Murray State's Digital Commons Fulton County News Newspapers 3-3-1944 Fulton County News, March 3, 1944 Fulton County News Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalcommons.murraystate.edu/fca Recommended Citation Fulton County News, "Fulton County News, March 3, 1944" (1944). Fulton County News. 480. https://digitalcommons.murraystate.edu/fca/480 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the Newspapers at Murray State's Digital Commons. It has been accepted for inclusion in Fulton County News by an authorized administrator of Murray State's Digital Commons. For more information, please contact [email protected]. WHEN IN NEED OF PRINTING IT WILL BE WORTH YOUR WHILE TO PATRONIZE OUR MODERN PRINTING DEPARTMENT klIVF:HTISING GOES HOME IN ulton Louncy News THE NEWS Your Farm And Home Paper - - Superior Coverage Stu TIMuri 111 KY, I IDIDAV ItAltt It 1 lilt ssi DID it %EN 111111y 111E/1 ('ROSS 11RIVE Inflatinn Squeeze (.01111'1,11illy .10u. t'nr ST.II:1'S 1'111,,'SDA Tonuthien mei /trans tREENWRAP GROWERS TO For Fulton and 1..ist End ot Warren Johnson mid .1 1111-0. Fulton C ty Set al Str,000; Bay Out 11'. It triaddiak. Dolt, Needs and Demands Heavy 3Ien %Veil Killion MEET TUESDAY NIGHT The gi on 1.11 th Contiacta siti• now being made AIO..111•1111 1(1,1 Oil', for (alibi and late tomatoes and %Vol I. meeting lo•alzy ler( aac (1111)1(1 .111141(1f/ .\((tr; Final Plans "ilumf Ile early spi ing and fall beans. :arced rl• 'mauls ni 1'\ V COI 11..1 111.• Made Al Meeting /lyre Next l'uentlay bo W./I I via sif the Wa hotiS i• ter Valley Cann ig Co. Arrange- f uniting NOW ....nil,: the annual March 15 lleadline for Sign II p. ments are being made to operate u roll call. vihen citizens me given - - receiving station tit McConnell, for iin opportunity to contribute their Much interest hari been taken in the formation of the convenience of growers in that fill'anS and efforts in a worthy the Tri - County Greenwrap locality. cause for humanity Tomato Association recent- Mr. Johnson for the past two The Annaal 1(1.,1 (fc.,:o can ly formed at a meeting in Water Valley. and already years was ZeiSOCI:Inli wail Vs' it. null stall in Fulton mi Tio•srlay of most of the acreage needed has been signed as farmers Craddock in the Water Valley fac- next week, according to Joe Davis, unite to raise a cash-money crop for the market. Final tory Ile and C. M. Wilaon have chairman_ A rally vs•ill be held plans for the season will be completed at a meeting to recenlly purchased the Water Val- Monday night at T:30 o'clock at the be held next Tuesday night, ley plant. and will also operate Woman's Club. and everybody 1.-; March 14, beginning at 7:30 o'clock in the jointly a canning fiv:tory at Bar- imbed. All work•-ts art, urged to Rainbow Room at Fulton, Ky. low, Kv Plans have }wen made for group buying of plants - -V-- ityl packing lugs. A loading shed will be estt_.0.0i4lpd iduvring ti.e dove. r , on the Illinois Central right of •SOLDIER LETTERS !alr-eady been organio it. ..1 tl . way, it is stated. ibusiness March 15 is deadline for sign-up February 0, 1944 firm. residence and (aim of growers. lin 'o•ar this community will be gr., n Mott,. r Fart-nos of the Water Valley, line, ah opportunity to aid in this pro- Juat a few tonight to let 'ilia Oak Dukedom. Lathan. Aus- granr. Fulton and the east end of you know that I haven't forgotten! tin Sot ings. McConnell, ;Fulton coanty has a quota of S11,000 NEWS REVIEW Pierce, you I have received a couple of Harris. Palestine. Cayce, You can help to top that goal. Crutch- letters; since I wrote you last. but! field, ! Yanks ir.nd on Admiralty Island: Beelerton cummunitiee are haven't felt like writing until to-: urged drive back counter-attack of JapS so attend thus meeting. when night %%110's I% Ho Al Isamu Reputi..c and GILLIELL4 saacticate Wake Island bombed Tokyo a representative of the Agricul- I'm doing OK. in eveiy way bet SOUTH FULTON 11111()11 warns people of expected air raids tural Extension Department of the white collar guy. and it may get -- ;by U. S planes Two-pronged at- Illinois Central Railroad is expect- me down. Never did like records, CLIFTON H. PATE Tht• Annual Who's Who Comen DEATHS !lark from North and South Pacific ed to be present, according to di- but guess I may as well get used Vkati held at South Fulton School Funeral services for Clifton H. has Japs guessing. as they wait for rectors of the association. to it for it looks like I have it in recently and results were as fol- T. J. GATES Pate. 50, vslio died Mondav nicht opportunity to take U. S. forces at The co-operative has been form- my lap for awhile. lows: at a Union City hospital. was held,disadvantage ed. with much of the acreage al- Haven't heard from Rene or any Most Likely T. J Gates. 89. native of Obion to Succeed- Char- Wednesday. afternoon, the Rev. H.! ready signed up. but farmers in of Granny's folks for some time. lene Sanford and County. and well knovn here. died Billie Bell F. Cunningh.am officiating. Burial; Nazis launch powerful this vicinity are invted to join the I sure hope you can those Tuesday afternrxm attack on get :Diet Studious-June Hawks at 7'25 at the rernr•To,y and v..as in the in A.' bia:" rn. :Long a.ssociation and raiz.. 94...?ntagz_. films Mom. I want to take some pic- ; Ilane.•1 Bonds home of his stepson. 0 M. Noung. Fulton county. 1:1dpi-directed. the marketing facilities offered. country.; whet.. lie crewle,s tanks to tures before I leave this It•-st Personality: Dorothy N'al- had made his home for More Born in chive uff Allies. acreage can yet Ix, handled. I went for a horse-bark ode to tontine and the past five years Funeral ar- Hickman. Mr. Pate made ' Waynt• McClure The green-wrap market has been one of the little native villages this' Nlost Croirtenui rangements are incomplett• pending Charlene San- especially attractive in recent years aftetrnoon. really; wish you arrival of ber of years and was formerly in Soviet troops resume dn.(' into I could ford and Itohert Holman. relatives. but services with seloct the automobile business In De- .11:torna. smashing across Narova t,omatoes bringing top see some of these people and their 11,1..st D.b.-nd..1.1.• Charlton': San-'will be held at the E. E. Cannon River; prices far above those received for homes It is bad enough here in ford and Billie residence. south of Fulton. some cember. 1942. he volunteered for Finns mull over peace Bell. ripe tomatoes, it is pointed out. warm weather but it as really slop- Most time today. and burial will be at Government work at Pearl Har- terrns. Rumania and Bulgaria ex- Popnial Jackie Mattheass H,,WCVCr. the ripe tomato and the py in the winter. They have court- vnd ,Pinegar's cemetery near Dukedom. bor. While in Hawaii he became pected to seek peace terms soon Fii•11 green-wrap rnarket can be worked yard; enclosed on all sides by liv- Hest ; Mr. Gates. disposed of his farm- ill and was confined to the hospital -(1- Disposition: Doris Jones .advantageously together. Anyone ing quarters All the animals are laiaiest• 'ing interest several years ago and there. HP returned to the States Governors .aPProvC. - lene Rogers and James to get in on the iacts is kept inside these courts at night. retired. in July. 194& but failed to regain saildlf-rs' bill after amendmenta. Slian'al.• invited to attend his health. He was a member of But mos. executives believe their the meeting in so you can linagine what they ate 11.st Athl,te Viipinia Ler Jolley SUTVIVOrg are: his widisw. Mrs. Fulton the awn state ballots will Tuesday night. like The people. though. at hi•art „rid N1.1\ in Yates Emma Gates. and one son. Joe Fir-I Chrstian church of Union be used. City. -o-- Prospects for building this co- are as good as you can find Most- Best Al; Around Athlete Virginia Gates. who lives in this cely. A 1 Super farm lending agency that aperative into a real produce mar- ly hecausi• sim known around the I...• Jolley and N1,-1, in Yates 0 M. Young. woli whom Survning are his widovz. Mrs would replace the FSA is proposed ket. and realizing good Frices for villages. I cat warm welcomes Biggest lint. Estelle Nix; Couple he made his home. Six grand- Reta Pate: three childrer. Mrs 1(1 ''secret- 1,211 Measure being such farn products are especially from those who know tne Today most in Aden.- Ferguson and children. Mrs. Charlie Ferrell of Ted Johnson. George Pate and considered in closed hearings by g•-,d. it i4 said. Famous in Lhis I went (loon just to see a baoy. James Hastings: Ladies Man. Billy near Fulton. 1Leroy Cannon of Gloria Jean Pate of Union City: special House groap would embrace tetritory are urged to attend the one br longing, to ant.
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