istory• In this issue - • Hackney and the restoration of Charles II • Stoke Newington and the origins ofsuburban gardening • Hackney and the improvement ofpublic health • Town hall architecture - a new perspective on Shoreditch • The business ofscientific instrument-making Hackney History is the annual volume ofthe Friends ofHackney Archives. The Friends were founded in 1985 to act as a focus for local history in Hackney, and to support the work ofHackney Archives Department. As well as the annual volume they receive the Department's regular newsletter, The Hackney Terrier. Hackney History is issued free ofcharge to subscribers to the Friends. In 199 8 membership is £6 for the calendar year, rising to£8 in 1999. For further information telephone 01712412886, fax 01712416688, e-mail
[email protected]. ISSN 1360 3795 £4.00 free to subscribers HACKNEY History volume/our Abbreviations used 2 Hackney and the beginnings of nonconformity Philip W Plumb 3 Shirley Hibberd: Stoke N ewington' s forgotten gardener Anne Wilkinson 13 The Victorian values of Dr Tripe Carole Pountnry 23 Shoreditch Town Hall Chris Miele 29 Casella : the London progress of a scientific instrument-making company Jane Inslry 39 Contributors to this issue 47 Acknowledgements 47 About this publication 48 THE FRIENDS OF HACKNEY ARCHIVES 1998 Published by the Friends of Hackney Archives Hachney Archives Department 43 de Beauvoir Road Nl 5SQ HACKNEY AND THE BEGINNINGS OF For further details see page 48 NONCONFORMITY Edited by Isobel Watson Cover design by Jacqueline Bradshaw-Price Printed by Sackville Printers, Heddon St Wl Philip W. Plumb ISSN 1360 3795 The Tyssen Collection of sermons (see Hack Many loyalist incumbents attracted criticism © Friends of Hackney Archives and contributors, 1998 ney History 3) throws light on the beginnings for their neglect of pastoral duties, their per of Nonconformity.