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3-3-1944 Fulton County News, March 3, 1944 Fulton County News

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klIVF:HTISING GOES HOME IN ulton Louncy News THE NEWS Your Farm And Home Paper - - Superior Coverage

Stu TIMuri 111 KY, I IDIDAV ItAltt It 1 lilt ssi DID it %EN 111111y 111E/1 ('ROSS 11RIVE Inflatinn Squeeze (.01111'1,11illy .10u. t'nr ST.II:1'S 1'111,,'SDA Tonuthien mei /trans tREENWRAP GROWERS TO For Fulton and End ot Warren Johnson mid .1 1111-0. Fulton C ty Set al Str,000; Bay Out 11'. It triaddiak. Dolt, Needs and Demands Heavy 3Ien %Veil Killion MEET TUESDAY NIGHT The gi on 1.11 th Contiacta siti• now being made AIO..111•1111 1(1,1 Oil', for (alibi and late tomatoes and %Vol I. meeting lo•alzy ler( aac (1111)1(1 .111141(1f/ .\((tr; Final Plans "ilumf Ile early spi ing and fall beans. :arced rl• 'mauls ni 1'\ V COI 11..1 111.• Made Al Meeting /lyre Next l'uentlay bo W./I I via sif the Wa hotiS i• ter Valley Cann ig Co. Arrange- f uniting NOW ....nil,: the annual March 15 lleadline for Sign II p. ments are being made to operate u roll call. vihen citizens me given - - receiving station tit McConnell, for iin opportunity to contribute their Much interest hari been taken in the formation of the convenience of growers in that fill'anS and efforts in a worthy the Tri - County Greenwrap locality. cause for humanity Tomato Association recent- Mr. Johnson for the past two The Annaal 1(1.,1 (fc.,:o can ly formed at a meeting in Water Valley. and already years was ZeiSOCI:Inli wail Vs' it. null stall in Fulton mi Tio•srlay of most of the acreage needed has been signed as farmers Craddock in the Water Valley fac- next week, according to Joe Davis, unite to raise a cash-money crop for the market. Final tory Ile and C. M. Wilaon have chairman_ A rally vs•ill be held plans for the season will be completed at a meeting to recenlly purchased the Water Val- Monday night at T:30 o'clock at the be held next Tuesday night, ley plant. and will also operate Woman's Club. and everybody 1.-; March 14, beginning at 7:30 o'clock in the jointly a canning fiv:tory at Bar- imbed. All work•-ts art, urged to Rainbow Room at Fulton, Ky. low, Kv Plans have }wen made for group buying of plants - -V-- ityl packing lugs. A loading shed will be estt_.0.0i4lpd iduvring ti.e dove. r , on the Illinois Central right of •SOLDIER LETTERS !alr-eady been organio it. ..1 tl . way, it is stated. ibusiness March 15 is deadline for sign-up February 0, 1944 firm. residence and (aim of growers. lin 'o•ar this community will be gr., n Mott,. r Fart-nos of the Water Valley, line, ah opportunity to aid in this pro- Juat a few tonight to let 'ilia Oak Dukedom. Lathan. Aus- granr. Fulton and the east end of you know that I haven't forgotten! tin Sot ings. McConnell, ;Fulton coanty has a quota of S11,000 NEWS REVIEW Pierce, you I have received a couple of Harris. Palestine. Cayce, You can help to top that goal. Crutch- letters; since I wrote you last. but! field, ! Yanks ir.nd on Admiralty Island: Beelerton cummunitiee are haven't felt like writing until to-: urged drive back counter-attack of JapS so attend thus meeting. when night %%110's I% Ho Al Isamu Reputi..c and GILLIELL4 saacticate Wake Island bombed Tokyo a representative of the Agricul- I'm doing OK. in eveiy way bet SOUTH FULTON 11111()11 warns people of expected air raids tural Extension Department of the white collar guy. and it may get -- ;by U. S planes Two-pronged at- Illinois Central Railroad is expect- me down. Never did like records, CLIFTON H. PATE Tht• Annual Who's Who Comen DEATHS !lark from North and South Pacific ed to be present, according to di- but guess I may as well get used Vkati held at South Fulton School Funeral services for Clifton H. has Japs guessing. as they wait for rectors of the association. to it for it looks like I have it in recently and results were as fol- T. J. GATES Pate. 50, vslio died Mondav nicht opportunity to take U. S. forces at The co-operative has been form- my lap for awhile. lows: at a Union City hospital. was held,disadvantage ed. with much of the acreage al- Haven't heard from Rene or any Most Likely T. J Gates. 89. native of Obion to Succeed- Char- Wednesday. afternoon, the Rev. H.! ready signed up. but farmers in of Granny's folks for some time. lene Sanford and County. and well knovn here. died Billie Bell F. officiating. Burial; Nazis launch powerful this vicinity are invted to join the I sure hope you can those Tuesday afternrxm attack on get :Diet Studious-June Hawks at 7'25 at the rernr•To,y and in the in A.' bia:" rn. :Long a.ssociation and raiz.. 94...?ntagz_. films Mom. I want to take some pic- ; Ilane.•1 Bonds home of his stepson. 0 M. Noung. Fulton county. 1:1dpi-directed. the marketing facilities offered. country.; whet.. lie crewle,s tanks to tures before I leave this It•-st Personality: Dorothy N'al- had made his home for More Born in chive uff Allies. acreage can yet Ix, handled. I went for a horse-bark ode to and the past five years Funeral ar- Hickman. Mr. Pate made ' Waynt• McClure The green-wrap market has been one of the little native villages this' Nlost Croirtenui rangements are incomplett• pending Charlene San- especially attractive in recent years aftetrnoon. really; wish you arrival of ber of years and was formerly in Soviet troops resume dn.(' into I could ford and Itohert Holman. relatives. but services with seloct the automobile business In De- .11:torna. smashing across Narova t,omatoes bringing top see some of these people and their 11, D.b.-nd..1.1.• Charlton': San-'will be held at the E. E. Cannon River; prices far above those received for homes It is bad enough here in ford and Billie residence. south of Fulton. some cember. 1942. he volunteered for Finns mull over peace Bell. ripe tomatoes, it is pointed out. warm weather but it as really slop- Most time today. and burial will be at Government work at Pearl Har- terrns. Rumania and Bulgaria ex- Popnial Jackie Mattheass H,,WCVCr. the ripe tomato and the py in the . They have court- vnd ,Pinegar's cemetery near Dukedom. bor. While in Hawaii he became pected to seek peace terms soon Fii•11 green-wrap rnarket can be worked yard; enclosed on all sides by liv- Hest ; Mr. Gates. disposed of his farm- ill and was confined to the hospital -(1- Disposition: Doris Jones .advantageously together. Anyone ing quarters All the animals are laiaiest• 'ing interest several years ago and there. HP returned to the States Governors .aPProvC. - lene Rogers and James to get in on the iacts is kept inside these courts at night. retired. in July. 194& but failed to regain saildlf-rs' bill after amendmenta. Slian'al.• invited to attend his health. He was a member of But mos. executives believe their the meeting in so you can linagine what they ate Athl,te Viipinia Ler Jolley SUTVIVOrg are: his widisw. Mrs. Fulton the awn state ballots will Tuesday night. like The people. though. at hi•art „rid N1.1\ in Yates Emma Gates. and one son. Joe Fir-I Chrstian church of Union be used. City. -o-- Prospects for building this co- are as good as you can find Most- Best Al; Around Athlete Virginia Gates. who lives in this cely. A 1 Super farm lending agency that aperative into a real produce mar- ly hecausi• sim known around the I...• Jolley and N1,-1, in Yates 0 M. Young. woli whom Survning are his widovz. Mrs would replace the FSA is proposed ket. and realizing good Frices for villages. I cat warm welcomes Biggest lint. Estelle Nix; Couple he made his home. Six grand- Reta Pate: three childrer. Mrs 1(1 ''secret- 1,211 Measure being such farn products are especially from those who know tne Today most in Aden.- Ferguson and children. Mrs. Charlie Ferrell of Ted Johnson. George Pate and considered in closed hearings by g•-,d. it i4 said. Famous in Lhis I went (loon just to see a baoy. James Hastings: Ladies Man. Billy near Fulton. 1Leroy Cannon of Gloria Jean Pate of Union City: special House groap would embrace tetritory are urged to attend the one br longing, to ant. of the ()Id Its !I. Pest ()id liacheloi. Billy Campbellsville. Charles Thomas six brothers. Torn Pate of We-4 - crc-cht office. FCA Set-d ,neeting and he:p by united effort coolies It was really a cute kid. (•anspiall. Iti ss Old Maid. Wyonnu Cannon of Fulton. Mrs Al Feath- port. Tenn.. ...m Pate of Farming- and Loan Unit to enlarge this project. but like all others ration dirty Nannty: Biggest Gnsipei. Estero- ei• of Memphis. Mrs D. B Vaughn ton. Va Richard Pate of Detroit. I never c. a, to to- amaz. 1 at the Nix and Billy Bell. Quietust. Char- unit Miss Tommie Nell Gates of Henry l'ate of Hickman. Ky : Arth- Japariese r.blnants behind Brit- • illnes.s these people can stand Those :, ne Sanford and Ray ROA'. CM- Fulton. two step grandchildren. ar Pam of Rives. Tenn and Jeff ish lines on hour side,: of the Mayu •/. C. .NEWS who swot.- early rhildhood cer- Jackie NI:othews and C D Mrs. E. M. Evans of Paducah and Pate of Lathan: 'range in Western Burma were be- tainly de,erve a right to live. J,-nes. Best Looking. Robert 11.1- Robbie V. Young. in the U. S. ; ing mopped up Wednesday as fight- F. R. Mays, vice-pressident and tn. for the Prcttfcrt. Jarinrs Waves stationed at Seattle. Wash. JOHN D. '411..NLIK 'ing switched southward to the main generai manager and W. A. Jotua- religious festivities of these people Neatr•st. Charlene Sanford and Arakan front. some 50 miles north ston. assistant general manager, wese rar You'd be ••:•-p•-• ••• "•"-..- " -.• Ann.:- -DOC" S.ANTORD DIES Jo: - D Mr1ra:. 84. pai,etl of Akvab. Chicago. '^ rnlf r N! 7 7 • - self-torture and prinoval orgies Mlle Reece and Billy 1,11. I!: Wittiest, dnesd,y- afts,rnism around "Doc" Sanford. former left- V T. K still going on in this sapposedly Dorothy Valentrne and Wayne Mc- 5 45 at his home ra Cay.e handed pitcher with the Fulton Paducat civilized %%Mid You can stood Clure. Noisost. Edna Ann Owen Far.e...' servons be held to- CARS SIDE SWIPE Kitty League team in 1940. was J. F most any of these Persian men and ..nd Jack Haddad day at 11:00 o'clock at the Caynt- SOUTH OF HERE Snerkey. superuet. - killed in an air crash at Oakland. Water Valley. look at their heads and backs and V NI•itt .••.st Church Interment fol- Miss:. was in I . on November 6th. 1943 .Monday. see the scars of 111)111ics done by iov...! in Cayce Cerne:.:y with NI: and NI:- Carl Arnold) and ( LINTON DOWNS Sanford won his wings in May them-elves I :a nally- saw any H ••:1 • Funt•ral II ,rne it- charge -on Ton-o-1,.. enroste from. Nash- C N Melton. local chairman BULLDOGS 10 TO 11 •-: last year at the Army Air Base of celernation !or it is not safe :- survived by one son. Wil- Ttnn. Charir s'.--n. Mo. and f R and H. M. Cocke. lacal chant-- in Yuma. Arizonn. and was prob. to mess around th,,se days. for li I. NI:Iner of St Lours. en. J trteran of man B of RT Memphts,. were in Tl. Unit ,n Itullriog lost to the .il•ly ah.--nt finishing his d the okapis. isia 'tail' liti clulic•.7.r. Mrs Luten Minn. (1.1 and hrurse Faltsin Wednesday. C'inton ths here last Friday mg • Well. Mom. guess I'd lett, cloak! •1 iict. ore Mis ir, s.iss en al- •ut 3 uri R W night nith mole ot 40 to 34 Tin- Shirer. agricultural agent. r :1.11 .,L2 can Friton , -..1-..k 4 '-2 s of nere. c),s, for 111,A Ail " 71,:d i', -ton. of and ne was in Fulton Wedt-ies... knou h.,. ....tylning MRS. J. IV. RIACKARD le a' Wii' : of A:k..ns„s d a y anti let no , 1- ,7' t" 77 , 14, d's ..n.f Al' ns 1,,t. and . , Warr at home NE:: .1 W .N Morris. local B CPI. WARREN WA1.KER 11 J W -f Ji.t.7kson. was in Fulton - - nussed by Ins n ens..ets to - - - ?'. - •,..,for of the First t Tin sday , nd I ; PPeas la fore the R. M. Kirkland To i ti'l• fo ..1--..••• m l'7•tir. 7: h. --,• 27," ,.• - • S C Jones. wls "" Main Street • • V.11 hattl,ne • NI• tt, ' radaca!, Wednesday, .Vore To .,•-..t r. I, 71. .,.t, n...r.,? P.•.• HORNBEAK AMBULANCE CALLS fnn.f. m. • t-. si/ \tile He J liairingion. t•sist ong en- Kokl • d o"..elie olai 1- as ' 11 1,si 1M --,..- ing f,,t •"-.. Red s la ld Ter.: Wodnesd y • R M ,,,dit J•!cl•csert. was in Fultin 7: 1\ f n ., :7 ., .„_,,, ,,, hi, ..11, rn 2 3,7 operated a st . .• - N.1.1171‘.1h !klaaph.- was ca7- Int) Wed- Tut sclay .. The; .. as t h. -1 the paai o ... I .i - ! • - P .: la a aeo, af h. •1,•,1 f: -tr. her 1-on-a- to tn.• , : ,g - Mr and Vhs T • .7 Nelms. :raveling engineer, chased the building on M o • - /' , 1" 7' i st- MISS NORA MAJORS ‘, 1 . `rt.: 1' • 1:1:` Thurs- ons Ntemphis I.m. up___ Wednesday. rnerly 0( i Ilj,“ ki 1,V th, J T P•, c- in. tho h-•srltul Nor.) 7‘13:or5. •.+1),, ,1 en NI- C G 01 a L F fuel engineer. Shoe Shop rh, building has been Chmon 4 F1.11 n 34 W913 ll,,,,,,,..ri ,7 -11 ths; Fs:1ton hoarestal for sev- •-•,••. horm or 0,, strtet 1,7 !! ..r.d s :11 51..f rd Tuesday remialt I I in I .,. • it-an cl for Hs m.o. F Whit, s. 17 1 7n, 7-1.,-.9-side he-pital in Paducah T..• n'- • :t` Ls: 1,. a ',I ' ' ‘. -1- I' CI,,,, '2 nal r.,n s '..1 Fassed awa. Salsoday O'Connor. trainmaster, J. \A,: al AT11- • .aning six o'rlocl, Furor 7 W C Agn. \\•,, p.o.t ,r 7ty a as in Memphis 'Wednesday. . , i ..' _ V. t We. 11 , If • l .1 I . nil:, n 6 form,' i <•,IT 7 f: 11,,- 7 .11177eil. A A Williams, traveling pas- IS ': :lit I otaest 7 V •4•.nday at W.',1nu'. (1:o s. ncei agent Memphis. -I Isn• ' l' ss .1.-m .2.1 .as in 1. ith p.-- Pct.: t; • • Monday connee ---. , a , ning of n \ 7- : / 1. " C.:1ton Rsa, 2. . : .T S Mills. spuervisor as.s in new ste• n •f 3-• V Iiino!.11 •-••• 171 inda VI." 0.11. s i7,• .7 IN Km:. 349041:77 • of flint fa! • 11 1 ------V '' IIIIN 11 I pi1111%llo. A , l'Ittotils1 It OF WAR NI KARL RFT ,k .1, . :I 1 , NI s- ssirri * NOV CE ha.s• • _ _ _ _ NI:, ..rd • • f• 11 Ch s7 fee' Kollar:1 -• •1: Se.1 cis ,. I Wilhams. husband Ki`V. 54 \-• 1 deaf I' • C.'`1. oss oho 01*P an annum to NI: ,l A Williams of 439 last 11: niii‘ afturnoon ,it s.‘ o. lock .s.7 Sunci.-. of Mr- Captolsa • Cre !,1 Nk as c; r- np, husband. the late Dr. 7 ElIGIF.Nt 7,‘ torsi tt Fatst Sad' Lino. has been reported in a Atenkohis hospital. after an ill- Pc.ol R. "s ,i, tio Rix or,hil• I,. spit.,,1 in Hillman. are respectfully re CONINtl•-•10‘11) ; sis not.: f in the hands of ness of several months Funeral NIr and Mrs Carl Kap: and • h ,' Mt' of 1,isr moth- quested to make pa.ment ef Fuger, v; the Gs rmana N'Iss Williams re- services were held Sunday afte-- vsoted Mt and Mrs ',lint at the, Crut- , • `11 C. eel Ileslyer Drug Cont- and Mr S A Wageonei of cto. ed a I legram s s. se al weeks noon at 2 30 at the lalse-tv Banns( -1..cian Nanney and children Sun- rol. on I ake Street. as 1 have chfield. has rec. ivial his ^ommis- tOal be was missing in action ,Mireh. and burial f.,11(twed in the • Rus.sell Fa-ris :n1-fled night arranced to %aka rare the II s Navy .; !Hot to Olen r, as sent through church cemetery from the Jones Clink' to her home of pay- aion as Ensign in Cpl H L Milstead has returned ment York Monday there for the eonseni- at Columbia Uniyersity, New tha Inteinetional Red Cross. and Mr Key. aesided on the Fulton and Belvoir, Va. after spending a enee of debtors.. Year kind 1 .1o, Was Pepartment said further Union City highway. about four Dr: Lora Fortner Pas carried week at his home on Norman City attention will he will be sta- 'mat: in was being sent in a milea. from Union City. ceeatly ap- Ensign Waggoner He had from her home to the Fulton hospi- jstreet and wtth his parents, Mr. nrariated orteana letter many friends Ituined at Nov here. tal and Mrs. la E Mitstead. mata l st•sir H11 1.1STAN

-•t seteortirt-e••••ele - ' THE FULTON COUNTY NEWS, FULTON, KENTUCKY child who is Moi ton. ot ()Ohne does no swearing A that unres.• :11V/11 Feder- Peddle es-Immo., art, grestet. than Any ,•oiten in pi 11',1e absence ie a COMPANY otoriove politeness by example am; Judicious SWIFT & tlie Malone.' income 'rhe govern- hre Who takes the initiative in taught sl taxation will in time Obliterate of strain Charles Heade. in the red, hut that an individual, com- oressept is 'Nellie in times Local Free Government and sub- ment is Immanently propoaing to have, but HATCHERY do not allow your children Not what we whet we Tutalitarian- that doesn't have much effect on munity, or Stax refrain (runs ask- You +Mute A Centralized children who habit- enjoy, coruititutes our abundance.— 144 Fulton. Ky. p.•rsonal incomes because people ing the FeCeral government to do play with those P110110 lam. use bad lang- Petit-Senn. are making more money than ever for him. it or them, anything which ually lie, or steal or J. News One of these Astiembleman children he ex- under tne sun le so. no Fulton C'ountu before in history. 7hey have to if can lee done without the aid of the uage. Why let your Nothing Justin C. Morgan. of New Yorke to contact with the dis- —Leasing. C. N. libel are in business for them- Federal government is helping to posed cident & raid 'Wort who is poonsuring the amendment theY of those who are in- selves as normal expenses have in- eliminate "gwibits." eased minds Acquaintance soften prejudieit Publishers in him State. hate? creased' anywhere from 25 to 75 —o— tolerant or who Aesop. FRIDAY Mr Morgan said: PUBLISHED EVERY percent. Persons on salaries are Slowly but surely, wt. Americans There la a way that you and I A fool cannot be an actor, tliough "The purpose of the proposed paying higher prices for food, cloth- are learning the awful axiom that can help to wipe out prejudice. We an actor may act a fool's Mut.— Ilksbired as second class matter June is . . . to deprive the amendment ing, and the necessities uf life we ask the New Deal Wash- hatred at its very at the post office at Fulton, when can control Sophoelei. le. 1933. Federal Government of the power good feeling 3, 1679. than ever before. ington to do something for us. a source, and substitute Distance is a great pronioter or K,y., under the act of March through Unsound and Confiwatory do --o— winds up by doing something to and understanding. We can admiration—Diderot. of Thanks, taxation to destroy the American our children then oarruA RIFS Card Poor old over-burdened Uncle more to influence healing in the private enterprise system . . teach There is a hitter Buidnass Notices and Political Cards Sam comes through with a proposi- any other group. We niust "If this amendment were adopt- pezil siin.—Southey. charged et the rates specified by tion to subsidize farm produce them the fallacy of hatred, the ed it would also deprive the Fed- FOR WOMEN ONLY of Many receive advice, only the advertising dopartinent and take extra billions of dollars «if prejudice, the deadly evil eral Government of the power wise profit by its—Publius Syrus out of the treasury for that pur- generalizations. Only in this way radius of 20 Through Taxation to destroy the liy RUTH TAYI.OR Affection is the product of false Subscription rates idea that if conquer the virus of group pose. "Uncle" has the can we hood.—Carlyle. miles of Fulton $1.30 a year. Else- American system of government One day out in the Middle West has been the he pays for a certain part of the fl,ro.ue thinking. which the where $2.00 a year. by concentrating all power in to a womeres club Afflictions clarify soul.— ublic food bill that he can put I was scheduled source of wars since the beginning Washington. rendering the States But Quarles. ceilings on foods. That on "fighting ideals." unfortu- to it"— lower They say that women and muzie completely subservient nately at the luncheon Name the () dr": V rn•ght. the- workers to live datost—G-e- New fora Journaioemerican. meeting I happened to tell a few 3110.1td neveA Lee hunith. a little cheaper, and if they can do V my a. OF WISDOM , Agreement exists in disagree. - might also be re- incidents dating from days •SPARKS ,that when wages ment.—Lucan. T. 'V. A., YES. T. V. A. tinkering an editor of a fashion magazine. 'duced and stabilized—by know what we are, but know It Immediately I was asked to change Strong lemons make strong ac- We is a wond(•rful institution. with the Little Steel formula. TVA to "How to become a not what we may be.—Shake- all a pretty picture, except for the my topic tions.—Shakespeare. SCRIPTURAL QUOTATIONS It is a pity we could not have TVA is speare. of labor leaders fashion expert." Pus)) on, keep moving—Thomas set thine house in order.— Isa- hospitals. TVA drug stores, TVA fact that a handful serioua it was rather a haci barak arty restaurants and grocery stores. object—that wouldn t be iah xl 6. these few I didn't know how to say It is a pity we could not have except that the fact that speaker. with no—and yet I did feel that the TVA everything It can perform so leaders very seldom interfere question of democratic ideals were WITH OTHER EDITORS much upon so little. Money like strikes more important than fashions. So this, taken from the government —o— 111;r I comprised. THE INCOME TAX EVIL and from the taxpayers, just does The vast growth of big goveo-n- talked first about fashions and With very littie general atten- not count. It is the bill we rend- ment in Washington—much of it I ICentucky radon, then swid, -NOW if I told you of tion, a movement has been started er you as customers at the first of taking place long before the war in SIWIlt• stylca, you could BY iisieneg the Sissiea of the Union to each mu:1th that counts. What's the Europe, to say nothing of the date have made it the vogue in your 107("10 abolistt the Federal income tax use to worry about governinent of our entrance into it—has. to an '&032C‘10‘7144 town—because you set the fashions: racket and to put a "ceiling" on deficits and government debts' unprecedented state, put the gov- WESTERN KENTUCKY Therefore I say to you—if there is Fedeal inheritance taxes. That can go on forever. There is ernment into business and pushed TEACHERS COLLEGE the pri- hatred. prejudice. ill will amonc KT. Fourteen States — Tvlassachusetts, no end. 'political appointres into SOWUNO GUM homes the youth of this town it is YOUe Pennsylvania. Wisconsin. Illinois. The prime aim, the prime anabe'vate offices and individual a eesult. bu- fault—because YOU could make it pos.sible in the days of the Maine. . Wyoming. Iowa, tion is to put every man. woman.of this Republic. As THE NEED FOR NEIGHBORHOOD been magni- the fashion to be knid." But, as of us Rhode Island. Indiana, and ehild on a government pensi- reaucracy has reached a horse and buggy. all Mississippi. Maybe that was preachy. which SOL.DIARY and Arkar'sas— on. and let no one work. tude and become a menuace in know. only a few paid workers will Michigan. Delaware to evoid doing, a and it has far beyond that of is something I try ever see the actual needy whom have adopted a proposed amend- TVA is just starter this countrv gisat ve.•;,r 11«,..; brought home • national el don-t like women preachers eith- to the Constitution y.loch so many sympathetic 1w-roosters: any presoous era ut our us some of the virtues we are heleing so genrously. ment er.) but it is a subject that is so to many of to tax per- ard why shou)d «t not. because the history. our organization of society that is would forbid Congress I'll nave to of another time. virtues that mech- you pay TVA --0— close to my heart that probably best. but the rest of us sonal incomes and inheritances light and power bill anical inventions have all but de- 40 pay ask you to bear eeth me. the warrn human touch more than 25 per cent Except in is only half what you would The land of the free and the stroyed. Gasoline rationing and will miss It is because the women of the made the old Time of War or Some Other Great any private company? of the brave is still emphat- of limitations on or with humanity that ho. me community. the mothers. have this other types Col. Ginsburg operates a first- of the brave but, community in some ways so much Emergency. the home of leadership uses of thngs threw us all into a in Middles- lea"). tremendous power than our present one. proposal has now been class restaurant here unless brave men devote themsel- dither. some of us began to think better The same that their responsibility is so greet. of a the boro. one of the finest in this sec- to the task of restoring gov- sow we to be self-sufficient, There are some evidences introduced in both houses of yes Training in friendliness must begin used non of the State. serves good food, people, it may not kinder world than we have lived New York Legisature. ci..1211,... zoo4 „ie.,. to ernment to the fair play must thought we may have lived in gen- and inz:. at home. Training in wporiy opneratint• F.verv with muse leeges Le the hemes ef the .1011,r1 i 0- This is in accordance begin at home. But all that any mai WWW.11 Consti- • pay all licenses and taxes. get away so train and bus is packed to capacity, provisions of the Federal woman has to do is to train ONE1cently. Since we cannot may 1 But we are thinging that if the free. the forees that our duty to often with siddiers and their tution itself that amendments Prominent among family for life—train ONE famtly!easily now. it Le-comes TVA could set up right beside him in this eoun- in a smaller families. It seems the easy and be initiated either by a two-thirds are fettering freedom in understanding. And the first.train ourselves again a finer restaurant. put in better "gwibit." a natural thing for us all to ask each vote of Congress or by affirma-1 try. is the all-Arnerican to do is to begin at home-- world and make it as satisfactory waitresses and serve that thing uniform something about tive action by two-thirds of thet looking Just as the termite destroys the place as we did before we saw boy in Col. with oerselves. food at half price. most all of of govermnent build- places. It is a great diffi- who he is. where he is going. and States. .s customers would quit foundation Let no child hear you speak un- far-away Giuseure the what he wants us plain civilians to It is obviously a movement of so the "gwibir destroys hatred or prejudice:culty that faces us, not merely the the TVA restau- ings- fairly. sheve a among the States to correct a him and go over to fundamentals of governmental in- giving up of some gallons of gaso- do. That is bringing about and of us for any group. Let no child see you ; • made in:rant. 7'hat is why so many mach mere cheerful type of travel- great mistake that was stautions. act unfairly or with discrimination.'line and sonie miles of travel but in-1love TVA. They sell cheaner. and than we used to know. 1.ven 1913 when the Sixteeenth--or "Give a lwibie erough rope and This does NOT mean a wholesale the use of something that will bring er was rati- we ore not interested in finding out the reali- the most Victorian of adios are come teix—Arnendment • i he is sore to hogtie something," so opening of the door of your home. compensation. Of course. the reason why. to limber up enough to talk fied Karl E. Mundti, Representatsie of It does mean demonstrajang that zation of the sacrifices the younger known in Author- If that is an over-statement men who show that The mistake was not South Dakota. recently put it. If you can respect people and be fairigeneration is making ought to gout with young tax. which then will some one correct us? far away fmm home and izing a Federal income ar: wondering what a gwibit to them. without living with them TOM of otir petty longings for speed- they are amend- We have made the statement sev- 1 mother and sweetheart was the purpose of the is here is a definition as given by or making them your personal ing over the roads. but a mere ac- eager for to establish ,eral times that TVA does not stand from London that the rnent. but in Neglecting a very able Congressman. friends. ceptance of this will not be enough. Word comes Ion its own feet. ike Col. Ginsburg V,. Lied to- A Constitutional Stsendard or Washington. 'oe patronizing—don't teach i We must function srnoothly. or as air raids have sornetiteo, citizens operating a A GWIBIT (Guild of Don't Limitation on such taxation. land all other peo- smoo.hly as we can In ttoublell • that- neighlso hood solidarity to pay incomnetent Bureaucratic Idea of a • hild to be kind to "poor" writter. and accepted.:private business and having son-ellone li`e • ,J, -)••••are 'lying within As it was rs)—is a force against ;:le. Teach him to be kind—period. and tied gave , licenses and :axes —elildlesboro Throatroo• the Sixteenth Amendment against pro- 'fall the class consciousness of this that justii•—, .•• f. it It :- States freeckm and a brake Congress an Unrestricted power Three if if we would no ciesio • •ri :•-• . t : • • !A 1 • •• • t.,eit ••• to be V gress weich trust he eliminated countty would vanish -to lay and collect taxes on in-! :7'7 11 ‘'. 'atinty brought the, F., p..) he is to funcion as in- stop !ming charitable to the poor. comes from whatever source de-, cot- •-y-, n -.• • t:n• can- cosi, t ALLEY tended es- i7S feunding fathers. !rec.:dent and "standoffish" to the : •DOH'N OUR ran aysay from • rived.- es -se whim citizen.. rich. not returr. 13..1 • • • . of; -Gwieits- During the first two decades Yolli make your children -- • y ...hance are there strikes in war- must its operreien. the Federal income Why to «inn • -• . • s •. s• this was «she: e-oary :ran in .-1-:.-ntshin''t: iF;et 7 in rIg°‘t.easrnks. osooshiy aware of the lat.1 Mai drawn and executed tIrre"- Tioei's 111, many tax laws were :.-etter be handled lo- hiles and prejudices are things riot lems of ou• • ..nt "!`-`.• : 11 moderationethe armed forces wants to know. whir• with caneiderable hy gexxi breed- in thalse tr?)!It. : contened by outstanding G "-its a's:1y,- multiply like toteraSed anyone ot Even In Time of War. the necessity more than eatin,:, peas with Thts radio and th.• d...1:y re •.•pai . es• es, hstet of lober leaders that -American labor guinea pis,. withous ing. any Under the Socialistic New Deal. 2 paths ,•.! .1 r.c,‘er :trong that we : wit • Jt,11 • I tt..,:-:- gelnunt. a knife. that sort of thing just isn't 17 a:e income taice,es been forced to contend •: hovs-ever. the Federal done by ladies or gentlemen in vorld thzn \es. ss. they keer ot, o r. e ..«C7C finding n, Re- ,an almost impossible administra- ceased to be used solely as A mus; re- informed cor.stantly of uhat Is g) ine es neo• and interest'. 4 the•tive condition in our government.- Americans America. •,. venue measure. determined by of a otir in fact no ere delcsating I.) the Big It can't be done? Nonesensel ing B.t the neiehlorlinsss 7 oandrIen•...S of efficient goy- knd as a result -there is legitimate needs V: melon powers, There isn't a woman among you former oat- could \cry %%tr. be add- intoinational labor policy to which in ,s. ernment and was converted ed to yur tune Do you sn. •iie tri our °WO for definite guid- ti- -• esonsibilities. who daesn't know that yeu can • instrument of radical "re-labor ern look an duties. p::eilt-ese.,. es, assign- make anything the fashion. any- people On the ricxt s rest' Do y• u 't • t!!‘ study of orni- - and a punitive weapon of !since.- run form --o__ ment,. reg.:la:Ions .nd !Ights which thing the habit. feel like greeting ehetily people :-...1ter. -se :led my ear to bureaucratic pohtics—In Tune of ; oh') e.«.1"s n.) sWearing. whom you meet daily sn the Donald Nelson. War Production can !, •"- Peace. -- sirs, ts'- That old being I could. now I am making the se- slogan of chief. is convinced that this Nation Wee the demagogic neigh!), sly in other ways would qt1...r.I.010,‘ again of my .,Idess and will have a healthy postwar eco- 'Soak the rich:" the Nev.- Deal has not huit us It is net true that we beseee ed fields and woods, find- nomy as long as it is based on uttiized income taxes to plunder -1.1-2.1 have erown eallous to human n.ssis mg them surprisingly similar to the He adheres to M CaLtA.. 9c;tud Co enterprise ar,d to chscourage sound competition. tree 09 10 P. WI WO and human su ff mg. My t11.1n places I eel,- teed nmeli gas et idea that reconversion should 0 MI )8 tNO individual thrift and. legitimate in- the •town nas just raised a ,ry .his not seur grapes by the Govern- kV 4""IA' locate And is vestment be manipulated Cakianit. IX [7,1.--1), sum for local outside chanty. mem but a genuine finding of values .21 essenosnion pierce the in- meet It is onr opinien that busi- large. as weli iyainy tho_n •.,,• :..«, • ones hesitance tax has been similarly nese both small and fasseere. eel be able to rewte`e,^1 of see-eel-letting as the iLe'ed ;le a affairs if the Par.p&rts 70 I_ I private property manage thelr own lift constricting The social and economic corise- government will Vitas= A ft ! regulations and leave them alone. quences have beer, disastrous. Protein 43 L,. Endowed institutions. such as —o— Ameri- universities and hospitals. have There am few thinking viti=ts 33iL wish to risk the peace- been ianpoverished. philanthropy cans who 3.) New Deal, MtainaiC - has been stifled. savings organiza- trre rhaos of eontinued spending:. tions have been impaired. and in- government. eetra,'agant Enefgy 22 roma taxatiore and dustrial progres.s has been im- unbearable- Iron to peded. i Unit less rogulat_lowo_ Mitk SOAKS Bert Childers, one of the best Maybe that's why Kent tiekr Furthermore. with the country OeSizif COST 11•••••• Takao %woman • 1514 444 010•••••••••••• farmers in our 0111111y, Was look- ranks eiray up toe aril the tosein income ta:A has While New Dm] leaders are pre- again at war. the ing a little worried. increased farm production. he- to dicting that President Roosevelt he, 7.7 applied by the New Deal .1kfmt; about 44 cents. Rising food costs nitride me ofthe Kentucky brew- for a foseith serer for the body -Best hins.1 man I ever had irnpose upon the naeon the Com- will be nominated feed and does it together with the necessity of ers. who comate sO many and than any other has just been rratted. Joe.- te see munistic die:trine that no private term. we insist that military more cle ap!y." That statement eunintaining the best possIble t wer seid ht must be trusted to 11,,,reau of Home Eeo- wartime diets are now cs ••- g -Gosh. Bert —tux' with both laweibidinj income should exceed S25.000 a naval ehieftiaris by tlie osy clean, wholesome. cf 1' S. Department added emphasir. to the ec, ths Vihat do you year: in fact. under the current se-induct the war without orditical nomics eons in service. places and that its reputation MI of Agriculture is of reolk. figura you'll dor In ail On Some Incomes interferertce, seeret agreements and making up the meals a beverage a moderation law The Taxes illustrated in this National The foods saeloosly Are Greater Than 'Inc Income it- odes standings. A new Preselent Dairy Couned chart showing used as a basis for h•ii3 rn for the follows: Breakfast: fruit, and talked Ihingli oho self. Oeitild he elected, in wrrtime the high prrcentatte of each of are as rot tardier Fmm where I sit they're which whole-grain cereal with mek OVOlf. IOW* 'More equip. taxation—it that exist in peace- the daily feed elements operating the way nu:ids:at, That is not income by a quart of and sugar, whole-wheat tonst than men — end vier otherwise there ese. be in- are provieled merit versa. fulka miniciats. is a capital levy. time. milk and the other foods neces- with butter, milk. and coffee So we worked out a teen for Lunch: And. because of the language .11 •reased An evican autocracy. sary to cemplete daily eietary eith crenen and sugar. ...eon. men for nusehinery with tomato sauce. rod Amendment. there —o-- renuirenlents, nowaroni ter teams. I reckon the Siireenth uholeesheat bread with butter. ma:tonere c9Ye( 14.tut The norm- t'-e Arteroni,traion's The average cost of a quart of « wo'll nutke it all right—we al. is nothing to present an Adrnini.- in the f resh apple, oatmeal rookies arid "-attic is ' Hos milk delivered to the home ' ways haver' tuition from turning Waitime tax f•oii• United Stales is 15 1 eents. The milk. Dinner: meat stew with - whole- rates on income into Peacetime s Inn Mr Mrs John Q Amer average cest of other foods vegetables, cote slaw. dis- economi- wheat bread with butter and taxes ...hen the war is over. :-a look into matters they soon needed to Ca1W1111eli. an cal diet nee pre•-ide the hrtliteee jam. coffee with cream and C moues IIIINISITt Faallallme. Roman timung of the pm- ;over that they have to battle with Aseeng the adeorates Of needed daily is sugar, Mitket and milk. Slots taxes.. the raitrtents swim nem Ilkorter, IS23 IICISBON Kn.UNIBBVIAI posed amendment arc those who Ism income to pay higher

•• 7' seeteneseestreseesees • • THE FULTON COUNTY NEWS, FULTON, KENTUCKY cciater months. Animonds, Joe E. Moser, James log the w..iipoe courage& eSAFETYGRAMS Not only a., iht•tr;rist, but atzl dawn of recorded Alvin Workman, Mary J. Bond& -- Sira*.e the the pedestrian must realize lb* has been effectively rant, Ruth J. Boridurent, Wilma S. The 1943 accident statistic's have but what we prices food of walking during theme Eat Brasfield, Bobbie S. Buchannan, not yet been completed but recent- hazard You Can't prices en- by price. Low abundance.— rationed early morning Moos. Every work- courasod the consumption of Viola Elliott, Ethel Martin. ly I noticed in one of the news- Western er is an essential worker in this articles that were in abundance. Wednesday afternoon, February papers from a Middle sun ia per- fgiht against the Axis. Conversely, high prices discour- 23, the Sophomore Home Economics state that of the seventy-nine V Stamps und therefore girls gave a tea in honor of the sons killed in that state during the Ration consumpeon aged prejudice._ iationed supplies when they were faculty. The tea table was draped month of November, twenty-eight Speak the truth by all means; marines. The army consumes a tre- re- short. Under a system of rigid in a whiti• linen tble cloth witti a were pedestriara. he hold and fearless In your wcie not successful in mendous amount of food. But the actor. though SubsolreA prizes, this simple mech- low bowl of butter cups and Many of these pedestrians were buke of error, and in your keener men consumed tremendous amounts ceiling fool's part.— the thirties when they were em- Those to work. lebuke of wrong doing; but be the anism doer. not work. candles for table decoration. workmen on their way ployed in an effort to move goods of food as civilians, and increase loving, and gentle, and asks who ate the attending were: Miss Sue Shoff, Shorter daylight hours, heavy human, and ,country's food requirements only in The consumer' Puss- promoter or and raise prices. market, Idiot Chi islmo Jones, Mrs. Nina clothing that muffles the sound of brotherly the while.—W. M. un-, so far as they eat more than taey little pig that went to Subsidies will prove just as Mrs. ftuth Bondurant, traffic, dark winter short. A Afighting force and therefore who was iesponsible Arrington, approaching surcessful in tht• forties when they did an aivilians. The gentlest thing in the world for the shortage. Figuratively, Juanita Jimmerson, Miss Jane clothing that makes the pedestrian in the hitter are being used in an attempt to of eight mt•n would in- . . To the ham and Garrison, Mrs Clara Carr, Mrs. less visible tothe motorist, all are Will override the stiongest move- craase our meat requirements by 6 the fort•igner got restrain prices and prevent Roper, Mrs. J. C. Menees and factors that contribute to the in- remain gentie is to be invintiblia. ice, only taa and our total food re- most of the bacon. The soldier got Effie ment of goods. per cent. dur- —Lao Tsze. Syrus a good share of the pork chops and Miss Pauline Waggoner, sportier. crease of pedestrian accidents iblius Subsidies are as falsely pro,nis- quirements by about 2 per cent. By a few good roasts. The civilian got An interesting program consist- eluct of false ins and as illusive as the pot of themselves, the soldiers did not a shoulder and some sausage. Part ing of free movies, dairy display, aold at the foot of the rainbow. create the shortage, tnough they the - of the meat was hoarded by the and demonstrations was given Fri- soul These iemarks are set down first did contribute to it. government, and part of it is at day to the agricultural students Finer Than In the administration's subsi- little question that Feels because There can be en and muse- the bottom of the Atlantic. sponsored by The Creamery In- dies are the most spectacular, the Lend-Lease has been an import- d—Goldarnita V aaatry r:f Kentucky, Ag oetiatirs.I most dangerous and the most futile ant cause of the shortage. It Department I. C. Railroad and Ken- in disagree will phases of its mishandling of foods would appear that Lend-Lease CAYCE SCHOOL Pro- Retonga tucky Cream Improvement Years; Thanks in the past 11 rears. take about 10-15 per cent of our are, but know gram. MY (WI'V4 .11 JIIA SU ,.III('d to stay OS Our food is intricate and 1943 food production. Much of the Soot J C. Lawson and Mi. J. Mrs. Burton Says She Felt be -Shake- Several mi•mbers of the Faculty edge and at night I could aely is further complicated by supplies Lend-Lease food exports have chairman of the Board of Nervous And iSugg, and a number of students attended So Weak, sleep in short naps. I had to take for the army, shipments for lend- been the highly prizednutritious . • :h F 'd ruats. ••••.- ir• RD!! Down She Won Re- pargativcs, ana tala al- lease and by governmental efforts animal foods. 'fhe nation export- morning. Both made interesting Sunday night at Unton Church. coming Discouraged. She ways left me weak and trembly. I to control price, production and ed a better diet than it ate. fr. alks to the student body. Mr. Both Mr. and Mrs. Waggoner are tried different medicines and treat- distribution. It is the more confus- view of the fact that prior to the Lawson's subject was "The Evils of In Like Different Person alumni of this school. ments until I felt discouraged. ing because an administration which outbreak of the war the nation ate spoke on Alcohol" and Mr. Sugg ,‘"ow. proved a blessing to thirties to force a pro- than it produaed, such A teachers meeting v.••as held at "Retonga tried in the more food "The Two Powers." appetite real Supt. Lawaon's office Tuesday. af- "Retonga proved just the medi- me. I have a splendid gram of scarcity upon the nation heavy exports would create a , Six weeks of the second semester ternoon at 4 p.m. cine I needed, and fee! better ar.d have revined o-veral now attempts a program of abun- food proalern. have passed. Examinations are ; and stronger now than I have in I sleep soundly and get up feeling dance shackled by an artificial price OPA Stimulates Consumption The following are honor The Freshman Home Economics over. four years, declares Mrs Miller rested and refreshed. The slug- aartam. the stoderas for tha term: , Clots teal as regular monthly The contention is made awl. Burton, 526 Wells St., Madisonville, gish elimination is relieved, too. I of the Series to First Honors (all A'si—Margaret'meeting Friday. February 25. Scope consumer himself contributed Ky , and wife of one of the tsest feel mere like my old self than in. Jean Fuller, Katherine Mc-' Plans were made for a social in With the military situation pro- the shortage by gorging himself Jones. known oil men in her section. years. Retonga is grand." Kelvey. • the near future. A very interest- gressing favorably, food is our out- on the highly prized foods. Mrs. Burton said she would feel Retonga is intended to relieve Second Honors (no grade below ing program was given with all of standing problem. It is the intent In order to forestall inflation, selfish not to tell others suffering distress due to Vitamin B-1 de- the least one A)-- Mc- the,. Home Economic girls taking in his series of articles to discuss OPA set low ct•iling prices on B. at Ls she did about Retonga. ficiency, constipation. insufficielat Martha part. days of ttie that problt•m in all its phases The highly prized foods. With ad- Mullin, Laverne Walker, digestive juices in the of divenety candy "I felt so nervous. weak, and flow of it. as all of us observa- vancing wages, full employment. Williamson, Earl Disque, Bess Refreshments appetite. Ac- articles result from long rundown that I hardly knew stomach, and loss of buy. Maxine Garrigan, Mozelle and cold drinks were served. d workers will tion and study on my part and are low taxes, and little elfe to Adams. no subst::ute. Retonga may Mar- V which way to turn," she stated. "I Cept needy whom by scientific records to increased consumption of the Hammond. Betty Lou Atwill, DeMyer Drug Store. buttressed friend, did not want to eat, and I was WI- be obtained at In prized foids—meat. milk. tha Jane Wall, Rowena Milford, Who purposely cheats his —adv. genrously. which I have access. Considered in highly eral pounds below norrnal weight. en- Mary Elliott, Ray would cheat his God.—Lavater. society that is turn will be all phses of the prob- butter, cheese and eggs--v:as Mildred Pafford be rest of us • km, production, distrbiution. pores human touch and the unfortunate theories lead- , 'a made the old present unhappy ing up up to our ; ways so much situaton. trit one. World food production decreasesi f /‘jsr of a widences during v:artime because there is we have lived less man-labor to plow. cultivate! F.verv wratinn am: ssst tha crapa. It diffaatat :ed to capacity, if not impossible. to take 50 nr.1-, a and their Spavilltue lion men from the farms and fac- he easy and tories of the v:orld. put them into all to ask each the armed forces. and still main- nething about tain world food production. No one luta f is going. and has been obit. to devise a plan am civilians to whereby men can both work and ging about a Bonds fight type of travel- Degrees of Chaos s know. Lven \Nat food production and adies are So far as concerned. war is enough to talk consumption are into inefficient: it is chaotic_ -he show that more than no degrees of efficiency. rom home and 'There are merely relative degrees of nd sweetheart_ there are by ondon that the chaos There is truth in the old saying mes welded to- s travels on its belly.- tsocl rcolalarity that 'an army filled. and living :within Its stoinach must food -ion is eat- other far rears, filled with better on the male front. • troubas to be en by the folks Sirve the amount of ft. a available CUTTING !amity brought fin- civilians declines `aster than soldiers. the civilians rraot ran away from • that for their food habits. 'The first very :hence change of the highly ways this was and consumption ir. the production OD otz' many redcoat...I cooles foods." meat. •mi .• :It- prizes "protective PULPWO fruit. The diminish- . habit of run- milk. egss and oipplies of food are too precious t that oe kept ing to animals: and to avoal ,• (incline noth- to be foci of livesas and interesting starvation, inventories a., destitute countries uandt:engs. are eon.sumed. In Starvation prob- we art- tarred starvation follows. people than do a, in oar own ably killes more farmers are able to study of orni- bullets_ This is the time of year when most States. like other my car to run Tte United nation. is in the oroces.s of ate esery time vrarring here is a chance to convert civilian consumption find a little free time. And making the ac- changing the Hoot-vet. our change is my Ades: and • of food reduction in amount It is Bonds. d woods. find- not a that time into War a sub.:mutton of the len y similar to the merelv foods for the highly prized ! miaal gas to desired needs mc-e pulpwood —millions of cords Up to the preatnt time !:hts The country not sour grapes ones. has not been sufficicrit to ling of valut. change Year rause malnutrition or disease. let to meet the increased munitions demands of this alone starvation The 41\ is so tartunate tri her capacity to crt their peak, -.p. invasion. Puipwood prices ate now prode...c crrral grains that her p• 'VICTORY, of ulation need not fear :starvation. third by investing in War The Food Shortage You can iiscrease your proilis a r • • PULPWOOD Amtation about the nation's food supply- has been inspired by the Bonds and holding them till maturity. tongue and not the stomach 'There Ud= has bean no shortage of energy could you accomplish so much food in the United Stales. In what other way Thr eons-unser tends to gauage the difference be- ** could you do • his shortage by N-1 with your spare time? In what other way of pork chops 1 1 . e I- it in tween the amount 1•'4 „.aj amount he •. )Yea he can tsuy and the " heip 'ming Victory nearer? • a-sae- would like to too-. bassai on the so much to in- ei so notity purchasing power of has rising .7)-4 La soia fro:en r comae relative to the low t Get in touch with your focal Pulpwood Committee :to -abiding supplies, prices ot his fro:an food 'vs- potation all great This difference is now ve-y ration b sO shortgae, Age.... nIrdt meaatire the . P or County the -hot- but it does contribute to ."1 ••••4‘ ;4. Or4V11"'" the c 're cos % kr." ..1 /4. utodsrat41 produced During 1142 the nation 4 milk. • the greatest tunount of meat, eivtliana and eggs in history. Ye By— •(44.idt Message Contributed least am- --This hink hey are eating the The ount that they ean remember. What be- question that all ask is: - came of the footit'" Net thdity NEWS fT112 Soldiers THE FULTON COUNTY explanation The most cemmon was A. has beeen that the shortage ▪ and tbe Om to our soldiers. sadism THE FULTON COUNTY NEWS, FULTON, KENTUCKY -----•-"=1"119111111' 1 and continue 6 !every 6 niontlis oi mai miles,' dules for the spring quarter will gin at CRUTCHFIELD quarter enda whichever is first be released next week. The spring officially i Friday, June 2. Fuel 011 Final examinations for the win• Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Notes of Our./1-ietrhant./Ifarine V 1 Coupons 3, 4, anti 5 good now. No. quarter will take place the last Fulton and Mrs. Allen Noles visit-! ter Fassetzger Liners 3 expires March 13. Unit value, 10 regular class periods on March for The ed Mrs. Burnie Stallins in the two Subscribe Fulton News. gallons. Change-making and to- 17, and 18. Fuller-Gilliam hospital at May- 16, America's first trans- sorve asoupons good throughout quarter Sunday. Class work for the rpring field oceanic liner. the heating year. Consuniption in Louis- begins on Tuesday, Mitich 21 The Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Tuener and WASHINGTON started ville area as of Feb. 14 should not last day to register for full load is daughter Barbara Ann, Mrs. Lucy its New YorkAlremen have exceeded 67 per cent of sea- Saturday, Mar. 25. and the follow- Turner and Mr. and Mrs. Marshall run in 1847. son's -r. ration. ing Monday is the last day to regist- Finch were Sunday guests of Mr.' . Ma. Warn of INsoMered •-• Report ceiling violations to the er for credit. kidney Action and Mrs. George Fortner or Crow ----• • • ') !Price Panel of Your Price and Students and teachers from the 1 (.. with tia hurry and worry ley. Two yearslatenour fabulous Rationing Board. 41,..1,.ro high schools in this err-a are ex- rr •011. r en, Mrs. Turner Fnrtner left Sun- Collins Line became the Atlanto V drotk.o. .1. rook •Blue Ribbon' pected to enroll for the spring 1..1 thrown heovy strait, ma I It, v... day night for ht•r home in NI 'A' passenger----(-- ..f ftr. Ito/ or,* mgot 1.. herorne. .leading the PALESTINE quarter, according to °Meads. r 1 /1/..'11 1111.1 1411 1,, filler Jersey after spending a few week, (tofu Ott. 1,14.-goiti,,, world. in 1,..1 1/11 • with Mr. Fortner's relatives. ----- Courses are being offered James Browder of Lexington and agriculture, art, biology, chemis- orti may Guff, 0111tIrliir, h.r.kacho. Arlie Batts 1.., 111.11.1/11( 111111101. Mra Ira Sadler Mrs 14.441 rt.n.nolly Till ADC Ruth Broader of Murray College try, commerce, dance, drmaatics, 1, r 1,1'110. and Mrs. Herschel Elliott visited Al IC rt .11 worn out.( Whet 111C1•4 spent the week end with their par- economies, education, English, of 1, olowy ,,r Madder disorder or. ,,,,, Mrs. Burnie Stallins at the Fuller.' meanly ot too fr4.4444,441 Soon ,however,AmericaS ents, Mr. and Mrs. t t 1.441.11., Gus Browder. F'rench, geography, German. his. ,,, Wednesday of Ur111111 Gilliam hospital on passenger trade Long- Pals. Don's'• help 1.hft Riehard Mobley is reported on tory, home economies, hygiene, l'r last week. uished. In World War , to sick list. mathe- mory h.,. 4,11. 1 , :Du; journalism. library science-. . Peri. Wade was the week .•11111fy pl1,11, 61'1.,..i• A... - of 6C/enemy liners Several of this community at- matics physical eduration, music, ul t.i u•ea• •verywhere. end guest of Mrs. Dee Wade and 1/1.11•1 .1,011..ta we carried only 41% tended the funeral of Carl Key at physies, political science, socialogy, Ask Jessie. ol our own troops to Liberty Sunday afternoon. Spanish. and spt•ech. Mrs. Luther Page and grand- Fret nCe Mr. and Mrs. Gus Browder at- First period classes begin at daughter Mary Joe of Paducah, tended the funeral of Miss Nora E:30 and continue in the morning saere Saturday night and Sunday 101104a• Majors, cousin cif Mr. Browder at until 12;30 Afternoon classes be- gtreat, .,r NI, .1.1 alra Ei but Pearl Harbor Walnut Grove Sunday afternoon. Moore. found our • enger fleet again Mrs. Hillman Collier and chil- Mr. and Mrs. Malcolm Shelton growing. and today it is transport- dren are recovering from an at- and son Leon were week end guests ing Americans to all battle• tack of flu. of his mother, Mrs. Fannie Shelton fronts and bases. Mesdames Clarenre Caldwell, of Beelerton. . Morgan Davidson and Robert Mr. and Mrs. Curtis Nelson of 1 Thorr.pson a:tendert Advisory near Fulton visited Mrs. Ira Sad- Council at Hickman Tuesday. ler and sons Sunday night. Laverne Burnt-Re of Madison- Mr and Mrs. Lor Howard, Mrs. COPyss,cnr ;1144 frwo,"..r.on coun,esyof ville, Ky., spent the week end with Charlie Stone. Mrs. Monie Guilt v cLausKe. Anwriva AforriksAt Alorin Mildkslis. N. h and daughter Beauton, were Sun- homefolks and attended the Bondu- rant-Waggoner wedding at Union day guests of Mrs. Mamie Howard of Fulton Church Sunday- afternoon. sons Harry and James Lowell vis- Mr. and Mrs. George Elliott and ROPER NEWS Mrs. Laura Burlingame left ! ited Mr. and Mrs. Vester Batts daughter Linda Mae visited Mr. and Wednesday night for her le me in I Sunday. Mrs. Tom Arrington on Route 2 Mr. and Mrs. Till Harrison and Los Angeles, Cant. after being Sunday. Miss Rose 'Aurelia.- and IViiss daughter Miss Margaret of near called here to attend the funeral of John McClanahan is recovering Ruhy Fields were Saturday night Cayce and Mr. and Mrs. John her mother Mrs. Mag Ramsey. from bronichal pneumonia at his and Sunday gueats of Mrs. Cleo Harrison and children of Union Bro. Agnew who resides on home near here. Murphy of Fulton. City spent Sunday wih Mr. and Nugent farm was taken to the Union Mrs. J. R. Elliott had a message Mrs. King Henderson seems to be Mrs. W. H. Harrison. City Clinic Monday for treatment. last Saturday afternoon that Mrs. a little better at this writing. Mrs. Richard Sernones of Union Clifton Pate a former rtaident of Henry Franklin had a stroke at her Mrs. Arnie Brown visited Mrs. City visited her mother, Mrs. Mina this vicinity passed away in Union home in Bardwell. Iia Sa tier- on Wednesday after- Cark Sunday. City Tuesday and was buried at Signs of Spring Paestine Wednesday a:ternoon. He Those who went to Mayfield noon of last week. Mr. and Mrs. John W. Davis of was reared in the home of the late hospital on Wednesday of last week Mrs. Burnie Stallins of Hickmas Fulton spent Sunday with Mr. and rrHE days are still short; half the natnin shivers under a blanket Mr. and Mrs. J. N. Blackman. to have their blood typed for Mrs. Highway, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. airs. Calvin Arrington. of snow-but there are signs of spring everywhere i: you know King Henderaon, who ,..:115 needing Ful:- Mr. and Mrs. Warren Thompsen where to look for them Nana is racing juat fine et the airs. W. N. israstierd and (laugh- blood for an operation were: hlr. er-Gilliam hospital at Mayfield. of Clinton spent last week end They are little things-such as new seed efttalo-,s, ads clinped ter. Miss Elizabeth visited Mrs. W. from magazines, reminders, scribbled on backs of envelopes. of and Mrs. C. A. Binford, Mrs. J. P. Tues. with his parents Mr. and airs. Ed Sne underwent an operation H. Harrison and family Saturday things to be done. Williams. Mrs. Jess Cashon. Mrs.,day of this week. Thompson. evening. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Pewitt re- Thousands of men, all over tne country, are making such notes, Walter Nichols, Miss Jessie Wade, looking ahead-farmers. manufacturers, storekeepers, Mr. Leonard and Harold }lender- Mr. and Mrs. Frank Henry vis- bankers.' ceived a telegram 'Tuesday from They represent what is called "management." and they kilo.' that Mrs. Arlie Batts. Mrs. Herschel'son.' Mrs. Ruth Felts of Detroit, Elliott. and Mrs. Eva Seat. ited Mr. anci Mrs. J. E. Rpoer, Mr. their son Harold that he had ar- to niake the most of any season requires pretty careful figuring.; !Mr. Lloyd Henderson of are and Mrs. Ruth Aloore is spending airs. Albert Jones and Mr. and rived at Las Vegrs, Nev., where he There's a skill in this management. It's a skill that men who run 'attending the bedside of their things have in common- that men who run things successfully. several days this week with her airs. Bob Powell Sunday afternoon. is stationed now. imother. Mrs. King Henderson. ?sir. and Mrs. Raytord Ladd and ba"e got to have Management's problems are a good deal alike, granddaughter, Mrs. Inman of near The Second Quarter Conference no matter what the business--getting help, meeting payrolls aril Fletcher Williams. Mrs. Fulghana Mrs. son of near Crystal, Tenn.. air. of Palestine-Water Valley Charge tax payments. making ends meet and having a little left over for Hardison and children vis- Finis Conner of St. Louis, Mo. Gaylon and Mrs. Met Arrington and chil- will convene at Water Valley new projects, planning for the future without letting the planninz Mrs. Ishaml Watts interfere with the fob in hand. spent Saturday night with his,ited their sister. dren, and Alvin and daughter. chureh in an all day meeting Sat- itif near Fulton Sunday. MrS. Pul Thompson Shaw visited urday. And when you talk with these men, you find they have the. mother Mrs. Lula Conner. game objectives. too. Right nosv they want sister Mr. and airs. Albert Janes Sunday to get the war won Mr. and Mrs. C. A .Binford and Mr. E. B. Moore visited his V at rhe lowest possibre cost in lives and 'therms. After that's done; Mx. and Mrs. Gerald Biafora' at- Mrs. Artspie Elliott of Paducah on afternoon. SPRING SESSION AT the be back on their never-ending 3,1, of turning out the ma-; Monday of last week. air. and and Nina Will Felds and !HURRAY BEGINS MARCH 21 tenet things needed to make a better peacetime world. General. tended the Waggoner-Bondurant Electric Co., Schenectady. N. 1. wedding at L'nion Church Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Herachel Elliott Ruby viaited Mr. and Mrs. Bob afterr.00n at 5 p.m and daughter Beverly Ann and Mr. Powell Saturday evening. NIurray. Ky.-Registration for the "4. 44. 4.d a .4c vows "TN, G I AN ... Mr. ar.d 'Mrs. Arlie Batts and Ethel Moore called on Mr. and Mrs. Mrs_ Pala uavis and Mts. Alvin spring quarter will be held Mon- twi •siC— T.e Wa, a ••••••, is 45 CIS 1Beard Satuday night. alabra- spent Wednesday of last day. March 20, on the stage of the BUY WAlt BONDS V week with airs. Albert Jones. college auditorium. aca ding to 6 Miss Alice Keys, executive secre- Janne Den Jones pnt Saturday GENERAL CAYCE tary of Murray State College. Sche- ELECTRIC with Darotav Sue 'Moshe air. and airs E. C. Moseley and \Ire. Willie Scearce wto return- children ..tsited his mother. Mrs. ed from a Merrahis hospital on Johnny Nirsvly Sunday at the WetinestLy of iasv.„ week doing nu., of Var. end Ks. litnry Mad- aax :T. - V• r The county "Reline of farm folks `7: r• . and sam spent Thursdaa ot the past week was aaratay wan datiet Mrs WE DIDN'T THINK IT POSSIBLE ... well attended. The women of ,- an. and 1,11-lily i.t Cayce Methodist Church served BUT IIERE THEY ARE...Y01.11 FAVORITE lunch. I s NI Fir I is irni.!.t one day Mr John alilrer. formerly of • .ve, a • it Nits Mina Clzil Cayce. is quite ill at the home of - — his daughter. Mrs. Joe Luten. Cayce Homemakers Club met at RATIONING the home of Mrs Walter Mayes Green stamps K L. and M in February 25th aed reported a very 13ovk 4 good through Mai ch 20. E.Bleisltt mid ;:i.Oftite trteresting lesson and en;oyable day. Blue stamps A8. 138. C8 and E8 in Book 4 good far lo points each Feb. Mrs. Buford Campbell visited 2'7 through May 2o her aunt. Mrs. L. D. Overby on Thursday of pa_et week. Meats. Cheese. Baiter. Fats. Canned SPECTATORS Fish, Canned Milk Several mernbers nd Pastor. D. CftlInwny nf tihts Are-err:hie of Brown stan,es V. W. X laatk 3 ex- God Church attended revival serv- pire Feo. 26 Y and 2 extere Mar. ice at Oid Republic. Tenn.. Sunday 20 Red stamps A8 B8 and C8 in night Book 4 goad for 10 points each Feb. Robert J. Fry. test Pilot of Good- 27 through May 20. Spare stamp How to do it with No 3 good for 5 pork points through 'year Aircraft Corp.. Akron. Ohio 5,5,5 spending a few days with his Feb 26 CONCRETE aarents, Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Sugar Book 4 Fry. Sugar stamp No. 30 in and save sczrco moterills pounds Mar. 31. Mrs. Lois Dunn of Barlow. Ky.. good for 5 through To in:rease f I pr Sugar stamp in txxsk 4 now valid ix meet sisiting her sisters. Mrs. L. D. beautifully. designed of soft artr requitemem:5 ;essential illAt for 5 pounds tanning sugar through Overby and Mrs. A. B Overby. i'Ss used ryes! and Feb. 28, 1945. (Will be daducted store ;tops be g Sunday visitors of Mr. and Mrs. uliite suede leather Ntith Army Russet repair. from amount allotted far 1944 can- Caterytefoundsr_vasuniert•srns. Charlie Sloan and family were: bog b:uses or p h.-vises w .1 \Ira W. W. Pruett and son Ruben ning, season.) ...uear•tested synthetic restore Mese to us:du:17es! Shoes af Rush Creek vicinity and Mrs and pr-eidtx. protec:. 01,:11.C.St rot. Lexington. Te;',.s. Stamp 18 in Book 1 anil No 1 • soles...your ten:cites and waste arid damage Faaris Burns, choice of niost desirable for caused Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Asbell airplane stamp in Book 3 gattel Frceh -s-k!.•!."Rertor.-rat'!./Yz•-, and Mr. and Mrs Alvin Graham one pair each until furtht a notice. styles. Staldmis Wi:'t Con, ref(' te::e hsw home of Mr. and Gasoline to make visited at the essential repairs with the Stamp A-10 goad for 3 gallons use df rime or no steei at other scarce Ms. John Asteell Sunday C-1 nwiterials Sunday guests of J. J. Cruce and through March 21. B, C. B-1 and each If need help. get in Mach woh family were.- Mr. and Mrs. Wil- stamps good for 2 gallons yew cancrece contra:tog Of budding Union City and Mrs. 11-2 and C-2 stamps good for 5 gal- oaten:a dealer'. me Cruce, John Varden. Fulton. lons each For your protection t and Mary Nell against the black market. the ratioa- 1111••• Misses Florence •=.10.11.11 Carter. St LOANS. visited their ing rules now require t.hat every POITUIND (HUNT Assochtnom Scarce and ear owns r immediately write his .ransaassast. aunte. Mrs Willie NIL all Oman.Sr. lassithe. Restonv OM tarn Mrs. Charlte Roper Sunday. license number and state on asailiisse 1111 ita Cossreate. Mts Cac-a Carr. Mlea Helen gasoline coupons in his possession Aiwa Simpson, Mrs. A. J. Lowe and Mrs, Tires SHOP after R R. No J. C Menees attended the Bondu- Next inspectioes diee A-boak ve- 29; DOTTY IN CIO nee iant-Waatitener wedding Sunday at hicles by March 31, B's 1 y Feb. FULTON Union chmeh C's by Feb. 29; commercial vehicles THE FULTON COUNTY NEWS, FULTON, KENTUCKY fl DRAF'T IDE 1,71141,00U ARMERS this yi.iti ilh planned by Sete, tive law, Gilson Latta ilfid spent the I .tiilition Thornton, 10 itisintssed. along fine Is off icially IN SOUTH THREAT TO LABOR Service it is certain to result in a week end with his son, William C Kimbell Kaiser I Jones Clink !Ylis W B Williams and baby _ .. „_ . ina,;or food crisis as farmers are Henry Edwards, who is in camp at f; Sanders Bishop , Mt's. Otis Sheridan and baby are doing all right to , already operating with all absolute Tullahoma, Tenn. lie returned to (; ilowlin Stover With Kentucky farmers fare were dismissed Wednesday. Mrs Russell Farts has been dis- ton Newa, . minimum of manpower, equipment. his home Thursday. Substitutions: Union City—liyer, !Tossed face with a severe farm lama Mrs. C. V. Halbert is doing nice- , fertilizer and insecticides. Bro Fuer, minor of the Methodist Williams; South Fulton—More, 2, -V shortage in all but the eastern ser- ly. to be tolisider- church here since last November, E,rrest. lion of the state, and with the "There in said Mrs. R L. Crockett is about the Mrs. Robert McCollum of Dyers- in_ has enlisted 112.1 Chaplain in the shortage being actually rritical in able hoarding of latmr by many same. burg, spent Monday with her those dustrial plants, therefore we sou- Armed Forres and is awaiting his areas near arrnY camps and * Mrs. Laura Reeves is getting daughter Miss Irene Hever. war industries, J. E. Stanford, Exe- , gest that Selective officials cart.- call, HOSPITAL * been rarrod cutive Secretary of the Kentucky , fully examine this possible seurce Mrs. Ed Roberts, who has plod Farm Bureau Federation, today 1 of additional men for military ser_ visiting in St. Louis, for the Fulton Horpltal two we-kg returned to her home r snd werr, sent the following - 1 Vie'. before making further de- Mrs W. T. Hill remains about «rt,nr .r,r1 wire to the Ken swami m lucky Congressional delegation. ' mands on the alreadY inadequate. here Thursday. the same. on IS A ilk.. THERE IN wog lc of farm , V Mrs. B. A. better DIFFERENCE a 14. heron.. "We urge you to take all neces- I suPPIY labor." Holland is • 11.144.0 i S. FULTON LOSE TO •cod sary stein; to prevent big-scale in. I Following dispatch of the tele-1 C F. Jackson is doing nicely. lifolproo, UNION CITY IN duetion of farm work,l,'gram, Stanford made this state- , Mrs. Fannie Johnson in doing all e toirkacho, FINALS OF TOURNAMENT tight. ff too noglox. into military service. If almost rnent: "In our opinion the ricw eon. nett,/ half of the million and seven hon. Selective Servire directive to local ' Mrs. Lora Fortner was adniitted . (ft hvr mine dis- Or are ..... In the finals of the eighth for Leatment. BABY CHICKS dred thousand farm workers now draft boards will demoralize agri; tot, irow..r lila tournament the Union City defei ni,ii .ire taken off the farms cultural production in 1944. Al- l Oliver Kash is getting along 1.0 help the Tornado trimmed the South Fulton i.o•t•Pek hotly most. half of the 1,700,000 young • , tearns total of twenty. Elam had Our Baby Chicks are hatched from carefully t hom 1,01 • Aft ilmlio* ID iiieti of draft age who all. !IOW tit.- Mary Liza Jones (colored) is . ro reel- The Union City Boys won 34 LO 2O •vorywhete. cs A ' furred as essential agricultural about the same. eggs produced by Blood-Tested Flocks. and the girls won 42 to 34. Yates selected , workers may be called into military ' Mrs. Kenneth Murphy has been was high scorer for South Fulton ' service under this new regulation. ,lemissed. Only by experienced field work, and with the I with eletten points to his credit This occurs at a time when closest Mis Gene Cunningham has been and Vowel! had eight out of the aid of Quality Flock Owners can you be sure of LLS I ti,f,,f,ie,lar l ricalculations of farm man- • us, 666 yearis team total of twenty. Elam had G Baby 11166 ceded to meet this LIVABILITY and QUALITY in your TABLETS. SALVE. NOSE DROPS ' 18 points for the girls while 1.rodurtion goals call for between Relief At betSin tossed in 30 points for , 400,000 and 500,000 additional farm Brownlow Chicks. woi kers. Union City. W. W. Jones & Sons Lineups: "This situation is provoked by a i For Your Cough Funeral Home S. Fulton Union City ,hange in the baste minimum Czeomulslon ri ;loves promptly ta•- F--Yates, I l Nichols, 7 air, it goes data to 129 University Phone 398 standards of farm wiak (von) eight the seat of the ushAri F—Clark, 1 Vaught, 9 l! ,Oble LO help loosen and expel Kenn MARTIN, TENN. units to 1G unit6 in oidet to n n otnegm. and aid plimitrtt!! war C—Bell nature to sow!, Hatchery A Service Well Bowden, :int! heal raw. tender inflamed . F Distinctive secure deferment, which is especi- Within Your Means G—Buffaloe Wade, 2 :,,n,ous membranes. Tell your 011ie..., ally unfavorable to Kentucky and Moss, 4 to :,11 you a bottle of Creomulsion G—Vowell, 8 Ow WITH A PERSONALITY" !all other southern states. understanding you mun like the "CHICKS Girls Game v it quickly allays the cough or you "Froductios in 1943 was achieved S. Fulton, 34 Union City, 43 .,r.• to have your numey back. StaLe Line St. Phone 48:3 South Fulton Accurate only by farmers working longer F—Cunningham, 14 Brcwnlow, 30 CREOMU LSION - hours and through use of large F.—Elam. 18 . Bolts, 2 For Couehs, Chest Colds. Bronchitis , WORKMANSHIP numbers of women. chidren and At Low Cost elderly people. Obviously. it will . take more. rather than less. work- Wacthes, Clucks and Time Pieces of All Kinds Accurate- ers in 1944 if the goals set for this' ly Repaired at Low Cost by— year. which exceed the record- r."• ANDRE WS breaking produrtion of last year, JEWELRY COMPANY are to be met. • "If the industrial worker's week was as long as the farmer's week, and if all non-essential govern- . I.-tient employees were released for for essential war work or military Orr t BABY (HICKS service, the manpower problem low would be greatly alleviated. if not I ROM .%(TREDEI ED and it would be unneces- HATCHERIES solved, . of sary to put either essential indus- trial or agricultural vvorkers into tes; SOUTHERN STATES military service." ers. hat S.ILES('OMPANY ing.; !no CHURCH STREET WATER VALLEY run _ _ .— tiny FULTON, KENTUCKY Nirs. Lila Brady was hostess to and the Sewing Club, Wednesday after- for ' noon at 1:00 o'clock. with a birth- day luncheon in honor of Mrs. Bat lew. Ky., and the* Chat les Wilson of von CALL US Roy Latta. Mr Henry Edwards of Detroit,' na-, bevn hi.s son-in- trct ter— Mich.. DRY CLEANING RADIATOR --and— SERVICE

t t LAUNDRY SERVICE PROMPT. EFFICIENT WORKMANSIIII Pick 1 p and Deiirery IiiONi: ,,,; Once .1 Week in Each FULTON Zone Under ODT Rul- ing RADIATOR SERVICE JIMNI1E McCLENDON PARISIAN Owner LAUNDRY-CLEANERS 113 CARR STREET Wkit WHI BriLtig Industries 'To Kentucky? FULTON, KY. l'horn I I NE newspaper in Kentucky less than one cent for every dollar's cost of electricity-, and that a slight would have you believe all worth of goods roduced. reduction in these would more than expense. 0that is nevessar) to gct in- offset the entire power Here are the Bureau's ficures S:r on dustries to come to Kentuay is to For instance, a SaN 1,1, of 11 ‘2 showing each item of cost for every linii.0as APIA have TVA power. IF ELEC- the cost of materials and containers of the average manu- inisiiiiissagr rORCER TRICITY WERE FREE TO IN- fiit10 cit %Arc would pay for the electric power product: DUSTRIES, THIS A LONE factured used. Materials and and FIGHTING ALLIES NEED F03) WOULD NOT CAUSE THEM Containers $53.40 Electric rates of business managed TO SELECT' KENTUCKY IN Wages and salaries 22.60 tax paying utilities arc not keeping PREFERENCE TO SOME Taxes. overhead expense industries out of Kentucky. OTHER STATE. WAR and profit 20.64 ,„1 IS OUR BEST WEAPON OF Why is statement true? Fuel 1.50 Our largest industrial areas— • Because the cost of electricity is one Commission and Detroit. Pittsburgh. Chicag,o, Cin- -s are urged to contract now for of the minor costs in roarnifActuring contract work 1.04 cinnati. St. Lovas, Louisville. Akron. and Early Spring I." . te Tomatoes, most products. A report by the Electric power .82 Cleveland. Buffalo, etc.—arc served United States Bureau of Census by business managed. tax paying shows that the cosi of electricity in From this you can see that the utilities--not by subsidized govern- 1v. %- a receiving station at Mc- the average manufactured art:cle is other items of cost far outweigh the ment pincer. Connell. • f, • convenince of growers in this Kentucicy Cannot Afford To Lose Its TtiX Paying Electric Power Industry

Write Particulars ger or KENTUCKY UTRITIES COMPANY I. r••••••A Water Valley Aiming Co. .4 Tar Paving Utility Und4 r 1 efirrol and S!ate Regnintson water Volley. Ky.

ArairtillitorfOragellillW silmatto* 4.011111•••• age ;it. t . aastawaessiwisastsawa

1 THE FULTON COUNTY NEWS, FULTON, KENTUCKY • the 1101111T la, tau %taw to ktiaw man Meets on March 10th. Ntis. Arthur Brown and son A VITTILTTI S MTh Vt`ili R. 2 Ald you have most reas- CRUT('HFIELD. two lodge meetings Sunday were: Mts. Georgia Moore against whom The regular meeting of the Aid Mrs Ruth Lomax spent Monday 11 attended Mr. Crimea on to guard yourself'? Your look- with her mother in Crutchfield. last week. 'Die word faterallsm Mrs. Willie D. Snow, inny•rour people in uniforms for Society met on Tuesday of last ing glass will give you very fair Fred Moore and Mrs. airs been learned long ago by llone and Mr. Elliott. ein uniforms for Mrs Thomas his face.- Whately Platy-four peopl week with Mrs. Murrell Jeffress, many Masons here. All the world Joe and Phillip Brown, and likenneas of Woodrow were afternoon visitors. Bob, spirit is bet- Christ can do wonderful thin,gs. the ptesident. A very nutritious learn. after- 111. that ruleth his William James Stroud has been a ill have to Jininne Grra.n spent Sunday -- Just you watch. a big contribution ter than he that taketh q city meal was spread, consisting of examined and passed as perfect Mrs. Edna Alexander, Oscar noon with Glen B. and Willard C. trunk to our soldiers. The servicea Bible salad; meats, vegeables, pie cof- for the army. A good healthy body Nugent, Chester Wadi.% MUITITII Rice. were well delivered by our Holi- fee and hot rolls. The program was as one of God's richest gifts. JCIT.11.8S, Mr. and Mis. Richard Mr. arid Mrs. A. E. Llitvri, Mr. ness Pastor. We are glad he be- opened by Mrs. Vivien IVIcClaria- Mr. and Mrs. Roberson of Clin- Bellew, Mi. and Mrs. Thurman and Mrs. W. A. Cooper, Mr. and lieves in Holiness, for without han reading "Keeping in Line." have been house guests of the Vester Jeffres.s. Mr. and Mrs. !Navy Barclay spent Sunday Holiness no one can see God. ton Mrs. Cheser B Wade, a visitor led Linens. 'Nis Clyde Coruna Mr. and Mrs. with Mr and Mrs. Elmore Copelen Mr. and Mrs. Hub Lowry spent A motion the wed- in singing "America." Mr. and Mts. Charles B. Wade Glealon Howell attended and family. Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. George carried buy flowers at Union made and to and baby Kenny spent Frdiay ding Sunday evening Mr. and Mrs. Marshall Dariglity Fergustwn only for members. Years ago this night with Mrs. Edna Alexander. C11111*(41. viaited Mi.. and Mrs. Raymond Ar- Mrs. Fted Wade is still very was a set rule but seems sonic. have Miss Jeanette Oliver came up for Mtli. Clayton Kyle is on tht• sick rant for a while Sunday. hick. The doctor vras called out forgotten it. Sime sick cards have the wedding of her friend Miss list. We wish for her a speedy re- V- Bellew was Sunday. sent out. Mrs. Mary Joyce Bondurant. Miss Oliver was covery. The good are missed too the vacancy of Secre- Silo Simpkins Says Richard Bellew is checking the asked to fill the brides maid Lynette meant to much to be sick long. his community. tary Taylor. The meeting adjourn- farms in attend but her molter was ill. We art. very proud of 'toper ed to meet sith Mrs. Arch Johnson Names of certified seed growers Mrs. Oola Roper visited Mrs. Aexander has been on Henry, nephew of Mrs Irvin Jef- the Lord's Prayer. Tom and distriautors are given in a Alms Corum Tuesday afternoon. by repeating hope that he soon the sick list. tie missed church fress, surely booklet recently published by the Mrs. Corum has been on the sick The second quareily conference rest. Sunday. Mi.. Nugent isn't well etas a much deserved Tennessee Crop Improvement Art- fist. will canvene at Lberneezer church enough to be out yet. A thought. The greatest gift to sociation, which may be obtained Alton Jeffress has gone over the world is a christian life with a from county agents. of faith and a broth- seas. Paul Plantt and Robert Jef- bright smile Ashes 14.ft fram burning hard- The, clasp tress are both in Ireland. erly hand wood such as oak or hickory con- Lee V -- hone to meet. Also James tain as much :is 5 pereont potash WANTED Childers said he was searching fur LIVE STOCK if kept dry DUKED0M aiid a little lime and ,-- ...-t;„ hi:, Uric Mil Edwards. The Sloan the 1,&S.C.- for-- -- and worked tholoughly k4 brothers met some time back but gard-, Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. soil in the spring make good were separated again. Our prayers rarrast }louse and family were: en fertilizer. are daily God bring these boys with' Chicks I AUCTION Ntrs. Douglas Nanney, Mr. and Top-dressing of small grain Get your PUBLIC back, give them a chance at life. earliest Mrs. Harry Watts and Miss Martha nitrogen fertilizer is the Put such conviction on the hearts grain Aldridge. Guests that afternoon possible way of increasing ahead of the rush Auction Sales Are Held of these rulers that they sill cease acre ap- included Mr. and Mrs. Vethroe Mc- production in 1944 Per to crave wealth and study war no of nitrate Clain and daughter, Mr. and Nils. plieationa of 100 pounds more. Prayer can win the war ammonium Sv.ift's Chicks are born psi,. Scott Ross. Mr. and Mrs. Batill of soda or 50 pounds of All WEDNESDAY AT FULTON, KENTUCKY much quicker than grins. and . hatched i:OFS. Harold Lee Ross and Mr. nitrate between February 1 forum tested stock . . Mr. Milner, father of Mrs. Joe 24 Starting Ai 1:00 P. M. and Mrs. Chess Morrison. April I are recommended .frorn eggs weighing at least critically ill with pneu- Luten is Leading dairymen have agreed ounces per dozen. They are fast Mrs. Burnie Stallins was Ntrs. Lonzo Stafiord spent the Will Sell At Good Prices If You Will Bring monia. en the soundness of the following growing, fast leathering chicks operated on Tuesday. Mrs. King week end with Mrs. Georgia Staf- Them To Us 6-point program for milk produc- w-that rnalie heavy laying hens Hendersein was operatd on for ford and family near Latham. tion in Tennessee: (1) Utilize feed broilers and roasters. week. The incision Mrs. Hobart Woodruff spent the ... plump THERE WILL BE NO CHARGE roR REJECTED STOCK. cancer last to best advantage: (2) grow more and the cancer untouched, Neck end with relatives near closed and feed; (3) keep cows Latham. Pia% for her comfortable; (4) produce better a nn visited in airs jimmy Jackson spent Mrs. Blanche Saddle:: milk and eream; (5) reduce loss by last Thursday of last week with her bU,the Luten home Thursday of better head health: (6) improve B week. mother. in Palmersville, Tenn. A. & Autiiiuri future the herd for the immediate the Mrs. Hubert Jackson is visiting Smith Atkins Phone 12 Chas. W. Burrow,Auctioneer Rev. Walker called upon all and post war production. her sister in Chicago, Ill. sick in this community last week. V Mayfield Highway 15—Adjoining Auto Sales Co. Miss Martha House. Mr Jimmy The sickest being Mr. Milner. But Character is very njuch a matter Wheeler, Miss Martha Aldridge and FULTON, KENTUCKY. he found him rejoicing. Praising health —Boyce. Johnny Reed were. dinner of God and ready to go. Pfc. 111K11111WW1 Black A letter from my own son Jewell, guests of Mr and Mrs Fat Call'AIMEMINISIIWIMMONNA11111111111111.111111Dallir at Long 11..ach. Calif.. says they ard and Joann Sunday. Mes. George Cunning- 1 are working day and night. Quote, Mr. and —EAT AT— spen "Mamma, you don't have to be ham and daughter Dorthae HORNBEAK FUNERAL HOME across to see the brutality of war. Sunday in Dresden. S c returned hi 500 Marines landed here one night, Thomas Smoot 3 last week after looked as though some one had San Diego, Calif.. CAFE Third and Carr St. I spending a few days with his LOWE'S , ;taken a knife and slashed them all Mrs. John Smoot. t Ito pieces. We worked all night parents. Mr. and Durell McCall and ;for 26 hours, I never closed my Mr. and Mrs. Modernistic and Comfortable Sunday with Mrs. ea.t.s. Some times I veish I could daughter spent Lou MeCall. Good Food Served Right AMBULANCE I.get mv• hands on those Jap's. Then Cavender spent Sat- again its peace. we want and want Mrs. Willie with Mrs. Edwin quick. I think I'll make this my urday afternoon OPEN DAY & NIGHT PHONE 7 tlife's work. If you could see the Cannon. left Tuesday morn- great need of doctors and nurses Junior House into the Naay. .4111111101111r ,you would insist on my going all ing to be Inc:meted I Hycinth Prince Thelma the way, more than you have Miaatat and Mrs. Junior down through the yeairs. I am glad Cashon and Mr. the basketball that I have chosen this work and House attended • Dresdea Stair:day thank my parents: and teachers (a tournament in MORE RAPID DELIVERY NOW! a little scout training I had) for night. Sgt. Richard Rose of Indiantown. Repair Service thane I learned in my youth. Radio taary a ten day furlough Every little. thing has been a help. Pa.. is spending But, order your COAL TODAY—to I was astonished tia. day I was here. Hartwell Morris supply ypur needs for the remainder chosen for this jab Of course I Mr. and Mrs. INVITE AND APPRECIATE YOUR to their home in De- WE of the season. wanted to do my pait but I was have returned after spending a few so home-sick and lenely it really troit. Mich.. PATRONAGE didn't matter inner, wnat I got. days 1:al:.- has returned Wean I was told I had the hand's Lieut. Elmo Morris Mo.. after spend- CITY COAL COMPANY A great surgeon I thought my'. to Camp Crowder. a fevs days here. 1 4-Ina 4.1. en go a` a shot But any- ing Weleh Junior High PHONE 51 — FOR a ay I lithe and now I wouldn't Tht• of PROMPT SERVICE the Junior High basket- SHOP school won RADIO one. HAM'S 4..xchange places v,ith any tournament at Dresden Satur- Janna Alexander has all ready ball FULTON liOTEL BLDG ULT0N. hl boys lost to Stella armed in the Hawuan Islands. I day night. The 1 Ruth. miss him murh. Well. readers this is part of his letter. Young men and somen there is a need for ROCK SPRINGS you NIrs and Jimmy: Mr. Joe Brown was quite sick MILK and 5-.!.• Gene%ia Knoles and Tom- Monday. Detail) Hybrid Seed Corn BOTTLES Lamas Th ZIT my \ 1,11‘ d NI:, P • Mr. and Mrs. Arnie Brown PLEASE RETURN WHEN EMPTY went to Ntayfield Tuesday to see The supply will he limited this season. !Id NI.- Jeffiass Mrs. Victoria Stallins. Better place your order early. AND YOU'LL HELP W/N THE WAR iT1,1 \11 :014 NI.- Richard Mr. and Mrs. Elmoore Copelen pp..i i Sa d.,s and daughter. and Mrs. Nora Sunday dinm: sts of NIT Copelen visited Mr. and Mrs. H. Each milk bottle lost or and NI., G14 alae lia tall :... M. Rice and Mrs Kathleen Sulli- ,11 and Wadneeday earat e. destroyed means preci- ani Jas41 van for a while CECIL BURNETTE Brown all Alma, Mr and Nti, Arthur Mr. Percy Veatch is haying I Ft I TON ous matrial and man- _ad Mr and al:, Lae Rapt.r his teeth extrorted seek pneu- hours wasted. Bentat spent the Mr. John McClanahan has ,nd with her erandparents, Ni... monia. I and Mrs lia.ra Sublett Mr. Ethel Moore spent Wednes- Speed victory hy speed- Mrs Chester Wade and baby day with Mr. Pressie Moore and any Layne. "Vass Jaanette 011‘er. family. ing empty milk bottles and Nits Paschal Dockery. and Mrs. Nina Moore and Miss Ina WALLPAPER and HINT! bock to your dairy. ta Mr and Mrs Charlie Pat: k. Bellew spent Thursday afternoon is and Lea!, ; tended he ral, with Mrs Nera Copelen See I's For Your Wallpaper and Paint Needs ',ices at Hatmany Sunday Mrs. May Hardison has pneu- Milk customers are urg- 'Ors Mildred Luten and son Joe monia. Brauliful desicns ani color: for every room that are priced to lengthen the ta Mayft. Id Sunday to visit Nits. Grace Ferguson and daugh- suit every pur%e. ed to help P.ana• stahma Lee spent Friday af- by ter life of Milk Bottles Mia Lonnie Bed.:d„i f ternoon with Mr. ;tad Mrs. John Ask l'a About FREE SILVERWARE PREMIUMS them carefully and alent Route 2 is in the May- McClanahan. using and - 1 ,iTlt fa ,i vs Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Green We also Repair and Rebuild All Types Office returning them prompt al; s Walt,' C. :tar reaalins J111111'11'. NIrs Gearala %awe, ly when empty. Thank Mo. Sammie Ea y has ietoin- Ntr and Mrs. Bob Veatch. Ntr. and Machines and Carry .1 Full Line from Akion, Ohl a wheat- Mia, s Norie you. h Mrs Pat Snow. Office Supplies Vk LITT pit Si 10. (14114.hier.;and Gladys Mama.. wale Thursday t • , raga, sapper guests of Mr and Mrs. tin. wt.. Corl•lon celebrating Miss Ma.tlio Kay Corrlen's birth- Pure Milk Co. aat NI. laaat: day. FULTON Fulton Mrs. John Sanders visit- Mr. and "Home af Pure Push urzed Milk" Pay leaeene Wade a ant un fai ed Mr. and Mrs. Pressie Moore for Wallpaper & Office Supply Co. . examinatian FT iday. a while Thursday night. Snow visited Mr. and Fulton. Ky. -rhe: ;.e is rejected for good Mr. Lee MN WALNUT STREET PHONE N5 FULTON. RV. Fourth Street lie is still a good soldier, being a Mrs. Pat Snow for a while Sunday fa.rner. morning.

• e THE FULTON COUNTY NEWS, FULTON, KENTUCKY SI IDES 110%11 S • •• • •S.,11,1,,"I' G R.1.11 S e., , we. ...:, i.. not AND DI \IONS'S RATIONS titilit•d into Tennessee, when ;1;•riev hear the rustle of wings, nor tad SI I. FOR FARMERS aiew and meeting will be conduct- UNIFORM INTCRNATIONAL Winter driving reque es an unti- the feuthery touch of the breese of . .1 et Palmersville high b.:hoot near • 1, eeze in the radiator of your eau. Creamery Indwary. Creain Improve- Dukedom. Other programs will be . dove; but we know their pres- CUNDAY I of these solutions contain ment Astowlation aeti Agricultur- held in Tennessee SS follows: ence by the they create in I \ lit. eleithol, also known us methyl al- Department of the faCHOOL L.essom al Iiiiman OCat Monday, Feb. 78, 7:30 p.m. at cohol or tnentanol. our tS —Mary Baker Eddy. Centre' Sponsor reiterant ,Cottage Grove; Tuesduy, Feb. 29, I` n. 41V 1/11111t1110 Of ellieoge. The National Safety Council cau- A series of talking motion pic- McKenzie, 2 p , and Central 4,CLOSFR we wet, 'fraider I inn 4.0,1 by WIIIIIVI11 Nowap..yes Union. ‘-ta of how she'll take it," said tions that when using the alcohol, tures and special dairy displuys Seined, near Como, 7:30 p.m. Ham two facts should be kept in tnind KEEP ON and demonsttations have been an- Milan high school, Wednesday, Delphine looked up at his blond Lesson for March 5 I. It's poisonous. Mark the cant, nounced and will be held in Kan- March 1, 10.30 a.m.; Sardis high tallness. "Me, too," tale confessed, plainly and keep them away from :144.6aefeite,4464€4/: ttieky and Tennessee between now milled. and squeezed his hand. For the I r,or, aubject• and Scripture lento ** at 7:30 p.m. atn,11 copyrighted bY International children. and March 7, in various memo's for thought of her mother WWI Still be t ..o.,11 of Rellicluita kdocation, LIM* bY I-eldest high school, Thurstlee, vet P11.1.0,1. 2. Alcohol vapors • the purpose of bringing to the farm- tween them. Delphine remembered mixed with WITH WAR BONDS • Marcel 2, at 9 a m.; Lexington, 111:45 what she had said and her worry can be combusible, To avoid th• me the newer, improved niethods of JESUS URGES HIS DISCIPLES in • • If • d, 7:30 • grew "We'd better be ready for the poesibility of fire, drain d ' handling milk anti cream, in con- TO WATCH Middleton school, worst," she told flans. "You know your radiator in the opi nection with the six-point progrurn high Friday. March 3, Muma always sael: 'My Delphine, 1.FSSON TY:3(T' Mark 13.3.10, Store wood alcohol in tight ) outlined to increase produetion and at 10:30 a.m.; Selmer, at FARm sheet never going fisher- Lopis marry no GOLDEN T/EXT. Watch ye therefore' MY 7:30 p.m. tainerx. lower cost. man.'" 4. Str,,,, not Sites Ots &nester of the hob.* ovington high school, Monthly, Hans looked uncornfortabl•. coincth --Mark 13 33. 131. cautious in the handling and l'he Agricultural Department of . Merch 6, 2:25 p.m.; Arp high "Yeah, I know," he said. "Look. use of anti-freeze compounds used , 4% Interest — 10 Years ite God even now in yew. the Illinois Central Railroad, eheel, 7:30 p tn. maybe I'd better not go to the house haa a plan, and wot•king in conjunction with the with you. Maybe you better break when men seem to have turned all Franklin Title & Trust Co. Cierkett Mills high school, Tues- that Cod V Creamery Industry of Kentucky it alone." order into chaos, we know L.ouisville, Ky. day. elarch 7, at 10:30 :um ; Friend- is working out His purpose. The Im- end Tennessee, end the "No." Delphine was firm. "It's The War Food Administration R. I). Mann, Mgr. Farm Loan Dept Kentut•ke ..hip high school, 7:30 p.m. portent crisix in that plan of God best you come now. I want she urges farmers to keep their trucks, and Tennessee Cream Improvement which we now await ix the return This series of motion pictures should know we're not ashamed of pickups, trailers, end Associations. of Christ, His trecond coming. automobiles Fall & Goulder and demonstrations are arranged what we've done. And len proud of He will come secretly to call His in the best peesible condition. It 214 Main Street The first of these meetings was in it program that should be help- my husband, no matter what he has Fulton, Kentucky ov,:n Church, the Bride, to Himself. rt•petts that recapping of tires held last Friday at the Lynn Grove ful to ell beent" produrers in this and then He will come openly, II, he employed High sieved "Well, I'm not exactly a flsher- extensively. SUBURBAN LOANS Since then meetings territory. The shows will include pleat glory. when 171.7(.1N eye she:: man now, even if I Still own my P•11&.. have been held at Alamo, Hazel, such pictures as "A Letter From eelead Him. Then HIS eneme shrimp boat and jus' leased her." Kerte)). e, Betio.), lecenter and Ilettien," -Cowie and Chickens, U. steal be confounded, and His eternal "Cf ccuree toseed 'Calvert City high schools. r.Lt." Dee:thine v:Anelineee.. 1 S. A ,'' " Soldiers of the Soil," and the shiny black curls. 'And it s time We loek for HIS coming, but wile. A show and meeting was sche- 'Twenty Fighting Men," for Mama to know." The shrimp wait (and it may dot be twee . dulcet to be held today (Friday) at The Aericultural Department of trawlers at the docks faded behind et. :ire to occupy for Him until II. the Cayre Iligh School in Fulton the Illiniiis Central %ahead, the them as they went down the leafy ernes. Our lesson tens men street toward her home. "eternal' county, beginning at 1 p.m. Anoth- Creamery Industry. and the Cream I. What to Expect While Waiting other meeting is set for tonight Improven:ent Associations are to be be hy herself," Delphine said. Thank for Christ (vv. 3-9). You... "That's good, though I wish Raoul (Friday) at the Beelerton High yea:mended etc the fine program could be there. He'd side with us." First, we note that we are to ex- School near Fulton, beginning at that has been prepared, and which le et the corning of false teachers 1 "Your brother v.ould help," Hans 7:30 p.m. will eccomplish much and false Christs, who will claiin to FOR YOUR VERY EXCELLENT sighed, "but the army's got him lie the fulfillment of the prophetic PATRON- el.e. I e. 28, at 2 • etion. too far" Scriptures. We need only one ad- AGE. WE APPRECIATE Delphine's mind was busy. She monition concerning them, "Take IT A LOT retnembered just how she and Hans heed that no man lead ynu astray:* had met, that very first time. nearly There Mem always been such false If you find our place full and overflowing when three yeare before. She had been in leaders who for the prominence or ORDER COAL NOW her feeler's store, helping during teen afforded them are willing to ot- you come in- please remember we're doing our school vacation of her senior high ter bewildered mankind all sorts te school year. The youne man had penaceas whereby it is supposed I very best to give you good prompt service. And We are now able to meet the demands for coal walked in to ask for information. solve its problems. It setera a • Blond hair, yellow in the slanting these men increase in number, come again, won't you? 1 more promptly, but our customers should not sun as he doffed his cap, and tall great CT/SeS, such as war, come and fair, with the widest shoulders, the nations. Do not be misled I Again, thank you! let their supply become too low. Delphine had thought, she'd ever them. Just because a man seems 1. seen. te devout and professes to be 17- "My name's Hans Olsen," he said, terested in Christ's return does n. "and I've come from Florida in my make him a dependable teacher P. T. JONES' COAL YARD trawler. Heard the shrimping's Are not these the very ones Jes,.. SON good over this way. Can you tell evarned against? They must meet me where I can find a boarding the test of all of God's Word. BENNETT CAFE Phone 702 -The Coal Number place?" Christ warns believers that before "But yes," she answered him. the end of the age there will be "WHERE TENNESSEE MEETS KENTUCKY" Madame Broussard will be glad to werld-wide war, earthquakes in have you." And she directed him, many places, and famines. These walking to the corner to point the are to be expected, and will come. way. He'd been back several times. But here a word of caution is need- In fact, he'd made it a point to come ed. We must not seize upon present N 0 W —and always they found something events and rush out (or into print) to talk about. Delphine was sure and tell peeple that "this is it!" almost from the start that he liked V.'ci should be alert in relating her. Get Your world events to the teaching of AUTOMORE LIABILITY And soon the whole town was talk- Scripture, but let us "make haste ing about the yeeng Swede fisher- slowiy." But let no one assume that man. One of those East coast the need for caution justifies him in shrimpers from Florida, they said, Tractor Ready the Word or world for ignering either Spring who sure knew how to get the fish events. We are to be alert, wt. . INSUR iaNCE 'v.ery out. A hard worker. too, you informed, spiritual and ready. Call bet. Mere than one Timbalee mama Us Today for Overhaul and Service Do While Waiting fie .11' THE LOWEST ()SI' IN HISTORY would have been glad to have hine IL What to (v. 10). ON ALL TYPES OF COTI1C Christ TRACTORS the gospel! That e But Hans Olsen went only to the Preach • important bee $5000— $10,000 1;. .111 1V;ES LeBlew store, where there was Del- first and most said that the whole • Experienced Mechanics — Reasonable Prices l'n(WERTy prune. And Delphine had been glad, Our Lord was to be evangelized befc: 0 oh, so glad! She shuddered, re- We have a ROAD SERVICE , $5,00 GE came. Please 7- •. throughout Fultn n..11/.1 membering her mother's tirade. Any End clid not say ".4- Ration Card_ . Sl1.50 of her friends' parents would have that He County and the surrounding will be saved, but the: , territory. been happy if this sober, industrieus "R" Ration Card the gospel. young man appeared to have serious Call Us or Details. That is our responsibility—to 51 • "C" Ration Card .S16.75 attentions toward their daughters, tO a that every nation has . AT THE PRESENT LOW PREMIUM COST NO efOTORIST hut not her mama. "Ever since you and free orportunity to hear ti CAN AFFORD TO DRIVE WITHOUT TIIIS FORM OF been big enough to go with boys for blessed gospel message. We have PROTECTION the dates."' Fite rented, "I been not done It, anci the faeure of the afratd this happen. lou know why GET STANDARD STOCK COMPANY INSURANCE AT THIS Church at that point is a dark blot County I nevair let you go out with boys NtIW LoW COST—TODAY. on its record. from the shrimp boats. Aavays I don' wan' you rr.arry fiaternian. There seems to be a r• r' 2.1TE— Standard Limits Look what you get! Notein' eut to interest in the work of me - and there are many who le le e t: Tractor Service be sorry!" "Yes, Mama." at tile close of this war almost the ertire world will be open for Chris- .Route I, Fulton. Ky. "You koow a shritr.per, he's Phone 5.11-1! nevair tien missionaries. This will prob- Atkins insurance Agency make nothin' hardly. When he ea:ch Oily be true for • limited time only, good, he throw away tee money and it is the urgent business of the 106 Lake Street Fulton, Ky. gamblin' or somethin'.'' Church now to prepare the mission- 1 That had been so unfair to Hans arms who will then be needed. that she'd sreken up: "But. Mama, And in the meantime we should Hans is re t eke teat. H.. s differ- all be busy about the all-important ent." matter of teaching end preaching Why Not Fool Old Man Weather? "Different, en? Nen, the gospel. It is the best prepare- ers, they're alike!" hen for the coming ot Christ and And that had settled that. She the thing we would want to be doing couldn't see Hans at home. Their ween He comes. Easy to Look Charming surreptitious meetings had been few How to Live While Waiting and far between, but ter her It v.-culd for Christ (vv. 31-37). always be this tall, fam yeung man. There should be an air id t senti- REGARDLESS The months became years. He ency constantly chare.t. tne OF WEATHER went back to ehe Atlantic and she Chiestian. We are looking for Seine- thought him lost forever. But he one—yes, a very definite and glori- returned, explaining that he'd taken ous One—our Lord Htmself. It's easy to do when you keep your clothes look- his trawler over because of the ex- We do not know when He will tra good fishing. rorne (v. 32). That is a matter hid- ing bright and new by sending them to us regu- Then war had come and. after a den in the eternal counsels of God HELP FEED AMERICA FRUIT time, she'd gone to Houma to work the Father, a secret into which an- larly or a thorough DRY CLEANING and Our Government asks every femily in a defense plant. And Hans was gels do not pry, and which even the in America with available space, to i on toe East coast. She hadn't seen Son did not know. Why then do PRESSING. grow some Fruit and help in the War • him for nearly six months when he'd foelish men attempt to learn it^ Be- effort Home Owners are urged to walked into her cousin's eome in ware of any man who sets a date grow more fruit. Fighting mete our Houma one Sunday. They'd been for Christ's return or for the end of And Don't Allies, and the people on the home Forget — it's most economical to have married the the age. lie is setting himself up front need the vitamins, minerals, sugars of fruit for health next week and this, aft- your and strength. er them al/ too short honeymoon in as beteg superior to Christ, and smu Clothes Cleaned the QUALITY Way. can be sure that he is an impestor. Let me show you how you can plant now—enjoy delicious New Orleans, WaS her homecoming. know the day, but of fruits amazingly soon—increase the value of your property Delphine gripped Hans' fingers We do not —help hurry eur Victory. Call me. No obligation. tighter as they turned Into her yard. tee fact We are sure. Christ is com- We strive to give prompt, efficient "This is it!" she murmured an. they m.; agate! So we are to be watchful and speciai- STARK'S YOUNG-BEARING TREES smiled at each other. as we wait. God has not called us ized DRY CLEANING SERVICE. Grow More and Finer Fruit—Quicker "Mama, this is my husband, Hans to stand elle, looking for the (Steen- Plant fruit trees and plants you car. depend on to live and Olsen," she said, end waited for the ing of that glorious day. We are to hear gem' fruit—QUICKPR! I will show you Stark's famous storm. "We were married last Fri- be ebout His business, but every- Your patronage is always IlECOROPEARING STRAIN TREES--vigorous. sturdy, veung day. He's on leave front Camp Shel- where and always, widi• awake and appreciated. heavy beetien. trees. They are quick bearing. They are ley." looleing for Hine They cream of 128 years of Stark•Burbank free tied are the "Husband . . . husband," her That kind of a believer (and al! tree improvements. Call or write me eithout obligation. mother said, and her brow clouded. believers should be Mai kind) will Then she wed hard at Hans. Del- pray. We are to "watch and pray.- phine saw that he braced his khaki- They go together. The ore whr clad shoulders. "Ah, Delphine," she preys will watch. The one vrlio watches will pray. Poss:bly some uality said. "Me, I'm glad you didn' mar- Cleaners H. D. ALEXANDER praying ry no fisherman . . but a good of us are not because et soldier of the United States like es• fellen asleep and no long,: Corner Carr & State Line Fulton, Ky. Fulton, Ky. Phone 470 Raoul. Come, my son and daugh- ‘,. His coming. Then toe ‘\ ter." She held out her arms. aeleep because) we die. t Fey. THE FULTON COUNTY NEWS, FULTON, KENTUCKY 411111111,---- then 79th bittliday Sunday at the The out-of-town guests at the Huit of lilac wool. and an m•chid James 'Iliontas King. left last! Our Classified Ads Get Results •SOCIETY •• home of Mrs. Elmer Shaw. 115 wedding were: Mrs. Edna Mansie, corsage Her aneessories sverel Thursday fat. the LI. S. Navy and Central Ave. A put-lusk dinner black After the retain flow their SOLITH FtfLTCtIsl Caneyville, Ky., Mr and Mrs. W is stationed at Great Lakes, la was served to 25 gueste. During wedding trip Mrs Waggoner P.-T. A. MEETS . Burnatte, Martin. Mi.. and Mrs Ilis addrest. is: James TliOnlini the 79 years these sister's haven't teRellifig and Ensign The South Fulton Parent-Teach- Bak/ missed but one birthday eating din. Denver Bradshaw, F.Ihridge, Tenn.. Waggoner %VIII !( to Ills new King. Co 422 U. S. N T. S. Great ers As:tot:baton held its regular ner together. Miss Lavet•ne Holman,. Madison- Adtion NON 01 leans, La Lakes, Ill meeting last Thursday at the An 1..1n. A... g. etachi V ville, Ky., Mr. and Mrs. Clemons Monday in /....nor.1 Mood 1.1.N1 elaried AO. km Iwo astd school. Mrs. V J. Vocals chair. Mrs. Ira Dixon spent 'Noe ••••‘• "1.1 l'r right Alm. Lawson and Miss Patricia Lawson, GENERAL SESSION OF rnitlicATAIAxi.Wrig• man, presided over the meetng. WMU IN GENERAL St. Louis. an WWI num....ruin • Hickman, Ky., Miss Bonnie Cox, WSCS MONDAY Martha Roach. Mis. Ben Schwerdit MEETING MONDAV The Woman's Society of Chris- and Mrs. Tillman Adams were the, The Woman's Missionary Union Cid.,tini.bns.'s ' Miss Leni"" ad' tian Service of the First Methodist nominating committee. and were of the First Baptist Church held its w.en'." inv Kin'ings' Miss • M" 1.annie Marsee, Dorothy Noll Mat.- church met in a general session appointed to cleat the officers for monthly business: session Monday CLASSIFIED ADS - .th see, Sarah Miles, Mr and Mrs. Al. Monday afternoon at the church the coming year aftia lapin at 2 30 o'clock wi m s •ert s, Mrs. Horace Butler The business session WaS presided Mrs. T 1-; Ilumpliries, chairman, s.rue itznnnit: SALESNIEN WANTED The group vated to serve the 1.oum rsittitalte• over by Mrs. E. C. Grisham, and, this year. 1"."‘"duig WANTED—Man or 1%.1ttli1/1 Who Juniar-Semor Banquet the society voted to sponsor a , IF , A report of the Health nieettig l""1.!!""1 ""s "Pcned with ,Tuckar of I'd I nursery for the babies and young ean finality tor 111:111:11g1.1111•111t Ilf Elsa. Ibc Light is' Nit,‘. tit“ '1 and MI'and business itearlis. Write Union City, was gven by Mrs. a I). Walker, Jr. children on Sunday mornings. profitable Provoo. Mrs. Schwerdt candust- 11!eakinia- E•dlowcrl hy Prayer hy Rawleigh's Dept. Ktc-141-158, Free Reception For Bridal Party The program was opened with Ho the Founder's Day piogiam. Fostei Edwards. All officers COLD port, III. Hp. ed HEAD good report.. l'.0110wIng the ceremony Mr. and the singing of "More. Love to Thee.'•; She read the historY of the local aial gave Humphries isui Mts. Eugene Bondurant entertain- Mrs. Charles Buriow gave the de- 1 assocati•,n and red roses were pre_ Mos Kiithi•iine SA1.1: -Hotpoint Electric "I the members of the bridal party votional on "Love." An interest-! T. I). sented to the past presidents. A ch.ogr tho program after a short stove, good condition, Call Humphries "'WI a receldion. The two.tiered mg article on "Students in Our ' Itp. red rose was presented to Miss business session. Mrs. Morris, PI 162 Fulton. Th wedding eake was topped with a School." was presented by Mrs. H. Dorothy Valentine in mommy of •A an leader ef the first session of mi. miniature bride and groom. the It. Koonce. APPLES FOR SALE—While they her mnther. who was preiadent of the Week of Prayer SetAice nunature groom in Ensign uniform. last. Wini.saps, 2.00 per hu Black organisation at the time of her ; Home MinSiOng. Mitt. Grisham was vitiated &le- HANCON---, the Plineil and cake was served to the gate to the annual conference of I Twigs, 53.00 per lita; Seconds from death. The room reward was won "The Prince of Peace, the way, DO Mitt To Teller° discomforts, 1 hia Firm and Juicy seeand grade. The fourth the truth and the Light,'' is the‘guvsts. the Woman's Society of Clu•istian one of the best things you can do 50e to 51.50 per Tu, by the Is out a good sp...ntol of Nan.. Ensign and Mrs. Waggoner Si. c to be held at. Murray, , —fit any mak: t-taiok. I-1 mite gsadc inothc..5 served rafresn-!topic for the week. Miss Humph- left teNted Vicks Vapoltub in a bowl • ma for a short wedding 11-13. Mrs. R. C.1 South NIL Moriali Church. BLUE merits. ries gave the devotion which vcas: trip. For Murray, April of boiling water. a three piece Long was elected alternato. Then feel the wonderful relief WING ORCHARDS, Beecher O. V "Proclaiming the Prince of Peace.""' ling si"' w"re come as you breathe tn tho Joe Finch. Prop. ENGAGENIENT ANNOUNCED She was carried by Mrs. Tom Hales. steaming medicated vapors that dri penvtrate to the c•-•!•1-conlest•.4 an_! Mrs. Ed Bondin•ant cat in :ass Mr. and Mrs. Earl Weaks upper breathing passages! See Help Increase your llOW t MS irritation, quiets "Let Helm nounce the engagement and ap.' and the meeting was dismissed soothes rea coughing. and helps clear the poultry profits. America's heavi- proaching marriage of their daugh.! with a chain of prayer by the not head-bringing grand rotnfurt. est laying strains. Officially Pul- Jr. t inembers present. FOR ADDr2 NUKE ...rub throat. stbt ter. Luella to John Howell, lorium Tested, 20 years Contest are incom- V chest and back svith Vulva-tub at Plans for the wedding bedtime. 'Mks Vapoltub works winners. Official worlds records. youngest JOYCE GONDURANT sem piete. Miss Weaks is the 1;.3,..75 -2 way: at Government approved. Hatching AND EUGENE WAGGONER Announcing \:ea -t bring ren-f VICKS tar daughter of Mt. and Earl Mrs. frouidLtress.'lryit. v %ear aeound. IIELM'S HATCH- Weaks and is an employe of Gard-:WED SUNDAY J. ERY. Paducah, Ky." ner's Studio. Miss Joyce Bonciurant. daughter THE Bundurant Mr. Howell is a prontinent young of Mr. and Mrs. Eugene hut Ensign Eugene Waggoner. farmer of near Clinton, Ky. r and is I Reserve, son V i United States Naval get A. Waggoner, CELEBRATE 711th kif Mr. and Mrs. S. sha married late BIRTHDAY SUNDAY I Crutchfield, were FORMAL BRING stir Sunday afternoon at five o'clock, Mrs. Mary Passmore and sister., anc at Union Cumberland Presby- Mrs. Martha McKin.ny celebrated , the terian Rey. S. J. Scott of NEW IN Y`71t, out !Fulton, officiated at the double SOO ring ceremony, before an ssoni- SOU age of relatives nd friends. LIFE HOME LIFE the! A program of nuptial music was ORPHEUM 1:endered. by Miss Clarice Honda- OPENING aPn !ant. Mrs. Cecil Burnette, accom- for THEATRE panied by Miss Bonurant sans • On Promise Me" and al Love You 0 f THE NEW FRIDAY-SATURDAY WO Truly." The traditiunal wedding F:DDIE DEW SMILEA BURNETTE in marches were used. Preceding the "Beyond The Last ceremony, Joe Bondurant, the 1 acolyte, and brother of the bride, Frontier" lit the candles. Chapter 2 'Flying Cadets" S. j The bride was given in marriage Les SUNDAY-MONDAY !by her father and was beautiful ut KIRKLAND HU3IPHREE BOGART wedding down of ivory satin, era RAYMOND MASSEY in "Action In fashioned with a tight fitting Cli the North 'uodice, sweetheart neckline and fro Atlantic" long sleeves, ending in lily points giv aver the hands. She carried a JEWELRY Store TUES.WED.THERS. 'white Bible overlaid with a single Sin "Adventures In !rag" Purple Throated white orchid, with of John Loder Ruth Ford showered with a narrow white exs Also satin rbibon. She wore a single At 206 Main Street the Mary Lee Gladys George strand of pearls, a gift from the an( in bridegroom. WI'l "Nobody's Darling" I The maid of honor, Miss Pauline • Waggoner sister of the kniciegroom re a model of green taffeta, with FLOCK NET COTTAGE SET If I! lull siurt, tight lining budice and SATURDAY, wa: .a sweeiheart hat. She carried an Light-hearted Curtains Gaily Designed to ;arm oouquet oi Joanna lint Roses Brighten Your Home, Lighten Your Housework aro; awl eeaias. at Tne bruitnanavas w, NILsS Gy- Daintily tinted velveray flocked dot densign on the top. Plain pitc , nette Oliver or Memptas and Miss MARCH 1 R sash has colored border trim to match dots at top. Tubs easily lie and quickly! Per Set-- the FRIDAY-SATURDAY Priam of naoacan, Mrs. 'Hob Covington and Mrs. Billie to FRANK ALBERTSON LORNA GRAY Wright of Hickman. WE have arranged something special for U. in ; Attenamg the groom as best tra, n•an tias Harold Butler, C. S. Na‘y, our friends and customers on the day of our "0 My Darling Col ,Fort Laucierdaie. Fla., who is a $1.98 to $3.49 Formal Opening, and we especially invite you onc Clementine" !cousin of Ensign Waggoner. The PLUS pasne.-s vier, Rev. Bub Covington to visit our store between the hours of 8:30 A. Ky. be a MIDNIGHT in and uf Hardin, Perky Priscillas '(..:RiED Tne bride attend Murray State M. and 8:00 P.M., SATURDAY. MARCH 18. • f ••••••4_,. • •1 TowERs:/ .,.:01:egeI and ei a member of the of Flocked Organdy saarr In.stitute faculty at the prcs- this ;era tan. Our new store will occupy the building on • / Priscilla curtain. made of crisp out Tn.:. groom leceived his B. S. Main Strect in which the shoe shop of J. T. Nluiray State College sermanent finish itrgandy. All- and iscsived ais commission as rm. a good many years, over velvera flocked design. Powell was operated • • in Oa C. S. Naval Rest.: s (1 Washable. Per Pair— at Columbia Uhl We have purchased this building and remodeled I A ft • • , I -/;a •t-. *i York City lie ; ,• 4" .1 Nt w Orleans, 1..o it for talE HOS' illodenil Jewelry Store. We dal • . • • hope to see you and your friends at the Formal !. • '"-• . : - $2.98;$4.98 We Opening, and invite you to make our storo 1 rigl Jima. Want to learn LYDON headquarters when you desire gifts of beaut. . stir abt sou. a skill? charm and lasting sentiment. Floral Cretonne . 11101nOnlit 1.1•• WOULD YOU like to he a ra- and Drapery Cloth operator, a skilled ste- dio das slaNsSION.-TUES. nographer. an airplane me- .1 II S tar Entertainment! chanic. an expert dritera Popu'ar rough steave cretonne In the Women's Army Corps in gay ali-over floral pattern,. chance to get valu- have a d to find sour pet attic Army tiaining—trai ii i ll g ti at may pave the way to hig- 11.M. Kirkland °lots among these! ,er pay, better jolts after the nar. Per laird- ha. TODAY find out al aat all the IYAC otters you--the interest- ing Jobs, the chanse to meet new places. JEWELER new people and ser sad to help your country. 79c to $1.49 san Re- ( altl'alt1 iN alIraTh I.PPLY at any U. S. Arim 206 T1.11 N. STREET FULTON. K1. The , ?airing Station. (Pr Write: Visa Actittbant General, 4411 Muni- I WEDNESDAY-THURSDAY tion., Bldg., Washington 25, D. is PAT O'BRIEN ha, WARRICK iWomcii in essential war in- "Gifts That Please" W. V. ROBERTS & CO. dustry mu.t have release from in their employer or the U. S. Lake Street • Employment Service.) 122 Fulton, Kentucky "The Iron Major" Orli