The Values of Character Education in Engklek Traditional Game and the Implication for Children Aged 5 to 6 Years at Kampoeng Dolanan Yogyakarta
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THE VALUES OF CHARACTER EDUCATION IN ENGKLEK TRADITIONAL GAME AND THE IMPLICATION FOR CHILDREN AGED 5 TO 6 YEARS AT KAMPOENG DOLANAN YOGYAKARTA THESIS Written by: Ika Siti Rukmana NIM. 14160014 EARLY CHILDHOOD ISLAMIC EDUCATION DEPARTEMENT TARBIYAH SCIENCE AND TEACHER TRAINING FACULTY MAULANA MALIK IBRAHIM STATE ISLAMIC UNIVERSITY MALANG 2018 THE VALUES OF CHARACTER EDUCATION IN ENGKLEK TRADITIONAL GAME AND THE IMPLICATION FOR CHILDREN AGED 5 TO 6 YEARS AT KAMPOENG DOLANAN YOGYAKARTA THESIS Presented to Tarbiyah and Teacher Training Faculty Maulana Malik Ibrahim State Islamic University Malang In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Sarjana Pendidikan (S.Pd) Written by: Ika Siti Rukmana NIM. 14160014 EARLY CHILDHOOD ISLAMIC EDUCATION DEPARTEMENT TARBIYAH SCIENCE AND TEACHER TRAINING FACULTY MAULANA MALIK IBRAHIM STATE ISLAMIC UNIVERSITY MALANG 2018 ii iii iv v DEDICATION SHEET My grateful for Allah SWT‟s all mercies and blessings to me Thank for becoming my inspiration‟s life, dear my beloved parents, My dad (Mr. Subur Wardoyo) and my mother (Mrs. Rumini) Thank you very much for my advisor, Nurlaeli Fitriah, M.Pd For the support and guide Thanks to all lectures Who have given me many sciences and knowledges My special love is for Sahabat-Sahabati of PMII Rayon “Kawah” Chondrodimuko Specially my sahabat sahabati BUNG MAHBUB 2014 Thank for all processes My deep love is for all Penggiat Komunitas Dulinan Malang Thank for experiences My sincerely love is for my all partners of HMJ PIAUD, SEMA FITK, and SEMA U Thank for experiences My big love is for all of my friends of First Period of Early Childhood Islamic Education 2014 I thank to all of people who support me as long as i study at Malang who can not i mention one by one vi MOTTO َ َّ َ َ َ َ ٰ ُ ُ َ وِإهك لعلى خل ٍق ع ِظي ٍمٍ “And indeed, you (Propet Muhammad SAW.) are a great moral character.” (Q.S. Al Qalam :4) vii viii PREFACE Praise to Allah SWT who has given me blessing and mercy until i have done well my thesis by the title “The Values Of Character Education In Engklek Traditional Game and The Implication For Children Aged 5 To 6 Years At Kampoeng Dolanan Yogyakarta”. Sholawat and salam always be given to our prophet Muhammad SAW who has brought from the stupidty era to the cleverness era and from the darkness to the lightness which is called Islam religion. Excellency: 1. Prof, Dr. Abdul Haris, M.Ag as Rector of Universitas Islam Negeri Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang, 2. Dr. Agus Maimun, MA as Dean Of Tarbiyah Science and Teacher Training Faculty 3. Dr. Syamsul Ulum, MA as Head of of Early Childhood Islamic Education Departement who has permitted me conducting this thesis. 4. Big special thanks to my advisor, Nurlaeli Fitriani, M.Pd, who is never bored to guide me in the whole of process of my research. Because of her, i realize that all the efforts i have done will not betray me ever and because of her this thesis is not just a stuck of useless papers. I hope this thesis will be usefull. 5. Mr. Subur Wardoyo and Mrs. Rumini as my parents 6. For Kampoeng Dolanan Yogyakarta society 7. PMII Rayon “Kawah” Chondrodimuko 8. Komunitas Dulinan Malang 9. PIAUD partner, specially 2014 team. Malang, October 24th 2018 The Researcher Ika Siti Rukmana 14160014 ix TRANSLATION GUIDELINES OF ARAB LATIN Translation of Arab Latin in this thesis utilize the translation guidelines based on the agreement between Religion Minister and Educational and Culture Minister of Indonesia number 158, 1987 and no. 0543 b/U/1987. A. Hijaiyah Letters q = ق z = ز a =ا k = ك s = س b = ب l = ل sy = ش t = ت m = م sh = ص ts = ث n = ن dl = ض j = ج w = و th = ط h = ح h = ه zh = ظ kh = خ , = ء „ = ع d = د y = ي gh = غ dz = ذ f = ف r = ر B. Long Vocal C. Diphthong Vocal aw =أ وْ Vocal (a) long = â ay =أ يْ Vocal (i) long = î û =أ وْ Vocal (u) long = û î = إ يْ x LIST OF TABLES Table 1.1 Originality Research................................................................................11 Table 2.1 Character Education Values....................................................................33 Table 5.1 Nine Values of Character Education Values In Engklek Traditional Games.....................................................................................................89 Table 5.2 The Implications of Playing Engklek Traditional Game For Children Aged 5 To 6 Years.............................................................................................93 Table 5.3 The Advantages and Diadvantages of Engklek Traditional Game.........96 xi LIST OF PICTURES Picture 4.1 Players Draw Engklek Square.................................................................49 Picture 4.2 Players Look For Gaco............................................................................49 Picture 4.3 Player do suit...........................................................................................50 Picture 4.4 All Players Make a Line..........................................................................51 Picture 4.5 First Player Plays Engklek Game............................................................51 Picture 4.6 Second Player Plays Engklek Game.......................................................52 Picture 4.7 Third Player Plays Engklek Game..........................................................53 Picture 4.8 Fourth Player Plays Engklek Game........................................................53 Picture 4.9 Fifth Player plays Engklek Game............................................................54 Picture 4.10 Lia plays Engklek Game........................................................................54 Picture 4.11 Embun Plays Engklek Game..................................................................55 Picture 4.12 Nilna Plays Engklek Game.....................................................................55 Picture 4.13 Kikan Plays Engklek Game....................................................................56 Picture 4.14 Player Draw Engklek Square.................................................................56 xii LIST OF APPENDIXES Appendix I Permission Letter from Kampoeng Dolanan Appendix II Permission Letter from BANKESBANPOL Yogyakarta Appendix III Permission Letter from Faculty Appendix IV The Evindence of Concultation Appendix V Observation Note Appendix VI Interview Guideline Appendix VI I Transcipt of Interview Appendix VII I Pictures with All of Informants xiii TABLE OF CONTENT Page COVER.........................................................................................................................i APPROVAL SHEET ................................................................................................iii LEGITIMATION.......................................................................................................iv ADVISOR OFFICIAL NOTE...................................................................................v DEDICATION MOTTO......................................................................................................................vii CERTIFICATE OF AUTHORSHIP .....................................................................viii PREFACE..................................................................................................................ix TRANSLATION GUIDELINES OF ARAB LATIN ..............................................x LIST OF TABLES......................................................................................................xi LIST OF PICTURES................................................................................................xii LIST OF APPENDIXES.........................................................................................xiii ABSTRACT..............................................................................................................xiv TABLE OF CONTENT..........................................................................................xvii CHAPTER I : INTRODUCTION...........................................................................1 A. Background of the Study.................................................................................1 B. Focus of the Study .................................................................... .......................7 C. Objective (s) of Study .............................................................. .......................8 D. Significance (s) of Study .......................................................... .......................8 E. Previous Study (Research Originality)..................................... .......................9 F. Definition of Key Terms................................................................................12 G. Composition of Research Findings................................................................12 CHAPTER II : Review of Related Literature A. Theoretical of Framework a. Definition of Value ............................................................... .....................14 b. Character Education Concept .............................................. .....................15 xiv a) Definition of Education.......................................................................15 b) Definition of Character......................................................................18 c) Character Education............................................................................19 d) The Values of Character Education.....................................................20