S106 Planning (financial) Obligations (‘open Cases’) - as of end of October 2018 1) extant & implemented Planning Permissions supported by:

 existing contributions or balances in process of being committed  owed monies, overdue for payment where already known  potential contributions – monies that might be received if the related development comes forward

The information in the work book is based on the pre 2018 Ward boundary changes; this is currently being updated to reflect the new wards. Where a change is known this is reflected under each site address at this time. ------

Ancoats & Clayton

Date Approved signed Obligation £ actual £ Plg Ref Location / Site development Obligation particulars £ agreed Reserved project £ reserved or trigger received committed description draft Spent towards St Michaels Flags & Angel Meadow Ph 2 (matched with monies retaining & / or improving the from 70404) incorp environ, public realm / facils, repair / highways, pub infrast etc mplement nt of revs to pl perm ref 10 Rochdale Rd (which may incl a new or Aspin Lane retaining 079201 073047 for elevational 17-Jan- upgraded ped crossing) in the wall & Lowry Steps, Spend /FO/20 alterations to proposed 84,050.39 n/a 84,050.39 84,050.39 07 Ancoats and ANCCLY ward & assoc costs landscaping Angel commence 06/N1 building (amends Beswick (replaces agreement 4th Oct Meadows & treating d balance l 073047) 05 for £167,500 ) (also Japanese Knotweed to be complements 4th Oct 05 & bal of 16,928 committed under 070404) towards / Pollard St crossing in assoc with Etihad development land at amendmt to pp 65195 improving & maintaining the 078181 Redhill Street FO for 283 apartments environ, pub realm, highways 05- 21,000.00 Response awaited /FO/20 Ancoats (app 18/10/02) incldg int / facils / infra etc within 21,000.00 n/a 0.00 n/a Feb-07 N/hoods Lead 06/N1 Ancoats and alts to mplem allowing Ancoats Urban Village in the Beswick an incr of 21 aparts immed vicinity & assoc costs 6 sty mple for basement Class A2 (fin improving & maintaining the & prof) or Class A3 (rest 092452 environment & public realm / 08-Oct- 22 – 26 Edge St & development) & grd /FO/20 highways / facils / 70,000.00 n/a 80,602.30 80,602.00 Committed 10 level Class A1 (shop) & Millennium Gardens 10/C2 infrastructure etc in the City 14 apartments above Centre & assoc costs following demo of extg bldg

1 Variation of condition 11 Growth Deal – Great attached to application Ancoats St ref no 068295 (for 84 Improvement project apartments with Class entailing 1) A1, A2,or B1 at ground improvement works to level & assoc pkg on site existing footway for of former Laystall House providing crossing enhanced pedestrian to drop the condition improvement on Great access comprising requiring a ped crossing Ancoats Street in the vicinity upgrade of materials 40 Laystall to be approved & 18- 109096 of the Development & asssoc & layout at the junctn Street provided at the junction Sept- /JO/201 costs, in lieu of the Owner 80.000.00 n/a 80,000.00 of Gt Ancoats St & 80,000.00 Committed Ancoats of great Ancoats St & 15 5/C2 implementing the Highway Laystall St (£41,760 / Piccadilly Laystall S), to allow Works required to discharge 60%) payment through legal condition 11 under 2) new pedestrian agreement of sum of 068295/OO crossing on Gt money in lieu of Ancoats St & Laystall providing the pedestrian St at existing crossing at the junction signalled junction of Great Ancoats Street (£27,840 / 40%) and Laystall Street 3) fees (£10,400 / required by that 13%) condition. For implementation of either Variation of Condition 4 permission, towards costs of (height parameters) of a) Parking Permit Scheme 106592OO for 340 incl signage throughout, b) dwellings max with review of existing parking Riverpark 110486 assoc open space, restrictions on named Trading Estate 3 Nov /JO/20 highways, landscaping Distributor Roads then Riverpark Road On 16 & 15/N1 with all matters reserved following results, any 80,000.00 commence - n/a n/a n/a 25- & with the exception of measures mplement and c) ment Nov-15 106592 access which is processing / admin of permits and Newton /OO/20 proposed to be taken off for the max 340 dwellings Heath 14/N1 Riverpark Road, to AND to apply the Man Fee to change height of block monitor mplement & one to between part 4 overseeing the spend and part 5 storeys. process of creating the PPS from start to finish 13 storey building comprising 119 apartments on Floors 1- 12 (Class C3) & 2 no 47 Houldsworth for the purpose of improving ground floor retail / 04- 109784 Street and maintaining the commercial units Improvements to Feb-16 /FO/20 (Great Ancoats environment on Great On (Classes A1, A2, A3, A4, 213,000.00 230,613.46 Great Ancoats Street 230,613 Committed & 11- 15/C2( St & Newton St) Ancoats St & assoc costs (& occupation A5, B1, D1 (Nursery) & env Aug-16 2) Piccadilly varied by 11-Aug 16 (3) for D2 Gym & public realm, ownership change) highways, engineering & assoc works following demolition of existing building

2 mixed use development in 9 storey building compising 64 no. residential apartments (Use Class C3a) with a contribution towards cost of 4 Angel Court 110351 325 sq. m (GEA) ground bus or Metrolink season 05- Ancoats Prior to /FO/20 commercial unit (Use tickets for occupiers and / or 64,000.00 0.00 n/a n/a n/a Aug-16 Piccadilly occupation 15/N1 Classes A1, A2, A3, B1, bicycles and / or other asso

or D1) with associated equip works and pedestrian access, following demolition of existing buildings & structures 2 no. mixed use buildings after demolition of existing Building A - pt 4/ 5 / 6 / 8 sty ancillary facilities services & commercial use (A1, A3, B1) at gf/ land At 76 – 82 basement levels & 72 Oldham Street & apartments (C3) above land bounded by & 2 green roofs. 110074 Spear Street, improving & maintaining the 28- Building B – pt 3 / 5 Prior to /FO/20 Warwick Street environment in the Oldham 75,000.00 0.00 n/a n/a n/a Aug-16 storey. 100 cycle occupation 15/C2 & Houldsworth Street area of the City parking spaces, 9 car Street parking spaces, building Ancoats services & commercial Piccadilly space at basement level, ancillary facilities & services & commercial space (A1, A3, B1) at gf level & 28 apartments (C3) above and 1 green roof. Conversion of building to 31 x apartments (1 x 1 bed, 24 x 2 bed, 6 x 3 bed) with 19 x parking spaces and 31 cycle 115401 Binns Place 07- parking spaces and Prior to /FO/20 M4 Affordable Houisng 100,000 Sep-17 elevational alterations to occupation 17 5BP include creation of Piccadilly private garden and courtyard spaces with associated hard and soft landscap

3 Part Site Of Existing Car Erection of 2 linked Park Bounded buildings ranging in By Ducie Street, height from 8 to 10 The Rochdale storeys (plus roof top Canal, Peak plant room) to provide 115178 On 16-Jan- Street, Tariff residential /FO/20 Affordable Housing 100,000.00 commence 18 Street (Multi- accommodation (Use 17 ment Storey Car Park) Class C3) comprising 18 And Remainder x 1 bed, 84 x 2 bed, 15 x Of Surface Car 3 bed, 2 x duplex (4 Park Manchester bed) and 9 townhouses M1 2JL (7 x 3 bed, 1 x 2 bed a Piccadilly Land Bounded By Cable Street, Erection of a 9 storey Cross Keys building to form a 224- Street, Deed of Variation – 118057 bed apart-hotel (use On 16- Addington Street environemental /FO/20 class C1) with 0.00 commence Mar-18 And Mason improvements within the New 17 associated public realm, ment Street Cross NDF landscaping and other Manchester M4 associated works 5FT Piccadilly Variation of conditions 19 (servicing hours) and 4 Angel Court Dee of Variation – 117749 condition 20 28- Manchester M4 Travel Scheme (bus, Prior to /JO/201 (commercial use 64,000 Mar-18 4HT metrolink, bicycles, other occupation 7 opening hours) attached Piccadilly associated equipment) to planning permission 110351/FO/2015/N1


Date Approved signed Obligation £ actual £ Plg Ref Location / Site development Obligation particulars £ agreed Reserved project £ reserved or trigger received committed description draft mixed use compr car Balance dealership 778 sqm, 350 twards continud remaining no student rooms, 102 improvements & 063066 of 3,451 no sc aparts, office 734 refurbs of Swinton 22-Apr- /OO/N jnct Plymouth towards improvements to under sqm, retail 324 sqm, in 5 20,000.00 n/a 21,434.87 Grove Park as per the 21,434.87 03 ORTH2 Grove / Upper Swinton Grove Pk discussion / 6 sty mple with p 12 Green Flag Man Plan /01 Brook St to spend in sty incl pkg in base ( in consult with Friends line with the siting and means of / Members agreement. access) Wilmslow Park improving & maintaining the 081558 pt 3, 6 & 9 st mple of District Balance 12-Apr- Phase 3 environ, pub realm, highways On /FO/20 51 aparts & assoc car 153,000.00 186,967.00 Centre Parking 185,000.00 1.900 07 Rusholme Place / facils / infra etc in the vicinity occupation 06/N2 pkg & ldspg Scheme committed Ducie Street & assoc costs

4 5 no sty mple for new Balance Sch of Chem funding study into pkg remaining University residential parking Engineering & Analytical scheme within Grove Village of 92,000 091730 Campus Booth area within the Grove 25-Jun- Sciences (Ph 1 of prop 2 in Ardwick ward & for spend in /FO/20 St East & Upper 140,000.00 n/a 140,000.00 Village area (coupled 140,000.00 10 phses) for teaching & mplement, monitoring line with 09/C1 Brook St with other funding research on site of fmr review of such pkg scheme original M13 9RZ £50,000) energy ctre, car pk & only agreement temp accom variation of planning conditions 2, 3, 4, 7, 10 and 19 for seven storey building, including basement level, for 136 ‘Parking Sceme’ contribution apartments with two for a) progressing storey decked building implementation & at rear for 67 car parking management of Residents’ 112684 spaces with cycle Parking Scheme within the Response /JO/20 55 To 65 provision & amenity area streets surrounding the Land 10- required 16 & Hathersage with assoc landscaping, to mitigate the small number commenced Response required Feb-17 85,000.00 85,000.00 from n/a 106619 Road boundary treatment, ext of parking spaces comprised from N/hoods Lead and 19- N/hoods /FO/20 Victoria Park works & vehicular within the Development; and / Dec-14 Lead 14/N2 access from Hathersage or (b) any alternative Road to change the scheme created to alleviate site layout ,alteration the on-street parking to refuse area, cycle problems within the vicinity of provision & boundary the Land & assoc costs treatment with elevational alts, materials, roof height and plant on roof. RPZ to assist residents of 16 no. residential homes within and around the Brunswick Street dwellings in 5 no. 115475 development to mitigate the 26- (vacant plot north storey building with /FO/20 on street parking problems, to 10,000 Not commenced 0.00 n/a n/a n/a July-17 east of The basement incl front 17 fund costs for TRO and / or Vallance Centre boundary treatment signs and highway linings and associated works and admin costs


Date Approved signed Obligation £ actual £ Plg Ref Location / Site development Obligation particulars £ agreed Reserved project £ reserved or trigger received committed description draft


5 Bradford

Date Approved signed S106 Obligation £ actual £ Location / Site development Obligation particulars £ agreed Reserved project £ reserved or Plg Ref trigger received committed description draft former Kwik retail foodstore (class Save providing & Spend A1) 1,635 sqm foll providing & maintaining a 12-Jan- Ashton Old Road maintaining a commence 080557 demol of exstg bldgs pedestrian crossing on 30,000.00 n/a 30,000.00 30,000.00 07 Bradford pedestrian crossing d 16,000 with assoc prking & Ashton Old Rd & assoc costs Ancoats and on Ashton Old Rd balance servicing & ldscaping Beswick improve, maintain env, public Spend land at Ashton 28 no dwllngs & assoc realm, highways, public tree planting on commence 28- Old Rd / Mill St prkg & lndscpng & 3 081589 facilities / infrast in the 22,000.00 n/a 22,000.00 Galston St with some 22,000.00 d balance Aug-07 Ancoats and vehicr access points off vicinity, provide trees & assoc maintenance of Beswick Herne Street for prkng costs 1,960 Pedestrian connection land adj to & lock enhancement Ashton Canal mixed use comp 420 no phase 1 to mprove, maintain works between the Pollard St / aprts in 9, 7 & 22 stry env, public realm, highways, tram Carruthers St & blocks, offices (1808 11- 075171 public facilities / infrast, traffic stop & across Lock 3 Balance of Bond St sqm) & retail (585 sqm) 71,000.00 n/a 71,000.00 71,000.00 Aug-11 (2) safety & like in the vicinity & of the Ashton Canal in 5,000 Milliners Wharf & 235 prkg sp & assoc costs (replaces 7 Aug order to provide Ancoats and lndscpng aft dem of 06) (1 of 2 in agrmnt) pedestrian links to Beswick exstng bldngs New Islington.

Parking Scheme Contribution' for controlled parking zone (CPZ) and traffic regulation increase in height of the orders (TROs) as outlined in As specified in Scheme 1 of the Transport Obligation Particulars South and North stands Spend 104315 Assessment Addendum 1 Etihad Traffic & assoc elevational alts commence /FIO/20 following the submission of a 450,000.00 na 450,000.00 Improvement 450,000.00 for 14,500 extra seats d balance 13/N2 scheme for the approval of measures expansion (6,250 in each stand & of 79,000 up to 2,000 in pitch side the Council as part of the of existing controlled seats for total match day Transport Strategy (of a total parking zone Rowsley Street capacity of up to 62,170) contribution of £519,638 13- Bradford expansions of under pp ref 104315) (varied Feb-14 Ancoats and concourse facilities, alts by 6 June 14) Beswick to public realm incl Stadium North Walk Route changes to car parking Contribution' for layout, landscaping and improvements to walking As specified in 104315 boundary treatments route north of stadium (City Obligation Particular /FIO/20 and assoc infrastructure Link Walk route) as outlined n/a Etihad Traffic 10,275.00 10,275.00 10,275.00 13/N2( works (varied by in Scheme 2 of the Transport Improvement committed 2) 105160) Assessment Addendum (of a measures signage of total £519,638 under pp ref walk route 104315) (varied by 6 June 14)

6 As specified in Great Ancoats Street Obligation Particulars Pedestrian crossing Etihad Traffic Contribution' for the Great Improvement Ancoats Street pedestrian measures pedestrian 104315 crossing (of a total £519,638) crossing – Pollard St / Spend /FIO/20 under 104315 as outlined in 59,363.00 n/a 59,363.00 Great Ancoats 59,363.00 commemce 13/N2( Scheme 3 of the Transport Junction d balance 3) Assessment Addendum (of a Improvements of 5,000 total £519,638 under pp ref 205664 (coupled with 104315) (varied by 6 June £67,500 under pp ref 14) 100795 Etap Hotel on Pollard St) phase 2 to mprove, maintain 1 no. 8 storey block & 1 env, public realm, highways, no 9 storey block public facilities / infrast, traffic forming 144 resid safety & like in the vicinity to apartments with assoc include any of the following: land adj to access, car parking and gen improvements to the Ashton Canal landscaping with all Canal links, public access Pollard St / 100991 matters to be considered links to New Islington & the 13- Carruthers St & /OO/20 (outline applic): & new Metrolink station, 71,000.00 n/a 71,949.64 n/a Feb-14 Bond St 12/N2 detached building improvements to Pollard St & Milliners Wharf forming A1 Retail Unit other nearby highway Ancoats and (316sqm) with all networks, & other general Beswick matters reserved environmental / landscaping (outline applic) (phase 2 improvements to Pollard St & replaces the surrounding areas & 075171/FO/2005/N3(3) associated costs (replaces 11 Aug 11)


Date Approved signed Obligation £ actual £ Plg Ref Location / Site development Obligation particulars £ agreed Reserved project £ reserved or trigger received committed description draft 56 aparts & 52 detd once the former Royal hses with assoc access £20,061 Additional site drainage or Balance of 17- 069232 Oak School roads with access from (currently sand dressing wks if required 13,180.00 spending 0.00 n/a 2,300 Feb-04 (4) Royal Oak Road Royal Oak Road & ldspg at Hollyhedge under committed (whole dev) (see also 69232(2)) is 069233 FO) all spent


Date Approved signed Obligation £ actual £ Plg Ref Location / Site development Obligation particulars £ agreed Reserved project £ reserved or trigger received committed description draft



Date Approved signed Obligation £ actual Plg Ref Location / Site development Obligation particulars £ agreed Reserved project £ reserved £ committed or trigger received description draft

new replacement 1 no 4 - 5 stry bldg of 50 Visitors Centre and no aprts, 8 no 1 bed, 40 improve, maintain env, public Changing Provision 080267 no 2 bed & 2 no 3 bed 12- land at Victoria realm, highways, public at Boggart Hole /FO/20 aprts, prkg, lndscpng, 75,000.00 n/a 89,278.84 89,278.84 Committed Sep-07 Ave East facilities / infrastr & assoc Clough (total cost 06/N1 garden room & viewing costs in the CHARLS ward 663,000 also from gallery at 5th flr, adj roof 086932+(2)) terrace.

(£236,789.25 total for 'Boggart Hole Clough' & 3 phases) Phase 1 - 'Baileys Wood' contributions new football pitch residential development (total 110,000) incl as defined for Booth Hall of max 300 units within new drainage, goals & the following: Childrens buildings between 2 no relocation of the 086932 Hospital & 3 no storeys with throwing circles, 30-Apr- /OO/20 a) the provision & 116,000.00 n/a 117,441.28 located in the infield of 236,789.25 75,000.00 Charlestown assoc highways, open 13 08/N1 maintenance of a new 5-12's the athletics track in Road space, car parking, play area within the Boggart Boggart Hole landscaping and public Hole Clough area; and/or Clough realm infrastructure (S106 £75,789) . b) towds the provision of community sports facils / Phase 2 - new ss infrast at Boggart Hole brick bldg with adj

8 Clough & / or fenced op yard, for c) the provision of or community room, ops contribution to a new office, changing room replacement visitors centre at with showers, kitchen & workshop located Boggart Hole Clough; and/or on the existing site in c) the overall upgrade, Boggart Hole improvement, maintenance Clough and management of Baileys (£78,000) (also with Wood monies from 080267) (varied by 20 Oct 2015) Phase 3 086932 Clean up, path & /OO/20 general infrast 116,000.00 n/a 119,347.99 n/a 08/N1(2 improvements to ) Baileys Wood (£33,000) and

additional 5-12's play equipment incl fenced u5s provision in location tbc in Boggart Hole Clough (£50,000)

either 20% for ‘on- site’ 086932 affordable housing or if they Committed

/OO/20 are sold as market housing, 676,500 On-going (Affordable Affordable 697,000 08/N1(3 to pay MCC a commutted approx as occupied 697,000 Housing Housing ) sum for each equiv of 26% of Fund) mkt val


Date Approved signed Obligation £ actual Plg Ref Location / Site development Obligation particulars £ agreed Reserved project £ reserved £ committed or trigger received description draft

residential development imps to bowling green; incl Renovation & 073701 land at with means of access conv of a flat bowling green improvements to 07-Jul- /OO/20 Balance of Hazelbottom Rd from Hazelbottom Rd & at to a crown 50,000.00 n/a 56,503.64 the drainage 56,503.64 05 04/N1( 6,000 College View Chataway Rd (RM bowling facility system to bowling 5) committed 80388 for 150 dwellings) (5 frm same agree) green

4 no 3 & 2 stry hses & 081915 land at Cardinal alter, improve & maintain 18,000 08- 12 aparts in 1 no 3 stry /FO/20 St / Kennedys Smedley Fields & upgrade 72,000.00 n/a 75,177.50 75,177.50 balanceand May-07 block & assoc parkng & 07/N1 Turf play equipment awaiting draw lndscpng down

9 altering, improving & maintaining St Mary’s Churchyard & varied to St Marks 16 houses & 10 aparts Heath Street / St include improving & Churchyard & Spend 078799 in 4 st block with assoc 14- Marks Lane maintaining the environ & playground at commenced, /FO/20 car pkg, lspg & access 52,000.00 n/a 57,160.05 57,160.05 Jan-09 Cheetham highways & public realm / Cheetwood (but 11,000 06/N1 road from Heath Street facils / infra etc in the vicinity poss underspend balance (replaces draft 75127 & assoc costs (this is a so new project tbc manuspt amendment of 12- Apr-06)


Date Approved Obligation £ actual signed Plg Ref Location / Site development Obligation particulars £ agreed Reserved project £ reserved £ committed trigger received or draft description Variation of conditions 3 and 4 of p p ref. 096372/FO/2011/S1 to allow alterations to the parking arrangement (for Change of use of public transport voucher 102530 basemt, grd & first floor contribution of £960 in value Development 26- 59 Keppel Road Prior to first /JO/20 office building to 6 no to each of the two 1,920 0.00 commenced n/a n/a Sept-13 Chorlton occupation 13/S1 self contained apartmentswithout an checking triggers apartments with assoc allocated parking space roof terrace incl roof extension, landscaping, parking stack &and new light well to front for access to basement) terrace of 4 no. dwellings behind towards affordable retained façade of units for ‘learning original Masonic Hall disability’ residents following demolition of within the City (15- later additions & pair of 20 unit scheme in 102812 semi- detached 3 storey North & Wythen & /JO/20 dwellings & terrace of 6 Towards the cost of providing 3-10 units across 13/S1( no. pt 2/3 storey affordable housing (as the City; tenure for 29-Nov 2) to 12 Edge Lane dwellings on adjng land, defined in ‘Providing Housing 65,000.00 n/a units will be social 69,354.55 Committed 13 096370 Chorlton with assoc lndspg & pkg 72,000 Choice SPD/ Plg Guidance rented (affordable /FO/20 / Variation of condition 2/9/08’) (revises 27-Apr-12) rent) aimed at 11/S1( no. 2 attached to people who cannot 2) planning permission ref: access / afford the 096370/FO/2011/S1 to market, tenants allow for alterations to will be referrals the elevations and from the learning layout of the scheme disability service. relating to 12 residential units

10 Chorlton Park

Date Approved signed Obligation £ actual Plg Ref Location / Site development Obligation particulars £ agreed Reserved project £ reserved £ committed or trigger received description draft 1) empl training (60,000) & 1) training for potential 2) seating & land bounded by employees (£60,000 max), playground in Cavendish Rd / 2) imps to play prov in Cavendish Rd Park Princess Rd / Cavendish Rd Pk & prov of (44,372.50) & Nell La & pt offices, housing, a 150 classrms etc within local new nursery at 060302 bed hotel with assoc car schools serving both Sites A Cavendish School 14- /OO/S Hospital, pkg & access foll demol and B (£195,000), (105,000) & Balance 418,000.00 n/a 418,000.00 418,000.00 Dec-01 OUTH2 West of extg bldgs (see also 3) contrib to Metrolink & imps Cavendish School 2,450. /00 (Site A - Main 58253 OO approved for to pt facils serving both sites playground Site devel) comm hospital ) £113,000), 4) imps to (20,000) & (related to Burton Rd Shopping centre 3) Metrolink TfGM 73290) (3 plann namely ped crxg facils at works 113,000 & entries) jnctn Burton / Cavendish / 4) Burton Rd Lapwing La (£50,000) shopping centre improvements (50,000)

City Centre

Date Approved signed Obligation £ actual Plg Ref Location / Site development Obligation particulars £ agreed Reserved project £ reserved £ committed or trigger received description draft Change of use of 1st, 8 King Street 2nd & 3rd floor to 21 improving & maintaining the On 19- 103665 Manchester apartments (7 no. 1 bed environ, highways, public 105,000.00 commence 111,964.29 Milennium Garden 111,946 Committed Mar-14 /FO/20 M2 6AQ and 14 no. 2 bed) and realm / facils / infrastr etc in ment... 13/C1 associated external City Centre & assoc costs alterations

11 use of building for 22 apartments (7 x 1 bed & 14 x 2 bed) ( class C1) & external alterations including demolition and replacement of existing towards improving & 2 Harter Street Prior to 105885 roof to include roof maintaining the environ, 13-Jan- Manchester occupation /FO/20 lights, reinstatement of highways, public realm / facils 23,000 0.00 n/a n/a n/a 15 M1 6HY Money now 14 windows, cycle store & / infrastr etc in City Centre & Piccadilly due cleaning, repair, assoc costs repainting and installation of glass to steel frame canopy structure within adjacent yard change of use of floors 1 - 4 from commercial office space to 8 no. residential apartments (2 x 1 bed and 6 x 2 bed) & improving and maintaining external elevations the environment, public 1 Canal Street 100982 including the realm, highways, public On 24- Manchester /FO/20 remodelling of the facilities, public infrastructure 6,000 commence 6,294.50 6,294 Committed Feb-15 M1 3HE Milennium Garden 12/C2 Richmond Street and the like in the City Centre ment Piccadilly Facade, removal of of Manchester and windows at 3rd floor associated costs level to form balcony area and formation of new balcony with doors at 4th floor level. Change of use to 14 no. Charlotte House improving & maintaining the residential apartments 110190 10 Charlotte environment within the 03- (C3) with 240m2 of Prior to /FO/20 Street Chinatown area of the City & 70,000 0.00 n/a n/a n/a Mar-16 commercial restaurant occupation 15/C2 Manchester assoc costs (5,000 per (A3) use at lower ground Deansgate dwelling) floor and 7 to 10 storey building for mixed used development. Grd floor commercial (Class A1, land bounded by A2, A3, A4, B1,D2 (Gym towards Affordable Housing Tib Street, and Cinema) 183 with City of Manchester in Church Street, 114146 apartments Class C3 (8 accordance with policy H8 of 20- Joiner Street & /FO/20 no studio, 48 no 1 bed, Manchester's Local 183,000 Prior to 0.00 n/a n/a n/a Feb-17 Bridgewater 16 125 no 2 bed and 2 no 3 Development Framework occupation Place (surface bed) with assoc Core Strategy adopted 11 car park) landscaping etc, July 2012 Piccadilly following demolition of existing structure & artwork at junction of Tib Street / Church Street

12 2 no apartment buildings with ancillary residents' gym, terrace, swimming pool, public realm / towards the provision of AH 2 - 4 Chester landscaping and two affordable housing outside within 6 05- 113870 Road new pedestrian the Land but within the City months of April- /FO/20 Manchester connections to the 282,000 0.00 n/a n/a n/a in accordance with Policy H8 commence 17 16 M15 4QG basin from of the LDF Core Strategy ment Deansgate Chester Road, basemt adopted 11/7/12 car parking & related highway, access, servicing and assoc works. Erection of a 30 storey building to form 573 student apartments (Use Class Sui Generis) with 1-5 New associated basement, 117054 Wakefield Street 22- ground and first floor On first /FO/20 Manchester M1 affordable housing 500,000.00 Dec-17 commercial unit (use occupation 17 5NP class A1, A2, A3, A4 Deansgate and A5 and D1) (454 sqm) following demolition of existing buildings and oth Variation to planning conditions 2, 14, 16, 19, 20, 24, 25, 26, 27 and 30 and removal of 1 - 5 New planning conditions 32, 118839 Wakefield Street 26- 38 and 39 of planning /JO/20 Manchester M1 Deed of Variation 0.00 Mar-18 permission 18 5NP 117054/FO/2017 to Deansgate allow for alternations to basement and ground floor including removal of car parking, reloc Erection of a part 15, part 9, part 7 storey building to form 155 residential apartments Land Bounded together with ground By Thompson floor commercial uses Street / Mason (Use Classes A1, A3 118120 23- Street / Bendix and B1) (288 sqm) with Public Realm / Affordable On first /FO/20 550,000.00 May-18 Street And associated car parking, Housing occupation 17 Rochdale Road access arrangements Manchester and other associated Piccadilly works following the demolition of existing buildings and structure and the closure of Hatter Street

13 Erection of a 32 storey building to form 603 student apartments (Use Class Sui Generis) with 1-5 New associated ground and Provision / improvement of 119380 Wakefield Street 03- first floor commercial general infrastructure within On first /FO/20 Manchester M1 500,000.00 Aug-18 unit (use class A1, A2, the vicinity of the occupation 18 5NP A3, A4 and A5 and D1) development Deansgate (232 sqm) following demolition of existing buildings and other associated works Change of use of light 32 Mason Street industrial building (Class Environmental improvements 117059 07- Manchester M4 B1) to 7 x 2 bedroom within part of the New Cross Prior to /FO/20 37,500.00 Aug-18 5EY apartments and 6 x 1 Development Framework occupation 17 Piccadilly bedroom apartments Area (Class C3)


Date Approved signed Obligation £ actual Plg Ref Location / Site development Obligation particulars £ agreed Reserved project £ reserved £ committed or trigger received description draft within 14 days of 200 no dwells & 1000 written notif sqm of comm floorsp of footpath 075914 land south Old compr Class A1 (retail), Spend commuted sum for footpath & & cycleway Route was 21- /OO/20 Market st Class A2 (office) & commenced cycleway maintenance (1 of 3 25,300.00 becoming a approved at 25,300 Sep-06 05/N1( Blackley (Miller Class A3 ( café / 17,000 obligs) ‘highway’ at RM & laid out 2) Brow) restrnt), open sp follwng balance public dem of exist bldngs expense (3 (81760 RM applic) no. triggers) environ & rec imps to the Reservoirs res dev comprising 111 environ & rec imps to the specifically land west of of no two three and four Harpurhey Reservoirs site in Harpurhey 092648 Celia St & bed dwells to 2/3 strys vicin of devel currently id as reservoirs Spend 01- /FO/20 Waterloo St with assoc car pkg, new Site Number 3 in Irk Valley 80,200.25 n/a remediation works 83,570.93 commenced, Dec-10 10/N1 highways & lndscpg with Local Plan / edged red on (60,000) & balance (Brightside etc) access from Celia St Plan 2 in Agrmnt & assoc Response required 23,000 and Waterloo St costs from N/hoods Lead re improvements to lower ponds 23,570.93

14 improving & maintaining the 15 no two storey environment, public realm, dwellinghouses with highways, public facilities, 099103 9-Oct- Land east of 59 associated landscaping public infrastructure and the /JO/20 5,000.00 n/a 5,000.00 n/a 12 Crumpsall lane and car parking (varies like within the Crumpsall 12/N1 cond 3 of Green Renewal Area 095815/OO/2011/S2) (reinforces 12-Mar-12)

'Crumpsall RPZ' land at extension' project Charminster 23 no. two storey 'Parking Scheme comprising 107259 Drive / former dwelling houses (Use 30- Contribution' towards (legal) TRO (Traffic /FO/20 Central Class C3) with assoc car April- Residents' Parking Scheme 20,000.00 n/a 20,046.51 Regulation Order) 20,046.51 Committed 14/N1( Production Unit parking, landscaping, 15 for route linking the - traffic signs 2) NMGH boundary treatment & development to the highway - road markings on Delauneys Rd other works as yet unnamed Crumpsall access road to contribute towards the costs of works at Lion Brow between Old Market Street & Prior to St Peters Church including a) commence upgrading and resurfacing ment of 092264 the carriageway and b) either 0.00 neither /FO/20 34,000.00 n/a n/a n/a creating footway incl kerbs & 092264 or comm. 10/C1 22 houses & 2 surfacing and c) related 092265 (for apartments drainage works and d) commercial & conversion of White placing TRO's and e)installing units) land between Lion PH to 5 no. lining & signing and assoc Lion Brow / Old apartments incl a 3 costs 3-Aug- Market Street & storey side extension provision of 4 plots 13,14,17,18 - the 'Affordable Housing Requirement' to be 15 Middleton Old with assoc parking, ready for sale by Registered Provider Road landscaping & boundary (not binding on land disposed of) and Blackley treatments & new to be sold as First Sale and 74% of vehicular access Market Value, and for occupation only if Best as AH as in NPPF policy / glossary defs Endeavour 092264 following demolition of and dates for start n completion of First has failed /FO/20 industrial buildings sales to be submitted to Council OR to pay the Council a commutted sum tbc within 9 n/a n/a n/a n/a 10/C1( representing 26% of Market Value of months to 2) AH, to then be sold at Market Value, (with the commutted sum then secure a being used by MCC for (any) First Sale housing in the City) and to apply equity from Registered Provider from First Sale towards prov of AH and to remain as AH inperp or Intermediate Housing only

15 payment of the 'North NMGH RPZ Manchester Residents Expansion Parking Scheme' to assist part single /two/ three residents of homes within the incorporating storey building for 24 vicinity of the Land shown on Charminster North bed intermediate care the Plan around the care Drive, Springfield 108559 Manchester 13- unit with assoc unit, to park their vehicles Avenue, /FO/20 General Hospital 60,000.00 n/a 60,000.00 60,000.00 Committed Dec-16 landscaping & car within the vicintity of their 15/N1 Delaunays Road Peakfield parking following homes or an alternative Crumpsall Avenue, removal existing car parking scheme directed at Saddlecote parking area mitigating additional on-street Close. parking problems within the vicinity of the Land that will result from its development

Didsbury East

Date Approved signed Obligation £ actual Plg Ref Location / Site development Obligation particulars £ agreed Reserved project £ reserved £ committed or trigger received description draft Environmental St James' Court a) environmental & other works & for bal, 059441 18 sc flats in 4 storey 2 - 4 Moorland improvement within vicinity of resurfacing / balance of 29-Jun- /FO/SO block with pkg Road land incl surface & 35,000.00 n/a 35,000.00 remedial works to 35,000.00 2,785.81 00 UTH2/0 (retrospective) also Didsbury landscaping works to adoptable 0 56592 Moorland Road standards to Moorland Rd etc improving & maintaining 6 no 3 sty town houses update former petrol highways in vicinity of Land ( Resurfacing 080340 with vehic access from pending on 15- station without predj to constrctn of carriageways on /FO/20 Fog Lane & Clayton Ave 15,000.00 n/a 15,000.00 15,000.00 committed Feb-07 Fog Lane ped refuge & / or crossing on Fairfax Ave & Mere 06/S2 with assoc prkg & ldspg project Didsbury Fog La) & assoc costs Ave off Fog lane (updates 074056) (updates 5 April 06 )

16 42 no. dwellings, 7 no. apartments to four storey building with basement car parking after demol of existing buildings; change of use of the former Main Admin building for 32 dwellings (10 no. townhouses & 22 no. apartments) & including a two storey ext to internal courtyard, elev alts, u/grnd car park with assoc ldspg & bndy treatments, following demolition of existing bldgs within c/yd; change of use of The Chapel for 10 no. to pay the: apartments incl ss ext, elev  Tennis Court 1 resurfacing from alts, u/grnd car park, & Contribution (150,000) shale to assoc amenity space; change of use of The Lodge for resurfacing the porousTarmac for a dwellinghouse, two st existing recreational including box type facilities at Flectcher floodlights and 3m former side & rear extensions following demol of attached Moss Park to high perimeter Manchester electricity sub station; compensate for loss of green weldmesh Metropolitan 108541/ change of use of 801 existing facils fencing with gates University Wilmslow Road for single 200,154 24 -Nov- OO/201 and Commence & new tennis posts Campus & dwellinghouse; change of 200,000.00 200,154.00 200,154.00 (check all now 15 / 5/S2 / d / nets ) the existing Broomhurst Halls use of 803 Wilmslow Road  Play Equipment spent) 111428 Contribution (50,000) for tennis courts at of Residence, for single dwellinghouse older childrens’ play in Fletcher Moss Park Wilmslow Rd following demolition of existing two st outrigger ; Didsbury Park works: £129,950 Didsbury alts to boundary walls; & fees: £20,050 provision of assoc parking, & assoc costs and landscaping, boundary 2) older childrens’ treatments & other infrastructure works with all as varied by draft to apply to play equipment at matters to be considered for 111428, 111891/JO & Didsbury Park the site of the former 111835/LO Manchester Metropolitan University Campus: and; School building (with max 3,161 sqm of gross int floorspace) & assoc facils on the site of Broomhurst Halls of Residence following the demolition of existing buildings on site, with access from Wilmslow Road & all other matters reserved. As varied in draft by 111428, 111891/JO & 111835/LO for amendments to buildings & other elements

17 Didsbury West

Date Approved signed Obligation £ actual Plg Ref Location / Site development Obligation particulars £ agreed Reserved project £ reserved £ committed or trigger received description draft surface c of u of Silverwood improvements to House from offices 30m of Palatine 129 - 131 Barlow (Class B1) to school Rd carriageway & UU for the purpose of Moor Road (Class D1), ss link ext 50m of Palatine improving and maintaining 076304 (Moor Allerton between Silverwood Rd footway (west) 27- highways in the vicinity of the Balance of /FO/20 School & House and Moor 20,000.00 n/a 28,500.00 & drainage 28,500.00 Feb-06 property & without prejudice 2,000 05/S2 Silverwood Allerton School, reinforcement to generality twards ped House) additional pkg, staff & measures on the crossings Didsbury visitor parking spaces & north-eastern elev alts to Silverwood corner of junction House between Barlow Moor & Palatine Rd conv of N Hall into 11 no aparts, 4 no 3 stry bldngs, 1 no 3.5 stry Planning to 082214 bldng (& bsmnt pkng) & progress with travel vouchers for residents Travel vouchers for 10- /FO/20 land at Needham 1 no 4 stry bldng for 27 Neighbourhoo upon first occupation 9,200.00 n/a 9,200.00 residents of new 9,200.00 Aug-07 07/S2( Hall Palatine Rd no townhs & 8 no aprts ds and (supersedes 64199) dwellings 2) & lndscpng & prkng, aft Highways demoln of stdnt accom (supersedes 64199)

22 - 24 Oak public transport voucher 083934 13 no flats in pt 4 / ss on 30-Oct- Road contrib for public travel Planning to /FO/20 rear exten with assoc 7,150.00 commence 8,840.45 Travel vouchers 8,840.45 07 Didsbury M20 vouchers of £550 per flat progress 07/S2 ldspg & car parking ment 3DA upon 1st occup improvements to c of u of existing resid Chorlton Water Pk 30,000.00 premises for 11 no highway safety improvemts in 080215 30,000 (Mersey 30,000.00 committed/spe 06- Linden Court 10 aparts incl 3 st extn, vicinity of the Land & rec /FO/20 47,500.00 n/a 48,198.20 Valley Wardens) & pending nt balance of Dec-07 The Beeches basem accommo, 11 no provision in Mersey Valley & 06/S2 extension of double 48,198.20 18,189 under undercroft car pkg assoc costs yellow lines on discussion spaces & assoc ldspg Barlow Moor Rd seventeen 2 & 3 storey 'affordable housing dwellings (9 no.4 bed contribution' for the provision detached and 8 no. 5 of AH within Manchester, to Prior to 103991 bed semi-detached) with be paid in instalments as occupation 18- /FO/20 Wrengate House assoc car parking & varied by insertion of new of each Committed Dec-14 13/S2 / 221 Palatine landscaping, following definitions, new 5th dwelling 13 185,000.00 194,086.21 Affordable Housing 194,086 Affordable / 4- 107940 Road demolition of existing Schedule, amendment of plots Housing Fund Sep-15 /JO/20 West Didsbury office building (as varied defs, deletion of Clause, occupied as 15/S2 re house types, road specification of 'spend by' at 16/6/16 layout, the omission of l date as 4/9/25, insertion of landscaped & longer new Clause 35, alts to driveways) Schedule

18 87 unit care to the Traffic Regulation Order four storeys (72 no.one Contribution Sum for the bed & 13 one /two no. Council to make / implement Morris Feinmann Extra Care apartments & a TRO(s) / amend existing 105955 House 2 guest bedrooms) with (incl new signs or alteration & 12- 15,208.90 With Highways for /FO/20 178 Palatine communal facilities & yellow road markings) to 15,000.00 n/a tbc n/a May-15 confirmation 14/S2 Road associated landscaping address specifically parking Didsbury & car parking following restrictions along Sparth Rd, demolition of the existing in order to prevent on-street Morris Feinmann Care parking hindering the use of Home. Sparth Rd change of use & extension of preparatory On school / nursery to 11 Silverwood commence no. residential units (10 111296 House towards Affordable Housing ment. 01- apartments and 1 coach /FO/20 129 Barlow Moor provision within the City of 34,000.00 Trigger met 0.00 n/a n/a n/a Nov-16 house) and 6 detached 16/S2 Road Manchester & associated cos and money houses (4 no 6 beds and Didsbury being 2 no 2 beds), with chased associated car parking & landscaping


Date Approved signed Obligation £ actual Plg Ref Location / Site development Obligation particulars £ agreed Reserved project £ reserved £ committed or trigger received description draft foodstore (1,294 sq metre) with assoc car pk & lndscpg & 14 flats in a Aldi to contribute b) site of St 3 no stys block & 3 pairs £9,201.60 for Public Highway 092641 Project completed Crispins Church / of 2 sty semi det hses & Work as defined in Planning to 28- /FO/20 satisfactorily by a n Social Club & 1 no terrace of 4 no 3 Appendices A to D & shown 9,201.60 n/a 9,201.60 / tbc progress Feb-11 10/S1( other party so tbc Scaffolding Yard sty town hses with in Appendix E (kerbs, With highways 2) for 9,201 Lloyd St South assocd pkg & lndspg edgings, surfacing & dropped following demol of exstg kerb detail) church, social club & yard & reloc of a teleco

19 North

Date Approved signed Obligation £ actual Plg Ref Location / Site development Obligation particulars £ agreed Reserved project £ reserved £ committed or trigger received description draft land to rear of 53 alts to layout of 16 det 070820 High Bank Tan houses & public os & fp UU for contribution towards maintenance of /FO/20 17-Jun- Yard Brow along southern boundy maintenance of public open open space With Legal 04/N2( 5,550.00 n/a 5,500 5,550.00 04 Gorton foll demol of 53 High space (3 frm same agrmnt) following dedication 3) Gorton and Bank (067594 FO) then (supercedes 6 Jan 2004) / transfer to Council

Abbey Hey varied by 087863 JO upgrading King George V Playing Fields & inproving & supports res dev maintaining the environment, Playing field, 084665 Jubilee Works approved for total 62 highways. This is an informal MUGA, bespoke /FO/20 Constable Street units under 87973 for 34 28- but binding agreement young 07/N2( Gorton hses & 10 hses under 93,000.00 n/a 93,000.00 93,000.00 Committed Sep-10 varying the Terms of the 3 peoples’play area, 3) Gorton and 87972 for & 18 units Oct 08 Agreemnt as varied by green space for y Abbey Hey remining under from 6 May 09 (84665 / 87973 / socialising from orig plg permission 87972) for new payment profile spreading payments

Gorton South

Date Approved signed Obligation £ actual Plg Ref Location / Site development Obligation particulars £ agreed Reserved project £ reserved £ committed or trigger received description draft Ph 1 at Wright Robinson Sports College, dugouts for 3 exiting 3G pitches &

increasing height spend 101869 110 residential units, 3 Oct 14 or of perimetre commemced /FO/20 comprising 33 no. 2 to pay the total 'Planning 60,000 completion 61,585.90 61,585.90 bedroom houses, 28 no. Contribution' of £200,000 fencing at back of 54,000 13/N2 land To Rear Of of 20th unit 3 bedroom houses, 25 towards the cost of highway each goal of the 3 balance GMPTE Social no. 2 bedroom works wthtin the vicinity of the existing pitches & Club (former 4-Jul- bungalows & 24 no. 2 Land; and / or b) upgrading a pedestrian gate to Sports Ground) 13 bedroom football pitch and / or access the site Mount Road apartments.with providing and / or improving Gorton associated in-curtilage other sport or recreational 101869 parking, private garden facilities within the vicinity of 3 April 15 or Ph 2 refurb or /FO/20 spaces, access roads & the Land & assoc costs 21,818.18 + 60,000 completion replacement n/a 13/N2( landscaping. 22,050.46 + of 40th unit MUGA & synthetic 2) 65,000.00 + cricket wicket at 108,868.64 101869 41,778.18 3 Oct 15 or Greenbank Park & /FO/20 towards 2nd & 60,000 completion rd th poss u/spend for n/a 13/N2( 3 & 4 of 60th unit ph 3 3) 20 3 April 16 or 101869 completion Ph 3 Response Response /FO/20 of 80th unit 20,000 required from required from n/a 13/N2( (more than N/hoods Lead N/hoods Lead 4) 86th unit completed) occupation First instalment towards of 20th unit £750,000 as inflated as a or 12 115299 contribution towards the months /FO/20 providing and / or improving 250,000.00 after 0.00 n/a n/a n/a 17 sports or recreational facilities commence within the vicinity of the land ment and associated costs (whichever is sooner) land North Of occupation 131 two storey Melland Road Second instalment towards of 40th unit dwellinghouses with Sports Field £750,000 as inflated as a or 21 associated boundary 115299 (former running contribution towards the months 11-Jul- treatment & landscaping /FO/20 track) providing and / or improving 250,000.00 after 0.00 n/a n/a n/a 17 & new internal access 17(2) South Of sports or recreational facilities commence road with 2 new Melland Road within the vicinity of the land ment vehicular access points Manchester and associated costs (whichever to Melland Road. is sooner) occupation Second instalment towards of 60th unit £750,000 as inflated as a or 30 115299 contribution towards the months /FO/20 providing and / or improving 250,000.00 after 0.00 n/a n/a n/a 17(3) sports or recreational facilities commence within the vicinity of the land ment and associated costs (whichever is sooner)


Date Approved signed Obligation £ actual Plg Ref Location / Site development Obligation particulars £ agreed Reserved project £ reserved £ committed or trigger received description draft



Date Approved signed Obligation £ actual Plg Ref Location / Site development Obligation particulars £ agreed Reserved project £ reserved £ committed or trigger received description draft replacement Class A1 superstore & 3 no new retail units, new petrol footpath, footbridge, litter Heaton Retail 30- filling station & assoc car traps & step works to River Future 095715 Park Aug- wash with assoc 711 Irk & improvements along maintenance of /FO/20 Heaton Park 60,000.00 n/a 62,497.81 62,497.81 11/ 25- space car park & Heaton Pk Rd West & improvements & Committed 11/N1( Road West Oct-10 relocated servicing rd & maintenance (varied by 17 footpaths 2) Blackley lndscpg / recycling facils Sept 14 n/financial) (replaces 92003) varied by 105894/JO)


Date Approved signed Obligation £ actual Plg Ref Location / Site development Obligation particulars £ agreed Reserved project £ reserved £ committed or trigger received description draft mixed use dev of 104 070788 21 Worsley St apts with base pkg & 21-Jun- imps to amenity of land in /FO/20 (also referred to retail & business at grnd 9,000.00 n/a 9,000.00 9,000 04 locality of dev Env imp 04/C3 as 3 Arundel St ) & first floor (Dandara Committed Ltd)

22 pt full /pt outline applic for university campus, comprsg: A) Full application for five storey academic bldg of 24,900sqm of gross floor area; a 37 sp surface car park; a four sty 318 space multi-storey car park; a pt single/pt two storey energy centre; land adj to assoc landspg wks & Stretford Rd, Old ped/cycle routes & new Birley Fields Spend 095557 Birley St, POS space. B) Outline residents’ parking commemnced 28- To design and implement /FO/20 Princess Rd & application for 5 no. 270,000.00 n/a 271,012.92 scheme (in conj 271,012.92 balance Feb-12 residents’ parking scheme 11/S1 Bonsall St mixed use blocks with monies from 119,931.48 comprising max 1,200 59810 & 90348) committed student bed spaces & max 4,600sqm of gross floor area for commercial (Classes A1 to A5), office (Class B1) & non-residential (Class D1) & leisure (Class D2) uses; 20 surface car parking spaces; assoc ldspg wks a& ped/cycle routes & new public open space. 28 storey building comprising 301 apartments (Use Class C3), 6 town houses (Use improving & maintaining the Hulme Residents’ 105611 1 Water Street Class C3), ground floor environ, pub realm, highways Parking Scheme 31-Oct- /FO/20 Manchester commercial units (Use / facils / infra & assoc costs in 307,000 n/a 309,263.48 (50,000 not 309,263.48 Committed 14 14/C1 M3 4JU Classes A1, A2, B1, D1 the City Centre & / or Hulme committed) and or D2), two levels of ward Milennium Gardens basement car parking, landscape and public realm

23 two-storey drive-through restaurant / take away & office development with assoc access, drive- through lane, landscaping and Applicable to either 111735 amendments to the permission , towards the 20- /JO/20 land Within The parking arrangements, costs of the 'Pedestrian Road Sept- 16/S11 Asda Car Park trolley and recycling Works' meaning the Stage 1 16 and and Greenheys Lane bays and upgrade / installation of a 60,000.00 n/a 60,000.00 With highways for 60,000 n/a 25- 107667 West variations to conditions pedestrian crossing phase to confirmation Feb- /FO/20 Hulme 2, 5, 7, 10, and 11 for the traffic lights at the junction 2016 14/S1 amendments to car at Hulme High Street & parking layout, more Greenheys Lane West parking spaces, & revision of pedestrian crossing points & surface water drainage scheme Land Under Variation of Condition Development nos. 2, 3, 4, 5 and 10 Between Radnor attached to planning 115821 Street And On 17- permission ref: /JO/20 Greenheys Lane Deed of Variation 0.00 commence Aug-17 111735/JO/2016/S1 to 17 West Hulme ment allow amendments to High Street car park layout and Manchester M15 elevational alterations 5JR Construction of new 8 storey (plus basement) residential building (Use Land Adjacent Class C3) to incorporate 115919 To Hulme Hall 13- 108 no. apartments On first /FO/20 Road Affordable Housing 100,000.00 Oct-17 together with access occupation 17 Manchester M15 and servicing 4LY arrangements, car and cycle parking, and associated works Erection of new 11 storey building to accommodate 79 no. Unit 5 Bentinck residential apartments Street Industrial (Use Class C3) together 50% on 116881 19- Estate Bentinck with associated roof commence /FO/20 Affordable Housing 50,000.00 Mar-18 Street terrace, car parking, ment 50% 17 Manchester M15 landscaping, boundary on first occ 4LN treatment and public realm, following demolition of existing building on the site

24 Conversion of the Talbot Mill complex to create 114 residential apartments (Use Class Talbot Mills 44 117595 C3), including rooftop On 22- Ellesmere Street /FO/20 extensions to Mill 1 and Affordable Housing 50,000.00 commence Mar-18 Manchester M15 17 2, and rear extension to ment 4JY Mill 1; demolition of Buildings A, B and C; retrospective application for demolition of Building Full planning application for the erection of a part 14, part 15 storey building to form 280 residential apartments (C3a) together with ground floor commercial unit (373 sqm) (Use Classes A1, A2 or A3) with associated car parking, landscaping, public realm and other Land Bounded associated works By Dinton Street, following demolition of Cornbrook Road, existing buildings and; 118625 On 25-jul- Chester Road Outline planning /FO/20 150,000.00 commence 150,000.00 18 And Trentham application (with all 17 ment Street matters reserved) for the Manchester M15 erection of part 11, part 4FX 15 building to form a 154 bed hotel and 88 bed apart-hotel building (Use Class C1) together with a single storey retail building (140 sqm) (Use Classes A1, A2, A3, A4 or A5) with associated public realm, car parking, and other associated works following demolition of existing buildings

25 Levenshulme

Date Approved signed Obligation £ actual Plg Ref Location / Site development Obligation particulars £ agreed Reserved project £ reserved £ committed or trigger received description draft Committed/sp 060327 landscaping in 32 / 90 Highfield res dev compr 61no contrib twards cost of wks to ent with 05- /FO/NO Highfield Country Road dwells & assoc wks (H2 Highfield Country Park as per 20,000.00 n/a 20,000.00 20,000.00 balance of Nov-01 RTH2/0 Park & wild flower Levenshulme Constn.) 'Schedule Works' £240 0 bed for balance Committed/sp 063409 former Express 4 no 3 st blocks to form Weed maintenance ent with 05- /FO/NO Dairy site 60 no flats with assoc contrib twds cost of env imps 20,000.00 20,000.00 n/a 20,000.00 equipment for balance of Aug-02 RTH2/0 Lloyd Road car pkg & ldspg foll at Highfield Country Park balance £194 1 Levenshulme demol of existing bldgs Action was env imps to car park adj land c of u from social club to taken to Palace Nightclub & adj to ped routes in vicin of To be 079113 gf restaurant with on recover 28- Farmside Place Land & or imprving & confirmed now /FO/20 banqueting hall on 1st fl 20,000.00 commence overdue 20,000 n/a Sep-07 Levenshulme upkeeping the environmt, money 06/N2 & takeaway facils with ment contribution highways, public realm / facils received ext alts (Al Waalis) - / infra & assoc costs


Date £ Approved Development £ Obligation £ signed Plg Ref Location / Site Obligation particulars actual Reserved project £ committed description agreed trigger reserved or draft received

Replacement package of recreational facilities comprising: 1) 65 no. dwellings & 18 a improvements to a) upgrading and refurbishing 097689/ no. apartments with assoc MUGA in Crowcroft the MUGA in nearby Crowcroft FO/2011/ access rds, boundary Park 80,423.50 Park 27-Mar- N2(3) 84 East Rd treatments, ldspg & car b) 2 artifical grass spent 7529 b) providing 2 artifical grass 12 / 12- varies Longsight Cricket parking following demol of 87,953.00 n/a 87,953.00 match wickets at 87,953.00 balance match wickets at Cringle Fields May-14 097655/ Club existing club house & 2) Cringle Fields remaining pavilion and works to existing FO/2011/ detached club house in pavilion and works to changing rooms in order to N2 & assoc with retained enlarge changing provide 2 larger changing bowling green rooms

26 Miles Platting & Newton Heath

Date Approved Reserved project signed Obligation £ actual Plg Ref Location / Site development Obligation particulars £ agreed where monies £ reserved £ committed or trigger received description received draft 1) upgrade & impr of the Highway Oldham Rd highway jnctn land off Dean improvement for with Dean La & Old Church Lane Dixon jnctn at Oldham Rd 94 houses & 21 Street (the Junction) ; 2) spend 094330 Street Hopwood Dean La & Old 28-Jul- apartments if approved / providing ped crossing facils commenced /FO/20 Street & Warden 86,250.00 n/a 86,250.00 Church St (coupled 86,250.00 11 signed (to replace at the 'Junction'; 3) reconfig balance of 10/N1 Street with monies from 82213) wks at the 'Junction'; & assoc 1,600 Newton Heath 083536 = costs 269,664.50 total for (to replace 8 Feb 08 for project ) £117,000) 095431/ variation of oblig dated 3 Nov 0.00 on REP/201 2011 under 114,000.00 Development n/a n/a n/a occupation 1/N1(2) 095431/REP/2011/N1, that commenced being a supplementary planning agreement to extend time to implemt permission supported by obligation 114 no 1, 2, 3 bed flats (having modified 14 April 08 & Class A1 (retail) 568 under 082859 by extending sqm of fl /spce at gf in pt 02- time to implemetn permission 10, 6 & 5 sty bldg behind Sept- Rosedale that expired 14 Apr 13) ) to retained facade of the 14 Building now pay on two points of Rosedale Bldg with replace Dulverton Street occupation, not on comm, assoc pkg & ldspg s 03- 095431/ Newton Heath still requiring in total on 0.00 (extended time to Nov-11 REP/201 £228,000 to a) upgrade & 114,000.00 occupation Development n/a n/a n/a implement 1/N1(3) resurface footpaths & of 57th unit commenced 082859/FO/2007/N114 resurfacing along Old Church Apr 08) St b) improving the condition

of the towpath in the vicinity of the Land; and / or c) improvements works in local parks within the Land, in particular Brookdale & Gasket St Park, and associated costs


Date Approved signed Obligation £ actual Plg Ref Location / Site development Obligation particulars £ agreed Reserved project £ reserved £ committed or trigger received description draft 0.00 Action being taken installn of alley gates to rear Development 091405 6 no terraced properties to recover 28-Jan- of 382 to 396 Moss La East & before completed – /FO/20 1 - 5 Maine Rd to 3 no stys with bndry 10,000.00 overdue n/a n/a 10 4 to 14 Fairbank Ave & 1 to completion monitor for 09/S1 treatmt & lndspg contribution 15 Haydn Ave & assoc costs occupation (with Legal)

highways improvements to Heald Grove 1) improvements / resurfacing the maintenance of environ / carriageways / 416 bed student public realm / facilities / Spend 093074 footways, a one- 09- 482 – 506 Moss accommo in pt 4 /5/6 infrastructure & highways in commenced FO/201 166,000.00 n/a 166,000.00 way system, new 160,000.00 t Feb-11 Lane East sty bldg with pkg & vicin of the Land & 2) imprs to balance 0/S1 street trees, & fees lndspg (2 pp entries) Whitworth Park assoc costs 52,000 (£135,000) and in conctn with 1) & 2) (1of 2 Whitworth Art obligs Garden Park. (25,000)

Phase 1 - residents' parking scheme & public realm half contributions to fund a) improvements to twds residents' pkg scheme the highway, affecting rds in vicintiy of 614 beds in pt 4 / 5 / 9 st Denmark Rd & Land & b) public realm imps Spend 096176 Ducie Court bldg compr 190 student Acomb St 21- to rds in vicin of Land & c) commenced /FO/20 Burleigh Street units (C2) incorp 124 300,000.00 n/a 309,458.88 (180,458.88) & 309,458.88 Feb-11 twds leisure imps to balance of 11/S1 Moss Side cluster units & 66 sc landscaping in Whitworth Pk & in part new 132,000 under flats with grd flr comm Whitworth Park childrens' play area (see 2nd discussion units, base car pki & incorp new obligation under assoc lndspg following pathways from 096176/FO/2011/S1(2)) demol of existing Denmark Rd to building (varies 94460) Wilmslow Rd (replaces 086612) (£65,000) & fees Ardwick (£64,000)

28 Phase 2 - in and around the Denmark Rd / Acomb St towards: Phase 2 - half contributions to a 'Residents' fund a) twds residents' pkg Parking Scheme' scheme affecting rds in 096176 and fees vicintiy of Land & b) public /FO/20 (£100,000) & public realm imps to rds in vicin of 300,000.00 319,173.41 319,173.41 11/S1( realm and Committed Land & c) twds leisure imps 2) highways to Whitworth Pk & in part new improvements childrens' play area (see 1st (£144,000) and oblig) improvements to Whitworth Park , (£75,173.41)

Modification of agreement of pt 3 / pt 4 sty block 28 Aug 07 to reduce amount comprising 578 sqm of payable for a) providing trees retail / leisure flspe with in the vicinity of the Site and 080958 16-Oct- land at 297 25 aparts above incl roof b) CCTV coverage /FO/20 40,000.00 n/a 40,000.00 Confirmation n/a 13 Claremont Rd top gds & terraces & 9 c)improving & maint environ, 06/S1 awaited no 3 sty town houses at highways, public realm / rear of site fronting facilities / infrastructure etc in Dunworth St vicinity of the Land & assoc costs


Date £ Approved Development £ Obligation £ signed Plg Ref Location / Site Obligation particulars actual Reserved project £ committed description agreed trigger reserved or draft received



Date Approved signed Obligation £ actual Plg Ref Location / Site development Obligation particulars £ agreed Reserved project £ reserved £ committed or trigger received description draft a) improvements /

6 Beechpark maintenance of environ / 075007 12 flats with car parkg Environmental Commenced 22- Avenue (former public realm / facilties & /FO/20 assoc ldspg bin / cycle 20,000.00 n/a 20,865.24 improvements in 20,865.24 commenced Nov-06 Ferrol House) highways infrastructure & 05/S2 storage balance Northenden assoc costs in the 16,000 Northenden area

29 Pt retrospective retain First Contribution for 101366 application to reduce in env works, public realm and Development /FO/20 size existing 7 storey facilities, highway works, car 40,000.00 n/a 40,000.00 40,000 commenced committed 13/S2 building to 6 storey parking in North/den ward including alterations to (40k) (replaces 28 April 05) roof profile, lift shaft & retain Second Contribution 101366 land at jnctn of elevational alterations to for highway imps (20k) to /FO/20 Development Church Road & form retail (A1) junctn of Palatine Rd / 20,000.00 n/a 20,000.00 20,000 3-July- 13/S2(2 commenced committed Palatine Road (205sqm) at grd floor & Church Rd (replaces 28 April 13 ) Northenden 14 apartments above, 05) basement car parking 'Public Transport Voucher' 101366 for 7 and 1 space at contrib for 10 no Travel /FO/20 ground level (8 tot) & Planning to Packs (six months public 2,500.00 n/a 2,500.00 vouchers 2,500.00 13/S2(3 terrace areas & progress travel vouchers £250 (to flats ) balconies (replaces 74034) 1-11 except 9). Response required 102660 from N/hoods Lead Response /FO/20 20,000.00 n/a 20,000.00 as understand required from n/a 13/S2(4 project under N/hoods Lead ) design

prior to occupation any of the following : of 50% ie 121,701.21 n/a n/a n/a 102660 improving & maintaining the 19 units /FO/20 9 no. two storey, two environ, highways, car 115,000.00 13/S2(5 bed houses, 14 no. parking, public realm / facils 10 Apr- ) three-storey, four bed & towards the maintenance 14 Camperlands houses and 16 no. one and / or provision of Ltd and two bed apartments affordable housing & the like prior to Mill Lane in three-storey block within Northenden ward occupation with associated parking assoc costs ( three obligs of 75% ie 102660 and landscaping (38 totalling 250,000) (replaces 115,000.00 28 units /FO/20 units) 19-Dec-13 due to change in 50% or 19 0.00 n/a n/a n/a 13/S2(6 signatories) units or ) more occupied as at 11/5/17 but rest not until

Old Moat

Date Approved signed Obligation £ actual Plg Ref Location / Site development Obligation particulars £ agreed Reserved project £ reserved £ committed or trigger received description draft


30 Rusholme

Date Approved signed Obligation £ actual Plg Ref Location / Site development Obligation particulars £ agreed Reserved project £ reserved £ committed or trigger received description draft site of former St Vincent de Towards childrens’ Paul RC High playground & multi UU for fin contrib to prov of 061653 School 99 houses, 6 duplex sports court & for rec open space for residents Spend 03- /FO/NO Denison Road / apartmts & 64 apartmts balance, of the development & the 80,000.00 n/a 80,000.00 80,000.00 commenced Sep-01 RTH2/0 Conyngham in 4 blocks following supplementary public incl play equip in balance 1,500 1 Road & Kent Rd demol of extg bldgs additional environ Birchfields Park West improvements in Victoria Park Birchfields Park

improvements / maintenance land bounded by of environ / public realm / Meldon Road/ 6 no pt 2 sty town facilities / infrastructure & 091935 21- Copthorne houses & 1 no 3 stry highways in vicin of the Land Awaiting /FO/20 22,000.00 n/a 24,330.99 n/a Dec-10 Crescent & block of 6 no flats with & assoc costs and as contrib confirnmation 09/S1 Beresford Road assoc car pkg & lndspg twds traffic man measures Rusholme deemed necc as result of the Devel & assoc costs ss timber 'log' cabin teaching block comprg 6 no classrooms & 1 no twds cost of street trees & / or 095274 Manchester multi use space & admin bollards on the grass verges 03- Trees on Old Hall Awaiting /FO/20 Grammar School areas & ancill spaces to along Old Hall La in the 3,170.00 n/a 3,170.00 May-11 Lane confirmation 11/S1 Old Hall Lane match adj teaching block vicinity of the Land & assoc (Bexwyke Lodge) - costs totalling circa 850 m2 gross int area


Date Approved signed Obligation £ actual Plg Ref Location / Site development Obligation particulars £ agreed Reserved project £ reserved £ committed or trigger received description draft Hollyhedge Park Improvements project incl. play area improvements 15 no. two storey 095818 1 Crossacres Off site amenity & drainage to spend 23- dwellinghouses with /OO/20 Road improvements at Hollyhedge 40,000.00 n/a 41,370.09 sports pitches 41,370.09 commenced Dec-11 associated landscaping 11/S2 Park (coupled with other blance 7,500 and car parking monies from 69232(3), 69232(2),61809, 72418)

31 Whalley Range

Date Approved signed Obligation £ actual Plg Ref Location / Site development Obligation particulars £ agreed Reserved project £ reserved £ committed or trigger received description draft 54 apartments comprg 4 Range Rd environ sty central building to imps (£15,000) & form 12 no 2 bed Royston Court addtnl planting apartmts & 2 penthouse a) towards the provision of Spend 068586 (former) (£1,602.73) & 03-Jul- aparts & 2 no pt 3 / pt 4 environmental imprs within commenced /FO/20 72 - 74 Carlton 40,000.00 n/a 40,000.00 replacement Con 40,000.00 06 sty side bldgs to form 20 the Whalley Range bal of 29,000 03/S1 Road area street name no 2 bed aparts with Conservation Area Whalley Range plaques in conjnt assoc pkg & ladspg after with local con gp demol of exstg bldg (see 23,397.27) also 68529 CC). Variation of cond no.2 of 103149 for 20 no. 3 storey dwelling houses (Class C3) with assoc parking & landscaping, improving & maintaining the to allow amendments to 21-Jun 110883 environment, highways, 52 College Road boundary treatments, 16 and / public realm / facilities / Whalley Range fenestration details, Awaiting 30- 103149 infrastructure & the like in the 90,000.00 n/a 92,180.54 n/a Manchester landscaping and bin confirmation April- /FO/20 vicinity of the Land & storage and extn of time 14 13/S1 associated costs (replaces of pp 82057 for 20 no 3 25 May 11 & 9 Dec 08) stry dwells (Class C3) with prking & lndscaping foll demol of exstg ( replaces 095923 REP & 82057) detached 3 storey 5 bedroom dwellinghouse (Plot 1) and 2 pairs of 2 Planting of seven trees 112570 storey 3 bedroom semi- On 09- 45 St Werburghs planted in the immediate /FO/20 detached dwellings (Plot 23,847.05 commence 23,847.05 n/a n/a n/a May-17 Road vicinity and maintenance for 5 16/S1 3,4,5 and 6) with ment years & associated costs associated car parking, landscaping and boundary treatments

32 Withington ward

Date Approved signed Obligation £ actual Plg Ref Location / Site development Obligation particulars £ agreed Reserved project £ reserved £ committed or trigger received description draft Alleygating Scheme to r/o dwellings on Rufus St & Beverley Rd & any works 3 no.st bldg to form 12 deemed necc by the Council no.1 bed, self-contained in order to resolve pkg issues site adj to White 099190 flats with 8 car parking on Rufus St & / or other 14- Swan PH Tbc pending /FO/20 spaces & assoc environ works in vicinity as 7,500.00 n/a 7,788.00 tbc n/a May-13 Green Street variation with Legal 12/S1 landscaping (varied by deemed necc by the Council Ladybarn 105699 re layout / elevs as a result of the / nos pkg spaces development & assoc costs (also manuscript amendment relating to trigger) variation in draft as at

Woodhouse Park

Date Approved signed Obligation £ actual Plg Ref Location / Site development Obligation particulars £ agreed Reserved project £ reserved £ committed or trigger received description draft 88 affordable housing land bnded by units comprg 44 no 4 sty improving, maintaining the new play Portway & flats, 30 no 2 sty hses & 090189 environ, public realm / facils / equipment 24- (former 14 no bungs incl 1 no /FO/20 infrast & highways etc in 30,000.00 n/a 30,205.19 & stabilisation 30,205.19 Committed Feb-10 Painswick flats) accessible bung with 09/S2 Painswick Park & assoc costs works of the Pond Painswick Rd assoc rds, lndscpg, pkg (1 of 2 obligs) edges & bndy treatments (2 plg entries) new small play land off equipment & flower res dev 26 no 2 sty 092478 Cornishway / improving Culmere Park & planting & 21-Jan- dwellinghouses with /FO/20 Ravenscar assoc costs (replaces 25 Oct 10,000.00 n/a 10,000.00 additional fencing 10,000.00 Committed 11 assoc pkg & lndscpg 10/S2 Crescent 2004) of play area & other (replaces 071727) Woodhouse Park options tbc

33 7 no 2 storey townhouses and 9 no flats in three storey bldg & additional water site of former fronting Portway & improving, maintaining the plants to improve 099153 Talisman Public Oatlands Rd & car environ, public realm / facils / 19-Apr- water quality and /FO/20 House at corner washing and valeting infrast & highways etc in the 5,000.00 n/a 5,000.00 5,000.00 Blanace 3,500 13 reduce algae for 12/S2 of Portway & building to rear & area & assoc committed the resident fish Oatlands Road extensions to front and costs (3,500) rear of existing MOT premises fronting Oatlands Road