Application 10350 - 2018 Multiuse Trails and Bicycle Facilities 11025 - Sam Morgan Regional Trail Segment 1 Reconstruction Regional Solicitation - Bicycle and Pedestrian Facilities Status: Submitted Submitted Date: 07/13/2018 2:15 PM Primary Contact Paul Michael Sawyer Name:* Salutation First Name Middle Name Last Name Title: Management Assistant Department: Saint Paul Parks and Recreation Email:
[email protected] Address: 25 W 4th St 400 City Hall Annex Saint Paul Minnesota 55102 * City State/Province Postal Code/Zip 651-266-6417 Phone:* Phone Ext. Fax: What Grant Programs are you most interested in? Parks Capital Improvement Program Grants Organization Information Name: ST PAUL, CITY OF Jurisdictional Agency (if different): Organization Type: City Organization Website: Address: Parks and Recreation 400 CITY HALL ANNEX 25 W 4TH ST ST PAUL Minnesota 55102 * City State/Province Postal Code/Zip County: Ramsey 651-266-6400 Phone:* Ext. Fax: PeopleSoft Vendor Number 0000003222A15 Project Information Project Name Sam Morgan Regional Trail Segment 1 Reconstruction Primary County where the Project is Located Ramsey Cities or Townships where the Project is Located: Saint Paul Jurisdictional Agency (If Different than the Applicant): This project proposes to reconstruct sections of the original segment that have reached the end of their usable life of the Sam Morgan Regional Trail along Shepard Rd in Saint Paul. The project will include removing the asphalt and base of the old trail; correcting any grades for drainage and Brief Project Description (Include location, road name/functional accessibility; constructing new base and asphalt; class, type of improvement, etc.) installing audible pedestrian signals and pedestrian ramps at intersections; landscaping; and installing lighting, signage, and user amenities.