecture was delivered by Inara Khan, a highly-regarded historian, writer and In early 1943, Sophie and the other leaders of television researcher who spoke with the group were caught by Nazi officials, condemned as traitors and then great eloquence about the actions of executed. Sophie was just 21. soldiers and women who served in the First World War as part of the British The Sophie Scholl Awards help keep alive the inspirational example of one Empire, including troops from Australia, individual’s resistance to oppression and injustice. Canada, New Zealand and India and many other countries around the world. A massive well done to Kira Lines, Imogen Turner and Jessica Evans who Around 60 people attended the lecture, were all highly commended for their entries which were influenced by the including staff, pupils and their families life of Sophie Scholl. as well as a contingent from Hutton Grammar School.

Imogen came 3rd Timed to coincide with the centenary of the outbreak of the First World out of 80 entries War, the lecture was a timely reminder submitted by partner of both the enormous cost of the war high schools in and its far-reaching consequences. We the area- a great were staggered to learn, for example, achievement! that of the 465,000 Australian troops Entries could either who served, at least 200,000 were be artwork, poetry, killed or seriously wounded. We also a short film or story- heard descriptions of individuals who anything creative demonstrated great courage and bravery which celebrated the whilst doing their bit for a foreign King life of Sophie Scholl. and a foreign Country.

Imogen and Kira The lecture was well-received by all who submitted poetry attended and several of the girls who I and Jessica a piece spoke to afterwards said they had learnt of artwork. a lot and had been really inspired and impressed by Inara Khan.

John Ramsdale Assistant Headteacher Penwortham Girls’ High School 7 Jubilee Wall Maths Department News

enwortham Girls’ High School has begun celebrating its Diamond Jubilee Pin real style with a recently unveiled Maths Department News Archive Wall. Charting the school’s history since its opening in 1954, the 30 metre-long n 21st January Mrs Tomlinson display contains photographs, newspaper took a group of year 10 and articles and a wealth of fascinating 11 pupils to a “Taking Maths documents including school reports and O Further” event held at timetables. University. We were kindly invited to this Mathematical outing by Mrs Rawsthorne The creation of the Archive Wall was overseen from Hutton Grammar School, to join a by Headteacher Karen Pomeroy and Assistant group of their year 11 pupils. Headteacher, John Ramsdale, both of whom are keen historians. They are ‘thrilled’ with the display and described it as a ‘labour of love’. Several other schools also attended the The pupils and staff are thrilled with it too and event which started with a team activity to have been gathering around it at breaks and solve some mathematical puzzles, some of lunchtimes to see how the school has changed. which were very challenging. Next was a taste of some ‘A’ level Mathematics in one The unveiling of the Archive Wall marks the of the University’s lecture , with a beginning of a packed calendar of events and talk about complex numbers. Following initiatives to celebrate the school’s sixtieth year this, we were given a guided tour by one of including the launch of a ’60 for 60 Challenge’ the students around the University campus. fundraiser in which pupils have to try and turn 60 pence into £60 with all proceeds going to After a buffet lunch, we visited another local charities of their choice. Other events lecture to listen to a talk about coming up include an Easter Fair and a Jubilee ‘A’ level Mathematics and Further themed summer concert. There will also be Mathematics. This included lots of opportunities throughout the year for former information about some of the many pupils to come in, meet up with old school careers that use Mathematics and why it friends and share their memories with current is an important qualification that lots of pupils. employers look for.

Finally, one of the students from the Mathematics department talked to us about one of the everyday uses of Mathematics which was cryptography (the art of cracking codes). We learned about the important role that cryptography played during the Second World War and also its present day uses in encrypting information such as credit card details. After a brief discussion about some of the logic and reasoning used to crack codes, we were given a few of our own to try, which was great fun.

If you would like to have a go at cracking some codes yourself, Manchester University is running a competition for all pupils. For more information, go to: Good luck !

8 Maths Department News

PGHS World Maths Day Jubilee 24 Game Challenge - Wednesday 12th March 2014

upils from 9 local primary schools tested their mental mathematics Pskills against some of the best year 5 mathematicians.

This event was themed around the schools’ Diamond Jubilee (1954 – 2014) and is one of the many exciting Primary Enrichment There were 2 more additional problem The mathematics Department would also activities that Penwortham Girls’ High solving rounds, here the year 5 pupils like to thank our Year 9 helpers. They did School has carried out this year. worked in their teams to solve ‘Diamond a fantastic job of scoring and helping! Pupils took part in a series of 3 rounds Jubilee Themed’ mathematical problems at Penwortham Girls’ High School, each using i-pads and effective teamwork. lasting 15 minutes scoring points for their Prizes were awarded for the best team school team. They also participated as an overall and the best flag design. Individual individual, using their quick thinking skills medals were awarded for the top 3 pupils to make the number 24 using all 4 digits with the highest 24 scores. and any operation. 9 MFL Department News

upcoming option choices. Again, there German Spotlight on Mrs were some excellent examples of how well the girls write in French in our school, n the 26th of Rourke’s French using good grammar, lots of different February a group vocabulary, language structures and WOW phrases. Oof 40 Year 8 girls classes. visited the Languages In year 7 set 1 pupils worked very hard In year 10 and 11, both classes have been department at UCLAN on their speaking assessments just before experiencing the controlled assessments. for a culture and language half term. They had to choose what they Year 10 are preparing for their first enrichment session. wanted to talk about in French based on speaking assessment about where they their learning so far. There were some live at GCSE level and Year 11 have now There were a variety of noteworthy presentations with girls completed their final controlled assessment activities organised for the speaking excellent French and using their writing piece on Healthy Lifestyle. Both students. The girls got to have cue cards. year groups have worked incredibly a go at interpreting in the hard and deserve success. We wish them Worldwise interpreting suite. In Year 9 set 1 pupils also completed all luck. Year 10 speaking tests for all an end of unit assessment piece, this language groups start week beginning 24th They tried simultaneous time written. They wrote independently March. Year 11 final listening and reading interpretation; this involved and creatively about their hopes and tests are Monday 12th May. someone speaking into a aspirations for the future as well as their Bonne Chance. microphone whilst the girls listened with headphones. After each sentence they attempted to translate into English. Year 7 French

The girls’ also took part in a Chinese calligraphy session. iss Waterhouse’s Year The girls learned some of the basic characters in the 7 set 3 class completed Chinese alphabet and were able to write out numbers and their names. Mtheir first speaking assessments before half-term. The next taster session involved the use of Rosetta Stone language learning software. The girls chose a wide range The girls prepared a presentation of languages, including Swedish, Korean and Portuguese. about themselves and their Finally they used the interactive handsets to take part in opinions of their school subjects. Well a quiz testing their knowledge of languages, countries done to all the girls, they organised their Finally, did you know …..that the nearest and geography. The girls really enjoyed the day and all tasks well and spoke with very good equivalent to our pancake day in France is the different aspects of language learning that they were pronunciation and accuracy. “ la chandeleur” (candlemas) and it takes exposed to. place on the 2nd February.

n Miss Waterhouse’s French set 4 Pancakes are still eaten around mardi class the girls used the i-pads to gras along with Icreate a comic strip dialogue about doughnuts but the two people arranging a visit to the highlight is to see cinema a carnival. The biggest and most Congratulations to Sarah Marsh and Mia famous is the Nice Livesey for their finished piece (see above) carnival.

10 RE Department News Year 11 - making the most out of the Year 7 Play Detective Easter Holidays A body has gone missing. We’ve been The learning objective for pupils was to asked to find out what happened.” evaluate possible theories as to what may ith the GCSE exams only “ have happened to the body by considering weeks away, Year 11 During the last two weeks of term Year 7 information from Biblical accounts. students will have to be have had the opportunity to be CSIs – Christ W giving 100% to their revision and Scene Investigators, at the scene of the Using the TV series CSI as a light-hearted “disappearance” of Jesus’ body from the tomb. stimulus, the RE Department provided a unique exam preparation programmes over learning opportunity. the Easter break.

I have given a number of assemblies in the last few weeks advising girls on how to get organised and I’ve produced a blank Visit by Pagpa, a Buddhist Monk revision timetable that they may want to use. n Monday 24th March, Pagpa, a local Buddhist monk came to talk to Year 9 classes about the beliefs and practices of By now, girls should have an individual file OBuddhism. or folder for each examination subject. In there, they should put all their class notes, Girls have been studying a unit of work on Buddhism and exploring its’ any revision guides they have been given response to the question, ‘Why do we suffer?’ Girls had the opportunity by departments and as many past papers as to ask Pagpa questions and then take part in a non-religious meditation/ they can find. stilling exercise. Miss Elliott and Ms Oakes were very impressed with the girls’ maturity, especially during the meditation. After having produced a revision timetable they should spend the holidays producing Claire Elliott their own revision notes to add to these Secondary Lead Teacher of RE / Head of Religious Education files and then turn their attention to other revision techniques like quizzes, flash cards and most importantly practise papers. I will be running further revision advice sessions and assemblies next term.

My advice to Year 11 is revise hard and prepare well. Stress about exams is almost always based on the fear of doing badly; if you are well prepared you will feel more confident and ready to take on whatever the exams throw at you. I wish you well – you can do it!

G Bowles Year 11 Raising Achievement Co-ordinator 11 Music Department News

Following the success of Friday, the Quintet Music News then returned on Saturday afternoon to lead a workshop with woodwind players from across West Side Story n Friday 28th February we Lancashire. The group formed a number of welcomed former pupil Sophie ensembles and then rehearsed pieces to be n Monday 16th December ORobertshaw and her friends performed at the Jubilee Concert that evening. pupils from Year 8-11 from the Cataleya Quintet. The Quintet Ovisited The Palace Theatre in performed for all pupils in KS3 during The concert was a tremendous success and Manchester to watch West Side Story. assembly and started the two day event off included performances from the young The show was amazing to watch and with a real bang. One pupil commented musicians themselves, the Cataleya Quintet reduced some audience members to ‘They were that good I thought it was a and the Lancashire Schools’ Jazz Orchestra tears in the final scenes. CD!’ Sophie introduced each instrument directed by Paul Rigby. Everyone that attended to the pupils in turn and chatted to pupils thoroughly enjoyed the evening and the young about her career path to date and how all people involved benefitted greatly from hearing both the Jazz Orchestra and the Cataleya the players met whilst studying at the Royal Quintet. College of Music in London. Here are some thoughts from the pupils: Following this, current and potential GCSE Music students were invited to a Masterclass on Mozart over lunch. At GCSE, pupils have to ‘I loved the Jazz Orchestra it study twelve set works and the First Movement sounded amazing and I also loved of Mozart’s 40th Symphony is one such work. the song ‘Forget You’ at the end Pupils were able to hear an arrangement of this work for Woodwind Quintet and were when all the instruments joined in!’ then able to hear the melodies used in the piece and how they were developed. The pupils that ‘I was pretty nervous about the attended were full of praise for the group. Here performance but in the end I really are some comments from pupils: enjoyed myself!’ ‘I learnt a lot. Live performance makes you notice more about the ‘The workshop was really Penwortham Music piece.’ interesting and it was nice to learn with someone so experienced. I Festival ‘I enjoyed the workshop on Friday think the day made me much more he choir took part in the as it gave me an insight into the confident with other musicians Penwortham Music Festival structure of the Mozart piece and and I was proud to be a part of TCompetition and came a very highly commended 2nd place. the use of instruments. I learnt a lot. the concert in the evening. I would really like to do it again. Seeing the Pupils performed ‘Just the way you are’ by In the afternoon we then welcomed over 160 Jazz Orchestra was also a really Bruno Mars and ‘The Rose’ by Amanda pupils from six primary schools: Cop Lane, good part of Saturday because it McBroom. Pupils worked very hard giving Fulwood and Cadley, Middleforth, Longton, up breaks and lunchtimes but performed Lostock Hall and Woodplumpton St. Annes. showed me I have the opportunity extremely well and I was incredibly proud The pupils had a fantastic time and some even to do more musically.’ of all of them. So a massive ‘well done!’ to had the chance to conduct the Quintet. Pupils you all. from Lostock Hall are now going to use this as Mrs A Cattanach part of their Arts Award portfolios. Head of Music

12 Music Department News ITV Granada Visit

5 pupils from Year 9 were lucky enough to visit Media City on Wednesday 18th 1December to watch the Granada lunchtime news programme go out live. Pupils were able to meet newsreader Tony Morris and have a go at reading the news themselves. They were also given hints on how to become involved in the media industry and the various career paths available to them. A fantastic time was had by all. The pupils, as always, were a pleasure to accompany. 13 PE Department News

t has been a very busy and very successful Rehearsals are well under winter in P.E. Despite the prolonged way for the Performing Arts Irain, the girls have still turned up to Showcase ‘A Night at the practices and have carried on regardless of the Movies’ which will take place conditions. The netball season is coming to an in the last week of this term. Pupils’ are performing dances end and we will have completed all the South from the following films – Ribble league and tournament games by the Annie, Thriller, Bring It On, Easter holidays. The Great Gatsby, Sister Act and Bollywood. Our dance This year saw a change to how the leagues were leaders have been working with run and we now play a central venue league the following primary schools across three age groups, covering the five school – Middleforth, St Andrews, years. We won the Under 14s A and B leagues, Kingsfold and Longton to help the Under 16s A, Under 12s A and B came 2nd, them with their preparation for and the Under 16s B team came 3rd. the ‘Showcase’. The Under 14s The Year 10 team were crowned South and Under 16s PGHS has also hosted the Streetcheer leadership Ribble Champions in the Secondary Schools’ teams award for South Ribble Secondary Schools, which Tournament and the Year 11 team were runners- have experienced has enabled pupils to go back in to their previous up. The Year 7, 8 & 9 teams had not played their considerable schools and lead activities for other pupils tournament at the time of going to press. success this season. and further develop their dances. The GCSE We have also had success in the National Netball The Under 16s Dance group travelled to Liverpool Institute Tournament. Winning The Lancashire round team finished 3rd of Performing Arts to watch a performance by for both Under 16s and Under 14s age groups in Lancashire their year 3 students. We are also have taking and proceeded to the North West Round, on the and the Under 14s team are part in the South Ribble Dance and Streetcheer Wirral, on a very cold and wet Saturday morning currently Lancashire champions, competitions. in January. Both teams fought hard, the Under16s something we have never narrowly missed out on the quarter finals stage achieved before. The Under 14s We have had the opportunity to try some new and the Under 14s made it through to the final beat Clitheroe 38-6 and then activities this winter, through the South Ribble eight, only just missing out on a place in the had a nail-biting win against Hockey Development Group, many classes in semi-final. St. Wilfrids 22-21. They have Key Stage 3 have had access to expert hockey been unbeaten in the league coaching in their lessons. With a new hockey Penwortham Girls have hosted the central venue this season and Abi Taylor was club in place we look forward to competing league for the primary schools, with nineteen awarded the prestigious title against other local schools in the next academic teams competing on a Tuesday evening over of ‘Outstanding Player’ for the year. We have also developed partnerships with eight weeks. The event has been successfully league. We are now through to the Nationals Myerscough College who will be coming in to run by our pupils’, who have managed the Schools Basketball Championships and are set to develop rugby in the near future. recording table, the timekeeping and umpired play schools from across the country. the matches. Through the Secondary Schools Sports Partnership and working with the Schools’ Other notable achievements are the Games Organiser programme, we have been able Under 14s team finishing to take girls through their umpiring qualification 2nd in South Ribble and the Under 16s for netball. This partnership has also enabled us team finishing 3rd. The Under 13s and to send girls on gifted and talented workshops Under 16s Table teams are both at College (Basketball) and Newman South Ribble Champions. The Under College to achieve their Level 2 Streetcheer 13s have gone through to the Lancashire qualification and to attend the Ambassadors round and the Under 16s finished 2nd in Conference at UCLAN for young leaders. Lancashire overall.

14 Ski Trip

he second annual Hutton-Penwortham pool where most pupils braved the Girls’ Ski Trip spent a very action outdoor pool. Tpacked and enjoyable half term in Matrei, Austria. 49 students split into 4 ski The integration of both sets of students was groups and one group of snowboarders. great to see; everyone got on really well and behaviour throughout was excellent. Thanks to All students showed good progression during our Miss Shahi, Mr Bowles, Miss Thackeray and the 6 days on the slopes. There was plenty of fresh staff from Hutton Grammar for giving up their snow and even a couple of sunny days. There half term rest. were some encounters with black runs, some jumps and a bit of off-piste skiing. The standard Also thanks to the students for was generally very high. making the trip a fun and enjoyable

The evening entertainment included an eye- experience. See you all on the slopes opening toboggan run and a dip at the local again soon! 15 Science Department News

Science Week 2014 The Creepy Crawlie Show s part of Science Week we also saw the arrival of s part of Science Week the the Creepie Crawlie show which year 7 girls had the Science Department saw the Aopportunity to experience. Snakes, giant millipedes, Aarrival, on Monday 18th tarantulas and a host of other unpleasant creatures slithered March, of 10 fertilised eggs which were into the department and delighted some the girls. ready for hatching into beautiful fluffy little chicks. This was an invaluable There was huge excitement and opportunity for anticipation within the department and them to have hands throughout the school as we awaited on experience the arrival of what turned out to be of handling and five little boys and four girls. identifying both vertebrates and invertebrates as part of the Science curriculum which covers classification and identification. We waited patiently until Wednesday afternoon, whereupon Mrs Hall’s Ms Oakes bravely lesson was disrupted by loud chirping had a corn snake and the arrival of one very daunted and wrapped around tired chick. her neck.

There was then a surge in energy by Thankfully every the chicks and we saw the arrival member of the of another 8 chicks by the end of show was returned Thursday. to their boxes and did leave the By the end of school on Thursday we department! were the proud owners of 9 little balls of fluff which the girls have had the

privilege to not only see hatch but to hold and help take care of.

They are now developing their wing feathers and are going to their new home on a farm this week.

16 Science Department News Technology Department News

Mrs Khan’s graphics group

rs. Khan’s Graphics group have worked exceptionally well to produce promotional products for a fashion show. Here is a Mshowcase of some of their work from Term 1. Eight girls were also selected to attend a creative work shop at to use computer aided design packages. 17 David Laws MP Official Letter LEP Great British Bake Off

n January we here was were delighted to a fantastic receive a letter Tresponse to I the ‘Great Fairtrade of congratulations Bake Off’ competition from the Right organised by the Honourable David Preston and South Laws MP, Minister Ribble Fairtrade of State for Schools Group. acknowledging our success in the Well done to the national league following girls who took part: Mahin tables. Hamidi, Rebecca English, Emilia In the publication Gorrell, Rhianna of the Secondary Uttamlal, Tazz Schools League Kleinhaus, Reilly Tables for the exam Sutton-Lee, Maryam results of 2013, not Desai and Eloise Yeung. only were we the top performing Mrs Khan, Mrs Millward-Hopkins and myself really Community enjoyed the tasting! Ashleigh Worden (7G) and Swaleha School in Saiyed (10H) were the winners in school, one from each Lancashire, but key stage. They went foward to take part in the local also one of the competition held on Saturday 1st March in St George’s top 100 non- Centre, Preston. selective funded schools in All the entries were judged by the Mayor and I am very . pleased to report that Swaleha was the overall winner in the Secondary school category. Rock FM interviewed her on the day of the competition and this interview was broadcast the following week. A future ‘Great British Bake-Off’ applicant I wonder?! Congratulations Swaleha!

Claire Elliott Lancashire Secondary Lead Teacher of RE / Head of Religious Education

Penwortham Girls’ High School

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