philippine studies Ateneo de Manila University • Loyola Heights, Quezon City • 1108 Philippines Peacebuilding and Engaged Citizenship: The Role of the Diocese of Bacolod Antonio F. Moreno, S.J. Philippine Studies vol. 52, no. 2 (2004): 225–254 Copyright © Ateneo de Manila University Philippine Studies is published by the Ateneo de Manila University. Contents may not be copied or sent via email or other means to multiple sites and posted to a listserv without the copyright holder’s written permission. Users may download and print articles for individual, noncom- mercial use only. However, unless prior permission has been obtained, you may not download an entire issue of a journal, or download multiple copies of articles. Please contact the publisher for any further use of this work at
[email protected]. Fri June 27 13:30:20 2008 Peacebuilding and Engaged Citizenship: The Role of the Diocese of Bacolod Antonio F. Moreno, S.J. In several instances in the restoration of Philippine democracy, the Catholic Church actively played crucial roles. In the postauthoritarian period, both the Church and civil society have struggled to respond to new complexities that have emerged. In this new context, this article examines the role of a local church (the Diocese of Bacolod) in strength- ening democratization. Despite the failure of the peace process, this church was able to make inrwds to peacebuilding. Its synergy with civil society organizations enhanced greatly its resolve to work for peace, al- though this thrust was affected by internal conflicts. The local church was a crucial actor in the formation of a constituency of peace that translated itselfin engaged citizenship.