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Electrical Review 3 = ELECTRICAL REVIEW VffL. CXXXIX. DECEM BER 13, 1946 VW0. 3603 9 w y p WHO first gave England house-to-house electric lighting ? 'X WHO first took electric light down ^ coal mine ? I / / \ WHO first took electricity to the Himalayas ? v WHO first electrically lighted the Law Courts ? WHO first electrified Tilbury Docks ? \ ( WHO first electrically lighted a railway train ? f r o m p t o n liy lh the mm ii E l e c t r ic a l R e v ie w December 13, 1946 This busbar is camera-shy A S the photographer ruefully remarked, the busbar in­ stallation serving a travelling welder at Messrs. G. A. Harvey & Co. (London) Ltd. is very unobtrusive. It runs unassumingly among other essential gear and structural details in this firm’s heavy welding shop. Interesting features are the ingenious movable clip device tapping the power and the heavy loading attained without detriment in six years’ trouble-free service. For smaller as well as large-scale installations, aluminium busbars are easy to put in, economical in cost and maintenance, and do their job efficiently. BRITISH ALUM INIUM BUSBARS RISING POWER MAINS S.C.A. Issued by THE BRITISH ALUMINIUM CO. LTD., SALISBURY HOUSE, LONDON, E.C.z ber 13, 194b E l e c t r ic a l R e v ie w P S ć yćJ? This automatically-controlled HEATRAE Electric Water Heater is indeed a boon to us housewives. Just the type we’ve always wanted, providing instant hot water when required. Although men won’t acknowledge it, they ARE impatient, but my husband cannot speak too highly of Heatrae for its instancy at all times. leaders in electric water heaters HEATRAE LTD., NORWICH GRAMS : HEATRAE, NORWICH • PHONE : NORWICH 2513 Sole Manufacturers of SOUND TERMINAL WITHOUT SOLDER 'WESTMINSTER' ARCLAMPS E a g g g g g g g g Fo r S u lta b l. fo r Tel.phon. Linas Photography F O R C A B L E S S IZ E S F R O M and A N D W IR E S W l *' *° *' M edical OF ALL KINOS W m j l H O L E purposes Ross Courtney & Co. Ltd. M A K E R S O F — ASHBROOK ROAD, LONDON, N.I9 Electric Welding Machines and Patent Scaling Machines. Spot, Seam and Butt Welders. " Westminster M Carbon Brush H cid e rs . •• Partridge ” Earthing Devices and Pressure Detectors. PACKING SCRIW S to the spec­ Dyn’ mos, Motors, Alternators M- and Transformers Rewound ific require- □ and Re-constructed ments of our cu sto m e rs Telephone : Elgar 7372 (2 lines) Makers of all Telegrams : “ Regency, Phone, London ” types of repe­ tition products The WESTMINSTER from the bar in ENGINEERING CO. LTD. all metals VICTORIA ROAD, WILLESDEN JUNCTION M C L*"» REPETITIO N LTD POOL LANE • LAN S LEV - BIRM IN GH AM . LONDON, N.W.IO 2 E l e c t r ic a l R e v ie w December 13, 1946 R O M t h e world - famous Terry factory come steel clips, bronze clips, stainless clips, big clips, little clips, wide clips, narrow clips — in fact clips in every con­ ceivable shape and size. Illustrated here are two of our stock patterns, 8o and 8i, made in a range of sizes to grip from j in. to i£ in. Maybe a clip of special shape would be necessary for the job you have in mind. Well, we can help you because we make clips for hundreds of uses. We can make to print or specifica­ tion, or our Research Department will design for you. Our knowledge of clips has advanced side by side with our 91 years’ spring-making experience, and we should like to send you our catalogue. Sole Makers: HERBERT TERRY & SONS LTD., REDDITCH L O N D O N MANCHESTER BIRMINGHAM ¿ y r i m ^ and just a few special shapes we have made to order. T.C.. Established 1855 December 13, 1946 E l e c t r ic a l R e v ie w 3 WE REGRET OUR INABILITY TO KEEP OUR FRIENDS FULLY SUPPLIED WITH (§> SWITCH AND DISTRIBUTION GEAR WE HOPE TO MORE THAN SATISFY EXISTING DEMANDS WHEN THE CERAMIC POSITION IMPROVES IN THE MEANTIME PLEASE REMEMBER THAT WE ARE DOING OUR BEST UNDER DIFFICULT CONDITIONS BILL SWITCHGEAR LTD ASTON LANE, PERRY BARR BIRMINGHAM - 20 ph o n e: birchfielos sou cram s: b il s w it c h ; b h a m E l e c t r ic a l R e v ie w December 13, 1946 ÎÔUNTA1NS A b b i i FOUNTAINS ABBEY RIPON A monastic ruin, founded by the Cistercians in 1135. St. Bernard sent one of his monks to direct building operations CRYSE MADE IN ENGLAND FIFTY YEARS OF Q U A L IT Y & S E R V IC E BIRMINGHAM BURY ST EDMUNDS LEEDS LONDON BRIGHTON CARDIFF LEICESTER MANCHESTER BRISTOL GLASGOW LIVERPOOL NEWCASTLE CRYSELCO LIMITED, KEMPSTON WORKS, BEDFORD December 13, 1946 Electrical R e v ie w 5 THE ELECTRICAL CIR The BTH Company has, during the past 50 years, borne a predominant reputation for the quality and reliability of its products, and has contributed materially to the progressive efficiency and productiveness of British Industry, A large proportion of the electrical equipment used in industry is made in the BTH Works, and includes turbo-alternators ; generators, including heavy electrolytic generators ; switchgear : transformers ; rectifiers ; mining and rolling mill machinery ; every kind of motor and control gear, Including elec­ tronic and amplidyne control ; Mazda lamps, Mazda Fluorescent lamps, and Mazdalux lighting equipment. BTH has also contributed a generous quota to the efficiency of the aeroplane and especially to the development of Air Commodore W hittle’s gas turbine. BTH RUGBY TnE BRITISH THOMSON-HOUSTON COM LAN Y LIMITED. RUGBY. ENGLAND, A 3 ¡>52 é ñ 6 E l e c t r ic a l R e v ie w December 13, 1946 JOSEPH SANKEY £ SONS L'° BILSTON STAFFS. I.ONDON OFFICE: 168 REGENT STREET. LO N D O N W.l December J3. 1946 E le c tr ic a l R eview 7 h ) l o ' i ( m v iM Big holes . medium holes . or “baby” holes . from 1 inch down to | of an inch ... it’s child’s play with <p Universal Electric Drills. Every bearing a ball bear­ ing mounted in steel inserts—heat treated helical gears — perfect balance for fatigue-free handling —these are but a few of the features which have made <p Universal drills pre-eminent as real produc­ tion tools. More than forty years of experience is built into all <p Universal Electric Tools—they are ready to meet your needs efficiently and economically. ( 6 NS6 UDAT60pNEVMATIC TOOL j|jj) CO. LTD. AIR COMPRESSORS • PNEUMATIC TOOLS • ELECTRIC TOOLS • VACUUM PUMPS OIL WELL TOOLS ROCK DRILLS • DIESEL ENGINES DIAMOND DRILLS ' CONTRACTORS' EQUIPMENT 8 E l e c t r ic a l R eview December 13, 1946 THE BEST WORK X ou wouldn't know the DEMANDS THE old Savings Group since Jim BEST LIGHT took over! ” In most concerns post-war changes of staff have found capable volunteers ready to take over Savings Groups ; but here and there, sometimes unavoidably, groups THE D & G have lapsed. It is in the interest of employers and employees alike that group savings should forge ahead, because a G I R D E R keen Savings Group is a sign of happy relationships, besides being a national asset. Are you doing all you can to make FITTINGS your Staff Savings Group a success ? Steady saving is as vital as ever. # Gives Concentration of Light on the JOB. New groups New members If you have no Staff If you have a Savings # Shielded from operator’s eyes. Savings Group, will you Group, will you do ail get one started right you can to encourage # Horizontal or Vertical Mounting. away ? Every place of the Staff to join ?— employment should have ‘every employee a group its own Group. member ’ should be the # Single, Double or Three Arm aim. Extension. Facilities Savings clubs # Illustrated Catalogue sent on Experience shows that These are the ideal way the fullest facilities in­ of saving for holidays, request. duce the highest Savings. Christmas or other Ask your Local Savings special occasions. Clubs Committee or Assistant are popular, easy to run DRAKE & GORHAM Commissioner for de­ and need not interfere tails of the various with your Savings WHOLESALE LTD. schemes. Group. 77 LONG ACRE, LONDON, W.C.2 Information, equipment and publicity material are provided free of charge— apply to your Local Savings Telephone : TEMple Bar 3993 Committee or to the National Savings Committee. Sanctuary Buildings, Westminster, S.W .] MANCHESTER-29 Piccadilly. BRIGHTO N —2d Marlborough Place. G LA SG O W —182 St. Vincent Street. It’s easier to save in a B R IS T O L —2 & 4 Church Street, Temple. DUBLIN— 2 Church Lane, College Green. STAFF SAVINGS GROUP Midland Representative : W . T. BOW ER, 184 Jockey Road, Sutton* Coldfield Issued by the National Savings Committee December 13, 1946 El e c t r ic a l R eview 9 M R P O f l r EQUIPMENT Your airport equipment must give safe, efficient and trouble-free service. We can supply and install a wide range of electrical appliances including: signal, control and radio frequency cables, runway lighting equipment and radio masts and towers, all expressly designed to satisfy operators’ needs. BRITISH INSULATED CALLENDER’S CABLES LIMITED NORFOLK HOUSE, NORFOLK STREET, LONDON W.C.2 1 0 E l e c t r ic a l R e v ie w December 13, 1946 December 13, 1946 E l e c t r ic a l R e v ie w 1 ! THE FIRST 10 kV.
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