Translation Initiation of Bacteriophage Lambda Gene Cli Requires Integration Host Factor JAMAL MAHAJNA,1 AMOS B

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Translation Initiation of Bacteriophage Lambda Gene Cli Requires Integration Host Factor JAMAL MAHAJNA,1 AMOS B JOURNAL OF BACTERIOLOGY, Jan. 1986, p. 167-174 Vol. 165, No. 1 0021-9193/86//010167-08$02.00/0 Copyright © 1986, American Society for Microbiology Translation Initiation of Bacteriophage Lambda Gene clI Requires Integration Host Factor JAMAL MAHAJNA,1 AMOS B. OPPENHEIM,1 ALISON RATTRAY,2t AND MAX GOTTESMAN2t* Department of Molecular Genetics, The Hebrew University-Hadassah Medical School, Jerusalem, Israel,' and Laboratory ofMolecular Biology, National Cancer Institute, Bethesda, Maryland 208922 Received 20 June 1985/Accepted 2 October 1985 Escherichia coli integration host factor (IHF), a DNA-binding protein, positively regulates expression of the A, clI gene. Purified IHF stimulates cII protein synthesis in vitro, suggesting a direct role for host factor in cII expression. Further evidence for a direct role for IHF was obtained with operon and gene fusions between clI and lacZ or cII and galE. Analysis of these fusions ir vivo demonstrated that IHF is essential for the initiation of cIT translation. Replacement of the entire clI coding sequence with lacZ yielded a gene fusion which was still IHF dependent. However, a cIT-galE fusion carrying a hybrid ribosome binding region expressed galE in IHF mutants. These results indicate that sequences which make cll translation IHF dependent lie between the ribosome binding region and the initiating codon of cII. Failure to translate clI activates a transcription terminator located within cIT and results in polar effects on downstream transcription. This polarity is suppressed by the A N antitermination function. When cloned into another contest, the terminator is active in both wild-type and IHF mutant strains. The amino terminus of clI is located near an IHF binding site in a region with considerable dyad symmetry. The role of IHF in cII translation may be to prevent formation of an RNA-RNA duplex that sequesters the ribosome binding site of cII. The binding of IHF might influence RNA structure by altering the rate of the dissociation of RNA from the DNA template. Integration host factor (IHF) of Escherichia coli is a MATERIALS AND METHODS heterodimeric protein composed of two small basic polypeptides, the products of the himA and hip genes (8, 15, Bacterial strains. E. coli strains were derivatives of E. coli 18, 19). It is directly required for the integration and excision Xl from the National Institutes of Health collection (21). of bacteriophage lambda from the bacterial chromosome Strains A2004 and A2062 are derivatives of strain Xl that (29). IHF promotes X site-specific recombination by binding carry the defective prophage A c1857 Nam7 53ABAMAHI and K DNA at three sites near the phage attachment site (5). K c1857 N+ ABAMAHI, respectively (12; numbered N4830 E. coli IHF- mutants also display defects in the regulation and N4831, respectively). The hip-157 and himA83 mutations of certain bacterial and phage genes (9, 11). The cII gene of were introduced by P1 cotransduction with a TnJO K is not expressed in the absence of IHF (14, 21). An IHF tetracycline resistance marker. Initial plasmid transforma- binding site is located immediately upstream of cII (5), tions were performed in strain A2097, a C600 derivative, suggesting a direct role for the factor in cIT expression (Fig. carrying the K cI857 ABAMAHI prophage and the lacZ XA21 1). Consistent with this idea is the demonstration that cII deletion. synthesis in a coupled transcription-translation system is Plasmids. Plasmids containing lacZ operon and gene fu- IHF dependent (this work and reference 23). sions were constructed with pMLB1010 and pMLB1034, Surprisingly, the role of IHF in cIT expression in vivo respectively; these are lacY- derivatives of Casadaban appears to be posttranscriptional; in a cII-galK operon strains (4; M. Berman, personal communication). Plasmid fusion, IHF is required for cIT but not for galactokinase pJM1016 (Table 1) was constructed by inserting a BglII BglII synthesis (14). In this manuscript we present evidence, DT9A fragment of pKC30cII (26) into pMLB1010. Note that based on the analyses of operon and gene fusions, that pKC30cII carries the cy3048 mutation, an A-to-G change (A confirms and extends that of Hoyt et al. (14). Our data coordinate 38350) between the Shine-Delgarno and ATG suggest that IHF is directly required for the initiation of clI sequences of cIT. The resulting plasmid carries OL PL nutL translation. N' nutR tRl cIT O' trpA lacZ. X' indicates that only the Failure to translate cII can lead to secondary polar effects amino-terminal portion of the gene is present. This synthetic on the transcription of downstream genes. This polarity operon expresses the cII, trpA, and lacZ proteins. Plasmids results from premature transcription termination at a site pJM1028 and pJM1039 were constructed as follows: Plasmid near the carboxy terminus of cIT. pJL6 (16) was cleaved with HindII, and the four-base recess We propose a model in which IHF binding near the was filled by Klenow large-fragment DNA polymerase. The beginning of cII prevents the formation of RNA duplex plasmid was then cleaved with PstI and ligated to pMLB1034 structures that occlude the ribosome binding site of the clI that had been previously digested with PstI and EcoRI, and transcript. treated with Klenow DNA polymerase as above. The result- ing plasmid, pJM1039, carries OL PL nutL N' nutR tRl clI' 'lacZ and produces a cII'-'lacZ fusion protein. A BamHI site at the and a PstI * Corresponding author. restriction located cII'-'lacZ junction t Present address: Department of Microbiology and Immunology, site in bla were used to replace the gene fusion with the SC-42, University of Washington, Seattle, WA 98195. trpA-lacZ operon fusion from pMLB1010, creating t Present address: Columbia University, Institute of Cancer Re- pJM1028. search, New York, NY 10032. Construction of pJM1019 was performed as follows: a 167 168 MAHAJNA ET AL. J. BACTERIOL. vwt4J'v pE N .QNVVA^pL cl 4AvVVopM cro nutR tRl cil 0 It O., pR%^^Ab. 0-11 .-Il 1.11, .-Il .--l 0-11 .01, a-1 .-a, .0-~ -- -..- .00 -t 2 t3 aollO-, i - I - N of TGGTGTATGCATTTATTTGCATACATTCAATCAATTGTTATCTAAGGAAATACTTACATATGGTTCGTGCAAACAAACGCAACGA ACCACATACGTAAATAAACGTATGTAAGTTAGTTAACAATAGATTCCTTTATGAATGTATACCAAGCACGTTTGTTTGCGTTGCT IHF binding region pE FIG. 1. Genetic map of the early gene region of phage A and the sequence around the clI initiation codon. The top line denotes the location of the early promoters PL and PR, which are negatively regulated by the cI repressor. The clI protein activates PE to initiate transcription of the cI repressor. Once repression is established, the cI repressor activates its own synthesis from PM (for a recent review, see reference 13). The lower portion of Fig. 1 shows the DNA sequence around the cII ribosome binding site. Sequence complementary to the 3' end of 16S RNA is shown in bold letters; the cII ATG initiation codon (at A coordinate bp 38360) is underlined, as is the IHF binding sequence (5). Dyad symmetries are marked by convergent arrows. Possible transcription termination sites for the PR transcript are indicated. All plasmids carrying the cy region described below contain the cy3048 mutation, an A-to-G change 10 bp upstream of the initiator ATG of cII. 189-base-pair (bp) Sau3a fragment (A coordinates 38475 to RI-HincIl fragment indicates unambiguously the orientation 38664) carrying the carboxy terminus of cII was isolated of the clI Sau3a fragment. from pAO41 (22) and inserted into pSC1. Plasmid pSC1 was Media and epzymes. Bacteria were grown in M56 medium constructed by the insertion of a HaeIII fragment carrying ?t supplemented with glycerol (0.5%), yeast extract (0.05%), PL? also isolated from pAO41, into a filled-in EcoRI site of amino acids (20-,g/ml; omitting methionine and cysteine), pMLB1010, upstream of the trpA-lacZ fusion. This X PL thiamine (0.005%), biotin (0.005%), and ampicillin (20 fragment carries OL PL and nutL, but does not include the ,g/ml). Enzymes were obtained from New England Biolabs translation initiation signal of gene N. The orientation of the and Bethesda Research Laboratories. Extracts for in vitro PL insert was determined by sequencing from a BglII site. translation were purchased from the Codon Co., Houston, The orientation of the Sau3a fragment present in pJM1019 Tex. was determined by restriction analysis. Plasmid pJM1019 Enzyme assays. P-Galactosidase assays were as described was cleaved with EcoRI and HincII, and the EcoRI sites by Miller (20). UDP-galactose 4-epimerase (galE) assays (which flank the PL fragment) were labeled with [a-32P]dATP were as described by Wilson and Hogness (30); galacto- using the Klenow fragment of DNA polymerase. The radio- kinase (galK) assays were as described by Adhya et al. (2). active DNA was then analyzed by electrophoresis on a 10% Analysis of protein synthesis. Strains carrying the various polyacrylamide gel and subjected to autoradiography. The plasmids were grown in supplemented minimal medium at HincII site is located asymmetrically within the fragment, 30°C to an optical density at 650 nm of 0.3. Induction was toward the amino terminus of cII. Thus, the size of the performed by transferring the culture to 42°C. At various time intervals, 200-,Il samples were labeled with 5 ,uCi of [35S]methionine (New England Nuclear Corp.) for 1 min, and incorporation was terminated by freezing in a liquid nitrogen TABLE 1. Summary of plasmid fusions' bath. The samples were then treated with 10% (wt/vol) Plasmid Genetic elements Fusion trichloroacetic acid for 15 min at 0°C. The precipitated pJM1016 PL nutL N' nutR tRl clI O' trpA lacZ Operon proteins were collected by a 10-min centrifugation in a pJM1028 PL nutL N' nutR tRl clI' trpA lacZ Operon microfuge, suspended in sample buffer, boiled for 3 min, pJM1039 PL nutL N' nutR tRI clI' 'lacZ Gene subjected to electrophoresis on a 10 to 26% sodium dodecyl pJM1019 PL nutL clI' trpA lacZ Operon sulfate-polyacrylamide gradient gel, and autoradiographed pJM1021 PL nutL N' trpA lacZ Operon as described by Shimatake and Rosenberg (26).
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