
AJEV & Catalyst black-foot disease community profiling Blanc Du Bois composition Key Words blended Concord consumer acceptance A consumer behavior abscisic acid Brettanomyces consumer characterization abscission bud dormancy consumer sensory preferences acetic acid bacteria bud fruitfulness cool activated carbon bunch rot copper formulation Agrobacterium bush fire copper treatment airborne fungi cordon wire tension Albariño C alcohol amino acid Corot noir ampelography canonical variate analysis cover crop analysis crop coefficient anion exchange canopy management crop level anthocyanin carbohydrate reserve crop price anthocyanin biosynthesis carbohydrates crop removal anthracnose carbon isotope ratio cross-flow antimicrobial peptide carbon storage cross-flow filtration arabinogalactan-protein crown gall aroma carotenoids cultivar biomarker ascorbic acid catechol cultivar identification atypical aging cation exchange resins cumulative model authentication Cylindrocarpon Cesanese Cynthiana B cesium cytokinin β-damascenone β-galactosidase changes in during ripening D β-glucosidase dagger nematode Bacillus. sp. Daktulosphaira vitifoliae bacterial endophytes chemical composition dealcoholized wine balanced deficit irrigation chloride exclusion degree day -aged chloroplast descriptive analysis bentonite chlorosis disease resistance benzothiadiazole chromatography dissolved oxygen antioxidant capacity clay distillation berry composition climate diurnal temperature berry dehydration climate change diversity berry closure DNA berry development cluster exposure DNA extraction berry exposure cluster morphology berry firmness cluster shading dormancy release berry maturation cluster structure berry maturity cluster thinning drip irrigation berry quality CO2 berry cofermentation E berry size cold hardiness economic berry temperature cold soak egg white berry weight color electrodialysis biocapsule immobilization color stability electronic nose biodiversity color stabilization elemental composition elemental sulfur exchange humid environment Elsinoë ampelina gelatin hydrogen sulfide Empoasca fabae genetic diversity hydrostatic pressure epicuticular genetic identification hydroxycinnamic acid Erysiphe necator genetic origin hyperosmotic stress ester genetic structure estimation genetic variability I ethanol genotype icewine ethanol removal geographic origin identification ethyl carbamate germplasm analysis impact of salt ethylphenol Gewürztraminer in-line measurement Eutypa gibberellic acid ion exchange evapotranspiration girdling iron exchange resin glass shape irrigation extended global positioning systems irrigation crop load extraction glutathione irrigation scheduling glycerol irrigation trial F Graciano isinglass Fenton reaction berry abscission fermentation dynamics grape composition J fermentation temperature grape cultivar fertilization grape dehydration juice blend fertilizer recovery efficiency grape growth field evaluation grape marc K filtration grape production Koshu fining grape ripeness fining agent grape ripening L flavonoid grape seed laccase flavonol grape stem lactic acid flavor grape lacic acid bacteria flesh firmness grapevine land use floor management grapevine breeding area foliar application grapevine cultivar leaf area index foliar urea grapevine germplasm analysis leaf area to fruit ratio forced oxidation grapevine leafroll disease leaf blade forchlorfenuron grapevine nutrition leaf disc forchlorfenuron metabolic profile Graphocephala atropunctata leaf hopper free sulfur dioxide measurement green aroma compound leaf morphology freeze Grk cultivars leaf position freeze stress guaiacol leaf removal freeze tolerance leafroll disease Frontenac H leafroll virus haloanisole lees fruit composition Hanseniaspora vineae loam fruit uniformity date fungal inhibition harvest time cold acclimation fungal susceptibility headspace oxygen M fungi health maceration extended heat shock malic acid G heterogeneity Galician cultivars hexose gas high-pressure homogenization mannoprotein gas chromatography high-pressure hot water mass spectrometry gas detection host suitability matrix effects mechanical winter pruning nutrient status polyphenol mechanization nutritional diagnosis polyphenol autoxidation mercaptans polyphenoloxidase 3-mercaptohexan-1-ol O

Merlot O2 Popillia japonica Mesocriconema xenoplax population dynamics metal chelation oak barrel postharvest dehydration methoxypyrazine oak chips potato leafhopper methoxypyrazine biosynthesis odor impact compound powdery mildew methyl bromide odor-active compound practices methyl jasmonate Oenococcus oeni preference microbial populations oenotannin primary bud necrosis off-flavor removal Primitivo microclimatic indices olfactory perception proanthocyanidins microoxygenation oligosaccharide propagation microsatellite origin protein microsatellite genotyping oxidation protein fining microwave oxygen protein stabilization microwave maceration oxygen consumption rate pruning Monastrell oxygen ingress rate pulsed electric field treatment monoterpenes oxygen uptake mulching material R Muscadinia P raffinose mycorrhizal communities particle film raisin mycorrhizal fungi Passito reactive oxygen species patulin N PCR detection red N fertilization Pectinase reductive N fertilizer Pedro Jimenez regulated deficit irrigation N fertilizer recovery Penicillium reproductive performance N, P, K supply peptide residual Nanofiltration performance resistance allele nanooxygenation persistence resveratrol narrow-band spectral reflectance petiole composition rhamnolipid natural cork stoppers petiole electrical potential near-infrared spectroscopy pH ring nematode Phaeoacremonium nematode phenol ripeness estimation Nero d’Avola phenolic acid ripening NIR phenolics ripening NIR-AOTF spectroscopy phenology nitrogen 2-phenylethyl acetate rootstock breeding nitrogen fertilization photoperiod regime rootstock effect nitrogen status fermentation rootstock resistance nitrogen supplementation physiology Rugose wood complex noninvasive identification phytic acid non-Saccharomyces yeast Pichia (Wickerhamomyces) S nonvolatile compound Pierce’s disease Saccharomyces cerevisiae nonvolatile flavor compound salinity norisoprenoid salinity detection threshold normalized difference vegetation growth regulators sampling protocols index (NDVI) Plasmopara viticola sand Norton pollination dynamics nutrient polymeric pigment sanitation volatile compounds SELDI-TOF-MS tannin evolution volatile thiols Semillon Teinturier cultivar VSP semi-minimal-pruned hedge senescence texture W sensory thermal treatment waste recovery sensory discrimination thermovinification water deficit sensory threshold thinning water footprint sequential mixed fermentation thiol precursors water movement sharpshooter thiols water potential sharpshooter spread Thompson Seedless water status mapping shipping tillage water status Shiraz analysis water stress shoot and cluster thinning tissue carbohydrates water use shoot positioning toast level white wine shoot thinning trace element whole canopy shoot thinning harvest date training systems wine shoot trimming Traminette wine aging size uniformity transpiration wine aroma smoke exposure trellising system SNP analysis trichloroanisole (TCA) wine classification sodium chloride trunk diameter wine composition trunk disease wine expertise soil salinity wine fining U wine oxidation spatial analysis ultrasonics wine pigments spatial distribution uniformity of ripeness wine salinity spectroscopy urea wine stabilization spontaneous fermentation Uva Longanesi wine taste spray coverage wine volatile compounds stabilization V stave vacuole winery fungi stilbene storage vegetative growth X submerged cap vinification Vidal Xiphinema 3-sulfanyl-1-hexanol vine identity Xiphinema index sulfite vine nutrient status sulfur vine water status sulfur compounds vine-to-vine variance Y sulfur dioxide efficiency yeast sulfur off-odor vineyard management yeast assimilable nitrogen (YAN) sulfur residue persistence vineyard microclimate yeast ecology sunlight exclusion yeast immobilization sunlight exposure virus yeast inactivation sunlight penetration virus disease elimination yeast lees supertaster vis/NIR yeast metabolism surface area viticultural impact yeast strain viticultural practice yield Vitis yield estimation T Vitis aestivalis yield prediction table grape Vitis californica yield, grapevine table grape flesh firmness Vitis genotypes table grape metabolic profile Z volatile composition zirconium dioxide