INUVIALUIT Katujjiniq Unikkausittinnik 2

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INUVIALUIT Katujjiniq Unikkausittinnik 2 IILIHAUTILLAUTarukługI ILIHAUTȓIGUMING NAUTCHIUQTINGA IKAYUQTINGALU UNIKKAUSIVUT ; AVIKTUARLUGI QULIAQTUAVUT HIVUBIRIRIKPUT Katujjiniq Unikkausittinnik INUVIALUIT Katujjiniq Unikkausittinnik 2 IILIHAUTILLAUTarukługI ILIHAUTȓIGUMING NAUTCHIUQTINGA IKAYUQTINGALU UNIKKAUSIVUT ; AVIKTUARLUGI QULIAQTUAVUT HIVUBIRIRIKPUT MATKUNUNA ILIHAQTUAT MALIRUTANGIT Matkunuuna Unikkusivut: aviktuarniq Quliatuanik kangiqhipkainiarniq 3-4 Matkunuuna Ilihaqtuatigun Malirutaliat 3-4 Nautchiuqtaq Hivuliq1: Ilihaqtuat Inuuniarnimik Taraliakun ukuatlu 8-10 hivunikȓat 3-4 Nautchiuqtaq tugliq 2: Tariumi Inuit, Aipaarnihaq Nunamiutatlu 3-4 Qimilriuqtat hivuliq 1: Iliharniq aipaarnihakkun taraliakkun 8tun 10tun aviktuarnivut quliaqtuat hivuniqaqtut. 3-4 Qimilriuqtat 2: Tariumi Inuit, Aipaani inuuniarningat nunamiutat 3-4 HIVULIQ 1: IIHAQTUAT INUUNIARNIMIK APIPAANITUN TARALIURUTIKUN 8NIK 10NIKLU HIVUNIQHAQTUT. Inuuqatigiilautarniq-Pilautarniq inungnun, aimaqailiniq munarilautarlugi ataȓamik Inuit 3-4 Tunngananiq – Una ililugu ilitquhilautaq kinaliqaa parlayuminaarlugit 3-4 Piliriqatigiiniq – atatauchikun havangniq tutqikhainiaqhuting 3-4 Avatimik kamatiarniq-munarilugi pimarikharlugi nuna, nirȓutit avataani nunamiutat 3-4 Pilimmaksarniq – Naunmuktuqtuat ilihaqtuat qiniqtuaqhuting, ikayuinirmik ilihaqtuat 3-4 Qanuqturunnarniq – Pmarikarniq inungnik 3-4 Aajiiqatigiigniq – Ihumaliurniq – Hivuniurniq uqaqhuting 3-4 Pijitsirniq - Ikayuiȓuat nutarariingnik matkaulu inauȓaniitua 3-4 TUGLIQ 2- TARIUMI INUIT, AIPAARNIHAT NUNAIUTATLU Inuit inuuhingit aipaani 3-4 Inuit inuuniarningit 3-4 Taiumi ilitchuriniaqtuat nunamiutani 3-4 Atlangnguqtuam hapiqȓaliqtitangit maani nunaptingni 3-4 HAVAUTARINIAQTAT 3-4 NALUNAIQTAT 3-4 UVANIITTUT 1: Aipaani inuuniarniq, Huinaliqpauȓakangaa ilihariataqnim 3-4 2: Quliaqtuat qaqhauȓauȓanunn quliaqtuarninik katimatiginiq 3-4 3: 10tun iliȓat tautuktuarnat nunaȓangnguamun 3-4 4: Nunauȓangat inuit nunanganni 3-4 Katujjiniq Unikkausittinnik 3 IILIHAUTILLAUTarukługI ILIHAUTȓIGUMING NAUTCHIUQTINGA IKAYUQTINGALU UNIKKAUSIVUT ; AVIKTUARLUGI QULIAQTUAVUT HIVUBIRIRIKPUT ILITCHURIAK AK AT Una pinarnapiaqtuq, Uniqȓuutit katitatngit ilitchurinaqtuq inuuniarnin- ȓ ȓ gat hivuliipta pangmalu inuuniarnikput atuliriput aipaani inuuniarniq Uqautchingani inuit, una ittuq ‘’ unuiqhuutivut ‘’ una mumiktininga quliaqtua- piguqhailivelugu uvaptingniitutq inuuhiq inuuhiptingni. Taraliuqtit kati- vut hiaklugu, Aipaapak, Inuit inuuniarningat inuhiat uqarnikkun kihian tangit piharnapiaqtuq iliȓaq kangiqhinaq inuuniarniq hinikhaqtuarȓiȓq ilitchuripkaiȓaqtut. Uqaqhuting ilitchuripkaiȓaqtut uqaqhinaatchimingnik aglaan piiguqayarnialaan pigurnaitchuq. Inuuniarniqput taitnaittuq at- hivuniqting quliararigaat; Quliaqtuaqhaming uȓiqȓuhuting aipaarnihaq languraluaqtilugu inuuniarniqput taitna huli inuuniaqtugutmaani nunami. quliararigaa inuuniarningit ingilaraan inuit, kinguvaavut uȓiqhautivlugi Uniqȓuutivut kaititchiugaqtuq huli inuuniarniptingnik ilihaakȓanik piguqhun- hivunikȓiuruugait. Quliaqtuakkun ingilaraanihaq hagviqtuarȓihuuȓuq inillu giluta inuuniarniptingnik, hinikhaqtitkailigaat inuuniarnikput quliaqtuatikun quliaqtuarimatigi, una quliaqtuakun hagviqtuarȓiȓaqtuq ingilaaraan inuuhiq. uvaptingnun ilitchuritquvluta, hungurukutalu. Qangaqiuȓaq inuit quliaqtualiangi hinikarmatuurȓiȓuat. Nalunaqtuam inu- Pam Gross uhim atalnguqarataraat nuunaming inauȓanun aulaaqhimaugangaiqhuting Kitikmeot Heritage Society inmiguaqtuarnami . Tavȓanga ahiin inuit himauhiqniagaqhigait inuuhin- git, qanurliqaa uukturahuting hivunmunagutiȓut inuuhingit, Atlanguutim hapiqȓaliqraat inuuhingit uqauhimik paqinaitchuq quliaqtuat aipaarnihat aturrniarutingit atlangurniq inuuhiq. Ilinirmaȓung taraliaq Inuit inmiktigun uqautchiq nutaanurmatun iligaat aviktuarnimun iligat inuuhiqting inuuniarniktinglu aipaarnihaq pangmalu inuuniarniq . Taraliam tautuktuaqtitkaat aipaarnihat qanuq inuuniaru- tingit aipaani hivuliipta ilitchurikaqłuta ahiin nutaamik inuuhimik pang- ma. Kamingingnun anaanapta ataataplu hivunikȓaqpot qiniqtuarlugu (pangma inuuhiqput), ihumanaitchuamik tautukayaqtugut, Ilauȓaavut tupini inuuniaqaqhuting (tents) iglunilu (snow houses) uunaaktuamun atȓamiun aimavinikhuting takpavanirmiutun hunikliqaa imiqtamik . At- languraluaqtilugu, mana pigulaitkikput inuuniarnikput taimangaqanga, aglauȓaatikun, quliaqtuatikun inuuniarutiptingnik. Nunakput ikaaqhaqlugu tarralitigun aqapiȓingit (NFB) Uniqhautvut : Avituarlugi KIRMIUT INUUHINGIT AIPAANI: QLULIaqTUAVUT quliaqtuavut huaguuq tutqurumaivut inuit inuuniarutingit nnuuhingillu atlan- HIAKLUGI TAITNA HIVUNIQPUT gutingatlu inuuhiq aipaani pangmalu inuuhiqput inuuniarnipta qanuhirautinga 70tun ukiuni. Una uniqhuutivit ilitchurihimaȓugut atlanguqtuaq inuuhiqput Inuit aipaanihaarȓuk ilihimapkarniararigait quliaqtuatigun huȓarautingitimiglu pangma nutaaq inuuhiq aturikput. Inuit inuuhinganni, ilihaqtugut inuuniarni- aipaarnihanik qaangiqtitaihuuȓut quliaqtuatigun tautuktuaqtilugilu quliaqtu- mik ilinniqput utuqhanaanin ataataptingnin atukangat ivirniarariikp hivunipta aqaming uȓiqavluting timimingnik . Ikaaqhaaqlugu nuna Kanatami (NFB) tuvliangat ilapta qiniqtuaqlugi. Ihumauȓaraqtunga hivumuktugut maliktuarikput ivaqługu tamaqhailihuklugu taralikun qiniqtuatchitchuugaat. Uumani 70ni taraliatigun, pilahipkaraatigut una ilihauȓiniq atlanun ilitchuktuanun. Umani ukiuni, Ukuat (NFBKUt) una iligaat agilłaaqtuamik taralianin ikaaqhaaqlug itauq Uniqhuutini taraliami igluliurnimik ilihatuat, ilangat, hunikliqaa ilihalaȓut nuna taraliuqhimagait inuit huȓarautinginnk. Matkua huli hiakkait 100tun matkuningalu iqihaahuta ilihautiȓarigaatigut taitna ilitchuktuat ililaȓut. kiaq aipaarnihat quliaqtuangit tautungnaqtuanik huliunguaqhutimng inuit huȓarauȓaqtitlugi Kanata ikaaqhaqlugu atlallu nunat. Ukuat NFBiitkut Aipaarnihat minguliuȓaqhuting quliaqtuaraqtut aglauȓalaitchul luuniin ag- tuquqtangi Tariumin katitangi taraliat inugiakhiinaqtut, ilauqtanik 12hipiqlugu lautailuting maqpiraailutinglu. Uqahinaqhuting, ilihautȓiȓaqtut taimani nutaanik taraliufaaqhimaȓut. ihumałrihinarmingnik ilihauȓiȓaqtut qaangiqtararigaat inuuhiqting. Makuninga tarikuatauȓanik atuqhuting quliaqtuating tuqquahigait ahiin unuilahivlugi Uuniqȓutivut himiritaaqlugi quliaqtuavut Inuit tautauktuakun –naalaktu- nutaguȓuanun tuqqurvingnun ikaaqhaqlugu nunapayaaq tuhalagivlugi ilitchuri- alahivlugi iligait Taralianun Ikaaqhaaqlugu kanatami katimaȓingiha. Nuna huktuat talavisikun qaqihauȓatikun atutuktualahivlugi. Qiniqtuaqtuni taraliat taraliurait aipaarnihat inuunhingit Inuit atautchikun havakhutng Tangungit- inuit ilitchurikarigait piguqtilaitkai ihumaluutaitchuat inuuniarnit, Taapkua inuit chuat havaktingit maani Nunaptingni havaktuat Kanatami, ukuatlu kavamat inuuniangitchuat aipaanitun, ilitchuriniaqtut ingilaraan inuuniaruhinginnik Nunavutmi Ilihaqtuanik munaqȓingiha, ukaut inuktitun ihuit katimaȓingillu hivuliipta. Kangiqhihiȓut inuuniaruhinginnik qanuq inuit pilutnginnik hapir- ukuatlu Inuit Taipiriit Kanatami. naraluaqtilugu inuuniarutikting ilitchuripararigaatigut kihuutilaapta uvatingnun Tutqurnaqtuanun taralianun unq uutit: Aumitaararivut quialtuavut pilagihi ilitchurihi, huurlu maaniitpita huli inuuhiqput atuqlugu tigumivlugulu. Aipaani ȓ malrungni ittut kigiunau angni pingahut tauq qiniqtuarnanun ilihimagait inuunirningat hiviliipta tkitqayau araikput qinituaqlugu Uniq uutipta katitan- ȓ ȓ ȓ 24tun aglaan NFB miim tarralianginun. Qaqihau ani paqinaqtut, Kana- ginni, huli hivulivut inuuniaqatigimatun itkivut qiniqtuaqaptigi taraliangit ai- ȓ tami hagviqhila ut 60ti hikilugu rarlianik Taniktun . frenchtun . Inuktitunlu, paarnihat nalaktuaqaptigilu quliaqtuangit ukuat piliangit NFBkut naatangit. ȓ Inmiktigun uqauhimiktitun mumiktitanik Hihamani iniqpangngini Inuit Utimun qinirnata hivumun kihian taitna inuuniayaq tuaguungngaruta hivuli- kanatami piliyuqtanganni. iptitun piqpagilugu kamaqtuarȓilugu inuuniaqtangat hapirnaqtuaq taitna inu- uniaqta inupta atuakȓangannik ilihaaȓaliurlugit ilitaptingnik. Katujjiniq Unikkausittinnik 4 IILIHAUTILLAUTarukługI ILIHAUTȓIGUMING NAUTCHIUQTINGA IKAYUQTINGALU UNIKKAUSIVUT ; AVIKTUARLUGI QULIAQTUAVUT HIVUBIRIRIKPUT Humavailuni ilihimahuktuanik una aulaqipkaraat angmaqtitkaat 2011mi Una tuglia malirutakȓaliam matkuninga ilitchuriakȓat huamaȓuaq- atlaniklu ihumagikangannik taralianik hagviquȓiȓuat inuugiaktuanik taral- ilahautȓitikȓaq qiliriuqtanigit Tariumi Inuit, aipaarnihat inuunarutingit ianginnik iliharvingni atuakȓanik. Kigiunaȓami ittuat nalunairikangit pin- huȓarautingit. Una piguumatqungitkaat huȓarautikting, uqautigiligu apiqutan- arnapiaqtuat inuuniarningit aipaani tavȓa ahiin ihagutiȓaut atunagutivlugi nik taraliakun kangiqhilakanganik 12tun ukiuglgit. Tavȓa taapkua ihumagipi- iliharvingni ilihautȓitigihaqlugi taraliat. Ukuat ikayuqtigiikhuting Kavamang- arait tainatun uuqalgit ilangit taraliat natarauȓanun tautuktuagakȓaungitchut nik Nunavutmi iliharvinginun kigiunauȓanik iliqilaaȓuat tarliamingnik mikiȓuuȓanun. Ilihauȓiȓuat qimilriuqhaarlugu taraliaq tautuktuaqtilagaat hut iliharvingnun ikaaqhaaqlugu nunakting naatamingnik taralianik Unniqȓuutit tautuktuagakȓangilaan piirlugi kavyanaqtuat iliharvingmi tautuktuagakȓangat. kigiunauȓalaanik Netsilik Inuit Tuktu piliangit NFB taraliat Inuinaqtun mumiktitanik Natsilikmiutun, Ukuat ikayutigivlugi Ilihaqtuanik angalatchiȓit Ilitchuriakȓat malrungnik ilauraat iliahakȓanginun malirutaliamingnun qaqhauȓatikun pilahivlugi. Ukuat Unniqȓautit kigiunaȓanik iluqainun hiakait ilihaqtuat ilitquvlugi tariuq aglauȓaqtaniklu ilitquvlugiquliaqtutigunlu. akiiłaanik aitchulaagait Inuit inauȓalaangit ikaaqhaaqlugu
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    NOTE TO USERS This reproduction is the best copy available. UMI Adapting to a World of Change: Inuit Perspectives of Environmental Changes in Igloolik, Nunavut By Kelly Sandra Elizabeth Karpala, B.A. Honours (Trent) A thesis submitted to the Faculty of Graduate Studies and Research in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Arts Department of Sociology and Anthropology Carleton University, Ottawa, Ontario May 2010 ©2010 Kelly Karpala Library and Archives Bibliothgque et 1*1 Canada Archives Canada Published Heritage Direction du Branch Patrimoine de l'6dition 395 Wellington Street 395, rue Wellington Ottawa ON K1A 0N4 Ottawa ON K1A 0N4 Canada Canada Your file Votre reference ISBN: 978-0-494-68683-6 Our file Notre reference ISBN: 978-0-494-68683-6 NOTICE: AVIS: The author has granted a non- L'auteur a accorde une licence non exclusive exclusive license allowing Library and permettant a la Bibliotheque et Archives Archives Canada to reproduce, Canada de reproduire, publier, archiver, publish, archive, preserve, conserve, sauvegarder, conserver, transmettre au public communicate to the public by par telecommunication ou par I'lnternet, preter, telecommunication or on the Internet, distribuer et vendre des theses partout dans le loan, distribute and sell theses monde, a des fins commerciales ou autres, sur worldwide, for commercial or non- support microforme, papier, electronique et/ou commercial purposes, in microform, autres formats. paper, electronic and/or any other formats. The author retains copyright L'auteur conserve la propriete du droit d'auteur ownership and moral rights in this et des droits moraux qui protege cette these.
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