Control Data/Ceridian Retirees Club Sunshine

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Control Data/Ceridian Retirees Club Sunshine CONTROL DATA/CERIDIAN RETIREES CLUB 3311 East Old Shakopee Road - Bloomington, MN 55425 Tel: 952-853-6562 March 2016 Vol. 31 Issue 3 NEW EVENTS 2016 RETIREES CLUB BOARD OF DIRECTORS Bus Trip to Owatonna Chuck Woldum …………………..Managing Director Judy Moss ………………………. Asst. Managing Director **************************************************************** Gary Polaczyk …………………….President SEMINAR / EDUCATION George Madich ………………… Vice President Winter Series John Jaros ………………………...Past President **************************************************************** Nancy Dostal …………………….. Secretary Gerontology - Thursday, March 24. In this talk, you will Dean Nerdahl ……………………. Treasurer be reminded how important it is to your physical health to stay socially engaged, laugh and enjoy health. Linda Hauck ……………………. Newsletter Chair *************************************************************** Tom Moore ……………………... Membership Chair AARP SMART DRIVER seminar - Wednesday, April John Janes ……………………... Computer Advisor 13, 8:00 a.m. This seminar is fast filling up. If you Pat Roleff ……………………….. Sunshine need this course, act now as this course is almost al- Vicki Bruesehoff………………... At Large Member ways “plum full.” Maureen Danner ………………. At Large Member *************************************************************** Ron Hurst ………………………. Advisor Bird Nests - Friday, April 29. Stan Tekiela will edu- cate and entertain us with a presentation on bird nests. Gerry Leinfelder ……………….. Advisor *************************************************************** Dave Moen …………………….. Advisor Guy Moore ……………………... Advisor Prohibition - Tuesday, May 17. Historian DaVid Jones talks about the days our elders experienced Andy Stanczak …………………. Advisor prohibition - a real wakeup for those of us who heard about this period from our ancestors. 2016 PARK PERMITS SEMINAR LOCATION AND TIMES All seminars, with the exception of AARP Smart Driver Details on Minnesota State Park Permits are ex- Course, are held at 9:00 a.m. at the Creekside Com- plained in this newsletter. munity Center 9801 Penn Avenue South in Blooming- ton (the corner of 98th and Penn Avenue South). There is a large parking lot at this site, and refresh- ments are provided. SUNSHINE SEMINAR WALK-INS/NO SHOWS Sympathy The Club continues to experience seminars with too many Family of Leon Bonrud no-shows and walk-ins IF registered for a seminar and know you will not attend, let the Club office know the day Family of Grayson Morris before as we very likely have a wait list. If you know you or your spouse or guest will not attend, let us know and make someone on the wait list happy. Thank you. 2 CLUB BUSINESS FOUNDATON FUNDING TO RETIREES CLUB MY OWN PERSONAL INDENTITY THEFT STORY By Chuck Woldum The Foundation Board thanks the approved the funding This crime as you know is increasing in alarming numbers. request from the Foundation for 2016. Since the Foun- A person transferred the money he owed to one bank to dation received the funds from the St. Croix Park sale, my bank/credit card via a balance transfer process. This it has provided the Retirees Club with just under $2M. crook obtained my credit card number and the other infor- Other recipients of Foundation funds are the Ceridian mation he/she needed and had his/her debt paid off by my Employees Club (Logotivities) and the Fitness Center. bank. This fraud was detected in time and my money was retrieved. Considerable time has been spent with my bank, the crook’s bank, the fraud sections of the two banks and the police. My sole purpose of passing this story on is to 2016 CONTROL DATA/CERIDIAN remind you to be very careful to check your accounts and RECREATION FOUNDATION BOARD make sure your financial accounts have not been compro- mised. In talking to those mentioned they told stories of identity theft one could not believe. Andy Stanczyk ………………. President Chuck Woldum …………………. Secretary Ron Hurst ……………….... Advisor ELECTRONIC MAILING Gerry Leinfelder …………………… Advisor If you have a problem retrieving an electronic mailing, Dave Moen ……………….... Advisor please contact our computer advisor John Janes by Tom Moore …………………. Advisor email: Please remember, no address changes will be accept- ed by calling the club office. Techie News is a part of this newsletter BE SURE TO SEND ANY ADDRESS CHANGES TO THE CLUB OFFICE VIA U.S. MAIL, OR EMAIL AT: BUS TRIPS If you prefer to drive to an event rather than take the bus, the cost is still the same. You need to make a special note on your reser- REFERENCE PHONE NUMBERS vation form so we do not reserve a seat on the bus. You can meet up with the group at the designated time and place. Pension Information BUS TRIP PARKING Pension Payment Hotline: 1-800-728-3123 For all events involving a bus, a parking area on the NORTH- EAST corner of Creekside Community Center (98th Street and Benefits Services: 1-888-899-3575 Newton Avenue South) has been designated for Ceridian retirees. St. Croix Bluffs Rec Park: 651-430-8240 PLEASE BE SURE TO PARK IN THIS AREA ONLY (Washington County Lake Elmo Park Reserve) Retirees Club: 952-853-6562 WATCH FOR NEW EVENTS Questions for this number relate only to Club activities, seminars and membership. Continue to suggest new events, seminar subjects and speakers, shows, one-day trips, etc. When the event schedule has the day/date/time open and the costs are within the club’s budget, we Email: will try to schedule your suggested event. Send your suggestion to the club office. Thanks. Fitness Center: 952-853-7722 3 SCHEDULED EVENTS / SEMINARS 2016 EVent Coordinator Thur., Mar 10 Titan (Stalin conclusion) - seminar ** Board 952-853-6562 Thur., Mar. 17 Sex Please, We’re Sixty - DayTrippers Dinner Theater * Vicki Bruesehoff 651-452-0265 Thur., Mar. 24 Gerontology - seminar * Board 952-853-6562 Sat., Mar. 26 Riverdance - State Theater * Vicki Bruesehoff 651-452-0265 Sun., April 3 Joseph & the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat - Orpheum * Gary Polaczyk 651-578-7213 Wed., April 13 AARP Smart Driver Seminar * Board 952-853-6562 Sat., April 16 Spring Luncheon - Mystic Lake * Board 952-853-6562 Thur., April 21 Country Roads, John Denver - Plymouth Playhouse * Chuck Woldum 952-888-1065 Sat., April 23 Fiddler on the Roof - Artistry/Bloomington * Maureen Danner 952-300-1080 Fri., April 29 Bird Nests seminar * Board 952-853-6562 Tue., May 17 Prohibition - seminar * Board 952-853-6562 Wed., May 18 Bus Trip to Owatonna * Nancy Dostal 651-686-5450 Sat., June 11 Broadway Songbook - Ordway TBA Wed., June 15 Spring Golf Board 952-853-6562 Sun., July 17 Lion King - Orpheum TBA Sat., Aug. 13 Summer Picnic - Battle Creek Park Board 952-853-6562 Fri., Aug. 19 Summer Golf Board 952-853-6562 Wed., Oct. 5 Fall Luncheon - Mystic Lake Board 952-853-6562 Bloomington Civic Theater has been renamed (Artistry) * Announcement enclosed ** Call Event Coordinator for seat availability Note: DayTrippers Dinner Theater, 9132 Cedar Ave. (in Eagles Club) REMEMBER TO CHECK YOUR TICKETS TO VERIFY DATE, TIME AND LOCATION Event Questions? - Call the Event Coordinator with questions/concerns about an event. 4 CRITICS CORNER SISTER ACT THE BEST LITTLE WHOREHOUSE IN by Judy Moss TEXAS by Linda Hauck Sister Act at the Chanhassen was a sold-out perfor- mance Saturday, February 13. The place was packed! The Best Little Whorehouse in Texas is based on the true Ninety-two retirees and their guests attended lunch and story. The best bordello in Texas dated back to 1915, this afternoon’s performance based on the movie from when Jessie Williams purchased an old farmhouse on 12 long ago. The music was original (not tunes from the acres on the border of La Grange, where it existed in har- movie), played by an experienced ten piece band. The mony with the law and local citizens for nearly 50 years. story closely followed the antics of Deloris Van Cartier, a During the Depression, the girls traded services for farm wannabe lounge singer who witnesses a murder and goods and livestock. So many chickens were received must hide from the bad guys until her court appearance that hen houses were set up for poultry and egg produc- to testify. tion - hence the name Chicken Ranch. In 1960 Edna Mil- ton purchased the property from Miss Jessie's estate and The Convent turns out to be her hideout while she waits did a first-class remodeling job. It was under Miss Edna's for the trial, thanks to a generous contribution from the direction that the house of prostitution reached its great- police to the aging Catholic church. Deloris’ background est fame of a legendary Texas Brothel known as the doesn’t quite fit in with the nuns, who remain cloistered in Chicken Ranch, which operated from the 1840s to 1973, the convent. Deloris does her best to transform the nuns’ protected by a friendly Sheriff and frequented by politi- choir into a swinging, hip ensemble with dance moves cians. Girls come from all over to work at the ranch and and clap-happy music that the church finds welcome. make a little extra cash. However, a crusading do-gooder Houston radio commentator and his conservative audi- The bad guys try to infiltrate the church to capture De- ence expose the Chicken Ranch, forcing it to shut its loris, but the nuns protect her as if she was one of their doors forever. own. In the end the police capture the murdering crew and save Deloris. The nuns new music style even at- The talk is racy and unrestrained, but all in fun. Forty- tracts the pope to visit the church to hear the new tunes. eight retirees attended this lively and engaging perfor- Costumes and choreography were entertaining, and the mance at the Bloomington Artistry. audience appeared to enjoy the performances. Excellent singers, especially “sister Mary Clarence” (aka Deloris) and Mother Superior, were top notch. 5 SEX PLEASE, WE’RE SIXTY - Day Trippers Theater - Thursday, March 17 Lunch: 12:30 Show: 1:30 p.m.

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