BEAMTIME News from Canada’s national laboratory for particle and nuclear physics spriNg 2015 | Volume 12 issue 1 Celebrating inside this issue 40 Years of Beam 04 ForTY Years oN 06 FirsT 40 Years at TriumF oF TriumF sCieNCe 08 Ariel e-liNaC 10 ariel sCieNCe program 12 NeWs & aNNouNCemeNTs 14 ProFile Michael Craddock 15 CommerCializaTioN spring Editor: marcello pavan Production: serengeti Design group Beamtime is available online at: publicationsgallery/newsletter Inquiries or comments to:
[email protected] © 2015 TRIUMF Beamtime All Rights Reserved TriumF 4004 Wesbrook Mall Vancouver, BC V6T 2A3 Canada +1 604 222 1047 telephone +1 604 222 1074 fax To obtain Beamtime by PDF, sign up at info/triumf-publications TRIUMF is funded by a contribution through the National Research Council of Canada. The province of British Columbia provides capital funding for the construction of buildings for the TRIUMF Laboratory. Director’s VoiCe 3 Jonathan Bagger | Director, TRIUMF Forty Years of reliability Just imagine the excitement and sense of achievement that must have swept through TRIUMF forty years ago, when TRIUMF’s rich the first beam was extracted from the main cyclotron! “history serves An extraordinary feat of engineering, TRIUMF’s 500 MeV cyclotron remains at the as a foundation heart of the laboratory. A machine so robust that it continues to drive cutting-edge on which to build science some four decades later, even being recognized as an Engineering Milestone by the IEEE. new capabilities And that first beam really was just the beginning.