ENG 1859 Dobbinb J
DIREaTC)RY.] THADES DlRECTORY. ENG 1859 DobbinB J. T. 4 and 6 Grove st. Ardwick green Barlow & Chidlaw, Limited (machine cut Curtis, Sons & Co. (John Hetherington & Sons, Griffiths Thomas & Co. Lees Street gears), Croft st. P . Limited,engineers,Pollardst.),Phcenix works, Mills, Ancoats *Barlow H. ·B. & Gillett, Chartered Chapel Bt. Ancoats Jones Willlam C. Limited, Appleto patent agents, <1 Mansfield cham- "Dagnall Bros. (practical lanndry' st. Collyhurstrd bers, 17 St. Ann's square-T 11 engineers), Leaf st. Greenheys TN 15x "MONOPOLY, Manchester;" TN <1,018 Rm;ho;rne Kelsall H. M. & Co. 23 Fountain st Central . Dalziel James, (;3 Olifton st. 0 T Livingston JohnH. S. Minerva Works (dealers), Beacon (The) Engineering Co. Limited, 17 Davidson & Co. Limited, 37 Corporation st Hendham vale, Queen's rd St. Ann's SQ Davies C. & Co. 43 City rd. H Pettitt E.' S. & CO, (under royal Bell Bros. 41 Corporation at Dean & )Iatthews, 7·5 Trafford I'd. S letters patent, an improved Beresforrl (The) Co. Ltd. Dickinson st. S De Bergue & Co. Ltd. Strangeways lron Works. method for making engine waste, Berkel & Parnall, Marsdp.n court, Fennp.l st Mary st. Strangeways thus rendering it softer..:_cleaner & Beyer, m Peacock & Co. Limited (locomotive Devoge & Co. Sycamore st. Oldham ra longer). King Street mill. King & tramway engine), Gorton Foundry, Gm·ton Dixon W. F. & Co. 60 Percival st. C on M street, Salford, and at Ashton and la. Gorton Donat &; Co. 21 Spring gardens Oldham-'l' N 1,501 Central; TA Birch Edward & Co. 47 Rochdale rd roDonovan & Co. Limited Broughton "HBLOS, Manchester" Birch G.
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