STANFORD LINEAR ACCELERATOR CENTER Winter 1997, Vol. 27, No.4 A PERIODICAL OF PARTICLE PHYSICS Fermilab Media Services Visual WINTER 1997 VOL. 27, NUMBER 4 FOREWORD 2 Burton Richter Editors RENE DONALDSON, BILL KIRK Contributing Editors FEATURES MICHAEL RIORDAN, GORDON FRASER JUDY JACKSON, PEDRO WALOSCHEK 4 INTERNATIONAL COOPERATION: Editorial Advisory Board THE SINE QUA NON FOR THE FUTURE GEORGE BROWN, LANCE DIXON OF HIGH ENERGY PHYSICS JOEL PRIMACK, NATALIE ROE The DOE’s new Associate Director of High ROBERT SIEMANN, GEORGE TRILLING Energy and Nuclear Physics discusses the KARL VAN BIBBER promise and problems of international Illustrations scientific collaboration. TERRY ANDERSON S. Peter Rosen Distribution 12 RETROSPECTIVES ON INTERNATIONAL CRYSTAL TILGHMAN COLLABORATION Four different perspectives on international collaboration in high energy physics are presented. Gordon Fraser The Beam Line is published quarterly by Hirotaka Sugawara the Stanford Linear Accelerator Center, PO Box 4349, Stanford, CA 94309. Alexander N. Skrinsky Telephone: (650) 926-2585 INTERNET:
[email protected] Zhou Guang-Zhao FAX: (650) 926-4500 Issues of the Beam Line are accessible electronically on the World Wide Web at 20 U.S. COLLABORATION pubs/beamline. SLAC is operated by Stanford University ON THE LHC PROJECT under contract with the U.S. Department of Energy. The opinions of the authors do not necessarily reflect the A member of the U.S. collaboration, who has policy of the Stanford Linear Accelerator Center. been involved since its beginnings, discusses the history of the Large Hadron Collider and its importance to U.S. particle physics. George Trilling 27 THE ATLAS INNER DETECTOR The U.S.