Proc. Estonian Acad. Sci. Geol., 2004, 53, 2, 94–124 Redox changes in the deep shelf of the East Baltic Basin in the Aeronian and early Telychian (early Silurian) Enli Kiipli Institute of Geology at Tallinn University of Technology, Estonia pst. 7, 10143 Tallinn, Estonia;
[email protected] Received 27 March 2003, in revised form 11 February 2004 Abstract. Aeronian black shales and overlying Telychian greenish-grey and red claystones of the deep shelf of the East Baltic Basin indicate different synsedimentary redox conditions of the bottom water of the sea. In the Aeronian, the primary bioproductivity rise caused accumulation of organic- rich black shale in deep shelf and formation of microcrystalline limestone with chertification, chert nodules, and barite in shoreward areas. In the early Telychian, the bioproductivity decreased, as concluded from the absence of indicators of high primary bioproductivity in the Aeronian. The suggested mechanism regulating primary bioproductivity and oxygen content of bottom waters of deep shelf was a change from wind-induced upwelling in the Aeronian to downwelling in the Telychian. The sedimentation rate did not influence the change in the redox regime of the deep shelf sediment, as it was low for both the Aeronian and Telychian. Key words: Aeronian, Telychian, East Baltic deep shelf, redox conditions, up- and downwellings. INTRODUCTION Differences in lithology, mineralogy, and rock chemistry evidence changes at the Aeronian–Telychian boundary. The changes concern sea water chemistry and early diagenesis of sediments with implication on hydrodynamic and atmospheric circulation, and palaeogeography. The area of investigation is southwest Estonia and west Latvia, which form a central, deeper part of the Palaeozoic East Baltic basin, treated here as the deep shelf.