Untitled Document The Making of Modern Ukraine Timothy Snyder Yale University
[email protected] Fall Semester, 2005 Office Hours: Wednesdays 3:30-5:00, Luce Hall 245 Question: What brought about the Ukrainian nation? Topics: The decadence of Polish rule in Ukraine; Russian and Austrian imperial rule; Jewish and Polish urban society; Romanticism and modern nationalism; the Bolshevik Revolution and its Ukrainian counterparts; Soviet modernization and terror; Nazi occupation, the Holocaust, ethnic cleansing; the end of the Soviet Union; problems of post-Soviet rule, the Orange Revolution and prospects for democracy.. Chronology: The middle ages to the present, with introductory lectures on the early periods, but concentration upon the nineteenth and especially the twentieth century. Meetings: Tuesdays and Thursdays, 11:30-12:30, plus section, Wed. evening (Brian Rohlik). Grading: You will be evaluated on the basis of two in-class examinations (25% each), a final examination (30%), and participation in section (20%). Attendance of lectures is a requirement of the course as well as a prerequisite for effective participation in section. Timely reading is also necessary for adequate participation in discussion. Reading: Paul Robert Magocsi, Ukraine: A History, Seattle: University of Washington Press, 1990. Ivan L. Rudnytsky, Essays in Modern Ukrainian History, Edmonton: Canadian Institute of Ukrainian Studies, 1987. Timothy Snyder, The Reconstruction of Nations: Poland, Ukraine, Lithuania, Belarus, 1569-1999, New Haven: Yale University Press, 2003. Books for purchase at Labyrinth. Additional articles in packet from York Copy. Lectures: Lecture 1: The Orange Revolution, 2004-2005 (Thursday September 1) Lecture 2: Who was Ivan Rudnytsky? (1)(Tuesday September 6) Ivan L.