2 microespectroscopía infrarroja con radiación sincrotrón AN INFRARED MICROSPECTROSCOPY BEAMLINE FOR ALBA A proposal to the S.A.C. March 2009 Cover photo: Courtesy of NASA. Helix Nebula, NGC 7293. For more information go to http://hubblesite.org/newscenter/archive/releases/2003/11/ 2 microespectroscopía infrarroja con radiación sincrotrón AN INFRARED MICROSPECTROSCOPY BEAMLINE FOR ALBA Prepared by: Gary Ellis (CSIC) Institute of Polymer Science & Technology (ICTP) CSIC, c/ Juan de la Cierva 3, 28006 Madrid, Spain
[email protected] Tel: (+34) 912587499 Fax: (+34) 915644853 Contributions from: Paul Dumas Synchrotron SOLEIL, France Eric Pellegrin CELLS Experimental Division, Spain Eshraq Al‐Dmour CELLS Engineering Division, Spain Marek Grabski CELLS Engineering Division, Spain Llibert Ribó Mor CELLS Engineering Division, Spain Acknowledegments Zulima Martín ICTP, Spain Gonzalo Santoro ICTP, Spain Scientific Cases by: 42 scientists (see Appendix IV) Preface The miras2 initiative started in 2007, and has now developed into the present proposal for a phase II beamline for the new Spanish Synchrotron Facility ALBA; this has been initiated from the interest and support of many scientists from a wide range of disciplines, with very different approaches to fundamental research and problem‐solving in their respective areas. One of the key issues that motivate many of these researchers was the ability to obtain useful information from very small sample domains. To some, Synchrotron Infrared Microspectroscopy (SIRMS) is a completely original technique, to others it represents a significant advance over previous limitations in IR microspectroscopy, but to many it offers a powerful and versatile solution that allows them to successfully approach previously inaccessible problems, with important consequences for the consolidation of knowledge in a wide range of scientific disciplines.