Ann. Bot. Fennici 43: 349–362 ISSN 0003-3847 Helsinki 24 October 2006 © Finnish Zoological and Botanical Publishing Board 2006

Phylogeny of Vetaformaceae, Lepicoleaceae and (including Mastigophoraceae) inferred from chloroplast trnL-F, nuclear ITS2, and morphology

Aino Juslén

Botanical Museum, Finnish Museum of Natural History, P.O. Box 7 and Biology, P.O. Box 65, FI-00014 University of Helsinki, Finland (e-mail:

Received 31 Jan. 2006, revised version received 20 June 2006, accepted 22 June 2006

Juslén, A. 2006: Phylogeny of Vetaformaceae, Lepicoleaceae and Herbertaceae (including Mas- tigophoraceae) inferred from chloroplast trnL-F, nuclear ITS2, and morphology. — Ann. Bot. Fen- nici 43: 349–362.

Phylogenetic relationships of Vetaformaceae, Lepicoleaceae, and Herbertaceae (includ- ing Mastigophoraceae) were reconstructed using chloroplast region trnL-F, nuclear ITS2, and 27 morphological characters. Forty-five species were included in the analy- sis, of which 37 belong to the ingroup. The data sets were analyzed simultaneously with direct optimization, as implemented in the program POY. The results confirm the sister relationships of Vetaformaceae and Lepicoleaceae as well as of Herbertaceae and former Mastigophoraceae. Within Lepicolea the species are divided into two sister clades. runcinatus is sister to the rest of the genus. A clade of H. oldfieldi- anus, South American species and a species from the Azores form a separate lineage. The rest of the Herbertus species are grouped together but many unresolved nodes remain.

Key words: Herbertaceae, ITS2, Lepicoleaceae, Mastigophoraceae, phylogeny, sys- tematics, trnL-F, Vetaformaceae

Introduction to assume the families as the ingroup. Contrary to earlier classifications based on morphology The recent comprehensive molecular phylog- (Grolle 1983, Schuster 1984, 2000, Crandall- enies of liverworts by He-Nygrén et al. (2004, Stotler & Stotler 2000), the recent analyses that 2006) and Heinrichs et al. (2005) have resolved included sequence level data have resolved the the families Vetaformaceae, Lepicoleaceae, Mas- four families as the most derived lineage of tigophoraceae, and Herbertaceae as a mono- leafy liverworts (He-Nygrén et al. 2004, 2006, phyletic group. The group shares the possession Heinrichs et al. 2005). According to these stud- of antheridia enclosed by male bracteoles. Fur- ies, Herbertaceae and Mastigophoraceae are thermore, the liverworts in the group are mostly most closely related to some lepicoleoid species, isophyllous. As several studies using different with the Vetaformaceae as sister group to Lepi- datasets have produced the same topology and coleaceae, and Mastigophoraceae sister to Her- there is support from morphology, it is justified bertaceae. However, the sampling of the families 350 Juslén • ANN. BOT. FENNICI Vol. 43

Vetaformaceae, Lepicoleaceae, Mastigophora- ter (1984) placed Mastigophoraceae in suborder ceae, and Herbertaceae in both studies referred Ptilidiineae, which he considered to be derived. to above is restricted. This study aimed to test Crandall-Stotler and Stotler (2000) classified the presented hypothesis with more extensive Mastigophoraceae in the primitive Ptilidiineae sampling of these families. (Lepicoleales), and Vetaformaceae and Lepi- Vetaforma dusenii, the only species of Veta- coleaceae in the closely related Lepicoleiineae formaceae, has been found in Argentina and (Lepicoleales), but Herbertaceae were in a more Chile. The monogeneric Lepicoleaceae occur derived sub-order Herbertineae (Jungermanni- mostly in the southern hemisphere. Many species ales). He-Nygrén et al. (2006) placed all the have been recorded for South America and Aus- families in their Lophocoleineae in Jungerman- tralasia, but only one occurs in Africa (Schuster niales. 2000). Lepicolea was revised by Scott (1960), The relationships of Mastigophoraceae have who reported seven species. Currently at least 10 been especially controversial. Inoue (1978) sup- species are recognized (Schuster 2000). ported Grolle’s (1972) view of Mastigophora In Mastigophoraceae two genera have been belonging to Lepicoleaceae subfamily Mastigo- recognized. Dendromastigophora is a New Zea- phoroidea based on his observations of the sporo- land endemic. The genus Mastigophora has a phyte characters, which were formerly unknown. wide, disjunct range and is found in British However, Schuster (1987) rejected that place- Columbia, mid-Atlantic islands, and also from ment and reiterated his earlier idea (Schuster Oceanic Europe to the Himalayas, China and 1972, 1979, 1984) of classifying Mastigophora- to Australasia (Schuster 1987). Herbertaceae ceae in Ptilidiineae, justifying this by virtue of have been divided into two genera, Triandro- the similarities of Mastigophoraceae and Ptilid- phyllum and Herbertus. Triandrophyllum is a iaceae in their leaf division, incubous orientation small southern temperate genus (Gradstein & of leaves, and anisophylly. He also presented a da Costa 2003), while Herbertus has a circum- detailed discussion on the morphological differ- pacific range with extensions to the Appalachian ences of Lepicoleaceae and Mastigophoraceae mountains, tropical Africa and Europe (Schuster (Schuster 1987). In the classification by Cran- 2000). The of the genera remains dall-Stotler and Stotler (2000) Mastigophoraceae mostly unresolved. remained in the suborder Ptilidiineae, which Mastigophora consists of three species. was, however, considered as a primitive subor- Monotypic Dendromastigophora was separated der among leafy liverworts. Recently, Heinrichs from Mastigophora by Schuster (1987). Her- et al. (2005) proposed to include Mastigophora- bertus is the largest genus of the group under ceae in the family Herbertaceae, based on chlo- consideration. The number of species in Her- roplast rbcL data. He-Nygrén et al. (2006) con- bertus remains uncertain; Gradstein (2001) gave firmed this result in their classification, which an estimate of ca. 25 species worldwide. Trian- was based on phylogenetic analysis of numerous drophyllum consists of 4–5 species of uncertain genes and morphology. delimitation (Schuster 2000). Gradstein (2001) In this study I address the following ques- reduced Olgantha, a third genus recognized in tions: (1) Are the families Vetaformaceae, Lep- Herbertaceae by Schuster (1996, 2000), to syn- icoleaceae, and Herbertaceae, including Mas- onymy under Triandrophyllum. tigophoraceae, monophyletic, and what are their The taxonomic position of the four fami- phylogenetic relationships? (2) Are the genera lies studied vary in recent classifications. Grolle included in this study monophyletic? (3) Can (1983) placed all four in the order Jungerman- any infrageneric relationships within the two niales. In Schuster’s (1984, 2000) classifica- larger genera, Herbertus and Lepicolea be pro- tion scheme Vetaformaceae, Lepicoleaceae, and posed? (4) Are there any evolutionary trends in Herbertaceae follow Haplomitrium, which he morphological characters within the group? In considered to be the most primitive extant liver- order to obtain answers to these questions the wort. They are all isophyllous, which Schuster trnL-F region of the chloroplast and ITS2 region (1984) believed to be a primitive feature. Schus- of the nuclear genome were sequenced, and 27 ANN. BOT. FENNICI Vol. 43 • Phylogeny of Vetaformaceae, Lepicoleaceae and Herbertaceae 351 morphological characters examined and included available in the Botanical Museum (H) of the in a combined cladistic analysis (Kluge 1989, Finnish Museum of Natural History, and also Nixon & Carpenter 1996). loaned material from various herbaria. In many cases, however, no specimen contained sexual organs, and the coding was done according to lit- Material and methods erature (Schuster 1959, 1966, 1987, 2000, 2002, Scott 1960). The characters of the matrix are Selection of terminals often used in familial or generic delimitations of the ingroup. However, no a priori assumptions Altogether 45 exemplars were studied, 37 of informative characters were made and all the belonging to the ingroup and eight to the out- characters were coded as unordered. No spo- group (Table 1). The authors for the included rophyte characters were included, because for species are given in Table 1. Representatives most of the taxa the sporophytes are unknown. of all species of the ingroup genera for which I Quantitative characters were generally excluded, had recently collected specimens available were except for those showing clear discontinuities included. For Herbertus aduncus and H. dicra- (characters 11, 14, and 18). The morphological nus, two species with wide ranges and large matrix is given in Appendix 2. morphological variation, different subspecies or samples from different geographic regions were included. Molecular data According to the results of He-Nygrén et al. (2004, 2006) the Trichocoleaceae, Plagiochi- Two mostly non-coding DNA sequence regions laceae, and Geocalycaceae form a sister group to were used for the phylogeny reconstruction, the ingroup families. I included representatives chloroplast trnL-F and nuclear ITS2. The prim- (Trichocolea tomentella, Plagiochila asplenio- ers used for sequencing the trnL-F region were ides, Chiloscyphus profundus) of each of the C and F (Taberlet et al. 1991). For ITS2 region abovementioned families in the outgroup. Addi- primers 5.SR tional outgroup species Blepharostoma tricho- mycolab/primers.htm and LC4-R (Shaw 2000) phyllum, Jungermannia leiantha, Temnoma pilo- or in some cases universal primers ITS3 and sum, Hygrolembidium acrocladum, and Ptilidium ITS4 (White et al. 1990) were used. Chloro- pulcherrimum represent lineages of phylogeneti- plast trnL-F region includes the partial sequence cally more distant leafy liverwort groups. In a of Leucine transfer RNA (UAA), an intergenic recent liverwort classification by Crandall-Stot- spacer, and a partial sequence of Phenylalanine ler and Stotler (2000), the monogeneric Chaeto- transfer RNA (GAA). Most of the length varia- phyllopsidaceae was considered closely related tion is concentrated in the trnL intron, and some to Mastigophoraceae, Vetaformaceae, and Lepi- in the non-coding trnL-F spacer. One out of 45 coleaceae. However, Chaetophyllopsis was not sequenced taxa were lacking the trnL-F sequence included here as the results of He-Nygrén et al. (2%). Nuclear Internal Transcribed Spacer 2 (2004, 2006) and Heinrichs et al. (2005) show (ITS2) is situated between the ribosome coding Chaetophyllopsis as being distantly related to the 5,8S and 26S genes. ITS2 sequence was lacking species in the present study. for 17 out of 45 taxa (38%).

Morphological data DNA extraction, PCR and sequencing

The morphological data set included 27 charac- The sequences were produced in two differ- ters (Appendix 1). For the gametophytic charac- ent laboratories, trnL-F sequences mainly in ters the morphological matrix was compiled using the Laboratory of Molecular Plant Systematics, the specimens used for DNA extraction. Sexual NHN-Utrecht branch, here referred to as U, and organs were observed from additional specimens ITS2 sequences mainly in Molecular Ecology 352 Juslén • ANN. BOT. FENNICI Vol. 43 (H) (H) (H) (H) (UC) (H) (MO) (H) (H) (H) (H) (H) (H) (UC) (MO) (H) (H) BR 020 (MO) (H) . (H) (H) (H) (H) (H) Norris 62782 De Sloover 43158 De Sloover 42753 Norris 63194 Kluiving 1453 et al. , (CANB) 32208 , Koponen Pòcs 9320/D (H) (H) (H) CANB639918 (H) Flores D5 Norris 88922 et al . (2006) classification. Glenny 8857 2004 . 2002 . 2002 Allen 12097 Pòcs et al. 88123/D Frahm, Streimann 16733 et al Buck 10228 Salazar & Gradstein 9286 Gradstein et al. 6822 et al. Averyanov et al. BR 015 Harder et al. 5093 Hassel He-Nygrén & Piippo 1471 Long 28864 Weber & Randolph B-89,875 et al Juslén 1685 Koponen et al. 51204 Long 17542 Koponen et al. 50760 Long 30447 Engel 11423 Hyvönen 2960 Hyvönen 5334 Frahm et al. s.n Venezuela , Griffin & López F. PV-1419 Honduras, Papua New Guinea, Stech & Frey 2001 Ecuador, Feldberg Heinrichs Ahonen 2004 He-Nygrén & Piippo 2003 He-Nygrén & Piippo 2003 Heinrichs 2002 He-Nygrén & Piippo 2003 Papua New Guinea, Seychelles Islands, United States, Papua New Guinea, Nepal, China, Chile, Bhutan, Venezuela, Griffin & López F. PV-610 Voucher specimen for sequences

ITS2 AJ783339 AJ413177 AY257506 AY316351 Ahonen 2004 AJ422240 AJ414268 Renker DQ293955 Papua New Guinea,

trn L-F DQ293976 DQ293950 Ecuador, AY463567* DQ293988 DQ293986 DQ293959 Tanzania, DQ293975 DQ293949 Hawaii, AY149874 AY463568* DQ293977 DQ293981 DQ293954 New Zealand, AY149858 DQ293989 AY463588* AY463590* AY463574* DQ293991 AY463589* DQ293962 DQ293963 DQ293964 Australia, Guinea, New Papua Chile, AY463593* AY007629 DQ293965 Chile, AY463555* DQ293966 AY251186 AY463548* DQ293944 Finland, AY463560* DQ293960 Australia, DQ293971 DQ293947 Azores Islands, DQ293982 DQ293956 Vietnam, Averyanov DQ293970 DQ293974 DQ293948 Panama, DQ293984 DQ293957 Vietnam, DQ293990 DQ293967 DQ293969 DQ293968 DQ293945 DQ293946 China, Wales, DQ293985 DQ293958 Norway, DQ293980 DQ293953 Vietnam, AY463566* DQ293961 Peru, DQ293972 AY463559* DQ293973 DQ293978 DQ293979 DQ293951 DQ293952 DQ293983 Nepal, DQ026620* Papua New Guinea, DQ293987 AY149857 ex Trevis.

ex Gottsche) Trevis. ex Gottsche) Trevis. aduncus China aduncus Usa hutchinsiae R.M.Schust.

ex F. Weber) Nees ex Spreng.) Spruce non (Steph.) Fulford (Nees) J.J. Engel & R.M. Schust. (L.) Dumort. (Steph.) Fulford ’ Grolle (Weber) Hampe (Hook.) Dumort. (Brid. (L.f. (Mitt.) Steph. Gray subsp. Gray subsp. Gray subsp. China (Taylor Nepal (Taylor (Mont.) Steph. subdentatus’ non (Steph.) Fulford subdentatus ‘ ‘ Herbertus Lepicolea pruinosa (Taylor) Spruce Lepicolea ramentifissa Herzog

Herbertus aduncus Herbertus juniperoideus (Sw.) Grolle Herbertus oldfieldianus (Steph.) Rodway Herbertus aduncus Lepicolea rara (Steph.) Grolle Temnoma pilosum (A. Evans) R.M. Schust. Trichocolea tomentella (Ehrh.) Dumort. Mastigophora diclados Mastigophora woodsii (Hook.) Nees Triandrophyllum heterophyllum (Steph.) Grolle Triandrophyllum subtrifidum (Hook. & Taylor) Fulford Hatcher Table 1. The GenBank accession numbers for the sequences used in the phylogenetic analysis. The accession numbers for sequences taken from GenBank are shown in italics. The accession numbers published in He-Nygrén et al . (2004, 2006) are marked with asterisk. The voucher specimens for novel sequences herein, references for sequences taken from the GenBank are listed under vouchers. Liverworts arranged to families according He-Nygrén as well as Species Vetaformaceae Lepicoleaceae Vetaforma dusenii (Steph.) Fulford & J.Taylor Lepicolea attenuata Herbertaceae Dendromastigophora flagellifera (Hook.) R.M.Schust. Ptilidiaceae Jungermanniaceae Ptilidium pulcherrimum Jungermannia leiantha Trichocoleaceae Blepharostoma trichophyllum (L.) Dumort. Geocalycaeae Chiloscyphus profundus Plagiochilaceae Plagiochila asplenioides Lepidoziaceae Hygrolembidium acrocladum (Berggr.) R.M. Schust. Lepicolea ochroleuca Herbertus acanthelius Spruce Herbertus sp2. Herbertus Herbertus grossispinus Herbertus ramosus (Steph.) H.A. Mill. Herbertus aduncus Herbertus armitanus (Steph.) H.A.Mill. Herbertus divergens (Steph.) Herzog Herbertus sp1. Herbertus gracilis Herbertus stramineus (Dumort.) Lett. Lepicolea scolopendra Herbertus longispinus Jack & Steph. Herbertus pilifer Schiffn. Herbertus circinatus (Steph.) H.A.Mill. Herbertus dicranus Herbertus dicranus Herbertus kurzii (Steph.) H.A.Mill. Herbertus longifissus Steph. Herbertus runcinatus (Taylor) Herzog Herbertus sendtneri (Nees) Lindb. ANN. BOT. FENNICI Vol. 43 • Phylogeny of Vetaformaceae, Lepicoleaceae and Herbertaceae 353

and Systematics Laboratory of University of (H) (H)

(H) Helsinki (MES). The isolation of the DNA was (H) (UC)

(H) mainly performed according to the CTAB tech- (MO) (H) (H) (H) (H) nique described in Doyle and Doyle (1990), and (H) (H) the extracted DNA was purified with Promega (UC) (MO) (H) (H)

BR 020 (MO) Wizard Purification standard (Promega) (U). (H)

. (H) In some cases extraction was performed with (H) (H) (H) (H) Norris 62782 De Sloover 43158 De Sloover 42753 Norris 63194 Kluiving 1453 et al. , (CANB) 32208 , Koponen Pòcs 9320/D (H) (H) (H) Nucleospin Plant DNA Extraction Kit (Machery CANB639918 (H) Flores D5 Nagel), following the manufacturer’s instruc- Norris 88922 et al . (2006) classification. Glenny 8857 2004 . 2002

. 2002 tions (MES). The polymerase chain reactions Allen 12097 Pòcs et al. 88123/D Frahm, Streimann 16733 et al Buck 10228 Salazar & Gradstein 9286 Gradstein et al. 6822 et al. Averyanov et al. BR 015 Harder et al. 5093 Hassel He-Nygrén & Piippo 1471 Long 28864 and cycle sequencing reactions were executed Weber & Randolph B-89,875 et al Juslén 1685 Koponen et al. 51204 Long 17542 Koponen et al. 50760 Long 30447 Engel 11423 Hyvönen 2960 Hyvönen 5334 Frahm et al. s.n with GeneAmp PCR System 9700 of Applied Biosystems (U), or, Master cycler gradient of Venezuela , Griffin & López F. PV-1419 Honduras, Papua New Guinea, Stech & Frey 2001 Ecuador, Feldberg Heinrichs Ahonen 2004 He-Nygrén & Piippo 2003 He-Nygrén & Piippo 2003 Heinrichs 2002 He-Nygrén & Piippo 2003 Papua New Guinea, Seychelles Islands, United States, Papua New Guinea, Nepal, China, Chile, Bhutan, Venezuela, Griffin & López F. PV-610 Voucher specimen for sequences Eppendorf or PTC-200 of MJ Research (MES). The PCR settings for trnL-F were 5 min. 94 °C, 28 cycles (1 min. 94 °C, 1 min. 50 °C, 2 min. 72 °C) and a 10 min. 72 °C extension time, and for ITS2 10 min. 95 °C, 35 cycles (1 min. ITS2 95 °C, 1 min. 49 °C, 1 min. 72 °C), and a 7 min. AJ783339 AJ413177 AY257506 AY316351 Ahonen 2004 AJ422240 AJ414268 Renker DQ293955 Papua New Guinea, 72 °C extension time. The PCR products were purified with QIAquick PCR Purification Kit (Qiagen), DNA Clean & ConcentratorTM-5 kit (Zymo research) (U), or GFX-PCR-DNA and gel Purification Kit (Amersham Biosciences) (MES). trn L-F The cycle sequencing reactions were prepared DQ293976 DQ293950 Ecuador, AY463567* DQ293988 DQ293986 DQ293959 Tanzania, DQ293975 DQ293949 Hawaii, AY149874 AY463568* DQ293977 DQ293981 DQ293954 New Zealand, AY149858 DQ293989 AY463588* AY463590* AY463574* DQ293991 AY463589* DQ293962 DQ293963 DQ293964 Australia, Guinea, New Papua Chile, AY463593* AY007629 DQ293965 Chile, AY463555* DQ293966 AY251186 AY463548* DQ293944 Finland, AY463560* DQ293960 Australia, DQ293971 DQ293947 Azores Islands, DQ293982 DQ293956 Vietnam, Averyanov DQ293970 DQ293974 DQ293948 Panama, DQ293984 DQ293957 Vietnam, DQ293990 DQ293967 DQ293969 DQ293968 DQ293945 DQ293946 China, Wales, DQ293985 DQ293958 Norway, DQ293980 DQ293953 Vietnam, AY463566* DQ293961 Peru, DQ293972 AY463559* DQ293973 DQ293978 DQ293979 DQ293951 DQ293952 DQ293983 Nepal, DQ026620* Papua New Guinea, DQ293987 AY149857 using Big Dye 3.1 (Applied Biosystems) (U) and Big Dye 1.0 (Applied Biosystems) (MES) following the manufacturer’s instructions. Cycle sequencing was performed using the following programs: in U 25 cycles (10 s 94 °C, 5 s 50 °C, 2 min. 72 °C) and 10 min. 72 °C extension and in MES 30 cycles (30 s 96 °C, 16 s 50 °C, 4 min. 60 °C) and 5 min. 15 °C. The sequencing prod- ucts were purified with Millipore multiscreen sephadex filter for 96-well plates (U) and with Millipore Nucleospin sequencing reaction purifi- ex Trevis. cation kit (MES). The sequencing products were resolved on the ABI 3700 (U) and MegaBACE ex Gottsche) Trevis. ex Gottsche) Trevis. aduncus China aduncus Usa hutchinsiae R.M.Schust. (MES) sequencing machines. All the sequences

ex F. Weber) Nees were submitted to GenBank. A list of the acces- ex Spreng.) Spruce sion numbers and voucher specimens is given in non (Steph.) Fulford (Nees) J.J. Engel & R.M. Schust. (L.) Dumort. (Steph.) Fulford ’ Grolle (Weber) Hampe (Hook.) Dumort. (Brid. Table 1. (L.f. (Mitt.) Steph. Gray subsp. Gray subsp. Gray subsp. China (Taylor Nepal (Taylor (Mont.) Steph.

Phylogenetic analyses subdentatus’ non (Steph.) Fulford subdentatus ‘ ‘

Phylogenetic analyses were performed using direct optimization (Wheeler 1996), as imple- mented in POY (Wheeler et al. 2003). In direct Herbertus Lepicolea pruinosa (Taylor) Spruce Lepicolea ramentifissa Herzog

Herbertus aduncus Herbertus juniperoideus (Sw.) Grolle Herbertus oldfieldianus (Steph.) Rodway Herbertus aduncus Lepicolea rara (Steph.) Grolle Temnoma pilosum (A. Evans) R.M. Schust. Trichocolea tomentella (Ehrh.) Dumort. Mastigophora diclados Mastigophora woodsii (Hook.) Nees Triandrophyllum heterophyllum (Steph.) Grolle Triandrophyllum subtrifidum (Hook. & Taylor) Fulford Hatcher Table 1. The GenBank accession numbers for the sequences used in the phylogenetic analysis. The accession numbers for sequences taken from GenBank are shown in italics. The accession numbers published in He-Nygrén et al . (2004, 2006) are marked with asterisk. The voucher specimens for novel sequences herein, references for sequences taken from the GenBank are listed under vouchers. Liverworts arranged to families according He-Nygrén as well as Species Vetaformaceae Lepicoleaceae Vetaforma dusenii (Steph.) Fulford & J.Taylor Lepicolea attenuata Herbertaceae Dendromastigophora flagellifera (Hook.) R.M.Schust. Ptilidiaceae Jungermanniaceae Ptilidium pulcherrimum Jungermannia leiantha Trichocoleaceae Blepharostoma trichophyllum (L.) Dumort. Geocalycaeae Chiloscyphus profundus Plagiochilaceae Plagiochila asplenioides Lepidoziaceae Hygrolembidium acrocladum (Berggr.) R.M. Schust. Lepicolea ochroleuca Herbertus acanthelius Spruce Herbertus sp2. Herbertus Herbertus grossispinus Herbertus ramosus (Steph.) H.A. Mill. Herbertus aduncus Herbertus armitanus (Steph.) H.A.Mill. Herbertus divergens (Steph.) Herzog Herbertus sp1. Herbertus gracilis Herbertus stramineus (Dumort.) Lett. Lepicolea scolopendra Herbertus longispinus Jack & Steph. Herbertus pilifer Schiffn. Herbertus circinatus (Steph.) H.A.Mill. Herbertus dicranus Herbertus dicranus Herbertus kurzii (Steph.) H.A.Mill. Herbertus longifissus Steph. Herbertus runcinatus (Taylor) Herzog Herbertus sendtneri (Nees) Lindb. optimization alignment and phylogenetic anal- 354 Juslén • ANN. BOT. FENNICI Vol. 43 ysis are performed simultaneously. In POY, trees 5 -nodiscrepancies -fitchtrees -random 250 unlike in traditional methods, indels are treated -multibuild 50 -seed -1 -slop 3 -checkslop 30 as transformations and not as character states. -tbr -spr -sprmaxtrees 5 -drifttbr -numdrifttbr 5 Furthermore, in optimization alignment numer- -fuselimit 25 -fusingrounds 1 -impliedalignment ous alternative hypotheses of primary homology -indices > Outfile. are tested during the analysis in order to find In order to evaluate the support for different the most parsimonious tree(s) and alignment(s). clades, Bremer support values (Bremer 1994) Therefore, the resulting equally parsimonious were calculated for internal nodes, also with the trees are based on different character optimi- program POY. The commands are the same as zations, unlike in conventional phylogenetic for the analysis but the commands -bremer and analyses that are based on static, and possibly -constrain (with the necessary filename) were non-optimal alignments. Character optimizations added. The constraint file of the output topolo- for each tree are given as a result of analysis gies of the original analysis is needed for calcu- as an implied alignment. The method is further lating bremer supports. It was created with the explained for example in Wheeler (1996) and program JACK2HEN, which is a supplementary Schulmeister et al. (2002). program to POY and available from the same Phylogenetic analyses were performed with source. As compared with calculating Bremer a parallel version of POY using 8 processors of support by consensing ever more inclusive sets 1.1 GHz each in CSC, the Finnish IT center for of suboptimal trees, the approach used by POY science ( In order to save computa- is faster but it may overestimate group support tion time and memory, trnL-F sequences were (Wheeler et al. 2003). cut into three shorter fragments (see Wheeler et al. 2003). This was done in conservative regions within the trnL intron and between the trnL Results intron and exon 2 based on a preliminary Dialign 2 (Morgenstern 1999) alignment of sequences. In the trnL-F data set the shortest sequence was The length variation observed at the beginning that of Dendromastigophora flagellifera with and end of sequences was filled with X’s to 454 bp and the longest that of Blepharostoma avoid leading and trailing gaps, which would trichophylla with 531 base pairs. In ITS2, there otherwise require a special cost to be assigned was length variation from 273 bp in Plagiochila to them (see Schulmeister et al. 2002). As a kind asplenioides to 320 bp in Hygrolembidium acro- of sensitivity analysis (see Wheeler 1995) the cladum. The length variation of trnL-F region effects of different gap costs on the topology was in the trnL intron and in the intergenic have often been used in phylogenetic analyses spacer. One of the resulted POY implied align- using direct optimization (see e.g. He-Nygrén et ments was studied as static alignment and indels al. 2004, Huttunen & Ignatov 2004, Quandt et al. treated as equal to base substitutions. It showed 2004). However, the necessity and value of such that in the trnL-F data set 36% of base positions weighting has recently been criticized (Frost were parsimony informative, and in ITS2 data et al. 2001b, Grant & Kluge 2003, Huttunen set 45% (Table 2). Within the genus Herbertus 2004), and it has been claimed that only equal the number of parsimony informative positions weighting is justified (Frost et al. 2001a). Thus, was relatively low: ca. 10% in trnL-F data, and here the analyses were performed only using 14% in ITS2 data (Table 2). With the combined the equal weighting for all character changes. molecular and morphological data set POY In the present study, the gaps and substitutions gave eight equally parsimonious trees of length were weighted equally. The numerically coded 1922 steps. The analysis took ca. 80 hours and morphological data is treated as if prealigned 183 692 990 alignments were evaluated. in the POY analysis (Wheeler et al. 2003). The The families Vetaformaceae, Lepicoleaceae, command line applied was as follows: poy -par- former Mastigophoraceae, and Herbertaceae are allel -solospawn 7 -molecularmatrix Filename all resolved as monophyletic. Vetaformaceae -norandomizeoutgroup -holdmaxtrees 20 -max- appear as an independent lineage as a sister to ANN. BOT. FENNICI Vol. 43 • Phylogeny of Vetaformaceae, Lepicoleaceae and Herbertaceae 355

Lepicoleaceae, and the former Mastigophora- ceae are placed as a sister to Herbertaceae. All 13 7 21 of the six genera included in the ingroup appear 7 as monophyletic. In the Lepicoleaceae, the sole 6 genus Lepicolea appears as two distinct lineages 19 6 6 5 as follows: L. rara is a sister to L. pruinosa and 23 7 L. ramentifissa while L. ochroleuca is a sister to 9 8

L. attenuata and L. scolopendra. The monotypic 9 genus Dendromastigophora appears as the sister 10 lineage to two species of the genus Mastigo- 17 17 phora. Triandrophyllum is a sister to Herbertus. 15 Within Herbertus, H. runcinatus is a sister to all 4 6 9 16 other species sampled. Furthermore, the analyses 11 8 resolved H. oldfieldianus as sister to a group of 11 South American species and a specimen from the 5 Azores. Within this clade H. grossispinus and H. 8 divergens are sister species. The specimen from 10 the Azores is a sister to H. acanthelius and H. juniperoideus. The relationships of the remain- 4 ing species are not unambiguously resolved, as 4 4 six nodes are collapsed in the strict consensus 4 4 tree (Fig. 1). However, some pairs of sister spe- 4 cies occur in all of the equally most parsimoni- 4 ous trees (see Fig. 1). The analysis without ITS2 Fig. 1. Strict consensus tree of eight equally parsimo- data resulted in 20 equally parsimonious trees nious trees obtained using POY with combined data. 1020 steps long. The strict consensus of those The numbers above the nodes are the Bremer support was similar to strict consensus of combined values. data except that the position of H. oldfieldianus was unresolved between the two larger clades The relationships of the families and genera of Herbertus. Furthermore, the largest clade of in the present topologies from POY analysis Herbertus was totally unresolved. were similar to topologies obtained from NONA, MrBayes, and POY analyses based on multi- gene and morphology data by He-Nygrén et al. Discussion (2004, 2006) as well as to those obtained from maximum likelihood analyses based on rbcL Methodology data (Heinrichs et al. 2005).

Direct optimization is a relatively novel method Table 2. Number of characters and parsimony informa- (Wheeler 1996), so far implemented only in one tive (pi) positions in POY character optimization for program, POY (Wheeler et al. 2003). From the genomic regions trnL-F and ITS2 in the whole data set beginning, it has been used largely in studies of and within the genus Herbertus. Indels were treated as arthropod phylogeny (e.g. Wahlberg & Zimmer- equal to base substitutions. mann 2000, Wheeler et al. 2001, Giribet et al. Number of Number of Number of 2002, 2003). The number of published studies in terminals characters pi positions other fields of systematics is, however, increas- ing rapidly (e.g. Stenroos et al. 2002, Giannini trnL-F 44 686 247 & Simmons 2003, Huttunen & Ignatov 2004, trnL-F (Herbertus) 24 686 72 He-Nygrén et al. 2004, 2006). Direct optimiza- ITS2 28 524 237 tion and POY are discussed by several authors ITS2 (Herbertus) 17 524 74 (e.g. Schulmeister et al. 2002, Huttunen 2004). 356 Juslén • ANN. BOT. FENNICI Vol. 43

The results of our other phylogenetic studies a more recent radiation among Laurasian species (He-Nygrén et al. 2004, 2006) and my own pre- in Herbertus. Fossils do not offer any insights liminary analyses showed that other gene regions into the age of the ingroup, as there are no fossil generally used in phylogenetic studies of bryo- records that resemble any of the taxa. The apical phytes such as e.g. rbcL, rps4, and psbT-H do not position of Vetaformaceae–Lepicoleaceae–Her- show enough variation to be useful at this level. bertaceae in the phylogenies by He-Nygrén et al. In the preliminary analyses nuclear ITS1 region (2004, 2006) and Heinrichs et al. (2005) suggest always showed double bands when the PCR reac- that the clade has evolved rather recently. Fur- tions were run in the agarose gel. Therefore it was thermore, Feldberg et al. (2004) claimed that low considered too time-consuming and expensive to ITS variation indicates a recent radiation of Her- be used in the study. For studying phylogenetic bertus. Similarly, the results of the present study relationships between families and genera the show relatively low variation in trnL-F and ITS2 trnL-F and ITS2 regions seemed ideal. However, (see Table 2). several equally parsimonious solutions and low The genus Grollea was initially assumed support values (4) of some clades reveal that even to be closely related to the Herbertaceae or these highly variable regions may not provide Anthelia (Schuster 1964), but was later placed enough variation to unambiguously resolve the in Blepharostomataceae (Schuster 1972). Hässel infrageneric relationships between all members de Menendez (1980) moved Grollea to Anthe- of the genus Herbertus. Although missing ITS2 liaceae. Recently it has been treated as a family sequences have caused partly the low resolution of its own, Grolleaceae, within suborder Herber- within Herbertus (see also the beginning of the tineae (Crandall-Stotler & Stotler 2000, Schus- chapter Results). ter 2000) or within suborder Lophocoleineae (He-Nygrén et al. 2006). Unfortunately material of the rare Grollea has not been available for On phylogenetic relationships of the sampling in any phylogenetic studies, that have families included sequence level data, and its relation- ships thus remain to be tested. The present results on the relationships between Vetaformaceae, Lepicoleaceae, and Herbertaceae including Mastigophoraceae support He-Nygrén On Vetaformaceae and Lepicoleaceae et al. (2004, 2006) and Heinrichs et al. (2005). A notable morphological feature shared by the Vetaformaceae have been widely accepted as whole group is possession of antheridia enclosed the group most closely related to Lepicoleaceae by male bracteoles. However, bracteolar anth- (Grolle 1983, Schuster 1984, 2000, Crandall- eridia also occur in a few other genera of leafy Stotler & Stotler 2000, He-Nygrén et al. 2006), liverworts, such as Schistochila and Balantiop- which is also supported by results of this analysis. sis. The phylogeny by He-Nygrén et al. (2006) The Vetaformaceae–Lepicoleaceae clade shares resolved Schistochila as sister to the rest of the the coelocaule, a structure derived from both stem , whereas the ingroup of the and archegonium tissue protecting the developing present study was derived. Therefore, the bracte- sporophyte. The family Vetaformaceae, consist- olar antheridia could be a primitive character ing only of Vetaforma dusenii was described by mostly lost in other Jungermanniales, or it could Fulford and Taylor (1959) and has been treated as have developed repeatedly. a separate family in all the recent liverwort classi- The topologies obtained support a Gond- fications. However, the sporophyte of Vetaforma wanalandic origin of the Vetaformaceae–Lepi- has not been found and the final phylogenetic coleaceae–Herbertaceae clade. All terminals conclusions should be drawn only after its discov- from the northern hemisphere, possibly of Lau- ery (Schuster 2000). Morphologically Vetaforma rasian origin, are in the group ranging from is quite distinct from the rest of the ingroup in Herbertus gracilis to H. stramineus. This clade that it is the only species that has retained lateral is in apical position in the trees, which indicates intercalary branching. Furthermore, it lacks the ANN. BOT. FENNICI Vol. 43 • Phylogeny of Vetaformaceae, Lepicoleaceae and Herbertaceae 357 distinctly differentiated stem cortex cells found in richs et al. (2005) presented a novel hypothesis other species of the ingroup. in which Mastigophoraceae are sister to Her- Lepicoleaceae clade is one of the best sup- bertaceae. The results of the present study con- ported clades in my analyses (Bremer support firm this sister relationship with relatively high value 23). The family shares the character of Bremer support value (17). having female bracts distinctly smaller than veg- Mastigophoraceae and Herbertaceae have etative leaves. Within Lepicolea the clade of many morphological similarities. The epidermal Lepicolea rara, L. pruinosa, and L. ramenti- cells of the capsule wall bear “nodular” (vertical) fissa is distinguished by the presence of stem thickenings in all but the shortest radial walls of paraphyllia. In her revision of Lepicolea, Scott Mastigophoraceae, and in Herbertaceae the cells (1960) defined L. rara (as L. loriana = L. rara, of the outer layer also have nodular thickenings synonymized by Piippo 1984) broadly includ- (see illustrations e.g. in Schuster 1987: 740, fig. ing with and without stem paraphyllia, 2: 10 Mastigophoraceae, and Schuster 2000: 98, stating “paraphyllia usually present” (Schuster fig. 18: 7 Herbertaceae). Conspicuous leaf cell 2000). The specimen used in the present study trigones are characteristic for Mastigophoraceae has paraphyllia. Schuster (2000) anticipated a (Schuster 1987), as well as for Herbertus, even critical study of Lepicolea and especially L. though the cell walls of Triandrophyllum leaves rara. The present phylogeny suggests that the lack trigones (Schuster 2000). Besides the devel- paraphyllia of the stem might be a structure of opment of asymmetrically trifid leaves (which phylogenetic importance within Lepicolea. The also exist in Triandrophyllum of Herbertaceae) presence of laciniae or cilia in primary divisions the incubous orientation of leaves and isophylly of leaves appeared as a homoplastic character. in Mastigophoraceae and Ptilidiaceae have been Strongly ciliate L. ramentifissa and L. pruinosa emphasized as evidence of affinity (Schuster were resolved as sister species, while ciliate L. 1987). The incubous orientation of leaves is also ochroleuca was placed separately as a sister to L. a character of Herbertaceae (Schuster 2000, Hein- atteanuata and L. scolopendra. richs et al. 2005). Heinrichs et al. (2005) also Infrageneric relationships within Lepicolea pointed out the shared occurrence of herbertane- seem to partially reflect geographical ranges, type sesquiterpenes by the Mastigophoraceae and although the South American species are not all Herbertaceae (Harinantenaina & Asakawa 2004). grouped together. Sister species L. ramentifissa Thus, inclusion of Mastigophoraceae in Herbert- and L. pruinosa are found exclusively in South aceae seems to be very well justified. America while their sister species L. rara is Triandrophyllum and Herbertus were distributed in the Philippines, Indonesia, New resolved as a well-supported clade (Bremer sup- Guinea, and the Pacific Islands, as well as in port 15). They both lack terminal branching. southern Chile. L. ochroleuca has its main dis- However, the branching pattern in Herbertus tribution area in South America, but it extends is ambiguous. Fulford (1963) reported at least to Africa as well as the only African species of occasional Frullania-type terminal branching the genus. Sister species L. scolopendra and L. for H. juniperoideus, H. grossispinus, and H. attenuata occur in Australasia, but the range of subdentatus in her study of South American L. scolopendra extends also to South America. species. In his study of South American species, Gradstein (2001) also recorded Frullania-type branches for Herbertaceae and Herbertus in the On Herbertaceae (including family and generic level descriptions. On the Mastigophoraceae) other hand, Van Reenen (1982) described only Bazzania-type (= ventral intercalary) branching The phylogenetic relationships of the former for species occurring in Colombia, including Mastigophoraceae have remained controversial H. juniperoideus. I coded terminal branching as (Inoue 1978, Grolle 1983, Schuster 1987, Cran- absent based on the specimens that I was able dall-Stotler & Stotler 2000), but recent studies to study, including those from South America. by He-Nygrén et al. (2004, 2006) and Hein- Furthermore, lateral intercalary branching in 358 Juslén • ANN. BOT. FENNICI Vol. 43

Herbertus remains questionable. Schuster (1966, in which it was resolved in the same clade with 2000) has studied two species, the North Ameri- samples earlier identified as H. subdentatus. On can H. aduncus and the New Zealand H. alpinus the basis of this result they synonymized H. (= H. oldfieldianus synonymized by So 2003), azoricus with H. sendtneri, presumably regard- extensively. He reported rare lateral intercalary ing it as a uniform taxon and perhaps unaware branching in generic descriptions in both studies, of the taxonomic and nomenclatural confusion but again, I have coded it absent as not seen. surrounding material from the Azores. Only very recently have authors, eg. Schumacker and Váňa (2005) recognised the presence of two taxa in the On Herbertus Azores. Contrasting views as to their identity and nomenclature remain to be clarified and resolved Herbertus runcinatus alone was resolved as a (F. Rumsey pers. comm.). sister to the rest of the genus. Its distribution is South American H. subdentatus plants were restricted to Patagonia, Chile. The other spe- left without a name as Hodgetts (2003) argued cies sampled occur in two clades, one con- that the type specimen of H. subdentatus (Steph.) sisting of H. oldfieldianus from New Zealand, Fulford from Guyana is actually another species, four South American species and one species and that most of the South American and all Afri- from the Azores, and one comprising the rest can H. subdentatus auct. non (Steph.) Fulford of the genus. The latter clade includes species records should be placed under synonymy of H. occurring in Europe, North America, Asia, New dicranus. As the South American H. subdentatus Guinea, and Hawaii, and one species, H. sub- auct. is not closely related to H. dicranus, the dentatus auct. (= H. sendtneri sensu Feldberg et proposed transfer (Hodgetts 2003) to H. dicra- al. 2004), from South America. In the well-sup- nus is not supported by the present results. An ported (Bremer support 16) clade consisting of African sample of H. subdentatus is in the same the South American exemplars and the species unresolved group with a specimen of H. dicra- from the Azores, most members have a distinc- nus, but a more thorough study at this level is tive vitta that covers a large part of the basal needed in order to solve the relationships. In the leaf lamina, and that bifurcates only just below study based on nuclear ITS and 5.8S sequences the sinus. Slime papillae with conspicuously Feldberg et al. (2004) showed that South Ameri- long stalks are also characteristic for most of the can H. subdentatus auct. belong to the same species. Feldberg and Heinrichs (2005a) syno- clade as the “dicranus” type H. azoricus and H. nymized H. grossispinus with H. sendtneri based sendtneri from Austria. They identified all plants on morphology. However, in my phylogeny H. as H. sendtneri, a conclusion for which there is grossispinus appears in a well-supported clade some support in the results presented here, in of South American species. Herbertus sendtneri that H. subdentatus auct. non (Steph.) Fulford and ‘H. subdentatus’, which Feldberg et al. from South America is a sister to H. sendtneri. (2004) regard as synonymous, are in the largest The H. sendtneri specimen of the present study clade, mostly unresolved in the strict consensus. was collected from Bhutan, in the Himalayas. In It is not surprising that the specimen from the Feldberg and Heinrichs (2005b) the Bhutan plant Azores appears in the same clade as the South is called H. delavayi. However, Hattori (1966) American species, as it is very similar in its mor- synonymized H. delavayi with H. sendtneri, phology, especially to H. juniperoideus of the which is well-justified according to study of the same group. I have examined two kinds of Her- type specimens. Feldberg and Heinrichs (2005b) bertus specimens from the Azores, one resem- synonymized H. borealis with H. delavayi based bling H. juniperoideus, which was included in on their phylogeny, which did not support Hod- this study, and another that is closer to the H. gett’s (2003) synonymization of H. borealis with dicranus complex in its appearance (specimens H. dicranus. My results, in which H. sendtneri from the personal collection of F. Rumsey, BM). from Bhutan is a sister to ‘H. subdentatus’ from Most probably a plant of the latter type was South America, are different from those of Feld- included in the study of Feldberg et al. (2004), berg and Heinrichs (2005b), in which the Bhutan ANN. BOT. FENNICI Vol. 43 • Phylogeny of Vetaformaceae, Lepicoleaceae and Herbertaceae 359 specimen is sister to British H. borealis, and from the MES laboratory for sequencing and advice. I am H stramineus thankful to Lars Chatrou and Paul Maas who arranged for that clade to British . . The present me the possibility of working at Utrecht. Thanks are due to phylogeny does not include H. borealis and H. Jan Maas from the Laboratory of Molecular Plant Systemat- sendtneri from Austria. However, based on mor- ics of University of Utrecht for much help, and also to my phology, the species definition of Feldberg et al. colleagues from Utrecht, Roy Erkens and Michael Pirie, (2004) and Feldberg and Heinrichs (2005b) is who helped me in many ways in the lab. I thank Sanna Hut- tunen, Barbara Thiers and an anonymous referee, as well as broad, and the species concept should, I believe, Jaakko Hyvönen, Sinikka Piippo, Xiaolan He-Nygrén, and be tested with more variable markers. Fred Rumsey for many insightful suggestions for improving In the clade spanning H. gracilis and H. the manuscript. Fred Rumsey is thanked for correcting the stramineus many nodes are unresolved in the language. Filip Högnabba and Jarno Tuimala kindly helped strict consensus, but some sister species are me with the analyses. David Long, Fred Rumsey, David grouped together. Herbertus armitanus and H. Glenny, Kristian Hassel, and Starri Heiðmarsson provided specimens. circinatus (Bremer support 8) resemble each other in that both are large, with falcate leaves terminated by 4–7 or 2–5 uniseriate cells. In References addition, both have a strong vitta, and similar ranges in Indonesia, New Guinea, and the Philip- Ahonen, I. 2004: Molecular phylogeny of the liverwort pines. H. circinatus is easily distinguished as it order Porellales (, ). has unique, strongly circinate, leaves. However, — In: Goffinet, B., Hollowell, V. C. & Magill, R. E. for most of the sister species there are no obvi- (eds.), Molecular systematics of bryophytes: 168–188. Monogr Syst Bot Missouri Bot Garden ous morphological characters connecting them. . . . . 98. Bremer, K. 1994: Branch support and tree stability. — Cla- The Bremer support values for these clades are distics 10: 295–304. low, mostly four. Crandall-Stotler, B. & Stotler, R. E. 2000: Morphology and The present results support division of Her- classification of the Marchantiophyta. — In: Shaw, A. J. bertus into three major lineages. The isolated & Goffinet, B. (eds.), Bryophyte biology: 21–70. Cam- lineage of H. runcinatus; a second lineage cor- bridge Univ. Press, Cambridge. Doyle, J. J. & Doyle, J. L. 1990: Isolation of plant DNA from responding to the clade of mostly South Ameri- fresh tissue. — Focus 12: 13–15. can taxa; and a third lineage corresponding to Feldberg, K. & Heinrichs, J. 2005a: Some new synonyms of the large apical clade in Fig. 1. Formerly only Herbertus sendtneri (Nees) Lindb. (Jungermanniidae: Miller (1965) has attempted to divide Herbertus Herbertaceae) from the Neotropics. — Cryptog. Bryol. into subgroups, with the five sections. However, 26: 411–416. 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I sincerely thank Helena Nousiainen Fulford, M. & Taylor, J. 1959: Two new families of leafy 360 Juslén • ANN. BOT. FENNICI Vol. 43

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Appendix 1. Morphological characters and character states used in the analyses.

00. Terminal branching: 0 = absent, 1 = present 01. Lateral intercalary branching: 0 = absent, 1 = present 02. Ventral intercalary branching: 0 = absent, 1 = present 03. Branching: 0 = irregular, 1 = regular 04. Geotropic flagelliform branches: 0 = absent, 1 = present 05. Trigones in leaf cell walls: 0 = absent, 1 = present 06. Leaf apex shape: 0 = rounded, 1 = ending to a uniseriate cell row 07. Leaf division: 0 = absent, 1 = bifid, 2 = trifid, 3 = quadrifid, 4 = bisbifid, 5 = regularly bifid and trifid 08. Primary divisions of leaves: 0 = entire, 1 = laciniate 09. Leaf insertion: 0 = incubous, 1 = transverse, 2 = succubous 10. Slime papillae present in mature lateral leaf margins: 0 = absent, 1 = present 11. Slime papillae stalks: 0 = not stalked or shortly (1–2 cells), 1 = long-stalked (3+ cells) 12. Leaf margins: 0 = entire, 1 = toothed, 2 = ciliate 13. Leaf vitta: 0 = absent, 1 = present 14. Vitta bifurcation at basal lamina: 0 = clearly in upper part of basal lamina, 1 = in half or lower part of basal lamina 15. Secondary pigmentation: 0 = absent, 1 = present 16. Gynoecia position: 0 = on apex of main shoot, 1 = on apex of main shoot and on short lateral-intercalary branches, 2 = terminal on abbreviated lateral branches, 3 = on leading leafy axes 17. Female bracteoles: 0 = absent, 1 = present 18. Size of female bracts: 0 = similar or larger than vegetative leaves, 1 = considerably smaller than vegetative leaves 19. Perianth: 0 = absent, 1 = present 20. Shoot calyptra: 0 = absent, 1 = present 21. Antheridia in male bracteoles: 0 = absent, 1 = present 22. Isophylly: 0 = absent, 1 = present 23. Stem cortex: 0 = absent, 1 = present 24. Stem cross section: 0 = oval, 1 = flattened oval, 2 = rounded or somewhat triangular 25. Underleaves division: 0 = absent, 1 = bifid, 2 = regularly both bifid and trifid, 3 = quadrifid, 4 = bisbifid 26. Paraphyllia on stem: 0 = absent, 1 = present 362 Juslén • ANN. BOT. FENNICI Vol. 43

Appendix 2. Morphological character matrix.

Species 000000000011111111112222222 012345678901234567890123456

Blepharostoma trichophyllum 11100013011020-001?11010130 Chiloscyphus profundus 11100000020-00-011010000010 Hygrolembidium acrocladum 01101000-?0-00-041010000?00 Jungermannia leiantha 11000100-10-00-0?00100000-0 Plagiochila asplenioides 11000100-20-10-030010001000 Ptilidium pulcherrimum 10000115110-20-101010001010 Temnoma pilosum 10000113120-20-101011010030 Trichocolea tomentella 10010014120-20-031011000040 Dendromastigophora flagellifera 10010112000-10-121010101040 Herbertus acanthelius 001011110111010131010111010 Herbertus aduncus subsp. aduncus China 001011110110011131010111110 Herbertus aduncus subsp. aduncus USA 001011110110011131010111010 Herbertus aduncus subsp. hutchinsiae 001011110110011131010111010 Herbertus armitanus 001011110110011131010111010 Herbertus azoricus 001011110111010131010111010 Herbertus circinatus 001011110111011131010111010 Herbertus dicranus China 001011110110011131010111010 Herbertus dicranus Nepal 001011110110011131010111010 Herbertus divergens 001011110111011131010111010 Herbertus gracile 001011110110001131010111010 Herbertus grossispinus 001011110111010131010111010 Herbertus juniperoideus 001011110110010131010111010 Herbertus kurzii 001011110110011131010111010 Herbertus longifissus 001011110110011131010111010 Herbertus longispinus 001011110110011131010111010 Herbertus oldfieldianus 001011110110010131010111010 Herbertus pilifer 001011110110011131010111010 Herbertus ramosus 001011110110011131010111010 Herbertus runcinatus 001011110111010131010111010 Herbertus sendtneri 001011110110011131010111110 Herbertus sp1 001011110110011131010111010 Herbertus stramineus 001011110110011131010111010 Herbertus ‘subdentatus‘ Africa 001011110111010131010111010 Herbertus ‘subdentatus‘ South America 001011110111011131010111010 Lepicolea attenuata 10010114000-20-011101111040 Lepicolea ochroleuca 10010114100-20-011101111040 Lepicolea pruinosa 10010114100-20-011101111041 Lepicolea ramentifissa 10010114100-20-011101111041 Lepicolea rara 10010114000-20-011101111041 Lepicolea scolopendra 10010114000-21-011101111040 Mastigophora diclados 10010112000-20-121010111010 Mastigophora woodsii 10010112000-10-121010111010 Triandrophyllum heterophyllum 00101015000-00-131010111020 Triandrophyllum subtrifidum 00101015000-00-131010111020 Vetaforma dusenii 11100014010-00-031001110010

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