Mississippi 2.Ai
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A STATE WATER TRAIL GUIDE TO THE MISSISSIPPI RIVER ROUTE DESCRIPTION • CASS LAKE TO VERMILLION RIVER Dunbar Little NOTE: (R) and (L) represent right and left banks of watercraft campsite. Schram Lake; of the bridge. The riparian landscape now third largest inland lake. A slight breeze 1227.4 (L) Winnie Dam RecreationSand Area white sands, remnants of a time 6,000 1199.0(L) Little White Oak Lake Nature’s Nature's Lake WMA Lake watercraft campsite. Nushka Group Site; changes from wooded to wetlands. L can produce large waves across it. Portage left 297 yards. The U.S. Congress years ago when the landscape was much It is a 1.5 mile paddle from the Mississippi the river when facing downstream. ake ake Lake carry-in access, drinking water, shelter, Caution: do not paddle across Lake authorized construction of the dam drier and Lake Winnie was ringed with River to the Little White Oak Lake Access. GENERAL DESCRIPTION of ROUTE camground. 1249.0(R) Mississippi Meadows Mile Marker Winnibigoshish. Portage from Reese regulating the level of Lake Winnie in sand dunes. The Chippewa National Forest Decker L The river broadens into an area known as Landing (see below)Squaw by car to the Winnie 1881 on lands it had already granted to the now conducts prescribed burns of the 1195.3(R) Schoolcraft State Park The Mississippi connects lakes Cass and 1261.0(L) Carry-in access Mississippi Meadows. Ducks and geese Dam Recreation AreaLake on the east side of Ojibwe people of Minnesota. “No white wetlands, which has brought back several The Vermillion River joins the Mississippi Winnibigoshish, two large lakes formed as giant ice use these wetlands for raising young and the lake. If you must paddle, do so only in man knows of the damage that will be plant species. If the river level gauge reads River at Schoolcraft State Park, a small blocks melted on plains created by glaciers 10,000 1254.8(R) Knutson Dam Recreation Area beginning their fall migration. The pines warm weather and stay within swimming done to us,” Sturgeon Man, a Lake Winnie 5.0’ or above, water is high; water level is park with a handsome stand of red pine. years ago. These lakes have always been important to Portage right 297 yards. The Chippewa on the point, jutting off the river’s right distance of the shore. resident, told a government commission medium at 2.0’ to 5.0’, and water is low Camping and public access are available at the Ojibwe people of northern Minnesota, and today, National Forest controls the level of Cass bank, are more than 100 years old. Round Lake appointed to address the problem. “Every below 2.0’. the park, including one river access only lie within the boundaries of the Leech Lake Indian Lake at Knutson Dam, and operates a 40- 1247 (R) Reese Landing year what supports us growsSand onLake this place. campsite. Reservation. These are extensive public lands, unit campground at the dam site. The 1248.3(R) Lydick Brook Mile Marker Located on Winnie’s western shore, to If the dam is built, we will all be scattered, 1210.2(L) Leech Lake River Access and campsite managed by the U.S. Forest Service as the Chippewa Chippewa National Forest maintains three The confluence of Lydick Brook from the your right as you enter the lake. we will have nothing to live on.” The dam The Leech Lake River meets the This location marks the down river boundary of this National Forest. The river is gentle, suitable for novice campgrounds and public accesses on Cass south help create the Mississippi was built and compensation was provided Mississippi here. map. Refer to map 3, Vermillion River to Palisade for paddlers. The rewards of the paddle are forested Lake’s southeastern shore. There are Meadows. The creek’s name comes from a 1246.5(L) Governor’s Pt. Cmpst. and access to Sturgeon Man’s ancestors 104 years further information. Talmoon shorelines, pine-covered islands, and eagles soaring beautiful sand beaches at these sites. homesteading familyDi whose son later, in 1985. The dam elevated water 1208.6 (R) Gambler’s Point campsite and rest area x overhead. Norway Beach offers interpretive represented the areaon in the U.S. Congress. 1242.6 (L) West Winnie Campground levels about eight feet, wiping out This campsite provided the only access to River miles are counted upstream from the programs in the summer. A significant archaeologicalLake site was Located on the lake’s western shore, to the cemeteries, villages, shoreline crops and land from the river as it makes its way Mississippi’s confluence with the Ohio River, uncovered when part of the Great River left as the paddler enters the lake. Water plants. Today, the Leech Lake Indian though a series of oxbows, created as the Jesse according to a system developed by the U.S. Army 1254.2 State Highway 39 bridge Road system was rebuilt in 1995. access, drinking water, rest area. Reservation’s fish hatchery is located near river cut channels in soft material laid Lake Corps of engineers. This is a gentle stretch of river, bordered the dam site. down by glaciers. Many of these had been 1263.0-54.8 Cass Lake by mixed hardwood forest. Most of the 1248.0(R) Meadows Campsite 1232.0(R) Tamarack Point Water Access dredged during logging years to provide a Little Cass Lake access/rest area; shelter, Moose land is publicly owned; paddlers will see 1225.7(L) Little Winnibigoshish Lake more direct route for log movement. telephone, drinking water, picnic area, boat Lake little development past this point. The river 1247.3(R) Smiling Joe’s Campsite 1235.0 Tamarack Pt. Cmpgrd. and access access, parking, dock.Pim Norway Beach Rec leaves the Mississippi Headwaters Board’s Note: There are several campsites and 1222.2(L) Crazy James’ Point 1203 & 1201.8(L) Channels to White Oak Lake ushe La Area; shelter, telephone, drinking water, “Scenic” designation and enters a section 1244-1228 Lake33 Winnibigoshish accesses located on the northeast side of This river access only campsite is located From White Oak Lake Access it is a one picnic area, campground, boat access, managed as “Wild.” The lake’s name means “dirty water” in Lake Winnie. See the resource list at the in a mixed pine and hardwood forest. mile walk to Deer River for supplies. Little showers, swimming, wheelchairke Ojibwe, referring to the effect of wind on end of this map for contacts. Jesse accessible. O’Neils Point; watercraft 1251.3(R) Co. Rd. 33 Bridge and access the lake’s sandy shorelines. Lake 1215.3(R) U.S. Highway 2 Lake Morph MeadowsMorph WMA campsite. South Star Island; The access is located on the downriver side Winnibigoshish, or Winnie, is Minnesota’s 1228.0(L) Plug Hat Point (L) The Mississippi’s channel is lined with fine 39 Third River Access Bowstring Moose Lake Bowstring Lake 20 33 Muskrat East Seelye Bay Campground Bay River 33 Mosomo Point 35 Thir Pigeon Campground Big Rice Bowstring State Forest d R Dam West Seelye Bay i Grouse ver Flowage Lake Lake Campground Bay Cow Popple Deer Lake Bay Lake Cutfoot Buena Vista State Forest Deer Lake Sioux Campground Lake On-E-Gum-E Campground Little Pennington Bowstring Kitchi Lake Bog SNA Big Williams Narrows Lake Lake Campground First Ri ver Bowstring Deer Kenogama Lake Yard WMA South First River 6 12 McAvity Bay Landing (Caution: High wind and boat waves 46 39 may cause hazardous conditions. Paddling across the lake is not recommended) 1235 Knutson Dam Rec. Area 1230 Bowstring Deer Portage Right • 297 yards Winnie Dam Recreation Area Yard WMA U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Buck R Mississippi River Sugar Lake L Rice Lake Lake 1255 COUNTY ITASCA WMA Sugar Lake Plug Hat Point Allen’s Bay 1250 Co. Rd. 33 West Winnie Campground Island 1240 9 Lake 1260 O’Neils Point Tamarack Point Portage Left Campground 297 yards Li Nushka Group Site ttl e Little Ball 1245 Birches Landing Lake Windigo Reservation, Group W Club Portage Camping Only Governor’s inni Schram Meadows Point Lak Lake Lake 10 bigoshish e Star Lake Windigo Cass Lake Smiling Joe’s Lake Winnibigoshish BELTRAMI COUNTY L y Island d i CASS COUNTY c k B 1225 r o y South o Reese Landing r k Hwy 2 Star Island Cedar I. 39 Campsite nda Norway Beach Rec. Area st Bou st Wanaki ore F al al Bowstring State Ball Club Cass Richard’s Townsite Crazy James’ Forest Point Chase Lake Lake Nation a w 371 9 e Lake 6 2 Chipp 46 Pike Bay Ojibwe Beach Access 1220 Sucker ITASCA COUNTY Ball Club Lake St. Marks Portage Lake Bena CASS COU Accesses NTY Deer River Pike Bay Bluff Lakes 2 1215 river level gauge White Oak Lake Access Ten Section L. Ball Club 18 2 Carry-in Access Rest Area Drinking Water Hospital Sixmile Lake ke #2 Access White Oak Lake a 1205 L Moss Water Access Safe Refuge Dam River Mile South Pike Bay Lake Campground Safe Refuge is shelter with 8 Gambler’s Point win T Outfitter access to a telephone Interpretive Center Rapids 1210 Campsite Little Twin Picnic Area Point of Interest Mississippi River 11 Lake Dock Designated Co. Rd. 3 Public Land Hole-in-the-Bog Campground Fishing Pier Fish Hatchery Peatlan d SNA 3 Little Lake Lake River Moss Thirteen Watercraft Caution Areas eech Little White Lake L Oak Lake 1200 Campsite R Access Portage Little White Lake ndary Portage Right Oak Lake st Bou st e Drumbeater Mud Goose WMA Lake For Interstate HighwayU.S.