Copperhead War, Butternut War, Skunk River War the Talley

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Copperhead War, Butternut War, Skunk River War the Talley 329th Regular Meeting Volume 34 Number 8 April 1, 2016 Copperhead War, Butternut War, Skunk River War Friday, April 1 2016, 7:30 p.m. “highwaymen,” fomented the Talley event. Dave Jackson Arlington Heights Memorial Library 500 North Dunton Avenue, Arlington Heights, Illinois offers a fresh view and rein- terpretation of history from tracing the many names of The Talley War the men identified in arrests, personal accounts, and state- he State of Iowa provided the most men wide newspapers, before and Dave Jackson per capita to fight for the Union in the after the event. T American Civil War. Although no battles A native of New Jersey, Dave Jackson has lived were fought between the North and the South on in Kansas and Iowa for most of his life. He is cur- her soils, political divisions and unrest in Iowa led rently assistant director of facilities management to several incidents of injury and death. The at the University of Iowa. He lives at the site of Talley War, also known as the Copperhead War, the ghost town of Hinkletown, Foote P.O., south- Butternut War, and Skunk River War, resulted west of Iowa City, Iowa. When he purchased his from two political rallies, one Republican and one farm in 1995, he did not realize it was the former Democrat, that occurred at the same time, the location of a thriving town during the Civil War. same day, and in the same place. The Talley War Jackson and his partner, Margaret, quickly real- occurred August 1, 1863, and has sometimes been ized that something was amiss when they began called by historians as the only battle that took digging the soil and discovered old bricks beneath place in Iowa during the Civil War. The incident the surface, throughout the property. Curiosity led made headlines, twice, in the New York Times . to serious research and the unearthing of a body of Newspapers in Iowa announced “Civil War in work and comprehensive local history. Iowa.” Jackson is past president of Friends of the John- The main street in the little town of South Eng- son County Museums, Shawnee Mission, Kansas, lish, Iowa, became a powder-keg of social and current president of the English Valleys History political violence. A reported mob of up to 4,000 Center, North English, Iowa, and past master and men threatened to burn out the town and the current secretary of Farmers Masonic Lodge No. county seat of Sigourney. The towns prepared to 168, which was organized at Foote in 1863. He go under siege. Governor Kirkwood sent in the has spent over a decade researching the ghost militia and personally stepped in. Trenches were town of Foote and the Talley War. dug and picket barriers were placed around South If you would like to join us for dinner with English. Troops camped for days and ladies Dave Jackson at 5:30 p.m. before the meeting on cooked meals for the soldiers. Arrests were made April 1 at Sam’s of Arlington restaurant, 1863 from both sides and the grand jury was convened. West Central Road, Arlington Heights, please The conventional interpretation of the Talley contact me at [email protected] or telephone War event has been that Southern sympathizers, (708) 306-5966 by Wednesday, March 30. — Pat instigators from Missouri, bushwhackers, and McCormick Please save June 3 for the annual banquet General Patrick Cleburne’s Last Year By Pat McCormick n Friday, March 4, 2016, Lee White took gave the Union pursuit at Ringgold Gap a bloody us through the final year in the life of nose (November 27). His actions earned him the O perhaps the best divisional commander in thanks of the Confederate Congress, rare indeed the Confederacy — General Patrick Cleburne. for a foreign-born officer. That ended the combat White started us off with a few historical quotes for the Irishman until spring 1864, but in the praising Cleburne, the best-known probably being meantime he issued a proposal in January that General William Hardee’s. Although these state- suggested freeing and arming slaves in the Con- ments demonstrated the high federate cause. (White regard in which Cleburne pointed out that said was held by his peers — and “freedom” was to be more the contrast between Cle- restricted than the word im- burne and the vast majority plies.) Although the proposi- of his compatriots in the tion was met with horror and Army of Tennessee — White quickly squelched, it probably cautioned that the common had little to do with Cle- assumption that Cleburne burne’s stagnation in divi- would have made a top-notch sional command. corps or even army com- After soldiering on through mander is unknown, citing the Atlanta campaign, Cle- General John Bell Hood as burne then traveled with the an example of a leader whose rest of Hood’s army against talents peaked at division Sherman’s lifeline in northern level. Georgia, followed by the Despite sympathy with the move west into Alabama in Young Ireland movement, preparation for the eventual Patrick Cleburne had been a campaign into middle Ten- member of the British Army nessee. For this stretch of before emigrating to Amer- time, White quoted from a ica, where he lived briefly in partial diary of the general’s Cincinnati before settling in — a diary originally pub- Helena, Arkansas. When war lished in a newspaper decades broke out, he chose to join Patrick Cleburne in January 1864 after the war, with its author the Confederacy to fight being unknown at the time of alongside those who had ac- publishing. Finally, Cleburne cepted him into their community (rather than for arrived in front of Franklin, Tennessee, on No- any ideological connection with the Cause). Lead- vember 30 — just a year and 5 days after his ing a brigade at Shiloh in 1862, Cleburne estab- stand at Missionary Ridge. Ordered into the fate- lished a fighting reputation that earned him divi- ful (and futile) attack against the well-prepared sional command by late in that year. Federals, Cleburne remarked to subordinate Gen- The main focus of the presentation began with eral Daniel Govan that “if we are to die, let us die November 1863, when Cleburne’s appreciation of like men.” The charge that followed fulfilled his terrain and skillful deployment of limited troops prediction. first stymied General William Sherman’s attack On behalf of the Round Table I would like to on Missionary Ridge (November 25) and then thank Lee White for an engrossing presentation. Page 2 drum roll, April 2016 April Events April Saturday Discussion Through April 17, Butler, Northlight Theatre, All members and guests are invited to participate Skokie, IL. Play tells the story of three escaped in the session to be held at the Barrington Area slaves who seek sanctuary from General Butler. Library, on Saturday, April 16, 2016, from 10:00 Information is available at or a.m. until noon. Second vice president Wayne (847) 673-6300. Rhine will lead the discussion on Generals Ulys- April 2, Home Front Seminar, Civil War Mu- ses Grant and Robert E. Lee. seum, Kenosha, WI. Dr. Betsy Estilow will speak These discussions are generally held on the on Patriots in Petticoats: Southern Women and third Saturday of the month from September Medical Care During the Civil War; Kristin Pat- through June. They are held to generate and foster terson will speak on Extra Pay for Wisconsin a free exchange of ideas on Civil War events. Civil War Families; Dr. Margo Anderson, UW- Milwaukee, will speak on Counting Slaves and Free Persons: How the 1860 Census Affected the Civil War; and Scott Wolfe will speak on Putting Erroneous Prediction Up Packages: Ulysses S. Grant and Galena, Illi- nois. Programs begin at 9:30 a.m.; $50/$40 for “The South has too much common sense Friends of the Museum. Information on all Civil and good temper to break up the Union,” War Museum programs is available at (262) 653- said presidential candidate Abraham Lin- 4140 or coln, 1860. April 8, Second Friday Lunchbox Lecture Series, Civil War Museum, Kenosha, WI. Phil Angelo will speak on Newspapers Report the Civil War, noon. Free program is sponsored by the Milwau- Book Discussion Group kee Civil War Roundtable and the Iron Brigade The Civil War book discussion group led by Tom Association. DeFranco at the Eisenhower Library, 4613 North April 8, Chicago Civil War Round Table. Greg Oketo, Harwood Heights, meets on the first Satur- Biggs will speak on Nashville: Siren’s Song of the day of the month from 10:00 until 11:30 a.m. On Confederacy. April 2 the group will discuss the prelude to the April 9, Atlanta: The River Line Through Jones- war, from Lincoln’s election to Fort Sumter. boro, Civil War Museum, Kenosha, WI. Greg Biggs will cover General William T. Sherman’s campaign to take the southern stronghold of At- Women’s Civil War Book Club lanta, Georgia, 1 p.m. The Civil War book club for women is on hiatus April 12, McHenry County Civil War Round Ta- until the spring. At that time they will discuss ble. Dave Oberg will speak on Battery H, 1st Illi- Blaze of Glory by Jeff Shaara. If you are inter- nois Light Artillery. ested in joining the group, contact Denise Lim- April 14, Lake County Civil War Round Table. burg at (847) 382-1022 or [email protected] David Noe will speak on The Great Camel Ex- or Mary Banks at [email protected] or (847) periment. 497-3149.
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