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helped using their bills to write with tress whispered - to Mistress hole in her tree. She was all shivery. " and lending quills to the two little . top. i. If Fd As Much Money As I Could Spend fairy people. "It certainly Is." Mistress Beech "How cold It Is!" Mistress Maple In the evening the letters ware all whispered back. "And look how mnch cried, "The Redbreast family has gone ready and Mr. Wind, who had been redder your leaves have become, and I see. Even their feathers weren't about all day said he would take them look at mine." warm enough." around that very night. So .by the Well, there were busy fingers yon "And the Squirrel family have shut next morning there were red and yel- may be sure and as Master Ivy had themselves up in the ." Mistress low Invitations lying on everybody's come with a few leaves, too. Mistress Beech said. "I hear Master Oak Is doorstep. ".. Maple got him to tell all about the boarding with them. . Mistress Chip- In the afternoon Mrs. Squirrel and way Mistress Evergreen looked when munk. I understand. Is living in the her family came to call on Mistress she changed her colors. tree." r; 1 1 Maple. She had heard of the invita- Master Oak's leaves were a lovely "I wish I had a nice warm furry ISTRESS MAPLE, who U shlney things put all tions and had come to ask if she might brown and dark red. Mistress Peaches family ' la here with me," Mistress -- sighed, warm my fingers the fairy tbat lived In the big over her. brighter come too. . '. ' were spotted. There were long slender Maple "I'd col-- or ones, delicate toes on maple tree was whispering all and more full of any to give." she leaves and short fat thin and them." ' "We haven't leaves get you HI day to Mistress Beech, who than Mistress Ap- said, "but we all of us thought that ones and strong thick ones. Even the "Tou might mora than lived nest door, or rather "next tree" ple's pretty fruit. we could help with putting the patches grasses came. want," Mistress Beech answered, "Mis- to her. They were very tiny And there lights. too together. Mrs. Rabbit. Hiss Chip- "The flower children have been so tress Evergreen told me once that a Hiey goose message so, tiny. In fact., that Mr. bright as the moon munk. Mr. Mole and all their rela- kind to us." said. "They were wild .dropped a to her Robin Redbreast was often1 kind on every branch of to help, too." always so bright and cheerful we want from a distant cousin in Canada who tions would like family enough to take them for rides on his her. Mr. Ivy has so you." to do something for them. has a bear In the lower floor of bright "That's nice of Mistress them. house!" little brown back through the told me. It all hap- Maple assured Mrs. Squirrel." "We'd . "We all love I'm sure." said her - Squirrel. So they "Goodness me!" Mistress Maple ex sky. pens in the dead glad indeed to have you." Madame chatted on be they worked. would be quite fright Today. Mistress Maple sat the of winter when Dame Cricket came up. while claimed. "That Mis- we Just then waa a beautiful quilt they made tipplest tip of her maple tree and are all fast asleep. He Is so near "I can't do so very much. I'm It fuL" tress Beech sat on the tlppiest tip of the window he can easily peep in and said, can piece the whisper afraid." she "but I HER tree so that they could see everything." little leaves together for the littlest - being across to each other without "It must be quite wonderful," Mis- Flower children. Madame Honeybee overheard at all. ' tress Maple agreed. "But what do you and the Ants want to help too. asking say VMother Earth will soon be' to a quilting party?" ; Mistress Maple was glad, to have us to make a quHt for the flower chil- "Why it would be wonderful!" Mis them all and told Mistress. Beech about dren. I daresay." Mistress Maple was tress Beech cried. "We can invite Mr. It. saying, "and really my leaves are get- Oak and the Ashes. Mrs. . O. "Fine!" said Mistress Beech. "What ting to be as pretty as can be. quite the everybody. I suppose." a splendid Quilting Bee it will be." She thing for a nlre patchwork quilt." "We will have to send out Invita- didn't mean to make a pun. ' "Mine are all turned yellow." Mls-Irci- w tions." Mistress Beech put in. "We . By evening all the tree folk began Beech said, "they are ready, too." can write them on some of our leaves to come and Master west Wind who "Everybody's are." Mistress Maple and Master Wind can take them about, had had his hands full all day called agreed. "Except.' of course. Mistress he's always so obliging." . - in Master North Wind. too. to, help Evergreen'. What a shame It Is that 'That's splendid." said Mistress him bring the leaf patches for the IFF I'd as much money as I could spend she can't follow the styles the way we Maple. begin Quilting "Let's this minute. Let's Bee. D I never would cry old chairs to mend ; do." send out invitations for tomorrow It made everybody shiver a bit to "Oh." Mistress Beech said. "Tou are evening." have the North Wind about especially I To all foolish folk not a cent would I lend quite mistaken there Mistress Ever- Well, after that they were very busy as Master Jack Frost decided to come But I'd buy me War Savings Stamps without end. green is ever' so much more dressed Indeed and as there were so very many down with him just to see what was BUY W. S. S. up than we are In winter. She goes Invitations to write Mr. and Mrs. Red doing. Into the housn and there are bright. breast and thtr children turned to and "It's a good thing we started." Mis winter they would sleep warm and IFfe safe. JUNIOR COO Off went Jack Frost, humming as he QtJIXCE CONSERVE song' went and this is the little he Peel, sang: quarter and core four quinces and four apples. Chop lightly through "We'll tuck 'era in both snug and warm or run the course cutter of a meat grinder. The The summer creatures shall know no MP grinder Is much better than chopping. Down itKhe va ulev "Well. There Were Busy Fingers Too May Be' Sure" harm. as the work can be done so quickly And when the ground lies cold and the fruit will not discolor. and because there were so many will- "And there's Mistress Sycamore who white. ing lingers quilt was plenty big had a hive of wasps live on porch." Save every bit of juice and mix with NU$e vntjtO 15 NEVER." STILL the her Out will come each winter sprite." ground busv enough. Mistress Beech added. fruit Measure and put tn saucepan over a Mother Nature came to look at it Just then Master Jack Frost came I NOVEMBER 9th. 1620 slow fire. IT""fAi sSv.iC TV-JE- to faithful little folk. along. rii ELEAVESyiiN Rgr WH IfcL. and thank her After it has simmered for 15 minutes "It's beautiful," she said, "Quite the "Hello, blue noses!" he cried. "Tou CROSS the sea, o'er foaming add as much suear as you had my A fruit prettiest I've had in all million shan't be cold any longer. Mother Na pray (If sugar Is scarce, one cupful of a AWO years. I'm proud of ali of you and I ture has Just finished snowy syrup may 5NATCHE5 TAY)FRLUTrLE GlRl a quilt The Mayflower sailed to Cape good grade of corn be usid m wm ssrfc i n m j am especially happy because you have for .you that will pile up warm instead of one cupful of sugar. The about Cod Bay. been so thoughtful and willing. It's your houses to keep out the chilling rest must be sugar.) anchored, while a love'.y surprise." So you see. Moth- breexes. And the Redbreasts asked me And the snows fell Stir the surar In and boll slowly for any light-Co- er Nature, was quite like other to give you. If you a great heap vering 25 minutes. Stir occasionally so It does happiest I pan. mother, because it made her of they left in the decks with mantle white. not stick to bottom of chkldren full of- kind feathers their nest for to see her you. I'll fetch them now." Adit one cupful of seeded raisins. thoughts and deeds. Add one-ha- lf cupful nut meats Well, a day or so after the quilting "Oh. isn't that fine!" Mistress Maple With joy the Pilgrims came on land. chipped fine and cock 15 minutes Party Mistress Maple put a blue nose and Mistress Beech both exclaimed at Leaving, with hope, the snow crowned very slowly. out of a maple knothole, they're her once. "We can make lovely pillows." sand. Take up In Jelly glasses and when windows doors you know and can Jack brought the feathers and cool, with melted parafln. and after Reaching last "the free men's sod: seal only be opened from the inside. She the two little ladles had closed up their at Fine for school sandwiches or to shivered at the cold air. windows, he sealed them tight with his Then knelt and gave glad thanks to spread on crackers for afternoon tea Mistress Beech looked out of a knot Icy breath, so that through the long God. parties.

Uons and these directions as you do so. THE LIGHTHOUSE BUILDER'S SON The front end of the is called Tens And Useful Roticlb the toe. and the back end is called the heel. In adjusting the plane Iron for (Robert Louis Stevenson Born was "Treasure Island." All the love lands, he moved with his wife and two TfcOTT R BOYjCftN MftKEr. depth of cut hold It up to the light November 1860.) for the strength and adventure and stepchildren to sunny of TP bottom up and the toe nearest you. II. the Island BY action that were denied him in real Samoa, in the Pacific Ocean. There I.50LRR Sight along the bottom, at, the same was a good thing for the little N life he made live for himself in this he lived and worked for five years TNtrrvocTota, Dvfr Of nstNu-ctkwt- wefiBuc Scuseu OrVtTiMrr time turning the adjusting nut until Robert Louts Stevenson that "Kidnapped," the edge of plane Iron: projects book. Then followed making Samoan' chiefs the IT father and his uncle and his of romance friends of the slightly beyond bottom of the of and then other tales that who the had earned lots are still loved by boys and girls who learned to love the brave man plane. By means of the lateral adjust money building strong lighthouses out who smiled through all . his mis- ing lever, adjust plane iron so the upon ocean, liked to be thrilled as well as amused. courage the the rocks m the for had Verses, too, were penned by this ver-- fortunes and whose splendid PLANES. projection is exactly the same all the the family been poor and unable to never failed even though, after a short way your pay across. Try the plane on for doctors' services and druggists' time, he was confined to his couch, work and adjust the depth of the cut bills the boy might never have grown from which he was destined never to to up to suit manhood. He was always 'a rise again. Sitting on this couch with Sinoli PLAf Iron ' The sharpening of the plane Iron Is weak and sickly child, and his parents the coverlet drawn about htm. he very requires greatest a Important matter and watched over him with the would rest his writing pad upon his practice accomplished care, to - - ll I I AOJV3TM Nur before It can be taking him from one place knees and write tales of love and very advantage. a another, spending ' nfoney to the To sharpen limitless romance that radiated cheer and Iron, if it to be used for upon In getting .Is him. the hopes of him strength and hope. general use first grind It atralght well hardy; while na- and and their efforts He loved all the creatures of across and then whet It so the corners made It possible for the boy to gain ture,, the birds, the clouds, the moun- slightly rounding. is to be enough serve In are , If it strength to live and tains animate and Inanimate things used rough work, it should be still his own way, could never have peace for he alike and and quiet always more rounding. The plane is taken his place in the ranks of the reigned about his Island home. When ' across. DeutLt . Block ground and whetted straight robust boys of the country side. Most died, age of forty-fou- r, Plam linn he at the the The smooth plane is ground straight of his time was spent reading books chiefs," who re- Samoan had come to across and corners slightly of adventure and history, and Imitat- gard him as a brother, cut a path the ing style, great rounded. the literary of the through the thick bush and carried a masters of the English language, and coffin to top of Good work cannot be done with his the the mountain dull any kind, particu- when ha was sixteen years of age he upon which he used to look with long- of but it is larly with regard to plane. wrote his first little book: "The Pent- - Robert Louis Stevenson ing from little island cottage. Cap Sent Uvtm v. Fmoa true the the IZK 1 WSXlll. to keep plane in fine work- land Rising." which was a description satile writer and "A Child's Garden There they buried him, and In honor Learn the of an historical event In Scotland. of Verses," Is today to be found on of his love of peace the chiefs forbade ing order and your work with It will After tht Stevenson began to write almost every child's bookshelf. But the use of fire arms near the mountain be a pleasure. many books stories of the many bravA the ills that weakened his body, so that there, too, peace and quiet travels In Europe and abroad that he as he might. Stevenson at last had to should reign forever near the spot HanOlZ 6 AAAJSf WHO ARE THEYT had made ever since he was a little give up the tight, and hoping to gain where the body of the poet and author ll-- sans. ms Semtw Though poor in wealth, rich was his But first really popular book again his lost strength. In warmer lies. ' "' " Bolt Ana lad. his Ataoe far. heart AM3-r- - His love for mankind great; iaem Mww oam awa PiAxrt. Kind words and deeds, his motto 0emn SV39 adjust-- spelled Stcr.onAL Viet Or ft.ut INO 3CAW CUT-OU-T And happy was his state. An eastern shepherd lad was he plane is one of the most 1m-- 1 long. The Jointer Is from 2t to 2 plane Iron, the shavings are not broken With music in his soul; CHE that is used In inches long and is used to straighten soon enough and the result Is a rougn Great psalms he wrote and Godlike work. It is the most surfaces. Being quite long, it will cut For ordinary work, the plane ways and requires much skill only spots, thereby cap ROMAN NUMERALS to. cut on the high iron should be set of And actions were his goal. use .'it properly and to keep It tn gradually bringing an uneveu surface as inch edge plane 1. Add Roman good from the of the Clad in armor shining bright a numeral to an condition for use. to one that is true. The smooth plane iron. cross , dis- And For grained the She met foreign foe; obstruction and a fish. 'The old s'.vle planes were made with Is S or 10 inches long and used only tance should be less, as closer the the 1. Add a Roman numeral a a the She led the to victory to wooden s:ock and the plane Iron was for smoothing surfaces. Being very edge of the cap Iron is to edge of French builder find fish. - the And taught them to and a . delisted by Mr.king It with a hammer. short it can be used on Irregular sur- the plane iron, the smoother will be God know. - I. Add a Roman numeral to a Oar modern iron plane, while It Will faces that are not necessary to be the cut The cap screw holds the two St. Francis of Assisi; David; Joan sharp o wood-- blow and find a fish. !. better work than the old : perfectly flat, but which should be part together in the position desired. of Arc . 4. Add a Roman numeral to a part !:. is much easier to adjust The smooth. The Is designed The lever cap holds the plane iron of the verb "to have." and find a flsh. . plane also holds lis shape per-nrntl-y, for use on end grain, that is. at right la position in the plane proper. Ex- Add a Roman numeral to "for while the old wooden plane angles to the general direction of the amine this part of the tool carefully fear that" and And a fish. eiis.to have Its face Jointed from ' grain... and note the cam action when the e. Add a Roman numeral to a filmy m 'o.tlme. ' ' The construction of the Jack. Jointer small lever it forced down Into posl fabric and find a flsh. - i nere are many kinds of planet, de--t and smooth planes is very much the tlon. The lever cap screw regulates ' many 7 INSECT SQUARES sr.el for different purposes. same, the variation being in the the amount of pressure the cam exerts t bui ;he principle of their operation is lengths. The sectional view In L Aa Insect. The present moment. the on the plane Iron. If action of the h same as of one most posi- 1 A number. that the in. drawing shows all the parts in cam too loose, the cap screw should V iLse -- the ordinary bench plane. The parts I. An insect. A flsh. ' . 4 tion, and the smaller are shown be turned In. If. however. It Is turned An animal. VV v 'I ltoVL J fit planes with which the average person separately. Study drawing thor- very I. An Insect. A meadow. A trop- the too far, the cam will operate is most, familiar are the Jack, smooth, oughly note the relation of being ical tuber. - and the hard, oftentimes broken out of jointer and block planes. Should It be parts to each other. its place la the other parts of the lever AX8WERB . possible to have only one plane in your The plane Iron and the plane Iron cap. '. - W-Oraf- equipment, let It be the Jack- plane. cap placed together being called . ROUAH VVUERAL8 1. t. (when Turning the adjusting nut forces Rap-Car- This will answer the general require- double plane Iron), are most :. Jfasoit-Salst- o. j. A. Bat-8d- . the the the plane Iron in or out according to average . TuHe-UMt- ments of the worker. parts tooL ad- 6. lt-inel- i. 6. t essential of the The the amount of shaving It Is desired to The uses of these different Imple- justment of these two with reference 1XBECT BQVARE9 cut The lateral adjusting lever ad ' ments may be described briefly as fol- to each other Is very Important. :The justs the plane Iron across the throat , . $ i : t lows: The Jack plane is used for re- plane Iron cap is sometimes called the or mouth of the .plane ao the shaving AST BBB rLY moving stock In rather large quanti chip breaker, for that Is what it is will be even In thickness throughout K--OW . L BBL BA ties, that Is. for .making the first or j designed to do. If it Is set with Its its width. Take your plane and study rWO iiL--t 3fA- -il roughing cuts. It It about. It laches i eagt too far irom. the edge of the it thoroughly, referring to the ulustra- Solution To Cut Out Puzzlt